File: 1689324517799.jpg (68.64 KB, 640x491, harvest moon cow.jpg)

No. 60031
Please get the biased mod in /w/ under control. Why is anyone disagreeing with the resident WK getting a ban (like the mild disagreement
>>>/w/303108) while they are free to praise the cow or try to infight with other farmers? None of these posts below (not mine) are nitpicking:
>>>/w/303131>>>/w/303203>>>/w/303213 This excessive moderation is not the same as other threads on LC. She's a model and influencer but it's not allowed to discuss her appearance or lip color? Crazy. Nitpicking would be something wholly unrelated to her career or life, or excessive dissection of some aspect of her face. These posts are just opinions that some mod decided they didn't like.
No. 60033
>>60031No, that's a good moderation.only become that and it's been 2 threads already now with nitpicking her face, her clothes, her kid might have medical issues, this is the 4th time Megan has been posted to compare to Taylor. If anons can't post milk, even something saged that is interesting, they should get bans for it. It's okay if a thread is slow and unfortunately, Taylor hasn't been milky in years. A few anons keep thinking the bumped thread means milk, but it's always some trash nitpicks like 'why did they forget their wifi was turned off totally lolcow material for being adults and turning off something they won't use for 2 years'. Doesn't hurt to wait for updates, but if every thread of hers is mostly filled with this, why even have her own thread anymore when most of it has devolved into this type of nitpicking? Defeats the purpose of a thread for a cow.
No. 60036
>>60033>If anons can't post milk, even something saged that is interesting, they should get bans for it.You defending her and trying to infight should be banned by this logic. I can barely make it through your long rambling word slush. You actually know how many times M3g4n has been posted? lmao.
>Taylor hasn't been milky in yearsUntrue. It's slow but there has been enough.
>nitpicking her face, her clothescommenting on a model/influencer's appearance is only ok if it's positive?
>why did they forget their wifi was turned offthey didn't forget, reread.
Please define what you think nitpicking is.
No. 60047
File: 1689381301229.png (371.79 KB, 738x1506, Screenshot_20230715-022159.png)

>>60042It's not a bad theory, idk what I really believe tbh, but these "Taylor hasn't been milky in years" spergs (I think there are at least two) have been dedicated. good example here from last year (also before and after that post)
>>>/w/201804Note that those three pointless photos after this post were posted by the same person within 9 minutes, two of them are straight-up bait. None of this shitposting earned a ban, not even the idiots congratulating Taylor directly on lolcow, possibly the most braindead thing ever. If you want to see more, just use google to search LC for "hasn't been milky" and Taylor or Tay. You'll get a number of similarly worded posts, some posted directly after something milky happens.
Whatever, I've said my piece. They'll try to get the thread locked. Best thing to do in the thread is ignore all bait and retardation (anything excessively pro or anti-taylor). Bit shit that this is what it's come to. But it's good to document this in meta so people at least see it.
No. 60054
>>60047I'm apparently one of these
wks for saying things like don't medfag the baby and those posts reek of fake wking the same way anons were baiting in the Jvlog thread, at the same time, about how beautful Sharla is. If you can't discern fake wk bait from real wking, idk what to tell you anon. These are terrible examples. Show recent wking.
No. 60074
>>60058Disagreeing politely while agreeing with another anon isn't reeing. Can you see my post history, anon? Since you're replying to me and discussing the only post of mine that got a bullshit ban recently.
>>>/w/303108 But how could you know that? That's reeing? Posting that it was probably a partnership?
>>60059none of this is relevant, bc that was not the problem with posting congratulations
directly to the cow (Congratulations Taylor!! like it's her fanpage) in the thread and then spamming bait like "Do you think Taylor replaced Rosie with another dog" and "we all know she was eating dangerous stuff during pregnancy" and absolute dumb shit. But I see that your understanding of "nitpicking" is this post here
>>59753 where you ordain that
no one may disagree with you or fans of the cow>nitpicking another anon's opinion that they liked the color isn't an opinion. Using a whole post to complain that someone liked a color or trying to argue why it's bad, is nitpicking.You are flat wrong here. Nitpicking is an offense pertaining solely to the cow. Nitpicking some meaningless part of their life or face or whatever for posts and posts. The word you want here for this fake offense you're describing is "infighting" - fighting with another anon.
Again, that's not what my banned post was doing, nor the others who got banned. The boring derail started by a Wk about aging is far more disruptive than any of this. The thread is on a gossip board. Anons are allowed to express different negative opinions without copping redtext bans. I have yet to see one "the baby is so cute" "taylor is so pretty" "omg congratulations" post get a ban, so there's no reason to ban posters saying something mildly negative as "nitpicking." This is an absolute failure of moderation.
I could say more about how dumb this topic is but why give you more to deliberately misread and exaggerate?
No. 60092
>>60088Post recent whiteknights so anons even know what you're talking about? If anons report your posts and you get banned, don't get mad. Mods aren't headhunting anons and baiting them to make posts.
Also the anon got banned for nitpicking an anon's take about not minding the color and thinking it looks good on her skin tone. Complaining that they are wrong is stupid. You're not going to change their mind. If anons want to discuss it, then discuss it. Discussing not liking someone's take that is something other than OP, get banned.
No. 60095
>>60092that wasn't a nitpick of anyone's take, wtf. It's not possible to nitpick another anon's opinion - that's not a thing.
>Complaining that they are wrong is stupid. You're not going to change their mind. If anons want to discuss it, then discuss it. Discussing not liking someone's take that is something other than OP, get banned.Wtf even is this logic? The post you're referring to agreed with the initial post about the color, not the second one, and so the farmer deserved to be banned? There was additional info given about the cow working for the brand before, along with screenshot of her promotion. There was literally 0 nitpicking in this post you find so offensive.
No. 60106
File: 1689461165785.jpg (5.12 MB, 4556x5485, 1689460794125.jpg)

Nta, but the thing with the bans is that the anon that replied first is disagreeing with OP who started the discussion and it's not labeled as "nitpicking", but when another anon replied to that comment agreeing with OP and adding context about the lipstick being sponsored (so it could've been not her choice all together, but sent by the brand to promote) it's suddenly an offensive "nitpick". The following comment also didn't get a ban despite talking about the damn lip colour. Either someone keeps reporting comments that disagree with her and mods blindly ban or mods just go around randomly banning anons that discuss a topic for more than two replies.
Whatever, all we ask is consistency and logic with bans. And once again, define nitpick, because to me this looks like a (dumb) discussion and not a nitpick.
No. 60112
>>60106shady af, the shrill modlover in here does not make this look any better.
>>60111the praising and defending via misinformation posts were also about her lip colour and face. There's no reason for a mod to step in. The conversation would have ended naturally like in other cow threads but the mod seems to want to control it or punish posters who post things she does not agree with. also you're acting combative in here for no reason.
No. 60114
>>60106God the Taylor thread attracts the most obvious retards
>>60112>shady afCase in point
No. 60116
>>60106Probably because it was an opinion on the image post. Then anon complained about their take and said they were wrong because they personally don't think it looks good. No one asked for anons opinion on an anons opinion. Let people have opinions on OP without worrying they have to deal with anons bitching about their takes. This isn't about the photo added after with the shit about promo. That has nothing to do with the ban most likely.
Also anons know she does promo and gets PR. We don't need to know every time she gets something and anons hate it. It's not milk unless it's drama or funny and anon personally hating a lip color is neither. Especially when some anons don't agree, so how is it funny at all? Most of her stuff recently isn't even lolcow material and you need to get over it. Take the bans, stop this conspiracy about mods being after you, and go to sleep.
No. 60119
>>60118yep and she posts the same greentext summary, fanarts and random non milk screencaps of lauren chen. when asked about the autism she says "but lauren is clearly a tradthot !" missing the point that none of what she posts is outrageous or funny.
it's so weird and uncanny at this point i'm beginning to think it's fucking feds. that or she's actually 11.
No. 60128
>>60118>>60119No rules are being broken, shes a tradcow being posted in the appropriate thread. Hide the thread if it
triggers you.
No. 60172
>>60167There's a few redtexts but they're just drowning in a sea of sperg. It should just be locked. Speaking of
>>60170I remember that one obsessive asshole who was all over meta and ot reeing about 'the shaynatorium' until the dumbass staff caved in and made the private board. Which doesn't get used anyway. It was meant to be a solution to this shit. Why does it exist if not to contain those freaks. Lock the regular threads and herd them into that board. Please.
No. 60176
File: 1689553419486.png (72.19 KB, 731x210, 1689552807645.png)

i censored it for the reasons in my original post
>>60174 but moids have already reposted it to 4chan and they always come running like cockroaches for this bpd shit.
No. 60189
File: 1689567848722.png (242.41 KB, 1034x357, embarrassing.png)

The Shayna thread needs to but SHUT DOWN or at LEAST put on permanent autosage. She is purposely posting her vulva again and attracting 4chan moids here. I'm done sticking up for the shaytards.
No. 60208
File: 1689601143573.png (429.61 KB, 864x1578, Screenshot_20230716-160918~4.p…)

