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No. 849295
If you’re new, please make sure you read and before posting
23 year old “family friendly pet mom” YouTuber, her insane controlling mother, and her obsession with mental health and addiction recovery advocacy.
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/833565The basics:
>Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Many pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after “rehoming” them. Fails to give proper enclosures to many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.
>Jonny Craig, who is now Taylor’s ex and has moved on with new girlfriend and mother of his child, was the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He introduced Taylor to heroin and facilitated her descent into addiction, but she used a variety of drugs prior to/since.
>Taylor left sober living after rehoming around 12 of her pets to be “back with her animals” living at her mother’s house, her animals all seem to be crammed into one room and taken care of by her mother.>Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.>Taylor has established a pattern of promising to upload, and making terrible excuses relating to poor internet connection or tech issues, or flat out vanishing for weeks to months, returning to announce another come back video which is totally coming
>Taylor frequently posts dramatic posts exaggerating her health or implying it is worse than it actually is. For example claiming she was covered in large ugly scars only to have her legs appear completely normal in future postsTaylor’s Social Media Links:
Instagram: (Private):’s Links (mind the fakes; don’t fall for the parody accounts and old accounts of hers that have been taken over):
Twitter: of all Taylor’s pets (not fully up to date): update re: new frog, tarantula, crabs dying and all the fish outside of the 150 “rehomed”
Stats of Taylor’s pets and history (not fully up to date): Milk:
> Taylor announces Goose (her only male rat) has died. >>833566 from her videos >>833573 , >>833601 , prove that Goose suffered greatly in his final days arguably to the point of torture as she waited for days while he was in serious pain to euthanize him
> Taylor reveals the bins that will become a new makeshift snake rack >>834597. Despite all the hype they appear to have the bare minimum suggested floor space >>834598
> gets a haircut which exposes her for being super high on meth >>835357 and overall looking very rough and her face sunken. Anon’s notice that the haircut looks just like her former dealer/fuck buddy Forest’s fiance’s hair >>835425. Even Forest notices >>835369.
>Does a photoshoot with Duck who appears to be the only snake who is not obese >>836856
> After several of her meth fueled rants claiming to be “sober from heroin” nonnies go back and review Taylor’s haircut pics and note that she is still clearly covered in bruises >>836939
> We get to see Bindi >>837221. In the video she does mention the aspen on worm and claims that she will rinse it off so Bindi doesn’t risk impaction but whether or not she actually did is unknown
> Does another “goth” photo shoot making it clear how unwell she is. Clearly spun (very high on meth) yet again. Her pupils are saucers in said pics >>838315
> After 1.5 years Taylor FINALLY makes her return to youtube. Of course it is another excuse ladden pity party. An anon kindly summarized the video here: >>839111. We finally have concrete evidence that she is barely functioning saying she struggles to even get up to go pee. While she never says that her mom is her animal caretaker it is quite evident. She claims all her animals are “perfect” and as usual claiming they’re in the “best condition ever”
> Does a backyard photo shoot with Gemini. People on twitter call her out for putting her snake on her boot that could have scraped/injured her snake. Taylor acts like people are overeating and doesn’t seem to understand their concern. >>839713
> Claims she is 2 months sober and is getting surgery for infections that she’s neglected >>843258. Appears to be a simple abscess draining >>843343 however she continues to place some of the blame for her inactivity online on her chronic illnesses >>844127
> On the way back from the hospital posts cages she’s allegedly going to use in her new setup. It’s hard to see exactly what she is trying to show >>844130.
> Shares her plan for all her enclosures >>844131
> posts her second return video. Once again it’s all about her addiction this time focusing on the very serious health consequences she faced from improperly injecting herself with drugs. We find out she came very close to death >>847173
> Makes several posts about her final abscess surgery >>848878, >>848962, >>848963, >>848964, >>848992
>While waiting for her surgery Taylor share her new “snake rack” which is underwhelming and only meeting bare requirements. Yet again Taylor either will not or cannot provide adequate enclosures for her pets proving that they are still low on her priority list. >>848919. Proceeds to rant about it on twitter >>848943. An anon explains the dimensions here: >>849020All Previous Threads:
>>>/pt/833565General Pettuber Thread:
>>>/snow/831551Jonny Craig/Syd Thread:
>>>/snow/1270218 No. 849300
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No. 849301
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No. 849302
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No. 849303
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No. 849305
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No. 849306
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No. 849312
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No. 849318
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The only issue is she’s lying about how little she used meth. You can just check her own tweets about her meth use.
Also I didn’t realize she was using fentanyl when she got the double nose piercing. No wonder they kept getting infected. Did she blame the body shop ? I don’t remember at all, but if she did she was getting infections from her drug use - not cleaning the wound enough with salt water
No. 849319
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No. 849321
>>849318She has the same high af eyes in the recent "sober" pic.
>>849313Agreed even though when you zoom in her face looks like it's still been smoothed etc.
>>849318Why does she keep repeating this shit? Also way to admit people were right and she was using all along. Tbh it sound like she kept running out of money. I'm curious if she ever did shit for money like when her former dealer exposed that she'd sent him nudes but he accidently deleted them. She is desperate for pity right now but no one is going to give it to her except for the very few loyal stans left. This comes off as like omg they think I snort my meth WELL I SHOOT YALL. Lol well doesnt change that her nose is collapsed. She needs to stop with the war stories, no one likes that sort of "recovering" addict. I like how she posted this shit everywhere and it's all her yt is now because it will push people away from her
toxic ass which is much needed. She's nothing but a lying pos. I mean she's been the most active now that she's supposedly omg sew sick gais which is a major red flag
No. 849358
>>849345I'm predicting a slow burn, she'll continue to fade into obscurity and her YT money will dry up. She'll keep making monthly videos but they'll fail to get any traction, while her audience slowly deserts her.
She'll gain weight, slowly turning into a butter golem and she'll date a string of meth heads. Finally in her early 40's she'll overdose, and die of health problems related to her drug use.
This cow doesn't deserve a happy ending
No. 849383
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No. 849384
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No. 849386
>>849306lmao what a fucking pick-me
taylor, this tirade against hashtags just makes you seem like a wannabe "not like other girls" girl
No. 849466
>>849295>>849460iirc I remember this guy when she first went to rehab messaging her on Twitter or something and it was her dealer. I’m not going back to look for it, but there’s a spot for you to start.
Every time she’s “sober” she says the same shit. She admits to being high the whole last time she was “sober” then is all “guis I did it this time! Recovery is so hard but it’s the best thing ever! I never thought I could do it!! Video coming soon I just need to get my mental health in check” - not to blog but I had a friend about ten years ago who died from mixing heroin and either coke or meth. She was only 23. Taylor needs to wake the fuck up. If she’s truly doing this much damage to her body, it’s going to catch up with her big time even if she doesn’t end ODing.
No. 849475
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No. 849476
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No. 849477
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No. 849478
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No. 849486
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>>849477The Irony
Does she know you can still spread the delta variant, while being vaccinated.. but she is going to get her hair done. Doesn’t really seem like important task when she can just do it at home. Why talk about being safe to others, while doing unsafe things yourself during the pandemic - when states are get mask mandates again
No. 849527
>>849525If you're average week consists of stuffing yourself with fast food and lying in bed all day, I guess for her it's "major".
Taylor's life is just shit, and she knows it. She knows how badly she fucked up and doesn't want to admit it.
2021 is nearly over and shes only released 2 videos, both promising new content. She is living in denial with her career prospects. Her money spending is her last escape from reality.
No. 849537
>>849536vaccinated people are less likely to get it and much less likely to have serious symptoms if they do get it
it’s both
No. 849554
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Taylor, a person known for her overall responsibility and carefulness, is sharing some knowledge on how to be responsible for your pets. Don't throw your pets away, guys! People do that! Not Taylor of course. But other people.
No. 849557
>>849460>>849463Anon just admit you want to be spoonfed because you have a shit memory or are a newfag.
>>682338 Destry confirms it later on too with caps from Twitter dms but you can find that yourself
No. 849566
>>849562Literally anyone with contact dematitis, children under 12, most skin diseases that make it harder to heal, and people with ehlers danios (there are 13 types) hair has trouble holding onto dye + get chemical burns from it more easily and have scalp issues after. Not that difficult to look into it, if you had doubts.
Just because you are not aware not everyone can use bleach, doesn’t mean you should tell people they are full of shit
No. 849650
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When will she stop replying to hate comments ? I’m sure this will be deleted in a day or two. She is the only influencer I’ve seen do this time and time again. Girl chill
No. 849682
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lmao she thinks her life will be smooth sailing after healing from the abcess draining and she'll be working again with no worries in the world. is she in some kind of a manic phase right now? did she forget she's an addict?
No. 849708
>>849703this. She's been saying this for almost 2 years, it's always after THIS i'm gonna start working.
She'll miss her deadline again and she'll disappear for a couple months, then the cycle will repeat.
> I was SO sick GUIZ, recovery isn't LINEAR, Muh EDS, HEART, DEPRESSIONShe's already fucked her "career" (if you can call it that), it's not gonna be smooth sailing if she wants to re-enter the YT realm.
I think more people hate watch her at this point, the "real" fans she has left are unemployed losers like her.
No. 849710
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Omg guys!!! She’s going to take photos of her animals!!!!! Wow!!!! Will it happen?!
No. 849717
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No. 849732
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What ? Okay I think she needs to stop trying to get attention over being insulted. Every single person with a following gets insults. I think she gets some type of high when her teen fans come to her defense.
Also she said how much she enjoyed meth in many tweets before… I don’t want to spoon feed and look for them, but you deep dive she talk about meth many times.
I wish she didn’t think being a junky makes you cool. also I thought she was a sober queen ? Most people that have been sober for a amount of time would never call themselves a “junky get it right”
No. 849741
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wondering what's the reason behind the email change. got dropped by whatever agency that represented her? got rid of the assistant?
No. 849747
>>849735It's just really cringy "see guiz it doesn't bother me lol" but she's actually super insecure. She wouldn't both responding if it didn't really bother her.
She's a depressed mess who cares ALOT about what other people think about her.
No. 849749
>>849732I love Taylor's whole
I was such a junkie I DID METH but just a little but guys I was so messed upshe knows how trashy and poor doing meth makes her look, and she's insecure about it
No. 849765
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ok pic/vid/thought dump incoming
yay for no longer claiming to be any sort of addiction advocate. I think the dumbass finally realized that you have to actually recover in the first place to help others in even the most minimal ways. Unfortunately still claiming to be a mental health advocate on twitter but she loves to virtue signal for ass pats on there. bottom is insta btw
She's now a haunted house, fitting as I'm sure the spirits of her dead pets are haunting her ass and reveling in her misery. Yay of that!
>>849492Agreed! Appears she's desperate for work and colabs lmao. Almost like you end up broke when you do nothing but drugs, buy tchotchkes, trendy clothes, and have a hoard of animals who rely on you. But she has proven to be scummy even for an addict, for example using "junkie" proudly. A lot of people are offended by the term and she is only promoting using it against struggling addicts.
>>849717 So I doubt anyone wants to be tied to her name.
>>849717lmao going to take 2 yrs for her to finally listen to her fans and not just respond to "haters"
No. 849766
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love how she is trying to tell people to get vaccinated
>>849383 as if she's some sort of good influence and yet has an absolutely essential hair appointment while she is "barely mobile" and "can't work" while still healing from her abscess surgery (she admitted they left the wound open to heal too). She is literally extremely immune compromised if there's any truth to what she says so she'd be the asshole who gets it and then spreads it to all around her. She may not die as she's vaxed, but still absolute trash considering her brother has been basically trapped at home with her ass and is immune compromised too.
Nothing's changed. She's always wanted so badly to be the "product" of her yt and can't seem to get it through her thick head that she's boring af and no one wants to see her face for the 100th time.
No. 849767
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Interesting that she chose a filter that made her tracks and nipples stick out like sore thumbs. Awk af
No. 849768
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Vids are both from today's insta stories
No. 849773
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>>849766also the hair disaster plan lmao
>>849771I ask myself the same as well. Like an anon said recently I can't imagine what life is like in their home. Oh to be a fly/beetle on the wall lmao. They are hardcore enablers. She has to be miserable to be around being fucked up 24/7
No. 849780
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I think she might try to clean up her platform for collaborations. Either way she wouldn’t even show up / be to sick.
No. 849782
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No. 849815
>>849780that's exactly what this is anon, she's trying to clean up her image so she can get business deals. No business is gonna touch her AT ALL, heroin addict is a bad look, moreso in pet care.
It's so transparent what she's doing and it's failing cause you can't fix heroin addict. Her reputation will always be stained by Jonny, her dog-shit tattoos, and her heroin antics. You can't recover from this, she's better off doing something else and starting over.
If this bitch cared about her buisness prospects she wouldn't have gotten 1996 tattooed on her knuckles. She was too selfish and now she's paying the price, I can't wait for her to cry about how the world is so unfair to addicts lol
No. 849913
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No. 849916
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She’s real proud of this
No. 849917
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No. 849918
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>>849766>>849913Just noticed her droopy ass eyes in the first pic and in the vids on her insta. Clearly couldn't wait to get back on the Horse.
It looks like a shittier version of what she had before. Literally no point in getting her hair done. It's clearly the only time she usually feels remotely good about herself because she only takes pics & videos immediately after getting her hair done. Imagine being unable to do your own hair big yikes.
Also SO fucking awkard lmao
No. 849919
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more awkwardness. It makes me cringe to think that mama dean is driving her high around all the time their entire existence is beyond cringe
No. 849933
>>849918Being in your 20's taking video of your new hair in your mom's car while she drives you everywhere. Yikes. Seems like Tay likes being so heavily codependent because she does fuck all to change it and shows no shame.
Side note, her lips are massive.
No. 849950
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No. 849952
>>849950That last tweet… I honestly cannot. Translation: As a narcissist who has convinced myself I care deeply about people when I only ever think and talk about myself, I have to be the only narc in a relationship or else I self destruct to get more attention as the forever
No. 849958
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No. 849959
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No. 849961
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No. 849969
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No. 849993
>>849991She’s perfectly able to handle 20+ animals and always has been. It has nothing to do with her EDS/POTS/BPD/PTSD/depression/anxiety/suicidal tendencies/heroin addiction/cocaine addiction/alcohol addiction/celiacs/withdrawal/heart going boom/abscesses/cotton fever/infections
She sounds like a perfectly competent and well adjusted individual
No. 849998
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She spent 3 hours "deciding which animal pics to post first" then blew us all away with this single image taken today (same top as her hair update)
She also posted on her timeline an old set of her in a purple jumpsuit with 3 snakes (one the same as in this pic I think?)
How many animals are allegedly still alive and with her? 2 girl rats, Mushu the axolotl, hedgehogs, and Bindi the blue tongue skink at the very least.
No. 849999
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No. 850015
Of the 25 animals she showed in her last All My Pets video (Aug 2019, post rehab rehoming), we've only seen 8 this year. That's only 32% of her hoard. This timeline is in descending order, so the bottom of the list are the animals most likely to be dead or "rehomed".
Seen this year, as of 20 Aug 2021
Cat: Star (20-Aug-2021 TW)
Snake: Louis (20-Aug-21 IG)
Snake: Maui (20-Aug-21 IG)
Snake: Frank (20-Aug-21 IG)
Snake: Salem (2-Jul-21 TW)
Blue Tongued Skink: Bindi (9-Jun-21 IG)
Snake: Gemini (8-Jun-21 IG)
Snake: Duck (21-May-21 IG)
Last seen in 2020
Crested Gecko: Echo (18-Dec-2020 IG)
Snake: Tofu(13-Dec-2020 IG)
Axolotl: Mushu (12-Dec-2020 seen in background of her mother’s YouTube video)
Cat: Nemo(18-Nov-2020 IG)
Snake: Celia(16-Aug-2020 IG)
2 Female Rats – Dove, Goose (19-Apr-2020 TW) (declared “doing great” but no photos on 28-Apr-21 IG after both had surgery to remove masses at an unspecified date)
Cowfish: Queso (31-Mar-2020 IG) not shown in “All My Pets” video but announced on IG 22-Sep-2019
Cat: Ghost(18-Mar-2020 TW)
Leopard Gecko: Atta (17-Mar-2020)
Bearded Dragon: Twisty(20-Feb-2020 TW)
Snake: Spider Morph Motley/Chip(19-Feb-2020 IG)
Snake: Violet (19-Feb-2020 TW)
Hedgehog: not sure if Ella/Sarabi (1-Feb-2020 IG Story, looked sick/recovering from mange)
Snake: Lego(31-Jan-2020 IG)
Snake: Sabor (12-Jan-2020 IG)
Last seen in 2019
1 of 2 Hedgehogs: Ella/Sarabi (25-Aug-19 YT)
This list is rough because I went through her Instagram and Twitter listing when each animal was posted (photo/video not just mentioned), so I probably missed a few updates on Stories etc, and background appearances like the cats in her junkie storytimes which I can't bear to watch. For those missing from her timelines I checked past thread summaries. I left the fish out except for Cheese 2, because the snakes were confusing enough. Inb4 there's a Google Doc because that's been abandoned and the format didn't make sense to me anyway. Please be patient, I'm autistic.
No. 850017
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her reply to a comment asking about mushu and cheese #2
No. 850018
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truly the epitome of unbothered sobriety
No. 850022
>>850018Her meth rants are getting more manic
>all the enclosures are being moved right now out of the house and new ones moved into my room so they've been in quarantine-style tubs with paper towels, nothing appealing for photos Why would she need to quarantine animals she already owns to move them into different enclosures? God knows she's not doing planted display tanks.
Am I missing something (not a snake person) or is this just pure drivel because she always has 13 amaaazing excuses for every dumb thing she does
No. 850032
>>850018I had my boyfriend read this, and he said she needs to learn what a period is. ( aka chill with the run on sentences) Also said sounds like they are high.
He’s never heard of Taylor and that was his first impression was that comment of hers
(no one cares) No. 850033
>>850015This kind of autism will save the world. Or at least make LC a better place to snark. Thanks for the effort!
>>850030This kind of autism is hilarious.
>>850032This kind of autism is fucking stupid. Not one single person in the entire world cares about your ugly boyfriend's opinion except you, retard.
No. 850034
>>850033Anon what’s up your ass
I think they were just trying to give insight - on how unnatural and uncommon Taylor’s meth rants are
No. 850057
>>849998Sooo after all those promises all she can show is pics of her snakes?
I'm pretty much convinced the hedgehogs, and other animals are dead or "rehomed" at this point. Not a herp fag, but arn't snakes super easy, and can take tons of abuse and neglect?
How about some pics of animals that actually need effort to thrive? Also her not posting the enclosures is sketchy AF.
No. 850060
>>849999don't wanna bring up snake care again, but her snakes are def obese.
FFS she overfeeds like hell. I'm guessing it's some weird "i'm giving them love!!!" thing. Her mom is fat, she's getting fat, and her brother is fat. They're def some weird dynamic with food/ attention.
Taylor doesn't drive, but she always has fast food in her room. Mama dean is obviously getting it for her…
No. 850062
>>850057you know this reminds me that she said her mammals all had totes okay enclosures so weren't getting any upgrades so why hasn't she posted any of them if they doing "SO good"?!
>>850060her little brother has Prader-Willi syndrome and part of that is always feeling hunger. Taylor once made a vid/post about her family not celebrating thanksgiving with a feast but rather normal amounts of the same foods. It's clear that her and mama dean think buying shit/feeding people is love. I think the fact that mama dean can't do that for one of her kids makes her overfeed everyone/everything else. It's unfortunate but the whole family seems to have an issue with food because they're trying so hard not to make it a big deal. Sadly some people with Prader Willi will resort to eating pet food and many have died from literally binging themselves to death in a single sitting because no matter how much they eat they never feel full. When I first started following her I thought it would've meant she would realize how important it is to only feed what's needed but clearly all her pets are overweight and many are obese/morbidly obese
No. 850069
>>850017Hasn't show her reef tank recently either. Hasn't been seen since the new cheese sept 2019…
I'm convinced she's just bored with her pets, probably isn't a new take but there's so much you can do with aquariums/ pet care. I don't think she ever really "loved" her pets just the attention it got her.
No. 850080
>>850060I think she overfeeds them so she doesn't care about forgetting about them during her drug binges, when she remembers she needs to feed them, they will be fine.
But I'm pretty that didn't work with the other pets, the female rats and cheese #2 are def death.
No. 850101
File: 1629505273484.png (97.85 KB, 411x726, sdafgasf.PNG)

taylor bought ugly new shoes and claims this is her reason for never wearing heals/platforms. Didn't she used to claim that it was because of muh eds?? Or am I remembering that wrong
No. 850102
File: 1629505375589.png (426.77 KB, 405x715, shoeee.PNG)

