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No. 59471
Previous Thread:
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a style she no longer personally wears>Known lurker>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harmGeneral info:
>Frivolously spends her parents' money on once-worn clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends; claims she makes enough from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos repeatedly; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent; now relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly claims herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs of her ramblings; opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments or posts under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to what she has seen in the threads; is highly dependent on her mother Louise Vessey in social events, often referring to her as her "bestie" and dragging her along to overseas trips, and has based her choice of college in a nearby city so as to not be far from her during college>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; examples include leaving one boyfriend of two years for his best-friend-turned-accessory whom she "loved all along" and stringing along a girl who came out for her for clickbait in a Christmas video and to boost her LGBT status before dumping her and keeping her Christmas gifts for "not being attracted to her"; formerly referred to herself as queer rather than bi, lesbian, or pansexual; is currently dating and living with one Stephen Clarke and has formally come out again as bisexual>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo despite knowing she has a largely underage audience, and posts publicly about drinking while prescribed on medications; will often remove or put herself from/on said medications regardless of whether she needs them or notLast Thread Recap:
- Steadily gaining weight at an alarming rate
- Spent 2 weeks in Japan, had about 30 minutes of actual footage outside of her hotel rooms
- "Graduated" her foundation year, tassle and all
- Friend group seems to have ditched her entirely at this point, save the moonmist girls doing one cosplay together
- Did 2/3 planned cosplays for Animaritime 2019 - somehow got worse at making cosplay clothing since she first started
- Featured in Kei Club zine, a magazine made by western weebs with a passion for graphic design
- Talked about ~kawaii~ body modification - discussed anime, tattoos, and her mental health
- New self harm cuts revealed in latest tattoo vlog tell us she's had another relapse since December
Old Threads:
>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526>>>/snow/540457>>>/snow/558614>>>/snow/582890>>>/snow/616989>>>/snow/646275>>>/snow/679806>>>/snow/720365>>>/snow/739688>>>/w/3116>>>/w/33281>>>/w/42916Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: Page: Facebook Page: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Old Deviantart: Blog: No. 59543
>>59473You did good OP, I was just about to make a new thread but hadn't been following it close enough to recap it again like the last few I did. Jillian just hasn't done much to keep up with, but I can't say I'm surprised that she's relapsed into cutting again.
That Shiny Luminous wig still makes me sad tho.
No. 59647
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I know this is nitpicky but I just saw that this is one of Jill's saved playlists…
So she does like the anime after all? Next she's gonna get a Madoka tattoo and claim she's loved it all along.
It's petty but it's just one of the things that makes her seem so disingenuous and fake to me, I wish she was more honest about the things she actually liked or disliked, it just makes her whole ~I'm so obsessed with mahou shoujo uwu~ thing seem fake when she keeps changing her opinions on shows like CCS, Madoka & Utena so much.
Sorry for the autism.
No. 59668
>>59650Hadn't seen her in a while so that shot of her fat jiggling around as she paraded around the tattoo shop was unreal
I swear her voice has deepened in the couple months since I last watched, side effect of gaining weight on her neck? Or has she given up the baby voice
No. 59669
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No. 59805
>>59702This, I feel like she gets tattoos as a 'pick me up' when her confidence or mood has been low.
She's getting fat so time for another tattoo on her thigh and footage of her doing a catwalk strut in hot pants.. all to combat the fact that she must be miserable with that weight gain. I don't buy that someone can go from a history of disordered eating to being fully ok at her current weight, not at her age.
She's tatting over the fat like she tatted over the self harm marks, she doesn't seem all that ok
No. 59923
>>59862The -happier- she is in vids the less I actually buy it. It's like her life motto is to put on a brave face or 'fake it til you make it' type thing
Years of buying shit to fill a void that is bottomless is sad but the tattoos that are there to cheer her up might turn out to be painful reminders, she doesn't seem quite right lately (not that she ever did)
Her whole obsession with aesthetic is escapism and a poor coping mechanism that she's passed on to others. She has the kind of mental health issues where her identity could very well change every 5 years
No. 60029
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sage for useless weebing but I love how the artist (I know mostly at Jill's request but still) shoehorned Shiny Luminous into the Precure 15th logo which is why this looks so bad
the artist truly messed up drawing White's nose too, this is gonna age so terribly in like three months lol
No. 60047
>>59974She's had an easy and (I hate this term but) privileged life so far and even with emotional and financial support she's struggled through it anyway. With the exception of her mom being sick years ago I don't know what she can honestly say was hard in life, and luckily her mom did recover.
Even taking depression into account, the sheer amount of fluffy pink escapism and babying that she requires to get through day to day life is too much. The more she delves into her pink fantasy world the less equipped she is to deal with the sucky or mundane aspects of adult life
No. 60060
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>>59695what you mean getting magical girl tattoos isnt mental health treatment??
No. 60070
>>59669Sage for blogpost but I feel like that every time I get a new tattoo, I'm sure most people do
Like "wow this looks great I love my body"
but then the newness wears off and you just remember all the things you don't like
No. 60080
>>60079>"Sadly my friends didn't place"Hahaha get fucked, Jill.
No wonder she's been relatively quiet about animaritime/her shiny luminous cosplay
No. 60081
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No. 60097
>>60084>>60082This is kind of disturbing. I can't tell who was skinwalking who first at this point, but she has almost the exact same voice and mannerisms. Maggie seemed more relaxed, only bought 4 things at the con, mostly stickers of something she seemed genuinely into. Jill does everything to the extreme: she has to be the biggest superfan with the most merch, she has to have huge haul videos showing off her wasteful purchases, can't get a tattoo without it becoming An Event and video series complete with tragic backstory. I doubt Maggie has the reach/obnoxious personality required to get even close to Jill's level of popularity, but she has a lot more palatable brand of alt pastel weeb.
Why someone who looks as homosexual as Steve has basically dated the same girl twice in a row is so strange to me. I know bi people exist, but I feel like there is no overlap between people who casually cosplay twink spongebob and people who are sexually attracted to women.
No. 60127
>>60124>>60084i wonder if the fact she had the Entrapa(?) cosplay planned is why she wasn't involved. She's done the maid thing before maybe she wasn't interested.
I'm not sure though since she has been severely absent from that friend group.
No. 60227
>>60122lmao i always forget about the secret girl jill kept in the basement
that shit gets to me
>>60081she actually looks kinda cute here tbh, its better than the super bright lazy oaf shit and its ncie to see her wear something she made herself
are things looking up for jill? i hope so
No. 60533
>>60527Um. She used a stool to put her rainbow glitter shoes on. I get having a stool in an entryway to sit down if you need to put on particularly tricky shoes, but she uses it as a display for keeping a pair of shoes that DON'T FIT HER? It's like a super nitpick, but I am still baffled she even bought them for one. And then she kept them. And deemed them good enough to move across the island with her. They don't fit. Why.
And it's a problem in general I have with this video and I only watched 2 minutes of it. She dragged all that crap with her. IC shoes she doesn't wear, puppy surprises, tons of peeps and other plastic shit, a fucking pinata? A giant peep and her children's piano make an appearance too. Do you really need all that shit in a rental you have just until you finish college?
Another turbo nitpick: her necklace is pinched in the back for the first half of the video. Could she have not worn a fitting one in a vid where she is going to turn around?
She still has tinsel where cats can get it, not to mention all the wires.
(time to take a break) No. 60539
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Think it's about time she invests in some new clothes…that skirt is definitely riding up her waist because it doesn't fit correctly anymore
No. 60540
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so many precious gems in this vid
No. 60541
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She also kept the broken microwave.
No. 60565
>>60555That's not necessarily true. I've seen bigger girls look good in alt fashions like Rockabilly or Victorian Goth, with mermaid skirts and fit and flare dresses. It depends on how someone carries their weight. Anyone can really look good in most styles so long as they wear clothes fit for their shape.
That being said, Jill doesn't do this and as a skinny person who wears jfashion, you're right about the Jfashion sizes. It honestly just doesn't fit people who are past a size 5 US.
It's terribly tragic considering Jill is supposed to be a seamstress, yet she can't even upcycle already made clothes to fit her, let alone make them from scratch.
>>60552>>60558Meh. Cute idea, mediocre execution.
Honestly I don't think it's horrible, but only in spaces where it's not going to get damaged like the kitchen. I think it's a cute idea to add some easy temporary patterns and colors to a small section of your room or a hallway, especially since you can easily remove it and put up a different type and not ruin the wall… but for the kitchen, do contact paper or at least add a splashboard to minimize water damage. Of course Jill can't seem to think through her decisions that far.
sorry…Deleted and reposted because I can't speak english properly apparently.
No. 60582
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No. 60585
>>60573she had a St Vincent phase last year or the year before (same time as her totes~~ lesbian phase) i think she genuinely enjoy the music, it's not somehing new but she also wouldn't leave the record on if it wasn't pink
what i got from her house tour it's super impratical and only for show: the shoe stool, warping paper, fake art corner, that monstuous coffee table centre piece
No. 60596
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Serving up kawaii rainbie Ursula lewks uwu
No. 60601
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>>60582Simply too easy.
(autism) No. 60602
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No. 60606
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Jilian: i did not like tokyo mew mew
Also jillian: owns a tmm strawberry bell etsy necklace, tmm manga and talks about how she wants the toy of strawberry bell that is $200
Just showing how she lies about liking shows as long as they have pink plastic merch
No. 60607
>>60527She spent 1k on a glass table and it busted within a year? Kek
Her house is a reminder that she can't have anything without spending her mom's cash to get her the more expensive, pink version of it. I'm sure most of us had to go to the dollar store if we needed a certain item because we had nothing after moving out, Jill has every kitchen item she needs in rainby pastel and her materialistic hoard spilling into every room, with literal baby toys holding the curtains back to boot. Her art area doesn't look inviting, if she was less concerned on shallow looks and more about function maybe she would spend time making her art not basic.
No. 60641
>>60532I thought it was pretty clear it was a voltage issue.
>>60533You need to get off lolcow and take a breather, you're way too bothered and somehow surprised the Jill of all people would surround herself with cutesy plastic shit? Even if she was going to live there for only 2 or 4 years or however long college takes for her I don't think it's totally unthinkable that she would bring her things with her?
>>60618Yeah I thought that was gross too. I wondered if I was misunderstanding something or if she was really just saying her floors are always dirty…
No. 60651
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Is this new news?
No. 60653
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>>60651Jill's modelling again
No. 60664
>>60651She's not going to fit into any of 6%'s clothes aside maybe the boyfriend line. Kek
I also like how all the other people on the promo image are older than her probably….but she straight up looks mid thirties or older
Jill for the love of God take care of yourself more.
No. 60724
>>60718>I don't understand how in the west anything colorful is considered kawaii.Oof this. The only brands any of these people wear are Lazy Oaf, Sugar Thrillz/random Dollskill stuff and then just cheap pastel stuff from H&M/Forever21 & Bonne Chance Collections. None of their outfits look like any current Japanese street fashion, yet they somehow consider it J-fashion or 'kawaii' just because they're wearing a pair of Wego earrings or some bag from a taobao reseller or something.
I guess Jill was chosen for this because she's one of the few (or the only?) Canadian alt-fashion 'influencers' that 6% Dokidoki has done stuff with before? I am really curious to see her modeling…
No. 60785
>>60781If someone who tries to be nice like Lor doesn't even like you, then that's kind of sad..
Then again Lor is honestly down to earth/doesn't see herself above her following in any way, where Jill clearly does (though to her credit just looking at the confetti cult thread, it's not for no reason).
As for the fashion show goes, I'm calling it now, Jill isn't going to wear any of the clothes 6% has because she can't fit any of them. Unless it's a jacket or one of the boyfriend tees or something.
No. 60903
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I thought it was interesting that Jill liked this vedio about low cost witchcraft materials. Jill first mentioned being a witch like, 4 years ago? You would think she would have a good grasp basic concepts in witchcraft, and with all the crazy things she buys and how important somones spiritual practice can be, you would think she would be willing to splurge on fancy incense and herbs (maybe instead of more anime figures),,, sage for nitpick
No. 60943
>>60903Idk anon, it feels a bit like you're grasping at straws analysing her YouTube likes
She could just like the aesthetic of the video or something, plus we already know she has no intention of becoming an "actual" witch
No. 61033
>>60903Jill has no intent of being an actual witch beyond flaunting any of her magical girl shit in an aesthetic photo that barely fits the witch theme. She used Clow Cards in a witchy IG post a while back, she's not gonna commit to it completely unless she can hamfist the kawaii-magical-girl angle into every aspect in it.
>>60653Correct me if I'm wrong, but has Jill even mentioned this yet?? How tf is confettiiclub gonna break the news before Jill does?
No. 61198
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““Hello my sweetest Patre-pals!!
Another month has zipped by again! This summer has been vewy vewy fwuitful so far for me and I hope you guys are all feeling that productive sunny energy!! <3
I'm also vlogging the design & construction of my 6% runway look which will hopefully go up on YT before Otakuthon (wee!!!) and the con I will of course vlog as well!
What have you cutie pies been up to? Had any fun adventures? Hot goss? Spooky stories???? Give me that sweet iced T 🌻✨✨✨✨✨
Love you loads!
I’m calling it now hooked on the look or whatever that show I called is the series she is on
No. 61203
>>61198i still can't get over how much she used to talk about how "tea/goss" was
problematic or w/e but uses the lingo now since she started watching rpdr
Then again it wouldn't surprise me if she is only okay with it when said tea/gossip isn't being spilled about her
No. 61205
>>61198Wait… last time we were aware, doesn’t Steve live in the basement because his parents are religious and didn’t want them sharing a bed? And now the basement is for packing merch?
I know there was some comments about Steve not having very much to himself when the house tour video was released, but man…..
No. 61280
>>61198Nitpick, but i really hate that her fashion design sketches still essentially look the same even after her arts foundation year.
Makes it seem like if she has learned anything at all she's been unable to apply those things to her own non-school work.
I noticed during the house tour that all of the art pieces she showed off were the exact same ones she's shown in other videos or on IG before which makes it seem like she just really doesn't draw much? I mean that whole art corner looked quite dysfunctional.
No. 61439
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Here we go, yall.
It was 2 hrs and 32 mins after editing it down for a day.
No. 61440
>>61439lol is it gonna be a video where she shows off every useless plastic trinket and toy she's ever bought?
I can't imagine her having any actual content to fill that much time with
No. 61444
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No. 61484
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No. 61486
>>61484Fashion vlogger in shiny Halloween fabric, boots that don't match and a fucking baby toy that she uses to hang back her curtains as a hair accessory. I guess she doesn't have to be good at fashion at all to pretend to be a fashion vlogger.
I like that she bought a balloon, one of the first things every zero waste person says to stop buying. Not loving plastic must be very difficult for this spaz.
No. 61727
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Well we know what the video is now?
No. 61731
>>61727>GIANT season-by-season Precure guide and review God this sound incredibly boring. Who would seriously want to hear her talk about Pretty Cure for 2+ hours? I assume anyone who actually enjoys the series doesn't need a guide/her unintelligent reviews of it and it's gonna drag on for way too long for anyone who's not into it.
I think a 20 minute guide/review would've been a better choice.
No. 61738
>>61730been here since 7, why would i know who abipop is? she isnt jill, or friends with jill, which is who these treads are about
either way its off topic
No. 61739
>>61727She never sews unless she absolutely has to. From Halloween fabric to faux fur.
Oof that poor fabric, she's going to butcher it.
Who asked for her to review every season? Didn't most anons here say it was a kids show that they found boring?
No. 61740
>>61738>been her since 7uh what the hell does that mean.
sorry sweet summerchild but it isn't really OT if jill is seemingly copying the video. jill has copied others since her lolita days, it's on topic.
No. 61742
>>61739I do wonder how much better her designs would look if they were made of cotton or something
maybe its some kind of weird tactic to distract from the lack of skills lmao
>>61740Since thread number 7
And thats not Jill's video, its a cuntfetti club skinwalker video from forever ago that was copied, maybe watch the videos
If you wanna talk about her followers go on the confetti club thread
No. 61746
>>61742Nta but abipop aint a skinwalker lmao. She's been that way since her old as hell videos unlike the skinwalker who self posted upthread w 900 sum views. Jill hasn't been doing the cheeky grandma kei thing long enough for someone that popular to try and imitate it
Inb4 "fuck of abipopfag"
No. 61754
>>61746I was talking about how the girl in
>>61580 is a skinwalker, not abipop
but anyway, this is a mess
>>61748itd be almost cruel if they had the other models in their clothes, like why ask someone to model for you if they cant wear anything?? seems like such a strange business move
plus trusting jill to make an outfit thatll work in your show is.. brave
No. 61763
>>61198>>61727Sewingfag nitpick but isn't it going to be a real bitch for her to sew a chunky zip into faux fur, considering she tends to do a pretty shit job of putting in zips even with easier fabrics? I don't know why she wouldn't just use elastic tbh
It looks like she's planning on doing a boxy top (I think with the "blue cosmic print" she mentions in the notes).
Honestly I can't see that kind of silhouette looking flattering paired with a big fluffy circle skirt.
I'm excited to see this though, it's always interesting to see Jill's sewing. Part of me wants to root for her for doing something productive but it usually turns out like a dumpster fire.
No. 61777
>>61766Knew we wouldn't get a blog because she didn't place. Wish she'd just say it was because she was never around with her friends, probably because she had to go nap uwu
Also I can't be the only one that thinks Courtney/Callie/the kei club is shady as all fuck, right? All this talk about how the magazine "is good for the community"…what community, Jill? The confetti autists? No one who actually wears jfashion wants anything to do with that shit.
No. 61855
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>>61838the pagan course thing made me think of midsommar
No. 61865
>>61838I bet Steve is either 'waiting til marriage' or gay/asexual and Jill is waitinnf for that change
That's kind of sad really, she does seem to love him
I wonder if thats where the need for wanting to do lingerie/risque shoots has come from
blogpost but when i dated someone asexual i went the route of camming and shit just so someone would give me attention sexually, it feels like jill might be following the same route?
i do hope not though because i bet she will regret it
No. 61887
>>61883Just watch it on 2x speed if you do because she pads a lot of the time with gesturing and using filler. She doesn't even start talking about the subject until the 2:00 mark, and doesn't actually start the review until 7:00, if that gives you a clue.
>>61886I kek'd. Skip to 10:05.
No. 61926
>>61883I got through 45 minutes… Gonna try to finish the rest, but I don't think I can.
Basically all she's doing is describing the main characters and saying if she likes the villains or not and giving the season a rating. She repeats herself like 5 times throughout about how she started watching HeartCatch in grade 8.
No. 61930
>>61838>-Jill says she's off birth control and makes a face while opening the stream then says "I'm not going to have a baby, that is the least of our concern" implying her and Steve dont sleep together?This can mean a load of shit, but with Jill turning the basement into her studio space, I'm sure they're at least sharing the same bed…. If Steve ain't sleeping in a spare bedroom or the couch lol
>-Jill talks about how she loves body posi shoots in swimsuits and lingerie and jokingly says she'll create a premium snapchat, then seriously says she wants to do some risque shotsOh buddy. There's no way that won't go south for her, body posi or not. I get that there's a growing number of kawaii Youtubers/IG users/cosplayers doing risque accounts for money/Patreon support, but it's not up Jill's alley to do that kind of thing.
>>61865 might be on point if it is connected to the ambiguity over Jill and Steve's bedroom activity, which is unfortunate if that's the case, but if Steve is still carrying that "waiting 'til marriage" aspect from his religious family, then I feel more sorry for Steve than Jill if she goes through with it.
No. 61936
>>61838>Jill says she's off birth control and makes a face while opening the stream then says "I'm not going to have a baby, that is the least of our concern" implying her and Steve dont sleep together?She's too fat to take combined BC safely given her sedentary lifestyle now so she's probably not allowed to take it anymore. and progesterone only will likely not help with her weight gain or mental illness as it has been linked to poor outcomes for both, the latter far more than the former. She could of course mean off BC as just being off pills, and now has a non-hormonal IUD or something.
Also anon, condoms exist as does non-penetrative sex.
No. 61942
>>61883God this outfit and thumbnail make her look mentally challenged, she reminds me of Little Britain characters… She's strayed so far from the cute aesthetic by now.
Also she mentioned a few times by now that she's aware that anime videos are the worst performing content on her channel yet she still dedicates so much time to it? It'd be a different matter if this was actually deep or engaging content but you could just look up a wiki summary for all the seasons and basically have the same information that she gives, what an absolute waste of time.
No. 61952
>>61936IUDs are still considered birth control by like everyone though
The comment she added with it sounds kinda bitter too, I bet they're just not doing anything
>>61942Holy shit the Little Britian comparison is spot on anon, I just choked
No. 61953
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No live stream yesterday and so far no updates as to if there is one today
No. 61957
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>>61883I don't follow Jill but jesus what did she do to her ears? How is this even remotely kawaii? Good luck trying to get popular in japan when you have gross AF ears…
No. 61961
>>61883I watched this whole thing last night and tbh, I think it’s one of my favorite videos she’s done? Not that I’d rewatch it or anything but still. It was nice to see her talk about something she clearly cares about and I think the video was good enough and got its point across. She seemed to genuinely enjoy talking about Precure and even if it doesn’t do good on her channel I’d rather she do stuff she seems excited about than stuff that brings in more people.
That being said the reviews seemed… unhelpful? Maybe it’s because she’s reviewing shows with little content but it seemed like the only thing she could really offer was reviewing the characters, villians, and visuals at base level. It seemed more like a guide for cosplayer’s looking to watch a single season so they could cosplay a character than someone with an interest anime learning where to pick up the show. I wish she would’ve included a few spoilers and give examples of moments that make each season interesting or tell us about some more minor plot points past “evil bad precure good save the world” formula rewritten base explaination everytime.
No. 61981
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>first precure of color
>they're all japanese
No. 61986
>>61980She let them shrink down a bit but they never fully closed, and now she's re-stretching them.
>>61981She's so stupid.
No. 61991
>>61989Looks like pastel pink silicon tunnels. They wouldn't look so bad in another color, but the fact they look flesh colored next to her skin do make them look kind of gross.
Also, that lip color is ghastly.
No. 61999
>>61838i don't usually post on here but fuck. pretty rich for her to talk about her highschool bully, considering that i went to high school with her and witnessed her bully and defame multiple girls who did literally nothing to her. she could get really nasty. so much for "girls supporting girls". makes me angry to see her acting the
victim when she was the one tormenting people.
No. 62024
>>62022jealousy it seemed. like if she felt threatened by other girls or they got opportunities that she wanted. she was rly good at victimizing herself tho and basically turned things around and spread rumours about multiple people that she mistreated. she would also confront ppl in front of others about how they had allegedly been horrible to her and make them look bad. i've talked in depth to a couple of girls who went through it so it's rly annoying to see her painting herself as a tormented sweet kind female-empowering
victim when she was the one who was making other girls miserable. i don't usually feel much contempt for people, even if they're kinda shitty, but she's one of the few people i've seen who i genuinely think isn't capable of empathy
No. 62247
She already said her anime videos get less views. This will get even less due to the unwatchable length.
Breaking it up would get more views and more ad revenue.
No. 62508
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No. 62509
File: 1565957283278.jpeg (188.83 KB, 640x369, CA3C30AD-ACAE-49A0-903F-F26288…)

