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No. 1568513
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Redditor asks about experiences regarding fucking "neovaginas" and real ones and the differences between them. Many handmaidens and troons throwing fits in the comments and insisting that they're functionally identical, but there are a few honest commenters. No. 1568540
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>>1568513And this is the pinned comment.
Of course the only 'real answers' are one lying about it being the same and the other one putting down women and saying how trannies are ~tighter~.
Moids really try so hard to make vagina tightness into dick-measuring insecurity they have. It never really worked though, women know they get tight when nervous so it's nonsense kek No. 1568548
>>1568513Read the thread, my new
trigger word is "natal vagina".
And them coping how it's "functionally the same", good to know that anything a man can stick his dick into is "functionally" a vagina. If I get some modern Mengele to sew my colon into my armpits, I guess that's a neovagina too.
No. 1568549
>>1568540The funny thing to me is that most of those upvotes are from cis women and trannies. If anyone's grossed out by neo vaginas it's normal men
Cis women will genuinely be our downfall
No. 1568581
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>>1568570I don't get why people act like all women are forced into supporting troons. This just happens to be a post made by an acquaintance the other day. Does she sound like she was shamed into this? I think women are just as likely if not more to shame you for not supporting troons then men are.
No. 1568588
>>1568584You know that can't be the reason they're all spouting that shit online. There's basically no danger there so no reason to be a handmaiden.
>>1568581Why are you doxing your acquaintance kek
No. 1568598
Not to mention the rape threats.
No. 1568612
>>1568605That's just not true, nobody on the right takes people like Caitlyn Jenner serious. The trannies you see parading around calling themselves right wing are clowns.
Conservatives are Christians and trannies are an affront to god because god made you a man or a woman and trying to change your gender is denying god's will. I live in an extremely conservative area and nobody here accepts trannies or ever would. That conservatives are trooning their kids if they are gay is also a myth. They will try to send them to "church camp" where they try to pray the gay away, but nobody is turning their kids into the opposite sex.
No. 1568623
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>>1568613>>1568605>>1568605what are you on about, I keep on seeing this claim and it has never made sense to me, like the one proof one gives is Iran allowing/forcing gays to transition but Iran is like an exception cause the decision to allow trannies to transition was based on one wierdo who bugged Khomeni who was a god king with a cult of personality, like I dislike TIMs as well, for various reasons but some of the claims made about them here are just absurd and not an actual thing, except maybe a couple of rather online spaces, spoiler alert someone who used 4chan all day isn't representative of 99% of people western right wing views
basically what happened was, that one specific tranny bugged Khomeini until he let him transition and he approved of it in one conversation, Khomeini was in his 80's during this and likely senile, but since Khomeini still has a cult of personality (some people believe that he never died and is actually the Messiah) they can't change those rulings
>Maryam Khatoon Molkara was born in the suburbs of Tehran as Fereydoon. She was tortured and bullied for her feminine behavior as a boy in the early days of her life. The harshest form of retaliation towards her identity came from her own mother. She moved to Tehran and started working in a saloon. Those were the days when Iran was ruled by the Shah.>Maryam wanted a religious solution to her gender issue. In 1975 she started writing letters to Ayatollah Khomeini, who was living in exile in Iraq. She knew she was a woman, she knew she was living in the wrong body and she knew she could fix this. She went to Paris in 1978 to meet Ayatollah Khomeini in person (who was visiting France) as she couldn’t travel to Iraq because of the travel ban for Iranians at the time. She wanted to make him aware of the concept of transgenderism and have his verdict on sex reassignment within Islam. But the journey was not fruitful as she couldn’t meet him.>Maryam was working in television as a man when Islamic revolution took place in Iran. She was immediately fired by authorities and was arrested for being feminine. While in police custody, she was forcibly injected with male hormones, as prescribed by a prison doctor. Maryam shouted, but no one listened to her. Maryam had links with religious clerics in Iran and a well-known cleric, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, came to bail her out as soon as he learned of what she was going through in prison. This incident made her stronger and convinced of her decision. Maryam wanted to undergo sex reassignment surgery, but she knew that it was by now no longer possible as Islamic revolution didn’t contemplate this possibility. But she had hope, as the country was under Islamic Sharia and Imam Khomeini was now in Iran and he was the head of state.>One fine morning, she crossed all barriers at Khomeini’s residence in Tehran and reached inside his house. Holding the Quran in her hands, she shouted “I AM A WOMAN, I AM A WOMAN.” Security officials got confused by the band wrapped around her chest, which they thought was an explosive belt. She removed it to reveal her female breasts underneath. The female security staff in the house rushed towards her to cover her with a veil as soon as they saw her female chest exposed.>She told her entire story to everyone in the room, all of her years of struggle. Ahmad, son of Ayatollah Khomeini, who was in the room listening to all this, was moved to tears. He took her to meet the Ayatollah in his compound. Ayatollah knew of Maryam as she had been trying to approach him for years. A team of government doctors was summoned and the issue was immediately discussed by experts. The discussion included the difference between hermaphrodites and transsexuals. Khomeini hadn’t heard much about the various gender conditions until then.>Maryam left Khomeini’s house victoriously. She had a letter in her hand addressed to the Chief Prosecutor and the head of Medical Ethics giving a fatwa (a religious authorization) for her and for all those like her to have their gender surgically reassigned. That one daring step by Maryam changed the dynamics and made history in Shia Islam. The fatwa is available in Imam Khomeini’s Tahrir al-Wasilah (Volume 4), a book written as a commentary on a traditional theological text, and as a guide for Muslims. that's why Iran allows gay men(and women) to transition, I believe If it had been a lesbian who harassed Khomeni and convinced the senile old man that somehow lesbian relationships aren't Harem, I think he'd buy it as well at that point
No. 1568642
large groups of leftists and conservatives support troons for a variety of reasons. you cant no true scotsman fallacy your way out of your personal ideology being at least somewhat complicit in transgenderism
>>1568633this is especially retarded. being pro tranny is a pillar of modern progressivism. just because you consider yourself a progressive and you dont support transgenderism doesnt make the ideology itself inheritely anti trans. leftism is universally understood as being pro trans
No. 1568645
>>1568632Its weird right, a lot of overly online people really do correlate other overly online groups with real conservatives or left wing people
>>1568633most IRL progressives are naive to the matter, they really don't get the implications of what the policies they are putting worth
>>1568635>>1568642using 4chan as an example of the average right winger is not an example of no true scotsman
>>1568638the issue is this rather absurd claim of right wingers being supportive of transgender people over gay people, which is absurd and very clearly not a big thing in the real world
There is an interview by a Sunni Muslims YouTuber with a Shia Iranian gay trans person who follow Khomeinis ruling on this, its a big ass theological debate based on the rulings of a senile old man
No. 1568648
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>>1568629Had to look him up and you're right
No. 1568657
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>>1568581>cis women>it's always the woman's fault>dox his "acquaintance" on lolcow>>1568603Self-ID is a thing in Malta and Switzerland. Transsexualism is 100% accepted by far-right men. Acknowledge your male privileges and stop larping as a woman.
No. 1568659
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>>1568654it's not much better good light kek
No. 1568660
>>1568629the main character is a TIM and the sidekick is a TIF and they have a deep bond cause they transitioned together as CHILDREN.
And for some reason Emma frost is alluded to being a lesbian for the the TIM character or something?
The only lesbian mentions of Emma frost I can find are just lewd fanfics and fanart, couldn't they pick a character with more of cannon preference instead of just choosing the most coomer one possible?
No. 1568667
>>1568661Its a trend I notice among a lot of western radical feminists, they try to correlate every thing they dislike into one force which often ends up producing a very ridiculous sound and inconsistent premise but they still fully believe in it
so correlating the right wing, TIMs/TIFs, christianity/Islam into one single force is a result of this thinking
No. 1568668
>>1568660>the main character is a TIM and the sidekick is a TIFNaturally.
>And for some reason Emma frost is alluded to being a lesbian for the the TIM character or something?Emma Frost has always been a coombait character, let's be real. Mommydom Pamela Anderson lookalike with mind powers and a posh British accent? It stands to reason the troon would be into her.
>The only lesbian mentions of Emma frost I can find are just lewd fanfics and fanart, couldn't they pick a character with more of cannon preference instead of just choosing the most coomer one possible?Emma Frost can see into people's minds, she should easily be able to see the troon for the emotionally stunted, misogynist porn addict he really is and find him utterly contemptible.
No. 1568673
>>1568639This sounds like that one insufferable kid on the playground everyone hated.
"Nuh uh, I was wearing a reflective bullet-proof vest and your shot bounced off of me, so ackshually you're dead now, not me."
No. 1568675
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yeah, i'm totally always trying to accentuate and accessorize a camel toe
No. 1568677
>>1568549>Cis women will genuinely be our downfallSo your ignoring the people that are the actual problem (the tranny's) and saying its the other genders fault because you see some of them be nice to the trannies. You do know its not cis woman that are flipping their dicks inside out and creating neo vags. And some misguided females being nice to mentally ill weirdos online for clout isn't making males do these things. Males do these things cause they are prone to doing violent coomer driven things. Honestly it's such a fucking scrote thing to do, to try and blame a males actions on a female even when it doesn't make sense to do so.
It's the males that are doing it, they are responsible for their own bodies and actions. The only ones that might have some excuse for their horrific actions are the poor souls that where groomed into it as children honestly.
No. 1568682
>>1568669are you serious, nick funteses is an overly online man banned from conservative rallies, I do not know who the other two you mention are but I am sure they are also overly online men who 4chan a lot, I am not defending conservatives or right wing people, I hate them very much but making stuff up about them is nonsensical
>>1568672again what are you on about, what had that do with my post
>>1568676that is likely the case
No. 1568686
>>1568682Refer to picrel faggot failson
>>1568657 muh based trads are trannies kek. Incel to troon pipeline lives forever.
No. 1568687
>>1568682English isn't my mother tongue and maybe this is a result of not understanding its full nuances, but can you please explain what you are even trying to say, I'm trying to make a point and all you seem to do is just reply with some claim that has nothing with my statement
can you please by god explain to me what you exactly disagree with my statement
No. 1568690
>>1568581I think that women like this mistakenly believe deep down that respect for women is tied to women "acting good" and respecting men. Look at the way she phrases it, she definitely thinks it goes both ways, when it absolutely doesn't. On one hand, I don't blame them for wanting respect, but I do blame them for being blind and stupid, and agressive and spiteful on top of everything else.
>>1568669Pretty much. They feel like if they concede an inch that women aren't exactly 100% like men, that's letting the bigots win.
>>1568612The American libertarian party is entirely non-religious conservatives at this point.
No. 1568698
>>1568648>>1568659why do so many troons have the same deranged stare. Like there must be a medical reason for it. It's so fucking creepy.
Can anyone else think of other mental illnesses or diseases that have the same kinda weird eye look related to it. It reminds me of other people stuck in psychosis.
Found a post where they suggest lazy eyes may be common with troons(thou honestly it's common in general), and one poster even stated that their vision got worse with HRT. I wonder if HRT increases the chances of pre-existing cases of lazy eye to get worse? Would be interesting to check before and after photos of peoples HRT. No. 1568703
>>1568698Autism, maybe?
Autistics tend to have that empty, glassy eyed stare, and autists are overrepresented among trannies.
No. 1568706
>>1568549Conservative men cape for and coom to trannies. Sorry you're wrong. No one even disagreed that progressives cape for trannies, just that it was purely a women thing, yet moids can't help but reveal themselves and try to scape goat women as usual. Also:
>cisKek, retard you are a tranny or pander to them. If you're a con, you're part of the problem. Don't use their fake words nor believe there is such a thing as 'true trans'.
No. 1568711
>>1568700I’m a woman
>>1568702Huh? Sorry I don’t know what you mean
I see a lot of women in my personal life advocate for trans rights. I don’t see a lot of men do that. Genuinely correct me if I’m wrong but most libfems are women so why is it so controversial to say women are accelerating the trans movement? Do I blame them? No like we’re socialised to not be so confrontational and yeah, it’s not womens fault if men decide to be degens
That being said I agree my original two posts were incorrect and not well thought out
No. 1568716
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>>1568678>>1568681Solanes literally wrote that after wiping out majority of the male population, remaining men would be forced to serve women as "transsexual drag queens" tell me both isn't some Ideal AGP sissy fantasy, she even had a sympathetic transsexual prostitute character in her planned play, even though he was acknowledged as a male he was considered superior to other men cause he had given up his masculinity and acknowledged the superiority of women, which is maybe what she thought drag queen were doing, acknowledging the superiority of women by trying to imitate them, which is maybe the worst take regarding drag queens
No. 1568717
>>1568676You don't really see anons caping for progressive men though, do you? The problem is failsons and the system which supports them and is built for them to take advantage of and encourages them to take advantage of it. Incel to troon pipeline isn't exactly full of progressive moids. Not to mention, in ot there's a troon or handmaiden for troons using the word cis who specifically wanks to right wing bdsm porn
>>>/ot/1234684. Based cons. Totally not degenerates who need to be laughed at the same as gay con politicians who bang other men behind closed doors. No sir.
No. 1568720
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>>1568716straight from the SCUM manifesto, the ideal male is a masochist in feminine Drag Queen attire
>>1568718Nope, she laments that all men should be forced to experience lives of women to realize the superiority of women
No. 1568724
>>1568721Oh fuck off, I already explained I just had the phrase in my head right after reading someone’s bio
>>1568708Yeah, her
No. 1568728
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>>1568692Christian men have always tried to castrate themselves to ascend to "godhood". Can we please as a society progress past this ridiculous belief? Men are human beings with male reproductive systems who can produce nothing on their own.
No. 1568741
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>>1568728you can't be serious, are you really comparing illiterate religious fanatics who didn't even understand why the sun rose up, who castrated themselves out of a misguided belief that it would remove their lust and make them closer to god to modern transgenderism? again as stated are you actually actually serious, I don't even have the words to describe how utterly stupid that sounds, religious communities across the world have engaged in acts of self mutilation cause they think it would get them closer to god, even self castration has been practiced by Hindus, Christians and Buddhists and while it is absurd and nonsensical to think its in the same field as modern transgenderism is the dumbest statement I have seen
Also even the proof you posted it literally goes against your comment, cause it literally states the church rejected those cases and acknowledged the differences between men and women, so I don't even know why you posted that
No. 1568742
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Well, the new WPATH guidelines consider eunuch a legitimate gender identity. It's not a stretch.
No. 1568750
>>1568741What exactly do you think? That the men who buy into the modern tranny craze are any smarter than that just because they call themselves based enlightened atheists (who believe a "woman" is just "what you identify as", a fetid crotch wound counts as a vagina and that you can be a woman trapped in a man's body)? Both have/had retarded beliefs, and many trannies do delude themselves that their mutilated flesh, or their hormone-induced moobs combined with their dicks make them something superior. In fact, genital dysphoria and desire to "become a real woman" ("woman" being a concept that offers them both salvation and intense suffering, ie both God and Satan) isn't that different from the fanatic idea that by "desexing" oneself as a male, one can reach a preferable, purer, more Godlike state. Both are trying to not only solve what they see as a biological problem for the sake of the soul (or, in the tranny's case, the mind/"to be more of myself"), but to embody their dedication and faith to their conviction around God or gender
No. 1568759
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>>1568742I guess that makes this dude a trans king
No. 1568760
>>1568750>That the men who buy into the modern tranny craze are any smarter than that just because they call themselves based enlightened atheists What in the world, absolutely not, how the hell did you think that was the point of my comment
>Both have/had retarded beliefs, and many trannies do delude themselves that their mutilated flesh, or their hormone-induced moobs combined with their dicks make them something superior. In fact, genital dysphoria and desire to "become a real woman" ("woman" being a concept that offers them both salvation and intense suffering, ie both God and Satan) isn't that different from the fanatic idea that by "desexing" oneself as a male, one can reach a preferable, purer, more Godlike state. Both are trying to not only solve what they see as a biological problem for the sake of the soul (or, in the tranny's case, the mind/"to be more of myself"), but to embody their dedication and faith to their conviction around God or genderit is absolutely not comparable, I want to state that I hate religion more then you imagine, i have suffered due to my nation;s faith but religious people in my country have absolute faith in their god, they have not a single doubt and will do anything for them, they will cut off their hands and stab themselves in the head to proof their devotion to god, it is not the wishy washy porn fetish of a tranny(I really hate you for making me to defend religious people)
>>1568753>>1568754I'm from a country where 60% of the population illiterate, thee is a massive difference between illiterate people and people who can read, like I don't even know how to respond to your statement
No. 1568761
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This thread has excerpts from his book that go into his degeneracy. All this and yet lesbians can’t ever just have a flag because every one is eventually deemed “
problematic” and “exclusive”. No. 1568763
>>1568730>comments like this by western radfems, western radfems never contribute anything for women in the third world>… feminists in MY country understand that the world is made up of different factions all competing for their interestsIf you understand that why are you complaining about western radfems not doing enough to solve third world countries?
Westerners would have to go back to colonizing to force that sort of societal change. It's up to the people living in those societies to change it themselves. We can provide occasional aid thru small projects but it takes people on the ground living within those societies to truly implement anything.
And western feminist problems may seem trivial to you, but ground is being lost daily. And people do not want to go back to the way things where. Don't be like the scrotes that try to de-legitimize and trivialize western feminism just because you might have it worse.
said comment that
triggered that spergfest >
>>1568726>Never forget, right wing, left wing, the whole bird is full of scrotes who hate women and want to erase our attempts at class solidarity.Literally stating that men are rotten and no matter what part of political leaning they are in they are inherently designed to want to oppress us. Because in the long run we are resources to them. It's not a conspiracy or some grand scheme were men unite to create some male driven hive mind. It's just them individually chimping out a mass, over securing the resources and means to further pass along their genes. That is what most power structures in human society boil down to, because in their violent little coomer brains deep down that's what females are to them.
No. 1568771
>>1568730Kek, you ran to ot to cry because anons called you retarded
>>>/ot/1234914. Newfag stop trying to infight and post your shit in 2x where you can complain as much as you like.
No. 1568774
>>1568770literally every women right's rally in my country has failed without police support cause Islamists come and just beat the women with sticks and stones and you know we're not all stuck in civil wars(other then certain sub-regions of the country) 99% of the problems for most Muslim nations are poverty and corruption, not war
I'm not defending transgender, Its just so many comments are just out of reality to a point that I'm constlay going "WTF this is so utterly stupid and makes no s
No. 1568792
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>>1568755Its a lot more complicated then that, when religion was dying in the west people knew that something was gonna replace it, cause humans needs something bigger to believe in, an ideal to aspire an ideology and worldview and you might think women are immune from this but they aren't, in my country irreligious women turn to what Europeans turned too in the 19th and 20th centuries, nationalism and communism, all the prominent feminists in my nation have been some brand of ethnic nationalist, or socialist/communist and often times both at once, of course despite having mass appeal both these ideologies were crushed and stamped out in favor of Neo-liberal capitalism, most of the societal issues in the west including transgenders is a result Neo-liberal capitalism
I don't wanna sperm further but Neo-liberalism in the middle east has been x100000 even worse then what has happened in the west
No. 1568797
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What the fuck is this word vomit this man is spewing? This argument is irrelevant because a woman is always going to be an adult human female. Men are exempt from ever being women, no need to bring in some wholly unrelated thing to try and make comparisons to metaphysical trans bullshit. The definition of “woman” is fine as is.
No. 1568801
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>>1568595also uses abuses his mod powers kek
No. 1568805
>>1568801how can people read comments like this and not feel disgusted? troons threaten to rape people on the daily and nobody seems to give a fuck. as a multiple rape
victim it’s fucking terrifying to witness. why the fuck would I want to share a bathroom with these men? why the fuck would I even want to befriend any of them? I’m sick to my stomach.
No. 1568808
>>1568802Pakistan but most of the Muslim world has a similar story, democratic system almost never works outside western European nation states, In my "democratic" third world country, politics becomes a retarded contest, where every party, every minor group is massively and openly corrupt, all parties trying to undermine the other while jack shit for the country and people
even our US backed Military dictatorships got more shit done in half a decade then our democratic leaders in over 30 years
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Found this creature while looking for someone else holy shit that chin lmaoo
No. 1568829
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has this been posted here?
No. 1568844
>>1568829What is it, six years later? And this pedo still can't write comics to save his life?
I can't fathom the stupidity in trannies who scream "cis men" when a troon is accused of something. You'd think they realize
TW and "cis men" are one and the same.
No. 1568884
>>1568593Which one? I know the Warrior cats books (and the new series with dogs, apes, bears, etc.) were written by several authors. One of them went on to write a series about dragons that's also popular too.
But I appreciate female writers sticking up for things despite backlash.
No. 1568895
>>1568581I agree with you
nonnie, I think a lot of anons in this thread are not spending time around normie women, of course deep down they know trannies are not actually women but they sure love to larp that they are and pander to them, i'm pretty sure i'd be ostracized by my all female friend group (we know no trannys) if I came out with anything even remotely terfy.
No. 1568932
>>1568890There's a little bit of that but women aren't that stupid, just look at me too and how woke women admit to feel threatened by men because they're bigger and stronger. I think it's more the "gay best friend" stereotype mixed with being raised to cater to mens (transwomens) needs before our own. And the "be on the right side of history" propaganda is easy to buy when you don't know much about troons and see them as gay version 0.2
A good portion are also literally kids and teens, so the gender differences aren't as apparent yet. They think because the chubby large girl who hit puberty earlier is stronger than the scrawny boy who's just about to enter puberty that means grown men and women must be pretty equally strong too. They don't have the lived experience of men sexually harassing and belitteling them for their gender yet, and those who do reject being female and larp as transmen as a cope.
No. 1568934
>>1568581>Woman and Man has no basis in realityGirl must be some solipist, thinking somehow that sex doesn’t exist because she says so. Why is there sex-based discrimination then if there is apparently no distinction? And what are these trannies trying so hard to skinwalk, if there is no such thing as woman? Is there such thing as Transgender anymore if there is no Woman or Man? Ffs she’s so stupid.
>I don’t respect YOUR gender identityKEK I always laugh when TRAs say this shit. No normal, sane person gets
triggered by someone accidentally mistaking them for the opposite sex. I don’t care if you call me a he/him you tranny taint licker, I know I’m biologically a woman and using the wrong pronouns doesn’t change that fact.
No. 1568996
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Thought you nonnas would get a kick out of this.
IRL Kikomi came up on my fyp
No. 1569001
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No. 1569022
>>1568581This might come off as harsh, but it's always been common for women to support stupid bullshit. Not only is following society's rules (supposed to be) the quickest way to an easy, peaceful life, speaking up for or outright advocating for them comes with social rewards. The woman you posted is not only keeping herself off the chopping block, she's getting some form of social credit.
Most people don't really want to upend the rules, they just want to succeed. This is especially true for women as a class that are already constantly attacked/oppressed, and a lot of women are very susceptible to being promised "solidarity" (which is why TRAs hijacked intersectionality as a concept). Man wants her to tap dance, she's tap-dancing. Doesn't mean we all have to do it, though. There's a good chance she doesn't even really believe all that nonsense, but she knows it's what she's "meant" to say. I guarantee that if you tried to debate her, she wouldn't have any responses (because she didn't think this through). She'd just get mad (but secretly happy for the chance to prove how much of an ally she is) and block you for being a
TERF No. 1569041
>>1568844For me, it's almost 7 and a half years. His comic will never improve because he shrugged of any criticism about his comics
Deep down, they understand both of the group are the same. But they can't say that because it will invalidate their whole movement/identity.
They unironically thought men attacked them because they haven't been groomed enough, or women are afraid of being out competed by them
No. 1569047
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>>1568932>>1568977probably a combination of the two factors, but you'd be just how little the average libfem knows about just basic human athletics, I once got into argument a couple years back with 2 libfems who genuinely believed that men and women should be allowed to compete in the same weight classes in MMA, said women didn't even watch MMA except a couple Ronda Rousey matches, they made the same argument as picrel, that sex segregation is automatically bad and a determent to feminism
No. 1569049
File: 1655926590786.jpeg (146.11 KB, 770x1693, 2E247564-4121-49BF-9E95-23407A…)

