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No. 582890
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a style she no longer personally wears>Known lurker>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm
>Frivolously spends her parents' money on once-worn clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends; claims she makes enough from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos repeatedly; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent>Is an extreme narcissist; regularly claims herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs of her ramblings; opts for self-care rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments or posts under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to what she has seen in the threads; is highly dependent on her mother Louise Vessey in social events, often referring to her as her "bestie" and dragging her along to Japan and NYC, and has based her choice of college in a nearby city so as to not be far from her during university>has kept a total of five relationships in over 2 years, all ending in drama; examples include leaving one boyfriend of two years for his best-friend-turned-accessory whom she "loved all along" and stringing along a girl who came out for her for clickbait in a Christmas video and to boost her LGBT status before dumping her and keeping her Christmas gifts for "not being attracted to her"; now largely just refers to herself as queer rather than bi, lesbian, or pansexual>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo despite knowing she has a largely underage audience, and posts publicly about drinking while prescribed on medications; will often remove or put herself from/on said medications regardless of whether she needs them or notIn the last thread:
>dyes her hair again. This time it’s a hideous 4 way colour block with awful roots>continues to make her cosplay for her next con. Brags about working on it for 6 hours at a time, but her sewing still sucks. She can’t even get the colours correctly, as the character is pastel and Jill is using bright colours.>She is hanging out with Maggie a lot, who is rumoured to be her possible girlfriend. She is an uglier version of Jill.>Jill is on the cover of a cosplay magazine. Her interview in it is as obnoxious as ever, with her repeating that she’s the biggest magical girl fan ~ever. She subtly refences lolcow in it.>Jill is apparently no longer friends with Tracey. An anon stated that Jill slept with Tracey long term crush. They no longer follow each other on social media. >>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526>>>/snow/540457>>>/snow/582834LINKS
youtube insta:
Cosplay Page No. 582905
File: 1526337542018.jpeg (293.88 KB, 1217x1582, 494E261A-B9AE-4131-9024-87E1CE…)