I can’t wait to see this monstrosity. I’m placing bets she’ll have a meltdown the day before because she rushed it last minute and it looks awful
No. 62600
>>62510pics please… i so badly want to see how bad things are without editing
also odds on that outfit actually getting finished in time?
>>62558read the thread
No. 62614
>>62600>also odds on that outfit actually getting finished in time?That's a very good point because she's had at least a full week to sew what looks to be a basic circle skirt and MAYBE a boxy top but if you'll allow me to tinfoil a bit here, I'm pretty convinced she's left it pretty close to the deadline.
I'm willing to bet that the reason there were no updates on the live stream patreon anon posted about here
>>61953 is because she had to work on her runway look and had no time to do a livestream.
A sew-along video for her 6% look was meant to be uploaded before Otakuthon so it seems like she's been too busy to edit and upload that.
I think there's a good chance that it'll be unfinished or sloppy and she'll freak out about it just as
>>62509 anon called it.
No. 62615
>>62614If that's the case she's really stupid as fuck.
She spent such a long time on that awful Precure video that no one cares about… She always goes on about how much she loves 6% and being a fashion designer and whatever so this would've been a great chance yet she just procrastinates on it? I'm sure the majority of her fans would've preferred a sewing video.
No. 62627
>>62615Actually, scrap what I said about Jill having "at least a full week", the sketch she did for the outfit is dated July 15th so she's had at least a month.
Apparently the fashion show starts at 11am today, I'm genuinely excited to see this shit.
No. 62645
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No. 62649
File: 1566058776786.jpg (1.79 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20190629_211949993.jpg)

