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No. 110612[Reply]

/g/ is for all things girly, bathroom talk for advice, lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, makeup, periodtalk. Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.

>/ot/ is for offtopic, discussions, debates and sperging

>/m/ is for image spam unrelated to beauty or vidya and movie talk
Do not post porn, talking about porn or sexual preferences is fine though.
You can see all the rules here https://lolcow.farm/rules

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No. 464530[Reply]

Like the title says.
Previous Thread: >>253921
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No. 480470

>any advice for me or anyone else who went through this?
raise your dick size and moid selection standards

No. 480499

>snow tofu flesh

No. 480501

>complains about not knowing your own body
>think experimenting and discovering sounds lame
Ait I guess

No. 480503

I love the "I want to make you sleep SO FUCKING MUCH on me" as if you're going to be, like, aggressively sleeping in his presence compared to just normal sleeping topkek

No. 480531

not what i was asking but ok

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No. 418500[Reply]

thread #1 >>56468
thread #2 >>199767
thread #3 >>333126

if you're still extremely unsure if you're bisexual, the questioning thread is likely a better fit. talk about your gender preferences, how you discovered you were bi, what's your type in men and women, how you feel in the community, any struggles you've had with bisexuality, etc.
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No. 480087

Damn I had the same experience as an intern. I got a spark of false hope when I saw she started wearing a double venus necklace. I tried to be subtle with flirting because part of me figured she was too good/professional of a person to take me seriously esp with the age difference only for her to gently (but pointedly) bring up her wife in every other conversation for like a week straight when she caught on. Very embarrassing but she still gave me a good reference

No. 480245

Kek nonna that's mortifying, thanks for sharing. That must've stung more, I presume my manager is straight such is some solace

No. 480288

Does birth control affect your preferences at all? Not necessarily gender-wise, I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced preferences of masculinity and femininity changing due to hormones.

No. 480414

>girl i like says she's actually a closeted twans man and has been on T for the better part of a year (genuinely could not tell) and is friends with a bunch of TIMs

normal bi women really went extinct around 2016 huh?

No. 480530

Those het leaning TIFs who microdose T to the point where you'd think it was for a chihuahua are often so cute tbh. My heart goes out to you nonna, life is so unfair

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No. 444697[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>393926
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No. 480355

You’ll be know as the cheap slut who will open her legs. And most of the time you won’t even get benefits unless it becomes a regular thing, you are watching way too many movies nonna.

No. 480357

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Is this him kekkk?

No. 480360

Open a book

No. 480386

My advice is to go on a camping trip or rent a cabin near a lake or in the woods where there’s no wifi. Bring your phone for emergencies but block all your apps on it. Or get a flip phone with you if you don’t have the discipline to not scroll on phone. (I’ve downloaded and saved so many things off web pages, you can definitely still “go on” the internet even if you have no wifi this way)

No. 480529

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How do you get over impostor syndrome in academia? I'm currently in grad school doing my masters in a STEM field (molecular biology) and I feel like everyone else in my department is smarter than me and knows more than me and actually deserves to be there, and I don't. I frequently feel embarrassed to even ask any questions because I'm worried I'm going to sound dumb idk. I have a really big presentation coming up in a couple of weeks and I'm freaking out about it and constantly anxious that I'm going to embarrass myself and look like a retard in front of the whole department and faculty.

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No. 475221[Reply]

Previous Threads: >>>/g/429453

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.
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No. 480514

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The issue is that in pretending all these mean black women are using their true and honest freeze peach to speak their minds on the white man and simply go too far, we're still buying into the performance and mainstream white humiliation meme of "soft, victimized unassuming little white people DESTROYED by aggressive, hard black people with wokeness". Both the right and left subscribe to this idea and adore it. A lot of white superlibs enjoy kidding themselves that they're these smol harmless beans who have no choice but to "unlearn whiteness", sit down and shut up while the ethnics dominate them, even though in reality, they have all the money, connections and actual power. It's like they're ecstatic to fester racial agitation, trigger other white people and let black people soak up the metaphorical bullets. Right-wingers are the same in that they also view themselves as smol beans who need to "reclaim their power" and love an unruly negro they can point to and say "This is the problem, we need to subjugate these people or they'll run you over and cut off your balls!" to distract the poorer, dumber white people from the fact that they're robbing them blind lmao.