>>850101shoes for reference
No. 850137
>>850057People who are really into their pets take pictures of them constantly. It’s not hard. Lift a hide: boom, photo. Stand in front of a tank, boom, photo. It’s obviously very telling that she hasn’t posted photos of
- the fancy new enclosures
- the hedgehogs
- her rats ever since her couple-week rat obsession/hyperfixation
- cheese 2
- mushu who lives in a literal glass box
It’s still technically just tinfoiling, but she 100% either avoids it because their enclosures are a mess and she hasn’t cleaned them yet, and/or she’s wracked with junkie guilt for the amount of neglect they’ve endured because of her and when she’s not drug-numb she would rather self medicate with junk food and online junk collecting than allow those thoughts in her head.
Really, we all know those animals are suffering or already dead. We fucking know it. When speculation goes on this long on the same subject with recurring bits of evidence, this board hasn’t been wrong a single time yet.
No. 850181
File: 1629545119011.png (4.73 MB, 1125x2436, 89E3066B-34BB-497C-993C-9B45DF…)

>>850170Just shopping her favorite website again lol
No. 850223
>>850181First off, holy hell those are ugly.
Second off, why is she so obsessed with dolls kill? They are just a hoe version of hot topic. And it’s overpriced. Talk about buying a personality… I feel like anyone over 25 who shops there needs help.
She could use that money for her pets. What a selfish cunt. Sorry for sperg.
No. 850256
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No. 850257
File: 1629597853226.png (450.44 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20210822-030023.png)

Jesus fucking Christ there's a point at which Taylor's predictability just becomes boring. "I did my makeup to film content but I've had a vaguely bad day so he's my excuse, see you next time!"
No. 850260
File: 1629599753448.webm (861.05 KB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-taylorndean_184…)
>>850257agreed anon. also didn't this used to be an old excuse she used when she was too fucked up to work or care about working? headaches and muh eds?
>>850258also I hope she's snorting/smoking it or she's not going to live much longer if there was any truth to her massive infection & sepsis stories. If she's shooting anything rn then she is as stupid as it gets even for someone horribly addicted. People who aren't as arrogant and forever-
victims would be getting as much help as possible rn not acting like nothing just happened. I guess she does want to win the endocarditis lottery
her absolutely dead eyes are unnerving. why does she post shit like this? embarrassing
No. 850267
File: 1629604819589.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1572, Screenshot_20210821-235500~2.p…)

So weird that she praises her clear skin due to her sobriety and yet her hairdresser uploaded a vid from this week's hairdo change and her skin is god awful. Screenshots attached because my lord.
No. 850271
>>850267Oh no baby, what is you doin'
I will say this. Looks like she's laid off the lip filler. Her lips look SO MUCH BETTER. Maybe she edits her lips into that big wax lip shape
No. 850276
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No. 850277
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No. 850278
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No. 850279
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No. 850282
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No. 850283
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No. 850284
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No. 850285
File: 1629613742065.jpeg (325.47 KB, 750x906, F78C9E80-3A09-4852-8F36-935AE3…)

No. 850312
>>850277>>850285Let's see… Doesn't go outside, doesn't exercise, doesn't have any friends, doesn't have a job, eats fast food everyday, breathes in cat urine, doesn't shower, addicted to meth and heroin, multiple active infections, Hepatitis C, mistreats her body with tattoos and lip filler, spends all day on social media…
Gee I wonder why she's depressed guiz… Medication must not be working lmao
No. 850320
File: 1629652581837.png (61.26 KB, 594x632, 1111111.PNG)

>>850267wow she looks completely different. Guess all the whataburger lbs are coming through in her face now. Her amazing clear skin was def from easing back on using because she had surgery
Yes lets encourage the active addict to drive! Good to know she still has 0 clue how actual recovery works or what it even looks like. Tweets are in response to
>>850285 No. 850322
File: 1629653027762.png (37.87 KB, 607x375, 000.PNG)

initial tweet appears to be deleted but it appears the tinfoil was correct and she was dropped by her management company and that's why she changed her business email etc. I guess it was technically theirs which is kinda fucked idk how it works though? She should be happy though I mean she was giving them money for nothing & she's a liability more than anything. Shocked she doesn't get that no one wants to be associated with her
No. 850324
File: 1629654085693.webm (9.62 MB, 720x1428, mobizen_20210822_123058.webm)
Okay was able to find the reel from her hairdresser. The end is so uncomfortable. Also I didnt play the obnoxious music so sorry if you hear my ac in the background
No. 850328
File: 1629656434127.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, DD014A0E-B590-48D3-A042-0366FC…)

Hasn’t she claims star has been on a diet for what 2-3 years ?
She looks larger
No. 850329
>>850322As the reptile company could have taken you to court for slander and could easily prove the money the lost because of her. It was such a easy case.
She promised a apology video, but that was to much. She didn’t want to look bad, yet is totally okay with making stuff up to cover her crappy reptile care, (people told her for months the tail needed to be removed and she did nothing) and slanders a company she didn’t even buy her bearded dragon from. Then proceeded to not even take responsibility for that slander and said her friends put her up to it
A YouTube manger company has every right to drop a client that stopped being a youtuber. She should be careful talking about bring people to court, when she did this and had group messages with minors, and would continue to harass a minor on a burner phone after being blocked
No. 850333
File: 1629660086283.png (498.42 KB, 376x637, uggo 2.PNG)

>>850326I think it's just cystic acne from her lack of hygiene, and shit diet. I still think she's using but this looks more like acne to me.
Seriously she looks like she's about to cry in that clip lol. I just can't get over how plain and ugly she looks without all the filters and stuff. No wonder she doesn't want to film, she's fucking uggo.
No. 850334
>>850320Anyone wanna bet mama Dean keeps her inside cause she found out she was relapsing with Aggy and co? To be a fly on the wall in that house…
If she was relapsing all 2020, mama dean probably doesn't trust her going out alone. She's probably grounded, doesn't have a choice whether or not she can leave. Mama dean is also probably afraid of losing her so she's keeping her on a short leash. So taylor is uwu so trapped, depressed wahh.
I'm thinking the Mama-D-forced-rehoming tinfoil is probably what happened. She's stuck at home because she's too lazy to do anything to make her life better. I'd almost feel sorry for her if she wasn't a colossal bitch.
No. 850338
>>850334tbh I hope mama dean put down some sort of boundaries otherwise I feel like taylor would still be trying to meetup with other people from groups. she has a long history of pushing people to relapse for her benefit ever since she left the first rehab. So many recovering addicts end up in that situation back home but most don't end up completely helpless
>>850333I do agree in thinking it's acne but I think what sticks out as methy/heroin behaviour is that she resorts to picking at it endlessly which only makes acne worse and further spreads it. She didn't have that issue before despite having a shit diet. I think those things combined with using are causing it. The drugs going around right now are extra garbage compared to when she started and it's clearly having an effect on her
No. 850340
File: 1629664631649.png (484.52 KB, 370x616, gross.PNG)

shes got those dead eyes again, I don't know what it is but she just looks gross. She just looks so dirty? all the time.
No. 850349
>>850267Her skin is so bad I thought it was bruised when I first saw the picture. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s picking from being high on meth.
>>850277For someone who’s been in so much therapy it’s weird that she doesn’t know that medication is not a solution, it’s a crutch to help you actually make changes to get back to a good place. You need to put in the work for your antidepressants to work. also who tf asked, it makes me kinda uncomfortable how she rants to her fans like they’re her therapist when most of them are probably like 13.
No. 850384
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No. 850385
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No. 850386
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No. 850387
>>850385>>850386she acts like she's this old granny, girl you're 24; you could easily turn you're life around you're just too lazy to try.
Her pre-jonny looks was just so much better, she keeps trying to be something that just doesn't work for her.
No. 850396
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No. 850397
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No. 850399
>>850397Is she driving ? Or is the photo flipped.
>>850385Hairdresser-fag : even with all of this harsh treatment to her hair… her waves wouldn’t just disappear. You can tell those we’re done with a curling iron, because of how tight they are - they would still be consistent. I mean, if she had those tight curls they wouldn’t just fade to nothingness. Even with bleaching and flat ironing. Who does she think she is fooling ? I remember people in middle school making the same claims - when it was so clearly not true, because they thought it made them special.
Yes, white girls can definitely have these curls. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they can’t. But with Taylor it’s untrue 100% bc they would still be very present. We have all seen photos of her right out of bed, v straight hair.
I know she lies a lot for no reason, but this one takes the cake. Very easily disproved.
No. 850400
File: 1629746378549.jpeg (904.28 KB, 2828x2828, A2ADFF0D-550B-49FB-B66D-F43617…)

>>850385In her vice video, her father shows childhood photos. Not to be a total creep, but I before stated she must have used a curling iron. I do believe her hair did have some wave, just not the that degree. In her youngest photo, you can tell the bangs were curled. Besides that it looks like she has a bit of waves, (unless) they curled her hair for school photos. Anyways she was a cute kid - crazy who children become.
No. 850401
>>850400*bangs were curled with a iron (inwards) .
Just to make that clear
No. 850403
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No. 850404
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No. 850406
>>850396ew what a clusterfuck. I can only imagine how nasty it looks irl with her especially with her poor hygiene habits.
>>850400>>850405I feel like she made this claim before with the marylin monroe-esque pics too? A lot of people have curly hair as babies and it ends up straight. If this was true though she wouldn't have miraculous bangs that never curl lmao
>>850403no surprise; we know you only leave for the 3 D's: drugs, dick, & drs! Can't wait for her ~my dr is SO proud of me for being soberfromheroin~! meth rant later. In reality I'm sure they lectured her about her obvious use that is going to completely undo all the hard work they did to attempt to heal her body. I really don't see this ending well especially with using tar there's still so many complications she hasn't checked off on the junkiest junkie list yet; but ya know won't happen to me syndrome and all!
No. 850409
>>850403Imagine just sitting at the doctor's office and you see this. She's so desperate for attention it's pathetic.
I don't know how she lives with herself getting driven around by mommy at 24. You can bet she didn't make the appointments, or follow any advice. I think this is her trip trying to get more depression meds.
No. 850423
File: 1629767931960.png (341.27 KB, 594x430, 20.PNG)

>>850404>>850415lmao what's even funnier is that the reason she wants everyone to know that it's not hers is because apparently it's a vera bradley mask which is so not edgy!1!!1! No wonder she still insists on shopping at dollskill; apparently it's lame in her mind to source things anywhere else especially somewhere pRePPy. So closeminded, imagine acting like this at 24, more like 12.
No. 850428
File: 1629776840652.png (14.38 KB, 613x202, ddfdd.PNG)

no rat pics because dead? seems like it
No. 850437
File: 1629791356735.png (2.04 MB, 1325x948, pinned.PNG)

she's definitely back on heroin, just look at her pinned pupils
No. 850438
File: 1629791482278.png (160.88 KB, 765x685, af2828ajkc.PNG)

more lies, I'm sure you got your hideous tramp stamp and knuckle tatoos while 100% sober. Especially considering she just admitted being high for the duration she got all of her tats.
And anyone saying acne is clearly WKing, it's meth sores ya fools
No. 850490
>>850438No one sobers says “I’m a junkie” you only say that when you are actively using. I’ve never even seen drug addicts besides Taylor take that as a compliment. Proving more that she thinks it’s a cool edgy aesthetic.
Remember in school and they told you to not say yes to cigarettes just because you think they will make you look cool around your friends. Taylor took that “yes” and ran with it. She needs to realize in the real world no one is impressed. It sucks that her tween twitter fans enable this behavior. If they all acted worried instead of celebrating her “junkie persona” she would have been sober for a few years by now. She does the weirdest shit for brownie points. Just like the hair curls lie-you had light waves baby that’s it.
No. 850496
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No. 850497
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No. 850498
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No. 850505
>>850496First time in 517 days she's posted content about these rats, last was in March 2020 They look to be the original Dove and Pidgeon, which is surprising, but their tales look roughed up and neglected, which is not surprising.
>>850397Please god stop posting her every fucking haircut selfie as if its milk. It only encourages hair blogging
>>850495 >>850421 which is even duller than muh junkie days blogging, and adds nothing because we already know she's a compulsive liar with a basic bitch 2a wave.
No. 850509
File: 1629815058660.jpeg (125.28 KB, 762x1023, E9iEQa5XsAAtu5z.jpeg)

>>850508Better quality image of shitty tail so she can't delete them and say it's just the haters making things up.
No. 850528
>>850438She gets off on this negative attention, just sad really. She's never gonna change because she's addicted to the attention, as well as the drugs.
Everything she does is for clout, she lies because she can, and she thinks it makes her more interesting. The truth about Taylor is she's actually super insecure and ashamed of herself. I don't think she's a "bad person" like Jonny per se, just an extremely weak and neurotic person.
>>850527wtf lol, she's obviously gaining weight, you can see it in her arms, face and legs. She's getting past her prime years, she can't continue with her shitty lifestyle habits or she's gonna be a mess before she hits 30. There's something about youtubers and self denial about growing up.
You had 3 good years on YT, but now her "career" is finished. She's got so much anxiety and doubt about the future. Sad to say but it's too late for Taylor at this point.
No. 850529
>>850497Jesus that looks painful, girl those pants just don't fit. It's like she's bursting out of her clothes.
Nothing wrong with being a little overweight, (except death fats) but seriously this look isn't working for you.
No. 850531
>>850496Not too knowledgeable on rats; 3 years is pretty good for them yes?
I'm sure its her mom doing the work, and yes, surviving is different from thriving…hoping that her mom is doing decent work with them though.
No. 850535
>>850509ratfag here, those are just age spots, like liver spots on people.
also when rats get older they tend to get rather lazy and just lay in their pee and will get little blisters sometimes. it doesn't hurt them. they're just stupid.
No. 850542
File: 1629831108242.png (755.47 KB, 864x1452, Screenshots_2021-08-24-14-50-4…)

>>850535I mean they look like mite irritation to me…
No. 850547
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No. 850550
File: 1629833699375.png (618.52 KB, 406x715, 00001.PNG)

>>850497>>850496yikes her arm is starting to look totally deformed from all the infections etc from musceling. Always disgusting when she uses filters that enhance it she clearly knows what she's doing but man is she sloppy with the facetune and body shooping. She's never been capable of buying shit that fits.
>>850542>>850547Also her poor rats look so scared in these pics and it's kinda shitty to take these prey animals out where they're exposed to birds etc. Not cute. Poor rats are in just as bad condition as we though. We did suspect mites when she posted other snake so I could def see it. Idk never seen it on an elderly rat but she is so offhands with her care
>>850535 if they're sitting in their pee it needs to be cleaned up! she's so fucking lazy that should NOT be happening
No. 850584
>>850438Yeah see Taylor, the thing is, we'd fire people whose behaviour was fucked up due to being a meth head and a dope fiend. You think we'd let a crackhead be trusted with experiments or patients?
She's so fucking delusional. We can see the fucking picking marks from the meth addiction.
No. 850594
>>850501I mean you're not wrong, but she was girl-next-door pretty at best. She just knows how to work her filters and camera angles. The tattoos, horrible fashion sense, and bloated lips turned her from cute -> to below average.
>>850550Oof that arm looks rough, tons of scarring and discoloration. Rats look terrified tbh.
No. 850609
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No. 850626
That’s the most demanded animal people ask for and it’s been YEARS
No. 850640
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No. 850641
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No. 850643
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No. 850644
File: 1629870403715.webm (1.18 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-taylorndean_193…)
Confirming she reads here
Taylor come on don't play dumb. show why people are discussing you being a catfish in the first place aka the hairstylist pics & vid lol. Showing what's clearly rejected edits proves nothing. Her nose bridge glows a la james Charles in one and then not at all in the next. So much secondhand embarassment. Also everyone knows you're not sober you're not fooling anyone but yourself it's very obvious
No. 850645
File: 1629870503584.webm (1.89 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-taylorndean_193…)
Vid #2
No. 850647
File: 1629870774085.jpeg (282.7 KB, 828x1531, 274ACDEB-05E8-4870-BFCC-3F8CAB…)

>>850641pretty sure this is all in response to one chicks comment lmao
No. 850648
File: 1629871125958.png (447.75 KB, 1170x2532, C954A921-4975-40E5-8937-876177…)

Get your screenshots folks she’s been going off on her haters in multiple tweets and keeps deleting them.
No. 850649
>>850647 She makes 2 vids every 2 years and the difference IS jarring there too. Especially candid vids - take the vice doc for example yikes. She sits in one position and is very careful with her movements in all her vids.
>>850643Sad that she thinks photography is just all about deception and going to extremes. Normal people don't do much more than add filters and dgaf if a friend posts candids because they arent actively trying to fool people into thinking they look differently
No. 850650
File: 1629872787796.png (6.05 MB, 1242x2208, 92430F49-5C85-4E23-A70A-E9A137…)

How self-absorbed do you have to be to sit outside and take gigabytes worth of selfies on your phone multiple times a week? Like her camera roll has to be 98% selfies, 1.8% cherished drug-related memories, 0.1% cringey Halsey content and 0.1% images of her “absolutely perfect” animal hoard
No. 850651
File: 1629873225168.webm (757.58 KB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-taylorndean_193…)
She's clearly panicking because she got being called out for her lies about her appearance and it shatters her "recovery" narrative. She's not that bright because she'd realize all her actions are what make it so painfully obvious. What worried mama dean will finally kick her out? It would be well deserved and hopefully will happen before she ends up dying. Like recovery isn't about proving strangers on the internet wrong it's about having a life and being around to live it.
No. 850655
File: 1629874567123.png (426.96 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210825-015255.png)

How does one "forget" taking dozens of pics in what appears to be a parking garage after a new haircut literally 3 days ago?! Definitely not the drugs I'm sure! /s
No. 850670
>>850640No one needed multiple stories and walls of text about your skin and your meth use and the heat and why it’s ok to edit it when the text on the pillow in
>>850497 is miraculously changing direction to merge with your arm and thigh. Go cry and type another disingenuous, rambling paragraph about it!
No. 850737
>>850647Any editing on your photos if photos shop.
“I apply smoothing”
“Literally no photoshop”
Ummm okay…
No. 850762
>>850647Literally all of her following is kind to her and so supportive. The only time she has a melt down is when she’s been caught in a lie. There’s like a hundred comments on that photo and she chose that to respond to.. this woman.
Also isn’t photoshop traditionally just smoothing skin and changing lighting?
No. 850768
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No. 850769
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No. 850772
>>850645>Drugs ravaged my skin!You ravaged yourself with drugs, you dumb
victim complex narc bitch. Take some responsibility. Drugs didn't mysteriously happen to you and ruin your life, you made the choice to do them and then made the choice to make your recovery your identity, so of course people are going to feel duped when they discover you're lying. We only mention the bad skin because she made such a huge point of being clean = clean skin. Her
victim act is so tired.
No. 850774
>>850772yea she wanted "the experience" well… she got it all right. It's still not hitting her that her life is ruined, she's not going to be able to go back and make 40k on easy sponsor videos anymore. She still thinks things are going to go back to the way they were before, because the consequences haven't hit her yet. She is in complete denial and when she gets out of it she'll relapse again HARD.
Her health problems aren't going to disappear, even if she gets off drugs. She has done permanent damage to her brain and organs at this point. She keeps making it worse and at this point the damage is done. Scar tissue doesn't magically disappear, reputation doesn't suddenly recover, she'll keep getting older and discover that her most profitable years will always be shooting up with Jonny.
No. 850783
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No. 850795
File: 1629945256463.png (110.95 KB, 605x661, Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 10.3…)

im guessing she will move out when she is 48 years old lmao
No. 850826
>>850790She ripped all of her "fashion" choices from Jonny. She's literally jonny at this point. rips off fans, no longer respected in the community, junkie, mooches off others, still thinks they're important.
Her fashion revolves around drug use and attention seeking. It's just druggie/LA fashion nothing really spectacular.
No. 850867
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No. 850942
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No. 850943
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No. 850957
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No. 850990
File: 1630100734028.jpeg (352.81 KB, 1242x929, F21FD7F8-2147-4C79-9D16-FE52F3…)