Best thread pic yet.
No. 582931
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Jill would do more for the environment by not constantly and mindlessly buying crap kek
No. 582965
Compilation photos and posts from here, and Jillian’s social media is gathered: add anything to a folder or make a new one if someone important was not added.
No. 583072
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New video on her spam Insta
No. 583088
>>582890Thanks for the new summary OP. It was long overdue.
Just curious what you mean by
>has kept a total of five relationships in over 2 yearsShe dated Walker 2 years, Tristan 2 years, and Colin dumped her after 18 months. The only time she seems to have very quick relationships is with girls. She dated Alyssa 3 months, barely official for a few weeks before the tea was spilled and we have SMS proof that Jill said she wasn't even attracted to her. And then with Urma, Jill basically did the same thing. Dated her briefly for a few weeks or months then basically pulled the "i don't want to lead you on, but i'm not attracted to you" because Walker asked her out (although this was all said on DA with 13 year old verbiage).
Anyways, just wasn't sure what you were referring to.
No. 583130
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>>583072Everyone seems to love it, hope that she keeps her hair like that.
No. 583144
>>582965I would back this up some how fyi
nothing is gonna stop jill / a white knight/ her friends / her mom / etc. from coming along and deleting it all
No. 583268
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>>583079>>583108>>583228This doesn’t good to me but her hair is so damaged and the rainby colors are so ugly I can’t really decide what looks better. At least she wouldn’t be damaging it more.
No. 583292
>>583203>>583203Wtf are they going to do? Either
a) dont have it editable by everyone and only edit things in yourself. Anons can collect more data for you here in the thread to add in
b) keep it editable by everyone but save back ups as often as you can so if they do baaaawlete it, its no big deal
No. 583381
>>583268A deep-conditioning mask would do fucking wonders for her hair if she'd just lay off the hot iron.
>>583203I was about to say, I tried to access it but would've needed my email address and got real confused. Pardon my reading skills.
>>583088Not that anon, but the summary is from the previous thread I OP-ed, and I tried to go for a quick overview on them.. While both relationships were short, Jill has referred to both girls on different videos (Uma in her coming-out video, Alyssa in the GF Christmas gift video probably among others) as a girlfriend, ex or current at the time, so I bet she considers them both past relationships. Both girls have also been at the receiving end of Jill's tendency to "fall out of love" or just not be attracted to them or to
fall in love with someone else while dating them, and seemed to have had their relationships hidden for the majority of the time together, yet still serve to pad Jill's status with the LGBTQ points she wants. As short as they were, I thought they were definitive enough for Jill's history of shit behavior to be highlighted within. If next thread OP wants to remove them though, I won't mind it.
No. 583450
>>583381Wait what? I’m not talking about removing them at all nor am I criticizing your timeline anon.
I just didn’t understand why it said 5 relationships in 2 years when it’s been more like 6-7 years from the time she dated Urma to her recent breakup with Alyssa. That’s why I was confused or wondering if I missed anything.
No. 583533
>>583072what is she on about, this looks a lot better than her usual crusy flattened greasy hair thrown up in some silly bun with 156 ugly hair clips
the curls mask her roots a bit and make her face look less harsh
No. 583798
>>583731Thank you, there’s a lot of content in the doc all from the first thread up until the one before this one. Some stuff in the folder like the “I’m a lesbain/I’m so drunk” phase is repetitive so you don’t need to use all of it.
Does anyone want me to add anything to the doc? I felt like putting things in about her hygiene or diet wasn’t worth it bc a feel like her fans are going to say things like “Let people do what they want!! It’s not hurting anyone!”
No. 583921
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No. 583971
>>583943uglier yes, but I don't think she's fatter tbh
what's so fun about michaels? idgi it's so bland
No. 583978
>>583798You did a really great job compiling this, everytime I think of something I don't see it was like (I.e. photoshop but trying to be body positive), well yeah people would be like "oooo let people live, if she has body dysmophia that makes sense"
I can't imagine what Jill's response to all these are especially when her relationships get called out. Idk I like that it's the main
problematic stuff and not being petty over personal preferences like roots.
Idk if her attitude of buying things she likes for other people and how disposable things are is just personal preference. I didn't see anything about people giving her fanart and not being mentioned or unboxed in her videos or tweets though. Was that in there?
No. 584010
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>buys presents based on what she likes>dates people and pushes them into what she likes aka collin>entire life revolves around buying shit for herself and creating new fake labels to herself eg. lesbian trillingual body positive etc>dating an obvious skinwalker of herself eg. if you look into the girls insta she used to be pretty normal until she got into party kei and became the usual rainbow wearing pink haired skinwalker, obvious fan obsessed with hershe just loves herself so much. also the skinwalker was supposed to be an ugly version of jill but now she looks better than jill lmao. that ugly ass hair, fat face and awful brows make her so much more ugly than she actually is.
No. 584027
>>583921The fan art thing wasn’t mentioned. If I put that in then she’s going to excuse herself or someone else will because “She features a confetti club member at the end of her videos/she likes people’s posts. She can’t comment on every single one” I feel like not mentioning them in tweets is just a personal preference. I’m not sure how much fan art she gets but I do know that I have seen her take the time on streams and vlogs to open mail, read letters, and respond to them.
I only wanted to focus on things that she’s done several times and are apart of her personality traits. Things that she and no one else should be defensive about if they really want Pixie to be her best self. I used to be a fan, I was defensive about her when I first found lolcow and after seeing her be who she really is or contradicting herself to still be seen as a nice person the fans need to see that the call out video isn’t about minor things or things that can be excused. These are things that she’s done to hurt other people, set a bad example to her fans, or slip up on her “kind” persona and no one should find a way to defend that. I feel like if Jill does acknowledge this video and doesn’t gloss over her mistakes and admits that she’s wrong and that she should change I think that many of us will be proud of her for being true to her audience.
No. 584029
>>583798I didnt go through everything but did you put any details in about her trip to japan and the pet store? Honestly her animal stuff could go in there if it isnt already.
The Japan episode was her going into a petstore and saying all the animals were so cute when they were clearly miserable. Even her fans called her out on it so she edited it out. Japanese pet stores are notorious for being less than ethical
There is also the bizarre thing with her ~pure bred~ cats. Yet she pretends she actually cares about animals at all.
We can argue all day about for/against breeders (im against) but even without that. If she actually cared at all about animals she would be more aware of their treatment, ie in Japan. And she could contribute to her local shelter more than once a year (apparently taking pet photos for adoptions)
The whole thing about her mom being allergic to plebian shelter cats smells like a load of BS to me. It is true that ragdolls have /less/ allergens than other breeds. But then they bought 3 other non-ragdoll cats? And Jill loves to brag about her pure-breds as well in a bizarre way
Its just like everything else she does. Pretends to care about environmental issues, sweat shops, ethical buying, etc etc. But then acts in a completely hypocritical way
No. 584045
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>>583971Considering how frequently Jill mentions going to Michaels and how few sewing projects we've seen from her (if she made something new there's no way she wouldn't show it off on instagram or use it for video fodder) she probably feels like a kawaii fashion designer seamstress uwu just by buying/looking at fabric even if she never actually uses it.
>>584010Jill is Jill's dream girl tbh. At least then she'd finally be a lesbian like she wants and nobody else would have to put up with her.
No. 584087
>>584042That will be added because it seems to be something that she’s pushing although she loves plastic.
>>584029I put her defensively saying that she did other things in Japan and not just shopping.
The total of what she brought will be added.
I’ll put the pet shop stuff in there because everyone should know that pet shops are bad.
I’ll put in Louise looking upset in the Japan vlogs.
The Criteria for things to be added to the doc:
-Common sense of things that should/should not be done.
-Hurting others
-only getting what she wants
-being contradictory of herself
-showing who she really is
No. 584103
>>584038I'll try, but I cannot live up to iDubbzz!
No. 584131
>>584111Nobody can find you based off of your voice (unless you’re famous lol). As long as you don’t have any screenshots that show your name or your face or any sort of avatar from any social media site, you’re good. If you have a good speaking voice, I would do a voice over, but if you have a speech impediment or no inflection in your voice you probably shouldn’t use your own voice.
>>583900Since these anons are doing the work, they probably aren’t at risk of being banned. The farmhands probably thought you wanted everyone else to do the work, but you were probably just making an innocent suggestion.
No. 584154
>>584111Hey anon, if you're really worried about being found out, I don't mind doing the voiceover. I wouldn't need/want credit, I just got a new mic and I'd be happy to get some use out of it.
Also I'm a fellow UK anon with a decent speaking voice, no accent really. If you want you can leave an email.
No. 584161
triggered by her eyebrows being two different colors
>>584010Jill has proved time and time again that she is not willing to accept her significant other's interests if they don't match up with her own. Textbook example of being self absorbed.
>>584111If you have a good speaking voice and script, definitely do a voice over. Or you could always ask someone else to do it for you if you're not comfortable doing so.
No. 584201
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Jill spends an obscene amount of money on sugary drinks
No. 584351
>>584042>>584029Enviro stuff and most Japan stuff (how much she spent, Louise only getting to do one thing, and Louise having to sleep on the floor) is there.
I couldn’t find the pet shop stuff but I did add that she’s happy that Neko is safe (ate something that caused a blockage) but keeps up her pink party background streamer thing and blocks it with pillows because they were chewing on it.
It's the newest folder.
No. 584364
>>584351what?? Jill made her mom sleep on the fucking floor?
that's horrible. i mean fuck. i'm a bloody adult, and i shared a bed with my mum for a while until we were able to get a bed for me.
and she couldn't let her mom be comfortable while she was babysitting her in Japan? in a hotel room she paid for?
please tell me I'm misunderstanding and blowing a gasket for nothing.
No. 584395
>>584386that may be, in fact, I sleep better on harder surfaces, myself. unless I'm in pain, in which case, give me a mountain of pillows.
what she should have done was give her mother first pick, and not guilted her in to choosing against what Jillian wants.
has she ever put someone elses comfort/wants/needs above her own?
No. 584556
>>583867I know I saw you talk about her moneygrabs/ spending habits but have you mentioned her constant price dropping and how she looks for a price tag before anything else?
Can you add the Screencaps of Jill tweeting about not getting Sugarpill to sponsor her under entitled?
Wasn't there something about her doing a fast fashion promo and then "not knowing" about it back then either?
No. 584559
>>584556yeah. it was… RoseGal? Sammydress? One of those bullshit companies that sells shite clothing that falls apart after one wear.
She completely gushed over it. Did a whole try on haul, and raved about every single piece.
No. 584560
>>584559samefag (I think?)
but I just looked it up and it's Zaful.
No. 584647
>>584556I’ll adding the pixiefrocks Instagram which she follows.
I’m not going to mention Zaful because i have Lazy Oaf and Chrisa Sparkles in there (sweatshop labor), both of which she never apologized for/found out that they weren’t sweatshop free.
I’m not going to add wanting to be sponsored by Sugarpill bc she’s only said “sponser me” once?
Sorry about being picky about what goes and what doesn’t go in the doc. Jill has 25 threads and they all fill up very fast. I only collected the major things that I could remember when I skimmed through them.
Also want the doc to be like the thread summary it shouldn’t have everything that she’s done in there because I feel like it becomes bothersome to sit through or edit in. I’m also thinking about what Jill or her fans will say and I don’t want them to be saying that this thing that Jillian did can be excused.
At anons asking me to add fast fashion stuff when did Jill say that she was against fast fashion? What time of the year? Was it in a stream because I things on her supporting Lazy Oaf and saying that they’re ethical q
No. 584682
>>584673Not video anon but I'm pretty sure you're misunderstanding their post. I think they meant they read the threads or were there for them, but skimmed back through to grab relevant info
It'd be autism to force someone to suffer through witnessing the garbage fire that is Jill multiple times for a video
No. 584722
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>>584647Holy cow it feels like a lot longer but this is someone else's screenshot from thread #16 only 5 months ago.
Also I know she mentioned plastic bags when she got a giant tote from lazy oaf, also I'm not sure about this one but I think she said that even if she did buy from f21/hm she just wasn't going to mention/promote it via livestream,also she mentioned trying to be conscious about her gloves when she washed the dye off of them multiple times instead of using new ones (which could've also been a hygiene thing but yeah.)
Also just want to say the amount of peep packaging she's gotten from peep consumption since then probably doesn't offset that plastic bag thing by much.
No. 584726
>>584647sage for samefag but I remember her immediate response to a CC post that she made, she asked about video ideas I think and someone said to make less hauls and she was like
"WELL in the last 9 videos, only 2 were hauls…
but ok c: "
No. 584764
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>>584746samefag but here’s proof of Zaful being shit, most from BEFORE Jill did her review so she has no excuse
No. 584799
>>584682Correct. I’ve gone through her threads twice in two days bc the first time I gathered a lot of info and caps that I feel like weren’t really that important (and I got scared that Jill would do something) so I went back and got of the important things. I was reading them over again and going slowly until thread 14/15. I’m not going through all of them a third time.
>>584726I originally capped that but I deleted it bc I already had similar posts.
>>584722>>584764Thank you for the caps. Forgot how bad zaful was.
No. 584947
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>>583921You forgot to post this beautiful 2nd picture which truly makes Jill look like a balding toddler granny.
No. 584967
>>584930I’m not doing that bc I know that her fans are going to say something like “It takes years to learn a language!” and that Jill will say something like “I’m still learning”.
Bc of how her and her fanbase acts I only want to add things that they won’t try to defend. She pronounces several things (even English words) wrong, and doesn’t know how to read or write Japanese that much but I don’t think that it’s nothing too major bc I already know how Jill will respond. We know that she thinks that she’s the best and has no errors. After I find the cap of her saying “Why can’t we be kinky?” towards the confetti club thread promoting ddlg I intend to be done with adding caps.
>>584848>>584746Added to the doc.
No. 585046
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No. 585047
>>585007Aren't the majority of the confetti club minors? Yikes yikes yikes
>>584967Have you added anything about shit like that? Knowingly doing sketchy shit like promote sexual things to a bunch of 15 yr olds?
No. 585051
>>585046What makes her think she's suddenly capable of keeping friends or keeping a relationship? If they start getting fans that's gonna be shitty to just break up in a few months when they start to fight about stuff.
Also how much you willing to bet that Jillybean is gonna be all the ~main girls~ and the other two are just gonna be side pieces to her huge amazing performance as a cosplay artist
No. 585055
>>585051to be fair Wendy is going to be the main girl in this group technically since Laala is the main character.
Regardless it will be interesting, though at least these two seem to like the same things instead of being roped in like Tracey and Kenzie were.
No. 585145
>>585051Exactly. Regardless of how much they talk online or Skype together, she’s only met these girls in person like, what, 3-4 times??
It’s gonna be a completely different story when they go to school together and actually get to know each other on a day to day basis beyond having common interests (and we don’t even know if anything they have in common is genuine or just to mooch off Jill’s efame).
No. 585151
>>585142To be fair, it's for kids so most of it is basic Japanese I think most anime-watchers would understand, but that doesn't mean she's ~trilingual~.
Even if she is at least biligual that really isn't a huge deal in today's world where the majority of the world speaks at least 2 languages already kek
No. 585171
>>585151She isn’t bilingual in the least. Sure I guess it’s easy to lie on the internet when you have a mostly English audience, and I suppose she probably lives far away from any actual French Canadian communities, so no one has probably ever confronted her in French.
But. She. Does. Not. Speak. French.
She can’t even manage basic pronunciation or grammar. There’s millions of actual French speakers in Canada which makes her claims even more hilarious and exaggerated.
No. 585174
>Even if she is at least biligual that really isn't a huge deal in today's world where the majority of the world speaks at least 2 languages already kekbut that's the thing that makes rage enducing to me. SHE'S NOT EVEN BILINGUAL EITHER! people have asked her to speak french on stream and she has said she can't and isn't good at it! its fine if you have an accent, but if you can't speak it at all and make some basic structures out loud you don't fucking know the language.
and we know 10000000=% this bitch doesn't know a language as complicated as japanese more than basic phrases and words like kawaii! fuck her. she doesn't get to claim to be bilingual either imho.
No. 585187
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Sage for obvious reasons
But I find it funny how the other two girls are fairly normal looking and use a similar style of selfie for their profile (even if they're likely photoshopped to hell and back)
And then you have Jill who looks like someone's crazy "cool" grandma, glasses and all, in her ugly IM THE ULTIMATE MAGICAL GIRL FAN getup
Bonus for how Wendy and Jenny talk about being in a group with their best friends (genuine or not) and Jill's is just entirely about herself and being the center of attention
No. 585203
>>585190>>585187ugh i can't wait for a year later when they both get tired of jill being a self centred brat and dump this stupid group and start leaking all the milk like they always do.
this is the same theater girl who got
TRIGGERED in high school because she wasn't talented enough to get the main roles of the plays. she's going to be the obnoxious bitchy leader (consiering she's the one with the most cosplay experience and her "it's all about ME!" attitude). they
will hate her just like the multiple anons who have come to this threads, said they know jill and she has a badass attitude, and never talked to her again. she doesn't have any friends for a reason lol, she can't help herself.
No. 585274
>>585046They're all moving here… Life's going to be fun in this shit town. Can't wait for the kawaii white privileged girl to live here. F u n
As long as jill keeps getting more popular they're going to keep being her friend. Sad jill dropped her only friends that actually cared about her but keep her fake ones.
No. 585371
>>585046So she leaves tracey and kenzie on the street for these two? Both are good looking but neither have any photos of real cosplay (only what seems to be bought) on their profiles.
Typical jill. Leeching off of people who can't craft so she can give the illusion of having friends and use them for performance awards, but will never let anyone who can sew better than her in her group.
Kenzie and Tracey have literally been replaced. I wish one of them would come in here and spill some tea. Seeing this has to hurt. Even matching t-shirts like she'd done with the KiraKira group. Yikes.
No. 585413
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New vid is up, here's a cap of kawaii grandma Jellybean looking smug while talking how she'll be having a house all to herself so she can decorate it however she wants "unlike you basic normies teehee"
No. 585497
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She actually looks cute here. Kek
No. 585499
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>>585413I know people make this comparison a lot on this site but I'm really getting Baby Jane vibes
No. 585590
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Jill doesn't even try. Joanne's has a few fabrics like this on their website, I bet mood has something, but no she wants a cheap 2$ a yard listing on Etsy. She complained in her magazine video about how much cosplay costs but when she only buys cheap fabrics and cheap wigs she can't be racking up anymore money than she spends on a singular LO haul.
No. 585598
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>>585590Samefag, the fabric in case anyone wants to know
No. 585706
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>>585415did anyone notice that she keeps all her expensive shoes in the garage lol
No. 585931
>>585671She just put some pillows in front of the ends as if that's enough to stop a cat from chomping on them.
>>585706Not whiteknighting but she said in her room tour video that she keeps them there because she wears them the most and it's easier to just have them by the car. Still though… She could wash them every once in a while.
No. 586028
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>>585413So I started watching this in the living room whilst my boyfriend was at home.
> very extra very kawiwi (0:33)-is that tumblr girl trying to speak Japanese or just retarded?-
No. 586033
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ugh the badly shooped hair color.
No. 586051
>>585497first, you need some standards.
second, with her up close shots, it really flaunts what a sloppy paint job she threw on that thing. the legs look shit, too.
her designer diaries are just continuing to get even more lack-lustre.
No. 586093
>>586088Yeah, this.
The concept could be cute but whenever Jill does a 'photoshoot' it's the absolute bare minimum, just setting up a couple balloons in her mom's studio and then badly photoshopping the background.
I wish she would actually bother putting more thought and effort into those, her posing in this picture is absolute shit and just makes her look hammier than she is.
No. 586265
>>585675chances are people have commented on it but she deleted those comments. she has a tendency to delte comments that point out her faults
>>586033her face looks like she's 80
seriously wtf, this would be mildly decent if she cropped out her face
No. 586372
>>586033The hair makes her look so, so much younger
That bun/glasses combo she always has just makes her look old
No. 586388
>>586372Her face still isn't the best, especially not since she tries to have extravagant hair/makeup. The only way that can work is if you're already cute and have a good face.
It makes me sad thinking how much better she would look with natural hair and muted makeup. She'd look her age.
No. 586490
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I fixed it
No. 586493
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Megan should run while she's still can
No. 586494
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No. 586495
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No. 586500
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She obviously has gotten comfortable with trotting this tale around for the pity points hasn't she?
No. 586532
>>586514I'm really not trying to wk but your theory completely contradicts the evidence we've seen in other threads. It's confirmed by Jill's mom and old middle school friend that she was hospitalized for ED around 13-14. She was removed from her parent's home and was forced to see a psychiatrist for a period of time, she was diagnosed with ED and anxiety, which she still takes prescription meds for.
In Canada, her school would of likely called child services on the vessey family if they didn't act on her self harm traits, she would be considered a danger to herself, so it makes sense that Louise had her hospitalized and put on meds at a young age.
Anyways, i'm only clearing stuff up because I think Jill does lie and exaggerate the truth about other things, which is clearly documented here. But those experiences in specific did happen so.
No. 586541
>>586532to be fair, being hospitalized and diagnosed at that age in canada is as simple as your parents saying you have said issues. it's like walking into a candy store on a free candy promotion, except the doctor is dolling out pills like candy
it's been speculated (and imo more than possible) she (or likely her mom) continually repeated these things (perhaps after doing a google for symptoms, so repeating the stereotypical symptoms as fact in her over-worrying state)
imho from everything that was 'documented' jill wasn't much different from the average emo-ish weirdo teen/pre-teen. everyone here was a 'self harming ed anxiety' thing, it was like what was 'trendy' around her age (this shit takes a while to take hold in canada, so emo/scene-type shit was 'popular' here way later than other places, hitting her age group).
in the end it's just gonna be speculation and those who believe she has those things and those who don't are gonna have to agree to disagree, but both sides have substantial possibility of being correct.
Personally, I don't think her ed/self harm was truly that horrific/whatever and I do think she constantly milks it as the only even possibly near-bad experience that's happened in her life. Funny she doesn't milk her mom having cancer/makes fun of her mom when she brought it up as a struggle, but it makes sense that she's so fucking self centered she'd not be bothered by a family member's problems.
No. 586569
>>586532I agree, not whiteknighting. I know that both the summary that mentions Jill’s ed is really vague and that there’s a lot of threads. Jill is definitely not lying about having a ed.
She posted on Facebook once that she wouldn’t be on for a while because she was going to hospital. In her old DA journals she would mention self harm and throwing up casually. She wasn’t Eugiena Cooney thin but she was 93 pounds. It was/is definitely real. In most recent threads she mentioned still struggling with her bullima, wanting to work out but being afraid that it would become dangerous. I just think that any one who had/has a ed and still struggles with it uses body positivity to justify that gaining weight is ok. I just think that Jill is confused as always and thinks that recovery means eating what she wants without feeling bad about it and not loosing a lot of weight but she probably doesn’t know how to manage it properly because she’s afraid to turn into a full ed again. I think that she probably goes through phases of what helps her with her ed. It used to be Muse and Neko when she was full ana, then it was Tristan. Now it’s body positivity accounts. I’m just confused because she said that she was ana when she was 13 and dating her first gf in their abusive unhealthy power dominated relationship. But she said that her ed started when she was 11. I feel like the only way to find out what really happened is to read her old posts.
No. 586587
>>586541yeah, jill exaggerates every single aspect of her life and makes it 5 times bigger than it actually is.
she's the straight's a's girls except no she was an average student. she was totally a lesbian struggling with sexuality except no she had a girlfriend in middle school for like two months and dated men ever since. and she was anorexic except she was barely underweight and when its at 15 or whatever its not as serious as tumblr anons think it is. theres a reason most therapist hesitate before diagnosing people under 18, their bodies and personalities aren't there yet they're just copying whatever. just like her self harming phase that coincidently happened when she started listening to mcr and other emo music. she's a total follower and she is milking this as she does with everything. she was never super skinny and again when you're a teenager its not as harmful as when you're 20+ tbh. anxious bisexual ed anons will whiteknight her all night long though. her life has not been hard like at all.
>>586569sage the whiteknight also her old post were written as an emo high schooler i don't think they're the most objective sources. her old post are whiny teenage angst, seriously…
No. 586594
>>586555was she 'forced into ED treatment' or was she just hospitalized? you can be hospitalized just for the suspicion of self harming, and it's involuntary at that age if her parents say hospitalize her
I don't know why you're so hard set on defending this. You're free to your opinion of what happened, but it's not that difficult to see why anons think she's exaggerating, something she frequently does
No. 586602
>>586587Thank you, you put into words the opinion I share very well. Again, I think we're all going to have to agree to disagree. I've read all of her past blogs/the past threads and none of it has convinced me she isn't just exaggerating. Likewise, I'm just nothing is going to convince anons defending her she didn't really have those issues.
tbh I think jill has some of the highest amount of WKs on /snow/, and it's gotten a lot higher since the confetti club threads. Not saying people here are fans, just thinking there's a lot of 'ex-fans' who still sway in her favor a little easier than most.
No. 586621
>>586569For her height 93lbs is fine
I believe that she was hospitalized for her self harm, but not a ED.
No. 586637
>>58662193lbs is underweight unless you're 4 foot 11, and then it's a borderline, barely-any-of-the-population-is-naturally-this-size kind of weight.
Stop being ridiculous. She does some shitty things that we can call her out on but it's quite obvious she was not supposed to be that thin and had eating issues, subclinical or otherwise. This constant discussion is boring, nobody gives a fuck about what you deem ~sick enuff~.
No. 586656
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>>586033So she bought a pair of expensive roller skates that she’s never going to actually use, just because they’re cute.
Price here is in GBP, which means they’re over $100 CAD.
No. 586670
>>586656I can't imagine wanting to pay even $20 for these….. puke
that anon who said jill is like the chubby girl who gets bullied in old 80s movies was spot on lmao
No. 586855
>>586803Aw that made laugh, but really anon your voice is cute/fine
No. 586916
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newfag here/ long time lurker- I was bored and photoshopped her with "normie" hair and makeup
I didn't realize just how terrible her wrinkles were until trying to fix them, good god you'd think she would splurge a little on skincare considering the amount of shit she orders every day..
No. 586972
File: 1526608392084.png (13.36 MB, 3438x3438, 5BE5E922-653D-4953-9E09-AFE9DD…)