What no one wants to acknowledge is that a black woman who goes on national TV and bashes white men, knowing damn well there are thousands of less privileged black women who'll have to reckon with unhinged, belligerent white male bosses the next morning, is just as bought and paid for as a Candace Owens figure. She doesn't care what happens to people in her own community, she's trying to get a check, and is playing the role pre-written by some generationally wealthy people with higher rates of lactose intolerance. You're not allowed to say a woman is an adult human female or talk about black femicide, but I'm to believe that all the sperging about white people is/was totally organic and not pushed to worsen race relations? It's all "rahrah we hate white men" up until the white man puts on a skirt, then he's literally God (she/her) and beyond reproach and we need to protest on his behalf right now, but I'm supposed to believe this is real? They also block out black women who don't say or think things like in that screenshot. I remember that black woman who said diversity of opinion is more important to her than racial diversity in her "progressPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 480523

You're right. I honestly hate Candace Owens. She just traded one slave master for another.

No. 480526

Is decentering men a psyop?

No. 480527

Most of the worst things that happened in womens lives are related to men. Even old ladies who've been married to a moid for 50 years are usually smart enough to not rely on their husbands anymore and learned to prioritize their friends, kids and grandkids over their marriage instead.

No. 480528

Also bear in mind that nearly all women outlive their husbands so most women will 'die alone' whether married or not. It's not your husband who is going to surround you in your final moments, statistically speaking.

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No. 366897[Reply]

A place for Asian women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss Asian culture.
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No. 480459

nayrt but mine cost ~$900USD and was one of the best things I ever did for myself, changed my life. It totally changed my vibe so I look friendlier but I still look like myself. Makes eye makeup more fun and easier too. Got them done in SK after consulting 4 different doctors. Completely painless, 1 real week's worth of annoying recovery, it's almost scary how easy SK made that surgery

No. 480508

I'm really shit at identifying PS can you tell me what are the tells that it's botched?
I kinda hate watching Korean media because seeing the beauty standards of my culture stressed me out and communicated this to another Korean friend, who told me that she doesn't care because the plastic surgery they have is so obvious and shit. This kinda surprised me lol but it is true that when I'm watching shows with, say, my mom it also frequently happens that she'll tell me some girl's double eyelid surgery looks bad but I can't tell at all.
I've seen some egregiously bad results in women around me after going to Korea for summer vacation or whatever but idg how other girls sniff out the more subtle procedures.

No. 480509

I've literally never heard anybody's family saying this and I'm surrounded by women who married white men. It's neutral at best.
I was frequently told to date outside my race because Korean men are so provably dogshit but it was usually other varieties of Asian being recommended (not like it mattered anyways because I'm a lesbian kek)

No. 480519

NTA but fake double eyelids frequently look weirdly swollen to me. Natural double eyelids, especially in Asians, just don't have the same puffy look. As for chins and jawlines, they're frequently just too extreme. Oval faces exist of course but they're never that sharp.

No. 480524

please don't get double eyelid surgery anons i had a huge crush who got her eyelids done plus bleph and it broke my heart because eyes are a primary way humans communicate and recognize each other and suddenly hers looked so incredibly different, it was sad… your eyes are cute just the way they are.

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No. 447876[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/418013
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No. 480512

>he can cure things like endometriosis
Wow, why isn't he a renowned doctor then kek. Honestly, he doesn't seem like a guy worth dating and taking seriously if he's this self-centered and schizo. What do you get out of him if he hardly engages with you on your topics and just says "cool" to you?

No. 480516

there is no hope for you people

No. 480520

My ex would do shit like this then seethe at me paying attention to any male streamer or youtuber I liked. I would honestly start talking about other men in front of him or leave tabs of searches of thirst traps of some random guy you like for him to find on your laptop then watch him seethe. See how he likes it.