public service announcement:
If you raise issues about the moderation of /w/ in /meta/, you'll get a retaliatory ban for a post made 4 days ago which contains no "complains." Obviously the mod had to find my last post in that particular thread to do this, no matter that it was 4 days ago. I post regularly in a number of different threads and this is the only one where I've been banned for nothing. In fact, I can think of maybe 5 or 6 short bans total I've received in 6 years on this site that were not related to the moderation of Taylor's thread for the past two years or so.
No. 60224
>>60151I feel like that that anon in particular keeps shitting up a good chunk of the tardthot thread singlehandedly. I don't want to tinfoil too hard but their typing style is pretty recognisable if I am right. I know that a lot of anons call any anons they disagree with a moid but that way of speaking is seriously moid-tier.
There's a lot of complaints about the tardthot thread, what are the mods thinking of doing with it?
No. 60232
>>60224I get a particularly suspicious vibe from the anon who keeps malding over non-milky pictures of lauren chen.
>She's just mad AOC is better looking than her with huge milkersjust doesn't strike me as something a woman would type tbh
No. 60249
>>60245I think pointing out the bottom of the post is complaining, which is
reports can be sent at any time by anyone, is why it got reported. Just because it wasn't reported earlier doesn't mean it didn't deserve a report or might deserve a report. It's up the mod at the end of it.
No. 60250
>>60249idk who you meant to reply to but the bottom of
>>60208 says it is a preemptive explanation against an accusation of nitpicking with citations to admin posts. Since posters were being randomly banned over disagreeing with someone at the time, it was a reasonable thing to add.
>taking it to metaproduced the ban.
So I recommend not raising issues in meta about /w/ moderation, it's a lose-lose situation.
No. 60257
>>60254Kek apparently some mod boogeyman is not allowing nitpicking, a rule for /w/, but specifically targeting anon. Also how many times do we need anons to say "her content is stale" like in
>>60208 but then defend the post that "its milk because she should be producing better content!"? Same with her appearance. She's getting older, has a kid, she isn't getting massive surgeries or much botox tbh, she looks the same as 2 years ago. How many times do anons need to post a jumpscare spoiled image to compain about botox? It's not milk to assume she got more filler just because you saw a new screencap you think makes her look terrible. The whole thread is using the one time admin said they can nitpick her fringe to try to get away with all sorts of nitpicking. They try to hide it by not bumping the thread.
The Taylor posters have been doing it to that thread for over a year now. Still no substance, no milk. Just complaining about her taking care of her baby and tinfoiling about his care. Or nitpicking her face. I know she used to be a model, but it's been years, anons need to let that go. She's just an influencer now. Just because she shows her face, doesn't mean
>commenting on a model/influencer's appearance is only ok if it's positive? >>>60036No one even said anything positive. So, no, because then every thread has the chance to because a nitpicking thread by that logic. Every cow uses their face. That's how we have an active site. If admin wants the mods to moderate it more closely, then anons need to deal with it. The thread is so shit, looking at the thread and every ban makes sense.
Coming to /meta/ isn't getting them banned. Being retards who disregard post quality because they want their mini group of friends to reply when the post is getting them banned.
No. 60261
>>60256>>60257All those words and anger to defend some cow. Why are you so personally invested? Everyone on this site talks about how cows look. It's not a forbidden topic. Plenty of positive or even fangirl comments in the thread, none get banned, but you're still foaming at the mouth that someone dares to say the moderation is nothing like the rest of this site. Nor am I alone in saying it.
Protip: you can reply to more than one farmer in a single post instead of samefagging as you often do.
No. 60286
>>60282cerbmin and (maybe) a farmhand can check if that's actually her, but i personally doubt it. she doesn't say "
unalive," and as far as i know she hates pooner memes.
No. 60314
>>60299It’s the tranny, he’s been sperging to try and get the thread locked all week. He’s sperged about the thread saying the same shit before in tradthots #7 . Here’s the post explaining it
>>>/snow/1868016 and here’s his last sperg out where he seethed about the same thing including reeing about eugenics
>>>/snow/1693071 . He’s been going the whole week samefagging and infighting himself and reeing that women who don’t want kids are aydens to try and conflate himself and real women and even posting coping wheatfield pictures in the same thread. He’s posted the thread on /fit on 4fag and posts about trying to derail to get the thread lock because he blames being unable to secure a trad wife for his transitioning. He just switches vpn when banned to come back to sperg about the same things to himself.
No. 60343
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>>60342You can't be serious. here is a sample in no particular order. the last one is borderline I guess
No. 60345
File: 1689919651705.png (2.31 KB, 396x53, glitch.PNG)

Is the little report and delete thing at the bottom of the page showing up like this for anyone else? Reporting cause I'm assuming it's a glitch
No. 60347
File: 1689921762287.png (23.8 KB, 490x285, beforeafter.png)

>>60345It seems admins were doing some html changes and they accidentally deleted a part of the input field so it ended up absorbing the submit report button into itself.
No. 60349
File: 1689925722272.jpeg (136.12 KB, 1242x411, E919DB48-67DA-49B5-959C-7BB1F8…)

>>60347Did the next button always look like this? I never noticed how this bottom navigation clipped in mobile. Same with cc, 4chan does it differently that I think might be a better look for mobile.
No. 60364
Anons need to be permabanned for bringing up the dead cow in the Venus thread. It's been said several times, anon is posting knowing full well it is Venus's thread just to have a reason to post this. I don't doubt this is one of the previously banned users too who posts this shit about a dead cow.
>>>/w/303841/w/ has some real vendettafags, ngl.
No. 60406
File: 1690360139701.png (79.43 KB, 1215x862, yurunyan.png)

>>60353they're still going, but at least they seem to have learned to sage now.
No. 60411
>>60407idk that post they responded to sounded more like bait imo. like "yeah my dad's
abusive but at least he's rich"
No. 60415
File: 1690392443141.jpg (34.21 KB, 368x372, c87a851102e119c2679959b9c54d89…)

The Luna style on here would be awesome if it were actually usable. Who thought making the text for links and thread numbers dark blue in front of a dark blue background was a good idea? Also I get the boxes around the posts being translucent so we can actually see Luna, but it's a massive ass pain trying to read replies to something while the words in the post behind it are also visible
No. 60417
File: 1690395228336.gif (2.21 MB, 1165x1200, luna theme.gif)

>>60415Thought that was a bug for me since I use dark mode. I think maybe using her eye colour would be easier on the eyes.
No. 60422
File: 1690409081462.png (16.61 KB, 702x271, ban.PNG)

I can't believe I got a warning for this kek. Why would that even go in /meta/ when it's not a complaint about the site, I just used them as an example.
No. 60427
>>60424nta but the lolcow caps are usually funny and not meant to create huge discussions.
>It's a lot of people coming in to start infights, which can be avoided if they just didn't open the threads.That applies to every possible thread possible in here. I go to the fujo cringe expecting actual cringe, but it was just infight and schizo takes. The first 2 threads were taken by an autistic discussion over yumes and fujos too.
No. 60428
>>60427Then discussion in those threads should be banned, right?
>>60425It should, but they said the reason it was locked was because it was encouraging shotafags to post in it. I get why you'd want either thread removed, but infights really only start because some anons don't know how to keep to themselves.
No. 60435
File: 1690457437058.png (410.71 KB, 842x1244, Screenshot_20230727-081123.png)

Posting 2 critical comments from the cow's instagram ad isn't derailing. Later it's stated that these two comments have the most likes out of all the comments on the ad. They are legitimate and relevant to discussion.
No. 60439
>>60432It seemed like a bait thread that was created to bring out certain banned posters
rancefag. Which it succesfully did until it was locked again.
No. 60511
File: 1690576813827.png (47.22 KB, 275x266, 1648077370808.png)

>>60497Poor /hiddenboard/-tan doesn't deserve to be represented by such crazy anons
No. 60515
>>60509>>60514It’s not that the sites old maybe they don’t know how to fix it?? Since I can’t see the backend of the site I’m not sure how it’s laid out.
1. I haven’t noticed this on my end. My guess is the math to determine where you must be directed is incorrect. I have noticed that if you touch another post_id after already been directed to one it won’t take you to that post.
2. I haven’t looked at the source code yet but I would think that the image is probably being hidden in this css BEHIND the spoiler image and when it disappears the code change the css so that the image shows clearly is gone.
4. I would think that the fetch request/js rendering for all the images for a thread in the db hasn’t been touched so it works fine. There is a thumbnail and a larger image. Whatever is causing the latency issue has to deal with getting a single image/larger image request. One fix to this could be they could load all the images of the thread on render and then switch between showing the larger/smaller one. There could also be an issue with the bucket but that wouldn’t make sense since you can get all images to expand at once.
I’ll look at the code more when I have the chance but the way websites work hasn’t changed since they’ve been made.
No. 60527
No. 60528
File: 1690663096386.png (69.99 KB, 1230x748, code.png)

>>60515Hello! I'm back and looked into the web code that renders the images.
Basically what it's doing is switching the image being shown. It looks like it's already switching between images. It uses data inside the tags to switch between them.
The issue with this is that the function loops through all of the <a> tags the thread could have, as well as changing the attributes of it. The code is slightly hard to read but believe this code runs anytime you want to enlarge a photo. It finds the photo you clicked on and then adds the code to change the html elements of the page.
Excessive DOM manipulation like this is really taxing on websites with lots of traffic. Esp. since a lolcow thread can have up to 1200 photos. If you are trying to open many photos at once it probably is having a hard time with it.
It's really hard to pin point a solution here since this wasn't a problem years ago, if the server is less robust then that could def. be a factor.
I would say an easy solution is to limit the amount of posts per thread.
Maybe instead of looping through you can try and find it by the id? That way you aren't having to loop through all the anchor tags.
You can also try implementing an infinite scroll thaat way the images that are being loaded are limited and gives the site time to load them.
Current solution would be to just right-click + inspect the element you want and then go directly to the src which would lead you to where the photo is stored in the server.
Is this how all image board engines work by the way? If so that's so shitty lol.
I also looked into all the google scripts on the header. They're all incrypted but the id of the gtm container is there. You can't really look at anything unless you're authorized so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
(¯\_(ツ)_/¯) No. 60552
Replying from the Meta thread bc I am not making another and it’s relevant…
>>60518For me, I think it’s also just the general decline of what the internet used to be (I’m an oldfag, and I’m also old lol) I am very aware of how young a lot of anons are here, and it does feel like this place has now got so many different micro cultures within different boards that the place is almost unmanageable. People nowadays get so angry over anyone who thinks differently to them. They always have to one up whoever they’re arguing with; whether that be SJW type stuff, general insults etc.
It’s what happened to PULL, and I guess everywhere else.
The internet just isn’t what it used to be.
No. 60556
File: 1690733218983.jpg (104.82 KB, 720x515, post.jpg)

I already appealed, but literally wtf is this ban? Another anon asked why jannies banned someone for emoji when there was no emoji and I was just telling them that they remove emojis from posts. Why would that ever deserve a 3 day ban and why would I report someone for that?
And yes I'm ban evading with my phone data because this is so dumb.
No. 60559
>>60553Kek, that thread's been a shithole for days now.
>>60552>People nowadays get so angry over anyone who thinks differently to them. They always have to one up whoever they’re arguing with; whether that be SJW type stuff, general insults etc.Someone please end our suffering.
No. 60560
>>60556Kek wtf, I was just passing by when I saw your post and instantly knew what you meant. Did they think the "anon" was for flair?
Let us know if/when you've been unbanned, nonna.
No. 60567
>>60560I just got unbanned, I think my appeal went through.
>>60564This was in /ot/ so yeah it is a chatroom, and I wasn't telling someone why they got banned. You and whichever mod banned me have the same level of reading comprehension.
No. 60575
File: 1690755159720.png (44.86 KB, 886x828, lcban.png)

