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No. 669437
If you are new, please make sure you read: before posting.
22 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/668175 The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Many pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig was the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: (currently deactivated as of 2/14/19)
Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram:’s Links: of all Taylor's pets: update of new frog, tarantula, crabs dying and all the fish outside of the 150 “rehomed”Stats of Taylor’s pets and history: Milk:
> Cannot keep story straight on rehab, has stopped posting about it> Posted an Instagram story with needles visible in the background> Continues to make stories on Instagram where track marks can be seen on her arms > Claims she is totally sober from drugs but alcohol doesn’t count and her rehab coaches are completely fine with her using alcohol > Released a video on how she moved Mushu to the new house, with an insane amount of misinformation, demonstrating her complete lack of knowledge about the nitrogen cycle, but at least FINALLY has a chiller for her tank> Taylor has been sharing photos with alleged self harm scars> Jonny is now in New York for a couple months, still love bombing Taylor on social media > TND and Jonny seem to be on some type of ‘break’ without calling it that and Jonny is in deep denial> TND has mentioned possibly ‘rehoming’ more animals and moving home with her parents> TND has been alleging that her substance abuse and codependency issues are because of her father not being around as a kid> Jonny now in NY has been posting pictures including more twisted tea (so much for sobriety)> Jonny seems convinced he’s going to become a successful twitch streamer despite barely knowing how to play games> Jenn vague-posting abuse abusive and manipulative relationships whenever Taylor alludes to her relationship status> Taylor has been seemingly intentionally vague about whether she’s actually dumping Jonny or not
> Recent Known additions to the horde of animals: Tarantula, frog> Recent Known Deaths: Moon crab (Ursula)> Recent Known “Rehomed”: Satanic Leaf geckos, all fishtanks not including the 150 gal, other moon crab (Triton)Videos which sum up the drug addiction situation: Milk:
> Colin from Slaves posted on here about his experiences with Jonny. His posts start at >>>/pt/637869> Claims to be attending an outpatient rehab program, where they receive Vitriol injections> Jonny was kicked from the Slaves for incessant drug use> Taylor admitted to using heroin, this was corroborated by texts from Jonny> Mushu has been shown without much gill feathering left recently shown much more clearly with facial scarring, even less feathering and stressed posturing stated that she will be updating mushu’s condition in a video, we will see if that happens> More enclosures being shown with completely empty water dishes more empty and scummy water dishes shown in the new house as well> Jonny posted screencaps indicating that he’s already been late paying rent, after only living there a month> Has been bouncing deactivations on her twitter and instagram during the controversy around Cheese and her herion use> Released a video on April 13th (2 months after she said she would return to youtube), slurring words in some clips, and showed alcohol in the kitchen and bedroom of the new house> Cheese’s necropsy results were inconclusive (obviously)Unconfirmed Milk:
> Still using herion despite claiming to be clean now> Getting evicted from the new house> TND is trying to break up with Jonny to complete her “redemption” to youtubeAll Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/450408 3
>>>/snow/460352 4
>>>/snow/478685 5
>>>/snow/499810 6
>>>/snow/522836 7
>>>/snow/531836 8
>>>/snow/542328 9
>>>/snow/548305 10
>>>/snow/557047 11
>>>/snow/572819 12
>>>/snow/590174 13
>>>/snow/603765 14
>>>/snow/614641 15
>>>/snow/638664 16
>>>/snow/648895 17
>>>/snow/663922 18
>>>/snow/679440 19
>>>/snow/693293 20
>>>/snow/712298 21
>>>/pt/592820 22
>>>/pt/597713 23
>>>/pt/603048 24
>>>/pt/654064 34
>>>/pt/668175General Pettuber Thread:
>>>/snow/730730 No. 669490
>>669486LMAO probably broke, if anyone can confirm without tipping.
He's probably still leeching off taylor's funds.
No. 669495
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reposting this from last thread because it came in right at the end. but i really don't think it's wise for jen to be doing this. then again, she is an idiot, so what can you do?
No. 669496
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No. 669497
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She’s a nut but I’m living for it
No. 669505
>>669495>>669496imo, Taylor's fans deserve to know the truth, so that the wool won't be pulled over their eyes again. Maybe some of them might even be able to help Taylor in other ways.
>in the worst case scenario he will get violent with TaylorWell then, good thing Taylor isn't with him right now, right?
Honestly, crazy as she is, Jennifer has
at least witnessed Jonny's behavior firsthand, and no doubt Taylor has broken down & told her what's
really going on. It might seem a bit cruel to some on the sidelines, but Mama Dean has an anecdote of her own in this long, sad story.
Plus, if someone as popular as Taylor were to come out & tell the truth about Jonny, then enough people would know what he's all about. Enough people would know how he slithers into the hearts & homes of young, vulnerable women, tears them away from their family & friends, & sucks the life right out of them, leaving them empty & more broken than before.
That is what Jonny is probably most afraid of.
No. 669515
>>669512I don't think he can afford to get back to San Antonio on his own, so lol
Interesting to see Jen finally saying something, but I wonder if she will take it back and act like she supports him like she did last time
No. 669516
>>669495I think Jen is jumping the gun too soon considering Jonny has been away for less than two weeks. Whether or not Taylor is in rehab, she for sure has very limited access to social media, which probably boosted Jen’s confidence to make tweets about Jonny without having to worry about Taylor acting up or defending him. But it’s still kinda stupid because he’s keeping tabs on all of them and that helps him to keep pulling shit on Taylor.
I feel like if she’s going to call him out she should go all out instead of half assing it and leaving cryptic messages through song lyrics like a teenager.
Personally speaking, I would just go radio silent until I’m sure my daughter is safe from that asshole and there’s no risk for her to play savior again.
No. 669517
>>669515I'm waiting for Jen to issue an apology to Jonny's ex's/abuse
victims for pulling her support and vague tweeting calling them liars. Funny how things came full circle, huh Jen?
No. 669520
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"just mix it about on the spoon, try not to burn it, there you have a nice lovely cooked dose, whack it in the syringe, bobs ya uncle"
He's Jamie Oliver as a smack head the resemblance is uncanny.
No. 669524
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No. 669528
>>669516Everyone involved is their own worst enemy.
Jen needs to stay away from song lyrics and metaphors and song lyric metaphors.
No. 669531
>>669498Dont forget turning on that adblock
>>669496No doubt that his implants will start falling off too. If Taylor doesnt shower in weeks, im betting he doesnt too. Theyre gross.. im about to vomit just by imagining what they smell like
No. 669532
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>>669520He's more like Scut Farkus from A Christmas Story
No. 669536
>>669510Does he actually live in San Antonio or even Texas? I always thought he just moves into his
victims places, wherever they live
No. 669537
>>669530This. I'm kind of liking her again in a way. Not like she isn't an idiot but she's a more likable idiot right now. It's a bad idea to air your dirty laundry but it's also funny that she is showing Jonny that his threats mean nothing, which is how it should be because he is probably used to being able to scare people into silence. So part of me can't help but agree with what she is doing.
>>669532And fuck I knew he reminded me of someone!
No. 669541
>>669539They give you temporary one's while your gums heal over the screws. Then they glue in permanent ones. I figured he would have had his permanent ones by now though.
But you can still rot implants, they only last if you take proper care of them. They refuse to do implants on people that are still using drugs because you can redo them if they rot out.
No. 669544
>>669541He got the dentures pretty early in the relationship, then they started using, which I get the feeling started around or before the first PetFest when she was so supposedly sick because of gluten and it lasted until last december, but they relapsed pretty soon after them posting shit about the outpatient program.
It honestly looks like they went to the doctor, he promised he'd get sober just so he could get the dentures, and then they stopped going because they were too high to even leave the house.
No. 669559
>>669549He literally does nothing. Taylor said he never leaves the house unless it's for food/shopping. He spends all day reading comics, playing games, surfing insta and listening to music, getting high.
You'd think after multiple ODs, rotting teeth, no place to live, liver failure and swelling he'd figure his lifestyle is shit. He's been enabled by all his trashy fans and gfs.
No. 669564
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From Jonny’s Instagram story earlier, where he’s ranting about a girl calling him ugly saying “and she thinks I’m ugly? Not today hoe” or something along those lines. He’s so delusional lol. Oh and goes on to make 10 more ranting how he doesn’t care about internet hate
No. 669567
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>>669564he's like a real life J-Rock from trailer park boys. Hooked on the other type of dope tho
No. 669634
>>669538They can still fall off due to bone loss that happens when you don’t give a shit about your gum hygiene.
>>669613No wonder he buys shoes that looks like it can give him 2 more inches lmao. He’s so pathetic that it’s entertaining
No. 669635
>>669563He’s been posting online so much it’s hilarious. He doesn’t know what to do with himself. Now all of a sudden he’s trying to to get back into singing. Desperately @ing people on ig too.
The fact that he lies about his height is also hilarious and pathetic of him.
Also, can he stop using “blood“ after his sentences? He wouldn’t dare use that in the wrong place, his ass would get beat and shot most likely.
No. 669643
>>669496LMAO he did WHAT to a pro-wrestler?
>>669499It's two-fold - Jenn is a narcissist and won't recognise that other people are actual people, but she also wants Jonny to blow up so she can drag him and say "I WAS RIGHT, TAYLOR, I WAS RIGHT, MAMA ALWAYS KNOWS, MAMA IS BEST PERSON FOREVER"
No. 669646
>>669643Narcissist or not, Jenn knows Taylor better than Jonny
ever will, & knows how to help her get healthy again.
No. 669655
>>669635He is really pathetic.
Also slightly off topic, but what's the connotation with the slang use of 'blood' in the sates. I'm only familiar with the UK term 'blud' which is a freely used term of endearment in the UK. Though it does sound stupid coming out of the mouths of non-Londoners when said often, though you wouldn't get beat up or stabbed for saying it unless you were mocking someone maybe. A quick Google search only got me back to blud and the UK.
No. 669678
>>669659That’s right. Blood comes from the crips and bloods. Gang related.
He is trying to sound so hard. If he really would say that in south LA, his ass would get shot. He needs to stop with his lame ass. You are also a white dude saying blood. You sound STUPID. And like a try hard it’s pathetic. I cringe every time .
No. 669687
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>>669683Fucking hell. Maybe he genuinely forgot.
No. 669693
>>669687I didn't think he could reach a new low, but this right here is it.
Fuck you JC. The only bright side to this is that you'd just ruin that kid's life, so you not being around is a good thing. However, you could at least help out with child support. Brag all you want about what you buy, it just makes you look disgusting not helping to support your kid. A real man will step up and take your place, manchild.
No. 669706
>>669687It's a good thing this child doesn't have to grow up with a raging addicted narcissist, but damn what an absolute piece of garbage he is proving himself to be yet again here. But then again, he fancies himself a "kid" himself huh. He really is delusional as fuck.
This battle of the narcissists sure is gonna be interesting between him and Jen. And I think Taylor might genuinely be hitting him up still privately for her own narc fuel since she can't go to social media for attention right now.
No. 669718
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more mama dean tweets. sounds like confirmation that taylor is being blackmailed by jonny…
No. 669720
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Here is from an interview where he says just because the ex never came after him for a DNA test or anything, he thinks it might not even his kid so that's also probably why he is denying he has a kid (aside from being a piece of shit). I won't post the kid here for privacy, but I saw a picture before and you can definitely tell it's his kid, don't need a blood test for that lmao. Its smart the ex didnt get him involved, kid is better off without a junkie loser father like that. The only unfortunate thing is she didn't try to get him for child support, because I'm sure he'd go to jail for missing payments and jail is the right place for him.
No. 669725
>>669687All those drugs must've messed up his brain.
All this just makes me more pissed at Taylor, I don't know how you could willing get with a guy with so much history of being a POS. Then she has the nerve to blast it on her platform as "couple goals" now when the going gets tough she vaugeposts about "ending realtionships is hard" Then she hides and runs away from the world.
Taylor at least has SOME intelligence, I can't even blame jonny because he's shown
what he is time and time again.
I hope the disease-ridden-carrot was worth it. I'd have a hard time living knowing I willing let that dude inside me.
No. 669729
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No. 669732
>>669729oh snap.
JC is about to come out on ig live talkin shit.
popcorn's ready.
No. 669737
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No. 669750
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No. 669753
>>669737This is actually kinda heartwarming, glad to see they're taking care of their daughter (kinda).
She's a trashy, crazy narcissist but i'm glad they're helping Taylor out. Good to know a family of wackjobs at least has eachothers back.
Jonny is emotionaly destroyed i'm loving it.
No. 669760
>>669753I think it's actually kind of disgusting. She's never going to learn anything from this situation. She started dating a POS that her parents and the entire internet warned her about, and here come her parents to clean his stuff out of his house and probably actually break up with him for her, since she left it vague. Obviously he is now beginning to understand that it's actually over from her parents actions, not hers.
Idk I just feel like this will further cement her immaturity and stupidity
No. 669761
>>669753I think it's actually kind of disgusting. She's never going to learn anything from this situation. She started dating a POS that her parents and the entire internet warned her about, and here come her parents to clean his stuff out of his house and probably actually break up with him for her, since she left it vague. Obviously he is now beginning to understand that it's actually over from her parents actions, not hers.
Idk I just feel like this will further cement her immaturity and stupidity
No. 669762
>>669755exactly. Her family blaming the whole situation on JC is understandable, but also wrong. Taylor was definitely not as innocent in this as they are trying to make her out to be. Remember that she wanted this. She's wanted to be a
victim her whole life. Just like munchies sometimes actually make themselves sick to get sympathy and attention, Taylor decided to enter a
toxic relationship to actually become a
victim, not just pretend (like she's been doing with vagueposting about past
abusive relationships and poor relationship with her dad).She's as much a "master manipulator" as JC is.
No. 669767
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>>669752afterwards, dude posted a story calling himself "motherfucking unstable" he sure is thriving
No. 669768
>>669756He's so delusional he thinks he's the
victim here and that Taylors been taken away from him. He actually believes his own bullshit.
Im seriously amazed how long this guy has lasted with so little self reflection. When you take away his fame and success he crumbles, what a loser.
No. 669780
>>669778I'm hoping Taylor has proof she bought that stuff so he doesn't try taking her to court for stealing (hopefully they sell or donate) his stuff or destroying his property.
I'd love to see a court battle happen to be honest, but I hate JC more than the Deans. So I don't want him winning a court battle over that stuff.
No. 669781
>>669760I dont want to white knight but luckily her parents are stepping in. There are girls out there that is exactly like Taylor but are stuck with an
abusive cunt until they OD because no one is there to help them out even if it means that they have to hold their hand.
What I find idiotic is her parents blasting their problems online as if they're all in highschool. This isn't parenting, Jen.
Just take Taylor home, throw away the trash, get her in rehab, and try to keep Taylor away from Jonny. I love all the milk but damn, STEP AWAY FROM THE INTERNET. cut your phone line or something geez
No. 669787
>>669747It's a bitch to rehome most of her animals responsibly without using Cragslist, especially when she spent a good amount of money on them.
They're animals but god do I feel sorry for them because if they're rehomed, they may just end up with clueless idiots.
Also, if she is in rehab but is keeping in contact with him (as he seems to be claiming) she is making no progress. She will get out and go do drugs again if she gets back with him. Her parents should really be more concerned with her than airing shit out online.
