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No. 426412
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People who make fun of kids for playing games like Fortnite and Minecraft are assholes
their both fun non-offensive games that kids can enjoy but assholes try to bully children for enjoying it
No. 426458
>>426455I don't mind inserting tampons, but pulling them out feels so gross. Pads are also gross, but at least they're relatively comfortable.
I haven't had a period for years though, I'm using birth control to avoid them entirely.
No. 426460
>>426455I have an IUD and using a cup is not recommended because depending on the suction strenght and how low my uterus is at that period, it can actually remove the IUD (I saw it happen with other people before) and that doesn't sound fun at all.
I am not afraid at all of touching my vagina, but tampons are messy, even more wasteful than pads because they hold in so little, and are mildly uncomfortable. There are a lot of pad options as well if you feel like "wearing a diaper", there are smaller ones, at least in my country. I actually prefer the bigger ones, cause I feel safer and they last longer, and they are not visible through jeans or anythig.
No. 426473
>>426451yeah just search trolling kids on minecraft/fornite
thousands of videos of 20-30 year old men acting like jackasses to young boys and girls and bringing them on the verge of tears
the kids I have met on fortnite have been some of the most polite people I have met in online gaming
No. 426489
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Shelley Duvall's performance >>>>>>>>Jack Nickholson's performance in The Shinning.
No. 426503
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No. 426506
>>426503>>426489She is incredible. I didn't really like the movie, but she saved it for me. Reading what she went through while shooting is heartbreaking though.
Also reading all of the reviews calling her stupid, ugly or overdramatic. Absolutely disgusting. Her performance is one of the most memorable I've ever seen in horror movies, she deserves every bit of respect for that role.
No. 426528
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>>426460>I have an IUD and using a cup is not recommended because depending on the suction strenght and how low my uterus is at that period, it can actually remove the IUD (I saw it happen with other people before) and that doesn't sound fun at all.Holy mother o god. I didn't even think of that. I paid $1200 for this thing and have 7 years left. Not to mention the white light of pain I experienced when they put it in. The thought of it coming out is terrifying.
My mentrual cup suctions too, I never thought about its effect on my iud (duh). Thank you a million times over anon.
No. 426541
>>426538It's okay to prefer pads, anon.
I personally don't like them because I don't like having to sit in the bloody pad. But I can understand why people have reservations about tampons and cups.
No. 426542
>>426538i think its because tampons are peddled as the "big girl" thing, especially by tampon companies.
i prefer pads, tampons arent exactly more hygienic than pads anyway, and at least youll never run the risk of getting tss if youre unable to change your pad for a few hours for whatever reason. i also find tampons uncomfortable at best and downright painful at worst.
No. 426545
>>426542The risk of TSS with tampons is super exaggerated because of a few high-profile incidents in the seventies were tampon companies were telling people they coukd leave them in for a few days. It hardly ever happens anymore when the tampons are used as directed.
Cups hurt when I try to wear them, and especially when I take them off.
>>426543Welcome to the unpopular opinion thread. It exists so we can discuss these preferential/subjective things.
No. 426567
>>426550NTA but I'm on my second arm implant. I haven't had a period since 2014. Just some breakthrough bleeding as the first one began to wear out in 2017.
But mind that some people react differently. Some reviews state that a few women have gotten bleeding that lasts for months and doesn't seem to go away until they got th3 implant removed.
Been super convenient in my case though. I just like it because I literally don't have to fuss or think about it for a few years.
No. 426581
>>426570I agree. Male body shapes just don't well with dresses and skirts in my opinion. Plus muscular, hairy legs… Just no. lol
It can look good on some more alternative guys, idk, like the character Klaus in the TV show The Umbrella Academy.
No. 426585
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>>426570They look good in kilts though.
Traditional dresslike garments look good but not clothes cut for women's bodies.
No. 426703
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>>426586This one's for you anon.
No. 426704
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>>426586>>426703or if you like them fit
No. 426718
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>>426570If the dress was made for women's bodies then of course it looks bad on them. Kilts can look great though, if the guy has any sense of style and knows how to dress for his body type.
No. 426874
>>426455Nah, I just want to be comfy, take 2 seconds to put it in my undies and be done with it. Not having to worry about dying from TSS and it becoming a health problem if I can’t change it after 4 hours for some reason is also a huge plus. Also idk what clothes y’all are wearing that a pad is noticeable under, and once you figure out the right placement it doesn’t feel like a diaper.
I’ve worn tampons to go swimming and it sucks on days that aren’t heavy, it fucking hurts pulling out a non-soggy tampon. Also the chance of it getting stuck up inside your vagina is too damn high I don’t want to go through fishing one out ever again lmao
>>426528Every time women talk about IUDs I’m internally screaming. My unpopular opinion is that no dick is worth that shit !
No. 426875
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The white collar employees at Wayfair are protesting because the government is buying beds ($200k) for their border detention centers through their company. The employees want the company to donate the profits.
That's all good whatever.
But, what about the exploited labor used to make the products sold on your website? Is that issue not cool enough? Fucking bullshit.
No. 427056
Probably not unpopular here since there are a lot of radfems, but saying that having a hoe or slutty phase doesn't correlate with more rape or violation of boundaries/consent and is the same as victim blaming for wearing revealing clothes is dishonest. The more sex partners you have, the more likely you are to end up with a scumbag if you don't know how to spot them (and sometimes they are very good at hiding,) just because you're dealing with more people the chances go up. It's not the same as someone assuming you're easy and should be raped because of your clothes, you're giving consent to do some number of sexual acts. But people think they can take it from you even if you change your mind mid-date or hookup, or they do things that hurt or harm you or you don't want to do. The more people you deal with who expect things from you, the more likely it is that you can get coerced or stuck in a situation where someone doesn't listen to you say no.
I would strongly suggest against anyone using casual sex as a bandaid because it's probably even worse than using a (non-abusive) relationship for the same since your boundaries are eroded and you could act irresponsibly due to your mental state, either to your physical or emotional safety. Adding more people to a situation almost always seems to complicate things and add more potential for danger if you don't if know you can fully trust them. Outside of here, I never see it talked about, only the virtues of hoeing around and how it's so great.
I think pushing it as a cure all or one size fits all is also bullshit and feeds into a desire for women to be sexually available to men and sexually desirable rather than letting women be actually sexually free. I never had a hoe phase and never plan on it, I don't see it as liberating especiallybecause I don't want to.* I'm not less enlightened or too uptight just because I don't want to have sex with a lot of people, just like someone isn't more enlightened for having threesomes with strangers.
No. 427059
>>427056I mean ehh on the
victim blaming thing but there seems to be a lot of straight supposed radfems who trick themselves into thinking casual sex is empowering, or that they could ever “use” a guy for casual sex. Straight radfems are really annoying to me actually, and I say that as a het myself
No. 427060
>>426874Idk if you're exaggerating for humor with changing every four hours, but almost no one does that unless they're bleeding a ton. The recommendation is something like 8 hours max, but I'm pretty sure it takes several hours more for the risk of TSS to go up. Heavy and overnight pads are uncomfortable and feel like diapers, plus it feels like I leak even with wings if I move too much, idk what type you usually wear. And what kind of tampons did you try? I use non-applicator and they're way more comfortable to remove and wear. I won't try to convince you to use tampons, I personally combine and exchange them as needed. Extra thin mini pads when I'm really really light and spotting, tampons for light flow and heavy in daytime, pads for overnight. You can take the benefits of both.
>>427017Pretty sure that Rely and other tampons from the 70s/80s that used "super absorbent" materials caused the fear because they did cause a lot of TSS. Nowadays you have to be going way over the limit to get TSS, most of the time. There are also cotton tampons that are way less likely to cause it, since TSS is caused by incubating staph from the synthetic fibers.
No. 427061
>>427056I pretty much agree, anon. I’ve a friend who like, prude-shames me (is there a better term lol?) about how “no offense, but you’ve been targeted by men a lot less than I have” and honestly it’s like, of course you’ve been targeted, you flirt with literally everyone, always talk about how you want to become a sex worker to literal strangers, get blackout drunk at every function you’re invited too, and casually fuck every male who’s ever befriended you. But somehow the woke sex positivity culture means any criticism of anyone’s behavior is
victim blaming, basically telling girls that they don’t need to take any responsibility for their actions or try to stay safe cause of the “be yourself don’t let a man influence any decision of yours babeee” libfem attitude
No. 427066
>>426369OP's pic made me think of a very unpopular opinion I've had for quite some time. Pizza is gross.
Now, all pizza is not gross, but the standard American pie is absolutely rotten. I have hated it since I was a child. I didn't know I could like pizza until I had it in Europe, which was basically the equivalent of a "flatbread" here.
I don't like the classic American Marinara sauce which is put on anything "commercially" Italian, and then the salty low grade greasy cheese on top of tasteless bread. Nasty.
The shame you get for saying you don't like pizza is ridiculous, so I don't say it publicly anymore. Too bad it's at nearly every large work function or get-together.
No. 427072
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The 'I was a smart kid in elementary/highs school/easy mode, but turns out I was just average and that fucked up my work ethic' meme is annoying. Yes I get you where handed a bad card, but grow the fuck up and stop blaming your problem on some stupid thing that happened 5 years ago. I know grown adults who still use that as an excuse and ughhhh.
Same goes for all reddit based 'sad content' it's OK to be sad sometimes, but people go overboard. They refuse to go to therapy, to get self help books, to try and socialize and they spend 24/7 on reddit bitching on 2meirl4meirl about how they're friendless.
No. 427076
>>427056I had a hoe phase. I think the empowerment thing is more along the line of “woman shouldn’t be shamed for having multiple consenting partners and
victim blamed for having boundaries violated”. It ends there.
The “using men for sex” rhetoric is a cope. Men literally can not feel used and devalued when you’re sucking their dick. Even less so if they’re paying you.
No. 427088
>>427072that effect, I'm starting to realize, is just privilege lol. kids whose parents give a fuck and teach them things at home are generally called 'smart' and given praise like that, because they're being compared to kids whose parents don't do shit and think school should teach them everything.
a lot of suburban parents become less involved in their kids development to 'encourage independence' or whatever. so the kids who weren't encouraged to work on their own drop off and realize they lack 'work ethic' but think the previous praise was their own effort. but it was really the effort of their mommy who drilled them on their multiplication tables before other kids.
they don't get real help, because they're not actually that intelligent, and probably deep down know this.
No. 427092
>>427061idk if I mentioned in my first post but people have tried to convince me to hoe out when I don't want to and I don't appreciate it because it's like no one is listening to me. I'm pretty sure some of it say it because they think it'll make me fuck them and no, it won't, sorry. Women shouldn't be blamed for rape and assault but we have to recognize as well that many men are opportunist assholes with shitty conceptions of consent and that your decisions are not made in a vacuum. Hoeing around can be "rebellion" against people forcing you to be chaste and allow you to have the sex life you want, but it can also be a manner in which men objectify women or control them for their sexual use.
>>427076>I had a hoe phase. I think the empowerment thing is more along the line of “woman shouldn’t be shamed for having multiple consenting partners and victim blamed for having boundaries violated”. It ends there.This is right/true, and you're correct that most of the time it ends there, but I've seen people try to treat it as that you're abnormal if you don't do it or are "missing out" while ignoring a lot of the issues with it. Unbridled sex positivity has burnt out even many libfems because of how it doesn't acknowledge problems in the system and culture or harms them by not being critical. I didn't have a hoe phase per se but used to flirt a lot and was poly briefly. I'm actually happier now and realize that a lot of what I did then was trying to make men like me, it's sad. Even back then I think in my heart I knew I did it for validation and liked the attention, because I had a deep fear that people would leave once I became unavailable sexually or romantically. The reality is that it's more likely for you to have your boundaries violated if you have a hoe phase, and that knowing how to deal with people esp men who don't listen is really important and cannot be ignored in favor of only all the fun stuff, but that it's not ok that it happened to you. Growing assertiveness I suppose and knowing when to get out and how. It's harder when it happens because you can freeze or it takes time to sink in, but I hope that some people can have that.
One of my friends hoes around and got assaulted and I'm really angry, I would never blame her for that happening to her, but I did tell her she needs to stop sleeping around because she's in a vulnerable mental state/undiagnosed autistic and I think scummy men are trying to take advantage of her because they can tell she would make a good target.>Men literally can not feel used and devalued when you’re sucking their dick. Absolutely.
No. 427099
>>427056I agree with you. I think a lot of women don't realize how inherently dangerous it is. Like you said, the more you put yourself in risky situations the more likely you are to be hurt. A lot of sleazy men will feel entitled to whatever they want from you if they think you're slutty and easy.
>>427076>Men literally can not feel used and devalued when you’re sucking their dick. Even less so if they’re paying you.I always thought this shit was dumb.
The man you sucked off, let jackhammer you, and then proceeded to roll over and leave absolutely got more pleasure out of that encounter than you did. Let's not pretend otherwise.
No. 427136
When I was a kid I hated pizza because of the general gross appearance of the meat and cheese (seriously it looks like a festering burn). Plus on some cheap pizzas the aroma smells like literal farts from cheap pepperoni. School pizza was literally the worst in the US. Dry cardboard for the base, and usually not enough sauce which wasn't tasty nor cheese. Not to mention the grease puddles people used to sop up with napkins on the top.
One kid in my first grade class used to fill a quarter of his tray with ranch dressing and SOAK the shitty pizza in it. To this day the images of ranch dressing dripping down his chin as he chewed with his mouth open haunts me occasionally.
Pizza is so god damn bland. I eat it but I'd rather be having anything else. The best pizza imo is garlic and spinach but good luck convincing anyone that it's good because
>ewwwwww plant matter on my cheesey carbs! No. 427146
>>426614Fun fact about Starbucks - my brain comes up with weird questions to google, so-
they use filtered tap water in their drinks. If you're paying $5+ for a drink it should be spring water, surely, but no. It is highly filtered with special machines but is still tap.
No. 427148
>>426455I used tampons from my second period when I was twelve until I was maybe 20-21. Absolutely hated pads for no particular reason. Then I moved abroad to a country that has at most like 1 type of tampon in stores and made the switch and havent looked back in 4 years. Pads are way more easier in the long run. Tampons leak after a while if you have a heavier flow than expected and used the wrong size. In the odd occasion I do wear a tampon, i always put a pad on just in case, and the pad always ends up saving me on heavier days.
If anything, the real period argument is non applicator tampons > ones with applicators
No. 427159
>>427154"Casual sex can be ok" is a stance you find intolerable, anon? I'm a man-hating radfem and despise sex-pozzie bullshit with my entire heart but even I think that women who want casual sex should go ahead and have it.
They're better off than women in shitty relationships with ugly, dumbass boyfriends.
No. 427164
can but you can't expect it to go well. Libfems expect all men to be at the level of holy saint where you can be chowing down on the dick and then just say "ah, I changed my mind" and wander away without at the least, a tantrum, at the worst, a rape and murder
No. 427178
>>427164>>427170So in order to not get raped as result of rescinding consent, you should not take back consent in the first place and just smile and take that dick? Bitch, that’s rape.
And we ALL should expect men to fucking cope with their unresolved sexual urges in a fashion that doesn’t involve hurting someone, you know, like how all of us non-rapists do.
No. 427201
>>427159I worded that stupidly but I hoped you would know what I meant. I’m extremely man hating radfem and I think that casual sex is just giving them what they want. Maybe better than being in full relationships with them, but it’s certainly not going to drive men to not be shit, and casual sex has a lot of risks that are less severe in a committed relationship as well.
I’m in favor of the sex strike hah
No. 427208
>>427159I agree anon. I'm tired of being told that my wants and needs are "playing" into a man's wants as if I'm a bimbo baggins who doesn't know what I'm doing.
Maybe I just want some dick. Maybe I like the thrill and excitement of a hot new romance who I don't have to commit to and clean up after and cook for.
Shit I've been invited to their fancy houses and had these men cook
me dinner and tote me around in their cars. If they were just after my vagina then I didn't feel like matters were uneven because I legitimately had fun for the evening.
Know what I got out of my last term relationship? Diddly squat. And it didn't matter how much I sacrificed and slaved away for the ungrateful little prick. He never cooked me dinner, took me places, or made sure I had a good time after work. Towards the end of the relationship we didn't even fuck and I was resentful of him.
And for what, just to pretend like he wasn't using me because I could say we were in a relationship? Big whoop, wish I could get those years back.
No. 427210
>>427207>Most women will ultimately see relationships as the only alternative to casual sex. Relationships are more harmful to women's success and wellbeing, and more beneficial to gross men.The women having casual sex are just as susceptible to getting into relationships and ultimately it seems as if relationships are actually their goal. They always end up dating the guys they're fucking, or end up in a relationship anyways. I don't necessarily agree that fucking men casually isn't similarly or more harmful than a relationship. The majority of women that I see that are into casual sex are just as wrapped up in these flings and relationships with men they sleep around with, honestly. Maybe they're not living with them, but rarely are these women not actually impacted by the turds they're sleeping with.
>Look at all the dissatisfied women with pornsick/selfish men at home.Ehhh, I think men in relationships put a little more effort forward than the fuckall effort skanky men put in. They still put in practically 0 effort, especially in proportion to the amount that women sacrifice in relationships, but I think it's still measurably more. Not to mention the danger, the risk to your health, just being so, so intimate with an absolute stranger, I mean, it's a terrible idea.
> I'm saying that it's the lesser of two evils and anything that drives women away from the wife/mother role can't be all bad.I can't even tell you how many women I've seen who have casual sex end up getting pregnant and keeping the kid. And again, eventually the "I love casual sex" thing dies out and then they're ultra desperate to settle down and have a kid with any useless fuck they find, because "I've done the casual thing and I grew up". I think it's an extreme that ultimately fools them into "appreciating" all of the shitty things they should be avoiding men over, actually.
No. 427214
>>427191You got it Anon, I am original "not without consequences" Anon and that's exactly what I meant. It's more relevant in the context of hookups; do ya really want to test the waters with a new guy who you can't anticipate the reaction of?
I think withdrawing consent is a lot safer and more viable in a relationship, it just seems like a risky strategy when dealing with unknowns. And of course an unknown is the guy who is
more likely to push your boundaries.
I think boundaries can and should be established in a relationship - I was replying to a thing about radfem opinions on hookups/sleeping around so that's what I was thinking about as I wrote the reply.
No. 427215
>>427210>Ehhh, I think men in relationships put a little more effort forward than the fuckall effort skanky men put in.I still think you're being too generous.
I get that casual sex with men is dangerous for women, but so is being in a relationship, statistically. No man is more likely to beat you/rape you/kill you than your partner.
You're arguing from the standpoint of wanting women to GTOW and believe me, I understand and agree. I'm genuinely in favor of voluntary extinction, that's how strong my disgust is for men as a life-form.
But most women aren't at that point, so encouraging women to forget about being a good little wifey and just take what they want from men is a compromise.
No. 427217
>>427207>I'm saying that it's the lesser of two evils Maybe true from the women's position. But if you look at it from the man's position, casual sex is better for him because he gets 90% of what he wants with zero effort, sacrifice or commitment. He doesn't get a mother or a maid, but he gets sex, an ego boost, bragging rights, and the impression that he's got one over you.
I think it's a matter of whether or not you're willing to cut off your own nose to spite your face. I'll definitely give up sex if it means I don't give some entitled loser access to my body, even if I want it. Not every woman is going to feel the same. I wish sexbots existed so we could get the d without a male brain involved.
No. 427218
>>427211How am I "giving" a man anything if I benefit from it likewise?
I'm not a lesbian. I have attraction and sexual urges to the opposite sex that shoving a silicone rod into my kooter won't satisfy.
>don’t claim to be centering women and putting them above men if you aren’t willing to make a change in your lifeWhat the fuck does this mean in relation to what I wrote?
No. 427220
>>427218Lol, having sex with women is not simply "shoving a silicone rod into your kooter."
If you think that's all it is surely a strap on isn't that different from an (ew) penis.
I feel a bit sorry for you, it must suck to hate men and still feel the need to have sex with them.
No. 427222
>>427220>having sex with women is not simply "shoving a silicone rod into your kooter."If I'm not attracted to women and you want me to stop having sex with men because you view my vagina as an object to give away, that's pretty much my only option to get a phallus in me. Granted you don't want me nun celibate.
It has nothing to do with what I think being a lesbian is. I only said I'm not one and being sexless isn't an option for me.
>you hate menI don't know if you're conspiring that I'm the same anon who I agreed with, but I don't have a seething hatred for men. The point was about casual sex being a boon for women who don't want to be trapped in relationships. Not everything sex related benefits a guy.
No. 427227
>>427222>you want me to stop having sex with men because you view my vagina as an object to give awayYou sound very offended at the concept of an anon on an imageboard thinking you are a disposable hole - which isn't even what's happening, she's telling you you
aren't one, but I digress
You know who thinks you are a disposable hole? Those rando guys you are having sex with.
If you are offended at the concept of someone thinking you are disposable, why keep seeking that exact experience irl? If you are cool with it then keep going. It just sounds like you aren't so cool with these concepts, based on your replies ITT.
No. 427245
>>427241It's easy to be in favor of a sex strike that doesn't fundamentally affect your sexuality yet call anyone who'd actually be affected by it "whiners."
And anyway, that's implying withholding sex has any power over men who already subjugate us in non sexual ways as it stands.
No. 427252
>>427241You can't force other women to agree with your position. Let it go. What's annoying is being so obsessively fixated with what they do in their personal lives.
>or get brave enough to stop doing. Celibacy is not an act of bravery lol. Saying this as someone who has personally chosen to be celibate. You sound like you need a crutch in lieu of doing real activism.
>wow, I turned a guy down for sex and saved ten women in Nepal from freezing to death in menstrual huts!It doesn't work that way.
No. 427272
>>427268Can you quote the anon you're trying to argue with instead of linking my posts that've said nothing to the effect of what you're going on about in the second half of your post.
>what are you doing about Islamic acid attacks????Like what the fuck is this shit? Those aren't my posts and I'm not the anon making that point. There are at minimum two others disagreeing with you.
Sex strikes are stupid and won't solve anything even if it were realistic. And no, pointing out that it's not realistic doesn't make a woman a gender traitor.
No. 427277
>>427245I’m that anon you replied to and I’m hetero and voluntarily celibate as stated upthread lmao
>>427252I do “real” activism in real life too, but nice try anon
>>427272There have been sex strikes in history already and they were extremely effective
No. 427285
>>427282in the 2000s you had to have super straight thin hair and be so thin your hip bones jutted out, not fit and not trim but many celebrities with obvious Eds were popular and seen as normal during this time. I have vivid memories of every woman with slight shape or curves w/e being called unironically fat back then.
It was legitimately retarded.
I think the pressure to be as thin as possible and also having big breasts is just as difficult as being a gym rat body with big boobs and ass, tho I recognize than in the 2010s more diverse body types and looks are considered beautiful now especially since we are far more forgiving of straight up out of shape women, lol.
but honestly tbh you have a point about beauty standards being extreme now even though they were very extreme and contrived back then too.
I think in the 2000s men were expected to look sexier than their 2010s counterparts even tho this was the time the grossly hypermasculine douchebro and thug aesthetic became the thing and carried over to now.
No. 427287
>>427282They weren't, that anon has blinders on or something. Now plastic surgery and photoshopping are practically expected of everyone. Before you could be skinny and have a flat butt, have a normal butt, whatever. You could be a normal size without needing to be a curvy goddess. Now all women feel pressured to look like insta thots. It's still just as stigmatized to be chubby or fat if you don't have boobs or ass. Being a silly bimbo was never actually valued beyond some of their styling. Look at how Anna Nicole Smith, Britney, and Paris were mocked. And I personally think their aesthetic could be cute without being necessarily sexy all of the time, it was just pinkified rich girl shit, not necessarily stripper garbage like it is today. Sexiness is played up waaaay more now. There's more racial acceptance, acceptance of diversity, but I think it truly was a bit more wholesome back then, and it wasn't just nostalgia goggles.
No. 427288
>>427287black and latino communities always valued ass and curves and ass and curves being popular now is just black influence on msm
You couldnt be ten pounds overweight or have a too wide frame or too big thighs or ass in the 00s without being bashed for it like you cant be skinny with a flat ass and no tits now we igi but you are focusing too much on one side to try to prove some point. They both were and are
toxic in their own way
Also you say I have blinders but you have nostalgia goggles for Anna, Nicole, and Paris who were considered very trashy and porny for that time, actually their popularity is the reason why the sex worker look is so widely accepted and replicated these days lmao
Idk about wholesome but the smaller prelevance of SM and internet made people a little more in their own world but I also said this…
No. 427290
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Samefag but remember how a very fit and toned Beyonce was called fat back in those days for having a slightly wider build and bigger thighs than what was commonly accepted as the IT girl standard then?
It wasnt until the mid 2010s until people accepted these body types again.
No. 427299
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>>427290I'm from the US and I don't recall her ever being called fat. She was 'bootylicious' and she was sold as such. J Lo was a similar size and she came up because of her size and shape and was an enormous star because of it. Idk what you guys are talking about, personally.
