File: 1658900328515.jpeg (454.5 KB, 1536x2048, FYM86iXXgAA-vNm.jpeg)

No. 1598827
File: 1658907165939.jpeg (81.27 KB, 828x847, 59D4F038-CFED-4A23-8655-1C836D…)

Why are zoomer men like this?
No. 1598829
File: 1658907183142.jpeg (276.55 KB, 1280x1067, A447FBB7-665A-404E-8F99-830627…)

No. 1598975
File: 1658922771240.png (2.55 MB, 1080x1997, Matiabcx.png)

what's wrong with his mouth
No. 1598980
>>1598865>>1598890I hate cuckchan, but it's somethingawful where tranny shit REALLY took root and half the userbase and mod team trooned out in the 2000s. The reason why is because people like Blanch-tard demanded that AGP ('transvestite fetishism' up to that point) be a
valid criteria for transition and that happened in 2004 or so. It made it a lot easier for AGPs to transition domestically and since somethingawful was already full of leftist academic pseuds overdosing on Sartre and Althusser saying shit like 'the age of consent should be 10' and outraged by early AGP exposés like 'The Man Who Would Be Queen' they started to troon out. That's what troon means, it's a term from somethingsensitive meaning tranny + goon
A lot of the original trans pre-chris chan lolcows like Wetflame (had an unpleasant experience with this thing on a KIDS FORUM as a preteen when it was already displaying all the typical behaviors listed ITT but it was so rare back then it was insane to try to interpret, nowadays its a /tttt/ poster lmao) and Fire came from that shithole. They also had a major player on that place who was a troon who raped two little boys (later on, on tumblr, they tried to organize a campaign to free this person because 'trans girlzzzz 4 prison abolition')
Troons spread their TIM filth to livejournal and it truly metastasized on tumblr and the handful of goons that created weird twitter (along with the legions of fandom TIFs). Finally it infected cuckchan's moderating team and demanded they create /tttt/ where the trans infestation that was already critical on several boards became terminal. Thats when Reiko and co swooped in to 'convert' incels and /pol/scum. I think the only oasis from troons is /cgl/ now
No. 1598984
File: 1658923324925.png (3.22 MB, 1080x2009, ibshicks.png)

No. 1598996
File: 1658924579604.png (1.67 MB, 1080x1988, project_Devil.png)

this hp lovecraft-in-a-wig lookin' dude is obsessed with posting wiener pics to reddit. so, typical troon, really
No. 1599014
File: 1658925712206.png (2.06 MB, 1080x1763, iexireneeluna.png)

thank god his wife is leaving him
No. 1599021
File: 1658925993914.jpg (348.63 KB, 939x873, 1658925712206(1).jpg)

>>1599014 KEK why do these moids always make the ugliest and unhinged expressions
No. 1599022
File: 1658926045538.jpg (27.65 KB, 373x235, 1655017205051.jpg)

>>1599014>>1599021I saw this on the frontpage, and this pic expresses my feelings perfectly.
No. 1599027
File: 1658926539992.png (1.75 MB, 1080x1809, MarigoldSkye.png)

not even trying
No. 1599041
File: 1658928503063.jpeg (Spoiler Image,334.34 KB, 750x2652, 23E50591-748F-43F1-8CCD-4F4F40…)

how is this not straight up mutilation?
No. 1599044
File: 1658928821192.jpeg (372.14 KB, 750x1587, C69A9727-E69B-4220-BD5E-9AF1EF…)

Brilliant. All straight and bi women should do this.
No. 1599048
>>1599044i bet he’ll begin his transition once his
victim (wife) is pregnant. they always do that.
No. 1599059
File: 1658930862092.png (2.3 MB, 1080x1981, goffick.png)

just straight-up admitting he has AGP lmao
No. 1599062
>>1599057This, honestly. If it’s a matter of her or her family already having put a lot of money down for the wedding since it’s so soon, I would just be straight up to them about his degeneracy. It is
abusive to throw this at someone last second and the entire family needs to be aware.
No. 1599063
File: 1658931893113.jpeg (190.9 KB, 750x811, 8FF79662-81AC-4E2C-A313-1F289D…)

yes, still a cow. a butchered one.
No. 1599066
File: 1658932397677.jpeg (599.41 KB, 1447x2398, CCF302BA-9C54-4D19-9673-82852A…)

No. 1599090
File: 1658934138203.jpg (33.1 KB, 769x900, top-view-fresh-raw-chicken-iso…)

>>1599041My brain can't even process that as a human body part. It's just raw chicken
No. 1599185
>>1599173I mean…what do you
do? Homeschool? How is it possible to still live a basic, normal life?
No. 1599193
>>1599185Just completely lost. Homeschooling might help, but only if you kept the kid home 24/7, because whatever friends they make will be indoctrinated into the gender cult. Christian school, maybe, but we're not religious and there aren't any Catholic schools nearby, just some weird Baptist ones that seem really shitty. Even when you keep them off of the internet, no one else is doing the same to their kids so they're just getting the same grooming by proxy. And I've seen people say "I'd never let my kids fall for that", but it's insidiously promoted to them at a time where they naturally want to rebel from their parents. It's horrifying to deal with, I feel like there's so much misogyny in my home now and it's baffling, because we had a very low-drama family unit that didn't promote stereotypical gender roles for the adults or the kids. No idea what to do, I wanna sperg irl every day but idk if it would help. Talking about it is just getting gray rocked because that's what they teach them to do to their horrible parental abusers who are threatening their right to "exist". Everyone needs to know that once the seed is planted- every fucking adult in their life but you will egg them on with bullshit just to groom kids and look woke.
No. 1599199
>>1599173>>1599179>>1599185Look, the best chance you have to keep your kids out of this is to talk to your kids about this shit. Early and often. If you don't talk to them, and just send them off to school, of course they are probably going to fall prey to this nonsense.
And find stories of how parents got their kids out of the gendercult and do the things they did before your kids fall into it. Have Socratic dialogues about troon ideas. You gotta present the arguments they will hear from troons and then debunk them, before the TRAs can get to them. Tell them that their teachers are going to be lying about this, that most people desist or detransition (show them stories from detransitioners), that sex is immutable, etc. Get your kids involved in something where they use their bodies, dance, sports, whatever. Monitor the hell out of their internet access and limit it as much as possible. Watch movies about cults and cult behaviors and then talk to your kids about what happened. Come up with a plan for how you want your kids to handle it if one of their friends troons out and tell it your kids.
Look if you were an atheist or Christian, living in a heavy Christian/Muslim area, you'd talk to your kids about how thier religion is nonsense and your beliefs are the right way, right?
You need to do the same when it comes to genderwoo (and also porn. You are talking to your kids about porn right?)
No. 1599202
File: 1658943954646.jpeg (100.26 KB, 1241x342, D7BC6BE2-74E3-4473-876D-BD27C1…)

>>1599200press x to doubt
No. 1599209
File: 1658944340726.jpeg (918.36 KB, 1162x1663, 1497A90D-B44E-46F5-B84C-539FD4…)

So even a delusional black tim thinks black female face structure is so similar to a black male’s, that he should be unclockable? Insanity.
No. 1599212
File: 1658944802943.jpg (1.1 MB, 810x2828, Screenshot_20220727-135802_Chr…)

>>1599014Here's hoping his ex gets the 100% custody she's seeking.
No. 1599239
File: 1658947430899.jpeg (362.98 KB, 984x515, 4BBFABA3-CD9D-4315-B22B-92F245…)

>>1599209Such a dick. The female roommate’s probably better off anyway.
No. 1599252
File: 1658948778383.png (478.13 KB, 463x637, avon.png)

>>1598980thanks for the troon history lesson nona, from an ex-byob poster. not many people are aware of SA's contribution to trannyism.
also I had NO idea wetflame grew up to be leighanna rose walsh
No. 1599271
File: 1658949892612.png (157.39 KB, 1088x770, Screenshot 2022-07-27 at 21-23…)

>>1598980>>1599252They started colonizing women's life before the internet. Janice Raymond published the transsexual empire in 1979. The full pdf online:>>1599256>bio womanEw.
No. 1599307
File: 1658951531798.jpg (522.75 KB, 810x1684, Screenshot_20220727-154841_Boo…)

>>1599200This was the rapey comment OP was calling out.
No. 1599318
>>1599173Have you considered moving out the country? I know that is like a lot. I’ve been thinking about it, because once kids go to school it’s almost like a pressure to be apart of this. Hitler youth group is right on target.
I wonder what counties would be less tolerable of this behavior because the states are fucked. Maybe in 5-10yrs this shit will come down, but 5-10yrs of growing up in this shithole can do a lot to children.
No. 1599336
>>1599304im from the midwest but sorta close to Chicago. there are lots of TiFs and they/thems but ive only ever seen one TiM in my almost-30 years here. to be fair, i live in an area under the poverty line, so it might be different in better areas.
sorry, forgot to sage
No. 1599351
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(Videogamesperg) And before you say it’s fake - this was on the official BioWare twitter.
No. 1599366
File: 1658954615833.png (1.47 MB, 1728x2304, AA098BE1-CAF3-49BD-8210-66264A…)

