File: 1660410144631.jpeg (974.21 KB, 1200x5436, 1660154658725.jpeg)

No. 1615067
File: 1660417840054.jpg (31.21 KB, 540x244, seigheil.jpg)

The thread image is great but also very upsetting. I can only describe as a south park episode, except it's real.
No. 1615098
>>1615067They sound like nazis. I know it’s because most of them are and will even admit it, but seeing them actually write out rhetoric that nazis would use is always chilling. I know they are using “
terf” as a stand in for the word “woman”, but they would just as quickly say this about other oppressed groups. We’ve seen their racism firsthand as well.
No. 1615137
File: 1660422931340.png (591.59 KB, 746x560, 664.png)

>>1615098>most of them areexactly
nonny No. 1615174
File: 1660425364470.png (323.46 KB, 1336x360, Capture d’écran 2022-08-13 à 2…)

>>1615168i mean.. they got some recognition kek
No. 1615188
File: 1660426491089.jpg (279.07 KB, 2048x1070, FaDYy9DWAAEpVvw.jpg)

Tfw you dont even get an instant hardon from putting on a skirt like you usually do
No. 1615219
File: 1660428816367.webm (5.82 MB, 608x1080, Trans women have vaginas shor…)
The cope.
No. 1615235
File: 1660430033314.jpeg (369.85 KB, 1242x2280, D6CB4898-0224-4218-9B41-29D1D4…)

He got dropped finally LMAO funny he didn’t say why… See you on HBO Max sir.
And the dramatics from the handmaidens in the comments… saw one that was like “you paved the road our daughters will walk on”. Embarrassing.
No. 1615240
File: 1660430352996.png (792.46 KB, 646x736, Capture d’écran 2022-08-13 à 2…)

>>1615219yeah but afaik you aint a 6 weeks embryo anymore and you are officially born with a weiner, which revoke the femaleness characteristic that you are drooling over. now you are just a mentally ill man with a rotting pocket inverted penis filled with stitches, hair and pus inside that you have to constantly dilate to get at least 1 inch depth for fake sexual intercourses only. you will never be a 6 weeks embryo again !
No. 1615259
File: 1660432646004.png (Spoiler Image,169.07 KB, 454x558, Development-of-the-Internal-Ge…)

>>1615240Its not even anatomically true that "everyone starts off with a vagina" because the vagina and vulva have to develop through the course of gestation just as his dick and ballsack had to. So of course he can't be trusted to compare his neovag to a vagina when he thinks a fetal cloaca is literally the same as a vagina.
No. 1615286
File: 1660434786744.png (Spoiler Image,255.75 KB, 1364x1118, 8-Figure4-1.png)

>What do you mean? No intersex person is both sexes, there's no "true" intersex, they're all either a male with a disorder, or a female with a disorder. Stop reinforcing tranny bs such as 3rd sex, why do people keep talking about intersex people when they know nothing about itThere are actual conditions where a person really does have a mutation where they have ambiguous genitalia. Those people are rare and are not trannies. People claiming to have a brain of a sex opposite their bodies, however….
No. 1615325
>>1615137A man: I want to invade womens spaces, rape lesbians, take pics of little girls in the bathroom, have access to vulnerable women in hospitals or crisis centers, and be totally overlooked for racist beliefs because of mental illness "I am anime girl"
Women: want to exist as people rather than objects of desire or looks, be left alone, allowed their own space from men, be given the same opportunities and social roles. Immiedeitely called a piece of shit and shut down for not believing in or allowing the "I'm anime girl" mental illness man into their already limited spaces. Will never even have the same respect/privilege as an "im anime man" mental illness due to female body. Incredible.
No. 1615344
File: 1660442073423.jpg (333.71 KB, 1080x1716, Screenshot_20220814-114407__01…)

Idk if this has been posted but International rugby is suddenly based. England and Ireland have already changed the rules I can't wait to see more countries follow suit. No. 1615372
File: 1660445593870.webm (1.42 MB, 608x1080, Transgender HRT at 12 shorts.…)
How gay boys think women act
No. 1615373
>>1615250no, do not do this. and ngl this comes off as bait.
the creator of that extension is bardfinn, who is a troon and a pedophile. there is plenty about this disgusting individual in his thread on the other farms. he is notorious for collecting info on people, groups, doxing them, starting brigades, and so on.
there are plenty of other safer ways to meet like-minded terfs without using an extension (or outing places safe for discussion) made by someone who gloated about collecting info on most of the gendercritical subreddit userbase before getting it shut down
No. 1615385
>>1615372they look like 15 year old boys
also fuck the parents
No. 1615395
File: 1660447493530.jpg (49.23 KB, 500x491, EhGamqmXgAE4V3q.jpg)

ngl the thread's title is kinda problematic, like I get the intention behind it but it frames black women as the "other" separate from "regular women" and any troon tra could screenshot and post this on twitter and for most libfems who are not aware of racist TIM's, will only start believing the narrative that "TERFs" don't see BW as just regular women, and black libfems like khadijha and mbowe will be further convinced that TERFs are their enemies and poor TIMs are just poor uwu women being judged
No. 1615417
File: 1660449339578.jpg (116.58 KB, 900x1200, Dy8EaIvV4AAz40x.jpg)

>>1615318>>1615137You know the wildest thing, the Naiz troon whose pics you have probably seen a couple times here, is actually a gay puerto-rican, he posts on leftypol as well where he identifies as a juche, I think he just likes getting a rise out of people
No. 1615454
File: 1660453843608.jpg (Spoiler Image,410.79 KB, 1080x2003, tranny.jpg)

If I had to see it so do you.
No. 1615459
File: 1660454647434.jpeg (590.34 KB, 750x2610, A58ED606-501C-4ABF-B42F-9331BF…)

this guy’s post history is hilarious.
No. 1615464
>>1615459As we say here on Hellzil, "I get the purity
from the children's response"
No. 1615474
File: 1660456706314.png (621.22 KB, 1920x1080, 7d6.png)

>>1615459based little girl, seriously I bet even a baby could tell he's a man
No. 1615477
File: 1660456893768.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1816x4032, DB28879D-38E3-4FCF-AB44-5C1E4A…)

for fucks sake, can you at least try to be less of a stereotype?
No. 1615481
Very tangentially troon related, but J.K. Rowling got threatened by a pajeet after tweeting about Salman Rushdie. be fair, if I were Rowling and given some of the deranged behaviour TRAs have exhibited towards her, I don't blame her for being nervous about what happened to Salman Rushdie.
No. 1615499
File: 1660460889148.jpeg (351.56 KB, 727x1174, 6A52C791-28E9-4C7A-8E76-782DDE…)

another troon that gets triggered by women’s mere existence.
No. 1615502
File: 1660461958028.jpeg (207.73 KB, 750x623, 3C1E36D4-B159-4940-BE17-F670BF…)

>>1615499please, stop it with the breastfeeding fetish.
No. 1615508
>>1615454Joke's on you, I don't unspoiler on this thread and whatever mushroom-skinned troon this is can die unseen by female eyes!
>>1615499Absolutely pathetic. This is my one comfort in these threads full of pedophilia, tampon thievery, and crotch rot, that our existence makes them seethe this fucking hard. They try so hard to spread the lie that womanhood is only a burden, they indoctrinate their tif handmaidens with it all day every day in order to prove how oppressed they are, how no tim would ever 'choose' troonery, but in the end they know. They hate that they can never have what we were given by birth, even when we resent it. Fucking sad.
No. 1615525
File: 1660465693265.jpg (308.14 KB, 1638x2048, lin3wjrjphe31.jpg)

>>1615503I'm the one who posted that guy, like I'm pretty sure a gay hispanic femboy who identifies as a follower of juche(the state ideology of north korea) and who frequently posts on leftypol really doesn't believe in actual Nazism and is likely doing it for the Lol's, like everything about him as just an elaborate shitpost that only people obsessed with politics will understand, like the flag he has behind his back is trans recoloring of a strasser flag, an obscure nonsensical German left wing patriotic group that existed in the 1920's
No. 1615576
File: 1660476431699.jpeg (830.44 KB, 2208x1242, 7E210A8C-EC2B-490B-9C33-39E17C…)

stumbled upon some freaks and thought they were funny and ugly enough to post. i fully support their t4t lifestyles though, leave real women alone and date each other please. cannot get over the dude with the she/her earrings paired with the badge, kek just like a real woman would need to wear!
No. 1615584
File: 1660477980202.webm (16.9 MB, 576x1024, SnapTik_7124943020264262918 (1…)
Grown man cries about boobs
No. 1615590
>>1615464Another Brazilian nona! Anyway, I love children they are brutally honest lmao
>>1615499I wish 100% of them couldn't stand next to women because we can get pregnant and stuff and be far away from us. Our lives would be 1000% better and they wouldn't invade our spaces.
No. 1615619
File: 1660482778841.jpg (106.39 KB, 616x873, D4lW7sBVUAAYeQY.jpg)

>>1615525This is what being constantly ironic and never being genuine does to a mfer
No. 1615636
>>1615633I'm black(half) myself, all I was saying is that the thread title is bad optics, listen I have normie libfem friends(I occasionally try to pink-pill them) you have no Idea how they see the world, everyone is
problematic and they look for what they consider "dog whistles" seemingly everywhere, and this applies to both white and non-white libfems
No. 1615644
>>1615636I'm fully black and we have to stop being afraid of what libfems think of us, they are already a lost cause and need to fuck off from the conversation. If they see everything as dog whistles then they never respected black women in the first place and have no place in judging anyone here. They have no idea about what
woc go through but will do everything in their power to protect white troons and for that they can seethe, also a majority of them have no problem simping for their /pol/tard bfs because when a man is racist I guess it's just peachy keen for them.
No. 1615655
>>1615636Who gives a flying FUCK what libfems think on lolcow of all places? Who hangs out on a thread making fun of rot pockets and worries about “bad optics”? You sound like a libfem yourself trying to police a
terf imageboard. Everyone who spends any time here knows what the thread title is referencing, and if a libfem accidentally stumbles across this thread they’re going to find WAY more “
problematic” things than a throwaway joke about black women looking better than troons. Let it go.
No. 1615660
>>1615658Please find a less “
problematic” place that won’t hypothetically
trigger your libfem friends, nonna. Problem solved.
No. 1615662
File: 1660486010379.jpg (169.93 KB, 1080x1675, 20220814_160254.jpg)

Another troon going on reddit instead of the doctors with a clear medical issue
No. 1615673
>>1615662To think there's men out there thinking that women suddenly lactate either for no particular reason or because we're horny is so bleak, lactation outside of pregnancy is definitely not normal, therefore that moid is dying or some shit because moids can't lactate.
Jesus this tranny shit is what happens when the education system fails and when nasty people use that for their own sick benefits.
No. 1615678
>>1615662>weeping brown fluidGross, wtf?
>>1615673It's happened to me as a medication side effect, but it wasn't fucking brown
No. 1615688
>>1615318I love how non white women can be more vocally based and terfy, because if the trannies reee at you you can call them racist kek.
Stay based sisters.
No. 1615704
>>1615688I had a tranny on a discord server, mald over Asian women and their culture. While bitching about people making fun of pronouns.
They are the most racist sensitive people and you guess it, they are a white male of course.
No. 1615715
File: 1660490334178.jpg (249.34 KB, 1284x1865, FaE1D4wUYAEMW0s.jpg)

Elizabeth I made some speeches claiming she had the "soul and heart of a man" to show the lords that she wasn't some feeble woman, whether or not she actually believed this is impossible to know, but in no reality does this translate to her being "non-binary"
No. 1615733
File: 1660492240923.png (130.24 KB, 594x1005, Joan.png)

>>1615728I think it kinda counts, cause many TIM tra's are pushing/supporting this to "
trigger' TERFs
also regarding the they/they Joan of arc play, its funny out of all the figures in History they choose to trans they picked her, because by every account Joan was a religious nutcase, I bet their play isn't going to include her chasing prostitutes out of her camp with a sword. Or her making all of her soldiers attend daily mass, she would murder every single TIM if she came across them
No. 1615753
File: 1660493516333.gif (4.53 MB, 640x380, rose-moira.gif)

>>1615517Newest gender affirming surgery completely obliterates the taint, merging neovag and anus in one big hole. Caw caw!
No. 1615766
>>1615168>>1615174>>1615137They don't make me laugh, because 90% of non passing troons are the same kinda scrotes that used to populate /pol/.
It's the same unhinged, angry and hateful incels, just now larping as women while wearing grandma's dress and having a boner from it.
Normies are just too retarded to notice that most twitter-troons actually push heavily anti-women and homophobe talking points.
No. 1615771
>>1615662Sir, that's a sign of breast cancer, go check that out (or dom't that would make me happier)
>lactating should be normalThey really think we lactate all the time?
No. 1615811
File: 1660498069807.jpg (124.8 KB, 1080x1792, FaIJMjzXkAEiv29.jpg)