Basic asd pinafore dress I patterned from scratch still better than Jill's mind you I'm a junior in high school.kek(no babies allowed)
No. 62675
>>62645Even if she is the hammiest one there I still think there has to be something from 6% that she could still wear….just please tell me that the fashion show pics will be better.
Which speaking of I'm surprised none have surfaced yet on IG, or even other tagged pics of her.
No. 62687
File: 1566072666349.jpg (717.97 KB, 960x1512, MYXJ_20190817131106_save.jpg)

No. 62714
File: 1566084802888.png (574.62 KB, 634x634, shirt.png)

>>62713It's their "colorful rebellion" shirt
No. 62728
>>62645Doesn't even look like she's part of the group, just a fan who wanted to snap a pic and move on.
>>62687So the only thing she's not too fat for is their t shirt but everything else had to be made by her? Why did they even bother contacting her tacky ass
No. 62737
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No. 62744
>>62737Can't tell if it's the face that she's making that makes her look special needs or everything else
dollfille doesn't look any better to be honest
No. 62951
File: 1566221161384.png (846.63 KB, 935x599, z.png)

side swoop bangs didn't last too long i guess
No. 63003
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No. 63014
File: 1566237944750.jpg (57.09 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1566215204738.jpg)

Her arm looks massive here
No. 63019
File: 1566238998343.png (1.06 MB, 1024x768, download.png)

>>62951Good god what did she do to that skirt, pic on the left is from her japan trip in 2017
No. 63035
File: 1566249485127.jpg (289.06 KB, 768x518, CYMERA_20190820_001628.jpg)

She's gone off the wagon, I just don't get how someone who has so much money doesn't take care of their hair and looks even though it's their job. I hated the large bowl cut bangs but even that was better than now
No. 63086
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No. 63116
File: 1566270629445.png (3.73 MB, 1365x2048, oh no.png)

>>63101Agreed. Reminder that pic related was taken a couple days later on this trip.
No. 63118
File: 1566271733730.jpg (88.87 KB, 1080x493, IMG_20190819_212602.jpg)

Lol you think she's lurking again? (pic related)
>>63116 Why does she think that outfit and pose was good enough to post? It looks like an ad for a cheep escort company.
No. 63125
>>63116Lmfao and we thought she was fat then
>>62951it’s incredible that standing next to a girl who appears to weigh more than she does she can still look dumpier and more unflattering. That’s the thing, being overweight in and of itself isn’t a laughable thing. The way pixie does it makes it sooo obvious just how big she’s gotten
No. 63126
File: 1566274157276.jpeg (351.16 KB, 1211x1653, D48C6A50-355C-4C3C-89BA-9604FE…)

With Pixie liking all the “far girl” posts recently I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts saying she’s a “plus sized qween uwu” and uses that as an excuse to further ballon up. Could you imagine if Pixie for to the the size of the girl in yellow.
No. 63128
File: 1566274544168.png (786.19 KB, 774x494, 2019-08-19 21_15_53-Window.png)

>>63118Hams will make excuses for obesity all day long. Jill, we know the crap you eat and we know you do nothing all day. Throwback to her eating an entire plate of cheese sticks.
No. 63129
>>63118the ppl who are fat but eat healthy are very rare just as the people who are thin but eat a ton are rare. especially if we are talking beyond teenage years as metabolism slows down.
plus thin people can eat a lot but still a) have a healthy diet and b) exercise enough.
also seeing Jillian like this is funny because we know all she eats is sodium/carbs and drinks sugary shit all day.
No. 63235
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No. 63484
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No. 63491
>>63484wow, the angle of this pic does wonders for her shape
>>63203does the girl look like jill or have i gone mad?
No. 63505
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>>63484lmao she fucked up the french apparently
No. 63514
>>63484Maybe this is a personal peeve but I really hate when Jillian refers to anyone who might not have any noteriety and knows of her as a member of her "confetti club cutie uwu" cult. I actually hate when antyY Yers or anyone does this. Comes wildly across thinking you're better than everyone else but then again seeing the confetti club in question even putting Jill's sodium inflated ego aside, I can't 100% blame her.
Saged for slightly o/t sperging
No. 63698
>>63484I might have the wrong person but isnt Dollfille a racist or something (at least by sjw standards)? I remember seeing a last week lolita news on it but the username was R0ttingD0lt, idk if she changed it or something. I only ask because the style of makeup is extremely similar, if they do turn out to be the same person then thats not really a good look for Jill to be friends with this person considering every member of confetti club is an uwu sjw
sage for off topic questions
No. 63721
File: 1566482424608.jpeg (447.13 KB, 606x908, 395BEE36-B6E2-4203-A325-1D771F…)

6% posted fashion show pictures on fb and insta and that group picture is the only one with Jill in it and you can’t even really see her, every other model has a solo or with another person close up from when they were walking
No. 63771
File: 1566508379080.png (938.93 KB, 945x756, pixiefashionshow2019.png)