>>1599341The only picture of him is cropped and angled of course. Blue eyeliner doesn’t make you a woman sir.
No. 1599368
>>1599169>>1599189I live in the Deep South too. That’s why I said in my area in my post though. I’m sure huge cities like Dallas and shit have a lot of trannies, that’s to be expected in a metro area and large population. I specifically said smaller towns in the South have less troons and libshit.
Too bad you guys live in tranny towns?
No. 1599384
>>1599331>>1599336I live in a west coast city…I come from a liberal area in the NE, and figured I knew what to expect. I did not. I don’t understand how people live here for more than a month without peaking. A few things that I can count on seeing every time I leave my house:
> at least a dozen posters/fliers advertising kink munches/fetish nights/“erotic festivals”/sex related events that I did not even know could/would exist, many being held in venues that, in any other city, would probably be described as “family dining” > multiple men in full on fetish gear. At least one set of cat ears and one school girl costume, every time I go out, without exception. I should make a bingo board ffs. Many, many people in collars—not chokers, and probably not intended as fashion accessories, as they usually aren’t matched with corresponding outfits. It’s extremely common to see furries or people being walked on a leash. This is during the daytime, btw, not at nightclubs or something. > tons of sexually explicit anti-terf graffiti (typically either bragging about one’s dick or threatening rape), including in nearly every public restroom (including the bathroom at a nice restaurant, etc.)> all the post-Dobbs posters I see center trans people; after the ruling, when you would have expected to see a rash of pro-choice messaging, instead, we were treated to a rash of pro-trans messaging. > literally so much mask off sexism everywhere. Constant unfavorable comparisons made between actual women and troons. Weird rules and policies designed to shame women and support troons (eg I’m not allowed to workout in a plain black sports bra but it’s fine if some mtf hon shows up in a hot pink, glittery one; otherwise basically being expected to hide my body so as to not make anyone feel bad)> MEN IN THE FUCKING LESBIAN BAR, OMG LEAVE I promise to stop derailing, just needed to get this shit out. I feel like I’m going insane—like I must be the crazy one. This stuff is happening all around me all the time, and everyone is acting like it’s completely normal.
No. 1599404
>>1599239so, I'm not from the US, we don't have that cultural history with black people like you do, but why do those people always say that black women have male faces? I've seen a lot of black women from different cultural backgrounds and every single one looked like a woman, you couldn't mistake even one for a male. Their faces had female structures and their bodies looked female as well. Please, explain this bullshit to me, I don't understand it, because I've never seen a black woman looking like a man/troon.
Also, hope those troon gets a new, very horrible roommate, maybe someone that read on lolcow for some time, who knows.
No. 1599407
File: 1658957639487.jpeg (250.02 KB, 828x2095, 99E53E5F-0DA9-4D17-9288-B8F815…)

>>1599404There’s nothing manly about black women, that’s some shit racist white troons made up to cope with the fact that they will never be women.
No. 1599418
File: 1658958138730.jpg (1.06 MB, 1920x1080, FYsSjnnWAAMlqVm.jpg)

>>1599351and as I was a girl back years ago, playing videogames, getting told by mostly every boy that I only play to attract them and get into a relationship. Also got told that videogames aren't for girls, girls don't have the brain for it. I hate this so much, if women would have been supported from the start, we would have so many women working in the gaming industry, but no, computers and videogames aren't for women, we only play to get dick.
Just googled to see which games Bioware has out right now and found picrel, and let's not talk about Corinne Busche, I want to scream, I'm just so done with all of this.
(reposting, forgot the pic, sry)
No. 1599429
File: 1658958912845.jpg (128.95 KB, 1180x1177, valbella-foods-jeff-von-rotz-t…)

smart moid
No. 1599435
>>1599404It’s just racism, back when Obama was the US president a lot of republicans online would say that Michelle looks like a man and call Obama gay for it and when Trump became the US president those same republicans started saying how finally the first lady loos like a lady.
People aren’t used to seeing certain facial features eg: to most non-asians east asian men look more “feminine”.
You don’t have to be rude about it just recognize that you’re holding prejudiced beliefs.
No. 1599462
>>1599209>>1599239He's coping so hard. Even if you ignore the blatantly racist bullshit, if it was just a matter of being black and "not being used to black faces", 90% of black women would honestly be mistaken for men/troons for most of their lives
Begging these delusional, misogynistic men and their dumbass handmaidens to fuck off
No. 1599476
>>1599471You misread my post, anon. I'm saying that's
not happening
No. 1599482
>>1599476Oh, apologies nona
Sage for OT but I’m a dark skin East African woman and have been used as an example of how anti trans rhetoric hurts “cis black women” by white handmaidens and mtfs in my political science classes. Keep in mind I have the stereotypically feminine features these trannies get surgery for, small upturned nose, full lips, big eyes, and v line jaw that are common in East African women. These handmaidens and troons are not afraid to use your skin colour as a talking point and we’ve come back full circle.
( No. 1599501
File: 1658963905030.jpeg (374.78 KB, 750x914, DB0FBF06-4E9E-4AE9-9E70-44DC2A…)

they’ll never be women, but good to know this is a thing that pisses them off.
No. 1599503
>>1599484Part of me wonders every time a story like that comes out if they are actually trying to get out of the wedding and are just too cowardly to admit it.
Like the whole "uwu I'm just going make myself as repulsive as possible 3 months before the wedding. Just finding myself at 30 years old" who does that shit?
No. 1599516
File: 1658964727860.png (Spoiler Image,644.88 KB, 739x1216, 00451461-62C6-4FD7-A2B9-3475F9…)

scrote pregnancy fetish, dude is pumping air into his ass to inflate his stomach
No. 1599550
>>1599429They walked it back already. The
terf was fired (or retired) and the business is kissing troon asses all over twitter already.
No. 1599558
File: 1658967789866.jpg (18.69 KB, 354x360, 1488756180391.jpg)

>>1599516male clownery knows no end
you just know he'll keep doing this even after his inevitable visit at the hospital
No. 1599577
File: 1658969776795.jpg (157.27 KB, 1080x1219, FYsscldVEAEbt9t.jpg)

This is so disgusting I dont even know what to say
No. 1599598
File: 1658971215749.jpeg (Spoiler Image,595.86 KB, 750x1226, 918ADC5E-E105-4F85-A387-7A58C5…)

literally raw chicken.
No. 1599605
File: 1658971801978.jpeg (320.66 KB, 750x1951, 3CC11D3C-77E4-4CF5-B401-F0F9B0…)

No. 1599617
>>1599318Canada's out I guess.
As a Euro-anon, I would advise not Germany although it has lots of good factors it is very trans-friendly. Nordic countries, too, have a lot of trans-pandering. Italy and Greece are places I've travelled without seeing this bullshit.
No. 1599629
File: 1658975159772.jpeg (619.21 KB, 750x1192, D125D492-FB18-438A-8F1A-002398…)

the power of placebos and male stupidity cannot be underestimated.
No. 1599638
File: 1658975797138.png (389.89 KB, 600x715, average death grips fan.png)

>>1598827rateyourmusic is full of troons, finding an actual woman on there is like finding a needle in a haystack
No. 1599644
File: 1658976520128.jpg (328.91 KB, 1036x1150, voidmoid.jpg)

>troon makes this comment
>make mistake of looking up his twitter
>its full of lolicon with animals and him using the chad meme to death in relation to comments supporting rape, incest and kid diddling
took a while to report all those tweets but can tell if troon or just 4chan troll (I know most of the time its the same person) but so many troons are like this online
No. 1599654
>>1599137Um, Boston is the last place you should go if you’re trying to escape trannyville kek. No offense nona but that’s like asking if LA would be a good place to move to for lower gas prices. Take a stroll down Cambridge or Brookline, talk to anyone from BU all the way to UMASS Boston, and you’ll see what I mean.
NC is decent from what I’ve seen, even though Charlotte is getting a lot of traction. Maybe VA even though that too is very left wing especially near DC. You’re kind of dreaming if you’re looking for a big city to like Bos or Philly if you don’t want to be around them. You’re better off looking for a suburb, like Braintree or something in MA. Look at small cities/towns, otherwise you’ll waste money and be v disappointed.
No. 1599656
>>1599637That pictures like this are a fun way of showing evidence of men’s recklessness towards their health and safety.
It’s not just dangerous jobs and fast driving - but also pornsickness.
No. 1599676
>>1599516the f?
>>1599565we can only hope
No. 1599677
>>1599394I wish more was written and said about male jealousy. Women don't realize how deep it goes, even in "nice" men who seem intelligent enough to know better.
>>1599503I agree that it's unbelievably stupid, but I think this is most men. Their whole adult lives are just one big midlife crisis.
No. 1599678
File: 1658979597439.jpg (104.75 KB, 676x960, FYtY372XgAE_gB3.jpg)

just wear a speedo fucking weirdo
No. 1599682
File: 1658980046787.jpg (87.7 KB, 808x895, 20220728_054522.jpg)

No. 1599683
high school not college??? and no, he still looks 47 and a man who stole those clothes. i’m so sick of them.
No. 1599684
File: 1658980315998.jpeg (604.78 KB, 750x1266, 8B8D55D6-6A58-4BE5-A58F-DA2A5F…)

>i’m not like the other troons, i’m a nice troon!
No. 1599686
File: 1658980497404.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.87 KB, 718x687, Screenshot_20220728-055023.jpg)

Saw this on TikTok they sampled bellybuttons and found thousands of new bacteria. Image of they'd sample amholes instead does anyone have that picture where they compare vaginas to axwounds and the amount of "unknown" colonies is very high in TIMs?
No. 1599711
>>1599418Bioware is currently doing some lgbtqblabla shout out thing and so far it has only been white troons…no
poc lgb folk working at bioware or what… It's quite telling…
No. 1599737
File: 1658985439563.jpg (422.36 KB, 1701x1595, image (1).jpg)

Fyi, FaceApp creates AI generated pictures incorporating components from real photos of women (such as forehead, jaw, eyes, hair, lips, teeth) to alter a face on a photo. It's exceptionally creepy considering TiMs use it for "motivation" to transition. This guy is a 37 year old Coder incel who took the pink pill and I'd convinced he wants FFS after using the FaceApp.
No. 1599849
>>1599737I used to feel bad but honestly rn I just laugh to the fact these guys delude themselves into spending lots of money on something that is impossible, only to later complain nobody told them it wouldn't be this fantasy they thought and then neck themselves.. fucking grown men!
No way this guy will ever look like this. I thought he was 50, not 37. The only thing I feel bad about is that they are never single and without child, they gotta ruin other peoples lives too.
No. 1599936
File: 1658994129610.jpeg (600.49 KB, 960x1538, 0AFB1F71-77A3-4808-8073-F10601…)

do you guys remember that troon “okidonthaveone”? he’s back and posting more retarded memes about how “feminine penises” are allegedly more feminine than actual vaginas. even enablers in the comments aren’t buying it kek
No. 1599966
File: 1658995723989.jpg (350 KB, 1080x1758, Screenshot_20220728-100841_Twi…)

No. 1599982
File: 1658996695984.png (291.38 KB, 810x685, Screenshots_2022-07-28-16-22-0…)

redditor explains the skinwalking behavior of agps
No. 1599997
>>1599982I'm starting to think men are just wrong. In general. Even when they
have self awareness. Even when they explain AGP. Like something is just wrong with most of them mentally which is why they can trick themselves into thinking those Face Apps pics are real, get so focused on one thing…skinwalk the women they want to fuck with no ounce of self realisation and demand validation from women at all points. Like some ego thing in men makes this behaviour and troons are just more extreme examples. But considering I've met men who can convince themselves they're right just by virtue of saying so…yeah. Idk.
And to think…women with strong emotions were literally locked away for it and medicated.
We live in a weird fucking time. I still cannot for the life of me understand how we got to the point where women had their own voices and viewpoints and opportunities for life outside the home and without a man dictating her place. And now? We have men literally telling us what we have to accept and what to do and to sit down and shut up about our own issues, our own struggles. Co-opting them even and pushing us out of our own experiences.
I hate this timeline. I hope the next life is better.
No. 1600027
File: 1659003542761.jpg (405.35 KB, 2048x1366, gettyimages-1097004046-2048x20…)