Her new insta bio is… something lmao. You can’t take your animals anywhere that doesn’t have your mom looking after them or they’d all die while you’re cracked out
No. 850993
File: 1630101800957.png (47.6 KB, 608x342, extremelyconfidentaboutmyself.…)

She's extremely confident in her sobriety this time you guys.
No. 850994
File: 1630101829204.jpg (659.1 KB, 2048x2048, InFrame_1630101149541.jpg)

>>850957> "When I look at my most successful videos I realize people just want authenticity"
> 95% of her most popular videos have titles containing "ALL MY ANIMALS/PETS"Her actual "authentic" videos where she just talks about animal care or stocks her aquarium or decorates an enclosure have much lower views (below 3 million views) than the ones with the clickbaity sounding titles
No. 851142
File: 1630281295432.jpeg (668.79 KB, 750x1264, 2C84BB8D-A40E-4C8A-9C23-2A73C8…)

Funny how she still doesn’t get floor space right. It’s a bearded dragon, not a chameleon. They need floor space not height. Also nice job going with zen habitat. They are known to have crappy enclosures for a high price. I remember all the pettubers being sponsored by them. Saying it’s so great, when the cages are trash. The best part is on there website they recommend a completely recommendation for dragons is a different cage.
No. 851143
File: 1630281323695.jpeg (436.84 KB, 750x1224, 802AB38D-69A1-4D1A-89F3-6C6DBD…)

She deleted this tweet in like 10 mins, I wonder what it said
No. 851144
File: 1630281424539.jpeg (366.37 KB, 750x1165, 43B517E5-4E84-44AD-8CFE-03E869…)

Even her supporters are questioning her care techniques
No. 851150
File: 1630289250645.jpeg (273.61 KB, 750x613, 0B0B454B-0B9C-45DF-BA95-402F9D…)

I just don’t understand why she got the arboreal set up. The cost is so much larger. At least I hope they just sent her a free sponsored cage. Also the floor space is 3.5 sq more then the 40 gallon breeder she said she has.
No. 851160
File: 1630302502298.jpeg (412.1 KB, 519x932, 4FB72214-A975-49B3-A65D-EE03D1…)

Definitely a sponsor video coming soon. She just choose the largest one without thinking about uvb or even research the right cage for the pet she wants to put in there. Maybe she choose it bc it was the most expensive for free ? I just think is wasn’t the smartest move
No. 851167
>>851160Idk if this is nirpicking but why she calls them cages? It is a terrarium, why she never ever uses that word?
Also it is not an aquarium why GALLONS? When direct 1x1x1 measurements would be so much more informative and important to the animals.
No. 851168
>>851150Tinfoil but maybe she got the arboreal cage for Sabor who is (was) a green tree python living in a substandard tall plastic tub. According to
>>850015 we haven't seen Sabor since June 2020 even though her community asks after him all the time. Maybe he was too poorly to show and finally died in the time between her ordered the cage and it arriving.
No. 851193
File: 1630332587207.jpg (204.23 KB, 1080x940, Screenshot_20210830_160714.jpg)

Her idea of hard work kek
No. 851203
>>851160I'm not surprised she got a shitty enclosure. Her huge "custom cages" units are absolute garbage and impossible to truly clean because they have lots of nooks and crannies. I've worked with them before at a rescue and they were quickly replaced. This new enclosure seems built exactly like those units. More specifically the silver trim looks hollow and if it has a seam inside will be a nightmare along with all those tiny nooks and crannies where soil, waste, etc. will get trapped in, which eventually causes the whole unit to start reeking even if you're cleaning it regularly, and we know mama dean and taylor don't do that. Obviously her room already probably reeks from the reptiles and the 3 cats with one litter box and now her animals are now all over her parents house meaning the whole house must smell now, i couldn't deal. I wonder what her family thinks of it? I wouldn't be surprised if the odour also permeates the walls of her parent's house permanently if it hasn't already, at least in her room. Also She always fucks up like this and gets arboreal enclosures for non-arboreal animals and non-arboreal enclosures for arboreal animals, why?! I feel like she has done this before, I believe with sabor (who is probably rip)
>>851193no wonder she can't get out of her depression, songs in the pic are all depressing af. Guess she needs a hxrdcxre junkie playlist to go with her hxrdcxre junkie aesthetic. Agreed on the meth hyperfocus lol. Why would she basically admit that? It's like she's always trying to tell people she's still using without saying it
No. 851207
File: 1630340795337.png (666.12 KB, 818x604, lookatmeimsewedgy.PNG)

from her second account @trailernickelding
No. 851208
File: 1630340868681.webm (3.27 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-taylorndean_193…)
And another awkward af vid which she loves to include
No. 851213
File: 1630341494650.png (904.27 KB, 479x598, 1101.PNG)

>>851210>>851212tbf that is the one of the original pics; she did a bunch of shitty edits that I didn't post sorry I should have posted at least 1 but they all look like this with various busy backgrounds that match her outfit.
I just wanted everyone to see that she is clearly out of her mind high on heroin and meth and if you didn't know it it looks like she's living in some hovel. I guess she is determined to die or get that endocarditis. I can't imagine it's helping her body heal like dumbass you aren't even close to out of the woods
No. 851214
File: 1630341582827.png (907.85 KB, 478x597, 0001.PNG)

>>851210>>851212her blurred neck def stood out to me though in pretty much all of them so i agree with you both lmao
No. 851215
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No. 851216
File: 1630341740564.png (913.66 KB, 480x600, 000001.PNG)

basically all look the same. Dead eyes, busy background
No. 851217
File: 1630341798082.png (793.31 KB, 480x602, 001.PNG)

No. 851219
File: 1630342009767.png (904.69 KB, 475x595, 000000001111.PNG)

last but not least. Seems she is spending all day morphing herself into what she wishes she looked like instead of actually working on her actual work or mental health. But yep the meth is helping her be productive guys! This is exactly what happens to every meth addict; they're productive at first and it helps them achieve things and then they get strung out and waste all day doing dumb shit. Add the heroin and she's a motivated zombie, it's absolute misery
No. 851220
>>851216I was just going to ask this. Why does she look so dead in the eyes? Maybe she thought the world would be all "aww poor bby got addicted to heroin from her mean boyfriend" and give her all the asspats for breathing.
Well it didn't and now she's scrambling to be relevant and somehow make a living.
No. 851226
She's still super salty about jonny for sure, I think she's mad there wasn't more a backlash against him. She told everyone who spoke out against jonny the first time to fuck off, not surprising they aren't around anymore.
>>851213All these pics scream drug addict. She's def on something, she looks like a white-trash Walmart shopper.
No. 851268
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No. 851269
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No. 851270
File: 1630370351592.jpeg (447.02 KB, 750x1199, 4D6342EB-6BF1-4740-BBB2-EBB40D…)

Shave head saga.
No. 851271
File: 1630370441667.jpeg (188.75 KB, 750x416, F9B1E98D-9566-470C-831C-E9AEF0…)

Who is this about ? Pet tubers ?
No. 851291
>>851287lmfao, basically!
>>851271I'd be willing to bet it's about Betsey and that crew. they're the only ones from her childhood that were around in recent times and by that I mean like a yr ago. That's all tinfoil of course
>>851283yep that's what's crazy to me too and every time she touches it it looks worse and worse. Like she paid to get this hair done recently and it looks like her 4 month grown out hair pics
No. 851302
File: 1630388731197.jpg (521.61 KB, 1170x1035, IMG_4409.jpg)

>>851268sage for tinfoil and autism but i live near her and when i saw this on yikyak earlier i immediately thought it was her, and then to come on here and see this… hahaha
No. 851303
>>851287Literally. She's trying to play the
victim again but honestly it sounds like she was the shitty friend, not the other way around. Wah wah Taylor didn't get the constant attention & enabling she deserved! Bad friends!
No. 851371
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No. 851375
File: 1630435718732.png (3.94 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210831-010045.png)

I just noticed that no one posted last nights hair whining here is her "curly" hair. Lmao she has never had more than waves and that's not what damaged curly hair looks like. Incoming dump
No. 851376
File: 1630436161358.png (4.29 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210831-010105.png)

Shes killing herself with drugs and doing fucked up shit while actively healing from a surgical wound that was left open to heal and alleged "11 antibiotic infections" & yet all she cares about is her hair and wearing ugly "druggie" clothes. Have to say it is satisfying seeing her follower counts dwindle and her social blade dwindle. I know social blade isnt accjrate but if she's anywhere near what it says petco would literally pay more and probably would be mentally healthier too. And yet she cant understand what she's doing wrong. I feel like a broken record
No. 851377
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No. 851378
File: 1630436391577.png (4.63 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210831-010145.png)

Clearly she's been crying. The secondhand embarassment I have for her posting shit like this. Talk about desperate
No. 851379
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No. 851398
File: 1630446697753.jpeg (172.21 KB, 750x523, 9667E4AC-1BF8-482E-9C4B-845C0A…)

But she was retweeting them a week ago…
No. 851490
File: 1630477419211.jpeg (377.96 KB, 1242x977, C98C9960-248C-43D3-BD08-4DDB1B…)

>>850990New week new bio, as anons speculated it seems like she’s trying to be a “family friendly” YouTuber again lmao
No. 851521
File: 1630516567984.png (475.33 KB, 1242x2688, C61215D4-1E08-4E2E-9223-11F329…)

Setting us up for “don’t be surprised when Salem looks like a completely different snake! He didn’t die and get replaced, he just had a totally sudden growth spurt!”
No. 851526
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>>851398She retweeted people in the tag, hours after saying she hasn’t read the same tag in years… retweets the haters all the time - and response to the forums vaguely in her Instagram stories… but doesn’t have any time for hate. Nor has she read any FOR YEARS ?! kek she must be high saying one thing while clear evidence of her doing the exact opposite
No. 851527
File: 1630518730205.jpeg (503.89 KB, 750x1263, 93ACB217-77D4-4B5B-9507-97FD84…)

She has been sicken her fans on the hashtag and tweeting about it, then once they attack she deletes all evidence. How is this not gabby hanna
No. 851546
File: 1630527828125.png (5.78 MB, 1242x2688, 7C649942-5691-4360-A540-97AB7C…)

Still bashing the company who sold her the bearded dragon I see…
Also this whole post reeks of 12 year old “I’m gonna organize my school folders!” energy.
No. 851553
>>851379this is just what normal straight hair looks like if you're a slob and have it in a ponytail or bun for days. as another anon said, if she actually had curly hair then her bangs would be curled too, but since that part wasn't in the ponytail its her normal texture. no idea why she so desperately wants to have curly hair when she clearly hasn't had it since she was a toddler.
>>851546i can't believe she is still calling gemini a chimera when so many people have been telling her for years now that he isn't one
No. 851555
File: 1630531560912.png (500.58 KB, 404x702, oh so difficult.PNG)

now was that so hard? First time seeing her lotl Mushu since her mom's spaghetti video last yr! and that was not a very clear view
>>851546why is she writing their morphs? Are they opening their zoo to the public? We all know she's just going to make a "feeding all my pets" or "all my pets in 1 video" video and go right back to posting sob druggie stories even though no one cares
No. 851558
File: 1630532261196.png (88.69 KB, 401x726, pooranimals.PNG)

>>851556I feel bad for the pets that will be stuck in the living room. She already has several there with the two dogs and the cat they stole from a neighbor (idk unless they finally let her back out - I hope). She has talked rudely about her brother talking and being loud as well, which is understandable with his condition, but I feel may stress her pets. The whole family appears to all be housebound so those poor pets gotta be in hell. Normally I'd say the living room is fine for the rats in fact it would be a good place to put them since they can be social and see/interact with the family all the time but the fact that there are the dogs makes me think it's the wrong place for them and the hedgies. She always tries SO hard to "do the right thing" builds up a ton of hype like it's going to be great and then inevitably fucks it up completely because she cheaps out and half assed it and then it's almost worse than before. Idk how she does it it's a definite talent of hers though and is true for every aspect of her life
also the minimal complaining - just jelly feet and no pacing just going hard at it once again SCREAMS i'm goofballing hard yall! woo meth i'm getting shit done and frying my brain! multitasking!
No. 851567
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No. 851574
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No. 851592
File: 1630552926506.png (106.64 KB, 518x303, spp.PNG)

>>851588with meth yes it definitely seems like it. She's talked about it on twitter before that it was her fav way to use meth and obviously she would be dope sick if she didn't use h at the same time and it's pretty clear she's back on h.
No. 851611
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No. 851612
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No. 851627
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>>851612It looks like someone just drilled some holes in some walmart containers, the "ventalation holes" aren't even lined up right. If she seriously paid for these she got ripped off hard. Agreed it's just depressing, no light, hides or enrichment of anykind.
No. 851747
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did anons call it or what?
No. 851748
File: 1630620933520.png (242.72 KB, 1405x727, enclosures.PNG)

jesus this is depressing
No. 851767
File: 1630624802096.jpg (123.07 KB, 828x1320, customcages.jpg)

>>851748Lmao doesn't read hate comments but randomly mentions the humidity after it was discussed here. She really did the thing that took the least amount of effort and even then couldn't even do it right.
I wonder then if maybe the fake email was about the zen? She's also donating the giant custom cages. Does this mean she's making efforts to never hoard again? She used to keep every used enclosure "just in case" so maybe this is a rare sign of growth.
I feel like she's going through her storage unit because she's realized she'll be stuck at her parents a while and it's probably cutting into her dope money
No. 851772
File: 1630626452463.png (184.93 KB, 921x578, blade.PNG)

>>851767Also speaking of dope money - I know social blade is inaccurate but I feel like it gives us an idea. Hers has dropped significantly since her last video to the lowest it's ever been. Most jobs pay 10-15 as minimum wage now so she could literally make more money working at target (starting salary there is $15/hr) and it would be so much healthier for her. Sad that she's still trying to pretend that she can afford her old lifestyle. From here on out if she's visibly sober from heroin/and or meth I'm going to assume she's just out of $ unless she maintains sobriety (lol).
Okay so going off the average cost for heroin addicts being 40-80 a day and giving her the benefit of the doubt: $40x365 = $14,365 a yr on H and meth minimum! In her interview video for the new york times she says that after taxes (lmao that she wasn't paying) and pet needs, she only made 6000 and that was just after she hit 1 million subs. So I'm assuming that rn her parents are helping her at least pay for her animals which would just be more stupid enabling. Any $ she doesn't have to spend on necessities (aka HER pets) is another $ she can put towards meth and heroin. Jenn is clearly worried about her uwu stupid baby being hurt in the big scawey (scary) world! Considering her infections mama's probably right about that but damn she'll be there forever! God forbid she have consequences for her actions. Despite that I wonder if she's gotten to the part of addiction where she sucks dick for drugs, i mean she loves a good bro dick
No. 851773
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No. 851783
>>851775she's had sex and shared needles with jonny craig, no need for tinfoiling, Jonny got her the drugs in the first place, even if she paid for them. Anyways, She is def hurting for cash at this point, it's the only reason she's trying to get into YT again.
Her earnings are really lousy for 2mil subs, but subs don't mean anything anymore. It just going to be cringeworthy to watch her try and salvage her "career".
No. 851816
>>851773I’ve wondered for so long how tf she gets money to buy anything ( tattoos, hair stylists, ugly clothing, drugs, furbies, pet food/supplies etc) and this just makes me wonder even harder.
She always talks about how much she wants to move out and it looks like if she doesn’t get a real job that’s never going to happen. Other anons have said it but it’s really difficult to make money on YouTube these days and she just doesn’t have the numbers for it anymore, and her new content is sooo bland.
No. 851842
>>851767Wait wtf, she's getting rid of the entire custom cabinet? How tf is that an upgrade when she's only getting two new glass enclosures? One of the new enclosures is for the beardie, what are the crested gecko and the blue tongues skink going to share the other? Or is one of them going in the Tupperware and only 5 of her 12 snakes are getting "upgrades" from the filing cabinet.
>uwu if only a reptile charity could collect these from my house, look I tweeted about it see how hard I'm trying She's definitely selling that custom for meth money. They're worth a few grand new aren't they?
No. 851923
>>851841Some snakes can do well in appropriately sized plastic tubs because those make it easier to maintain humid for tropical species (like ball pythons). It’s not uncommon to do, but usually it’s also a matter of cost. There are plenty of alternatives to maintain humidity when you have the money (which she does, she just buys junk instead) and a little extra effort.
There are so many better things she COULD do for her snakes instead of relying on tubs, but we all know she is the queen of Good Enough and Whatever is Less Work For Me.
No. 851925
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No. 851926
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Bearded dragons are not an arboreal species, you ding dong.
No. 851939
>>851931Exactly! Why did she move him knowing that the new terrarium wasn't ready? That lighting setup is horrendous, everything is way too far away.
>>851930You're correct, but they're not the best climbers. Even if she puts platforms, that much height in a beardie terrarium has risk of falling and injury, especially with such a hard bottom.
No. 851978
>>851926So logically this has me at least picturing multiple levels built into the enclosure that he can get to the lamp at the top while also having more land space but there's no way she is going to do that. Doubt she's building shit. She's probably going to leave it as it is. Or have dumb platforms he might fall off of. What an idiot.
She was probably so eager to show this free enclosure just because it's big and only now realizing it's not going to work, but since she is the way she is, she can never be the one that is wrong. So she's going to half ass it and the bearded dragon will suffer for it.
No. 852032
>>851982Yes, she is giving them away and replacing them with cages from zenhabitat.
Am I the only one who thinks her black cages look way better than the cages from zenhabitat? Zenhabitat reminds me of cardboard cages (because of the wood) but maybe taylor wants them because they are white like the rest of her room?
No. 852040
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>>852032Yeah, it reminds me of the cheapo laminated MDF shelves you see at stores like Walmart.
No. 852060
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No. 852061
File: 1630904633003.png (686.08 KB, 416x722, holy yikes.PNG)

holy fuck is her hand ever swollen. Seriously jonny level swelling! I guess that hep c is doing a number on them both rn. as still appears to have little pinpricks in her hand veins ouch
No. 852062
File: 1630904792316.png (103.51 KB, 404x714, damnmustvebeensomegoodnods.PNG)

and huh she must've been pretty fucked up for that to happen. Especially considering I'm actually surprised how long it's taken her to upgrade (she was all about having the latest iphone in her yt days). This is definitely going to put a dent in he drug fund lol
No. 852063
>>852062Nitpick but I can’t stand the term “cages” it’s so dated and weird. Say “enclosure” or “tank” or “habitat” like a civilized human being. Sure they’re reptiles or whatever but it’s just tacky. The verbiage alone makes it incredibly obvious that she doesn’t give a flying fuck.
Saved for autism.
No. 852065
>>852060I mean, like many herpetologists who work with the pet trade say, STOP BUYING SICK ANIMALS. It just encourages breeders to have more Spider-morph ball pythons, or those derived from that wobble-fucked ancestry.
Actual moron who's contributing to the problem. The irony is I'm like 99% sure she's said the same thing about sickly animals in pet stores, in regards to fish IIRC.
No. 852085
File: 1630938225663.png (2.48 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210906-010526.png)