No. 669789
>>669786I don't doubt he'd try to fund raise to get one from his fans. That and it keeps him in Taylor's life. However, he'd have to prove he bought it with his money, too. Who knows, but posting pics of throwing his shit out on social media can be used in court if he did happen to have any proof he paid for it.
I'm just worried they're tossing his shit, then Taylor will turn on her parents and claim they broke in and did all that without permission. It's a potential hot mess, and we know Taylor throws her parents under the bus.
No. 669790
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No. 669792
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No. 669793
>>669750>I have shoes that cost more than your rent!>I HAVE NOTHING AND IM BROKEN AND LOSTOk, Jonny…
>>669790Translation: I keep succeeding in manipulating her to come back to me and her parents keep ruining it so now I have to try to manipulate them through twitter as well!
You're too obvious, Jonny. What a joke. Nobody is afraid of you anymore. Hopefully soon the evil will be defeated.
Also hoping for some court appearances coming out of this because I don't understand how this idiot isn't in jail.
No. 669795
>Everytime she calls trying to leave I talk her into stayingCause that doesn't say "creepy manipulative heroin-addled blockhead"
How can his fans sift through this and still follow this manlump? Talk about heads in the sand…. or maybe just up his crusty ass.
No. 669800
>>669789>>669780 It doesn’t matter who paid for it, if she gifted it to him then it’s his property. If he “abandoned” it at the house then there are also laws stating how long they would have to keep it for, etc. so what they are doing is definitely illegal and it’s dumb for them tone posting it online.
That said, he’s stupid and deserves it.
No. 669809
>>669800There's really no confirmation they're throwing it away. They could be just removing it from the house and having it shipped. They're probably asking jonny where he wants his shit and he's throwing a hissy fit.
The deans are probably making every effort to get his trash to him but he isn't having it. Seems unlikely they'd just throw it out, probably donate if he won't come get it.
No. 669810
>"Everytime she calls trying to leave I talk her into staying"I… I don't think she can actually
leave rehab though?
I'm pretty sure she's probably being monitored there.
She probably calls Jonny complaining that she doesn't want to be there because she's going through withdrawals. It's easy for him to keep up appearances by saying he tells her to 'stay' (since he wouldn't want his little meal-ticket dying on him!)
No. 669811
>>669750I'm suspecting this means she's moving out.
Getting rid of jonny's trash first. She did say she might downsize now that she's on her own, probably back with her parents RN or in rehab.
>>669790I'm thinking she's back with her parents, not inpatient. She probably has access to her phone and is texting jonny somewhat. Pretty sure inpatient would destroy her because she'd feel all "by herself", her parents are probably shuttling her to therapy while getting the stuff out of the house.
No. 669817
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I’ve followed JC for years, and he’s never posted anything like this. It’s such subtle manipulation toward Taylor and her fan base. “Look at me all sad and loving animals”
No. 669823
>>669795To me it sounds like her saying "ugh it sucks here, I wanna go home" and him being like "no baby you gotta stay there so you feel like you're making progress and let me come back"
He's just buttering her up cause he doesn't want to lose his golden goose.
I'd even go this far to say Taylor just calls him to keep him under control. She must already be pretty down if she's in rehab, having a raging, violent ex on top of that must be exhausting.
No. 669825
>>669821Taylor definitely seems like the type to tell everyone what they want to hear. I'm sure she's smart and verbally tells him what he wants to hear. Then tells her parents verbally what they want to hear.
One of her biggest flaws is wanting to please everyone despite how she really feels. She's the type who tells you your skirt is cute, then shit-talks you once you're gone.
No. 669826
>>669817>>669823Hes pulling every trick in the book to keep her. I don't think Taylors fully commited to breaking up hence all the vauge posting BS. Her parents know JC is manipulating her so they're probably going out of their way to help her.
>>669718The SS that mama dean posted makes it seem like Taylor just isn't being rational. Jonny is playing off her savior complex and guilt. Not sure about blackmail, we'll probably only see it if she commits to dumping him.
No. 669833
>>669827Taylor's a rich, white, upper middle class pretty girl with well-off parents. She literally could not have it easier by much. People like her will always, always get help much easier than p much any other demographic.
Taylor is one of those people who is allowed to fuck up as many times as she likes and not lead it to career death or public disgrace. She gets infantilized to no end like she just did not know any better than to do drugs and get an
abusive junkie boyfriend…
No. 669837
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Music video ft a Taylor lookalike. I’m dying to hear it but I’m at work and can’t turn the volume on.
No. 669838
>>669835oh gawd, I could easily see her with another one of those trashy big name dudes.
JC was the best she was gonna get, she's a groupie at best now. She doesn't really have alot to offer anyone of post malone caliber. Even though Post malone isn't really that high, he's just trendy rn.
No. 669849
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lol Even his fans don't want them back together
No. 669853
>>669847You can't justify her behavior because she had a "tough upbringing", everyone has issues and problems, rich or poor. She was irresponsible and now she's suffering the consequences.
People like her very rarely have to accept the consequences for their actions and often shift the blame somewhere else. It's not a healthy attitude to be a
victim even if you were dealt a shitty hand in life.
No. 669858
>>669837I wonder when this was filmed. Doesn't strike me as something recent. Maybe this was pre-breakup?
Doesn't seem like it's a breakup song or anything. Plus that would be really fast turnaround given the timeline. Makes me think this was before shit went down.
No. 669861
>>669849His "fans" seem like groupies and hos that just want their shot the manlet.
His music really rubs me the wrong way, it's very junkfood pop stuff and the lyrics are pretty sketchy when you look at the person.
No. 669869
> I get the feeling he dropped the preview as a manipulation tactic.Yeah, just a little nudge to Taylor "See? I'm still successful! See this girl? That could be
you one day if you stick with me babe!"
No. 669871
>>669869It could also be something like
>My love is so strong for you I made a song about you, remember it's us vs the world. It can go either way really.
No. 669872
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>>669869I agree, funny how she looks nothing like that now. Her face is getting bad, she's got acne/scabs and her face always seems to be swollenish. She gets away with lighting, makeup, angles but she's def changing. Looks like she has trouble moving her mouth when she speaks too, something reaaally off about her.
Hopefully she sort out these self image issues in rehab because she doesn't need anymore "work done"
No. 669894
>>669827We don't have to worry about Johnny because he's a piece of shit, not because he's going to figure his life out. Johnny doesn't have enough time to figure his life out; he's going to be dead in less than ten years and even that's generous.
>>669830shit b8 m8
>>669873Taylor was pretty before she ruined herself with fillers/instaho makeup/johnny and it's not like johnny can do any better now that he's a bloated has-been. Otherwise you're probably right, he's most likely impotent from the opiates and keeping her around for resources and attention
No. 669899
>>669895>i dont understand why everyone is attacking the parents in this situationbecause they should help their daughter without airing their dirty loudry all over twitter once again and possibly making the situation worse for taylor. instead they are playing weird mind games with JC over the internet and sending secret messages through first letters of their tweets. her insane narc mom is the reason taylor turned out such an attention seeking narcissist with a
victim mentality.
No. 669901
>>669895Because her parents enabled his behavior by publicly defending him and calling everyone a liar on social media for 18 months until the inevitable happened. Maybe it was a tactic for them to keep Taylor close, but that still doesn't change the fact that it was a really stupid move that could have been entirely avoided if they just shut the fuck up about it. And they still won't shut up.
Any fucking well adjusted individual would not engage an abuser by sending Phil Colins lyrics or tweeting at him with passive-aggressive shit.
Jen should be more focused on making sure Taylor is ok instead of acting batshit.
No. 669924
>"the moment she says leave me alone i’ll say “love you. i’m out”…I dunno man,
something tells me that's
not what you'd do…
No. 669928
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No. 669932
>>669927Good parents also stop engaging an abuser on social media, especially when said abuser is across the country and out of their daughter's reach.
What's he gonna do? Fly back down to SA? The fucker can't afford it. You're really naive and straight up wrong if you think throwing tweets at him and egging him on is going to help Taylor in any way. It's clear Taylor has no reach to social media, and she probably can't call Jonny wherever she is, so why would you engage him on Twitter with cryptic messages.
No. 669933
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"Stop bullying this guy I like, even though he's constantly making thinly-veiled threats towards people who so much as look at him funny!!!"
No. 669934
>>669932UGG, you do realize there are people in this world that actually care about Taylor?
Like, Jonny needs to suffer for what he did. I am doing the right thing..
No. 669935
>>669934And you do realize that engaging an abuser is not going to help her and make her think "oh they totally care about me" especially when her relationship was highly codependent and she probably feels guilty as fuck for leaving him? Or does that not register?
I mean this is providing a lot of milk and entertainment and for all I care keep doing this shit to your heart's content but if you think this proves you care about her you're really fucking wrong.
No. 669947
>>669934If this is really Jen - I am 100% behind your efforts to help your daughter get away from that disgusting excuse for a man. I really hope she is getting the help she needs.
That being said, can you explain why you basically turned on his past abuse
victims, who you were so vocal about supporting at first, and basically called them liars?
No. 669948
>>669847her brother had the audacity to be born disabled so she was 'neglected', got it.
she's a spoiled attention addict, miss 'china white' who never felt a tough moment till she felt heroin withdrawals, no doubt.
No. 669953
>>669863Yep. I remember he posted something about Jonny in July once. I believe it was when Taylor was liking things on twitter and sub tweeting?
He was def saving this for the right moment
No. 669961
>>669948This. I mean, I get how having a sibling with a serious disability who requires constant attention is going to make a kid feel “neglected”, but ultimately you have to get over your self pity party about that. It’s just shitty luck for everyone.
The Deans may also be super crap parents in addition to that, but again that’s something people need to move past.
No. 669982
>>669914Let's not attack Tanner for having the
nerve to have Prader-Willi Syndrome, like wtf.
>>669921She's attempting to get him to snap so TND can see precisely what he is, with live evidence of it.
No. 669989
>>669961Being neglected like that won’t turn a smart person into drugs and stupid boys like Jonny. I grew up with a mom who needed to work 3 jobs just to feed me and 7 cousins of mine. Didn’t make me go into drugs and “rockstar” boyfriends. Didn’t even have a dad and a house like hers. So her parents taking care of her little brother more due to his illness is just an excuse she makes for her dumb choices.
Taylor is just those rich white girls that believes they can do anything they want without any consequences. Her stans and parents enable it.
No. 669994
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No. 670000
>>669999Taylor's parents have not continuously fought for and supported her.
Taylor disappeared during playlist live and on the podcast when her kid could be ODING AND DEAD she's just like meh I guess we can call the police to look for her.
She spent the last year defending her daughter on Twitter pretending she's not on drugs.
She invited an
abusive piece of shit around her DISABLED SON
Fuck off with this shit.
No. 670003
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No. 670009
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>>669994>>670006Jonny confirms Taylor is 100% in a facility
No. 670012
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>>670000I'm not defending any of Jen's recent actions related to Taylor's drama,I'm just saying she's not responsible for the fact that her daughter is a dumb bimbo who's only aspiration is to be slapped around by someone "famous".
Also lol JC only abuses those he fucks, the hell do you think he would have done to the kid?
No. 670026
>>669994Taylor herself said she cares about him when he was the one to say he loved her. She did not reciprocate the I love you - so he is probably lying that he even spoke to her. But we will never know, because if they did in fact speak, Taylor will tell her mom he is lying, she will report that and it’s just his word against hers.
Jen needs to take it down a notch with all these tweets - because altho it’s great she “now” has her daughters back, Taylor is still in danger, as another anon said.
No. 670061
>>670009Ffs. If Taylor goes back to JC it just proves how weak-willed she is. She has the money and the support network to move and leave him behind, a lot of people leave
abusive relationships with nothing and nowhere to go but pull through. She has no excuse to go back to that parasite except for being pathetic.
No. 670075
>>670064I noticed that as well.
Regardless, doesn’t seem like she’d call him for that.
He’s even more pathetic with the fact that he has to lie. He can fool everyone else, but can’t fool himself.
No. 670076
>>670075Taylor's fans don't even like him. Why would she want
him to tell her fans that she misses them
No. 670082
>>670005You all need to stop sprouting this 'leaving an abuser is the most dangerous time' shit. Jonny's in NY with no money, no home and no fucking way to even physically GET to Taylor.
Also stop acting like she's a
victim in all of this. The only thing Taylor is a
victim of is her own damn stupidity. This is what she wanted - the rockstar (or washed up pop junkie) experience. She played with fire after being escorted out by firemen and she got burned. She should suffer the consequences so maybe she'll actually learn something for once in her life. Good riddance to Jonny, but Taylor is in no way an innocent party in all of this. Good for her if she is actually in rehab, but at the end of the day she's still a cow with a botched brain and shitty animal advice. You can all root for her when she actually changes.
No. 670083
>>669994this just seems like a grab for insta followers desperate for a taylor update. i think it's pretty fucked up for him to reveal that she's in a facility if that wasn't explicitly part of her message.
i honestly feel sorry for her, he's isolated her from all of her friends, she probably feels like he's the only one she can call right now. i hope she can stay strong and get away from this absolute piece of shit.
No. 670091
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Apparently Taylor never "rehomed" her satanics to a friend and merely just returned them to the store where she got them from. If they were too difficult to keep at the store this confirms they were wild caught animals and not CB by the store.
In the end, if this story is true which I can neither confirm nor deny, she still caused the death of these geckos by not finding them a proper home
No. 670092
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Looks like Taylor's been telling Jonny one thing & telling her parents something else…
No. 670097
>>670076Yeah, that's kinda weird, especially considering how in for last couple of months she would
rarely mention him & was deleting old pictures of them together on IG…
No. 670101
>>670092Honestly it's over between them. We all know Jen hated Jonny from the start and did a complete opinion change when she realized Taylor was going to stay with him. So Jen pretended to support them and basically redacted everything she said to win Taylor over. She's been tiptoeing the line of hating/liking Jonny through the entire relationship.
Now though? She's putting him on full blast with a filter instead of supporting the relationship. So yeah, it's over between them. Taylor even said they were over and Jonny is the only one who continues to deny it. Dude literally got shipped off to another state with all his crap and he's STILL delusional lol.
No. 670106
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No. 670107
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No. 670108
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No. 670109
>>670092I wouldn't put it past Taylor to be telling one thing and doing another. After all, we all suspected she said it was a break to him while telling everyone else something different. Plus her parents don't seem to be that supportive when most of it is just them bashing Jonny online which he deserves but come on… not a smart move.
I also wouldn't put it past Jonny to be a liar because… it's him. So, we have two less than trustworthy sources saying one thing or another.
>>670108Literally doesn't matter how many people say that 'Taylor's experience is still an experience' when she willingly signed up for it. She will never live down the fact that she defended him and knowingly supported him and his shitty behaviour.
She'll make a come back talking about this 'experience' (I really dislike the fact that we call it an experience idk) and will make herself the ultimate