this tranny randomly popped up on my twitter TL and he uses pictures of real women to le epically pwn da transphobes hehe!!1!
No. 1569055
>>1568996Holy thought she was a legit mtf who looks a lot like kikomi until
There was an incident back then about a girl larping (seriously delusional, unparody, a la real trannies larping as opposite sex kind) as mtf but she isnt kikomi though. She is a different type of fakeboi/tif. Forgot who she is
No. 1569059
File: 1655926767382.jpeg (412.48 KB, 1125x2057, 7E072CE3-187C-4794-B3D5-8BA21B…)

this has got to be a joke
No. 1569082
>>1568996>>1568986Don't need to care about women's sports to acknowledge that it's wrong and misogynistic from men to be able to play. Anyone who cares about fairness will be against this. Also very retarded and misogynistic implications from that "gotcha". Because 1. They're projecting; 2. implying women's sports don't matter and hence their right to a fair game doesn't matter so they're free to walk all over 3. implying troons resuscitated women's sports, as if we should be thankful
>>1568996The amount of people that get made fun of on tiktok, also borderline traumatising, dangerous and illegal shit for kids to view stay up on tiktok, but you know this lighthearted and actually funny and true joke will get taken down instantly by the tranny brigade.
No. 1569089
>>1569047There is also a twitter thread going around about how sex segregation in sports is only there so man cannot lose against…and yes, sports like shooting don't need to be segregated…but they ignore sports like weightlifting, swimming etc.
I would rather have segregated sports than seeing the olyimpic with 90 % men and a few women who managed to qualify
No. 1569092
>>1569088Samefag but I found the tiktok it's @transjessder
>>1568996 good luck to whoever made this bc trannies are insane towards women who tell the truth
No. 1569102
File: 1655929998773.jpg (79.31 KB, 612x552, ellen degeneres is 5'10.jpg)

>>1569049>>1569050Thing is, any troon can edit himself to look like a woman. If you're not completely fucked, you can still find your angles and take flattering photos, even videos with the right lighting. Real life isn't as forgiving
I remember genuinely being surprised when NikkiTutorials turned out to be a man, but then I saw this picture and it started to seem so obvious
No. 1569108
File: 1655930368222.jpg (44.73 KB, 401x500, geenadavis.jpg)

>>1569102That's 80s actress Geena Davis tho, it's not even shoop.
No. 1569132
>>1569108I showed those tweets to my brother, first reaction was "That's Geena Davis", then I showed him the pictures of the twitter moid, reaction was "That's a guy". So, yes, sure, no man can tell if it's really a man or a woman. He even could tell that Nikki
>>1569102 is a large Dutch guy while watching the ESC with me, guess I've educated him well.
No. 1569134
File: 1655931802608.jpg (1.08 MB, 3072x4096, 2022_06_22_17_02_46.jpg)

>>1569121Here's a convo I capped earlier because I thought she was so based. I'll go collect some more
No. 1569138
nonnie! Love that last comment. It just seems to go over TRAs heads when someone brings that up though.
No. 1569139
>>1569088she's insane but bless her. her political affiliation makes no difference here.
>>1568506love that edit op
No. 1569140
>>1569120The first thought in his mind was definitely porn/sex because you can see the exposed bra, stockings with heels, the short shorts. No style or aesthetic to be seen except to be as pornified as possible.
As for actual aesthetics, it's all mismatched like you said. bottom half of heels with socks is pastel coquette LDR tumblr and the top half of the cutoff tank and denim shorts are edgy 2014 girl in the summer vibes. Two completely different styles, both of which were popular like 10 years ago. Men have no fucking taste kek.
No. 1569142
File: 1655932194605.jpg (1022.23 KB, 2113x4097, 2022_06_22_17_12_21.jpg)

No. 1569143
File: 1655932229740.jpg (2.39 MB, 4096x4096, 2022_06_22_17_09_23.jpg)