Guys why is this so funny. It looks like shes a younger sibling that had to be included.
No. 63778
I like how in her livestream she was crying about how she thought she was "a has-been" and then was relieved of this affirmation of being in the show (I guess relieved she still has clout among people like 6% I guess?)
Jokes on her since she got shoved to the side and clearly looks like a dumpy mess compared to everyone else. And with her history of needing the spotlight and being hungry/greedy for fame and attention? Serves her right.
No. 63798
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>>63792I got serious Jojo vibes as well and that's not a good thing.
No. 63802
File: 1566516946793.jpg (491.63 KB, 960x1169, MYXJ_20190822163422_save.jpg)

>>63793They are, it's these I'm sure
No. 63831
>>63771I don't understand why jill insists on having no bangs/side pieces framing her face. It would do a lot to give her face some shape and look more flattering. Maybe she enjoys her face looking like a moon, I guess.
But wow anons were right, it looks like she was let onto the stage out of pity. She looks absolutely out of place.
No. 63853
>>63771I dont get why she went so pastel, like 6% is so bright?? like the rainbow pastel with the bright shirt looks so jarring, she should have just gonee with a bright pink skirt and ditched that jacket, would have looked so much more put together
also ot but does anyone know where that fur fabric is from?
No. 63854
>>63771I dont get why she went so pastel, like 6% is so bright?? like the rainbow pastel with the bright shirt looks so jarring, she should have just gonee with a bright pink skirt and ditched that jacket, would have looked so much more put together
also ot but does anyone know where that fur fabric is from?
No. 63891
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No. 63900
File: 1566585748615.jpg (53.81 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1566585715425.jpg)

New fan photo
No. 63938
>>63906come on anon, that kid looks sweet
>>63900those glasses are just so awful like everytime she wears them they somehow make her look older but also like a child, its terrifying
that one decora picture from a while ago was just false hope
No. 64002
File: 1566633213994.jpg (373.02 KB, 1000x1015, Large-Rose-Floral-Crown-Pastel…)

I was looking up pics of fairy kei on Ecosia/Bing and this was one of the top results. Apparently this is Jill just six years ago. It's a huge shame how she has let herself go over the last couple of years and used to dress so much better.
No. 64021
>>64011It is sad to see how much potential Jill wasted, but let's be honest, she would never last one day in a competitive fashion program and in Japan, no less. When she first moved out for college she kept crying for her mommy, and that's with her being within reasonable driving distance from her hometown, not very far away at all. And she insisted on bringing her cat with her
and adopting a new kitten too. I can't imagine how homesick and lonely she would be in Japan, not to mention the culture shock once she realizes that living in glorious Nipponland is not all rainbows and kittens like her kiddy cartoons.
No. 64022
>>64002idk i think she looks pretty awful here too
like that cheapr wig and ugly flower crown, everyhting being pastel rainbow without even trying to match, two differetn shades of pink
to me it looks like nothing but her weight and colour saturation have changed
No. 64035
>>64002This was bad six years ago and it's still bad today.
Just proves that Jill only ever got popular because she was propped up by other style-deaf people who were bad at dressing themselves and wanted an icon that represented their need to throw on whatever they wanted.
No. 64047
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No. 64048
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No. 64052
>>64047Really milking interacting with Dollfille for a day for all it's worth huh? Are they even friends?
Then again I think Toshi is trash since she's openly defended a rapist before.
No. 64129
>>64047Yikes that skirt though… It was ill-fitting in the first place but this is just horrible.
I imagine it would suck having to admit to yourself that you've outgrown a skirt you only bought a while ago, but who in their right mind would wear something this stretched out to an event where they're appearing as a public figure/model??
It looks uncomfortable as fuck and it's embarrassing to look at.
Probably doesn't help with her body issues, I think anyone would feel miserable about themselves wearing clothing way too small.
No. 64154
>>64129it looks so bad. youd think someone who spends money like its nothing wouldnt mind investing in clothes that fit now, and retiring some old pieces that no longer fit - especially for someone who is so ~body posi~ youd think shed at least try and dress properly for the body she has now. she could even make her favorite style of video, like a "chubby girls kawaii haul" video or something.
my actual assumption is that she actually ISNT comfortable with her body at all (since weve seen her photoshop her body even when trying to make body positivity posts), and in her head "plans on losing weight". like in her mind the weight is temporary and she will eventually get back to her old weight. but she probably doesnt have the willpower to stop shoving tendies in her face, or getting out of the house for even the lightest of exercise.
No. 64166
File: 1566757178982.png (325.58 KB, 760x411, Screenshot_20190825-141932.png)

>>64164I guess she hasn't completely abandoned the Confetti Club
No. 64172
>>64164Her weight gain is honestly so distracting. It's so bizarre to see people fangirling her. I have so many questions. How did she manage to make a video almost 30 minutes long with barely any interesting content? Why did she need a whole apartment for herself?
Her skirt looked like hot garbage. Sure Jill, it's an "accent zipper" and not you no knowing how to secure a garment or use a zipper foot properly. She couldn't even sew the damn bow to the skirt. The painting on the jacket looked sloppy. And yet she's delusional enough to think she can have a booth at a con one day.
She only seemed to interact with Toshi and none of the other models. It would have been nice to see close ups of the actual fashion and less of Jill rolling around and rambling in an airbnb and making people drink Tim Horton's.
No. 64176
File: 1566760529194.jpg (228.61 KB, 926x928, 3197556_afsfafsfafs.jpg)

>>64164>1000 calories of sugar tea in her hotel room fridge for the weekendThat helps explain why she became obese so fast. She always has juice and other sugary drinks in her videos. She could lose weight easily and get a much better looking silhouette for modeling outfits just by drinking water.
At least she made some more clothes even though as usual they're low-effort and show no progress in design or sewing skill. As nice at it is to see her doing more things like the DIY jacket, she was already making better customized jackets and handsewn skirts in high school, both in pic related.
No. 64181
>>64177Yeah, I agree. Her face looks bizarre in these old pics. And she looks far from obese now. Chubby, yes. It doesn't help she insists on wearing the most unflattering shit that makes her look huge.
I just caught a glimpse of the thread pic collage again while posting. God, she looked so much better with that blonde hair she had a little while ago.
No. 64184
>>64177she looked best around first japan trip imo, like not really that overweight, not skinny
she seemed happier then too
No. 64187
>>64181To be honest, and I'm not saying she's not overweight because she is, I think she looks at least 20 pounds heavier than she is because of the styles of clothes she chooses to wear. Or really, because she continues to wear the same clothes she wore when she was smaller without at least sizing up. But it wouldn't be Jill without the kawaii rainbie style, so I don't expect her or even want her to change.
If I saw her in real life she would register as a chubby girl but I wouldn't be like "oh god how do you live with yourself" like some of these anons. I would not even think twice. It's like pretty typical anyway for people to gain weight after recovering from ED or even just going to college/living away from parents. I'm not trying to white knight but I just don't understand the fixation on her weight gain/posting these old pics of her as if they look better. It's no longer news and her weight is not even interesting. Sage bc who cares
No. 64188
File: 1566762142434.jpg (106.16 KB, 514x510, jillfridge.jpg)

she's as wide as the fridge
No. 64207
>>64164I might be alone here, but I don’t think it’s the skirt that’s making her look big, but the jacket. It adds a lot of bulk to her arms/shoulder area and makes her look more top heavy.
Also, Toshi did her WRONG with that makeup lmao
No. 64314
>>64221I have to wonder, does he work for a company now that forces him to do shitty PR stuff like this and also invite her to be in the show/'autograph' table? Or is Japan just not really into 6% anymore and he feels the western market is the only one buying his brand? Each event he does outside of Japan with the exception of his exhibit is so bad. They look so unprofessional and a lot of those who participate in them look terrible, you'd think he would be embarrassed. Plus he seems so uncomfortable around Jill with each interaction, she seems like the last person he would want to rub elbows with if it weren't for her sm number.
No. 64666
>>64611They gave her the fashion show stuff cause she sweated and stretched it imo
When I watched the video I felt so bad for Sebast at the autograph session. How humiliating
No. 64746
File: 1567035304798.png (967.04 KB, 1067x869, schoolodmomomakeup.png)

i see her and momokun consulted the same outdated video for cosplay makeup
No. 64773
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>>64745A BMI of 30 is considered obese. It doesn't take as much as you think. This is an example, not saying it's what jill's measurements are.
No. 64803
>>64746Yeah neither the make-up nor the wig look like Sakura to me at all, but I actually really like these bangs/this hair color on her. It looks a hundred times more natural than the stupid rainbow bowl cut.
I know that she thinks it's her brand or whatever but if you spend 99% of the time just having your trademark looking greasy or pinned up in some bun maybe it's time to give it up.
No. 64846
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No. 64848
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No. 64909
File: 1567149761197.png (367.42 KB, 473x612, Screenshot_20190830-021134~2.p…)

I just double checked and she definitely said she had the zipper for and idea she had years ago, yet the receipt shows it from a month ago.
Maybe she bought a different zipper that day, I'm kind of hoping so because this would be a really lame lie to tell.
No. 64921
>>64916The only interest is bc she promotes them so much. No one else takes her seriously so she'll keep posting about the attention shes getting, and it seems to be working for the both of them so why stop yknow?
>>64909Holy shit that is hilarious. No way she also bought a green zipper that day, but why lie about it?
No. 64929
>>64926This. She's a relatively popular public figure from the west who can shill their products to an international market.
The only thing that makes me "Hmm" is the fact that they just seem to ignore that she's fat, but I guess since she's not completely hideous or anything, it can be overlooked.
No. 64946
>>64937What I wonder is… why her specifically? These rainbow vomit people are a dime a dozen. And Pixie doesn't even wear 6% or j-fash anymore. And if she wanted to start again, she wouldn't fit in it now.
Seems strange to pick someone who has zero connection to your brand really. Is that just because of her follower count and the kawaii leader thing?
No. 64949
>>64946>Is that just because of her follower count and the kawaii leader thing?Yes. She has lots of followers across many platforms and has been deemed a kawaii leader by popular vote. It should
not be this surprising to people that 6% wants to work with her. It's marketing 101.
No. 65006
>>64990She literally made a few videos showing her wearing her own ~clothes~ instead of being a model for a brand like a normal person. That’s the milk. She got invited by a real Japanese brand to go to a con and she hid their stuff with a jacket she pinned bows on.
She also is admitting she is fat now so take that in. She is aware of her eating issue at some level
No. 65016
>>64946Pixie is still the most popular of the rainbow vomit people. Is there anyone like her who is more popular? I'm curious.
And Pixie doesn't wear J-fashion all the time. But she has made videos about it before. I also don't know any vaguely J-fashion youtubers more popular than her. Maybe there's some lolita youtubers, idk, but that's obviously not who the brand is looking for.
I personally think Pixie fits with the brand pretty well even though she looks unattractive. The brand clearly agrees with me lol. Who would you rather see?
>>64979Why does it cheapen the brand? Body positivity is all the rage for fashion advertising these days.
No. 65042
File: 1567230151006.jpeg (398.87 KB, 2048x666, AC01DF5D-7F19-4066-A94B-919A5F…)

