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No. 558614
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a style she no longer personally wears>Known lurker>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm
>Frivolously spends her parents' money on once-worn clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends; claims she makes enough from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos repeatedly; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent>Is an extreme narcissist; regularly claims herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs of her ramblings; opts for self-care rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments or posts under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to what she has seen in the threads; is highly dependent on her mother Louise Vessey in social events, often referring to her as her "bestie" and dragging her along to Japan and NYC, and has based her choice of college in a nearby city so as to not be far from her during university>has kept a total of five relationships in over 2 years, all ending in drama; examples include leaving one boyfriend of two years for his best-friend-turned-accessory whom she "loved all along" and stringing along a girl who came out for her for clickbait in a Christmas video and to boost her LGBT status before dumping her and keeping her Christmas gifts for "not being attracted to her"; now largely just refers to herself as queer rather than bi, lesbian, or pansexual>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo despite knowing she has a largely underage audience, and posts publicly about drinking while prescribed on medications; will often remove or put herself from/on said medications regardless of whether she needs them or notIn the last thread:
>Jill is prepping for college and continues to buy countless shit for the apartment she doesn't have yet. Also, she and her mom have agreed she needs an entire apartment (or townhouse) to herself so she can have a "work space" for herself>Following the Youtube HQ shooting in LA, Jill posted a selfie of her at the NYC Youtube Space from her recent trip under very poor judgement; fans find it distasteful and she promptly removes it>Lazy Oaf gets caught up in art theft drama amidst their own unethical history; Jill's stance on the debacle is as flimsy as her refusal to buy other problematic brands, but promptly breathes a sigh of relief when the brand issues an apology>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526>>>/snow/540457LINKS
youtube insta:
Cosplay Page No. 558732
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No. 558805
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No. 558819
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>>558732Also has no credit
No. 558858
>>558646Bless you OP for the updated description.
>>558819hehe my daughter is such a silly cute tard hehehe
I wonder how long til Jill maxes out her credit card and freaks out about it
No. 558964
>>558961but if she just bought the fabric she wouldn't be able to claim that she wasted over 6 hours badly dyeing it!!
bragging about how much time you put into it obviously means more than the end result looking good
No. 559057
>>558991>>559005>>559046You can get a "Debit Visa" which is literally a card which solely works online/connects directly to your bank account. Though I don't doubt that Louise pays for her shit anyway.
10/10 Jill will end up in credit card debt if her parents don't pay it off for her lmao.
No. 559059
>>559057Sorry, I should specify: I've seen some banks give Debit Visa's that also function as a regular debit card, and that's become the standard for them. So they can 'work like that' online, in a sense.
But I'm still leaning towards Louise paying for her crap also.
No. 559210
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Why is there still such a strong belief that her mom is paying for all her stuff? She obviously isn’t paying rent, her subs and views are on the rise again, and she even tweeted saying demonetization wasn’t an issue for her anymore and she maxes out the amount of adds you can put on a video. She has the money to spend stupidly, I really don’t think she’s saving anything though
No. 559308
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I didn't see this itt so forgive me if I'm reposting this
Why does she insist on using this fugly halloween-tier shiny fabric for everything? It's not like she's cheaping out when she's already spent $180 on LEDs for this cosplay
No. 559344
>>559308Cotton sateen is a pretty common fabric in cosplays, as it's cheap, easily dyed, and readily available.
>>559321The orange and the yellowy cream colour seem out of place, too.
No. 559351
>>559308Looking at it again, it might be sheer fabric at the top of the pile, not that cheap satin she used for her birthday dress and Cure Whip, oops.
>>559344Thanks, wikipedia. Using cotton is actually pretty sensible of her imo, but I was talking about the fabric on the top.
No. 559414
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>>559142This wig might be a little more flattering if the bangs were even
No. 559450
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remember to have adblock on if you can't watch through lolcow.
No. 559560
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Incoming cosplay dump
No. 559572
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No. 559577
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>>559142>"I try and upload usually Wednesdays and Saturdays, twice a week at least"Is that so?
No. 559696
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saged but saw this on the recent sugarpill vid and kek at the comments
No. 559763
>>559450OR you could post the damn hooktube link, idk why anons post the original link giving her views and money…
>>559142HOOKTUBE link… No. 559911
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All Jill does is use people lmao
No. 559921
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sage bc who cares anymore but it just occurred to me that the reason her zipper looked so garbage despite her sewing a perfectly fine one before is bc she sewed it in after the fact… probably when she realised she couldnt actually squeeze herself into that green mess lol
No. 560030
>>559142if you hate babies jill why do you insist on talking like one all the damn time, also why would you buy the damn toy so soon when you have low expectations, oh right, she mindlessly buys all kind of crap she doesn't really like
>>559943oh man I had no idea what she was saying until I read this
No. 560403
>>559414>>558944Is she really using that wig for this cosplay?? Because the character's bangs are curled inward and not a bowl cut…
I don't get any of the fabric she chose for this cosplay. It makes zero sense and will look even worse irl.
No. 560636
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No. 560658
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When your fans have to congratulate you for eating something nutrional because it's such a rare occurrence
No. 560659
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She's so spoilt it's infuriating a yard aswell??
No. 560676
>>560617She'd never drop that kind of cash on a wig. Rockstar wigs are really thick and don't have that shine anyway. I'm guessing she got an Amazon wig and tried to cut the bangs how she used to cut her hair and messed up on one side.
>>560636She always has to brag about how much work it takes her to do things. If she actually enjoyed doing it, the amount of hours wouldn't matter.
No. 560687
>>560661Plenty of people have their parents pay for their tuition. My parents probably will pay over $200k in tuition/housing by the time I graduate, and so will a lot of other students' parents.
With the way tuition prices have been rising, you can't just work your way through college anymore. Maybe in Canada.
>>560662Why don't people understand some parents are fine with spending money on their kids?
No. 560750
>>560664Why would universities expect parents to pay for off-campus accommodations? Especially two-bedroom townhouses for a single student? You're being ridiculous. Besides, Jill isn't attending uni, it's a vocational college.
>>560687I do, in fact, know people who work their way through university or college in Canada. Most parents, especially in provinces like NB or NS, will perhaps co-sign for student loans but they don't pay for all the tuition. They co-sign simply because their child lacks credit or gross annual income and therefore can't take out the loan themselves. But the burden of repaying the loan is typically on the student post-grad, otherwise the provinces will extend their grace periods anyways.
Also, the average 4 year university degree in Canada cost around 32k ($8000 per year) if you live off campus. But again, Jill is attending a barely accredited college, so it costs $9750 for her 3 year diploma. Louise will pay that in one go i'm sure.
But 200k for tuition and expecting your parents to pay it off is a purely American thing. Also entitled as fuck. That's almost a quarter of a million dollars in the grand scheme of things that you're bragging about costing your family?
No. 560866
>>560642Thank you! I was just going to say. That type of fabric usually requires a side or under arm/armpit zipper because it always looks awful in the back (puckering, etc.)
Jill is going to school with zero basic knowledge with how garments work. It's going to be a blessed trainwreck.
No. 560960
>>560687Anon way to sound like a financial leech at your families expense.
Seriously what is this incessant need some anons have to boast about their financial situation? No one gives af. Poorfags or richfags no cares. This is about Jill not you. Stop derailing with this petty powerplay, classist shit.
As far a Jill moving in to her own place, I think it lends a hand in furthering the milkiness of her pseudo college saga.
No. 561009
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No. 561021
>>560960My parents chose for me to go to this school because they care about my education. You say you don't care but you really sound like a jealous poorfag
>>560750My parents wanted for me to go to this school. It's $50k/year here and not everyone gets financial aid, so yeah some people are definitely spending $200k for their kids college degree. I'm sure most of my parents' friends spent at least $50k on their kids educations because everyone went to schools like Ivies or Duke. It's their choice and I don't get why that makes people so upset.
Like, when it comes to people bragging online about how much money they got, she's hardly the worst of it. Ever seen Rich Kids of Instagram? Jill seems to spend as much as your average Chinese international student lol.
No. 561025
>>560660sage your shit richfag
the point she doesn't need an ENTIRE HOUSE, especially since mommy and daddy are just getting it for her straight up, no hard work involved
and not just that, the fact that shes so nonchalant about asking for an entire house for going to shitty college is disgusting, she needs to learn how to be grateful
most people are grateful with getting a room but this bitch expects an entire townhouse like its normal
No. 561031
>>561021why can't you get it through your head no one wants to read your blogposting?
This thread and these opinions are not about youDear farmhands, please ban me for minimodding or infighting or something. Ever since shitfetti club thread came around there's been extra tardo posters in Jill's thread and I can't help but reply
No. 561152
>>561142I'd say it's damn rare (unnecessary * extravagant) for a single 'college' student to rent one entirely to herself; moreso it being her first ever place away from home.
It'll probably cost her parents more per month for the bloody house than her shitty arts & crafts school; which she'll inevitable drop or flunk out of.
No. 561369
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As if Jill doesn’t have enough magical girl shit to try and move out of her house and to her townhouse. This proves that Jill isn’t even saving for the house or any house expenses, it’s just all coming out of mommy’s pocket
No. 561411
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No. 561423
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No. 561438
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shes talking about her move to the townhouse
The deets so far
>Hopefully moving August 1st
>The landlord is terrible with communicating and has to constantly pester them to reply
>the townhouse she wants has a walk-in closet
No. 561441
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>claims she "saves a ridiculous amount of money"
No. 561517
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This account provides so much milk for us god bless
No. 561770
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While the wig is an improvement over the shitty cheap blonde one, Jill still can’t pull together a cohesive look. She’s got pink and blue eyeshadow, with a pale yellow beret and a purple gingham dress with a sheer white top underneath, it’s just a mess
No. 561836
>>561267Who is making up everything? Look at the annual average tuition at Duke lmao>>561103Some people would because they are jealous poorfags who would complain Jill is bragging
>>561771I think that's how the filter works
(infighting; derailing) No. 561881
>>561836Once again you blithering autist, no one cares about the cost of tuition at Duke. My beloved sister is going to Harvard for law and my parents are paying for it and guess what no one cares! Not even myself. Kek seriously if you think anyone is jealous of you go do yourself a favor and grow up and get over yourself. Your are not important to anyone here. This is about Jill, yet you seem to negate that fact. If anons bitch about Jill wasting money that's probably because they know the value of a dollar and work for their money. Jill lacks sagacious judgement end of story.
(infighting; derailing) No. 561885
>>561770It's a Snow filter, you can't turn off the faces in the flowers. They have a lot of these kinds of filters and I avoid them like the plague 'cause they always seemed so creepy.
>>561836No one cares, stop shitting over college and townhouses and start talking about Jill's shit or argue elsewhere.
No. 561944
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>>561836then that would be on them for being salty if she was being humble. The point is she’s not, stop trying to defend someone who is frivolous and irresponsible with money but pretends like she’s a ‘totes relatable I’m just like yew’ adult. Don’t bring up rich kids of insta, it’s not about them this thread is for Jill and her idiocy. Stan pls go.
No. 561954
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These were her comments on a post about shots made from Peeps dissolved into vodka.
No. 562030
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Sounds like the stream was boring af
No. 562042
>>562030Man, she looks way fucking older than she should and not in a good way. I wonder if it
triggers her to be mistaken for her mother’s sister and her friends to still look like teenagers? Congrats Jill, you’re in your overdone instathot phase.
No. 562086
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>>562030She also said that she bought the Super Groupies Doremi watch so shes probably going to skip on the Liz Lisa collab
No. 562089
>>562086>>562086I…. kind of want that watch. But I guess it's sorta childish for someone over 20 to wear that.
Sage for completely OT.
No. 562299
>>562089Anon, don't let Jill ruin things for you. I don't think it's childish at all, it's just a watch with a beaded chain bracelet. Just pair it with a cohesive outfit and you'll be fine.
Sage for OT as well, but whenever I incorporate something cute into my everyday outfits, there's this voice at the back of my mind that I look exactly like Jill, just somehow not seeing it.
No. 562354
>>562089Please don't let her ruin your fun anon, Super Groupies are known for quality items so you won't be wasting your money and are aimed at older woman.
Jilly will probably be throwing this watch about as soon as she gets it. I don't think she'll pass over the LizLisa collab either, she DISCOVERED Ojamajo Doremi remember!
No. 562563
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Someone in the confetti club made a post about brand like lazy oaf being over priced and Jill got super pissed kek bonus Eliza comment
No. 562826
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No. 562828
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No. 563106
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No. 563107
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Cosplay updates
No. 563148
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>>563129i assume she's trying to do the cyalume change effect, in which case… lordy lord
No. 563193
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Wow, stunning
No. 563194
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>>563172It's just mentally exhausting to listen to her way of speaking for more then 5 minutes. I swear she talks about eyeshadows for like 10 minutes in this video jesus. Also, still all those palettes but no proper set of make-up brushes?
No. 563196
>>563172>Complaining about wigs because she feels like "it's good to keep your brand very identifiable with your hair"Jill you change your hair every two months. And unless you're actually proud that your "brand" is poorly dyed damaged hair with gross roots, you actually do benefit from wigs believe it or not.
Always needing to be sooooo speshul smh
No. 563200
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i just paused on this beaut
No. 563214
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>>563172 when even the fans know her eyebrows are tragic
No. 563219
>>563214not even that theyre bushy just
do them a normal color jill
and honestly she would look like a 6/10
No. 563269
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No. 563283
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>>563172I don’t know why she acts like she looks bad without makeup. Without makeup she looks her actual age and looks like a normal person not like a gross 65 year old grandma clown. The fact that she isn’t able to like something without fully emerging herself into the ~aesthetic~ is pathetic, if she had natural makeup and toned her face then maybe she wouldn’t look so old/crazy.
No. 563324
>>563305If I were a company, I'd never want Jill for PR. She doesn't respond in time and once she receives the product you'll be lucky if she mentions you in passing.
>>563172I'd be upset if I were cosmic brushes, she didn't respond to them in months, they had to ask her to check her email, then they send the product and she mentions them in passing in a daily makeup vid and offers no valuable review over them. I don't know the specifics of what they asked her to do, but that was no payoff for them.
Same for this magazine she's on now. It's a cosplay magazine and they're featuring her under fashion and cosplay so I imagine they squeezed her in in hopes of getting some attention from her large following. However Jill has not made mention of them on any of her social media platforms as of right now. I assume she will eventually, but if she doesn't it was a waste of the magazines time and integrity because Jill hasn't helped them get any traction at all.
No. 563489
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Re: her shittu painted cosplay fabric
Joann's sells this exact fabric. I don't think they have one where she lives but she could have easily gotten a confetti club member to buy some and send it to her. This would look infinitely better than her terrible paint job.
No. 563573
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Why couldn't she wash her hands? They had a huge blue swipe on them in the last video, but this is ridiculous.
No. 563737
God, Jill has some kind of hate boner for Sugarpill. How in the fuck is their eyeshadow too "chunky" to use on your bottom lash line? Does she mean it's pigmented? Is that the word she's looking for? And I have the palette, it does not have any fallout at all? Like I've never experienced any wtf how hard is she slamming her brush into the pan??
>>563375But anon! She ~only~ used two pumps and didn't even use all of it! If it's a good foundation AND you're using concealer, you shouldn't even need an entire pump. Especially if you're not covering acne. She is so hopeless at makeup. She has all the products and still has not improved one bit.
No. 563830
>>563737Major tinfoil but maybe she's upset that her palette arrived broken, or she feels they should've asked her to represent their brand or something.
Maybe it just genuinely isn't her cup of tea, but it seems a bit strange that she dislikes the Sugarpill palette so much when she's constantly praising Too Faced.
It's not like she's just unimpressed because she's used to really great makeup, Too Faced can be quite a hit or a miss.
No. 563892
>>563871Yeah, supposedly a lot of the palettes she's bought are pretty much universally regarded as shit, but they have kawaii rainby packaging so why the fuck would she check the reviews before dropping a considerable amount of money on a makeup palette, I guess.
I'm pretty sure she just likes Too Faced because it's cutesy and generally kind of overpriced, which she thinks is the same as being high quality. It's the exact same reason why she likes Lazy Oaf so much.
No. 564015
>>563943I think she's more interested in the packaging than the actual product, which is probably why she buys
entire fucking eyeshadow palettes and only uses a few of the colours. It's really shooting herself in the foot since she seems to want bright, colourful eyeshadow yet uses Too Faced which often have pretty ehhh pigmentation imo.
No. 564244
>>563262i was thinking the same thing. Jill has very cold skin she has so much pink in her complexion.
That foundation is far too warm for her.
No. 564288
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This really highlights how poor Jill's displays are
No. 564307
>>564283There's a boutique in Halifax that sold sugarpill for years and Jill visited there a lot. So I know the brand has been recommended to her for a long time but she only recently placed her very first order.
Honestly, I just don't think it's expensive or brag-worthy enough for her. She prefers to drop the big bucks at sephora so she can brag about VIB rouge status in her haul videos. There's something about sephora that makes basic bitches lose their shit.
I previously worked at the same location Jill mostly shops at, and I know first hand that the consultants dislike most Too Faced complexion products, they would not recommend them for Jill's dry af skin type, they would not recommend that alcohol peach spray with matte pressed powder to set it. That is a recipe for wrinkle galore. I know the manager would gag if I told her that was the routine of a 20 year old. They also know the difference between pink/yellow undertones so that means Jill just didn't listen during her consultation or thought she didn't need any help. They would totally want to introduce Jill to MUFE single shadows or at the very least Urban Decay single shadows which would still be a better investment than Too Faced palettes, but again I don't think Jill is capable of sensible purchases.
What I don't understand is how she continuously avoids skin care when sephora has been pushing skin products so hard in recent years. They have really cute korean brands and even Tarte came out with an ~aesthetic~ line of skin care but I think Jill just hates herself. She could easily capitalize on the 10 step k-beauty trend and make more videos about ~uwu self care for mental illness~ but she would literally rather be a slob.
No. 564326
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Wtf her nails
No. 564344
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No. 564386
>>563737The lash line thing wasn’t because of the eyeshadow it’s about the brush. If u use a different brush that is too fluffy it makes the bottom eyeshadow look weird causes it’s too far out,
That’s why she said she was gonna use that certain brush and do it an angle, besides that everything u said was accurate saging my shit
No. 564388
>>564344Now we wait for a photo of it down cause lord knows if she did it herself it’s gonna be splotchy and even uglier
Like what even is this who asks for this
No. 564393
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My dumbass spoilered this the first time oops
No. 564394
>>564344i really like that dark green i wish it was more dominant
so glad piss yellow is gone jeez
No. 564486
>>564452Atleast they’re less arched I guess?
Ugh, the fact that they’re only slightly different colours just makes it look like she’s messed up in dying them
No. 564985
>>563309Omfg that irks me so fucking bad. I'm so sick of literally every white girl on the internet saying "WOW I'm literally SOOOO pale, I need to buy the lightest shade and even THAT's too dark for me". I think they're all deluded into thinking caucasian=super pale when most of the time they're not. Jill's skin is bright pink, not pale.
OT but I remember when Fenty first launched, I saw one girl claiming that she bought the 'albino' shade and that was too dark for her. Idk, has anyone else noticed this? Literally every white beauty guru has 'complained' about being 'so incredibly pale' and 'how hard it is to find a shade that matches their pure, snow white skin'.
No. 565201
>>565064Redheads are usually the palest of the pale in regards to skin tone they have blue undertone to their skin. My boyfriend is redheaded and he's pale asf like a glacier.kek most girls are pink as pigs not white like a glacier.
No. 565204
>>564393Ah. So this was the long awaited hair with a “tough” look that even she had to hide.
>>563257WTFFF Jill and her family are the type of people that can easily give 10-20 bucks without it affecting their household’s quality of life. To say flat out that will not give her money to charities are kind of insane because there are so many, doing so many things and usually people will only spare a couple dollars. Even a 5 is a pretty big contribution. Usually it the people that waste their money on $45 foundation that they don’t use, keep a tight leash on their money when it comes to people in need. I shouldn’t be surprised because it’s jill, but it is disheartening. She will always be the type to go to a pride parade for aesthetic, show support with her words and because it’s a self post opportunity and not give a shit about any of their history of struggles that it took to get there.
No. 565243
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No. 565374
>>565216Most of the his video is her responding to lolcow criticism and comments and it's kinda sad. If you really don't care what ~meanie haters~ say on the internet and care so much about your cuntfetti club members, how about making a video and talking to them instead of catering to lolcow kek
Lurk harder Jilly
No. 565388
File: 1524680920474.jpeg (14.58 KB, 254x199, 5F0316AE-48FE-4718-9687-331D33…)