No. 1569144
>>1569022This. In early 1900s America, before women got the right to vote, there were numerous
anti-sufferage groups formed across the US, campaigning against women’s right to vote, and the majority of their members were women themselves. These women actively campaigned against voting rights because they thought women voting would upend the social order that they were used to because it had existed all their lives.
No. 1569167
>>1568759My thoughts exactly anon, in reference to
>>1568698 the troon stare as well as the castration.
No. 1569169
File: 1655934046534.png (1.41 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220622-223803.png)

>>1569088Screenshot is from her only other tiktok and she used #feminism so I think she's actually based
No. 1569209
>>1569184she is absolutely based. i wouldn't be surprised if she was a farmer too. god i wish i had the balls to post
terf shit like she does.
No. 1569217
File: 1655938021380.png (23.33 KB, 471x286, innocent troon.png)

Picrel is in response to a video she made about intersex being the inbetween of male and female and hence troons are intersex. All the tranny and tranny sympathisers in the comments trying to reeducate the TERF and telling her how toxic and problematic she is. Troons will say womanhood is a vague and nebulous concept that changes from person-to-person but then say shit like picrel. Must have a fixed definition for you to make it a dick-measuring competition (in typical scrote fashion). Every facet of womanhood is rooted in being born female. Imitation is futile. If you sculpt shit into a chocolate cake, no matter how convincing it is, it's still shit.
No. 1569226
File: 1655938804787.jpeg (316.61 KB, 750x1334, B1808D25-F753-4070-964E-8BB00E…)

>>1569141Tall women exist, but Nikki is massive even for a guy.
No. 1569227
File: 1655938940396.png (690.15 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220622-182313.png)

UK troon on TikTok live. Baby screaming in the background and his wife is defending him from "trolls" while he argues with people on live for attention. Notice his outfit.
No. 1569230
File: 1655939909191.png (28.83 KB, 523x330, vomit.png)

AGPs are literally incapable of making jokes about anything but their fetishes. These faggotry has consumed their entire minds and personalities.
No. 1569231
>>1569217Triple post with no replies: definitely the behavior of someone who is unbothered.
Also, you can't be "better" or "worse" at womanhood because it is not a quantifiable skill. That's like saying you're "better" at having brown eyes than someone else. The only way to suck at "womanhood" is to not be one to start with.
No. 1569232
>>1569230Are you all sourcing these from
terf twitter? This was posted already nona, today. Scroll up a bit.
No. 1569241
File: 1655941552039.jpeg (276.81 KB, 750x748, 96B4DBF3-E582-4CC8-8E9A-93A436…)

Lesbians..where did we go wrong? Why can’t anyone just be normal anymore?
No. 1569248
File: 1655942460261.png (1.61 MB, 750x1624, 01ADFF3D-707C-49E9-8CAD-A2BFDA…)

The buff girl looks just as male as the buff guy. Actualtransbians is nothing but conversion therapy propaganda at this point.
No. 1569256
File: 1655943501277.jpeg (376.82 KB, 750x869, C7A7BA46-59C1-4D14-AD09-7FB277…)

>mother of 4
No. 1569258
File: 1655944095178.png (336.06 KB, 601x610, Screen Shot 2022-06-22 at 8.28…)

>>1569256I'd bet my womb that this guy was never, ever mistaken for a "big strong man" kek. Here's the same fatass homo being "sad", posting on r/crossdressing. Never a fetish, always their ~truth~
No. 1569259
>>1569256his wife is giving him the understatement of the century. imagine having four fucking kids with a guy and then he pulls the tranny shit on you
>>1569258this dude is as far from a homo as possible, he's a stereotypical troonsbian
No. 1569275
File: 1655945476442.png (3.36 MB, 750x1624, 142716A1-36C0-4F34-9AB8-94416A…)

troon fashion at its worst.
No. 1569276
File: 1655945589323.jpeg (642.98 KB, 750x1100, 5C1F2DB7-B52B-4100-9758-384C99…)

if I saw this in the wild, I would scream.
No. 1569279
File: 1655945702063.jpeg (593.14 KB, 750x1147, 1B24DE80-7AF6-446A-9491-6A931C…)

>>1569276what an unfortunate looking clown.
No. 1569284
File: 1655946275611.jpeg (1 MB, 1488x4921, 7FBDC0F1-BB08-4D1F-9E67-D3CC97…)

someone kill me
No. 1569291
File: 1655946599899.jpeg (645.99 KB, 750x1195, 7EF3D3AC-0F85-4B71-B9B0-6614D8…)

it’s not what you’re doing, it’s who you are.
No. 1569317
File: 1655949945580.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1927, B0FDFF5F-B4F5-4C80-86CF-53AE90…)

This isn’t particularly bad but it speaks for itself
No. 1569339
File: 1655952456026.jpg (6.91 KB, 184x194, 56246513.jpg)

>>1569334What about trans people in particular attracts so much obsession from cluster Bs?
(tranny) No. 1569341
File: 1655952543437.jpg (186.63 KB, 750x847, typicalscrote.jpg)

imploring handmaidens like this to wake up and smell the stinkditch before they're in too deep. fucking respect yourselves.
No. 1569345
File: 1655953220744.jpg (106.69 KB, 1080x1080, ig.slxthkween.jpg)

>>1569184Uh oh, nonnies. Bad news
No. 1569350
File: 1655953780103.jpg (83.75 KB, 1300x791, b6b8f730e55ad4eda5fa10bf096204…)

>>1569339>bannedGuess my post hit a little too close to home ms janny. Should probably take your serequel sis,anger is heckin malebrained
File: 1655954537201.jpeg (177.86 KB, 1242x921, E0DAFAB1-A037-4C32-A674-63DF37…)

i dread to even fathom what perverted horrors they dream up
No. 1569369
>>1568996>>1569184I was hoping that a brave zoomer
terf would do this, but with the "male experience." Just to show how retarded gender stereotypes are and I figure she'd be less likely to be banned.
>>day 4 of being a boy: growing out my 'stache>>day 17 of being a boy: going fishing with my dad>>day 33 of being a boy: shooting hoops with the boys No. 1569382
File: 1655956569181.jpeg (77.74 KB, 828x466, 748075C0-9601-4F71-97DA-8D77F0…)

this is a racist /tttt/ troon who has been seething for days over women making fun of him on twitter, he and his circle of tranny friends are also self-admitted pedophiles
No. 1569386
File: 1655956740795.jpeg (39.92 KB, 828x274, 2FBB1A7F-F0A0-4491-8E37-9955E4…)

>>1569382another one - he's jealous of what he'll never be kek
No. 1569393
>>1569388yeah it's obvious ones like this are coping and dilating over the fact they'll always be male and have that defective y chromosome
it's good for a laugh though
No. 1569396
File: 1655957702509.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1284x2256, C7794727-08D8-4363-A644-E03F1B…)

No. 1569397
File: 1655957779172.jpeg (669.25 KB, 1284x1233, B2E389C9-4DD9-4B6B-8AF4-08B15A…)

Imagine being a scrote and thinking this betrayal of privacy is okay.
No. 1569415
File: 1655959007772.jpg (34.08 KB, 627x908, 1568912782473.jpg)

>documenting reality
>brainwashing children to chop off their penis
>not illegal
No. 1569423
File: 1655959345092.jpg (68.02 KB, 717x1078, Screenshot_20220622-093434_Tin…)

No. 1569427
>>1569256You have to be extremely selfish to make a woman carry multiple children, and then troon out. Like imagine forcing your own children to call their father "mom" and constantly have to walk on eggshells just so they don't
trigger the dysphoria that you've turned into everyone else's problem. No father figure, not even two strong mother figures. Just a mother who's essentially taking care of multiple kids, but one is overgrown, oversensitive and supremely entitled
No. 1569436
File: 1655960218201.png (Spoiler Image,1.59 MB, 2484x2072, 1529961959476.png)

>>1569416>fakeI wish it was a fake and all the content posted on this thread was an elaborate joke
>>1569419Yes, those sickos. But not to be confused with another mental ward patient (spoiler for blood)
No. 1569437
>>1569428the ones who were 18+ I don't care for but being a naive 13-14 year old and getting groomed into doing permanent damage to yourself is just awful
troons making kids suffer like that is disgusting
No. 1569441
>>1569436yeah it's definitely not fake, there's a pedo troon cow on /w/ who was a moderator for the server
I hope all these freaks are put on some sort of watchlist so they can't harm any more children
No. 1569455
File: 1655961424307.jpg (391.9 KB, 1080x1838, Screenshot_20220622-173410__01…)

One of the replies to this was "HRT is a fountain of youth!" I am literally speechless, this man looks older than any 30 year old woman I've EVER seen including the drug addicts and tanning bed girls
No. 1569472
File: 1655962280440.jpg (222.28 KB, 1080x1004, Screenshot_20220622-172740__01…)

Gramps really thinks he's gonna go from 60 year old ugly man to 30 year old pretty woman by taking horse piss hormones. How is this not classified as a delusional mental disorder
No. 1569474
File: 1655962395402.jpg (11.04 KB, 480x306, IMG_20200427_193724.jpg)

No. 1569504
>>1569480It was funny when he was posting Isabelle Jankes and implying we're like her, considering she's unironically pro-trans and talked about having dysphoria (and wanting to transition to male) herself. Them and their allies are so
abusive and deranged, I'm glad people are catching on that all the shit about TERFs is typical projection
No. 1569518
File: 1655965532133.jpeg (87.77 KB, 768x224, E6B132F9-2F4E-4F87-9796-35F2E8…)

>>1568996Verified shitty indie artist is encouraging doxxing. It’s insane how people are this mad, and this aggressive.
sounds about male No. 1569520
File: 1655965666267.jpeg (404.96 KB, 828x1355, 44C5B3A0-7BAE-448E-9D19-8D5C87…)

Sorry if it’s been posted but I didn’t see it in this thread yet. Looks like the guy who wrote the big thread on his botched neovag surgery is suing. Honestly hope the best for him. His story was horrifying and he ended up being personally attacked by Monty. No. 1569529
I wish the retarded tranny ITT took a second to read the site rules and realize doxxing is actually against the rules, so are males posting here. Gtfo don’t you have a little pole to sit on before your festering wound closes up?
>>1568540>>1568513Reminder that a woman could have the loosest and “ugliest” vagina in the world but it’s still more of a vagina than you will ever have. And we don’t have to split it open everyday so it literally doesn’t close on us. You will never have a vagina, you will be a eunuch in woman skin,
I bet you if you were
even able to even penetrate a neovagina it would feel like a shallow bloody hairy flesh ditch, kinda how it looks. The smell is probably another thing ball sweat and necrosis maybe?
No. 1569539
File: 1655966754115.jpeg (454.05 KB, 750x2868, D2DF131E-3AF0-47E8-A3BF-801D56…)

white male midlife crisis be like.
No. 1569542
>>1568996The bulge and emphasis on the forehead wrinkles LOL. If she didn't sell feet pics, she'd be perfect in my eyes.
>>1569539Ew I see the kind of look he's going for. He'll never be her.
No. 1569566
File: 1655967946356.jpeg (552.73 KB, 732x3669, 3C4F3261-3488-4D21-A60C-107448…)

>military troon
like clockwork.
No. 1569568
File: 1655968143577.jpeg (1.08 MB, 750x1213, C9A81227-FBB0-4921-8E70-686D20…)

Let’s not.
No. 1569571
File: 1655968357231.jpeg (670.38 KB, 750x1155, 04ED3DCA-8CF7-48B0-BA40-8139AB…)

sorry for spamming, but my feed right now is sending me.
No. 1569586
File: 1655970090252.jpeg (787.44 KB, 750x4883, 3BA9BA1E-813F-4F6C-86E0-76470A…)

No. 1569588
File: 1655970205213.png (74.38 KB, 300x419, 50157483.png)

how many biologically female hair folicles does janny have left?(more than you, silly tranny )
No. 1569594
>>1569520Good for him, I'm sure he's the first of many detrans legal cases to come. It can only go one of 2 ways really, either they rule that taking off the genitals off a mentally ill man who's deluded himself into thinking he's female is bad. Or they'll rule that he had legit
valid reasons to have his genitals removed, because "(s)he IS trans". So, will they admit that castrating mentally ill people isn't right or will they insist that it is right because mental illness isn't real and they're trans - even despite now claiming he's not? Both outcomes are bound to peak some normies
No. 1569595
File: 1655970832238.jpeg (275.67 KB, 750x748, 728BA04B-BAB2-4A10-B128-4C1283…)

>I’m glad preddit is moderated by ban-happy pedo troons.
No. 1569597
File: 1655971135135.jpeg (734.58 KB, 750x909, C3DACDE7-5C7D-4A30-B232-0ACFEE…)

how, just how.
No. 1569605
File: 1655971846912.jpeg (557.52 KB, 750x1206, 93F715FA-3F57-4C25-8454-86EAE6…)

Eugenia Cooney as a 37 y/o man.
No. 1569614
File: 1655972176040.jpeg (614.34 KB, 750x1139, 602FDBA5-3E28-4D06-B2F0-C8B461…)

ugly men look triple hideous when they troon out.
No. 1569618
File: 1655972710449.jpg (115.86 KB, 1300x911, 1529328947216.jpg)

>>1569529>you will be a eunuch in woman skinSorry, but there's physical differences between male/female skin. So, it's eunuch in women outfit and makeup
No. 1569620
File: 1655973010258.jpeg (144.85 KB, 750x456, 0BBC2A6C-9357-48DE-B5A1-E6FC79…)

does anyone want to buy this man’s testes?
No. 1569626
File: 1655974117167.jpg (273.33 KB, 1189x658, monkey.jpg)

>>1569620Thanks for asking nony but I prefer monkey testicles. No. 1569652
File: 1655977889046.png (96.67 KB, 2046x1150, donebeingaman.png)

He's done being a man. He just wants to wear panties and sip on wine, lol.
No. 1569662
File: 1655980591158.webm (5.93 MB, 576x1024, hon_bingo.webm)
how is this anything but a self drag
No. 1569666
File: 1655981224839.jpeg (651.05 KB, 828x1426, E6F5332C-E29D-4E2A-9540-480A2C…)

>>1569382jokes write themselves, ugly men are so bitter! cope seethe etc.
No. 1569674
File: 1655982240231.jpg (148.08 KB, 828x1369, FVjZ1yNWIAEwE9E.jpg)