I rarely post but I've been on lolcow from the beginning, since it all started back on /cgl/ before gossip was banned on /cgl/.
I made this post in the goddamn VENT THREAD on OT, to vent about something that legitimately annoys the shit out of me. How the hell was it baiting? Because I mentioned pedophiles? Sure, that was extreme, but I wanted to display a very blunt and obvious point on how that idea DOESN'T always apply.
I never returned to the thread to see if the post caused some retarded shit storm that would provoke the ban, but what the hell. How pozzed has a 4chan-birthed gossip board become that this warrants a ban?
I can understand if I was posting off topic in something, BUT IT WAS THE FUCKING VENT THREAD IN OT, OF WHICH I WAS VENTING!
I didn't call anyone a pedophile, I didn't say anything racist, I didn't say anything sexist.
What the hell gives, mods?
I know my ban has since expired so this isn't about that. I legitimately want to know if saying something like I did in my post is too truly 'risque' for an off-topic vent thread, and if so, I will peacefully leave. This is obviously a different site from how I've known it throughout the years and the userbase and 'culture' has changed so drastically that I apparently can no longer integrate.
No. 60579
>>60575that typing style gives you away lol
>>60562replying to bait is against the rules anyway. anons should know better
No. 60581
>>60579Unironically don't know who you think I am unless you're talking about the same thing as:
>>60580Why the fuck does no one know what actual reddit spacing is? That's classic 4chan post spacing and anyone who was actually around in the /cgl/ days should know the difference.
No. 60582
>>60581Please realize that it is a generalized typing critique. This is obviously not just a
reddit spacing thing, but freaking out about it is embarrassing. That type of style is for unintegrated anons and just like
>>60579 says, it gives you, or any anon for that matter, away of being unintegrated.
No. 60583
>>60582That has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard. That's literally classic 4chan posting style, the style this board was
based on. Are you telling me you think I was banned for being… too much of an oldfag?
This is next level pants on head retardation.
You'll all shit yourselves when you look through old threads on LC or archived threads of 4chan, if grammatically correct spacing is "lacking integration" to you.
And if I can't "freak out" in a vent thread, nor complain in a complaint thread, then what the hell is the point of them?
I've seriously, no lifely, been lurking LC this entire time, at least once per month at the longest gaps, and this is the most unfounded 'rule' of 'integration' I could ever imagine. Who even are you people who came up with this nonsense, lmao?
No. 60587
>>60586Ah, wait, I thought of another. The old Admin twice 'banned' me (instant expiration) to reply to my posts without having to reply publicly. I've had mods do that previously as well, to speak without riling up the other users in the thread. Did those also contribute to the crimes of my classic post formatting?
I truly wish to know. With how spaced out my post history is (all puns intended), I want to know in what time span that mod was judging me with. Will all long term users now be punished for the most ridiculous things because some new janny gets
trigger itchy on the hammer? Does the ban history count include the times at which LC had, had mods that were not kept to reasonable standards, often banning users just for disagreeing with their personal opinions or hurting their feelings? What about when we had some severely ESL mods that completely misinterpreted anons' posts and banned them wrongfully? How far back is it considered?
I know for a fact I haven't posted with enough frequency to have an extensive ban history within a reasonable timeline, so I'd love full clarification on the crazy amount of bans I've apparently racked up, that somehow justify oldfag formatting into 'lack of integration'.
No. 60589
>>60583your posts are very clockable from bioh the typing style (especially the use of the return key) and the verbose, self-righteous sceeds about how you did nothing wrong ever and are the
victim of terrible injustice. you're obnoxious, anyone can see why you keep getting banned
No. 60595
>>60580>>60582>>60589Nta, but reddit spacing isn't a bannable offense anymore
>>>/meta/60076What's more annoying than anon is you spergs replying to her nonstop instead of just letting her have the post complaining about the ban. Now your petty "oldfag" proving ground bullshit has dragged this out because you're incapable of not responding to everything. I wish you all got slapped with bans for baiting her and infighting.
No. 60597
>>60595i didn't say reddit spacing was bannable i said it made her posts easy to identify
>just let her complainlook she's a bait poster who's whinging all over /meta/ day in and day out, we're allowed to tell her she's annoying
No. 60604
>>60596>>60597>>60598I legitimately have no idea what in the actual fuck you people are talking about, holy shit. I do not have multiple bans for spacing, have never even heard of someone being banned for spacing, and have never baited someone
with spacing.
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen, what in the hell.
Unironically look back through cgl archives, it has always been a common way of post formatting:
> feel like I'm in upside down reverso clown world listening to you people, this is asinine. Mods should be perfectly capable of recognizing I'm not whatever poster you're all schizoing out over.
No. 60605
>>60598If you're from that time and not chock full of shit you should know
Because back in the day when people whined about Redditors not integrating to 4chan, Reddit's formatting required two full lines of spacing to make a new paragraph. The concept of just using grammatically correct spacing has been how people on 4chan/related image boards have
always formatted.
Is this some kind of massive LC wide trolling garbage? I'm honestly baffled.
No. 60607
>>60606This is still the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Literal newfags rewriting what normal posting is because they misinterpreted how to 'integrate' themselves.
I will move on, this is clown world joke tier crap. Enjoy your new Twitter user culture enforcement, or whatever this is, because it sure as shit isn't what lolcow was any time recently, yet alone historically.
>>60613I definitely believe there is a mod who has it out for this user now kek. Look at her original post in this thread. Banned for venting in the vent thread, and reddit spacing isn't even an excuse bc it's been pointed out twice now that "reddit spacing" isn't a bannable offense.
I bet the people accusing her of baiting (who are
definitely not starting an infight over her post despite admitting they thought she was bait!) were the shithead jannies, or their friends. I have literally never seen this user baiting "with their typing style" in /meta/ like they're crying about.
No. 60621
>>60620I agree, and it's ridiculous to ban someone for genuinely posting in /meta/, period. I've noticed that bringing something up in /meta/ (respectfully) has
triggered some mod in the past though. That mod will go find a post I made days ago and issue some BS ban for it. There's a whole pattern where janny or janny's friend posts ragey word salad reeing about "anons this" and "anons that" and how great the mods are. Hasn't happened in a month or so, maybe this benign post will
trigger it though.
No. 60625
File: 1690850037811.jpg (146.74 KB, 1080x654, Screenshot_20230731_173552_Chr…)

>>60624Learn2integrate, these rules were around before the spacing thing. Anon falls under this rule.
No. 60634
>>60619 I don't think nonna's typing stands out to the extent of being ban worthy. Even if you do, why shouldn't she be allowed to complain about that here? Not sharing your opinion /=/ samefagging.
No. 60635
>>60631which one was the thread you read?
>nonna posts in the meta complaints thread >other nonnas claim nonna is doing this intentionally to bait>nonnas continue to reply to nonna>nonnas are breaking rules by replying to bait and should be banned or
>nonna posts in the meta complaints thread>nonna claims to be confused about her ban >nonna gets upset with the reason for the ban>nonna complains about the reason, giving reasons why she disagrees with it >nonna is banned again>other nonnas question this because the lack of transparency makes it look fishyonly thing I've seen anyone able to point out as baiting or unique typing style is nonna's spacing. we already went over that spacing isn't a bannable offense. the rules quoted specify not typing LiKe ThIs, in all caps, no emojis, no excessive punctuation, no signatures, no avatar or namefagging, you know the drill. it doesn't include anything I saw nonna say or do. finding someone's complaining annoying wasn't grounds for a ban last time I checked? double return keying in nonna's original post wasn't grounds either, according to admin?
No. 60644
File: 1690884204982.jpg (31.85 KB, 683x1024, homemade-strawberry-milk-for-o…)

>>60643It worked considering the janny came out of the woodwork to call me out for it and still offered absolutely zero good reason for my ban, other than that they "feel" I'm trolling by formatting my post in a way that has been around forever.
I really was confused about the ban and until now, never even knew there was a period of time double spacing wasn't allowed. Nothing I've said about being an oldfag was false and my sperg rage was genuine confusion and anger at something I still think is sincerely stupid. I do plan to quit using this site permanently, though, so no one need worry there. I wasn't being inauthentic about not knowing what ridiculous ban history or range the janny was judging me with, either. I was never banned for that before. Why some vague ban message and a ban involving a relatively new and quickly removed rule should have meant I "knew what was expected of me" is still beyond me. Also no idea wtf that anon saying I caused fights all over the place was going on about, because like I said, I barely post. Hell, it's been over a week since the original ban took place. I'm actually more impressed at the next level schizo the mod has, to think I waited that out
just to come post here about it, I guess?
Thanks to the anons who authentically did disagree with this. I'm sorry for samefagging itt for only that reason. As for the janny: I hope you stub all of your toes and the queen never bends her behind in your direction, you wretch.
Adios, farmers. It's been a great many years.
No. 60685
File: 1690992792603.png (23.89 KB, 687x188, dot com results.png)

>>60684>Pretty sure this anon is underage>no one usually spaces out links like this and spells out "dot com" otherwiseHow is that a way to gauge the age of an anon? There’s definitely other instances of posts like this, just look at picrel
No. 60694
The /w/ janny is crazy. This isn't my post and is nothing I commented on:
>>>/w/304638 It's not nitpicking to say a cow made her hair look shitty by cutting it herself when she has more money than she knows what to do with. Furthermore, the post it replies to says it looks fine tied back but might not when loose: so the post just confirms it looks fairly objectively shit when loose. This is a beauty influencer and ex-model. Her appearance is 95% of her content. How is this a nitpick?
Meanwhile, we have bonehead anons who ask people to upload social media content bc they won't go to IG and watch it:
>>>/w/304601 This is spoonfeeding and could be ban-worthy.
You just never know what will catch a ban in Taylor's thread. Here are some recently banned legitimate posts that the /w/ janny thought would hurt Taytay's feefees too much:
>>>/w/304133 (not derail)
>>>/w/303108 (noting a sponsorship she didn't declare)
>>>/w/303131 (a legitimate opinion)
>>>/w/303152 (reasonable guess)
>>>/w/303164 (defending posting media : banned for "complains")
>>>/w/303213 (not nitpicking)
>>>/w/303203 (not nitpicking)
basically any negative discussion of Taylor, however tiny, risks a ban in that thread. Cut it out. This discussion would be completely normal and fine in any other thread. This is the only thread moderated like the janny is Taylor's fanclub president.
No. 60699
>>60698She isn't shay and that thread is shit too. Taylor is also on /w/, where nitpicking had been moderated heavier due to spergs and it's anons like
>>60694 who are at fault. You guys ruined the Belle and Jvlog threads and literally keep doing the same shit but in other threads. Anons are begging to be banned at this point and they deserve it. If you want to get away with nitpicking maybe go hang out in the shay thread. You'll just nitpick her tits though, so much for milk.
No. 60700
>>60699Enjoy your echochamber where nobody is allowed to talk about cows if it's not shayna or a handful of the other cows the mods also like to shit on from snow. /w/ is not allowed unless you have something positive to say.
Anons have to Police themselves in /w/ like you would on PULL kek
No. 60701
File: 1691024138085.png (36.84 KB, 1168x235, ban.PNG)