Another from last night. Seems instead of appropriate tanks she got a bunch of innapropriate arboreal ones instead.
Also apparently "fixing" her phone lmao please taylor yeah right. If she posts this vid its only because she's desperately broke. I'm sure we'll see selfies in the mean time
No. 852095
>>852060It’s such a trend for pettube to buy “rehomed” spider ball pythons. Then tell everyone else- never own one
>>852062Is this the third phone shadder this year ? Also I’ve shaddered my phone 4-6 time in my life, and the cameras worked fine each time. You can just get the the screen replaced for $80-100 at a device/battery store
No. 852099
>>852085>>852060>>851926>>851612All the enclosures she has shown over the past few days to “prove us all wrong”- have issues.
All of them lack enrichment and remind me of brains b, bare minimum technique. Some are not the right height - way to tall to get uv for the reptile. One doesn’t hold humidity.
Bindi needs better light. - so cute she is reaching for it but still not getting enough lol what is she doing ?!
All of them feels like she wasn’t thinking about the pet that goes into it, but she was thinking bigger is better right / this will look good this will make me look good ? Then choose the biggest one for her sponsored cage. It should be for a climbing pet like some arboreal lizard / pet. Then puts a spider in a tall cage, that could easily get hurt, because of the movements it can’t control. It’s a special needs animal, don’t treat it like every other python.
All of this could have been avoided if she actually cared. The best part is she would take this as hate, but I’d give the same criticism to anyone. These setup are laughable
No. 852119
>>852095>>852062She has shaky hands that got much worse with her drug use. Wouldn't be surprised if she dropped it due to the damage she did to herself.
She's really screwed up at this point, health wise, financially and friends/relationship. All this activity seems like a desperate last attempt for clout and attention. Its been said 1000x times, but the pettube ship has sailed. Youtube algorithim isn't promoting that kind of content anymore. I guarantee her next video is gonna be an "all my pets" type of thing she used to do. They always got the most views and probably brought in the most money.
No. 852126
File: 1630970187635.png (6.63 MB, 1242x2688, 23424485-7786-4131-A409-ABE777…)

Your cat doesn’t have anxiety, mushbrain. Your cat is just being a cat. Some cats are just more social and attached to humans than others. This is not how cat anxiety presents—but of course our Munchie Queen glows at the thought of having a SPESHUL NEEDS animal in her care.
No. 852128
File: 1630970260739.png (5.22 MB, 1242x2688, 29C6620B-9EC1-4D35-8536-0C1D61…)

Normal cat sitting. Nothing quirky to see here, move along.
No. 852129
File: 1630970320322.png (8.65 MB, 1242x2688, D43E1A16-EF91-427C-AC74-C3AF79…)

Whenever you’re not home? I thought you spent 99% of your time in your bed, taytay?
No. 852135
>>852129Ugh, it’s so obvious how much narcissistic supply she’s getting from her cat being unhappy.
>>852085I still don’t understand why she got rid of the old enclosures (sorry, CAGES) to replace them with similarly sized, completely inadequate ones.
And couldn’t she have put some of her tub snakes into those enclosures? What a miserable existence, for everyone there.
No. 852137
File: 1630972637859.png (716.39 KB, 400x717, nastyassbitch.PNG)

>>852095yes, for someone who breaks her phone so much you'd think she'd get an otterbox or something.
>>852129lmao way to admit they know when you're copping and that you're not being miss sneak 1000%. She said she doesn't go to shops etc because she "doesn't drive" But this makes that sound like she does drive. Does her plug just come pick her up to fuck? Sorry I meant her bro dick lol /s. Seriously like a few days ago she was whining that not leaving the house was making her depressed. Her family remind me of those intervention episodes where the dumbass enabling family is like "theReS nOthiNg wE cAn doooo!" so they just watch their kid kill themselves in their home and disrupt everyone in the household because they'd rather have them use there so they can
MAYBE save them during an OD, despite that not being true at all for many. Ugh sorry that annoys me most out of all her dumbassery
>>852128also this shit where she acts like she hasn't had a cat for more than 5min. It's not cute or quirky like she thinks it is, it just comes off like she's stupid with a drug fried brain.
>>852129 literally every fucking house cat does this shit when their owner/favourite person leaves the house dumbass you're not special. I've seen a lot of addicts pets be stressed in general however, seeing their owner high because they know they're acting weird; Star however has only known Taylor in this this state which is heartbreaking for her.
Ew she lives in fucking filth. I like how the funkos are eating up the actual storage space lmao.
No. 852142
So she’s going to put MORE animals in that nasty ass while trash hoarders closet can this nightmare just end and she can do a clean MINIMALISTIC AS FUCK aesthetic, this isn’t cute and she fucked up so hard with drugs she needs to grow up and do a 180 into something as professional as she can be. She could be productive by making cleaning videos and document getting her life in order, very relatable content with the pandemic getting safer. I’m just repulsed by this wannabe edgy addict shit it’s nasty and musty and no one needs that style ever. She needs to eternal sunshine her mind spotless of Jonny Craig and his shitty influence. Before she was a pretty young Texan woman with a promising YouTube career, not without issues but ones she could have overcome with humility and outside help. I loathe when after abuse it’s so common for girls to try to level up as the subculture type they get groomed into or do out of insecurity, and it goes against everything naturally flattering about them. She doesn’t have to do this shit, I just want her to stop doing this loser furby bullshit and clean up. Stop frying her hair and dress feminine again because it suits her the best and will force her mind out of the wet diaper of her hot topic Jonny Craig forever circus previous life. I loathe that she lets him define a part of her life still, she won by getting away and I never want to hear about her stupid fucking addiction again, no one does just stay fucking clean and sacrifice everything for a well run business.
I know who I’m talking about but she can change her life at any point if she chooses and it seems like she is crying out for change because she’s dragging her feet and can’t form a vision of what she wants. I’m manifesting her moving out and in with a man who has a ranch, he handles outdoor animals like horses that he lets people ride for therapy, and she has animals indoors. She has big long hair because it’s Texas, and both gremlins Jonny and Sydney combust.
No. 852144
File: 1630975408838.png (726.06 KB, 398x714, 0000desp.PNG)

>>852119seems you're correct nonnette about her making one last desperate attempt for clout, attention, and enough views to maintain her habit. Her suddenly going from being in bed all day to doing tons of shit while still clearly using to me suggests she's back to using meth daily.
sidenote at first glance I thought this was another needle bathroom style pic lmao
No. 852227
File: 1631056792261.jpeg (193.28 KB, 1125x1010, D1C2DFFF-90BA-4E79-A5D1-EC0A5D…)

isn’t that what color sydsi is rn?
No. 852231
>>852227It's funny because Syd went orange shortly after Taylor posted this
>>849958 and now Syd is accusing someone of being a copycat in her ig stories (view on her containment thread). This all just lines up too nicely.
No. 852232
File: 1631060922571.jpg (379.51 KB, 1536x2048, rip.jpg)

>>852227fuck me she's addicted to instant gratification. She looks so unhappy with herself, nothing can save this dumpster-fire of a human.
>Too late this has all been applied and now I wait rip blonde No. 852237
>>852231the more time goes since she left jonny and posted the video "exposing" him, the more I feel like he is still talking to her. I keep getting that feeling because it's been multiple times now where they're both tweeting about such similar things I just can't see how it could be a coincidence when it's happened this many times
>>852232lmao it's going to looks so much worse than it does now. it already looks like diy quarantine hair now lol
No. 852240
File: 1631062882425.webm (1.81 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-taylorndean_241…)
Sorry samefag um havent we always said she had to be scaring tofu to entice him to get in position to strike (she always said he's "smiling" in those pics). Well we finally have proof ladies & gents. I swear there was a multiple rants last year (well 2 yrs lbr) about how she doesnt do anything to startle him and that he just does that randomly. Anyways once again anons were right!
No. 852243
File: 1631063879062.webm (2.48 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-taylorndean_241…)
Omg sorry sameeefag again i just noticed her handin that vid! Holy missed shots!!! Damn all her dope is basically being skin popped because dven a yr agao she was just as cluless as now about shooting up. Wtf lol she lied about horrible leg scars well wait till her atma look like lunas legs after doing this for yrs. Lmao thank aggy for exposing her!! Shows just how extreme her editing actually is. So I wonder gow hwr skin actually looks now you can see a few fresh bruises here. Also so nice that she brings her bro dick dealers/drug buddies to her famlies' house she that soesnt scare them at all! Especially since taylor is dumb enough to give her full name etc. Like damn girl hope shit doesn't go down because any trouble might just get her family involved. Just look at that desperate dealer from when she left rehab! I like how shes probably trying to pretend not be bothered by featuring it on her stories lol
No. 852244
File: 1631063976312.webm (1.37 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-taylorndean_241…)
Lately she seems to be attempting to show shes omg sooo adhd! But the truth os shes just too high
No. 852245
File: 1631064094162.png (3.33 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210907-201412.png)

Yeah very high as i said and probably speedballing with meth
No. 852247
File: 1631064821740.jpeg (638.91 KB, 623x1109, 9A102ADE-F8B4-48A8-923D-F0FDFA…)

No. 852250
File: 1631071318030.png (206.23 KB, 613x679, weird.PNG)

This family is batshit, I think her disabled son/daughter has slowed her development.
No. 852252
File: 1631071657897.png (473.65 KB, 622x847, aggys.PNG)

I think I figured out why Taylor is going orange… It's what the bro dick likes
Very Taylor, changing her entire personality/look for guys.
No. 852253
File: 1631071963165.jpg (438.23 KB, 1536x2048, E-oMQyYUUAgKy3A.jpg)

>>852247she even avoided dying her hair in this specific spot, it's definitely because of this.
No. 852254
File: 1631072828843.png (4.12 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210907-224328.png)

Yikes she's starting to get really erratic with her behaviour like when shed have a coke day with konny but now its meth. Makes me think of the ability vid (?) Where she scrapped it becYse she filmed ot without a wig amd she was a greeseball so she added a wig and looked like a junkie/tweaker.
No. 852255
File: 1631073082785.png (474.03 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210907-224343.png)

>>852253Lmao always amusing finding her skinwalk
victims>>852243Btw she almost looks like shes fighting off a nod here.
All this time and money spent for nothing. What's new?
No. 852258
>>852244>>852255I guarantee she was smoking meth in the bathroom, had the fan on and was conveniently "washing wood" to avoid suspicion.
now she's gonna use her meth energy (cause sober from heroin) to clean, pick/ methhead shit.
No. 852260
File: 1631076765956.png (1.12 MB, 1242x2688, 97BD469A-D465-41BF-A76D-D5F996…)

Rinse, repeat. If she spent more time on hygiene and actual recovery and less time reading what anyone says about her, maybe she and her pets would all be doing better.
No. 852261
File: 1631076838372.png (680.11 KB, 1242x2688, 7B4D8E4C-94E4-402A-98E2-937F91…)

Why lie about your recovery and pet care if you literally can choose the option not to?
No. 852262
File: 1631077737302.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1662, 9A791564-DC4B-4D89-AF19-5C44AC…)

Yikes she looks BAD
No. 852263
File: 1631077798040.jpeg (862.62 KB, 1242x1237, 38797600-A1D0-4BFC-906F-6C31CF…)

The caption (there were other pics of the cages shes setting up, another selfie, and reposted pics she had of her skink and cats that aren’t worth posting)
No. 852264
>>852262I’m sure those bruises on her hand came from all the heavy lifting she’s been doing. Definitely not track marks.
Hilarious, if you google image “track marks on hands” Taylor’s picture is the 13th result. So edgy
No. 852265
>>852260Literally suicide baiting…
>don't gossip guiz, you're not wrong but it makes me feel like a shitty human so stop, do it or i'll kill myself!!1She's absolutely lurking again, she likes the attention she gets here, even if it's negative. I can't wait till she figures out the YT gravy train is gone, if she makes pet vids again people will go back to critiquing her. An active heroin addict still shouldn't have any pets.
No. 852285
File: 1631101902654.jpg (261.05 KB, 1080x1288, Screenshot_20210908-074936.jpg)

>>852273Screenshot of the messages. Syd thinks that Taylor has the power to ruin people's lives on the internet and that she can just sic Taylor on girls she suspects Jonny is cheating with. Lmfao.
No. 852290
>>852262she looks like a fucking lot lizard, holy shit.
how old is she supposed to be again? 24 going on 35?
No. 852297
File: 1631109817499.png (3.89 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210908-085837.png)

Suuure it is. Totally not the drugs or anything /s
No. 852298
File: 1631109875662.png (1.77 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210908-085910.png)

No. 852299
File: 1631110007842.png (4.11 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210908-085921.png)

Again maybe just maybe it's the drugs
No. 852300
File: 1631110472094.jpg (199.75 KB, 828x1472, StorySaver.Org-aggy66v_2414823…)

>>852283interestingly enough before aggy posted that vid with tofu and the obvious track marks he posted this. I noticed he took the furby sticker off his phone too, it had been there literally a day or two before. Also taylor rarely likes his posts but has liked all his latest posts. Could be nothing but I definitely felt this was geared towards her. Obviously could be nothing but I hope theyre fightong and I hope he drops more exposing taylor vids.
No. 852309
File: 1631114262195.jpg (143.22 KB, 1170x1640, 3do3r5n.jpg)

This is such a weird exchange.
“I don’t even know you. I’m basing this on your posts on the internet, but I feel like this artist’s work inspired by their own personal journey is about you.”
Like how weird is it to “connect” to someone’s work, but only in the context of relating it to some druggy pet tuber on the internet?
And then Taylor narcissistically retweets it and is complimented by this?
No. 852317
>>852309Halsey is a narcissist BPD mess with a
victim complex herself - albeit a successful one - so maybe not an unfair comparison. But yea definitely weird.
No. 852322
>>852309I mean taylors's the only person that's
ever been in a
abusive relationship as well as the only person to
ever get addicted to drugs! Truly an inspirational queen! /s
>>852317 agreed that girl probably thought of taylor because Halsey's entire new album is victimy and screams BPD/narc, aka same vibe lol
>>852273anon you can post cross milk as long as the milk directly involves the cow whose thread you're posting on!
>>852260>>852261>>852265seriously she only wants textbook enabling what a great advocate! /s This is very self serving and dangerous advice. A lot of addicts tell their families and friends this same exact lie because they want to continue using without consequences; their families often believe them thinking they learned this in rehab lmao. Clearly she's just tired of hiding her use and sneaking around. You really
do need to confront friends if you think they have relapsed and are using. If they lie they lie, but that is when you need to (re)enforce strict boundaries until they're sober again; Sober being actual recovery sober and not just for a week because you're broke, sorry taylor!
No. 852324
File: 1631120533682.jpeg (637.09 KB, 626x1113, 86DE1977-7D63-4502-BA9F-6B2285…)

No. 852336
File: 1631122606831.png (654.29 KB, 603x602, awfwefwe.PNG)

I wonder if mama dean did enforce some boundaries recently. It seems trying harder than usual to hide her using and have excuses for it. Maybe because she almost died?? I mean I'd like to see them actually kick her out because her poor brother is probably seriously going through it. This would then be proof that enabling works if she's just doing it as part of her last ditch effort to save her job. Her management company dropped her as consequence of her actions, so she reacted by throwing herself into work (at least way more than before i mean lol). Her parents are too clueless to be able to put 2&2 together here.
No. 852350
>>852336Mama Dean setting boundaries? Nah, she's that
toxic kind of addict parent who lowkey loves the drama and perpetual victimhood of having a junkie kid. Much more likely Taylor's recent meth productivity rush is down to money. I wonder if her recent abscess drainage had to be paid out of pocket? They're a single income household, and with her brother's condition even good medical insurance must run dry towards the end of the year.
>>852261So she's doing amazing and thriving and working on recovery 110% all the time, but also browses hate comments when she's on the edge of relapse? If you're truly trying to recover, you get off the fucking internet when you're vulnerable, especially when you have 67 lolcow threads keeping track of your bullshit. God she really can't stick with a single narrative even for a paragraph.
No. 852365
File: 1631139780773.jpeg (375.67 KB, 750x1126, 5B415FE5-F615-4FA1-A89D-1D8F40…)

They sounds like edgy middle schoolers at the skate park
No. 852373
File: 1631141881319.png (10.77 MB, 1242x2208, D49269AA-885D-44A0-8844-1AE878…)

Meth much???? Jesus
No. 852509
File: 1631244518926.png (4.73 MB, 828x1792, 5725AF6B-ABAE-48FB-ACCE-0A93E3…)

No. 852510
File: 1631244542928.png (327.77 KB, 828x1792, 80A1CEFF-5F89-4696-A11C-1F6875…)

No. 852511
File: 1631244575434.png (1.48 MB, 828x1792, B03C9C8C-BABE-435D-BEC4-59CC73…)

No. 852512
File: 1631245466741.png (3.2 MB, 828x1792, C2F380F8-E8C5-477D-A6F6-F16747…)

No. 852513
File: 1631245492203.png (3.62 MB, 828x1792, F269A00E-85A4-4911-BE8D-52A4FF…)

No. 852514
File: 1631245532896.png (2.62 MB, 828x1792, 1F762312-62AB-4FAB-858B-2A272A…)

No. 852516
>>852512Accidental honesty from the Queen of Time Exaggeration
>>852511Interesting how she can post easy updates like this but never of anything people want to see (hedgehogs, anyone?).
No. 852558
File: 1631292921181.jpeg (521.54 KB, 583x1037, 8D0EBF07-F505-4D2A-AA67-E4A302…)

Oh dear god is it one of those tiktok egirl styles. Black everywhere but some bright color as the bangs.
Her stylist did a good dye job last time for the most part, and this is well idk.
No. 852563
Her hair just looks so frizzy and damaged at this point. She really needs to learn how to shower, clean and condition FFS. It just looks so unhealthy.
>>852509This is an abomination, and it's obvious she fucking hates it. She's so obsessed with her instant gratification, whenever something is hard she just gives up. It's such a shitty attitude to have.
No. 852608
File: 1631309333568.jpeg (684.68 KB, 828x1106, F8042467-205D-4F56-80FA-D814ED…)

One of two photos pretty much identical photos of the new hair on Twitter (I don’t understand why people do this…just pick one)… could be a reach, but seems like someone forgot to Facetune out that mark on the arm in this pic… it’s not in the other one.
No. 852609
File: 1631309696187.jpeg (708.22 KB, 828x1106, E82DCDA9-B9C3-4787-84B9-95B4BF…)

>>852608(The other photo)
No. 852612
>>852611It's related to her hepatitis C, the puffy hands are a symptom of liver damage/failure. It was caused by her drug use, probably sharing needles cause jonny has Hep C as well.
She legit looks like a 2 bit hooker. The tattoo of herself on her arm… just ugh… Girl what have you done to yourself? Internet attention is not going to fix your problems, prince charming isn't waiting for your next skank pic…
No. 852647
>>852608>>852625Sorry, samefag hrs later lol.
I forgot to mention it earlier but Ilike how telltale burnt/torn lips from a hot meth pipe are back. Its extremely common with tweakers and crackheads. I know she tried to claim she was shooting her meth but we know she misses 99% of the shots she takes and the pipe burns are so obvious and have been there for at least since she met her first bro dick out of rehab #1 - jake. They just kinda come & go. Not to mention having that 100% punchable telltale high off her tits from h face.
I cant wait for consequences that are actually serious
to her personally. Looks like losing her looks is going to be the first, then maybe the complete loss of career?
No. 852668
File: 1631344934657.png (307.46 KB, 750x1334, EA15359F-D805-41FC-A557-FC2E10…)

Why even bother lying at this point?
No. 852681
File: 1631351844690.png (338.94 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-041050.png)