i tried as well
No. 586976
>>586916Good job, anon. God she looks so much better without that hideous wacky grandma lip color.
I never cared for that Lazy Oaf pastel dress but it's crazy how much cuter it looks with nice hair.
No. 587030
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>>586916Had this from last thread and missed my chance, throwing in my interpretation
No. 587033
>>587030Great job, she looks really great in this edit.
I think even with a platinum blonde/properly colored brow she would look much better
No. 587095
>>586794I don’t have a problem with your accent. But if your making a video and hoping all of the cuntfetti club members will watch and change their mind about Jill after seeing the truth compiled together, im wondering if they are all just so damn dumb that they “won’t understand” you if it’s not just some “Amerikan” accent.
Maybe I’m wrong. Because then again, they understand Jilly bean and all her baby waybe talky walky.
No. 587135
>>586794I think that smoothed out would be better so none of her fans will say that they can’t understand what she’s saying.
To make it easier for video editing I’m just making sure that anyone who isn’t Jill has their name and face hidden. It might take a while bc most caps from fb and twitter don’t have the names or icons hidden. Also, the things that Jill has done several times (parading around Colin), (saying that she’s so gay), (complaining about demonetization: do you want me to make those into collages to get the idea across that she mentions it a lot or would that just look shitty?
No. 587326
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I accidentally made her body a little ana chan but she would look so much better if she paid attention to her makeup and hair more. This is a bad shoop but it was fun lol.
No. 587474
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Not even an attempt at a humble brag. Just a straight up brag
No. 587641
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She's never going to cope at college
No. 587659
>>587641Does she think she's controlling the weather?
>>587560God bless this Anon.
No. 587667
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Her fans and ripped off idols coordinate better than she does. Her bright yellow hair and tiedye rainbow is not pleasant. If you're going to use color don't saturate it with pastel and white makeup. She isn't going to do well in college, experts teaching will not accept her assignments and portfolio.
I am an artist in school/media marketing. This won't go down well for her. Unfortunately she doesn't realize it. I hope feedback will help her imrpove but it's almost hopeless with Jill's wardrobe.
No. 587678
>>587667Double post and powerleveling a little here.
Also she doesn't have piss hair anymore, what are you talking about? She hasn't improved, but she hasn't had yellow hair in a while.
No. 587686
>>582931Lol nobody with that much stuff is eco-friendly. You can't buy one sustainable thing then turn around and hoarde 500 pieces of outsourced plastic clothing.
Jill supports capitalism and capitalizes off her celebrity status just like every other fashionista.
Practice what you preach.
No. 587781
>>587463Look at BeautySleuth /BeautyTruthSleuth's videos on Youtube and note the disclaimer at start. Head up opinion with "these are fan's opinions" and back anything else with receipts. As long as things are either screencaps/clips of real things (don't use more than 10 seconds of any specific source in a row) and if they are opinions it is clearly labelled as such they should be ok.
You can also do "reaction" video with a voiceover or opinion of the video-maker in text on the screen to make it clearly an opinion+receipts and not lies/slander. Slander is something posited as truth which is false and harmful to the person's life. Opinions are not slander as long as they are headed up as such, amd using small segments of other people's content is allowed under fair use+criticism.
Whoever is making the video just needs to look up the definitions and put a disclaimer in the video start and in the description.
No. 587790
File: 1526676222599.png (155.56 KB, 720x399, wp_ss_20180518_0010 (2).png)