I don't understand the point of no1curr bans in /ot/
No. 60716
File: 1691051441954.gif (1.18 MB, 399x430, ew.gif)

i want taking the moral high ground on /snow/ and /pt/ to be a bannable offense."omg shitting on a woman's appearance is sooo misogynistic and unnecessary", defending trannies, acting like the website is there to ~expose and bring justice~. it's beyond cringe and i wish PULL was still up as a containment zone.
it'd be a really nice complementary rule to extreme a-log schizo nonnas who want to see the cows suffer.
No. 60730
File: 1691077433590.png (45.89 KB, 810x214, Screenshot_20230803-141450.png)

I agree with
>>60724 but now we have this message from the janny in Taylor's thread:
>>>/w/304699No explanation or anything about why this thread has special insane rules for discussion. So since this is /meta/, would the Admin or the janny like to explain why it is apparently "nitpicking" to discuss the beauty and fashion content of a beauty/fashion influencer? Or the sponsorships she has? What is off-limits, and why is it ok to gush over the cow but not to say "that doesn't look good"?
No. 60739
File: 1691083746883.png (132.28 KB, 1440x835, farmhand1.png)

What's going on here, I've never seen this type of farmhand comment except in rare instances (like serious cow selfposting breaches) why are they saying "stop nitpicking already"
>Anons were discussing corset construction in relation to Sarah selling courses on how to (poorly) construct a corset, it is relevant to the topic
>the Taylor nitpicking was a few posts up (about her bangs) and the topic had changed by the time the Farmhand commented
No. 60741
File: 1691084214048.png (911.2 KB, 1038x2149, corsets.png)

>>60740This is on the Taylor R and Sarah Spaceman threads on /w btw like imo this falls under
discussing the cow No. 60754
>>60749Because people come to this site to see milk and drama on a cow and when the thread is shit like the Taylor thread, it sucks. Anons have an interest and clearly hiding saged posts doesn't help in that thread because you still get dumb posts that are unsaged and still not milk. The whole thing should be nuked honestly. Maybe when it's full we can have the mods refuse to let her have a thread like a few other cows until they have a legit reason they can bring to /meta/ to prove there's milk to start a whole thread up, but considering the far in between of where milk is involved in Taylor, there wouldn't be a reason for a new thread. There are so many threads of her's that have been filled in the past year because anons want to complain that they hate this haircut and her chopstick usage and "why has she reposted all this stuff" as if that's not going to tinfoil and derail so hard like it did. It's not funny, it's repetitive and nitpicking.
You basically isolate interested users by posting low-quality posts. It's not that anons don't want to read it, it's that it's unreadable due to how terrible the posters are in that thread.
No. 60757
>>60753If you could learn how to read you would understand what the issue is and the solutions I gave. It's jannies randomly deciding that stuff that would usually be fine in the Celebcow thread (and in /ot/ threads in general) is no longer permissible. Just from a poster perspective, it's annoying to be banned for something that you thought was fine and that typically no one would get banned for. It's fine if they want to ban for blogposting, but don't just randomly start doing it. /ot/ is an off-topic board where blogposting isn't a big deal. It's like making an infight board but then mods decide they want to start handing in infight bans in one thread. It's also just like, exactly which specific cow board rules are we supposed to follow in that thread? Give anons a warning before handing out bans (this could easily be done by a farmhand making a post as a heads up, and adding the rule to the OP or to the rules page) or move the thread to /snow/ where anons already know not to do certain things because they are board-wide rules. I honestly think the Celebcow thread just should be moved to /snow/ since it's a milk thread, especially if it's being expected to follow /snow/ rules.
I've explained it pretty plain and simple multiple times, so if you still can't understand then whatever. I'm just posting for admins, so they can consider moving the thread to /snow/.
No. 60763
>>60760>They have to start somewhere, anon. When do you expect moderation change to startI literally said in my post how they can start in a way that's more fair to posters.
>Just like in the vent thread you aren't supposed to reply to the ventsYou're talking about the Get It Off Your Chest Thread, where it has said in the thread OP since it was created to not reply to posts. Actually, jannies didn't even start giving out "vain bitch" bans until recently. I'm pretty sure it took like 2 or 3 threads for them to start banning for that.
>Certain threads have different rulesAnd those rules are usually outlined in the OP from the start of those threads, it's not something that you just suddenly get banned for.
No. 60765
>>60754If you so wish to see ~drama~ go to the threads that you like, dear "isolated, interested" milk sommelier. No one's forcing you or anyone else to read a thread you don't like. Sure, the Taylor thread is stale, but as long as people want to discuss her, they can. Who are you to dictate your preferences for a discussion? Just read threads that are milky enough for you. Majority of the posts in the thread are saged, so I don't see what's the problem in the first place. There are so many train wreck threads that discuss bullshit, but you don't see me complaining about their existence. Do why should I (and others) get banned for expressing an opinion on a cow in a saged post?
As I long time lurker I honestly don't understand where this hyperfixation on an "insignificant" cow thread comes from. This kind of discussions were not banned previously, unless someone was clearly baiting or bulshitting.
Anyway, I agree with the anon above. Complaints should no longer be posted in meta or jannie goes into vendetta mode.
No. 60769
>>60742 >>60741
You cannot convince me the person in here bitching at users about non existent nitpicking all the time isnt also this mod
No. 60770
File: 1691099978335.png (72.02 KB, 783x306, Screenshot_20230804-000121.png)

>>60769Careful, nonna. You see what happened here
>>60695 No. 60772
>>60771Because it's not milky enough, ah, sorry that's the official explanation. Because Taylor is a saint and no one should speak ill of her. Unless it's
high quality milk, of course - which is not defined, sadly. Jannie will come for my soul, but I'm starting to believe she's friends with the cow, if not a delulu fan.
No. 60776
>>60770/w/ janny was based if this is true. You guys kept photoshopping belles asshole and pussy to make it look like wider and post normal pictures of her instead of discussing actual stuff she did wrong. It was obvious there were a few moids and fellow butthurt sexworkers spamming the thread with pornsick shit and reading through it was literal torture
Inb4 anon accuses me of being /w/ janny
No. 60783
>>60776if what is true? Anyway I posted the screencap and have never posted in Belle's thread and possibly never in Venus's either, so idk what your issue is. Editgate was annoying and I don't think it was perpetrated by any normal female users of this site. Meaning, the perpetrators were either women with a weird agenda (getting the thread closed) or men trolling. This is not typical behavior for anons on LC and you know that very well. We have other SW threads and that stuff doesn't occur.
It's ludicrous to not be able to discuss moderation in /meta/ without risking a ban, and the moderation of /w/ and now /ot/ is not consistent with the rules or the rest of LC.
No. 60786
>>60783There still exists the jvlog idiot trying to doxx chris and sharla and they were doing belle at the same time and we got mod confirmation several times it was the same shitposters. You're not slick. Take your band and just shut up. No one believes its anons editing shit to get threads closed. Its unhinged female posters with scrote mentality that wasted time editing assholes and fake herpes. It's all in the threads. I don't know why you're trying to even gaslight. You guys were retarded in the Sky thread too and I guarantee some are a part of the Sayafox, Nicole Eevee, and Anima threads as well.
But yeah, it's all the mean mods fault you and anons get slapped constantly with bans, sure. You guys whining about not being able to nitpick is tiring and the "don'tread then" mentality doesn't solve the non-milk shitposting problem. Anons have been laughing at you spergs offsite for months, jsyk. Way more cow behavior in unhinged anons who need to edit, doxx, and nitpick like scrotes. Honestly, does it feel good to have Belle's vag saved all over your phones as women feel good? Get help and I hope you guys keep getting bans, it's all you know how to do since you can't integrate and follow posting rules. All these replies are pure bait, but also just shows how mentality ill you posters are in the /w/ threads because you get in trouble for nitpicking so much after being told to stop for over a year now.
No. 60791
>>60786>every anon I disagree with is the same anonYou sound just as unhinged as the anons who shit up /w/
>Anons have been laughing at you spergs offsite for months, jsyk.I'll ignore the zoomer tier abbreviation and focus on the implication you think people on an anonymous imageboad care about what you and your friends laugh at on discord.
No. 60792
>>60786Like most users aren't posting and nitpicking nudes in shaynas thread kek. Anyway belle has herpes and admitted it you're the same wk anon who camps in /w/ and defends the mod there all the time. Last time someone brought up belles herpes you were reeeeing and screeching about it like it's not a well documented fact. Samefagging yourself here in meta doesn't change history. All of her nasty herpes and nasty pussy and wart pics are all posted on her official OF page and other official social media profiles. There's no need to argue with you when the proof is out there. It's weird you're trying to rewrite history like this, what's in it for you?
>>60791 >I'll ignore the zoomer tier abbreviation and focus on the implication you think people on an anonymous imageboad care about what you and your friends laugh at on discord.Kek the remaining few anons left see right through their shit
No. 60835
Wait I'm is
>>60798 a belle sperg for trying to shut down this anon
>>60776 who firstly brought it up and started sperging? Starting to believe the rumors that mods bait and ban regular users
(ban evasion) No. 60839
File: 1691211055435.jpg (107.49 KB, 874x351, Racebaitt.jpg)

Why isn't this racebait in ot banned?
No. 60852
>>60850I'm sorry, but are you that sperg insisting pap smears are torture and all doctors are creeps who just want to fondle a woman's cervix?
Women's reproductive health shouldn't be exiled to 2X because you're a moid who thinks pap smears can be "self administered". Just give it up already.
No. 60854
>>60851oh wait sorry you weren't replying to me. oops my bad.
>>60852no I haven't made a single post in the discussion, and if you have you should stop because you're only feeding the fire.
No. 60859
please ban and redtext hi cow:
>>>/w/304772Clear rule violation, already reported
No. 60863
>>60862It's the weekend. The /ot/ and /meta/ mods aren't the same mods.
>This is what I mean when I say they don't ban people when it's warranted, but will show up with guns for a "nitpick"If this isn't some ridiculous bait because you guys keep getting nitpick bans. The absurdly huge amount of mental illness coming from the Taylor posters is so fun to watch when they get the bans they deserve.
No. 60864
File: 1691261538497.png (12.39 KB, 768x324, straightbait.png)