People who freak out and get defensive like this only seem completely guilty of what theyre accused. If she were sober she would just be able to accept that people will have suspiscions and that her actions would prove her sobriety despite a bit of blood if it were lets say a scratch. Also she edited out of one so was she that high or is she loving this attention and speculation and doing it intentionally??
No. 852683
File: 1631351941780.png (1.29 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-041109.png)

No. 852685
File: 1631352028953.png (1.12 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-041114.png)

No I did not read the rant so cant comment on the contents lol
No. 852686
File: 1631352093968.png (1.13 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-041119.png)

No. 852688
>>852686oh for fuck’s sake she’s on the bubble again. taylor put the meth down, it’s 4 AM.
this is quite literally an exact repeat of her first few meth spirals, wouldn’t be surprised if she actually recycled exact phrases from various spam posts during her binges.
No. 852689
File: 1631352761187.png (1.08 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-042656.png)

"Context matters!" You you being totally off you face with multiple bruises and blood smears and dots (if you zoom in the various snake heads etc are covered in red blotches) isnt context for being high af & in active addiction? Lol. All the tattoos she got with JC on her arms were clearly an attempt to hide tracks and I 100% believe that was the point of the sleeve. She thought she could do like JC and hide shit in her tattoo but I mean its black and grey so I often notice the bruising in it and especially blood and I'm sure other anons do to. Its also on her left arm and shes right handed which no normally wouldnt be sus but when youre strung out yeah, thats kinda suspicious
No. 852690
File: 1631352806401.png (738.82 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-042702.png)

No. 852692
File: 1631353545297.png (425.88 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-044006.png)

Ugh theres more on Twitter. She's fuckong nuts if she thinks anyone believes that its red dye. Also to the dumbass saying no one shoots that high because its "too hard" people shoot much hard places when desperate (like behind the knees & arm pits) and Taylor is the definition of desperate and clueless. Also lmfao at her saying youd be dumb to muscle/skin pop there, but not addressing that she probably tried to shoot iv and missed horribly
No. 852693
File: 1631353642647.png (316.03 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-044038.png)

Also suboxone doesnt do this shit to you her misinformation about every aspect of recovery to cover her own ass pisses me off. No wonder her parents are scared to kick her out, they're fucking equally clueless
No. 852694
File: 1631353747752.png (515.92 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-044141.png)

Also does she bring the "studio light" everywhere? Lmao
No. 852695
File: 1631353820056.png (501.49 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210911-044158.png)

Last one for now
No. 852704
>>852700Definitely fake, because she milks every ounce of medical attention she gets, like when she was OP at rehab we'd get a regular bathroom selfie without fail. If she had a daily visit from a nurse she couldn't resist using it for concern-bait. The only "daily home health" attention she gets is if mama Dean is making her do a piss test before their lunchtime drive-thru junk food trip.
If Taylor ever once in her life didn't mention a (non junkie) health crisis as it happened, then later provided proof it did happen… All these throwaway statements would have a bit of possibility. But she can never resist the instant munchie attention high. By the way Tay, you're about 11 days late on your annual tradition of pretending to have crippling migraines during September!
No. 852709
File: 1631370753074.png (1.47 MB, 2048x1170, Screenshot_20210911-093024.png)

she's editing her track marks. you can see it in one but not the other.
No. 852711
>>852683This just convinced me she is not sober. I didn’t even have a opinion on the matter until know.
She reminds me of catching your partner cheating, and they come up with reasons why your in the wrong / it’s your fault there this way - and they get super defensive
No. 852715
File: 1631377017616.jpeg (461.12 KB, 750x1256, 402C1487-6F0D-4925-9732-FC2DE2…)

lol I like how she condones harassment. I know it’s a throw away account - but this just reminds me when she would send her fans to people’s personal accounts and the would get attacked by like 50 stans
No. 852718
File: 1631378988401.jpeg (498.64 KB, 750x1247, 3CA8A4E1-5385-4623-A26E-FD4C53…)

Twitter fags are annoying - but time and time again I see that her fans don’t give a flying fuck about her pets. It’s hilarious
No. 852727
File: 1631381617067.jpeg (367.33 KB, 1242x1003, 49134002-6726-4995-85B3-E5AAFD…)

Taylor going down the Poot road with this sudden they/them shit?
No. 852736
>>852727>>852735This is just basic white girl stuff, she's just doing it cause everyone else is doing it. She doesn't actually give a shit about pronouns/ gender stuff. She's just posting what she thinks her audience will agree with.
Everything she does is manipulative, this is just another way She's trying to stay relevant/ image craft.
No. 852764
File: 1631410708987.jpeg (506.94 KB, 592x850, B3B0ACAD-EBFC-4887-810B-6CFEAB…)

No. 852765
File: 1631410819205.jpeg (571.75 KB, 703x1081, EB55E254-6F97-41A0-B713-81DEFE…)

Love how she changed it after reading here / backlash even from fans on twitter. My question is… if she plans on working on (construction) the breaded dragons enclosures then why are they in there ?
This is just a excuse, we all know that they will be in that “temporary enclosure” a lot longer then the definition of temporary
No. 852786
File: 1631427410380.jpeg (489.8 KB, 750x1244, 50E5A1D8-E032-4A0F-A6E1-D8D099…)

No. 852787
File: 1631427432099.jpeg (273.98 KB, 750x707, A94365E5-5141-4F51-861D-91FAE1…)

Oh dear lord not again
No. 852790
>>852764Pardon my sperg, but there seems to be a trend towards tile/laminate and no substrate in the reptile community. It's not just Taylor– a lot of people are doing it.
I can't speak to other animals, but dragons and leopard geckos both enjoy digging. Are people too lazy to switch out the substrate or something? Just put some reptile dirt in there, it's not hard. Plus it helps absorb odors and it allows you to put living plants in the enclosure. It's a win-win.
Can another reptile sperg explain the no-substrate fad to me?
No. 852816
File: 1631457646569.jpeg (469.71 KB, 750x1246, 68343FD8-CB1B-4E9C-808F-4A2F61…)

Oh god her influence
No. 852817
File: 1631457672962.jpeg (407.04 KB, 750x1252, 08A43018-C592-466A-BED6-1E51C2…)

No. 852825
File: 1631464272470.jpeg (459.46 KB, 750x1263, 1109FE4E-4E93-4BAE-B563-CC1075…)

No. 852834
>>852818They were Pacman frogs and she actually had two, Jupiter and Asteroid. According to the Google doc, they both died. There might have also been a horned frog at some point, I don't remember.
She has a lot of nerve, thinking about buying another frog when she killed the last two she had.
No. 852836
File: 1631477600290.webm (1.48 MB, 1280x720, g4HC46RvhuTthg_5.webm)
>>852825>>852815Hope she doesnt get anymore pets. Hers are already neglected enough
No. 852839
>>852836Those tanks have waaay too much humidity, I swear the minute winter rolls around all her snakes are going to have respiratory infections. The substrate looks freaking wet, this is how you get mold and poop smells.
She must have her heater under the water dish or something, there shouldn't be that much moisture in a tub. Lazy ass care like usual… Her snakes are gonna get scale rot if she's not careful… not to mention mold/ mildew growth…
No. 852840
File: 1631480613105.png (1.43 MB, 1597x817, high humidity.PNG)

there shouldn't be visible condensation on in the tub
No. 852853
File: 1631491598911.png (413.51 KB, 828x1792, FB0E7770-E6B3-497C-B73D-04D0FA…)

No. 852914
File: 1631563069889.png (522.67 KB, 594x588, tub.png)

And no extra clips for the sides of the tubs. That 10.000 dollar snake will be either lost forever or eaten by one of the cats once it gets out.
No. 852977
File: 1631635417298.jpeg (431.66 KB, 750x1238, 50A214BC-A19C-4A19-A55C-02D5B8…)

That would be great if you were doing that, but like a anon pointed out earlier it’s kinda hard almost impossible to do that and you shouldn’t do that, when the animal is currently living in the enclosures “your working on”
When editing and modifying enclosures you spend 1-2 months making it perfect (and when your a normal adult with jobs and responsibilities) so how will she do this with her pets living in there ? It’s not even a possibility
No. 852984
>>852982Samefag just to be clear , even if she's not doing live planted tanks like vidrel, building DIY hides etc is a serious craft, her first attempts will likely look like a kindergarten play dough disaster and we all know how well she handles frustration or failure.
This is why she gets away keeps reptiles, so much easier to get away with neglect. Imagine taking all your cats toys, scratch posts and hiding spots away and proudly saying "over the next few months I'm going to build them new ones myself!"??? And they will be miserable in the meantime while you snort meth and get those sweet Twitter likes fantasizing about how special and talented you will be just as soon as you get around to it, in a few hours, right after this hit, rinse and repeat for years…
No. 852988
>>852977>>852984I agree, this is never going to happen. I also agree about the neglect. It's awful that she has so much influence as we recently saw with the frogs. Tbh this is probably all an excuse to fuck off and do drugs again like she did the last 2yrs. I think she learned that she needs to keep some sort of online presence, but since her health problems were addressed she dgaf and is probably right back to doing the exact same things as she used to do, to her animals detriment. I don't think we'll be seeing any vids from her for a long time. I also wonder if she's turned this into a "family project" in that she's getting help from her parents because she has so many enclosures and is too fucked up to get out of bed unless she has meth. I mean as you said the animals are
in them, which is awful and I've never seen anyone do it that way, if she really is filming this for a video the advice is going to be wrong, but I guess what's new???!
No. 852991
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She tries so hard to be edgy; I wonder if she's disappointed that her long awaited return to the internet fizzled out so quickly?! She will never attract a major new audience because most addicts aren't open about it online, and normal people don't think getting addicted to heroin is cool or interesting. She just seems like she's desperately trying to be some edgy tiktok "cool girl" (ew that was cringe sorry lol) and it's never going to happen!
oooh you know that might just be right because isn't that what she did when she came back from rehab the first time? I guess we'll find out in another yr
No. 852992
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>>852991and the dreadful pfp
No. 853078
>>853033I want to know why you keep talking about burned lips. Meth pipes don't burn your lips, you aren't lighting the stem, you light the bulb. The stem doesn't heat up where your lips touch it, you'd burn your drugs gone and fingers way before your lips even felt heat.
However, excessive meth use dehydrates the FUCK out of you, so nasty dry, flaky skin on lips is usually from being dehydrated.
No. 853109
>>853033it’s less likely burned lips so much as her lips are chapped as fuck and she keeps biting/picking at them while tweaking.
aside from meth, when she has these sudden posting sprees I wonder if she’s been abusing adderall. Would be easy to justify since it’s a prescription med (isn’t that how she justified using oxy in the past?) but take enough of it and don’t sleep you’ll be tweaked the fuck out like you might as well have done meth
No. 853119
>>853109Her behaviour is textbook methhead with the ranting sprees and 2-3 days in a row of posting and then a day or two (or even a week) to recover from those few hyperactive meth days. Idk why so many anons think she does adderall? Seems to be said every thread. She doesn't have adhd (not to mention is probably flagged in her medical records) and doesn't make the money to buy scripts anymore anyway. Also why do adderall when you can get meth and get even more fucked up?? She also used to casually "joke" about being up for three days straight stressing about a vid she never ended up posting and the like as if that was a normal thing anxiety does to people.
>>853079ah I thought a meth pipe would burn like a crack pipe but you learn something new everyday! lol. In that case I agree that it's still the meth making her dry as hell. Her severely cracked lips weren't a constant until she met jake. Since jake (and forest especially) her lips have always looked like this, despite her claiming she only did meth 2 weeks straight. Maybe that was her longest daily use but she clearly was on it long before and after that
No. 853165
File: 1631842481136.jpeg (544.04 KB, 750x1301, 36C6144A-193E-47CD-BA7D-CBCBC7…)

she needs help to move on my god.
No. 853191
>>853189Why do you think someone that literally called herself a "drug dumpster" a few weeks back would be above doing crack? She's a methhead, there isn't really much lower you can go in terms of being a trashy drug addict.
Shrooms and acid are non addictive and she's never referenced doing hallucinogenics. She has however mentioned doing tons of coke which is basically the same thing as crack.
And the Jonny's baby comment is just weird. That was two years ago, he has clearly moved on with his life and hasn't been part of this thread for a long time.
No. 853218
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Dear god help this cat
No. 853219
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No. 853220
File: 1631891000650.jpeg (209.6 KB, 561x997, 57D4EAA3-9687-4E47-9E32-5962C0…)

New video soon ?! What do you guys think. It’s hard to believe until I’ve seen it. Also doesn’t she have to actually finish the cages
No. 853223
>>853218this is the biggest I've seen star yet. She (and mama) have serious overfeeding issues (the irony). Yeah your pet will whine for more when on a diet but at least they live longer, healthier, and most importantly - happier lives.
>>853219it's hilarious to me that she is avoiding making a tt that would've been a good way to save her channel. She'd have a new generation of kids to show the trials and tribulations of animal hoarding to, but she's strayed too far from animal content now. Can't wait for her to inevitably insert herself into the recovery community with her misinformation lol; I hope she gets called out finally. Tiktoks require a lot of effort, effort I don't see her putting in at all, as she never did even when her yt was in its prime. Idk why people still hate on tt without having tried it; it's especially great for niche hobbies and there is def a community of fellow animal hoarders on there for her. She kinda missed the boat though and is late to the party. Oh and tt revolves around (usually audio) trends and they move VERY fast. I don't see her being able to keep up with that. I'm sure just like pnp she'll love all the trauma dumping people do. Idk but I for one can't wait!!
>>853220I won't hold my breath
No. 853273
File: 1631923500869.jpg (399.53 KB, 1080x2309, Screenshot_20210918-090018_You…)

Sage because old but i found a stray Taylor comment on a danny Gonzalez vid on guava juice. Replies to her comment range from "hi taylor ily!" to "shut up animal hoarder" to "no way im reading that wall of text".
No. 853275
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Also noticed danny didn't like her tweet or respond to it, despite tending to do so for verified youtubers.
No. 853442
>>853223That’s exactly what I thought. Star has always been too heavy but she’s gotten even bigger. Not to blogpost, but she’s now the same size as my rescue when we first found him, and to everyone’s expectation a cat that size was full of joint problems, diabetes, and a bunch of other health issues stemming from that. Obviously it is not being managed or even addressed for Star and it’s making me feel a bit a-loggy.
I guess she just despises them all now. Because that’s what she must feel towards her animals to let them live like they do.
No. 853607
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No. 853608
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No. 853609
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No. 853615
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No. 853629
>>853615“Just goes to be” drop the meth pipe and pick up a book Trailer.
>>853608Her pupils are microscopic. Christ.
No. 853684
>>853607>>853608>dead pinprick eyes>taking several selfies with different angles and filters >complaining about money>"ugh. I hate when rats get old" Ah the classic signs of a sober human distressed about a late night emergency vet visit.
>>853648Agreed. This (feeder) rat is 3 years old. There's zero humane reason to put this girl through a traumatizing surgery that she'll spend the last few weeks/months of her life struggling to heal from, while growing more tumors on top of it. If it was a young rat and you're giving them another year or two of healthy life, I'd understand. But this is just selfish and cruel.
No. 853686
>>853320Samefag but kek this anon totally called it
>She literally says [new video coming] once a month and then something dire happens because of course it does and she never follows throughLess than three days later and she's got this super expensive (cough my $2000 is your $200 cough) vet emergency to flail over.
The most cynical part of me thinks those rats have had tumors for a long time and she didn't care until she needed an excuse to break a promise (and get some attention)
No. 853689
>>853634not a wk but sorry anon this is the most ridiculous tinfoil i've ever seen on this site. They have two rats (yes one is named ghost lol) and right now they're on jonny's silly little "tour". Just because we don't see them doesn't mean they're dead
>>853607>>853608>>853609Is she determined to torture all her pets to death now? It's like she's scared to be accused of killing a pet or something but instead she tortures them because she's high af and can't make proper decisions and it's just as bad. "losing goose slowly to a tumor was…" CRUEL. it was cruel and nothing else. I'm glad it's cost her enough financially for her to whine that they're expensive. At least having $900+ less to spend on drugs is something she'll be upset about because we all know she's not actually upset that her rats are suffering.
>>853686tbh honest I think she's had the tumour for a while because it's infected and I can't imagine that happens over night - as in the tumor had to be there first for the infection to take hold in it. Why didn't she notice sooner? It's your job as a pet owner to check your pets even their "really difficult" spots. This is just like her hedigie that took her two months of visits home to notice had mange. I think these poor elderly rats have probably been suffering for some time.
No. 853702
>>853686>>853689ik most anons here aren't super familiar with drug addiction or addict use, but i suggest maybe watching an interview or witnessing their lifestyle sometime. it just answers so much of the (sarcastic?) talking points brought up. she is sort of psychopathic, but shes probably just trying to roleplay being a real human at this point after the brain damage. i don't think shes intentionally trying to be cruel to her animals anymore, just a series of poor decisions
>part of me thinks those rats have had tumors for a long time and she didn't care until she neededthe worst part is she most likely, unironically, forgot. not that she didnt care but she thought she'd notice before nodding off or something. its so fucking irresponsible
meth in general is retarded and im not sure why mama dean didnt kick her out the second she started doing it. the looping and destruction of your mind is insane. kinda think she wanted to care for the animals or get them checked out, whatever, but her 1 hour is our 20 hours. she remembers to check the animals out when its 3am and shes slightly sober.
No. 853773
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No. 853774
File: 1632204454172.png (2.78 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210921-005903.png)

Can we talk about the state of her curtain? I feel like she puts it infront of her sideboard to hide her shit in pics and probably convenient if moma dean walks in too. But this thing was new when she moved back home! Nasty af hasnt changed
No. 853775
>>853608>>853648Exactly, "I want them to pass on when it's time, not from tumours." This IS the time. People don't just die because they're old, they die because something goes wrong in their body due to their old age. For rats, that often includes tumours. This is them dying from old age.
At least give them the decency of sedating them to the point where they can't feel pain, like we do with humans.
No. 853776
>>853773"we'll see if this one is more harsh on her"
Fuck you Taylor. She is a rat over 3 years old who just had invasive surgery for the second time in a year to remove a likely cancerous/infected mass. Of course that is fucking harsh on her, even if she doesn't show it.
No. 853785
>>853702>ik most anons here aren't super familiar with drug addiction or addict useCan't speak for other anons but I'm extremely familiar tyvm, but I was never a junkie myself so don't see all the rationalizations and excuses for her behavior as muh
valid addict brainrot. This is lolcow not group. Whether she is a sadistic psycho or a self-inflicted retard, the animals suffer all the same.
She hasn't been high 24/7 since starting her channel, she's had sober weeks or even months, and in those times she made the choice to keep putting those animals in imminent danger of harm and neglect, THAT CHOICE is what makes her a piece of shit and worthy of the absolute worst interpretation of every action.
I can forgive a high dumbass crashing a car or robbing a 7/11 because their brains don't work (many can't and I get that) but I can't forgive when someone is sober, in their right mind, presented with the cold facts that they'll likely carry on hurting and neglecting their partner/kids/animals, who chooses their ego over the basic needs of those depending on them.
Taylor would rather every pet she owns suffer and die a horrible death, than admit she's not capable, and deal with people calling her a loser or a bad person. That's not druggie brain rot, that's who she is at the core, high or sober.
No. 853795
>>853774Omg gross, that is COVERED in cat piss. The cats usually mark near windows when they see strays outside, but this could also mean they're still contained to her room at least part of the day and are fighting for territory.
Tinfoil but Weimeraners have a strong prey drive and Mama Dean may herd the cats into Taylor's room overnight so the dog isn't around them unsupervised. Lord knows Star couldn't outrun a dog bred for hunting.
No. 853820
>>853774It's honestly disgusting how she lives, but she's a junkie so she probably doesn't even notice it anymore. The Whataburger cups are also hilarious to me; I swear all she eats is fastfood, and that's why she's getting fat.
She's just so LAZY man; she doesn't do anything, but sit in her room and cry about jonny.
No. 853869
File: 1632252856388.png (488.82 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210921-143248.png)

