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No. 914378
Due to character limit issues, summaries, recaps and links will be posted in the thread itself.
Remember to visit and before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.
Previous Thread:
>>902161 Image Credit:
>>909702 No. 914381
Sex Worker Saga:
>Embarked on a “sex work” career, taking filthy nudes and videos and selling them through twitter for drug money, looking more and more like an actual corpse in every photo, also sells pre-made videos, one is called PEE DRINK >>730829>One anon leaks a “commission” video where Luna calls her dad and says she’s got a stable job, then takes her dress off and masturbates for the camera. Her dad sounds supportive and happy for her as she uses him to get someone else’s humiliation fetish rocks off, one of her lowest points to date >>758647>SEX WORK CAREER IS OVER >>760386>“Online acquaintance” of Luna’s turns up after being sent the dad video, insinuates Luna has sold videos of her shooting up in her legs via her sex work twitter account >>761016>Shares screencap, looks like necrosis waiting to happen >>761037>Returns to sex work >>805775 , >>810203 >A year later, anon drops “Lurch gyrating Luna’s ass” and “full intercourse” videos that they bought but didn’t leak at the time >>811491 , >>811554 No. 914382
Eviction/Sobriety Saga:
>LUNA AND LURCH ARE GETTING EVICTED >>802600 , >>810637 >Luna uploads a video where her and Lurch yell at a social worker >>811724 >Electricity gets disconnected and Luna continues to refer to the owner of the apartment as her “landlord” despite admitting on Facebook that they’re not there legally >>813209 , >>813354>EVIL TOXIC MUM arc turns into THE MHA GASLIT MY MUM, A MENTALLY ILL WOMAN arc >>813340>The apartment door lock breaks, Luna and Lurch build sad little barricades (the most notable being the busted pink gaming chair, RIP, gone too soon) >>816475 , >>815981>The cops pay them a visit and find drugs, drug paraphernalia and a knife >>813338>Charges are filed against Lurch >>819990 , >>822424 , >>824442>As a result, Lurch now has to submit drug tests on the regular, and Luna allegedly actually detoxes from heroin (while still using methadone and/or weed, other opiates and/or benzos) >>821718 , >>822657 , >>823499 , >>823823 , >>824260>Luna keeps claiming to be sober despite still taking fucking Xanax >>824858 , >>825465 , >>827008 , >>825462>”Abusive” dad relapses and is allegedly “dying” >>825466 , >>825993 , >>826190 >Meanwhile, Luna says it’s a “slap in the face” that her mother dares to be high around her >>826257>Freaks out incessantly on Reddit about her and Lurch’s stimulus checks as it’s clearly their own income>Luna and Lurch are attacked by their neighbour’s pitbulls (totally not while stealing or anything) >>831109 No. 914384
Recent Dairy-Free Milk Alternative:
>Still struggling with both the English language and her addiction to shoplifting >>906466 , >>910492>Still out of her mind 24/7 on a cocktail of psychiatric medication, weed and likely heroin/fentanyl >>909696 , >>913780>Still spending money as wisely as ever >>906424 , >>913061>Still (very occasionally) posting the same art we have been seeing for years >>902179 , >>913057>Luna does not take kindly to the recovery program she is attending, nor the 'rude-ass bitch' of a counsellor running it, though bravely toughs it out in order to get free pills >>902182 , >>906479 , >>908830>Psychiatric diagnoses are posted publicly (as well as physically posted up to the wall) to remind everyone, including herself, that Luna is still the sickest, most unfortunate waif in all the land >>906405 , >>911218>Lurch keeps on Lurching >>906663 , >>906712>Recovery program clearly having no positive effect, Luna goes for yet another stay in an inpatient facility (read: detox) which, in a shocking twist, also has no positive effect >>906536 , >>908148>The restrictive eating disorder LARP continues in full force, despite Luna only seeming to gain more weight in each successive selfie posted >>908187 , >>911183>A neighbour is far too 'mentally i'll' for Luna's aesthetic, is complained about thrice and then seemingly forgotten >>908651 , >>908693 , >>909280>Luna gives the rest of the contestants for 'Tumblr's Most Entitled Microblogger' a run for their money with her 'desires' for 2023 (No need to make the more traditional resolutions when one is already perfect) >>908691>Breaks up with Bitch Counsellor, perhaps after an attempt to hold her mildly accountable for her own actions for once, but still finds a way to stay doped up on pills all the time despite >>910248>Luna's main priority as she turns 27 is getting her nails done (though lashes, admittedly, would've made it perfect) >>912723>For those wondering what Luna looked like in middle/high school, Yearbook Anon sheds some light >>912794>The (self-reported) fentanyl OD count jumps from 5 to 9, in the form of a Facebook humblebrag >>912916>Luna dips her toes back into sex work, equating her naked body's worth to roughly that of a 15% discounted Juicy Couture necklace >>913722 , >>913792>A particularly upsetting photgraph of Luna is posted to Tumblr, posing the age-old question, 'who likes big asses?' (the answer being lots of people, just not hers) >>913793 No. 914387
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No. 914388
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No. 914389
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No. 914390
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No. 914391
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No. 914392
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No. 914393
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great recap OP!! here to deliver some (soy)milk from lurch… he dropped the info that in 2021 him and luna were buying carvel cakes… no wonder shes blown up so much. he's also responding to tons of women who tweet about the yankees, including some old ladies feet pics!! and luna has been liking his tweets by the handful, meaning shes aware of this all going on!
No. 914394
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this literally cracked me up so hard that i cried. gave me flashbacks to last september when she went to detox and he was sending (to likely a bot account) money to this foot fetish account. he is literally the shining star of lunas threads.
No. 914395
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hes such a reply guy, this one cracked me up too. he seems to have so much more life and intelligence in him than luna. i wonder if its the adderall that its speculated he gets or what. his twitter is a goldmine if you can skim through all the baseball stuff. im glad the OP image includes him this thread.
No. 914401
>>914389goregous woman even without makup..
>>914388pretty freckles
>>914387u r cute my love
(are you lost) No. 914403
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No. 914404
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tuna the dumpster diver
No. 914407
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No. 914408
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No. 914416
>>914407if you feel like killing yourself over makeup, maybe you should
>>914408take take take take take
No. 914468
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No. 914469
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No. 914470
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No. 914471
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No. 914478
>>914403she just stole these from the outside of a flowershop and put them in the trash so she could pretend she 'found them' but if she had any brains she would just pretend lurch 'found them' for her
>>914470she has to be purposefully making herself look this bad. theres no other way. she filters the shit out of her face but lets THIS slide
No. 914486
>>914485Why would you
A, show your bf Luna's ass
B, post that here expecting sympathy or something
No. 914489
>>914485He's got a point, I don't even have to full-size the picture and I can see like, 530 "curves"
Eyyyyyyyy, Lymphedema!
No. 914536
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>>914469>>914469Those are some dead eyes
No. 914579
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not Pumpkin
No. 914685
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No. 914896
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>i used to go to the cape multiple times a year
i really want to know more about lurchs past, i cant tell if hes always bullshitting or actually grew up on the middle class side? when he doxxed his mother/childhood home last year i looked up the house and looked like normal middle class suburbia. i would really love to understand his fall from grace.
No. 914897
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lurch, broadway aficionado
No. 914931
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No. 914935
>>914931Why is she so rude for no reason, someone asked a question what's wrong Tuna?
>>914934God I wish he would go on a twitter rampage again, it's like a side character from a show that suddenly gets a backstory kek.
No. 914958
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No. 914962
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>>914958Holy shit she looks like she's having a hairdye reaction
No. 914975
>>914958Everything on and in her face is crooked.
>>914961Get help.
No. 914987
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No. 915010
>>915007youre right. im sure there's only 1 spot in all of new york with a metal roof like that. she's clearly taking the train to grand central and on her way to the beach as the local said here
>>914961. no bullshit whatsoever
No. 915011
>>915010You're taking this awfully hard aren't ya. Go touch grass,
triggered anon.
>>914958Her face looks so bloated and her eyes are … doing something. She must be absolutely pickled with all of the pills she takes.
No. 915012
>>914987she looks much better without the fake eyelashes. i wish she would fully wash off her makeup though, thats been a bad habit of hers since the early threads. i guess drugs make you have like the opposite effect of sensory issues, can she not feel all the goop? shes definitely pickled as
>>915011 said. i'm sure she doesn't even realize how cringey her selfies are.
No. 915017
>>914961Pretty sure all the MTA stops look the same
nonny except for buildings and whatever is in that surrounding area. I ride it pretty frequently and I always hope to run into her.
>>914987She looked thinner for what like a month? and for it might not have even been weightloss just weird angles or filters. If she got on welbutrin she could lose weight and stop smoking but it wont make her euphoric…
No. 915044
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>>914958>>914987She looks like ADF aka Phil Vincent Haskins-Delici, a lolcow notorious for being so potato-derp-retard faced he can easily be identified even when wearing a balaclava. I'm dying.
No. 915062
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>>915060luna does look like adf though with the swollen face and downturned eyes
>>915044 was right
No. 915123
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No. 915125
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No. 915126
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No. 915132