>>587781BeautySleuths disclaimers for reference (1)
No. 587899
>>587802This, like she’s not the starving artist that she portrays herself to be, she’s a spoilt rich kid who doesn’t NEED to pay for anything important, I doubt she’s ever put her own money into anything to do with her livelihood honestly (unless you count the over priced home good lmao)
Plus it’s not like the video will force fans to leave, it took me finding lolcow and reading about her to realise how unpleasant she is, this is just a way of putting the lolcow info into a way that’s actually approachable (rather than 30,000 posts to read through)
No. 587936
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Wtf is this wig and why is she using a selfie as a PSA??? Ew
No. 587989
>>587936She looks way better.
But she still should stop with the stupid expressions
No. 587994
>>587936oh god, she
knows her hairdye turned out like shit didn't she? she had an even yellow haircolor, she could have put a cute color on top of it and she ended up ruining with four bad ones. she must be regretting it already considering she's already wearing a wig lmao. not even a month has passed
she had rainbow hair but started wearing that awful yellow wig because she said she wanted to start having "more mature hair" and then went for that piss yellow hair dye. then she went back to "i don't want boring hair!" and dyed it four shades of tumblr… aaand now she's back to wigs. she HATES it.
No. 588260
>>587474Did she ever say THANK YOU to the donator?
I noticed that with her, she can never say thank you, spiled b*tch ffs
No. 588263
>>587936OMG this looks like one of the quick photoshop attempts from a couple posts above I'm crying lmao
but tbh from afar it looks refreshing to not see her in screaming pink/yellow/rainby vomit
No. 588293
>>588177Once an ed always an ed. That's also why I feel like Jill's was really not that bad.
But please let's put an end to this debate. There's nothing to add.
No. 588415
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>>588407 this video is going to produce so much milk
No. 588417
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No. 588422
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I feel physically sick, she's an entitled brat and she doesn't need this money
No. 588427
>>586500"i had the scary stereotypical skin and bones body"
"as a curvier healthier-sized girl"
Jill r u sure about that
No. 588435
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No. 588453
Patreon is meant to be for people whose jobs are keeping them from being able to do a regular job. Like cosplayers who spend 60 hours a week crafting, artists who spend all their time painting, musicians making music and releasing it for free, etc. People whose work takes effort and is worth supporting so that they can continue to do that work at a decent pace without needing a job to support them.
Having a job would not stop Jill's content from being made. In fact, I'm pretty sure she posted more regularly when she's had jobs.
No. 588467
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>>588435Now up to $380/month. If that's USD, that's about $500 CAD.
No. 588475
>>588467she makes what i make in a month without doing jack shit. and she just put this video up today, too.
No. 588489
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"YouTubers gotta be able to eat to make content"
She is moving straight from her parents house to a town house.. with two bedrooms..
this is so fucking gross.
You don't just get a patreon because you make youtube videos my god. I can't help but replay 8:54 where she says hey do you wanna give me money?! with that disgusting face. The fact that she's pushing this whole "oh I don't wanna seem like I'm pushing my subscribies to give me money" the whole video, and not including diddly squat about WHAT THE MONEY IS GOING TOWARDS just screams it's going towards her peeps collection. She has no aim to improve her videos.
No. 588496
File: 1526750296966.png (377.15 KB, 750x1334, FB4D4661-0425-4B83-8B25-116731…)

And just like that, she’s getting almost $500 a month…
No. 588520
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>>588407 uhm … what??
>>588513We all know that this will be too much work for Jill so will either say that her mental illness is preventing her to do it or pulling a moo and promise it and delay it for so long that people will forget about it lol
No. 588538
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>>586033well. this was a good challenge for my photoshop skills.
No. 588554
>>588551Pathetic, isn't it?
Oh well, at least it'll be good milk if she's late or doesn't do them.
All of her spergy fans would be sent in an emotional downward spiral if they didn't get their loonie's worth of stickers with Jill's chicken scratch about what she bought this month.
No. 588558
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No. 588570
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Everytime I refresh, it goes up
No. 588615
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I used to just dislike her but now I honestly hate her. She has and WILL NEVER have a fucking sleepless night worrying about money.
So many people don't have enough money to have more than one room or to eat every day, and this cunt has the nerve to talk about being so anxious about supporting herself when she is getting an ENTIRE HOUSE TO HERSELF.
She makes me want to vomit, she has no idea how other people live.
No. 588642
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>>588639"please don't name him peepus Christ. It's disrespectful to a lot of people."
Really though
No. 588684
>>588570What a pos.
~uwu guyz help me i can't sleep at night because I'm scared of not being rich forever~
No. 588710
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>>588517Funny that you bring up Maggie’s Insta anon. She had an Instagram story of her hanging out with Jill and John (which is why Jill posted wearing that ombré black to lavender wig
No. 588714
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>>588710Also more evidence to fuel the speculation that Maggie and Jill could be dating/are going to ask each other out soon
No. 588726
>>588639>>588570"I feel emotionally, financially and like physically prepared to move to my new home now" (because of Giant Peep and just starting the patreon)
MORE than half her content is literally her unboxing stuff, talking/bragging about money and not feeling 100% okay and now she can't do something because of it. There's literally more promo than actual content. She used to look and film much better videos and I don't even get it anymore. Like she's barely pumping content now, she's kawai.i leader even though she barely talked about it or cared unless she was getting more things, and she thinks she's going to do all these things and patreon rewards when she actually starts school?!? Where is the logic Jill??
Most of these patreons are interaction STARVED and just trying to get her attention. So many have tried to get it thorough her own group and twitter, but no, now they know that they just have to throw money and huge gifts at her. This is the worst I've ever seen Jill in years.
No. 588727
>>588639I watched the video twice to be sure, how the fuck does she not even say thank you once to the girl!?
Talks about how undeserving she is of it and how she didn't "ask" for it but never thanks the girl. Its the least she could do.
No. 588730
>>588726Samefagging but she's up to $733 now.
I guess she's high enough now for it to not matter but she's also supporting three other people on patreon, isn't that a little counter productive?
More over… she stopped livestreaming weekly and stuff like that so basically she's trying to get people to pay for content that was already available, BUT ALSO she isn't even promising quality/more content, just BHTS and interaction.
No. 588741
>>588737It's okay anon, you'll pass high school English soon.
Back on topic, Jill says she'll be doing a Patreon-only stream to $5 or above Patreon supporters. Do you guys think this is just a link given out to a particular stream or will someone here have to pay to get access to them? How will she make them accessible to only a certain crowd?
No. 588742
>>588741I can't fathom how she's gonna make stream that's worth $5? What's going to be special about it.
Also not all anons are native English speakers but let's not dive into that.
No. 588800
File: 1526772583673.png (3.85 MB, 750x1334, 49E84A5C-B3CC-4B53-BFBC-D8429F…)

which one of us is running this absolutely amazing instagram
No. 588827
>>588615I almost used to defend Jill as being harmless typical spoiled middle class but this is just shameless and disgusting. I am not bothered by her spending when it comes from her YouTube ad revenue or her family, but begging fans for money when she is getting an entire townhouse to herself and going on countless expensive shopping trips and having the nerve to say she has sleepless nights over money is just the worst.
As far as self awareness goes, this is so much worse than her infamous lolita video.
No. 588839
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No. 588888
File: 1526778478559.png (17.22 KB, 234x318, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at 10.0…)

Officially over $1000CAD/month.
No. 589030
File: 1526788679726.jpg (121.09 KB, 927x808, gold.JPG)

>>588888was watching an h3h3 video and the title and suggested video of her begging for money was kinda funny lmao. ill sage cause its kind of stupid
No. 589052
>>588888Well, that settled it. Life is unfair. There's people who have to work hard all their lives to earn that much without any help from anyone. Yet she only has to open her hands and everything will be granted to her. She knows no real financial struggle and fakes being poor. I'm guessing this money is just going to be to treat herself more plastic shit instead of investing in something like, I don't know, her well-being like going to a doctor that can watch her weight and health. Mommy and Daddy hand everything to her though.
I'm so disappointed.
No. 589125
>>588639So I posted
>>588857 earlier without watching the video first, and after watching it, it turns out she is exactly taking several pages from PD. I can kinda forgive the fact that she is learning to not rely solely on YT for income, but the way she's brought it up makes her sound really insincere regarding how she's reached the point where she decided on using Patreon. If she's already financially stable with YT, then a Patreon should not be necessary unless she gets hit with more demonetization issues, yet she goes ahead and makes it knowing her fans will back her regardless of what shit she puts out. Never mind the fact that there are grown-ass adults in the CC that would blindy support her, this is fully taking advantage of her younger subscriber base to make a profit. It's disturbing that she's so comfortable doing this among other shit she's already done.
No. 589149
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No. 589175
>>588639"i feel like this a milestone for my channel, you know like, screw the play botton, screw the meet up, screw the magazine cover. to hell with all of it, this giant peep."
right then. great to know what jillian really cares about. nvm the fact that people literally spent money just too meet you.
No. 589187
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A confetti cunt talking sense
No. 589189
File: 1526815002113.png (70.63 KB, 687x535, 20180520_121637.png)

>>589187 investment?! Her fans are fucking delusional
No. 589343
File: 1526833815131.png (83.62 KB, 720x829, 20180520_172936.png)

Posted in the confetti club thread too, but her fans are delusional
No. 589444
>>589149To be fair, Patreon always have fake backers with scam accounts and payment issues. So it's safe to say that she won't get all of this at least.
Can't wait for her passive aggressive cries when she realizes this and plays the victim card from scammers who stole her 'hard work' before payment goes through.
No. 589447
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No. 589581
>you offer content, people pay for itthis made me irrationally angry…what about jill's content is worth paying for? yes, patreon makes sense for people who put in a large amount of time, effort, and creativity into their videos…
but jill's videos consist of what? her ordering stuff online then showing items on camera, with an occasional D.I.Y/tutorial or vlog. that's bare minimal content and there's no reason she can't go to school, work part time, and make videos.
if her fans want to support her lazy and materialistic lifestyle and give her money because they like her then fine, but don't pretend like she's actually creating something decent with her youtube "career"
No. 589700
>>589447>bitch legit is getting more money per month by ebegging then i do working 36 hours per week in retail as a student.Yes, I'm mad. It really baffles me how no one is calling her out. They really all think she is entitled to this money even though she can absolutely working a part time job, make youtube videos and still probably get an allowance from her mom. It's insane.. She has zero redeeming qualities.
Why does she think it's okay to ask for money on patreon when she has zero to offer in return but more haul videos?
No. 589709
>>589700Same Anon. I'm pretty sure any of us who has worked a day in our lives are mad.
It's crazy how brainwashed her fans are, they seriously don't realize that she doesn't need this.
No. 589744
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>>589707She’s more like Tom Nook but if he was the mayor.
No. 589749
>>589641Honestly saying she has no money for college is a big fat lie. And idk, but it could turn into a real scam.
>>589581Not even the editing is worth paying, and she never promised to make better content so she would probably do the same old buying shit and making hauls
>>589742True… She isn't paying that much for tuition… With this money + her parents she could be doing better
No. 589769
>>5897623,250 CAD (2,520 USD) per year.
It's not a real college, it's a vocational school.
No. 589771
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I'm not even mad about this, I'm just… confused? I mean, it's always been kind of confusing how many fans she has. It probably doesn't help I've never been the kind of person who liked e-celebs enough to want to make them anything, yet alone spend significant money on them. But… what the fuck is the appeal of this girl? Like, she's not offering anything? A lot of our cows/flakes I can understand /how/ they have fans, even if I'm not a fan of them, but Jill just doesn't make sense. WHAT. DOES. SHE. OFFER?
Nothing she does is original or interesting, and from what I've seen of the Confetti Club, she's not any 'better' than any of them to be a significant fashion icon/style romodel? She's not good looking, so I try to justify maybe she's 'relateable' to them, like the 'girl next door' thing but with fandoms, but she's not really relateable, either? Her personality is bland/empty, her 'gimmicks' (like babby talk) are just annoying, she only half-parrots random sjw shit every now and then…
I actually can't imagine a /single/ thing to like her for. The only thing I can imagine is /maybe/ it's a sheep-following-the-herd thing and because she now has fans, people think they should like her because other people do? But I can only see that being enough of a reason to click the sub button, not obsess over and send money to her? Like even if it's their parents money, or whatever, wouldn't they want to keep that money and spend it on themselves to be more 'like her' if they're idolizing her? Since all her channel is, is shitty fashion and materialism?
Even someone like tuna slater I can see how she gets donations, because she one-on-one guilts spineless people into giving her all their shit… onion does that 'let me make fun of you so you feel like we're friends' highest donators thing, moomoo's patreons I assume think if they pay for her content they are a step closer to jacking off on her no-ass… but jill doesn't even really interact with her fans? she doesn't have any 'tragic' backstory to pity or offer real support towards people who might relate to that? NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
D-do they donate to her just to say they donate to her so they have some small form of 'glory' amongst the other fans? like it's giving them a tiny platform?
I'm so fucking mind boggled. If it weren't for her original burst with lolita/that whole drama, would she even have fans? Like if some bitch just showed up doing/looking what Jill does now, I can't imagine them getting followers.
No. 589781
File: 1526856540835.jpg (18.23 KB, 975x515, 1526856532774.jpg)