This is the first time I see her speak on an issue and not make it completely about herself
No. 853872
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And this is what happens when you do drugs all day and isolate yourself to such an extreme. But I'm sure calling her dealer is easy. But that's different right insert eyeroll here? /s Lol
No. 853909
File: 1632265578675.png (81.38 KB, 407x717, 1231231.PNG)

looks like someone probably did some meth to have the energy to leave her bed but forgot they'd take her pulse. OR she remembered and wanted to munch. By "old" heart problem she must mean from back when she first did stimulants or last yr when she was clearly doing a fuckton of meth with aggy. I highly doubt she has any real heart issue. I remember when she posted herself in the er when her "heart went boom" and the med anons said she had perfectly normal stats only diff was the meth raised hr. I hope it means another shit tier tattoo
No. 853910
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there's no way that's possible because he's in a stupid bin
No. 853912
>>853869I was wondering how long it would take before she commented on this. Gabby wasn't warned before hand, taylor LITTERALY said
>"ok this guy is a heroin addict, abused women, probably raped some, but he's a musician and I want the experience LOL, FUCK THE HATERUZ THIS IS MY LIFE"being murdered because you have OCD/ mental health issues, is nothing like seeking out a druggie BF.
>>853872I'm almost positive her "friends" (if you can call fellow drug addicts friends) dumped her cause she was an emotional vampire. She must be such an exhausting creature to be around.
No. 853914
File: 1632265997826.png (822.27 KB, 398x712, awertawa3.PNG)

just to further prove that the only reason she doesn't take pics in enclosures is because she doesn't want to ft more anthropomorphism
No. 853932
>>853869But this is still 100% about her. Otherwise she would have dropped the first sentence about domestic abuse and gaslighting, she couldn’t miss a chance to remind everyone how big of a
victim she is and gabby was just a convenient method of doing so
No. 853934
>>853932Agreed. In the entirety of Taylor’s career, she’s never attempted to bring any light, justice, or use her platform to benefit people similar to Gabby. Taylor has only used these people and their tragedy as a vehicle to cry about herself.
I am not here to deny that what JC did to her wasn’t awful, but I do think it’s abhorrent to always make things about herself.
Taylor will never change.
No. 853969
>>853910Did she forget Salem's name?
>>853914He's trying to get to the bulb 5 feet away.
No. 853970
>>853969Salem's got a namecard thingy
>>851546 but lmaoooo
No. 853974
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We haven't had a "sooo sober and thriving" declaration in a while, and she's back on the Furby shit. Can't help but tell on herself.
Btw this bag may will probably cost around $100 based on the creators other products. But she won't complain about that dent in her wallet will she?
No. 854012
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Taylor vines does not equal arboreal. Having a arboreal enclosure does. No one is speaking for you, they are just asking a question. So many people have asked her why she is using an arboreal enclosures bc it’s very confusing. Especially the fact that she isn’t currently making platforms, and he’s is “temporary” living in there with like no enrichment. It’s temporary guys don’t worry
No. 854013
File: 1632327463401.jpeg (Spoiler Image,372.06 KB, 750x1039, CA32B6F1-0B50-4146-868D-C7F57B…)

>>854012Didn’t mean to add a spoiler
No. 854015
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I’m goin to kms bc it keeps adding spoilers, anyways I think she might have had one rude comments about the enclosures about the setup, but had like twenty people questioning her methods. Whenever she explains her mistakes she always makes it to be she never makes mistakes, and everyone is hating and attacking her so she needs to set it straight on how right she was. But like bro just get the right size home for your beardie. Not that hard.
No. 854016
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… even tho she has posted stories since then on Instagram of him still being in there. She stocks this sight so much bc last night she was addressing all the criticism
No. 854018
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>>854016She claims she doesn’t check the Twitter tag, but this is actually the third time in like a month that she’s done the old quote tweet and delete.
No. 854086
>>854016>assumptions as factK, so basically everything your fat fingers type out Taylor. She’s taken her dumb idea as a fact despite being told not to. It would take less effort to do it the right way, but she can’t be proven wrong and has to die on every hill she climbs.
I’ve seen beardies sustain fatal injuries from falls in common “breeder” size tanks, they can slowly bleed to death internally depending on a few factors, the UVB is going to be too far away, why fucking risk any of it? They’re ground dwellers, slap some rocks and low branches and hides in a 55 gallon tank and call it a day, the braindead Twitter stan was nicely trying to push her in that direction. Can’t do that when you can screech to everyone how right you are while the poor thing you have is missing half its limbs….
No. 854120
File: 1632397030417.png (1.22 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210923-063414.png)

Someone needs to come get their witchy grandma she's out here with this meek scarey (scared/anxious?!tf?) Look on her face and poor obese snake
No. 854121
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No. 854122
File: 1632397259929.png (2.11 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210923-064000.png)

Like that's some nightmare shit. creepy look on her face
No. 854203
>>853785not sure if you're being passive aggressive or not, but i brought up the meth pov because its fucking ridiculous how uneducated the majority of you sound talking about drug addiction and framing her for highly intelligent emotional decisions. shes a braindead retard at the end of the day and reading that shes an emotionless, psychopath loser with 50% of anons tinfoiling her bpd is honestly fucking cringe. exactly like you're doing.
>ITS HER EGGOOOOand the meth, you literal fucking retard
>SHES BEEN SOOOBBEERRRRno she hasnt since however many years ago and it LITERALLY ROTS YOUR BRAIN. meth gives mental illness. she's not a decision-making queen like you so badly want to frame her to be.
again, its not that shes NOT responsible, its that she is low-functioning and killing her iq with chemical changing substances
tl;dr pretending methrot doesnt exist so you can post about taylor being bpd is both tiring and a faggot move
No. 854207
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No. 854239
>>854207You know your community is tired of your shit when "heart go boom" part 2 didn't even buy her a few days of munchie glory, so she's back to hyping imaginary videos kek
>>854203Put the pipe down babe, Taylor doesn't need your allcaps WK
No. 854247
>>854243How is
>she's not mean/psycho/bpd/egomaniac she's just low functioning because she took meth once and it melts your brain forever educate yourself REEEnot white knighting? If she's a forever-retard, then she's not culpable for her actions and this thread is all boollying a helpless vegetable.
No. 854252
>>854203maybe you've only been following this cow for a short while, but she's always behaved like a cluster b retard, even before she met jonny who introduced her to hard drugs.
taking a sip of vodka and then doing coke once at a party 7 years ago didn't make her an addict or cause enough brainrot to decide hoarding 30 animals in her childhood bedroom, faking EDS for attention or dating a washed up, diseased junkie like jonny is a good idea (and most of those things happened before she did drugs for the first time, anyway).
she's been doing dumb shit since she was an underage kid because her brother is special needs and she didn't get enough attention from mommy and daddy. that's all.
No. 854266
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THAT A MALE ?! so thiccc
No. 854309
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No. 854310
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No. 854358
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I’m not sayin she is wrong, but I just find it funny how she throws shade, and retweets this stuff. Like she has a 200k following and already said how this wasn’t okay, why is she putting someone’s account on blast to be attacked ? Also she hates it when people give her criticism but she throws it at tiny account // again not saying she is wrong I just find the whole situation interesting. She is the only influencer I see do this
No. 854379
>>854247white knights are the ones that go into threads and cry and bitch about how youre mean internet boolies and cyberstalkers and literally killing them. if you dont knock it off theyll report you to the internet police and they have logged all our ips
junkies and medfagging are always gonna happen but anons wont always agree with it. its established threads ago shes a forever online failed bpd ethot who got too much attention too fast and turned into a syd. a desperate star fucker who is willing to parade around making herself look like a fool for the most fleeting seratonin boost likes and rts will get her.
No. 854397
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>>854358She deleted this tweet pretty soon after you posted this anon
Confirmed Taylor lurking, and made a new tweet not dragging the persons @
No. 854446
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New bio
No. 854477
>>854446> 20+ animals dead in her care. KEK
>>854397So ironic she’s posted this given her old photos she had with her snake and rat when she was living with JC
She really doesn’t have a shred of self awareness.
No. 854782
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Mama Dean sperging on Twitter, no wonder tayter turned out the way she did with a narc like her for a mother. WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEE REEEEEEEE
No. 854787
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>>854782yeah it looks like Taylor's little brother is distressed because of her using and general fucked up mental state, but mama wants to blame jonny who hasn't even been in the pic for 2yrs now. This is ALL Taylor, She is the one choosing to use in her parents house and sleep all day and lay in bed high af all night. Also if she's going to blame ""psychopaths" for things "before drugs" is she says taylor is one? Or is she saying her poor uwu baby is just a perpetual
victim!? Her mom is one of the biggest enablers I've ever seen and still in total denial despite all this time and all the blatant tracks and her actions I'm sure it's 10x more obvious. She's not at all powerless here, she can kick Taylor out so her son can grow up in a healthy environment. I can't believe he may spend all his high school years with his fucked up addict sister stressing him out likely causing meltdowns that Taylor has mocked him for before on twit before (and I bet she does it irl too). I have sympathy for Tanner but mama and dad can get fucked this current situation is literally their fault! Sorry for the rant nonitas I get really angry when people don't gaf about those who are vulnerable and innocent especially those with special needs.
No. 854788
>>854787If it was like 6 months after they broke up, I would give Taylor’s drug addiction some slack. But blaming Johnny for Taylor’s current actions after years of seeing each other is a joke and not giving Taylor any accountability. If anything it’s enabling her “it’s not your fault baby it’s the big bad mans”
“I know mom” Proceeds to put needle in arm
He just got her addicted to H too, she was already doing drugs in the house before jonny came into the picture. So there was already a safety issue for her son, BEFORE jonny.
No. 854809
taylor is responsible for her fuckery, tanner isn’t
lower the boom, mama, keep your son safe
No. 854818
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No. 854820
File: 1632869576322.jpg (212.88 KB, 1080x2116, Screenshot_20210928-174458_Twi…)

Tweeted and deleted. "address leak" is a funny way to say "I was high and posted my address on my insta story"
No. 854821
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No. 854828
>>854820KEK it's three times now, that she had to move because of doxing? Not because of her horde of animals, her
abusive relationship, her heroin addiction, her little leprechaun of a boyfriend wrecking the place, or her irresponsible ass forgetting to pay her bills? What a twist! I love how she just changes her story out of nowhere to whatever will garner the most sympathy at any given moment. The second something bad something happens to someone Taylor just has to wedge her way in there like "me mememeeee. This happened to me! But WORSE."
No. 854834
>>854797Didn't mean it as in they should get rid of him so Taylor can continue being a lazy piece of shit druggie.
But it's quite obvious Jen is over her head. If Taylor and her hord moves out, they should at least try to slowly introduce a caretaker to him. Jen won't be around forever and it's less harmful to start the process while he's still young instead of having a fifty something disabled and potentially dangerous/aggressive man, who needs to be put somewhere without ever having lived a single day without his mother and no family left to visit him.
No. 854843
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What she even talking about
No. 854845
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>>854843Farmers are so stupid sometimes.
She’s literally talking about Corpse which would’ve taken you 1 second to look.
No. 854903
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lol okay
No. 855022
>>854926>a drug addicted daughter and a son with special needsThat's her whole miserable reality, it's no wonder she's obsessed with a childish fantasy world.
Seems like Tanner is really pushing her lately, that house must be a nightmare. Not WKing but there's a reason why Prader Willi patients are very rarely cared for at home after adolescence. Mama Dean is like Tay though, she'd rather die than admit she can't cope.
No. 855025
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No. 855073
>>855025Can't wait to see those hedgehogs thriving Tay!
Also kek at
>still editing>don't know how long uploading will take>don't know how long approval will take >everything always takes longer than she expects >has promised several times not to promise videos that aren't done>but guys, it definitely will be up Oct 1st for suuureUh huh, just squeezing those few thousand hype views out of her audience at the end of the month again! She's so predictable.
No. 855205
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It’s 7pm in Texas. Think she will post in the next 5 hours ? She still has time.
No. 855212
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No. 855213
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No. 855214
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No. 855240
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No. 855241
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No. 855242
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No. 855271
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No. 855274
File: 1633194960112.png (1.74 MB, 1252x631, fall.PNG)

jesus… she just gets worse, how far can one person fall?
No. 855276
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I need to pause for a minute and this is what I came back to. Oooh, girl…
No. 855280
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Her self proclaimed hobbies. Umm what ? You mean lying in bed, the office, and whatever burger. She hasn’t even done a majority of these things she listed
No. 855281
>>855280Psychology, zoology, animal rehabilitation, marine biology
All of these you need to be either volunteering or internship / at a animal rehab, and going to University to proclaim it being your “hobby”
This just proves to me how uneducated she is but she wants to be a advocate for these topics without any experience. Talk about the rewinded soul
No. 855286
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She has always disappointed me how she tracks her heat. Taylor I know you read here. Buy three of these and put one in the middle and one at each end of the enclosure. Then you can get a feel for the cool side, warm side, and middle.
We all know the heat killed my Pac-Man and skinks story is BS, but wouldn’t you be more careful about heat because of that. Also I never say a heat regulator, but that can be attached somewhere else.
No. 855291
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No. 855293
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No. 855296
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I think it’s the styrofoam that really got me laughing
No. 855298
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No. 855299
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This made me kek
No. 855310
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>I'm not going to as you to like and subscribe but SOMEBODY wants to ask you…
Ah what a cutesy way to feature the animals everyone wants to see
>Look, this ugly toy says pleeease subscribe!
Jesus Christ. Is she really so over her pets? This whole video she sounds so miserable, like someone is bullying her into upgrading her enclosures.
No. 855316
No one appears to have done this yet, so I present :
A brief tl;dw
>Go watch my druggie videos
>omg I don’t know what I’m doing, bad lighting, bad angle, not like this is her job at all
>Really feels like she’s getting her life together and will be able to move out soon
>doesn’t want to lean into super educational content, isn’t here to be a teacher but to connect with people (lol)
>Basically doesn’t want to tell people how to take care of animals because she doesn’t know and people correct her, which she says is arguing
>Atrium house sperging
>wah I live with mom and dad because they provide a roof over my head when I ruined my life
>Just doing the setup, getting ready to be decorated. Part two will be decorating
>Weird music sperg
>7 minutes into a video that’s 18:53 and supposed to be about animals, the first animals appear
>Oh this music is actually worse, how about that
>Montage of setting up the new enclosures to some music that sounds how Taylor looks.
>No talking, Taylor wants us to read her text on screen cause she hasn’t tortured us enough with walls of text
>All enclosures are as expected from Taylor - subpar.
>Realises she can’t plan, measure, do anything correctly - has to haul everything apart and redo, relocate some enclosures
>Montage part 2, redoing all the work she did wrong
>Makes her own 3D backgrounds
>Still looks bad and she should feel bad
>Says she will show each individual animal going forward
No. 855317
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Follow my Instagram
No. 855322
>>855316it's so hilarious how taylor most likely knows that the vast majority of her audience doesn't give a shit about her and yet she still inserts all these sperges about herself, even when everyone just came to see her animals and their enclosures.
imagine a random person that's trying to find out more about setting up animal enclosures stumbling upon this video and having to skip almost half of it because she can't shut the fuck up about her junkie issues.
No. 855333
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>>855271Someone please break the news to her that PetTube died while she was on her Jonny bender and even if it didn’t her content is so low effort it’s impossible to get through. Idk what’s worse, between the awful music, bad editing, and weird title screens.
>>855299Nitpick, but she should really invest in a pull down backdrop or something because her bedroom is unaesthetic and distracting. Her desk is so covered in nick nack bullshit no wonder it takes her 3days to edit a video and don’t even get me started on her hanging her ugly clothing on the wall because her closet is so full of crap.
No. 855344
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No. 855345
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No. 855404
>>855401yeaaa it just seems like she's trying to impress the wrong type of people. On the one hand I feel sorry for her, cause she's obviously a train-wreck, but on the other; this is the life she chose for herself.
She cares WAYY too much about what other people think about her, and it comes across as inauthentic. It obvious the only reason she's trying to break into YT again is for money, so EVENTUALLY she can move out.
She really hasn't made the lifestyle/ attitude changes she needs to survive. When YT doesn't payout like she wants, I'm predicting another relapse saga. She's obviously very attached to her "new look" but it's just objectively bad for her "brand"/"marketing". Going from family friendly, girl-next-door look to kitsch/ hip-hop, major no-no. Kitsch is pretty polarizing anyway, add to that the poorly planned trash tattoos, and it just awful. She would be so much more sucessful if she just went back to her old look, but I have a feeling her ego is overinflated and she's convinced herself this is the "real" her, when obviously it's not.
No. 855485
>>855310It's sad but when you think about it it's true anon. Everyone is such a mean bully in her eyes for calling for her to upgrade her enclosures, when in reality it's the bare fucking minimum she should be doing, we all care for and feel sorry for these animals. I truly don't understand at this point why she doesn't rehome them all and keep a cat and maybe a snake for ~edgy~ points, and just do OF or a druggie channel or whatever the hell she would actually have interest in. The way she forces the "omg this is whut I love!! animals r my passhun!!" is exhausting, we can all see just how uninterested she is in them at this point. She only did these enclosure upgrades to kill the hate on her setups and get some monetization cash. It still baffles me that she threw away such an EASY fat check every month from YT for drugs. The shit she could afford when her channel was booming is crazy. And honestly, no more than a couple videos a month would have sufficed to keep that going for her.
Also, she looks awful in this video kek. I'm not one to purposely try to focus on looks but she just looks worse and worse every time. The edgy egirl look she's going for every time she uploads just is not working for her, she was more attractive even in her Jonny days. She somehow has gone backwards ever since breaking up with him.
No. 855537
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The after cage was so funny it made me laugh. Definitely not aesthetically pleasing, and looks like less floor space
No. 855539
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I feel like her videos were way more entertaining when she was high with jonny trying to hide being high from fans. The ones now are a dumpster fire in comparison, and that saying something.
Even her old thumbnails were so much cleaner. She screams messy in the newer ones. Even her newest video editing is so badly done in comparison. The gamer editing in that video made me laugh though.
No. 855544
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>>855539How tf are these thumbnails only one year apart. She looks like a completely different person, her weird hairstyle ages her like 10 years. Hard to believe she’s only like 25.
No. 855551
It's honestly kind of sad seeing Taylor fall so far. Watching her newest video it felt like it was a lot less about the animals and more about HER when the entire point of her channel is that it's a pet channel. She says she doesn't want her content to be educational - then don't make an entire YT channel dedicated to your exotic animals tf? but alas, she's in wayyy too deep. People subscribe to see her pet content specifically even though she's really not a great example for her viewers which many i imagine are young and impressionable.
whether she likes it or not, her channel IS an 'educational channel' to some extent simply because she's showcasing how she cares for her exotic animals… and it's not great.
To nitpick (as a reptile keeper myself: i am not an expert in any way but I have enough background knowledge to be concerned about certain things):
that one ball python's enclosure is much too small - and keeping BPs in glass enclosures is hotly debated because front-open glass enclosures like that don't hold humidity as well as bins or vision cages do. in dry states it's a huge problem… say what you will about bins but if they are an appropriate size and the animal has enrichment they can live a long and happy life in a bin. if it was in a bin before that was appropriate for its size and it had enrichment (both of which i doubt but that's besides the point) then this is kind of a step backward… ball pythons are shy animals, they don't like being watched.
the enclosure she has her hognose in - she made a custom backing, that's cool and great, but is that styrofoam? stryofoam is a nice building material because it's light and cheap and all but i don't know if it's safe for reptiles… my thought is that the little crumbs will flake off and could potentially be ingested and that's really worrisome. for chrissake there are literally backings with ledges like that you can find all over the place - universal rocks is a great seller of that sort of thing. also, to my knowledge hognoses are burrowing animals? it's nice that it HAS all that vertical space but they don't really climb at all so why go to the trouble of adding that? IMO she could just swap the BP and the hog and they would both have much higher QOL.
also, those zen habitats cages are soooo insanely expensive. no vision cage is necessarily cheap but when i bred BPs i don't think i ever would have splurged on that kind of cage especially if money was really tight. there are SO MANY other cheap vision cage providers (animal plastics being one i can name off the top of my head) and she could have potentially gotten double the vision cages for the price of what she paid for the zen habitats ones… also i'm pretty sure the zen habitats aren't very well reviewed for how much you pay for them either, literally they are all about the looks of the cage itself and not about the health of the reptile inside the enclosure :/
whether taylor likes it or not she does set an example for people watching her channel. what she went through sucks and i wouldn't wish it on anyone but i REALLY think she needs to downsize. people with collections of her size usually have an entire room dedicated to reptile care (that isn't their bedroom) so they have the space to adequately provide for their animals. i watch a lot of other 'pet tubers' and the contrast between her and other channels that have proper animal care is astounding… take snake discovery for example - they have hundreds of animals and keep them in rack style cages/bins but their animals are healthy and happy because they understand the needs of their animals, and, namely, don't overly humanize/personify them (something taylor is definitely guilty of).
she is currently someone recovering from a very dark part of her life but fuck, girl, get rid of the animals so you can properly heal. it might hurt but you and those animals will be much better off in the long run.
also… why does she overline her lips so much? it looks really awful. her hair doesn't look great either but i think that that's just her style… i dunno, it just looks trashy to me… and are her eyes super red or is that just me?
TL;DR she's trying but she missed the mark, improper care + needlessly expensive reptile cages, SHE NEEDS TO GET RID OF SOME ANIMALS because she obviously does not have the room nor the means to care for all of them.
No. 855563
>>855551It’s been speculated that she got the new glass display cages as a sponsorship, makes sense if it’s true because she was posting nonstop about them and tagging the company in all the posts for a good week and a half.
I’m not a snake expert at all but I agree with the styrofoam, I was looking at that like what the fuck? It seemed like she just glued substrate on it, wouldn’t it have been sturdier and less likely to flake if she covered it in air drying clay first and then covered that in aquarium silicon covered with substrate.
No. 855600
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HHaha this made me laugh, none of the twitter fags mentioned to this fan, that that halloween crab was killed. Even one of Taylor’s petuber buddies lied saying “the lost the video” of the crab when showin all of Taylor’s animals. Later to find out the crab died prematurely, and Taylor was lying saying they were alive
No. 855620
I honestly fell for the song in the video. you can listen it here why did she choose such a sad song about falling being alone and searching for anyone
No. 855643
>>855620Cause she's desperate and lonely. She's getting into her mid 20's and many people are starting to settle down and get married. Her looks are fading fast cause of drugs and fast food, and despite what people say, looks matter ALOT when finding a partner.
Taylor certainly isn't going to find prince charming sitting in her bedroom. She probably feels disgusting and undesirable, cause she is. The dating scene for junkies is other junkies, considering she doesn't do anything else she's fucked.
No. 855801
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deleted rant
No. 855855
>>855814>>855841>>855836She definitely entices them to bite her, drugs have seriously stunted her memory. Here
>>852240, is literal evidence thanks to aggy which is recent. I hope he continues to expose her periodically. I swear she also recently posted another one where she was also antagonizing one of her snakes but tbh I feel like she is in every pet vid of hers. This all ties into her being an animal abuser
No. 855859
>>855801But we have seen at least 10-15 videos of just tofu alone biting her
5-6 snake bites every taylor ? Really ?
No. 855862
15.8 she got bit by "Sabor as always" and then only two days later she got bit by Toast. Here she is getting chewed on by Gucci 1 or 2 here are some deleted tweets about TEETH getting stuck in her hand and I have no idea how many times she said Duck bit her. She knows that this is not how you "train" snakes. But the bites get many views.
No. 855867
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No. 855869
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No. 855878
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Surprised these haven’t been posted yet! It’s been 18 hours and she doesn’t have many likes on it either.
No. 855879
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No. 855880
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Other photos are just Dove. I posted the distraction stitch one in case people were curious and then the cage shot she included.
No. 855923
File: 1633764331970.jpeg (347.98 KB, 1125x750, BA559F05-B283-45FA-8C63-9B975A…)