victim and it will be that little bit more insufferable
No. 670110
>>670107Interesting, but everyone once again blacking things out and protecting 'sources' like this so some serious news story. I wish people would speak up and stop hiding. How can anyone know any of this is
No. 670114
EVERY single time in the past when Taylor was clearly going through a hard time whether it was personal, distressed over something, upset online, copping internet hate, having videos made about her, having people shit talk to her in comments, Jonny stayed SILENT, he never cared, never showed an ounce of fucks to give, never stood up for her or told anyone to leave his queen alone, and when he DID it was so fucking minimal and half assed.
That alone is a red flag especially for someone who is so quick to defend himself against every single hate comment. Why not the same energy for taylor?
Now all of a sudden, he's acting like her knight in shining armour, that he's the reason she's getting help even though he's been haulled halfway across the country with all his shit and Taylor's made it MORE than blatantly obvious that she is dead sick of him, DONE, and has made it clear for weeks.
He's only acting like this now because HE is now the one being exposed, he's the one copping hate daily and Jen is putting him on blast, she's doing it all cryptic but Jonny takes everything to heart, for someone who says he doesn't care about hate he sure does bitch and whinge about it a lot.
I also bet my bottom dollar that Taylor's ex boyfriend she's been cozy with talked some sense into her and helped her with making these decisions on leaving him, that kind of attention would have definitely motivated Taylor.
Jonny is a bullshit artist, I don't think Taylor has spoken to him at all because he can't even get his story straight about the times, who even called who, nothing. It's all over the place and he's so obviously been high for days. It's all damage control.
He doesn't give a fuck, he's just trying to prove to everyone he cares and that he's not a fucking cunt to her despite the fact in the past when she was going through shit, he'd remain silent and the only time he mentioned her was when she brought him toys and shit and I think this is the manipulation that Jen's been pointing out.
No. 670119
>>670091>>670108Where are these stories even coming from? He’s admitted how much she paid for his teeth publicly in the past anyway.
Anyone can make a screenshot and crop the names. I don’t think this counts as “milk” in my opinion.
No. 670132
>>670118I can't wait until Taylor's ready to spill everything.
Every abuse, every fight, all those high Jonny stories etc. She's been telling Chelsea a lot about how shitty he is in private, I hope when she publicly talks about it we'll get even more milk.
If she's going to spill we're gonna drown in that milk.
No. 670133
>>670132If Chelsea is talking to her and gets burned again, I'm not going to feel badly for Chelsea at all. I suspect that turtlemom account is Chelsea. The way Chelsea guards all the milk is like she's the only person that's been hurt by JC and thus she shares what she feels like.
Any word on JC's stream that he was going to stream ALL day?
No. 670136
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Back to shitting on random young women eh, Jonny?
No. 670137
>>670110I kind of agree. The caps read like Tudy or someone like that. Maybe an anon got to talking to one of them? If they're hiding it better be because they have the ability to get more info and not because they want to stay close to Jonny or Taylor.
>>670108I'm so curious what the whole blanked out section of the second cap was, something about Taylor's "experience"? What's the point of hiding that?
Also I don't know if I agree "multiply it by 5" unless Taylor was super good at hiding shit which I don't think she is.
No. 670147
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No. 670148
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I feel like turtle mom may be Amanda and the source from the messages was Betty
No. 670156
>>670153I highly doubt it's the mom. I'm sure she moved on from JC bullshit long ago. I don't think it would be fair to post her info/name here.
>>670154I agree I don't care who turtle mom is but I'm enjoying the milk they're delivering.
No. 670185
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No. 670187
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No. 670189
>>670187>>670188That's right, Jonny. Taylor told her mom
No. 670192
>>670187>>670188Fucking spill it, Jen. I know it's going to come out eventually anyway so instead of dancing around it why not just say?
Probably better right now that Taylor is in rehab so he wouldn't be able to get to her even if he did somehow travel back.
Spread more awareness about how shitty Jonny Craig is.
Also, kind of concerned if she doesn't get it out now, he's going to manipulate Taylor into calling her mother a liar about what she has said and getting her back, and silencing everyone which is basically what happened last time.
Also please if there's any receipts/proof.
No. 670193
>>670192…And most of Taylor's fanbase knows Jenn &
will listen to her.
No. 670196
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No. 670198
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Why the silence now?
No. 670201
>>670196If there's pics and videos Taylor has probably been planing this for a long time. Abuse and drugs will get her off the hook for the lease. I'm thinking that's one reason, but if she says that and it gets out she can't get back with jonny.
There's obviously evidence of jonny doing shady shit, drugs or otherwise.
No. 670205
>>670196Is mama dean blackmailing jonny to leave her alone? If she hasn't spilled already, jonny probably has blackmail of his own.
Jonny won't let his cash cow leave so I don't think he's gonna shut up. Taylor will probably fly Jonny back after rehab, I think this is mama deans way of saying stay away.
No. 670206
>>670197But this doesn't really make sense, at least legally it doesn't. Jonny is stupid, but not enough to lash out in the open.
If anything, all the proof Jennifer needs would be via Taylor and his exes. Taylor has taken pictures with bruises in weird places and there was also the punch in the door from her old apartment. Chelsea also has texts where Taylor talks about Jonny, although I'm kinda doubtful she'd be willing to help after Jen shat on her.
No. 670208
>>670204maybe, sometimes abusers use violence as an effect to keep
victims in line. Jonny's style seems more fear with threat of violence by punching holes and stuff.
Taylor obviously wants out but is too mentally ill to make a rational decision so she's leaving it up mama dean? Therapy won't cure Taylors problems, they're far deeper than a couple months of psych session, her changes will take years.
No. 670212
>>670106I feel like everything he does now online is to manipulate Taylor and show her how wonderful he is. he's filled with "See, Taylor baby, all I do for you? I'm the only one who does this for you. no one in the world can love you like how much I love you" then when Taylor falls for it, he's back to his normal self.
>>670170who gives a shit about who this person is? I don't care if she's one of JCs exs. at least she's spreading facts on twitter for all those idiotic stans to see.
>>670198Either spill the beans, Jen, or just throw away your phone. You're just pushing an
abusive addict to try even harder to manipulate your daughter into going back with him.
No. 670214
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No. 670215
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No. 670222
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No. 670226
>>670217I don't think she's smart enough to even make a video about it. She'll probably just end up talking about herself and how she got addicted to drugs because her boyfriend and all her friends did so she thought it was cool. The rest is her babbling on about her cats and clips of her new animals. The only video I've seen her talk about warning other people was her blue tang video but that was before drugs fried her brain.
I don't wanna say she might change afterall but I've lost hope. She gotta prove herself 1000000x more because she always goes back to her old, bitchy, self.
No. 670227
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And the plot thickens.
No. 670229
>>670227>know my head is cloudedhaha
>i'm reservedlol
>I'm just selling out these concertslmao
>i wear fuckin it proudly like a sponsorlmfao
these low budget white singers/rappers always sound like edgey emo kids
No. 670233
Does he have any self awareness on how cringy that name is??>>670227
No. 670238
>>670227Lord, I'm starting to tin foil that all of this recent drama shit is just a ploy to get JC attention for his shit music. Any publicity is good publicity. Get people talking and worried. I'm reality their lives are so boring, so they have to stir up shit.
Pretty sure that's why Taylor got into drugs to begin with. Drugs make you fine with doing absolutely nothing. Deep down she's boring and is only "interesting" because she was a cute face with a zoo.
No. 670239
>>670238lol. I'll be one of the thousands that won't listen to his music just because it's popular. his music is shit.
Taylor probably got into drugs just to feel like she's a badass girl that rides on the back of bikes. She's the typical movie rich girl that pretends her life is shit to be popular with the "bad" people across town.
No. 670242
>>670222she's knows he's threatening her in livestreams so which is it? is she in them or not?
>>670235so very much this, anon. and taylor will get to frame this however she wants and her fans will live for it. still, the upside is jonny is out of the picture.
No. 670245
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No. 670247
>>670196The drama from releasing this info would be great, but what kind of parent threatens to or does broadcast the humiliation and abuse of their child to the world, and especially to a group of people who track and (mostly) hate her child? That's incredibly fucked up to even hint at unless Taylor gave her permission.
>>670205He definitely has blackmail. Come to think of it, you might be right- maybe this is a mutually assured destruction kind of scenario. Mama Dean should have reached out to him in private if this is the case, though.
>>670227this is unironically ten times worse than even Luna's poetry
No. 670254
>>670247I also want Jen to spill it all, but also think she shouldn't be the one telling Taylor's story.
Maybe Taylor will be released soon and Jen's trying to build a wall around her with her baiting, so people are going to encourage Taylor into spilling and supporting her.
I don't think it's that smart to provoke Jonny on another level, but you also don't negotiate with terrorists and Jonny's obviously scared, so go off Jen.
No. 670264
>>670253He's a using addict and their relationship has been nothing but codependency based on drugs and potentially
abusive. They would definitely try to limit her communication with him. Most decent programs ban external communication for at least 2 weeks, since the way you stay sober is to focus on yourself and your choices.
I have a feeling Taylor is in another half-assed program though like her outpatient. My hopes for her recovery and staying away from Jonny are not high unless Jonny is making everything up. Jen's Twitter fights airing her daughter's private struggles are definitely not helping.
No. 670266
>>670222She posted a few days ago about how she couldn't believe what was allowed on Twitch. She is so fucking dim.
So my theory either A) she now knows that Jonny has dirt on her daughter is is doing damage control after all she has said.
Or B) she's setting up a scene for later to try and prove she is scared he will kill her. Which I don't believe she is scared of that. If she really was she wouldn't be so antagonising.
No. 670278
>>670270pretty sure chelsea has a restraining order on him because he attempted to break into her house lol. also yeah, i'd probably be shitting on an
abusive ex who stole my cats, left me with his medical debt and continues to be a complete and utter piece of shit while having impressionable girls lick his ass. you can't really blame her for posting "bs" years later when he clearly left a stain on her life.
jonny is dangerous as past history shows. he's physically, emotionally, verbally and sexually
abusive and held a girl down and stuck a need in her arm and forced her to get high. literally all of his exes have been suicidal after being in a relationship with him. so go off about he's not a danger, honey. you just look foolish.
No. 670312
>>670308I'm sure you have some phone time once in a while. She could use that to quickly reactivate and deactivate her account again.
But an overall restart surely would benefit her.
No. 670319
>>6702922 months for her AT MINIMUM, heroin fucks you up long term, not just withdraws. Anything earlier than that i'd say she just isn't trying.
Can't say I feel sorry for her, hopefully she's puking over a toilet somewhere.
No. 670357
>>670270That's not how abuse works nor how PTSD works, so maybe stay in your lane, anon.
Jonny has beaten up and raped and drugged women before, he's a threat to just about every woman who has the misfortune to be within 100ft of him.
>>670283Jenn's a narc, she has to make it aaaall about her. If it's about Taylor, that takes limelight away from herself, so she has to insert herself again.
>>670355stop trying to scare milk away, demanding everyone show their face will cut off milk sources.
No. 670375
"Jonny has beaten up and raped and drugged women before".
>>669441So people keep repeating. Who has he actually raped or beaten or drugged that is provable and not just some vindictive ex making up stories. If he's done these things have police reports been filed? If not why not? Has he ever been charged with any of this? If this is all really true why has he never been arrested for it?
No. 670380
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No. 670381
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No. 670391
>>670386>>670389Honestly, if she goes back to him, she is gonna disappoint
so many of her fans. They despise him, no matter what she tells them.
And if that happens, her channel is as good as dead.
No. 670393
>>670389I question if he's really with his dad. I highly doubt it and feel like it's more a fan or a friend. Besides that I know it often takes abuse
victims more than one (serious) try to get away. One thing I can speak on is that it's SUPER hard to stay clean after rehab if no one is keeping you accountable and you're in over your head with stress/too much on your plate (aka an animal hoard). My job was about as lenient as hers but I had a friend that convinced me to come back to using and I could see Johnny play that role. After all misery loves company. She's in a very risky position when she gets out and if she doesn't use her family (or they don't offer) to be a major support/wall for her it'll be really easy for her to relapse. But lets be real this is all up to HER, no one else. I think she should move back in with them though. She's young and many people in crisis do temporarily (i did) and it's ultimately for the best. Yeah it sucks but I think she'd be surprised how many people are living at home. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
No. 670398
>>670394probably her assistant is taking care of them. i doubt she rehomed them, i think going in the facility was a pretty sudden thing.
i really hope jonny is lying… no way he is clean and no way she can stay clean if she's with that subhuman garbage
No. 670400
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>>670398Good thing she has a massive fanbase who will catch this shit.
Looks like they stand firmly with her family too.
No. 670402
>>670379Unless you were there you have no more idea about it than the anon saying it DID happen. Stop being so insistent about this scumbucket.
>>670385Mama Dean =/= sense but even a stopped clock tells the right time etc. Hopefully she won't fuck it up.
>>670386Jonny has so much riding on this. If he is truly and finally cut loose, he loses everything, he's lost the band and Taylor is key to a LOT in terms of lifestyle and social standing for him. He's going to try really hard to get her to keep him.
No. 670403
>>670398If she was on a waiting list (which is common) then you're right she probably got a call to go randomly.
I do hope the animals are in someone else's care and continue to be after she gets out, but tbh I have my suspitions that Betsy's also an addict. Always wearing a kimono and always has pinpoint pupils…oh and hanging out with Taylor and Johnny lol. If she's clean then that's fine but otherwise obviously wouldn't be good.
And agreed I hope he's full of shit and that her mom can remind her why she wants to get away from him. It's easy to forget how shit addiction and abuse are when you start to feel better.
No. 670407
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Remember, Jonny wants Taylor's parents to fight with her. He's sewing the seeds of distrust again, because he knows how belligerent Taylor gets when her parents give her even a little 'tough-love'.
No. 670415
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No. 670423
>>670378You're not wrong anon and when Taylor and her mum come out with their story it will be just as bad because the two live and breathe to be
victims of everything. Even now when she should be setting her daughter straight, Jen is pouncing around Twitter trash talking him. Fair and all but your daughter is in rehab apparently in touch with a drug user - all of that work is going to go to waste.
Dudes horrible but so are those two.
No. 670461
>>670460lol my b I was reading it in the same tone as the original rape apologist anon, who seems idiotic enough to actually argue that "begging for child porn but not in a
pedophilic way" is a thing. you're totally right
No. 670479
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No. 670481
>>670478If she takes him back, it's going to be a
huge blow to her career. She got lucky the last time, when her fans were none the wiser, but this time
way too many people people caught her liking those tweets that imply that Jonny abused/controlled her & that
he actually got her addicted to heroin.
No. 670482
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No. 670486
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No. 670487
File: 1560704678075.png (971.74 KB, 750x1334, 16331813-6B6C-4E90-9FF5-77C848…)