>>1598975holy shit this dude, the most famous agp in my country - that's a really filtered picture lmao, picrel is what he actually looks like
he's a pretty famous dj, wears ONLY fetishwear and those weird plastic boobs from aliexpress, i've even seen other mtfs hate him for being "bad representation"
No. 1600030
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>he's completely straight
Press X to doubt
No. 1600031
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No. 1600039
File: 1659004157204.jpg (2.03 MB, 1288x4096, pt2022_07_28_12_29_11.jpg)

>>1600030pornsick bi moids are the worst
No. 1600064
File: 1659005831413.jpeg (200.77 KB, 960x732, BA91B0F8-5D10-465E-B2A4-6E4F71…)

when did “reee terf” turn to whatever this mechanism is supposed to be
No. 1600084
File: 1659008279625.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1988, TheAtomicPunk5150.png)

those transphobic "karens" are based and you don't pass
No. 1600101
File: 1659010035315.jpeg (1.06 MB, 822x2273, EC417156-C2E9-44E2-9963-C3BA2A…)

17 yo girl is told she’s being dramatic and a prima donna for not wanting to share a room with a TiM team member who said he “always imagined having her body”. Of course the coach who called her a prima donna is a scrote. No. 1600104
>>1600084>>1600031you know in a way nonbinary really screwed them over. a lot of people are polite enough that they would understand what mtfs are trying to do and go along with it even if they don't actually pass.
but now since you don't know if it's a they, a gay dude, GNC, or whatever it just puts people at an impasse where the only they're really sure of is that they aren't dealing with a woman
No. 1600116
File: 1659012409668.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1714, tavistock.png)

TERF island news: the tavistock clinic for "trans kids" is getting shut down?? based???
No. 1600121
>>1600116that’s huge! go
terf island!
No. 1600126
File: 1659013112230.jpeg (69.32 KB, 635x557, E5E50132-6C34-4493-8DE8-AFDB39…)

>>1600116Excellent news. Have a blahaj nightmare.
No. 1600142
File: 1659014726239.jpg (66.4 KB, 1080x466, thenumbersdontlie.jpg.jpg)

>joined last month
>already 3/4s of a 1000 tweets
don't you love when they keep being a stereotype
No. 1600155
File: 1659015265883.jpg (42.85 KB, 680x454, fascinating behaviour.jpg)

>>1600151Working 'to better themselves' with horse piss that doesn't work even after 8 months?
No. 1600159
>>1600154I'm not trans and I do see some fucked up behavior in these threads, but that isn't it. That's a kid with mental health issues you're beating up on.
>>1600155Hormones definitely work. I didn't say they were bettering themselves, I said they were working to feel better. That's why I'm supportive of some of this trans acceptance, it's basically helping some people who feel bad, feel better about themselves. By changing my wording, you completely changed the meaning.
>>1600158I just think you should stop bullying random vulnerable people. Calling them drug addicts is very strange, you should work on thinking more coherently.
No. 1600160
>>1600156Thy were right, he looks like a man because he is one.
>>1600159Too long didn't read, terfs were right about your kind.
No. 1600162
>>1600116Wow! Good for you guys on
terf island, that’s great news
No. 1600163
>>1600160lol if you're one person, that was literally a one-line response. But are you saying all those responses were just to you? You can't read 4 lines? Sorry you're illiterate bud, lol
Again, not trans, I just think it's sad you're bullying strangers, most of whom are kids.
No. 1600178
File: 1659016929989.png (958.73 KB, 763x743, hotep.png)

>>1598827They're incels and being a 'femboy' is the only thing that can get them laid from other zoomer incels
>>1599404While I agree with the white troons being racist answers (they all are), a lot of the biggest propagandists and boosters for this bullshit of Black women not being 'feminine enough' (like Laverne, Kevin Samuels, Umar Johnson, Billy Porter, D'Angelo, the cast of Pose and the rest) are black MALES themselves, a lot of the literally who twitter users in this thread saying it have been black males and certain Black female handmaidens like Khadija who are just lost.
A lot of it comes down to misogyny and the same bullshit the black 'manosphere' ilk level against Black women - that we aren't as 'feminine, submitting and obeying' as white (or asian, or latina) women, that we're women left on the shelf, that any dark skinned woman is automatically manly, that ~attractive women support [whatever males] and ugly bitter women don't, etc. Black male left-wingers regurgitate this bullshit 24/7 and no one calls them out on it.
That and pic related type insanity from certain reactionary segments easily translates into unhinged troon bs about 'black womenz were never regarded as female until 2 yrs ago!!1111 yall fish are menz and jealouss of hot trans gurrllz!!'
Then we have certain men outside of the black community basically shunting this bullshit downwards and politically weaponizing anti-
TERF rhetoric against various groups of women, threatening us if we don't get in line. So if white men like Hasan, Hbomberguy and Vaush are saying troons are the apex of womanhood 24/7, then misogynistic idiots just act accordingly.
Black TIMs also never call out white TIMs while shitting on women and TIFs of all races 24/7. This is a rule.
No. 1600184
>>1600177Honestly, I do go around defending a lot of women on this site too. I came to this site to go after cows like Onision and kanadajin3, and I contributed a lot to their threads. I think this site can be an effective tool for calling out and going after predatory,
abusive people. However, I think its power is actually lessened by people who go after random vulnerable people on the internet, whether out of a need to bully because of their own insecurities, or sociopathic/sadistic personal tendencies. I know people whine that they're here to "milk cows," but I think moralism is an important component to when this site is actually useful. Finding random people to harass is sad and pathetic.
No. 1600185
>>1600182No, you're projecting shit onto me to try and invalidate what I'm saying. See
>>1600184I've defended way more women on this site than trans people, and that's because people like you actually attack way more women than men. It's just this time you're going after trans people.
No. 1600198
>>1600184The femboy bullshit is extremely misogynistic so why should nonnas care for it?
It's not just being an androgynous male or being incidentally not-clockable (like 'trap' used to mean in reference to visual kei artists or characters like Haku). It's a sexualized fetishistic-crossdresser identity loaded with disgusting assumptions about women, based off of characters like Astolfo and Felix that are AGPedo archetypes for moids to coom to. The femboy stuff ALWAYS comes with heavy pederastic and pedophilic elements, sex denial (chastity cages), self abuse and extremely reactionary ideas of sex roles and what women are. I've been in their shitty ass servers to troll around so I know what I am talking about. And the racism is just something else
It's also frequently as time goes on a chosen identity of someone who looks like a linebacker or Toad from X Men Evolution stealing their sister's panties, not something pushed onto a feminine boy
No. 1600202
>>1600194Kek how is it an attack that some anon posted a screenshot of some
teen troon acting entitled and delusional? I don't think you should be posting or even lurking if you're this much of a bleeding heart handmaiden, no one is gonna view a troon as a
victim in this case, a
victim to the troon ideology maybe, but not in the way you're trying to push it.
>>1600193gotta nip that shit in the bud
No. 1600204
>>1600195I'm not trans. I even called some of the trans people here men, which would be considered transphobic. Get your head straight.
>>1600196>>1600200Again, not trans, and I don't know what you're talking about. This is the first time I've been back here in a while. It's ironic you're calling me "schizo" when you're mixing me up with random people. And now you've double-posted.
No. 1600224
File: 1659018645769.jpeg (198.35 KB, 750x511, EEF1C13F-6AA6-4120-98A6-C9F32E…)

>do i have to wash clothes?
No. 1600231
>>1600221So you admit that you go to /pol/ Blaine, how typical of trannies.
>>1600223Nice deflection Blaine, stop avatarfagging.
>>160022541% Blaine, you have nothing to live for. Thats why you hang here all day because your not important ot special enough to do anything meaningful in your life.
No. 1600250
>>1599199The only thing that will potentially work post-puberty is >Have Socratic dialogues about troon ideas. If you bring this kind of shit up proactively and tell kids that their teachers/the world is out to get them then you're basically setting them up to become a paranoid ovarit-style weirdo or rebel through gendershit as they get older. How many kids do you know who secretly did drugs or lost religion while growing up in an anti-drug or fundie household? Vocally hardline parents are infamously good at churning out rebellious and straight-laced weirdo kids.
The best protection against this is to try to the best of your abilities to get your kid to internalize the belief that they are fine just the way they are and that their sex is in no way a barrier to accomplishing whatever they want to do, and for female children in particular, surrounding them with strong female role-models and challenging stereotypes about women. Getting them involved in sports so they're more comfortable in their own body and build self-esteem. Challenging gendershit if it does come up (in a fact-based and positive way, e.g. 'it seems to me that x is based on gender stereotypes, and as we know, it's perfectly okay for girls to do y') and possibly engaging in age-appropriate "street epistemology" to identify the core of and bust those beliefs.
No. 1600252
File: 1659019284128.jpg (80.34 KB, 1443x1080, 20220407_210023.jpg)

How about you take your medication and stop caring about what anonymous people are saying about you on the internet?
No. 1600273
File: 1659020978199.jpeg (199.28 KB, 952x548, 2BD956C3-E85E-49C9-8644-56CA46…)

>>1600272Man he’s so pathetic and delusional it’s sad
No. 1600276
File: 1659021103797.jpg (104.25 KB, 479x1200, FYwda1mXkAAv2n3.jpg)