> there's a smoothing filter so I feel like lying (…)
Yes, yes you are. Also I can see skinwalking e-girls with that blob eyeliner.
No. 1569696
>>1569423I hope he's in a gay troon polycule and hasn't triple ruined some woman's life by marrying her, trooning out, then coercing her to let him cheat.
>>1569436If only the solution to men was as simple as lowering testosterone. If anything, it's the reverse, testosterone makes men behave, low testosterone makes them socially dysfunctional.
>>1569256I hope she grows the ovaries to leave. 4 fucking kids. She's right, he did ruin her life.
No. 1569704
File: 1655988133200.jpeg (132.72 KB, 854x1570, D944F13D-0D44-424A-A869-0ADC03…)

>>1568996Kek she posted this pic too
No. 1569714
>>1569701Here's a funny one.>>1569710And the worst part is that troon and non-troon alike get worked up into a jealous rage over this imaginary, idealized woman life, and take it out on innocent women.
No. 1569718
File: 1655990033269.png (127.9 KB, 382x381, this cat smells the gays.png)

>>1569472>"i hope this is how i turn out"Well that would require grandpa's skull to be destroyed and reassembled just like a 3d jigsaw puzzle because there's NO FUCKING WAY you can change a male facial structure to a female one. Keep using that app, gramps!
No. 1569721
File: 1655990269922.png (350.25 KB, 387x437, samurai cop.png)

>>1569568I'm stoked for the Samurai Cop reboot!
(learn2sage) No. 1569724
>>1569704I think she had way too much trans bullshit to deal with and just snapped. I respect that.
There is a ton of hateful comments but also a lot of people supporting her.
No. 1569735
>>1569520I still don't feel bad for him, it's his own fault for being a gullible 30 years old that got charmed by the idea of becoming a woman, as if that was possible at all. I will never stop saying it, that man would be the same kind misogynistic piece of shit as the rest of the trannies that we post here if he hadn't gotten the chop, now that he didn't get what he wanted, he's mad.
I'm glad he managed to get lots of attention though, because detransers are often seen as whiny people, and because nobody wants to listen the bunch of detransing women that there are, maybe they will listen to him.
No. 1569743
>>1569724by some of the comments the troons are emailing her university to get her expelled
mob mentality as its finest
No. 1569760
>>1569743classic troon move at this point honestly, she was very brave to post that video imo.
Can't wait for the transcult fall into pieces.
No. 1569768
File: 1655995643931.jpeg (1.6 MB, 3564x2388, 38E08E2E-F3D5-486F-ACCA-BF1151…) a hilarious thread on twitter asking “What happens if trans people lose the “trans debate”?” and it’s prime evidence that gender ideology is a doomsday cult, the hysterics in the replies are just incredible, if you’re bored i recommend reading the responses for a laugh. most of the replies/qrts are “we die” or “they kill us” or “nazi germany/literally hitler” but there are some really funny GC/
terf ones too
also it’s interesting to see how even some troons have noticed the tide turning… hopefully they didn’t throw away ALL of their pants and ties
No. 1569791
>>1569768Why the hell do they think the feds would care about some crossdressing freak? I don't think crossdressing's even illegal in most of the Western world, and they can always
pay for their freakish surgeries.
No. 1569797
>>1569795In their heads along with their “period” symptoms and
terf boogeymen.
No. 1569799
File: 1655997280978.jpeg (1014.77 KB, 1083x1620, 080EB5CF-3C40-4D33-A8F2-21F9C7…)

Oh yeah this maladjusted man looks precisely like someone I would trust to handle a gun.
No. 1569803
File: 1655997593332.png (79.94 KB, 900x523, huh.png)

>>1569768Clicked on the thread one tranny linked under it
>rape and assault will ensue because people will be forced to sleep in dorms they belong toWhat?
No. 1569848
nonnie, it's the autism. i say that with 100% seriousness
No. 1569884
File: 1656002970816.png (697.77 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220623-184700.png)

"said things abt dylan without her consent" bruh do u even know how the internet works ? theyre so retarded
No. 1569887
>>1568649This. At least on YouTube anyway, they tend to bend over backwards and kiss Blaire's ass by using she/her pronouns for him because they think he's a "true trans" and because the moid conservatives want to fuck him.
The only time I recall Blaire getting push back against Conservatives were Candace Owens (she called him a "grown man") and Lauren Whitzkie in the video related. Ironically it's by women who refused to validate his delusions but I haven't seen conservative men give him the same treatment.
No. 1569902
File: 1656004479591.jpeg (242.99 KB, 1170x1738, 78B41E6F-6413-48C4-AA3F-06168E…)

people are trying to dox her now. do they really think her manager at dominos gives a single fuck about this lmao. i bet she’ll get fired by corporate to save face which sucks. it’s really unfortunate that she’s absolutely going to feel repercussions from this irl. it’s all a bunch of 13 year old he/xir/its telling her to kill herself and sending emails to her college. this is the world we live in ladies
No. 1569913
>>1569884I don't think anybody consented to Dylan's gay-yaniv impersonation in women's restrooms and tampon aisles.
Kek "without consent", you can tell this was made by a zoomer who is terminally on the degenerate side of TikTok. Most likely a baby-troon or handmaiden.
No. 1569914
>>1569902The mental gymnastics on how Dylan's behavior is acceptable but this isn't is gold medal winning.
But society hates women. Why am I surprised
No. 1569932
>>1569849Lol I think the white they/them troon complaining about "her yt ass" deleted this. Maybe he realized physical threats aren't gonna convince women you're not a… threat?
A lot of his older vids are typical troonery. He films all of them in the same fashion of obscuring over half of his face and sperging at lesbians/women. Now, I wonder where people got the idea that trannies are mentally-ill shut-ins that hate themselves…
No. 1569947
File: 1656006741121.png (1.28 MB, 1289x1306, 8FE11CC3-5F15-40BF-9716-572489…)

These men are not mentally sound.
No. 1569992
>>1568645> its a big ass theological debate based on the rulings of a senile old manNo. It's based on the fact quasi-passing, youthful trannies and 'futa' fetishes make pederasts and GAMPs (a very large segment of males, regardless of ideology) coom. There is nothing more to it than that. Khomeini knew exactly what he was doing. The entire Islamic world, Sunnis included, only turned against pederasty with Western colonial enforcement of sodomy laws
Same as all scrote civilizations that somehow permit men to fuck male children dressed as girls or 'a third sex' category (nearly always male children dressed as girls) , while burning adult macho fags alive (tHeY cOuLD rAPE uS LiKe wE RaPe WoMEn)
No. 1569999
>>1569902Wow, they are the worst. Literally the most violent group of individuals I’ve ever seen. I hope this girl is safe and doesn’t get murdered.
>>1569768>death squadsIt’s amazing the shit they will just make up kek
No. 1570026
>>1569902those guys don't have an ounce of self-mockery, why can't they just see the things that are true and laugh about them? They are so tiring and humourless.
Hope she and her loved ones will stay save and without any harm done through actions of some troons.
No. 1570033
File: 1656014110719.jpeg (100.6 KB, 828x529, 44C81772-3243-44A0-9276-49D50C…)

>>1569902underaged handmaiden on twitter having a meltdown over her kek so angry in the replies
No. 1570043
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No. 1570047
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>>1570033>say goodbye to your lifeMan, these dude are always power tripping at their keyboards, I hope nothing happens kek
No. 1570067
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>>1569997I think she’s great honestly and it’s very brave to do something with your face attached. I hope she went thru the pains of making fake emails and not leaving a real name trail behind (you can search former user names attached to active handles) so she doesn’t actually get doxxed. Some people are saying it’s already happened and she herself said people are blowing up her phone. Makes me sad. Anyone harassing her deserves equal treatment.
Picrel she is unbanned and live again on TikTok and Twitter . I hope she’s a farmer. Keep roasting those nasty trannies, queen.
No. 1570077
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>>1570069Here’s a close up of her comment being restored. I think if she took a more serious and less troll-y approach to her reasoning like Kikomi and some other bio trans accounts did on twitter, she would have more success. Once you employ their own logic against them, it’s hard to beat. That’s why those accounts have been around for so long.
No. 1570086
>>1569949It's not even that, they're just perverse, horrible moids. Unlike some of the hets, homo wokesters will not be shy about their obsession w sexual shit, even on their work-related soc-media. One unfortunately v visible frog looking mfer just never understood the concept of TMI and talks about sexual shit he does with abandon - the last nasty shit I saw him say was about how he wasn't pregnant but "not for lack of trying". He is desperate for hundreds of thousands of normies to know that he gets diseased freaks' loads shot into him. Keep in mind that this freakazoid vacillates between openly hating on women and wanting use some poor lesbians to bear his devilspawn. Thankfully, I can't imagine any sane women wanting to co-parent with an openly misogynistic, aggressive asshole. But you never know. There's all kinds of idiots out there. ughhhh
>>1570077newfag here but who's kikomi?
No. 1570090
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>>1570077Tragic update. I hope she’s staying safe.
>>1570086If you go back many threads you can find Kikomi. A farmer (lolcow user) in these threads decided to draw an OC character who is a AFAB transitioning to a male transitioning to a female. So she uses makeup to wear a five o clock shadow, makes a fake bulge under skirts, gives herself a receding hairline, etc. A woman playing a caricature of a man playing a caricature of a woman. The user made a ton of hilarious art that inspired someone to go and make a pretty based twitter account on her, which led to a bunch of other
terf twitter accounts becoming “bio trans” accounts to troll the trannies. It could be argued this girl and all this stuff started here. No. 1570092
File: 1656018842550.png (97.56 KB, 802x541, 7D10B4DE-F028-4680-BF36-36C31C…)

>>1570086She’s is a creation of a nona here, a bio trans girl who just wants to fit in with the real ones. Just google her, there are comics.
No. 1570093
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She’s live nonas!
No. 1570099
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Pregnant anons check your bfs, the way he describes her she 100% sounds like a farmer. She's based and deserves better.
No. 1570102
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>potentially pregnant
omg is she instain??
No. 1570119
>>1568593>warrior cat writerAssuming you mean Vicky
>supports JKBASED WARRIOR CATS! I KNEW FIRESTAR WOULDNT LIKE TRANNIES (just kidding I think he'd be a chaser) but Bluestar would hate trannies
No. 1570133
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>>1569132are you the same person that was brother posting in the last thread?
No. 1570136
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>>1570099how do they walk straight into the point and still miss?
No. 1570138
nonnie sometimes I feel that way too I can’t even lie.
No. 1570142
>>1570090People should probably exercise more opsec when it comes to these things, but I also find it a very annoying situation. One video speaking against the grain and a whole bunch of kids simping for an agp go spread her dox.
I don't know if Dylan's info is already on KF, but you know damn well if somebody said what neighborhood he lives in, trannies would be making Nazi Germany comparisons within minutes.
No. 1570143
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>>1570099>>1570136 Here’s the whole thing. Too left to right to bottom right. Sorry for my sorry crop. He’s this close, and still misses it.
No. 1570156
>>1570143to make this easy for anons:
- woman is 5'2, 30 years old
- man is tall, 35
- man is from "conservative" southwest area
- man does masculine/manly job (builder?)
- they live in a big city now
- they were friends for ~6 years
- dating for around a year now
- she thinks she may be pregnant as of 6/23, took a test recently
He's definitely waiting until she's too far along to abort or has any reason not to leave him. If it isn't LC but Ovarit I wanna make sure that women see his post and figure out before it's too late. Please circulate this info and post in radfem circles. He's definitely going to wait to tell her and we all know why.
No. 1570173
File: 1656022293707.jpeg (1011.55 KB, 1141x1883, 1380C687-12E4-4F53-9F09-176A68…)

our sexualisation and harassment is actually POWER!!!
No. 1570174
File: 1656022331559.jpeg (103.52 KB, 828x1013, 9DC3DDF4-52F1-40DF-80D5-800053…)

Please, please let this be the beginning of the end…
No. 1570195
File: 1656023084246.jpeg (21.73 KB, 622x395, EpEbq9fXIAI_LWX.jpeg)

>>1568761>It was at this time that Helms began dating the woman Helms would go on to marry. She strongly disapproved of this fetish. Helms claims to have her told before proposing, but says, "Later in life, Donna would deny that I ever told her about my cross-dressing.">Helms' fetish eventually motivated MH to divorce in order to pursue it full-time without wife Donna's complaints.>After the divorce was finalized, MH began frequenting sex clubs which "afforded patrons the chance to watch people have sex in windowed rooms." Helms says these clubs "enabled me to fulfill each and every fantasy I had concerning sex with men. This included orgies, hot tubs.">Helms authored short stories with sexual themes, including forced feminization and age regression. In one story, a man's wife dies after rejecting his cross-dressing fetish, and the man then steals her identity, wearing her clothing to clubs to have sex, even using her name. No. 1570197
File: 1656023278370.jpeg (2.18 MB, 1952x5751, E0DB5FF5-F734-444F-9777-5481E9…)