Her downfall in appearance is really showing when YouTube pulls random videos of her at different phases in a single row.
Maybe she should look into a new series ‘Kawaii Fitness Adventures’. There are cute gym clothes and she could brag about her mental health issues.
No. 65093
>>65042She could also put her pastel kitchen and utensils to good use and do cutesy cooking videos. A lot of people enjoy comfy videos like that and it might even encourage some of the confetti club to lose some fucking weight.
It's clear that Jill is in that downward spiral where she does fuck all because she's depressed which just makes her even more depressed. I feel kinda bad for her.
No. 65100
>>65097saying she's focused on school is a bit of a stretch she missed tonnes of school last year for youtube stuff and uwu mental health. She's focused on the idea of being in school and constantly reminding us of the fact.
She's focused on playing house with her twink bf
No. 65101
>>65097>She has her own homeShe has an oversized pink playhouse that she can't keep clean enough that it took her over a literal year to film a tour of.
>focused on long term goals (ie school)Her shitty craft fair school doesn't really count.
>OK, she still indulges in Precure and makes poor fashion choicesShe more than just indulges.
>Her focusing on actually her day to day life that has a proper structureEating tendies in bed all day and skipping weeks of classes to go play in Montreal and Japan?
>Now she seems to have actual experiences in her life other than unboxing stuffCare to give an example?
>Starting to realize living life is more important than being fixated on weight is a step in the right directionShe is still fixated on her weight. She photoshops herself to death and constantly self assures herself she's okay with her current weight.
>she has also shown clear interest in losing weight in a better way than relapsingAgain, wanna give an example of this?
No. 65106
>>65097People pay her monthly for her to make videos, anon, it's her job
They pay her rent and if they don't, mommy does
She has been in 'that period' for years and used it as a way to block out reality in an unhealthy way
She isnt happy, surely you can see that? She's struggling more than ever right now and imo needs something like a youtube sceduel to focus her and keep her mind active
No. 65108
body posi is all the rage to japanese designers but ok. Just take a look at their garment sizing. Even if she keeps getting hired as a popular token fatty, her shitty construction and lazy approach to everything doesn't really scream brand ambassador to me or anyone with eyes outside of her little cult.
I hope all the wks jumping in are strapped in and ready for the school year when she produces no content because uwu stress and anxiety and mental iwwness~ At least you can look back at all the videos she made this summer, oh wait.
No. 65142
File: 1567359174471.png (1.19 MB, 1186x992, Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 1.32…)

>>65137Not replying to this particular statement but also at the bunch of replies bringing up her personal expenditures.
Sure this reeks of upper middle class white family privilege, but it's not really milk… can we get back to the fashion train wreck?
Anyways, here you guys go, this was a studio shoot but the this could've been much more flattering even considering her size.
No. 65164
>>65142you can't have a big bulky top AND big bulky bottom Jill
learn2sihlouette. silhouette is crucial when you're heavier and you can't get away with as much as skinny girls.
No. 65176
File: 1567394134516.jpg (69.93 KB, 350x350, irregular-choice-scarpe-i-m-th…)

>>65159Not only do the colors not match, but the theme doesn't either. It's all rather random.
Those are Irregular Choice shoes, with Thumper from Bambi on them.
She's literally not wearing anything else Bambi or even Disney related.
No. 65177
>>65142I like the shape of the pleated skirt but it looks like she's wearing a bedroom rug. While I like the ribbons on the jacket it is doing her no favors to balance anything.
She must be sweating in that getup. It looks bulky, hot, and clunky. Could explain why her hair looks so flat and greasy too.
Those heels are horrible but that's a given. She always tries to shoehorn the worst footwear into her outfits. But at least it's not her scuffed platforms that she used to wear with everything.
No. 65181
>>65179 I have a baffling theory for this one:
Jilly still hasn't caught on that North American shoe sizes differ from than UK ones. A size 8 in the UK is a size 11 in the US. I think she buys her 'go to' size without taking in the difference hence why they are too big.
An understandable mistake if you only buy online but a very odd one if you have gone in store. Like she has when she was in London.
No. 65184
>>65181The only other semi-logical explanation I can think of for why she buys larger sized heels, would be to avoid getting blisters. Iirc she said she tries to only wear her Irregular Choice shoes for special events and photoshoots, so maybe she always gets them bigger in an effort to prevent foot sores? Especially if it's an event that'll have her on her feet for a long time.
…or maybe that's giving her too much credit. Not understanding shoe size conversions is not something I'd put past her honestly.
No. 65187
>>65179Since the beginning of her YT career she's always messed up when buying shoes.
Either she buys them too small and has to 'break them in' or they're too big on her. I don't think she owns a single pair of shoes that actually fits her right, even when she's tried them on at a store before.
No. 65210
>>65142What are anons takes on the jacket itself as a stand-alone though, I have to ask? It’s certainlty not fashion design, more of a craft, but I think it’s kind of cute? I can’t tell if it’s just my brain turning into mush because muhprettycolors on the sleeves though.
How do other anons feel?
No. 65211
>>65210i think the painting on the back was really cute but it's simply too bulky for Jill at her current size and really unflattering.
the pink denim and the bows are kinda cute although tacky but they DO fit in with 6% doki doki.
shame that she actually only made 1 of the pieces and simply painted on & embellished the other
No. 65233
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Maggie just posted at Jill’s house. I don’t get it… are they friends or not?
No. 65286
>>65274Honestly, I feel justified finding Jill's video long, boring, and barely relevant. She really wanted to make it seem like she was a super special model and designer for an exclusive event when it was actually a stop on a larger tour.
It would have been more interesting to show people making art or to have an edited version of the fashion show, not forcing her audience to endure the cringe in real time. Wks in this thread are so obvious. Like uwu good for her she did some last minute crafts for an event, she definitely has so much potential and a future in j-fash! Hand painting with craft paint and pinning bows to a fast fashion jacket is not even close to what being a designer is like, but please keep blowing smoke up her ass.
No. 65297
>>65286It's because with Jill EVERYTHING is all about her.
I remember back at her NYC party she ended up snubbing the artists that were vending there. She didn't even take time to show them or talk to any of her vendor guests. A few of them were kawaii fashion related and they didn't look like they were doing too well since everyone was there exclusively for sucking up to Jill.
One of the vendors ended up getting kinda popular recently since I followed her after meeting her at the event since she was genuinely nice to talk to and her art was very cute. It's kind of a shame Jill doesn't care about anyone unless they're up on her dick 24/7
No. 65377
>>65373And Jill has a pro photographer for a mom and has been on youtube for years. She has all of the resources to improve her content, but she has zero self awarness and doesn't seem to think she needs to improve.
She's constantly hyping up all of the videos she's going to make. If she actually followed through, stuck to a schedule or routine, and had a critical thought in her head, her channel might have improved.
Jill has been coasting on the audience she gained from being spoiled enough to get
filming equipment and whatever she could buy to show off instead of developing an actual personality or skills. It's not only embarrassing to witness but sad to see other anons rush to defend. The bitch is lazy af. How little she's been able to grow and improve on her "full time job" where she has complete control and freedom shows that.
No. 65382
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No. 65420
>>65297I know who you're talking about. She does conventions in the NY/NJ/PA area. I checked her twitter and she's mutuals with quite a few popular artists I follow, but apparently she's mutuals with Daniel.
It doesn't look like she's following Jillian anymore though. Maybe she was just trying to get on her good side before the party to try and "get in" with her for the popularity.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
(saged for sperging)
No. 65479
>>65420Wasn’t that what all the vendors were doing? Banking off the success of a “popular yootoober’s” audience for a quick buck or for some popularity?
I remember one of the artists had stuff stolen from their booth and there was a Guy was selling stuff that really didn’t fit the “aesthetic” of “kawaii society” and was all ugly girl art. Not even j fashion or kawaii related. Just a comic dude.
What’s worse is if you watch Jill’s vid of the meet again you can see they were totally overbooked on vendors. They’re packed in there super tight.
No. 65487
>>65297Are you talking about techycutie? (I’m not sure who other anon is talking about because techycutie isn’t popular tho)
I didn’t hear anything about someone getting stolen from tho.
No. 65514
>>65487She definitely was there, she's definitely not popular, but has popular friends or at least popular twitter mutuals.
Just tinfoiling here but she might be forcing herself in with popular people to get fame. If she unfollowed Jill after the party that kinda shows. Her art is all kinda boring and same-ish?
No. 65594
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I guess they're friends again?
No. 65740
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A mental image I really could have done without. It’s strange to imagine her moving fast when she is so lazy and sluggish
No. 65876
File: 1568031471581.jpeg (466.56 KB, 828x811, DCC07A20-4570-4830-8D60-A1365A…)

This doesn’t look aesthetic at all Jill. This just looks cluttered and clashing
No. 65888
>>65876Isnt that lemon stuff the gift wrap she taped to the wall??
in the fucking kitchen, behind the sink. what the fuck.
No. 65993
File: 1568119169619.jpeg (618.25 KB, 811x1173, A6CA5ADA-0708-41B1-B89F-5DD948…)