whut. This literally makes me sick. As someone who didn’t brush her hair in the fourth grade this makes me want to vomit. I can’t imagine how painful it is but it makes me happy knowing that she’s destroying what little she has
No. 565392
>>565381What she’s doing is trying to just overdrive the whole “””””””kawaiii desk desk
sparkle””””””” and trying to be ugu* cute because she’s aging. She’s getting old and her body is deteriorating and since she took such bad care of it the process is sped up. She’s so physically gross I bet she smells like cat piss
No. 565499
>>565489i had a period when i bleached my hair regularly and i can kinda see what she means. bleached hair is dry and not malleable at all and it is easier to work with like 2 days after washing it.
it is recommended by hairdressers to wash hair every 2-3 days so it doesn't have to be gross, but we've all seen that jill lets it get way too greasy
No. 565502
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No. 565538
File: 1524688319803.jpeg (Spoiler Image,178.23 KB, 1080x1349, 70A1A04C-3E46-45C3-B131-003CCB…)

>>565523In this photo she seems more olive and yellow (spoiler because she’s crusty)
No. 565548
File: 1524688674285.jpeg (218.49 KB, 1309x1309, 9DC526AF-E6AE-4B19-9A4D-E42A15…)

>>565216Ignore the fried hair and if it was less yellow, she would look so cute like this
Sweet fluffy white blonde hair (which she could put accessories in and shit), goes with everything, still soft pastel kawaii
Plus the eyebrows and roots work together, especially without her eyebrows being at a right angle
She looks her age and really pretty here I think, it’s painful seeing it get covered in angry neon vom
No. 565559
>>565548what a fucking waster, she could have put on a cute color if she wanted. but nooo, she had to get FOUR different colors all at the same time. when she gets bored of this hairstyle in a month or so she'll realize all her hair is uneven and can't simply do this again.
she's been doing her hair for so long and still does dumb shit like this. it's like she
wants to be ugly and have damaged hair. this is worse than rainbow hair jill, somehow. i legit would have never imagined she could get uglier than that shit rainbow hair.
>>565538dude that's obviously filtered to hell and back. if you watch the video she just posted you can easily tell she has light skin and pink undertones and that's it.
No. 565570
>>565559Oof sorry bad vision on this side :p
Sage for apology
No. 565586
>>564283she made a lot of petty complaints that didn’t reflect the shadow’s quality, but her poor skills and understanding of makeup.
sugarpill shadows are really pigmented, they’re kinda like abh or colourpop, in that they’re slightly powdery and have fall out because of how pigmented & softly pressed they are.
from what i could see in the video, jill got a densely packed fluffy blending brush & just swirled it around & around in her too faced palette, after complaining about how her sugarpill shadows have fall out.
yeah, fucking obviously, jill.
if you’re as harsh on sugarpill shadows as you are too faced ones, they’re going to be a mess & that’s not sugarpill’s fault.
she doesn’t know the basics of applying makeup so i have no clue why she keeps making makeup videos & i have no idea who’s asking for them.
No. 565595
>>565216 I legit could not sit through this one. All of the noises and 'me so quirky random' bullshit she does made me want to punch my laptop. That shit is not cute. Also, she didn't even the decency to get rid of the roots and use toner BEFORE colors. Once again, how can she continue to fuck up her hair when there are tutorials online??
Also, she has the money for salons!
No. 565634
>>565548>she would look so cute like thisbut she wouldn't, at all
that'd look awful and draw attention to all the lines in her face
jill needs to get the fuck away from all these bright ass and light colors and get something darker. even dark wildly COLORED hair would look better
she literally does everything in her power to look ugly for the sake of her autism-color blind aesthetic
No. 565696
>>565693Yeah, I've never had problems with it, either.
I think in the condition jill's hair is at, anything is going to make it feel like shit.
No. 565724
>>565102>it is typical for parents to drop around 10000k or more on their kids.Wtf is this nonsense lmao I really hate spoiled anons because they try to excuse spoiled cows.
>>565489You definitely should not be washing your hair every day, you'll weigh it down and thin it out. Using dry shampoo is a good alternative.
No. 565738
>>565724Why do you care if anons or cows are spoiled? Some people like to spend money on their kids. Too bad.
Btw apparently dry shampoo can also cause hair breakage.
>>565684I don't blame someone for milking their fame. As long as there people who support her this much, she's not going to change, and I don't see why people should have to.
No. 565766
>>565738because nobody gives a fuck how much cash your parents drop on you. it doesn't matter. it's about Jill's raging entitlement, irresponsibility and wasteful habits. not to mention her parents (mom, at least) not only doing nothing to encourage her to be responsible with her money, but enabling it by buying her whatever the fuck she wants, and shelling out huge bucks that Jill could be spending herself if she weren't such a selfish cow.
that's why.
No. 565797
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>>565216My favorite thing is Jill's shitty heart sticker abandoning ship her face after she picks up the cat.
No. 566057
>>565998I was agreeing with you as indicated by my saying, "This." I used the conjunction "but" in my sentence to indicate that she is specifically using the Brights dyes. I posted the website to reiterate your point that the Ion Brights dyes are semi-permanent.
And it's the cuticle, not the follicle, that is altered during chemical processing.
No. 566202
>>566104Thank you, I’m not a salty poorfag, I’m someone who is proud of working hard to get the stuff I have and find it difficult looking at some brat who gets everything she wants yet still complains about being “a poor art student uwu” and expecting everyone to worship her for lying in bed and refusing to even complete the stuff SHE said she’d do
She’s an entitled, spoilt child with no grip on the real world and needs to grow the fuck up
No. 566246
>>566202This. Honestly I have no problem with rich people showing off their shit, I actually really enjoy those types of videos. But those people either a) worked hard for their money or b) know and admit that they're really well off.
Jill is constantly trying to push this ~poor starving artist~ act and it's so annoying, I also hate her constantly justifying herself. I wish she'd at least drop that much cash on actually nice luxury items, not gross overpriced fast fashion and plastic shit she'll never use.
No. 566251
>>566246On your point about her always buying plastic. In her hair dye video shes SOOOO concerned about how plastie ruins the enviwonment~ yet she never addresses how damaging the fashion industry is to the environment.
And i agree she should drop the starving artist act. Shes not starving or an artist.
No. 566364
>>565548 Anon no. The wig color looked good but she would've never been able to keep her actual hair like that. Blonde would definitely be a good neutral since she doesn't want any dark contrasts in her style.
Why would Jill tone her hair 4 times and not ouch her roots. Models and influencers HAVE to take care of their skin and hair super well, that's literally their job and Jill just throws it out the window. You can be plus size and have good hygiene. This is a kurebayashi try and fail.
No. 566405
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Her fans are so delusional
No. 566480
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How the hell did she fuck her foundation color up so badly? I mean really now. The yellow grease paint makes her look much paler than her natural pink skin tone. She looks like she's dying of renal failure!
No. 566493
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This fan art really captured Jill's beauty
No. 566585
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No. 566590
>>565797I love how she fucks with the color balance so the pinks in the room pop but it also makes her naturally cool toned skin extremely pink as a result.
It's like Bunny's obsession with making her eyes bluer.
No. 566647
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~Slumbies~ cringe
No. 566650
File: 1524784418039.jpg (340.31 KB, 1080x1696, 20180426_201226.jpg)

Always fun when cows flock together. Also Kelly has never heard of a daybed? What kind of rock has she been living under?
No. 566662
>>566650>are daybeds a Canadian thing?LMAO. What a fucking moron holy shit.
But that's probably the depth of knowledge coming from someone who thinks painting furniture ugly pastels is trendy.
No. 566674
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Old milk but Jill is shit as cosplaying
No. 566675
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>>566674Imagine thinking that this deserves to be on the cover of a cosplay magazine damn
No. 566685
>>566674>>566675As interpretive beginner cosplays they're okay…
…but not for someone who claims to want to be a designer.
>>566683It looks like a vibrator.
No. 566775
>>566731Anon,really now? You actually believe this selfish idiot is capable of being a responsible adult who works hard for her shit? Get real. Her parents are gross enablers who let this nimrod do as she pleases. She's like Peter Pan who will never grow up and will always live in Neverland. She's exactly like my cousin Vicky, a spoiled rich bitch who has her parents at her beck and call. How gross.
No wonder I hate Jill and my cousin too alike.
No. 566852
>>566731This. I need a couch and to upgrade my bed to a loft bed for storage and space reasons. I worked very hard to be able to live alone, but don't even dream of having the income to rent or buy a house for years. I don't feel bad about being bitter that someone as gross as Jill can just impulse buy large furniture and make her parents hang onto it for months before moving it into her new house.
Even the richest kids I went to school with were low key about their wealth and privilege. Like sometimes getting a group uber, or having a slightly larger or nicer apartment or fancy tv, but still having a roommate and not buying a ton of new furniture. Not constantly mentioning expensive purchases. How is she going to make friends being as abrasive and shamelessly spoiled as she is? She's not exactly relateable.
No. 566859
>>566852I've had richer/wealthy friends like this, too, and I think there is a key difference. If a parent is wealthy and knows their child will could become spoiled and privileged, they need to actively teach them about responsibility and the value of a dollar. They need to make them buy any frivolous things themselves and show them if they want something that isn't a necessity, they need to earn it - at least this is what I've been told as I am not a richfag.
THIS is what her mother did not do. She just let Jill have whatever she wanted, bought her anything and sheltered her beyond belief. That's how you end up with a shitty rainbow vomit, buys a $300 dress/coat/shoe/whatever just to wear it once, goes to a mediocre art school, quit her real job, no good spoiled brat like Jill. Sage for sperg but this is literally how she ended up the way she is.
No. 566950
>>566674>>566675tbh as a graphic designer the worst part about these for me is how shittily the images are put together
did Jill do it? or someone working for the magazine? it looks like something little kiddies would create when they first discover the magic of photoshop
No. 566966
>>566962Why do people say that Jill's family is living luxuriously? I don't see that at all. Jill buys way too much stuff but it's not going to put her family in debt. Maybe it will eat at their retirement savings but I doubt they are in any more financial trouble than the average Canadian family.
>>566852Do you go to a state school?
No. 566989
>>566972No I guess not. My family did most of those things growing up, but we were pretty typical of the town.
I don't see them as flaunting their money. Is someone supposed to not get their kid a car or go on vacation just because other people can't afford it?
I thought by living "luxuriously", you meant that the Vesseys were buying designer items all of the time or going to spas/nice restaurants. Jill's dad would probably make about the same wherever he taught, so how is living in an area with a lower COL going to make them more likely to go into debt?
>>566775You sound bitter
No. 566996
>>566989I wasn't the anon who made the debt comment. I don't think they're in debt at all.
My point is that while they don't have to avoid certain things because they're well-off compared to other families, you'd at least think they'd learn some humility. Jill probably had way more than 95% of her classmates growing up. She's probably seen how much people struggle to make ends meet. Even without living that yourself, I don't understand not being able to figure out the actual value of money.
Her and her mom both love to drop their brand names (not designer, but still definitely on the expensive side) and how much they're spending on things. They love to brag about everything they have and are getting. It's why it's so frustrating to see Louise brag about how her little Jillybean just NEEDS a two bedroom townhouse all to herself. There's absolutely no justification other than being spoilt and obnoxious.
If Louise could have reeled in the spending on Jill at any point, maybe Jill would know the value of a dollar. But instead, we now have the entity known as Pixielocks. A girl who bought a couch last year to "move out with," and who managed to ruin it in a year, only to simply just buy another couch, as if it isn't a problem that she can't take care of her material possessions. This is also shown in how she throws her brand clothes all over the floor and how she over-buys the minute she becomes interested in something (like how she bought an overlocker before she could ever use her basic sewing machine).
I doubt anyone in this thread truly gets annoyed at the fact that the Vesseys have money. It's just frustrating to see them not know the value of it, especially when the two biggest spenders are not the ones making the money for the most part.
No. 567021
>>566674I’m curious as to how she made this dress yet had no fucking clue how to attach flowers on her shitty party dress.
Same with the zipper shit, but that’s been discussed already.
I wonder who made all of her early costumes? Sure as fuck wasn’t her.
No. 567027
>>566962I don't think they're in debt because daddy vessey seems to call the shots and he's the one bringing in the upper middle class income. Louise does freelance work so it's impossible to figure out what her annual income is and whether she could support her family alone. There's certainly no way she earns anywhere near as much as her husband.
Jill explained a while ago that her father refuses to sell their family home. Apparently they've eyed other homes on the market before but daddy vessey is too attached and doesn't want to move out of the house that he bought with Louise after graduating high school.
That means he's likely paid off his mortgage and doesn't have to go into much debt, if any, for Louise's house renovations and $8k catios. I do wonder how Louise's love of sports cars factors into all this, but I think she only has 1 or 2 tucked away. Still that means between Jill and her dad, they have 4-5 cars, not including her brother's car because he moved out.
Ultimately, the vesseys are very well-off for their area. They're in the top tax brackets. They are not Vancouver millionaires though, it goes without being said that certain places in Canada are exceptionally expensive.
No. 567028
>>567021Jill's retarded anon, she's become lazier over time, she sleeps most days and can barely remember what she did yesterday.
But no one made her cosplays for her. I'm pretty sure she's always shown progress pics and she started at a young age. There's nobody in her town that knows anything about cosplay. All her con friends live hours away and their cosplays are far worse than hers. She hasn't commissioned anyone either because it's a very small community and everyone would immediately know. Who do you think is helping her? Her dad? I think Tristan might have helped for her Cure Flora but they broke up not too long afterwards.
No. 567092
>>566996>>567027I go to a uni where probably most people's families have around the Vessey's income so they don't really stand out to me. Plus we probably all pay as much as money for student housing as Jill is paying for her 2br. idk a lot of people here are like Jill so I don't feel like it's a big deal. A lot of trust fund babies and even people without money are buying random crap that they never earned.
I just feel like a lot of people here have never met anyone rich in their lives. How do you handle being in the real world? Do you rage every time you see a sorority girl or Chinese international student with a BMW?
No. 567107
>>567098Not that anon but there’s other reasons to hate Jill. I for one hate her trivialization of mental illnesses as well as her ugly ass style and her ddlg baby talk. It’s just really fucking annoying every time someone gives their life story of how poor they are. You can hate Jill spending money without blogposting.
anyway, someone mentioned Louise’s income: depending on how often Louise’s appointments are, she could be bringing in at least a couple thousand. She probably charges around $200 per a session, or whatever the Canadian equivalent is.
No. 567147
>>567119I don't think the anons insulting poorfags have a problem with poorfags as a whole, i think the issue is that people are using this thread to blogpost about how poor they are and how mad they are that Jill has money, as
>>567107 said.
Yes, it sucks that Jill sits on her ass all day buying gaudy overpriced clothes she wears twice and never has to worry about money, but christ, there's no need to turn every thread into a bunch of infighting between rich anons and poor anons over whether or not Jill is rich and spoiled.
No. 567148
>>567146I'm sure she would've bragged about it by now if it was confirmed she got it.
I'm sure she'll find another place if she gets passed over for the townhouse, but honestly how fucking funny would it be if she bought all this expensive pastel furniture and got turned down for every apartment she wanted?
No. 567151
>>567148It’s generally pretty hard, even for someone in their 20s, to get accepted for a 2+ bedroom place in Canada. Most will demand credit/criminal checks, maybe pay stubs or income tax/bank statements, last and first month rent upfront with other deposits. And employment references, previous landlord references etc.
I have an actual full time job, line of credit and previous experience as a legal tenant, all of which Jill does not have, and I probably got rejected at least six times before I landed my 2 br apartment (and that’s WITH my boyfriend co-signing as a tenant).
So of course with Jill being only a college student, no employment security, no previous apartments, no credit. The only chance she has is if Louise really charms the landlord and forks over all the cash. I wouldn’t be surprised if they requested 12 months worth of rent checks straight from Louise’s bank account. Otherwise why else would they choose jill over an established couple or family?
No. 567177
>>567092Nah fam. One of my best friends is a Singaporean who's parents bought a flat outright for her time in uni. The difference is that Jill has absolutely no scope, no perspective, she is seemingly completely unaware of how the other half lives and has the audacity to ask for handouts and help whilst being better off than most of the children in her audience. No one cares that she's rich, it's that she doesn't realise how lucky she is and continuously squanders opportunities other people would kill for. She hasn't worked for anything she has and that pisses people the fuck off. At least the Chinese international students are all becoming top doctors and lawyers so they can pay for their parents' retirements; they have a sense that they have to pay back what they've been given to their family and society.
If you are a richfag and you find yourself getting offended because anons are criticising things about Jill that also apply to you, maybe check yourself before you post. We're not talking about you. Some goes for poorfags, no one cares.
Talking about Jill's stupid financial decisions is 80% of all the threads about her. So people aren't going to stop talking about it. That is Jill's milk - that she spends money on fucking stupid things.
No. 567223
>>567195I do think Jill's situation is funny. I think some anons are taking it personally.
>>567147>>567152I agree. I think it's annoying that people constantly bring up how much Jill spends.
>>567177>The difference is that Jill has absolutely no scope, no perspective, she is seemingly completely unaware of how the other half lives and has the audacity to ask for handouts and help whilst being better off than most of the children in her audience. So do a lot of upper middle class kids if not most. And it's weird that Jill asks for donations. It's weirder that people will pay her. It's their fault.
>Talking about Jill's stupid financial decisions is 80% of all the threads about her. So people aren't going to stop talking about it. That is Jill's milk - that she spends money on fucking stupid things.I love hearing about people making bad financial decisions. But some people here are way too bitter about it. And some people are way too nitpicky about what Jill buys. For example, I think buying anime merch is stupid and I would never spend money on it, but I don't see the point in raging about Jill's collection all of the time.
>>567119No one can help being poor but why gripe about how a stranger spends their money? I think there are some people here who are really jealous, like the person who accused me of leeching off of my parents because they chose to pay for me to go to my uni.
>>567098I don't hate Jill. She produces a lot of milk and her threads are really active for some reason. It's funny to follow her and I don't really care what happens to her either way. I don't see the point in hating a random dumb e-celeb.
Besides there are kids on social media who are way more spoiled than Jill. If you or I just hated Jill because she was rich we would be following them instead.
I guess hearing about Jill spending a ton of money doesn't make me jelly the same way hearing about how someone likes to blow thousands of dollars on lolita each year or can be a NEET because they are supported by their parents for some reason. So yeah I can understand what it's like to be jealous of other people having more money than you. I don't post about it constantly.
No. 567253
>>567028Even if she "got help" her entering those into contests and not telling people or the judges that she got help is still cheating. Theres nothing wrong with getting help on a costume.
She claims to not need a foundation year when she 'knows how to do all that stuff'. She cheated on those contest costumes. I think cure whip was her first costume that she made without help and it really shows.
No. 567332
File: 1524855818158.jpeg (59.19 KB, 585x339, 4DCEE9F4-F25C-45F5-A254-8B0EAF…)