Yes because thats what the vagina is used for it. Not like its an organ with many functions, all of which you are never going to have. They just want a fuckhole
No. 1615823
File: 1660498959762.jpg (92.92 KB, 686x686, FaBzlorWQAERLmK.jpg)

>>1615656your post reminded me of this meme
No. 1615863
>>1615584Bitch blow your nose and speak up. Or no actually, shut the fuck up.
>>1615641Motherfucker sounds like he's about to die from throat cancer.
No. 1615883
File: 1660503506994.jpeg (547.11 KB, 750x1226, 250BCF04-38FE-4981-9A41-B21364…)

ofc he has an erection.
No. 1615907
>>1615887Has a
terf/woman ever actually killed a transwoman?
No. 1615945
>>1615883>r/Male_LesbiansHa! There’s no way around it now, they’ve created an opportunity to make r/Female_Lesbians in solidarity with this sister subreddit uwu.
When they inevitably try the argument that only one should be allowed as an oppressed group, they’ll have to admit they’re implying
a) males are oppressed by females
b) females/lesbians are not oppressed
c) “male lesbians” doesn’t exclude transmasc nonbinary intersex agender lesbians
Which they can’t, even in pretend good faith. Female lesbians also have unique experiences and issues to discuss that could otherwise overshadow important trans crap 0wUoW
No. 1615975
File: 1660511419758.jpg (1.59 MB, 1077x4096, pt2022_08_14_23_10_44.jpg)

Average actuallesbians user
No. 1615985
File: 1660511890764.jpg (193.26 KB, 1080x1640, Screenshot_20220814-231756_Red…)

>>1615975Bonus pic mid ~euphoria~ with absolute gorilla hairy arms
No. 1616001
File: 1660512844840.jpeg (251.63 KB, 750x703, 58A7CAE7-1A36-4EF7-B988-C07F7B…)

he’s jamming a medical dildo into a fresh wound, why would he expect not to bleed?
No. 1616003
File: 1660513216996.jpg (304.44 KB, 1295x1144, 321312312231312321123.jpg)

Saw this tranny with baboon ass lips post on tiktok about being a sugarbaby, and then getting mad he instantly got clocked as a man
No. 1616006
File: 1660513343392.jpeg (344.13 KB, 1080x2074, 65C85B91-7BF9-4DBB-95BB-044EDA…)

>pink choker
>cheap school girl skirt
>scrunchie as a bracelet
this man is 30 btw.
No. 1616082
File: 1660520239445.png (Spoiler Image,1 MB, 763x1434, 02DE0EA0-1EC9-4CBD-A8B9-E74373…)

What the fuck is wrong with the moobs on this one?
No. 1616119
File: 1660521969958.png (880.6 KB, 768x958, honest troon.png)

Sorry about the shitty collage but this troon's Tinder profile had this beautiful ancient TiM proverb.
No. 1616175
>>1616119Ewwww I can't belive troons are invading brazillian tinder now, I'm sorry you had to see this
nonnieAlso that's a hard 29 and of course he has a jojo tattoo.
No. 1616211
>>1615330Ambiguous genitalia at birth can indicate a disorder of sexual identity (DSD) in which a person has an abnormal chromosomal pattern (eg XXY) or resistance to specific sex hormones. Some of these people identify as Intersex.
I don't know how else to explain this. Missing fingers isn't comparable because there's no 5-finger-Human/2-finger-Human chromosome.
No. 1616227
>>1615605Unlike you, nona, I felt excited because I was desperate to stop being an awkward pre-teen and wanted to get taller, have breasts, be more confident etc.
What I got was groped by 4 boys and a staff member at my school during my time between 6th-10th grade. So yeah, I learned quickly that "womenly assets" come with a caution to stop trusting all men even if they're 13.
Of course, tell that to a moid crying over his lack of tits and he'll start jacking off because he's got the mindset of one of the boys.
No. 1616229
>>1615656Getting excessively large breasts reduced isn't uncommon especially if it's causing the woman (or teenage girl) pain and misery.
I knew a girl who had hers reduced at 15 because she was otherwise small-framed and they were killing her back and making her burgeoning singing career difficult.
And it is kind of funny rubbing it in the moid's face tbh. We have them, we can choose not to have them, they still can't grow 'em.
No. 1616240
>>1616137Some look like hickies, others either bite marks or lipstick kisses. Definitely a sex thing.
I think if not for the tubenips this one would pass if I took my glasses off.
No. 1616243
>>1616236I guess sex chromosomes are just special like that? I'm not a geneticist, I just play one on TV.
This did remind me of this very cool thing though, an African tribe who tend to have a genetic trait of 2 toes! No. 1616348
File: 1660543049711.jpg (69.17 KB, 716x426, mlp.jpg)

>my little pony
No. 1616355
File: 1660544157836.jpg (375.47 KB, 1896x2048, FaKJb-RWYAEK26Z.jpg)

one ugly mofo
No. 1616362
File: 1660545692042.jpg (1.03 MB, 2448x3264, FaHsZO2XkAIlLNA.jpg)

nvm this is
No. 1616369
File: 1660546569796.png (378.5 KB, 660x436, fivehead.png)

No. 1616384
File: 1660547900281.jpeg (324.59 KB, 750x1783, 7AA1C9C4-3189-4B67-A95A-D88771…)

it won’t be an all women “sapphic” space as long as you’re there, mr. manly man malepants.
No. 1616389
File: 1660548893091.jpeg (369.22 KB, 750x859, 1AA4E1BB-EB16-4A16-8036-7F7FDE…)

it’s called being heterosexual.
No. 1616392
File: 1660549295457.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1814x4535, 6283C923-B134-4CA0-8B0A-E3FD91…)

ugly pervert.
No. 1616394
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No. 1616437
File: 1660556121290.jpg (Spoiler Image,642.46 KB, 810x1700, Screenshot_20220815-053426_Boo…)

NSFL grandpa body
No. 1616444
File: 1660556818386.jpg (97.52 KB, 1170x1199, 20220815_105107.jpg)

No. 1616455
File: 1660557997480.png (186.76 KB, 753x459, Screenshot 2022-08-15 6.04.24 …)

>>1616450nonna is right, kek, but it says a lot that I legit had to double-check. with troons, is it even parody anymore? how could you tell? I at first thought the Yaniv stuff was made/exaggerated for quite a while because of how outlandish it is for example. Like a
TERF psyop or something to make the troons look bad (worse). Nope. Makes me wonder though where the pic came from although the mouth at least looks edited to me.
No. 1616466
>>1616092It is kinda right but not in the way that troon is portraying it.
There are cases of pseudohermaphroditism where there are males who appear to have female genitals but once they hit puberty they "grow" a penis, except they have a genetical hormonal imbalance that only gets corrected via puberty. In other words, all genitals do appear female in the earlier stages of fetal development (this is why males grow nipples even if they dont need it) BUT you cannot change chromosomes, you may change your genital appearance via hormonal imbalances but it will not make you the opposite sex.;DR: moids do start off having female looking genitals but it does not make them female because of XY chromosomes and growing out their penis requires a surge of T
No. 1616497
File: 1660564377811.png (131.59 KB, 744x696, incest_tranny_using_sisters_cl…)

>>1616389this tranny (16) used his 15 year old sister's clothes and "accidentally" semen was on it and the strictly religious mother found it. Now tranny thinks about if he should let his sister suffer, let their parents think she sleeps with an older guy and thinks that he probably "saved her from a marriage with an
abusive guy" (which even the other trannies called out as bs) or if he should confess he wore it and "risk conversion therapy"… Even trannies called him out and said that it is weird that the mother noticed and that there is more to the story and he admits in another comment that he used it as a "jizz rack". The more he writes the worse it gets No. 1616501
File: 1660565123921.jpg (134.56 KB, 512x960, image0-1.jpg)

No. 1616507
>>1616501samefagging to say the mother should put this guy out the day he turns 18 ,he sounds like a malignant narcissist with no regard for the people that care about him, absolutely disgusting … if his mom is covering up her tattoo for this reason he is bullying (he says they have "a lot of fights … but she
refuses", she got silent and removed herself when asked to show it off, holy shit yikes) her already and he says it's "not enough". types in an autistic-sounding way but also this behavior is just far beyond that,even past spoiled and just narcissistic like that. the mother must be mortified but also at a loss for what to do (likely had a fucked up parenting style) and who knows if he's threatening her or suicidebaiting.
No. 1616529
File: 1660567898470.png (47.69 KB, 587x346, Screenshot 2022-08-15 144922.p…)

>>1616504you don't get it,
nonnie, "it just happened"
No. 1616536
>>1616489re-read again retard. i never claimed they are females nor females are undeveloped moids, i said all genitals by default (pre-developmental fetus genitals) "appear" to look female as seen in Guevedoces phenomenon where males develop their genitals late and outside the womb and the CAIS phenomenon like the other anon said, had we not seen these phenomenon we would assume that it'll look ambiguous except we now know thats not the case.
this does not change the fact that chromosomes still determines your reproductive function/how your reproductive system will develop, these pseudohermaphrodites may look like they have female genitals but they do infact have male reproductive system (they have testes and a penis) therefore they are males with a medical condition.
i dont know how troons connect people having a medical condition to them having a mental disorder.
No. 1616545
>>1616497His behaviour is so fucking disgusting, but they are so hypocrite, holy shit. There are tons of post of stealing female family members clothes on that sub and it gets praised and "omg so validating", now they are criticizing him because it shows how perverted they are, nonnies…
That little shit fails to see the privilege to be born a moid, he can study, he is free to date and do whatever he wants but he fetishizes his sister's struggle. I am so fucking mad, the Y chromosome is a mistake.
No. 1616551
>>1616497Men don’t have a sense of “family” as we do. They call you ‘my blood’ one day then masturbate in your underwear and post about it on Reddit the other. They’re all opportunists.
Notice how there’s no female Chris Chan, no daughters raping their demented geriatric fathers, no sisters shoving their brothers’ boxers up their vaginas, it just doesn’t happen. He will roleplay “family” until some other dynamic is of greater benefit to him. Soon enough, you’re just another hole to use as a “jizz rag.”
No. 1616567
File: 1660570754543.png (60.16 KB, 734x605, why.png)

Which woman would talk that way? Have they really never interacted with one?
No. 1616569
>>1615404I'm the anon who made the thread, I really wanted to use this pic because I thought it was funny and nonnies requested it several times in the previous threads.
But I wasn't so sure about the title. I hesitated for a while about using the word 'mogging' or 'mogged', because it sounded too incel-y to me.
I also thought that pointing out that they were black women
specifically could be interpretated as racist.
All in all I'm ESL and not Black, so maybe it was in poor taste for me to take the decision to make this thread. I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable.
No. 1616666
File: 1660576977006.jpg (160.01 KB, 750x707, 908708y8.jpg)

>>1616444that pic feels like i am going to get my face and hands ripped off
No. 1616697
File: 1660578875409.jpeg (Spoiler Image,982.31 KB, 750x1306, 3E1C8474-DB09-4BC7-B7F2-6E2EAD…)

>(vomits violently)
No. 1616711
File: 1660579982077.jpeg (841.05 KB, 1667x5344, F5F3C5CB-0799-4553-A6CC-34E8AB…)

the delusion.
No. 1616714
File: 1660580169027.png (315.11 KB, 1195x1068, 197124701974.png)

Reminder that the best thing to do as a woman if your scrote (dares to) come out as a tranny is to leave and never look back. Once they come off the tranny narc high they realize they will never see pussy again. It's prison gay from here, scrote. Bonus point if you don't have any children, then it's guaranteed these scrotes will die alone without since they can't leech of their children.
No. 1616720
File: 1660580289759.png (633.28 KB, 736x844, kek.png)

>>1616714This is what he looks like. Literal cave man.
No. 1616721
File: 1660580420729.png (657.69 KB, 756x854, I look hot.png)

No. 1616768
File: 1660583994344.jpg (217.95 KB, 951x2048, FY_rxTyXoAMewyZ.jpg)

Again with the trans sissy hypno porn
Its so hilarious to me how many of these moids outright admit to having a huge porn addiction with sissy hypno and crossdressing themes, and still somehow wont admit to themselves thats why they are suddenly into the idea of being trans
No. 1616795
>>1615975they actually banned me for telling a tranny he is not a woman, yet they keep so many of these sick fucks there.
That sub deserves to die to scrotes, i don't care.
No. 1616830
>>1616776lmao exactly i'm
>>1616732 and
majority of the women i know who date trannies are tif enbies and they have such heterosexual dynamics in their relationships it's unbelievable, like what i mean is that sure they're het couples but for people preaching about how so queer or lesbian they are they sure act very trad
No. 1616857
File: 1660590272137.jpeg (616.63 KB, 2000x2500, 781ED540-3163-4F09-9A75-9CCC06…)

so i just found out patti harrison is trans. it feels so obvious in retrospect but i honestly had no idea. i’m kind of depressed over this one if anybody wants to join me for a moment of silence
No. 1616918
File: 1660594053944.jpg (Spoiler Image,211.44 KB, 922x2048, FaNbhcWWAAAMlZG.jpg)

why do all troons think they need an OF
No. 1616933
File: 1660595571457.jpeg (26.84 KB, 240x240, 0B50729F-BE29-48C0-9F86-99CF4F…)