>>1598773but remember to support your sisters, not just your cisters folx!
No. 1600280
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No. 1600289
>>1599983Kek I have, I’m an openly proud
TERF which makes them seethe even more and allows them to justify their racism because hey, I’m a piece of shit right?
These handmaidens only keep black people around as their token diversity friends. When you stop dancing for them you become a pick-me. I’ve received several messages from anonymous accounts calling me a pick me for white conservatives despite being a very liberal radfem. All of my black acquaintances are also anti troon so it couldn’t possibly be them. Idk I hope I see more women becoming open TERFs in academia and such although I understand it can feel like it’s going to fuck your career.
>>1600178You’re 100% right nonna. Black men can honestly be fucking vile
No. 1600293
>>1600216>they're all menSorry, I left the thread for a while because it was getting a little crazy.
I said I called some of them men, not that only some of them were men. My point was I specifically called some of them men. Do you want me to respond to each and every trans person ITT, calling them a man?
Work on your reading comprehension.
No. 1600298
>>1600250You literally just repeated what I said and made up some lame-ass strawman to argue against. I didn't say anything about being hardline or sitting your kids down for a lecture on why troons are degenerates. Of course, these conversations need to happen in a natural, age-appropriate way. But the best way to get ahead of this is to talk to your kids about this before they hit the indoctrination program in schools.
There is no reason to wait for it come up, when, as an adult, you should be able to engineer natural seeming opportunities to talk to your kids about this. You can just put on a movie or tv show with a trans character or troon content, watch it with your kids, and talk with your kids about it. Watch things with gnc men and women and talk to your kids about that. If your kids are old enough, watch the Leah Remini show about Scientology and talk about the tactics used by scientologist and the effects they had on people who fell into that cult and hope they can extrapolate to tra practices.
Before it happens, talk to your kids about puberty and how difficult some people find it and talk about how you felt about it, so they don't fall for the becoming uncomfortable with puberty makes you trans or nb line. Talk to female children about sexism, sexual harassment by boys in schools, and how puberty will change how people treat them and might make adult males act like perves and how to deal with that. Talk to your kids about their interests and if they are into anything even remotely gnc, find adult women or men who are into as well, irl or just news stories or whatever. On teachers, if you knew your kids teacher was going to be teaching creationism/covid is a hoax/global warming is a hoax/jesus is a real (or a lie) etc in your kids classroom, what would you do about it? Do that for trans stuff.
tl;dr If you are really serious and willing do the work, read stories from detransitioners, look for the reasons they transitioned in the first place, and try like hell to address those reasons with your kids so if they run into any of those issues, they won't think the solution is being trans. But since this needs to be said, this isn't lecture time, it's find a way to naturally introduce these subjects time.
No. 1600307
File: 1659022831740.jpeg (729.71 KB, 750x1100, B0568A70-5389-4311-91B7-27ECBC…)

Stop enjoying my favorite show you disgusting freaks, first the avatarfag and now this pigman looking thing from Facebook.
No. 1600315
File: 1659023211650.jpeg (353.8 KB, 730x374, E300792C-A505-4220-99B1-E5B39C…)

>>1600307Faceapp was a mistake
No. 1600324
>>1600309I never said you were jealous. Unfortunately you're still illiterate.
>>1600310You fantasize about entire groups of people dying. That says everything about you that I need to know.
No. 1600338
File: 1659024263547.jpeg (Spoiler Image,525.9 KB, 750x1088, 381A91C6-D39F-49F4-843D-F2EBB2…)

nice deflated scrotum.
No. 1600342
File: 1659024582666.jpeg (520.75 KB, 750x1148, 88922282-734C-48A3-B6CA-BFE34D…)

if only.
No. 1600353
File: 1659025343055.jpeg (352.86 KB, 750x2372, BB49FFB9-D1B0-4170-9392-B9E081…)

psycho eyes.
No. 1600385
>>1600185You know what? You come move out to the PNW with me and then you can sit here and tell me all about how the poor poor twans are being abooosed by the meanie terfs.
Our rights and humanity are being stripped away, but go off about some misogynistic scrotes feefees. I hope you’re a tranny, because if you’re a handmaiden, I’m ashamed for you.
No. 1600402
>>1600301none of this is ever driven my fear, but an acceptance that even with all these years, men don’t fucking change. they are dangerous around women, and the fact that the only “good” men are the ones that had to live by themselves for a long time is a testament to that. it is practically in their DNA at this point to be violent and shitty to women. im hardly a
terf and understand that. even the women in my life who are the farthest thing away from feminists know this. any female above the age of 12 know this, so fuck off scrote.
No. 1600411
File: 1659028376133.gif (736.57 KB, 258x200, A0D5F1F7-E44D-4203-94C9-30AFAB…)

>I have a husband and a bull
Oh my god are you for real?
No. 1600449
File: 1659031156934.png (44.14 KB, 671x220, autism.png)

>>1600445>>1600433Autistic males should be banned from using the internet.
No. 1600484
File: 1659034465916.jpeg (2.71 MB, 4032x3024, 1A1AB9A9-5AD0-4624-A67D-F5C69F…)

Spotted in my local drugstore
No. 1600490
File: 1659034649278.jpeg (660.93 KB, 750x1315, 3A5178C2-8778-4029-A232-E4C21E…)

based rando.
No. 1600492
>>1600031LMAO almost missed this one
Why do always men with massive jaws and shoulders wider than my bf could ever dream of having decide to troon out? Kek
Also the tiny gyno moobs pointing out what a clown
No. 1600504
>>1600490> “so I can perform my femininity”I don’t know quite what it is about this that stands out to me—it’s just so clear that the assumption is that performative femininity = woman.
We don’t have to perform femininity to be female because we just are female.
It’s like saying, “and after all the work I put into performing blackness/gayness/whatever!” Imagine feeling entitled to asspats for your offensive, bad mimicry.
No. 1600544
>>1600101This makes me so angry
>>1600542> I see dudes in cat ears every time I leave the houselmao where do you live (don't actually answer this kek) but I'd definitely be looking to move soon
>>1600474This is starting to look better and better if it means fewer catboys and girls not being gaslighted into rooming with rapey scrotes tbh
No. 1600586
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No. 1600636
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>>1599936How tranny pornsick do you have to be to believe penis is the height of femininity?
No. 1600639
File: 1659044381860.gif (1.66 MB, 480x270, 1454187079307.gif)

>>1600490Meanwhile I obviously look like a woman with my unshaved upper lips, armpits, legs, and while wearing my baggy, comfortable pjs. I don't even remember when was the last time I used makeup. I love my life.
No. 1600653
>>1600536I don't know if you've ever had the misfortune of wearing badly adjusted glasses or indeed a tiny headband but that shit will give you a headache kek.
>men giving themselves pressure headaches to roleplay a little girlsmall comfort
No. 1600658
File: 1659045223523.jpg (248 KB, 852x1136, THE POWER OF PUSSY ROLLS.jpg)

>>1600636This is it, we're claiming 'vaginity' in lieu of 'femininity'. Femininity was a performance anyway, I never felt like wearing makeup or being placid and overly kind.
No. 1600684
File: 1659046394936.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1453, Screenshot_20220728-181126_(1)…)

>>1600031I checked his profile and oh my God, what a fucking travesty.
He was so fucking hot before, why… No. 1600694
File: 1659046672182.png (101.4 KB, 1069x840, Screenshot_20220728-181552_(1)…)

>>1600679Sorry anon, I had to delete to capture the title. He knew it's a waste but everything for the coom, I guess. Also, this troon is married to some poor woman, and lmao this post. Being a woman is all just a costume to them.
No. 1600739
File: 1659048270188.jpg (110.53 KB, 1175x1143, b9pd4dkwyva81.jpg)

>>1600684He's a retard so it's not a huge loss
No. 1600788
File: 1659050452337.jpg (518.12 KB, 1080x1915, 56789998765444665456.jpg)

Sure buddy
No. 1600791
on the one hand:
>>1600639on the other:
>>1600694I can't imagine living like this. He must be insecure about practically every little thing from his "past life" he still uses or looks at. This is a mental prison.
No. 1600815
File: 1659052295182.jpg (515.42 KB, 1080x2022, Screenshot_20220729-015119_rif…)

I found a 70 year old tranny who transitioned while young. It's kind of interesting
No. 1600839
>>1600820Wouldn't the trooning negate the success of the normie man on paper, it's like getting a university degree then setting fire to it along with the university itself
I think it's just attention seeking, marriage and pregnancy is when most women get the most attention from friends and family
No. 1600849
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No. 1600855
File: 1659054061702.jpg (3.39 MB, 810x8700, Screenshot_20220728-200912_Boo…)

Get a load of this hulk
No. 1600861
>>1600857Because they don't actually think/care about how other people will react to their "look" - all that they care about is whether their outfit makes them coom or not. Some of them intentionally dress shitty because they get off on being humiliated by looking like a freak in public.
When an AGP is his own waifu his opinion is the only one that matters.
No. 1600862
File: 1659054677280.jpg (185.89 KB, 960x960, nasty ugly scrote.jpg)

>>1600815This seems like bullshit and a half to me. Plenty of men like Pete Burns and Mana and Walter Mercado lived androgynously from cradle to grave without trooning out. Michael Jackson and Prince were like this too (in a more muted way) (with a few exceptions) all wear the same horrendous dogshit, the anime clothes, the big socks, the miniskirts with pleats or ruffles, the heels, the thigh highs, there is no individuality or masculine element to counterbalance any of it. I presume what this one wanted was the validation of being a 'femboy' + asspats + fetish ali express clothes + estrogenated body. Nearly all 'femboys' troon out now anyway cuz it's a sexual fetish (AGP), not an aesthetic choice or direction of one's identity
No. 1600869
File: 1659055161681.png (24.68 KB, 1044x195, superior terf eyesight.PNG)

>>1600490and it fucking has 5k upvotes now
also holy kek at this crypto anti-genderists praise
No. 1600913
File: 1659059890704.jpeg (30.59 KB, 606x456, xzhwEFn.jpeg)

>>1600855he-man irl
and the 3rd pic proves that bigfoot is real
No. 1600945
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No. 1600952
File: 1659064465411.jpeg (576.98 KB, 750x1068, FCC99311-9A38-4EE8-BC8A-B0B8C7…)

dat karen haircut.
No. 1600953
File: 1659064622944.jpeg (850.78 KB, 750x1209, 2E61D917-0CF5-4A43-9CE6-C185E3…)

there’s no difference!
No. 1600954
File: 1659064674488.jpeg (254.79 KB, 828x1512, 16CEA39D-C336-4260-B288-2747E4…)

>>1600945Kek he popped up on my FYP this morning and I couldn’t help but screenshot. Delusional male.
No. 1600977
>>1600800it's like no one knows what tf satire means anymore. satire of
what you dumb fucking scrote? you just said something really weird and when ppl were like "uh no that's not possible" you went "haha it's SATIRE, get it?"
No. 1600987
File: 1659066433962.jpg (521.87 KB, 1315x1430, Untitled.jpg)