>>915130It looks like a ring from Claire's that someone gave to the thrift because it made their finger green.
Tuna has really turned boring.
No. 915136
>>915123I know she's always high and all, but does she not look at the selfies she takes and notice how wall eyed she looks constantly? We used to only really see this when she was high out of her mind and posting selfies but it's gotten a lot more frequent. She has her moments of looking semi-normal but even then she has dead fish eyes.
>>915130The ring being squeezed onto her self proclaimed skinny fingers is really charming.
No. 915137
>>915135What would a fine jewelry retailer do when looking at her nasty.. well.. self?
I agree she isn't milky since she can't scam for cash anymore and is too leary to do actual sw.
No. 915143
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>>915060>>915092NTA but like why does everyone assume that people complimenting Luna are baiting? I had a genuine girlcrush on her back when she looked like picrel and was more of an indie alternative chick living the lifestyle…Beauty is quite subjective.
No. 915152
>>915143Though you have horrible taste, I will sorta defend you on that
nonnie because Tuna used to be a staple grunge Tumblr girl. Not conventionally attractive but she kinda had that girl next door reliability going on for other edgy teens. She used to put actual effort into her appearance, art, poems, pictures and even shared about her other projects and that made her stand out. Not to mention social media standards weren't as high as today. It's hard to imagine the Luna of today as the once (still dirty) but aspiring Luna from those days. She hit the wall before her 30s. She's had more opportunity to turn things around than a lot of people but she'd rather waddle in filth and lovebomb her groom(er).
No. 915156
>>915152This. She used to be fairly popular in the hipsville days, she had an aesthetic I saw sometimes on tumblr in 2011-2013 that was pretty popular. She actually fit in and even if she wore frumpy granny clothes it looked better than whatever she's wearing these days. When you look at old pictures of her and notice that she doesn't have any abscess from skin popping, cellulitis or track marks it makes you realise just how bad things are now. Her poetry nowadays is just whining with the word 'poem' slapped on it and it's always been that way. The discussion of "what if luna left lurch and quit drugs and got better" has been talked about for god knows how long but it's obvious that Tuna would much rather sit in her own self pity and filth than see life get better, even though she claims to really
really want it to.
No. 915198
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No. 915221
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No. 915245
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do we assume shes talking about rlyblonde?
No. 915246
>>915245It's not her fault tho. Probably definetly her mom's fault or something (sarcasm)
I wonder if there's a funny story behind what happened kek
No. 915250
>>915245wonder if it’s the friend whose mom treats her like a charity case at nearly 30 for some reason and is always buying her things she “needed” (nails, lashes, new clothes because she refuses to do laundry, the essentials)
remember like last year when this big stinky bitch said she would get a job as soon as she moved into her new place? lol, lmao
No. 915257
>>915245Did rlyblonde ever invite her to anything besides the store, though?
I'm thinking it was that plant sock rich bitch tard yard turd she fake worked for. She got "invited" to "work" at that event and that was the last time she went anywhere with regular people. She's probably bummed that they're not friends after Tuba's embarrassing work ethic and the tard yard turd telling her she needed to mAke a nEw cOntRacT.
No. 915288
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>>915264recently hes only posted his fitbit. hes boring on there. this was funny though
No. 915299
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No. 915302
>>915288Are his eyes going in two different directions under those sunglasses? It looks like the right eye is looking straight and his left is looking left. Maybe it's just a shadow and I'm wrong.
Is this why he always wears sunglasses?
No. 915337
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No. 915366
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No. 915367
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how does she have the money for another tattoo!?
No. 915401
>>915367She said she was getting the cherub and rose tattoos for years before scamming enough money for them kek.
>>915370I think Luna lies about how much she gets for free so people don't piece together how much money she wastes. She might have gained this habit from her Tumblr days where call-out blogs kept running totals of how much she was spending.
No. 915434
>>915370Nope, I found out that artist doesn't even do that anymore because of scammers like Tuba.
Any basic bitch tattoos will all be thanks to evil Mom or Dad, I'm sure. Plus that's something her mommy could even afford.
It'll go really nicely with all the other random flowers she keeps slapping on her fat body. Sorry Tubby, you can keep trying to decorate a steaming pile of shit and it's still going to be a steaming pile of shit
No. 915494
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he should really go into politics
No. 915495
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ahhh yes because him and tuna can afford a trip to bermuda
No. 915527
>>915462I hope you die soon you useless junkie cunt
>>915494Him and his girlfriend are acab-love-everyone-gimmie-free-shit leftist and it comes back to bite them in the ass, love to see it. Did he really think his Democrat masters weren't gong to treat his replacements better than him? No, illegals shouldn't be here and getting a single thing, but neither should you or your fat girlfriend, Lurch
(a-logging) No. 915553
>>915462NO ONE CARES
Lurch is really getting on in the years now. He'll be fully grey soon. That must feel strange for Luna, but she does have a thing for older guys so I'm sure she will tolerate it unless a miracle happens and she decides she doesn't HAVE to live like this
No. 915571
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why is he tweeting random girls in colombia lurch is truly an enigma… his racism/xenophobia knows no bounds. to the people itt calling him a leftist, hes always been right wing, and luna gave up her feminism and left wing values soon after getting with him. theyre both racist conservatards.
No. 915604
>>915571which is it, lurch? did evil immigrants take all the housing and jobs, or should all people move to
super safe america?
No. 915687
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>>915627ok retard
(unsaged derailing) No. 915739
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>>915687this map represents the original meaning/definitions of 1st/2nd/3rd (all except for Cuba…who should technically be yellow since Germany and the rest of central Europe are yellow). Basically, "second world" are commies or satalite states. "First world" are those opposing the commies, and third world are those who do not fit into either of those other two.
If you want to talk about this in an economic and industrialization sense, the map would be different. Picrel, this is the correct map I think you were wanting to use. It is based off of the HDI score for each country. (Blue 1st, Yellow 2nd, Red 3rd.)
(derailing) No. 915817
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No. 915818
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No. 915819
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No. 915820
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she must be feeling herself today
No. 915824
>>915819Looks super pretty and skinny in this one! Thicc but like in a good way! Maybe this means she's slowly getting her shit together, idk, we'll see I guess but good luck!
>>915818>>915817Super cute makeup look but fix your eyebrows girl! Looks like a supermodel here, loving the lashes tbh, I wanna get something similar! Good to see she's happy and healthy now!
(bait) No. 915836
>>915822Either buzzcut - bleach blonde - or dye black
Choose one Tuna my treat
No. 915879
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No. 915880
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No. 915939
>>915911Which is just tinfoil.
It's most likely just low income housing at most, though. Housing for people addicted to drugs have a greater emphasis on sober living through semi structured activities and socialization.
No. 915956
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No. 915963
>>915957She's had that mark for at least 2 months now
>>913003>>913949>>914685but it looks fresh here
>>915956 along with 1 or 2 other marks near it that also look irritated
No. 915976
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Reminded me of Tuna.
No. 916024
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No. 916025
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No. 916026
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No. 916027
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No. 916028
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No. 916033
>>916026Can we start betting money on when that bridge piercing will finally disappear?
>>916028Glad she's using her time wisely. We need more edgy hello kitty edits.
No. 916080
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our emancipated queen
No. 916097
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>>916026I fucking gagged. It seriously looks like she got cat shit on the sleeve
No. 916112
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Sage for ot but this reminds me of Luna (a few years ago at least)
No. 916166
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I wonder if “new friend” is code word for random john she sold nudes to online or something.
No. 916167
>>916024i'm late i know but i haven't stopped thinking about this, why would you specify your
sObEr friend? for me it's reading 'i'm a junkie and this is my normal person friend' but i guess it could be 'this is the only sober friend i have', either way, not promising for supposedly being sober herself
No. 916230
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No. 916232
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No. 916233
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No. 916238
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At least she got out of the house today
No. 916274
>>916258The fact that you are correct, and that it still looks like 100% Grade A+ Shit has me rolling nonni.
Delicious irony.
No. 916280
>>916233I know it's filtered to shit, but photos like this really make me feel like she could have a moderately attractive, unique face and bone structure if she weren't a fat junkie with a wander eye. Then I remember pre-junkie Tuna was still a fat lard with a pudding face and laugh at myself.
>>916238Fuck me, I hate the tongue between the teeth smile. Very old-school Shayna Clifford.
No. 916286
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Self aware
No. 916299
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on a post asking for porn ideas
No. 916324
File: 1688406297036.jpg (56.43 KB, 1080x305, Screenshot_20230703_104518_Sam…)