The incel who sings Scott pilgrim vs the world ruined a generation of women is transitioning lmfao
No. 1616947
>>1616768Man, "gender envy" is universal in porn addicted scrotes.
>>1616714A happy ending, the woman finally escaped, though she'll probably need years to recover from all the shit he put her through, the shit he's never going to mention in public to another soul.
No. 1616970
File: 1660598059112.jpg (1.52 MB, 3264x2950, almostready.jpg)

Ahhhh, she's so close. So close to just telling the truth.
No. 1617002
File: 1660600407867.jpeg (4.79 MB, 4032x4030, A41E0BA2-59B5-4696-9FEC-1607C1…)

the last point is cracking me up lmao this post can’t be real or op is just fucking blind
No. 1617009
>>1616999Of course they are, because the malebrains are interpreting her complaints as being annoyed that her "partner" isn't presenting female enough - because looks are literally all that matter to them.
The ACTUAL women immediately clocked that OP thought she'd have a relationship with an equal distribution of labor and emotional intimacy. Womp womp.
No. 1617038
File: 1660603209382.webm (3.44 MB, 1920x1080, Tall_bois.webm)
>>1616711Some bro-tier shit from this "biological female"
No. 1617048
File: 1660604077344.png (950.74 KB, 858x863, bosco.png)

I don't know if it was talked about here (because noone cares about drag queens) but S14 of RPDR had a tim queen. While shooting or after the season four other moids trooned out. None of them really changed except for their pronouns but oh god, this guy looks like a blow up doll.
No. 1617051
>>1616977He overestimated it, as if Scott pilgrim’s fanbase isn’t 99% moids who want a manic pixie dream girl. Once again males projecting. Also, I think it shows how out of touch autistic nerds are, SP was peak popularity in the late 00’s early 10’s.
>>1616962do you seriously enjoy this absolute disgusting chud’s music
No. 1617078
File: 1660605649133.jpeg (153.74 KB, 1280x960, 3EDECBEB-4BD8-4961-8D51-F93CC6…)

The censored Adam’s apple KEK
No. 1617103
>>1617002"actually she is extremely gorgeous and beautiful, otherwise I never would have put a ring on her"
Most of this is probably fiction, but that last part is male FACT. Women need to stomp fucking flat every movie, cartoon, or book telling girls the lie that it's what is on the inside that counts. Because men are already a hollow lie, what you see is already better than what you're going to get. Only other females could possibly deserve a benefit of the doubt, and not even all of them.
No. 1617167
>>1615678you really have to hand it to these scrotes for being the biggest idiots of all time. they're calling brown discharge "lactation". I repeat: brown. but yeah beside that idk how moids have made it this far thinking anyone other than postnatal women lactating is normal.
>>1616386exactly. we've been saying this ffs.
No. 1617190
File: 1660612196441.jpeg (136.37 KB, 750x1027, DAF83DCA-16C8-40FD-A2A8-3051B2…)

found these trannies coping by shitting on us under some woman’s joke tweet about wanting to cum inside of moids
kek but completely indistinguishable and identical to women, right?
No. 1617198
File: 1660612494413.jpeg (142.89 KB, 734x1015, 31F0FDFA-FF89-4A38-B2A1-88BF4D…)

>>1617190and fwiw in the same thread I also found this stereotypical scrote response of
>I fucked ur mom with my girldickgotta love how they try to deny being a moid in the most male way possible
No. 1617207
File: 1660612930565.png (670.66 KB, 573x957, lmao3489.png)

>>1617190>literally we're so far ahead of themThe irony of saying this while desperately trying to fund multiple surgeries to even look like a caricature of a very ugly cis woman. kek
No. 1617221
File: 1660613504450.png (665.87 KB, 1473x1200, twittercol.png)

Please tell all your friends that "house husbands" are not a thing that you do. She worked full time for a decade, still had to clean the toilets, while he jerked off to porn all day until his brain finally melted and he trooned out. This is always what happens with "house husbands", they turn into some kind of hypersexual monster even if they don't troon out.
No. 1617222
>>1617102of course the groomer tranny can't resist pedo jokes. all I'll admit is that his hands are pretty feminine for a moid, not that it matters anyway.
>>1617048>he looks like a blow up dollno tf he doesn't. he wishes he does, but he still just looks like a moid no matter how he dresses or does his makeup.
No. 1617226
File: 1660613876876.jpeg (606.25 KB, 750x1167, 3956F23F-0192-43FC-B1CE-DB89A0…)

I never interact with these freaks but they’re always on my fyp
No. 1617245
File: 1660615907373.png (93.69 KB, 1595x500, Screenshot 2022-08-15 191207.p…)

>>1616920I don't know why but this is the funniest shit I've seen all day. His head looks like it was photoshopped onto his body
anyways here's some copium
No. 1617288
>>1617275You just know that when these scrotes get a chance to use women's own kind words against them, they sit there with smug agp smirks on their faces. " Fucking dumb bitch slut, who's being right right NOW?" They can't treat women as human beings, they have to be spiteful and shitty about everything.
>>1617226Dumpy ugly middle aged men who wear teenager clothes deserve every ounce of harassment that a dumpy ugly middle aged woman would get.
No. 1617342
File: 1660623820334.jpeg (527.52 KB, 828x1031, A47B542D-1C0D-4AAE-A348-FF7B58…)

maybe niche but meet “cher strauberry,” the skate community’s latest darling. women have been cast aside in skateboarding forever (to the point that one of the most notable female skaters trooned out and is an aiden now) and when i finally hear about a popular “girl” skater getting notoriety this is what i see. so stunning and brave uwu
to no one’s surprise, he sucks ass at skating. clearly just a hideous moid who knew he’d never get attention for his mediocrity so he threw on a skirt and called it a day. oh, he’s a punk riot grrrl too. because of course he is kek
No. 1617346
File: 1660625306099.jpeg (559.49 KB, 1170x1158, 8C772E2D-BACE-4C07-AF6F-3DAB41…)

are you even trying bro
No. 1617354
>>1617343Gock sounds like it'd be a synonym to cloaca.
>>1617342Kek the moids in the back.
No. 1617366
File: 1660627686884.jpg (32.63 KB, 396x594, gettyimages-1381925670-594x594…)

>>1616857I dont know who this is but he's pretty noticeable tranny.
No. 1617367
File: 1660627733190.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1850, CEC389E4-DB84-4CD1-BD17-7295C4…), an 80 year old women, received heckles and chants of ‘trans rights are human rights m’ throughout her speech. Eventually she stopped and someone behind her snatched her flag. Above link has the full video.
Noticeable time stamps:
>14s in lovingly referring to herself as the old lady in her introduction >35s onwards, beginning of dissenters (read: the mentally ill moids and handmaidens) in crowd>43s in ‘One will encounter men who identify as women undressing and showering with women, I object!’>1min mark heckling starts becoming louder >1min 23s ‘trans rights are human rights’ clearly being shouted by a male>1min 38s someone comes up behind them and snatched the suffragette(?) flags off the wall. Lady on right tries to go for her/him/it and get the flags backThere was a live chat as well and someone wrote ‘Not the men screeching in the background LOL’ based online chatter.
This is disgusting and especially hearing MEN shout against this old woman who just wants to swim pisses me the fuck off. It’s all fine and good (and honestly entertaining) laughing at the pornsick troons on Reddit and tinder but shit like this makes me feel fucking hopeless. At one point, Julie asks if there’s any police, she’s clearly starting to feel afraid. The woman on the left holds Julie’s arm as reassurance. It’s pitiful what these mentally sick cunts do to us.
No. 1617377
>>1616933I doubt it given he made this spin-off. Where are you getting it from?
>>1617051I don't think he's actually serious and I don't think he makes these edgy, inflammatory style of songs anymore. This genre is literally called incelcore but I don't think any of the artists are actual incels and many have moved on to better music (which is good because it sounds like shit).
No. 1617388
>>1617221She has 2 children. I want to be sympathetic, but WHO the fuck supports a failmale for an entire decade, including
after experiencing a traumatic childbirth? It was probably extra-traumatic because she had to return to work to support him before her body got a chance to heal. This waste of oxygen can’t even fulfill the most BASIC purpose of keeping a moid around - instead of building a life for his family, he’s nothing but a drain of resources on them. We have to do better, ladies. Pick-mes are fouling up the gene pool by not letting these useless moids become the genetic dead ends nature intended them to be.
No. 1617404
File: 1660631572980.png (1.36 MB, 2066x1600, r-mraaaaaaa.png)

Just another day on r/mraaaaaaa
No. 1617407
File: 1660631727231.jpeg (166.05 KB, 1080x1512, FZ9k_C0acAAnj4e.jpeg)

No. 1617409
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No. 1617411
File: 1660631782350.jpeg (87.61 KB, 1080x897, FaO-uGEXwAMwCV4.jpeg)

No. 1617413
File: 1660632222866.jpeg (270.76 KB, 1125x509, CC818E9E-233C-427B-BA86-5B45AA…)

>>1617221Of course the “house spouse” moid started trooning out right while his wife was having a traumatic birth. Of course.
No. 1617417
File: 1660632568134.jpeg (174.7 KB, 1125x469, FC51A273-1A72-43C2-AEC8-F05094…)

>>1617413Samefag but I found his profile and he literally bums around the house jerking off into women’s clothes and playing vidya while his wife works with autistic kids to support him. The audacity of moids.
No. 1617419
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>>1617417This man is a horrorcow
No. 1617421
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>>1617419Ok I’m going to stop now because I’m too disgusted. I wish his wife a very happy divorce and I pray she gets the poor kid away from him.
No. 1617427
>>1616697Holy shit. This is what straight-to-internet horror movie posters will look like in 30 years
>>1616711>My body is literally pulling a 180 on my genetic expressionCitation needed
No. 1617433
File: 1660633549418.jpeg (832.17 KB, 1114x1468, A713EA82-95D6-42D2-A772-0B5798…)

Bonus “house spouse of horror” round: grooming his baby; patting himself on the back for not raping his wage slave while explaining why he deserves an open relationship because she’s too exhausted & traumatized to give him the “intimacy” he is owed.
TL;DR - Moids were a mistake.
No. 1617440
>>1617433>my miniature painting experienceLOL WOR AMMUH
Such a typically feminine, not at all nerdy male-dominated hobby.
No. 1617455
File: 1660635696646.png (211.92 KB, 605x508, 69366449-A93F-4A35-A6AD-5AD5AF…)

I know it’s /tttt/ but you know there’s moids out there that unironically think this
No. 1617464
>>1617221how can she "take everything" when she is the bread winner kek? I doubt the child would later on want to hang out with him. She is stupid for letting him stay home for 10 years and still doing household chores even before they had a child, but at least with the divorce she will absoultly win. He will probably not be able to get a job (even if he is not a troon in pulic) because he has not worked for 10 years and it will definitly show even in "simpler" jobs, that he cannot even clean anything and will now have to actually do house hold chores AND work (I hope she will not have to pay alimony and that him being a jobless troon will make him lose custody)
>>1617433the entitlement urgh. "I hope the more confident self I am becoming can help us out of the drought". Please tell me the people also callem him an asshole.
>>1617419I hope someone calls the cops on him for wearing that in public for sexual harrassement
No. 1617466
File: 1660636443851.jpeg (906.04 KB, 1125x1716, 9F893BF1-5D28-4FFF-BAAE-F87B93…)

More rambling about his penis, and of course he stole his mother’s lingerie for the coom. This scrote is the final boss of AGP bullshit.
No. 1617476
File: 1660637068149.jpg (254.83 KB, 1080x1119, Screenshot_20220816-095812_Chr…)

>>1617419>>1617417>>1617413>>1617466NTA but I found his photo (he uses the same username everywhere). His poor wife is a doctor. I don't get how a quite good looking doctor gets with such an ugly perverted leech. What a gremlin looking scrote.
No. 1617487
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>>1617476OFC he's already gone completely gray and balding. By the usual troon timeline, he's probably under 45.
>>1617484What an absolute troonit.
No. 1617504
File: 1660640019244.jpg (194.97 KB, 869x597, Screenshot_20220816_115231.jpg)