No. 1601087
>>1600849They're always so close to getting it right
>men messed up gender roles for millennia by sexualizing everything women do and insisting on owning/controlling women to various degreesfixed it
No. 1601152
File: 1659082947446.jpeg (104.88 KB, 828x562, 9C2745E8-3B43-4299-A627-0B9A8F…)

>”Kamala Harris said that her pronoun is ‘she’ and that she is a woman," Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov said. "In case she is not identified with one of the countless genders that have bred in the US over the past 20 years - from the so-called queer to downright fairytale creatures. So now we are in the know. The most intelligible statement for the entire period of her vice presidency."
The tide is turning
No. 1601165
>>1601152>>1601161No, killing civilians and assassinating political dissonants is not okay just because one Russian politician made a lame joke about Kamala introducing herself with pronouns (which she was probably told to do by PR people anyway.)
Russian politicians and trannies both need to be launched into the sun. Don't try to tardpill us with pro-Russia garbage, /pol/faggots.
No. 1601197
>>1601174I said she looks trannyish. She's still obviously a woman and no one would think otherwise. It's just that her botched face slightly reminds me of the Ken Doll troon.
I was trying to denigrate Republicans who squawk about Melania being more "feminine" when in reality she's just more botched.
No. 1601212
File: 1659095960528.jpg (286.62 KB, 1079x1624, Screenshot_20220729_135805.jpg)

Oh girl oh girl, do I have some news for you, kekk
No. 1601253
File: 1659102166541.jpeg (436.29 KB, 1242x1731, 750FD076-D7AE-4E9E-8968-682893…)

Couldn’t even shave the stubble kek
No. 1601276
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No. 1601285
File: 1659106748549.jpeg (487.17 KB, 626x1100, 2AD8DEBE-829C-40E4-B71C-AFDA5E…)

Whatever you tell yourself …
No. 1601290
File: 1659107121907.jpg (521.87 KB, 2205x4005, o8t457ubmzx51.jpg)

>>1601288those girls back then just weren't stunning and brave enough. Look how much effort trans women put into everything they do!
No. 1601296
File: 1659107786915.jpg (650.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220729-111207_Red…)

What the hell is up with this incel's mouth?
No. 1601302
>>1601223I don't remember that, but there were several pages dedicated to a woman on amphetamines describing how she would get high and clean her whole apartment and herself. She had to specify that she would only clean the exterior of her vagina, not scrub the inside of it. I wish I could have one weekly dose of that for my Saturday chores.
>>1601285This guy is fat as hell. I didn't realize it from the earlier photo.
No. 1601304
File: 1659109178304.png (699.24 KB, 1000x915, Fall-seaglass.png)

just saw this hulking monstrosity. of course he's married and gets "euphoria boners" from wearing ladies' clothing. pray for his wife.
No. 1601308
>>1601304Jesus christ, poor wide. I hope she leaves ASAP.
Also, of course she has that heart tranny collar. I thought those were unironically cute at one point (I know, I know) but now they are fucking ruined
No. 1601311
>>1601304The wife should cut her losses and LEAVE. No amount of money is worth that bullshit (since he'd spent the money on troon shit anyway)
>I'm convinced I'm a transwoman because peepee feel good when wearing dressesIT'S. A. FETISH.
No. 1601325
File: 1659111957794.png (4.05 MB, 1170x2532, 2598028D-7A3E-46C9-AD60-FA65F1…)

>>1601285i literally came here to post this because i guess the algorithm has picked up on me being a crypto
terf and has decided to test my patience by showing me trannies like this way too often. i can’t believe they’re this delusional. even worse are the people kissing ass in the comments though. these were some of my favorites
No. 1601402
File: 1659118924779.jpg (247.59 KB, 517x540, 1659118860241.jpg)

>>1601304Surely this must mean he's really a woman kek
No. 1601425
>>1600232Anon you forgot a womanly apron and to make sure he has makeup and heels on [with a definite boner] to show how ~womanly~ he is
>>1600684He's good looking but he has an extreme narcissist face going on in the first photo. And why the hell is he butt ass naked with his nether regions completely shaved, what exactly was he taking the picture for originally? Grindr?
>>1600820More like the wife being pregnant puts it into perspective that they have to be the "protector" (aka the provider). Oh no, you got a woman knocked up and now you have to be a parent potentially! The horror!
Like it's really pathetic if you know of the toll that pregnancy does on a woman. Women who give birth often tear and will have to recover/nurse at least for a bit. Most if not all men do not want any responsibility of another person that doesn't give them narcissistic supply. This is with the exception of their child which is really 'mini-me' and 'muh lineage' at best.
In summary the expecting father to trans pipeline is basically your average man (coddled man-children) being off-put by potentially being tied down and having to take care of someone and earn money for the household. Too much responsibility for them, eek! Then running away and grasping at a conveniently trendy, totes oppressed, pornified lifestyle for all manchildren right now (cooming gamer turned trans gal).
No. 1601431
>>1600855CMV: being trans is just an excuse for misogynists to post selfies, objectify themselves, and get asspats from other deluded moids the way that they assume women do. Men are so starved for attention even though they get the most of it when they announce themselves in female-spaces. It's narcissism that never ends and even contorts itself into extreme perversion (posting nudes, making an OF to be 'slutty').
There has to be a connection between man who complains about not getting compliments and thinks women have it easier and being trans. My thinking is that the man who says that shit clearly is a misogynist and doesn't listen to what women really say to/about each other which we know troons do because they're so sexist and embody porn/media stereotypes.
No. 1601493
File: 1659128443916.jpg (210.14 KB, 828x942, Tumblr_l_132782560996105.jpg)

poor girl
1/2 of this reddit post
No. 1601496
File: 1659128563287.jpg (286.96 KB, 828x1070, Tumblr_l_132933663601678.jpg)

No. 1601521
File: 1659129563265.png (338.2 KB, 742x499, 2C7C8413-83D5-4662-8785-54BD16…)

>>1601493>>1601496There was a follow up. Saw this going around on tumblr and everyone so thrilled over it.
No. 1601525
File: 1659129789972.jpg (100.67 KB, 1024x576, 1599886143155.jpg)

>>16015181)they think they're going to be the exception (FaceApp is totally giving me hope guise!!)
No. 1601561
>>1601517in this context they probably think it adds emphasis and subsequently, validity to their "gender euphoria". when the fact that its a fucking erection should clue them in to the fact that the whole thing is sexually motivated
the only other emotion they feel with such intensity is rage. rage at women who don't cater to their delusions. this is why i have no hope for them. it's all about cooming and raging and nothing else, hence their disgusting "raging" erections.
No. 1601576
File: 1659132060961.png (6.81 MB, 4060x3088, 2egmdcj7n5351.png)

>>1601544So many trannies esp boomerhons don't have the self awareness or mental capacity to edit themselves. They just blatantly, unashamedly put their ugliness on display and while bragging about how hot they are. For the trannies who do try to pass (eg HSTS) you gotta wonder what they're thinking. Does it piss them off because it makes transgenderism as a whole look like a joke for hideous fetishists? Do they spitefully enjoy it because non-passing trannies make them look better in comparison? Do they just feel second hand embarrassment and relief that they aren't like that?
But yeah I agree it's mostly pornsickness, they're attracted to feminine markers and supernormal stimuli rather than actual female bodies, plus whatever risk taking, self deluded, overconfident idiocy is in a moid's nature to ensure he does whatever he can to shoot his shot regardless of how likely it is to fail.
No. 1601578
File: 1659132154121.png (77.24 KB, 997x813, huybgv.png)

>>1601493>>1601496>>1601521This shit didn't happen. It's a fetish account kek
No. 1601582
File: 1659132367773.jpg (489.34 KB, 1067x2247, Screenshot_20220730-010522_Red…)

Look at the fucking forehead of this thing, how the fuck does it look so swollen and hairy, this almost grosses me out more than the axe wounds somehow.
No. 1601619
File: 1659134359254.png (285.46 KB, 742x891, 15.png)

>old man can't play in womens rugby anymore
No. 1601624
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poor dimwit can’t breast boobily despite taking all kinds of titty skittles, sad face emoji.
No. 1601627
File: 1659134972418.jpg (35.04 KB, 677x669, a5yae.JPG)

>>1601624>rectalAre they stuffing horse piss up their ass too? LMAO
No. 1601633
>>1601624>No AFAB in my family has small boobsWhat the hell would that even matter? A man doesn't gain female genetics from estrogen. You still have a Y chromosome and no amount of horse piss will turn you into your mother's daughter.
>Nothing I've tried has helped, and I've tried almost nothing besides shoving pills up my ass. I can't even be assed to Google implants, but I'm going to rope if I can't grow big tits to coom to!Kek good. Have a less than pleasant day.
No. 1601641
File: 1659136070205.png (70.22 KB, 812x567, 05.png)

Anthony posting this when the sample size is just a measly 29 participants. But if it encourages more troons to cut off it's penis so be it, the more the merrier.
Oh and they use heterosexual for the "lesbian" troons.
No. 1601655
>>1601641How do they see improvements in sexual satisfaction after literally removing their dicks?
Everything a trans person or TRA posts like this actively misinforms and harms people.
No. 1601658
File: 1659136891344.jpeg (Spoiler Image,686.86 KB, 750x1190, C6E05CF3-CD8B-454D-954E-F4BA4B…)

i have no words, this is a monstrosity.
No. 1601660
>>1601637Those are full sentences, but okay. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to post a saged comment without a satisfactory joke. I won't do it again, so please don't report me sir- I mean ma'am!
>>1601641If you sacrificed your healthy body, friends, and family all for coom and end up with a Frankensteined raw chicken crotch with shit leaking out of it, I can see why you'd cope by saying it's awesome.
No. 1601662
File: 1659136999036.jpg (255.91 KB, 1019x1742, ew1.jpg)

edits pictures to oblivion
No. 1601663
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>>1601658looks like a blobfish
No. 1601670
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No. 1601680
File: 1659137810759.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1352, Screenshot_20220730-003619.png)

>>1601670Used to love Eddie and now I absolutely detest him lmao. Did you see this fuckin monstrosity? And STILL with the total Dad trainers. No. 1601684
File: 1659138046414.jpg (342.83 KB, 1536x2048, FY13f79X0AAD5Tq.jpg)

gremlin core
No. 1601693
File: 1659138531128.jpg (623.17 KB, 2048x1536, FYdk1rbWYAM0wWO.jpg)