>mind blowing body changes
sure janny.
No. 1570203
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>>1570197>I passed so perfectly a wokebro instantly clocked me and told me how brave and stunning I am.Same troon kek
No. 1570217
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No. 1570221
>>1570196Not a yank but as an outside perspective I find it fascinating that the American left can't grasp that they're alienating everyone that
should be benefiting from the more liberal side of things but still cry, bitch, and moan when the people they alienate have no choice but to defect to Republicanism for their own safety. I'm not conservative or anything but damn they really need a political party that represents the grey area for left wingers who aren't dangerous retards
No. 1570255
File: 1656026619706.webm (3.57 MB, 576x1024, 1DMOtAkwP0KaE5QM(2).webm)
Average tiktok user
No. 1570272
>>1570143Be vigilant, anons! Never trust no matter how nigel! My boyfriend knows that I'm full blown
TERF, but to imagine that there's men out there who know that about their girlfriends and hide it scares the shit out of me. I'm just thankful I don't have a uterus. I told my bf, if he ever troons out, I'm gone, but men are so delusional they think somehow they can keep you when you have a fucking boundary. This guy is the worst scum. I'm going to repost this next thread just in case anon is taking a break from the thread.
No. 1570284
>>1570255that is the ugliest moid ive ever seen
also Jess account got banned. rip
No. 1570290
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Ignoring the little girl slumber party fetishism for a second, why would he expect to be booked for a crowd that cannot relate to any of his jokes? I guarantee if a comedian who talked only about feminist issues and shat on men her entire show tried to book in some places, the response would be bad for her too. I already hate this guy for that one post where he talked shit about his family looking happy in a picture where he wasn’t invited, but god the entitlement. Like at least know what crowds to pander to.
No. 1570294
File: 1656029950656.jpg (1009.33 KB, 1000x2000, finakomi.jpg)

i was supposed to be retired because i haven't come up with any more funny ideas but since there's so much name dropping here's little something for you all love you crazy women
No. 1570303
>>1570294Oh anon I really felt Kikomi's tears at the end. Bravo. The banana in the pants was an amazing touch. You're an icon.
>>1570297Kek he's so obviously male in all ways. His voice is so deep and he's huge.
No. 1570321
>>1570294Kikomi being sad and happy in the same category is hilarious. She needs her trans sisters!
>>1570297God this gives me second hand embarrassment. The jokes are also male jokes that offended the audience at some point. "I asked what Netflix was and he explained!" "Yeah I know you're saying why did you ask?!" "We aren't that stupid, we know what Netflix is." Then something how he knows what it felt like to get respect from a man when he was a man. Fuck him. Also fucking kek at that body. His little icon makes him half way decent, but those shoulders and legs are the funniest part of the show.
No. 1570334
>>1570290>slumber parties are specifically something trans women were excluded from>excludedTroons have the most insane
victim complexes on Earth
No. 1570336
>>1570290They truly know nothing about actual real life experiences of women growing up. Slumber parties are nothing that special and plenty of girls never experience it. You’re excluded because you had no friends, not because you’re trans. Let alone the way they think it goes where everyone is dressed sexy and kisses after pillow fights or whatever porn situation rotted into their brain, it’s gross how fixated they are on those sexualized situations when it’s nothing more than a play date or hangout between friends if you’re older. But sure if you want to get your freak diaper fetish pedo friends together to recreate some children’s party that’s ~
valid~ because somehow it’s an essential part of being a woman?
No. 1570347
>>1570336The slumber party fetish troons
always trooned out as adults, so why would they (boys) have been invited to girls only slumber parties during their childhood?
(When a troon talks about missing out on "slumber parties" I always assume he means girls only slumber parties and not just slumber parties in general)
No. 1570355
>>1570290You love to see it. One moment he's whining about how he shouldn't broaden his material at all and should keep it strictly about the gross identity group he belongs to. Then he's wondering why nobody is showing up when he's made it a point to alienate as much of a cis audience as he can.
I have no experience in stand up myself, but 36k doesn't seem that much in context. Most of those followers are probably fellow trannies (and adjacents) that follow him so they can all participate in tweet thread circlejerks of coping and seething. For all he knows, they're probably there for all the political shit and don't care about his comedy career in the slightest.
No. 1570366
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My poor sides.
No. 1570370
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Holy shit
No. 1570376
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No. 1570381
File: 1656037522476.jpeg (818.95 KB, 750x1129, 38679A6E-CB61-4810-A44A-B1A60D…)

skinwalking our goth high school crush, aren’t we?
No. 1570382
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Weirdo tranny dubs himself the "mother" of all lesbian anime/manga and has an entire tiktok account dedicated to reviewing these stories depicting literal fuckjng children. And yet we're supposed to think they aren't pedos.
No. 1570395
File: 1656038993788.png (804.02 KB, 963x883, unknown (4).png)

why does he remind me of those alternates from the mandela catalogue kek
No. 1570397
>>1570143muh authentic self
Gawd I hate this excuse. Putting on womanface is not being your authentic self stupid trannies
No. 1570404
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Jess got a discord and it's just children screaming in voice chat. No. 1570421
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No. 1570429
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Troons are such abusers.
No. 1570444
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uncanny valley shit.
No. 1570450
File: 1656044233969.jpg (1.54 MB, 4000x4000, FV5XLP4UYAA8q1H.jpg)

its 2022 and porpentine charity heartscape hasn't killed himself yet
"Nameless Grub asked 15 days ago
How are you so prolific?
-if I don't make things I become sick
-I actually make things instead of spending 99% of my time backstabbing or tearing down other artists
-I'm a poor and I'm used to making things quickly and cheaply
-Making things is the only way for someone like me to touch the world. Tens of thousands of people have cried, jerked off, touched, rubbed, licked, horripilated, and otherwise interacted with my stories who would feel sick, queasy unease at the bestiality of being around someone like me. There won't be acceptance for people like me in my lifetime, so this is the closest I'll ever get."
love peeks into the broken mental state of troons
No. 1570455
>>1570112Yeah, also
>have HIS babiesew
No. 1570464
File: 1656046203020.jpeg (875.04 KB, 750x1214, 7A836554-E0C8-4439-BAF9-FAE0B6…)

>trans gal
>cis guy
same picture
No. 1570478
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polka nots!
No. 1570484
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>>1570217He married an MtF 4 years ago. GAMP/chaser-to-troon pipeline strikes again kek: pics: No. 1570493
File: 1656049484055.jpeg (Spoiler Image,736.07 KB, 750x1222, 8DE0AC65-795D-4275-AA9F-7739E6…)

spoiler for gross moobs.
No. 1570494
File: 1656049830262.jpeg (530.08 KB, 750x1198, 50CA8E31-FA09-4FC5-881A-10F9BB…)

the fuck is happening here
No. 1570495
File: 1656049969405.jpeg (731.16 KB, 750x1385, F95ADC24-EBBB-49DA-B644-5FD7E0…)

at least this one is aware of how gross he is.
No. 1570496
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>>1569976Soros exists. I'm grateful that you mentioned Pritzkers, Strykers and informed me how I might be associated with Qanon for mentioning Soros. But, let me further explain. In picture, soros transferred his wealth to his NGO. And his Twitter account is @georgesoros. And he had tweeted about troon rights and issues linking to his NGO website ( Here's archived article>The International Trans Fund is a grantee of the Open Society Foundations.Moreover >The Open Society Foundations provide financial support to trans-led or LGBT organizations that promote progressive, rights-based processes for legal gender recognition.So, Soros is aware of trans movement and actively supporting it through his foundation.
No. 1570501
File: 1656050480824.png (93.82 KB, 760x533, Screenshot_20220623-225802.png)

What a revolutionary take that men have been telling women for 100s of years
No. 1570532
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>>1570495Gender: male
Age: 10,000 BC
No. 1570548
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No. 1570565
>>1570174>Democrat wins Women might get to keep abortions but will lose to trooner groomers
>Repbulican winsByebye abortions but trooner groomers will also lose
Either way women lose
No. 1570574
>>1570495he totally pass, as a fridge
>>1570478 jfc kill it with fire
>>1570494 that ugly ass wig deformed and his ugly torso eww
>>1570444 one reason why woman should never cover their faces in makeup like this, fuck the drag culture and these mofos.
No. 1570637
>>1570501Of course this person would equate porn and selling drugs with art and music. As if the former two are something grand and to be proud of.
FINA's head is a man and we don't know to what extent women were involved in their decision. But of course, trannies will go after actual women first. They don't seem to go after men as much in this regars. I wonder why?
No. 1570646
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46 years old according to his profile.
No. 1570668
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Closet TIMs baby trapping women is becoming a common practice. Watch out, sisters.
No. 1570671
>>1570646He wouldn't get further than "offi-
before they shot him through his fake tits
No. 1570719
File: 1656081569365.jpg (226.57 KB, 1080x1132, IMG_20220624_153817.jpg)

roe v wade overturned and trannies predictably making it all about themselves.
No. 1570728
>>1570719I thought the lefty position was "no uterus, no opinion"?
Of course the tranny has to rear his ugly head to talk about his issues. Hope "Erin"'s axe wound starts necrotising soon.
No. 1570746
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No. 1570748
File: 1656083667997.jpg (326.82 KB, 1500x2683, 2.jpg)

No. 1570757
File: 1656084766877.jpg (334.4 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20220624-163138_Red…)

> Implying the stinky troon now gets his floppy moobs and girl dick out around his poor family.
God they're such cretins
No. 1570792
>>1570787nta but I think nonna here was making the case that it's, in fact, not that easy to not get pregnant and access to safe abortions is a more pressing issue for women than trannies?
either case, both are linked. both are anti women and feed off of each other, despite what TRAs keep saying.
No. 1570799
>>1570719> “it is no coincidence”Well, at least we agree on something. You’ve spent the last decade stripping women of their humanity, calling us “birthing bodies” “womb-carriers” and “menstruators”
Reducing women to “birthing bodies” with no reproductive agency of their own is fundamentally what anti abortion legislation is about—not that this 100% male wombless specimen knows or cares a single thing for the lived experiences of the women he badly mimicks.
No. 1570800
>>1570799“We need to regulate women's bodies” rightfully sounds fucked up, it upsets people.
“We need to regulate birthing bodies” sounds like something you’d hear on a fucking dairy farm
No. 1570804
>>1570800All this birthing bodies, menstruators stuff is just men saying the quiet part out loud, definitely helped me decide to never have a baby (at least not from my own body, adoption or something could happen)
Trans scrotes and right wing scrotes are the same scrotes, both of them reduce women to bodily functions, yet trans scrotes think they are on opposing teams somehow.
No. 1570836
File: 1656090691598.jpg (246.72 KB, 1080x1262, Screenshot_20220624-120807__01…)

Nothing can EVER be about women, even when our rights to our own bodies have just been ripped away. It's always gotta be about trannies. Also the irony of a tranny making this tweet and inserting himself in the middle of the dialogue even though he will not be effected in the slightest…pure narcissism.
No. 1570841
>>1570836Can they please stop bringing up intersex people? Because I have 100% never seen a single intersex person in their movement, just obviously AGP scrotes pretending to be “totes intersex”
cough monopoly man scrote
cough coughI actually WOULD care to hear from people who are intersex about their experiences, but I strongly suspect that they find trannies just as offensive as we do.
No. 1570843
>>1570827Even from the time when anti-gay propaganda was pretty common, actual trannies were exceedingly rare. I very much doubt reactionary groups like John Birch society were warning about Magnus Hirschfeld's work or something. The closest pushback you'd get is displays of transvestism like in Psycho - which were a public perception of homosexuals. None of this was essentialy about their skinwalking fetish because (contrary to popular belief) they really don't have this grand trans history they like to talk about.
Considering how many times post-Roe abortion clinics had wackos shooting them up and murdering people, trannies like Tony should really shut the fuck up.
No. 1570851
>>1570836trans, trans, trans, TRAnNSss, and TranS.
Everything is about them even fucking abortion, I…. truly….
No. 1570886
>>1569902>>1570067On the off chance she reads here and wants to keep her job/education. I would play it off as completely sincere. Tell them you're a true and honest AFAB trans girl!!!
Also funny how she never even mentioned Dylan in her video but all the TRAs assumed it was an attack. Surely that must tell them something?
No. 1570896
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>>1570886Here’s what she said in response to someone asking what made her peak:
No. 1570937
File: 1656098097199.jpeg (142.54 KB, 640x634, 1A41D7E4-49A4-46A0-B6D2-007372…)

>>1570734Start referring to men as "dick havers", especially trans women. If they had the chop then they are "former dick havers."
No. 1570949
>>1570901It’s okay I feel you
nonnie. I think everyone’s kind of enraged today.
No. 1570954
File: 1656099182849.jpeg (62.94 KB, 632x432, 714F87E6-0A53-4822-83D5-5281A9…)

One of the top GOP donors is an AGP billionaire (the only trans billionaire). He’s given tens of millions to pro life think tanks and only very recently had a spat with the Republican Party because he’s trans. Thank you Jennifer Pritzker for helping overturn Roe!
No. 1570959
File: 1656100320454.png (34.41 KB, 592x349, 2022_06_24-21_50_18_chrome.png)

Amazing, those are both equally important and worth focusing on
No. 1570960
>>1570950the trouble is you have to find a way to dress it up in acronyms and academic speak so instead of identifying you as a normal person they have doubt as to whether you've absorbed an even newer dogma.
i probably wouldn't even type out the term first, just use acronyms and make them ask you what this crap means. "oh, EGI is external genitalia'd individual. it's the latest in penises"
No. 1570978
File: 1656101979514.jpg (74.44 KB, 1081x638, Tumblr_l_4282381690082156.jpg)

Pls do not ask for Lilith Sakura's real name, it will remind her of her trauma of being on watch list
No. 1570984
>>1570964because they want to fuck up more people's lives.
trannies only make up like 0.3% of the us population
No. 1570985
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That didn’t take long
No. 1570986
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>>1570985SA, interesting what they decide to keep and what they decide to ban. Hmmmm.
No. 1570990
File: 1656103101308.gif (2.65 MB, 304x200, confusion.gif)

>>1570376Why the fuck are they calling women who specifically had their wombs removed from their bodies against their will "womb carriers"? Are these journalists developmentally challenged? Wait, we already know the answer to that. Because by their logic these women aren't womb carriers then, since their bodies don't carry wombs, you know, so what do we call them then? Ex womb carriers? "Birthing bodies" doesn't work either since they've been sterilized by force to make sure they can't give birth. Hmmm, if only there was a word for this specific category of people…
No. 1570991
File: 1656103109717.jpeg (77.34 KB, 828x481, 56304449-0A17-4347-B530-9E17D3…)

So while roe has been overturned the Biden administration has instead expanded Title XI to troons, meaning they can ruin your life by saying they got raped by an evil TERF and it will be more difficult to convict troons prosecuted for sexual crimes
No. 1571028
>>1570985TumblrinAction too (was sitting around 470K+ subs before being purged)
I'm still mourning the death of two great subs nonna
No. 1571031
File: 1656105546543.jpg (423.67 KB, 1080x1938, Screenshot_20210916-145015__01…)

inagine posting this and immediately getting someone saying that it happened to them too…
No. 1571044
File: 1656106183533.jpg (465.48 KB, 1080x2123, Screenshot_20210923-013838__01…)