The anons who nitpick and get banned all the time are just baiting mods, they did this before, it's not normal posters.
No. 60870
>>60868You're not making any sense
Anyway it's hi cow, it should be banned. There's no discussion to be had.
No. 60891
File: 1691343023103.png (137.83 KB, 863x622, Screenshot_20230806-192741.png)

>>60888You're crazy, kids are posted in other threads too. I don't agree with this post but the same exact photos are on her IG. The post is talking about Taylor, not "nitpicking the kid" anyway. It's a silly post, I agree, but do we need THREE non-con posts after it?! Just report it. Why is this group of fans allowed to shit up the thread further?
>>>/w/304832If you think it is banworthy, report it and let a mod decide. Don't spam the thread.
No. 60929
File: 1691427866858.png (30.76 KB, 1303x334, Loleven.png)

Can someone collect the newfag shroom tard in vent, she's been replying to people about how stupid they are about shrooms all morning. Won't just leave and make a thread about it. Picrel is her being an idiot
No. 60940
File: 1691493795529.jpg (614.76 KB, 928x1403, Sperg.jpg)

>>60935Pornsick moid is now posting in 2X about us being spineless whores who enjoy porn (projection)
No. 60943
Anons are seriously posting non-milk again after mods said to stop nitpicking.
>>>/w/305246 Anon not believing she knew French isn't her being milky, its just an anon being retarded
No. 60966
File: 1691625676989.png (354.92 KB, 864x1649, Screenshot_20230808-190154~2.p…)

More shit from the /w/ janny. Posting something about a lazy moid never cooking for his family = "no one cares" on my ban page, "nitpicking" in the thread. Newsflash, janny, Tom is named in the OP and it's allowed to post about him; he and his "culture" are discussed constantly by Taylor now, including his cooking utensils. Furthermore decide what rule you think I violated, since even I don't know how this counts as "no one cares" or "nitpicking" (I hope Cerbmin takes action soon for your shit modding.) A 24h ban for… posting a question answered by the cow. What an offense.
Nice to see you or your lackey in here screaming about perceived offenses by "anons" against Taylor. Can you please go run her fanclub somewhere else?
No. 60994
>>60987 is clearly a janny, they don't even try to hide it anymore kek
No. 61004
>>61003I swear you bitches have been saying taytay or belle have friends in staff for years across multiple admins
get a grip
No. 61011
File: 1691764349239.jpg (208.3 KB, 1841x906, cuntorator.jpg)

meanwhile, in the Onision thread..
No. 61015
There's an anon defending Nazis in the MTF thread
>>>/snow/1879703 Based on the lack of sageing I do wonder if it's a troon who wandered in to derail. I'm the one who pointed it out originally, but I think we should try to avoid Nazi shit and I assumed original nona just did not realize.
No. 61016
could mod please consider banning use of "pooner"
it's a 4chan moid red flag and it's annoying to see it in the ftm threads
>>61011>uses a soyjack>"cunt">whinging about justified bans>mad enough to spend time making an autistic collage about ity chromosome detected. rope
No. 61024
>>61016Someone, I'm guessing
>>61016 posted your post and the other reply to it on /lgbt/ so it looks like there is a troon stalking this thread kek. There were terfs in the comments defending banning pooner misogyny and they got so mad they started being more misogynistic
No. 61027
please do somehing about this edgelord moid
>>>/ot/1661532 >>>/ot/1661585
No. 61032
>>61028i did report the post and i didn't reeply to the moid. more than one person can think calling a rape
victim a rapesock is gross.
No. 61034
>>61033defending your use of heinously misogynistic terms while posting "
triggered feminist" memes is pretty damn scrotey ngl
No. 61038
>>61034The memes and the behavior after that were
sus. I genuinely don't believe that's a woman.
No. 61039
>>61021Isn't it ironic that without a man, your father, you wouldn't be here?
Strange "defect", weird kitchen you're in too. Keep coping and seething, hon.
No. 61040
>>61034>>61037also I adore how you keep accusing eachother of being "scrotes" (stupid
femcel phrase btw), bummer ain't it that you can't ever be sure on here.
How may "womyn" you guys think are actually men posing at that? They could very well even be in your moderation team.
Cope, seethe and dilate, ladies.
(tinfoiling, derailing, infighting, maleposting) No. 61042
>>61037If that is the case then ‘she’ could have simply said: ‘It’s fucked up that she got raped’ instead of using a sexually demeaning term to describe a rape
No. 61043
>>61037>he said blablaAnd you believed his excuse. Most of the time on this site, nonas pointed out when men tried to find loopholes to insult women, for example, saying "
terf" but referring to all owmen. Things like that. This situation is not much different. He saw his chance to call a woman "rapesock" and took it.
No. 61044
>>61037The behavior afterwards, like sending "
triggered feminist" memes and calling anons "rapesock chan" for disliking it made that defense seem a little less credible to be honest.
No. 61047
>>61040How did you find this website? Why are you posting in ot and defending Indian men and calling other anons
femcels when they say they don't find Indian men attractive??? Wtf.
No. 61049
>>61047It's a
triggered moid. The post above the quoted one is also his.
No. 61053
File: 1691866191108.png (147.49 KB, 828x284, Screenshot 2023-08-12 at 14.47…)

Hey, not my post but I did notice this (almost reported it out of habit tbh). I don't think this should have a redtext, it looks more like they accidentally typed "E" in the subject field.
the post was annoying and not much of a vent but that's a separate issue, I don't think she was trying to name herself. unless I'm missing something?
>>>/ot/1662289 No. 61056
File: 1691869459607.jpeg (744.1 KB, 965x1553, IMG_9788.jpeg)

>>59950Why the fuck was this redtexted the thread asked for info and not everyone is a damn furry are mods trying to keep anons from informing others on the way shit works? This is ridiculous
No. 61059
>>61058The stefany Lauren thread in /m/
Most anons don't know shit about the furry community this was helpful info now that she's pretending she's a fursuit maker and it's worth it to know she's likely going to scam
No. 61072
>>61070>just straight up owning ithuh
No. 61077
>>61047>>61049what the hell are you talking about indian men? i literally don't give a shit who you find attractive. i'm here to complain about the shit Onision thread mod.
Given how you guys are
femcels I can't even imagine how butt ugly you must be, and how horrible your personalities are. if you can't get laid while being a woman there truly is no hope left, its even worse than being a guy incel. i've seen butt ugly fat chicks get cock all the time, so obviously it must be all you, that little
femcel problem you guys have. when i think of what you guys must look like i think female quasimodo meets rosie o'donnell meets fat oprah winfrey meets the personality of aileen wuornos.
how am i doing? ballpark?
(this post is a triggered moid from the onision thread, please report them and move on, don't even respond) No. 61093
>>61092more of his nonsense, he's trying to use our slang now
>>>/g/344360and this is probably him too, my spidey sense is tingling
>>>/g/344351 No. 61101
File: 1691916542421.png (206.44 KB, 864x1060, Screenshot_20230811-224456~2.p…)

So now it's 'nitpicking' (red text in thread) or 'no one cares still' (whatever that means) to discuss a cow's photograph and how the photoediting was done, with nothing negative about the cow at all. That's really weird. I said she's thin twice, that wasn't sufficient? There's a clear agenda now to get Kota's thread locked despite the completely innocuous posts about her. There are certain threads in /w/ where posting anything but praise risks copping a ban. This ban was for two days, too.
No. 61116
>>61107Literally other anons thanked them.
praised the mods. This isn't new and nothing said was even wrong. You have your panties bunched up way too hard. If you hate the mods, then don't come to the site, but getting mad about anons thanking the volunteers who don't get paid, but keep retards like
>>61040 in line, should be your last gripe. No1currs that you don't think they should be thanked, but you don't need to have a meltdown over it any time someone does.
>>61110I hope all the onion posts keep getting redtexts until you guys know how to actually stay on topic. Anons literally don't know how to not act like spamming scrotes and its so embarrassing. Anons complain troons kill the site, yet regular farmers can't even follow the rules and actively degrade so many threads because they think its funny to act like scrotes. Low effort posting should always be banned.
No. 61119
File: 1691942358377.jpg (290.21 KB, 1600x1062, suicide-rope-dpc.jpg)

No. 61124
>>61118And what exactly isn't she doing for you? Seems like the redtexts are there, aren't they? Take some meds.
>>61120You're nitpicking the photography when she herself isn't heavily edited in these. Going on about weird shadows when the flowers are at uneven hights, saturation is lowered, blues are upped.. Like, do you even know anything about photo editing? You are nitpicking. The photo isn't milk. Your critique isn't milk because she's a model and deserves her whole presence to be nitpicked at all times for the sake of
No. 61126
>>61119Looks like you don't understand the rules, you're not allowed to just respond with a picture.
>>61124Well yeah, now that I slapped her around a bit she finally is.
You're welcome.
No. 61127
>>61121Waiting for the anon to come in, if they aren't ban evading already, and complain about
"how is this a nitpick, mods are against me" conspiracy sperg again. No one is trying to secretly get rid of /w/. The post quality overall in multiple threads is garbage and admitting to that isn't some way to try and get threads taken down.
>>>/w/305286 No. 61132
>>61127I don't really follow Taylor's thread, but I've been seeing it mentioned here quite often - weird. If anything, the post you linked should be banned for infighting, not nitpicking. From what I see, anon was making a point against another anon's post defending the cow over a nitpick.
Not sure how Taylor's thread looks usually, but it seems like it either gets a tons of reports or is monitored closely for some reason. Either way, anons should stop bringing every ban here. This time it was not even the anon who got banned, so totally unnecessary.
No. 61155
File: 1692024924562.jpg (20.12 KB, 388x210, Screenshot 2023-08-14 075155.j…)