No. 670488
File: 1560705029697.png (1.39 MB, 750x1334, C3969A93-EB6D-4F17-8DB0-59A59E…)

No. 670489
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No. 670490
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No. 670493
File: 1560705528388.png (105.52 KB, 374x588, naked.png)

>>670491>>670492Looks like the pic we already saw.
Taylor really needs to stop bending the knee to a guy who treats women like property.
No. 670494
File: 1560705668253.png (148.46 KB, 460x490, naked2.png)

>>670493Basically showing her off to a bunch of strangers & perverts on Facebook
No. 670506
File: 1560708282159.png (410.66 KB, 2048x1536, C70E2BB5-7E34-44F5-841D-553DAF…)

No. 670507
>>670362I don't know whats trashier the fact that she sent this to him, or the fact that he leaked it on facebook.
She can't control him as much as she wants to think so. She probably gets off on being controlled and pushed around, low self-esteem/mentally sick.
Apparently she had a ton of highschool nudes floating around. She's always been a skank.
No. 670521
File: 1560710739928.png (467.98 KB, 750x1334, EE82BF95-DB5B-4039-A95B-753B79…)

No. 670535
>>670507This is the first that I’ve seen it in Facebook but he very publicly put it on instagram.
>>670504She has seen it. Previous threads show her replies.
No. 670558
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No. 670569
File: 1560722152796.png (29.28 KB, 582x256, truth-.png)

Truth right here.
No. 670570
File: 1560722357372.png (289.13 KB, 794x488, riptaylor.png)

Looks like she's losing her daughter after all.
Better give her a hug Mama Dean, might as well be the last time you'll see her alive…
No. 670572
>>670558Wowwwwww. Well for one, Jen won’t be staying silent, she always says she will and then she doesn’t. If this bitch actually gets back together with Jonny after finally getting him out, having her family ready to swoop in, and all of the internet supporting her then she deserves everything she gets.
>>670562She was Vagueposting that “everything in her life was going to change”. Yeah right. 4 weeks at rehab and then going right back to Jonny is going to be as effective as their outpatient treatment. I.e, not at all. Dumbass cow. It wouldn’t be so bad if it was just Taylor paying for her terrible decisions, but it’s 50 animals being neglected because of her abhorrent self too.
No. 670575
>>670573Betsey is an addict too?
I just thought of something, if Betsey if taking care of her animals there, what if Jonny went all the way to NY because Taylor doesn't trust her and Jonny there together alone? That probably plays a part. Especially considering how scummy he is and how insecure she is.
No. 670582
>>670580I did notice a change in her recently (sleeves was the most obvious) didn't know that she got a job but sorry I don't think it's a reach at all.
I've known plenty of dedicated busy moms who were also unfortunately addicts. She has had pupils that were pinned at very inappropriate times even for someone with light blue eyes (a dark bar) and more than once. So I don't think that it's reaching. I'm not mentioning it to be hateful or try to speak poorly on her; I just don't think she is 100% sober. Even if she were just a major pothead it wouldn't be good for someone like Taylor to be around and that is my point I'm trying to make.
Also I can't imagine a non addict being okay working for someone who, as evidenced, leaves needles laying around everywhere especially with Johnny having hep c. Addicts are usually more comfortable around that shit than most people are. Again not trying to reach or be hateful but lbr, there's something up up this picture and it can't just be money sorry.
No. 670592
>>670584I literally explained in detail why I think that anon…
If anything she has enabled two known pieces of shit and helped them keep a hoard of pets. I will never have a good opinion of her.
I realize that if she wasn't there Taylor's animals would be dead or rehomed but sadly it may be for the better. It would have happened long ago and people would see through her sooner. She'd fall on her face.
I have to question Betsey's character period if she never really hung out with Taylor since they were young until money came into the picture. I don't care if she has a kid, there are other ways to get it.
No. 670599
File: 1560767754184.png (386.17 KB, 1242x2208, B4661206-B8A1-427C-B83B-917EAA…)

mama dean is watching the animals.
imagine letting your daughter get 1 snake and having to care for 50+ pets 2 years later because she has landed herself in rehab with a heroin addiction.
not to mention her mother already has tanner to take care of round the clock. there’s no way these animals are receiving the correct care and attention. just sad.
No. 670600
File: 1560767754594.jpeg (293.52 KB, 1242x603, 436D112C-D7F8-41DC-9AD5-13C834…)

Even her long time stans are starting to jump ship now.
No. 670602
>>670588As much as I dislike Taylor and think she's a privileged white asshole, Jen created her, and deserves dealing with creating a dumb privileged brat every day as punishment for what she enabled.
I enjoy seeing privileged white idiots suffer by their own hand through their own sheer stupidity. Every issue this family has is all because of their own stupid choices. All the drama and "suffering" is just basic white people nonsense. None of this is anything they themselves couldn't have prevented or stopped.They have the resources, but choose to keep perpetuating this circus. It's hilarious how badly they're handling this.
I wish all the animals would get rehomed so I'd stop worrying.
(race bait) No. 670604
>>670592Your opinion isn't evidence lol. This is an imageboard.
I don't have a high opinion on Betsy either, she enables Taylor and Jonny heavily and that alone is reason for criticism.
No. 670608
>>670600If Taylor goes back to him she's done. As much as her mother, as unhealthy as she is, loves her, I don't see her extending a hand again after being forced to care for 40+ animals while her daughter goes through expensive rehab that is ultimately worthless. And to go back to Johnny after hinting he's
abusive in a way that all her fans can see will have them jumping ship more than they already are.
Her main demographic is straight dudes that find her hot and kids that like animals. There's going to be no one left that cares about her content once all her animals are rehomed and dead and her body is rapidly deteriorating at an alarming pace.
It's so fucking sad. I hope the experience of dating Johnny was worth it, Tay.
No. 670612
>>670608We all know Jen is crazy, but honestly she should just cut Taylor off. Taylor fucks up and always goes crying to her mommy, but as soon as she receives some tough love, she goes crying back to Jonny. It's pathetic. She isn't worried because she has the safety net of her parents to fall back on - like when she said she might have to move back in with them… quite frankly, why the fuck would they want or allow that? It'd be great if her parents put their foot down and said no, this is your mess despite our attempts to help you get out. Rehome your animals and move into a place with more affordable rent. Stop with the frivolous spending. If Taylor is that strapped for cash the only option is to move back home, she needs a serious lifestyle downgrade.
Support her through rehab and leaving Jonny, but don't support her when she comes crying and needs mommy and daddy to fix all her problems.
No. 670613
>>670608I really rooted for her, but I was afraid Jonny's got her wrapped to tight around his finger.
If she's really going to choose Jonny instead of her family, fans and pets she should leave rehab already so someone who actually wants to get help can have her place.
It's like with Onisions wife. What's going on with the Taylors out there, everyone seems to be a doormat.
No. 670617
>>670558This is pure comedy. Once a cow, always a cow, both of them. Jen is throwing a tewnager fit pouting on twitter and Tay is making the worst possible decision she can make for herself. It always ends like this without fail.
>>670612I think you hit the nail on the head anon.
No. 670625
>>670158lest you forget, chelsea has blatantly self posted and been called out for it on here
Of course they wouldn't like lolcow if they made themselves look like fools on here
No. 670628
>>670618her mother cannot help her if she doesn't want to be helped. she's an adult. the only way she will get better is if she decides to do it herself and sticks to it. running to mommy crying and moving into her basement are not appropriate solutions at her age.
like the other anon said, her mom should go full support mode only the moment she actually drops the shitbag, rehomes the animals, gets help and a small manageable apartment. right now it's just so convenient for taylor to use her mom as a scapegoat the moment she changes her mind about getting better. it's always either her mom or JC who is the villain, she's so good at flipping the narrative.
No. 670629
>>670628Taylor is a cow but as far as we know she may have been ready to drop Jonny meaning her mum should have been there fully, deactivated her social medias and focused on her kid. Adult or not, Taylor needed that support. Taylor seems to have willingly gone into rehab, so she was very much accepting help.
As for rehoming animals - it will never happen. They're her source of income and probably connected to some other mental health issues.
I'm not surprised she crawled back to Jonny, it was expected that she would do so when it came out they were on a break (according to him anyway), but her mother should have done better because clearly the lack of parental support or help allowed her to be manipulated back into a relationship she seems to understand is not healthy. And ay, if her parents house sucks so much and she wants to continue her lavish life style, it's not uncommon to run away using a relationship
No. 670636
>>670629implying she was manipulated back into the relationship… she's a manipulator herself, maybe she intended this shitfest to be her redemption arc all along. Finally ending all speculation that she's on drugs and that JC prevents her from getting better. "See, I was in rehab!! my therapist said it's ok I'm with jonny!" And her mother is conveniently the villain again, like every time she tries to help her daughter.
Honestly I dont see her stop being a cow before she rehomes the animals and gets a normal job.
No. 670637
>>670629Taylor is a grown ass woman, shes 21 yo ffs. She just doesn't want the responsibility of living alone and getting better, she'll just keep blaming it on jonny and being a
victim forever.
She's been manipulating her mom and her fans with lies and misinformation for so long. If she does get back JC I don't see how any fan could still follow her after all the broken promises.
No. 670642
>>670641lmao right? I wonder if she went on a waitlist or something when she started saying something about her big change coming up. I guess she didn't realize how 1. getting clean is hard 2. leaving an
abusive shithead is hard if you keep listening to them and letting them manipulate you. Oh and 3. decide change is hard period and you'd really rather not
No. 670651
File: 1560780856139.jpg (46.49 KB, 500x480, tinfoil.jpg)

Really major tinfoil but say they never broke up just like Jonny's been saying. And Jen and Taylor's dad just never knew about that and got duped like the rest of the internet. Taylor lies to her audience, that's her major constant.
>pledges to fans that she and Jonny will separate if things get bad again
>has been saying for months she has a big change in the works and 'hopes you'll stick with me'
>just moved in to a big-ass house and needs her big-paying sponsors back, sponsors who may presently be shy since she's had a heroin scandal
>freaked Jonny out for a minute by posting that breakup stuff for fans' benefit while privately reassuring him it was still fine, because it is still fine
No. 670655
>>670651The whole publicity stunt angle seems unlikely imo. She's always been a liar, but this is kind of a kick in the balls for fans. She made it very clear she was going to at least ATTEMPT to kick jonny to the curb. More likely he's sunk his teeth back into her and she caved. The whole whisy-washy vague posting from the start left the door open for him.
She's literally telling her fanbase, i'm a liar and won't make all these changes I promised. Anyone who still supports her now is willingly ignorant.
>ending relationships is hardLmao this didn't age well
No. 670670
>>670631inb4 Taylor's (second) comeback video where she blames her mother (or just refers to her as "the professional I hired" kek) for the deaths of her animals, yet won't mention that she couldn't take care of them herself because she was detoxing from heroin in rehab
>>670655yeah I agree, it seems more likely that she was being stupidly naive that rehab would 100% solve all of her problems instantly. but when she got there and called Jonny, and he spewed as much manipulative poison into her ear as he could over the phone, she realized it's going to take actual work to change her life. She's going to have to feel worse before she can feel better and part of that is being "by herself" for once in her life. She's pretty incapable of that though, so she ran back to Jonny as soon as he asked her to.
also how come I have the option to sage in /pt/? Should I be using that now
No. 670700
>>670670anyone who is manipulated by "hey bubble I cried the whole day, Imma kill myself, it's us vs the world lol hahahhaha" or whatever sentence this bumbling itiot manages to string together is painfully stupid or wanted to do it themselves anyway.
She's either doing it on purpose or she's even dumber that I thought.
No. 670712
>>670704True, but Taylor had no problem getting them to dogpile on anyone who
dared to criticize her pet care in any way.
She used them, lied to them, & manipulated them
constantly. So it's kind of a relief to see some (former) stans actually pulling the rose-tinted glasses off & saying that something ain't right here.
No. 670713
File: 1560793830927.png (292.84 KB, 750x1334, D0B81B26-264C-4EC2-BE32-52B1AE…)

Yup, she’s a lost cause. Nobody can get her out of this but her, so she can’t blame anyone anymore for her miserable life. And we all know she’s probably blaming everyone/thing but herself for everything that’s happened to her.
She deserves what she gets at this point. Most people don’t have the support system she has, yet she still fucked it all up.
I have no sympathy for her anymore.
No. 670720
>>670713I think Tay just wants to be a martyr because it's easier than getting her shit together. She'd have nothing to complain or attention whore about if she didn't have problems or drama. As long as jonny is in her life people will be glued to the drama, they arn't watching taylor they're watching the show.
I mean it's a fun show and all but she'll probably end up dead, she'll continue to use with jonny no doubt about it. Theres only so long people are gonna give her a pass until they realize she doesn't wanna get better.
No. 670732
File: 1560801307475.png (24.48 KB, 580x232, tayloryoumoron.png)

>>670728Her daughter is choosing to stay with a scumbag over her own life.
She's also gaslighting her own mother by telling her that what she actually saw happen - didn't happen apparently.
No. 670734
>>670650If she is scared of blackmail its because jc knows how many animals suffered neglect and how many really died
>>670704Stans should have a say when the person is
toxic to society. Including making money off of animal neglect. It's not difficult to just be a decent person
No. 670738
>>670734I mean, would anyone be surprised anymore if she had tens of animals die? any fans she has left have been shown to not care about the animals besides them being cute. She could go "hehe oopsie, could happen to anyone!" and they would eat it up.
If animal blackmail is the reason she's going back, holy shit is it a dumb reason. The truth will come out eventually anyway. But I think the more likely reason of her taking him back is drugs and the fact that she cant live without drama.
No. 670743
>>670738I mean putting aside the fact it's Taylor, it's still a highly codependent and
abusive relationship in which they've been actually separated for the first time in 18 months. I'm not surprised that she's still trying to make it work. She was isolated from her family for over a year and she's been like half a month away from Jonny, of course she's still going to try to get back together with him, because she's codependent. I don't think it's because he has dirt on her as much as it is because she still thinks of herself as a savior.
But if she keeps doing this she'll end up with nothing just like Jonny.
No. 670746
>>670743Doesn't it take an average of six escape attempts for someone to leave an
abusive partner? Johnny might croak before Taylor actually grows the willpower to stay away from him. I remember that some anons a few threads back were speculating that she's waiting on this to happen so that she avoids getting blackmailed as well; that could be the case.
No. 670750
>>670746Yes. I think it's around 7 times that it takes for someone to leave an
abusive relationship, and leaving is actually the most dangerous time for the
Realistically speaking, this is the first time Taylor is actually away from Jonny. She got into this fully knowing that he was
abusive, but she thought of herself as the exception and a savior, but it backfired, which put her career and even her health at risk.
I do feel a bit sorry about her because nobody deserves to be abused, but at the same time she was dumb as fuck because she chose a piece of garbage and drugs over a cushy life with an easy job. This is the kind of shit that will make her bang her head against a wall in regret when she's older.
No. 670756
File: 1560806948660.png (102.23 KB, 798x860, dumbfuck.png)

just when i thought he couldn't get any stupider. jesus fuck
No. 670771
>>670136shes vile, but super underage.
what is his problem with underage female popular figures?
No. 670786
File: 1560811727085.png (156.67 KB, 570x429, heroindeath.png)