>>427288Honestly, Paris wasn't that bad. I made a collage of her outfits from 2001-2004 or so. Her trashiest outfits (circled) were basically all from one short timespan: 2001, when she just recently turned 21, iirc. They really weren't that bad for the majority of her time as a star. Like I said, it was mostly just pinkified rich 'prep' girl shit. I think it's being remembered as much worse than it was. 90% of the time she was in some pink strapless dress or pink juicy couture tracksuits.
No. 427300
>>427299A lot of black women remember that in those days and how it affected the view of their bodies too so idk
Also for Paris, its the opposite imo, shes being remembered as more wholesome than she was. People didnt like her then because we thought she was famous just to be famous and found her the archetype of the dumb blonde.
No. 427302
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>In any type of relationship not only intimate ones.
If someone was once treating you terribly for a period of time and after a while they come back trying to get back to you do not let them in again, I was foolish enough to let many have second chances but people do not change… maybe it would be all rainbows at first but then issues from the past will rise and they will mistreat you again, people who used you once will always view you as a tool, people who bullied you once will always view you as a fool, people who wronged you for they entirety of your relationship will do it again, just save yourself the time and misery and say no.
But, in case you left because they were fine but something actually happened (unlike others who say they didn't know better) and now they're back to normal you can give them a chance, imo there's a difference.
And for the ones who come broken after they made your life a living hell, say no as I said and enjoy their suffering.
No. 427311
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>>427300I mean, I don't know what to tell you but that if Beyonce and JLo were so "fat" to the general populace, that time wouldn't have been their heyday, but it was. Britney was never stick thin but wasn't called fat by like, anyone. Britney would never be famous today because she has always been muscular and athletic (but really beautiful). No one EVER said shit about her figure back then. She was literally the most physically desired pop star and everyone wanted to look like her or have her. I made another collage, but this time of Britney from 2000 to 2003. She would absolutely be shit on for having a "fridge body" or some shit now. No one said anything negative about her figure. Hillary Duff was incredibly famous, Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes, etc, and none of them were stick thin. And as far as what black girls and black women were told, honestly, losing weight and being thin is more achievable and healthy (even though I don't think being stick thin was an expectation for the average girl, considering the literal most admired pop star in the world wasn't thin at all and was pretty muscular for a woman) compared to looking like a blow up doll with huge lips, huge ass, huge tits, etc. How are ass injections and silicone ass injections being normalized any more healthy than having like, an 18 bmi?
I don't think anyone thinks Paris was wholesome? Everyone knows she got famous from the sex tape and she was mocked for being dumb back then, as was Jessica Simpson, Anna Nicole, etc. I mean, they were ribbed on for not seeming intelligent.
No. 427319
>>427299This kind of figure, or Britney's is way more achievable for a caucasian woman than any of the looks which are popular today. They also were not insanely sexualized in everything they did, as is also the standard now. Ironic how the "blonde bimbos" of the noughties look wholesome now compared to the literal blow up dolls of the 2010-2020
It's impossible to meet the current beauty standards for
anyone without surgery and photoshop. Whereas all you really needed to do to meet the pre-2010 beauty standard was to be slim and fit.
The result is teenagers are growing up editing their pictures to crazy extremes, getting botox and lip injections before they're 20, and plastering themselves in layers and layers of makeup. The beauty industry is laughing. The previous "beauty standards" are now considered basic Stacey's with fridge bodies. Never mind that that's what most women er, actually look like. But we'll pretend fetishizing other races makes everything ok even though those beauty standards are still unachievable for
any race without surgery and shoop.
(I'm agreeing with you here in case that was not clear, it's something I've been thinking about this week)
No. 427344
>>427311I mean yeah, this does make sense in retrospect in some regards, but do keep in mind that I'm also speaking on the perspective I and at the time, since seeing things in hindsight can be counter intuitive at times and muddle perspective on things
I disagree that the 00s body was achieveable for bw on average, many of them have wide hips and naturally curvy bodies and the ruler shape being in at that time they were at odds with it. Plus many of the celebrities promoted at this time were thinner than the ones who came before
Also, tbh the it girls of the 00s wouldnt be considered ideal before the mid nineties too hoestly
No. 427355
>>427290People are still calling Beyonce fat today. It's absolute cope.
>>427311Anon, Britney literally put out a song where she sang "I'm Mrs. "She's too big, now she's too thin". You want a piece of me?". All these celebrities of normal size were called fat.
The early 2000s were a pretty awful time when it came to body-shaming, honestly. It wasn't even about being "healthy thin" (which Beyonce, Britney and a lot of these other celebrities were), people would pick apart women if they weren't rail thin. If a celebrity's stomach stuck out even slightly, she'd be on the tabloids the next morning with an arrow pointing to her stomach, a red circle around her thighs and a headline like "GAINING WEIGHT, UNLOVED AND DRUG-ADDICTED".
They basically primed the next generation for all the weird HAES bullshit today, and I think it's a good punishment for all the anafagging, but I wish pop culture would find a nice middle ground.
No. 427365
>>427362 said, honestly. It was everywhere, and far more egregious. Now, media and public figures actually get slammed for body shaming, and if you don't spend your whole life looking at IG hoe pages, there's a wider variety of body types to appreciate.
No. 427374
>>427282That's absolutely not true. Appart from a couple celebrities who made their carreer out of sex, very few "in" girls have huge fake tits nowadays. That was more of a 90's thing.
Also the whole "contour thicc queen" is a specific standard about one type of women that's being pushed but it's not the sole archetype expected from women. In my college there is not one single instathot and all the more popular/pretty girls are white, slim, natural make up, fresh faced etc…
Honestly, when people talk about instathot being the "only thing acceptable" now just make it seem like you never go outside and base your worldview on instagram.
>>427311Britney wasnt being called fat at the slave4u and oops era but when she gained a little bit of weight, everyone was calling her fat, what are you talking about?
Everyone here thinks that Kim K is universally considered as the only acceptable type of beauty today but that's not true. Media push it because of her family's power but I don't know a single person (woman or man) IRL who actually finds Kim K attractive.
No. 427382
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>>427302>>427299Honestly this nailed skinny and fit wayy better. The 00s figure was too ruler shaped for me
No. 427389
>>427377But they can! The fact that some nerds off 4chan disliked Captain Marvel for not having an ass doesnt change the success of Captain Marvel. Cara Delvigne had a huge moment of fame, as many other models without a huge ass. Many men aren't obssessed with fat booties. Hell, Taylor Swift might be called figure-less by a few people but she still has a huge audience that salivates at her sight, just as Kim K and Cardi B are still called ridiculous and fat in many many circles.
I agree that slim/fit is the best look and is generally more achievable. But if you naturally have a big ass or big tits, even skinny, you wont be able to turn your body into an assless titless skinny body and the 2000s truly fashioned a flat ass.
Women will always be torn about their looks and I'm not saying that today's beauty standards are better than the 2000s but thinking that you
have to have a huge ass today to be considered beautiful is delusional and only goes to show what kind of social circle you have (or you don't have and just base your worldview on instagram).
No. 427400
>>427281people idolize the 00's because of nostalgia is the simple answer.
I dislike the 2010's bc most people are invertebrate social retards plugged 24/7 to the internet, because of creepy shit like Deepnudes and trannies in girls' lockers.
what's better now i guess is progress on social and environmental matters even though corporate put its grubby hands on that.
damn, I miss Geocities, receiving snail mail and the blissful absence of beauty gurus. also people not thinking you hate them if you are not glued to your cellphone to answer their calls. sure, the 2000s were tacky and trashy but those were simpler times.
No. 427405
>>427399I remember back in the 00s I used to envy my folks who were growing up in the 70s and 80s simply for the better pop culture and beauty standards
Its like the 2000s was a wild punk rebel of the 20th century in every bad way
No. 427423
>>427416nah I can see people missing the early 2010's but the late 2010s have just been really awful and
toxic(especially online)
I have hope for the 2020s
No. 427442
>>427423god, i hope you are right, anon, I can't wait for the 10's to be over.
for the 2020's I want a global movement towards environmental consciousness and stepping away from technology to enrich your inner world with quality media and learning how to enjoy the outdoors, but I know what I'd get is thots faking being vegan and trashing national parks to post to their insta, companies banking on the green washing or very best case scenario, if the end of the world really is near, doomsday preparation which means people learning how to do stuff with their own hands.
No. 427443
>>427428extremely divided as people who reach peak degen revert back to irl communities & individual connections (over social media style mass comm) and degens get worse and more retarded.
HG Wells future seems increasingly possible. just instead of mole people we get literal basement trolls with those "texting neck" bone spurs and mutilated transbodies.
No. 427451
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>>427428I believe Iraqi and Syrian civil war foreign volunteers will be playing a role in global politics I feel their will a new wave of far left wing militant groups that will initially be made up of Syrian and Iraqi civil war veterans
No. 427510
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>>426581Men should be always shaving their legs.
No. 427811
>>427632What are you talking about? My goverment doesnt support the PKK, they never have. They even consider them a terrorist organization.
>>427628Meanwhile, they're the only people successfully combatting ISIS in the region and fighting for secular liberation from radical islamist.
No. 427971
>>427969You have to remember the hella active posters in cow threads are obsessive internet hags who would love the attention the cows are getting. Enjoying milk and mockery is pretty normal but people that are way too into it are more than a little bit
No. 427993
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>>427985we have dozens of threads about cows whose only problems are that they trace art and can't take criticism,thats nothing special
while Deva and elvo are 2 biological sisters that make unhistorical art of young boys who were horribly mutilated and raped and romanticize it
the even edit Wikipedia pages and insert their fetishes in
No. 427995
>>427979I don't get why that got locked either. Ive never heard about any of this stuff before and it was really interesting to read about. People keep saying that the new moderation team is fantastic but like they're human and I feel like they're making really odd choices and mistakes. Like they ban people for things that normally you don't get banned for (I haven't been but the red text I've seen lately is weird) and then there's zero control on anons instigating arguments/derailing with infighting.
Anons are nitpicking other anons, that's how bad this summer has gotten. But apparently most people don't feel like this so idk.
No. 428023
>>428019Yeah, it's super weird. Me and my sister are close but… not like that.
Also I was looking through their deviantart and ew one of them had drawn a couple of comics implying sexual relations between Thor/Loki/Baldr, all brothers. Like come on man… don't make this shit even weirder than it already is
No. 428066
>>428054It comes off as age play to me, the only reason it got so damn popular is because of a director who made all of his porn actresses be completely bare for the schoolgirl shoots and then it caught on. Can’t tell me choosing to look prepubescent isn’t pedophilic/age play in nature
>inb4 I do it because I prefer it Social pressure + norms is one hell of a drug, interesting how an over abundance of women who allegedly prefer the bare look all popped up after it got so popular in pornography.
No. 428083
>>428066I never bought the whole ageplay thing. Just that no hair = more "groomed" appearance. I mean, can we really argue that guys shaving their face implies we want them to look like pre-pubescent femboys? It's just a societal thing that imples everyone is too good for body hair. Shaving makes people not animals, apparently.
I just hate that it makes women so insanely insecure to have pubic hair. At least, I wish guys were held to the same standard so couples can laugh it off or something. "Oh, you think shaving is stupid too? Let's stop this is silly" But it's just this one-sided thing that makes almost every women deathly afraid of even having a little bit of hair.
Bushes are cute and sexy on women.
No. 428122
>>428054Pubes are the eyebrows of the vagina, they need to be neat and tidy but without them you look weird and bald and alien.
Who gives a fuck how 'slutty' it looks though? You sound like a 50 year old christian lady clutching her pearls. Being a slut has it's problems but looking slutty is fucking nothing.
No. 428142
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>>428133you are in the UNPOPULAR OPINION THREAD, you absolute genius, which is why people are sharing their opinions about trivial things. your mama was right when she told you you would amount to something, I nominate you for a Nobel prize.
No. 428151
>Bushes are cute and shaving/waxing is extremely slutty. Being completely bare is what porn stars and prostitutes do. Trimming is fine though.
>Shaving and waxing is not just slutty but EXTREMELY slutty
Umm, what? It's literally just hair on your body and how you choose to groom it, porn stars and prostitutes also work out, wear makeup, get haircuts, wear skirts, etc, that doesn't make it "Extremely slutty", being a sex worker makes them slutty, most of the time you can't tell the difference between a SW or average woman unless they're being edtrme obvious about it and are wearing the right attire, most women shave and wax their pubes, get over it
No. 428156
>>428151People care because it’s a porn-induced beauty standard that adds yet another painful, pointless ritual to the ever-growing list of things women have to do and men don’t.
Furthermore, every time someone tries to point out the creepy implications of the bald vagina trend, women REEEE about how they do it for themselves and have never been influenced by men’s expectations in their lives.
Sorry your ugly pornsick boyfriends can only get it up for baby vaginas. Find strength.
No. 428160
>>428156Again it's just hair, insulting women who do shave their pubes and claiming it's the sluttiest thing ever is just as bad and claiming women with pubes are all icky fat unclean feminazis
Also, men don't groom their pubes? Have you ever heard of manscaping? Most men shave their pubes. It's not that serious dude. I don't understand why no one here thinks a middle ground exists, it's always one side or the other
No. 428175
>>428164Wouldn’t just trimming it short help deal with the sweat problem? And I feel like I look weird too without any pubes, another anon said it well when she called them the eyebrows of the vagina lmao
Does anyone else get blood caught in them though? Every period I have to shave off the little bit at the very top between the lips otherwise it gets really badly irritated because of the blood getting caught
No. 428251
>>428242The wiping just irritates it further, it’s the only spot that seems to be an issue - when I shower the skin feels very dry and rash like in that spot and tends to sting, so washing doesn’t help either
Maybe I have an abnormal amount of hair in that spot or something, but only shaving at the beginning of my period seems to help
No. 428291
>>428175Yeah I usually just trim for the comfort, though sometimes I want a nice smooth vagina bc it feels so nice to the touch. I leave a little landing strip bc completely bare doesn't look great to me either.
Also I'm pretty sure hair removal all over has existed in the middle east before porn. lol.
No. 428322
>>428291Yea in the middle east. It wasnt a universal thing that was expected from nearly all sexually active women.
Also, if you think middle eastern men back then didnt have any pedophilic tendencies, you're just dumb.
No. 428353
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>>428335>>428339I kinda want normies to get meme'd into the pale skin/dark hair combo niche that exists on indie women and tumblr and stuff. It feels like a natural progression from "goth gf" trend but we all know society wont ever dive into full goth, but like a soft nu-goth (kinda like Jane from Breaking Bad?) Their skin would be so much healthier, lip fillers would be irrelevant, and weight wouldnt be such a big factor because nobody's wearing Niké crop tops. It'd be cool if jewelry got popular again as well, I feel like it hasnt been since big chunky statement pieces from the early 2010s.
No. 428362
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>>428353As someone who has naturally dark skin I don't want pale skin to become a trend again. But as ana chan as this sounds I do want skinniness to becomes a trend among black girls eventually.
No. 428379
>>428353I think that would be better than what we have now, healthier than the tans of the 2000s and the heavy makeup and PS of the 2010's. Although I could never reach it myself because I'm not fully white rip.
What I'd really prefer is romanticization of the natural look with classy yet comfy clothes. No pressure to fit certain proportions or skin colour, and weight is fine as long as it's within a healthy range.
That's too idealistic though.
No. 428444
>>428083maybe thats just me but i stopped shaving my legs around a month ago and nobody ever gave a fuck about it
i guess this opinion is unpopular since i shave my armpits cause i feel like i sweat even more with hair there, but who gives a fuck about legs.
No. 428453
>>428447Unpopular opinion: I love the smell of certain strains of marijuana.
Some if it is rather stale smelling and musky though.
No. 428458
>>428447yea but everyone acts like its some sort of miracle drug with no side effects whatsoever. not to mention that even smoking a small amount makes people act like absolute retards, people can smoke an entire pack of cigarettes and not act like retards or drink a pretty decent amount of alcohol before getting to that level. and then theres all the idiots who act all paranoid after smoking it and can be legitimately dangerous. lets not even get into the fact that it can permanently damage your brain. it literally smells worse than cigarette smoke somehow. people can bitch about alcohol all they want but it will never make someone smell like they havent showered in an entire week by itself.
im glad its illegal where i live, and since most people in my country seem to feel the same it will be illegal for the forseeable future kek. drug users are an active drain on and a danger to society, and all belong in prison tbh.
No. 428483
>>428458Omg I’m so fucking sick of it too. Everyone keeps trying to push it on me and it’s their most important political issue and they won’t shut the fuck up about it like it’s some sort of shoe in for a personality.
I don’t believe that “it’s not at all harmful uwu” bullshit they act like god damn crack heads
No. 428503
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>>428362Thinness was a thing for black women before in the past except their bodies were always more athletic build and curvier than others; nothing like the skinny fat and curveless body many current skinny girls propped by ana chans and people with Eds like
>>428335Being skelly is having your muscles ate up and becoming fragile and curveless so why?
No. 428512
>>428505I mean I agree, that style is embarassing, it's basically Mall Goth, but I think you're missing the point with her not being overtly beautiful. Beauty
Standards shouldn't be absolutely gorgeous ott beautiful women, especially considering you can't change your facial features.
No. 428623
>>428447I love toking especially since it helps my shite bipolar brain become functional and have really good self reflection that lasts with me after im sober
I find it really enjoyable but ceased to have became addicted to it and go weeks and months without it easily
I have more of an addiction to things like caffeines and energy drinks; basically stims
No. 428741
>>428447Weed culture is fucking bullshit. Period. A lot of my friends used to smoke weed when we were younger and they all became so fucking annoying, even constantly trying to push the stuff on me when I sternly told them multiple times that I'm not interested. All they could talk about was weed and what they were doing when high like it was the most hilarious thing ever. No, you laughing at stupid stoner shit isn't funny. I also hate when they try to pull the "alcohol is worse" gotcha when my stance on alcohol is about the same, I hate it when people continuously get too drunk and act like buffoons.
And yes, you can totally tell when someone is addicted to weed. First of all they can't shut up about how much they smoke weed. Secondly they become sluggish and non-self aware. Just because people you meet don't immediately yell "I KNOW YOU'RE DOING POT" out loud doesn't mean they "can't tell".
No. 428744
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>>427360NTA but I was a teenager in the early 00's and you constantly had celebrities being rail thin and super fit and showing it off. The fashion back then was basically very very low cut jeans which you could only pull off if you had a flat, trimmed stomach. EVERY celebrity woman was showing off their midriff and I mean fucking EVERYONE. The "trashy $5 slut" (pic related) style was really in back then and of course every teenage girl wanted to emulate it. Whenever I look back on shit people wore in the early 00's I'm just baffled at how that was ever acceptable.
It's not THAT different from what it is now because eating disorders and body dysmorphia still exist within young women but I feel like you definitely see a lot more variety and healthier bodies and more tasteful clothes than in the early 00's. I feel like it's more about hitting the gym and being classy than starving yourself to look like a drug addicted prostitute.
No. 428808
>>428744Gawd this was such a tacky era
You never have people who were older than 16 during this time idolizing it
No. 428909
>>428900It’s a term that British
children use, but I’ve seen DDLG creeps use it too, and it seems to be spreading to some weird ass American women lately.
No. 429162
>>429079Agree, I think facial acne is aesthetic.
I know from experience it's horrible to have though (hurts) so I understand wanting to get rid of it…scars are just as qt tho.
>tfw no pockmarked bf or gf>>429149Not her obviously but I find it nice on everyone.
No. 429182
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>>428744Meh, the thing I liked about the 2000s is that you didn't have to look perfect and things were more laid back, your makeup didn't have to be perfect, you didn't have to have ridiculous cartoon lips or huge almond eyes or a perfect jaw and tiny nose, you didn't have to have an exaggerated figure to be attractive, you didn't have to have your outfit perfect and rooms looked more comfy
Nowadays if your shoes don't match your outfit you'll be the laughing stock of Twitter and Instagram, just being fairly slim and not being flat was the standard so you could've worn things like body hugging dresses and crop tops without worrying about if you look curvy enough, people actually liked having fun and socializing without getting marked as slutty or trashy and people actually made an effort to be fun to hang around, unlike now where everyone strives to be uwu quiet and mysterious
It was okay to be human back then
No. 429217
>>429182Did we live in the same timeline back then girl? Most people I knew got absolutely destroyed for not conforming to trends. Giant fake titties were all the rage back then. Just go watch that "Stupid spoiled whore playset" episode of South Park and there's a pretty accurate description of what the early 00's were for a teenage girl.
However I agree that people were much more social, fun and outgoing back then. And everything wasn't slathered with cheap populist politics all over it.
No. 429228
>>429182LOL the 2000s was absolutely harsh as fuck and extremely woman hating compared to the previous decades
I explicitly remember people who were adults orteens during the 70s 80s and 90s lamenting on how the new generation of girls had such a tight and bad standard then. The 2010s is more lax body wise because women more fat than ever can be seen as mainstream sexy
>>429217lmao this
these people are just making up shit
No. 429232
>>429182Samefag but that pic is another reason why I hate the 2000s, black artists become replaced by lighter straight weaved counterparts; by then natural hair and Afrocentric features forebears fought so hard to make acceptable was seen as unfashionable and ugly because of the 2000s autistic obsession with straight hair and other aestheics naturally void from black women
Black girls no longer wore their natural hair since they either permed it or covered it with weaves and dark skin women didnt make it to the mainstream much anymore as the music got watered down by shit hop and degenerate brainless shit hop culture being forced down our throats
No. 429241
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I like the rebuilds of Evangelion slightly more than NGE, and I hate that anyone who dares have that opinion is treated like a retarded leper.
I still think the End of Evangelion is better than the rebuilds. When I say "NGE", I'm referring to just the show, not the movie. The movie is obviously awesome and superior.
I think people who hate the rebuilds have nostalgia blinders on. The original series had some really cringey filler in it, lest we forget. It was also really inconsistent tonally (which I understand to be part of the charm, but it gave me wiplash personally). It was a good anime, certainly, but it wasn't perfect.
This isn't to say that the rebuilds aren't flawed, either- they definitely have issues. I agree that they dropped the ball with Asuka's character by getting rid of her stuff with her mom and the dolls. However, I really like what the rebuilds did with Kaworu. The stuff with him felt more built-up, less out-of-nowhere.
Idk. I understand people preferring the original, but the active hatred of the rebuilds strikes me as being really melodramatic, especially when people feel the need to ostracise people who do like them. God forbid someone like a fucking Japanese cartoon you don't like!
No. 429256
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>>429149I guess both but I'm straight so I don't really think about womens faces the same way. Their faces also tend to be more round which I don't like.
No. 429284
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>>429241I calling the police on you right now for saying the end of evangelion is better than neon genesis evangelion /s
Also here's my unpopular opinion, I like shinji and I can't stand asuka and rei for the life of me. I've tried to force myself to like them but i cannot. And I don't think my disliking them takes away my enjoyment of the series.
No. 429303
Grown ass adults trying to recreate the early 2000s fashion typically worn by preteens is fucking dumb. Your childhood is done, get over it.
>>429182Probably because you were like 8~10 years old at this time so of course bimbo rules didnt apply to you.
No. 429306
>>429079I guess it's because I've been around people all my life with acne and also having had some myself, and I agree.
When I meet someone new with acne I'm not thinking of their acne in a stereotypical sense like "Ah, how gross lack of hygiene ewwww!"
It just becomes part of how I see and identify them. It doesn't offend me.
No. 429330
>>429241I really like Rebuilds. The original anime was too filler-ish for me.
>>429284I don't get Asuka and Rei worship too. For me Shinji was always the only really relatable character that seemed human in the entire series. Well, maybe also Ritsuko. And rebuilds rescued Kaworu from being one-dimensional too.
I really hate rebuilds for tacking on Mari tho. Absolutely worthless.
No. 429360
Evangelion Rebuild anons, Is it Worth watching if Asuka is my most fav character of the series? I have watched only first 2 movies, my bf thought of rewatching rebuild + watching the latest movie(s), but idk. Anon above
>>429241said that they ditched Asuka's previous storyline part which I actually really, really liked the most. Basically one of the main reasons she is my fav, not counting Shinji and Misato.
No. 429379
>>429330>I really hate rebuilds for tacking on Mari tho. Absolutely worthless.This, she's one of the main reasons why I don't like them.
But I don't really like eva in general tbh even though it was one of the very first anime I watched
No. 429439
>>429284I agree. I like them too, and they're not completely inhuman but it's defenitely noticable how most of the female characters in eva are badly written and have no depth in comparison to Shinji. He's the MC but still.
>>429303A girl I used to know who is almost 30 and obese did this. Absolutely hideous. I cringe it even when teenagers do it.
No. 429478
>>429400Are you talking about the later posts? Because I was the anon talking about the chick with no lips. I’ll admit I’m flawed and I usually don’t attack people’s other appearance but the person was being a cunt for no reason and I’m a sassy drunk so….
I do agree that people here can go overboard though.
No. 429479
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>>429464>>429466>I'm 28 and do this because I don't give a shit>And fyi, everyone thinks I look amazing! Uglies and those with shit self esteem keep being bitteris this bait
No. 429506
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>>429284Same! I like Shinji, too. I think he's a realistic character, and all the memes about what a little bitch he is feeling unfair. He's reacting to his situation like most fourteen-year-olds would. Asuka is somewhat interesting (if annoying), but Rei is just a plot device. I feel like Misato is a little one-note, too, but I still like her.