No. 916325
File: 1688406380403.jpg (972.23 KB, 1079x2300, Screenshot_20230703_104810_Sam…)

No. 916327
File: 1688408444555.jpg (378.62 KB, 1079x976, Screenshot_20230703_112245_Gal…)

No. 916328
>>916326She's going to either steal from this friend or burn this bridge through unhinged bpd junkie 3am texts that are totes an emergency bc she needs a couple bucks for a sandwich and/or a black person made eye-contact w her
Her friends are either naive pity contacts or other junkies, and either way, she finds a way to destroy the relationship
No. 916348
>>916327She definetly wants people to know. Not like she forgot it was there and she could have easily hidden it.
Also I think she's lying about having a new friend.
No. 916349
File: 1688473992178.jpg (229.29 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230704_053511_Gal…)

No. 916374
>>916347Serious question: on a scale of potato to chris-chan, how retarded are you? Luna has threads going back for like a decade proving beyond all doubt she's incapable of growth or change. And she has also been completely consistent in showing she is a nasty-ass person all the way through. How she still gets stans is beyond me.
>>916350I really enjoyed the putting socks on pot plants because 'art' saga. And when she tried to bully her 'employer' into giving her travel expenses for going to an event at a bar and drawing all night.
She used to be so milky.
No. 916379
>>916331she will leave lurch when he ODs and dies and not a second earlier
nonny. even if she cheats on him it will not change anything between them
No. 916381
File: 1688606354572.jpeg (875.66 KB, 828x1211, 6D597D48-4FB5-43D9-9FDD-2FA1FD…)

is that a trackmark where her tattoo is?
No. 916382
File: 1688606862322.jpeg (184.69 KB, 828x417, E30918BA-F489-4A6C-BAEA-F39757…)

>the female population is growing in every city
what the fuck does this mean?
No. 916383
File: 1688607168209.jpeg (570.43 KB, 828x869, FEA3F65A-FF57-42A0-ADC4-EEBC95…)

from what!?
No. 916384
File: 1688609542365.jpeg (225.19 KB, 828x1001, F69ED7A9-4431-4D54-9D9D-4021A1…)

she confirms shes on methadone here. fuck you to whoever in this thread tried to fight me tooth and nail that shes not.
No. 916385
File: 1688609575311.jpeg (702.69 KB, 828x1208, F71FFD27-49E3-44C3-9F49-35FA49…)

No. 916391
>>916382I feel he means the female fan population, since he mentions Luna became a fan in 2017.
>>916383Holding her hand like that.
No. 916401
File: 1688662107445.jpg (873.5 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230706_094940_Gal…)

No. 916402
File: 1688662142592.jpg (784.61 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230706_094929_Gal…)

No. 916403
File: 1688662202608.jpg (776.13 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230706_094917_Gal…)

No. 916407
File: 1688664595595.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.05 KB, 602x695, picrel hair.JPG)

>>916403her hair looks SO much better when it is styled in a way that hides her atrocious ends. She really needs to just cut it off and get a chin-length cut. Picrel.
No. 916417
File: 1688684667137.jpg (721.67 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230706_160619_Gal…)

No. 916418
File: 1688684697458.jpg (732.32 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230706_160606_Gal…)

No. 916419
File: 1688684722825.jpg (845.95 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230706_160555_Gal…)

No. 916420
File: 1688684749797.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230706_160543_Gal…)

No. 916421
File: 1688684858818.jpg (257.93 KB, 1080x1205, Screenshot_20230706_160933_Sam…)

No. 916449
>>916448literally no one cares about you and your multiple baby daddies. maybe you're not a junkie but you're definitely still a lowlife. no one
has to steal.
(don't take the bait) No. 916474
File: 1688782585033.jpg (786.44 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230707_191827_Gal…)

No. 916481
>>916374Ayrt and I'm not a Luna stan. You can unclench now. I clearly said I don't realistically see change from her but I'm still hoping something would have come out of her interacting with the world now since nothing else is happening. Hence the weird infighting.
>>916421> complaining about free food while being obese, jobless and able to workI'm sure the people who genuinely rely on food banks would love to be able to indulge in carnival junk food and press on nails enough to turn their nose up at free food.
No. 916535
File: 1688866734515.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230708_184050_Gal…)

No. 916560
File: 1688912130580.jpg (312.56 KB, 1078x1920, tumblr_2c19f2cdce8dcccd1cadb1d…)

No. 916561
File: 1688912160596.jpg (318.9 KB, 1239x1855, tumblr_70d343174ecb1e92a217bab…)

No. 916562
File: 1688912197131.jpg (188.45 KB, 1080x871, Screenshot_20230709_071723_Sam…)

No. 916564
File: 1688914822479.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1290x1277, F516C78F-21AB-4875-BADD-A032E8…)

No. 916582
File: 1688931793509.png (10.71 MB, 1290x2796, A785CE56-0EE0-4DA1-BB18-6CBAF2…)

No. 916584
>>916481Sure, stan.
>>916564Luna pretending to be a beauty influencer would be a great arc. YT channel when.
No. 916615
File: 1689000761417.jpeg (398.61 KB, 828x965, 2608521C-6EC0-4D93-8EC8-BA4090…)

lurch is the most interesting man in the world
No. 916723
>>916711Nobody actually shits on Luna for shoplifting basics, I'm sure there are anons ITT that have been in that position before. We shit on her for shoplifting (and wasting her money on) useless shit just because it's ~uwu kawaii and she wants to hoard it. For example,
>>916166 she did not need more press-on nails to shove into her rotting nail beds.
No. 916744
File: 1689341640858.jpg (185.62 KB, 1080x1893, Threads.jpg)

She made a threads account. If heard if she posts nudes there she could get her insta banned/deleted.
No. 916745
File: 1689344162694.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1290x2065, C61BEC11-D22D-4138-ACB9-7EBF7D…)

how long do you think it’s been since lurch has washed his hair with shampoo?
No. 916764
File: 1689368963863.jpg (47.3 KB, 575x441, Screenshot 2023-07-14 140945.j…)

>>916745pumpkin does not look well. she looked healthier in picrel when lurch "found her abandoned on the street"
No. 916791
File: 1689453877864.jpg (797.19 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230715_134558_Gal…)

No. 916794
File: 1689457724133.jpg (62.48 KB, 946x946, 246398423_204669935111686_5987…)

>>916791She has fat girl tits (like ALR)
No. 916867
File: 1689683386898.jpg (752.68 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230718_053143_Gal…)

No. 916916
File: 1689720806367.jpg (432.65 KB, 1080x1709, JY.jpg)

I thought this was Jess Yaniv…
No. 916921
File: 1689721710454.jpeg (895.53 KB, 1290x1832, 7FB28769-49DE-4D0B-A88D-D3DCE7…)

The filters make her look even slimier than she is
No. 916926
File: 1689732476094.jpg (803.99 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230718_191008_Gal…)

No. 916948
File: 1689795285400.jpeg (881.13 KB, 828x1400, IMG_7796.jpeg)

>when summer ends im going back to blonde
does she understand how hair works? if she bleaches it over all that damage and red hair pigment its going to turn pink and look horribly damaged. she better plan on getting a really short bob at the same time if she's really serious about going blonde again. can't wait for the trainwreck though.
No. 916953
>>916926What in the billie eyelash, glazed over fuck is this retarded expression? Girl open your fucking eyes jfc
>>916927Kek nona I am wheezing, she looks like a retarded, obese and melting Kate Winslet
No. 916955
File: 1689802775376.jpeg (446.57 KB, 828x882, IMG_7798.jpeg)

at least shes started filtering things to give the illusion of clean plushies
No. 916956
File: 1689804763512.jpeg (195.89 KB, 828x711, IMG_7800.jpeg)

No. 916987
>>916956That’s not how psychiatry works but ok tuna.
Pretty rich coming from another worthless freeloader who uses said parent for her Xanax bars.
No. 916988
>>916956Luna is too retarded to know that no psychiatrist is going to release that kind of information. If they felt Mama Tuna was in danger, they would have called a welfare check and / or social worker, not her equally high daughter.
This "responsible adulting" cosplay is proof positive that Luna has never had any level of adult responsibility a day in her life. Get a job if you want to be distacted from your enmeshments, ya fat grotty freeloader.
No. 916998
File: 1689864183496.jpeg (281.47 KB, 828x1285, IMG_7802.jpeg)

still a shitty poem but at least this one isn't full of her pill addled misspellings
No. 916999
File: 1689864228401.jpeg (681.12 KB, 828x1006, IMG_7803.jpeg)

she better not bleach this shit its gonna be orange and fall off….
No. 917007
File: 1689889796705.jpeg (1 MB, 1290x1839, 5CD06256-DBAF-4BA1-B98F-10CD32…)

No. 917008
File: 1689890915850.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1290x1884, ADDE1BDE-024C-4052-90D5-818AF1…)

No. 917009
File: 1689892834482.jpg (858.16 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230720_154215_Gal…)

No. 917010
File: 1689892869688.jpg (908.08 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230720_154219_Gal…)

No. 917011
File: 1689892919445.jpg (820.06 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230720_154223_Gal…)

No. 917012
File: 1689892970221.jpg (755.24 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230720_154227_Gal…)

No. 917013
File: 1689894553331.jpeg (177.08 KB, 828x557, IMG_7812.jpeg)

how could someone be more toxic of a friend than tuna? i'm sure making a friend at the methadone clinic will work out great for her. also not gonna reply to every pic but she really needs to wear a bra.
No. 917016
File: 1689901177060.jpeg (210.63 KB, 1290x515, 010E1057-8EBF-4147-B1FC-D390EB…)