Jen's posted at least 50 names since this already…
No. 670819
File: 1560814702262.jpeg (858.11 KB, 1242x1435, 8A3CE4AD-D37F-4C6A-811D-5DA113…)

Looks like she’s starting damage control over all of the things she’s liked or said about JC. JC has been quiet about it, my guess is he’s taking it out on Taylor, and Jen has to play nice again or Taylor will stop talking to her.
No. 670825
File: 1560814926028.jpg (418.92 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190617-184035_Twi…)

>>670819That's funny considering this was her 2 hours ago
No. 670830
>>670481"If she takes him back, it's going to be a huge blow to her career."
Dude are you serious? Her career was blown when she started neglecting and killing all those animals.
No. 670842
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No. 670863
>>670842He'll drop her once she isn't of any use to him. He's not terrified of losing
her, but her money.
No. 670881
>>670723omg anon, this is so true though
>>670737he got one mention anon, leave it alone. you're the one bringing him back into the conversation.
>>670746assuming she even had any real intention of escaping here
>>670747yes I think some in this thread could powerlevel abut those who've been lost after recovering then taking heroin again. it's very real
No. 670905
>>670871Is it legal for her to rehome those animals since they're technically Taylor's (and maybe technically Jonny's in a few cases, idk about Twisty or the cats?) I remember in the twitter drama when Taylor first moved out or maybe just went off to LA to meet Jonny, her parents threatened to rehome her animals because she abandoned them. But that didn't work out well for them last time.
Like of course I'd love to see all the animals rehomed, that would be best. I'd even support over doing nothing if Jen decided to give Taylor an ultimatum- get clean and get to keep her animals, or go back to Jonny and lose all the pets, but I'm not sure she's actually in a position to rightfully rehome animals that aren't actually hers.
No. 670910
>>670905She'd have to give Taylor proper notice to retrieve the animals, but ultimately no you cannot compel someone to keep animals on your behalf.
A lot of those Animal Cops shows they played back in the day had incidents where temporary caregivers relinquished dogs after the real owner bounced
No. 670938
>>670910A heroin addict really shouldn't be looking after 50+ pets to begin with. I'm sure mama dean could do it but it would destroy her relationship with Taylor. It wouldn't stop her from buying more anyway, or getting them back.
>>670898>yoooooo buy my new album bitchessssszzspecial announcement sounds like ad or love bombing we missed u bubbbs!
No. 670957
>>670952Taylor's an adult so the only thing Jen can do is either give or withhold support. She could tell Taylor to pay for animal carer/s to come in, for example.
Those poor cats must be so unstimulated and stressed with people disappearing.
No. 670992
File: 1560835905466.jpg (38.59 KB, 522x828, FB_IMG_1560835685664.jpg)

Found his album cover.
Fucking pig.
No. 671007
>>670747I sadly think so too.
Jonny now knows he gets Taylor to do anything if he's spewing enough "i love you bubble" in her ears.
Over this she could finally lose her fans and family and the next time she's in the hospital, no one could care anymore.
If Jonny doesn't leave her as soon as her money's gone, she's fucked.
>>670752Exactly this. Taylor's mom was ranting so much, cause she thought she had won. But Jonny was the one talking to Taylor, with every tweet Jen made, he had more against Jen. He used her crazy mother to get Taylor to think he's the only one caring about her and supporting her, because her mom goes crazy online.
>>670814I doubt it, but it would be the masterplan if she's keeping Jonny close to keep him calm and tells Jen she's going back to him, cause she knows her mom can't shut up on the internet. Jonny thinks he's won, but then Taylor gets back, kicks him out of the house or just goes back to her mom.
Sounds great, but I doubt this will happen.
No. 671065
>>671062only thing that'll snap her out of it is if she OD and rushed to the hospital to wake up on a hospital bed alone looking for Jonny. While her "perfect boyfriend" is out promoting his new music with his new girl "friends" but then there's still a chance Taylor will still stay with him.
Only thing that'll stop her is if her money runs out and Jonny doesn't want to be with a 30 year old moneyless girl when he can get another 20 year old rich fan.
No. 671081
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No. 671082
File: 1560878086045.png (768.91 KB, 750x1334, 1681B025-C0BC-49E6-835D-FBB807…)

No. 671083
>>670957Honestly the major problem with this whole 'Taylor is an adult thing' is the fact that Taylor is 21, has no family support (her mother sucks and that's all), probably has issues with her family (her brother gets most of the attention) and no one seems to have taught her how to be responsible.
Sure, she's an adult but she is clearly a vulnerable person (who makes herself a
victim as much as possible), so being in an
abusive relationship with no familial or friend support means she's fucked.
Jen needs to stop shit talking everything on twitter and get up and go help her fucking kid who was accepting help before she apparently got manipulated by Jonny.
No. 671085
>>671084Healthy Taylor chose jonny soo…
Unless she sorts out her mental shit, she'll fall back into the same bad habits. It's one thing to say you'll change when your puking over the toilet, but another to do it when your feeling healthier.
No. 671087
>>671083The POINT of the whole 'taylor is an adult thing' is that she can't legally be forced to do anything by her parents. They can't put her into a facility, force her to be away from JC, they can't even really go rehome her animals.
Her mom can only help if taylor wants to be helped, which she does not.
No. 671096
>>671087I'm sure Taylor is subconsciously wanting help but gets influenced super fast that she forgets her own feelings. Her messed up parents are the cause and if they were actually parents, she wouldn't even be stupid ass hell.
I've grown tired of trying to think about the positive side for Taylor though. I know for a fact that once she comes back, she'll be back with her narcissist self and start blaming her parents and haters for bringing her down. Rehab can help stop you from ODing but it won't stop you from your own personality.
No. 671106
File: 1560883959428.png (900.52 KB, 1536x2048, 4741A658-EE66-46A0-A8FA-FA5143…)

No. 671134
>>671106and jen sits on her ass the whole day customizing these dumb fucking cartoons. why do so many cows use these?
and yeah, no shit JC isn't in NY to look after his dad. It couldn't have been more obvious.
No. 671222
>>671081I'm not gonna ride this train. Not even buying a ticket.
>>671083She's 22.
>>671184Kiwicels make their way to the GG thread to defend their trash witch goddess and her pedo prince, mostly.
No. 671239
>>671235She seems to just see money as a solution for everything. Spending x on rehab has to do
something, right?
No. 671255
File: 1560929587908.png (294.64 KB, 1536x2048, 9A1EC407-606E-453F-8EF4-9311AB…)

Next prey?
No. 671283
File: 1560941746883.jpg (614.59 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190619-055439_Twi…)

She also has animals and in bad conditions
No. 671304
File: 1560947897960.jpeg (82.54 KB, 750x510, A63044FE-AFD5-4025-86C1-6CCBCD…)

What’s this loser talking about? He tweeted this 15 mins ago, went to Jonny’s insta and I don’t see anything particularly weird (I mean, anything weirder than what he usually posts)
No. 671306
File: 1560948213479.png (184.58 KB, 510x1216, guntalk.png)

how lovely
No. 671310
>>671306This dude seriously acting and pretending like someone would wanna do time for him.
Jonny all people gotta do is wait with your ass.
Also fuck Taylor, I knew it. Won t be surprised if this whole rehab thing is just so she can "use casually in the weekends" so she went and got a reset. And she'll think she can control it after she comes out of rehab.
No. 671312
File: 1560948965901.png (11.38 KB, 548x94, mattdean.PNG)

>>671308yeah, he definitely mistook the cat video for something else. really tells you more about his mind than JC's…
No. 671329
>>671320This, I wish they would just spill the milk already instead of making vague cringe tweets about him. Jen has said multiple times she supposedly has proof (text messages or videos or something) or horrible things Jonny has done/said. Stop being a 12 year old posting song lyrics and spill what he’s done. He’s the biggest manipulator here, why is everyone going so easy on him?
Oh, and Jen, if you do decide to spill it, do it right. Attach a video of the messages being scrolled trough along with the photos, otherwise “it’s just edited and fake” will be used against you.
No. 671340
>>671306As if Jonny could even afford a gun, much less a “dirty” one. He’s so pathetic. If he really thought he was so “gangster” wouldn’t he just illegally own a firearm? He is just a pussy in every sense of the word.
Also, I assume he’s making reference to Amanda with the gone girl reference. Honestly, can’t say I don’t believe him. She’s always come off as obsessed to me and some of her tweets about him make me cringe. She still goes on about him all these years later. Go get some therapy and don’t even acknowledge this scums existence. Not trying to WK but this has always been my observation of Amanda pre-Taylor. However, would anyone care if Amanda did gone girl his ass? He totally deserves it.
No. 671342
>>671340I think he’s implying that he has an illegal gun
>>671306Cant wait til he accidentally shoots himself.
No. 671365
File: 1560961752479.jpg (105.17 KB, 1242x725, SiC68FG.jpg)

“Why did everyone think I was playing with my disease ridden carrot?”
No. 671392
File: 1560970315127.jpeg (79.68 KB, 1125x676, 5A0DBE6B-802A-46D3-8617-6431F2…)

is he foreal lol
No. 671403
>>671365I honestly thought that JC’s cat story actually was his dick and I was like “wtF DID I JUST SEE”
Then I turned up the brightness on my phone and saw it was a cat and was so relieved lmao. Maybe that’s what Mama Dean was talking about
No. 671413
File: 1560980754687.jpeg (331.07 KB, 1242x806, 041C7B9D-780B-47A7-9858-5BCF78…)

Sure he doesn’t use Taylor’s money. That’s why he’s stuck in NY living at his dad’s, and why he couldn’t afford to go back for his dentist appointment.
No. 671442
File: 1560983812175.png (417.08 KB, 750x1334, B0EB5AA0-07EB-4CBD-B626-3C1D5B…)

No. 671451
File: 1560985590162.png (343.54 KB, 830x1707, discord1.png)

Jonny’s been unusually active on his discord today. Here are him and his fans sperging over turtlemom reposting the screenshot from earlier
>>671306 from lolcow to twitter. JC starts to flex fis arms and guns and – predictably – says turtlemom must be amanda, chelsea’s mom or taylor’s parents.
No. 671452
File: 1560985631109.png (142.12 KB, 659x906, discord2.png)

jonny posts their address (?)
No. 671455
File: 1560985704499.png (56.55 KB, 763x277, discord3.png)

random tidbits about taylor and then his ex.
No. 671457
File: 1560985917064.png (99.19 KB, 647x728, discord4.png)

jonny on the drama. lol@ devil in carnet.
again sorry that the timestamps are messed up on the screenshots, these are from about 5-6pm his local time.
No. 671460
File: 1560986233268.png (202.01 KB, 605x893, twitter.PNG)

also, hate to bring this fucking account into this again, but turtlemom is saying that authorities have been informed about the gun situation.
No. 671467
>>671451Is this him confessing to cheating? Or is he being sarcastic? He has terrible grammar so it’s hard to tell lol
Even if he’s being sarcastic he probably has cheated on her though.
No. 671477
File: 1560988233659.png (3.5 MB, 1242x2208, C24F7FC6-C783-4C33-9E39-32609F…)

Big yikes
No. 671496
>>671487we get it anon your a jonny fan, go shill somewhere else. Your not gonna convince anyone here he's not a POS.
FFS Taylor is seriously mentally ill if she thinks dating this 33 y/o loser is good for her. all those hoodies and shit just hide the fact that he's a fat fuck.
No. 671502
>>671487So what makes you an expert in
victim behavior? Your probably a 13 fan girl that’s has zero life experience or your JC himself. Go back to Twitter and suck Jonny’s nuts.
No. 671503
>>671392no anon he is not for real
>>671451listing taylor's parents among his exes. quite foretelling
>>671467cheating on whichever of them has the tro against him (amanda?)
>>671487ugh you sad sack, go send jonny your donation
No. 671539
>>671451wow what a lovely boyfriend you have, Taylor. Any MAN that loves his girl and respects her would never bring her family down in public even if they are crazy. You sure did pick the most perfect guy, especially one that can't stop talking about his exs.
>>671452he doxes everyone he comes in contact with.
>>671457> Devil in carnet No. 671603
If an artistic anon could meld
>>671477 and
>>671491 it would really be something
No. 671613
>>671611>>671340or we could not tell
victims how to behave, that's a start…
>>671342Isn't it illegal for him to own one in the first place?
>>671455He's really intimidated by his past
victims. Classic predator, trying to downplay their experiences to live his little delusion.
>>671611This is beautiful!!!
No. 671618
File: 1561018490288.png (1.33 MB, 1536x2048, DFB353BF-84FD-4BE2-A6AC-757B9C…)

No. 671619
File: 1561018517543.png (824.67 KB, 1536x2048, 9CC68F88-528C-45A3-9674-E16CD7…)

No. 671620
File: 1561018538706.png (429.7 KB, 1536x2048, E57EBBFE-F793-41D6-9D73-7E1EDB…)

No. 671655
>>671643If Jonny was able to take a picture then it’s not stored properly. In NY if you live with somebody unable to own a firearm legally then all firearms must be locked up at all times. In a box, with a
trigger lock and all ammo located in a separate locked box. It’s too bad he didn’t take a pic with his ugly mug next to it.
No. 671658
>>671641>>671649maybe I'm projecting but the situation with her brother is a pretty fucking big hardship. I get that she's pretty rich and has a supportive family in that sense, but this strikes me like saying money solves all of your problems in life and if you're rich you can't possibly struggle.
Taylors decisions, at least to me, are more likely the result of resignation to becoming a full time carer when she's older. It's a thing lots of siblings of disabled people struggle with, your entire life revolves around them and then when your parents die, you're stuck with looking after them for the rest of your life too. Why go to school, build a career, start a family or focus on your own future at all when you know as soon as your parents die it's going to be ripped away from you anyway? May as well make decisions that are fun now but bad in the long run, because your future is fucked anyway. Taylor's whole
>I wanted the experienceThing makes a lot more sense if you look at it like this. She knows one day she wont be able to do anything
she wants ever again.
No. 671666
>>671664I am pretty sure Medicaid or Medicare would cover that…
Taylor probably never gave a single thought to caring for her brother once her parents are gone. It's not like she's legally obligated.
No. 671670
>>671666>It's not like she's legally obligated.But she's his next of kin, is that not how it works in the US?
>>671667Ah, I'm unfamiliar with how this works in the US, forgive me. I'm really surprised that you aren't legally obligated to become POA/guardian for your family members considering it's an insurance based system. Does he become like a ward of the state or something like that and would his care not depend on her parents or her having insurance? Even though we have an NHS you can't do that here.
No. 671678
>>671670Adult siblings have no legal responsibility to care for their adult siblings in the US.
In the past, it’s been unusual for people with Prader-Willi Syndrome to live past 40. Now that it’s better understood, there are people living into their 60s. Taylor’s brother may or may not be one of them.
No. 671680
>>671679Sorry anon, my fault, now I understand.
The good thing is that he is in NY, without money to leave at this point and NY will never allow him to legally own or carry because of his past. It doesn’t matter if his tro has expired. And you can catch a gun charge a bit too easily up here so let’s hope for that. Unfortunately it’d be street cred in his mind.
No. 671699
>>671566Most common lie an
abusive person will tell you.
"All my exes are crazy, not me I swear! It's their problem not mine, they're just jealous reeeeee"
No. 671704
>>671664this is retarded. taylor will never have to care for her brother. she is not legally responsible for him. this is just more bullshit from wk's bemoaning poor taylor's tragic life.
prader-willi gets tanner automatic medicaid and medicare and his mother has probably been getting bennies from the govt. for as long as tanner's been alive.
No. 671707
>>671620I bet all my money that Taylor is going to go back with Jonny once she's able to. Her excuses about having an addictive personality and her lies is deeply engraved in her mind that she BELIEVES that she has no choice and HAS to do drugs and all this stupid shit due to her illness.
Taylor, and her parents, should go into therapy right after rehab.
No. 671708
File: 1561054374719.jpeg (350.21 KB, 1242x1885, A87B5ADA-D78A-4094-B428-88B17E…)