But Jill. You don’t go to an accredited college or University. You’re literally going to arts and crafts class for 3 years
No. 66013
>>65993I mean American college definitely has a lot of fucked up things about it but ???
>don’t go to college buy a house insteadWith…what money Kelly? I don’t know many 18-21 year olds with enough funds or credit history to buy a house nor will most well-paying jobs hire just anyone who doesn’t have some sort of degree. Not everyone can become a well payed social media brat either. I agree that American college has become almost more expensive than its worth in the current job market but saying “just buy a house instead” is also incredibly idiotic. All that splat is seeping into her brain.
No. 66137
>>66121Keep in mind, those numbers are in USD, so it's a decent amount more in CAD. She probably earns about $1500/month through her YouTube/Patreon together, and her cost of living is incredibly low because she lives in a small town in Canada.
She definitely isn't rich herself, but she can afford to live more than comfortably, especially since her parents are well off, and they pay for things frequently for her (like trips to Montreal as presents or paying for her craft fair college).
No. 66217
File: 1568257271436.jpg (840.13 KB, 1044x846, 2016_Fashion_Show-web_8.jpg)

>>66208>it seems like a decent technical collegelmao it isn't
pic related for what someone who finished the program showed off in their end of year fashion show
No. 66234
>>66217wow. that looks like mid-level cosplay with cheap satin fabric.
still better fitted than anything Jillian's managed to produce. Ever.
No. 66359
>>65382 such a
fashun designerrKek Jill is truly mind blowing how she is always labeling herself for attention. How the fuck can she even be a fashion can designer when she has next to zero education in actual fashion design, the industry and lacks a career of any sort related to fashion design. Easy to claim something she has never worked for. Kek. Lazy bitch is barely able to sew mediocre cheap ass cosplay tier shit.
No. 66378
File: 1568434251309.jpeg (477.14 KB, 1228x1681, 873A5FAD-752D-4F05-B83A-99EBB2…)

“Hewwooooo my Patre-pals!!
Welcome to September! I wanted to be able to tell you about my first week at fashion skool, so I hope you didn't mind the delay with this newsletter I have sooo much to share with u
Are you back to school or werk?? What do y'all do in the day time? I have class Tues-Fri now so I am attempting to formulate a weekend film/edit/upload routine >:)
Love you loads- don't let the chilly weather get u down!!!!
No. 66832
File: 1569017372290.jpg (121.58 KB, 720x976, 20190920_180654.jpg)

Honestly if she cant even maintain a youtube account I don't know why her end goal is to run a shop by herself because she can't motivate herseld for shit. Side note, what happened on the 17th?
No. 66953
>>66942Stopped caring after five minutes. But holy fucking Hoarders.
Also, are my phone speakers dying or is that audio pure dumpster fire levels of quality?
No. 66968
>>66944only watched to see how bad it was and oh mygod that was so uncomfortable jesus
its so blatently mimicking jenna, its actually creepy
No. 66971
>>66969Jenna and Emilia Fart. Very cringe.
Also, she says people ask her where she got her sheets from, but how can that happen when she never uploads? Trying to make yourself seem more popular/social than you are? Just tell us how you commissioned a bed set.
Lastly, her wearing a cross bag is killing me. She's filming a vid INSIDE HER OWN HOUSE. What did she need to carry with her that she can't get in 3 seconds?? Even if it is for her outfit, it's just ridiculous. This with her mimicking is making her seem less genuine each video.
No. 66973
File: 1569106058430.jpeg (444.5 KB, 1233x1227, FD81740D-F050-4F64-AA31-7B4779…)

I really hope she didn’t buy that jacket from the intro. I really hope it was a gift because it’s $150 and clashes with EVERYTHING SHE OWNS.
No. 66987
>>66942>21:13when she started talking about tampons, it was so cringey. "We got these for guests who need to come over and have periods, they can plug her up."
Why is she so gross considering her audience is very underaged?? not saying periods are gross (obviously) but how she speaks isn't quirky. It's gross. it's like she's trying to be one of the dudes. Also, who keeps them tampons out in the open in a bowl??
No. 67045
>>66942That bathroom segment was the most cringe.
The open bowl of tampons exposed to the elements and fecal matter still doesn't make sense even after she explained (joked? I cannot tell..) why they're there for. What the actual fuck, Jill.
Other than that, meh. Just a boring ass townhome that's painted up and stuffed with pink plastic shit. Actual taste not found.
No. 67046
>>66942God isn't that house a capitalist nightmare. No wonder her mental health took a tool indeed. I cringed a little when she said she wanted her figure shelf to look like a mandarake display, come on Jill, that kind of place is awful for motivation and leaves you drained.
Other than this I kind of like her Jenna Marbles routine?? I mean, it's a bit obvious but also more entertaining than her last stick.
No. 67047
>>67045as gross as 'plug her up' is this is a nitpick anon
The tampons are in plastic wrap
No. 67056
>>67054I didn’t say she’s model thin anon kek
She’s probably still a little bit overweight but she does look slimmer than in the last house tour
No. 67059
>>67040If it’s ANY consolation, it definitely looks like that brush has never been used. (Yes, I’m aware that it’s still next to the toilet)
What I’m lol-ing at is the fact that she’s expanded her hoard since even part one of her house tour, but STILL hasn’t gotten light switch covers. It’s been over a year, Jill.
No. 67070
>>67067It doesn't bother me either, other than the fact I find the colour scheme a little ugly and cluttered.
I actually enjoy her collection, just not how she chooses to present it.
No. 67075
>>67067Even if you want to judge it by rainby pastel qween standards, I think the paintjobs are the best part of the townhome.
Other than that, the organization and presentation of her belongings are mediocre for someone with the money that she has.
I don't want to give her tips to improve in case she's lurking.
I just found the bathroom particularly hilarious because it's the perfect mix of an area she can't really do the plastic glam thing to + clearly doesn't invest in any higher quality items which makes it look trashy.
No. 67107
>>67059OKay nitpick but I was thinking the same thing. Jil, love ya but please cover up the lightswitches, I don't love the whole aesthetic thing because it's not my taste but the lightswitch covers are so easy please
also is it just me or does the fact that her toothbrushes and tampons are just out in the open right next to the toilet (like no toothbrush cover or place to put the tampons away from the germs) make anyone else a little queasy…? I'm generally concerned about her health because that's lowkey super bad because of the germs every time she flushes……..
No. 67136
File: 1569247298025.jpg (410.72 KB, 720x960, 20190923_150024.jpg)

Shes fucking massive and looks like she has special needs
No. 67188
>>67187anon you're replying to here, I agree with you on that but she's also just that - a wannabe. She's also always been afraid of anyone doing what she does better than her, probably why she only ever shared confetti club members who were dressed poorly or maybe not as attractive.
Jill's fear of competition is no secret.
No. 67201
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>>67200meant Kammie Pomeranian
No. 67203
>>67110Afaik fecal matter still is aerosolized when you flush a toilet which is why if it's getting on her toothbrushes and ear plugs, it's getting onto the plastic wrapping of those tampons that women will touch before they go to touch their genital areas.
She can't just keep them in a box under the sink, nah. Clearly the granny candy style bowl full of tampons is peak kawaii aesthetic even if it makes no sense.
No. 67228
>>67136I don't think this outfit would be that bad (its bad but not the worst thing she's ever done) if it didnt have that ugly Hester jacket! The pattern and colors are so odd they clash with everything, and that cut is doing her no favors.
I still don't think that Jill is obese, but she is definitely a larger person now and she needs to start dressing for her body type. Boxy clothes like that jacket just make you look even wider!
No. 67258
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No. 67282
>>67228I think Jill's BMI must be in the 30s by now which would technically make her obese.
Her clothing really does her no favours though I can't believe she thinks her outfits look ok. Even tho she is very much overweight she could still look cute if she switched up her default disastrous fridge sihlouette she keeps going fo
No. 67687
>>61883 (this is the precure review video)
OKAY so this is kind of old milk and ot so sorry but I actually wanted to talk about this video because yall saw how it was 90 MINUTES…. so i didn't have to time to watch it through until today but I actually have a lot to say about it.
I realized something. Jillian's whole stick is about her loving precure with all of her heart and soul and this video almost seems like her wishing to prove this. Although Jillian generally seemed like she was talking about something she was passionate about, I actually found her whole view and description on the video pretty pessimistic.. For most of the series, she seems to only talk about the negatives of each one, very glossing over the positives and talking about how annoying and boring barebones etc each season is, but then following it up with "I rate it a 10/10" or "I still love it though" etc. I found the whole thing to be pretty disingenuous and it felt more like she was doing this to keep up a persona rather than she actually truly enjoyed the show as her favorite show of all time.
It makes me wonder if she is going through a depersonalization period or -of course not caused by drug usage- but something resembling a longterm ego death. I feel like as of latley she seems to loose more of the things that she personally enjoys and is just trying to skinwalk almost as a cute kawaii leader girl rather than generally being herself. I wonder if she's just trying to do the whole "pretend your cute and happy when you're dying inside" type thing. I don't know actually, sorry if this was a little all over the place it just got m thinking about her whole personality and her changes as a whole when she went off to college. What do yall think??
No. 67689
>>67687I think I've said this before on Jill's thread, but it's pretty common for people who deal with mental illness in their formative years to latch onto media rather than develop their own personality traits. She spent her tween/early teen years dealing with anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder, and that can really fuck you up in terms of what your personality becomes. Kids that age just see themselves as their illnesses, so their personality gets determined by what they're into, and a lot of them never grow out of it. So yeah, it is a shell, because Jill doesn't really have any personality traits underneath this. She isn't known for being particularly funny, witty, compassionate, outgoing, etc. She's known for being a rainbow who likes magical girls, because that's all she is.
No. 67700
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Poor guy
No. 67727
File: 1569787003268.jpg (140.5 KB, 703x734, MYXJ_20190929125509_save.jpg)