No. 480521

There's just no way you guys are coming here thinking you're going to get any advice other than to break up with these guys. You know your "but"s are just excuses to draw things out. It's not gonna work out. Cut it off.

No. 480522

For a moment I read this as LDS and wondered why nona should masturbate to Mormons

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No. 452130[Reply]

For anything skincare related.

Previous thread >>>/g/317231
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No. 476953

Moisturizer first, sunscreen after. And don't forget to wash off your sunscreen once you're back home.

No. 477231

The past 2 yeas really had my struggling with acne when I'd past had good skin. Last year was really bad and I couldn't figure out why. My skin seemed to calm on vacation so I decided to go super minimal with my routine and gradually introduce things back in case something in my routine was making me break out. Turned out it was my face lotion which genuinely shocked me because I'd been using it for years without any issue. I don't know if my skin changed or if they changed the formula but it really bummed me out.

Right now I'm just using mineral oil to moisturize. It works but I hope I can eventually find an alternate that isn't so greasy.

No. 477233

topical spironolactone exists, it won't affect your mood. You will need to get it through a telehealth service though.

No. 480478

My skin has been so fucking dry all winter, especially my T-zone, and no moisturiser has helped at all so after a random social media post talked about hyaluronic acid I decided to give it a go.
Like a day after I had ordered it I saw another post saying "actually it doesn't do well on dry skin, just oily skin" so I had little hope it would work. Got it in the mail today, and in just one day my skin already feels so much better! No single moisturiser working before this has been so frustrating, I feel like I can finally relax.

No. 480517

Did anybody deal with hair loss on accutane? I started a low dose recently (20mg 2x a day, 40mg/day total) and I'm terrified it'll happen and won't grow back.

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No. 411848[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.

Previous Thread: >>>/g/342326
1176 posts and 102 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 479701

i want a woman with big fat titties to choke me by force feeding me her big fat tittie. just keep forcing it into my mouth, pressed against a wall or pressed down on the bed, even thought it obviously wont fit.

No. 480318

I want her to skinwalk me too, it would be proof she really loves me. She doesn’t know me yet, but upon observation her sense of self is so fragile that she seems to take on the form of whatever she likes, or what whoever she likes, likes… I know I’m her type so perhaps she’d larp as a lesbian like me if she met me. as opposed to “gay boy”>”straight boy”>“bi boy”>bi girl. only two more to check off now kek

No. 480435

Not a fantasy but I love it when women who are naturally cute / very feminine dress butch. It’s definitely my type. Funnily enough despite this I only find feminine styles attractive on women who are very cute, otherwise they must be kind of butchy. I guess I just like cute women.

No. 480513

Saw the most gorgeous woman at an event today, I really wanted to talk to her but she was the photographer and busy so I didn't get a chance. Felt like we kept making eye contact but maybe it was me being freak unable to keep my eyes off of her lol.
So rare for me to see a woman who is exactly my type… She had this natural strength to her (like meat on her bones but you could tell she was muscular under it) and wore no makeup, kind of had RBF. When I say I imagined a whole life with her when I say her… lol. Hope I encounter her again and get a chance to actually talk to her.

No. 480515

You're real for this, I'm primarily into butches and my preference in bed is to "top" them (get on top of her and bite her and eat her out, basically just ravish her with great enthusiasm, I'll do all the work I don't care)

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No. 432617[Reply]

Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Is it her awful personality shining through? Is it her weak bone-structure or weird thumb? Is it her PR team brain-washing the whole planet into worshiping her?

Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!

Previous threads from oldest to latest.
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No. 480479

This is embarrassing, anon.

No. 480482

posting a photo of one single woman who is attractive or unattractive to make racist generalizations about Which Race Is Hotter is subhuman moid behavior and we are above that. please don't embarrass me on the internet like this, nona

No. 480484

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No. 480490

The other user is racebaiting but your reply is weird as hell too…

No. 480507

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>Broad face with masive jaw
>small eyes
>wide nose
>shorter legs with hella calves
>flat body

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