jannies loosen up… its a quote from a popular movie
No. 61176
>>61172>>61157>wE'rE aLlOwEd To HaVe FuNThe cow boards aren't "for having fun", they are for milk and cow discussion. The post was stupid and it shits up the thread. Go to /shay/ for shitposting.
And btw bone rattling is bone rattling even if you hide it behind a "funnie meme", anachan
No. 61180
>>61175>>61176kek nona
>its about time they put their foot down in the shayna clifford thread. it should be serious discussions only. cow boards arent for having fun. do you see how ridiculous you sound?
No. 61186
>>61180I am
>>61175 is a different person. Anons are literally complaining about being banned for shitposting in a thread that isn't for shitposting, and then complaining and calling us ridiculous when we explain you're breaking rules.
Smells like newfag in here.
No. 61189
>>61176why hey there Debbie Downer!
I bet you get invited for every party, right?
No. 61244
>>61243>please, mods, redtext all the people whose opinions I don't like!You aren't the Queen of France. How many whining posts have you written about that conversation between this /meta/ thread and the other one? Not to mention in the /ot/ thread you posted at least 8 times strawmanning the people who disagreed with you and begging for the mods to redtext/ban them. You're more annoying than anyone else. You can't use the mods to force other people to like you.
You've written more posts complaining about losing an argument than that original poster wrote in total.
No. 61249
>>61248Why are
you? It's weird that there's always someone camping out in meta to screech at anyone who dares to critique their precious moderation team
No. 61254
>>61251That's my point. Anons are told to go to /meta/ with their issues and when they do, a certain anon like this
>>61244 shows up yo defend the mods like crazy in an attempt to shut your discussion/issue down.
No. 61274
>>61262>>61261>>61260I loved the fandom psychology threads, it's absolutely retarded to close them because of a fujo infight that should have been taken care of earlier by punishing both sides. The exact type of infight happened on numerous threads now, and they didn't get closed.
I definitely support making the fujo infights bannable on sight outside of the stupid fujocoomer thread because it's ruining good threads.
No. 61284
>>61283By "sticking", do you mean you have to enter "sage" again even though you've saged before?
I'm also on mobile, and I've noticed if I stay in the thread, sage sticks, but if I open a new thread or close a tab, I have to enter it again. Maybe that's how mobile does.
No. 61285
Can a mod come wrangle the tard who won't stop sperging about fujos? She's infighting in the dumbass shit thread and accusing other anons of being "the fujo going ballistic" when someone asked what she was talking about
>>>/ot/1666900>>>/ot/1666934>>>/ot/1666937>>>/ot/1666942From how much she complains in /meta/ about the mods favoring everybody but her, I'm assuming she's also samefagging in the thread, but I wouldn't know. I wasn't even involved in whatever she was talking about, damn.
No. 61297
File: 1692294351917.jpg (345.95 KB, 1079x1008, catbucketsoflove.jpg)

>>61286Thanks for the quick hand last night!
No. 61300
>>61298nta, but you right and I'm sorry I made shit worse when I did
it is pointless to engage, I know that, and I won't anymore; I get frustrated because I can't get rid of them, I can only guess that's why most people do it probably
No. 61303
>>61301I guess at this point I'm shooting the shit with you kek, but I'm nostalgic, and I remember how frustrating it was when like, you don't have authorization on a board that's getting spammed, but you're online, so you just have to sit there and watch it like, welp
I know you guys are hard at work, it really shows. I think long-timers can tell there's a new shift beginning
I think a lot of users don't realize how much of an issue timezones cause a small, mostly single-language staff
No. 61304
>>61302Thread is currently being watched and a warning was posted.
>>61303We appreciate the comments. It can be frustrating for sure but our team is growing and becoming well rounded in terms of timezones so hopefully it'll only get better.
No. 61310
File: 1692324916257.png (11.62 KB, 1813x94, lol.png)

??? I would like an explanation for this?
No. 61331
File: 1692377276710.png (272.38 KB, 752x909, Jannie Can U Hear Me.png)

One of the Shayna farmhands requested we pass this example of their shit modding along to /meta/ on their behalf. Any senior mods who know what they're doing able to shadow them until they get a hang of things?
No. 61333
>>61331Stop crying because you got told off. Shayna mod is right, that thread is full of derailing. "But that was the scrote who caned Shayna, it's on topic!!" Okay and he was already ID'd and discussed upthread, we don't need to keep coming back to him just to talk about how much you don't like him. This is a /snow/ thread, not a chatroom.
Thank you, mod, you were right. This thread needs more quality control and you're delivering.
No. 61334
>>61331prob wouldnt have gotten redtexted if you left out your caption
jannies dont like words like 'i' or displaying any emotion. integrate or keep getting redtexted i guess
No. 61336
File: 1692383348144.png (135.97 KB, 2794x450, 6f9ef376-86b0-4ea9-ab4d-8fe437…)

Lolcowsisters… how do we come back from this?(shit-tier bait)
No. 61340
>>61331im on your side nona. the shay mod is banhappy.
theres an asslicker in here who hates fun and will defend any ban no matter how retarded it is
No. 61345
>>61343it's clear at least a couple just ban anything they don't personally like or their friend(s) don't personally like. I've seen some bizarre red texts lately, often even if the post might warrant a ban, the redtext is flat wrong as to why.
And god this "no fun on cow boards" is the latest nail in the coffin here. That banner of Kiki with bugs crawling over her bald head? Was first an animation posted in her thread. on a cow board. All the proof of Stefany's Photoshop and the collages of her face would cop bans today. For what? Who knows, jannies would find a way.
The one place I see decent modding is in Pixielocks' thread, which had been taken over by blogging medfagging posters. So thanks for that I guess. The rest I don't thank you for, it feels like you don't want people to post at all, weird attitude to have on an imageboard.
No. 61346
>>61345Can you post these bizarre redtexts you are seeing?
Tbh the culture of lc has changed over time, whether anons like it or not. We have a banner thread to post in now. I think mods are doing their best to clean things up from summerfags and shaymin. Personally, I've seen a marked improvement in moderation over the past week.
No. 61349
File: 1692395263432.png (213.8 KB, 864x1014, Screenshot_20230818-234859.png)

>>61346sure, here's one. The ban should be for not sageing. Bumping a thread after three days isn't necromancy.
No. 61351
File: 1692395632223.png (290.51 KB, 716x1228, Screenshot_20230808-102730.png)

>>61346regardless animations and jokes in the form of art were always acceptable in cow threads as long as they weren't annoying. The pics of Aly_realrecover with croissants photoshopped everywhere were genuinely hilarious in a way I can't even explain.
Anyway here the janny messed up, but this "missing the point" anon pops up in other threads. Interesting that other people get days of bans but this weirdo gets 6 hours, tops, for her derails.
Unfortunately the two that came to mind are in Kota's thread but there are others. These aren't my bans or arguments either.
No. 61353
File: 1692396143394.png (636.54 KB, 864x1627, Screenshot_20230819-000035.png)

>>61346some judgment should have been usef here because this anon is paying for the patreon streams and recapping them for people who don't want to listen to Jill for half an hour or more. This is useful and informative milk, doesn't need to be punished with a ban for not sageing, but whatever. It just seems like some mods don't even read the threads or context. especially in /w/ but it's starting to pop up in /snow/ and is a huge issue in /ot/. I saw some racebait ban recently that wasn't deserved at all. Can't remember where but it was speaking negatively about having to endure racist n-word jokes by moids while streaming.
No. 61354
>>61333>>61344All you are doing is proving you are just as inept to comment on the situation as the braindead shaymod who is too lazy to even read the thread they’re in charge of monitoring. This was new milk. Shayna got caned and things went too far, the bruises this man inflicted (and is proud of) caused Shayna and her friend to lose work at the con and now she cant post on OF until the bruises are gone. Shayna had tagged him on a picture of her bruises saying “shout out to @scrote i guess”. And then this
>>61331 nonnie gets banned just for posting his response back to Shayna (which hadnt been posted yet) with the reasoning being “off topic/derailing” Huh?! Its milk because the scrote doesnt give a shit he inflicted pain that had serious repercussions on two women who trusted him, he isn’t showing any remorse in tweet which is milk, and he is also implying Shayna may be going to the Lone Star Spanking Party - which was one the hugest sources of milk last year for the Shayna threads as its where she met her ex Shane who ruined her life for several months. That mod either really sucks at their job or had a vendetta against the poster. Not a justified ban at all and them not defending it proves that. No one cares about the reasoning of some asslicker thinks they know how the mods thinks, especially one who doesnt even understand the context and relevancy either, and hates clearly just hates fun
>>61341 kek. If want us to have thick skin and just “be told off” than so should mods when they’re clearly in the wrong. whats the point of “take it /meta/“ when nothing happens when you do? several people clearly agree the modding in the shayna thread needs work.
>>61338If seeing moid hate and scrote bashing upsets you than im afraid youre in the wrong place. the snake eye’d fuck doesnt give a shit he took advantage of two women and now theyre out of work. the hate was justified based on what he said in his tweet.
No. 61355
>>61349This was my ban, the full ban message is
>reviving the thread just to make an obvious statement that's been done for yearsThreads about legacy cows are often filled up by newfags who only recently found the thread, repeating the same old obvious statements we've been circling through for over half a decade. Bumping with no milk when the thread isn't even currently active is necromancy.
>The ban should be for not sageing.Even if saged the post would have been a non-contribution.
No. 61356
Can mods do something about the tards who won't stop fighting in unpopular opinions over a post they didn't even bother reading correctly
>>>/ot/1669142>>>/ot/1669145Nowhere was it specifically said that the "misogyny" comes from rap music. The op was comparing the double standards of callout culture; outwardly misogynistic lyrics vs the nword being used casually in music. Fucking spergs
No. 61372
>>61368keep up, it isn't just /w/, and did you really just samefag 4 times in a row?
>>61355The thread was already "revived" when Dakota started posting again and farmers discussed it. So then ban for unsaged non-con, but banning for necromancy makes zero sense. I wouldn't even say a couple weeks is necromancy, more like months. Some cows don't have as much content rn but once they do post again, it's not a crime to post about it in their thread.
True necromancy and vendetta can be found in Yumi King's thread, which literally shits on a mom who isn't doing cringe videos anymore or exploiting her kid's face, but those misogynists never get banned for anything. Why not? I know I am not the only person who reports weird aggro vendetta there.
No. 61400
>>61397Samefag again, but he also brought up AI the last time he derailed
>>>/snow/1861706 and claimed that anons were coping
>>>/snow/1860886 (his post was removed so heres referencing it) and pretended to be a fujoshi
>>>/snow/1861707 kek. He literally posts the same retarded bait every time. Why does he think it isn't noticeable?
No. 61412
The tranny is ban evading in the tradthot thread and now seething about the jews calling them "Shekelstein"
>>>/snow/1884876 and shit.
No. 61413
File: 1692511896507.png (177.55 KB, 1949x1196, schooling.PNG)

>>61412Samefag but it really highlights how delusional men are that they hate women being independent so much they will samefag for 7 hours straight reeing about women in the workforce and women in education being bad to try and get a thread banned because they can't compete and women with independence have the option to avoid incel trannies. Stay malding faggots.
No. 61431
File: 1692552141477.png (80.64 KB, 2356x383, Screenshot 2023-08-21 032003.p…)