>>1617484I mean, he kinda does pass as this niche female Finnish youtuber who shits on the street on video
No. 1617507
>>1617503Guy trooning out arc incoming in the future, mark my words. He is fucking obsessed with the tranny, spams his face on every single video. I bet he watches the video of Dana doing a dick helicopter every night before bed.
Also btw unrelated to thread but they split up with Penny also because he cheated on her.
No. 1617520
>>1617503Honoring pride month by painting a horde of ugly gaudy clown goblins seems very appropriate somehow.
Also, anybody else bothered by how seemingly reluctant this obvious troon is to disclose the fact that they're actually a troon? They're happy to admit they're 'one of the gays' and 'queer', but won't go the whole hog and just admit to being trans too. I wonder why.
No. 1617521
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>>1617455They're ascending kek
No. 1617526
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No. 1617528
>>1617520He's hoping the lonely moids who watch his channel and are too retarded to clock him for what he is just assume he's a bi girl into the same nerdy hobbies as they are.
As if anybody that's subscribed to his channel hasn't already seen the countless videos online of him jerking his stubby, ugly little cock.
No. 1617542
>>1617530Basically. Like. Women nut up and do whatever the heck we have to to survive, to take care of ourselves and our families and do it unselfishly.
Superior gender. Yeah. Okay. Whatever. The superior gender will throw thousands of dollars at women just to see us naked or even talk to them. They're a slave to their own coom. And once you realise that it makes them so less impressive and intimidating honestly.
No. 1617570
File: 1660650913725.jpg (916.25 KB, 810x2330, Screenshot_20220816-074557_Chr…)

Based auntie for not inviting this degenerate.
No. 1617572
File: 1660651198932.jpeg (225.16 KB, 750x1530, EE9D2B9B-8E1E-4845-BA8A-DAF835…)

Sorry have to upload in parts because I’m not home right now to stitch it on a computer. 1-5
No. 1617583
File: 1660651893213.jpeg (333.74 KB, 1159x2048, FaI1VqBWYAQm8s3.jpeg)

>>1617571>>1617570He's definitely got the "Erin/Anthony spent two hours on my hair, but it looks like I did absolutely nothing with it after I got out of the shower" look down kek
No. 1617591
File: 1660652488949.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.66 KB, 640x853, Untitled.jpg) of horrifying tranny tattoos done by this themlet. imagine having this on you forever
No. 1617594
File: 1660652988410.jpg (57.31 KB, 438x357, 0823501591830.jpg)

>>1617583They all look like they smell of ammonia and unwashed clothes/fungus. Another "I don't know if his hair is wet or if its accumulated grease" troon.
No. 1617604
File: 1660654284767.jpg (3.49 MB, 4096x2730, GridArt_20220816_085134510.jpg)

For anyone who missed it last thread, I found a tranny on the r/insaneparents sub that was gaslighting their mom and talking about their uwu cute house.. well he's back and even more crazy. Telling his mom about his suicide plans. These screenshots are so painfully cringe to read.
First post: post: No. 1617605
>>1617455But we’re the evil ones for not believing “male
No. 1617608
File: 1660654836379.png (220.74 KB, 439x313, Untitled.png)

lol i never played celeste but it had that tranny aura around it so i avoided it. good to know i dodged a waste of time
anyway based mom hope she kicks him out and estranges from his toxic ass
No. 1617619
File: 1660655665486.jpeg (62.34 KB, 750x430, D9B36853-DE0E-413C-B2C5-B78D05…)

These fucking troons have the audacity to post about shit like this and in the same breath swear up and down they aren’t a bunch of opportunistic moids.
No. 1617623
File: 1660656079836.jpg (295.16 KB, 1080x613, Screenshot_20220816-091957_Sam…)

>>1617618Nah the book is set before sissy porn was a thing I think lol. This tranny turned to Satan.
No. 1617629
>>1617455I’m so fucking done. All of the ugly smegma’s who tell tales of that one time they got molested by their uncle, the faggots who cheat on their wives in jail and tell her they “got raped”.. they can go blow their brains out for all I care. I don’t believe any man, with absolutely zero exceptions. They’re all sluts who will accept and enjoy absolutely anything. Assrape isn’t real, they all want it deep down. “Straight” men love having their prostates busted open by bigger, taller males.
We’re being gaslit by society. First, we’re told men getting assraped is just as bad, perhaps even
worse than actual rape, because they have dignity unlike us womenfolk, so they feel embarrassed about admitting what happened. They’re real people and not livestock meant to be raped, so we wouldn’t get ‘How Hard’ it is for them.
Then they turn around and admit how they enjoyed it and wanted it all along and laugh in our faces. We’re evil wenches for doubting anything that comes out of their mouths, but they’re lying. You know they are. I know it. We all do. But you’re not supposed to talk about it, you’re supposed to sit silently and listen to how hard males have it. You just wouldn’t get it. A man’s shithole is holy.
Everything men say is the opposite of truth, turned upside down on it’s head, like the reflection on a spoon. Everything they say about women is true about themselves.
They’re all demented needy sluts. They have no morals, no dignity, no individuality.
Gobble cock, lie about getting raped then gobble cock again. Rinse and repeat!
No. 1617680
File: 1660659453011.jpg (89.14 KB, 882x1318, FE3pRKAXIAA_RI-.jpg)

>>1616711>vulva thingsWhy doesnt ANYONE ever call those perverts out for reducing the entire female sex onto whatever porn-fueled delusions their serial masturbator brains can come up with?
In their minds a woman is a towering homunculus made of a giant vagina, lactating tits and dick sucking botox lips.
It's basically women blackface.
No. 1617689
>>1616795Trooning out is just the golden ticket for misogynist and homophobe scrotes to get away with ANYTHING.
It's the same hate filled chuds that used to harass women online for existing. Now they found a way to do it and get asspats from indoctrinated normies while they're at it.
No. 1617695
>>1617002Imagine if he ever gets together with a real woman. "whoa vaginas arent supposed to look like a shotgun wound and smell of rotten flesh and feces?"
That being said - troons and troonchasers just need to fucking get over their internalized homophobia and just be gay men. Would spare them and all women a lot of suffering.
No. 1617704
>>1617419>I didn't give you permision to touch thatWait, is he implying that it'd be ok for his toddler to touch his cock if he gives him permission?
Isn't this a HUGE red flag about this pervert having even deeper issues than his AGP fetish?
No. 1617706
File: 1660660796399.jpg (80.32 KB, 960x540, anastasia-biefang-101__v-video…)

>>1617440Painting their little toy soldiers with chainsaws pink is just such a uwu feminine thing to do, because all gurls just love pink, sparkles and ponies, am I rite laaaaaaaaaydies?
No. 1617707
>>1617446lmao imagine for a second you marry this ugly goblin moid, you work your ass off - he stays at home all day, masturbating and playing with his expensive toy soldiers and then blasts his brain with so much porn he decides he's a woman now.
Like the absolute fucking state.
No. 1617709
>>1617482A almost foolproof way to identify troons online even if they try to hide it is them calling themselves shit like warhammer_girl or (retard scrote hobby)_girl.
That's such a moid fantasy - "in women's brains everything always revolves around around them being a woman - so obviously they'd need to empathize being a woman in their online handle"
No. 1617789
>>1615662A little late but help nonnies, I’m going to pass out. This man is “lactating” clear and brown liquid? Is this what they are “feeding” their newborns when they want to live out their fantasies?
I know there was an article posted on here about an australian moid talking about breastfeeding because he was “lactating” so that means his poor little baby was eating THAT??? I’m going to throw u
No. 1617863
File: 1660672105134.jpeg (115.13 KB, 750x691, 39A26833-0FCD-43FF-AEAD-A9A92E…)

>>1617789same anon, I got it wrong, it was an american redditor whose post I just came across while looking up “lactating” in the mtf subreddit. Here is the article incase anybody wants to read up on it but tl;dr: with the help of a lactation consultant, he took a bunch of pills and hormones to produce milk and then breastfed his daughter, I saw man made fetishes beyond my comprehension. (picrel)
>premilk I have never seen any woman refer to it as such, it sounds like precum and of course their mind would go there.
They all only talked about getting either clear or whiteish drops but the first secretion a woman produces is colostrum which is yellow and thick and very rich in nutrients and antibodies, also commonly referred to as “liquid gold”.
There is no way whatever they are producing is actually nourishing. Why isn’t this classified as child abuse
No. 1617888
File: 1660673954420.jpg (143.05 KB, 1080x1563, FaDVRf6XgAAWU1v.jpg)

Zero empathy with women at all
No. 1617905
File: 1660675747611.jpg (106.94 KB, 1080x565, Screenshot_20220816-204905_Red…)

>>1617604Mom: barely replies
>she's getting off on the back and forth!!! No. 1617940
>>1617926Fetishes aside, sex is a huge dominating factor in most of their lives so that's probably why they don't notice. It's normal for them
>>1617660>They really hate the power women hold over them.This is why they have to tell themselves they're superior. They're obsessed with us and they know there's an imbalance. We aren't obsessed, we don't go crazy without them in our lives or go out on limbs for access to them, they are expendable to us. Women would be completely fine without men if they didn't make us rely on them for resources or protection (from other men lol). The need for both is decreased in modern life so now they're going crazy like a monkey whose food got taken away, or an
abusive narcissistic ex we abandoned (exactly what they are in the grand scheme of things)
No. 1617948
File: 1660679409736.jpeg (Spoiler Image,757.82 KB, 750x1202, 73005F70-E4C5-4C21-9E1A-A8D4F2…)

this doesn’t look like any recognizable human body part.
No. 1618001
>>1617980Kinda sounds like severe depression and not gender dysphoria? Trying to commit sudoku because you don't have anime titties, yeah maybe you are deflecting from the actual issue at hand.
None of these people will ever get help for their actual issues, just get humored by the tranny brigade, it's the most hateful, damaging group out there which ironically claims those who speak out against it are the hateful ones
>don't seek mental health care, just mutilate your body- the woke and moral thing to believe, apparently
No. 1618002
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>>1617456>>1617433>>1617419>>1617413found this after I myself was planning to find this man's wife on Facebook and tell her to look at his deranged account. if that counts as cow tipping I'll take my ban but kek this is so satisfying. whoever did it, bless u
No. 1618003
File: 1660684687355.jpg (175.43 KB, 820x1200, FaS02OyXEAY-1K7.jpg)

They really just want the world to revolve around them
No. 1618026
File: 1660687313240.png (1.01 MB, 996x2048, ew.png)

Not milk but I watched the Transitions episode of Law & Order SVU. It's clearly supposed to be a sympathetic portrayal of trannies but some parts are pretty accurate
TIM wants to be girl because he likes makeup and barbie, punches mom in the face & gives her a black eye, steals hormones to give to other kids, beats up classmate who got mad at him using the female toilet & constantly threatening to kill himself kek
Pic for tranny tax
No. 1618033
File: 1660688260961.png (1.74 MB, 2048x1983, chrome_screenshot_166068797203…)

How flattering
No. 1618087
File: 1660694689591.png (101.8 KB, 1344x356, rscreen001.png)

>>1618081Sadly still alive, but he became brave enough to take one more sip
No. 1618114
File: 1660696387358.jpeg (156.53 KB, 718x1207, truth.jpeg)

>>1618109The mods just deleted the truth.
No. 1618116
>>1618007nta, but you probably are right nona, that's grim.
I really hope he doesn't beat her because of that
No. 1618157
>>1618114>respect the trans communityhuh, reminds me of when
abusive men demand that you respect them while they abuse you, funny that. The guy is even threatening the other redditor about
something happens to you if you don't take back what you said chilling
No. 1618166
>>1618002I’m really praying for the wife to get away from him. Even through his self-absorbed rants, you can tell how depressed & defeated she is with this creep. His entire Reddit presence gives such malevolent vibes. Even little throwaway comments like going to therapy “because people find me weird and a liar” shows he’s semi-aware of his sociopathy, but would rather play the
victim than change anything.
No. 1618182
File: 1660705710265.jpg (683.48 KB, 810x2583, Screenshot_20220816-230151_Boo…)

Troons threatening violence on r/MtF
No. 1618188
>>1618182The fuck are they going on about? Did anything happen in their state or in the usa or are they just fantasising about violence for the sake of it?
>>1617788Reminds me of when digibro crooned out and his brother said something like if it meant he'd take better care of himself as woman, it was fine, but digi continued to be his unwashed self.
No. 1618192
File: 1660707603766.jpg (172.62 KB, 1049x687, Untitled.jpg)

historians will wonder why "female crimes" had a sudden spike
No. 1618197
>>1618192I don't think they'll wonder. I think this shit will be documented and spoken of often in the future with disgust, horror, and disbelief. The only thing they'll wonder is why so many people went along with it in the first place.
I appreciate that the moid's pic is always at the top of the article in cases like these. Everyone can see the male is maleing.
No. 1618214
File: 1660710776057.jpg (2.14 MB, 810x6860, Screenshot_20220817-003054_Boo…)

Some epic attention whoring
No. 1618219
File: 1660711657539.jpg (165.74 KB, 1075x1200, FaLNF4MWIAAQ51w.jpg)

No. 1618222
File: 1660711946886.png (26.38 KB, 473x283, FaP_95EWQAAfLoY.png)

What a liar
No. 1618227
>>1618220What a nostalgic image. Thank you for posting it.
>>1618222>shithead Matt Walsh and rapist Eli Erlick slpafightWhoever wins, we lose.
No. 1618257
File: 1660714657847.jpg (499.8 KB, 810x1948, Screenshot_20220817-013345_Boo…)