>>1571031and my fave: the guy who claims he's a macho straight man who got hrt boobs…for reasons and who lets his obese neckbeard housemate fuck him b/c "bottoming is easier". not making this up. dude made several threads on this.
No. 1571052
>>1571028I mean, but of course. It’s one thing to create an obvious outlet for revenge porn/men to degrade real women that they personally know, another thing entirely to actually risk hurting a tranny’s very important, brave, and
valid fee-fees on the internet. Heaven forbid. Then they might lose their stunning and inspiring euphoria boners!!!
No. 1571053
>>1571045>“What kind of woman are you?”There are two appropriate answers here:
1. “The only type of woman that has ever existed. The type of woman who has two X chromosomes and a vagina. The kind of woman who needs to see a gynecologist. The kind of woman who does not need prostate exams. Are you sure you went to medical school? These things were covered in middle school biology.” OR
2. Play dumb. “What kind of a woman am I? A pretty badass one, I’d say! The kind of woman who likes to let her hair down and breathe in the fresh spring air. The kind of woman who takes long walks on the beach and offers to help her friends learn to change a tire. Is that what you meant?”
No. 1571143
File: 1656115862243.jpg (137.07 KB, 828x1148, libsoftiktok-15404264545040465…)

another pedo tranny
No. 1571144
File: 1656115889364.jpg (92.9 KB, 828x930, libsoftiktok-15403387650753372…)

No. 1571158
File: 1656117408483.jpeg (994.6 KB, 1340x1871, B8677598-5B9E-4E01-9538-7A56A3…)

Just you know trying to learn more about adhd in women…
No. 1571168
>>1571158There's something funny about the way they wrote this, the focus on the anatomical differences and "who identify as female" makes me think it was a
terf doing the bare minimum
No. 1571175
>>1571138i came here for the exact same reason. its basically the only place to vent about how fucking insane this is getting.
i used to be so rah rah for this shit and now the only thing i can think about is how we should have kicked them all out immediately. everything is getting sabotaged.
No. 1571193
File: 1656121142384.jpeg (92.51 KB, 750x365, 770BC319-8086-43B3-B67E-AC7B66…)

finally a based wife.
No. 1571201
File: 1656121534288.jpeg (568.58 KB, 750x1145, 55618424-2644-447F-9F95-F67792…)

Shane Dawson finally trooned out.
No. 1571227
File: 1656122795832.jpg (117.64 KB, 1060x681, Screenshot_20220624-175028_Twi…)

women's basic rights being stripped away, but the trans!!!!!
No. 1571251
>>1571201Men can never figure out curtains, not even when they buy actual curtains instead of a bed sheet or shower curtain.
>>1571193Sounds like another instance of the stay-at-home deadbeat husband to troon pipeline. I've seen more women supporting their husbands than the other way around.
No. 1571258
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Human Shrek as a hon.
No. 1571292
File: 1656125680581.jpeg (202.96 KB, 750x832, 2D2FBAE7-E46C-4D56-8EAA-F45DF5…)

No. 1571372
>>1571352Stop talking to y chromos, they know and don't care.
>>1570954Ugh. This surprised me and then it didn't.
No. 1571382
File: 1656131228305.jpeg (213.91 KB, 750x906, D85A87BA-E9DA-46BA-90A3-D9E57D…)

troons are preparing themselves to shoot shit up, apparently.
No. 1571391
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No. 1571392
File: 1656132171561.jpeg (418.99 KB, 1284x836, F8A86380-7598-419F-B7B5-5C81D5…)

This one is kind of hilarious.
No. 1571399
File: 1656132439535.jpeg (542.78 KB, 1284x1799, F9FD088E-FEB0-4497-A690-423A11…)

Posting these comments from a post that was about a man going to a job interview in womanface (the post isn’t very interesting, but these comments were. The last one is just so creepy. I guess it’s a body language thing but I have never interpreted smile in that way unless the context was obviously flirty. Is this just a case of man sees woman smile at him and thinks it means she wants to fuck?
No. 1571417
>>1571391buncha fucking narcs the whole lot of them
women are suffering but what about wittle 'ol moid me?
no amount of hrt and surgery in existence can get rid of moid behavior from males
No. 1571426
>>1569434here's the full post
>I have been hearing more frequently the narrative that women's sport apparently exists as a 'protected category' so that women can win (because on this account without it no woman will ever win again)>This is: a) not the reason why women's sport exists as a category and b) it is not true that women will never win again.>This narrative is profoundly paternalistic and keeps women small. >Let's unpack this a little: A. Women's sport exists as a category because the dominance of men athletes was threatened by women competing. We see this over and over again in the history of sport>Exhibit A1: Figure Skating>1902: Madge Syers enters the World Champs and comes 2nd (no rule preventing her, though no woman has ever entered before)>1903: Women banned from World Champs>1905: Segregated women's category >Exhibit A2: Skeet Shooting>1992 Barcelona: Zhang Shang wins the Gold Medal. The event had always been an open event (no gendered categories)>1996 Atlanta: women banned from shooting>2000 Sydney: Segregated women's category, fewer targets for women >Exhibit A3: Football>1920: Women's football thriving in the UK with 53000 strong crowds (men had been off fighting in WW1)>1921: FA bans women's football (men had returned from WW1)>1971: Fifty (50!) years later ban is lifted, women's football is still recovering >More examples exist but the pattern is clear: Where women were included (or simply included themselves) it was only when they started threatening men's dominance/entitlement that we were segregated into a separate category.>It is why we still see Sport & Women's Sport >Women's inclusion was on the terms of those in power. They didn't want women 'taking opportunities' away from men so they segregated women>It was never about a benevolent (still sexist) aim of supposedly 'giving women a chance to win'. It was about control. And the narrative (B) about women being inherently physically inferior to men? Concocted as a reason to segregate us without threatening masculinity. >There are once again actually greater fears here that women may start to challenge men’s dominance more broadly. Indeed we are already starting to see this… Exhibit B1: ultra-endurance racing>Yes, Women Really Are Better Endurance Athletes Than MenAt the outer edges of endurance sports, something interesting is happening: women are beating men>Exhibit B2: surfing (this article is excellent!)>This Woman Surfed the Biggest Wave of the Year, Here’s why you probably haven’t heard about it.>Exhibit B3: The ban on men pacemaking for women>Women Who Run Marathons Alongside Men No Longer Allowed to Set World Records>In 2003, Britain's Paula Radcliffe finished the London Marathon in 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 25 seconds, the fastest time ever registered by a woman running the 26.2 mile race. Radcliffe's performance …>Exhibit B4: shooting again (fascinating article here for how it tries to explain why women are winning)>10m air rifle: The Olympic sport where women outgun men>The air rifle event is one of only two Olympic sports where female athletes post consistently better numbers than males.>There are some really lovely real-life examples and research studies that show that the more men participate against women, the more they come to accept that women can be good athletes>Challenging the gender binary? Male basketball practice players’ views of female athletes and women’s sports>Kane’s ‘sport as a continuum’ theory posits many women can outperform many men in a variety of athletic endeavors. However, because sports are typically sex-segregated, this athletic continuum is r…>>Towards the “Undoing” of Gender in Mixed-Sex Martial Arts and Combat Sports>This paper addresses sex integration in martial arts and combat sports, discussing the implications of mixed-sex training for challenging orthodox Western constructions of gender. Drawing on qualitati…>>Inclusion is not only the right thing to do, but it also makes us all better.>This is why I will always fight for the inclusion of trans women in women's sport. Just as cis women are kept small, so too are trans women kept small.>"The idea that women and girls have an advantage because they are trans ignores the actual conditions of their lives" Our liberation (and excellence!) is bound up together.>Upholding trans athletes' rights requires rooting out the inaccurate beliefs underlying harmful policies sweeping through state legislatures.>
>Sport isn't inherently gendered. We manufacture strict binary gendered differences, and then we naturalise them. Understanding and interrogating this helps us to understand the panic and fearmongering around women's sport right now, and where we might go next.>Capturing Semenya As the women’s 800m approaches, headlines about Caster Semenya proliferate — once again, seven years after she won the World Championship in the 800m and became a news headline, we have been …>It is possible to have a different conversation here. Gender expansiveness gives us all permission to break free from - and take up space beyond - societal norms, and I'm very much here for that. Onward. TL;DR some cherrypicked examples, reaches and exaggerated stories(such as a 17 year old beating babe ruth) she also used points that literally disprove her whole premise such as women being better overall then men in endurance sports then men due our physiology, like how men are better at strength based sports then women due to physiology
No. 1571428
>>1571391Like clockwork, fucking jealous of an abortion ban of all things. And if they haven't done srs they are affected by it too since they can still get someone pregnant.
and narcissistic.
No. 1571431
File: 1656134799684.jpeg (575.67 KB, 750x1116, 8477FD48-8DCE-45B8-81EE-D623CD…)

who wants to bet he knows the girl he’s photoshopping into his photos because that’s the girl he’s skinwalking now as a grown man.
No. 1571437
File: 1656135389072.jpeg (255.91 KB, 750x1526, 99278DE5-674A-4EEF-BF8F-1BA6CE…)

she’s right.
No. 1571439
File: 1656135554118.jpeg (400.56 KB, 750x2317, AB495ECB-E6DE-484B-A158-96AF38…)

Same ugly moid, different year.
No. 1571440
File: 1656135642353.jpeg (687.99 KB, 750x1214, C0BC708E-F320-4FFA-8CA0-3B1F8C…)

imagine seeing this in the changing room.
No. 1571442
>>1571399>There are slight differences between male teeth and female teethFigures trannies only acknowledge sexual dimorphism in one of the few places where it doesn't actually exist. There are so many actual differences in physiology between the sexes, from fat distribution to bone density, but I've never heard anything about teeth.
Also what is this implying? That our teeth are connected to the nerves in our genitals? That our teeth are indecent? What the actual hell. Males shouldn't ever be in positions of power when they're this fucking retarded.
No. 1571443
>>1571442Men tend to have prominent canine teeth and not front teeth, it’s obviously how their jaws are formed. I have met maybe two men in my entire life who ever take care of their teeth so please let them take the advice to never fucking show them or open their mouths.
It does sound ridiculous though and I highly doubt they’ve seen a woman’s smile in person so it’s understandable. If you didn’t notice how different male teeth are you’ve been spared by all their Ron L Hubbard and Brain Laundry smiles.
No. 1571450
>>1568513>Faggot on Reddit>"My body count is in the 100s."Does he seduce these women by showing them his herd of flying pigs?
Also "body count" is a fucking disgusting way of talking about sex, literally comparing women to corpses. Men need to be rounded up and gassed.
No. 1571462
>>1568593>>1568597I didn't read Harry Potter as a kid, but I was super into Warrior Cats and this makes me proud of the women and furious with the publisher goon (a scrote of course) responsible for the firing.
Also I wonder if all the Aidens obsessed with Warriors pitched hissy fits about it, kek. I hope Gillian got some support from Rowling. They live close together, so I imagine she did.
No. 1571479
File: 1656140723727.png (229.68 KB, 400x400, miss fuchi eats again.png)

god i'm still not over "amazon eve" from ahs quitting acting because "wahh i only get roles as monsters and aliens"
this UNIT. i'm ugly as shit and still got roles as an extra. you have to be really fucking scary looking in person to not even get a catalog or hair model or club scene extra job
No. 1571492
>>1571483It's funny how you think men who want kids want anything different, they don't expect their lives to change at all. Mommy bangmaid looks after the kids, he gets the social cred and none of the responsibility.
You sound like a tradthot shill who wants childfree women to open themselves up to the possibility of having kids by dating men who want them… On today of all fucking days, fuck off
No. 1571500
File: 1656145946937.png (158.17 KB, 1093x985, reddit.png)

Imagine spending thousands of dollars just to find out you can't fool anyone
No. 1571504
File: 1656146376706.jpg (1.58 MB, 810x6535, Screenshot_20220625-043448_Boo…)

>>1571193>Wouldn't it be nice to not know how to fix things and have men do everything for you?[1/2]
No. 1571508
File: 1656146830816.jpg (436.59 KB, 1104x1472, 934nruok4vw71.jpg)

>>1571500I let out a mouthfart. Of course he has to be creepy in a cheerleader outfit too
No. 1571509
File: 1656146841530.jpg (125.44 KB, 1080x1080, eileenjoy64.jpg)

>>1571193>>1571503His profile pic
No. 1571514
File: 1656147357714.jpeg (19.96 KB, 400x526, images.jpeg)

>>1571509He looks like Danny Devito on stilts
No. 1571518
File: 1656147768777.png (171.99 KB, 759x396, 1656145950967.png)

Kikomi fanart?
>>>/ot/1239557 No. 1571529
File: 1656149916599.jpg (209.77 KB, 1564x782, unknown.jpg)

>>1571391sage for blogpost and shit crop but some tranny started going off about how ~muh HRT~ when people were discussing roe vs wade in a local server. even if you pander to them with "uterus havers" they'll still find a way to insert and victimize themselves.
I'm so glad I finally peaked in the last two years.
No. 1571539
File: 1656151336596.jpg (52.58 KB, 800x450, thinkmarkthumbnail.jpg)

>>1571483Speak for yourself "barefoot and pregnant" handmaid.
No moid spawn, no "getting stuck with a moid" problem.
No. 1571543
File: 1656151456692.jpg (1.53 MB, 810x4715, Screenshot_20220625-055952_Boo…)

>>1571508He's so ugly and creepy looking kek.
No. 1571548
>>1568642Only because the Marxist model of the privileged vs. the underclass is applied to marginalized identity groups instead of economic inequality as it was originally intended. We're now at the point where American leftism is more concerned with identity than income inequality, sometimes allying itself with corporations and plutocrats to that end. I wouldn't even call it libertarianism, it's more just like "we don't give a fuck about anything unless it's idpol."
I can't think of anything more antithetical to Marx than a pride flag manufactured in a sweatshop and distributed by a company like Amazon.
(derailing) No. 1571551
>>1571392Women don't really get called "fag" by men. The other dude had to perceive him as male in the first place to call him a fag. Has nothing to do with passing.
I guess you start distorting reality when your existence is that pitiful.
No. 1571552
File: 1656152888234.jpg (748.54 KB, 1743x2737, image0-5.jpg)