>>1601688yes he dresses like that on purpose Ill let you guess why
No. 1601702
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No. 1601706
File: 1659139249248.jpeg (282.85 KB, 1170x1398, 5BAA1B84-5047-47D4-884B-9ED41F…)

just fyi there is a deeply literally schizophrenic tranny itt and in other threads on the site trying to stir infighting and pretend to be a woman, usually trying to pretend to be a few different people at once by samefagging and abusing vpns. check meta for more info
No. 1601727
File: 1659139846881.jpeg (45.97 KB, 400x400, 090A427E-9D2A-4C5C-A70B-C3FA2C…)

Sadie Switchblade (G.L.O.S.S, Dyke Drama, Future Girl) had multiple SA allegations on message boards around the time Gloss broke up that never really materialized. Does anybody remember this?? It got memoryhole’d so hard
No. 1601764
>>1601702Do none of you backread before posting? Scroll up.
>>1601727Ooh I think I know what you're talking about, just barely. I recall some former troon acquaintance complaining about how it was all bigoted lies and that "of course they're attacking this brave trans woman and accusing her of rape, so transmisogynistic". That in of itself leads me to believe it's true.
No. 1601766
File: 1659142587913.jpg (497.06 KB, 1080x1400, Screenshot_2022-07-29-17-38-13…)

>My reason for wanting a vagina is because IT SOUNDS SO FUN. Like, I keep imagining the fun things I can do with it
Ah yes, my vagina and me love going to Karaoke on weekends… she prefers 80s hair ballads and I'm all about 90s R&B, but we make it work. She's so funny, too! We just laugh and laugh all day. We have so many inside jokes. She's way better at Scrabble than I am, but she lets me win sometimes. We have so much fun together!
Kek seriously though, what makes him think a neovagina would be more fun for him to masturbate with than a penis? If he's like every other troon, his neoclit will bring him no pleasure and possibly a lot of pain. God speed, tranny.
No. 1601767
File: 1659142752734.png (398.08 KB, 2048x1421, chrome_screenshot_165914241473…)

>>1601658the comments, are these scrotes blind?
No. 1601782
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No. 1601787
File: 1659144096855.jpg (52.23 KB, 622x813, FY4INf7XoAAr7lO.jpg)

lol self own
No. 1601792
>>1601787So they admit all trannies are incels, like how would anyone read that and jump to
transphobia unless they identified as an incel
No. 1601832
>>1601807What did I tell you nonnas about black men being some of the biggest abetters of this type of rhetoric? This fool is literally equating himself with incels when the OP probably had a distinct group of deranged scrotes in mind
But, still, appropriately so that he's all in his feelings, because he IS a worthless misogynist scrote appropriating women's essences. No amount of 'purr'ing and equating Black women with men will ever get his musty linebacker ass away from that
No. 1601837
>>1601832Lmao someone please post the montage of troons standing next to black women to
trigger them again
No. 1601849
>>1601821She isn’t even a
terf she played a
TERF festival and they blacklisted her because of it. They’re gestapo.
No. 1601852
File: 1659149270331.jpg (78.87 KB, 641x732, 4343864.jpg)

After the idiot above getting terminally enraged at being called an incel and seeing he wants Black women who dont date black men to die, I thought about how he is the black version of cafebeef. So I went to see if cafebeef is similarly malding as usual.
In what fucking universe is the right prevalent at all? Is he equating retard trap drawings with the bodies of 10 yos in bikinis he cooms to with actual video game character design? I dont even remember any risque male outfits outside of Fire Emblem. Also no 'gay man' would want LESS unclothed males, he is so obviously AGP it is hilarious.
No. 1601889
File: 1659154901787.jpeg (220.69 KB, 750x1121, D95E6C2C-4889-4B1C-A5FA-A80644…)

This infamously annoying self-admitted AGP tranny from tumblr just got bolt-ons and is really feeling himself kek
No. 1601904
File: 1659156112158.png (Spoiler Image,2.2 MB, 1196x2950, finallyzoealt.png)

Get your credit cards ready nonnas kek: No. 1601905
File: 1659156183247.jpeg (250.11 KB, 826x1286, A98533DC-83C1-440D-9B92-8CD887…)

>>1601276The “got sir’d” and selfie combo never fails to amuse me
No. 1601930
File: 1659159738169.jpeg (119.95 KB, 750x367, 9D68E5B9-E649-4B44-A86B-875571…)

get a clue!
No. 1601944
File: 1659160691626.jpeg (664.27 KB, 750x1089, A559A752-B2ED-455F-A0EB-C23B76…)

holy hell he’s ugly.
No. 1601947
File: 1659160966953.jpeg (Spoiler Image,444.99 KB, 750x1208, 8A994F1D-F59B-4B74-8999-D9BDBE…)

the self-harm wounds are so disturbing.
No. 1601996
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>Transitioning cured my sissy porn addiction:[1/2]
No. 1601998
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>>1601996>And I'm totally infatuated with myself:[2/2]
No. 1602000
File: 1659164080561.jpeg (220.22 KB, 1125x719, 912CE674-EBC7-4D55-A724-B8696F…)

chris chan is still trending on twitter and the shit opinions are in full force
No. 1602002
File: 1659164365888.jpeg (236.11 KB, 750x1475, 5C7F33FD-E53C-4700-B144-E0D307…)

they try so hard to live in a fantasy that what they call dysphoria is just reality hitting them in the face.
No. 1602010
File: 1659165018252.jpeg (255.33 KB, 750x680, 515A3473-BEE4-4BFC-B7C1-369F56…)

>>1602002>being in positive and supportive environments.never leave your hug-box!
No. 1602045
File: 1659171046356.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1170x1967, 32EBF310-96FA-4BE9-9B79-C0F93C…)

Love the elderly's dedication to being based
>>1602044>>1602042No one gives a shit about your ugly moid's ugly teeth
No. 1602074
File: 1659178298517.jpeg (284.63 KB, 1242x682, 5FB1E035-A51F-4148-B4B6-108142…)

they’re trying to frame this data like trans people are so owo victimised at work but in reality they’re just demanding unnecessary accommodations /underperforming hoping they can sue for discrimination
a probably fired becuase they started a job at Target expecting special treatment for a made up disability
No. 1602096
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genuinely kinda sad over this, for a brief moment he was perfect and he ruined all that cause of his likely self hatred of his body
No. 1602101
>>1602096He looks like a schizophrenic circus animal,
No. 1602107
File: 1659182404197.jpg (283.38 KB, 2048x2048, FIC50NRVcAArjZl.jpg)

>>1602101>>1602102I can't help if my type is alt dudes and he was actually hot at one point, but he trooned out during the pandemic and it was really depressing to witness cause he seemed like a cool dude
No. 1602121
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No. 1602140
>>1602074It’s also probably just because they’re major narcissists who turn everything into a personal attack and are just miserable to work with. If someone couldn’t get along with the rest of the employees and made the environment
toxic, I would fire them too.
No. 1602143
File: 1659186349922.png (1.53 MB, 1248x854, 939B626C-77E0-4537-AA57-FABC9F…)

>>1602116Why do they even fucking go? It’s not like they ever were doing shit to help people with SSA, they make shit up and rewrite history all the time. At one point pride was about gaining and maintaining civil rights, now it’s just a place grown men can go expose their fetishes and force people to participate in their exhibition. Most lesbians don’t even feel safe going anymore because it’s clearly not for the people who actually need it any longer.
No. 1602156
>>1599137Are you me nona? Let's find an imaginary town and run away together
>>1599678Trans women don't have to tuck their penises, but everyone else with a penis is expected to tuck theirs away… Why is that?
No. 1602157
File: 1659187461350.jpg (100.36 KB, 600x593, katy-perry last-friday-night-t…)

>>1602150They really think real life is like a fucking movie or tv show. It never registers with them that the actors were already good looking, and had uglified makeup to make them look bad. And that nobody ever says witty trailer quotes IRL.
No. 1602173
File: 1659189138122.jpg (126.4 KB, 1280x720, doesntthisjustgetyousteaming.j…)

Okay nonas I'm asking for your help.
I'm compiling images and examples of literature / quotes / old advertisements & media etc. which are examples of the ideas of "the past" that are currently being straight-up regurgitated by this supposedly feminist ideology.
For example, historical depictions of the "women are incomplete men" idea as shown in picrel, mirrored with this thread pic.
No. 1602203
File: 1659191602746.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1022x1620, 0BBDEFFD-6D08-44C3-8EF6-590EE2…)

>>1602130This is why HSTS are no better than AGP and aren’t our friends.
No. 1602208
File: 1659191996989.jpeg (733.1 KB, 878x1603, 8501E838-FD58-4A93-B415-EA777B…)

A lot to unpack here.
No. 1602217
File: 1659193772786.jpeg (288.7 KB, 480x3521, B23FE68E-2014-42DF-B50F-48C6BC…)

>>1602214For real, why are they always the “exact same” as us except for when they aren’t? They say they get periods, they are indistinguishable from “cis” women in every way, they don’t need to out themselves before a date because they’re just women or whatever. But then when it has to deal what THEY want and what THEY’RE attracted to, it has to be a real woman, because all of a sudden they can tell the difference. Otherwise it will end up like the comic (sorry to post it again in this thread, it’s just relevant). If we are all the same and they pass so well, how are they even able to spot these “cis” lesbians?
No. 1602259
File: 1659199050782.gif (Spoiler Image,497.08 KB, 500x300, image-asset.gif)

>>1602041The urge they all have to fuck themselves is so unsettling, the only case I've ever seen of this is Patrick Bateman (gifrel).
No. 1602279
File: 1659200864109.png (1.42 MB, 974x3899, A9EA1947-8C5E-410B-8B77-DA0A48…)

>>1602259Their AGP and autosexuality made me think of this comic I saw posted a while ago in another thread. It’s about how women often objectify themselves during sex and are so focused on looking sexy to their partner, they don’t enjoy it themselves. TiMs will see something like this and think women have AGP too completely missing the fucking point that women have been socialized into thinking that all that matters is how they look and perform for the other person rather than finding their own pleasure. It’s sad. I think the comic is so poignant though. No. 1602344
File: 1659207130500.jpg (143.58 KB, 1085x1532, FY6PIHAagAE6mxe.jpg)