>>1618182/u/Dark420Light needs a SWAT team visit: No. 1618262
File: 1660715711967.jpeg (469.84 KB, 750x974, A8EBE7C9-CA72-49F6-A49B-0B17D2…)

it’s so creepy when men steal their family members’ clothes. if someone did that to me, i’d feel violated.
No. 1618264
File: 1660716167588.jpeg (2.03 MB, 2208x7471, D43D4557-F5DE-46A8-810C-3B985A…)

>transgender nonbinary demisexual demigirl
so many words to say he’s fetishist and dumb as a rock. i hope his wife will ask for a divorce before he can do it.
No. 1618268
File: 1660716738428.jpeg (287.48 KB, 750x1748, 83A257F4-FD50-4572-AE52-6D5DC4…)

literally the guy with bitch tits from fight club kek
No. 1618295
File: 1660718265605.jpeg (264.75 KB, 750x1156, 78DED3BA-77D3-4391-8399-B1389A…)

do they even have muscles around the wound? is it really like a second anus? kek
No. 1618306
>>1618192they will definitly know that it was troon. In the future they would look back and say which crazy person came up with this ides and why did it got so much support that even biology was ignored. Just like in some cities in the past they tried to send orphaned children to pedophiles because they thought that their theory, that the children will be loved will become true and that it is better for them than staying in an orphanage. Long story short: Several children were sexually (and/or emotionally) abused and had to take on the role of a spouse not only physical but also mentally
>>1618219>>1618224it will be even funnier when he realises that he will get less sex as a tranny and more people will be disgusted by him than they would be by a feminine gay men
No. 1618309
File: 1660720539211.jpeg (713.47 KB, 750x1314, DC9E9BDF-8705-4063-9701-9978AA…)

>pass 85% of the time
No. 1618310
File: 1660720683837.jpeg (198.06 KB, 900x1431, D16BABE4-6762-4A11-9B25-1EFB27…)

>>1618309his profile is even worse. neanderthal looking ass.
No. 1618331
>>1618309arching my brows constantly lmao, i can only imagine people reacting to his lunatic faces. maybe he does pass from afar, being fat is the only kinda effective technique for tims.
this one's not too ugly, just fat and ofc batshit. if he were fit i'd see him be some kind of broody emo man
No. 1618349
File: 1660725248132.jpg (131.4 KB, 790x800, 5.jpg)

Andrew is muh beautiful queen blah blah blah respect her pronouns uwu
No. 1618350
File: 1660725307192.jpg (106.53 KB, 783x804, 9.jpg)

No. 1618352
File: 1660725415704.jpg (130.66 KB, 787x548, 7.jpg)

>>1618350He is obsessed over a guy who shot up a supermarket and was driven by a delusional fantasy that he would turn into a ghost girl in the afterlife
No. 1618353
File: 1660725495787.jpg (123.18 KB, 791x811, 12.jpg)

>>1618352"unusual girl" no ur just straight retarded
No. 1618354
File: 1660725588667.jpg (71.13 KB, 786x480, 56.jpg)

>>1618353Troon is 25, unemployed, lives with his parents and dedicates his own existence to running a twitter page about dead mass shooters lol
No. 1618355
File: 1660725667786.jpg (116.82 KB, 793x682, 8.jpg)

>>1618354"her" holy fucking shit i hope someone will help you to blow your brains out
No. 1618359
File: 1660725849088.jpg (91.87 KB, 797x729, 786.jpg)

>>1618358I'm in the mood to dissolve you in the acid bath
No. 1618362
File: 1660726029130.jpg (165.33 KB, 797x593, 000.jpg)

hes also a lolumbiner
No. 1618363
File: 1660726121410.jpg (91.08 KB, 787x528, 666.jpg)

No. 1618364
File: 1660726180143.jpg (107.48 KB, 730x814, 8.jpg)

No. 1618366
File: 1660726309413.jpg (78.9 KB, 781x647, 34.jpg)

I hope there will be a hole in his head instead(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1618383
File: 1660731125119.jpg (467.46 KB, 1228x2345, 01571075107591275017957210.jpg)

TIM radfem!
No. 1618385
File: 1660731462882.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1944, FA59663B-044C-498F-B6AF-5A6B39…)

womanhood is a porn caricature!
No. 1618396
>>1618354At least he has a hobby that doesn't involve masturbating.
>>1618214>fiance of 9 yearsHe proposed as a last effort so she wouldn't leave, making her a mommymcbangmaid. So happy she left. He should suck the girldick and stop being transphobic against trans gurls.
No. 1618397
>>1618235I noticed TIMs with gfs/wifes want them to stay around until they "pass", ie: hormones for years and surgeries, then
they leave. It's like a fantasy for them but it follows the same moid pattern where a moid cheats but stays, only leaves when he got another girl to be with secured. If the spouse leaves immediately, they have no one to get narc fuel from so they suicide bait online.
No. 1618399
>>1618394The thing that gets me is that there's no internal consistency to it. Like if you go by their logic they acknowledge a crossdresser who passes isn't a woman. A they/them who is actually female and completely feminine isn't a woman.
If whatever broader truth of womanhood was truly in self identification and not biology these kind of post wouldn't happen. If being a woman isn't a biological state then how the hell would mimicking the biology of women make you a woman?
No. 1618412
File: 1660736070326.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1125x1746, BF8406F2-9975-4541-B41A-0A91AE…)

Get fucked tranny. He commented that him and his gf contacted Sephora about the “incident”, troons are so pathetic with how they try to make it everyone’s problem when they get “misgendered”
No. 1618427
File: 1660738112979.jpg (53.39 KB, 498x808, That's a man.jpg)

>>1618385Why are they all acting as if they were beautiful women? They are underweight men with bolt-ons. No. 1618430
File: 1660738791704.png (2.33 MB, 2066x966, catgirlbartender.png)

I leave
No. 1618436
>>1618430He's dressed for a gay nightclub for, what I'm assuming is, a job at a latin american restaurant judging by what I think is an empanada on his shirt.
God help anyone that has to be served by this greaseball.
No. 1618438
File: 1660740525698.jpg (370.64 KB, 1080x1118, Screenshot_20220817-084844_Red…)

>>1618318The OP of the original post about little girls then went on a tirade about drinking anti-freeze lol. Chicken was right, we need to start involuntarily admitting people like this.
No. 1618441
>>1618399This is exactly what turned me into a "
terf" in the first place. Genderists are so fucking manipulative it's unreal. They claim that womanhood is a social identity/construct which has absolutely nothing to do with biology while simultaneously using hormone levels, breast implants, facial feminization surgery and hypothetical uterus transplants to "prove" their "femaleness". Like which one is it? You can't have it both ways.
No. 1618458
File: 1660742906406.png (197.28 KB, 1424x893, darvo.png)

sorry for the shitty edit but look at this troon i found. he sexually abused his wife, pressured her into sex acts she didn't want and then calls her the abuser for coming out as a lesbian.
No. 1618463
>>1618309>>1618310HOLY SHIT no way he's a real human being there's no way he can look this fucking goofy oh my god just 41% my dude there's no saving that.
>>1618428Yes it is
No. 1618466
File: 1660743857413.jpg (378.63 KB, 1316x723, asrs382r58431.jpg)

>>1618458this is what he looks like.
No. 1618500
>>1618441Exactly. They are just like any other
abusive pieces of shit who switch the narrative at any given moment to fit their beliefs. Another example that comes to mind is how so many call themselves butch lesbians and post on subreddits for actual butch lesbians, but then when JKR had that luncheon and some famous radfem butches were there, the same troons were calling them men. Nothing they say makes any sense, it’s just whatever props them up and shits on women.
No. 1618503
File: 1660749366330.jpg (177.28 KB, 726x1200, FaVJlAOXgAQ75Kn.jpg)

He is denying when people clock him as trans but you know everyone already knows, so whos the real idiot here
No. 1618516
File: 1660750354076.png (133.04 KB, 1156x690, Untitled 2.png)

>>1618499Love how they just insert their dicks even when no one said anything about wanting them.
No. 1618521
>>1618517A huge part of my
terf awakening was giving birth to a daughter and realizing 1) how hostile the world still is for girls despite all the much-hyped “progress” since my childhood, and 2) how much mothers contribute to society and how hidden and underappreciated their labor still is. Men could never understand, and the fact they think they can by incompetently LARPing as us is frankly offensive.
No. 1618535
File: 1660753734733.jpeg (132.5 KB, 1169x1718, 6BF4DFDE-F8E9-4A7F-9B50-31A789…)

100 gecs has cancelled their whole tour and Lollapalooza gig in support of a new album because of sexual misconduct/grooming rumors from Laura Les. Their discord is in full damage control mode
No. 1618540
>>1618535No way, Laura Les is a confirmed creep? Happy to have more of a
valid reason to hate this shitty band lol
No. 1618554
>>1618034He drank antifreeze
>>1618306Wtf. Do you have any links to articles or anything about this
No. 1618567
File: 1660757117969.jpg (1.55 MB, 2560x2560, 22-08-17-18-23-47-045_deco.jpg)

>>1617226His face is even more disturbing than his body
Also some based comments
No. 1618602
File: 1660759764836.png (963.86 KB, 608x933, F83406CA-83A5-4372-93A4-07B645…)

What on earth is the deal with this one? Does his wife play along with this? Is she being forced into it? Is she even still actually alive or just a corpse he’s propping up?
No. 1618604
>>1618602his head is almost twice the size of hers. incredible.
i just hope she's not sharing her lipstick tube, they have the exact same lip tint and moid mouths are disgusting.
No. 1618619
File: 1660760896064.jpg (573.3 KB, 2261x1920, FaQlNWKUcAE4X_2.jpg)

Imagine giving birth to a child and it ends up becoming this
No. 1618643
>>1618602Definitely looks like she's playing along or at least did his make-up herself.
>>1618604They have the exact same make-up down to the same shitty eyebrows. Not only do they likely share the same lipstick tube, it seems like they share the same everything else as well.
No. 1618662
File: 1660763633565.jpeg (23.52 KB, 400x300, 1133307_Genesis_and_Lady_Jaye.…)

>>1618602This is giving the same horrorcow vibes as when Genesis P-Orridge trooned out and got plastic surgery to skinwalk his wife. And of course he was also another AGP misogynistic abuser: No. 1618704
File: 1660768212465.jpeg (74.72 KB, 586x680, FaEXoLQWYAAfSVB.jpeg)

Reaction to an ugly moid
No. 1618705
File: 1660768262704.jpeg (151.77 KB, 777x1507, FaEXoLOXwAA2Ngr.jpeg)

>>1618704vs a literal pretty princess.
But us womenz live life on easy mode, amirite?
No. 1618730
File: 1660770385266.jpeg (471.15 KB, 750x1527, 7D56C00C-83C6-4F0E-BD0D-4854CC…)

>>1618723A TIF posted her story on tumblr: No. 1618732
File: 1660770951816.jpg (115.82 KB, 720x895, Screenshot_20220818_001615.jpg)

IDK if they tried to be ironic….
No. 1618734
File: 1660771009769.jpg (601.04 KB, 1880x2931, FaXjHFCX0AUAKsE.jpg)

how sexy pukes
No. 1618735
File: 1660771048513.png (605.21 KB, 725x818, drag.png)

>drags are considered trannies now
No. 1618743
File: 1660771881159.jpg (258.81 KB, 1284x1962, FaO6iDtWIAAOlHE.jpg)

No. 1618744
File: 1660771912676.jpg (106.88 KB, 752x1443, FZ_PxY8VUAAOLhn.jpg)

No. 1618750
File: 1660772385671.jpeg (702.55 KB, 1170x1869, B825D2A8-7852-48FD-9437-D7938A…)

troids shut up challenge
No. 1618756
File: 1660772538755.jpg (638.45 KB, 1536x2048, FaMkdcGXEAAq9PR.jpg)

>still editing his alien chin
No. 1618763
File: 1660773168089.png (315.72 KB, 775x843, oof.png)

troons and the alphabet people calling publicly available videos from Boston Childrens Hospital,"harassment" just because the libs account pointed out what they're doing.
No. 1618772
File: 1660773826717.png (537.05 KB, 731x888, where.png)

No. 1618779
>>1618503Wow, I thought it was, like, natural for him - being “feminine”
I mean, he feeeels this way, right? He always was a woman, right?
No. 1618782
File: 1660774436471.png (3.98 MB, 1865x1268, 3453455435445453345345.png)

Imagine making tiktoks about wanting to swap lives with your sister and how you lived your life in jealousy of her to the point of skinwalking her
I would be so scared for my safety with my brother being such a psycho
No. 1618807
File: 1660775856975.jpg (2.37 MB, 2560x2560, 22-08-17-23-23-53-153_deco.jpg)