No. 917017
>>916956>takes over her moms place>makes mom sleep on the couch>causes her relapse>blows up at her all the time for being upset about the situation"now I get to worry" fiction.
She's such a piece of shit. Like just effortlessly awful.
>>917013Think about what she said vs what was actually happening. Her new friend was probably holding out on her with xannies or something. Now they're folding to her peer pressure and uwu besties.
No. 917018
File: 1689919627470.jpg (534.3 KB, 1080x2174, Screenshot_20230721_010809_Tum…)

Her new friend is a winner. I hope they hangout more and it gets milky again. I wonder when we'll find out who she is/her socials
No. 917020
File: 1689925631416.jpg (1004.84 KB, 1080x8679, Screenshot_20230721-034646_Bra…)

>>917018You should've posted the entire poem anon! Awful as always but there's some gold to be found in there. I'm a fan of the
tits hang low bit
No. 917023
File: 1689946944221.jpeg (270.05 KB, 1078x1920, IMG_7816.jpeg)

more poetry from her. this is gross ew why does she like lurch so much.
No. 917024
>>917023She has to reconcile with the fact that he successfully preyed on her as a teenager, and that she's wasted not only her teenage years, but also her entire 20s by following an old unemployed junkie into an early grave.
Not saying she doesn't deserve the shitty life she leads tho. She still romanticizes being a piece of shit loser and paints herself as the
victim of her life. Poor Tuna. She's tried nothing and she's all out of ideas.
No. 917025
File: 1689949804422.jpeg (450.79 KB, 1078x1920, IMG_7817.jpeg)

please steal a lint roller luna
No. 917026
File: 1689949953183.jpeg (462.45 KB, 1078x1920, IMG_7818.jpeg)

No. 917027
File: 1689950144898.jpeg (205.84 KB, 828x503, IMG_7819.jpeg)

new tumblr bio. glad she finally got rid of the ironic "cleanliness is next to godliness".
No. 917028
>>917009Looking at this picture, my first thought was what if I wake up from my life and it was all a dream. And I’m in a tiny room with my sick cat and this gross man. Everything filthy. Dependent on benzos or else my skin feels like it’s crawling. Electricity that shorts out with the ACs running, a possible fire hazard. My new friend is an alcoholic and we shoplift from CVS daily. My days spent in this room, high on Xanax, completely disconnected from reality, sometimes getting glimpses of how shit my life has become as I rapidly approach 30.
She will legit do this forever.
No. 917035
File: 1689956930545.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1290x2142, 203536B0-43CF-4F8F-91DC-CFB5B4…)

she’s got so much going on in her life she can’t even keep track anymore! in all seriousness what would she need a planner for? Recording how many pills she took that day? Marking down which days she goes to the methadone clinic?
No. 917040
File: 1689967717314.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1290x3870, 35731C00-5B42-4943-ACB5-969285…)

her hands are so fucking filthy
No. 917042
File: 1689979072626.jpg (814.28 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230721_154000_Gal…)

No. 917043
File: 1689979113045.jpg (983.03 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230721_153954_Gal…)

No. 917044
File: 1689979151886.jpg (953.15 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230721_153949_Gal…)

No. 917045
File: 1689979194142.jpg (1001.51 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230721_153943_Gal…)

No. 917053
>>917040This looks like her hands have not touched soap and water in a week.
What a grim life. Yet she's perfectly okay with it. That's amazing.
Nearly THIRTY years old (holy shit). Living in a little shithole with her dead-end "boyfriend". On MAT with no real intention of actually improving her life or being sober. Making friends with
toxic people who she can swap drugs with. Well at least she can "feel pretty" despite being stickier than a snotty toddler, I guess.
No. 917074
>>917065it’s all the benzos
>>917040god, why does she even bother with the nails when she can’t be bothered to shower or even wash her hands? how has she not died of a fucking staph infection?
>>917071>>917072this thread always brings out the BPD junkie blogposters. they really can’t resist, huh? NO. ONE. CARES.
No. 917112
>>917023Stockholm Syndrome, kek
In all seriousness he did groom her, wasn’t he her mother’s drug dealer and took a shine to her when she was like… 17?!
She has barely any self esteem and I doubt she thinks she can do any better.
No. 917114
File: 1690205515381.jpg (131.12 KB, 1080x579, Screenshot_20230724_063244_Sam…)

No. 917115
File: 1690205562896.jpg (385.59 KB, 1078x1920, tumblr_ef71e8f042bf469770b8964…)

No. 917116
File: 1690205612619.jpg (932.63 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230724_063353_Gal…)

No. 917151
File: 1690298803375.jpeg (900.3 KB, 797x1065, IMG_7842.jpeg)

>>917143i did my best artists interpretation
No. 917207
File: 1690420954448.jpg (750.17 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230726_182458_Gal…)

No. 917222
>>917178Two smelly junkies babbling through it and looking for purses to steal, awwww so cute.
In the not-too-distant future, nuclear conflict has devastated the world. Across this bleak landscape stumbles a lone anon, her last wisps of hair as grey as the dusty world around here. She should have passed away already but one thought sustains her … Surely, THIS will be the thing that makes Luna realise she's wasting her life. This will be the day when she starts embracing her talents and changes everything. Stan-on wheezes to herself mirthfully. This one thought sustained her in the before times and it keeps her going now.
>>917214High as fuck + retarded + narcissism = whatever that mess is. She really thinks it's a
mood No. 917228
File: 1690475871042.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1290x1888, A34C3157-1E84-41B0-AADC-149974…)

No. 917229
File: 1690475935320.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1290x2037, 28341406-0561-4247-A63A-68A913…)

I can’t tell is she still using that grody body glitter on her chest or is it just regular filth now?
No. 917259
File: 1690502878375.jpg (750.45 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230727_171017_Gal…)

No. 917260
File: 1690502941123.jpg (906.87 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230727_171013_Gal…)

No. 917261
File: 1690502979123.jpg (733.34 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230727_171009_Gal…)

No. 917280
File: 1690545254082.jpeg (561.59 KB, 828x1208, IMG_7852.jpeg)

No. 917281
File: 1690545314792.jpeg (421.13 KB, 500x1221, IMG_7854.jpeg)

No. 917286
File: 1690556872623.png (10.82 MB, 1290x2796, 87E1EDE2-80C4-4E78-9752-345172…)

all she does these days is sit around high as fuck and post these same embarrassing selfies every day on every social media she has. sigh
No. 917287
File: 1690556988409.png (10.61 MB, 1290x2796, 80EA2EFD-F7EE-4997-8A7B-4DEE04…)

filter doesn’t even cover her whole face in this one kek
No. 917291
File: 1690558584757.png (2.09 MB, 1080x1663, Screenshot_20230728-113810.png)

No. 917295
File: 1690562835603.jpeg (657.31 KB, 828x1064, IMG_7855.jpeg)

the way the filter doesn't cover her whole face
No. 917296
File: 1690562866446.jpeg (322.56 KB, 828x674, IMG_7856.jpeg)

do we think someone bought her this or is she actively begging?
No. 917303
File: 1690569324760.jpeg (602.73 KB, 828x910, IMG_7858.jpeg)

how does she even afford switch games?
>>917298she's had this lip problem since she was a teen. ive seen other anons speculate it could be a cleft palate/cleft lip issue and that seems most likely to me? i wonder if her moms drug use/methadone use could have caused it? either way its got to be some sort of weird birth defect because she's always had it, the filters actually smooth it out too its much worse in older pictures before she filter abused so much.
No. 917304
File: 1690571992497.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1290x4307, 803A36BF-43F3-45C7-BEBC-649C90…)

>>917303is she selling nudes again? Im assuming that’s how she’s paying for switch games
No. 917311
>>917303Yes, it's probable, likely even but speculative. Drug abuse does increase the risk of fetal orofacial clefts, however it usually needs a genetic factor besides the environmental factor to happen. What I mean is that they can happen for other reasons as well.
Clefts are usually divided into subcategories wether a cleft palate or a cleft lip or in some cases both are present. She's probably had at least a cleft lip fixed. Usually there isn't much tissue to stretch and sew together evenly so the outcome can be lumpy after the pt grows up into adulthood.
(medfagging) No. 917318
File: 1690587237604.png (1.1 MB, 1079x1605, Screenshot_20230728-193239.png)

>>917303ayrt, this is a pretty typical pic from #45 and while her lips are still odd, I don't think her top lip is as fucky and lumpy as it is in recent pictures. it looks like it has big chunks out of it. (not infighting just milkstarved)
No. 917324
File: 1690595082425.jpg (160 KB, 1079x601, Screenshot_20230728_184647_Sam…)

Someone find her onlyfans!!!!
No. 917383
File: 1690706834242.jpeg (246.53 KB, 1284x2159, IMG_4338.jpeg)

y’all are fucking stupid. her lips are weird but the filter is distorting the fuck out of them. you can especially tell by how the top ball on her labret is stretched. pic is from 3 days ago
No. 917446
File: 1690813938970.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1290x2041, 42CAAC71-24BF-4C43-9F1E-B05609…)