>>67702The face of a man questioning if living rent free is really worth it
No. 67738
>>67702She uses Ion, which is really cheap dye. She could have at least sperlged for some manic, which washes out easily, but will not damage hair at all. Ion is really chalky in texture and just doesnt take to most hair. that's like $5 a box dye, vs arctic fox or even manic, which would be $13-$15 but will take better.
Also, arctic fox donates to animal rescue. Didn't jill get a sponser from them a while back?
No. 67743
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>>67702ladies and gentlemen, this photo says it all
No. 67771
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No. 67772
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No. 67778
File: 1569803081319.png (1.02 MB, 769x833, dslkfjsldkfj.png)

increasingly similar energies
No. 67799
>>67738If you know absolutely nothing about hair maybe keep it to yourself. Ion can last for months whereas arctic fox and manic panic lasts days to weeks.
In the iconic words of Freckle: "sometimes things that are more expensive are worse".
No. 67808
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>>67701How long until he looks like this?
No. 67820
>>67702I can't imagine putting up with this to appease conservative parents and live rent free. I'm getting the vibes of every closeted dude I met in hs. Of course Jill is oblivious and happy to have a live in gay bff that she can make tryhard rpdr references to or whatever her current phase is.
>>67772It's obvious she blatantly ignored his request for pastel pink from how dark and saturated that conditioner "diluted" color was. There was no way in hell that color was going to come out pastel or fade anytime soon. Bright pinks like that take forever to fade, she did him so dirty. She really should have known better having once had lighter shades herself.
No. 67862
>>67702not to stereotype but those glamour shots are like.. so, so gay
biiiig 'gay best friend' vibes, yikes
No. 67901
>>67738I think I remember this. AF emailed her for a sponsorship, but she was so piss-poor about checking her email that she missed it until months later.
As a matter of fact, if I remember rightly, she did this same shit to Steve before they were dating when he wanted to do an interview with her; source should be from one of her first videos with him.
>>67815That is Colin, the last boyfriend Jillian had before she got with Mystery Girl and Steve. He was with her when she got into her party-kei phase and is probably more well-known for being the only one to have dumped her rather than being dumped like the others during her YT period, if not being the reason behind her breaking up with her boyfriend before
No. 67905
>>67702I love #Steveabuse and the Jilly brainwashing.
Don't wanna pay rent and ride the coattails of your YT girlfriend? Then pay the fucking price, beta.
No man with self-respect would live in a rainby pastel hovel, being belittled on camera, while being unallowed to express himself in any fucking way whatsoever. Unless he was a lazy piece of trash willing to have his balls crushed by Jill's Irregular Choices in exchange for some free housing. What a pathetic male.
No. 67940
>>67901Ntayrt but they weren't referring to the photo of Colin, they clearly were replying to this photo of these two odd looking individuals
>>67778Pretty sure we all know who Colin is and what Jill did to him. Every boy she gets her grubby hands on falls to the same fate.
#stevensgreatescape when kek
No. 67960
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>>67959Found his Twitter. Holy shit, what a mess. It’s definitely him. His twitch goes by the same handle.
No. 67963
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>>67960He looks so different now though? It’s crazy if it’s the same person, just shows the damage of the pixielocks train wreck
No. 67967
>>67965He’s always been trans for as long as he’s been involved with Jill, I was mostly referring to giving himself a ~special snowflake~ name and using that annoying “____ as fuck!!” language.
>>67963He looks different because of his glasses and jaw surgery. He got it right before they broke up iirc.
Anyway, I’ll stop derailing.
No. 67972
>>67963Saged for OT but what is that cute as fuck griffin toy on his shoulder? Does anyone know where I can get one?
Thanks and sorry guys
No. 67973
>>67971As someone who was following Jill at the time of the break up there was no official reason given on either side because Collin just didn’t talk about it and all Jill did was flip flop between whinging about being the
victim and talk about how she was a ~*Strwung independent wumahn who didn’t need no man*~
No. 67992
>>67971I mean Jill wold constantly go on about how she would be lesbian if it wastn for Grey/Colin having a dick and if they are trans that is pretty awful
Plus she would push her own shit on them constantly, just like shes doing with her new toy
No. 68033
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Who wants to bet that Candy stripper dress isn’t zipped up at the back
No. 68038
>>67972It's an ULTRA•PRO Dungeons And Dragons Owlbear Figurine.
Have fun anon, it looks adorable on a shelf
(I hope I saged right. I don't post much sorry)
No. 68051
File: 1569969301506.png (1.03 MB, 946x733, pixyyikes.png)

>>68033she's so fat it's aging her badly. pixy come on already, just go on a diet before you look like someone's mum
No. 68080
File: 1569987891472.png (13.57 KB, 388x116, Screen Shot 2019-10-02 at 12.4…)

Down another $25 this month on patreon.
No. 68081
>>68037>>68038You are awesome, thank you so much anons!
No. 68109
File: 1570011640779.png (1.49 MB, 944x1194, Screen Shot 2019-10-02 at 5.18…)

jesus christ jill this angle isn't doing you any favors at all? you would think that she would try to take flattering photos of herself since she's a "full time fashion blogger" but this is just…. goddamn
No. 68161
File: 1570049141572.png (164.77 KB, 768x347, no.png)

>>68159>her outfit is cute Please respect yourself anon
Also Im pretty sure the shirt/dress is that thrift store thing she got and then slightly altered and did a video on
No. 68167
>>68157I stopped following this mess forever ago and this video came up in recommended so I came here to say
her thumbnail is so bad, it does not make her look good at all, I legit thought it wasn't even her at first.
No. 68177
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No. 68181
File: 1570052687452.png (1.27 MB, 855x772, raversoccermom.png)

that second chin is coming in hard lasses
No. 68182
>>68145…..ooooooooooooh oh no. that's- I-
I mean I guess that does explain why her blonde hair has always looked kind of crusty and brassy but… that's SO bad for your hair and just looks bad. it's even cheaper to do because it can keep your looks cleaner in the long run. I would think she'd know that by now too because it's one of the BASICS of hair dye and hair upkeep… most fashion bloggers mention the importance of it too…. ughhhhhhh
JIL IF YOU'RE LURKING PLEASE please take some of the money you spend on your accessories and put it into your hair…
No. 68197
File: 1570062241315.png (3.08 MB, 1136x640, 625B6511-8DFD-495A-BD08-9F99E0…)

when was she in New York recently? She has a metrocard in the bottom of her backpack
No. 68267
>>68254It's Steve. She has him credited in the description.
Also is no one going to talk about her whole "I'm sorry its plastic, everything is plastic because I have to buy the brands the school requires. Trying to be more sustainable teehee!" bit. No ones going to burn you for the one plastic bin, it's the landfill of a house you live in that's already the issue.
No. 68293
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>>68190>I went to parson’s for apparel design>parson’s>apparel designbitch your fellow graduates look like this and you all went to “fashion school” too. chill
>>68197she probably just hasn’t cleaned it out since her NY trip.
No. 68297
File: 1570124763393.png (566.17 KB, 611x501, Capture 1.PNG)

A lot of u keep saying she hasn’t cleaned it since her NY trip but that trip was in March of last year and the wc x ojamajo doremi was first announced on February of this year.
No. 68309
File: 1570135427580.png (1.19 MB, 1230x640, Screenshot 2019-10-03 at 21.40…)

No. 68315
File: 1570139891632.jpeg (277.35 KB, 1242x1133, 3A31279B-550D-4DEF-8C65-2BCFBC…)

@ jill, i get that you’re excited about learning a new word but sweet lord
sage for nitpick maybe
No. 68365
>>68252Depends on the school. I majored in fashion and we were given all of our basics (rulers, French curves, tailor’s chalk, shears, seam ripper, etc.) in addition to bobbins and thread to use on the school machines. Most of the people in the program ended up buying some of the same things that were provided to us anyways, usually for ergonomic reasons.
It is really rare for a university to just give you supplies. Every other person I know who went to art school had to buy every single thing that they used unless it was some kind of machine, which is then (obviously) provided by the school.
>>68309Holy shit next thread pic pls.
No. 68546
File: 1570373143706.png (3.81 MB, 2768x1440, PicsArt_10-06-04.38.08.png)

something like this?
No. 68576
File: 1570389661551.png (3.61 MB, 2768x1440, PicsArt_10-06-04.52.08.png)

made another one as well but it might be too aRtSy
No. 68697
File: 1570486423560.jpg (690.38 KB, 1366x768, pixietatt.jpg)

>>68690 her new tattoo design mock up. She wants it going from her wrist to elbow and wrapped around her entire arm.
No. 68796
>>68766her boy toy edits now so it must be his odd choice
>>68697this really, really wont work as a tattoo
I dont get why she doesnt make a rough sketch (also makes that sketch on a photo of herself) and uses that instead? I dont know anyone else who make the art for their own tattoos like this, its weirdly narsacistic
No. 68862
>>68817image board, post screenshots
what the fuck does an asmr bdsm channel look like
No. 68865
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>>68817>>68862I’m not the original anon, but I took a look and I can only assume its this channel “Blood Doll”. It features a bunch of ASMR roleplay videos with titles like “Psychotic dominatrix kidnaps you and makes you her slave”, “Mommy domme comforts her little during a panic attack”, “Psycho lesbian first date”, etc.
She really should have a separate account from her main one to watch shit like this on. Lul
No. 68869
File: 1570572728812.jpg (344.29 KB, 720x1151, 20191008_180929.jpg)