I think the neckbeards who originally made Eva popular in the states placed too much importance of the "waifu-bait" characters, and their self-insertion of Shinji caused them to hate him when he acted like a damaged kid instead of a Gary-stu.
>>429360I'm the anon who originally brought up Evangelion. I say, give it a try but go in with low expectations as far as Asuka goes. She's not even in 3.33 much.
To anons in this thread who like Eva, give Gunbuster a watch if you haven't already, it's fantastic.
No. 429519
>>429506>>429284I like the female characters in Eva, but you guys are right that they don't get developed much. At least not as much as Shinji. This affects all of them to some degree, but I think Rei (and to a lesser extent Ritsuko, but she's not a main character anyway) gets the worst of it. Anno said himself that her character development was finished after episode 6.
It would've been cool if her story ended in her getting to affirm her identity (since she wasn't entirely human or Lilith), especially in a way that didn't directly involve Gendou or Shinji.
Sorry for the rant. I love Gunbuster too, Noriko is a fun character.
No. 429528
>>429182Anons are right that there was less pressure in the 90s and 2000s for celebrities to look perfect, but thats because the internet wasn't a thing. A fashion faux pas at an award show might get you laughed at on VH1 for one night, and in a couple magazines but thats it. Now? A fashion faux pas will trend on twitter, get made into a meme, inspire fifty trending hashtags and buzzfeed articles. The scope of the public eye has increased. Celebrities went to movie premieres in the 90s looking like shit because they weren't huge deals, but now they are.
Also, cameras have gotten better. When you have HD cameras in everyone's pocket these days theres more pressure to never be caught looking bad.
The 90s/00s did have their own strict body standards, but anon here
>>429217 referencing South Park as an example of this is wrong. Giant fake breasts were not all the rage for your mainstream beauty queens. Back then it was being skinny and getting a nose job for most celebs.
No. 429552
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>>429528Are we forgetting about this era
The twenties to mid nineties was known for celebs dressing up and being stylish as hell especially entertainers
They just got lazier and tackier then; and also the fashions of 2010s is just plain bad
No. 429553
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>>429552Actually im including the whole of 90s and early 2000s because you know
No. 429557
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>>429552You need to look at what celebrities were wearing in their day to day lives, not in magazines or special events. And Prince is an anomaly, the dude was huge into fashion.
Check out @NightOpening on twitter for a good look at fashion from the late 80s to early 2000s. There were well dressed people back then just like there are well dressed people now but it’s not something unique to the 90s.
No. 429559
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>>429557here’s an example, drew barrymore at the 1992 premiere of reserviour dogs to her now at the Santa Clarita diet season 3 premiere in 2019. nobody is wearing just jean shorts to red carpets anymore.
No. 429561
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>>429559J.lo at the ‘97 men in Black movie premiere vs her at the 2018 premiere of second act. everything is much more glam and over the top. of course she’s also a lot richer and can get couture instead of buying off rack, but overall it’s still more glamorous and dolled up.
No. 429573
>>429561We have to keep in mind musicians and actors are two different entities in Hollywood. Singers and entertainers are always more glammed up but my point was not much are today except Rihanna and few more. It's weird how it seemed to have reversed too
No. 429681
>>429604Because when I talk about the good ol Seventies and Eighties music im talking about black music because that is what i am familiar with and grew up on
How is that a problem
No. 429693
>>429681Somebody said 70s, 80s and 90s fashion was tacky and you say only white people, black people
always looked amazing.
No. 429739
>>429719Kind of agree although I'm a Canuck and a Native woman no less (although I'm sure other Natives may disagree). Obviously acknowledging the past is important but there's nothing wrong with celebrating where the nation is now and how it can evolve in the future. Also fireworks pretty.
Personally I don't celebrate Thanksgiving though, but I think for many it's like Christmas in that it's an abstract tradition rather than a specific celebration of events.
>>429729Yeah, the thing is none of those involved are alive so saying that does nothing. And it's too late. The countries are here, deal.
Generational trauma is a thing and the past is important when addressing why we have the issues we have in current year (child abuse, alcoholism, MMIW, etc.) but otherwise nothing is accomplished by people dwelling on it. But by all means if she wants to volunteer on a reserve and help implement systems for people to get educated, get clean, and get out, then she can.
I understand that you know all this by the way but was just using it as a jumping off point. No. 429768
>>429755I know of people even in my own family who would prefer being bitter about white people over making healthy change in their communities. I understand where it comes from but I also just don't feel the same, you know?
I should have added in a "some" there though, many are also reasonable and working with the country and the current state of affairs to try and make improvements.
No. 429837
>>429791Exactly, it's an issue that isn't quite straightforward. People who dwell on the past are just as off base when it comes to progress as people who pretend it doesn't matter and we just need to suddenly be healthy.
I'll admit being "urban" (I only lived on a reserve for my first 5 years) has definitely made it easier for me to be healthy and view things this way though. Probably why I still have sympathy for people who are stuck (not the ones who become abusers though, fuck em) since I know it's harder to consider these things when life is hell.
And thank you for the kind reply, anon.
No. 429849
>>429719Yeah, that shit is annoying. It all stinks of babbys first attempt at activism.
And yeah, basically it's fun to just reblog funny fourth of July shit. I criticize my country all the fucking time, but it's fun for just one day, to post dumb gifs and forget how bad things are.
No. 429975
>>429693But its true though? Black music didnt collectively hit the fan until after Biggie and Tupac died
That Destinys Child shit was awful and tacky
No. 430009
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>>429719I understand being upset about Columbus day, but Thanksgiving and Independence Day have transcended their original meaning, I think.
Thanksgiving is just about eating food and being thankful. Independence Day is just about fireworks and 'Murrica. And Captain America.
No. 430050
>>430026I hate pop culture tattoos, especially Disney and Looney Toons. I've seen so many Tinkerbells, Tazmanian Devils, and Jack Skellingtons. Tasteless, you literally just carved a piece of commercialism into your body. Cartoon characters in particular just scream "trailer park" to me.
I think tattoos should be personal and meaningful, like a quote, a name of a passed loved one, a piece of your own art, etc.
Oh yeah, and those infinity tattoos with names in them are basic and tacky as hell. Those tattoos immediately remind me of Kailyn lmao
No. 430066
>>430056I really liked that episode. My least favourite episode is probably the national anthem but I'm really disappointed with the new season. It didn't feel like black mirror anymore and they all discussed themes and the consequences of technologies that are already known to everyone; they could've been from the first season tbh. It seemed like a total downgrade.
Idk how to describe it but it felt too "hollywood".
No. 430111
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>>430026So many of my peers are tattooed (I'm 28) and I find them just uglier and uglier the more I see them. Especially because people don't go for the neat, minimalistic and classy small tattoos at all, they get a huge fucking arm-length picture of three wolves howling at the moon surrounded with roses and a shitty song lyric with clashing colors that will fade in two years. Disgusting. Why the fuck do people choose to do this to their bodies?
No. 430137
>>430074Reverse racism was originally a term used to refer to minorities being racist towards white people. Ex: 'white people have no culture', 'look at that cracker', etc
The word existed to point how liberals gave a double standard for minorities, but the word has also gained a reputation for being used by the 'white people are the real minorities!' crowd.
It's like the mens right movement. It was originally trying to fix their own problems, but it soon gained a
toxic following. Some good people exist in the movement, but their are also a lot of bad people
No. 430163
>>430111What disturbs me about "fade" is that it's the ink from the tattoo being broken down and flushed out of the body. Meaning the ink passes through kidneys, liver, and the lymphatic system. Tattoo ink is found in the lymph nodes of dead tattooed people but it isn't yet known if it causes problems. But we do know many inks for tattooing contain carcinogens.
I just don't know why people would want to roll those dice.
No. 430598
lolicon and shotacon are not any worse than any other kind of porn
a lot of the time people like it because they have memories of being sexual as a kid (women into loli and men into shota)
digibro was totally right when he said that lolicon doesn't actually depict children and that's not the appeal. I know lolicons who are grossed out by the CG CP shit and have talked to pedophiles who have confided in me and told me that lolicon is boring and uninteresting to them.
No. 430625
>>430598Why are you the confidante of pedophiles you sick bitch?
Get help.
No. 430658
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>>430598>I know lolicons who are grossed out by the CG CP shit and have talked to pedophiles who have confided in me and told me that lolicon is boring and uninteresting to thempedophiles never lie, guys
No. 431006
>>430026I have a few tattoos and I agree that artists can be so snobbish, they'll talk about other customers to you and make fun of them so it makes me nervous about what tattoos I choose or if I'm friendly enough for them lol. Those "tattoo artist reacts" videos are just gross too.
I'm a bit sad that some people out there think my tattoo'd skin is gross or trashy but that's completely fine, its not like Im gonna get anything purposefully offensive or edgy.
No. 431034
>>430948"Leon" was okay as a film, but I can't unsee how they framed Natalie Portman while she was a minor and it is disgusting to me now. You're fine skipping it, its only contemporary value is as pedo fap fodder basically.
"The Virgin Suicides" I have not yet seen, though.
No. 431049
>>430948Leon to me is a portrayal of how abuse, neglect and erotic transference affect and occur in young girls. Matilda had no idea of love outside of what she saw on TV: romantic and sexual. And like fucking Leon dealt with this well by
rejecting her without making her feel unlovable, teaching her to unlearn helplessness, how you must not let experience with violence make you unkind and then he dies and she must grow upToo bad all the men and ddlgfags completely received the opposite message and like anon said the visual objectification of the child was gross and unnecessary
>tfw no gun slinging daddy/loli gfCalling Natalie Portman ugly is stupid
No. 431060
>>430948The director is a pedo and it was a shitty, boring movie.
>>431049Nta, but she is ugly. Not cute at all when she was a kid.
No. 431092
>>431059"Fun" fact from imdb:
>In the original script, Mathilda (aged 13 or 14) and Léon became lovers. Luc Besson reportedly altered the script to remove this aspect of the story (possibly due to pressure from Natalie Portman's parents). Yikes
No. 431189
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was reading the Belle Delphine thread and suddenly couldn't point and laugh anymore. Call me a bleeding heart wightknight cuck but I empathise with a lot of cows and flakes on some level, sometimes. Belle seems kinda unhinged and she's really young to be doing all this. It's more alarming to me than anything despite all the cringey or bad behaviour she displays.
Then you get self-posting anons like this with a holier-than-thou attitude who need to go to the person and rub it in (and I even get that, too, somehow)
>>>/w/2662Obviously, I'm not gonna bring this into the thread and derail the fun. And I do enjoy pointing and laughing, don't get me wrong, so I'm not gonna try to hold anyone to a selective, subjective, inconsistent moral standard of myself. But ever so often, it's just no fun anymore to point and laugh and a lot of threads just become sad.
No. 431198
>>431193maybe this is naive but I even empathise with the pathetic men on some level. obviously, everyone has agency but right now I feel some pity even for potentially shitty/dangerous people who I would probably hate in person.
also, not sure if Bell is smart enough to make her money last but I didn't read on much and don't know
No. 431229
>>431191As an extreme coffee addict (6+ a day). Agreed, my sister in particular makes me angry in this regard because I struggle so much to have coffee with her. She won't go anywhere except for maybe 4 of the most expensive coffee shops in town, and sneered down on me for suggesting Mcdonalds coffee (Which is actually pretty good for what it is)
True addicts don't really care where they get it from because they go through so much coffee they're for the most part sick of/dead to the taste of it. And they're so used to the taste of instant coffee out of necessity that they don't care about average tasting coffee. The whole "I can't function without coffee!!" crowd aren't really addicts in my experience.
No. 431232
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>>431198Kinda related. I don't really feel pity for incels in the west, because well, they have the opportunity to dig themselves out of their misery. But reading on the situation in China and India makes me sympathize with men in those countries, it's not just a matter of improving yourself over there, or not being a useless piece of shit, it's a statistical inevitability that millions of men will die alone. That must be something heavy to deal with.
No. 431234
>>431232I've seen anons here say they've just played themselves, but this choice wasn't made by the current young men.
tbh I'd be pretty upset if not only was my dad a shit but he also insured that I will probably never find love. So I agree, I feel bad for the ones who aren't committing horrible rapes or anything. It's sad.
No. 431244
>>431242>>431241>>431238Imagine unironically believing in collective sin. So these individual people who did nothing wrong deserve to suffer because they share certain characteristics of the people who caused the problem?
I can understand 'I don't feel anything for them because men are generally shitty and that makes me struggle to empathize'. Because yeah, I understand how that can come about. But you all actually use some sociopathic levels of
victim blaming to cover your own lack of empathy.
No. 431245
>>431244If you think for a second those men aren't as misogynistic as their society and the generations before them who are directly responsible… fucking lol. And we all know loneliness only makes men hate women more, somehow I doubt they are championing women's rights enough to make me feel bad for them.
You act like dying alone (aka not marrying/having kids) is the worst fate ever. They wouldn't have to be alone, for one - they could have friends, extended family, work in the community with children, so who gives a fuck if they don't get the traditional nuclear family? I don't care about the minor inconvenience for these men not to have a wife when those men still benefit from their position of power in society, and that power is what caused the problem in the first place.
No. 431248
>>431244No one said they are specifically responsible, but they still got the longer end of the stick compared to the millions of girls who were considered unworthy because they weren't born with a dick between their legs.
In high school I had a teacher who married a Chinese man and they adopted 2 abandoned girls from China. They were really intelligent, sweet girls and it's sad to think they might not have ever been given a chance. Why doesn't the media ever report it from this perspective?
No. 431272
>>431235Swirl on China
>>431232I feel bad for them as individuals, yes.
However, they have likely learned misogyny from their elders and hundreds of years of it. All China and India can do is learn to value their girls. India at least, still isn't. Fucking rapist pigs everywhere.
No. 431326
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Keemstar seems to be a better father then 90% of Youtube personalities
No. 431375
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>>431372As if their life ends if they can't get a slave…uh…I mean
No. 431401
>>431245you’re a fucking brainlet.
>hurr durr they’re all brainwashed by society>but i’m not because i live HERE where everyone is RATIONAL>wait what do you mean my part of the world is also misogynistic?>wait how come i’m allowed to break status quo and claim i’m not like those several billion people?>wym they’re allowed to have minds of their own too and not everyone follows every doctrine of their inborn society?mind fucking blown wow
>>431389there are so many indian men who work at my office and they smell so bad that we have to keep all of the windows open lmfao. but if you tell them to wear fucking deodorant its ~racist~
sometimes the smell is so strong that when I leave my clothes reek of BO and curry
No. 431427
>>431422This. Isn't China one of the world powers in technology? Let them have sex robots instead of being plagued with us disgusting "roasties" who will inevitably hit "the wall" anyway. They should be glad in their mostly-male society where they don't have to deal with us females and our oppressive matriarchal ways.
Hell, wasn't there some delusional comic about how men would progress to Mars or something if it weren't for women? Let's see that MGTOW fantasy put into action, lmao.
No. 431435
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>>431232This is a problem in femicide in those countries, its bascially their own fault. I read the article this was about and rather than being concerned about the treatment of women over there (because of the shortage of women many are kidnapped and sold into slavery) the tone is very much "I wont have a woman to be my emotional crutch and slave". Also as an anon who can talk about india, their caste system is really fucked.
There was a BBC documentary about people with disabilities trying to "find love" in india. One guy who had disabilities (I think they were both mental and some physical) found a girl who he liked and she liked him. When he found out she was from a lower caste he looked down on her and said it was unacceptable to be with her. The film maker was astonished and asked why caste should matter, and the guy said that she was below him.
That, coupled with the rising MGTOW movement in India where men claiming that women getting basic human rights is an affront to their own rights, these people do not deserve women.
No. 431437
>>431435India is legit the worst place on Earth for women. It is not brought up enough what women go through there. the caste system. the arrange marriages and child grooming. it's beyond sickening. the fact that most american companies outsource to india for tech and a lot of indians live in america right now says a lot. It needs to be brought to light how
toxic and anti women their culture is. I listen to some pod casts about women who escaped that culture speaking up and saying people need to expose it and stop thinking it's racist to put a stop to disgusting anti-human things and pretend they are okay cuz 'muh traditions.'
No. 431440
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>>431437As someone who was raised in a mainly hindu indian community in the Uk, I can unfortunately confirm those problems exist in the community here too.
They are called the Gulabi gang anon and I stan!
No. 431451
>>431389There's something uniquely fucked up about Indian culture where they have the same archaic
abusive gender roles and keeping boys and girls apart as children thing they do in Islamic cultures but also have a big mommas boy culture where mothers are expected to do everything for their sons well into adulthood, so not only do they have no idea how to interact with women their own age but they also feel entitled to being babbied by them. Then inject a nice big dose of western porn and it's bobs and vagine time.
No. 431478
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>>431440real gulabi gang hours
No. 431488
>>431235Chinese neocolonialism. they're also kidnapping ethnic minority women to marry off to han Chinese men and children, to raise as han Chinese to supplement their populations, among other things.
there's nothing good about the Chinese gender imbalance.
No. 431491
>>431488Unpopular Onion but I do feel the Chinese are the best option Africa has
they are the only one's that can bring order and stability to Africa
No. 431539
>>431488Is there any kind of gender imbalance that's good??
>>431534I've heard that Africans actually find it quite insulting that some westeners dare call their current relationship with China neocolonism. And I agree with them. Based on what I've read, China's treats her own citizens like crap. But foreign policy wise, they're not even bad in the grand scheme of things.
I still want that fucktard Xi gone though. Imagine losing to Trump.
No. 431550
>>431539I'm African, and in my experience, many people do agree that it's essentially neocolonialism, but they don't care. They're so jaded about the corruption of their leaders that they're glad to be getting
something out of foreigners taking advantage of them. They even joke that they'll be speaking Chinese soon enough. It's a nihilistic front, and like you said, it's not as bad as it
could be.
Out of the west's brand of pure evil that's been enacted for hundreds of years (and is still ongoing, if you look at what the US did in Libya, understand how they sparked off slavery, and take into account how much they didn't want Gaddhafi to unite Africa and turn it into an independent part of the world), the poison in their own political spheres (leaders unapologetically placing their own ethnic group above others, sheer greed, extremist killings, complete apathy born from classism, etc) and China's opportunism, they'd rather go with the last one. At least the Chinese are actually giving back to them. It's a "Pick your poison" kind of deal.
From what I've seen, what actually pisses a lot of people off is when western media outlets tut and go on about colonialism or exploitation, because a lot of the time, it smacks of jealousy. Low-key "The Chinese are getting in on
our turf!
We should be the ones exploiting Africa, as we always have!" thoughts, not true concern.
I personally think the Chinese need to be kept on a very short leash, exploited for whatever they have to offer and then discarded, because they don't actually respect the countries they're coming to do business with.
I'm already reading stories about Chinese people coming to African countries, making "Chinese only" establishments, disrespecting the locals, refusing to teach them in what are presented as mutually educative spaces, and generally making asses of themselves. IMO, if they're anti-black and racist, they shouldn't leave their country. They should stay home, continue being broke, eat plastic and scramble for money while doing factory work among their own kind. Too bad everyone will probably ignore this behavior until it's too late and they've made the place their own by owning a shitton of corporations where they'll only promote other Chinese people, and creating a populace of mixed kids that we'll have to accept as
No. 431551
>>431549Not to go all "not all men" on you, because I agree, but in general I think that's because most people aren't funny, gender/sexuality/race be damned. I've only met a handful of people in my life who I found to be all around witty and clever.
Most people are just fucking morons, let's be real.
No. 431615
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Im sick of women hating on pornstars and their vaginas because they are setting "unrealistic standards for women"
Whys it so unrealistic nowadays for women to be under 65kg.
How hard is it for them to understand just because a men jerks it to porn doesnt mean its all hes attracted to?
No. 431621
>>431615ok but don't post porn pics
it's gross
No. 431624
>>431615this image is so gross
She looks dead on the inside
No. 431629
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>>431615>Whys it so unrealistic nowadays for women to be under 65kg.It's not just about being "under 65kg", lmao, holy shit. Are you like 12? Even porn stars have to get plastic surgery on their tits, vaginas, asses and pretty much customize their entire bodies just to fit the "aesthetic". Google "vaginoplasty", "vaginal rejuvenation" or "anal bleaching" sometime instead of saving porn pics from 4chan, anon.
It's unrealistic, plain and simple. Porn itself is just unrealistic as fuck and portrays a fucked up image of sex that's often either
abusive to women or outright retarded.
I do disagree with hating on porn stars themselves for it, though. There will always be women with little to no options for money other than to sell themselves. It's the exploitative companies and industries that should be held responsible.
>How hard is it for them to understand just because a men jerks it to porn doesnt mean its all hes attracted to?Because men see all sorts of stupid bullshit in porn and start getting
triggered when real life isn't the same. See: Men demanding sex acts seen most commonly in porn (anal, facials, etc) as if it's normal, shaved pussies (this wasn't a thing in the 70s, proof that men can be memed into sexualizing anything), bleached assholes, vaginas that literally only look one way in shape/size/color or else the girl must actually be a "slut" or some horrible mutant, that a woman isn't a virgin if she doesn't bleed during sex (when the truth is, you can't "break" a hymen, it never leaves the body, and you're actually not supposed to bleed during sex at all. Men have just been bad at sex, retarded about human biology and wholly uncaring about women's pain for generations), unironically thinking a woman has to be screaming with her eyes rolled back and/or squirting while crying otherwise she's not really enjoying it, etc etc.
Cumbrains are like dumb animals, or super impressionable children. They need more of a "high" every time with porn, and the things they watch become progressively more divorced from real life. Almost inevitably, they lose touch with reality and start expecting ridiculous things. It's not our fault they're retarded.
No. 431633
>>431629Seriously,when people talk about the unrealistic expectations that porn sets they're not talking about women's bodies (or at the very least not JUST their attractiveness) they're talking about the expectations they set regarding sex and relationships as a whole. Porn presents an idealized world for horny men and horny men only where women are:
>always dtf, even if they reisist or say no initially>have no concerns regarding their safety or sexual health (ie surprise anal with no lube, going back and forth from vaginal to anal without cleaning up) >only exist to please the male's fantasy, and only orgasm if that's part of what the male wants to see >love to be degraded, used and abusedPorn has become progressively more violent and degrading, almost entirely towards women and feminine males, especially non-white women. The landscape surrounding porn is
toxic and anyone who defends it is clearly just trying to balance their guilt regarding their own consumption.
No. 431636
>>431616Seriously? Smaller women can have small waists and big boobs too.
This idea that smaller women can't have curves is straight up fat girl delusion.
No. 431639
>>431631You will know if it’s
right if it slides in really easy with no problem. If you feel resistance when he’s pushing it in, even if it doesn’t hurt yet or it feels a bit dry then you aren’t ready yet and need to play around a bit more.
No. 431645
>>431636>>431628>>431616>>431621Don't respond to bait
>>431636Must be tough going through life having people invalidate that your bodytype exists even though it's everywhere in the media. Someone said something an image-board. Please survive.
No. 431646
>>431636>trying to turn a discussion about pornography being bullshit into some 2011-tier skinny vs fat debate about "muh curves"Could you take this nonsense back to Reddit or wherever it is you hail from? This shit is so elementary.
In case you haven't realized, thin women with curves still don't look like porn stars. That's why porn stars so often have to get plastic surgery, regardless of their measurements before.
No. 431647
>>431640It's entirely the parents being irresponsible and not taking the time the understand the games/youtubers they allow their kids to be exposed to. The internet is extremely dangerous especially to an individual with considerable brain plasticity who is open to any sort of bad idea. Parents are slacking in this department routinely. It's not the 90s where the only risk is the kid seeing someone get punched. It's so fucking different and complicated now.
But you know, people feel it's their right to just spawn a child and not do the full homework.
No. 431650
>>431647100% agree, and more than just the parents, we haven't learned to adapt to children being so online as a society. We treat the internet like it's an adult space. You wouldn't wave your dick around in a public park, and yet people do it on social media with kids on their friends lists/followers/etc, or at least a click away, and then defend it by saying the parents need to step it up or something. Parents need to do more parenting wrt the internet, AND people in general need to act with some more grace in public (which includes online at this point).
The stakes are so much higher than they were for us in the 90's or even early 2000's. I've already seen a few genuinely internet damaged teens and learning they were 14/15 and already this fucked up instead of your garden variety creepy adult online was immensely more disturbing.
No. 431662
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My point was that most pornstars are average. Alot of popular pornstars
dont have perfect innie vaginas or are short with huge tits. Theres alot of different categorizes from flat chested tiny teens to busty bbw milfs.
Pornstars aren't all perfect victorias secret models.(male)
No. 431671
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>most porn stars are average
Don't respond to it, guys.
No. 431673
>>431671Well its true, they are average women untill they get a bunch of surgery.
My point is that porn is inclusive of pretty much everybody type.