I can never tell whats satire or not
No. 1602345
>>1602208This observation is so point and aligning with material reality that I'm almost sure it has to be a
terf astroturf kek. Even down to the middle-aged transwidow case.
No. 1602376
File: 1659209347333.jpeg (Spoiler Image,634.5 KB, 750x1166, 8F4A2439-43BC-4DEB-A97E-73C85D…)

this is hands down the grossest thing i’ve ever seen. rot pockets are vile, i wanna vomit.
No. 1602412
>>1602392Do you think it's an accident IT is dominated by dudes? Once coding/computer programing switched from being viewed as boring secretarial work to being kind of respected, women were driven out of it by men, and they still work to keep women out.
Anyway, it's fairly easy to get around an IP ban, if you want to go back.
No. 1602438
File: 1659213844466.png (Spoiler Image,992.64 KB, 1286x1194, Screen Shot 2022-07-30 at 1.44…)

spoiler for fucked up axe wound lmao what the hell man
No. 1602443
File: 1659214013688.jpeg (207.51 KB, 750x1287, 9588C176-BFCF-43A3-A02D-1D374E…)

i love natural selection.
No. 1602461
>>1601852>In what fucking universe is the right prevalent at all?I've seen people saying Kratos or whoever the fuck from western games is the equivalent of the right picture, except all the characters shown are ugly as fuck, the clothes they wear look comfortable or even historically accurate regardless of the amount of skin exposed, and in their 40s.
>I dont even remember any risque male outfits outside of Fire EmblemPlay Fire Emblem Fates. Several of the guys look slutty in specific classes. That game is the exception more than the rule though.
No. 1602467
File: 1659215236390.png (416.75 KB, 860x955, 590-5905022_iphone-curious-emo…)

>>1601852>seeing he wants Black women who dont date black men to die,when does he do that, I know those types of hoteps exist but have never seen that come from a black tranny who are usually HSTS
No. 1602474
>>1602438This made me laugh IRL. Looks like a deflated balloon. It looks like a hotdog somebody nuked in the microwave until it dehydrated.
>>1602314I wish more women had the nuts to tell these guys to fuck off. But I know they start small, and then after a few months you're getting a whole body check and critique after sex.
No. 1602571
File: 1659219622736.jpg (53.57 KB, 828x1001, FY8ivPoXEAIleFq.jpg)

>>1602203what he looks like w/o the edit
No. 1602573
File: 1659219791199.jpg (138.97 KB, 1200x654, FXWsydsXkAA_EoY.jpg)

nonas does your vagina smell like yogurt teehee~
No. 1602584
>>1601960I was going to say "the egirls thread has a bunch of girls who do this" and then I realised thats what he's skinwalking
>>1602344Literally a skinnier Chris chan. Look at that face, that is Chris whether he likes it or not
No. 1602594
File: 1659221434949.png (93.52 KB, 492x552, President_Hathaway.png)

>>1602344Literally picrel
was made with the intent of escaping from the troons
No. 1602621
File: 1659222852155.png (318.61 KB, 696x359, A56C8F02-D049-4296-A955-0E716A…)

>>1602571Wtf is this pic that Reduxx used of him? No. 1602635
>>1602610Funny thing. Someone was talking in the FTM thread about transing long dead historical figures. In Praise of Shadows did a very TL;DW video essay about H.P. Lovecraft and came to the conclusion that he was actually trans.
You know what? You troons can have the shut-in manchild with the tentacle fixation who was so horrendously racist that even by the standards of the day people found him a bit much. The dude who literally had a mental breakdown and wrote The Shadow Over Innsmouth because he was so appalled and disgusted that his ancestors might have been Welsh? He's all yours. He was totally a heckin'
valid and awesome trans gal.
No. 1602682
File: 1659228850538.jpg (102.85 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2022-07-30-19-51-11…)

>>1602278Sorry nonna but you reminded me of this otaku scrote indirectly accepting his AGP in a retarded anime analysis kek
No. 1602718
File: 1659231320315.jpg (589.16 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2022-07-30-20-34-30…)

What a weird thing to defend. Even "true trans people" reject him.
No. 1602720
File: 1659231631381.jpg (115.06 KB, 500x739, 20220730_203844.jpg)

>>1602718Samefag but shit, if only they had enough self awareness to realize this isn't just a Chris Chan problem.
No. 1602736
>>1602720Trannies: if someone says they’re trans believe them! They know themselves better than anyone else! There’s no difference between a trans woman and a cis woman, it’s wrong to separate them!
Also trannies: this person isn’t truly trans because ehhh uhhh also raping your mother not a
tw related crime, its something any other woman does!
No. 1602878
File: 1659240413917.jpeg (645.62 KB, 1242x2386, A00D2810-38A3-4F82-8DBD-C6CC70…)

what an oddly proportioned creature.
No. 1602975
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>i’m literally blind
No. 1602980
File: 1659245458304.jpeg (530.26 KB, 1536x2048, F6646FCC-0560-4F91-BEAE-FD94E4…)

still hotter than the tranny fagging up this thread
No. 1602981
File: 1659245458498.jpeg (733.41 KB, 828x1389, AA5E4CBB-2B26-4920-8E59-0E3F12…)

lmao idk id personally think “that’s a man”
No. 1602984
File: 1659245504049.jpeg (409.48 KB, 1536x2048, FC98EA51-09B0-4790-8AB5-524C95…)

tee hee ♥
No. 1602987
File: 1659245895884.jpeg (298.09 KB, 750x967, 78237A67-073D-436A-ABAD-D13E11…)

tims can’t win at being women because they’re not women, period. people need to stop telling them femininity is what they’re failing at, they’re failing at being female.
No. 1603025
File: 1659247434930.jpeg (546.03 KB, 1241x2875, 95CE7BF9-18E3-41E3-BAA4-A61AB6…)

No. 1603030
>>1600839I think it's twofold. First, the wife or girlfriend getting pregnant could cause a crisis in prviously suppressed trans feelings because it's something men can't have no matter how hard they troon out.
Secondly, it's when the woman is at her most vulnerable. Already married? Easy to paint as "my horrible wife wants a divorce because she's a
TERF" and make her the bad guy. It's basically trapping the woman in a marriage and kids then pulling the rug out from under her feet.
No. 1603033
File: 1659247959289.jpeg (1022.7 KB, 2320x3336, A5162B80-E0BB-43AA-8D76-256B9F…)

how do they even reach this level of ugliness?
No. 1603044
File: 1659248709638.jpg (13.06 KB, 300x400, GE6zkqN.jpg)

this creature is staring into my soul
No. 1603091
File: 1659249794684.jpg (127.54 KB, 640x1193, hwps7rhjiue91.jpg)

His pigtails lmfao
No. 1603167
File: 1659263206871.png (6.53 MB, 1170x2532, 38CBCF2E-B43F-4705-B027-D88970…)

this has got to be one of the highest levels of copium possible all TERFs i know are hot + this is just some random photo of a woman filtered
No. 1603175
File: 1659264080258.png (238.14 KB, 1390x820, Screenshot 2022-07-31 at 11.41…)

Nightmare fuel.
No. 1603199
>>1602961the whole 'non-binary lesbian' sctick is when you identify as a woman but in a not-like-other-girls way
i see a lot of cis women on twitter do that shit too
No. 1603208
>>16032021. Why is it posted in the mtf thread?
2. Still, only feel bad for ftms doing it for sexism escapism (if they also don't then throw women under the bus), ftms can still hate women.
No. 1603304
File: 1659278227637.jpg (110.83 KB, 592x802, trannyism in its death throes.…)

Didn't see it posted in the thread, but more actual good news.
No. 1603319
>>1603238>>1603262Yes exactly. Virtually all women have traumatic puberty and are
victims of male violence and harassment in one way or another but most of us don't literally want to become our oppressors to escape it because we're not like the other whores who wanted/deserved it. Do I feel worse for TIFs than sociopathic fetishist TIMs? Sure, but they're not my sisters.
No. 1603326
File: 1659280138129.jpeg (313.87 KB, 627x1274, AEB54AA9-CE99-49E1-8974-F34EAB…)

u/okidonthaveone is slowly becoming a personal cow i truly cannot stand this faggot. cant wait til his dick atrophies and goes limp
No. 1603339
File: 1659280725148.jpeg (707.24 KB, 960x1599, ACD43430-D167-4E68-ADD3-7B44A9…)

>>1603332also thinks being on hrt for a month will change his bone structure. actual schizophrenia.
No. 1603385
File: 1659283966067.jpeg (749.25 KB, 828x1336, 0ACF712D-8249-455E-8CC6-38FA70…)

Now they’re advertising binders for men with negative breasts on Tiktok. I can’t even describe how retarded this ad was.
No. 1603403
File: 1659284697396.png (55.64 KB, 672x422, FXzHSr3VUAUcd_B.png)

this what trannies want when they say they can breastfeed their child
No. 1603410
File: 1659284940670.jpeg (492.42 KB, 1125x1044, FB39C2A2-2B64-4FEA-892F-069DAD…)

And are those who are “fuming” in the room with us right now? We don’t give a shit.
No. 1603416
File: 1659285224762.png (411.68 KB, 820x801, Screenshot Capture 03.png)

>>1603304He also promoted and encouraged puberty blockers after that study came out. How the fuck did this guy end up in the position he did when his bias is so obvious?
No. 1603431
File: 1659285543025.jpg (193.97 KB, 1080x1745, FY-c0qxXkAA8ph8.jpg)

No. 1603440
File: 1659285855136.jpeg (71.88 KB, 680x473, DD4AA7D7-498B-483D-9EB9-D49057…)

>>1603419no shit. some people still think troons are all attractive gay men who pass as women, when in reality most of them are incredibly ugly and wearing feminine clothes only emphasizes their maleness.
No. 1603483
File: 1659287056336.jpeg (100.79 KB, 933x440, 44FAD327-E822-4127-B8A4-1FEC84…)

There’s something very disturbing about male calves. They can never resemble those of women, and trannies are too dumb to get surgery on them, and even if they did, the subpar results would make them look even more mutilated than before. It’s always so skinny with sharp bones visible regardless of the moid’s weight or straight up shredded. Never seen one with beautiful, curvy legs beneath the kneecaps. Kneecaps are also dead giveaways of testosterone exposure because the male pattern fat distribution deprives them of a protective layer of fat. Speaking of men’s chicken legs, their straight femurs usually result in picrel. The differences are so stark it’s also visible in children. Excuse my rough sketch kek, I had to make it with my fingers.
No. 1603497
File: 1659287379908.jpeg (165.11 KB, 960x983, 1629741030809.jpeg)