She finally hit 1k
No. 589784
>>589152next thread pic please
>>589189so youre telling me i could go an make a patreon just for selling feet pictures and that would be my… career?
oh hunny no patreon is not a career its a way for people whoring out money because theyre desperate and want to milk there dumbass followers. Jillybean will barely make content.
(exclusion of people who use it to actually produce content- not people like nigiri to sell lewds to neckbeards)
>>589343sigh if only people understood that shes just gonna use all the money to buy more shit. literal. shit.
No. 589821
File: 1526860395586.jpg (75.75 KB, 750x753, DYwyd7vXkAAEK6T.jpg)

>>589781Is it bad that I'm seriously hoping this number sinks whenever video anon releases the video and Jill's fan can actually see the shitty side of her and take back their money before payment goes through?
No. 589852
>>589847Well that sucks, but I understand why anon wouldn't want too then. Thanks for letting me know, should've checked the link before posting.
>>589823>>589831As another previous fan of hers who stopped being a fan after finding her threads on here and PULL, that's exactly the reason why I hoped for more of her fans to see this side. Not everyone has time to sort through all of her threads to see all the evidence. And people should know where the fuck their money is going to. But, I suppose that's just on them for not looking into it more or continuing to liking her past her shitty behavior.
No. 589856
>>589831People aware of what? That she spends money? Most people don't care. Her fans will say it's her money to spend or it's fine if her parents want to spoil her. Her being a shitty partner? They'll say that all relationships have issues and she's allowed to not be attracted to someone anymore. That she flip flops on ethics? They'll say she does her best and can change her mind and that no one is uwu perfect uwu.
No one will care about this video. I had no idea why it was being made in the first place.
>>589847>"the law"The law can't do shit about someone putting together screencaps of her tweets, instagram posts, and FB statuses lmao.
>"it would ruin Jill’s income"That's the fucking point.
No. 589897
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No. 590102
File: 1526896788424.jpeg (772.86 KB, 577x1106, 3A024B4E-3961-4C20-A57C-64702E…)

>>590082fuck it I’ll out myself to her, I don’t care what she thinks of me now
No. 590226
>Youtube is such an unstable job boohoo plz gimme moneyWell Pixie, maybe don't be a lazy fuck with creating content and get a proper schedule going. Or maybe get a regular job on the side to fill those days you're sitting around doing nothing and taking naps. She is so deluded and spoiled. Can't believe she's renting a friggin' house for herself to study for a useless degree and still have the nerve to ask for donations.
You know what she should do if she really needs to save money so badly? Stop. doing. hauls. full. of. useless. crap.
No. 590292
>>590230in the video where she talks about how ad revenue works, she actually mentions how she NEVER gets demonitized.
seems pretty stable to me tbh
No. 590449
>>590426I agree with farmhand it's cowtipping and even though I'm usually against threads being autosaged, I think it's reasonable this time.
You can totally be for the video, fuck, you can even go ham and dedicate your life to ruining Jill if you want. But lolcow isn't the place to do it, recruit for it, or discuss it, so it's reasonable to nip this behavior in the bud here and now.
Not to mention a video like this has a high potential of people (especially newfags, which seem to flock to this thread like flies to sugar already) bringing up lolcow, redirecting or pointing to or discovering lolcow… which means an influx of WKs and non-observing newfags, which I've personally witnessed, time and time again, just fucking the lolcow culture/rules over instead of integrating.
So yeah, even though seeing Jill get fucked over would be tastey milk, I'm not on board with manufacturing it here.
No. 590514
File: 1526939667499.jpg (130.82 KB, 550x1030, Snap 2018-05-21 at…)

old pic but found this post about it on tumblr and it gave me a kek
>either or both could be transgender
No. 590868
File: 1526967230097.png (289.35 KB, 988x641, SmartSelectImage_2018-05-21-23…)

>>590552>>590635Colin does, in fact, identify as these things. This is their tumblr header.
No. 591177
>>591172wtf nayrt but yes it’s the right Colin and that’s his current bio??
why are you so paranoid that he doesn’t self-identify as queer?
No. 591181
File: 1527010238662.png (678.91 KB, 720x1078, 20180522_183040.png)

No. 591185
>>591179I don't think it's a coincidence that once Colin came out as NB, Jill dropped Tristan like a brick and claimed she "always loved colin for years uwu" right around the time she was starting party kei / after she dropped lolita and softer j-fash.
She was 100% latching onto him for queer points.
No. 591227
>>591177Calm your tits
It’s not wrong to want to check facts before one believes everything that is posted
No. 591229
>>591199Her dating herself is still less creepy than her dating someone that looked like her brother. Atleast some anon's saw this coming
"she's best off dating herself"
No. 591289
>>591172Lurk more, I literally found Colin's tumblr via this thread a few installations back. Yes, it is them.
I know we all dislike jill but let's not go making things up when there is literally a plethora of evidence out there when it comes to shitty things she's actually done.
No. 591293
>>591181>jill somehow looks good in this only in comparison to other jillwat the fuck am I looking at
who would want two of this cesspool?
No. 592069
File: 1527098923656.jpg (276.53 KB, 720x934, 2018523_14442430.jpg)

>>592012I think it's because that's what Courtney says to. I can't remember or find where she said she was nonbinary if she did, but she does say she/they.
No. 592149
>Ota-Q Apparel That name..
Oh it's that brand with the badly planned patterns and unpleasing art printed on tissue paper fabric.
Honestly why is Jill even going to this no-future college when she could just follow the same idea and make a store with cheaply produced 'kawaii' clothes at inflated prices. Her following would eat it up and, judging by the patreon, would even pay for the whole production up front. Jill has no qualms outsourcing the production to China as judged by her pins and fast fashion hauls, so she could make a lot of money easily. However, evidently even low effort is still too much effort for her.
No. 592380
File: 1527120384327.jpg (94.35 KB, 1080x1080, 13573621_659190467561524_13900…)

>>592376She's already done that.
No. 592452
File: 1527126776207.png (535.5 KB, 1021x505, Screen shot 2018-05-23 at 8.50…)

The other two girls are cute and have nice wigs while Jill looks like a goblin and has her hair poking out from her shitty cheap wig. She's making such a strained weird expression.
I would guess she's the beginner in the group if I didn't know better.
No. 592597
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No. 592673
File: 1527153333665.jpg (123.98 KB, 1080x1186, 820147e50082162fa083fd079fcfda…)

>>592195>>592597like two threads ago we were discussing that skirt and how wore it all the time but stopped wearing it for no reason. some said it was because of the weight gain. so of course, she films a video talking about the skirt
>"i still wear it all the time. it's just… its too short and i don't like it when the wind blows my skirt out"it's literally not that short, you just have fatter legs and its not comfy.
why can't she try to at least be subtle with this shit, she literally has to respond to our criticisms word for word. hey jill, you post literally all your life in social media, we know you're not "wearing it all the time" while at the same time "but i don't wear it because its too short". you had no issues with that when you were less fat, tf.
>>592627i think anon just felt that because jill looks the ugliest out of the bunch, and that's not being a "jill hater". not everyone is a cosplay sperg. complaining about disliking a jill's looks on a jill thread, for fucks sake.
No. 593082
>>593077Ugh this, like she goes on about needing money but instead of selling shit she doesn’t use she’s literally going to go out and buy something virtually identical and more expensive
She’s a walking waste of money
No. 593655
>>593648I think wishing for a person's home to burn down is going a bit far there. Now, if her shit
were to burn down, I don't think much of value would be lost.
No. 593763
>>593655you're right, anon, wishing her house would burn down is too mean to the person she's renting it from.
>>593648it'd probably be some kind of toxic hazard outside of the regular flames from all the cheap chinese plastic
No. 593866
File: 1527283234804.png (448.6 KB, 720x1219, 20180525_221946.png)

>>589781 it has gone up by another 100 bucks
No. 594206
File: 1527318779479.png (1.6 MB, 640x1136, 89F9EE2D-6AC5-457C-9F5F-36A83A…)

It seems Jill has two more local friends that are willing to hang out with her. But knowing Jill, they’re probably Maggie’s friends
No. 594353
>>594206Someone ply face swap them
They look ridiculously alike
No. 594649
File: 1527372291224.png (671.81 KB, 640x1136, AFBA27B9-0A63-446A-A453-09977C…)

Watch as they become part of her new house hoard
No. 594741
File: 1527380923259.jpeg (413.25 KB, 635x926, 33881CB0-265E-40FD-AACE-26D91C…)

>>594353I did one of those “what would your baby look like?” things a few threads ago and this is what they look like when their features are put together.
No. 595203
File: 1527441527672.jpg (250.03 KB, 1080x1055, Screenshot_20180527-141653.jpg)

New video & LiveShow recap
✨2new video series
✨ Convention vlog (when the convention comes up and is over)
✨Stuff not listed on Depop yet but will be announced via Twitter
✨ Irregular Choice PR video soon(when the bag arrives she has the shoes) ✨Mail time (P.O. box closing still. If you want to send in stuff she suggests doing it befor the first of July)
✨ Funny states lingo
✨ #PeeforPixie
✨ Wants to do Patron Pins at some point
✨ Lotsa talk about MCR, RPDR, and Lady Gaga
✨ Someone sent her the Sugar Sugar Rune wand
This wasn't everything but it's a pretty concise and to the point recap(don't use emojis)
No. 595241
File: 1527443970871.png (28.99 KB, 720x231, 20180527_185925.png)

>>595219 this made me laugh
No. 595271
>>595219I saw the before and was thinking "oh this could be cute!" and then she showed the finished product and… why
also I can't wait for her to literally never wear this
No. 595308
>>595287It was an attempt at self deprecating humour, it's even addressed in the comments
That aside, the fit is really unflattering and doesn't take advantage of the sort of material she is using, not even hating on it.
No. 595325
>>595279This. She did absolutely nothing to make it more flattering or fitted. She could have added darts or taken it in at the sides. She really needs to do something about the shoulder/armsceye. But she also loves Lazy Oaf's similarly massively unflattering cuts.
She could have added interfacing to the bow if she wanted it to be less floppy…if she even owns any or knows when to use it.
No. 595375
>>595219This video is so annoying. She obviously has no clue what she's doing and that's fine, but not when she has no desire to improve herself. Instead of moaning about being ~uwu~ bad at handsewing she should go "I'm thankful to have the opportunity with this project to improve my handsewing a little bit on this bow" instead she's "I'm going to cut all these corners to avoid handsewing and if I have to I guess I have to." She does realize fashion designers do a lot of handsewing right?
And I don't know why she mentions at the beginning that "This will help others learn how to take in clothing." She hemmed the sleeves, hemmed the skirt, and added a bow to the belt that the dress already had? She didn't take in shit.
Also that rotary cutter is like a baby bottle to her. I don't know why she used it on every single step of her dress making. Probably because she's ruined her fabric scissors by how much she uses them on other things, such as cutting open the cardboard on a stupid 2 foot tall, 8 pound, NINTEY DOLLARS DON'T FORGET MOST IMPORTANTLY IT WAS NINTEY DOLLARS peep.
No. 595433
File: 1527459643932.png (3.56 MB, 1334x750, BF961C1F-DCE1-4228-87FC-4517B9…)