>>567028Are you seriously trying to tell me these were made by the same person?
No. 567369
>>567356Probably her mom.
Why are you so adamant to prove that she made her own shit when the quality difference is so obvious?
It’s only been two years since the cosplay on the left, and zippers are the easiest shit to learn. You dont just forget the basics, especially when you’re aiming to be a fashion designer.
No. 567371
>>567369Forgot to add, her quality only declined when she started entering contests. You have to make at least 90% of your costume and explain step by step how you made everything to the judges.
Just a coincidence that her quality dropped significantly?
No. 567390
File: 1524859456316.png (Spoiler Image,812.48 KB, 640x1136, 114B5DF6-53D7-44E1-BF3C-2149CB…)

This is hilarious, I wonder how Jill feels about it
No. 567392
>>567335Anon spill.
She really already ruined them! How do you ruin liquid lipstick
>>567389Spoiler that shit. No one needs to see it.
No. 567417
>>567407rofl the pink blood reminds me of Dangan ronpa.
>>567413She always wants to blame EVERYONE else but herself. That's what her mom taught her: Take no responsibility.
No. 567470
>>567449Even then zippers are still ridiculously easy to add in. She couldn’t even sew the bottom right and covered it with a shitty flower.
I’m a beginner and I can still sew a zipper in.
It’s so basic.
No. 567493
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No. 567498
>>567493Wait how?
I live in America so maybe I don't understand Canada's taxes but how is that possible for a person her age?
No. 567513
>>567493Well that’s what happens when you don’t put aside monthly earnings for tax season. If she made 3k a month with an employer (if she’s still making that monthly, idk she mentioned 3k earlier this year) then she would be taxed roughly 15% biweekly. Later she would receive a refund of whatever was overpaid throughout the year.
And when you’re freelance, there’s also tax credits, so she does have some advantages. She just needs to put aside biweekly or monthly equivalents of her taxes to give the government come tax season. If she were really smart, she could let those savings sit in a high interest savings account to at least collect the yearly interest.
Why is a seasoned freelancer like Louise not teaching this to her daughter? My family members who freelance are never shocked at the amount they owe because they plan accordingly.
No. 567534
>>567493She is cutting it close the deadline is the end of this month to file.
>>567514I think it’s just much simply that she put away like 5k for taxes assuming it would be enough and it wasn’t. You can actually ballpark what she is making if you assume she is taxed about 30%, so she is bragging that she makes…not actually that much lol.
No. 567568
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>>567493According to these tax rates she would have made over $62,000 in 2017, so around $5,000 a month (correct me if my math is wrong or I misunderstood the Canadian tax system)
No. 567571
>>567493>goodbye sweet dollars …
But I thought she's always struggling for money?
Either she's got a solid 8k in savings and she's been bullshitting her fanbase, or…mommy to the rescue?
What the fuck.
No. 567583
File: 1524876068608.png (526.49 KB, 588x698, ok.PNG)

fun fact: this is right next to a liquor store
sage for tinfoiling
No. 567636
>>567223FYI Anon no I am not jealous of your dumbass because your parents paid for your college tuition, my parents did the exact same thing for me and paid for my housing all for years of college. I just have more class than to assume others are jealous of me, unlike you I don't think anyone is jealous of me because my family is wealthy. As for poorfags being legitimately
triggered by Jill squandering her earning and parents income get over it, it's fun to watch the miserable failure she's being set up for in the long term. She's so convinced that YouTube will always be a permanent source of income in lieu of investing in long term sources of income like potential real estate purchases, stock investing, and businesses. Mind you this outside of the realm of academia. She's has a delusional sense of self that she will always be youthful and fashionable, when in 10 years time she will be a broken down has been old basement dwelling spinster watching the 100th season of Precure. Pathetic image.
No. 567736
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No. 567761
>>567749no no, anon. it's totally Sugarpill's fault that their packaging didn't survive being jostled about with the keys, change, pens, other make-up and handfuls of cheap plastic crap - er,
toys, that she keeps crammed in there; y'know, jagged and/or hard things.
things Jill apparently expects a paint job on plastic to magically withstand.
>>567759cheap to you. almost $20 for a lipstick
is expensive. just because it's less expensive than other shit, doesn't make it cheap.
No. 567764
>>567761Sugarpill is cheap considering the quality of product and amount of product they give you (3.5 grams for 13$) vs what a lot of other brands give you (ABH gives you 1.6 for 12$ grams I think) and both cost around the same (if you get just the Sugarpill shadow pan and no little compact its actually only 10$, so even cheaper). Not drugstore cheap, but pretty cheap considering what you get.
Saged because this is very off topic
No. 567779
File: 1524893558160.jpg (83.06 KB, 498x554, 1.jpg)