Noticed a few of these retarded ban messages in the luna thread but this one stood out.
>ban message responds to the bait
>bans someone else because 'obvious bait'
inb4 someone thinks I'm either of these anons.
No. 61453
>>61441get over it anon jfc theres a difference between having fun and making jokes
while staying relevant to the thread topic of discussion and taking obvious bait.
No. 61458
>>61457Can't imagine editing photos of a cows genitals. The
nonnie who's doing it should be embarrassed. I'm actually shocked how anons refuse to believe they participate in scrote-tier behavior.
No. 61493
>>61441lmao way to prove them right.
>>61468For real. It's been an open secret since the spergchan reveal that whenever keeks or koots threads get attention, the ostrengas come back and try to derail it. Starting to wonder about the anon arguing it's def not them.
>>61491tbf /ot/ has a history of terminal cancer
No. 61526
Hey, can a janny come ban the retard who is spamming dumbass shit with copypasted messages from a stream?
>>>/ot/1673775>>>/ot/1673792>>>/ot/1673804They've been deleting a lot of them, too. I guess it could be a creative writing exercise, but they're coming in too fast. It feels like a bot is in the thread talking over anons.
No. 61543
File: 1692794536865.png (869.45 KB, 1326x1330, 084349.png)

>post links
is this mod on fucking crack?
No. 61673
Can a janny clear up what's appropriate behavior in the celebricows thread and whether the requests made in
>>>/ot/1676491 and
>>>/ot/1676827 were reasonable because to me like
>>61670 said it sounds so scrote-y in there and it feels weird reading comments defending it.
No. 61693
File: 1693049328084.jpg (77.8 KB, 930x223, Screenshot_20230826_131742_Sam…)

>>61670There's a huge amount of gay scrotoids in these threads, spewing gross misogynistic stuff and nitpicking womens bodies for hours on end.
They think they're ~one of the girls~ and could blend in perfectly but in reality :
> Boomer-tier dragqueen/twitter reaction gifs> Yum ! [insert random scrote] is so twinky ! Someone know where I can find his nudes/dick pics ?> Some celebriscrote is an abuser ? Who cares ? It's boooring!Let's talk about neurolabial folds and refrigerator bodies! Now that's milk !
> Gurl ! Delulu! It's giving…ya'll, where's the tea ?> Trump-Kun> And, besides gay moids, who's that obsessed with LDR, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift ?And they're now leaking onto other threads (look up the last unpopular opinion one) and shitting up /ot with their idiotic takes.
They're no better than troons regarding the invasion of female spaces and I hate them.
Wish that thread were nuked, or put on autosage for quite some time.
No. 61710
>>61705same happened to me in the husbando thread, the fact that there was no reason given really shocked me kek glad it's probably
hopefully? an error
No. 61716
>>61705>>61709>>61710ok so it probably
is a bug at this point
>>61713>Most bans are self-explanatoryhow is a permaban with no reason given or supposed offending post linked self-explanatory? Personally I just wanted to post a funny picture of a gnome in the retarded shitposting /ot/ thread and I don't think the husbandofag anon intended to post anything rule breaking either.
No. 61732
>>61705Omg, thank you for posting this anon. I got a permaban with no reason after posting a gecko pic and then I realized that no one else was posting images for like 3 hours after so I thought I somehow broke the site. Glad it was just a glitch. In all my years of using this site I honestly thought we didn't have an auto bans.
>>61723Thank you admins!
No. 61760
>>61693The obsessive sperging about nonmilk and womens bodies plus people looking to start fights or cause confusion keep ruining it. Even civil conversations and misunderstandings turn into shitshows. It's like people forget it's a milk thread. If anons could force themselves to keep their shit together when it comes to LDR, Florence Pugh, Sam Taylor-Johnson and now Sydney Sweeney threads wouldn't be anywhere as clogged and anons wouldn't feel the need to get involved in fights.
>>61707I agree with this.
No. 61780
File: 1693089884680.jpg (38.64 KB, 563x505, 1651781148461.jpg)

>>61723That was quick, thanks!
No. 61815
File: 1693097226590.jpg (177.36 KB, 674x1200, cows.jpg)

There used to be a thread on /meta/ that was only accessible for admin to post updates,
>>>/meta/1014. This thread was specifically for rule changes, but could the current admins please consider bringing this back for any site updates or replies to anons they make? /meta/ is a mess and this would simply make communication a lot easier as it's incredibly easy to miss staff reports. Then anons can simply come to this thread if they have anything they want to say.
No. 61853
>>61851it's literally just one schizo, probably the tranny (he's been going nuclear on /g/ lately) or someone from kf, and one or two retards not familiar enough with meta schizo antics to know not to engage with it who are
triggering an avalanche of schizo posts for every one response they give him. I hope farmhands ban the fuck out of the retards engaging when they wake up.
No. 62039
>>61972Same anon but I'm genuinely starting to think someone is getting off on picking fights with anons who aren't even trying to start anything. This
>>>/ot/1680329 was in response to
>>>/ot/1679550 calling them "aggressive" when they're the one being aggressive and calling anon a dumbass. The same crap that's been persisting itt for a while is bringing it down.
No. 62043
/ot/ has been being used as an outrage mill for months now; not our normal shitkicking
No. 62049
very noticeable in the vent, confession, and get-it-off-your-chest threads too
No. 62067
>>62061You're not alone in thinking this I've been here for quite a while and it's been smelling like 4chan in there for a bit
>>62065To an extent but it definitely feels worse lately.
No. 62069
>>62050See I would normally think it was multiple tourists from a particular site/s that have a history with "gotis" just given the breadth alone, but I agree with you here.
Based on the cycle of hours per day that the, let's say unusually-inflammatory posts appear in bursts that suggest one person posting, depending on their timezone, before/after either work or bed, most likely
I've modded for more than a couple of sites over the last 15 years, so this is all just intuition, but I've had to sit on top of so many retarded faggots like this, and that's usually literally just how they spend their day every. single. day. That's why it's so hard to get rid of a determined shitposter; most likely, they genuinely care more about shitposting than their career, family, sleep, hygiene, even their own mental health
They are fucked in the head, it's extremely depressing when you can see who they are and how literally just all day, they sit on one, maybe two, websites desperately waiting for anyone to give them a crumb of attention
Don't get me wrong, I don't feel bad for them, I'm a fan of putting "kys" in ban messages, it's just mind boggling to bare witness to the real-time degradation of so many human beings who once had thoughts and dreams and mothers
sage for blog, I dunno, the moids are not alright
No. 62073
>>62069>that's usually literally just how they spend their day every. single. day. That's why it's so hard to get rid of a determined shitposterIt's sad. I know at least some users spend a lot of time on here, but the few of those who spend it being unnecessarily bitchy to strangers only intending to have a level headed conversation says a lot about how they are as people. I wouldn't even consider it shitposting at that point, it's just pathetic misery trying to bring other users down.
>>62071It's been making me consider that too. And to think I thought he'd stopped
No. 62081
>>62076That sounds like it could also possibly be trumpchan or even pakichan, but I suspect it's actually a new player this time all together
It's not uncommon to find many similarities between people like this, though; it takes a particular kind of mental illness to foster this kind of obsession, and when they end up on the same site, that means they have similar tastes and interests to boot
No. 62113
>>62090This is just my opinion, but I remember that, and looking back on it now in 2023, that whole situation almost feels quaint
If only because it was at least our normal residents going insane/retarded, not a traitor who thinks she's stunting on us for moids, who still see her as one of us no matter how many tricks and dances she does for them
No. 62229
File: 1693385997192.jpg (104.62 KB, 500x750, 44a78885df65d65186d8cf943de0d5…)

Hi Cerbmin, what is the time plan for moving to Lolcow 2.0? Curious how things are going with updating the site.
No. 62317
>>62315I really don't think they're as self aware as the posts make them out to be kek
>>62307You should probably hide the thread, nonna
No. 62384
Can mods please check the post history of the anons deriding single mothers in the Unpopular Opinions thread on /ot/. I just don't believe it's a woman saying single mothers are "effectively gluttonous NEET pigs with an easy life" and other trash. The first instance was more innocuous and posted 11hrs ago
>>>/ot/1683524The quoted post was 3hrs ago, reviving the "discussion" right after it died down
>>>/ot/1683883It's either bait or scrote. Here are some other questionable posts
>>>/ot/1683533>>>/ot/1683699>>>/ot/1683715>>>/ot/1684018I don't want to report the posts in case these are actually bitter women, I don't want to get banned for report abuse over it kek
No. 62385
>>62384Why do single mothers get special treatment on this site?
If people made the exact same posts, but about a different demographic (for example, sex workers) no one would bat an eye. Plus, you can't cry misogyny when you have 3 whole boards dedicated to shitting on women.
No. 62434
>>62387Samefag, not to mention the site has had feminist and outright manhate (based) threads for years. It’s not a feminist website, but it’s not a women hating one either, it’s neutral with a feminist leaning due to the users being women.
>>62412Men hate women who can be free of them so much that they try and pin mens violence on them to try and shame/discourage them from leaving them at risk of their social reputation.
No. 62435
>>62434Samefag as
>>62432 kek.
No. 62533
File: 1693892889355.jpg (567.73 KB, 1080x1715, Screenshot_20230904_224833_Chr…)

>>62532>>>/w/306962 complaining about /w/ and anons, not on topic, just derailing to incite infighting
>>>/w/306952 doing the same
>>>/w/306964 doesn't know how to report and move on, not integrated
>>>/w/306986 moid reaction image, no actual substance given as a reply
No. 62540
File: 1693921928777.png (49.52 KB, 910x770, overdramaticmod.png)

Sorry for ban evading but I just got a permanent ban for posting a snarky comment at one of the anons in celebricows. I get I should've ignored her and my comment borders on infighting but a lifetime ban over that? The mod didn't even say the reason was infighting she wrote "sperge" but my comment wasn't spergy and I never sperg in celebricows, I barely even infight. I appealed and I'm hoping to at least get my ban lowered, a permanent ban seems a bit much for being a bit snarky.
No. 62551
File: 1693949534742.jpeg (17.88 KB, 340x270, 885a74a15516c046c714328565ff50…)

gore in /ot/ bumping off front page
No. 62720
File: 1694137054399.png (194.56 KB, 698x554, 4kcezfmr06s41.png)

>>62699Those users are here to stay so you might as well let us have our containment thread
No. 62786
File: 1694226938608.png (38.06 KB, 968x441, jnhbgvcfdsfghjk.png)