>>1571532Most of them are, I've seen some of them in real life, it's always funny to see them without their avatars or filters by women.
A lot of them complain about TIFs rejoining the lesbian section of the server or detransitioning.
Or they speak in sjw twitter lingo, this one is more of a personal lolcow of mine, but was recently complaining about butch women when asked by another lesbian why he as a mod added a no TERFs allowed rule to the lesbian channel.
>That is an interesting point, that I actually hadn’t realized until you pointed it out. I have a very specific perspective on terfs and their explicit exclusion from this channel, which is very intimately tied to being a trans lesbian: I am most anxious of and sensitive to the opinions/reactions of lesbians on the butch end of the spectrum, specifically because some of the most painfully damaging rhetoric/phobia surrounding trans lesbianism has some roots that grow from the struggles that butch lesbian women have had to deal with in rightfully fighting against the idea that a woman is required in any way to be “feminine” or “girly” by the norms that society has defined. And of course, she-who-must-not-be-named hasn’t helped with the fear-mongering that also breeds the same types of anxieties that make identifying as a lesbian hard to not feel like I’m being predatory, but I have been very fortunate to have found a community that has actively encouraged and supported me in taking on the label and identity No. 1571561
>>1570978On the note of 'deadnaming', I can't believe how retarded Wikipedia is when it comes to tranny biography. They're a site that since 00s has been fully "against censorship" when it comes to having stuff like JFK's autopsy photos in articles or visual depictions of the prophet Muhammad. But ever since tranny shit became rampant, they insist not only on pronouns - but also on not giving the birth name. They'll give the birth name of every other kind of person - celebrity, criminal, politician… but somehow tranny shit is an exception. What the fuck is the point of writing a biography when you can't include somebody's birth name or any info of their life pre-transition?
On a similar note, they refuse to write anything about CWC on the KiwiFarms article, defaulting to "autistic lesbian trans-woman" with no name. Even after it came out
he raped his mother, the talk page was still full of tranny simps talking about how it would be transphobic to include anything on him as well as hand-waving his crime while talking about "online bullies". The absolute state of Wikipedia…
No. 1571574
File: 1656156735658.png (Spoiler Image,522.13 KB, 809x1196, Screenshots_2022-06-25-19-28-1…)

the vid is him jumping around trying to bounce his yarn boobs.
No. 1571585
File: 1656158290700.jpeg (7.19 KB, 300x168, images (29).jpeg)

>>1571570>Men love to say modern women have inflated egos due to dating appsI truly hope so. 99% of men are trash, if you voluntarily deal with one, at least pick the one that can actually raise your standard of living instead of lowering it.
>>1571543Ugh. It's like Cecilyk has a younger brother who trooned out.
No. 1571602
File: 1656160091472.jpg (2.69 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20220625000021.jpg)

Written on the cubicle door at my local night club.. if i had a pen I'd have written "no, they're men".. i hate how it's everywhere now.
No. 1571612
File: 1656160926145.jpg (77.28 KB, 1080x286, Screenshot_20220625-083210_Fir…)

troon reactions to roe v wade are disgusting. they're vile men down to their cores.
No. 1571616
>>1571606nonna from a third world shithole here, but in a relatively "liberal" city.
troons self-IDing as women are being allowed in the women's restroom, there is a push for gender neutral restrooms (but most establishments just replaced the sign of the handicap restroom to accomodate troons which is pretty shitty imo) thankfully a lot of older troons don't like the idea of invading women spaces but young woke cretins feel entitled to it. so not doing good here either nonna.
No. 1571651
File: 1656164601553.png (1.44 MB, 2388x979, 0C160FCC-A717-4021-80E0-574545…)

Saw this thread earlier and this part of a comment there just made me want to roll my eyes so hard. THIS is why so many women are obsessed with talking about you. Because you speak over us, try to wear us like a costume, think womanhood is some spiritual, innate thing, and are a major threat to women’s rights and safety. Yeah no shit we aren’t just holding the doors open for males like you all. No. 1571654
File: 1656164811949.jpeg (342.28 KB, 1284x639, 0759EBB6-8AD8-4ECC-AE23-C2AEBA…)

>>1571653Yeah “cis” women have always had bodily autonomy unlike those poor widdle trans women (MEN) who have always held power and control.
No. 1571659
>>1571602This shit is so prevalent in the toilets in my city that I've started carrying sharpies around to carry on the argument. Any time
I see the phrase 'trans women are women' I just cross out the 'wo' part lol
No. 1571663
File: 1656165972763.jpeg (225.06 KB, 1478x1109, 1653922876806.jpeg)

>>1571657>>1571659I always admired this bathroom wall scribble and would personally write this on a bathroom wall myself
No. 1571664
File: 1656165978683.jpeg (123.72 KB, 686x1200, FC32CE78-7B15-4FB1-AEF2-3AA030…)

>>1571543Why does he look like he’s skinwalking Brittany Venti?
No. 1571669
File: 1656166346631.png (841.2 KB, 1705x861, F4DBFE09-4F02-4594-B274-421D41…)

This was from an r/witchesvspatriarchy thread in which the OP stated she’s never having sex with a man again because of what’s happening with Roe v Wade. Cue the shitstorm and forced apology. The post has since been deleted but I saw the original plus this stupid scrote comment on the other farms. Why do scrotes act like they have EVER had women’s interests or well-being in mind? They always are saying shit like “I can’t believe you’re abandoning us in our time of need when we did so much for you”. Where, bitch? You guys knock up your wives and then chimp out on a daily basis. You send women death and rape threats constantly. You’ve done nothing for women ever. Afterthought, but I adore the cherry on top of him saying cis people aren’t “owed orgasms”. It’s absolute projection considering their incel ways.
No. 1571671
File: 1656166463756.png (112.11 KB, 760x432, Screenshot_20220625-071123.png)

Nuclear take from a tif, the only women with spines are men amazing
No. 1571673
File: 1656166563191.png (195.06 KB, 1236x1048, 89B889F0-96E8-4D20-858E-D35EDF…)

Not groomers though. That’s the terfs of course.
No. 1571679
>>1571654I'm not even allowed to decide that I don't want to have children and have my tubes sealed so that there is no chance to ever have children. Most doctors don't perform that procedure until you have one child or are at least 35 years old and some don't do that even if you meet both points, so tell me again how I can fully decide about my body while children get their dicks cut of because they feel oh so female.
And let's not talk about all the other shit, like my grandma not being allowed to work if my grandpa would have had anything against it. Or that women are the ones that are mostly responsible for contraception, even though guys could easily prevent any pregnancy out there.
No. 1571688
File: 1656167473265.jpeg (425.97 KB, 1836x3264, 8DC84AF1-7573-42D3-975A-72A50C…)

>>1571669I was getting my scrotes confused for a second so sorry for deleting my posts. Picrel is this scrote. I don’t think he’s getting any lesbians to give him orgasms right now so he’s probably salty. But please sir, tell us how cis people are the ones thinking we are owed orgasms (which like, why you’d say that to a woman anyway idk it’s not like men ever concern themselves with a woman’s pleasure so I’m sure she is doing just fine on her own in that department).
>>1571680The troon you are talking about is apparently from the UK. Based on his comment I’m guess he is white and just virtue signaling.
No. 1571697
File: 1656168312598.png (119.8 KB, 907x770, ugh.png)

"Women this women that" No shit, that's because women are the most affected. I went to a protest yesterday and literally half of the speakers were men and drag queens. The only two women who spoke kept going on about trannies. Must have been awkward for the based women holding up signs that said "No uterus no opinion" kek
No. 1571700
Fucking autocorrect
No. 1571714
File: 1656170007468.jpg (262.73 KB, 1080x1881, maskoff1.jpg)

Found the person on a "rightoid past" post, crazy how they just go mask off at times
No. 1571715
File: 1656170116239.jpg (171.95 KB, 1080x1676, Maskoff2.jpg)

>>1571714Hiding the names and altering sime images. I do not want these fucks tracing me.
No. 1571718
File: 1656170363513.jpg (175.24 KB, 1080x1242, Maskoff3.jpg)

>>1571715His face, definitely matches the opinion
No. 1571720
File: 1656170453163.jpg (389.6 KB, 1080x2064, Maskoff4.jpg)

>>1571718His typical agp pornsick posts dont help either
No. 1571723
File: 1656170742290.png (45.7 KB, 931x359, z23424.png)

>>1571697Same anon. This is another post by this dude. Degenerate man who gets blowjobs from strangers is mad at women for not being uwu inclusive. Hope he gets AIDs and dies.
No. 1571730
File: 1656171429595.jpg (281.89 KB, 1080x980, Screenshot_20220625-113535_Boo…)

>>1571651We're literally worse than chasers kek.
No. 1571732
File: 1656171795297.png (109.46 KB, 948x794, oof.png)

Absolutely hilarious. Tranny feel like he's owed a free boob job and is now going into debt when it isn't covered by insurance
No. 1571747
File: 1656173786883.png (149.24 KB, 2046x1480, terfsobsessedwithus-bardfinn.p…)

>>1571651Even the notorious troon power mod Bardfinn makes an appearance.
No. 1571748
File: 1656173849748.png (652.89 KB, 2046x6650, terfsobsessedwithus.png)

>>1571651>>1571747There's even a thinly veiled joke about how we're goldiggers near the end. Straight from the incel/MRA/MGTOW playbook. The entire post is a TRA masterpiece and worthy of a lengthy summary.[2/2]
No. 1571761
File: 1656175052099.jpg (120.23 KB, 1080x903, download.jpg)

snatched from KF
they really don't get it at all, do they?
No. 1571767
>>1571654Trans ideology = incel ideology
Every single time.
No. 1571777
>>1571770not just smiling, they think teeth smiles specifically are a sign of arousal.
By that logic, every time we smile for a photo we're horny? These men are so fucking stupid it's maddening
No. 1571800
File: 1656179018731.png (419.62 KB, 750x1334, 0913FD0C-46FE-488E-84B4-750628…)

No. 1571803
File: 1656179203004.jpeg (356.76 KB, 750x1105, 1B4F2BB1-9CCC-4DAA-9944-B5B97F…)

What a pathetic attempt at sympathy farming. We know he won’t actually detransition.
No. 1571816
File: 1656180291173.jpeg (444.56 KB, 750x1105, 8DE12D08-C1FC-4793-A512-B6930F…)

go terf mom, you tell him.
No. 1571822
File: 1656180425748.jpeg (536.53 KB, 750x1262, 24483FC6-2206-4A95-B023-A6DE11…)

stop lying to these men, people. they can’t tell a pity compliment from an actual compliment.
No. 1571865
>>1571861i got 'Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide' from a 2022 study. A 2021 study, however, gave some different #s -
In the US, 52% of Trans and Non-Binary youth have sincerely considered killing themselves in 2020.
Also In the US, 20% of Trans and Non-Binary young people attempted suicide in 2020.
But even assuming 20% of those were serious attempts, we should be looking at a total of 280,000 attempts made, and 45,799 (total # of suicides committed in 2020) is still only 0.016357% of 280,000. That's assuming
everyone who committed suicide in 2020 was trans, though.
No. 1571872
>>1571861oops sorry, 45,799 is 16.36% of 280,000 my calculator read the comma as a period.
No. 1571881
>>1571800The GNC part is especially stupid. Literally nobody was arguing women who aren't feminine aren't affected by abortion laws.
Why do so many Fakebois look like Porky Pig?
No. 1571882
File: 1656184245303.jpeg (591.75 KB, 2408x2403, 3619654E-B056-4FCE-99C6-DC8221…)

I fucking hate men. I can’t say this to a moid who’s not even trans
No. 1571885
>>1571865Have you ever hear this words "weaponizing suicide"?
Recently, japan pass a resolution to jail "bully" for more than 4 years if someone killed themselves, and the prosecuters found your
abusive messages/posts
No. 1571886
File: 1656184492150.jpeg (655.27 KB, 750x1410, B30285D9-EA34-4421-AFC5-017394…)

why is he holding the purse like that? also, it looks like one of those shitty claire’s quality accessories that sometimes come in a set with a doll kek
No. 1571892
File: 1656185011183.jpeg (478.35 KB, 732x1699, 61FA8D4B-21DE-405E-8DFC-CE19EE…)

>>1571816same mf. he binds his penis and then wonders why he can’t feel it.
No. 1571905
File: 1656185983372.jpeg (614.76 KB, 750x1223, BE9725FD-E37B-454B-BA18-5D708E…)

what’s with troons and ugly corsets?
No. 1571906
File: 1656186065878.jpeg (804.85 KB, 750x1219, A6195D43-4E5E-43A5-95D0-993C29…)

are you on shrooms, bud?
No. 1571913
File: 1656186435522.jpeg (234.86 KB, 750x1192, D953275A-2224-4EAD-B785-794C8D…)

1) It’s not just the hormones. Troons get thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery.
2) There are more troons than ever in history. It’s called social contagion.
No. 1571916
File: 1656186657956.jpeg (665.83 KB, 750x997, 64D08C93-1CB0-41D5-AF76-7CA927…)

He looks the same!
No. 1571921
File: 1656187236056.jpeg (187.39 KB, 1170x361, D897F3A8-BEB3-4BAD-827F-9C528D…)

Shut up faggot
No. 1571958
>>1571860I honestly think that this suicide stuff is just another form of power they have over others. If you don't act nice and understanding, they threaten suicide because you bullied them, they manipulate you into being caring so you don't have their blood on your hands. And that being said, I have a mother showing that behaviour my whole life, she never even attempted suicide on single time, so I'm not caring for them, if they threaten suicide, they should go ahead, I'm done with narcissistic, manipulating and aggressive persons, I know how being bullied in real life feels, I know how being suicidal feels and they are just drama guys that would be able to get every fucking help in the world because they have the whole attention. There are so many non trans people attempting suicide, none of them will be treated as carefully and with the same amount of attention those troons are treated with.
No. 1571961
File: 1656190174135.jpg (205.58 KB, 1080x1844, Screenshot_20220623-230840_Red…)

no comment
No. 1571962
>>1571961>bc some people only see women as baby-making machines this means that the people who don't are being DE-LEGITIMIZEDlike how
bc i'm only seeing those justices getting slammed with criticism, not being 'legitimized' in any way. People want to murder them with bricks rn.
No. 1571967
>>1571885this is really worrying to me.
if it was like 10,000 people telling you to kys and you did does every one of those 10,000 people get jail time?
No. 1571989
File: 1656192544072.png (47.58 KB, 740x384, unc.png)