>>567761I'm not a gifted meme artist, I'm sorry
No. 567892
>>567876Nayrt but
>Stop derailing>Carries on derailing>Doesn't even sage postYou're just as bad as the anons debating whether or not sugarpill is expensive (newsflash: $18 is a lot to some people and nothing to others, the value of money is subjective, you're not going to change anybody's mind by arguing with them)
No. 568080
>>568072I'm so fucking sick of this whole sex posivisity thing. It's one thing not to shame women who have sex and protect women in the sex industry, becuz they definitely need more protection, but do not act like sex work is some beautiful, empowering act when you are seriously being used inside and out.
Jill has ZERO idea what it's like to be a woman who has been sexually harassed or felt their only option was sex work because they have no other job or cant afford education. Sage for mini rant, but Jill is a sheltered lil shit that knows nothing of real suffering and having zero options.
most women do not go into sex work with a positive outlook because it's a horrendous , shady business that will suck your youth and soul out before you're 30.
No. 568092
>>568072God I hate that shit so much.
The VAST majority of women in sex work did not choose that path for themselves, does she not realize how many sex workers are still actual slaves or underage children?
Even when a woman isn't forced at gunpoint to go into that line of work it's often times because she wasn't able to get any other kind of work/education and it's a last resort to keep themselves alive.
There's centuries of violence, sadness and oppression for women in sex work, I hate that these fucking spoiled brats all want to become ~kawaii camgirls & patreon thots~ now and think they can claim that entire industry must be filled with other women who're having so much fun and think their work is super empowering lmao.
No. 568106
>>568072What does Jill think sex work is exactly..?
This was a pretty hefty statement to just randomly throw in there, in her head all sex work is probably just feisty burlesque dancer women being proud of their bodies.
Because otherwise which part of it is empowering and fun exactly; the violence against women? The drug addictions? Sexually transmitted diseases? Mental trauma? The oftentimes unstable living situations?
At this point I feel like Jill stopped streaming solely because she knows she'd just get called out on saying stupid shit like that so often.
No. 568123
>>568103This! That's probably all these little sheltered bitches idea of sex work. Camming happily from home. It has nothing to do with the women forced into it, drugged up, raped, degraded and scared to ask for help, etc.
Women have always been used as sex objects for men since the beginning of time; war spoils, sex slaves, etc. There's no 'taking back sex' from men when you are still being used and viewed as nothing more than your body's worth.
Jill needs to read a damn history book or even look at current events in other countries right now. Spoiled canadian bitch
(very very sorry for rant )
No. 568129
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i can’t fucking stand the faces she makes
No. 568131
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No. 568134
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>>568101I love how pixie just openly supports her own stance in the comments without acknowledging the argument, too.
Also that Frankie girl is literally 15. She probably bases her opinion on camgirl tweets, patreon thots, and tumblr blogs that glorify the ~aesthetics~ of sex work. Same goes for pixie, tbh.
No. 568284
>>568134>most sex workers I know are happy with their jobsWell most sex workers hate their jobs and do them to make ends meet or are coerced into it by abusive men
naive ass bitches
No. 568411
>>568346>>568363Yah the Japanese style would be right under the eyes and go either to the nose or over it. Her looks more like shitty draping.
Surprised she doesn't do the Japanese hangover style blush since she's so proud of being drunk all the time kek
No. 568427
>>568134tldr; I no longer simply find her to be a hilarious trainwreck. I now hold her in pure contempt for this new fresh hell.
I live in The Worst Neighbourhood that Canada has to offer. I would dearly
love these girls to all come hang out around here for even just a day.
They could marvel in the glorious empowerment that is a 50+ year old heroin/crack/meth/alcohol/whatever addict spending all day and night trawling for dates to get well, to pay their rent and buy food, to keep the numbness and trauma at bay, to enable them to get through another day of being used and abused by men for a $20 fuck.
That is,
if the men pay her at all, and don't just rape beat and rob her.
It's an open invite, Jill and co. Let's go see how empowering and fun it is.
You do look about on par as all the hooker trannies around here. Little bit taller, and you'd fit right in.
Fucking cow… I loathe her and people like her. Even more so with this newfound knowledge.
So sorry for the length of this.
No. 568500
>>567636>I don't think anyone is jealous of me because my family is wealthy.The behavior people here seem to imply otherwise.
>Mind you this outside of the realm of academia.Wtf are you talking about
>She's has a delusional sense of self that she will always be youthful and fashionable, when in 10 years time she will be a broken down has been old basement dwelling spinster watching the 100th season of Precure.Jill already is not fashionable and already dwells in the basement. I don't think she's going to be a spinster because she's had an ok time finding boyfriends for some reason.
Are you ok anon? Why do you have to be so bitter towards me or anyone else?
No. 568534
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No. 568548
>>568470Don’t apologise for your English, your comment was completely readable!
But yes I agree, a lot of youtubers and influencers, especially youtubers like Jill who just do hauls and churn out shit like that at least try to keep a semi-transparent image of themselves. But there is no way, I refuse to believe that the cringe baby talk is how she acts everyday.
If so and that is her ‘raw’ form… I’m even more disgusted
No. 568567
>>568500You must really have a pathetic life to actually waste your time infighting, anon. None the less arguing with a complete stranger. Kek Who damaged your fragile ego?
I'm going to assume you are probably very insecure, suffer from an inferiority complex and lack friends. Explains your petty attempt to argue on lolcow about nothing pertaining to Jill.
No. 568621
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No. 568691
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Jill's viewers are just as disgusting as she is.
No. 568748
>>568729I'm sure being objectified like a piece of meat is really empowering to people anon. Great words of knowledge. It's degrading as hell and you know it. Why else would do many beautiful young women with futures ahead of them working in the porn commit suicide like they have in the last few years? Oh, yes because it's sooo empowering.
Shame society supports such a repulsive industry. Instead of supporting them with access to a proper education and career opportunity, they supply them with an exploitative sex industry the leads them to nowhere.
No. 568784
>>568775Everything that is wrong with Tumblerinas is incarnated in Jill.
She's got a following of ignorant morons who willingly listen to her unsound advice and I can't help but believe your right anon. Her faulty advice will definitely land some idiot in a situation that they may regret.
No. 568884
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>>568621wrong just peachy site. the one in jill’s vid is this one, run by jasmine-blu as someone mentioned earlier.
No. 568901
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Jillian Amanda Vessey: Ugly and gross in everyway possible
No. 568958
I don't think sex work is great but I think most self-described feminist women these days do believe that sex work is fine. It's a really mainstream opinion. Do you guys sperg out at everyone who agrees with that position. How do you guys have friends IRL? I also wouldn't expect any big name youtuber to be anti sex work period.
The point is Jill is stupid and she echoes what other people say. She's not coming up with this shit on her own.
>>568785Do you think minors wouldn't hear that sex work is ok if it wasn't for Jill?
>>568764This site is dedicated to women ripping apart other women on the basis of their appearance. Not sure how it contributes to women helping women. Most women are libfems or actually just straight up conservative in Canada so they're not worth helping.
>>568803Did you guys care what your parents wanted you to watch when you were a kid?
No. 568968
>>568134How does someone lack the self awareness to say "sex work is such a broad term" while agreeing with the blanket statement "sex work is empowering"??? How far up your own ass do you have to be to think that all or most sex workers are empowed, because some
can feel empowered, when there are literally millions of them around the world?
FOSTA-SESTA just passed in the US and there's been a huge outcry that this legislation is harmful and dangerous to sex workers. That's happening RIGHT NOW. Countless people have just had the power to screen clients and other safety measures taken away from them or are being forced to take their services to the streets. The ignorance is so infuriating. Perpetuating that shit in the echo chamber of her comments section is actually disgusting when people's lives and livelihoods are currently at stake.
No. 568969
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>>568047why would she purposely do this
No. 568971
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>>568969samefag but this is funny af to me, and horrifying at the same time
No. 568992
>>568129This hairstyle really make her look like she have a receding hairline. I always though her hairs where naturally straight !
She should really stop to flat iron it, she would look so much better
No. 569083
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Dollhouse Unboxing…another Skin Walker of Jill's found Jill subscribed to her. They are so alike… Proving that Jill is a basic bitch and she's a clone just like this skin walker.
No. 569109
>>569083She may have had a thread here several years back. Pretty sure her name was Angel at one point? She ran a very popular kawaii tumblr blog but was called out for telling others to commit suicide or generally lashing out at her followers.
She actually promoted Jill when she first started her youtube lolita channel. Jill had no real platform at the time but Angel's followers flocked to her after that, and Jill's facebook page went from nothing to over a thousand likes over night.
Just a little cow history tidbit. It is ironic that she never recovered from the drama and her youtube channel never took off, yet if it wasn't for her who knows how long it would have taken Jill to get noticed.
No. 569238
>>Also the women here who make money by showing their body because they choose to and wanted toare just making that stereotype that women are just pretty to look at and can’t get good jobs worse.
if they want to work with their body they aren't under that stereotype… feeling obligated to not work with one's body would be acknowledging the stereotype. I think working with one's body is a step further in denying that stereotype because it isn't even like pointedly doing the opposite of it.
I agree with
>>568434 when they say that it isnt about saying human trafficking is okay, its about the stereotype of sex workers as bad people or not acknowledging the circumstances that make sex work not a choice when it comes to income.
Women's bodies are given the contradictory "rules" of both modesty and "visibility" for lack of a better word, and when someone chooses sex work (without the necessity of it), they have an agency about this "visibility" and they control the situation. Sex work should move towards safety and consent instead of being shut down. For the benefit of both parties, but also the unfortunate reality of it being bound to happen. With a workforce of sex workers who choose their work, trafficking would not be so rewarded. With an acceptance of sex work as valid, abuse would not go unreported or unchallenged so often. Because at this point with people turning to these kinds of jobs out of necessity, they can't call out the abuse they face either in fear of losing their jobs or because they are doing something illegal anyway.
So in a way i agree its fucking annoying to only hear the statement "sex work in empowering" with no mention of circumstances of trafficked or disenfranchised individuals, the evolution of sex work towards something empowering is in the stage now of busting the taboo of sex work so that trafficked and abused individuals can get respect and help and abusers can be persecuted.
(derailing) No. 569367
>>568134God, Jill is such a dumb, ugly, clueless, worthless human being. I'm not even surprised she's now talking about sex work empowerment to her middle school fans. She's so disgusting, I hope that someone with some video skills will compile these threads into a video. I agree with you
>>568427 , at this point she's exposing her dumbass kid fans to awful things because she has no self control and very little intelligence to really analyze all the aspects of sex work. She must think its no different than what she does with her rainby dildos uwu and doesn't involve rampant abuse of women, just like how her garbage clothes are made in factories that abuse workers on a daily basis
Also of course she's hauling more junk in a new video despite 'muh poor' bs posts she was making about paying taxes, and getting donations from people
No. 569406
>>568134These people are idiotic, I agree with the first poster. Being a cum-rag for anyone is not empowering, 'xcuse me?
It's a job, but it is not simply a service in the same way bringing someone their meal in a restaurant is not the same thing as getting a facial from an old man. One of these services is dangerous (physically and health-wise), extremely personal and with great repercussions on your future. It's a job but not just "a service like any other uwu"
(derailing; infighting) No. 569460
>>569423Do you have links to these studies?
But it's not just Jill who thinks porn is ok. Most people outside of religious conservatives and TERFs find it fine. Jill's position is hardly a minority one. I definitely think there are some high schools in Canada that would teach a similar position in their sex eds class.
>>569148People are entitled to their opinion but I don't get how these radfems don't see that Jill's opinion is pretty mainstream in Canadian society. If you go somewhere like U Toronto then you wouldn't see tons of people who share the same opinion as Jill. Even people who go to uni in the same province as Jill would say similar things. Like, two girls I know who make feminist videos published by my university also say similar things as Jill.
I used to be more vocal about being critical of sex work and whatever. But I realized it made me annoying the same way people find extreme Christians annoying and wasn't making me any friends. I realized it was an issue I didn't care that much about besides getting in arguments with people online so I stopped talking about it.
>>569391Cunt is misogynistic language anon. Watch your mouth :^)
No. 569525
>>569460Outside of current online trends and University, most people
1. Are not feminists
2. Don't think sex work is empowering
You should have confidence in your own opinions, even if they don't align with current trends.
No. 569534
>two girls I know who make feminist videosbeing your example of "normal" behavior shows you are in a leftie bubble at present. Nothing wrong with that, but your opinion of what is consensus is heavily swayed by your current environment. I would recommend widening your environment, at least with what you engage with online, very dangerous to think Tumblr world= real world. That's how people get hurt (literally) by assuming everyone thinks X when in fact people think Y, S, Z and H77
(derailing; infighting) No. 569567
I'm willing to accept the blogpost ban here, but I did sex work (as in, actual, body-to-body contact sex work) in real life until a little under two years ago. Even though I had a similar opinion to some of the supporters (not as extreme, but I didn't feel there was anything wrong with what I was doing, was aware of the dangers and felt 'I was choosing it'), I strongly disagree with them after years in that 'career'. I was not forced into it. I did make good money, but it wasn't worth it. I was lucky enough to never be physically abused or raped, though I had many friends/partners who were not so lucky. Despite this, I would never now encourage anyone to get into it. It is dirty. Even if the guys are 'hot' or people you would normally sleep with without monetary benefits (this can happen; ie. young business guys who just don't have time to seduce a quick fuck), it isn't fulfilling. It took me so long to realize how disgusted I became with this 'work' and myself over time, because I was in such strong denial/delusion/repressing the kind of traumas that come with this shit.