>>855878Just realized distraction stitch was mentioned in a comment, not the caption!
No. 855943
>>855880I’m happy she finally gave the rats adequate care but it’s sad knowing she just did this so she could take pictures of them. If you look at the cage picture every single one of these items looks brand new and like rats have barley even used it, probably because she literally just did this. I remember people telling her to get bar covers for actual years and in a momma dean video maybe 6ish months ago the cage clearly didn’t have any.
Tinfoil but I didn’t believe it when goose got surgery (she never showed incision sites or stitches, or vet pictures or any tangible proof) and I don’t believe it now. And purple lint is definitely not proof.
No. 855954
>>855901i love how taylor talks so flippantly about her disabled geriatric rats that are long overdue for euthanization, as if this disability is a choice. They must be suffering terrible again torture because she doesn't want to be seen an animal killer(??) This is perfect i guess she's showing any would be new followers to steer clear she's an animal abuser and treats every pet as a human! What's funny is when "muh eds" flares up (aka dope sickness from 0 funds and no $ for meth either) suddenly she can't do anything! Like damn taylor you're clearly just choosing to be a grumpy rat get over it and smile for the camera!
>>855880oh and i never realized this was a ferret nation?! It may have been discussed when she first got it, i think it was. But damn even though her rats were all oeverweight they probably couldn have gotten out easily only to become a whole menagerie of pets' play thing/snack. She is as lazy as it gets. This reminder makes me less shocked she has all the wrong enclosures for her reptiles rn
No. 855955
>>855880pretty sure these are old photos and the rats are long dead. "took these just an hour ago" throwing in when you took pics is a tell-tall sign of a lie. They've probably already died and this is just a setup for their death announcements.
The wall of text and excuses about vets makes me thinks she died in surgery or was euthanized. Probably won't be much longer till we hear her hedgehogs died and stuff, but they've probably been long dead.
No. 855972
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No. 855997
>>855972of course it goes right over her big head. Clearly the way she spoke about drugs and went on and on about them was similar enough to that sort of post (dealing) that it was deleted. That's horrible for a "recovery & mental health advocate", especially for her to reveal the reason the post is gone. THIS would be the time to lie lmao (obviously not in the way she lied here). She's just obsessed with sharing
triggering war stories for NO REASON and has 0 real or druggie friends to blab to
No. 856010
>>855879>don't worry pigeon is fine and I'll post her after thisExtremely sus phrasing. If you think people will ask about pigeon, then just put her in this carousel of 10+ photos? Why mention her at all?
>no one asked but Pigeon is fine, no really guys she's thriving aha no I'm not posting evidence but trust me she's doing amazing the vet told me she's the best rat he's ever seen and then he gave me a gold star! I bet Pigeon is just as fine as her hedgehogs and Sabor.
No. 856032
>>855943>>855923The only reason I'm inclined to believe they got surgery is because she's otherwise too dumb to even know that they use distraction pull things on animals when they're healing.
But you know she only got them surgery for the social media attention and ass pats. She doesn't post about anything else and their cages were bare up until this point.
No. 856039
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This is why Twitter fags piss me off. Educating one person in the thread about GTP behavior and the twitterfags flip there shit, saying it’s defending taylor. If anything it points out why Taylor shouldn’t be handling her GTP so much while knowing there classic biting behavior is a stable in this species. It’s almost impossible to own a Green Tree and not get bite at some point they are very aggressive snakes. There teeth are very thin, that’s why it’s a display pet, bc you don’t want them to get damaged/ hurt from being defensive and biting you. Just because some twitter-fag is uneducated about green trees, doesn’t mean the post was less valid. Also as I mentioned right before that post, Taylor’s KSB (very docile) would bite her same with her hognose, and her Texas Rat Snake on a crazy amount of occasion. Did I mention how many times her blood python she rehomed bite her ? Yeah so fuck right off twitter.
No. 856040
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“No ones talking about Green Trees genius”
Literally there response to me responding to someone asking about green tree behavior saying they don’t know much about them. Um okay fag(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 856119
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Time if flying fast in Taylor’s mind. 6 months sober ? Every week she adds another month ahaha in her tweets. Months don’t move that fast honey
No. 856125
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>>856119Her own stories highlights say that 12 weeks ago (week of July 19th) she was "2+ months sober", so that puts her sobriety date around the middle of May. We know how much she loves to round up, but let's be generous and say May 1st.
>5 months and 11 daysOops. Even when we account for her saying 2+ months actually means 2.5 months (which we know she'd round up to three lol) there's no way she got to 6 months already.
Maybe if she were really sober, counting to six would be easier.
No. 856195
File: 1633993003261.jpg (223.59 KB, 1170x2074, IMG_5015.jpg)

sage for nitpick but seriously how stupid is she?
she acts like it would be hard to find an artist that would do a halloween tattoo… when literally 95% of the artists i know literally make flash sheets specifically for halloween.
not to mention the fact that there's a tattoo shop every 500ft here smh
No. 856196
>>856195Plus the fact that she has to spurg every little thought in her mind is annoying. This post does nothing, it's not cute or quirky or productive, there's no purpose to it at all. It's literally just to get her tween fans to reply to her story "omg u should get this it would look so cute on uuuu!! ~cute face emoji~"
Or maybe she is so desperately broke she is hoping a local tattoo artist will magically see this and hook her up with a freebie? Like Taylor, we know you have no money but you have to pay artists for their time and work. Wonder if she made much at all from her sponsored video, the fact that she hasn't bought some expensive stupid toy by now seems to show that she didn't. She was CONSTANTLY showing off the dumb outfits and room accessories she was buying after moving back in with her mom but she doesn't do it nearly as much anymore.
No. 856457
>>855867Checked her socials looking for her excuse as to why she she’s so quiet/ probably won’t upload and was not disappointed
She has to be high to come up with lies this outlandish and think people are going to believe her. Has she never heard of people calling their phones and listening for the ringer/vibration?
No. 856469
>>856458Oh lord, if we thought meth sperg Taylor was insufferable, now she's angling for an Adderall RX.
Bad news Tay, you won't get stimulants prescribed with your history, have fun jumping through hoops for an adult ADHD diagnosis only to get prescribed another antidepressant you can "forget" to take.
No. 856470
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Somebody give Taylor a medal for bathing one of her hedgehogs. We haven't seen this one in a while right?
No. 856497
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Update on Taylor's very real and very serious leg wounds, because I know we were all really worried.
No. 856508
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>>856497I’m so sick of the blatant lying. In her newest video you catch a few glimpses of her legs and they are literally spotless??? What fucking wounds Taylor ? Where tf are they, I don’t even see a spot or scar from our super slower healing EDS queen. Like am I missing something?
No. 856538
>>856529MAJOR tinfoil here but what if she has a fake nurse coming in to deliver her drugs?
Maybe Mama Dean wasn’t getting her out as much as she needed. I know that’s an insane theory but I couldn’t see why a nurse would need to come in.
We do know she has had abscesses in the past based on her video, but it’s really sus that she’s claiming them to be in a different place than what we saw.
No. 856551
>>856508>>856510Not to WK but I was scrolling through the old threads to check when the last time the hedgehog was mentioned, this post
>>>/pt/847168 shows her abscesses were on the right side more on her hip and waist than her legs. I don't think she was lying about abscesses because remember she spent a few weeks not even admitting what mysterious surgery she needed. Let's face it if she was lying it would be more extreme and cast her as more of a
victim, abscesses are the dorkiest least dramatic reason to go to the hospital.
No. 856578
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>>856543She also said her mobility was severely effected by it for weeks
>>849682 and she couldn’t walk? while
>>856551 proves that she definitely did have abscesses drained all of her extreme over exaggerating is hilarious, especially because her only skill is telling on herself. You can’t seriously tell me these cotton pads needed a nurse to change them.
No. 856611
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Here's her entire rant if anyone can bare to read it
No. 856659
>>856611We need a book-keeper to keep up with this junkies book of lies. How does this story fit in with the rest of her ever expanding narrative.
How many times has she givin us this exact same wall of text admitting she a piece of shit.
•I know I said I was clean in _ _ _ but…
•I wasn’t actually clean I was secretly using
•I also had super serious health complications that almost cost me my life
• I’m totally clean now and definitely not lying this time tho
give it a few months and she’ll be saying “Im super clean now, and I know it’s shocking but during my yt comeback I was still using, I just had no energy and really needed stimulants as a crutch to get back into things, so thankful I didn’t die” or some bullshit.
No. 856675
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She went to a super spreader event yesterday which is fucked up because covid is at its worst ever especially in texas. Typical narc behaviour. Sure she thinks its good that she got out though which is cringe. She posted a selfie twice. Before and after the concert so I guess she was too fucked up to remeber, she taken pics of this exact outfit before and yikes it barely fits now. Not sure who she went with as we know she doesnt go anywhere alone.
This is the selfie she posted twice
No. 856679
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When she posted it the first time it said "headed to see chase atlantic rn" but she deleted that and this story that disnt make sense and showed how wasted she was on top of her usual h & meth
No. 856682
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Proof she went
No. 856698
>>856611This whole
>I tried to use a little less every day! One day I just stopped wanting it! Convinces me she's still using and has never been sober for a significant length of time. This is pure junkie logic, tapering down your fucking heroin doesn't work, people can barely manage that with coffee or cigarettes.
She thinks she's inspiring people like this girl with her lies, but how's this fan going to feel in a few months when Tay admits to using when she was giving this advice? It's so fucked up.
No. 856801
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I bet she will start faking Tourettes soon too, anything that’s a “trendy illness”
“Trust me guys my doctors thought I could have it for years and they finally got the proper tests down”
No. 856942
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She'll never get tired of imagining herself being amazing.
I'd be genuinely shocked if she's learned a single chord on that guitar, but now she's going to dance, sing, write songs and play piano next year.
No. 856956
>>856943It's funny she's made a couple posts about 2022 when that's exactly what JC's farewell to social media post was about too, making himself better for next year.
This….is….a lot…especially for someone who can't even upload a YouTube video on time. She's her own worst enemy and sets herself up for failure every time.
No. 856971
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>>856959Tinfoil but I think they are still talking and sending each other crusty nudes, I think it started around the time she changed the name of her video exposing him. She couldn't take it down without her audience freaking out so she made it into a joke.
If she had the money to move out and make a little heroin den paradise again he would be with her in a heartbeat. She's no good to him broke, literally all he cares about is drugs and buying new size 4 sneakers to flex on the hayturs.
No. 856976
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The amount she talks about her hair is baffling
No. 856980
>>856942>>856943Lol, this girl is screwed. This is a level of copium I didn't think was possible; dancing? guitar? singing? Its obvious she's angling for a "songwriting career" despite what she says. She's legit bored with her animals, just give them up and stay off the internet.
I think I'm done with this cow, she just doesn't do anything noteworthy anymore. pretty soon she'll be announcing a "break" for the holidays, she's never gonna get any work done.
No. 857003
>>856850There's no way they'll give it to her with that history. Or if they did, the doctor should be investigated because that wouldn't fly for anyone else. But it sure makes a great meth cover!
>>856943Oh she finally remembered that storyline. This feels like Toriyama suddenly remembering Launch.
>>856976This is called a mood swing, Taylor. jfc.
No. 857083
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Place your bets
No. 857088
>>857084Here ya go anon
>>720625 , it's from thread #50, I'm sorry if I'm not linking this right I've never crosslinked threads before. You bringing this up made me want to see it for a laugh and kek I'm cringing from the secondhand embarrassment reliving this moment for her. This was actually from 2019, hard to believe this was 2 years ago and she's still the same broken record loser.
No. 857174
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No. 857175
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No. 857176
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No. 857182
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She tweeted and deleted this, probs bc it's made up. I work at Petco, back when she worked there you got a guaranteed annual percentage increase, but only if you worked there long enough. I assume she wasn't at 90 days during "raise/review season" in the spring.
No. 857187
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Who thinks she will go for a third self diagnosis this week ?
Common on they are both trending on tiktok. I expect faking Tourette’s soon
No. 857189
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With her being “so sick” her doctors would know her iron levels before she does. This is actually a condition I have, and I’m always getting my iron adjusted bc how mine fluctuates. One year I can be extremely severely anemic (bc of another condition of extremely heavy cycles) constantly fainting, then a few months later be more mild. That’s why they regularly test the iron. Also if you get to much iron you get these terrible diseases that last your whole life. Exactly WHY they test the levels people with this history of this blood disorder so often. (4-8 weeks usually for iron levels tested)
No. 857192
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Dude my pet store was remodeled too, and we had a crew, because you know the staff has customers and pets to take care of. What kind of hell pet store did she work in ?
No. 857196
>>857188She's 100% broke af, she would never hesitate to get her hair done or tattoos done in a heartbeat before. She is definitely low on funds, the stupid part is she even put a fraction of effort into putting out some consistent videos maybe once a week, she could make decent money again even if the videos were shit. She still has some small amount of tween fans that would watch.
>>857187>>857189Jfc she really just is the sickest person who ever lived isn't she? Any medical issue her braindead stans bring up she HAS to one up, and she has suffered for "years" or used to years ago. How convenient that the results to these tests are "inconclusive" multiple times. God she really is just the most broken record.
Also, her bitching about sleep when she literally has NOTHING to do all day with no time schedule whatsoever is lame.
>>857192Taylor, the girl who claims animals are her passion but only uploads once a year for her literal YouTube career… went above and beyond working at a normal job? i-
No. 857200
>>857189>>857187Honestly she better hope she doesn't have a sleep disorder, bc with her history of drug use she would never be prescribed any of the possible solutions. I have a couple sleep disorders and every med I've tried for them are super regulated like Adderall, modafinil, Wellbutrin, Vyvanse, etc.
Sleep disorders super suck but you always have to consider your physical health and sleep hygiene first bc it could just be either of those
No. 857204