No. 1618810
>>1618214>>1618264Both these scrotes exemplify why teenage boys shouldn't be allowed to date. They both latched onto some poor girl's vagina, took the person for granted for a decade, and definitely dragged her through turmoil until it finally became too much and the woman had to run away. They end up even more entitled and
abusive than average scrotes. Both those women have had their whole lives absolutely derailed and ruined.
No. 1618815
File: 1660776711630.jpeg (196.35 KB, 826x961, 77E245D1-B5F0-49D0-89C6-FE5EDC…)

No. 1618851
File: 1660780292502.jpeg (482.42 KB, 1536x2048, FXfJyg3XoAE14Jf.jpeg)

No. 1618852
File: 1660780445243.png (1.7 MB, 1239x2048, chrome_screenshot_166078045809…)

No. 1618861
>>1618847he works at target and can drive a forklift, so guess he needs a knife to open boxes, nothing more to that belt. And now I feel sick, because I looked at his twitter for more than 3 minutes
>>1618851>>1618852maybe today I will have nightmares from someone else instead of my mother, thank you, nona. Why do I always look at their twitter, it's horrible and this one is very, very horrible. He thinks he is hot, hot, doesn't he have eyes?
No. 1618870
File: 1660781329384.jpg (751.41 KB, 810x1648, Screenshot_20220817-200518_Boo…)

Now he can physically abuse women without social consequence
No. 1618880
File: 1660782613106.png (691.01 KB, 1298x2048, chrome_screenshot_166078233229…)

Troon 'hurt and angry' that his wife doesn't find him sexually attractive anymore.
No. 1618888
File: 1660783856891.jpg (489.46 KB, 1668x1021, FaEQUU_WIAIJjzJ.jpg)

that forced smile
No. 1618924
File: 1660787949526.jpeg (148.34 KB, 719x1352, true turd.jpeg)

>>1618923So retarded even half of mtf reddit told him to STFU.
No. 1618962
>>1616724I caught onto that too, the
> biohackingso am I biohacking my brain chemistry? no I'm just taking ritalin. Nothing amazing/cyberpunk about it. Just pills.
No. 1619012
File: 1660795577842.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x2142, EDA40954-826E-42FB-9F2E-C212DE…)

how have his lips not burst
No. 1619040
File: 1660799383518.jpg (496.18 KB, 810x1872, Screenshot_20220818-010345_Boo…)

>>1616392Same troon just posted this passing validation tale. Why are they all like this kek
No. 1619046
File: 1660801036521.jpeg (491.97 KB, 750x3502, 0C2BAE54-FE5E-437C-946E-D38BF3…)

so apparently a troon used pictures of an actual woman to catfish trans reddit. creepy af.
No. 1619060
File: 1660802694084.png (4.3 KB, 418x44, Screenshot 2022-08-18 at 02-02…)

>>1618602Wonder why the transvestic skinwalker got suspended? I agree something's really off here. Anyone think this is a shoop or something? Would explain the suspension. Here's some caps from his old account: No. 1619081
File: 1660806207619.jpeg (251.28 KB, 750x2231, 45FE00B5-EAE9-4BEB-83A5-3B495D…)

>>1619046he’d been asking people to draw pictures of this girl while pretending to be her. so fucking creepy. i hope she’s safe, some psycho is obsessed with her.
No. 1619086
File: 1660806589328.jpg (682.26 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220818-090844_Red…)

>>1618880Surprising considering they post swingers and polyfag shit all the time. I guess he has to look real repulsive now.
No. 1619088
File: 1660806703733.jpg (359.61 KB, 1080x1668, Screenshot_20220818-091133_Red…)

>>1619086>>1618880Jesus christ what a winner
No. 1619089
File: 1660806715048.jpg (108.74 KB, 640x852, iq0w2f2d30a71.jpg)

Found some specimens while snooping for the catfish's purged activity.
No. 1619090
File: 1660806786153.jpg (2.27 MB, 3120x4208, kh8jnuxp8nk81.jpg)

Fucking wow
No. 1619095
File: 1660807318436.png (223.84 KB, 320x427, aHR0cHM6Ly9wcmV2aWV3LnJlZGQuaX…)

>>1619061She kind of looks like Shayna tbh (still a million times better looking than any troon will be though)
No. 1619098
File: 1660807646676.jpg (316.34 KB, 1080x1161, Screenshot_20220818-092820.jpg)

>>1619081damn I thought it might've just been an anon trying to troll and piss off trannies by posting random pics of girls, but there's probably an actual creepy troon scrote behind this. Grim.
No. 1619099
File: 1660807777835.jpg (920.3 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220818-032725_Boo…)

>>1619089That's /u/cutejessli. We had some good laughs about him like 30 threads back. First before pic I've seen of him.
No. 1619100
File: 1660808318350.jpg (74.72 KB, 640x853, 5h2mks3hmjl71.jpg)

No. 1619105
>>1619095Stop posting this random girl's selfies, this is the mtf thread, not a
victims of catfishing thread.
No. 1619204
>>1619160>>1619170Goddesses, they all look and act the same. Is that the rise of a new religion?
Transgenderism is christianism and patriarchism is judaism. They still hate women but now sex isn't real but also we still have magical souls that differentiate men and women? Men are so hateful and always lying.
No. 1619233
>>1619045don't forget that
>they probably also have a really bad camera, use filters or are in an overlighted/underlighted room and this makes the doctor think they really are the most ugly woman they have ever seen>>1619183Also, I see since last month more troons since in comparison to before too. I am really good at clocking them and a lot of them are very tall men mostly over 40 transitioning…
No. 1619295
File: 1660836059074.jpg (Spoiler Image,506.18 KB, 1726x1666, 018959752901571057091.jpg)

This pedophile is allowed into women and girls' changing rooms.
No. 1619313
File: 1660837057074.jpg (53.85 KB, 750x546, tumblr_osmws4WaWM1vev0lro1_128…)

he subconsciously knows a lesbian wouldn't like him for being a man lmao.
what a womanly experience for a lesbian to forget she is one.
No. 1619328
File: 1660838663165.jpeg (51.95 KB, 526x526, 18A436E1-F73B-49A8-B1F6-018481…)

Trannies stop comparing your larp to the historical reality of black people in the United States challenge
No. 1619330
File: 1660838829014.jpg (86.13 KB, 1200x588, FaY5bnGXkAAMoFU.jpg)

Fucking disgusting porn coomer brain
No. 1619336
File: 1660838993807.png (39.23 KB, 946x320, delusional.png)

This delusional moid is purposely mistaking his gastro issues for period cramps.
>few good 7/10 cramps where it felt like my pelvic region was being squeezed>I feel really affirmedFuck off lol. Nothing pisses me off more than AGPs fetishizing women's pain. Actual women who have painful cramps and heavy cycles are dealing with tumorous fibroids or endometriosis. Both can cause infertility if left untreated and endometriosis increases the risk of cancer. Most women are underdiagnosed so they aren't aware of these issues until it's too late. This shit is not uwu cute and affirming.
>>1619328I'm black. We do not like trannies and we will never accept them kek.
No. 1619340
File: 1660839130772.jpg (75.82 KB, 768x768, dbpv5s0-a5975737-0d70-484d-b49…)

>>1618362>>1618346This is fucking appropriation, Columbiners are a female community, males are not tolerated and trannies are hated(seriously I have met some uber-based women in the TCC community)
No. 1619379
File: 1660843096841.jpeg (184.72 KB, 828x910, 787B0D7D-8B1F-491D-8896-C8B134…)

this shit is so repulsive to me
No. 1619384
>>1619379it’s always some weird fucking zoophile shit with them LEAVE THE BUNNIES ALONE!
i know a tranny irl and once they were talking, in reference to his cat, about how he’s like a “bratty bottom - he’s protesting but it’s all part of the game” when said tranny was trying to pet his cat. that moment actually peaked me. they’re so fucking disgusting
No. 1619420
>>1616529Troon logic is always so god damned porn-brained and warped.
>your family is religious so they'll probably prefer incest to you being a trannyWhat the actual fuck.
No. 1619428
File: 1660847670627.png (122.24 KB, 402x439, 20E5B62A-1E02-477F-BA2B-18DAF4…)

i didn’t see this posted anywhere but the pic made me laugh
No. 1619474
File: 1660852130880.jpg (65.83 KB, 780x836, 1660074019957.jpg)

>>1619328>>1619469AH yes George Takei, a man who was convinced he was gay when an older man began a groomed and began sexual relationship with him when he was just 13
No. 1619493
File: 1660854023497.jpeg (1.29 MB, 2448x3526, 435CED5B-E9FF-44F7-B65E-1E9E43…)

holy crusty foundation.
No. 1619500
>>1619428One eye looking at you and the other looking for a bus around the corner
>>1618750This is bollox tbh. Its gay men and spicy straights doing BDSM with eachother. I rarely EVER see real lesbians doing BDSM
No. 1619562
>>1619340Fyi Eric and Dylan would 100% be AGPs in 2022. They both are the two types of troons (psychopath who wants to hurt and control women and self loathing ugly sadboy)
We’re going to get a legitimate tranny school shooter in the next 2 years I bet. Uvalde was just gender special; we’re going to get a real, anime pfp, Chapo listening trannoid who takes out an all girls school at some point.
No. 1619581
File: 1660862031946.png (476.76 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220818-193218.png)

No. 1619608
File: 1660864180586.jpeg (94.23 KB, 1200x634, 46217962-9617-45F5-8879-EFD120…)

>>1619581He has the shoulders of Ronnie Coleman, literally a joke
No. 1619697
File: 1660869061053.jpeg (145.58 KB, 827x951, E6EFB94F-8619-48AC-8192-8221EB…)

This is not a fair comparison
No. 1619707
File: 1660870089398.jpg (45.44 KB, 680x703, 1654659551890.jpg)

>>1618619Because having a discussion would just result in proving that the troons have caused reprehensible damage to society. There's so much damning evidence and
examples out there since 2015, so they have to resort to physical threats
>>1617367 since they know they have no leg to stand on.
No. 1619727
File: 1660872097855.png (158.99 KB, 814x837, FaeaD3LXgAA-zKu.png)

bleak. no way this kid's friends aren't absolutely roasting him behind his back, too.
No. 1619737
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>dick ratings
so is he asking for dick picks? are the dick ratings free or is he charging for them? kek.
No. 1619738
>>1619727conservative suburb, the kids met at a baseball game, his 13 yr old guy friends don't care as long as "she" plays MLB The Show 21 with them (I don't know a single teenage kid who plays MLB lmao that franchise is fucking dead) and his parents can tell he LoVEs "her" and have no problem with them being alone in his room together even though he hasn't even had the talk yet
this is just some scrote writing out some sick pornsick fanfic.
No. 1619797
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this shit is so sad, fuck troons who trap women into miserable marriages.
No. 1619801
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>>1614966TiMs hide your porn addiction challenge (failed)
No. 1619812
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>Lotta trans girls who are technically victims of american fgm
No. 1619815
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I keked at the troon with the cane, I clocked him even before seeing the troon flag bag. Obviously a feminist film festival has to include them.
No. 1619827
>>1619812So he's mad because some moids and minimoids get their foreskin removed out of the concern of the doctors and parents because the retard never learnt how to wash his foreskin.
The religious aspect is dumb, but if it's for medical reasons due to the neglect of his own hygiene then it's honestly a dumb shit to mald about. Like, if you think about it, a circumcised moid that isn't a Jewish is probably so nasty that he had to get that shit removed.
No. 1619828
File: 1660886446497.jpeg (462.59 KB, 750x704, 305DF58D-55D9-481F-8880-DB8E7B…)

He looks fucking sweaty and fat like one of those hams with string kek
No. 1619859
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>>1619737His forehead is so small. Ice Age Baby looking ass.
>>1619856I would. I don't want those scrotes shitting up the place when their site inevitably gets DDOS'd again.
No. 1619861
>>1619379hope the wires are still connected to the power jack, sick freak
>>1619727why ar eyou even upvoting this? It sounds fake as hell like 90% of the reddit stories
>>1619797damn, why does she even stay if she is the bread maker, pays for HIS children and cleans most of the time?
>>1619824at least they are right about the disabled troon part, although they are only mentally disabled and not physical. Sad disabled women have to be put together with troons as a person in the poster instead of being represented by an actual women and not as an afterthought
No. 1619888
>>1619886>>1619879same, I feel bad for these women but so many seem to be in relationships with men who are openly porn addicts and coomers who will troon out in any moment, like there was one story of a woman who was dating a guy who revealed he was a "sissy" and for someone reason she went along with this relationships and hope he'd turn out normal, she ever got pregnant with his child and mid-way through her pregnancy the guy came out as trans, and she was apparently heartbroken over this
but the whole time I was like "what did you expect"
No. 1619894
>>1617440I was actually in a Games Workshop store the other day and a troon walked in. He literally just looked like an unimpressive specimen of moid. Wispy receding blonde hair, gamer posture, the only thing that topped me of that he was one of the trans brigade was a pin badge of that ugly fucking pastel pink and blue flag attached to the camo jacket he was wearing.
We really ought to be bullying nerds more.
No. 1619923
>>1619886It's not that easy. They have been with the men for years, and got married, started a family with them. The moids 100% got them fooled by being lovely and charming in the start. When it starts getting worse, they remember the good times and hope it gets better. You don't blame domestic violence
victims for staying, do you? Maybe the women actually believe the hormones and shit the moid starts will help, as 99% of what you find in the internet and from healthcare professionals is just affirm, affirm, affirm.
No. 1619956
File: 1660909569241.jpeg (Spoiler Image,209.68 KB, 750x1703, 0D87E8E1-0A31-4B28-915A-6EB619…)