>>1571921Lol what? I have seen nothing from trannies other than "wahh I'm being excluded!!" and "why would I care when you don't care about ME?"
How can someone be this fucking delusional
No. 1572016
File: 1656194092001.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1440x7006, 0F6AE135-FDD4-420A-B0CD-69A9F2…)

peak reddit troonery.
No. 1572057
File: 1656196588124.jpg (327.96 KB, 720x643, Screenshot_20220625-183434_Twi…)

>>1572016I cropped the creepy smiling man face out the top pic and it became 20% more appealing
No. 1572062
File: 1656196777076.jpeg (152.28 KB, 765x541, AEE25238-95AA-4D28-A0C1-6F27DB…)

>>1572057but why would you do that?
No. 1572066
File: 1656196950246.jpeg (320.38 KB, 1536x2048, 06EADB5F-FA6E-446C-90E6-E82BCA…)

What is this kek
No. 1572119
nonnie I was just parodying the troon's tweet. But we can only hope kek.
No. 1572187
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No. 1572192
File: 1656207240845.png (506.72 KB, 750x705, 90.png)

No. 1572200
File: 1656207880452.jpg (116.62 KB, 828x1141, Slatzism-1540398744935743488-i…)

No. 1572256
File: 1656212128470.jpeg (403.75 KB, 750x1162, 16432CC4-2F7B-4BF8-821B-AA98A6…)

Care home? Is this person in a mental institution?
No. 1572260
File: 1656212933048.jpg (61.92 KB, 720x609, FWAslPUWQAAfGiR.jpg)

>>1568996Im so glad the moid who doxxed her to get people to attack her offline was banned from twitter lol.
No. 1572265
File: 1656213220341.jpg (159.84 KB, 605x552, idiot keyshamsher.jpg)

>>1569788Nah he really is a seething troon
No. 1572281
File: 1656215567938.jpg (132.67 KB, 750x770, Untitled.jpg)

posting some beautiful staceys who are loudly GC that trannies try to paint as "ugly fat terfs"
No. 1572304
File: 1656216901172.png (739.33 KB, 746x1088, 18 Christopher F. Rufo.png)

No. 1572318
File: 1656219153893.jpeg (931.76 KB, 750x1229, AD0C9EA2-19E7-40FB-86D7-22C059…)

is hot topic troon a whole subgenre of troons? high school goth crushes really did a number on these men, it’s like they’re mentally stuck in 2008.
No. 1572319
>>1572281Who's the one on the bottom right? I haven't seen her before, she looks kind of relatable kek. Also, in general, trannies are very annoying with their discourse around TERFs and conventional "attractiveness" not just because all that shit is wrapped up in the "beauty politics" foisted on women as a whole, but because there is literally no way to not be "in the wrong". There's an insane rationalization for all kinds of women
>be attractive woman>"Stupid fucking privileged cis bitch TERF doesn't understand how hard life is for trans women, I bet everyone treats you so well and you've never had to struggle in this gendered society">be unattractive woman>"Ugly fat TERF terrified that a cute trans gril will steal your man!!! Trans women are better women than you, and you obviously cannot handle it!">be gender non-conforming woman>"LOL just transition already. You're more of a guy than me, you don't even know how to do makeup. You're a coward. STFU Aiden">be gender-conforming woman>"You can NEVER understand dysphoria, not fitting in, or questioning yourself! Stay out of this, ignorant basic bitch" No. 1572321
File: 1656219653292.jpeg (629.19 KB, 750x1199, 1FDEB458-6CD2-4F11-A505-9EF800…)

No. 1572326
File: 1656219907341.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1000.83 KB, 750x1367, 7332B405-8BE7-485D-9B17-C844A9…)

This is his inverted penis.
No. 1572348
File: 1656221266172.jpeg (374.96 KB, 733x1598, DC71627B-C7BD-45D8-B2E1-90DBBB…)

>you fucking pissant
today i learned a new insult!
No. 1572354
File: 1656221686455.jpg (27.57 KB, 450x253, a wild troon appeared.jpg)

ok so you might remember this article: was posted on kiwi farms a while back. is the troon wilderness guide "Helga" Anastasia Biefang? this is the documentary about him: is from the documentary
No. 1572367
File: 1656222667128.jpeg (1.08 MB, 750x1376, AF83CE96-13DE-41FC-B8C6-C6DD3C…)

POV you open the stall door after using the toilet and see this.
No. 1572370
File: 1656223278174.jpeg (308.52 KB, 750x716, 9604E301-2EB9-4F3D-B254-360FF7…)

how does one feel phantom ovaries?
No. 1572377
File: 1656223640581.jpg (890.73 KB, 810x3034, Screenshot_20220626-014842_Chr…)

>>1572016Living that preteen girlhood that he was violently robbed of.
No. 1572400
>>1571606Australia here. Our Pro-life groups here have strong ties to American Pro-life groups. So I am very much afraid it will encourage their pushes further here.
Abortion relation problems here are different state by state like in the US but it's legal everywhere luckly. There has been a strong push to remove abortion from the Criminal code in all states and regulating it purely as a health care issue, as people involved in lobbying are very wary of things easily sliding backwards and losing ground. Only Western Australia has in remaining in their criminal code atm I believe.
But most people have to pay quite a bit out of pocket and large chunks of Australia do not have easy or affordable access as it's mostly done by private clinics, so rural areas have very limited means of accessing abortions. And Australia is very much a coastal cities focused development kinda country like Canada.
Groups are lobbying for more coverage of procedures involved with medicare rebates but it's not gaining any ground as the last attempt in 2015, got pushed back and forgotten during the changing of seats during elections.
And Nurse-led programs to help woman connect with telehealth and GP's that are train to prescribe early abortion medication safely and on time are being suggested. But no signs of things being implemented and approved yet. And thou the training to prescribe early abortion medication is free and easily accessed online, most GP's simply refuse to undergo training as they believe it is something that should be handled by clinics.
The Pro-life groups have made concentrated efforts to criminalize abortion again in 2019(? recently but can't remember year).
One being where they used sex-based abortions as a reason to heavily criminalize and regulate abortions again. But they lost luckily as most politicians didn't view sex-based abortion as a large cultural phenomenon in Australia, and the laws would do more damage to everyday peoples reproductive rights instead.
Unfortunately the groups that do such a good job from woman rights here are also very supportive tranny's but it's not extreme with policing wrong think as American Liberals (YET). The lobby groups from woman sport rights are unfortunately mostly pushed by Conservative Christian groups who usually have ties with the Pro-life groups as well.
So when it comes down to Woman's rights its heads down and don't say tranny and just focus on whats important I guess. While I would want to support the womans sport lobbyists I don't want to fund pro-life groups.
No. 1572403
File: 1656226196839.jpeg (328.28 KB, 1284x1106, 2914B1BD-470F-4DDF-821A-FE4572…)

Imagine this being your biggest concern right now. Imagine feeling like shaving your legs means anything when women and girls are expected to do this shit or be considered disgusting. Imagine getting almost 800 upvotes on that.
No. 1572417
File: 1656227350458.jpg (453.43 KB, 810x1687, Screenshot_20220515-152643_Boo…)

>>1571886I recognize this one. He's been waffling whether it's just a fetish for awhile now.
No. 1572435
File: 1656229173347.jpg (114.92 KB, 1080x568, Screenshot_20220626-033623_Boo…)

>>1572403Trans people really out there challenging harmful gender stereotypes.
No. 1572437
File: 1656229351337.png (849.04 KB, 1158x2094, EACC2371-F485-4F1E-A550-9F8779…)

Expecting shitty times for actual women who need hormones for their menopause… Fuck these troons
No. 1572445
File: 1656230016709.jpg (245.68 KB, 1905x375, begone scrote.jpg)

Why is it the most ogre looking moids claim to be head of the Lesbians you really think any real lesbian is gonna go near you bro
No. 1572457
File: 1656231503531.gif (5.34 MB, 300x300, save the cat!.gif)

>>1569386I hate this angry troon for stealing leafy's chin GIVE IT BACK YOU MONSTER!
No. 1572469
File: 1656232267508.jpg (115.18 KB, 613x838, absolute clown.jpg)

>>1572461If you think thats bad….
No. 1572481
>>1571967It's one year jail time, sorry>Moves to amend the country's Penal Code gained traction after Hana Kimura, a 22-year-old professional wrestler and cast member on the popular Netflix reality show "Terrace House," was believed to have committed suicide in May 2020 after receiving a barrage of hateful messages on social media.This is a lie. She was portrayed as a bitter cunt on the reality show and had asked the producer to stop, because this is damaging her image. The producers refused to honor her wish, that's why she killed herself
>The proposed amendments will introduce a prison term of up to one year and raise the fine to up to 300,000 yen.Yes, those 10,000 people will be sent to jail for a year
No. 1572482
>>1571921They say this every single time abortion or any other women's issue is being discussed. Every fucking time. How would you even know what terfs post when you all boast about how many you have blocked, "Alana"? Not to mention, "trans women" are only loud about Roe vs. Wade because they attempt to make the issue about themselves. They literally only talk about it for selfish reasons and have the nerve to insinuate that feminists are "silent" about their own advocacy. Narcissism is a requirement for troonery.
>>1571669r/witchesvspatriarchy is an embarrassment of a sub, just like two X chromosomes. How do you let yourself be pressured into apologizing for this, when the only subreddit on that website that is "cis women only" is a rape porn page? I don't get it. Why are handmaidens like this?
No. 1572494
File: 1656236460295.jpg (Spoiler Image,197.66 KB, 720x1147, Uhmm.jpg)

Made me sick to see. It's a man "breastfeeding".
No. 1572515
File: 1656240790746.gif (3.26 MB, 394x328, 300DEEF8-36A8-4536-8316-EBCB70…)

>>1572494As a new mom, this is the shit that makes my blood turn to lava. Only a male could be so fucking selfish and disgusting, feeding a helpless baby the garbage discharge from his fat lump just to give himself an ~eUpHoRiA~ boner. I want to dispatch him and take that child to safety. Sage for rage and whatnot but this just makes me viscerally mad.
No. 1572542
>>1572494Oh so they're allowed to call it breastfeeding but if an actual woman doesn't say "chestfeeding"…
The trans reaction to roe v wade overturning has completed my peaking. It hit me today that despite how shitty straight women have been at times to lesbians, lesbians have never abandoned us on issues like domestic violence and reproductive rights, even though they don't have to live with or fuck men like we do. But the second the chips are down, TIMs act like it's all about them and women have been too mean to them to be supportive. I'm so fucking done with it.
No. 1572543
File: 1656244109963.png (88.08 KB, 989x612, 2022-06-26_19-42-03.png)

average tranny and their response to roe v wade being overturned, so many disgusting accounts just like this in their replies too lmao.
No. 1572552
File: 1656245687913.png (479.79 KB, 805x1357, Screenshots_2022-06-26-16-53-4…)

No. 1572558
File: 1656246487394.png (26.92 KB, 593x514, cwcperiods.png)

The more things change, the more they stay the same
No. 1572571
File: 1656247337828.png (220.45 KB, 810x1151, Screenshots_2022-06-26-20-37-3…)

>>1572565The thread is still open. But the comments are mostly about that the poster is not a tranny and is probably larping OR pic related.
Some people just can't accept the incel to troon pipeline is real.
No. 1572583
>>1572531One of the things I've been wanting to write about is how the left has such a strong internal myth that there is no organization, structures, etc and everything depends on grassroots. When the second you really examine things there is an extremely organized structure consisting of NGOs and lobbyist groups using the activist as a veneer. It's not grassroots building towards a revolution, the structure has already matured.
It is the source of so, so many problems. It's why the left can't attract people outside of university students, can't fix its messaging, can't plan effectively, can't course correct around obvious problems. The levers to change anything by design don't exist at the layers of the structure any normal person would have access too. It's just freak academics and billionaires at the core.
No. 1572622
File: 1656251939722.jpg (470.19 KB, 1172x1920, tumblr_fde8af1c627c3b6da4041ef…)

Giant looking hon lmfao ok
No. 1572625
File: 1656252008269.jpeg (Spoiler Image,180.35 KB, 828x553, D64DEC2F-6C72-434B-B5E9-39E37C…)

this is what I mean by how trannies drag woc into everything. I don’t know if this is true but I’m guessing it’s not. If it is true I don’t see the point of categorising them with us. It’s like they’re backhandedly saying they’re more feminine than us, even though on the surface level they try to make themsleves look sympathetic. Although I do suspect they pulled this out of their ass. I have seen many trannies try to bring woc down to their level by saying they face the same struggles and society doesn’t think they’re feminine.
I’m sorry if I’m overanalysing I’m just so sick of being lumped in with these people
No. 1572631
>>1572108>>1572139kek, love you nonnas, after all being a tailor isn't so far away from being a surgeon, I know how to sew something together, that should be enough to create some holes in a troon.
Also, had a quick search and couldn't find any legal cases, only one guy suing the NHS right know, but not because of the look, more because they didn't tell him he will hate everything about it later.
No. 1572632
File: 1656252796633.jpeg (446.85 KB, 828x1264, FA060D12-BF67-4399-92E8-369791…)

the comment, lol
No. 1572655
File: 1656254953058.jpg (433.84 KB, 595x719, delusional-troonshit.jpg)

>>1571886Reminds me of this fugly comic made by a troon.
No. 1572697
File: 1656258718390.png (1.15 MB, 1076x1270, Screenshot 2022-06-26 at 16.49…)

this trans woman/drag queen took this and the first apology that followed (that stated its ok to make this joke bc shes trans and poc). kind of in awe lol, there were retarded handmaidens in the mentions excusing this shit