Her bleached roots look so fucking terrible
No. 595473
>>595433So did she bleach over her hair to get this faded look? She got her roots here but couldn't when she originally dyed her hair? So messy. Tbh if her whole head was the color of her roots right now, it would be cute and go with her "kawaii" aesthetic. But she doesn't understand that, clearly.
>>595381>>595444Can we completely stop the bad video idea? It's dumb, cowtipping, and nothing is actually going to come of it. Video anon is a cow themselves, ugh.
No. 595513
>>595391she watches rpdr now and likes bioqueens, its never going to stop. till the faghags steal new gay lingo (they're always two years too slow)
>>595070jill directly responds to the criticism that gets thrown in here and her ex friends and ex gf's sister have all posted here to talk shit. how the fuck would she not know about lolcow. don't be dense, that has nothing to do with this being autosaged, check the meta thread.
>hur durr if i disagree with you that means YOU'RE the ones breaking the rules No. 595575
>>595530THANK you! Like do whatever you want video anon, nobody gives a shit, just stop fucking posting about it here.
I'm also just always so confused as to why Jill picks the worst berets to go with her outfits. She has so many, and in a bunch of different colours, but she always picks the one that doesn't go with her outfit at all?? Why???
No. 595605
>>595513nyart but scroll up a few posts where the farm hand literally explains we are in autosage because this cowtipping video rally is breaking the rules, you retard.
>>595530thank you. this honestly seems like such an attention-whoring thing for them 'teehee don't make fun of my voice, teehee is it good?' etc
I don't think they're a farmer, probably another confetti club member convert
No. 595645
>>595274Nayrt but trying to "expose" Jill instead of just sitting back and watching her here is exactly why this thread is on autosage.
We're on a board dedicated to shit-talking people on the internet, nobody is a saint here. Stop trying to "expose" someone as "a bad person" so you feel better about making fun of them.
>>595219It seems like she's becoming less ambitious every day. I almost feel bad for her because I'm sure it's partly to do with her shitty mental health, but what does she expect when she barely leaves the house?
No. 595696
>>595645I'm not even the video anon, I just don't understand where you're coming from. I don't need to feel better about talking shit about a spoiled and delusional youtuber who has a history of awful behavior and an unstable, impressionable audience. I'm not perfect but I'm not Jill.
I could never really get into her videos because something seemed off that I couldn't put my finger on as I was never really paying attention. Everything that rubbed me the wrong way became super clear when I read these threads. I understand that cowtipping is against the rules, but there's nothing wrong in theory to me about a video that brings to light all her bullshit. It doesn't need to continue to be brought up here or linked to these threads in any way.
No. 595805
>>595516I don’t understand why anyone would send Jill the video. It’s just for shits and giggles like every other drama video on YouTube.
There are so many channels that make those type of “everything wrong with” or “exposed” style videos. I don’t get why farmhands are paranoid that it would directly link to lolcow because I’m pretty sure video anons said they were removing all evidence of the threads in the vids anyways. Besides, if you watch drama channels, most of their content is stolen directly from here or pull or any other gossip forum. They just reword everything and filter out obvious links to the sites.
I just don’t see how engaging in these anonymous videos is cow tipping since it’ll never make an impact on Jill. Farmhands were fine when all the videos about simply Kenna started pouring in, posted here and 90% of the evidence in those vids came from lolcow or pull. So whatever, I guess they don’t care about videos so long as it isn’t obviously planned here??
No. 595807
File: 1527506220733.png (55.87 KB, 720x441, 20180528_121708.png)

Imagine how milky this would be
No. 595869
File: 1527513556321.png (697.48 KB, 910x633, pixie.png)

When Jill was posing with her cat, her face really reminded me of PT.
No. 595919
>>595696Well then why do you need to turn it into something about "exposing her as a bad person"? If she rubs anyone else the wrong way they'll find the threads anyway.
A good chunk of anons in this thread almost seem to want to 'punish' Jill or something, and yeah, she sucks, but it's so not worth being mad about some spoiled brat with a sad little basement dwelling life. With no personality or skills, life is going to bite her in the ass harder than anybody here could anyway.
No. 595920
>>595869DON'T LAUGH
No. 595924
>I don’t get why farmhands are paranoid that it would directly link to lolcow because I’m pretty sure video anons said they were removing all evidence of the threads in the vids anyways.
>jill directly responds to the criticism that gets thrown in here and her ex friends and ex gf's sister have all posted here to talk shit. how the fuck would she not know about lolcow.
>>>>plenty of documented evidence already up on this site that someone from lolcow is planning to make a video
>>>>>how will she know it was lolecalf!???kek
the difference between talking shit on a gossip board and making an Exposed video on youtube is that one is just a gossip board that jill would have to go out of her way to access (if she takes care of her mental health at all she should stay the fuck away and block this page in her browser), and the other is the platform she broadcasts on.
i’m not one of her fans, and obviously she rubs me the wrong way for me to want to scroll through these threads, but i think it verges on harassment. it isn’t really like simplykenna - it’s not like she’s let her fans harass someone. jill spends money stupidly but literally everyone living at home at her age buys stupid shit online. it’s fun to keep track of for lulz but it’s not callout material.
and don’t fucking greentext me about how she ~used~ her exes, if you’re over the age of 15 or you’ve had more than 2 significant others or maybe any modicum of social interaction irl then you know that most relationships don’t work out. it’s not like she married them, it’s normal to go through a few partners in your teens.
sperging over this shit is gonna spoil the milk, as if it isn’t already spoiling while autosage pushes it further to the back of the fridge. if you want to make a critique of the internet cult hivemind that’s going on in her fanbase then you can do that shit intelligently, but if you really sincerely think that she’s actually done anything seriously harmful you’ve spent too long with your head up this collective groupthink ass, taking people literally at their word when they’re just talking shit on anon.
im gonna have to go kms for this long post practically looking as obsessed with her as some of you are fucking RIP
No. 596034
File: 1527534443726.png (65.33 KB, 698x503, 20180528_200716.png)

As if Jill would ever admit her true measurements kek
No. 596190
File: 1527546386002.png (669.91 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180528-232439.png)

Maggie and Jill hung out again
No. 596361
>>595322>~curvier girl~>tfw jill calls herself a ~curvy marshmallow fluffy gal~ when she’s just chubby and getting fat anyway.Any girl who calls herself curvy now when so many fat girls use the word is most likely fat. It probably belonged to some old grandmother anyway, which is perfect for jillybean’s look.
>>596190Jill looks like she has no neck here as seen in other pics of her
No. 596464
>>596392Because I don't have to have a vendetta against Jill to enjoy the shit she churns out.
Again, if people cared, they'd do their research.
I'm gonna stop with this back and forth now because I'm assuming the thread will be kept on autosage if we keep mentioning the videos.
No. 596884
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No. 596992
>>596884Honestly, this hurts my soul to say it but next to this rainbow gonlin, Jill looks actually cute
Even though bith look line they smell and never brush their teeth
No. 597730
File: 1527703431735.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 1136x640, 71A45AE8-22A8-4035-8273-D6BD89…)

No. 597868
>>597863Yea same, maybe it was less of a pain because she had natural brows and no neon hair
All in all it was a little more toned down I’d say
No. 597972
>>595433Because she never tones and it's always brassy. God damn it.
>>597692Inspiration to what? To be a frivolous spender and a shopaholic with no direction in life? Her fans are retarded
No. 598558
File: 1527786080936.jpg (169.79 KB, 900x1200, IMG_1880.JPG)

Does this picture of her really creep anyone else out? Her eyes look dark and soulless. But her hair looks like shit again lol lime is probably her worst color
No. 598585
>>598558so which anon said like two days ago that she should dye her hair lime green
now she ironically dyes it
(not saying jill posted calm yourself)
No. 598669
>>598558Did she really dye her hair this colour?? Or is this an old pic, I can´t find anything on her Instagram
anyways, it looks like shit as always
No. 598854
File: 1527804912996.png (Spoiler Image,3.35 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_1008.PNG)

I paused at the best and worst moment.
No. 598950
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No. 599005
File: 1527817683915.jpg (156.68 KB, 500x500, gunch.jpg)

>>598558Holy fuck, its the gunch
No. 599012
File: 1527818035143.jpg (105.37 KB, 1080x1080, 5a3d8d3318b15219e3e4037746cad7…)

>>598558Even the first lime dye job was better than this
No. 599035
Same anon from
>>599005 I made this
No. 599041
File: 1527819975377.jpeg (72.15 KB, 750x450, image.jpeg)

Sorry accidentally hit post before I added the pic
>>599035 No. 599055
>>598963tbh I don't even know how she managed to get that angle without fearing for the camera falling in the water but maybe i'm just retarded
all in all, this is better than most of jill's ideas/concepts for photoshoots (probably because it doesn't involve an actual coord) but the execution is iffy as always
No. 599057
File: 1527821278148.png (34.58 KB, 434x275, 2018-05-31-22-41-51-1.png)

>>598963Yeah kek Louise up on a ladder and shit
No. 599077
File: 1527822403021.png (1.52 MB, 1299x819, Untitled4.png)

Remember when jills hair was clean and neutral colors but still *~quirky~*. At least she started whitening her corncob teeth.
No. 599285
File: 1527838848458.gif (933.74 KB, 500x369, c82.gif)

>>599057I just threw up in my mouth.
No. 599449
>>599444I wonder what Jill will do once she moves out and her mom can't take pictures of her anymore.
I guess either she'll make her mom come visit for photoshoots or one of her 'friends' will have to do the work for her lol.
No. 599493
>>599461Tbh I’ve had my mother take photos of me topless for a college project so i dont think it’s that creepy
Still odd though
No. 599513
File: 1527869258673.png (25.46 KB, 720x231, 20180601_170720.png)

Casually doxxing ya pals
No. 600347
File: 1527972821157.png (1.08 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180602-215324.png)

She's hanging out with maggie again
No. 600413
File: 1527981018159.png (37.49 KB, 574x135, Screen shot 2018-06-02 at 6.13…)

~*Professional Youtuber*~
No. 600420
File: 1527981953999.png (254.11 KB, 750x1334, 3C0680A2-7A62-4FC4-8050-ACA8D8…)