>it’s gonna be one of the pretties kitties that has been posted here.
i mean, the bar for rot pockets is in hell, but i doubt it. also, i hate the word ‘kitty’ as an euphemism for genitalia.
No. 1619961
File: 1660909943938.jpeg (528.23 KB, 914x2435, BD1A29ED-71D2-4C51-B6CD-866473…)

your height is the least of your problems, bro.
No. 1619987
File: 1660912076455.jpg (349.5 KB, 810x1709, Screenshot_20220819-082412_Boo…)

You know what they say. You're not truly trans unless you went thru a nazi phase kek.
No. 1620011
Don't really know where to put this but here goes. My mother is a manager at place that doesnt deal with the public, only business entities, where said business entities bid and purchase bulk product from her company. She is mid 60s, and maybe 1 of 5 women who work in the office. The nature of the business is extremely male dominated , a female customer of hers is rare.
They hire a transwoman to work behind the counter. Because the tim was best suited and despite being super conservative area no discrimination in hiring happened and everyone gets along great.
Except now there is a bathroom issue. Hundreds of men come through each day, and use the men's bathroom. Only the few office women use the female bathroom, there are 2 toilets in it, one of which has not worked in a decade or more, so essentially a 1 person with a stall. Men's bathroom has many partitions due to customer base.
The bathrooms have a deadbolt on the main door leading in. Usually not used. Turn it and it says 'occupied' or 'vacant'.
The transwoman is pre everything except hormones I think, and is very easily clockable. People try their best to not slip up pronouns and apologize when they do, it is mostly older women who arent on the internet and they are showing incredible acceptance. But the women are uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with a biological male. TiM wants in women's bathroom.
Solution: the women begin locking the deabolt to the main door of the women's bathroom while using it, so instead of another person being able to come in and wait at the mirror/sink for the one working stall to open up, the entire bathroom is off limits to anyone except the person who is pissing.
TiM freaked out accusing all the women of seeing him as a man and implying he is a sexual predator and saying the women are afraid of being raped by him and he is being discriminated against.
I agree that the TiM using the male bathroom is literally dangerous to him due to his appearance, in this particular scenario, because the male customer base will no doubt harrass and/or assault him. Which is not cool. So to make everyone comfortable, the womens bathroom gets locked by anyone using it, even the TiM.
Now my mother is terrified of a discrimiation complaint because several meetings have occured and the hiting manager and herself are in a back and forth with HR.
The TiM wants the women to keep the door unlocked, because he is a woman and by locking the main door it implies he is dangerous and not recognized as a woman.
Wtf is going on in this world. I am so mad. The solution was perfect and the TiM rejected it, and wants to control how other women use the women's bathroom. Is that not the most stereotypical male trait?
I peaked recently and keep peaking, like y'all said. Sorry 4 blog.
No. 1620015
>>1620011remember that there's always a fetishistic aspect to every troon. he's angry they might think he's a pervert because he knows he is one. narcissists like him hate when people see through them. it
triggers narcisstic rage.
No. 1620042
>>1620027I agree to an extent but there are literal cops there because fights between men do break out kek. I am certain that the TiM would get beat up if seen in men's bathroom. But you are totally right I do not understand why the women are the ones to accommodate his safety instead of asking the men to, or moving a cop to inside the male bathroom if it really gets to that point? Everyone seems to agree that the men will act unreasonable and that's just life… which is so incredibly shitty. So yes I totally agree but I also do forsee the TiM getting jumped when trying to go in men's….not the women's problem though….I do think a person shpuld be able to wear what they want and not be a target, bio male or bio female, unless it is advocating violence like a nazi symbol or something extreme. I hate this so much. So much 'men gonna men, why try to fix it' with the bathroom issue it is so horribly sexist.
>>1620033You're right I am newfag here, newly peaked and it just keeps getting worse. I think I understand why it is still and issue he uses the female bathroom despite it being single occupancy…the more I think on it. It is not the women's fault nor responsobility to accomodate him because men are shitty….wtf is going on in the world.
Sorry for no sage thought I did on 1st one realized I did not on these replies.. forgive me. Or not. I will learn. I typed sage in email for sure on this one.
No. 1620056
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Chris Clymer’s hot take on troons in sports 1/2
No. 1620057
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And Reddit troons’ racist responses 2/2
No. 1620062
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>2 miles away
No. 1620076
File: 1660921460660.png (2.6 MB, 1195x1640, 9.png)

so this is how trannies picture their feminization kinks, some beautiful dominant woman will do all the work for them and they magically transform into a beautiful bimbo sex doll
No. 1620090
>>1619923>You don't blame domestic violence victims for staying, do you? that is so true, it definitely is a form of abuse.
most of these women are middle aged, normie moms who likely are somewhat prudish. now just imagine how scary it would be to have all your neighbours and friends know that your husband (and you because you're a couple) has the most disgusting fetish. that would be social death.
so of course they allow him to do everything he wants at home, until even that is no longer enough, he wants to come out at work and then they break completely.
No. 1620096
>>1620090I agree with this. It’s already hard for most women to escape an
abusive spouse for a variety of reasons, but right now if you’re a woman who is with one of these men, there’s so much social capital involved. We’ve seen what happens to trans widows who leave and how they get ostracized and harassed, so I imagine they still feel some sort of safety being at home even if they’re getting awful crap there too. It isn’t just something that’s easy to entangle yourself from I’m sure, especially when everyone is supportive of your husband and there are decades or kids involved. It kind of rubs me the wrong way when people take their anger out on the female partners in these situations because we KNOW it’s hard to leave abusers. This isn’t just anecdotal either. I understand the frustrations over it but I think until you’re in one of those situations you don’t understand how awful it is, how much gaslighting there is, how much of a risk there is with whatever decision you make.
No. 1620104
>>1620092I haven't caught up with the latest things that have gone down, but recently there was an incident. He's been drama whoring and feuding with kf a lot in the last few months and somebody called the cops to his address. It was a welfare check but he's exaggerating the fuck out of it.
He's saying it was an attempt on his life, he got swatted, he woke up to an AK47 muzzle; none of which reflected the police report. A funny part was that he claims he was "deadnamed" because of the name they used on evidence bag (it was his previous last name Roberts, it wasn't even his original male name). Trannies are so exhausting.
I don't know what else is happening right now, but it seems he is claiming to be "in hiding" because he thinks he is being targeted. Quite a martyr complex for somebody who has a history of grooming and connections to sending illegal hormones to minors.
No. 1620123
File: 1660926494335.jpg (528.16 KB, 1079x1515, kyle2.jpg)

this motherfucker keeps posting in one of the fb groups i follow for the lols. just ticking all the boxes. living his best life.
>looking like yaniv
>badly applied makeup
>no eye for fashion or colours
>taking selfies in the lady's like the good lil predator he is
No. 1620130
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>>1620125>Is he trying to show off his shoes in the bathroom pic or his taint?i assume his beautiful legs
nonnie No. 1620151
File: 1660928430474.jpeg (354.31 KB, 750x785, FF71828A-CE96-43CC-8BBB-A4A03B…)

a cis man and a cis woman is now a “lesbian couple”
No. 1620168
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>>1620151I swear to god zoomers(specifically zoomer girls) are the the most sexist generation in the past 40 years, expect they masquerade that sexist bullshit behind a veil of wokeness, they literally cannot comprehend an attractive and caring male love interest, so they hc'd him as a lesbian
No. 1620179
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>>1620168and if I said that shit like picrel was stupid then I'd be the problem….
No. 1620188
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>>1620174every other female character she interacts with is a much older woman, also Enola Holmes isn't gay either, twitter saphics literally made that up, here's the fucking author of the books trying to explain that
No. 1620200
>>1619980Thank you to
TERF island and it's inhabitants, this is based
No. 1620208
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>>1620011Guess Hindsight is 20/20. What your mom and the other women should have done was to prepare when the man was hired, and for all of them to claim from the start that the bathroom door has always been locked when it’s occupied. And stick to that story no matter what. Part of this fetish is making others unwillingly participate in it. So using the female bathroom is not enough, he needs to participate in the communal aspect of it. There was another story here where the TIM complained when all the women in the office wordlessly started using a single occupancy bathroom out of their way, in a different building. He tried to get HR involved but they couldn’t do anything so a bunch of replies were people suggesting ways to bait the women into admitting what they were doing. Whatever your mom does she should not engage directly with him.
No. 1620215
>>1620056>>1620057In my state TRAs made things go way more restrictive. Even though it's deep red there were no actual laws regarding this and the standards for the local republicans was actually that you can do whatever as long as you aren't juicing up to go beat on the local middle school girls soft ball team or something. You only needed the boards approval and there were something like less than 10 request ever.
Now it is a flat "no", get the fuck out.
No. 1620220
>>1619991He's been doing this a while, plus he's a man so I dunno if it'll get that bad. The women in the US holding Speakers Corners on the other hand, have been dealing with TRAs at their shittiest. I fully expect one of those women to get assaulted in the US soon at one of their protests.
>>1620056It'd never have to come up in the first place if these stupid moids just stayed out of our sports.
No. 1620225
File: 1660935012283.jpeg (202.12 KB, 775x963, 1575C95A-A73F-4B14-B6DD-DED8EE…)

This actual post is older but I saw it over on ovarit. It really says a lot that this isn’t the only troon I’ve seen who says this representation is accurate.
No. 1620228
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>>1620226I realized I have seen this one before. Didn’t realize those were his posts. I know this guy was posted in many threads back so here he is again as a reminder.
No. 1620232
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Can someone explain to me how a person who got the chop and had been on a cocktail of hormones since 18 or younger not sure, still has five o'clock shadow? Ngl sometimes keffals passes to me as a frumpy homeless woman but how old is he? He looks like a bobs burgers character
No. 1620233
File: 1660935631113.jpeg (640 KB, 1260x2156, D55D6AA4-5D34-411B-ACA0-C86199…)

>>1620230NY apparently. I googled his name and his linked in showed up. Scary that he works as a housekeeper, I hope people lock their closets and drawers up.
No. 1620250
>>1620237kek men don't even care that other men are beating up other men, having high suicide and homeless rates, or get murdered the most.
Men are a meme
No. 1620255
>>1620250This. The only time any of these things get brought up are in response to women talking about our own issues. You can’t speak a word about a women’s issue without a man screaming “but what about us!!!” Meanwhile they do literally nothing to fix their own issues. They could be setting up treatment and housing for male
victims of violence but they’d rather just rant at us or even take away the things we’ve built for ourselves. A TiM can’t go into a women’s shelter to be around vulnerable women? Better nail a rat to the door and make sure the city shuts it down.
No. 1620286
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Watched this brony in like 2011, not surprised he trooned out.
No. 1620314
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Jessie what the fuck are you taking about
No. 1620333
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>>1620314Let's get real, this is no one's historical husbando. Too ugly. Like the AGPs itt.
No. 1620352
>>1620093I have no idea where they get the term "genital inspections" from. At least in the US, most children playing in a sport require a physical examination from their doctor prior to playing. Part of routine doctors check ups for children involve the doctor taking a quick peek at the children's genitals to make sure everything looks okay down there. They're taking a completely normal practice and making it sound like a full on perversion.
They're so good at that though, so why am I surprised?
No. 1620357
>>1620321Print them out and leave them everywhere around your office. Or create a burner social media account and send links to all of your coworkers if there's anything that ties it back to him.
Go now, and do God's work.
No. 1620429
File: 1660952097007.jpeg (455.61 KB, 828x1227, 90F77688-0D75-4490-B0F0-DCDCDD…)

average groomer
No. 1620437
File: 1660952932585.jpg (1.15 MB, 1284x1415, 4568765434567.jpg)

>>1620434samefag, but i love this tweet kek
No. 1620463
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ofc op is a troon. who’s telling straight men with lesbian fetishes that they’re too pretty to be lesbians and just haven’t found the right man yet? btw, the video he posted is of kellie-jay keen attending a swimming competition featuring floaty scrote william thomas.
No. 1620468
File: 1660955149358.jpeg (447.68 KB, 1538x2048, AC8EA186-476E-4BDD-8743-CECBDD…)