I have never once heard of or met a sex worker that didn't have some level of the same issue; just those in denial or not recognizing their own self-described symptoms of things like PTSD (very common). Most of the girls I knew and worked with would even openly admit how awful/disgusting things were, though many suffered such low self worth and self esteem they didn't think they deserved better. And if they didn't initially, they eventually did.
It's been said already, but people like Jill have no concept of what sex work actually entails. And these kiddies on tumblr who think sex work is posting your nudes to your blog and getting creepers to send you asks and $5 donations aren't even sticking their toes in to actual sex work - even voluntary sex work.
I feel bad for the people who may be swayed into this line of work. Like another anon said, they're completely misinterpreting the 'supporting sex workers' act. Legalization for safety and acceptance for those who end up in the job is one thing, but openly encouraging and claiming you're 'empowering' yourself is just garbage; bullshit, fables. It's like some kind of war propaganda where they make it sound like you're going out to be a hero and you come home with the thousand yard stare - so far from the truth it's crazy.(derailing & blogposting)
No. 569645
>>569538Well, good luck having a career and sperging at people who believe in a mainstream opinion. But way to brag about your career online lmao
>>569525I never said anyone had to change their opinion. I just said that people should realize what's normal and what's not. Jill's opinion is hardly abnormal even if it might be wrong or stupid.
Like if a youtuber came out in supporting Trump, I also wouldn't be sperging about it because it's an opinion that a lot of people have (at least in America)
>being your example of "normal" behavior shows you are in a leftie bubble at present. I'm at a university in North America that doesn't have a reputation for being particularly liberal. What kind of university did you go to?
>I would recommend widening your environment, at least with what you engage with online, very dangerous to think Tumblr world= real world. How would you suggest I "widen" my environment? I should walk into a working class neighborhood and try to make friends with people there?
>That's how people get hurt (literally) by assuming everyone thinks X when in fact people think Y, S, Z and H77I don't think everyone in the world thinks it. I think most people ages 20-30 who have had a college education in Canada/The US think it or at least it's a plurarlity.
(derailing; infighting) No. 569654
>>569645Your condescending, sophomoric attitude give way to your naivete. Get back to your studies and stay off the internet.
FYI mainstream opinions are only just that an opinion not a fact.
(derailing; infighting) No. 569734
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>>569648I swear another anon many threads ago called that out!! They said her favorite is really Trixie, but she would say Alaska just to throw people off . Jill is predictable as always. kek
Anon, whoever you are. You guessed right.
No. 569761
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the derailing here seems to have overshadowed how horrifying she looks in her latest ig post
No. 569765
>>569645i'm glad that simply saying i have a career means i'm 'bragging'.
are you sure you're not underage?
No. 569771
The mods constantly say to "report and move on" but are any of them paying attention to anything in this thread? The amount of derailing and petty infighting and shit nobody cares about in this thread is ludicrous. No other thread I frequent is this bad. Why are the mods not fucking dealing with this shit?
STFU, nobody cares about you or your opinions on sex work, rich kids, poorfags, NONE OF IT.
This thread is literally infight after infight there is barely anything relating to Jill any more. Can you guys just please stop? Or take it to ot? Something?
I'm not trying to minimod, really, but this is getting to be way too much.
>>569761Jesus christ she looks like a gremlin. Somehow the snow filters have made her look even more inbred.
No. 569789
>>569771Honestly I think spergy derailing like this has become so frequent in Jill threads that they've stopped giving a fuck anymore.
>>568534>>569761I know she's been at it for a good while now, but I almost feel like she's started to make a point of saying all this gross shit like "slumby" as often as possible because she knows it disgusts us
No. 569844
>>569654>Your condescending, sophomoric attitude give way to your naivete. Get back to your studies and stay off the internet. Lol imagine blowing this much shit out your mouth
Back on topic, how long do you think Jillian will survive living in her mommy-funded sperghome while going to “””school”””?
My assumption is that she’ll be so insufferable to classmates and instructors that she’ll end up failing out, but she obviously won’t blame herself.
Should make for entertaining material at least.
No. 569853
>>569851Talents Include:
Mommy money
No. 569864
>>569861you seem mad, friend
No. 569879
>>569867The problem with her spending her parent’s money isn’t financial (her parents clearly aren’t hurting for cash), it’s how it informs the rest of her interactions. Like you said, she acts like the authority on every topic and I think a lot of that attitude comes from her expectation to have anything and everything she’s marginally interested in immediately.
Just take her shopping habits (hauls, hauls, hauls) and how proud she is of them as an example. It’s as if she equates her unlimited purchasing power with actual cred, status, or authority.
No. 569882
>>569879You hit the nail on the head! Everything to do with her is about status! It's insane. She can never be humble about an interest or a purchase, it either has to be conducive to status credibility or bragging about things that the peasant viewers can't afford. Kek
I wonder what her classmates will think about this spoiled rotten turd.
No. 569975
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No. 569976
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No. 570175
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>>570167>will probably pick a fight with the teachers if they have assignments on clothing items or fabrics she doesn't wear herself, cry about how her creativity isn't being allowedLook at her course list. She won't be doing anything fashion-centric her first year. It's a foundation arts year.
No. 570179
>>570175in this case i think she will be too bored to get through these classes for a year and possibly realize she only likes 'fashion' because she likes to spend money, if she develops any self awareness
i cant imagine her not complaining in the color study course or the drawing from observation course… she will probably try to draw anime scenes or something stupid like that instead of following what everyone else does because its not rainby enough
media explorations will also be all anime related or betsey johnson / lazy oaf / harajuku
No. 570198
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The editing compared to
>>569761 No. 570199
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>>570198rubik's cube ?
more like
rubbish cunt
No. 570213
>>570208the only real way she could do that is by becoming a personal shopper, but she doesn't understand how to put her own outfits together so i can hardly imagine her being able to work outside of her box to choose looks for someone else.
not only that but i imagine she thinks this will be like project runway or some other annoying american reality tv program.
No. 570218
>>569975Wheres the
>if you are 12 close your eyesdisclaimer
No. 570624
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Not Jill, but interesting that her friend is also getting in Cosplay Realm. Especially since Ota-Q has nothing to do with cosplay.
No. 570724
>>569761what the fuuuck LOOOL
i dont know what it is about this picture but i literally bursted out laughing when I saw it
No. 570726
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New skinwalker?
No. 571105
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No. 571306
>>571105outfit consists of:
>precure a la mode>mahou girls precure>sailor moon>cardcaptorJill's version of Mahou kei seems to be wearing all the different magical girl merch she owns huh
No. 571317
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>>571105Mahou Kei is supposed to be either a very cute outfit with magical girl elements or it is supposed to make you look like a magical girl after transformation. Not this bullshit
No. 571352
>>571317See this is cute in a very campy kind of way. Even though I kind of hate those leggings. She still looks cute and youthful.
And somehow
>>571105 Jill here just looks like a magical granny. She's literally wearing granny glasses, her dress looks like a moomoo, the frumpy looking cardigan, and that matronly looking bun. Mahou obakei?
No. 571440
>>571408the precure bag is fine, but she should have loosened the strap, or worn it a different way, but i agree.
>>571317i hate how she's just slapped on everything like a walking itabag or something. it's not a good look and there's no fucking theme.
No. 571459
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No. 571600
>>571105listen jill, holy fuck, "throwing all this stuff that I own on together at one time" is not a cohesive look just because there's a little pink in everything
please god learn to have more taste than you have money again, my broke ass can't handle this??
No. 571646
>>571634that's why i said it would look better if she loosened the strap, it would be lower.
but anyways of course precure shit is for kids, the series is for kids.
No. 571724
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that's pretty old but wow that's rough
No. 571739
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>>571105I really don't get why she/her fans keep saying that her new hair colors make her look like a magical girl. I've never seen a magical girl with garish colors like that, she honestly just reminds me of those scene dogs that everyone on deviantart drew years ago.
No. 571831
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This is horrific.
No. 571842
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>>571832looks like she got some fashion inspiration in New York
No. 571847
>>571832Why has she started saying "whenever" instead of "when" like Heather Sparkles? I swear she didnt do that before
It fucks me off so much lmao
No. 571860
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>>571832the glasses and nasolabial folds give me serious gypsy rose vibes
i genuinely think jill is a cute girl but the way she styles herself is so tragic and unflattering and it's getting worse and worse
No. 571892
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i cant believe jillian vessey was in the mighty boosh
No. 571997
>>571976"When" should be used when there is a unique event and the exact time/instance is known (ie. when I saw Pixie's new hair, I vommed). "Whenever" should be used when the time is uncertain or the event happens often (ie. whenever I go to the Confetti Club facebook page, I see a sperg).
@7:19 is a good example.
"Whenever I found out they were doing the original two Pretty Cure, I freaked out"
Here, she freaked out WHEN she found out about the figures. She didn't freak out multiple times; she isn't waiting to freak out once she hears about the figures. She's already found out and freaked out about them. She should use when.
Sage for offtopic and grammar nazi
(But seriously this is annoying and you should learn how to use these words correctly)
No. 572072
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jill come on…
No. 572088
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>>572064Found a slightly different edition on ebay
No. 572104
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>>572064Maybe she got this one?
No. 572170
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How many parcels a day do you think arrive at her house srsly
No. 572171
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More crap she has purchased
No. 572238
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No. 572246
>>572179True. She's got money to blow on garbage. It's a shame she doesn't at least purchase beautiful, high quality clothing.Everything she has purchased are cheap, garish and impractical. But
muh aestheticsdictate her shit taste in things. How does a person waste so much money on plastic garbage? It's impressive really.
No. 572431
>>571832When shes talking about forgetting to put the LO purple bag in the new york videos… was that the time of the plagiarism stuff happening?
>whyyyyyy why did I forget to do that?!?!Uh because you were on the fence about supporting LO ?
No. 572618
>>572516what could she possibly be doing if it wasn't buying stuff ? working on fashion design ? Topkek
jokes aside,it's genuinely sad that she only lives through that
No. 572661
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No. 572712
>>572147that's what I was thinking…
like she got that thing tattooed on her leg and keeps going on about how it was her ~dream item~ all along, but she wasn't able to get it herself? weren't all of her other wands a couple hundred bucks? so weird
No. 572748
>>572744honestly I think it might just turn into
>spending all her time with her 'friends' and going drinking too much/completely ignoring schoolJill is incapable of doing things in modeation, so yeah either she'll get too into the whole "just being an average 20 year old getting wasted uwu" thing too much or have another ~I'm so mentally ill~ phase
No. 572761
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>>571832She looks like a drag king I used to know. And that's not a compliment.
Also I can't fucking stand that way she talks where she pulls her lip back as if she doesn't have a top row of teeth.
No. 572783
>>572170>dat arm hair>>572323I know anons talk about this all the time but I really think Jill may want to look into therapy. Shopping addiction is no fucking joke. It's not something to mess around with. Even with the amount of money she is making, she is spending an inordinate amount on things she doesn't really even like. She buys impulsively and is probably receiving multiple packages a week.
When you normalize CONSTANT shopping/buying, like Jill, it is so easy for that shit to pile up and overtake your life. Not just the literal material items, but the compulsive need to browse (either online or in physical stores), to buy things, to plan future purchases, etc etc.
Shopping addiction is like any other addiction. It starts out normal and as an obsession that the addict can manage. Then, at some point, it spirals out of control - usually the addict is so far gone at this point that they don't realize it. I'm afraid Jill may be approaching this point of no return. She seriously needs to control her buying habits, I'm probably projecting at least a tiny bit, but seriously. This shit is all fun and games and then all of a sudden you need years of therapy to even begin to correct your fucked up thought patterns.
No. 572915
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No. 573036
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>>572860What you mention about her parents being 100% okay and supportive of Jill's spending is tragic, but then to add to that, Jill herself makes excuses for her excessive spending by marking it off as "business expenses" for her "youtube job". I really don't think she'll get anywhere in life at the rate she's going, unless her parents pave the way for her with their checkbooks. She's basically CWC but with parents who aren't dirt poor. CWC also went to a community college for design, Jill! You have so much in common!!!
No. 573175
>>572915lol did she turn that watch
>>572170 backwards on her arm so she could show it off? It looks stupid like that jill pls
Also nothing in this outfit matches and I want to burn those earrings so bad. Why won't they die? Why does she wear them like 80% of the time?? Even the stupid crayons are better
No. 573861
>>573796She has the beret in three colours too, and I think she got the purple one too. I have no idea why she picked the yellow one out of all the berets she has.
The outfit is cute otherwise, I can't help but notice how wide she's gotten though omg
No. 574053
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I CANNOT wait to see this train wreck of a cosplay
No. 574054
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No. 574377
>>572915That beret is just terrible. Every time she has worn it, it never matches with anything. Maybe if it were a different color it wouldn't be so bad.
>>573634Nah, I thought the same. Not just you.
No. 574400
File: 1525534835573.png (374.54 KB, 475x596, ohno.png)