No. 671709
File: 1561054404470.jpeg (370.19 KB, 1242x1860, 3C30124B-26B7-4AA8-8BD7-1D1E41…)

No. 671710
File: 1561054437646.jpeg (330.64 KB, 1242x1877, C9F06795-F145-4BCB-A574-81A1B5…)

No. 671713
File: 1561054673360.jpeg (350.3 KB, 1242x1832, FBB7BF48-793F-4993-8709-98B8D8…)

No. 671723
>>671713Why would Taylor want to stay up there???
Away from her animals, friends & family?
…Oh yeah, Jonny has to isolate her the 'right' way this time. Then she won't get scooped up by her parents & be able to tell them what happened.
No. 671727
>>671723More like Taylor wants to get away from all of that and go on a drug binge with Jonny. She doesn't give a shit about her pets, she doesn't have any friends other than her maid, and her parents are batshit insane.
It's hardly isolation/manipulation if Taylor wants to go there out of her own free will.
No. 671731
>>670107>>670108Tinfoil but thinking about it I feel like these are from Taylors father. It sounds a lot like him (especially the double spaces after periods) and her dad obviously really hates Jonny. Can't be her mom cause Jen illiterate. Might be Betsy but I kind of feel like Betsy is done with Taylors crap at this point. She doesn't have anyone else in her life that she would talk to about this and a rando wouldn't know this much.
If it really is her father, then he really needs to sit down and think about his life. Him and his wife went on a whole smear campaign calling the exes crazy and defending Jonny and are now saying that what Taylor "endured" was 5 times as bad. Fuck all these people lol
No. 671732
File: 1561058795859.jpg (223.92 KB, 1080x914, 20190620_132606.jpg)

No. 671737
>>671727yeah I'm with you. She can't be that stupid as to get manipulated by jonny, the idiot that can hardly string a sentence together. she wants this.
>>671735I don't think the animals are worse off right now than they were with taylor. I do hope they are rehomed asap.
No. 671757
File: 1561063875644.jpeg (335.71 KB, 1242x1745, 52D2C086-A6F9-4405-9BBC-5ACA92…)

Finding new homes for those poor exploited animals is inevitable.
The YouTube gravy train is over for TND
Do the right thing mama dean unless you are holding off hoping they will have more value to her stans after she od’s
No. 671765
File: 1561064612221.jpeg (502.18 KB, 1242x1190, 5CC4188A-D86D-4B5A-96E6-383558…)

No. 671772
>>671765Then what the fuck are you waiting for? You cant babysit her animals forever, she decided to hoard just because the retard decided to get addicted.
At least once she gets out of rehab she can go get OD in NY free wihtout the guilt of letting her pets behind. It's not the first time she neglected them for Jonny.
No. 671779
>>671776Some people are into stink, your body produces pheromones that are washed off in the shower.
Hot and sweaty after a workout? Yes
4 weeks without bathing and junkfood? Fuck no
Jonny is a disgusting creep, her bad hygiene probably makes him feel better about his own shitty failing body. Probably says anything that Taylor wants to hear, calling her lack of hygiene a disgusting mess doesn't help his hidden agenda.
No. 671782
File: 1561067212869.jpeg (74.92 KB, 1225x520, 89D0D1B8-8A16-4C60-8046-D1EA61…)

Now it makes more sense why he calls her bubble!
No. 671789
>>671787anons here like to tinfoil that he's not, but there's no reason to believe that he's anywhere else. he also posted this
>>668235 while there, which makes me think he is at his dad's.
No. 671790
File: 1561068962018.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1104x1922, F4ED8E89-EFCC-4EEB-B19F-B88902…)

Why does he have to be such a fucking ASSHOLE all of the time. You sound like a jealous pig. Even if he is “jk” there’s a time and place for it.
No. 671792
>>671767If your going to post memes, please do a little more editing
>>671615 No. 671795
File: 1561070470277.jpeg (386.99 KB, 1242x2115, C3E0206A-6EFD-45E5-810F-216DE4…)

>>671787Dad bod alert lower right?
No. 671801
File: 1561073961267.png (9.83 MB, 1242x2208, 0AB2CCD5-A836-4241-B639-2C4F6B…)

That explains it.
No. 671803
>>671801Fucking Christ, how is he still alive?
No wonder his body is falling apart. What is it with drug addicts and fast food, too lazy to cook for themselves and no self control to stop from eating shit. I'm surprised he's not bigger, 5'5 and getting fatter. Whats he gonna look like when he's 40 christ.
No. 671812
>>671811Yeah, hence
>>671795 dad bod. Cus JC isn’t a “dad”, in any meaning of the word.
No. 671815
>>671812I'd be seriously ashamed to have him as my son. No doubt his dad has his own issues, pretty much does confirm he's at his house tho.
Hopefully his dad is in on the whole situation and keeps him away from Taylor but I doubt it.
No. 671819
almost in tears" cmon now Jonny, she couldn't rustle up a tear for you in your own version of this.
No. 671832
>>671816I think it may be outside. It looks like concrete and there's sunlight on the table.
BUT it's been cloudy all day where he is. So maybe it could also be crappy lighting inside? But overall it's a weird pairing style-wise because it doesn't match at all for a home
No. 671863
File: 1561088613961.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1242x2117, D82CD315-6F91-4C90-8A8F-F8791F…)

No. 671886
File: 1561096195466.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, D7D963E2-34A0-4A35-A62F-94DA0B…)

No. 671887
File: 1561096274256.png (1014 KB, 750x1334, 9990DEB2-8516-4B20-8F19-5EC648…)

She is so confusing
No. 671900
>>671887This woman is crazy. It must be stressful for Taylor having her mom giving statments for her everytime they talk. Whatever she say rn is withdrawal talking, addicts flip flop about their decisions all the time while getting clean.
Mama Dean cant be passive aggresive on Twitter downgrading Taylor meanwhile she cant defense herself or at least tell her to drop it off. I would be surprise if Jonny didnt take this opportunity to tell Taylor her mother is twitting things that are worse than they actually are.
No. 671902
do you all really think taylor is going back to johnny after? because i feel like she still doesnt plan to. i think the problem is her crazy fucking mom tweets every single thing ever spoken between her and her "starlet" daughter and she had to tell johnny she was going back to him to not freak him out.
its honestly fucking stupid that her mom puts so much for everyone to see for the world, it'd be more forgivable if she was a teen or something. the amount she tweets about literally every personal detail in her life is insane.
>>671900honestly i dont even know if its flipflopping or just a defense. taylor knew johnny was a problem for the last few weeks or so, i think she would have just left rehab after 7 days if she wanted to cool down on the use for a bit and not have him go to NY.
if she was high and noticing this, then i feel led to believe when slightly more sober she an at least make the rational decision to not hop back into that
No. 671903
>>671900>>671902Hold up a second. Jonny's the one telling the world Taylor's every move, that she was in a facility, wants basically a conjugal visit and will be staying with him in NY (so he thinks anyway).
If Taylor were the one placating Jonny with no real intention of follow through, why would she point blank tell Jen that Jen's got it wrong and Taylor's really going back to Jonny? And that is literally all Jen has leaked - messy as she is the rest has just been her feelings day by day.
Taylor's not on twitter all day reading this stuff, she's in rehab, she's talking to Jonny on the phone. She's doing what she wants to do right now, only hopefully she'll change her mind about that before she leaves the program. If she knew how the public is taking it I honestly don't think she'd go back to him right now, myself. But right now she doesn't know anything except that filthy mumbler saying "bubble".
No. 671911
File: 1561102460036.png (600.67 KB, 385x748, johnny2.PNG)

Johnny has clearly been reading here (nothing new) since we commented on his dad bod and he posted pics of himself shirtless, lol. I guess he thinks he's hot, no surprise there. But he seems to be way more obsessed with reading here and his haters in general. Also being much more bold with posts directed at lolcow.
He also posted a couple vids with an older man in them. I've kinda had doubts that he's with his dad but maybe he is after all? Also there's a better pic with Dad's face but idk if that's against the rules? I read them but I'm on the fence so have his dad's (presumably) legs instead
No. 671936
>>671731You're tinfoiling out of your ass
>>671903This is the most likely. The last thing we got from her were instagram posts about the breakup.
No. 671947
Funny how Taylor's in rehab but Jonny isnt despite the fact he's clearly high as fuck and still using, and has been using, you can tell by his vitals, like pupils, puffy hands, erratic behaviour, and he does have connections there because he posted a screen cap of a friend the other day asking to get high! For all we know, the second after he screen capped that, he sent a text saying "just kidding let's do it".
He's clearly still using, maybe he just uses enough to remain functional since hes a decade long experienced user, wheris I feel like Taylor, being young, dumb and new to the stuff just doesn't know when to stop and over uses.
I feel like the hospital visit was just a routine check of all her vitals, maybe some bloods and stuff just to make sure she's fit enough to go through with rehab and receive any medications she might need during withdrawals.
Jonny should just as equally be in there, there's no fucking way on earth shes been the only one using.
Which raises the question, why is she getting help and not him? Not very supportive or equal of him if he loves his bubble so much, you'd think he'd be going through the works too but he's not. All his caring stuff right now is such a facade.
No. 671949
>>671948Well he's clearly making bank so he claims, can pay for his drugs clearly through his pinpoint eyes.
He's such a bullshitter, go to rehab Jonny you fat gross fuck.
No. 671953
File: 1561121462375.png (459.45 KB, 1080x1913, Screenshot_20190621-154939.png)

hilarious, jonny
No. 671954
File: 1561121483294.png (2.9 MB, 1080x1942, Screenshot_20190621-155019.png)

No. 671961
>>671954Theory: Taylor is still wishy-washy about getting back together, hence the love bombing. I'm thinking even if she does see jonny they will still be "on break" for a while, I think Taylor is buying time so she can find another BF when she gets out. She can't stand being alone but she'd lose alot of her
victim status by staying with jonny, shes just waiting for the chance to "tell her story" and claim pity points.
She's extremely selfish and will thrown anyone under the bus for attention. I'm sure her some of her animals have died or deteriorated at this point.
No. 671965
>>671947>why is she getting help and not him?Simple, he doesn't want to stop using. You can't force an addict to go to rehab.
If Taylor would've given him an ultimatum like "it's me or drugs" he would've broken up with her or tried getting clean (without professional help) for like a week or so. They're miserable with each other and one "why not use it one more time" thought is enough to fall back.
I doubt Jonny's ever getting clean and as long as Taylor can't stay away from him she won't either.
I'm with the anons saying she's going to die if she stays with him. Be it because of drugs or because he'll kill her someday.
No. 671987
File: 1561134601729.png (203.94 KB, 674x482, Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 12.2…)

Can't wait to see post-facility Taylor create the most BS paragraph for instagram
No. 672016
File: 1561146171926.png (376.75 KB, 1536x2048, 7B710CF9-701A-4A70-A801-59A105…)

>don’t bring my son into this !,!1,1!
No. 672035
File: 1561152268830.jpeg (232.78 KB, 1203x870, E311E8B2-E965-4803-B0AC-DC9518…)

Good good person
Right! Finally something not cryptic!
Good at exploiting/hoarding animals
Good at doing heroin
Good at lying
Good at sabotaging her “career”
Good at destroying her life
Get off the internet mrs dean don’t you have a $4000/month hoard to rehome?
Or are you waiting until the overdose to clear it out?
Wonder if the landlord knows they rented the house to an abandoned zoo.
Must smell good in there
No. 672073
>>672018This is typical narc shit, half-truths, gaslighting and guilt-trips.
She's probably doing it from a place of concern but this never works, it only shows how much of a manipulative bitch you are.
She needs to tell her I'm re-homing your animals, your a heroin addict and you have a problem. If Taylor try's to pull any shit, drop the milk on jonny.
No. 672074
>>672035Taylor is not a good person, she's a criminal, she's mentally ill, she's an addict, she's an enabler, she's a hoarder.
She's the kind of person that gives animal keepers a bad name. She literally exploits her animals and their well being for profit. I wouldn't even be as bother but as other anons have said her animal care is dogshit.
No. 672100
File: 1561176556345.png (4.27 MB, 1125x2436, E8A8A24A-3570-4A9E-81A8-C6E399…)

I don’t know the extent of Tanner’s cognitive abilities, but I do know he can use the internet. She talks about him getting mad at her for wearing clothes that made her look naked on the Internet in this video starting at .20.
No. 672152
File: 1561215631569.png (168.35 KB, 728x458, Screen Shot 2019-06-22 at 10.5…)

No. 672159
>>672152Not even in the same ballpark of stupid. TND tries to hard to be these people, bella thorne, logan paul, ect. At least they're honest about what they are, TND tries to play it all innocent and coy.
These people are selfish, predatory narcissists that steal peoples time and money but they have the common sense not to do heroin.
No. 672196
File: 1561238273546.jpeg (194.23 KB, 1242x1189, 6AB8F35C-2779-447B-B98A-077611…)

When are you going to do the right thing?
Rehome those poor pet props!
No. 672211
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No. 672212
File: 1561242630441.png (2.1 MB, 1125x2436, 644CAA1A-8704-4001-A8D2-F453C3…)

>>672211AKA heroin binges…
No. 672226
>>672193She's 22 with a high income, her parents aren't a factor in where she chooses to live and with who. She's not even reading Jen's tweets, guaranteed.
>>672180Jonny claims she's going to 'stay' there since it's remote and there are no drugs around, pinky swear.
No. 672241
File: 1561262123573.png (5.42 MB, 2688x1242, 69030433-29E1-4149-BF7C-36CDCF…)