>>857203Sage for old video and sorry if I'm not linking this video right, but this is her video about her complaints working there. I don't have time to re-listen to everything but watched the intro with captions, this video was made 1/1/17 and she said since working there two years prior she got a lot of questions about her experience, but it took some time for her to feel comfortable before making the video. So honestly she could have been there 6 weeks, 6 months, a year and a half, who knows. (Again sorry if it's stated somewhere in the video) It's annoying to have to even attempt to keep track of what's been said through the videos and massive tweet paragraphs, half of which eventually get deleted. My guess is she couldn't last there more than 6 months if poor fragile Tay was forced into cOnStrUction laBor and the company supported poor animal care, why would she be there any longer? But who knows maybe she really did stick around for 2 years.
>>857197I think the less reaction she gets from her crazy stories the more she ups the ante to keep the attention on her, agreed it's been getting so ridiculous most in this last year but especially these last few months. She becomes more and more desperate for asspatting by the day.
No. 857206
>>857205I forgot SLEEP INSOMNIA
What does that make 14-16 diff medical issues so far Ive seen on twitter alone
No. 857224
>>857186It’d be fun to be her life coach, but only if you could have complete control. Have her shave her head, give her natural-colored wigs to wear until it grows out to at least a pixie. No more hair dyed or bleaches, hair gets washed and conditioned every day. Most of the wardrobe gets thrown out, no more plastic jewelry and fishnets. These get replaced with new clothes that look clean and can’t be repurposed as Halloween costumes. No more social media; Twitter and Instagram get deleted. YouTube account goes into semi-permanent to permanent hiatus. Have her get a local job, something menial that doesn’t require too much thinking, maybe working retail. Start her simple at maybe 4 hours a day, then she can work up to full time. She has to attend at least an hour of talk therapy a week, and has to go into it with a desire to change and improve as a person.
Then the last step is to watch her throw that all away for more drugs.
No. 857271
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She's back to skinwalking again smh
>>857224Tf kinda creepy blog post is this, no1curr about your detailed mind control fantasy
No. 857369
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The only thing the vets can do to help at this point is euthanize her so she passes peacefully. I don’t know why she chooses to let her pets suffer like this instead of giving them a humane death. She is pain, she will not get better, just let her go. I know it’s hard to euthanize a pet but you aren’t doing her any favors by keeping her alive in this condition.
No. 857372
>>857369Okay sorry nevermind it turns out she actually might be considering euthanasia this time. Disregard my comment on this post, in all fairness I never read her essays.
But she still should’ve euthanized her last time she was at the vet instead of letting it get this bad though. You kept her alive for an extra month or two for what? To make her death even slower and more painful?
No. 857373
>>857369Wow how much does she has to tease her “video” to get the views up? Her last few ones did so bad but can you blame the audience?? She spent 7-minutes waffling on something incredibly boring! Also is anything coming out of her bears any truth at all?? No wonder she cant hold down a normal job, her munchies is so severe that she probably will use her recovery as an excuse to be lazy for the next decade. And her parents constant confirming and enabling her fake illness is next level..
Its not cute anymore tay. She was lucky to have a head-start but for the last 2-years I see no sign of improvement from her to keep her youtube “career”. As mama dean said when tay started dating jonny - her friendly pet wholesome girl-next-door imagine is completely gone now.
No. 857390
>>857369If this is true I feel fucking awful for Pigeon, agreed with anons that that she should have done this before getting this bad regardless of how hard it is to let go. Put her through surgery and pain/misery just to suffer a while longer, for what so she could get extra pics before she dies?
However I'm having a very hard time believing her essay is even true. How CONVENIENT for the 100x in a row, she can't deliver the video for some magical unfortunate event that just happens to pop up on upload day. At some point it stops being a coincidence Tay, it's called a pattern. Plus she says the video "likely" would have been out - basically telling on herself that it wasn't even done in the first place. It was never going to be uploaded and she needed a sob story to avoid extra backlash. I think that Pigeon is either already dead or not doing well at all and she just conveniently made up this event because she once again failed to deliver to her audience. Yawn. Same shit different day. She's truly such a loser and it shows.
No. 857407
>>857369If it was actually done (she said she was trying to perfect the editing on
>>857083 )this wouldn’t be an issue. She had time to bleach, tone and dye her hair n post a selfie each time but when it comes to something her fans care about she’s just got no time. Using your dying animals health as an excuse when everybody knows she’s just a piece of shit that put it off until last minute is so scummy.
She said on October 8th
>>855879 that pigeon wasn’t using her back legs so why did she wait 14 days…or until it got significantly worse to take her to the vet. People like this don’t deserve the companionship of animals ffs.
No. 857408
>>856010Called it 12 days ago when she said
>don't worry Pigeon is fine I'll post her soon! And she never did. Now
>>857369>Pigeon is suddenly grievously ill at 2am on the day she promised a video. God she's even a piece of shit by junkie standards. Imagine banking your pet's illness (or death) for the next time you need an excuse to avoid a day of work.
No. 857409
>>857408Isn't this the third emergency vet visit in the middle of the night within the past several months? All for a rat? Who would waste money on some feeder rat that has already outlived the predicted 12-24 month lifespan?
This is just a convenient story she came up with to postpone her video. My bet is that she still had to film an intro but messed up her hair and now needs more time. We will know by her hair color in the new video, if it even gets released.
No. 857419
>>857409This visit is for Pigeon, the earlier midnight drama vet visit was for Dove, the girl who got the new tumors removed a few weeks ago.
Of course since they're the same age and breeding they degenerate at the same time.
I hope to God Taylor doesn't get new rats or any new animals. Then she can just pretend to have her own little medical crisis when she misses a deadline, that's just funny instead of depressing like this.
No. 857424
>>857407>>857408>>857422I didn't even catch this, I forgot she had previously said Pigeon wasn't walking… this is cruel. I'm betting Pigeon died at least two weeks ago when she was initially not doing well and she's doing her usual damage control of creating a timeline and sad story to announce way after the fact.
>>857412Tbf if it's a nice sponsor I think she could easily just tell them this sob story and they'll understand and give her grace to upload the next week, she claims the video will be out Monday 3pm now. (sorry I don't have the ability to upload a ss of her tweet rn) So mark your calendars anons, if she really wants this money enough she'll finally upload then. Will probably be such a subpar video for having 3+ weeks of time to create and edit it.
No. 857433
>>857411Because if it happens in the middle of the night then it seems more dramatic. When she tells the story, those little details make it look even more like Taylor is just a self sacrificing saint of a pet caregiver that she'll rush (er, her mom will drive) her animal to the emergency room (that just happens to have emergency rat services) in the middle of the night for care (after taking a few photos of her animal in pain with her hand conveniently hovering in the corner because she cares so much).
Also she sleeps during the day and doesn't check in on her animals for extended periods of time. So there's that.
No. 857473
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No. 857486
>>857479Would literally be more believable than the tinfoil that she actually dyed her hair weeks ago and somehow resisted posting about it right away.
But seriously, Occam's Razor says she did actually take the rat to the vet to be put down on Thursday. We also know the rat has been paralyzed for weeks so she's had no quality of life for a long time, but Taylor chose to see it as totally fine until she needed a crisis.
>>857475It's not my style but I don't think it's categorically weird to capture saying goodbye to a loved pet. But because we know Taylor is a heartless narcissist, the picture is ghoulish.
RIP Pigeon. Sorry you had to suffer so long. No. 857503
File: 1635008046202.jpeg (523.51 KB, 750x1201, 7883647F-286B-4695-AD3C-0F6C06…)

The rat looks dead or in extreme severe pain.
No. 857560
>>857503at this point, Taylor is using her sick rat for views and it's sickening. She's basically like, "she's dying and in pain but LOOK AT ME CARING FOR HER BY HUGGING HER IN THIS PHOTO!!"
She's heartless and glad I don't know her in real life tbh.
No. 857564
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Wasn't it her goal to go fully blonde like 2 months ago? Why can't she just leave her damn hair alone, she really has nothing else to focus on kek.
No. 857568
>>857564The best part is she posted this around 4am her time. Extremely normal sober behavior to be obsessing about her next hair color while she probably hasn't even washed her last dye job once yet.
>>857424>Tbf if it's a nice sponsor I think she could easily just tell them this sob story and they'll understand and give her grace to upload the next weekIt'll be a huge surprise if the video is up before Nov 1st. Her last two videos were "almost done" for weeks and then suddenly rushed through at the end of the month, which supports the tinfoil that she's completely broke and motivated by getting as many views before month-end as possible, because YouTube pays out monthly.
No. 857587
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what the fuck is going on with her lips
No. 857606
>>857587Lol her hair must look bad irl because she shopped it, you can see a blue haze around the ends. She said she was going to fix the green but based on her hair in
>>857473 it looks like she just put the blue right over it.
They lighting on her lipgloss is so confusing, it’s making it look like she has impetigo or something.
No. 857608
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No. 857666
>>857665They're probably stuck in the
toxic belief that Taylor is only safe from drugs under their roof, lots of young suburban addicts get a free ride because their parents think getting a job flipping burgers will expose their sweet baby to dealers and users. Meanwhile her dealer is probably passing her meth through her bedroom window.
>>857663Don't take the bait nona, just report and move on. Ayrt is a Tay simp who has been trying and failing to get infighting about rats started for days.
No. 857674
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No. 857679
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No. 857681
>>857677 It’s because instead of a sponsorship from Google, she’s contracted out by meth.
Her job duties include:
> Long novels on Instagram > Long novels on Twitter > Long novels in her Instagram comments > French fries in bed > Almost peeing herself in bed > Coloring her hair and … making a huge announcement about it? Including what her future plans with her hair are? > Online shopping with Dollskill She works really hard, anon.
No. 857691
>>857679In the past week she added adhd, nerve damage, and sleep insomnia (all she claims to have the feeling of having these conditions, no dr diagnosis)
This is the fastest she has ever piled on new conditions. I wonder what’s been going on for her to crave attention and her strange forum of validation
No. 857700
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No. 857718
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>>857712No, even at the 3 month mark they start to go down and look less plump, her lips used to look like this, unless she has something fucked up like silicone injected in her lips that won't dissolve, she's had them filled recently. She lies about everything.
No. 857821
>>857753Good catch
nonnie, I completely forgot. After you mentioned it I checked & she also deleted basically any prior announcement regarding when the video would be uploaded. The video thats allegedly been done for about a month now. kek
No. 857822
>>857721she looks more like she has habsburg lips than lizard lips, she didn't need fillers.
No. 857828
needs a lip lift, Jesus. Lizard lips? Unironically go touch grass. She had a perfectly pretty face before she started messing with it. Go sperg in your plastic surgery containment thread about how every
white girl is a hideous lizard until she gets surgery to look like a Bratz doll
No. 857840
>>857828how did words hurt you this badly? Okay, instead of
needs a liplift, how about we say
if she was gonna fuck with her lips using fix-a-flat, she might as well have done the surgical procedure that might have fixed her chimpanzee philtrum and gotten a liplift without the usage of blackmarket filler. Does that offend you personally less? girl is ugly anyway, with or without surgery. unfixable from the inside out.
No. 857861
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Is this lighting a filter or are her pupils really this microscopic in the shade. It's not a good look paired with all these excuses for not posting her video and her latest tweet about 'if you're someone who genuinely doesn't want to get better that doesn't make you a bad person'
No. 857871
>if you're someone who genuinely doesn't want to get better that doesn't make you a bad personSounds like hella cope by her. She IS a bad person by every measure. Lied to her fans, killed animals, made fun of abuse
victims, funded criminals, breaking promises, drove around high… the list goes on. The reality hasn't hit her that her actions will have consequences, she's somewhat shielded living with her parents, but her money is drying up and she doesn't have the attention or success she once had.
No. 857873
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I mean we all knew the rat death was smokescreen for her laziness, but jesus, talk about victim complex.
No. 857874
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Everyone knows what's up, but she keeps fucking over here fans. At least some of them seem to be learning…
No. 857875
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Dr Taylor Dean MD
No. 857876
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>>857874She even told a fan on Sunday night that she was uploading it so it was ready for tomorrow (Monday).
No. 857894
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Aren't these literally where fillers are usually put in? It's so weird how she denies getting more filler, her lips look insane here.
No. 857966
>>857722>>857730I think she is still filling them from time to time but soo much of that is migration. It's been proven with mri's that filler can last even up to 8-9yrs and that's just because there's only been a limited amount of research so far. She is seriously fucking up her looks for life her lips are probably full or granulomas. I feel like we regularly see bruises/injection marks there, at least I have noted them but never thought to point it out tbh
>>857861Yeah I think that tweet was her admitting she's using without saying it forthright. She always drops little subtle hints intentionally or not. She has that CrYpTic writing habit that syd also has lmao
No. 858019
>>858008> i feel like i have too cuz nobody else isAre you under the impression we get paid to do this? You can either sit on your ass and lurk, or be mad farmers aren't working hard enough, you don't get to do both.
Also most everything you mentioned, besides TikTok shit and the recycled photos, has been covered in the last few threads, maybe when you learn to sage you can also learn to read.
Better yet, fuck off and make one of those cringy Twitter tea accounts.
No. 858065
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i haven't followed this cow for a while but i spotted her in the wild (pewdiepie's most recent video) and thought i'd share it with you. this is why i stopped coming to her threads kek, her long rambles about herself are just too boring and annoying for me to handle
No. 858066
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I don’t think i ever said i was mad, i’m just asking for input because i don’t want to waste my time. why are you being so shit when i’m clearly new like i said? yes i can read but there’s 68 fucking threads. my thought process was that i can make a new thread with more compiled info so new people don’t have to sift through 68 threads. here’s the milk on Tiktok about Sabor
and mushu’s tank in her story had the same background and cables as her apartment in 2017. the third pic is the most recent mushu photo on her instagram which shows a different background (mama dean house) i also have to figure out how to post more than one pic at a time so chill for a second and wait for ur insults
No. 858067
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mushu from her instagram story 9-2-2021 (old recycled photo notice the background and cables are from her old apartment)
No. 858068
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mushu in 2017 at her old apartment with the same background
No. 858069
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most recent photo we have of mushu notice the entirely different spotting on mushu and the background
No. 858241
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Aggy comforting poor grieving Taylor when she forgets to post her video or and update on it
No. 858246
>>858241Kek is this why mama dean deactivated her twitter again? (Or maybe i m blocked?) but I have a feeling that taylor is hanging out with this dumbass is what
triggered mama dean to deactivate again..
No. 858253
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>>858241Well she chose to miss another deadline and i doubt that she will upload this weekend given she complaint about having less views if she uploads during the weekends. This post aged so well… tried to give her the benefit of the doubt that she might be sick but nope! She is out hanging out with the singer-wannabe while continue to flush her youtube career down the drain. Why does she like to keep letting herself down?? Oh wait…. Forgot she is a junkie since she hasnt remind us everyday for 5 times a day.
No. 858256
>>858241She’s really at brodicks house probably getting high instead of doing her actual job. The fact that she can go out and have fun and not feel an ounce of guilt for repeatedly lying to her fans and breaking promises is so messed up. Like we all already know, but she really is a bottom of the barrel human being.
>>858246Lmao probably, I just checked and it’s gone for me too and it was there not even two days ago.
No. 858267
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>>858264I also thought they were lines until I went and watched his story it’s just the zippers on her purse. shes in a sketchy apartment with a bunch of dudes and she seems kinda high, in the video she says she has a big head like a bobblehead and starts head banging? I would of just uploaded his story but I don’t know how to post videos.
No. 858268
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>>858264I couldn’t really tell if those were lines but if she is hanging out with him, she most likely is using something - maybe not heroin. But something!
Prior to her second rehab stint, she was hanging out with him a lot (her red hair split time). She really needs to find better friends, and have better influence. I would even recommend her hanging out with her pettube friends that would at least nudge her towards the right direction instead of this…. Do better tay, i feel like she wrote this tweet for herself now kek
No. 858278
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>>858241>>858245She's always so full of shit. Lmao glad she knows she has a big head. She looks like shes tweaking hard here so as usual nothings changed. Shes just back in a hanging with people to use phase and ignoring her work/fans.she clearly never stopped using. Tbh I think those times she isnt out with people etc os when shes broke af so cant buy anything. I cpuld see her beong the idiot to supply these kids too lol. She thinks she can rest on her laurels after doing like 3days work (lmao ok more like 1). That wont save her career. So I guess next up is another health issue from muscling dope and meth. Rinse repeat. It fascinating that she doesn't realize shes about to lose it all. Would love to see her parents kick her out. Hopefully one day. Sorry for the ramble. Her idiocy just fascinates me, also that she acts like no one can tell
No. 858284
>>858278> boy u gotta big-ass head broidk why, but I felt incredible sad hearing that. It's one thing when anonymous internet trolls hate on you, but if your "friends" are negging on your appearance… JFC ditch those losers, ughh just such fucking trash man…
Her self-esteem must be pathetic if she really needs these kinds of people to feel happy.
No. 858289
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No. 858305
>>858296According to
>>857876 she uploaded it almost a week ago, so I have my doubts that we’ll see it tomorrow. If uploading a video on a self made deadline is too difficult for her, she should really get a job at Walmart and stop involving other people in the shithole that is her “recovery”
No. 858329
>>858278kek @ her at the end
"i know, bully me some more"
No. 858331
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>>858253I dont think we'll see this video until the sponsor loses all patience with her, which is unlikely to be soon because the dead rat got her at least a 2 week extension.
For those unfamiliar, picrel dictates her behaviour. She was desperate to put up a monetized video in September, so she could get a big October payout from YouTube views as well as the sponsor money. But she missed it and only put it up Oct 3rd after hyping it for weeks, so she missed out on a big October check.
>>857182>>857271Around the 21st this month is when she was sperging lies about how little Petco paid her, and then she dyed her hair and dropped off, only to re-emerge with new chronic pain and hanging out with Aggy again.
Even though her September video wasn't monetized because it was druggie shit, it still lifted her views enough to buy some dope and hair dye. Since her ahem, comeback every month has been the same.
>Midmonth run out of money and start lying about next video being almost done>third week of the month, get YouTube check and drop off or meth sperg, shopping spree>end of the month, start freaking out that this month there won't be a video thus no check, actually starts working on it>flail, use meth and make excuses because doing a day of work in a week is inconceivable>miss end of month deadline >post mediocre video in the first few days of new month>take time off to recover from the agony of so much work>Midmonth run out of money and start lying about next video being almost done No. 858357
>>858353No the last one was monetized, the cage rebuild. The September video was the heroin health update. Besides, you're forgetting that people will go back and watch her old, monetized videos when she uploads a new one - or even tweets about uploading. Her fans get excited and go re-watch her old content, or finish watching the new one and get recommended her other content. So she's definitely getting more money now than she was in the year+ she wasn't uploading at all.
Of course logically you'd think she would upload more for more money, but drugs fry your brain, so I think she only starts freaking out and working when when she can't afford to hit up her dealer.
No. 858365
>>858304Yeah I’m the anon that talked about the mri. My life really hasn’t changed, yes it’s very bothersome but I still have bills to pay. I still do daily stuff everyday. None of what she says adds up. Also she shouldn’t be doing anythin that makes her nerves active / angry. Like hanging out.
Another side note. She talks about how she filmed two videos this month and she is so proud. It’s literally the other half of her first video she never finished. Like she is just finally finishing the first video. I don’t know why everyone is acting like she is so productive on twitter. Took her a month to complete one video
No. 858380
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No new video (obviously) but she’s done her make up for a party or something.
No. 858383
>>858380anon the jessica soares thread is in snow.
but seriously she looks terrible, guess even she thought her new hair looked like a clown wig kek.
No. 858384
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Is she in psychosis or something? Seems everytime she's in a meth spree she falls onto psychosis or behaviours that on the border of it aka inevitably will be. She's only productive with meth and this is the longest shes dtayed presrnt since her first post rehab disappearnce like 1.5yrs ago. No words. If she makes it out alive she will be so embarrassed
No. 858387
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I’m waiting for the “my hair is like this when I wake up guyssss” post. Anyways nice dye job. I wonder if she is hanging out with friends for Halloween
No. 858390
>>858387I know it’s probably a coincidence but I’m dying over how I said she looked like a clown here
>>857897 and then she posts this mess days later
No. 858395
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>>858387Couldn’t help myself.
No. 858427
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She must think everyone is dumb. It’s funny bc I don’t even think she can see the pattern that’s clear as day to everyone else. I believe she was sober for her last two videos but sometime between filming the last one and October something happened because she’s back to straight up lying to people consistently with seemingly no guilt. It’s textbook addict behaviour, someone who’s such a huge advocate should know everything she is doing right now screams “IM STILL USING”
No. 858493
>>858486No, no she doesn't. If she really had "slow internet" and had any shred of commitment to her fans, she would go somewhere to make it happen and get it uploaded ahead of time to meet her deadline. You can't tell me all these years with her YT money (at least, the good money she used to have) she couldn't just get a better internet plan, you know since it's her job? I understand when you live out in the middle of nowhere that's harder but she doesn't have that excuse. It's pure laziness to make the video in the first place; if the video was already done like she says it was there would be no reason for her to not schedule the upload so she could at least fuck off for a while again, at least delivering her promised content. Her not uploading it only proves it was never done to begin with, there's a chance it's literally not even recorded.
>>858427>>858444It's sad how blatant she's become again with this, I agree that it shows she's using again. Also think it explains her posting this
>>857873 recently. She's pretty much telling on herself admitting she's relapsed (again 100x) but still pulling the poor me, muh mental health thing. This is probably the one thing she
is truthful to herself about, is as she's shown time and time again she genuinely has no desire to get better.
No. 875662
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Taylor and Johnny are following each other on ig again. Syd must be fuming. Where is the new thread?