dear lord
No. 574494
>>574406It makes no sense to go OTT with the makeup ~because anime~ and then have a super flat, thin, unstyled wig. Like you just KNOW there are visible wefts. The makeup is also completely inappropriate for
>>558944 Jill, you'll never be a drag queen with $10 amazon wigs.
No. 574661
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This is the mos colour coordinated she's ever looked
No. 574718
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No. 574744
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She looks like Donald Trump
No. 574773
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No. 574780
>>574773Lmao can delusion jills not chubby stans pls get a look at this pic where she's clearly not had the opportunity to shoop her nugget peeps limbs smaller
Btfo much
No. 574789
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>>574773Is she supoosed to be Mirei? She looks nothing like her.
No. 574842
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>>574773girl with the pink wig is a great because it shows how busted jill is. they seem to have a similar height, doing the some pose, and somehow pink wig girl looks cute while jill looks haggard. i'd say its the makeup that ages her face a lot, compared to the girl on left that seems to be wearing a natural beat.
also, notice how they're both similar height but the girl on the pink wig
clearly has a way smaller waist than jill. she's clearly skinnier. but if you compare the legs and arms they look similar to jill's. photoshop much? and even then you can still tell jill is pudgier. she seems to look real similar to jill and manages to be 100 times cuter. what's her excuse?
>>574793am 5'0, and so are all the woman in my family : she's somewhere around +140. i'd say 150 tops, but i think she's probably on her way there still. wish we could see more candid pics where she isn't shooped and posing to hell and back. shame she never leaves the house, we can't see the true mess. the next meetup where she's 160. also, she seems like the type to do the lipo ala mariah or trisha paytas when things get terrible.
pic related progress pics i found of a 5'0 woman who seems to carry her weight similarly to jill.
No. 574844
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>>574773she looks like the max and ruby bunny and not in a cute way
No. 574860
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>>574773Man… Just man she looks so different and bad
No. 574920
>>574773lol on her latest livestream she was saying how ever since she got back from NY she hasn't eaten any candy and actually started cooking/working out
if that was actually true there would have been some visible progress by now, but instead she's just losing any waist definition she had before
No. 574931
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>>574773>>574926You mean this?
It's a bit funny how they changed out one person.
No. 574943
>>574400The only reason she looks passable here is because it was taken with SNOW.
Who told her bangs are supposed to go all the way across your face from ear to ear????
No. 574949
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>>574931>>574937meh, she did and you can easily tell it does not fit her the way it used to.
plus that lookbook was 3 months go. and she used to wear it for everything and then kinda forgot about it, probably cause she looks terrible in it now.
but we know jill lurks every single thread about her, so now she's 100% going to post a pic or video wearing this skirt to shut down the haters. or at least adress it in a livestream with: i donated it uwu No. 574960
File: 1525596711397.jpeg (124.2 KB, 640x842, FFF67C1D-93ED-4419-8DEF-8C6053…)