No. 917481
File: 1690845763859.jpg (67.07 KB, 1080x1042, 20230731_135042.jpg)

>>917450She breaks her "poems" into sections with roman numbers
Also I saw this meme today and it made me think of her
No. 917482
>>917446Before I enlarge the image I thought Lurch's knee was his gut growing into a pregnancy-looking gunt and I was suprised he had gained weight so quickly.
It's not at that stage yet but he is still fat
No. 917483
File: 1690849636679.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1290x2149, A419BA39-4149-4B33-B4D8-862360…)

no words
No. 917486
File: 1690857248752.jpg (846.35 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230731_193633_Gal…)

No. 917487
File: 1690857344553.jpg (95.41 KB, 403x568, Screenshot_20230731_193758_Sam…)

No. 917489
File: 1690858907041.png (332.66 KB, 1080x735, Screenshot_20230731-230055.png)

>>917483comment on picrel – this nonce has been simping for Luna for at least a few weeks now. I wonder if it is a farmer or a true and honest fan. either way it is cringe tho
No. 917524
>>917504>>917501IXV is 95.
But I think Tuna attempted to write 14 and just doesn't understand Roman numerals
No. 917593
>>9174864 days. Girlie e-begged HARD.
Where does she even get the money if she buys those things herself? And the cheapest/wisest option to get that would be aliexpress and shipping takes much longer than that. Sorry, I am just being autistic, ig.
No. 917598
File: 1691169890159.jpeg (344.39 KB, 1125x1655, 07E162B7-1865-43AC-8571-5358F6…)

new ig post, same old shit.
also, for anons who use it, has luna posted anything on threads yet? I don't really want to download another fucking app just to check.
No. 917603
File: 1691176868466.jpg (876.72 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230804_122334_Gal…)

No. 917604
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No. 917605
File: 1691180952630.png (535.14 KB, 475x531, jesus.png)

That bridge piercing though
No. 917607
File: 1691181232513.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1290x2060, 29979CBC-27DB-446E-9AD0-EE12D0…)

>>917605Nonnie u cropped out the shit specks on her neck and the chin acne
No. 917608
File: 1691181256977.jpeg (48.47 KB, 828x236, IMG_7915.jpeg)

>>917598Here you go!
Can’t wait for this, honestly.
No. 917613
File: 1691186125849.jpeg (130.37 KB, 828x769, IMG_7918.jpeg)

>>917598Besides reposting some stuffed cows, there’s also these. Nothing else.
I was hoping she would see threads as a “safe” space and slip up on what she’s been up to.
No. 917614
>>917608>>917613bless you for coming through anon. can't wait to see her fry her hair off kek.
is she still seeing a psych/therapist/in inpatient? I dropped off a while ago and I'm still trying to catch up on her threads, I'm still like 10 or so behind.
No. 917618
File: 1691200731670.jpg (766.64 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230804_190126_Gal…)

No. 917630
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No. 917632
File: 1691243256385.jpg (589.34 KB, 1080x2027, Screenshot_20230805_065001_Sam…)

No. 917634
>>917632So….idk… if you're so annoyed by the neighbors in your free housing unit.. Maybe you and the thing you live with can get jobs so you can get an actual apartment or something.
And what do you want the cops to do with this mentally ill person? Take them to jail so you can do your makeup and drugs in peace? Doesn't sound very ACAB of you kek
She's just so funny.
No. 917641
File: 1691254772960.jpg (490.16 KB, 1078x1920, tumblr_868414341cde362c9f964e7…)

No. 917673
File: 1691282053887.jpg (58.26 KB, 1080x464, luna.jpg)

No. 917694
File: 1691345291510.jpg (553.65 KB, 3016x832, lunaweight2.jpg)

>>917693i have arranged an autistic chart of tall women of various weights around the 300lb mark for us to compare
No. 917708
>>917692You don't get methadone in the US from a pharmacy- it's from a methadone clinic.
She's probably at the pharmacy to pickup her mom's benzo script because she's soooo nice like that.
No. 917710
>>917692This isn’t true for tuna because her ass working would be the fucking day, but MMT clinics aren’t known for their employed friendly hours. Most people at the clinic when it first opens are working, trying to get in and out fast because they’re on their way to work or on their break.
Methadone has a long half life, but that’s depending on how big the dose is. Tapering isn’t easy and everyone metabolizes methadone differently, especially women, which is why clinics offer daily split dosing.
Also methadone tapering isn’t easy, and “most patients” don’t taper with no problem. That’s just not true. Most have to stop tapering and hold a dose for months before continuing to taper. And some never will ever be able to taper. Hate tuna for being a shitty human but let’s not make her seem like the worst addict ever by exaggerating what MMT is like.
No. 917714
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No. 917715
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No. 917717
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No. 917718
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No. 917738
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No. 917756
>>917738Before it was "too crazy for me" and a bunch of other talking shit. Then they started stealing together and it became muh friend. Now she gets a haul of lifted stuff and it's "lovely person"
How long until the circle completes and it's 'ex-friend' and '
No. 917791
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No. 917792
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No. 917803
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Made a long screenshot for those who don't follow her on insta and wonder what it looks like.
No. 917808
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Wonder whose place she’s at
No. 917812
>>917808It seems that she likes to act mysterious and interesting when in reality she isn't anymore, she was more interesting when she was more open to blogging about her life.
This just makes me think maybe her dad got a new place and that's where she is, because she doesn't seem to have friends or a life. It's her mom and dad, their money and drugs and that's it. Oh, and her new "friend" who trades shit with her, but she's just good for talking about whenever tuna wants to brag that she got new things from her.
No. 917813
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Mr Krabs vibes
No. 917820
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seems like her and her stealing friend hit sephora in the city today
No. 917822
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No. 917828
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No. 917829
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No. 917830
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No. 917838
>>917808Evil dad. Smoking his weed and stealing his shit again.
>>917811Anons being bored enough to tinfoil fatso turning tricks is not a good sign for the thread. Aside from the obvious question of who the fuck would pay for that, the one time she tried irl sex work it ended up with the rape that wasn't saga.
No. 917840
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>>917813>>917814Damn, a pork hock actually looks more dainty in comparison to tunas.
No. 917845
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No. 917846
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>>917845he makes me laugh so hard. this guy just goes around posting niche baseball memes and pictures of random train stations and flowers and he still has better content than tuna
No. 917848
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No. 917855
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a few tweets of interest from lurch
No. 917859
>>917829This is such a morbidly obese angel kek. Promising that shes 300+ lbs at this point and lurch retweeting>>917855
Is going to make her lose her mind. Her self care rituals are always a precursor to her ana rp. Tuna is becoming the Whale. The cycle continues and she always ends up bigger.
No. 917868
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No. 917869
>>917855Damn, that woman really looks great for 40.
>>917845I wish he would post more, he can be so much more entertaining than Tuna
No. 917872
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ironic because shes forever the same
No. 917876
>>917791luna WILL lose the weight
two more weeks, trust the plan
No. 917890
>>917873Op anon here and that was indeed a typo kek
I really hope she tries a weight loss clinic next. I say
try because im not sure shed ever commit
No. 917901
File: 1691790763979.jpeg (692.9 KB, 828x1046, IMG_7958.jpeg)