No. 431908
>>431549I'm just over the whole dudebro stoners that make up 50% of male comedians. I was watching one on youtube, I can't remember his name, he was some disgusting fat guy doing his skit shirtless… Bert Kreisner! That was his name. Anyway, the entire bit just came off as a long winded brag. His entire story was devoid of comedy, it was just about how criminals accepted him in their group for no reason, how he got away with committing crimes for no reason, how much alcohol he managed to put away, etc. It's literally no different than the sort of thing a drunk 19 year old at a party will retell at the top of his voice in order to impress women, and the same sort of story I heard a disgusting baby-boomer telling to a poor lady working at a coffee shop. It's like everyone in these stories, all their friends they hang out with, are the same sort of low functioning sociopath with zero impulse control.
Every guy into comedy goes on and on about how terrible and samey women comedians are, but will shovel down dudebro stoner braggart #3532 like he's so original and thought provoking. No, casually going on about how you messed up a threesome because you had to take a hit from a bong doesn't impress me.
No. 431918
>>431908>>431910They're also the same guys who assume you're offended if you don't laugh at their jokes. As if they couldn't possibly NOT be funny. Everyone knows that guy in their friend group and the most obnoxious ones go on to be these lame comedians.
Idk his name but that redhead comedian who sexually harassed women creeps me out the most, I watched his netflix performance and as soon as he described his child daughter's butt as her "perfect little ass," I was done with the whole lot. Some men say pedo sexual shit in plain daylight and get away with it 100000% because tehe jokes
No. 431931
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>>431918>he described his child daughter's butt as her "perfect little ass,"Threads become pink-pill threads on their own.
No. 431983
>>431556You can justify your own racism however you like, but hypocrisy is still hypocrisy.
No. 432020
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Go Fund Me campaigns are scams imho. A friend of mine made one for a surgery she played up as "life threatening" and once her goal was met she didn't provide proof or any sort of information that the funds went to what they say they were advertised for. GFM doesn't require it to be provided so I seen a bunch of people we personally know donate and share her GFM because she might die!!!
Behind the scenes, it turns out the GFM funded a breast augmentation and lift… And that's it. Calling her out on it had her block me on social media, and a call that essentially was a veiled threat if I keep talking about it.
I wish GFM would keep a tighter check on these campaigns if not shut down altogether.
No. 432021
>>431753I'd honestly be cool with it if it was a result of love and understanding between groups, it just bothers me that it's happening mostly out of opportunism. They're trying to make money, solidify themselves in the continent and remedy the self-destructive consequences of curtailing their own female population all at once.
The thought that entire generations may be born for such selfish reasons is just messed up to me.
No. 432208
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All Indian men sound like Apu.
No. 432306
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For context, I live in a major tourist destination
Everyone riffs on Chinese tourists with their eccentric behavior. But I've never been bothered by Chinese tourists, they're eccentric but wholesome. I don't mind them taking photos of everything, they're really enjoying themselves and I can appreciate that. American tourists are another group that have an unfair reputation, but I feel like this just came from 'woke' people during the bush era that confused American foreign policy with the american public. American tourists here are without fail super polite and respectful.
The worst tourists come from Germany or Scandinavia, most especially Germany though. They're always so banal and boring, and try to disguise their banality with a false, bohemian appearance. Yet they fly to my town on the opposite side of the world and sit inside the library on the computer for most of the day, so much for 'experiencing the world' kek. No other group will have the audacity to say how much things are better in their home country, only Western Europeans are that arrogant.
And when you see begpackers online, again, it's almost always germans. What the fuck is wrong with that country?
No. 432392
>>432306>The worst tourists come from Germany or Scandinavia, most especially Germany though. They're always so banal and boring, and try to disguise their banality with a false, bohemian appearance.People hate chinese tourists and throw them out and ban them left and right because they do things like let their kids shit on streets, bath in fountains, yell around in churches, yell at innocent staff, are greedy at buffets, don't dress and behave appropriately at sacred places, and so on, but germans being boring and supposedly not going sightseeing is somehow worse?
>>432369Yeah, all germans are stinky. (And nazis, amirite?) How old are you, 10?
>>432363>I'm glad they're all getting quickly replaced. Wtf? Yikes. How do you think writing something like this is even remotely okay? Disgusting racist.
My best friend (a german girl!) got molested by chinese tourists, because they believe that a 15yo wearing a traditional dress gives them the right to take pictures without asking (which you find so wholesome) and posing by grabbing her chest. Same thing happened at a local brewery there female employees wore traditional dresses to greet chinese business partners.
What is wrong with
No. 432404
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>>432363You're going to love new 'german' tourists, they're no longer boring, they do fun little things like gangrape.
No. 432408
>>432306Chinese tourists aren’t that bad imo. As a waitress, they tend to be pretty good tippers. I’m sure some of them are obnoxious but aside from speaking kinda loudly, I don’t mind them.
There are a lot more obnoxious tourists to wait on imo.
No. 432413
>>432392Word, anon. Chinese tourists can be ridiculously disrespectful and even here (Finland) they've known to trespass on private properties, litter all over them and peek into peoples' houses while they're inside (sometimes even using cottages for housing if nobody's home!) and overall treating ~the pure northern landscape~ as their own playground and forcefully taking photos of blonde kids without their consent. No other tourist group does this shit.
Related to the discussion above I can't stand it when Finland is being confused as being a part of Scandinavia. It's part of the Northern Europe but definitely not Scandinavia which consists of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The cultural, genetic, ethnic, lingual and even geographical differences are pretty vast. This peeves me because I 100% agree that Scandinavians are smug assholes and I'd rather die than be grouped in with them. Certain demographics here are desperate to be considered Scandinavian because of muh colonization based inferiority complex and they love to spread this idea around.
No. 432504
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Maybe I am being naive but I think this blackfishing phenomenon is not so horrible.
Having black features (hair, lips, butt, etc) is getting so hyped up, to the point that celebs are making so much effort to get that look. We have had decades and decades of black women trying to look white and now the tables have turned. Little by little, "being black" is getting a cool and desirable status.
I think it is a bit silly when people get all reeee because what do you want bitch? be marginalized? your culture to continue to be considered trashy, shitty and not something to be admired? Idk.
Of course I think it is cringe when people do it but I think the fact that is happening symbolizes that black people are gaining enough power that their culture is getting mainstream.
No. 432511
>>432306I hate backpacker culture
so much. Young people just wanting to travel for cheap? Nothing wrong with that. But then you have these kids who literally ID as "backpackers", who have rich parents and spend all their money on drugs and always travel only to EA, SEA and latin america. And when they run out of funds, they beg or sell postcards, taking taht money away from the actual poor people of that country. It's a new form of colonialism imho. I'm from Belgium and know so much of these fuckers, I hate all of them. All of them smell of weed and sweat and can only talk about what they did when they travelled but they didnt even do anything.
No. 432518
>>432512This. It's like if people shat on white women for having blond hair or blue eyes, but whenever a black or Asian woman bleached her hair or wore contacts (or had either of those traits naturally through some genetic thing), they'd be like "Yasss queeeeen".
The appreciation isn't extended to the people who are actually born with the traits, just the ones who go out of their way to pay $$$ to get. It's like some passive-aggressive tsundere shit.
No. 432544
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Nsfw art of youtubers/real people is fucking creepy.The people who like it are always fucking autists.
When you get people thirsting over Projared and wanting porn drawn of him you know there's a fucking problem.
No. 432552
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Sometimes I think of Emily Youcis and feel sad.
Imagine living life traumatized from CSA, hypersexual, self-loathing and completely fucked up. The few things keeping you alive are animation, creativity and friends, but you end up getting taken advantage of, abandoned and scorned repeatedly. Your mental health gets worse. You end up latching onto white supremacy groups for a sense of belonging, go full handmaiden/tradthot and try to "repent" for your past behavior by shitting on your own gender, saying women all want to be raped and that they shouldn't have rights. You swallow all sorts of nonsensical, biased information because not only does it give you a false sense of empowerment, it puts you in a "team" and shows you an enemy to fight against.
The /pol/tard brainwashing gets so bad, you go too far with the bullshittery and get fired from your actual paying job. You blame "The Jews" for trying to destroy you not just in this instance, but all your life. After that, you just kind of wander around aimlessly in this same shitty community. You do end up traveling to South Korea for a brief while, but you're mostly still lonely, still keep in contact with the /pol/ cult, and the best thing you can think to publicly say about the country is that most of the people there are of the same race.
You don't animate or create anymore. You barely express yourself unless it's to act as a political sycophant, and even then, you can't say certain things or fully be yourself half the time, since you might get too blatant with the agenda and get whatever propagandist you're being featured with banned. The people you ally yourself with call you a dumb whore left and right (but that's probably nothing new).
Your one salvation ends up being a marriage to some guy who probably sees you as "used, damaged goods" and never truly lets you forget it.
Finally, you're relegated to the occasional post on Gab, where at best, you might like someone's repost of an animation you made years ago, and share some shitty scribble you made at 10 years old. No more creativity, not much personality, just fitting yourself into a shitty tradwife mold formed by delusion.
I just feel like she had a lot of talent and personality, despite all the pain and bad decisions. She essentially threw it all away for this retarded alt-right tradthot meme. If she ever has kids, I wonder what she'll do if her husband abuses them the same way her dad abused her as a kid. The shit she's said honestly makes me worry a bit that she'd turn a blind eye, or even be an enabler, because it's "the white man's right to impregnate his own daughter and continue our race" or some BS. Just a lost soul in every way.
No. 432553
>>432547NTA, I think speculating on the sex lives of real people is creepy regardless of whether the pairing is a real couple IRL or not.
>>432551While I agree that men tend to be blind to female problems, there are definitely women who identify as backpackers who act like they're unrape-able due to survivor's bias. They haven't specifically been murdered yet so the stats are wrong, and women are blowing things out of proportion. Pickmes, really.
No. 432559
>>432524>>432526>>432527>>432528Is it 'racebait and don't get banned'-day…? Can I also just say "I hate [insert country]."?
People who hate on entire nationalities are dumb af.
No. 432746
>>432698There's something so performative and pretentious about a lot of readers. Logically, you'd think a cheap, portable, convenient kindle would be a dream come true for avid readers but so many of them are elitists who think actually holding and displaying books is more important. How convenient that physical books are better at advertising the fact that you read and what you're reading.
I honestly think it's a god tier way to spend time and better yourself in the process, but those sort of readers know that very well and want everyone to see they are doing it.
No. 432845
>>432838>>432841I'm into the worst of creepy/horror films and Blair Witch was nearly unwatchable because the lead woman was the most annoying piece of garbage I have ever seen in a movie. Like, she is beyond the common horror trope of frustrating
victim. She's unbearable and I wanted her to die or shut up.
But hey the big reason why that movie is revered is because it was one of the first mainstream "found footage" movies, not because its amazing. A lot of people who recommend it are those who dont really watch found footage movies, so its just unique to them. There are a lot of better and worse ones.
No. 432865
>>432838That movie was shit and it was so anticlimactic like, at the end I was just like is this fucking it?
Kinda related but I'm tired of men deciding what movie is brilliant, iconic, etc. Almost all the "cult films" or high rated movies are just man-movies that all include themes of violence, sexist + racist language, helpless women and they're all male Mary Sue protagonists who couldn't be further away from reality.
No. 432867
>>432845>>432864Many horror fans will still disagree with that and call it an actually great and frightening film, which it is neither because nothing even remotely supernatural occurs throughout the entire the duration of the movie unless you think a pile of sticks is scary.
>The Blair Witch Project wasn't revered for being a masterpiece of cinema, it was for the phenomenon it created when it came out which was completely unique and impressive back then.That's basically admitting to the fact that the film was purely a gimmick, but okay.
No. 432957
>>432953It's kinda inspired by me going shopping today.
I live in a country where I see maybe 3-4 black people in a year and that's in one of the largest cities. Today I went shopping to the mall and most jewelry all around was gold. I honestly struggled finding anything silver at all.
All the people over 30 are fucking covered in gold rings and chains too. It's a trashy tradition around here, to show that you "can afford it", but there's plenty of pretty expensive not-gold metals. There's rose gold too and it looks much better than yellow gold.
Also for some reason most bags in cheapo shops I frequent have gold hardware too which annoys me to no end since I can't find a good bag with silver hardware and I've been looking for a couple of years now. I know I can buy online, but I like to see things for myself and try them out.
No. 432984
>>432951I think pale people look better in darker metals, like antique golds and silvers. The light metals just get kinda lost in their paleness imo, but I'm a fan of contrast. I prefer seeing silver on darker skin, for instance.
>>432957I feel you on how hard it is to find silver hardware on bags! I'm really picky about bag styles too…
No. 433337
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Pic related; most people who get nerd and fandom-related body modifications are going to regret it extremely.
No. 433343
>>433340Nayrt, but I have plenty of tattoos and wanted to get a tattoo of my favourite musical artist at the time. Before I got it, he was outed as a serial rapist.
Creators can be assholes and forever carrying that shit on yourself is kinda not pleasant. Look at the way people are currently turning on Harry Potter. And how many people have HP tattoos?
The fandoms can become extremely
toxic too and associating with that shit and advertising your association can also be really unpleasant.
Also interests change. With a pretty picture not related to anything particular you can still enjoy the art and the artist, but with a fandom tattoo it's forever tied to the thing you might not like anymore.
No. 433345
>>433340What I liked ten years ago I still like today, but nowhere near still as much. Maturities change. This anon
>>433343 also brings up a good point about how values can change in the blink of an eye.
No. 433680
>>433678>Extremely darkAre we watching the same video? She used makeup that applied to her natural skin color to give it a tanned look.
>PastyShe really wasn't pasty. Do you know how makeup works?
OK but seriously I didn't get the baby hairs style thing, it didn't really fit her face. Other than that I think a lot of Asian beauty products focus too much on lightening the skin, that's why it looks too extreme compared to her doing that tanned look. Like in the first look when she does the base it's literally like 3 shades lighter.
No. 433684
>>433679Yes, some asians are pale and some are dark, but she's somehow allowed to embody both in one person.
>>433680>Are we watching the same video? She used makeup that applied to her natural skin color to give it a tanned look.>Do you know how makeup works?Do you have eyes? Are you her fan? Can't you see how off this looks? Just compare her hands and her face, this is brownfacing.
No. 433686
>>433685>They aren't Italian they're just Italian>Missing the part where I said french as wellThere's also dark skinned sweds too and greeks/Mediterraneans in general, are you telling me all dark skinned Mediterraneans and Europeans are actually mixed race and not white?
You're acknowledging white people can be naturally dark but also play mental gymnastics, why does it blow your mind every race has a variety of skin colors and features?
No. 433687
>>433681Italians from what planet? They can get a tan and ruin their skin in the process but that's it, unless you're talking about mixed Italians like
>>433685 said.
No. 433689
>>433684>>433678it's because most of the people who talk about brownface and blackface don't really know or care what asians are doing in their home countries. the ones that do pay attention are weaboos or kboos who worship whatever they do, so you can't expect them to complain.
i've seen arab MUAs do this sort of thing, too. nothing really happens because arabs are literally irrelevant except when we're talking about dubai porta-potties or terrorism, so no one knows or cares. it doesn't mean they're privileged.
the UK and USA basically made white people as a whole globally known by force of politics, war, history and aggressive self-promotion, so of course they'll face more scrutiny.
don't worry, anon. you too can claim minority status and call them privileged. it's just too early right now. you'll have to wait for the next episode of colonialism and warmongering: asian edition.
No. 433690
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>>433681But I wonder which countries are on the Mediterranean sea…? There's definitely some mixing that's been happening for quite a while.
No. 433691
>>433686>admits that specific dark-skinned meds are mixed, not pure white>thinks someone who's part white/part non-white counts as an example of white people in general having dark skin, not just a mixed person who's brown-tonedcringe
>dark skinned swedesnow this is just a lie, unless by "dark" you mean "spicy mustard" or "damp beige napkin" colored.
we're talking about
dark dark here, anon. white people are pale, and they come in different shades of pale. there's nothing wrong with that, the same way everyone with blue eyes comes from the same white ancestor, making them either mixed or just white, or they have waardenburg's syndrome. just accept it and live.
No. 433694
>>433692>where exactly did i admit>>They aren't Italian they're just Italianright there. as for proof, see what
>>433690 or just read a history book.
the point is, white people don't naturally get as dark as the "after" look in
>>433678. mixed people sure can, but that's it. be happy with what god gave you.
No. 433698
>>433694>Making a joke about how Italians are Italian is somehow saying dark italians aren't whiteOkay then
>see what >>433690 or just read a history book.But y'all get asshurt if Mediterraneans say they aren't white and claim they're trying to be special snowflakes, but when Mediterraneans say they are white but have dark skin you get hurt too, pick one
>white people don't naturally get as dark Whatever you say anon, no white person on the face of the planet has dark skin naturally
Becareful not to hang around people who play sports or work outdoor jobs either anon you might get offended at all the dark skinned fully white people being unhappy apparently
No. 433700
>>433698lol who is "y'all"? when did i get asshurt about meds saying they're not white? i don't care about any of that. you sound slightly delusional.
all in all, the main point still stands. white people's "dark" is angry sunburn red, fake-tan oompa loompa orange, or lightly toasted keebler, not dark as in actually brown like
>>433684 and every other race is actually prone to. one day, you'll make peace with this and your skin.
No. 433703
>>433700Okay, you mean to tell me, if a dark skinned Mediterranean claims they aren't white, they won't face any backlash over it?
Also and what is it with you and trying to claim I'm not happy with my skin, you don't know me, or my race, or my relationship with my skin
>>433701You may not, but say if you're filling out a survey and they ask what race are you, most of them list Mediterranean as white or Caucasian
No. 433704
>>433701IMO they're pretty much white on a social level nowadays, but when we're discussing genetics and phenotype like in this thread, it's kind of a different story.
in the US, sicilians literally weren't even documented as white in the census at first. for a while, they were categorized as "black" because fully white people just don't get as dark as they do. i don't know why anon is trying to argue about survey forms when even history disagrees with them.
No. 433705
>>433703if they're as dark as you're insisting, chances are they'll get away with it, or at least with proclaiming themselves mixed. in the latter case, that's literally what they are, too. not sure what your porblem is.
>Also and what is it with you and trying to claim I'm not happy with my skin, you don't know me, or my race, or my relationship with my skini'm saying it because why else would you be trying so hard to make us believe white people can totally have dark brown skin? like…what's wrong with pale skin? it just looks like you have some sort of complex.
No. 433709
>>433701Are we taking globally or just in America? Because whilst they count as white now in America historically they didn't. Historically the Irish also weren't white so, whatever.
I don't even care about this argument though, I agree that the Korean YouTuber is blackfishing but instead of calling for her death I just think it's a bit embarrassing to see as a westerner but doubt that people in her country feel the same way.
No. 433721
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>>433705>i'm saying it because why else would you be trying so hard to make us believe white people can totally have dark brown skin? like…what's wrong with pale skin? it just looks like you have some sort of complex.ok anon, you got me, the only reason why I would ever point out some white people can have naturally dark skin from what I've seen is because I'm nothing but a big insecure bitch who's painting myself somehow even though you've never seen me
but whatever you're trying to get out of claiming whites can't have naturally dark skin and anyone who says otherwise must be insecure I guess
No. 433733
>>433705>>what's wrong with pale skin? it just looks like you have some sort of complexthat projection
White people can be dark skinned, its not news.
Its just that you retarded americans think so coloured, that
Dark skin = POC
No. 433735
>>433733well, for one, i'm not american. assuming i am seems like a case of actual projection on your end, lmao.
and sorry, but you can not deny reality. we've been over this. meds are mixed race, and 100% white "dark" is not and never has been comparable to everyone else "dark".
No. 433739
>>433735You are denying reality and projecting, i am literally a paper white scandinavian goth, i have no desire for dark skin and i wear sunscreen every day of my life.
I'm simply pointing out the fact that white People can be super dark because skin regardless of race starts rapidly producing melanin to protect itself, which makes it darker. Basic skin science.
And no meds are not mixed, only americans see it this way, because again, dark = poc.
And why does it matter that white people cant be pitch black? I dont think anyone was claiming this.
No. 433744
>>433739tl;dr, not even going to bother for such a simple issue that you've clearly taken personal for strange reasons.
life is life. take it up with genetics, anon, or at least stop trying to force everyone to pretend with you lol
No. 433747
>>433744Because you implied that people pointing out that dark caucasians exist makes them want to be black, which i clearly dont since im goth i obviously dont desire black skin, i desire the complete opposite actually, so yes you are projecting and attacking people for pointing out basic skin science.
Btw, not all white people look like Hitlers wet dream, just thought you should know.
I'm just
>>433733 >>433739 , so there are several anons disagreeing with you.
No. 433749
>>433747nope, that's just what you read into it in your weird, possibly insecure mindspace.
if you're goth, why do you care? why are you so pressed to convince people about hypothetically having dark skin?
you're the only one attacking people and projecting for pointing out basic skin science.
the other anon dipped out and didn't bother responding to everyone who proved her wrong (see
>>433690 >>433687
>>433693 >>433701, none of which are me), so now it's basically just you sperging out over like…nothing, gg.
again, read a history book, learn about melanin levels in skin and how race plays into it on average, and stop screeching at random people.
No. 433752
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honestly, this was all it took to settle things for everybody and end this discussion
>inb4 "no! i swear my grandma's fifth cousin's cat who was 100% totally pure caucasian was the exact same skin color as a mexican!"
No. 433753
>>433749You just seemed delusional accusing everyone of being unhappy with their "genetics" for pointing out that some white people have dark skin, mostly from the sun, why that is so rage inducing to you and makes people want to be black i dont know but i enjoy that kind of drama, since im on Lolcow for that kind of content.
>>433752Exactly, warmer places = darker people. Even the darkest black people get tanner from the sun.
No. 433756
>>433753it seems like you're the only in a rage from all this, tbh. all anyone has done is point out the truth, and you and the other anon got super
triggered by it and ignored all rationality, history and science.
only you've been thinking about wanting to be black or even mentioned black people, too. you honestly seem obsessed.
good on you for not yelling about
>>433752 and claiming it's a fake image created by a cabal of crypto-americans who think you totally want to be black, at least lmao
No. 433761
>>433759uh…who said i was black? what does anything in those posts even have to do with being black, or black people in general?
two of them literally say to accept pale skin, but for some reason that's made you flip out. are you okay, mentally? the apparent projection seems to be getting thicker and thicker here, i'm not sure what's going on with you
No. 433764
>>433761Their implying i have an issue with being a white ghost because i pointed out reality.
>>433762Google goth anon, you cant be serious. lol.
No. 433766
>>433764but what you said isn't reality, as exemplified by the chart in
>>433752. even then, what's all this about being black? do you just automatically assume anyone who might not be white on the internet is black? because to date, i've only seen americans think that way, lmao
No. 433784
>>433778>>"White people are typically paler on average"If you said that nobody would care, however that's not what you said, an anon pointed out some white people can have naturally dark skin and you flipped your shit
>"WTF no they're not, look at this Mediterranean person with Moor ancestry!!"Literally not a single soul disagreed white people aren't paler on average what are you on about
>"Moors aren't white, meaning this person is mixed"Mixed usually refers to if the person is two completely different races, black and white, Latino and black, Asian and black, etc. I'm Mediterranean and I've never in my life heard anyone refer to me as a mixed race, Mediterraneans are technically Caucasians therefore white, prove me wrong>So are you saying Italians and Greeks aren't Italian or Greek?! Fucking SJW you must be american and also black btw I LOVE being a white goth how dare you" I'm not the same anon who said they're goth, I'm not the anon who claimed you're American or black either, multiple people can disagree with you especially when you start claiming insane things like Mediterraneans aren't white but mixed race and claim anyone who says otherwise is insecure, just to backpedal and claim the only thing you've said is whites are paler on average
No. 433794
>>433784nobody said mediterraneans aren't white, holy shit. just that the ones pointed out as "dark" (dark meaning the same color as
>>433678 >>433684) are typically mixed, which they are. you seriously must lack reading comprehension to not understand this.
>Literally not a single soul disagreed white people aren't paler on average what are you on aboutread the thread to see the tantrum thrown over anybody insinuating that dark brown is not a color that white people naturally turn.
also, "biracial" is what actually means two races, not "mixed". "mixed" just means having ancestry from more than one racial group. do you seriously think people classified as "moor" are white?
i'd like to believe you're a brand new anon and that "i'm goth and you're all BLACK"-anon isn't insane enough to samefag repeatedly, but the fact that you're still jumping at uninvolved people, misrepresenting the information shown and making claims that just aren't true makes me doubt it. then again, it is summer.