Umm… tuned in and he’s watching some plastered girl play Twister then roll around, tits out and wrapped herself up with the Twister mat? ……… what in the hell
No. 672247
>>672241Not even surprised, she's way above his caliber anyway and smarter than she looks. Twitch thots gonna twitch thot, pretty good business model to separate losers from their money.
He'll just jerk off, like hundreds of others, and cry himself to sleep cause he's lonely.
No. 672249
File: 1561264244460.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, 33B30D79-F32A-4441-BBA1-72FEB7…)

Wonder what this means
No. 672258
File: 1561265558986.png (143.8 KB, 1080x882, Screenshot_20190623-075114.png)

>>672249yep, looks like he didnt even stream today.
No. 672260
File: 1561265582259.png (182.96 KB, 1080x1105, Screenshot_20190623-075025.png)

>>672258and tay didn't call him
No. 672269
>>672260so he didnt get a phone call within 27 minutes and he throws a big ass hissy fit and claims to get the hint… yet when everyone sent him screenshots of Taylor posting that they broke up, he didnt get the hint?
what a whiny little bitch
No. 672275
>>672261Jen: guys stop making Jonny mad, you will get me kill
For things like Jonny does online (guiltripping her, love bomb,etc) is why you can’t have a relationship during rehab. She is vomiting her shit out and he does temper tantrum for a call.
No. 672278
File: 1561274054963.jpg (164.23 KB, 732x563, Screenshot_20190623-091334_Ope…)

>>672241Ew, imagine this thing watching you
No. 672285
>>672241wtf, he really must like watching her. A week or so ago, he did a just chatting and he was laughing at the same girls channel since she does ASMR.
I bet he watches her a lot since she wears little clothing/dances all the time
No. 672286
>>672241I went to his twitch to skip around past streams and he is deleting them? The last one is from June 12.
like why would be delete all the recent ones? ..
No. 672311
>>672292Shows how he is constantly trying to find a new girl to leech off of. Also shows how little girls actually want him…
I'm ready for someone to fall for it though (obviously there are always girls as thirsty and mentally ill and lonely as Taylor) and we can watch history repeat itself
again No. 672412
File: 1561333449280.png (266.6 KB, 1080x1356, Screenshot_20190624-024141.png)

yeah, jen, sure, the world is messed up because someone posted porn on twitter. jfc this lady
No. 672424
>>672412Wait until she finds out the number of sex works posting their stuff on Twitter! I can't take her seriously. "PORN? ON THE INTERNET? OUTRAGEOUS!"
You know it's as easy as going to Google and typing in 'porn' right? If kids want to find it, they will. Man she's crazy,
No. 672651
File: 1561419052068.png (579.38 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20190625-092715.png)

Well this is telling of his mindset.
Taylors out there semi trying and then there's Jonny who couldn't give two shits about anybody, not even himself.
No. 672690
>>672651What a loser, he could reverse his failing liver and prolong his life substantially.
Shit it isn't hard, stop doing drugs, stop drinking, stop eating mcdonalds 3 times a day, start working out, drink more water and being consistent about it.
He's just so fuckin lazy and comfy in his little junkie den. He never really had to apply himself, he was carried by his band-mates and THEIR vision and dreams. He'll die because hes too afraid of being uncomfortable.
No. 672691
File: 1561427878139.png (14.25 KB, 526x147, Capture1.PNG)

looks like taylor stopped calling, boo hoo
No. 672693
File: 1561428201297.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1983, Screenshot_20190625-050241.png)

No. 672702
>>672693Ah yes, gotta lay that manipulation on REAL thick.
Good thing she doesn't have access to any Social Media, lmao
No. 672707
>>672705>>672703Sadly I wouldn't be surprised if she maybe gained some insights but went right back to how she was living. Also wouldn't be surprised if she only went to rehab because they gave her some sort of ultimatum or something. She did kinda mention that she was at least considering moving back to her parents house so I wonder if she asked to and they told her that she'd have to go to rehab.
A lot of people do that and while some get at least something out of it most usually go right back to what they were doing before.
That or I really could just see it all be some terrible PR move since her fans were mad that she didn't do residential/inpatient treatment.
ALso wondering if she's just telling Johnny what he wants to hear and is actually trying or if she's seriously falling for his shit again and never really intended to break up with him for good (of course that could be an attempted PR move too, lol)
No. 672711
>>672695The human body is pretty resilient, if he cuts the drugs and switches his diet he'd at least buy more time.
>>672707I wonder if she'll just ghost him. That'd be one way to get rid of him. She knows jonny is
toxic for her and her career but she is a flip floping cow.
No. 672713
>>672693I reckon she's spilled some truth with her therapist and they're laying out all the stages and signs of abuse and she's becoming more and more aware of his manipulation the longer she spends away from him.
It took me several weeks away from my abuser with no contact to finally realise what was actually going on, I hope it's the same for Taylor.
Jonny looks like he doesn't even know what's going on but look at the whiny crybaby shit he's posting, can't imagine he'd act chill if she says leave me alone.
No. 672717
>>672713If she straight up doesn't talk to him he'll crack. He's already breaking down, he knows his position is bad, the desperation is so pathetic.
Then he'll go in to "that fukin bitch! wat a hoe, hur just another one of my crazy exes!!"
What kinda family did Taylor think she could raise with this manchild. He doesn't get along with her family, he's constantly drugged up, he's dying of liver failure, has no job or money, unhealthy as fuck, abandoned his child, violent and manipulative, got her addicted to heroin.
Now he thinks he's gonna be a twitch star playing games LMAO. That alone is the most pathetic thing I've seen from a 33 y/o man. That's probably the reason she'd get rid of him more than anything, such a turn off.
No. 672730
He tried to come off all supportive, but then just exposes his true self, always.
No. 672746
>>672738Mods have said before that we need to just let a thread die if there's no milk. At the moment the most milk is Jonny being the same and Jen being pathetic and not exactly being related to Taylor.
I don't think we will see Taylor back anytime soon so idk how long we will go around this.
No. 672774
>>672711Liver disease anon:
I have a liver condition it’s not caused by alcohol but i acts similar to one that is and while technically yes the solution is changes in diet and exercise it’s by no means easy because having a liver disease means that you have to rule out most if not all medications that might be addressing other issues because almost everything goes through and aggravates your liver. It’s hell honestly to hear people tell you “it’s easy get motivated” because it really isn’t because if your liver is already there you probably have three or four other conditions fucking with your insulin or your cholesterol that you can’t take medication to treat and are making you resistant to weight loss etc. Not sure the specifics on Jonny but I imagine he for sure has something else going on considering his level of bloating and weight gain
(blogging) No. 672850
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>>672832>>672747>>672746I personally think JC and Jen milk is fine, they're in the thread title for fucks sake. Their ramblings also give clues about Taylor and speculating about that is fine, imo. If you don't care, just don't check the thread.
No. 672857
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No. 672862
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>>672857>>672860some context since I had no idea who the thot is.
No. 672883
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Guess Jonny didn't notice when the girl posted this a bit back. Too busy looking at her other photos
No. 672895
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Open tabs show he is still looking at apartments in San Antonio.
No. 672983
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No. 673018
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I scrolled across this but I figured it was relevant here.
No. 673066
>>672884As soon as I read the "gib monies pls, every penny counts" I thought of Luna.
Now that I think of it, how hilarious would a Luna/Jonny collide be. Too bad Luna is poor, overweight and ugly.
No. 673092
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Why does this come off as so creepy to me. I imagine him just scrolling through looking at pictures of her every night thinking she’s his, and that he “owns” her. When I’m reality hopefully she’s ignoring him or the facility is finally discussing and laying out how abusive he is and trying to keep her away from him.
No. 673138
File: 1561573452362.png (8.26 MB, 1125x2436, 8435764E-F312-4BF3-9C04-812F6D…)

I’m sure Taylor sent you those in rehab.
No. 673175
>>673173I think I've read about a week apart? correct me if i'm wrong.
>>673144probably a new girl since he didn't even say Taylor or even tag her. He would've lovebombed her with "Taylor just sent me this guysss fuck yesss"
No. 673266
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It’s was only ONE scam guys.. get over it. This is laughable.
No. 673267
Also uhhh yeah sure it was “one scam” but he used that scam on multiple people and I sincerely doubt any of them were paid back.
No. 673294
The audacity of this guy to say it was "one" scam 6+ years ago lol. Take some accountability for it. Anyone who was actually sorry would just own up for it and be humble about being called out on it. Being scammed is a shitty thing, even shittier if it comes from someone who is in a privileged position like Jonny. Fuck him. I hope he never lives it down and people continue to remind him just because he's still a cunt about it.
No. 673319
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No. 673347
>>673319How could someone send heroin per mail?
Don't they scan their mail in the states?
Where I live every package gets scanned for illegal objects/substances and they let sniffer dogs roam around mail.
No. 673458
>>673405JC's ex is saying he's getting drugs mailed to him and an anon reminded us he'd been asking for help accessing the dark web.
if we could read before posting, that'd be fucking fantastic.
No. 673586
>>673485pretty sure anyone who isn't a fifteen year old ex-taylor fan is well aware of this?
Laughing at the anon who says they're really cracking down on dark web black markets. Takes forever for the gov to get permission to do anything, but it's super simple to make a new website. Like how your fav streaming site gets a slightly different domain name the morning after the old site gets taken down.
No. 673726
>>673445I know….I’m just saying it wasn’t confirmed……so it’s pointless to talk about it as if that dumbass would even be able to work his way around the dark web when he can barely turn a computer on.
Anyway seeing as there’s literally no milk there, I really do wonder what Taylor is gonna do once she’s out - if she goes back to Jonny then I can’t see her ever being able to save that YouTube “career.”
No. 673752
>>673726If she goes back to Jonny straight from rehab I will seriously worry for her life. He's not clean and she'll have lost her tolerance, it'll be very easy to OD. Not to mention he'll fucking barricade her in and never let her see the light of day again.
Although if she tells him she's flat broke and can't even fly up to see him, that'll scare him off (he loves money, not Taylor) AND give her an excuse never to see him again.
No. 673777
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No. 673792
File: 1561780871757.jpeg (155.05 KB, 750x954, CC7FA4EF-654C-4988-9357-618F76…)

Only 30 days sober. You all called it.
No. 673794
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Shits getting real
No. 673796
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No. 673801
>>673796I can't fucking wait to see the shit storm thats going to come from Jonny!!
Now remember everyone, abusers always call their exes crazy! Let's see how long it takes for for Jonny's precious little bubble to turn into just another crazy ex, and how innocent he is.
No. 673805
File: 1561781575884.png (187.81 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20190629-141228.png)

Ohhhh shes DONE haha
No. 673808
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Get ready for it…
No. 673823
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No. 673826
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No. 673827
The process of getting a Protective Order (it is not called "Restraining Order" in her county) takes several weeks. She probably has applied and is awaiting her hearing and has a temporary order.
If it had been granted already it would appear in court records. Nothing appears when either of their names is searched.
https://search.bexar.org ORDER PROCEDURES
Once the application has been approved, a protective order hearing will be scheduled in 2 weeks to give the Sheriff's Office time to serve the perpetrator. Once granted, a protective order lasts up to two (2) years.
The Sheriff's Office will hand deliver the paperwork to the actor. The paperwork consists of an application for the protective order, the sworn statement you signed in our office describing the violence, and a Temporary Ex Parte Order to keep the perpetrator from bothering you until the hearing date. This includes keeping the actor away from your residence and place of employment.
If the perpetrator is served, you will need to go to court. A prosecutor and an advocate will go with you to court to represent you and answer all your questions.
If the actor agrees to leave you alone, an Agreed Protective Order will be issued. If he or she does not show, you automatically get a Protective Order by default. If he or she denies the charges, a hearing will be held in front of a Judge who will decide if you get the Protective Order.
Once you receive the Protective Order, the actor may be arrested if he or she bothers you or goes near your residence. However, if the actor is not delivered (served) the papers, upon your request and with a
valid address, the case may be reset again for two (2) weeks, and again, if necessary.
No. 673829
File: 1561783579608.png (26.3 KB, 532x212, taylorsback3.png)

You don't have a 'dumbass boyfriend' anymore who will casually leak your address either.
No. 673830
>>673827no-one asked but ok
>>673829she's leaked her own apartment address before with no help from Jonny
No. 673834
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No. 673835
>>673831Taylor knowing he was a shit doesn't absolve him from being a shit anon. Out of the two of them, there is no way to argue that he wasn't the worse person.
I for one am looking forward to the inevitable public shitslinging between them commencing.
No. 673836
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No. 673837
>>673833she's not going to be careful because she's a cow and this is going to be a drama of her lighting fires then walking it back, multiple times.
on another matter, taylor told her mother not that long ago she was sicking with jonny, this turnaround is pretty recent.
No. 673838
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Whoa wtfff
No. 673847
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>>673842>>673843NVM I went to the tweet and she said this.
No. 673848
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No. 673854
>>673850She's being open about it now, she's left Jonny, got a restraining order, went to rehab for almost a month. At least she's making some progress, it's more than I've seen from any other Cow especially considering her circumstances.
I hope her animals have been rehomed though, and I hope now she really comes forward about a lot of things instead of hiding them and being ashamed.
The cotton fever probably explains why she was in hospital, and the thing that Jen was crapping on about "seeing with her own eyes".
That looks horrific though and admits to not caring and still using while that was happening to her body. That's fucked up I can't imagine what the mind of a heroin addict must truly be like despite all the research and documentarys I've watched on the topic.
No. 673855
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No. 673857
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No. 673863
>>673858Let's see where
that goes now that she's left him…
No. 673867
>>673856>She’s at least trying, isn’t that what you all wanted? For her to leave him, get clean, go somewhere safe. Um. No, actually. This isn't PULL. It's not an expose site, or a truth site, it's a site for purely for laughing at people. We're not here to give people due credit or a fair trial. We're here to laugh at them. We want whatever the most entertaining thing is to happen.
>And she actually did all that, and went to rehab and you guys are still just shitting on her. Yeah. Look at what website you're on, and whilst you're at it read the rules and at least sage your shitpost.
No. 673868
>>673856What I said was maybe slightly harsh but you people constantly falling over yourselves, eager to believe she's really trying this time! are so fucking naive. This is just like when she got caught for using months ago and finally admitted it. She says she's clean and trying so we must believe her right? Except she was using this entire time and getting defensive over it while lying. Excuse me if I'm hesitant to jump on the Taylor train when she's been proven to lie about literally everything.
Anyway! I genuinely do hope she stays away from Jonny and I wish her the best in staying sober. I just don't trust her to be honest about anything.
No. 673874
>>673858And Jonny is a 30 year old man who offered to help a girl a couple years fresh off being a teenager, who was a fan of his, move into her apartment and then he never left.
Just because someone's warned, doesn't mean they're magically immune to being manipulated and swept off their feet by what seems like a perfect human.
Victims are shown proof time and time again, but are gaslighted constantly and told what they see is not the truth, which makes you question reality and start to make you feel like the crazy one.
By the looks of things now, Taylor is on better terms with Jonny's exes. I'm sure Liz and Chelsea were warned too but ignored them. I'm sure the next girl that Jonny targets will also be warned, and will ignore them until it's too late. And it will keep happening with every girl he targets from here on out. I don't think that's something to really hold over Taylor's head.
The animal neglect, lies, gaslighting her fans and lying to them, not getting help sooner and being inconsistent and shady to her IRL friends, is what matters more than her ignoring some warnings and being defensive of Jonny during their puppy love phase.
Watch the next girl he targets ignore everything and shit talk Taylor and chealsea and all the rest.
No. 673876
>it clogged all my arteriesIf enough cotton fibers entered her veins to make it through her entire circulatory system to then clog her arteries, she would have developed an embolism.
>I had to hide my entire body for 3 weeksIt is not known to cause a rash.
>I only want to educate nowHer knowledge about drugs and health is on par with her knowledge about her animals.
No. 673880
File: 1561787525181.png (46.68 KB, 720x330, Screenshot_20190629-155038~2.p…)