wow. i know they overprescribe this medication but i've never heard of someone getting 1600 mg of gabapentin a day. she's loaded.
No. 917903
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No. 917905
>>917791Luna at this point please either just lose the weight already or shut the fuck up about it.
You have the power to not shove junk food into your face hole all day long believe it or not.
You’ve been fat your entire life. No one has ever looked at you and thought you were skinny (unless they were even fatter than you)… come on … it’s fucking pathetic
No. 917906
>>917888This is a common
trigger for people recovering from restrictive eating disorders, because they interpret “you look healthy” as “you’ve gained weight”. Luna likes to pretend she has anorexia for some reason even though she is and has always been obese. She is delusional
No. 917988
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No. 917989
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this one jumpscared me
No. 917996
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No. 917997
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No. 917998
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No. 918009
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No. 918010
>>918009The borderline cystic acne developing on her gunt though….. hey tuna , steal razors next time instead of useless skincare products.
I swear the cycle of abuse to her skin is enough to make me puke.
No. 918018
>>917901Holy shit. I know people who take gaba for nerve pain (so big doses), but they're slimmer than Tunafish and it still takes just 300mg to fuck them up for an entire day. No pain, but I have heard them saying they feel extremely drunk on it.
Also taking any substances and mixing them with gaba is a good way to black-out "drunk" choking on your vomit types of benders. Even regular painkillers or muscle relaxants.
Don't know about clonidine much, but 4x a day seems outrageous as well.
Girl is zooted out of her mind 24/7
No. 918020
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No. 918021
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No. 918051
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No. 918063
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No. 918079
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No. 918081
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No. 918084
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No. 918085
>>918083"am I cursed?" no you just put 0 effort into anything resembling normal life.
The fuckin poppy seed pod doodles too. She's so predictable. Another round of Out Patient where she will expect someone to wave a magic wand and take away her problems. How many times do you do the same shit without realising it's not actually working. Her "art" style is so dated too.
No. 918089
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No. 918097
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No. 918103
>>918099You say that but red states have more welfare cases for general and the special druggie free loaders like her and Old Chief CrackEagle. Sooooooo hm.
The issue is a democratic one though. They did allow drug abuse to be a "debilitating illness". If you want to feel a bit better about all of this, well, this is her peak. Some of us get jobs, collect friends, adventures, experiences. Maybe squirrel some cash away or get some equity and be able to retire. She will move from shitty government box apt (her lack of dependents denies her any real gimmies) to shitty apartment box. Until she dies at 55 because her lifestyle demands it. Oh by this point she will be in a state run nursing facility. You know, with thin stiff sheets and the ever present after waft of stale urine.
Not at all sanrio cute.
No. 918116
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No. 918117
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No. 918146
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No. 918147
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No. 918148
>>918146Awwww did mommy not give you her WHOLE xanax script?
I'd like to think she posted that about lurch but I know her posts are never that deep. She doesn't care enough about her relationship.
No. 918151
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how does someone like lurch get an adderall prescription… it should be a requirement to have a job to get a script for that.
No. 918152
>>918147Omg her xanax has "ana" in the middle, so cool much aesthetic
>>918137Pretty sure Tuna or fakeboi wrote this because this is what they want other people to see Tuna as. Except no one does, 2012 was a decade ago and even the heroincore uwu mental illness teen/early 20s girls of today don't look at Tuna and think "how cool" they look at Tuna and see an 27 year old embarrassing fatass ana larping hag with shitty art. She's washed up even in her own circle of losers.
(responding to bait) No. 918154
>>918151This explains so much and why he's so wild and zany scampering around the interwebz (and tessa)
Sorry for those who need it and are facing repercussions of the shortage
No. 918182
>>918146Trouble in Squalor, Tuna?
It's so depressing how she's nearing 30 and posting shit like this. This is the type of stuff people were posting on facebook when they were in middle school after getting into petty fights. I think she is genuinely unaware that all her bad habits are only speeding up her ageing process and that aside from herself, no one sees her life as tragically beautiful or aesthetic. She's on her way to becoming one of the junkies that hang around in public areas asking for cigarettes and money.
Smoky, Pepper and Roger popped into my head today randomly and for someone who made an old man's death all about herself and then had a huge pity party about the elderly cats living in absolute filth dying, she never seems to reminisce about them. She posts pictures of herself when she was blonde and actually seems to miss that more than all three of them combined.
Not to moralfag here but when it comes to LOLcows I feel that most of them aren't genuinely bad people and rather just stupid, but Tuna is an awful person and also retarded as all hell. I wonder if she'd be an entertaining episode of Intervention but I don't think anyone in her life cares about her enough for them to try and help her.
No. 918200
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No. 918224
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I love how she thinks she's some skincare/makeup pro…
No. 918228
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No. 918248
>>918246She’s always been ugly.
She might look uglier now because she’s taking higher res pics than at her “peak”. I think her facial hair and unkempt eyebrows make her look especially bad, I think it contributes a lot to her makeup having a nasty-looking texture. Also she is just plain bad at drawing flattering shapes or using flattering colours in her makeup, which contributes to looking unhealthy and unattractive. Makeup can make people look more beautiful, but if you’re not good at it it can make you look so, so much worse. I think that’s basically what’s happening with Luna.
Her best photos are where she is smiling, with healthy hair and little makeup.
I read somewhere that the essence of classic beauty is looking neat and clean; I think if you don’t have good hygiene and grooming habits as a base, you’re going to look bad whatever you do.
No. 918456
>>918451It's her middle name, I went in old threads and found the masterpost of social media links
>>848984 , her FB URL was luna.s.rose
Searching for Luna Rose Slater also brought up this old account of hers with photos of hers.
No. 918526
>>918456'Luna Rose' was her old pseudonym when she was a cripplepunk tumblr kid. It's why her lookbook account in that list is 'Luna R'. She currently uses 'Luna Heavenly' instead but I dont think either Rose or Heavenly are her middle name. My tinfoil is she stopped using the Luna Rose name because of e-begging (her paypal was connected to her real name). She's doxed herself with pill bottles before and it just says Luna Slater so I'd guess no middle name. She's so self-obsessed and boring, if she had a middle name she'd talk about it. she spergs about about her first name all the time (romantic moonlit methadone clinic) but I don't remember a middle name.
She's covered in the same rose tattoo 6 times because she's boring and repetitive. Or maybe her "free sobriety tattoos" were really practice sessions; an artist refining their skills on Luna knowing that if they fucked up it wouldn't really matter. I've always been more confused by the teeth tattoos. She's got one on her right arm and her left hand? Why teeth?
No. 918542
>>918539She's never worked. Her last job wasn't a job and you're an idiot if you think it was. It was her selling Lurches drugs to that trashy trustfund art bitch and the trashy art bitch was funneling her parent's money to Luna in payment for the drugs in a "clean" way. And yes she will spend the rest of her life in her fat ass being taken care of. Her mother is in her 50s, maybe even 60s now and still lives off the goverment, the proto-Luna. Money is taken from you to pay for this. This is what
toxic empathy and bleeding heart polices get you.
No. 918566
>>918542Do you know that for a fact? It wouldn't really surprise me but I don't remember if that was ever exposed about her last "job".
The government doesn't have
toxic empathy for drug addicts, lol. What's your big fix? Killing them all? Lmao.
No. 918571
>>918542>>918566>>918551>>918539Tbh that whole time period is kinda blurry to me about her. It just seems like that girl was using Luna as much as Luna was using her. More so in the vibe of Luna seemed to be her “fixer upper” project. Someone she could brag about giving a “job” too and “helping” out.
I don’t remember personally Luna being paid in any formal way by that girl at least from what she posted. It just seemed like another trust fund girl using another trust fund girl for social media clicks and engagement.
Idk I do remember anons on here making it seem like that entire arrangement of Luna making sensory toys or whatever or showing up to man that girls tent was “good for her” or something. Idk last I checked Luna still has no real ID like bf and all her prior real work experience I’m pretty sure it scattered with her being fired for stealing.
No. 918578
>>918571fucking WOW if she still hasn’t bothered to get a new id after all these years lol
i wonder if her lack of employment gets brought up by her therapists/caseworker/etc… i mean, isn’t getting a job part of recovery?
No. 918584
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thought this was a troon when i first saw it
No. 918586
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>>918584ok hes posting his feet now and im cringing at this woman in the comments
No. 918588
>>918586>size 49 uknitpick but that's European sizing and EU 49 is US 15. Retard doesn't even know his shoe size.
>>918584This is actually a nice photo despite Lurch's attempts to sabotage it. He's 6ft6, why is he taking a pic of her from that low angle? To make her look chubbier, more manly and taller? But the camera is far away enough that you can't see all the particles of dirt on her skin, so it's better than her selfies.
No. 918589
>>918571>I don’t remember personally Luna being paid in any formal way samefagging but from what I remember, Allison was paying her in gifts and once Luna started demanding money it fizzled out. I seem to remember a pink desk and desk organizer, as well as some clothing.
Pretty sure the Killstar dress she's wearing in
>>918229 was purchased during the Allison work era, either she was given a Killstar giftcard as payment or Allison was making the purchases for her.
No. 918603
>>918586Is it too much to ask for another Tessa but this time she's real? Lurch cheating saga would be hilarious.
>>918601You always try way too hard, stan.
No. 918619
>>918578Counselor in NY here. A job is necessary when living in sober living, some places require volunteering. Luna is literally the stereotype rehab female - buying cheap (Temu), stealing, press-on nails, loser boyfriend, considers themselves sober even though they aren’t, considers themselves in recovery when they aren’t actually trying to recover, diagnosis of BPD, makeup/skincare obsession, can’t survive without gabapentin, selling nudes, the list goes on. A good 90% of women her age are the same in every single way.
No. 918637
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old post I know but she’s such a hoarder, holding on to and showing off an empty bottle of Mario badescu spray for what?! it’s not even like it’s a high end luxury brand, literally $10 at the drug store
No. 918658
>>918646This is it. I also imagine she mostly steals testers from the store which are always disgusting.
>>918636The dough body look is because their lives are beyond sedentary and they only consume refined sugars and carbs.
No. 918899
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old milk but i can't wait for her to ruin her hair this fall… i predict the bottom half which is still bleached and damaged from years ago will just fall off
No. 918982
>>918899The only consistent goal Luna has had the past year or so is to bleach her hair blonde again. I haven’t heard anything about her wanting to be a “sports journalist” or a “cosmetologist” in awhile… the latter I think could actually potentially work out for her. I know plenty of trashy (ex?)junkies who do hair…
IYKYK. If she got her shit together she could probably get a job at Supercuts or something… it’s better than nothing. No one expects their hair to be cut well at Supercuts so I don’t think her wonky eyes will get in the way too much.
Either way… Luna do something, anything with your life. She is so boring now
No. 919091
>>918984being on lolcow is disgusting, you’re not better than me
also, was I wrong? her options are limited because she refuses to get a job or go back to school. she is a manipulative mooch so I am surprised she didn’t go the sugar daddy route
No. 919105
>>919091Too ugly, lazy, self absorbed and socially inept to sugar baby kek. Scrotes want to feel like they're the most important thing in the world and that their hobbies are interesting, Luna couldn't possibly do this in her current state (she thinks she's the center of the universe and she has no interest in anything).
She got into baseball to get closer to lurch, but she just thirsts over the baseball players and calls that one fat pitcher hot. Men aren't into that, most would resent her turning it into simply "omg guy is cute" and ignoring the actual hobby. It makes her seem emotionally stunted. Same with her interest in heroin music. She doesn't have an interest in Layne Staley or Alice in Chains. She has their action figures and fantasises over their physical attributes.
Maybe if she wasn't filthy, overweight and wall-eyed she could find a sugar daddy who didn't want too much from her, but she ain't doing that kek. The only men interested in a 280lb heroin addict are scrotes who won't treat her like a princess. The scrotes who make her drink her own piss, or call her father in the middle of masturbation. Those are the only "sugar daddies" she can get. She did try for over a year to make money being a sex worker but it didn't work out because she expected all the men to fawn over her and give her money for nothing. She isn't willing to put in any effort
No. 919125
>>918607>>918578>>918614Yeah I’ve been following her on and off since like 2017 and she and I assume lurch has yet to get an ID as far as I know. I just don’t see how she’s gotten any legit job without a ID or drivers license. In the US you need at least two forms of ID like a SS number, birth certificate or Passport to even get a new one.
The DMV is tedious and we know how she is doing basically everyday tasks that are easy.
She bitched and moaned constantly that the lack of identification is why they couldn’t get married and if that didn’t spur either of them to get one I just don’t see her having done it any time soon.
No. 919156
>>919151OT but it's mind boggling that any of the many programs she's seeking assistance from hasn't offered to help her get an ID. Maybe they have and it's too much work for her anyway, maybe she doesn't want an ID because that's one step closer to being held accountable for a job, maybe she's retarded.
I do remember that horrible social worker video where she called her mother a waste of resources and the worker clapped back that she could've gotten into housing if she called at some ungodly hour (before 10 am.)
No. 919169
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fakeboi makes an appearance for the first time in awhile
No. 919216
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No. 919217
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I guess she doesn’t have a kitchen at her new place?
No. 919223
>>919217Was a global pandemic not enough to learn to STAY HOME when you're sick….
No access to boiling water? No microwave? No hot plate? No lighter on a spoon?
Stupid fat bitch
No. 919243
>>919169The return of the edgy pedo ugh. At least she's advising her to steal healthier.
No. 919296
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No. 919339
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More of the same boring drawings
No. 919414
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No. 919418
>>919346I agree
nonny! She should order a tattoo gun off Amazon with evil dad's card and start practicing on herself and Lurch! She'll be more famous than Kat Von D in no time
No. 919427
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No. 919437
>>919428Not yet. We’ll know when she bleaches her hair… there will be a bunch of social media posts about how she’s “So nervous!! But excited!!” and “aesthetic” pics of the bleach itself. You’ll have to wait for the next manic episode.
Luna is very predictable
No. 919438
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No. 919453
says she has it but she says lots of shit. Like the no hot water thing. She's been in that situation in the past and milked it for pity points so it joined the rotation of regular problems in her life. Guessing she heard something about the expected surge and decided to try and ride it.
No. 919455
File: 1694885047132.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1290x1920, B2691E25-4FC2-46B8-980B-17888A…)