>>62777Your dumbass farmhand labeled my posts as samefags and ban evading, none of those were samefags and I hadn't recieved a ban yet so how was I ban evading posting on an unbanned IP? Retards
No. 62848
Can another mod go through Get It Off Your Chest thread in /ot/. Maybe there's just a lot of samefagging, but some of these redtexts should not be vain bitch bans.
>>>/ot/1690513This anon is clearly responding to the post above her (>>>/ot/1690457) without a reply quote so she doesn't get redtexted.
>>>/ot/1690616This is op who got responded to, replying to the response. I don't know if she should get a vain bitch ban, maybe a derail.
>>>/ot/1690674This anon is replying to a post (>>>/ot/1690620). She should have a vain bitch ban, but doesn't.
>>>/ot/1690682This anon is op of the post that above anon responded to. Not a vain bitch, but definitely derailing.
>>>/ot/1690698This anon was not banned for being a vain bitch.
>>>/ot/1691642This anon needs to be banned for being a vain bitch.
No. 62895
File: 1694246315736.png (72.68 KB, 637x383, Screenshot_20230909-095921.png)

Not my post, but what a dumb ban.
>>>/w/307292 All the videos Dakota posted on her tiktok had already been posted as webms or screenshotted in the thread. Providing a link in this context is fine because all the possible content has already been posted.
No. 62922
File: 1694286860474.png (50.47 KB, 707x395, what.png)

I wasn't replying to anything, I just wanted to get this off my chest because I didn't want to message the person I was talking about.
If you meant that I shouldn't have replied to the post upthread that also ended with ♥ - that was my post (check the IP and device before handing out a ban) and I didn't directly quote it or even meant to reply.
The redtexting in that thread is also a bit weird, not all response posts are redtexted properly.
No. 62926
>>62900>Post caps of her cap which wasn't postedHow do you post caps of a cap that wasn't posted?
>No one wants to click links.Social media links are required in the OP. You know this, right? In this case the thread subject's TikTok account was created after the thread was made.
No. 62927
>>62922these careless bans are so strangely worded too. "answer to other posts"?
>>62925look, can you just use your trip already? No normal farmer replies like this in meta.
No. 62933
File: 1694304445571.jpeg (246.98 KB, 1252x1252, 20R4nlNg.jpeg)

>>62925Can none of you read? That was her post
>>62922The ban should have been for emoji usage, I don't think we've ever had a more retarded mod before, picrel
No. 62949
File: 1694339460762.png (3.1 KB, 215x48, Screenshot 2023-09-10 .png)

>>59950fuckin retards. This was done away with (and is original board culture anyway)
No. 62973
File: 1694387997873.jpg (224.45 KB, 923x933, 40230911032108.jpg)

wasn't this discussed a thousand times before? spacing is fine and part of the culture. jannies should take their meds.
No. 62978
>>62973farmhands can't even follow their own rules. There's nothing bannable about the post. A post that isn't exactly how
you would write it, or (gasp) a post you don't agree with does not equal a post deserving a ban.
No. 62985
>>62984That doesn't say "Reddit spacing". It's unintegrated spacing. Anons have been trying to this here and there in threads across a few boards since admin said that. It's obvious when you see it and farmhands most likely see the IP posting and can tell from past bans if they have a tendency to
fuck around and find out as a lot of anons love messing with the farmhands to see what they can get away with. It's the heart emoji thing all over again. "But they said we could!" It's unintegrated when you aren't using the right one.
No. 62997
>>62988definitely not a-logging, the man was chimping out about cage fighting Zuck, after all. Wanting to watch someone else roll him down a hill is like nothing. I've noticed a increase in redtexts defending Musk recently.
>>62981>>62985you really hate most farmers here, don't you? why are you even here?
No. 63036
File: 1694528600089.jpg (174.67 KB, 1080x1256, Screenshot_20230912_162341_Sam…)

>>59950this is completely normal. what the fuck, mods?
No. 63051
File: 1694553437135.jpeg (135.98 KB, 1587x789, IMG_0349.jpeg)

>>63041It does not matter who the Lolcow Admin is…
What matters is their plan…
Crashing this imageboard…
No. 63054
>>63050No one is being a pedo apologist,wtf? Moo looks nothing like a child, she isn't even pedobait. Take your obsession with cartoons somewhere else.
Mods, please ban
>>>/pt/919213 No. 63055
>>63036I'd love to know if farmhands can tell if it's the same sperg just using different ips, coming here to complain about every ban they get and how it's
so mysterious to them that it's left blank. Otherwise, you seem to have switched your ip already anyway, so ignore it, anon. Stop using a vpn maybe.
No. 63061
>>63060Admin has said before they that don't redtext every single post from the same user, they usually redtext one. Also this goes for all threads, not redtexting everything doesn't help discourage people from derailing, but when they do redtext everything, anons come here to complain that the mods are on a powertrip.
What option do anons actually prefer?
No. 63095
>>63093Why does it even matter?? It gives people a place for people to unleash there rath
It really doesnt matter, I think its personal for you, which is not fair
No. 63102
>>63097No because none of you go this hard on other threads/messages and don't automatically shut them down
The second anyone says her name or "she who shall not be named" That's just so weird to me
I was going to leak all my proof and screen shots from her and our friends conversations admiting to some shit.
Tired of seeing this cow get away with everything and fly under the radar
(chronic newfaggotry, ban evasion) No. 63110
>>63102I had no idea who she was, until you started to sperg.
A farmhand told you to stop ban evading. Go fuck yourself.
No. 63118
>>63115I think the /ot/ farmhand is the one shitting up the thread. About 60% of the vain bitch posts I report do not get taken care of.
>>63117No lmao. You can tell from the way almost nobody gets banned after long infights in Unpopular Opinions, the constant shitting all over Get It Off Your Chest, and no redtexts in the Zoomer Hate thread, only a farmhand post telling people to be quiet kek. Wait, she redtexted someone admitting to baiting, someone else telling anons to stop responding to bait, and a third person for "ban evasion" bc she made fun of the mod. Plus all the racebaiting across nearly every thread in the board. What a shitshow.
No. 63122
>>63121Site's filled with shit stirring moids and probably moids talking to moids atp much like cc
It's over
No. 63131
>>63121Posts aren't deleted for transparency and visibility of moderation. It wouldn't be a problem if retards didn't reply to bait even after it's been banned. Deleting banned posts would also cause issues because anons will post asking what was deleted, it could make ongoing discussion unreadable and it opens up accusations of farmhands removing information that they want to keep hidden. It's one of those situations where there is no satisfactory solutions. LC is an IB and IBs will always have poor moderation because of poster anonymity and the tools available in the software.
Personally I prefer having banned posts red texted and left alone.
No. 63135
File: 1694724565924.jpeg (97.99 KB, 680x629, A7A1687A-947E-4F45-90AA-FB1037…)

Hello, anybody home? You wanna try cleaning up ot?
No. 63169
>>63131Sounds great in theory but in practice visibility and consistency in modding have been issues for a long, long time. Leaving shit up just encourages more of the same. "We saw you, we gave you a redtext … and that's it." It feels weak so that makes them do it more. Just deleting it takes the fun out of it and doesn't give them attention.
I know the traditional culture was to never delete anything but that became an increasingly retarded idea over time and should've been recalibrated years ago.
No. 63228
>>63226I already said the tripcode was on accident in the thread I was originally asking other anons for advice in.
>>>/ot/1699269I don't know how tripcodes work because I'm not a 4chin fag. There's not a singular cow involved so I didn't put it on a cow board, and the thread is about a specific art project someone is making and other projects in the genre, which is why I put it in /m/.
>All threads posted here must revolve around some sort of literature, music, game, film, show, or image topic. e.g “pictures of cute animals”It's a website/"horror ARG". I don't know why you're so mad about the thread, sorry you like the artist, I guess.
No. 63229
>>63228>sorry you like the artist, I guess.I care about it enough to say it's a vidya when it's not.
>There's not a singular cow involved The same as the western animation industry thread, not a
single cow in there.
It's obivously your first time making a thread while the description is rather good, you shouldn't have tacked on the internet horror general and should have made it in /snow/
>inb4 can't you read, it fits in /m/! Check the catalouge in /snow/ No. 63230
File: 1694848798016.png (182.01 KB, 1048x813, Screenshot 2023-09-15 213050.p…)

I wasn't "samefagging," I posted two pieces of media that can't be put into one post:
>>>/w/307770 If samefagging is just posting twice in a row, chop chop jannies, there's a lot of work for you out there and you better be redtexting everyone who ever does it. I hate the implication that I was trying to sound like a second poster when anyone with eyes can look at the timestamps and see I posted both the webm and the photo.
Also, nothing is being nitpicked by calling this throwback photo in a sweatsuit cringe. Please, tell me, what was nitpicked? What sin was committed there?
No. 63249
>>63245It wasn't old milk, it wasn't milk at all. It was posted by the cow at the same time as the webm I posted. So I posted it and said it was cringe of her to bring it up as a "throwback."
>And yeah, you replied to yourself as if it wasn't you.I always reply to my initial post if I'm doing a photodump, and there was absolutely no indication I was pretending to be anyone else. I posted it immediately after the webm.
I don't understand the rest of your rabid word salad, sorry
No. 63272
File: 1694930011797.jpg (58.2 KB, 642x480, 1689222001148.jpg)

Thank you for updating the video embedding feature and the info page regarding this. With that said please continue issuing bans to anons that paste a video link without properly embedding and website links and others without a thumbnail.
For anons that don't understand, there has been phishing links and ip grabbing links posted on here before.
No. 63291
Got the same problem as
>>63273, starting around two hours ago. Changed absolutely nothing in my browser settings before that.
No. 63311
There's a huge amount of infighting and derailing going on in the Zoomer Hate thread. I've reported it but nothing has been banned. I don't know why someone is being allowed to pick fights about how "fat" millennials are when it's literally a "zoomer hate" thread. Now it's devolved into hating on Americans no matter what age they are.
I have no interest in hating on either generational group but one of your infighters is camped out there shitting up the thread with abandon.
>>>/ot/1664102 No. 63389
File: 1695088987535.jpg (184.6 KB, 1284x1223, non-milkbaninm.jpg)

Mods, I understand my post was kind of a nothing post that was looking for discussion, but when the hell did we start banning people for not saging non-milk posts in /m/?
No. 63401
File: 1695092166973.gif (862 KB, 393x400, 792030376_1153581.gif)

thanks for clearing out the spam so quickly
No. 63496
Why did
>>>/snow/1899559 get banned for doxing when it's public info? Since when does that count as doxing kek?
No. 63531
>>63518Sharing information you have to go out of your way to find that gives personal information… Anon,I don't think you understand. Also there's the whole side of why is it being posted. If it is out of malicious intent, it can fall under
doxxing. Just because the information is available doesn't mean you can't still dox them.