Could be Heroin Hives that caused the rash, she may have had cotton fever on top of it.
No. 673886
>>673792all that clarity she had been talking about gaining between January and now… that was heroin clarity
I'm happy she's trying. She's taken GREAT steps (dumping Jonny being #1.) She just has to be able to keep it up on her own now outside of a facility.
>>673806 is right, she should still be in rehab. I wonder if she can afford it though, with two rents to pay now. Anyway. I hope she gets the protective order, although that law sperg anon's post said it involves violence, which is not a good development to the story if that's what she's arguing.
>>673853dang, so this was right around the time she first scheduled her "comeback" (mid Feb.) No wonder she pushed it off two more months.
where are the animals? new place or old place still? if they're at the old place and you're not living there, who is taking care of them? If you're taking care of them, how do you have time and energy to continue recovery? I'm amazed the animals haven't come up at all yet. she's a PetTuber. this is why she's even got followers to talk to.
No. 673888
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No. 673889
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anyone wanna guess when each "try" happened? maybe one was when Jonny left for tour, Taylor told him not to come back, and he immediately ditched his band to run home and inject her with poison to keep her hooked. and then they did heroin together.
No. 673890
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No. 673891
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No. 673892
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No. 673897
>>673892 But Taylor you said a friend introduce you to drugs, you were very specific about Jonny having nothing to do with that that!
Have to emphasize on Taylor trying to frame that girl on Petfest even tho it didn’t make sense because the timeline didn’t add up
No. 673898
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No. 673903
>>673888first, she's only been in there 25 days aka slightly over 3 weeks.
second, there's the timing of when she told jen she would still be with jonny a mere 12 days ago
>>670558 which is not the same as stringing jonny along at all.
this has not been her plan for 'a few weeks'.
No. 673904
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No. 673907
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No. 673909
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No. 673913
>>673911She's stated that she's moved towns and in a place where he doesn't know the location of and has the protective order, I think she'll be fine and Jonny is miles apart across the country.
Honestly I'm looking forward to his waking, I wonder if he'll stay silent or react like the little bitch he is.
No. 673916
>>673909This is a good one and shows that she's still a bitch and always has been. Some people have been blocked by her by simply pointing out her hypocrisy, and that's "affecting her negatively", okay.
But, if she feels that all she wants is positive vibes right now, I'm order to work on being sober, that's whatever, but it still shows her lack of responsibility for her words and actions, as other anons have pointed out.
No. 673918
>>673914it's almost like he manipulated the savior complex she has
>>673892Your best friend (Betsy) is the one who told your mom… What does this mean? Betsy told Mama Dean to stick Taylor in treatment? Or Betsy is the one who made her believe Taylor was an addict? Either way, mother of the year award right there. /s
No. 673921
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Her Instagram is back up as well. Here are a couple of her stories.
No. 673922
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>>673921A correction to the previous story.
No. 673923
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No. 673924
File: 1561791325506.gif (5.28 MB, 320x568, 20190629_074631.gif)

why is she so weird and manic lmao
No. 673925
File: 1561791395719.png (330.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190629-075448.png)

she's gonna crash after this surely? she's addicted to sm
No. 673929
>>673900I wonder if Jonny was telling her what to post and who to blame. She is definitely not some innocent
victim but she seems easily manipulated, and low self esteem can make you do some crazy things. Or fear of how an active partner will react
No. 673938
>>673936but she……….. doesn't do anything
you have a good reason, I also work shifts so my sleep schedule is fucked? it doesn't mean she has any excuse to stay awake all night because she's incapable of being a fully functioning human being
No. 673944
>>673939it's ok anon, any
problematic animal situations will be deal with by "rehomed!" and some heart emoji and the next 10k snake will arrive soon enough.
No. 673947
>>673829yeah she'll be blasting her location all over social media sooner rather than later.
honestly she looks like she's in a near manic state right now. she finally gets to reap all the ripe attention and validation. can't wait to see what she says once reality hits again.
No. 673962
>>673961she's already exaggerating her progress. 30 days clean > 25 days clean, dumped jonny weeks ago > only stopped calling jonny 6 days ago and never actually broke up.
she's going to crash. less than a month of therapy isn't going to fix this mess. she's happy right now because she got her social media hit.
No. 673973
>>673967Being a petuber is the only thing she has going for her on YouTube. None of her fans will give a shit about her rehab outside of the fact that she is now 'healthy' or 'improving', most of the people that watch her videos don't even follow her on Twitter or care enough about her life - they're there for the animals.
Taylor is Taylor and she will forever be unlikable even if she goes to rehab or breaks up with Jonny or 'rehomes' some of her animals.
No. 673979
File: 1561810024563.png (146.15 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20190629-220638.png)

No. 673982
So TND lied when she was on heroin and she's lying now. Might be small timeline lies, but they're still lies.
Is she a recovering addict? No, why? Because one of the first things they tell you to do is to apologize to those you have wronged when you were an active addict. She has not done that. It's pass the blame onto another. "_______" got me addicted. No, you chose that shit. Many of us have been offered things, we say no. She's an addict, she cannot. I bet she could get addicted to bubblegum. Pets, drugs, attention, social media, she has addictive personality disorder. Even now it's all worded to make her the victim and she's the brave one doing her best. She may be done with Jonny, sure, he's become a whiney fat has been. She's not done being an addict. Her immediate return to living on social media has proven that.
I am enjoying the shitshow and look forward to more.
No. 673989
>>673982All of this.
She wasted no time reactivating her accounts.
No. 673993
>>673979He's gonna go full psycho soon enough. I mean, I've only been following Jonny for as long as these threads have existed, and I do despise him way more than I dislike Taylor, but maybe he's trying to hide who he truly is because she has a much bigger following than him? He was in a position of power with all of his previous exes because they didn't have a support system of nearly 300k+ across Twitter and Instagram, and a million on YouTube.
Don't get me wrong, I still think he'll lose his mind soon enough and show his true colors, but I think his disadvantage might be a factor? Maybe I'm giving the bloated bridge troll too much credit and he's just trying to act like the good guy to get her back. Regardless, as much as I don't care for Taylor, I hope she doesn't succumb. If she goes back to him, then she deserves whatever she gets.
No. 673995
>>673808I can’t wait to Taylor’s video. I’m sure she will make super long woe is me video. I bet she blames Jonny for her animal abuse
’I was so abused that I couldn’t take care of my animals!!! It’s 100% Jonny’s fault and I’m a
victim and also like strongest
victim ever!’
No. 673996
>>673993This. I think Jonny is gonna try hard to be the nice guy not necessarily to win her back, but to “prove” to all the people who hate him that he’s the good guy. I can imagine the “I still love you no matter what bubble, even if you don’t feel the same. All I want it you to be happy!!” for a while.
I think he will show his true colors in time, but I also doubt he will go to the extent he did on making his past exes seem like they were the crazy ones. She has outrageous support right now coming from her large fan base, more than she’s ever had in a while. He will get even more hate than he already has now if he doesn’t play nice.
No. 673998
>>673996That or he will play good online like he’s been doing this entire time.
I think he’ll start going crazy when she starts talking about how exactly he was abusing her other than getting her on heroin
No. 674000
>>673998Honestly I hope she spills the milk on his abusiveness. I may not really like Taylor but like basically everyone here, despise Jonny. He is literally human scum and deserves to be outed.
Yes, Taylor is still partly to blame for it no matter what because she was warned about him in the beginning, but I still think he deserves to be dragged through the mud for being a shit person.
I bet he’s not gonna be so smug now, lying about her coming to see him lmao. Let’s see how long it takes for him to latch onto another girl to suck lifeless. Although, I think breaking it off with Taylor is going to really taint his reputation amongst other girls, especially if she actually starts outing him with his abuse.
Sounds like Taylor never mailed him anything, so he’s clearly already got some sugar momma sending his stuff…
Also, she deleted the post about the cotton rash thing. Suspicious that within only a few hours of being on social media she is already hiding tracks. Yikes
No. 674004
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Funny sober 6/5/2019
No. 674013
File: 1561817607993.png (3.75 MB, 750x1334, 4B29768D-E688-402F-95D6-18D566…)

Lol looks like it’s time for some sadboi eating
No. 674016
>>674013I bet one of the first things he does is retroactively blame her for him never being able to eat gluten lol
can't wait to hear him expose her lies
No. 674018
>>673983It’s still a bullshit reasoning. I work from home and I also usually go to bed around 7 or 8 am because I feel much more comfortable and productive during night time. Just because you ‘sleep all day’ doesn’t (necessarily) mean you don’t do shit while you’re awake. I mean, could have been the case with her, but then
that’s why she’s immature; because she does nothing all day. Not because of her sleep schedule. That’s just a fucked up argument.
(no one cares) No. 674022
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No. 674024
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No. 674033
>>674013Does he not know how to cook? Is he that dumb he can't make his own food?
You'd think with such a FAT bank account he'd at least be able to head out for a steak and veg once in a while but no..
Junkies crave sugar though so it's no wonder.
What a sad lil Boi.
No. 674034
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No. 674035
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No. 674040
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LMAO at this saga. She deserves to look like a freak 100%. I guess all that greasy whatburger finally caught up with her. You are what you eat kek.
No. 674049
>>674044Yes I know it was drug related, I was just being insensitive because she's a selfish cunt.
It doesn't help if your immuno-comprimised and gluten sensitive to eat junk food and shoot up heroin. People with gluten sensitivity get these skin problems, at least I do, she exacerbated it 1000 times through drugs.
No. 674051
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Celiac disease rash for comparison. Probably multiples things going on in her body right now.
>>674044 No. 674054
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No. 674055
>>673838>>673853This was in February. She doesn't look like this now she's just exploiting it for pity points and shock value. This is not cotton fever, this is something else. She just want's to a amass all the
victim and pity points for her comeback.
No. 674056
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No. 674061
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>>674049And this is Heroin Hives caused by a major spike in histamine levels that causes you to burn for days.
You don't know what caused it.
Taylor's a shit person but some of y'all are fucked in the head finding it funny to see someone in such a sick state.
No. 674062
>>674056Now she says he got her hooked on drugs kek. I thought it was a "friend" but not a real friend.
Bitch can't keep her lies straight at all.
No. 674063
>>674034She was going to stay regardless.
I think my main problem with her spilling milk around is that we know she's a liar and that she will lie. People here and on Twitter will praise her until holes start showing up
>>674056As other anons have said, she needs to take responsibility for the place she put herself in. We may say she was naive or whatever but Jen was involved from the get go and people warned her repeatedly - she did not listen.
No. 674064
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No. 674065
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No. 674066
File: 1561826141609.png (258.28 KB, 1080x1726, Screenshot_20190629-193442.png)

why are people so hung up on the package? he's been getting stuff from girls ever since he opened the PO box.
No. 674068
>>674061Anon this was in February she doesn't look like this now. She's only showing it for pity and attention which your giving her. She knew the risks, she did it anyway and now she's trying to pull the
victim card.
If she was truly sick or was commited to getting better she wouldn't waste her time blasting jonny on twitter.
No. 674069
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Yikes lol. So this officially confirms she was using way earlier than she claimed she was at her last 'come back' and also confirms she gave no fucks jonny was texting a 17 y/o.
No. 674071
>>674065Also why is she so obsessed with blaming him the first moment she gets. Her entire social media comeback is basically 'He's shit and I'm getting better' when really if she was over it and she wanted to focus on herself she wouldn't be wasting time on him.
I think this and the tweet about him texting someone else tells us all we need to know - she ditched him because he 'cheated' and probably quit rehab after that because he is why she's addicted to drugs and not the decision she took to take drugs or the fact that she is/was/will be addicted. She's going to relapse as quickly as she's over being the
victim or until he responds and gives us milk.
No. 674072
>>674068Doesn't matter finding it funny is gross. Nobody is giving her pity points it's just fucked up to laugh at something like that. Like sociopathic much? Ew.
Nobody is denying she did it to herself.
No. 674073
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No. 674082
>>674078I'm pretty sure we all expected Taylor to ride the
victim card hard when they broke up, which yes she is absolutely a
victim but she also needs to take some responsibility. But due to the extent of his abuse/past/present etc everyone is going to overlook that and it'll just add to her success, as if she didn't have all the evidence of what was going to happen to her prior to getting in the relationship. She wanted the
experience, she got it, just sucks that the animals were dragged into it.
No. 674090
File: 1561827553240.png (164.06 KB, 1080x980, Screenshot_20190629-195840.png)

not going to waste a day to get another trashy tattoo
No. 674091
>>674062Why would you openly admit that your boyfriend who you lived with at the time got you hooked on heroin? Especially if he's
abusive? I would have kept my mouth shut and said "yeah a friend" too.
I'm glad she's finally spilling the tea on Jonny, that's now 4 exes or something that all have said the same same about him. I'm not going to dismiss a lot of what she says because a lot of it probably is true, especially given Jonny's past.
She's done her fair share of fuckery but it doesn't measure up to the shit storm that is Jonny.
No. 674092
>>674090I wonder if this is her way of coping now that she can't/shouldn't buy animals. She's replacing drugs with something that will give momentary pleasure.
It's better but it won't last forever.
No. 674099
>>674092Yea she hasn't changed as expected. She's got the same underlying issues that made her date him in the first place. Wouldn't be surprised if she finds someone equally trashy to replace him.
The Tattoo seems like a bad idea given her skin problems, it's just something to make her feel better about herself.
No. 674104
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I'm so happy thia is happening but this tweet in particular is so toxic lol
No. 674115
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jen is back at it again
No. 674123
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So she’s saying that it was Jonny who posted this BS tweet about Chelsea’s screenshots being fake? Sorry, not really buying it.
No. 674127
>>674112She's still an addict, all these WK here thinking she's changed or deserves any kind of sympathy.
She's lied continuously about animal deaths and threw jonny's
victims under the bus. She'll go straight back to "just cider" or "one more snake". Her job was to take care of her hoard of animals and she failed bigtime, i'm glad she left jonny but she was warned.