No. 433803
>>433795making comments and baiting arguers isn't "staying out of it"
>>433794>nobody said mediterraneans aren't white>>433735>sorry, but you can not deny reality. we've been over this. meds are mixed race, and 100% white "dark" is not and never has been comparable to everyone else "dark".>meds are mixed raceyou don't know what you're talking about and either are backpedaling or not paying attention therefore anything you've said is invalid
>read the thread to see the tantrum thrown over anybody insinuating that dark brown is not a color that white people naturally turn. okay, I've read the thread, all that happened was an anon said she knows whites who are naturally
>>433684 color, which isn't dark brown, and also believable that whites can have a similar shade
>>433681this is where an anon said Italians and Mediterraneans can be dark and where all shit went down
>"biracial" is what actually means two races, not "mixed". "mixed" just means having ancestry from more than one racial group.that would mean literally all Americans are mixed, mixed is typically used as biracial or terms similar to it, as in most recent parents or grandparents being of different races, not way the fuck down the line
>do you seriously think people classified as "moor" are white?I'd like if you not put words in my mouth, I haven't said anything about moor people, clearly moors aren't considered white but middle eastern, since European Mediterraneans are considered white by not only themselves but almost everyone except for you, if someone is 80% Italian and 3% moor it would silly to consider them mixed race and get this insanely butthurt over people saying they're white
>i'd like to believe you're a brand new anon and that "i'm goth and you're all BLACK"-anon isn't insane enough to same-fag repeatedly, but the fact that you're still jumping at uninvolved peopleI "jumped" and an "uninvolved" person because it's just silly to me to stand by voluntarily and make open comments about an argument you claim to not want to have anything to do with, if I saw people arguing I wouldn't get up and start making comments about everyone being autistic , I would just back out
>misrepresenting the information shown and making claims that just aren't true makes me doubt it. then again, it is summer.unlike you, I've given quotes, I didn't put words in people mouth, I even showed you word by word where information was misrepresented (claiming meds are mixed just to backpedal and say it didn't happen, even quoted where each thing was said, unlike you who are just making claims and not sticking by them or proving them)
>>433793I'm not greek, don't know why you anons think any anon with even slightly the same attribute as another must be all the same
No. 433809
>>433803>what is context"meds" as in the dark italians mentioned in
>>433685. you really must be the anon who freaked out over n. european women before to be this crazy.
>that would mean literally all Americans are mixed,yes. the retarded 56% meme exists for a reason. americans are a multiracial group of people.
>if someone is 80% Italian and 3% moor it would silly to consider them mixed race and get this insanely butthurt over people saying they're whitewho's butthurt besides you? they get the dark skin from the "3%", meaning it's asinine to argue that dark skin is a white trait. that's literally all anyone has stated.
>I "jumped" and an "uninvolved" person because it's just silly to me to stand by voluntarily and make open comments about an argument you claim to not want to have anything to do with, if I saw people arguing I wouldn't get up and start making comments about everyone being autistic , I would just back outyou're definitely a summer poster. anons always see arguments and say "wtf is happening? this is autistic". that is board culture lmao
>unlike you, I've given quotes, I didn't put words in people mouth, I even showed you word by word where information was misrepresented (claiming meds are mixed just to backpedal and say it didn't happen, even quoted where each thing was said, unlike you who are just making claims and not sticking by them or proving them)"quotes" from quora? while ignoring the skin color map, the world map itself, and insisting everyone who disagrees with you must be american, the same person and also black? you're insane lmao
No. 433818
>>433809>"meds" as in the dark italians mentioned in >>433685another anon pointed out pale italians are usually mixed with german and pure italians are in central italy
>you really must be the anon who freaked out over n. european women before to be this crazy.I prefer you not gas light and accuse me of being whatever the fuck anon you're talking about now, calm down, no one is out to get you
>yes. the retarded 56% meme exists for a reason. americans are a multiracial group of peopledamned if you do damned if you don't I see
if we claim we're the race that most of our % takes up, it's memed, mocked "wahh you're moor thats why your skin is dark right"
if we claim we're the races our %s are mixed of it's memed too, literally what do you want
>who's butthurt besides you? they get the dark skin from the "3%">claiming something is silly is being butthurtagain, learn the word, use it correctly
you can acknowledge the dark skin is from the 3% but don't be butthurt when people point out white people can have dark skin because of that, and you or whoever was butthurt considered they started sperging, name calling, claiming anyone who disagrees must be insecure, accusing all anons who disagreed of same fagging, etc
>meaning it's asinine to argue that dark skin is a white trait. that's literally all anyone has one claimed it was a white trait, people claimed it was a trait white people can have which started a shit storm
so we agree white people can have dark skin, correct? great, argument over, go see a shrink please for the sake of everyone around you
>you're definitely a summer poster. anons always see arguments and say "wtf is happening? this is autistic". that is board culture lmaomy point still stands, if you dont want to be involved just fuck off
also is summer poster supposed to be an insult? I'd personally be insulted if I came here enough and had no life
>"quotes" from quora? while ignoring the skin color mapquora explains more in detail, as well as several wikis that agree that link and a plethora of even more sources you know how to use wikipedia that is
>while ignoring the skin color map, the world map itselfI didn't ignore it, the map graphed the average color of the observation group, the map didn't prove nor disprove either of our arguments unless you can somehow get more details into the study groups and look into all of the colors of the Mediterraneans that gave the average color, chances are a lot of the Mediterraneans grouped in the study were also dark because guess what all races have a variety of skin colors
>insisting everyone who disagrees with you must be americanagain that wasn't me
>the same person and also black? you're insane lmaothat wasn't me either, I'd say you sound insane yourself using quotes you've actually said but I'd rather not go into a game of "noyou"
>>433812>how were they "baiting arguers"? all they said was that the argument is stupid, ffs.going out your way to make your opinion known on an argument is baiting arguers, no one, at least intelligent people at least, don't but into an argument and start calling everyone autistic an expect no reaction from anyone
No. 433820
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>>433818>gas light>on lolcowthat's it, you're beyond discussing anything logically with, i'm out.
feel free to continue being offended and making wild, crazy extrapolations all to avoid that you were wrong about something on an anonymous site.
summer can't end soon enough, i miss anons not being retarded and/or samefagging while accusing others of doing the same
No. 433828
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>>433820>cries about someone else being offended>gives up, refuses to acknowledge proven facts, common grounds, or anything else I said because I said you gaslighted after claiming I was insane, autistic, crazy, etc instead of using actual arguments>crazy extrapolations all to avoid that you were wrong about something on an anonymous site. interesting, I was the one who proved you wrong, linked you quotes where you yourself contradicted and backpedaled, which you would have read if you didn't flip out because I said you gaslighted after you gaslighted
I'd happy to have a debate with you if you want to be mentally stable, pay attention, not contradict, gaslight or project, but you clearly aren't capable of doing that
>samefagging while accusing others of doing the sameyou claimed I was another anon which I had to repeat on several occasions that I wasn't
it's clear you're not paying attention and only reading what you want, therefore there's no point in arguing with you no matter how many legit sources I link, no matter if I put the evidence in front of your face of you doing wrong, hopefully you can open your mind and find peace with yourself one day instead of being this obsessed with an imageboard and any anon that disagrees with you and points out your faults
No. 433830
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Enough(t. main instigator)
No. 434152
>>434137The pilot looked really nice. I don't know what happened between that and syndication, but clearly someone fucked up.
I pretty much only watched the show for Lapis. Idc about any of the other characters.
No. 434235
>>434152pearl in the more recent seasons, garnet, lapis, blue diamond, pink diamond and white diamond look ok
the others are really fugly
No. 434735
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I dislike Oscar Wilde and judging by his writing he seems like an ass. I'd be lying if I said I had read most of his works but I read Dorian Gray and I hated that book so much. I'm afraid to say this anywhere because people seem to love him so much.
No. 434738
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>>434735Ha! I tried to watch the movie about his life with Stephen Fry but I couldn't stand his pompeous face. Jude Law deserved a better movie bf.
No. 434747
>>434735You're not alone. I don't like him or his books. It's just that shitty books by shitty male authors are forced on us the second we start going to school and now many young people, especially girls, feel like they're stupid if they don't like these classics because everyone praises them.
Fuck Shakespeare too, while we're at it. Give young people something fresh, relatable and relevant to read ffs.
No. 435208
>>435207I don't think any logical bi person would argue with that, is that really an unpopular opinion?
Being too straight for the lgbt+ community or not being taken seriously is annoying as hell, but it's a small price for the privilege of being able to pass as straight in dangerous situations
No. 435264
>>435207Nobody with a brain is going so say there isn’t privileges.
I will point out a counter argument that just cause you’re in a straight relationship doesn’t mean you won’t get harassed/violently attacked. I’m a black bi female. There isn’t a of black people my community growing up so I dated outside my race majority of the time. I definitely didn’t feel safe when one of my ex’s (he was a white male) aunt and her friends chased me down and attacked me on my walk home. This was all because she didn’t want him to fall in love with me and have half black children in the family.
No. 435319
>>435264But that has absolutely nothing to do with you being bi?
I’m also bi and the only problem we truly have is that both the straight and LGB community find us disgusting or will outright erase our sexuality by insisting that we only want cock (both bi men and women, after all cock is clearly superior and no one in their right mind would prefer vagina /s)
Also lesbians seem to have a ferocious and deep harboured hatred for us for whatever reasons they desperately cling onto to justify it
No. 435358
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I hate the whole SJW argument that all non-white characters need to have fat fucking noses and/or huge lips, or else they have "white features", or "they're just white with darker skin".
That take is so backward and "I can't think of anything to complain about today to meet my #woke quota, so let's just start making shit up"-style American that it pisses me off. When "PoC" say it, it just smacks of "I see white people in every plain image of a person. I'm literally obsessed with them, therefore, you must be too. Every character is literally just white unless you make them a caricature, so stop drawing white people, you racist!".
When white people say it, it smacks of "I'm coddled and narcissistic enough to see myself in everything, I'm the default in art, and that's on you to deal with. If a character has plain, non-caricatured features, that's just, like, literally me. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Sometimes, I feel guilty about this, so please change your art and add stereotypes so I can suspend my disbelief, thx".
Most art styles that get criticized for "looking white" look pretty fucking ambiguous IMO, because they're not realistic in the least. They're 100% simplified human faces. White people definitely don't own the bland features typically seen in many cartoons and anime. The argument is always "But small noses and big eyes though!", but even then, there are plenty of black, brown and Asian people that have small noses and big eyes, so what are you really trying to say?
IMO, there's just no reason to add dumb, vaguely (unintentionally) offensive markers just to "racialize" a character for the sake of audiences who are ignorant or troubled enough see white people as the default in everything. That's their problem to deal with, not the artist's.
If I didn't know any better, I'd think some of these weirdos are really just trying to trick people into regressing to drawing pic related just so they can come full circle and start complaining about cartoons being racist caricatures in the modern era.
No. 435369
>>435327>lumping B with QT>Bi women are literally the same as Bi men!!!Jesus Christ. It’s like every single faction of sexuality hates us. Not gay enough, not straight enough, not inclusive enough, not oppressed enough. I have seen blatant bi’s on here calling themselves lesbians to be in the cool kid club kek I bet there are a good number of yall too. Don’t come at me with how shitty bi men are, no shit, they’re men!
Purely mad because le ebil Bi girl only likes Chad dicks, lesbians CAN in fact be femcels, that’s the damn tea.
No. 435378
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>>435358there's a couple of problems at work in this situation:
1)most people in the SJW art crowd don't know how to draw, period. They're also refuse criticism and art school because it's "elitist/ableist/something-ist/etc."
2)because they cannot draw correctly, they stick to very limiting and simplistic styles of drawing like anime which force you to either be satisfied with only changing a person's skin color or adding in very caricatured features that come off as racist.
Where I disagree with you is that it isn't hard to depict people of color if you know how to draw. You can put bigger lips and noses on black people, for example, without turning it into a minstrel show. A good example of this Disney's design of Tiana and her family. They're clearly black people with typical black features and aren't offensive.
No. 435417
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>>435378I think my issue is the quiet insistence that any given artist's style is meant to be read as "white" by default, based only on the viewer's own perception. Most of the time, they won't even take into account whether the artist themselves comes from a non-white culture, and if they might just be projecting their own ideas onto something that's very subjective. It always feels very self-centered and Eurocentric.
Also, a lot of the time, it seems like "PoC features" only really work through comparison, unless the art itself is explicitly meant to be very realistic. You have to have already seen the "normal" faces as "white", to an extent, and that strikes me as far more "racist" than what many of the people complaining about these things accuse artists of.
For example, would the audience still read the features of Tiana and her family as "black" if they had been the default style used for all the female Disney characters from the start? Probably not. I can't see people asking "Why do all these white characters look like black people with pale skin??" in that scenario, but for some reason, the other way around is very common.
I didn't have a problem seeing the main kid characters in, say, The Boondocks as black, and they don't have any specific "PoC features" besides their skintones and hair. They pretty much have the same face as the white and biracial characters around the same age, but I've never seen or heard anyone else complain that they "look white but with dark skin". It makes me feel like the entire complaint is just false outrage. If someone does see them that way, it's probably more of an issue in how they personally read into the art, not some sort of white supremacist agenda on the artist's part.
No. 435420
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>>435358youre talking about two different extremes when it comes to depicting stylized poc in art.
Tumblr caricatures fail in that they tend to exaggerate poc features in a way that reduces them to stereotypes, yes, but honestly, making a character “ambiguous”, and in this case it kinda sounds like you mean with features befitting of a more western/eurocentric standard with tanned skin washed over it, just sounds sort of lazy and sort of pointless if the character is meant to be a poc
Yeah, some poc have little noses and big eyes, but a lot of us dont. Off the top of my head, some pretty good stylized poc that come to mind are characters from moana, craig of the creek, into the spiderverse, the boondocks, idk theres a lot more but thats right off the top of my head.
but anyway the point is, it is indeed possible to make a character blatantly representative of a poc with ethnic features without resorting to either of those extremes, i think most artists are just too lazy, unpracticed or their art style is hella limited and likely suffers same-face syndrome anyway
No. 435446
>>435420>making a character “ambiguous”, and in this case it kinda sounds like you mean with features befitting of a more western/eurocentric standard with tanned skin washed over it, just sounds sort of lazy and sort of pointless if the character is meant to be a pocI kind of touched on this in
>>435417. It seems like way too many art styles are erroneously framed as being "Eurocentric" by people who themselves come from a Eurocentric background. Sameface is a problem for many artists, yeah, but when people try to inject a racial conundrum into things, it kind of falls apart for the reasons I mentioned before. It only works if you have a certain mindset that doesn't really hold to reality, and actually seems quite damaging in the long run. I feel like it shouldn't be encouraged by preserving the notion that plain "normal" faces are white, and they can only be non-white if there's some sort of exaggerated "otherness".
Also, like
>>435430 said, I feel like people have way too narrow a view of "non-white" features.
I think Into The Spiderverse "works" in this regard because it's actually somewhat realistic in style. The same isn't really true for The Boondocks or CoTC. I mentioned The Boondocks before (it actually kind of sucked at differentiating ethnic features, with only a handful of exceptions in the cast. Huey, Riley, Jazmin, and Cindy MacPhearson with her other white friends all looked the same facially, and it was in an anime-style, so generic sameface was kind of obligatory), and I wouldn't have any trouble seeing the characters in CoTC as black if they had the same skintones and hair, but with generic lines for noses and no lip lines instead of what they have now.
No. 435476
>>435418I've felt the same way since I met my family friend's kid, who has a name that sounds like a dog's. If you think of something like Sammy, it's kind of like that. They could've just given her the actual full form of the name, and then she could've gone by any related nickname later. But she's permanently stuck with the one she has now.
All of those diminutive-type names remind me of dogs honestly.
No. 435642
>>435632No, not only Bantu but WE and I can tell by that statement you are some Somalianon
I included East Africans because they too are black and included in Africa, and people use them as a parameter of so called Caucasian features in black people but even they have approximation to black features and never a European face for instance.
No. 435643
>>435642My point is you can make small or gracile features on an African descent person without it resembling a European face
No. 435901
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>>435762and whites have big-ass hook noses, but no one likes to acknowledge that, hmm
obviously not all of them do, just like not all black people have the noses you describe, but somehow you're retarded enough to think your own sweeping generalizations make sense No. 435912
>>435420A lot of Tumblr artists are very sheltered kids who haven't seen many people from other cultures. They can't necessarily help that depending on where they live, but it's best to have a good mental library and references when drawing.
Sameface syndrome is already something a lot of young artists struggle with, so when you add drawing races and ethnicities you're not familiar with into the mix it gets worse. That's how you wind up with artists who just draw the same black person every time. In reality, Nigerians look different to Egyptians look different to Afro-Caribbeans the same way Italians look different to Swedes look different to Russians.
No. 435948
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>>435938>aka not whiteuh, okay
for context, brody is a similar mix to she is, but he's also polish
No. 435969
>>435934>ashkenazis are white in ancestryNot completely. They're a mix of European and Jewish.
>>435948Also Scarlett Johansson is half Scandinavian and I wouldn't be surprised if she was part Sami, like a lot of Scandinavians (especially swedes).
And I just wanna add that there has been so much rape and sex slavery in human history that no one is "fully" anything. We're all mixes of different populations if you go back far enough and when it comes down to it no one can actually define race.
No. 436338
>>436173White means native Europeans (Jews are originally from Middle East) - really that simple.
But Americans seem to have a problem with understanding this, for some reason.
No. 436346
>>436113Yes, this is exactly what they think. It's hilarious because they have a term for Irish people with dark hair ("Black Irish") despite the fact that it's the most common hair colour in the country (and Europe as a whole), they think having dark hair is such a rarity that it warrants its own term. But god forbid anyone shatter their image of Europe being full of blonde, blue-eyed people and Ireland being full of gingers. How do people who have never been to Europe and never will think that they have the authority to tell Europeans what they should identify as? Especially since Americans are heavily mixed descendants of European settlers, so by their logic NOBODY in the US is white either.
All this rage-sperging makes me wonder if some incel /pol/tard is stirring shit, I find it difficult to believe rational women would have this belief or even care.
No. 436365
>>436346Wtf I'm from Ireland and literally never heard of anyone refer to a fucking brunette as Black Irish. Isn't Black Irish a term used to discuss a mixed race baby? I heard it brought up when Kris Humphries and Kim K were together, his family were descendants of endentured slaves and slavery.
Irish people have always been white. Just because they suffered discrimination and prejudice does not make them not native white or whatever weird shit is being said
No. 436437
>>436427nta but I genuinely like "right here" by Staind lmao
Are they hated like nickelback too?
No. 436495
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I love my pug and I will cherish and protect him forever
No. 436520
>>436515There have been a lot of benefits from the one-child policy. A lasting problem stems from sex-selective abortion.
Anyway, education of girls and women is the best way to reduce birthrate, without imposing limits on number of children by law. Lots of European countries are approaching a birthrate of 1 all on their own.
No. 436568
>>436564read your own history anon. it was literally part of america's census that italians weren't white. they had to pick "black" on forms lmao history classes in america just leave out everything that might make them look bad or retarded?
>>436568Not her and I wasn't following the conversation all that much but:
>do history classes in america just leave out everything that might make them look bad or retarded?That's the case in many countries. I've been told by Japanese people that they weren't taught all that much about what Japan did in WW2 except maybe Pearl Harbor and definitely the nuclear bombs. In France depending on which teachers you'll have they'll almost all say that the genocide against Jewish people during WW2 was terrible but in the same breath they'll say that the resistance in France was way bigger than it actually was, they'll downplay the impact of the Vichy government. They'll say that the war that resulted from Algeria wanting independence after ore than a century of colonialism shouldn't have happened because even if France murdered and tortured people en masse, raped women, stole resources all over Africa, at least they gave everyone new roads and hospitals so Algerians and Africans in general should be grateful (said roads, schools and hospitals were put in place for the French and maybe the super mega rich Algerians but they'll never admit it). If the topic comes up some of them will try to justify Haiti being forced to pay France billions of francs and then euros because France lost a bunch of slaves after Haiti's independence.
I think only in Germany they'll admit they clearly fucked up at some point with no ambiguity in history classes, so Germans are only patriotic because of soccer.
No. 436576
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>>436565>I'm from UlsterYeah it shows, you need a history lesson.
>>436574I feel like most people don't even know that a large part of France was actually with Germany. Of course the level of denial is not as high as in Japan, but nevertheless…
Same with Spain and Italy, they love to forget or hide that they weren't exactly
victims either.
And when I visited a camp in Austria the guide unironically tried to convince us that Austria was invaded - when every idiot can simply look up the pictures of hundred thousands of people cheering and welcoming Hitler.
The only other group other than Germans who admit their war crimes are Russians, but many say that those were justififed or they feel pride for how strong their army was.
Not even talking about the UK and the US because they are a lost case, no sense of guilt, not one tiny apology whatsoever…
No. 436639
>>436636How about if it were a regular office with no animation that neither weebs nor autists would have special interest in?
>>436637It's not edgy or anti-weeb to observe how people virtue signal excessively when their personal likes are involved as opposed to when they're not. Stay mad.
No. 436645
>>436641>whether they like it or notThis is where we disagree.
>Do you remember how many cows suddenly pretended they loved old churches when that shit happened with notre dame?I don't think this is an equal comparison, but cows would claim to love Paris and the architecture. Whether or not that was actually true at least that virtue signaling wasn't nearly as bad because they weren't doing it on the backs of dead bodies.
No. 436668
>>436653>I know that this opinion would piss a lot of people off Only because of the attempt to drum a comparison between a cathedral fire that killed no one to an office fire that killed a deal of people. When really they're both tragedies within their own rights.
I don't think anyone would agree that loss of life is less important than the loss of a monument.
No. 436709
>>436686He was armed, I think he had 5 big knives with him and he was either pouring gasoline on people escaping or trying to stab them so I can imagine everyone panicking and not knowing what to do until it was too late. And that's only for the people on the 1st floor, I'm not even sure there was a fire alarm so anyone above would have been caught by surprise.
>>436698I think there was a meeting of some sort because that's the reason why the NHK reported all of this so fast. There was supposed to be an interview and since there was supposed to be more outsiders they lowered security so anyone could enter the building without a pass or a card iirc. Not sure if that's 100% accurate though, and since the suspect is a greasy 40something neet I wonder how he knew the meeting would happen that day specifically.
>>436703I'm sure he'll get it. People who have done crimes with less
victims easily get the death penalty in Japan so he's fucked.
No. 436719
>>436703Oh he'll get the death penalty, murder alone gets you into death row in Japan but a mass murder is a surefire way to the noose.
>>436695This anon
>>436698 already explained the reason but an animation studio usually has to worry about footage being stolen, not a lunatic going on a spree killing. Especially because guns are really hard to get in Japan and everyone who owns a license to carry is strictly moderated. You would never in a million years expect an arson. Gasoline is especially destructive because when it vaporizes it starts exploding, a completely different sort of fire than say, faulty wiring. The people upstairs had no chance of survival. You can have a 20/20 hindsight and ask why they didn't have an emergency staircase outside but the building still passed fire code laws last year. It's just a tragic thing and there's nobody else to blame than the perpetrator who started the fire.
>>436716I honestly hope people like you end up in a situation like this and only get first world edgelords saying "oh who gives a fuck, if it happened in rural Angola nobody would care, they're all biased virtue signalers!!!111".
No. 436724
>>436719>if it happened in rural Angola nobody would careWell you wouldn't. Stop pretending all life is sacred when you only care about specific lives like those who took on a role that brought you entertainment.
The fact that you'd wish anon to die in a fire because they upset you with criticism proves you're a hollow virtue signaler.
No. 436765
>>436753Why do you think so? I don't agree or disagree, I want to read more on the topic as a few years back I was interested in the history of the movement. I really liked all the feminist zines that were published back then. Would love to read something like this, need to check if any are being published in my country (obviously not riot grrl ones, just feminist).
Your point of view seems interesting.
No. 436819
>>436753Most of the old punks I know would say it was jocks, racists, and poseurs who ruined punk. Earlier than fucking 1990-whatever. People have been calling it a dead movement since the early 80s. I dislike her politics now but in the early 90s what she was doing was more interesting than it is now with the stupid song about Clinton and the watered down feminism.
How do you feel about punk women from earlier with feminist leanings in their work like Alice Bag?
>>436776>The punks had male privilege and Kathleen and a lot of other Bikkini kill members came from collage backgrounds something these guys would never have in their lives and Riot grrrl has always been a middle-class white women thing80s hardcore, a movement that would chronologically not be too far from when Riot Grrl started, was a ton of unhappy middle class young men, and the early punk movement was not all working class either. The common portrayal of many fans and musicians is actually of middle-class, angry white men who were sick of the world their parents lived in. There are several white male punk musicians who not only went to college, but got graduate degrees, and were not involved in Riot Grrl. Depends on exact time and place but undeniable that there was/is a perception of punk as middle class rebellion.
>>436789Maybe "she" is. Does she actually know anyone who was around then? Because I do and I've seen what happens when shithead men trample people in a moshpit or pick fights in the middle of a crowd. Slam dancing is considered part of the shows, but it makes it really hard to stand in the front and watch if you're female, especially if you're small. So telling the men to fuck off and behave themselves so women could experience rock music and a concert that was meant to be for/about them makes perfect sense.
The way women got treated by numbskull men in the scene was a fucking embarrassment and part of the reason why there are fewer female musicians, they would get sexually harassed hard. You would get sexually harassed for being female at a show if you fell into the wrong group of people, and you would get sexually harassed for being a female punk by non-punks.