Better than Jill’s? Lol
No. 574968
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>>574966That reminds me, during her last stream she got this Irregular Choice necklace from a fan (the same one that got her that PreCure heart wand thingie).
Jill was going on about how much she ~luvs~ it but I haven't seen her wear it a single time since that stream, I reckon it's because it features a unicorn lol.
No. 574969
>>574960waaaaayyyy better
>>574968its so ugly not even jill would wear it
No. 575016
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>>574773She looks like a goblin (also those arms jesus christ)
No. 575607
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>>574931Pictures with Wendy, Jillian and Jenny are gone. Wonder what happened
No. 575612
>>575607Her and Jill aren’t friends on Facebook anymore either
I remember back in the thread when Jill had her meetup that someone outed that they had attended the meet, think its likely that Tracey has been posting on here about her and maybe her other friends told Jill about it? They did meet in Jills Lolita days, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Tracey had been in on the drama from the beginning
No. 575671
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>>575422Mr bean in the cosplay is just too fucking perfect kek.
No. 575692
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>>574948I know everyone wants Jill to be fat but 170 would be obese at her height. it would be obese at my height and i'm six inches taller than her. It's more likely that shes around 130.
Pic related, body visualizer that looks like her. 5'0 at 130 pounds
No. 575718
>I know everyone wants Jill to be fatliterally every other anon itt said she was 140, there was only one person who said 170 and no one replied because that was crazy fat even for jill. also if you're not the same height as her, the other anons who are actually similar height know better than you do. 140 at 5'0 is still fat, not death fat, but obviously fat. 130 at 5'0 iis also fat.
i don't know why whiteknights fight tho death about this, she's obviously not skinny and praises body positivity. overweight = fat = chubby = whatever you wanna call it. she might not be obese, but its not a compliment to say "well she's overweight and ugly, BUT HEY GUYS SHE'S NOT OBESE". talk about low standards.
No. 575723
>>575718Anon who said she was prob 170 here.
The reason I think she's that heavy is mainly comparing her to people around me. My sister is barely 2 inches taller than her and about 175 and looks very similar to her.
Regardless of the lbs tho, it's not out of bounds to say she's overweight just by looking at her. And I find it really shitty that she screams about how body positive we should all be but she shaves off her extra chin and slims herself down by 30lbs I. Photoshop. Makes you wonder what she really thinks. Especially when so many CC girls are as big as her, if not bigger.
(blogpost) No. 575776
>>575566Actually we did have an old middle school friend of jill spill the dirt on her early adolescence, her relationships with Walker and Urma etc. A few months after Alyssa's sister popped by.
It's been a good year for the Jill threads.
>>575607Not even remotely surprised that their clique had a falling out. Tracey has always been obnoxious, even when Jill started her pixielocks blogspot, just before her channel, Tracey was trying so hard to co-run Jill's fashion blog. It was obvious she wanted to hog the spotlight. Jill is already obnoxious and fame hungry, so they clearly wouldn't last as friends.
Just the way Jill started pretending to be close friends with Kenzie and Tracey after Colin dumped her. Making Kenzie drive all the way to PEI for moral support. Then throwing them under the bus after their failed halcon masquerade, openly saying she wanted to be judged alone, shit talking them with Wendy, planning cosplay group with Wendy/Jenny a year ahead of time (tracey/kenzie obviously were not invited to participate).
Anyways, Wendy won't last either. Especially if they end up rooming together but even if Jill lives alone, they'll still have a falling out before or during first year of school. They barely know each other to begin with and Jill has no ability to keep a genuine friendship regardless, so when we see smoke we'll know there's fire.
No. 575791
File: 1525697967079.png (839.43 KB, 1019x566, Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 8.56…)

>>575786….did she really complain about the one slipper being folded over? Is she too stupid to see that it's because it's connected to the one in the foreground and the weight is pulling it?
This is such a boring video, she thinks she's cool because she's being so ~cutthroat~ but she's just being nit-picky as fuck. No wonder no brands want to sponsor her lol
No. 575792
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>>575790"Quarterly Plan = costs $43.95 per box plus shipping, you will be billed every time your box ships. Annual Plan = costs $39.95 per box plus shipping, you will be billed for all 4 boxes at signup."
No. 575793
File: 1525698539232.jpg (25.5 KB, 619x629, 1525698308032.jpg)

>>575786The black roots and white scalp look like a highway or something
No. 575857
>>575543>>575566Okay I don’t really care if someone can guess who I am but deleted my last posts to put it all in one. I don’t run in the same circles as Jill and Tracey but I was told by a close friend of a friend that Jill got with one of Tracey’s best friends slash almost boyfriend and that really tore Tracey and Jill’s groups apart. Nobody in that circle wants to associate with Jill any more.
According to said friend Jill and Tracey’s almost-bf went on a little vacation somewhere around New Years. At least I know that Jill and that group were together around then but she went away with Luke (maybe? Not sure about her friends) secretly without the rest of the group to fuck or something. Neither Tracey nor her friends even have Jill on FB any more but I can’t remember which friend it was that Jill got with.
Basically she’s kept up her dick-hopping act and that’s why Tracey and co aren’t best buds with her any more.
No. 575884
>>575874Yeah, he was also the ex of her best friend at the time (named Gillian iirc?)
I'm skeptical but I definitely wouldn't put it past Jill to get involved with someone she knows her friend is interested in.
No. 575902
>>575857Oh lovely, I thought Jill couldn't get worse
No wonder she only has like two friends who barely know her
No. 575913
>>575857I wouldn't really put this past Jill but it would still be nice to have some actual proof/confirmation for this, especially if anons are still planning on doing a video on Jill one day.
Would be nice to contrast her "omg I wuv my friends so much we all made friendship bracelets and I cried ;w;" shit with her trying to fuck her friend's bf.
No. 575934
>>575884Samefagging just to clarify I don't know Jill or anyone in her social circle in the slightest, this is just info I remember being passed around in earlier threads.
>>575913I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if this was true considering the sketchy shit she pulled with Colin, someone was caught out for pretending to know Jill and making shit up a few threads back, so there's no reason someone wouldn't do it again.
No. 575952
>>575786I find it funny that Jill likes Pusheen, cause Pusheen is a non japanese/korean/asian brand character. And jill's favorite clothing brands are non japanese.
Anyways, didn't she used to like Rilakkuma when she wanted to be a lowkey milkyfawn skinwalker?
No. 575993
>>575913Now that you mention this anon, there is some proof floating around in the form of the NYE vlog that Jill never posted. I remember her talking about it and hyping it up for two weeks (both in twitter posts and in one or two videos). If these accusations are true, then she wouldn’t have too much of the vlog to post if she spent half of NYE fucking some dude. She’d have a 10 minute vlog sure (because she can stretch out anything), but there would be a missing portion.
Sage for tinfoil
No. 576028
File: 1525721823620.jpg (40.73 KB, 897x960, 32089631_10214217081093980_104…)

>>575933 Jill isn't friends with this guy on fb. She only has one Lucas and this definitely isn't him.
No. 576045
File: 1525723346096.jpg (166.28 KB, 720x961, 201857_1553169.jpg)

The guys name is Lucas Hamilton and in pretty much every post with Tracey she calls him bro or oni Chan they also are friends on Facebook and in the preview photos you can set both of them have pictures of themselves Tracey also doesn't follow Jillian's main Instagram and only the spam just as an interesting tidbit
No. 576049
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>>576045 I was checking out his profile and found this. He tagged it as #Asian kek
No. 576052
File: 1525724404526.jpg (108.58 KB, 720x274, 201857_161732861.jpg)

>>576045 >>576049
Same post from earlier but in the remainder of the tags she tagged it as white boy and siblings. So it's not off that he would tag it as asian
No. 576068
>>575786Why must she insist on these extreme close ups of her face? You can see the incredible damage done to her hairline and her crusty makeup is
triggering me.
No. 576074
File: 1525725760618.jpg (515.04 KB, 1080x1368, 20180507_174102.jpg)

Pretty amazed she's buying something from Angelic Pretty although tbh is super ugly and obnoxious so maybe I'm not
No. 576075
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No. 576080
>>576074Pretty sure she's also using an AP bag in this pic
>>572915 so not really surprising
No. 576098
>>57607911,664 Yen so 107 USD, then ofc there is shopping service fees, shipping fees and potential customs fees to consider, can't wait for her to use it once and banish it to the land of unused bags and shoes
>>576080yup, that bag is AP, it's the "Dream Heart Shoulder Bag" if you want to look it up for any reason
No. 576175
>>576166Fucking hell lmao
Looking forward to seeing some saxophone blue in Jill's wardrobe
No. 576284
>>576045>>576019>>575993Mutual friends with a few parties in this (including friends of friends, but not close friends with anyone involved any more) so I wanted to chip in. They were all together on NYE. There's a post on FB from Jill with Tracey, Lucas and others tagged that says 'I love friends and curly straws' or something to that effect - I'd post it but my iCloud doesn't want to let me access the screenshot. Jill sure was a drunk mess on NYE and apparently she did some stuff that really pissed the others off while inebriated.
Anyway, Jill snuck off to stay in a hotel with Lucas on his birthday at the start of February and specifically wouldn't let Tracey go along, telling her that she was being 'too controlling' over him for worrying that the two together would end up doing something. So basically she completely ignored the fact that Tracey and Lucas were close and that Tracey had some concerns about the two after NYE and said that Lucas 'wouldn't neglect' Tracey even if anything did happen at the hotel (which I guess is her get out of jail free card to doing whatever). After the hotel charade Jill didn't really follow anything more up with Lucas and instead started going straight out to clubs to hook up with other people, which he was apparently really upset about since she'd been so invested in him before. Whether that was genuine, a fling, or just something to make friends jealous I don't know, but either way it was a real shitty move. Lucas seemed to be really into her and thought it would go further than just Jill deciding she needed a special vacation for him and her.
Tracey is pissed. Lucas is pissed. Others present at the NYE get-together are still sucking up to her but the two main ones involved in this have just been hung out to dry. Jillian told Tracey she wants space because apparently Tracey is 'toxic' and mean to the rest of them (oh, the irony).
Wendy and Jenny are still buddy-buddy with Jill even though she's been vile to them about a number of petty things, so I don't know if they're in it for the attention or e-fame and are fully aware or whether they do genuinely think she wants to be friends with them (which would be a kinda sad case).
Nasty piece of work.
No. 576407
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jill is the queen of condescending sympathy… the only thing worse than this was when she posted a pic in front of YouTube space for "solidarity"
No. 576413
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i just looked at Bunny's channel and the comments aren't even negative… to me she's trying to make Bunny sound like a failing youtuber when she's still way more popular than Jill will ever be lol
No. 576555
File: 1525757084780.png (347.03 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_20180507-221324.png)

>>576413My reaction to Jill's audacity.
No. 576662
>>576626I just hate how much of an hypocrite she is
She preaches for love and acceptance yet she behaves like this outside the camera
The Confetti Club is no different really
They're both ugly inside and out
I hope some makes a video of this girl
No. 576764
File: 1525796454200.jpeg (456.88 KB, 640x916, D8E8ACA0-AFD7-4841-86AD-5BAE53…)

Who wants to guess that Jill is riding Jon’s dick behind the scenes despite Jon not being the type to sleep around? About Jill made him cave in
No. 576769
>>576764I still can't believe how much cock Jill actually gets for being as repulsive as she is. It's impressive really. Kek
Sage for blab
No. 576785
>>576776It's probably the whole alternative girl = interesting = pretty(??) = wild sex thing.
Jill is… "unique" and not in the good sense. Weird normies and people without criteria like this kind of girls. They think pink hair and weird clothes = fun. Wich isn't the case.
No. 576831
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No. 576864
>>576785I think it’s likely to be this, since I started getting tattoos men have been interested in “kinky sex” and making other assumptions
People see it like a novelty to have sex with alternative or weird girls
No. 576880
>>576876Same, and I'm pretty sure it's just a Jillian thing. Everyone I know at least knows how to make a stir fry or like, boil pasta, which I'm not sure Jill knew how to do until recently tbh
sage for blogposting
No. 576950
>>576769this probably sounds harsh but they are hardly lookers that she pulls, it's not like she is banging people who are out of her league in reality also chances are if they are friends with her they are pretty low socially speaking and weird so likely don't have many options
>>576846what's the bet it's her same old microwave rice and a pre-packaged sauce, no shame if you use pre-packaged sauces but its hardly real cooking
No. 576951
File: 1525810125723.jpeg (551.56 KB, 2048x2048, DB473050-09CE-453B-B08D-29D9E9…)