>>1603493Here you go nonna, a certified classic for any
terf folder
No. 1603515
>>1603508The absolute irony of a man imposing themselves in a thread on a website where men aren’t welcome in order to prove they’re not like the other men who impose themselves in spaces where women aren’t welcome. It’s truly rich.
Hey tranny, what makes you so special compared to all the other trannies who impose themselves into womens’ spaces? Why are you supposedly different? (Hint: you’re not, I just want to see what you have to say)
No. 1603518
>>1603509 and that shit isn't "hurting" women, retard, I was just making fun of it because it's stupid. YOU are hurting women, pedo
No. 1603523
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
No. 1603525
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The moid is the one shitting up the thread and then it complains about the quality…
No. 1603528
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>>1603523thank you for your service nonna. with your help we can keep this space scrote free
No. 1603538
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>I borrowed a pair of her girliest panties
poor woman, what a nightmare.
No. 1603550
>>1603543so many are super comfortable admitting they "used to be" incels or nazis or 4channers too. the incel to troon pipeline is way more prevalent than i realized, they're still dangerous predators except this time they have uwu skirt that goes spinny.
also ever notice how their first go to when threatening a
terf is sexual violence? extremely feminine on their part. if we mention genitals, its usually castration, but for them, everything circles back to sexual pleasure.
No. 1603555
>>1603549Nonny, he mcfucking lost it and called me a fucking whore. The funniest part was the fact that I was a virgin at the time and when my friends corrected him he fell silent. He then proceeded to throw his drink on the ground and call me
terf, at the time I didn't know what a
terf meant so I was confused as hell. He then pushed a girl out from the doorway and sped off, the next day he said over text that it was because of his "female hormones". My friend group dropped his ass so fast and I never had to deal with that loser again.
No. 1603559
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>>1603525>passingYeah okay Anthony
No. 1603579
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The goddamn cope of it all
No. 1603580
>>1603435Lol what? When a girl on tiktok or whatever starts talking talking about how some troon is prettier than her, it’s because she’s a pickme who wants people to think “aww, she doesn’t even realize how beautiful she is!” It’s so that she can get woke and humble points while also compliment-farming. Every woman looks beautiful in comparison to a troon—it’s ultimately a flattering comparison for her to make.
What makes more sense—that women give out fake compliments, or that handmaidens are all blind and have somehow lost their sex pattern recognition (which all humans have)?
No. 1603592
>>1603576Absolutely. I didn’t even read any radfem stuff until after I began questioning trans ideology and then it kind of opened the door for me to look at other ways women were treated badly historically (not that I wasn’t aware, just more in depth). I didn’t even know what “terfs” were, I just knew these men gave me the creeps and felt like other fetishizers. Deleted my post to add another thing, which is something I noticed over time. The entire deal with trans ideology is that they want you to get rid of gut feelings you have to put yourself at risk. I think most women have an internal feeling around men they know and can sense to be dangerous. But this new way of thinking is to ignore your discomfort at the expense of having to welcome
toxic and dangerous people. They’ve proven to be dangerous time and time again in news cycles, raping and murdering women and children. Never ignore your gut instinct when you sense danger. That’s a major issue I have with it.
No. 1603594
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There is almost nothing funnier to me than trannies that think they pass. Has anyone ever seen a single passing tranny? I don’t think so. It’s like in cartoons when a character puts on a shitty disguise like a mask and no one can tell…except these autists think that’s how the real world work. Males can no more pass as women than humans can pass as apes.
No. 1603595
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No. 1603597
>>1602096>>1602520actually not a weird combination at all, you have to understand that 99% of modern Indie wrestlers are massive weebs and nerds who grew up and got buff and now don't ever have to "grow up" kidd bandit(the mexican troon) is the best example of this, he is just a weeb whose "persona" is just him liking an edgy anime girl, vidrel being an unbearably cringe example of his promo work
I honestly considered making an Indie wrestler cow thread on /snow/ but decided not too, cause I'd be the only one intrested and it would be dead in a couple days
No. 1603720
>>1603536when i was in high school, i had a weird kid a few years younger than me try to befriend me to the point where he was actually harassing
once i got out of hs i’d still see him bc he was my neighbor and he’d still try to talk to me even though i always ignored him… eventually he found out i was a lesbian somehow? and he came up to me to introduce himself as a woman lmao and to say now he finally had a chance with me uwu
he also apologized for being a creep so i thought his larping as a woman helped him understand how uncomfortable he made but then he continued to do fucking stalk and harass me like usual but now ~as a woman~
No. 1603792
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No. 1603816
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what a fugly mf.
No. 1603822
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No. 1603927
>>1603908Being straight and unartistic in any way, but with an interest in (poorly/halfassedly) crossdressing and makeup, being a repressed gay or bi guy who thinks he can opt out of homosexuality by becoming a woman, being an incel or a reformed incel, anime obsession, anime waifus, imageboard poster, reddit moid, these all come up very often with mtfs
I think hating or obsessing over women while not being comfortable with themselves/being jealous of women precedes it and fuels it.
Being a coomer; anyone can fall into the coomer trap so if he's online for most of the day it's more likely.
No. 1603956
>>1603592>The entire deal with trans ideology is that they want you to get rid of gut feelings you have to put yourself at risk. I think most women have an internal feeling around men they know and can sense to be dangerous. But this new way of thinking is to ignore your discomfort at the expense of having to welcome toxic and dangerous peopleI think there was an element of changing goalposts, when this trend first started there was no expectation that people should ignore their instincts or what their eyes tell them, simply that people should respect someone's sexuality or life choices or whatever. No problem with that.
The ever changing goalposts and demands,
ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears I think peaked everyone. Surprise, narc male keeps imposing more and more controlling and insane demands if you give them an inch.
No. 1604028
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preddit mods deleted a post for saying tims can’t get periods kek
No. 1604072
>>1604028Mfw even the other trans people are questioning the madness, the delusion is off the charts once people start getting offended by undeniable facts like this
They're gonna start peaking their own soon
No. 1604080
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>>1601837>>1601832here you go ladies
No. 1604095
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>>1604080here’s another one.
No. 1604232
>>1603536When I was 16 I was in the psych ward for a suicide attempt and the girls in the room next to me were crying because the troon was watching them sleep. I'm talking standing over their bed.
We were all mentally ill but I stopped identifying as non binary that day and realized my "gender dysphoria" was my childhood trauma and wanting to escape misogyny.
Also our high school had to remove the couch they had in the girls locker room for some reason when they let troons in. I'm not sure why it had to go but I remenber being annoyed because girls could hang out in there away from boys during lunch.
No. 1604252
>>1604232>the troon was watching them sleep. I'm talking standing over their bed. terrifying
>Also our high school had to remove the couch they had in the girls locker room for some reason when they let troons inGonna say guys were kicking back and watching the show, like not in there to get changed, just there to watch the girls.
No. 1604305
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>>1603597y chromosoids larping as female indie wrestlers somehow hits being both laughable and dangerous
No. 1604378
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>>1598773I’m sorry I know this post and topic is typical Reddit retardation so I shouldn’t be phased but I am SO fucking exhausted from reading this. I’m not even really that gender critical and mainly just lurk here for entertainment but fuck.
Honestly, I’m not even really gender critical and I just fucking lurk here for entertainment but I am so FUCKING TIRED of reading people acting purposefully fucking obtuse about the discrepancy between biological sex and gender. I feel like I’m being fucking gaslit. Incoming drooling sped post examples. No. 1604380
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No. 1604382
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No. 1604384
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No. 1604474
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Is it really that hard to connect the dots?
No. 1604664
>>1604474I still think the real reason transracialism failed immediately is because there is way too much black political power outside of the NGOs for them to get away with it. The activist knew the church could fuck them up and ruin their credibility. They knew there were just way too many black orgs uni students couldn't take over. There were no big transracial billionaires to shelter those willing to sell out.
In comparison you could fuck up feminism way worse before anyone was able to do anything about it. They want to pretend it was about ideological consistency, but come on. You know if Rachel Dolezal was a billionaire donor a ton of people would've done whatever she wanted.
No. 1605045
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nasty tranny at a teen cheerleading camp for some fucking bizarro reason. hats off to the girl for insulting him
No. 1605141
>>1603536It was a couple things in quick succession for me. First was seeing how the trans community eats it's own. Two of my friends detransitioned because hormones were giving them severe health problems and instead of supporting their "sisters", local trans women started claiming they were TERFs who only pretended to be trans to fabricate a detransition narrative. They both were doxxed and harassed both online and irl with a savagery that I had never seen before and it was deeply disturbing to witness.
Then I started having a lot of painful, debilitating health issues which turned out to be endometriosis. I berated by my friend's trans 'wife' about how privileged I was to be vomiting and passing out at work and to add insult to injury the women's health support groups that were so vital in figuring out what was wrong with me started having issues with troons. One refused to let troons in resulting in the owner being harassed to the point she shut the group down. The others allowed TIMs in and we were subjected to lectures about our period privilege, the woes HRT induced erectile dysfunction, and idiot males pretending that choosing to sterilize yourself is in any way the same thing as actually being infertile.
And then the cotton ceiling happened lol
No. 1605152
>>1603567This was a big part of it for me because I initially bought into the whole female brain thing. It was like the way when you're reading a book you can usually tell if the author is a man or a woman just from the way it's written. There are just so many things where it's like even if gender is a social construct this is not the gender of woman, they are not socially women. They do so many things only a male would do.
The other main thing was reading where all this comes from and what the logic behind it was supposed to be. It doesn't make sense. At all. There was a point where I sat down and was like "You can't have access to the internal world of the opposite sex, you can't know if your identity is the same as what they experience. You can only attempt to be a man's idea of what a woman is."
No one was able to actually argue against it, they could ban me or get mad, but it's fucking true. I know it's true.
No. 1605249
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the hands kill me lul probably literally would too
No. 1605261
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>>1605249kek he looks like a Dr Seuss monster.
No. 1605307
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He raped his mother
No. 1605323
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No. 1605745
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>>1605307They act like 'misgendering' him is worse than raping his mother, even though it's pretty clear that he only wanted to transition for fetish purposes kek. Trannies all have their heads up their asses.
No. 1607911
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Came across in the wild. In what universe does this look like a vagina?
No. 1626135
>>1599351"…fully functional Wang…"
No. 1626141
File: 1661506936210.png (353.21 KB, 742x854, troons.png)

Keffals troon army is still trying to go after Null's mother because they just need to find a woman to harass somehow. This article has her place of work and home address in it, which is against twitter TOS but of course it doesn't matter if it's troons doing the doxing.(take it to the proper thread)