>>436799Exactly, who the fuck cares about being respectful in a movement exactly about not giving a shit if you offend the "establishment" and doubling down if you do offend them? I hate to start the "not punk/is punk" argument but, to me, it's about stripped down, loud music, DIY, self-expression and authenticity, and questioning authority, which could take many forms.
No. 437074
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>>437069IM actually really looking forward to it, it’s the only chance I’ll ever have to see a broadway show most likely
Maybe I’m biased since I did ballet as a kid and saw people in weirdass costumes like this all the time, but the uncanny ness really doesn’t bother me
No. 437076
>>436819>There are several white male punk musicians who not only went to college, but got graduate degrees, and were not involved in Riot Grrl. Does anyone remember when milo went to college? Kek
For real tho, kathleen Hanna is really cringe now and I think a lot of her early stuff is try hard— her spoken word on Kill Rock Stars about her brother raping her and her telling a boyfriend seems really not her story to tell cause iirc her dad was violent but she was never molested as a child by any relatives? My main problem with her is how hard she tries to encompass EVERY struggle instead of seeming more genuine by talking about her own life and problems she faced as a woman. She’s a cool musician tho, Bikini Kill is tight and some of Le Tigre’s stuff is fun.
No. 437157
>>437149I didn't pay much attention to the marketing before, so I couldn't really be disappointed, but the story was quite straightforward. It also seemed to have more laughs than scary moments. It was more gross than scary and since I hate gore I just looked away in those moments.
I did like the idiot cultural relativist anthropologists and typical grad student drama, that got the biggest kek from me.
No. 437168
>>437161She deserves much more hate for all that disgusting pedo pandering she does.
No need to defend her, she'd hate you too anon, she only lives for the attention of neckbeard paypigs.
>flop camgirls spergingPlease, I don't know whom I find more pathetic: camgirls, their orbiters or people who unironically wk her because they think deep down she's a good and intelligent person who's just ~trolling for the lulz~.
No. 437178
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>>437161i don´t like her or what she is doing but she is not doing anything illegal and truly is nothing different of what any other dumb celebrity does, they all get rich just for existing and being pretty basically, so it really comes down to my endorsed celebrities > your endorsed celebrities.
I´m also not very into the whole bandwagon of censuring her social media pages, next thing you know every popular girl online is considered an e-thot and getting harassed and mass reported even when they are not camwhores nor doing porn.
No. 437182
>>437161She's (unintentionally?) funny for all of the rage she generates from stupid orbiters and her weird antics like the pornhub videos or pouring eggs. I strongly dislike her pedo-pandering, it actually pisses me off seeing some of it, and think that camwhores can embolden sexists by making them think they can buy a woman's time, interest, etc, which is probably an unpopular opinion in many places but not here. But honestly I like her in a weird way, she's a scamming pedo-pandering fuck but it's entertaining to watch her
trigger these stupid fucks. If she's smart, she'll stow away her money so she never has to work again, since she may not be able to without doing porn.
No. 437204
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>>437161>deserves better than how people treat herGetting money for posting heavily shooped photos online and being relatively cozy in her penis echo chamber that capes for anything bad she gets caught doing?
Her life isn't horrible just because she's criticized here, whiteknight.
>she's actually quite funnyShe's actually quite not.
>everyone would see her as a meme god if she were maleNo female camgirl is gonna make it. Male audiences aren't watching her cause she's super funny and interesting. Males watch her because she caters to their pedobait fantasies and makes their dicks twitch.
>flop camgirls spergingAll camgirls are future flops with a countdown. Tick tock, tick tock, Belle.
No. 437221
>>437183Because anon is probably an incel or uggo who can't handle women making money off of sex appeal.
>>437161I kinda agree with you, but I also think her pedo pandering is totally disgusting. However, that doesn't seem to be why most people dislike her and the majority of the hate she gets is rooted in misogyny and slut shaming.
No. 437226
>>437221>the majority of the hate she gets is rooted in misogyny and slut shamingEven if this were the truth, why is it only suddenly an issue because it's Belle?
Where were you anons stanning for Shayna?
Literally any other camgirl on this site who got anything remotely shamey and mean thrown at them?
No. 437306
>>437161Her ahegao face is one of the most obnoxious gimmicks I have ever seen. She's cute but I can't even slightly like her when she makes those stupid fucking faces.
You say that she is really funny, what do you mean by this? I haven't seen her do anything funny yet. She does cute annoying things to impress men, there's no real charm there.
No. 437349
>>437221>wahhh mah misogyny and slut shamingHow the fuck did we enter a timeline where whoring out is considered empowering and anti-misogynist? Female sexuality being celebrated and de-tabooed is a good thing, selling it out to the male gaze is not.
The main complaint people have her, 100% of the time, is the pedo pandering she does with EVERYTHING she creates. She became famous because of it. Other anons have mentioned if already but she photoshops her body to be more petite and childlike, she used her braces to have a more childlike feel to her photos, she often wears childlike clothing, she posts photos with "DDLG memes", sold nudes (not her own but claimed to be of hers) when underage and actively encourages her fans who post degenerate pedophilic comments on her pictures. If she didn't do that shit, she would be just a run of the mill e-thot doing ahegao faces.
No. 437378
>How the fuck did we enter a timeline where whoring out is considered empowering and anti-misogynist?Mmmhh, I feel like it was around 2013 when that kind of thinking got big on tumblr and then the porn industry supported the fuck out of it, because it got ~cool~ and lucrative to be a sex worker.
>Female sexuality being celebrated and de-tabooed is a good thing, selling it out to the male gaze is not.Absolutely this.
Also like to agree that belle is being hated for her pedo shit. I don't care if somebody decided to do porn for the quick cash, but do it where it should be and do not broadcast it everywhere and specially not with that gimmick that is aimed towards pedos and those "lmao FBI open up!!1" idiots who just "ironically" jack off to loli porn. I'm glad to see that people speak up against it. And it's really, really naive to think to surround yourself with such a concept of pornography and not getting hate and critique for it. Bitch knows what she is doing.
No. 437479
>>437349>>437378I don't think camwhoring is a good thing, but I think hating girls for doing it is pretty gross. It's really not that hard to be against women selling their bodies while also not hating someone for doing it, and having compassion for the circumstances and factors that usually lead people to that point. Also, pretty much all the complaints about Belle I see other than here just center aroubd general camwhore hate, I hardly see the DDLG brought up by other people. Usually it's shit like incels complaining about the evil egirls taking advantage of lonely men willing to pay for their nudes as if they're somehow helpless
>>437339I am not a sex worker and you sound very stable.
No. 437487
>>437479The average middle class western e-thot living a safe live can definitely take some goddamn responsibility for perpetuating the "sex work is empowering uwu" discourse. They're not 16-year old girls from the Philippines selling themselves to rich old British tourists to feed her family and two hapa babies. They're in a position where they choose to sell all womankind out to men who already disrespect and objectify women.
>I hardly see the DDLG brought up by other peopleWhere the fuck do you hang around then? She literally gained her infame for doing that lolipandering bullshit.
No. 437492
>>437463I knew he was a pedophile when I saw the screencaps on KF of him unironically thirsting over the little girl from X-Men in his Discord server, calling her his "waifu", and then the subsequent drawn porn of her.
That's about all I needed to see to figure out what was up, and now it makes me roll my eyes when people fall for his "I'm only ~*ironically*~ drawing this stuff to troll you haha memes lol" bullshit.
No. 437499
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>>437489Some statistical data and experiences from those who work in SW in places where it's been "legalized" has been posted in the MH thread.
>>436670tl;dr: Legalizing it and putting laws in place to protect the workers hasn't gleamed good results at all. The Nordic model seems to be the only one that works.
I also want to point to pic related (source is Melissa Farley). All of these workers want to
leave prostitution, not have it legalized, but all libfems can talk about is how all the problems will go away if it's made legal. I don't get it.
No. 437514
>>437496Don't forget the time he drew Keemstar's daughter performing oral sex, then denied it all later (the image is still in the KiwiFarms thread as proof). He also drew "SFW" but still obviously sexualized images of her, one of which was based on an actual photo of her.
The guy is an out-and-out pedo, and anyone who claims they "don't see it" are either pedos themselves, or actual children (or manchildren) who haven't developed critical thinking skills yet.
I went digging and found the stuff about the girl from the movie. I misremembered some stuff - it was Dafne Keen, aka X-23 from Logan, nothing related to X-Men, and he calls her "my girl" instead of "waifu".
The actual drawing is censored (it was pretty fucked up), but the screencaps where he thirsts over her are here for anyone who was on the fence: at this post, he's actually drawn real children more times than I thought. Disgusting. Anyone who defends him needs to get the rope.
No. 437795
>>437788I think because of the Internet people aren't afraid to voice opposition to jailing pedos and shit because it's "cruel" and it's "like being gay!" you can't choose this affliction. Which is bullshit. There cannot be consenting romantic love to gain from a child they don't have the mental capacity and their bodies are far from developed that it can be lethal to engage in sexual discourse with a minor. It's just fucked up on so many levels. Children should be cared for, they are not romantic prospects to consider.
It's honestly fucking disgusting. I think with being able to hide your identity online we get to see these cunts out in the open.
No. 437796
>>437795Sorry for to double post but to add. Because there are available online opposition to attraction to minors, you get autists like Onision and evil people in general publicaly having attraction for minors and defending it whilst having support. If you fancy a fucking girl or boy minor you can be attracted to an older counterpart.
Not everyone gets to be with who they find attractive. I can't bed Leonardo Dicaprio but it doesn't mean I resort to manipulation and grooming to gain a partner. I've read a lot of sick shit online about men grooming their wives from young ages to be the perfect spouse. The entitlement is shocking to see. It would appear from online discussions that a hell of a lot more men than I'm comfortable with think women were literally created to cater for their every fucked up want.
No. 437797
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No. 437806
>>437797polygamy is garbage and horrible for every person involved. You cant convince me otherwise. it's always men pushing this shit too (look at results like projared and his ex Heidi.)
that shit NEVER works for good reason.
No. 437827
>>437499libfems only sperg about this all day long because most of them are 1st world and rich, they arent going to be the ones who are actually trafficked, raped, murdered and abused when prostitution is legalised. the only model that works is the nordic model.
most of the """sex workers""" who support shit like this are 1st world camwhores who arent in any real danger anyway.
No. 438056
>>437974She has a "romanticized" mental illness.
Imagine if she had an ED that would make her a deathfat. Lmao.
No. 438069
>>437974Sounds to me like her family is
abusive, but I also don't doubt she enjoys being the center of attention and maybe has an Ashley Isaacs sort of mentality about the ED.
No. 438085
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>>437974she's a 21st century goddess bunny
No. 438125
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anything should go within the realm of fiction! those that try to realize what they read in books & see in cartoons have something wrong with them, and have long before they picked up media. it's either that or they're making cartoons and shit their entire world and need to go outside more to see how the REAL WORLD works.
i know everyone loves to use 'jaws' as an example of fiction affecting reality in a major way but understand…people can be very stupid. i remember my science teacher making a little 'fun day' (though at the time i don't recall finding it fun lol) out of teaching us the True Lore Of Sharks when the movie hit peak paranoia.
it's just…impossible to think pedophiles are borne from viewing from loli (actually dug too deep on 8ch & learned that pedos don't even like loli as it's not realistic enough!) or that GoT is reinforcing positive stereotypes about incest or whatever.
also, someone that ships the brothers from dantes inferno (i'm assuming they're brothers anyway since i saw some drama over fan-piece but that's a whole 'nother can of worms) and creates content for that ship while living a normal life, is way superior to someone that participates in brutal porn or whatever.
No. 438149
>>438125Hard agree with everything. ironically this wouldn't be an unpopular opinion 10 years ago.
The DMC drama was all fake woke newfags because all the possible ships since 2001 were pretty much incestuous anyway.
No. 438154
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>>438125>it's just…impossible to think pedophiles are borne from viewing from loli (actually dug too deep on 8ch & learned that pedos don't even like loli as it's not realistic enough!)Nah. See
>>430658Also, excerpts from Pornland by Gail Dines:
>“Some of the worst stories I hear are from men who have become so desensitized that they have started using harder porn and end up masturbating to images that had previously disgusted them. Many of these men are deeply ashamed and frightened as they don’t know where all this will end. Phil told me, “Sometimes I can’t believe the porn I like. I feel like a freak,” and Anthony sees it as a “slippery slope I never thought I would slide down. I never thought of myself as a guy who would like the really hard-core porn, but that’s what’s happened to me.” Some speak of moving toward more violent images while others have become increasingly interested in bondage and even child porn. Because accessing child porn is illegal, many of the students said that they had not actively gone searching for it but had accidentally come across it while surfing porn sites. This had piqued their interest, although most of the men I spoke to are very disturbed by their sexual interest in these pictures.”
>“Students are not the only group becoming bored by and desensitized to porn images of adult women. In interviews I did with seven incarcerated sex offenders, aged from their late thirties to early sixties, all said that the quality and quantity of their porn use changed drastically after the introduction of the Internet. Prior to the Internet, they would regularly use pornography (of adult women) but after the introduction of the Internet, they began to use it compulsively, some of them even losing their jobs because of it. For this group of men, the regular gonzo pornography became boring, and they moved into more violent, fetishistic pornography, often that which looked like overt torture. When this also started to become boring, most of the men moved into child pornography. Some accidentally came across child porn while surfing porn sites, and others sought it out to masturbate to something other than the usual porn. The average length of time between downloading the first child porn and sexually assaulting a child was one year. Most men told me that before becoming addicted to Internet porn, they had not been sexually interested in children."Additionally,
>Clarence A. Johnson once enjoyed the adult pornography sites he viewed on the Web.
>But after a while, the thrill was gone.
>So Johnson started clicking on some of the advertisements that popped up on his computer screen above the naked men and women he was staring at.
>He was seeing something new — young teenagers, and even young children, posing in the nude, having sex with each other or being molested by adults. At first, the 49-year-old Batavia man was appalled. But once the shock wore off, Johnson couldn’t get enough. Like thousands of other men throughout the United States, he was hooked.
>“It was a drive, something like a fix,” he said. “I needed more, and if I didn’t get it, I felt empty.”
>“I’ve seen men from many different walks of life,” said David G. Heffler, a Lockport psychotherapist who is appointed by the courts to counsel child pornography offenders.
>The men, Heffler said, usually fall into two categories. One group is the hard-core pedophiles and molesters, who use child pornography to indulge their fantasies.
>A U.S. Postal Service study in the mid-1990s found 35 percent of men who view child pornography also molested children. A more recent study by the federal Bureau of Prisons found 80 percent acknowledged molesting children, even if never charged with the crime.
>The second group Heffler identified are men — such as Johnson — who start looking at adult pornography but then “slide down a slippery slope” toward child pornography.
>“Many men told me they started out looking at adult porn and never intended to look at children,” Heffler said. “But after looking at adult porn for a long time, they get bored. They want to try something different. They start looking at children. Then, they can’t get enough of it.”Source:
>Since I was 17 I’m attracted to boys between 7 and 12, and I’m addicted to porn videos, photos and drawings you can see on ill reputed sites online.
>I really know that what I do is very bad, that it’s horrible to all those innocent children but I can’t stay away from those images and videos, or I fantasize about them while I’m near a school or in the street.
>[…] I often want to say “stop”, I erase everything I have on my computer, I go to dating sites, I try to be normal but it never lasts I crack again I re download and spend sometimes the whole night looking at this porn files on my pc, my tablet or even the smartphone.
>I feel terrible everytime I go on those sites, and when I download despite all my anonimity programs I’m never safe. If my family found out it would be horrible! Then my nephew who is 2, what 5 years from now? Will I be able to not do anything to him?;dr: What I mean by showing you all this is to establish that men's choices, when it comes to porn, is based on what gives them a new fix. Normal porn to hardcore porn, hardcore porn to hentai, hentai to lolicon, lolicon to CP.
This is how they end up addicted to things they wouldn't even have touched before, all because of pornography. So, yes, pedophiles can be borne from viewing loli/shota. The anons you saw on 8ch who complained it wasn't realistic enough may have been at the point where 2D just didn't give them as much of a rush as the real thing, so they abandoned it. Doesn't absolve the content itself of anything, especially when there are images directly based off of real children, or that contain nods to actual CP. On top of that, there are still actual pedophiles who are fans of it. I've seen them in the wild, I've been groomed by them, and there's enough of them to establish a connection. If you don't believe me or anyone else's studies based on your own readings of what pedophiles say, I'll counter that with a screencap from a thread of other actual pedophiles discussing shotacon communities (the forum is called BoyChat).
The whole "Fiction doesn't mean anything to reality" idea may be nice, but it doesn't really hold water IRL. People are too easily influenced.
No. 438165
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>>438149Pretty much. These are all new fags who didnt give a fuck about the games until DMCV came out. It's really obnoxious, but people have been shipping the brothers since the beginning, esp the third game. Let people like what they like, esp fictional demon boys
No. 438419
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>>438367It's right there in the post, anon. Here's another, from the same thread (sorry it's so tiny).
>It seems to me that these people are mostly just unwilling to face reality about their sexual attractions.This guy was agreed with by others. Straight from the horse's mouth, not from some anti-shota/loli crusader. The very first cap from
>>438154 also outright says "Their galleries are full of stuff that would attract us like a magnet".
No. 438474
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>>438404Truthfully anon I kinda feel the same.
Sorry in advance for a blogposting.
Often my siblings hug me just because of how they like to see me squirm (idk we like to do stuff like that) and the only way I can explain it is that I feel physical pain just from a hug, even from the people closest to me.It is very weird feeling as if someone has put my skin on fire. I have been like this ever since I was a kid, my parents are used to this and they aren't the type to stick labels, at most they think that all of this is because I grew up as a tomboy and had a difficult childhood. But truthfully I think that if I went to psychiatrist they might stick me on the spectrum, especially concerning how easy it is to get diagnosed for anything these days. For example, I had a huge scar on hand from biting it when having strong emotions, would spin around in one place for hours and was what people would call a gifted, but socially inept child, thought I almost had no social skills and just a small group of friends, also ed was one of the symptoms as well. I think that in a sense I'm lucky that people around me accept these small weird things as just quirks and not mental illness.
No. 438508
>>438506>freelancing is, 9 times out of 10, a completely unsustainable income source - barring the exceptionally skilled and quick artistsYeah, but then you have that "artist bro" attitudes like "yo, i do like 20 compositions a day and sleep 3 minutes before going back to work, complaining is for pussies" . The irony is that market wise is that fucking overproducing hypercompetitive mentality that lowers prices and allows for clients to trample over artists, is a race for the bottom. The smart thing would be to create the market conditions for artists to have more rights concerning their work and be able to make an actual livable earnings with less grinding.
Not ever gonna happen thought because so many are willing to bite the bite on the sort of corporate mentality that goes against their own interest due to their shitty egos "omg, git gut" "get back to drawing! +Asianface.jpeg"
Then of course the same artist turns 40 yr old posting some "bleak reality check article" about artists not being able to buy a home in like ever or beggin for donations becuase he doesn´t have health insurance. Say what you will about modern art scenesters but those gallery artists understand how to manipulate the market in their favor and value their products and illustrators should learn a thing or ten.
No. 438516
>>438125Agreed, even though regarding kid stuff I think anon
>>438154 is sort of right about it being a gateway porn. But I believe that there are two types of loli/shota porn, the first one is the petite youthful characters that aren't really meant to be perceived as kids, and the actual child porn stuff of someone fucking realistic 6 year olds. You know, the kind that actually makes a person uncomfortable.
Regarding that, my unpopular opinion is that girls who like shota are nowhere near as harmful as men who like loli. Girls who like shota often like it for the mommying aspect while men usually get a kick out of breaking and harming a helpless female child. It's supported by the statistics, 96-99% of actual child rapists and molesters are men.
No. 438591
>>438154>>438516meh i would argue it ties back to what anon said
>those that try to realize what they read in books & see in cartoons have something wrong with them, and have long before they picked up mediait's similar to some men blaming alcohol as the reason for raping women despite the fact that plenty of other men and women would never rape no matter how much alcohol they drank
No. 438645
>>438642Me too anon.
i hate comunists with a passion having to live in a communist distopia myself. Specially pampered first world commies. They can shove that marxist crap up their asses and anyone telling me i am not a real feminist because i don´t endorse that starving piece of shit ideology can fuck off.
No. 438672
>>438591Conditioning is the problem IMO.
Content that sexualizes children or violence isn't the same as alcohol. The feelings it creates in a person, especially a man, aren't something that only happens to special cases of fucked up men (unless you mean to say most men are fucked up from the start). It's largely a subconscious, slow grind. Things become normalized in the person's mind from repeated exposure and positive feelings of arousal, whether they want it to or not. It leaks into real life behavior, such as belief in rape myths,
victim-blaming, and other facets of what we know as rape culture. It doesn't necessarily mean all these people will go on to rape, but that they become more facilitating of it as a result of the exposure, which is more detrimental to everyone and leaves more innocent people at risk IMO.
Here's a study on
victim blaming and the effects of sexual arousal that was posted in
>In the context of the present study, the sexually aroused observer of the sexually violent scenario may simply deny that anything severe has happened and reject any information that conflicts with this belief. Accordingly, a victim’s claims about sexual violence and the associated suffering are likely to be denied or perceived as exaggerated, which in turn may make negative victim evaluations – such as victim blaming – more likely. In sum, this means that the visceral state of sexual arousal may lead to more favorable perceptions of perpetrators of sexual violence, which in turn may lead to cognitive dissonance within observers.
>A study by Ariely and Löwenstein (2005), for instance, found that sexual arousal may shift moral boundaries by changing people’s judgments of a wide range of sexual activities, including sexually deviant ones. More precisely, the authors were interested in participant’s self-reported level of sexual arousal in response to different sexual activities, including morally questionable ones, such us having intercourse with a 12-year-old girl or an animal. In addition, the authors investigated to which length participants would go to obtain sexual gratification in a hypothetical date scenario (e.g., continue attempting to have sex even if the date resists) and whether participants were willing to engage in unsafe sexual activities (e.g., no birth control). The results indicated, as expected, that sexually aroused participants were more likely to be aroused by a broader range of sexual stimuli, including deviant ones, indicated greater readiness to engage in morally questionable behaviors in order to have sex, and were more willing to perform unsafe sexual activities. >Furthermore, participants were unable to predict their responses to sexual stimuli in a non-aroused state.There's also actually no real "I became a different person with inhibited functions and didn't understand the consequences" argument to be had like there would be with alcohol. They know the risks from a logical standpoint, they just hold the visceral feeling of arousal to be more important in that moment:
>Further evidence for this notion comes from a study by Löwenstein, Nagin, and Paternoster (1997), who found that sexual arousal increases the likelihood of people’s willingness to engage in sexually coercive behaviors in order to obtain sexual relief. Moreover, this relationship was not mediated by perceived benefits or costs of such aggression. However, participant’s awareness of costs increased along with their sexual arousal. Thus, although sexually aroused people are more likely to use sexual coercion to obtain sexual relief, they are more aware of the possible consequences of their actions. These are just about pornography itself and its relation to violent behaviors, sexism and callousness toward sexual violence itself:
>We found that several motivations to view pornography were associated with suppression of willingness to intervene as a bystander, even after controlling for frequency of pornography use. This study joins others in suggesting an association between pornography use and callousness toward sexual violence.Source:
>In studies of male aggressiveness and pornography, social psychologists have found evidence to support the theory that consumption of pornography by males increases their aggressiveness and antisocial attitudes toward women. The research reported here studied the presence of pornography and both sexual and nonsexual violence in the lives of two groups of women: a group of battered women drawn from shelters and counseling groups, and a comparison group of women from a mature university population. It was found that the partners of the battered women read or viewed significantly greater amounts of pornographic materials than did the partners of the comparison group. In addition, 39% of the battered women (in contrast to 3% of the comparison group) responded in the affirmative to the question, "Has your partner ever upset you by trying to get you to do what he'd seen in pornographic pictures, movies, or books?" It was also found that battered women experienced significantly more sexual aggression at the hands of their partners than did the women in the comparison group.Source:
>A meta-analysis was conducted to determine whether nonexperimental studies revealed an association between men's pornography consumption and their attitudes supporting violence against women. The meta-analysis corrected problems with a previously published meta-analysis and added more recent findings. In contrast to the earlier meta-analysis, the current results showed an overall significant positive association between pornography use and attitudes supporting violence against women in nonexperimental studies. In addition, such attitudes were found to correlate significantly higher with the use of sexually violent pornography than with the use of nonviolent pornography, although the latter relationship was also found to be significant. Source:
>Using a probability-based sample of young Danish adults and a randomized experimental design, this study investigated effects of past pornography consumption, experimental exposure to nonviolent pornography, perceived realism of pornography, and personality (i.e., agreeableness) on sexist attitudes (i.e., attitudes toward women, hostile and benevolent sexism). Further, sexual arousal mediation was assessed. Results showed that, among men, an increased past pornography consumption was significantly associated with less egalitarian attitudes toward women and more hostile sexism. Further, lower agreeableness was found to significantly predict higher sexist attitudes. Significant effects of experimental exposure to pornography were found for hostile sexism among low in agreeableness participants and for benevolent sexism among women.Source: just like…think of all of these aftereffects, but in relation to children, not just women. It's kind of horrifying.