I drew a future thumbnail of Jill’s after I saw her ~Yay Sex! PR haul~.
Inspired by
>>570086 ‘s amazing artwork
No. 576980
>>576951beautiful, truly a work of art.
(I know this is early, but this would make a great next thread pic)
No. 577420
>>577296kek anon Jill doesn’t even follow mainstream fashion, she probably has no idea what the met gala represents and I doubt she could name most designers or even recognize the big fashion houses. I’ve never seen her reference Anna wintour or vogue, I don’t think she’s even watched the devil wears Prada.
Sebastian Masuda and KERA are the équivalents in her uncultured mind.
No. 577467
>>577420I think she isn't interested in more mainstream fashion because it's way more difficult to be as delusional as she is at designer price points. Yeah lolita is expensive, but not as expensive as high fashion designers, and it's normal to get multiple coords from one garment.
It's still pretty telling that's she's obsessed with the most overpriced for no real reason fast fashion brand. She's obviously addicted to shopping and impulse buying, but also needs to be seen as ~quirky and unique~ so she buys the most of the most gaudy, expensive stuff she can afford instead of investing in nice items or actually learning to make her own damn clothes.
No. 577638
>>577420>>577570She's said before that Gucci is her favourite designer brand and she would buy it if she "could afford it".
I'm almost certain she could afford some of their cheaper stuff if she saved up for things she liked and didn't just blow money on impulse tbh, but she could get a lot more Lazy Oaf shit for the price of one Gucci item so I'm pretty sure that has a lot to do with it.
No. 577647
>>577638She said the same shit about Candy Stripper, claiming it's one of her favorite brands but it's just too expensive to actually buy anything from them. Their prices are very comparable to Lazy Oaf.
To be honest I don't think she even really cares for fashion. She said before that she doesn't wear most of her Japanese clothes because they stand out too much, but at the same time she wants to look like a clown and get attention - so she just ends up getting brightly colored shit in boring and basic cuts. She never wears anything actually creative.
No. 577684
>She said before that she doesn't wear most of her Japanese clothes because they stand out too muchlmao more like she
can't wear them anymore because her gut pokes out too much
No. 577761
File: 1525912019335.jpeg (20.84 KB, 312x471, images (3).jpeg)

Honestly she would look hideous in high fashion. Yes, good clothes do matter, but if she has no class and styles herself so horribly then it will look shitty on her. Her hair is fried and unkept. Her hairstyles age her tremendously. And her makeup is disgusting. What she likes is tacky, obnoxious, "look at me", "I'm special and different", ready made, cheap looking clothes.
Only in her head she keeps looking okay. Perhaps she never did. But she has no taste herself and keeps copying others and adding her "cheeky" disgusting flavor.
Money =\= good looks or taste.
No. 577785
>>575612Jill and Tracey were still friends at Halcon so that's not the case. Though I can say with certainty Tracey likely has posted on here.
She's also known in the comm for bouncing back and forth between cosplayers, using, and then disposing of them. I'm in several local group chats and whenever her name comes up it's all horror stories. I'm surprised it took Jill this long to drop her, and that it wasn't off fame-mooching.
No. 577870
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>>577806>>577796maybe in the future but i dont want to be outed, i'm also not sure if i could find all the messages or if people would be willing to re-tell their stories if i can't as some are old or from dead group chats
but i know of at least 5 people she's fucked over/made intensely uncomfortable in the comms at the moment. i know there's more that she was close with and dropped her suddenly, but not sure what the stories there are since i'm not in contact with any of those.
>>577855i said i was surprised tracey wasn't dropped for mooching, so that's not what i said.
No. 577899
File: 1525922447576.jpg (31.91 KB, 720x1023, 201859_23175656.jpg)

I'm the annon here that posted about Tracey still following Jillian's Spam page and now she isn't. I feel like this is kind of proof that she lurks here and probably has posted.
No. 578108
>>578049It was actually a reply on her twitter in response to someone talking about how so many big YouTubers have to wear ugly Gucci accessories, so I wouldn't be surprised.
She clearly gives very few fucks about designer fashion so I wouldn't be too surprised if she hasn't heard of many designers who aren't the huge ones everyone knows (i.e Chanel, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Gucci etc)
I wonder if her shitty craft school will make her research fashion designers at all or if it'll just be a home economics class.
>>577731Are you projecting or something? I never said Jill was rich, but you said yourself that her parents pay for everything so she has a lot of money to spare.
IIRC she spent over $1000 (in fairness it could've been CAD and not USD) on that DollsKill haul when she bought that ugly-ass pink coat, so there's no reason she couldn't buy cheaper Gucci if she wanted it badly enough.
Nobody said anything about being a designer either. She only does about 2 sewing projects a year. She clearly doesn't enjoy sewing or fashion, she just wants to be rich and famous. I'm not exactly a fan of Jill but I really wish she would stop trying to force the kawaii fashion designer uwu thing while she still has time to pick a career path.
No. 578189
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No. 578276
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No. 578684
>>578662Anon please don't be intimidated by people who are
triggered by sunflowers. The worst that can happen is they'll tell you you're a jelly hater and flex their superiority complex
No. 578923
>>578716>>578752>>578764I don't think that they're scared of the confetti club. I think they're scared of people in Jill's circle or anyone in PEI stirring up drama and making up problems with them.
Saying this,
>>578716Spill the fucking tea you dumb
No. 579592
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No. 579691
>>579677You also have to remember the definition of millennial has switched. I used to get called a millennial all the time until the term gen xer was coined, now I'm one of those. In fact the definition of it at one point was "someone born in the year 2000 and beyond."
But Jill is definitely perpetrating the millennial stereotype of extreme laziness.
Saged for slightly younger person yelling at cloud
No. 579720
File: 1526072072873.png (198.2 KB, 720x774, 20180511_215420.png)

She's such a kiss ass
No. 580104
>>579720I really don't want bunny to associate with jill
jill is such a shit person who shoves her money in peoples faces and bunny was always more humble about it.
No. 580215
>>579677I was born in ‘99 and didn’t have/use a computer or the internet until I was like 8, also the economy is still super shit in other parts of the world right now (look at Brexit) so the whole house buying thing isn’t really valid either
People born before 2000 still experience the millennial thing and get called millennials constantly, Jill does a lot of stuff to complain about but calling herself a millennial isn’t one of them
Sage for rant
No. 580264
>>580215Tons of low income people today are probably raising kids without a computer (just have smart phones). Doesn’t mean they will be millennials.
Millennials came of age during “the Great Recession”, the biggest economic event since the the Great Depression. I’m Canadian and fucking brexit had no effect on the economy lol. But even if Jill was Greek or somewhere that had an economic event still not the Great Recession.
Just accept that you’re gen z you’re not a millennial. Same as Jill.
No. 580300
>>580215To put an end to this retarded millennial debate: to the Pew Research Center, millennials were born between the years of 1981 and 1996. Sorry, born in '99 doesn't make you a millennial, and Jill certainly isn't one, either.
>>579720She's barely talked about Bunny before; her asslicking is so transparent. She made like what, two tweets regarding Bunny's channel decline? Now she acts like they're buddies. Yikes.
No. 580342
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I have a feeling she's going to do a cooking on a budget video? To tie in with the poor starving artist generational theme she's hinted at?
No. 580348
>>580300Jill is only acknowledging Bunny for the sake of e-fame points. I have a feeling Bunny's approaching her shelf life on YouTube. Jill as well, she has no idea how to stick to a posting schedule like most YouTubers, her content is stale and redundant and her audience seem to have taken notice of it. I honestly don't see Jill's YouTube career lasting more than two years from now. How many more things can Jill actually do to seem edgy and relatable?
Sage for rant
No. 580355
File: 1526139701077.jpg (35.29 KB, 785x713, 1526139659937.jpg)

She looks like anons art
No. 580393
>>580380do you really expect Jillian to be grateful for anything? she's never had to bust her ass a day in her life. people that get everything handed to them don't have any grasp on gratitude, accomplishment etc.
and as long as her mother coddles her, she'll never experience anything outside of her shallow, sad existence, and will never grow.
No. 580398
>>580359Gorging yourself with peeps, toys from children anime, and crayola crayons and lazy oaf outfits. Great pick for a western kawaii desu lifestyle.
She doesn't feel like she can enjoy anything she can't vlog? As if tons of her fans haven't asked her to record her sewing and doing other things besides hauls.
No. 580797
>>580781Rule of thumb keep your shit private and slam this bitch into a verbal headboard. Fuck being afraid of Jill. That cunt can't do shit.
No. 581247
>>580342There is WAY too much pineapple on that plate and I really love fruit. She has no idea what balance in flavor and portions are.
It's a start, I suppose… But she needs to read up about cooking basics.
No. 581307
>>580104>>580348Not just Efame points, I am positive that Jill saw Shanedawson's video on Bunny, never seen bunny's stuff before then, saw her wardrobe then insta "holy shit we need to be friends" Especially since Bunny used to be en route to becoming a fashion designer as well.
In that video Shanedawson also gives Bunny advice for revitalizing her channel. The thing that sucks for Jill though is that if she's more 'real' than her fake stuff is that she'll just out herself and allow people to see alleged shitbag bahavior.
No. 581329
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>>581307Jill got her mom pic related for christmas. They both watch Bunny sometimes.
No. 581336
>jill got her mom omg is this one of those presents that jill makes where like… it's just something
she wants. but she gives it as a gift to her family even though its obvious she just bought something she
wanted. cause she's that self centred and retarded. lol.
i'm sure her mom does know who bunny is and has watched her but still… theres no way in hell she gives a shit as much as jill does. you just know her mother said something like "oh that's fine but i don't actually…" and jill went "OK I'LL KEEP IT THEN" among all the garbage she owns.
No. 581343
>>581329I'm conflicted because with this natural face that she's making she actually looks cute and even her age.
I just wish he stopped with the ugly ass faces she makes.
No. 581379
>>581348>tried all the makeupThis is the biggest wtf to me. I remember when it happened I thought I waa misunderstanding something. Like what, she would've given her open/used make up as a gift had she ended up actually giving Alyssa this shit?
I'm even more confused because it's not like she couldn't afford to buy herself these things and also get her family appropriate presents? Even the most spoiled rotten, egotistical people I've met or heard of understand at least the concept of getting someone something they might actually use or like?
Like is Jill legitimately mentally handicapped? Psychopathic narcs with negative empathy could grasp such w concept. I just can't wrap my head around it, this goes beyond the realms of self centeredness. I'm convinced Louise mustve dropped her on her head a few billion times and she's now mentally defunct.
No. 581453
>>581379She would had given her open makeup indeed.
I'm starting to think Jill is truly going downwards and getting mentally ill.
No. 582244
File: 1526282203330.png (2.11 MB, 2500x815, pixiearticle.png)

Don't worry, I don't feel any better after paying for the PDF myself.
No. 582249
File: 1526282739712.jpg (23.15 KB, 212x269, ss (2018-05-14 at 12.25.38).jp…)

A whole segment dedicated to us fam
No. 582260
>>582259 My apologies, I mean
>>582244 samefag
No. 582299
>>582259You're right, it seems like she hasn't worn them a single time. Wasn't she complaining about the fit or something?
Makes me wonder how much clothing she's really hoarding.
No. 582303
>>582249>focus on your passionHer passion is just buying shit
Also I have seen people on these threads genuinely interested in her well-being. She just ignores everything
No. 582510
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>>580359Jill never mentioned getting this heart light anywhere till this video, how often does that happen?
No. 582636
>>582244do u have the rest of the magazine?
saged because it'd be interesting to see if there's anything else milky in this magazine
No. 582659
File: 1526320485256.png (270.83 KB, 473x276, fixed_roots_jill_.png)

>>582510>>582523I'm not good at photo editing in the slightest but curiosity got me to do it.
No. 582671
>>582666Shit I just reread it and I think you're right. Welp. I was still curious what she'd look like if she actually dyed her hair all the way.
Sorry for fail
>>582523 No. 582819
>>582788for some reason having to see her face twice in a row has really highlighted how she's making an expression like an adult downy who just farted bubbles in the bath tub
what the actual fuck
even if she looked better via styling the faces/expressions she makes and general body language is unsalvageable. I know it's edgy, but if I woke up as jill I'd unironically kill myself
No. 582832
>>582646Voting for the drawing, it's too good to be buried.
The Mr Bean one though… Really nice
No. 582843
>>582715>>582717God she used to be so cute. Natural hair, normal eyebrows, normal expressions. She even looks mildy attractive. What happened? Can't she go back to dark hair and natural makeup? She could still wear rainbow stuff.
She's a goner.