That jaw and chin cleft bro ouch
No. 1620475
>>1620042Welcome, newfriend. Hope you enjoy your stay.
on-topic: if he is concerned about getting attacked at work he can either not dress like a woman, or find another job. You know, same choices most of us have when we put ourselves in dangerous, shitty situations. This handful of women should not be forced to feel unsafe or to acomodate the degen troon.
If they give him a finger he will take the whole hand, mark my words.
No. 1620559
File: 1660964730307.png (2.2 MB, 1600x1200, naya-tuiasosopo.png)

have we talked about the Manti Te'o documentary that came out recently, The Girlfriend Who Didn't Exist? Cute and young college football player in Indiana was catfished for a few years by this gay guy pretending to a girl. The morning Manti's grandmother died in 2012, the gay guy got petty and killed off the girlfriend and Manti told a reporter at a game that both of them died. Another reporter was given a lead that the girlfriend was a hoax and blew up the story. Manti was humiliated, made out to be a liar and gay. Of course the catfisher is now a tranny and acts like his reasons for ruining this guy's life and permanently damaging his career are valid because he just wanted to be a girl and that's totally okay! He even told Manti the gf died of leukemia (pretending to be the gf's brother on the phone) knowing that Manti's grandfathers both died of cancer. What a sick fuck.
No. 1620569
>>1620397>TERF = conservative = patriot = loves Christopher ColumbusIt's not like trannies actually engage with any of our arguments. Their hugbox dictates we all get blocked and they should cover their ears. If they engaged they would know that "TERFS" are just people who can see through their regressive/fetishistic bs and that this isn't really a political division as much as it is a matter of safeguarding women and children and social contagion. You don't even need to be GC to recognise this. They just paint it as purely political so as to divert attention away from how shitty it all is and to dupe well-intentioned left-leaning people that they're helping people in need.
>>1620461I agree but men taking estrogen doesn't make them better people, hence these threads.
No. 1620576
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>>1616857Pretty damn noticeable lol
No. 1620612
>>1619827I don't feel sorry for circumcised moids, because it helps prevent STD transmission, because most men are absolutely fucking filthy, in addition to cheaters. And uncircumcised boys can get dick infections for real.
>>1619923Moids are also great at delaying and dragging shit out, and creating red herrings so that the woman is always hyperfocused on herself and what she needs to do, she never gets around to wondering about what HE needs to do. One of my exes spent literal years hounding me about my failures, I completely failed to notice that he had never finished his 4-year college degree. I felt like such a failure, and like he was doing me a huge favor just by not dumping me. I expect that a lot of these absolute failure scrotes use the same technique, steering every conversation to what the woman has fucked up, or what she has to do today.
No. 1620651
>>1620314These retards have no idea what
terf means. Terfs are radfems who hate rapists, thus the trans exclusionary part.
No. 1620657
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>pb & j
No. 1620664
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No. 1620676
>>1620225>picrelA lot of words to say "cater to me or I'll skin you alive."
>>1620596Bc he's a halloween goffgirl uwu
No. 1620682
File: 1660979355584.jpeg (3.43 MB, 2429x11286, AC0CB8AA-5232-4DE0-A36E-3F6DAF…)

kimmy. his chosen name is kimmy.
No. 1620685
File: 1660979505887.jpeg (4.36 MB, 4016x6498, 6E19E9F7-F943-461A-98B0-276A76…)

>>1620682i’m speechless. what an ugly creature.
No. 1620704
File: 1660981627155.jpeg (742.53 KB, 750x1199, CF26537B-DC3D-49DE-ADFA-D667D0…)

>(screams in professional mua)
No. 1620803
>>1620748No child deserves bodily mutilation. The only adults that do are those who intentionally harm children.
Thanks for the call out here, lots of men suck but sometimes I get the feeling the call for violence against them here is much more serious than the half serious and exaggerated ranty way I thought…
Nonas we cannot advocate undeserved violence, we are not men and should not stoop to their levels. FGM is horrible in an unimaginable way. Circumcision is terrible in a lesser way. But both are wrong.
No. 1620858
File: 1661011201427.jpg (785.87 KB, 810x3113, Screenshot_20220820-113626_Boo…)

Troon wants to spin his skirt to Iran for "free" SRS.
No. 1620884
nonny thats all moids
No. 1620897
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>>1619980and here come the threats
No. 1620918
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No. 1620925
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>>1620897What a beautiful lady
No. 1620961
File: 1661019999215.jpg (61.37 KB, 622x680, FaEI_hrWIAMTU1B.jpg)

Fucking disgusting
No. 1620965
File: 1661020398086.jpg (29.94 KB, 598x798, FB_IMG_1661016123953.jpg)

Cis lesbians wish they looked as good as this transbian dickgurl
>>1620961Something that connects the two troon types is rape, they love fooling people into fondling their rotten pus filled hairball holes.
No. 1620966
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No. 1620988
>>1620975it is, it's a groomer troon crying
victim and being on the news because he has a KF thread ans is repeatedly doxed. there's even a (legit) old classmate showing up and telling the tale of his teens, complete with neckbeard nest pictures. 10/10
No. 1621002
>>1620988>there's even a (legit) old classmate showing up and telling the tale of his teensOh,
I love when that happens
No. 1621003
>>1620858I've been saying this for a while now. This troon shit is all about erasing homosexuality and everyone who doesn't 100% allign with traditional gender roles.
That's why most troons are reformed alt-right incels. Internalized homophobia and gender roles at work.
Not surprising at all they'd cheer for iran giving homosexuals the choice of DEATH or forced frankenstein-surgery.
No. 1621026
>>1619295Holy shit there's so much to unpack here. Why do autistic moids always get targeting errors in their arousal response?
>>1619339Not the mom mouthing the exact scripted words the boy is saying kek. Also that kid is way behind developmentally. He's 9 years old and speaking like a baby.
>>1619973Which is especially ironic considering the anecdotes we've seen here of trannies not being hired for tech jobs with their feminine name until after they added they were a twanswoman onto their resumes.
No. 1621030
>>1620429>a wonder drug that stops hair loss, lowers your refractory period to under 15 min, and let's you feel amazing emotions you've never felt in your lifeother nonnas have already debunked the hair loss claims but I'm laughing at the refractory period comment. actually impotence is a possible side effect, bud. no medical authority has ever said estrogen gives males female orgasms, just sexual dysfunction kek.
also wtf estrogen does not make you feel new emotions. I cannot even engage with this level of ignorance.
>just be a he/him estrogenized boythis scrote needs to take his own advice. this is all he'll ever be so idk why he thinks he can magically identify into womanhood.
No. 1621031
>>1620093reason 3,628,549 why it's bs that troons can legally falsify the sex on their birth records
>>1620123only a rape ape would put his backpack on a filthy bathroom counter.
No. 1621142
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and another one
No. 1621143
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All young boys most likely
No. 1621153
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No. 1621156
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No. 1621203
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the rapist has a cool new take on twitter
No. 1621231
>>1621143 and along with making home-made drugs, he's sending gross messages to kids. And now he's shocked that he's getting swatted and his hard disks seized. But he's Canadian and troons can do whatever they want there, including molesting minors.
>>1621218I hate to admit this tbh. That 17 year old scrote a few months back (the one who got swatted for not going to school because they wouldn't let him creep on girls bathrooms), was one of keffal's groomed troons I think (keffals himself posted the vid of him getting swatted).
And there was other footage of him being a terrible person to his mother who just wanted him to tone down his language.
>>1621163Nothing will happen because troon scrotes are a protected class. Just pray for the collapse and hope that all of these pedos get burnt in the process.
No. 1621246
File: 1661040494999.png (944.78 KB, 1773x883, pedo.png)

we got a collection of trans pedos up in here
No. 1621255
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TMI about Anthony infested axe wound
No. 1621259
File: 1661041650198.jpeg (464.24 KB, 750x997, 86A11B0C-D9D6-4B75-AF76-6C35C2…)

more proof that the coom is all that matters to these men. they’re ruining their lives and the lives of their loved ones for a fetish, how sad and pathetic.
No. 1621290
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nice grift
included are other trannies seething
No. 1621294
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>>1621280>greasy, unkept, furry, dirty (actual) animal fuckerthe stereotypes just fit ,it's no wonder he wants kiwifarms gone
No. 1621307
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>>1621294another day, another skinwalking dogfucking troon…
No. 1621317
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>Imagine if this said 27 year old soundcloud rappers who smoke strawberry vape juice and drive 2014 honda civics instead of trans. This is pure hate.
Isn't it crazy how changing the words used in a sentence changes the meaning of the sentence? Wild.
No. 1621325
>>1621203If he genuinely thinks that's the
only inherent difference and that trans women are already "biological women" since birth he's basically saying that HRT and ALL transition related surgeries are unnecessary cosmetic procedures that shouldn't be covered by insurance and/or taxes
No. 1621344
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“I like to invade womens’ and mothers’ spaces as a man” Completely normal behaviour, totally. Ew
No. 1621365
>>1620228>relates to a particularly sick murderer and doesn't think pedos should be portrayed negatively>>1620925>I Hope Too Be Able Make A Difference in the Worldit's amazing how you can just tell there's something seriously wrong with all of them
>>1620957key underrated reply
No. 1621374
File: 1661057787290.jpeg (671.92 KB, 750x1214, A2531F0A-2D3F-4EE3-868D-EBC56B…)

reheated corpse vibes.
No. 1621380
File: 1661058327092.jpeg (Spoiler Image,390.01 KB, 750x2760, 40CD3E0C-5413-4C5C-A23D-D2F32F…)

i love how it still looks like shit after healing.
No. 1621400
File: 1661060742369.jpeg (880.59 KB, 1186x2788, B4A30D89-D9F0-4B71-AA97-AF1972…)

poor child. her dad posts pervy memes on egg_irl ugh.
No. 1621445
File: 1661066609963.png (311.38 KB, 810x766, Screenshots_2022-08-21-15-18-5…)

a reminder that almost all women subs on reddit are modded by troons.
a nonnie got banned for asking something female related on "askwomen" subreddit because she isnt being inclusive enough.
No. 1621457
>>1621449wanna hear a joke?
the subreddit called "twoxchromosomes" is literally infested/modded by XY skinwalking moids.
No. 1621473
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TIM admits using women's facilities give him a euphoria boner: No. 1621488
>>1615733I don't think this is that worth getting upset about– normal people will always know that Jeanne D'Arc was a woman.
The thing that sticks in my teeth about this is how people are retroactively applying modern philosophies on gender in contexts where it makes no sense to. When you look at a historical culture, you have to leave your modern preconceptions at the door and focus on the social environment endemic to that place and time period. People calling Achilles gay or bisexual is a similar problem. No such categories existed in classical antiquity; it had its own language and categories describing that sort of thing. You can acknowledge the character's potential romantic connection to another man without applying anachronistic terminology.
The other one that people have already touched on a lot here is that when women crossdressed before the 20th century, it was a matter of practicality. Either they were masquerading as men to obtain rights exclusive to men at that time, or they were performing tasks you can't really do in a dress. Jeanne D'Arc dressed the way she did because she felt that God told her to, and that once she finished her mission for him, she'd go back to dressing like a woman. I don't think it's good "representation" to apply the label of "trans" to someone who crossdressed because she heard voices telling her to.
Plus the whole idea with Jeanne d'Arc culturally is that she represents how piety and valiance transcend earthly things like sex. To fixate on her gender is to misunderstand her cultural importance.
No. 1621502
>>1621449As a previous anon said. Reddit ultimately removes mod power if they see something that goes against moid+TRA agenda. (This is also why big platforms are terrible in the long run.)
No. 1621511
>>1621503"for no reason at all…" is a thing for a reason
the shit they're inviting on themselves when normal folk have had enough, and that day WILL come make no mistake, will not be fun for them.
No. 1621524
>>1621503>legitimately hoping the Tories stay in next electionOof. I'm not.
Fuck trannies, but people shouldn't be choosing whether to feed their family or keep their house warm in a first world country.
Labour can be swayed to being gender critical (to be honest, I think the ball is already rolling in that regard), but the Tories are just such an irredeemably evil bunch of rich bastards that even if they're right with regard to trannies, they'll never support the rest of us.
No. 1621571
>>1621388I remember a while ago Geno made a comment that he changed the pronouns to “she/her” for dramatic effect when Chris “transitioned.” He also had a lot of prominent YouTube troons like Contrapoints and Kat Blaque trying to report his channel for bullying, so he might have gotten fed up and kept it.
I take comfort in 99% of the comments referring to him as male and very little back-and-forth about pronouns.
No. 1621674
>>1621393Exactly. All troons are delusional but Chris is a special kind of delusional who was also manipulative thinking he can persuade and coerce a lesbian to sleep with him. Again he looks like fat old freakshow with obvious man-face and bad hair so no way in hell any woman lesbian or otherwise would want to go anywhere near him.
>>1621417Exactly. Even for the biggest TRA wackjob, you'd think that would be their limit for at least this AGP troon.
>>1621444No no, I get and understand why he's doing it. I'd like to think tat outside of YouTube, he just refers to Chris Chan as the (gross) man he is. I can't imagine him thinking otherwise after spending so much time sifting through Chris' history and thinking he's anything like a woman.