No. 438821
>>437974You took the words right out of my mouth. Everyone around her IS a piece of shit, Shane included, but I think it comes down to her looks. If she was an ugly Ana, no-one would give any fucks.
Also it's the nice facade she puts on.
If she was uglier or a bit feisty instead of vacant, people would not care as much.
She's so stunted. Basically a Marina Joyce/Lainey hybrid with anorexia and a pretty face.
No. 438862
>>438860No, and the person who killed her should die for what he did.
But none of you are dead, all you did was purposefully go into a male environment at an age (mid teens to late teens) when you should have known better and and try to arouse them and tease them with sexual pictures and talk. Then you hide behind the whole ("I wasn't really an adult so…") excuse.
Being a giant slut is on you. Being murdering psychopaths is on them.
No. 438863
>>438856I've been a
victim of abuse by both men and women, so I honestly empathize with
victims of abuse, but I can't really get behind pinkpillers when some of them bleed out into other threads with almost sadistic thoughts of harming men, and yeah those could be scrotespergs pretending to be pinkpillers but I've seen some pretty hateful and sadistic thoughts about men in the thread itself… and frankly it unsettles me because no matter how many concerns you have, and yes I know they're not all like this, it's no excuse to say you want to abuse and kill men. Call me a pacifist but as someone who was raised by a narcissistic and
abusive mom and who has a not entirely unproblematic dad, but a dad who's capable of being unshitty, much less shitty than my mom I directly was abused by a woman and it kind of helped fuck me up on a mental level, and was abused and used by men in romantic relationships later on. The only reason I maintain optimism and don't particularly hold animosity towards either gender is because as a whole I've experienced abuse and it was hellish either way, if anything I'm kind of on the nihilistic passivity train of "humans are capable of being super
abusive assholes under their thin veneers of sincerity and if you think about it we all do things with our own selfishness in mind"
No. 438866
>>438857How the hell are you gonna blame a 15-16 year old for being groomed but not younger? a woman can get groomed at any age by a predator.
It doesn't suddenly become ok at insert_age_here
You sound like a scrot
No. 438867
>>438862Why do you think someone at 15-16 would be hanging around grown-ass neckbeards and being sexual with them?
Do you believe that's just a natural turn of events and a choice all kids might make of their own volition? Just wondering.
No. 438869
>>438859yeah if they didn't bleed into other threads I wouldn't complain about them but some of them constantly go into other threads on ot
gender critical has the same problem because I keep seeing gc shit pop up in vent/annoying thread/dumbass shi thread
No. 438870
>>438866Because most of you knew exactly what you were doing and enjoyed the attention. The less you shame that sort of behavior, the more young girls will see there's nothing wrong with it and do it themselves. The more you shame and stigmatize it, the less will do it.
If I ever have a daughter I'm keeping her well away from 4chan, the internet in general, cosplay, lolita, anime, all that shit. It's fucking
toxic garbage.
>>438868Yeah, my heart genuinely broke for her. It irritates me to see farmers pretending to be good people, like they weren't bullying the shit out of girls like that here and on PULL.
No. 438876
>>438868>a bit hypocritical considering she could have easily had her own pt/ thread were she alive.Kek, no she couldn't. Nothing she did was even approaching cow levels except in the eyes of incels who would've been mad at her for not being nice to them.
Nothing about her experience was normal or to be imitated, but she didn't just magically make those decisions for no reason. There were obviously a lot of factors going on in her life that affected her.
>>438870NTA, but see
>>438867Do you think that shit is a typical choice for someone around that age? Like, do you think that just naturally happens to any teen or child? Because that's the only way it'd be logical to blame them or say it's "on them".
I just want to see something.
No. 438881
>>438867Well if you actually read what these girls posted, generally they were sexually abused irl before it happened, or during, by family or boyfriends or neighbors. So yes it doesn't come out of nowhere, it starts because
somebody starts it.These things stem from emotional neglect, abuse, and female socialization where we are told our primary worth is in our "attractiveness."
Surprise, girls in bad situations seek approval with the one way they know how to get it. But excusing 20-30-40-50 year olds for taking advantage of them because what these girls did isn't "normal?" of course it isn't.
No. 438883
>>438878>>438881Exactly, and I'm willing to bet the same or similar is true for most girls/women who were "fembots" in their mid-teens and were groomed by robots.
You kind of have to be a complete idiot, a male or a psycho to just say "Lol it's their fault they were hoes. That's
on them".
No. 438884
>>438879It also ignores the internal logic of claiming that women are vulnerable at any age is that we need men to protect us 24/7, usually family at that. So it plays right into the hands of tradcon men.
>>438882What's wrong with what I said? Everything I listed is literally
toxic. If I have a daughter she'll be doing outdoorsy stuff, creative stuff, my fiance already said he'd do all sorts of traditionally male stuff with any daughter he had (fishing for example).
You really think some shit like video games, wasting your life away on 4chan, or attending fucking anime cons dressed like a prostitute (sorry, a "character I love") is better than that?
No. 438886
>>438884>"If I have a daughter I'll make sure she adopts what hobbies and activities I see fit and I will shut down whatever interests she develops organically instead of being a guide because shit like video games can never be enjoyed in healthy moderation and wanting to dress like a character is inherently slut behavior." Do. not. reproduce.
You cannot handle being a parent.
No. 438887
>>438885No, if she gets molested by a teacher then I'll want the guy to be tortured and killed. If she's 16/17 and going onto 4chan and posting pictures of her naked body then I'll have failed as a parent.
>>438886>hobbies developed organically>being an asiaphilePick one. Being an asiaphile who is obsessed with asian media (note, there's a difference between this and someone who casually enjoys anime/manga) is 99.9% of the time the result of antisocial personality disorders, a lack of real socialization and alienation from the real world. People like Bianca, bless her soul, were the result of spending your entire life online, being an "ironic weeb" and so on. That's a path best avoided because it's fucking dysfunctional by any definition.
Do you think it's a coincidence so much abuse, underage sex, predation etc. occur at anime cons? It's an unhealthy hobby.
No. 438890
>>438887I like how you jumped from 15/16 to 16/17 to make your horrible argument look a little less horrible.
Do you even know what grooming is, or again, do you think all kids just naturally take to being sexual on 4chan?
No. 438892
>>438890No, I think some of them do, and some of them know exactly what they're doing and should hold some responsibility.
>Wut? Men in their 20s and 30s know damn well that they shouldn't be going after teenage girls, how is it the fault of someone much younger and vulnerable that an adult took advantage of their naivety?How about 18 year olds? They can join the army and vote. Are we just going to redefine them as non-adults now arbitrarily?
No. 438899
>>438894I'm just picturing my own mom screaming at me about how wanting to play Paper Mario on the N64 and watching Inuyasha as a preteen would lead me down the path to whoredom. And not, you know, actual perverted male predators.
My condolences to you and your unfortunate future offspring.
No. 438903
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>>438888The fact that they thought it'd be cool and clever to post their weird-ass outdoorsy daughteru fantasy in
>>438884 like actual scrotes often do and think is "sweet" makes me feel like it is, now that you mention it. All they were missing is the word "degeneracy".
I feel bad for even engaging with it at all, it clearly doesn't have critical thinking skills, comes from offsite and thinks it's fun to shit up the thread (just look at
>>438889 and
>>438893 - also, one of them can't figure out how to sage).
Actually, considering the " ´ " and general typing style in
>>438889>>438856>>438879I wonder if one of them is the same sperg from
>>436472 who's been claiming homosexuality is a "kink" the same way being a furry or BDSMfag is. It'd all make sense if these were scrotes trying to force their opinions.
Before anyone thinks they might have a point worth defending in this instance, or that the little "My daughter would go fishing and play outside, no internet or anime allowed uwu" was in any way "wholesome", I want to post a friendly reminder that these same "people" also post and unironically believe shit like pic related.
These are the "people" who think it makes sense to blame 15 year old girls for being groomed and sexually abused.
No. 438906
>>438887I think video games played in moderation are pretty harmless but I agree with you about anime. Every internet hoe seems to have started out with Sailor Moon and turned it into some weird third wave sex positive thing.
The cosplay scene these days is also horrible. It's not just the patreon girls and their orbiters, but just the average person in the scene. Full of kinksters, fetlife weirdos, poly weirdos, low key "sex workers", 17 year old girls with more sexual partners than my entire friendship group put together.
I have no idea how it ever came to this.
So yeah. I'd stop my daughter from getting involved with cosplay, but I don't think video games are really that bad, especially if it's something like Civ.
No. 438911
>>438906Maybe I was harsh in blaming video games because there's actually some good educational stuff out there, and some games that require you to think intelligently and aren't just about mindless violence.
>Every internet hoe seems to have started out with Sailor Moon and turned it into some weird third wave sex positive thing. I've noticed this and I fucking hate it. Why do they have to inject sex into literally everything?
No. 438919
>>438903This post just straight up proves you are one of those fembots who sent her nudes to incels and regret it 10 years later. You are resorting to autism and implications to cope with people having a different opinion.
Sorry anon, i know is a go to here but not everyone that disagrees with you on something is a man, an evol pedo nazi or whatever you are trying to project here based on your own 4chan experience.
No. 438924
>>438919Nope. I'd actually be one of the supposed "
valid victims", but nice try. There's different types of us who know what 4chan is and hate when its dregs come to shill their garbage on Lolcow.
The root of this inceloid
victim-blaming shit is just obvious from a mile away. Nothing can hide your stench, we've established what leads teens to being sexualized on 4chan, and no one with more than two brain cells thinks 15 year olds should ever be blamed for what 20-30 year old men do.
No. 438936
>>438903It's easier for shitty parents to pretend that their underage, naive daughters had perfect agency and "knew what they were doing" instead of reflecting on their own parenting methods which might not have been perfect. Or that they did not do enough to protect their daughters from
abusive men, so it's easier to cope by pretending that it was their "choice."
It's sick.
No. 438938
>>438927Yeah, it's wild isn't it? The normal people who went to parties at my school were actually less dysfunctional and less promiscuous than the people who attended anime club, went to conventions and spent lunch playing video games.
>>438906Cosplay is fucking awful. I can't think of a more degenerate, shitty hobby. It ties into literally all the other matrices of internet degeneracy:
>Camwhoring>Doing drugs on your own>Internet relationships>Sending nudes>Weird fetishes>Fetlife>Online hookups>Being obnoxiously open about your sexual habits/interests>Dressing like a giant whore but its ok because muh love for muh character>Sex positivityI guess it's ok because it's all 'ironic' though. lol.
No. 438942
>>438937Imagine being so unable to defend your garbage position that you go back on your own post and say "N-No I wasn't really endorsing or defending them (even though that's exactly what I've been doing)! You're the real /r9k/ user projecting! I'm not an evol pedo nazi (even though no one actually said I was, totally not telling on myself)!!".
No. 438945
>>438936Its easier for inmature people to refuse to be held accountable or admit to having any agency in any decision they made because is easier to blame an external locus of control instead for all their problems and shortcomings.
Very common to see even 30 yr olds still blaming their parents, specially for doing shit their parents taught them against in the first place, but of course if the parents are protective then they are bigoted assholes who deserve a drug addict daughter becuase they were so mean with all their rules and its their fault, either way there´s always an excuse, parents will always be blamed.
No. 438947
>>438945Ciara comes to mind, her parents actually loved her and tried to take care of her and she still shoved it back in their faces and met up with random men online and sucked their dicks for drugs.
Robots are trash, but let's not pretend fembots aren't trash either.
No. 438948
>>438943i am unsure about her being into radfem stuff, but i know she loves to go into threads and talk like she's an expert on whatever the subject is. mystery.jpg seems like she's still here for sure.
i feel like anyone who just uses the pink pill threads as a way of being hateful, not really discussing, sucks anyway. they don't want to actually talk or give real examples, just baww.
No. 438949
>>438945>16 years old are immature!!!!! Yes Karen, that's in part why we can't expect them to have the life experience to identify
problematic men and predatory behaviors. Hence it's pathetic of a guardian adult to hold them "accountable" for concepts they literally don't grasp and blame them for decisions they literally didn't have the maturity to predict the outcomes for.
You're a fucking idiot.
No. 438951
>>438949>Karenyou're using that term wrong, anon.
also the fact that you somehow think 18-20 year old men are mature is baffling to me. men are basically retarded until age 30.
No. 438952
>>438948They ruined any normal discussion here and turned the board into a sea of negativity. I get mad at men too sometimes but holy fuck the sheer neuroticism of some here is insane. Keep your shit in your own thread. We actually used to be able to talk about books, novels and films here without someone sperging out about how amazing Valerie Solanas was or whatever.
On that note do we know what happened to mystery.jpg? She disappeared after the embarrassment.
No. 438954
>>438947>Ciara comes to mind, her parents actually loved her and tried to take care of herThe same parents that wouldn't take pedos like Michael Sosa to jail? Her dad is a lawyer, he could've done that.
They were just complete enablers at best, and neglectful at worst. Loving, present parents don't raise drug addicted daughters who sell CP on 4chan. That just doesn't happen.
>>438945NTA, but I'm sorry if you're insecure about your hypothetical parenting skills, but please just put in some actual effort. Blaming your child forever is pathetic.
No. 438955
>>438933When I was 16 I talked to this 38 yo man on a niche music website. He told me he had feelings for me and that he was having marital issues. I liked him too (I don't even know why looking back) and actually planned to go live with him after he divorced/left his wife. Also he had kids my age.
His wife found out and I just freaked out and blocked him. Never talled to him again, was afraid my parents would find out. I realized how fucked up it was a few years later. Now, maybe I was more naive than most 16 year olds but still. I was always being told by adults that I was "mature for my age". In my opinion 16 year olds are basically still kids.
No. 438956
>>438951>also the fact that you somehow think 18-20 year old men are mature is baffling to me. men are basically retarded until age 30What are you on about Karen?
And anyway, was this all just a smokescreen so you could tinfoil which r9k tripgirls still post here based on the responses? If so, yikes.
>>438952>sea of negativity this is 100% my problem. i am totally fine with the misandry threads, and we used to have them often anyway, but the board is now full of shitty gendered insults and "hurrdurr imagine defending men" as if we all are foaming at the mouth 24/7.
as for mystery, she probably still posts all the time but doesn't attention whore anymore. i wouldn't either tbh.
>>438956lol poor bb. /ot/ is still connected to the rest of the site. go take over if you want. shitty fembot tripfags are our bread and butter.
>>438959i'm not even saying underage girls should be blamed, i'm a different anon. it's just common knowledge that ""men"" are retarded until they're way older.
No. 438972
>>438949>>438954Enabling mentality is believing Teenagers should get a free pass to do all the horrible shit they want because they are smol beans with no decision power of their own and if their actions prove to be extremely harmful they should always, always use their smol bean card and blame someone else. Even when they are being taught time and time again not to do that dumb shit. Yes, they are inmature and lack experience, no they are not literally, drooling babies that don´t know what they are doing at all.
Imagine the dumb teens believing to their hearts this is true and that they can´t be held accountable. Imagine grown adults in their 30s and 40s still believing nothing they did when they were below 20 even counts.
Makes me remember that japanese kid who decapitated another student and when asked why did he do it he just said that he knew he was turning 18 soon and he wanted to know what doing awful shit felt like without being blamed like an adult or facing the same repercussions.
No. 438974
>>438968that's just it. men
are more immature, but they're also more entitled. of course they still act that way when they're older, they can get away with it. teenage girls manipulate teenage boys all the time for the same reason. teenage boys can't think without their penis and so girls can get away with it. socialization doesn't change biological truths, anon.
No. 438983
>>438979NTA, but when? Isn't she the same girl who reeeee'd about Pumpy because she was jealous of her, routinely harassed other camgirls on Tumblr and faked her suicide just to make them look like worse people?
She seemed like a huge pick-me.
No. 438986
>>438983>She seemed like a huge pick-me.She was literally mentally ill anon. If you go through her posts you'll see a significant portion of posts insulting other girls for their looks, calling them whores, saying camwhores deserve to die etc.
All alongside long-winded rants of the second-wave/radical feminist variety. There was really no rhyme or reason to what she believed in because I imagine she was bipolar or borderline.
No. 438994
>>438983Anon just believes that because she hated men that she was feminist and good towards women.
Mystery was a HUGE fucking pickme and an escort. She both simultaneously hated men but needed them to survive, so she latched onto feminist rhetoric to feel justified in her man hate but that DOES NOT mean she gave a flying fuck about other women.
She was here on lolcow insulting female cows and even us!
And all these retarded ass anons itt having their fun and thinking they knew who she was because they read her post compilation obviously weren't around when she was actually active. Fucking newfags, the lot.
No. 439018
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>>438994It seems like she really hated women as much as men. In all her so-called "feminist" rants, she
always made sure to shit on women too somewhere in there.
Pic related is a good example.
She made a lot of psychotic posts about women (with a particular fixation on black women, for some reason).
No. 439020
>>439006Only a small fraction of homes would be so disfunctional and fucked up as to teach their kids doing drugs and whoring themselves is positive healthy behaviour, even low key shitty parents would at least be base enought as to disaprove their daughters having poliamory bisexual relationships with men 20 yr their senior. There is no class in school teaching school kids that selling cp for dope is ok.
Most of the teenagers doing these things at least know and were taught many times that is not good behaviour and what they are supposed to be doing. So much so that they also know that to engage in it they need to hide it from any parental or authority figure.
No. 439152
>>437799This is such bullshit. EVERY single "polyamorous" relationship I've seen is a guy going around fucking different chicks while his wife/gf sits at home lying to herself being depressed. It's usually because he's just tired of her.
Not to mention all of those polygamy cults in the US are always polygyny, not polyandry.
No. 439257
>>439217This I definitely agree with.
On the other hand, though, when someone's using anime reaction images, there's a 70% chance they're an incel or a tranny, especially if it's from Yuru Yuri or some other shit that's aimed at men who have an obsession with "cute girls doing cute things".
I like anime reaction images, but I kind of support keeping them frowned upon because they're a marker for a certain type of person. It's one of those subtle things that makes them stick out like a sore thumb.
We need to maintain our own esoteric board culture so that outsiders can easily be identified.
No. 440400
>>440376I have the DVD and in the extras you can see them being rude to her in the behind the scenes footage
Also this classic: crew goes towards extras to get them for the next scene. He calls a male extra by his name and then gestures towards the female extra and trails off "and uh…"
Heaven forbid calling a woman by her name.
No. 440402
>>440400Not in those extras, but in an interview I saw, Jack Nickolson claims that he's just be out walking with his wife, pick up a chick in the street and just go off with the new woman, leaving his wife alone in the street
Just imagine that level of headassery existing in a human.
No. 440417
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I genuinely don't understand why everyone thinks anime art is so beautiful and amazing. I just don't see it.
The faces are very abstract and lack so much detail that it takes hardly any talent to actually draw an anime character. It takes much more talent and skill to draw a realistic person.
I don't like how shiny it always is, it hurts my eyes. I also don't understand why people think anime characters look "perfect"/more attractive than real people or realistic art. I understand with other types of digital art, but in anime the faces are only vaguely human looking, the eye shape is VERY weird and doesn't even resemble real human eyes. The proportions are super fucked up as well. Imo being attracted to anime character is the same as being attracted to a pony from MLP or a furry.
I honestly think people who say that they're "perfect" just hate real human beings.
No. 440435
>>440417Are you the same anon from the art thread?
Personally I'm not a fan of most western artists with anime styles because I think a lot of them are boring and genetic, but I do like new, up and coming japanese artists. Like a lot of new japanese twitter and pixiv artists who actually have skill and talent.
Plus I think the whole appeal of anime art is the cartoony and exaggerated it can be while still being cute.
No. 440438
>>440430I'm that anon and no, that's not my drawing style, it's the closest thing I could find to "bad" anime art
>>440435I've actually never posted in an art thread here.
I'm not the biggest fan of western animation either but there's not that much of it (that I know of?) the only american cartoons I can think of are things like masters of the universe and thundercats. and yeah I think the exaggeration aspect is a huge appeal of anime and mostly why people like it.
No. 440472
>>440212its the same board culture but female-oriented, trade misogyny for misandry (though i admit to being pink pilled in most respects), theres no denying it
the intense sperging and trad values are all there, theres no denying that its modern r9k 2.0 in /ot at least
No. 440553
>>440417>>440417I agree with you 100 percent. I really, really dislike how most anime characters have the same V shaped jaw and they nearly always have the same noses. Also, the variation in hairstyles are always the same. The most innovative anime styles seem to come from the 20th century but its like now, its as lazy and generic as possible.
I prefer the uniqueness and diversity of real human faces, but its quite bizarre how on the internet this is an unpopular or even controversial opinion. I also think human beauty doesnt only come in extreme neoteny and the same facial features. Im surprised with so much beautiful people with varying facial types and body types in the entertainment particularly music industry that people know and like that a lot of people seem to ignore that.
No. 440822
>>440816Most of what you said isn't unpopular, also wasn't that anon talking about that book called out on how gross it was? I remember being so disgusted by the description alone.
Even in fujo circles shota shit is not welcomed, but what I do see is fundas defending that shit because "They're just drawings".
No. 440871
>>440816Lmfao were you
triggered by the anon in the pink pill thread who told you to stop calling anime loli drawings the same as actual IRL child porn because it's fucking disrespectful to the actual real life child
victims and you couldn't contain your autism?
>oh and I also really fucking hate fujoshits who unironically think shota porn is okay because it's two males, fuck off that's disgusting too, they're no better than scrotes who think loli porn is okayI got news for you the people making and reading shota porn are men and the "fujos who defend shota because it's two males" don't exist except as a vague strawman. no I don't care if you "know this one girl" because it's not a fucking widespread phenomenon
Female pedophiles are such a weird thing to post in the unpopular opinion thread too, I don't think anyone here disagrees that pedos are repulsive and need to leave what the fuck. You're the exact kind of hysteric pedo sperg people have been complaining about here.
>I may be a pathetic libfemYeah well yes at least this much is true
No. 440911
>>440816I don't really think this is an issue here. At least since I've been using lolcow people here for the most part have been quick to condemn shota and fempeds on the occasions they show themselves. I really don't think it shows up very often nor do I think it is well tolerated. I can think of some instances where anons admitted to liking that shit but even if they had some replies in support they always had way more detractors. I'm not gonna say lolcow is free of creeps but you're blowing it out of proportion, the userbase and mods are pretty successful in spooking them off.
Also if you'd bothered to actually read that thread you'd mentioned you'd know that it was one woman freaking out over that book about the predatory teacher while everyone else dogpiled on the author.
This wasn't an unpopular opinion at all.
No. 440916
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my weeb/kboo circle got mad at me for saying this ("i-it's just asian culture!!") but east asian entertainment really needs to drop its cutesiness. i'm tired of seeing grown ass voice actors/idols trying to talk with a fake high pitched baby voice. it's not even cute, it just gets annoying. i hate how anime tries to portray literal child-looking characters as "hot", it's like what kind of audience are you trying to attract with this shit?
this whole cutesy act in anime, jpop and kpop is extremely forced and pedobait-ey. just stop.
No. 440928
>>440871>>440911Hard agree. To be honest, blowing shit out of proportion and harshly exaggerating events to create some sort of false equivalency of shittiness between the genders is such a libfem thing to do.
Literally who on Lolcow supports female pedophiles? Because I haven't seen it. Not in GC threads, not in Pink Pill threads, not in vent threads, nowhere. Half of this site's userbase literally hates anime as a whole and decries it as being too pedophilic, so how could any female pedo see this as a safe space? One of our most reviled cows, Soren, is literally a female pedophile (and surprise surprise, she's an FtM with heavy internalized misogyny, not some pink pilled misandrist!).
Also, I remember that thread with the posts about the book. Everyone was roasting the shit out of the anon who brought it up, the book itself (it was literally theorized that it was written by a scrote because it had such a poor understanding of women's anatomy) and its author.
If anything, the only cases of pedo apologism I've seen here come from delusional handmaidens coming out of the woodwork to defend the honor of their pedophilic boyfriends, libfems who are still under the delusion of "Our modern iteration of sex positivity is progressive! All kinks are
valid!!! Porn has no bearing on real life!!!", and scrotes looking to troll. All of them claim it's okay when scrotes jerk off to lolicon because it's "just fiction". They get disagreed with and shut down every time, as they should be.
I bet that anon also likes to pretend that it's women who go on those news articles about female teachers molesting students and make retarded cumbrained comments like "Wow he was lucky", "Not rape", or "She shouldn't be in jail". Absolutely disgusting.
No. 440966
>>440871i bet that post youre replying to was made by the anon who was constantly sperging about "muh pedophilic fujos" a few months ago lmao
literally all mainstream fujo shit is about either adults or older teenangers, and the fan base is extremely young (teens to early 20s) anyway, this is a bit like calling a 19 year old a pedo for dating a 17 year old. you will never find gross pedo shota shit that is mainstream, and most of it is aimed at and written by men too.
No. 440978
>>440916I don't know what to think about this. On one hand I agree, on the other it's kind of a relief from the oversexed media in the West where everything is about ass, titties and being seen as "sexy" as possible.