the hair on his mask
No. 919475
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No. 919476
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No. 919477
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No. 919478
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No. 919479
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No. 919480
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No. 919481
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No. 919482
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He doesn't even like you, you fat retard. He won't even look at you. Are you too retarded to be embarrassed?
No. 919488
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No. 919514
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No. 919519
>>919512She takes breaks from posting on the regular now, that's not unusual. And I still don't believe the covid arc. No blogging about it, no art, no poetry, no e-begging … not even a "it might kill me but maybe I want that uwu"
I think it's a lot more likely she has just attended a few groups to try and latch on to new suckers.
No. 919523
>>919483Detox at best
>>919519Manbeast posted the negative test but not the "positive" one
No. 919524
File: 1694974808657.png (72.09 KB, 270x212, Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 2.22.…)

>>919481omg one of those has her lipstick kiss and you can even see the gross missing chunks discussed here
>>917298absolutely everything about this behemoth is misshapen. I’d probably try to OD all the time too tbh
No. 919533
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No. 919534
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No. 919536
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No. 919537
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No. 919538
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No. 919549
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No. 919550
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No. 919554
>>919535This looks like someone's granny I can't believe she posted it.
Also how does she not feel pathetic, being almost 30 years old, with her nasty boyfriend, out to brunch with her father I'm sure just to get a free meal, money, weed, drugs, and whatever else she's using him for. I hope she gets some strong hair bleach when she goes on her charity Target trip.
No. 919568
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No. 919595
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No. 919598
>>919595I hate to say it, but with cases like Luna the self harm is for attention…
Doesn’t make the situation less severe but yeah her type is the kind to make self harm a spectacle… of course she has to post about it on social media.
No. 919609
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No. 919614
>>919595I was looking for when she had her "stab wound", but found this
>>893921 so her last mention of self harm was 11 months ago, nothing with a year or even two.
No. 919619
>>919616Anon… she claims sobriety when she looks like this
>>919609, While flaunting this
>>919568 The point is, shes full of shit when it comes to any of her claims.
No. 919641
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No. 919642
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No. 919643
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No. 919644
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No. 919653
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>>919644Absolute trainwreck. So gross. She needs her vision checked.
No. 919657
>>919644That shirt hasn’t been washed in ages. That’s not all makeup on her shirt … it’s mold. I guarantee y’all she didn’t wash any of the clothes from her storage unit, prior to storing them, and they’re all also covered in it. Cue the staff/ringworm infection. Tuna seems to think that if she airs out her filthy clothes in her grime stagnant boarding room they’ll become clean again. She probably has zero sense of smell from all the drugs eating away at the lining.
Her bridge piercing is exiting stage right and leaving the building.
Can’t wait to see the necro spot on her nose when it finally rips out. Looks like tuna is about to level up and join the rest of the hard core junkies. Between her shit piercings and infected injection wounds, she’ll be one giant sore a year from now.
No. 919661
>>919644Anyone else wonder if Luna is on the autism spectrum? Her lack of hygiene and social ineptness in particular make me wonder …
No shade to anyone with autism but something is just so fundamentally off with her… maybe it is just her poor upbringing and addiction issues? Idk
(armchairing newfag) No. 919662
>>919644her shirt is fucking disgusting
>>919661you can tell when someone is sheltered, spends too much time watching "autism" content on social media, and cant read because Luna is a fucking heroin addict and dabbles in fentanyl. Her brain is completely fried.
No. 919669
>>919667>her brain is constantly out of order because of all the drugs (I include weed and prescribed medicine here)According to Google, methadone can cause eye problems (inability to focus one eye, sometimes called "pirate eye") Wonder if her wonky eye was caused by her SoBrIEtY.
Methadone + benzos + gabapentin + weed = sober in her world. It's no surprise she still looks and behaves like a junkie with no social skills.
No. 919690
>>919662Nta, and I imo she doesn't have autism, but when one of the major well known signs of undiagnosed autism in adult women is substance abuse you can't sperg out when people start speculating on why she's, well, kinda 'tistic.
>special interests>substance abuse>poor hygiene >lack of awareness about her physical appearance >etcit's not 'tism but it sure looks/smells like it
No. 919693
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No. 919694
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No. 919695
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No. 919696
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No. 919699
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No. 919700
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No. 919723
>>919699her lashes being glued onto her eyelid a full cm above her lash line is killing me. i saw it at work today and knew god had abandoned us.
other than that, she looks clean. probably the best ive ever seen her
No. 919735
File: 1695312931130.jpeg (2.1 MB, 1290x2117, IMG_5295.jpeg)

she has a new bff to mooch off of!
No. 919736
File: 1695313039077.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1290x2128, IMG_5296.jpeg)

showing off her dead tooth
No. 919743
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No. 919745
>>919743>shedding/cracking skin on finger>obvious dirt from not washing hands>cookies for the ana estheticTuna, how are you so self obsessed and so blind? Pimple patches only work if you reduce your fat ass sugar intake and WASH YOUR HANDS, face, and makeup brushes
consistently. Shes truly the cow that makes me gag.
No. 919753
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No. 919754
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No. 919755
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No. 919756
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No. 919757
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No. 919766
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No. 919822
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No. 919823
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No. 919836
>>919831Legit why I thought she may be an undiagnosed autistic
lol piss fire nasty cunt anon who spits shit at people on here
No. 919837
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No. 919838
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No. 919840
>>919837glossier super bounce $29
glossier super glow $29
pop beauty lit af essense $12
mario badescu spray $7
la roche-posay retinol b3 serum $45
the ordinary HA 2% & b5 serum $9
beyou caffeine eye cream $18
hourglass equilibrium cream ($94 full size, $33 travel size)
la roche-posay hylau b5 serum ($40 for 30ml, $54 for 50ml)
tree hut lip butter $6
the ordinary multi-peptide + HA serum $17
the ordinary natural moisturizing factors & HA $14
minimum value $259, maximum value $334. can't quite tell what size some of the products are. blatant shoplifting asides, the staining on the serum droppers is revolting. how do you use this much skincare and still look so dirty??
No. 919841
>>919840Most of the bottles don't even look used lmao, she's just collecting expensive shit and using it as decor.
>>919834Retarded normies who think people who dress strange are automatically intelligent, gifted, and artistic. In older threads some anons were up her ass complimenting her art and Courtney Love larp clothing from when she was younger.
No. 919859
File: 1695508774852.jpg (1.24 MB, 1079x3851, Screenshot_20230923_153852_Sam…)