Her followers are nuts ffs not they’re even praising her for 40 sec live
No. 600592
>>599987I'm pretty sure the wig is this one
>>587936 but shopped pink. Same cut and framing around the face.
No. 600888
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I don't understand how it doesn't bother her that her hair always looks atrocious
No. 600891
File: 1528044679311.png (722.81 KB, 720x1116, 20180603_175135.png)

No. 600898
>>600888i assume that its because she never gets out of her house, so she has no idea how ridicolous she looks. if she can take a cute pic to photoshop, its all she cares about.
maybe now that she starts college and has to get out of her house every other day, she will realize she looks haggard. like, she has admited that she cannot take when people make fun of her style IRL like at all. and if she starts hanging out with normies and soccer moms at her BS college, someone is bound to make a rude comment about how ugly her haircut is. and we'll get a 5 paragraph rant about bullying. but for now, she has no idea how ugly she actually is because all she has are instagram followers who tell her she's beautiful. IRL someone is bound to disagree
No. 600915
File: 1528045755225.png (1.25 MB, 904x598, eww.PNG)

>>600892her face hanging into the close up shots always annoys me so much holy fuck
No. 600916
>>600891There's no fixing how straight fucking ugly those shoes are, but could she not have, at the very least, worn a pair of socks that don't clash so hideously? Or, like, no socks at all?
I'm glad I'm not wearing my glasses. Jesus.
No. 600980
>>600891Holy shit, these are hideous. Even on a convetnionally attractive person, these would be god awful. Wtf is this brand? It's so tacky and of course it's Jill's favourite ~dream PR~. Every shoe design from them is so ugly and screams "this person needs attention" imo.
>>600273Don't know what you mean, they don't really look shopped in, anon… Just look like crappy cheap fake ones. They look kind of thrown all over the place, though, without a clear direction. That's Pixie for you.
No. 601058
>>600892Tbh this is really funny to me because it's clear that she doesn't give a shit about Toy Story and that she would've never gotten those items for herself lol.
Like even though it's a sponsorship from her ~super favorite brand uwu~ the actual shoes and bag aren't anything she'll ever use, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried selling/including this stuff in a giveaway sooner or later.
No. 601142
>>600980At this point I'm convinced IC's entire consumer base is composed of pastel girls with more money than taste like Kelly Eden and Jill and her 'confetti club'. I'm surprised there are enough people like that out there to keep an entire brand afloat.
>>601058I feel like they're just going to sit in her room adding to her hoard and collecting dust just like the rainbunny ones she actually paid money for.
No. 601164
can she stops using french once and for all, don't try to show off with your french when your pronunciation is terrible>>601052
>>6010523:25 'Qu'est-ce que c'est ?' and 9:35 'Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?'. As a native french speaker my english is far from perfect but i'm not using english words every 2sec when i speak french..
No. 601573 Its funny she mentions "loving the tokyo mew mew one"
Didnt she hate that series when she tried to watch it?
No. 601581
File: 1528096743457.jpg (64.71 KB, 700x700, QISc6To.jpg)

Didn't Jill have a rockybilly phase at one point? The shoes would've been cute in an OTT campy way if she actually paired them with kitschy denim and plaid and not neon pink. Like she's still at home and has access to her mom's home studio, right? There was no reason for the promo photos to have that ill-matching strawberry bed sheet if she could've borrowed one of her mom's plain backgrounds or something.
>>601219It's an official collaboration with Disney. I think they were well aware of Irregular Choice's design philosophy before allowing them to use their intellectual property.
>>601048Wow, you weren't kidding about fucking up the bottom of the shoes if people actually wore them out.
No. 601672
File: 1528118085129.png (195.81 KB, 498x388, Capture.PNG)

New thing for Jillian to waste her money on?
No. 601712
>>601685She doesn't own or read any actual manga. She might have the first few volumes of the sailor moon reprint because even casual/normie fans often own them.
I've noticed that Jill doesn't collect anything that is actually content-related i.e manga, art books, DVD/Blu-ray/old VHS, OST releases etc. Most anime fans have a bookshelf or two full of different series. If you're a "superfan" (as jill calls herself) then it's not unusual to collect the original japanese releases and the re-releases or reboots.
I'm definitely not saying that Jill needs to spend or hoard anymore than she already does. I just find it interesting that she'll spend thousands on wands, props, stickers etc on shows she's admitted to barely watching or enjoying. She'll even get a tattoo of CCS despite saying she couldn't finish the show due to filler. But she's never once invested in the ACTUAL manga/anime series itself.
I genuinely wonder what she would do if she made friends with an actual anime fan who suggested to watch some classics like Cowboy Bebop or Berserk or FMA.
No. 601762
>>601164>>601757Honestly had no idea she was speaking french in that video, the times mentioned sound like just random sounds - I thought it was supposed to be like
so excited, starts making random sounds or something? Jeez.
No. 602041
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This made me laugh so hard
No. 602043
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>>593866 the number of people have gone up, but the total amount of money has gone down. Interesting.
No. 602493
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No. 602625
File: 1528229530440.png (111.99 KB, 720x1231, 20180605_211208.png)

Maggie is now private
No. 602817
>>602625gross. but its probably happening, isn't it? jill is really with fatter jill 2.0
now she's gonna make some lame lgbt videos for june and get that fake lesbian ad revenue. jill
probably asked maggie to private the account because she wants to start hinting to a new "mystery girl" in her videos. i mean, the last mystery girl was completely unknown to her audience. maggie hasn't been as secretive, but if they're in a relationship now jill is gonna milk the fuck out of it like the last time. so she has to lay low so that jill can make more mystery girl videos and gf reveal or whatever her greedy brain is thinking. i really do think they're together now
and i'm gonna throw up No. 603503
>>603482for such a ~~lazy oaf fan~~ she calls the creator of the brand by the wrong name, it’s gemma shiel not gemma davis where the fuck did she get davis from
also ‘one thing was in a haul but- yeah- uh-‘ UM-‘
yeah she took it out cos of the lazy oaf art theft drama but as predicted she brushed it under the carpet and continues to support them despite getting in a shit fit over it when it was happening…..
No. 603550
File: 1528319509032.png (3.62 MB, 1334x750, C1D50186-DA29-43EC-A52D-E8A5AF…)

looking good, jill
No. 603578
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>>603524honestly all I could think of was this
No. 603591
File: 1528320854032.jpeg (482.83 KB, 640x900, 02835269-9A6C-464B-A8A2-4EEF2A…)

>>603513You’re correct anon, Maggie made no attempts to hide it on her (now public again) instagram
No. 603609
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>>603563 her fans are next level
No. 603715
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This comment was under one of Maggie's photos. I think people around them seem to think Jill and Maggie are dating…
No. 603716
File: 1528331315900.png (32.92 KB, 552x288, jill's fans.png)

Oh she is going to fit right into this town.
>>602493 No. 604512
>>604296sounds like a crafting course for grandmas the fuck
I can´t wait for her to fail lmao
No. 604548
>>604512Tbh it sounds like it’s impossible to fail at a school this shitty. I doubt they even get grades. She just has to show up and she’ll get her “certificate”- not even an actual diploma.
She might learn some useful sewing skills but it’s not going to help her in any way prepare for a career in fashion. Actual fashion schools don’t just teach you to sew, they actually teach you about the industry. Technical drawing, manufacturing, pattern making for production runs, merchandising, trend prediction, marketing…Jill isn’t going to learn any of that.
No. 604584
>>604548I’ve just finished a course at a college like this to waste time and I swear to god I didn’t hand in half the work and I still passed
It was the dumbest thing and honestly I learnt nothing because it was so badly taught and very self driven (and I doubt Jillybean can get herself to do anything important)
No. 605000
File: 1528445888186.jpeg (Spoiler Image,277.57 KB, 640x907, 757CA697-2E82-479F-8CA0-B8BB77…)

>>604982Also posted new Lazy Oaf Vans collab and matching socks… Like, LO head to toe is a look.
No. 605165
So what is your personal brand Jill?
Well, I am such a lazy oaf fan…
Lazy - coasting through life at sloth like speeds. Oaf - Clumsy, brutish ogre type person. Sounds about correct.
No. 605245
File: 1528477870706.jpeg (376.78 KB, 640x1055, 60155957-0179-4188-BA3F-5CBFF4…)

Like this?
No. 605249
>>605000the socks aren't lazy oaf what
not everyone wearing lots of lazy oaf is a jill skinwalker, there's ton of badly dressed clowns who don't give a shit about her
No. 605258
>>605249You seem oddly offended, no one called her a Jill skin walker because she wears lazy oaf only… have you seen her hair? Her glasses? The fucking Clair’s background (I don’t follow her much does she actually work there like Jill used to?)
There’s a lot more reasons that make her a skin walker than her awful outfit choices.
Sorry you took offence anon I’m sure you look wonderful in ur lazy oaf outfits kek
No. 605298
>>605258not offended at all just she has pink hair like half of the #alternativegirlz since 2012 and she work at claire's (it's been discussed) that's not enough
jill really has milky skinwalkers in the confetti club but she his probably (rightfully) too scared by them to start a friendship
No. 605359
File: 1528484918119.jpeg (398.78 KB, 640x912, 0663262B-71E3-422D-8CA5-6FEFEB…)

>>605249My bad.
Still Lazy Oaf everything else…
No. 605376
>>605363Don’t have the faintest. Had a sneaky scroll through IG. Too many girls who like exactly like Jill and her CC-ers.
All of them are bloggers/youtubers with thousands of followers. Maybe it is the trendiest millenial way to look.
Too much work to get your own style if one can copy what you see on Social Media. And add to that mindless consumption.
No. 605402
>>605396Many “fashion groups” are like that.
For example Pinup, Rockabilly etc. Ugh, save us. But with Jill’s CC-ers it is a next level obsession of being like exactly like Jill.
The way she speaks, what she buy, wears.
No. 605422
File: 1528489618137.jpg (66.82 KB, 734x960, FB_IMG_1528489519927.jpg)

Saged obviously, but I saw this and instantly thought of Jill and died laughing
No. 605914
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No. 605929
>>605914Does this bitch always clap her hands in every video like a retard?
Sage for
triggered No. 605965
>>605914Here's her tips so no one else has to watch.
>Write down how long everything takes you to do>Skype with friends>Buy Storage bins>Set yourself a due date before the con to have it finished>If you are performing, practice the dance in full costume before the actual day.And she says there's probably gonna be a part two since she has more to say.
No. 606015
>>605965God this video pisses me off.
First of all her cosplays are shit and she's always going on about how much of a ~smol soft baby amateur uwu~ she is, so why the fuck give other people tips?
Also does she not know what 'crucial' means?
Basically all of these are just basic common sense things - aside from the Skype thing, which just seems like a personal thing which most cosplayers don't do. She sure is good at talking about shit she has no clue about.
No. 606167
File: 1528576248042.jpeg (673.78 KB, 640x859, B985A8EA-BCD4-483F-9534-48B7EB…)

When you stumble across the Instagram account of Baddiewinkle and you’re like “Pixie is that you?”
No. 606262
>>606167Tbh Jill will look older than this in 10 years if she keeps up that diet and bathing routines kek.
-Also, baddiewinkle is awesome and Jill is not.
No. 606646
File: 1528619219391.jpeg (329.3 KB, 640x713, 5E3A535C-4F16-4CF7-8D8D-94C571…)