Wish there was a happy medium of being feminine without being forced into either the pedobait or sexy bimbo role, or worse yet only being allowed to exist as you are indoors and being forced to cover up in some way.
No. 440998
>>440966Pedophilia is obviously not a problem on LC, thank god.
There are however way too many female Japanese fan artists who draw shota. I can be looking at muscular fabulous Jojo art on Pixiv, and suddenly, same artist draws fucking shota. I blame (male) otaku culture for this, it's a standard to draw idealized and objectified little anime girls so I think a lot of artists get brainwashed into thinking that shit is cute and okay.
No. 441017
>>440958Agreed, how many truly creative people you see who can also execute their ideas properly vs people who are good at science and math? People are more fascinated by the creative and artistic minds but society rewards the future IT kids instead. Sad thing is this is a recent development
>>440978I know your last part but still the first part remains and its something I see a lot of people say and its stupid. The thing is, the cutesyness and the looking like a young girl IS the hypersexualized part for them. Its literally the same thing. Its a sad state of affairs when girls are either pushed into the east asian gamineish extremely youthful standard or the hypersexed porn stripper standard. I fucking hate the 2010s.
No. 441030
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Standards for
all women is higher than
Meanwhile standards for men are getting lower and lower.
No. 441063
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>>440978That reminds me of an interview of kenshi yonezu's I read (popular japanese singer) where he was talking about the way he draws and uses women for his cover art. He says he draws women in a simple, easy and feminine style because he hates seeing women and girls used for men's sexual desire, and also finds the whole idol stuff extremely grotesque.
I just found it so refreshing to see a male speak about this and have these opinions.
No. 441092
>>440958eh… it depends. And I say that as an art student and intern in a very highbrow art gallery. But I do agree that creativity is looked down upon when it's way harder than it appears. I think mathematics is a bad example because Math studies (like, pure mathematics) do need
some creativity but I'm tired of general STEM students thinking they're so smarter than me when they can't do anything outside of their field and my studies have made me extremly polyvalent. I do use a lot of mathematics, physics, IT stuff, physical labor, philosophy etc in my studies and they just write code or calculate equations.
No. 441127
>>440911>>440928i disagree, we had a huge influx of anons who kept getting annoyed about people saying that women who like young characters are gross and weird. they kept deflecting with "people only speak up when
women want to do this stuff" and bawwing about how liking young boys is totes just motherly instinct.
No. 441142
>>441127Do you mean the arguments about the "sonfu" thread?
Even that's kind of a stretch. Shit's weird, but no one in that thread actually sexualized the characters, lmao.
Is that really the epidemic of "female pedos" on Lolcow? Because like…that's literally nothing, doesn't invalidate any of the disagreements and didn't warrant this kind of rant like 8 months later at all.
No. 441447
>>441265Are you fucking stupid? No one said anything like that. I've decried pedophilia multiple times on this board, and it's literally all women who hate feminism and
victim-blame girls for being molested, scrotes who want us to accept their loli obsessions and libfems who think they're cool girls if they defend male pedos.
To be making shit up this hard so you have an excuse to dunk on women and RP that Lolcow has a "female pedo" problem is fucking pathetic, and the fact that you'd even open such a thread and read into it that much makes it sound like you're an actual pedo searching for some "Misery loves company" shit and projecting hard.
I don't give a shit about your decrepit, dusty "sonfu" thread until they actually start to espouse pedo talking points or defend/praise shotacon. They've done neither of those things, from the little I've seen, so I just don't care, and nobody else does. Cope eternally.
No. 441537
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>hurr durr LC is full of pedos
The anon smearing farmers by pretending we've said the opposite of we have said on various threads is just trying to start shit.
No. 441576
>>440958Have you ever worked on engineering projects, especially stuff that's got to be done in a creative fashion or that involves solving an unusual or difficult problem? That shit's pretty difficult and takes a lot of revision, it tends to need to bring in more of the arts too if you're designing enclosures or buildings etc. Same with heavy research, and theorems etc as you mentioned. Different from code monkeys, though. I'm an engineer and do music and some writing (used to do a lot but not so much now) as well but I don't think I'm a total outlier.
Some of the things I've read from other engineers has taken some truly out of the box thinking and impressed me with their creativity, especially with electrical engineering, it's just not seen as comparable to artistic creativity outside of other autistic fucks like me.
I'm totally not down with STEMlords talking down to artists, especially since we all need each other, but I guess my unpopular opinion is that truly interesting, intelligent, and creative thinking in STEM can be an art in and of itself.
No. 441593
>>441570a-fucking-men, anon. i hate disney movies. pixar is meh, but lately i can't stand most of their new shit either.
my childhood was disney too, but even i can take off nostalgia goggles for a minute as an adult and admit the only reason i like their older stuff is bc i have positive memories attached to them and not bc theyre these godlike amazing original movies. even if i did love them thats just me, theyre not even that good, they dont have to be good for me to like it.
my friends are all absolute disneyfags and it irks me so much that they suck disney's dick everytime they release anything, i consider their stuff mediocre at best. for example they loved Coco but wouldn't watch El Libro de la Vida, which I pointed out is exactly like Coco except it came out earlier and was made by a lesser known studio. I hate it when Disney movies win Oscars every year while objectively better movies with better animation get snubbed or lose; hell, last year "Loving Vincent",- a movie that took like a bajillion years to make bc every single frame is a painting handmade to imitate Van Gogh's style-, lost to fucking Coco. i'm still seething. Disney is the pinnacle of mediocrity and corprate greed, and i have very little respect for anyone who refuses to accept how flawed and subpar their work is.
No. 441610
>>441597I think we'll have to agree to disagree on what's harder. I find my creativity comes more easily, if in bursts, and that I have to work at understanding the higher concepts in math and CS, more so when I apply them than when I'm just trying to wrap my head around them. They get rather complicated, the basic logic is simple, e.g. to me logic gates and algebra are simple enough, but applying a shitton of logic gates to make something complex and useful is difficult, and working with complex equations, esp once you apply "higher" maths or different frameworks, is much longer and harder because of the pieces you have to keep track of. As is the memorization, etc.
Maybe it's just predisposition, my parents nurtured my creative side more than my mathematical side so while I'm not an idiot when it comes to maths, creative pursuits come more easily to me because I exercised them more at a younger age and found them more enjoyable to practise than doing a ton of maths homework. Music/writing is my therapy more than maths, although now as an adult one of my "relaxing" hobbies is more maths-adjacent.
I think a lot of visual artists believe they're worse at math than they actually are, and that math _is_ hard, but it's because it takes practise and not everyone wraps their head around things at the same pace. It's like people believe they can't be good at math because they're artists, or vice versa, and don't want to exit their comfort zone, or have low self-esteem about it.
No. 441622
>>441615…this is unpopular? I swear that most of the people I know with even the vaguest eye for what looks nice agree with this. I have no idea why they ruin our eyesight with this shit other than the potential of money for knocking things down and making them new and shiny.
Possibly controversial additional opinion: I love shit that looks dated, mostly in restaurants or hotels, and quietly judge people who complain about it. If it's clean, I don't care if it's "dated". It makes me sad that people are wasteful and destroy things over it or judge based off if something looks old rather than the aesthetic merits of it.
No. 441690
>>441636Hideous, indeed.
>>441668Wow, this is worse than mid-century somehow. I need eye bleach after searching google images for this.
No. 441883
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>>441877i think traditional with shabby chic accents is god-tier. the all-out shabby chic with 'kooky' bric-a-brac and clutter is suifuel tho. i've posted this before (and i'd nix some of this furniture but the wainscoting, lighting, daybed, flowers and color scheme are all perfect, but there's major room for improvement). most shabby chic is tacky and no one has any clue how to properly execute it. it's almost impossible to find that perfect balance of traditional and shabby chic.
No. 441890
>>441883I hate this, looks like a kitshy but impersonal bed and breakfast
I've seen shabby chic work in context of a cottage aesthetic, but this is too overstyled and kind of American if that makes sense
No. 441927
>>441622>If it's clean, I don't care if it's "dated"same tbh.
theres a hospital near where i live which aesthetically looks kind of like its from the 1950s, but its extremely clean and they have up to date equipment (which is pretty much all that matters lol), but ive seen people saying it should be knocked down and replaced because its old and "dated". i guess its not really a hospital and youre going to die if it doesnt look like a fugly cube shaped american hospital kek.
No. 442001
>>441883This looks aweful.
>>441890 is right. It looks like the home of a 35 yo american WASP with 5 kids and no personality.
Give me a big appartment filled with exotic plants and Corbusier chairs and Eames lounge chairs and concrete tables and I'll be happy.
No. 442048
>>442001>35 yo american WASP with 5 kids There's nothing wrong with any of this though?
Also the house she pictured looks nice. Not our fault you're the sort of person who thinks tiny Asian matchbox apartments where you can barely stand up straight or spread your arms out are "comfy".
No. 442057
>>442048>>442048>There's nothing wrong with any of this though? I mean there's nothing wrong with it, but those type of people aren't usually tastemakers. It might be compfy or whatever, and that's fine if you like it, not everyone has to have sharp taste but let's not pretend it's some High Design or anything.
Also I have no idea what kind of asian apartments you're mentionning. I literally live in a 100sq foot place (even though there's 2 of us in it)
No. 442093
>>442078first person ITT with taste
>>442068>Victorian England had some of the most beautiful interior design ever createdkek…..
No. 442270
>>442261Many anons would agree with you in the kinkshaming and radfem thread for example. And just look what was recently posted in the pink pill thread: and murder treated as sex gone wrong.
No. 442884
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I really hate at least 90% of youtubers and "influencers" that make a living off of making vapid, pointless content, like 10 minute long videos of "melting all the bath & body works candles into one candle" or "melting all my lipsticks into one lipstick" or "wiping the dust off of my vents for the first time in 5 years". It's not just that they make money off of this shit, but they make more than a comfortable living. Then they make videos whining and crying about their mental health and how hard it is to be a youtuber and their audience just doesn't understand what it's like uwu. Then they will constantly threaten to delete their social media presence and go back to living a normal life because of how "hard" being an influencer is yet they never actually do (gee I wonder why).
Instagram influencers are just as bad/worse, with a lot of them being famous and having hundreds of thousands of followers merely for being heavily tattooed/modded. they just make a living off of being a freak basically and use their money to get even more tattoos and body mods while contributing nothing to society.
>inb4 "ur just a salty bitch because ur not famous and work a minimum wage job let ppl do what they want theyre not hurting anyone uwu"
No. 442927
>>442917nta but i agree as long as they were rightfully convicted (not that there is a 100% perfect process in place to guarantee that, but i digress)
i think it would be great if prisons could be self-funded with labor, etc. so less taxpayer money had to go into resources for the prison system. unfortunately most of that money just goes into the pockets of whoever most likely.
No. 442963
>>442917But if companies are profiting off cheap prison labor, that means there’s less incentive to prevent crime or lower crime rates. Lower crime rates = less people in jail = less prisoners available to provide cheap labor.
And no, it’s not all murderers, drug dealers and rapists in prisons. You know women’s prisons exist where female prisoners are exploited because prison commissary charges $10 for a box of tampons, and prisoners only made a few cents an hour?
No. 443048
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Shipping isn't "LGBT representation" and people who think you're homophobic for not indulging in their delusional Chinese cartoon fantasy ships are insane.
If they want to ship characters fine, but trying to pass off their weird fantasies as representation is weird and disingenuous. Also the LGBT community is obnoxious and mixing it with weeb shit makes it even worse.
No. 443064
>>443014my father was like classic npd and my mother blatantly put me pedestal constantly.
self esteem terrifies me. pigeon toes make me feel more secure.
No. 443068
>>443048Not to mention that Japan has different values regarding the LGBT community than the U.S (not saying Americans are the only ones who are obnoxious when it comes to this stuff but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were a majority). I’m not trying to enable their homophobia by sperging “It’s their
culture!” but rather if you think that most yaoi pairings are gonna happen in your anime, then honey, you’re so naive.
No. 443090
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>>442979There are women in jail for protecting themselves from abusers and rapists, but yeah sure they deserve a life in hell. If you get caught once with weed on you, tough shit, might as well die in prison.
No. 443130
>>443079>I'll never forget a friend arguing with me that Voltron needs LBG representation and i had to leave the chat convo.It's funny because I saw they made a character gay later in the show, then it just fell apart and fans eventually jumped ship. At least that's what I've heard.
Also pressuring creators to make a gay characters is awful and I hate that people insist on doing it. Forcing them to do shit like that results in a shitty
forced character.
At least in the early 2000s people admitted to making ships because they were thirsty or it was just for fun. They were never meant to be taken seriously in the first place.
No. 443388
>>426455I'm reviving this because the way most people seem to react to menstrual cups is so weird to me and I'm kind of tinfoiling that it's partly because huge tampon/pad brands don't want to go out of business. I was scared of them at first because I thought it would be this huge mug that could never fit inside my lesbian vagina but it's actually comfortable and I probably see less blood than I did when I was using pads (although I never cared about the blood because it's mine so meh)
Sorry if this reads like an ad or a blogpost but I'm passionate about menstrual cups and I wish more girls were willing to give them a try
No. 443547
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>>443048Speaking about Japanese video games, especially JRPGs, here's a thing I hate:
>you can date characters of the opposite sex in a game for fanservice>"why aren't they gay or bi options, that's homophobic!">you can also date characters in the next game, with a few gay or bi options>"why are the LGBT characters not perfect cinnamon rolls and vaguely look like offensive stereotypes if you don't actually play the game but look at the characters' pages on wikipedia for less than 5 minutes?">next game gives you even more gay options and more variety even though romance in general is still completely optional fanservice at the end of the day>"why are the gay or bi characters not stereotypes straight out of a yuri or BL manga? They're ugly!">"this straight character should be gay because he's my favorite and his haircut suggests he could be a gay twink, giving him this haircut is queerbaiting!"Do they even know what they want? I'm not asking anyone to be grateful for anything but at least have coherent opinions.
No. 443551
>>443547is this about fire emblem?
anyway, the sexualization of the underage looking characters (they're technically all 1000s year old dragons, conveniently) in this waifu era is so gross.
No. 443572
>>443551I guess that's the most recent exemple where this applies, especially since FE fans complain about literally everything. This also sort of applies to Persona in general and Catherine, especially its remake, but Atlus doesn't give a fuck about the West since Japan is by far a more interesting market. I also have friends telling me things about other games that have romance options where it's more of an option with no consequence and I see similar complaints but they're less often mentioned overall, like Harvest Moon/Story of Season.
>anyway, the sexualization of the underage looking characters (they're technically all 1000s year old dragons, conveniently) in this waifu era is so gross.I don't like it either, but I don't think that cliche is that recent? And I feel like there's more and more fanservice in every type of media from all around the world these days so I have a hard time getting into new series or games nowadays.
No. 443581
>>443547This post reeks of either heterosexuality or gay in denial at best so I don't know if there's any point in trying to explain it.
>you can date characters of the opposite sex in a game for fanservice>"why aren't they gay or bi options, that's homophobic!"During the history of games, in a lot of rpgs there was a planned gay option but they opted to remove it because the producers knew that people (straight men) would be screeching over someone having the possibility to have a gay date. Imagine this happening all the time. In Persona 5 you can date your goddamn teacher who's who knows how many years older than your high school age ass
(and she dresses up as a maid to serve you and give you backrubs) but somehow a gay option was too degenerate in Persona 4 to the point it was removed.
>you can also date characters in the next game, with a few gay or bi options>"why are the LGBT characters not perfect cinnamon rolls and vaguely look like offensive stereotypes if you don't actually play the game but look at the characters' pages on wikipedia for less than 5 minutes?"I don't get what you mean by this, are you talking about the LGB representation being condensed to the japanese Okama stereotype or something? It IS harmful to show gay characters only as tired, offensive stereotypes such as a gay man being effeminate to a drag queen degree and perving all over every male character he comes across. I don't know why you would argue otherwise.
>next game gives you even more gay options and more variety even though romance in general is still completely optional fanservice at the end of the day>"why are the gay or bi characters not stereotypes straight out of a yuri or BL manga? They're ugly!"I guess this is about Fire Emblem? Because do you actually think it's NOT biased when all the heterosexual options are conventionally attractive, charming and close to your age but the two gay options are old and ugly guys with no romantic endings? Imagine it backwards, your gay options were 5 young and beautiful characters with a romantic ending and your straight options would be two unattractive old farts with minimal feelings towards you. Would you see an obvious favoring with this?
>"this straight character should be gay because he's my favorite and his haircut suggests he could be a gay twink, giving him this haircut is queerbaiting!"And this is just the scrapings of the bottom of the barrel twitter activist having a pipe dream. Nobody says this and means it unless you hang around 15 year olds. Queerbaiting is a real thing though, producers add an obviously gay coded character but refuse to actually display their sexuality on screen save for a few subtle wink wink nod nod moments. It might evoke "what are these faggots going on about you got a gay character didn't you" feelings but when you actually never see the character talking about their gay relationship in a casual manner like the straight characters do and the "gay reveal" or something is used only as a cheap plot device or a way to draw in viewers (like Voltron did) it's just annoying. There still isn't a lot of proper gay representation around and it's still such a big taboo that people don't like it when media is acting like it's pushing the envelope when they're only giving people table scraps.
No. 443609
>>443581>This post reeks of either heterosexuality or gay in denial at bestHow would you know any of this about me? And do you actually expect 100% accurate and respectful LGBT representation in JRPGs were the main point is to save the world by beating monsters and god? When these games have simplified or straight up cliche stories and characters? The point of my post was that people complain a lot about products not targeting them in the first place, then when they get exactly what they ask for in these games they complain and nitpick everything.
>but somehow a gay option was too degenerate in Persona 4 to the point it was removed.I'm still salty about not being able to date Yosuke too even though he acted more like a love interest than anyone else, especially in P4G, but at the end of the day P4 isn't a dating sim, it's a JRPG. And I haven't played P5 yet so I won't talk too much about it, all I know is that people wanted Yusuke to be a love interest for no other reason than "he's cute/he looks like Jun who was gay in P2" and nothing else, and who the traitor is.
>are you talking about the LGB representation being condensed to the japanese Okama stereotype or something?Not at all, I kept it vague because I've seen this in many different cases, like people complaining about stereotypes that are more portrayed in the West. My criticism can be applied to female characters in general as well. Fandoms are retarded and will complain about characters not being good enough representation because they'll do morally questionable things that make perfect sense within the plot.
Anyway you sound like you misunderstood half of what I said and you like putting words in my mouth. Amazing.
No. 443621
>>443609The social stuff is such a big part of Persona 4 that I don't think it's fair to just dismiss it "it's a RPG not a dating sim!!!".
>when they get exactly what they ask for in these games they complain and nitpick everything. Oh yes because getting nothing at all, one vaguely implied gay character or the option to either choose an attractive and plot important straight character or some random old geezer is exactly the gay representation everyone wanted
No. 443662
>>443547>"this straight character should be gay because he's my favorite and his haircut suggests he could be a gay twink, giving him this haircut is queerbaiting!"Such fans don't even care about that, they proclaim characters are canon gay when they just look at each other.
Also there's the annoying push that okama and crossdressers are trans. On a stream the voice actor called a character "dansei", but the English community bends over to call her a strong proud woman, ugh.
No. 443707
>>443695Moonlight, Midsommar, Hereditary, The Witch, The Favorite, Eigth Grade, Booksmart, Us, Get Out, The Farewell, Her Smell, Late Night, Yesterday, Widows, Burning. Just to name a few from this year and last year.
It’s 2019, the internet exists and there’s a million streaming services, there’s no reason to complain about there being no good movies when it’s easier than ever to support and access indie films.
No. 443775
>>443695if you have netflix i believe there is a indie genre you can search. movies i would recommend is green room or blue ruin. same director but both are really good imo
(sage for no content)
No. 443782
>>443773What drives me nuts about this shit is that I do try to keep anything personal out of my arguments consciously so that my logic and reasoning will stand out more than an appeal to emotion.
But then some asshat comes along and says "WELL HAVE YOU/ARE YOU X?! I'M X AND I SAY UR WRONG!"
It's fucking infuriating especially if I am also x, but admitting it after just looks like a copout and makes the person who brought it up act indignant and smug.
No. 443812
>>443707>It’s 2019, the internet exists and there’s a million streaming services, there’s no reason to complain about there being no good movies when it’s easier than ever to support and access indie films.I completely agree! I was just asking for reccs. I did love Get Out but I thought Booksmart was faux-deep and unfunny.
No. 443930
>>443898Then wtf is the solution? Ban bad people? Ban poverty and mental illness and hatred? Banning guns is the most effective option you've got even if it doesn't completely eradicate gun violence. Bad people will always exist, but only some of them have the money, connections and ability to get guns illegally. You think sad nerdy incels with no friends would have access to guns if they couldn't legally buy them?
I just cannot fathom being like "oh, banning guns would only get rid of SOME senseless murder, not all of it, so what's the point?".
No. 443936
>>443898you say that but extreme gun restriction has worked for every other country. obviously, it does work.
that being said, America was literally built on guns, using guns. they're never going away, they're too integral to american identity for certain people.
No. 443938
>>443812I'm sorry if I seemed snarky, anon. I'm just tired of hearing filmbros complain about Disney destroying the sanctity of film. There are good movies, they just need to be found!
When you think about it, it makes sense that the only huge box office successes would be lowest common denominator visual spectacles and franchise films. It's not the 60s anymore. With everyone having access to a television or computer, we are oversaturated with programming options. And since television now has access to movie level effects and budget, the small screen has the same tools as the big screen. And movies are expensive, your average person isn't going to pay twelve dollars a ticket to see a quiet drama film, they'd rather see a movie that is enhanced by the theater experience.
I guess that is my unpopular opinion, that disney movies, superhero films and blockbusters aren't ruining the film industry.
No. 444039
Can y'all keep your man complaints in the pink pill thread? Fucks sake
>>443592I agree, superhero and Disney shit have taken over and is pretty much the only thing people see that's out in the movies if they're no familiar with indie films. I can understand why people would complain but at the same time they're just being lazy if they don't bother to look for new original films by themselves. It's the same with music when idiots say there's no good music out there. I don't have the pity or patience for those lazy fucks - of course you don't think so, because you haven't bothered really digging deeper besides top 40 stuff, which is always gonna be shit, so what do you expect? Good movies and music are always coming out, you just need to look yourself because mainstream media is sure as fuck not gonna give it to you
No. 444073
>>444057>You can't stop them from growing up poor and joining gangs,Sure you can. They don't grow up poor if they don't have single mothers, and they don't join up with gangs if given any other opportunities.
>you can't stop them finding 4chan or Stormfront or TRP and becoming radicalized in their hatred of non whites/womenSure you can. Just stop labeling them as evil for just being born as men. Nobody wakes up one day and decides they want to kill folk. It takes several decades of alienation and abuse for anger to boil over. Hatred begets more hatred. Love begets more love.
>You just limit their access to convenient tools of mass murder as best you can, which means banning guns.This however you can't do. Guns are everywhere in America. There's more of them than people. If if they weren't they can very easily be imported or produced. Even if they couldn't be there's still endless tools of potential mass murder readily available. The person that's dedicated to ending another life will always find a way.
No. 444079
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>>444073>loveOn my lolcow?
No. 444080
>>444073ntayrt, i understand your point but
>They don't grow up poor if they don't have single motherswhat does this have to do with anything? it's not like all families where the father is not absent are millionaires. would you rather kids grow up with an
abusive father?
also a lot of these mass shooters come from completely normal, middle class families.
No. 444095
>>444080The single biggest factor in whether or not children grow up in poverty is whether or not they have fathers around. You can be uncharitable like
>>444086 and assume I'll blaming mothers, or more charitable and assume I'm blaming the being deadbeat dickheads, but either way it's something that doesn't just happen at random, and that rarely happened at all before the sexual revolution.
>also a lot of these mass shooters come from completely normal, middle class families.Nyet. In every single one of them the shooter had other issues that were only exacerbated by extremely shoddy treatment.
No. 444107
>>444095but having a father doesn't guarantee that you are not going to live in poverty. mass shooters i cna think of who did grow up with separated parents are breivik and the russian tech college shooter, but both had fucked up motives that had nothing to do with their parents or sexual revolution. the latter was influenced by columbine and both of them were influenced by white supremacy. and you have people like the christchurch shooter who never had any family related issues.
>never happened before the sexual revolutionare you referring to incel shooters? it's not anyone's fault but themselves.
>>444099but mass shooters and serial killers are almost entirely male. this isn't some evul feminazi propaganda, it's the reality.
No. 444134
>>444107I'm referring to urban street gangs. They're an entirely modern phenomenon caused by boys not having decent role models around. Even under slavery men treated women better because even under slavery their families were intact. As for spree shooters it's a similar phenomenon wherein people feel like society has completely forsaken them first, and then start looking around for ways to get revenge on it second.
>but mass shooters and serial killers are almost entirely male.Almost. Exactly. They're occasionally female as well, and an extreme minority of all people regardless. So let's isolate more factors that can possibly controlled for rather than potentially making the issue worse by fueling
victim complexes further.