Awww she found another dead junkie to idolize
No. 919860
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No. 919888
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No. 919889
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No. 919890
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No. 919894
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No. 919925
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No. 919927
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No. 919943
>>919925you’re a waste of stretchmarked, filthy skin
hope that helps
No. 919960
File: 1695749522032.jpeg (403.15 KB, 750x974, 403160FB-F15F-482A-AE3A-72329F…)

Let’s see how long it takes for her to get absolutely zonked and post horrendous nudes and/or “poetry” on social media
No. 919971
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No. 919998
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No. 919999
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her piercings look so bad …
No. 920008
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No. 920039
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No. 920040
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No. 920041
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No. 920046
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No. 920059
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No. 920065
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No. 920067
>>920066>>920065I really can’t tell if she makes this face when she’s high or for the ~*drugged aesthetic*~ but goddamn she looks old. She can’t take a normal, makeupless selfie anymore? Like she HAS to purposely look tired/exhausted when she takes these? It’s so irritating, just grow up already. She doesn’t and hasn’t looked like a “drughun” in years, she legit looks like an old lady who abuses drugs.
These are awful tuna, just take a normal makeupless selfie if you must get ego pity. You’re so ugly.
No. 920068
>>920065luna most people your age are “anxious” about job performance, paying bills, planning for a marriage or childbirth, affording basic groceries, shit like that. truly never seen someone so close to 30 post shit like that
also does it count as makeup free if the foundation is clearly still near her bridge piercing and mustache?
No. 920072
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No. 920073
>>919960 called it on the zonked (>>920039
>>920066) posts lmaooo. Disgusting.
No. 920075
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No. 920076
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No. 920078
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No. 920079
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>>920068I think she thinks we can't see the gobs of concealer on her rejecting bridge and the dermatitis on her mustache. She doesn't see red so it must be "okay".
No. 920080
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>>920079All I ever think when I see her walleye
No. 920082
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>>920065I'm fucking gagging at the fact that you can see literal dirt/sebum/ear gunk inside her plugs. You KNOW they haven't been out a single time to be washed and I know they stink like rancid dick cheese.
No. 920086
>>920066I know there's always been a lot of infighting about whether she is still using heroin or not, but I don't know how anyone can actually contest it looking at these pictures. Her eyes say it all. Benzos don't usually have any effect on pupil diameter, but we all know heroin does. Not to mention how completely gormless looking (doped up) she is.
Regardless, she looks disgusting. I don't know how she looks at these and posts them. Another clear indication that she's high, because no-one sober would ever post a selfie of themselves which could also be a jumpscare.
No. 920087
>>919644She genuinely looks like someone's ex-junkie aunt. I don't even mean it in the standard "qUiRkY" way like "the cool aunt who smells like patchouli and wears lots of velvet" but the fat junkie aunt on methadone who wears mismatched outfits and chain-smokes.
That or a trans person first trying out women's clothing.
No. 920088
File: 1695964999790.jpeg (96.1 KB, 594x983, IMG_1010.jpeg)

From august 4th, her skin screaming from that bridge. Skin care goo isn’t gonna help that.
No. 920104
>>920011I have been diagnosed with BPD, bipolar disorder, autism, ADHD, ED, anxiety so yes I fucking need those meds.
Also, I am genuinely sorry for forgetting to sage my posts sometimes.
(a saged blogpost is still a blogpost) No. 920115
File: 1696017619223.jpeg (991.96 KB, 1260x1568, IMG_6377.jpeg)

i guess it’s not so anon since my comment was posted lol. i responded that she should maybe leave it alone bc she’s at risk for getting keloids. she fully deleted the post after. my initial comment got like 6 likes i think?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 920129
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No. 920135
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No. 920153
>>920006>>920104>I have an Rx but I still have to buy from street dealers because I'm a junkie with zero self control No one cares that you're a tard with a broke brain. Luna's thread doesn't even attract funny blog posters because they're all fried from drug abuse.
>>920059>fav drinkThose are supposed to be like meal replacement smoothies, and are absolutely full of sugar. No wonder she's a behemoth if she's chugging those things like soda.
No. 920156
>>920135What is the white moustache, dare I ask.
>>920129Ah the pure and unbreakable love of a Narc and their BPD groupie.
No. 920163
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No. 920164
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the fucking state of that floor oh my god
No. 920168
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No. 920169
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No. 920170
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No. 920171
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No. 920172
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No. 920173
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No. 920176
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No. 920180
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>>920172On her Instagram she said an online friend bought her all the shein shit
No. 920184
>>920179Because she is. In the literal sense of borderline IQ, she is and always has been retarded. Then throw in heroin to complete the look.
She won't keep it as a look. It's just one of those random things. She'll drop the odd surprise like this and then it will be back to gutter photoshoots.
No. 920188
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No. 920189
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No. 920190
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No. 920192
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No. 920220
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No. 920224
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No. 920233
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>>920220She looks like this guy when she wears the beanie like that
No. 920238
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Is this before the filter could catch on? Looks spooky as fuck
No. 920251
>>920220>>9202211. the filter changes the slant of her eyes
2. she looks miserable and haggard as hell
No. 920255
>>920238Put her back in, she ain't done yet!
Lunas skin has always been awful but wtf is this? She always looks like she has been rolling around in grease
No. 920265
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No. 920266
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No. 920267
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No. 920268
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No. 920278
>>920252Lmfaooo that elf bar is her whole personality now. The most interesting thing she's got going on in her pathetic life.
Seems she tries to include it in every single post since she got it kek
No. 920292
>>920220I really wonder if she thinks having slimy skin makes it healthy skin.
She always looks wet in her skincare pictures and I know there's no water on that face, just an unholy concoction of 12 serums at once.
No. 920312
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No. 920313
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No. 920319
>>920317i don’t even vape but even
i can tell she’s being crazy aggressive with it. it’s like how binge eaters eat… but with a vape
No. 920335
>>920321Maybe that's why she
>>920265 couldn't wait to leave. They were STARVING the hambeast.
No. 920375
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No. 920376
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No. 920377
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No. 920378
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No. 920380
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No. 920381
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No. 920382
File: 1696462069339.jpg (3.37 MB, 1075x7657, Screenshot_20231004_162739_Sam…)

No. 920399
File: 1696475943022.jpg (407.96 KB, 1080x1686, cat.jpg)

No. 920410
File: 1696531444421.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1290x2124, IMG_1934.jpeg)

same shit different day, never change tuna
No. 920411
File: 1696533572849.png (6.15 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_0980.png)

this girl got a size L and tuna tjinks her big ass is going to squeeze into it kek ok
No. 920418
>>9204151. weed
2. fast food
3. drugs and water retention most definitely
4. laying on her ass all day in her shit hovel in boring ass westchester then wasting taxpayers money being driven around in a accessibility bus to a intake clinic to larp as a fake junkie
5. daddy’s invitations to restaurants
No. 920428
File: 1696545972029.jpg (219.92 KB, 720x1438, VideoCapture_20231005-154427.j…)

No. 920429
File: 1696546028533.jpg (205.58 KB, 720x1438, VideoCapture_20231005-154440.j…)

No. 920430
File: 1696546084258.jpg (211.67 KB, 720x1438, VideoCapture_20231005-154456.j…)

No. 920431
File: 1696546256441.webm (2.96 MB, 720x1438, XRecorder_05102023_154250.webm)

No. 920432
File: 1696546429785.jpg (843.23 KB, 1079x2200, Screenshot_20231005_155249_Sam…)

No. 920433
File: 1696546508568.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1080x5309, Screenshot_20231005_155341_Sam…)

No. 920439
>>920431It's almost like she reads here for tips and tricks
>>920398because she has definetly slowed down in the desperate, speedy suck-blow-repeat of that vape. I'm cackling. Hi tuna
No. 920442
File: 1696552213315.jpg (20.81 KB, 269x201, Screenshot_20231005_173008_Sam…)

Missing tooth?
No. 920471
File: 1696604556961.jpeg (2.02 MB, 1290x2059, IMG_1961.jpeg)

her shoes look like the lining of a winter boot