>>606492Lazying around in a Lush Bathbomb is not the same as actually washing oneself.
Imagine a world where people are rewarded for being untalented, dirty and boring.
Oh wait, that’s already happening.
Actually saw a Pinterest board featuring girls dressed in the same style as Jillian, she stands out like a sore thumb everytime you scroll past her.
No. 606714
>>606646>Lazying around in a Lush Bathbomb is not the same as actually washing oneself.Imagine a world where people are rewarded for being untalented, dirty and boring.
PT was doing this before it was cool. I miss her. Imagine if she had a fashion following like Jill does, we’d be drowning in milkshakes all day, everyday.
No. 606797
>>606646The green haired girl is dollbambs I think. She honestly worries me. She used to have an imaginary friend who she genuinely seemed to believe was real. She also was using her own blood for makeup. I think shes gotten better lately, thankfully.
Sage because not pixie.
No. 606814
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No. 606840
File: 1528652457878.png (57.94 KB, 374x417, gcvtY6c.png)

>>606814Hahaha does this bitch not realize how unbelievable that sassy attitude is?
>almost has a mental breakdown in public because two strangers giggle about her stupid haircolor>constantly goes on about how she's bilingual and flaunts her Japanese knowledge but is too scared to speak even one full sentence in French>has been sewing for years and wants to become a professional fashion designer but is too scared to post videos of her sewing online/wear a dress she made herself in public>whenever she posts a haul she has to point out how she hasn't made one in ~so long~/feels the need to justify how hard she's working for her money because people called her out on her spending before>explicitly stated before that piano is the one thing she feels she's good at and that she's too scared to post (more) videos of her playing the piano because she's afraid of people's judgement Come on Jill, we all know that you care about what other people think.
No. 607534
>>607273That's exactly what I'm saying. There are plenty of women who get pants slightly bigger than their dress size if they're really that pear shaped, but nobody is unable to fit pants. Look at all the hamplanets in the confetti club facebook group who still manage to find tacky pastel pants for fucks sake.
If she just prefers skirts and dresses or if she wears them because they're easier to buy online, that's fine, why not just say that?
>>607314Shit anon you're right, I forgot our pro fashion designer Jill doesn't know anything about clothes. Oops!
Where did this "my ass and thighs are so big uwu" shit come from anyway? I'm not great with identifying that kind of thing, but she doesn't look that bottom-heavy to me except in that one photo in the shorts where she's posing to make her hips look wider. Does anyone else remember her describing her body type as "Garnet from Steven Universe"? lmao
No. 607702
File: 1528738007219.jpg (283.92 KB, 1080x930, 20180611_142635.jpg)

I wonder how long until she decides she doesn't need her meds again
No. 607751
>>607702Uhm yes! Like dude… she has truckloads of cash, friends, loving family, room bigger than my house (guessing here) and all the shit a girl could want. So one would expect her to be happy. Or at least acknowledge that she has more than her fans…
But I just experience her begging and adking for stuff. And adding as many ads in her Youtube vids as humanly possible.
That is why I stopped watching her. I don’t have cellphone data to waste.
No. 608326
>>607702>I'm really glad I didn't die when I was 14She has literally 0 thought about how saying something like this affects how her family feels.
She also has 0 foresight with thinking about how killing herself would affect her family who clearly do/care a lot for her.
Her selfishness is past the point of sanity. Just. Wow.
No. 608444
>>608326Sorry but when people literally want to die they don’t exactly consider the thoughts of everyone else
Suicide is selfish, yeah
Honestly I think the status is a pretty positive message, she’s saying how she’s really glad she didn’t do something stupid when she was young because things are great now
It’s a good message for young, depressed fans
Not to wk but your complaint is pretty stupid
No. 608524
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No. 608533
>>608444Nayrt, and I agree it's supposed to be a positive post that's just phrased a bit weirdly, but Jill saying something like this that's bound to be pretty painful for her mother to read isn't exactly a "suicide is selfish" scenario.
This is Jill in a happy and positive mood casually mentioning that she could've died at 14, not someone feeling so terrible that they don't consider how their loved ones would feel with them gone.
I think she's trying to be funny by casually mentioning suicide like that since depression memes are in vogue on the internet but I definitely see what that anon means.
No. 608551
>>608326Kind of sickening to say that people in so much pain they would rather be dead are selfish assholes for not thinking about other people who want them to stay alive and suffer for their own selfish reasons. Shaming suicidal people is.. Not the way to help them.
Anyway, I kind of doubt Jill was ever suicidal.
No. 608564
>>608533I read it very much as “I’m so glad I’m here” rather than “lol I could have died memes”
Like seeing this makes me feel more positive about my life tbh, it’s proof of the whole “things do get better”
No. 608601
>>608592Yeah I agree, I don't think the whole suicide thing was meant in a joking/thoughtless way, but I'm still really annoyed with how casually her moods change and are apparently just influenced by shallow stuff.
I know that when I get severely depressed reading about how some idiot thinks children's cartoons and curry are the things that make life worth living would just make me feel spiteful/bitter.
Also original anon is probably right when it comes to the whole meds thing, Jill stops/starts taking them at the drop of a hat, she seems to think just because she has an alright week she doesn't need them, stops taking them and then gets really depressed again because the meds DID actually help her.
But now I'm just being petty because that's not directly related to her post, oh well.
No. 608614
>>608610"i look like a scary clown"
what's new tho ?
No. 608617
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No. 608618
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>>608610Her teeth are looking much whiter, but her hair is so fucking faded. she needs to do one solid color.
No. 608625
File: 1528818440686.png (335.44 KB, 439x440, Capture.PNG)

and thus a sexy clown was born /s
No. 608627
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No. 608681
>>608592Anon as I'd said, I was trying to look at it from the perspective of the anon I'd replied to. There's no need to start with this "well then you've never
really been suicidal because I disagree with you" bullshit. It's a piss poor argument and also it makes you kind of a cunt.
No. 608702
>>608610I thought the beauty crayons were kinda cool. I'm sure if given to someone who knows how to apply and set they could probably make something useful of it.
Jill being SO FUCKING SHIT AT APPLYING MAKEUP to begin with just makes me want to side with Crayola even if I'm aware that their line isn't super hot.
Her "coloring" her eyebrows like that is so fucking
triggering. Like she honestly believes the product is what makes that not good when it's actually whenever she does it regardless of product!
All the fucking lost girls who take makeup tips from her, good grief.
No. 608714
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No. 608721
>>608717Well the only people that hang out with her are her family and her 'friends' that look as bad/want to leech of her ~fame~, right?
I'm sure any normal person would be very embarrassed to be seen with her.
No. 608724
File: 1528827179661.jpeg (301.32 KB, 750x1023, 2C1CBCEF-597A-4865-A0C1-8F3D1E…)

this outfit isnt actually bad. it’s more coordinated than a lot of her other outfits. i wish she’d stop saying “LEWK” tho
No. 608725
>>608720But you gotta admit that even if she had a nice product, covering over her naked, dark eyebrows like that wasn't going to end well right?
Her yellow ones never look good but I have no idea what product she's using to do that. Looks no different from this, really.
No. 608732
File: 1528827482520.gif (7.67 MB, 640x360, kZxXj6-2.gif)

>>608687I actually enjoyed this editing tbf
No. 608829
>>608610half of the stuff she comments on are very similar to the same review by James Charles (which got 3 mill views). you can tell she watched it before hand.
his red crayon broke too. strange imo
No. 608839
File: 1528832096260.png (425.63 KB, 845x434, Capture.PNG)

>>608702well yeah, you're right. a lot of beauty gurus were also shitting on those crayons. but they still did a better job with them than she did. just compare james charles to her "look"
No. 608873
>>608724o god I own that same bag…is that new or does she just spend so much I forgot about it
this look would be cute if she had natural hair and got rid of the hat
No. 609025
>>608724Outfits not terrible. So long as my eyes aren't bleeding is my standard for Jill.
>>608728It's a Bonne Chance Collections dress. They use regular cotton prints for all their dresses, and they're rather inexpensive compared to the other shit Jill's bought.
No. 609356
>>609355Ah yes, really makes you realize how much Jill cares about the environment uwu~
Spending a 100 bucks to have crap shipped out that she will probably never use again and throw away just to profit off of it, good job!
No. 609362
>>609356It is not like all the other Beauty Gurus - who only do makeup videos, were reviewing it in the first place!
Why chime in, in the first place.
No. 609595
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No. 609658
File: 1528915227652.jpeg (64.77 KB, 608x311, 288D52E1-8312-4EC7-B57C-A42CC2…)

Wow who does this sound like
No. 610404
File: 1528979355969.jpeg (305.22 KB, 1007x1600, CEE6DEA9-1C8C-4FCE-A239-D75977…)

I know people always look back at Jills lolita days fondly but her coordination was still off back then
> cheap old school lace socks
> open toe mules
> low waisted skirt that makes her look torso appear really long
> headbow from completely different print series that doesn’t match
Like the colour matching is better, but all the parts seem disjointed from each other.
No. 610492
>>610448Nayrt but Jill drama started in her lolita days so of course there are gonna be anons interested in lolita who still follow her.
Personally I don't like pastel goth but I can admit she looked much better in her pastel goth days than her current rainby dolls kill vomit phase because she actually took care of her skin, her makeup was less lazy and the colours were less jarring, which is why she looked better in lolita too.
No. 610534
File: 1528991667464.png (295.21 KB, 640x468, sweeties.png)

I'm surprised Jill isn't sperging about the new MAC line (unless she is and I just haven't seen it yet). Isn't this right up her alley? And lipgloss seems like a better investment for her than shitty crayon makeup.
No. 610551
File: 1528994210953.png (990.34 KB, 1099x868, jill letter.png)

>>610534I feel like she's gotten way more quiet about her purchases online. In the past she'd detail almost all of them, but now she doesn't mention buying as much shit anymore and instead just has it appear in her 'favie' videos/in coord snaps etc.
Perhaps so she can play the role of starving artist for Patreon money better?
Speaking of Patreon, one of her supporters posted this handwritten 'letter' by Jill, truly seems worth the money lol.
No. 610555
>>610551wtf does it even say
>sweet-hven>so muck>yenireher writing is unreadable.
No. 610752
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Sorry for the terrible screen cap from this video but she drew a picture on this fans card No. 610951
File: 1529018658477.jpeg (187.23 KB, 640x622, 80C91CAC-A466-4680-B1D1-84EFC1…)

Jeez Jill, did it ever occur to you that your IRL friends actually have lives that don’t revolve around you? (1/2)
No. 613584
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No. 613586
>>608678Eww next thread picture please along with
>>608617 in a collage
>>607702Honestly she doesn't know what true hardship is. Her mom always loved her, she has money and friends, she has never experienced homophobia or real bullying (without a cause, that is) and she has many stupid fans that give her anything she wants. The only true hardship she had ever enrolled into was what
>>608638 said. She doesn't know what it is having to come home as a teenager with your mother degrading you and your father hitting your mother because there's no food in the fridge (just an example, though). Honestly, she's so disgusting.