>>68865That's disgusting but also hilarious oml. The fact that she pb sees herself as a powerful sexy dom who takes care of her bf, only to have a panic attack herself after sex kek what a delusional bitch
No. 68937
>>68932Seriously, there are hundreds of videos people put out that viewers simply just don't watch, there's a huge reach to say she's into hardcore BDSM because someone she's subbed to posts videos of them. I get it about the
valid hate on other shit she does but this is a massive jump in assumption.
No. 68952
>>68928On behalf of the BDSM community - we accept everyones kinks aslong as it is consent.
If she likes it okay, she does not force it on anyone
>>68761Oh, i'm not on her FB, but she mentions it in the video
>>68690 but if any other anon who follows her has screen shots, they can post them.
No. 69098
>>69094No one cares that you have borderline
She says that she decorates her house because of borderline and she picks up emotions and accents
No. 69102
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im not sure if it's just me but I actually really appreciated and enjoyed that video. its one thing to just be like a lolcow and not have any self awareness at all but, she generally has bpd and that's a serious mental illness. i generally felt a lot of compassion for her after this and I think she did a good job explaning the baby voice and at least we know she isn't "uwu"ing on purpose….
however, and sage for nitpick but i can still see your lightswitch and please cover it up it has been months we all need you to put a lightswitch cover on it please god please
No. 69106
>>69102Thank god it aint just me. The light switches are killing me, for a fashion blogger could you put 5 minutes in to at least not display them in every video.
Also we been knew she had BPD? One of the anons on here guessed it a while back I'm pretty sure? Im too lazy to go find the comments but it was on the thread before last
No. 69107
>>69093>>mentions going to the hospital at 15 for "suicidal ideolations">>was given a psych eval and diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Disordered Eating>>told her she has hints of Borderline Personality Disorder but she was too young to make a conclusive diagnosis>>April 2019 she was formally diagnosed with BPD. Goes on to define it and it's symptoms.>>Feels a disconnect between her rainbie pastel sunshine online presence and the harsh definition of BPD>>Hopes the video will help stop the stigmatization of BPD>>Worries that even if she tries her best explaining her feelings in this video, some of her viewers will fear her and/or see her differently>>Says people with BPD have high suicide rates, mentions constant struggle with suicidal feelings>>Says she is coming to terms and accepts she will have BPD for the rest of her life>>Mentions that in class, she's overly excited about every little thing - "If I'm ever the only one in a room doing something, it's probably [BPD]">>"My environment has a huge impact on my mental state">>Talks about the ways she tries to regulate her emotions>>Had a sudden realization not long ago that she makes her house the way it is to make herself happier>>Talks about how she gets a little too immersed in movies so stressful kinds of movies are difficult for her to sit through>>soaks up others' emotions "like a sponge">>Talks about mimicking and vocal tones>>Her changing her tones, higher pitches and lower, doing accents, and doing baby talk - she attributes to BPD>>"It's entirely subconscious and very frustrating and very embarassing">>Uses the example that if she watches too much of a certain youtuber, she will start talking like them without meaning to>>Talks about feeling self aware about how her feelings are sometimes irrational band tries to stay logical about things>>Says she sometimes has to tell people to "disregard the look on her face and please only take what she says, from her mouth, as what she's feelings">>Mentions that some people regard BPD sufferes as pathological liars but that she is the exact opposite, feeling anxiety about lying and saying she doesn't have the energy to lie>>Was experiencing dissociation more often but after her doctor changed up her mix of medications, it got a lot better>>Anxiety gets so bad sometimes, she gets nauseous>>Has been experiencing an increase in sensory overload recently - if rooms are "too hot, too cold, too bright, too dark", she says it messes with her head>>Hopes this was educational>>Wants to be happy. Says she is not an angry person, not a malicious person, that she is just a girl born with "brain chemistry and had some not so great things happen in her life" No. 69108
>>69093loooool so many anons have been calling it being BPD for a while now (myself included)
And as stated just know of COURSE it's BPD, every lolcow or spoiled center of attention brat like Jill has it.
No. 69109
>>69107>Some not so great things happenLike fucking what, being "ana"? Getting 99 instead of 100 presents at Christmas? Her family and everyone surrounding her spoiling bet rotten and when they don't they're labeled "
toxic" by her? Jumping from cock to cock and then having a short lived lesbian phase where she treated the girl like shit because she wasn't "kawaii rainby aesthetic" enough?
What a hard life it is to be an upper middle class Canadian twat who doesn't have to work a real 9-5 job and happily grabs at the wallets of her autistic following instead.
No. 69110
>>69107Samefag, sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes but I tried to take notes as she was talking to condense it for those not wanting to sit through 22 minutes of her just sitting and talking. Now I actually believe she has this and it seems like it really is a very emotionally exhaustive disorder to have. Obviously that doesn't excuse her poor behaviors of the past, I just hope she isn't trying to use this as a catch all get out of jail free card for any time she's mistreated those around her. Having BPD in itself is not a cow thing, it's using it as some excuse for not taking responsibility for one's actions. That's what upsets me about cows, anyway.
>>69103I also like her hair like this, although I'm still someone who would prefer she go all blonde if she insists on her rainbow wardrobe because it's easier on the eyes. I just hope her bangs aren't blonde rn only because she about to dye them rainbow again. One can only hope.
No. 69112
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>>69107Oh yeah and forgot to note she ended the video with this and then included suicide prevention help lines for the US, UK, and Canada in the next slide. And that's the whole video.
No. 69113
>>69110I agree that it definitely doesn't excuse her shitty actions in the past and the way she's treated people, such as Alyssa, her exes and her ex friends. Though I do think it explains is her childish taste and obnoxious mannerisms. I don't think anyone cares that she watches kids anime anyway, it's more that she has to act like the biggest and best fan of everything that is annoying.
The baby talk and the way she mimicks youtubers are things a lot of us have picked up on. She should just have Steve edit it out if she finds it embarassing and gets comments on it, because it's really not cute. Does she even get many yt comments about it or was it just us she was responding to? Do people call her out on doing it in real life?
No. 69114
>>69113We know she lurks but who can say honestly.
The way she gets choked up at the end about talking about how not great things have happened to her seemed to reek of self-pity. And how she says she's incapable of lying but has lied about things and tried to sweep things under the rug makes me really question that point.
No. 69115
>>69107Thanks for the summary anon.
Has she ever made it clear whether or not she's actually getting real consistent professional help? BPD is a nightmare from what I've seen of other people with it and only remotely manageable with a lot of work. CBT would probably help her.
Definitely explains her using hair dye and tattoos to cope with depressive bouts.
No. 69124
>>69114>And how she says she's incapable of lying but has lied about things and tried to sweep things under the rug makes me really question that point.remember how she said Neko her cat come from a horrible breeder and she'd never go back, and then got Stickers from the same breeder and praised them?
I dont believe it for a second. Shes been caught lying or just ignoring things to make her seem better in the past before
No. 69153
>>69147>>69150blogpost but i personally know 3 autistic women who were misdiagnosed with bpd at the same age as jill
bpd comes from being abused as a child, jill has not been abused or traumatised by anyone
plus people with bpd dont mimick or get sensory overload like you said, plus she doesnt have the bpd jealousy freak outs
her diagnosis of bpd is bs and she only has it because its the popular ~cute suffering~ illness right now
No. 69156
>>69140She has actually accused two of her past exes of abusing her, the punk phase boyfriend and the made up first girlfriend
>>69153Remember her theatre kid days, she definitely had jealousy freak outs when she wasn’t cast as the lead, she fell out with all the other kids because of her jealousy and acting out for attention and she has no friends from that phase of her life
No. 69161
>>69160Samefaggotery, it reminds me of Kenna with her autism diagnosis. I think Kenna
does have autism but she took the opportunity to really act up her autism in that video, rocking back and forth and stimming and so on. This video is pixie jamming her square self into a round "BPD" hole that she doesn't quite fit into.
No. 69162
>>69156first gf was found on deviantart, they dated for like 2 weeks then broke up because it wastn working out, not abuse because they posted literlly all of it publically and uma seemed more hurt than jill over the whole thing
saged for old milk
No. 69170
>>69166Loads of people cut, anxiety, ed, depression, all of which jill has no? its milky because she is going to play it as an excuse for everyhting she does, like she was in the video
also i bet she will start with the whole ~abuse
victim survivor~ shit now
No. 69198
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>>69093everybody here saw this from a mile away. also i don't like how she was fishing for pity the entire video.she essentially blames her bpd for everything people point out on here.
also bpd isn't a permanent diagnosis. you can recover with proper psychological treatment.
No. 69202
>>69178>Especially if you remember how many of her exes have gotten either really depressed after the breakup or have changed a TON after it.idk there's no reason to be debating if she has it or not.…but the only ex of hers that we know was depressed was Alyssa because of how she was treated and dumped. Her other two exes seem to be relatively normal young people with normal changes and phases that occur in people who grow up and don't cling to rainbows and baby talk and children's anime.
I highly doubt she was traumatized as a child and that's the sole cause and explanation for her spoiled and self absorbed behavior that's been documented for years. You're giving her too much credit. Honestly, BPD is such a copout disorder that barely anyone who has it is willing to do the work to not treat everyone in their life like shit. It pisses me off that there are people like that out there that are coddled as hell and never have to face real consequences. Whenever Steve gets worn down, Jill will just find a new lackey, when she's shit at fashion design and production, she'll just get her fans and parents to powder her ass while she floats through life with no purpose.
No. 69213
>>69178>Especially if you remember how many of her exes have gotten either really depressed after the breakup or have changed a TON after itNone???
>idk there's no reason to be debating if she has it or notRight, because she doesn't.
No. 69229
>>69162She has claimed in the past the relationship was
abusive and the age gap was a factor, she made out that the girl was manipulative and controlling which is the same she said about the punk era boyfriend
No. 69234
>>69229i believe uma was 16 and jill was 14 when they dated, so not exactly an
abusive age gap
and they literally dated for a like a week and it was jill who left uma upset, telling uma she would love to stay friends and such, its all screenshot in one of the earlier threads
i know because i was the one who foumd her deviantart, its been deleted now i think
saged for more old milk but the whole
abusive girlfriend is bullshit, their entire relationship played out on deviantart pretty much, including arugments over smoking i believe
No. 69236
>>69198Yeah a few anons got told off for armchair diagnosing this a while back
The whole vid is really a big pity party for her but personality disorders aren't like depression.. it's having a series of maladaptive behaviours and often the people around them suffer
It's not unusual for people with bpd to lie constantly and then claim to be 'the most honest person on earth' like she did in this vid lol. Being abused is one of the main lies they tell. They rewrite their own past to garner sympathy
She also spoke about it being 'a lifelong thing that she has to deal with' but there are remission rates for bpd if a person will simply get behavioural therapy and take ownership of their behaviours to change. Really shitty that she's spreading a message of it being a lost cause
No. 69237
>>69157>average autistic person dies at the age of 36, and one of the leading death causes is suicide.lmao. source? you sound like you're pulling statistics out of your ass
Jill would never commit suicide. She lacks the will to.
>>69202>It pisses me off that there are people like that out there that are coddled as hell and never have to face real consequences. Whenever Steve gets worn down, Jill will just find a new lackey, when she's shit at fashion design and production, she'll just get her fans and parents to powder her ass while she floats through life with no purpose.That's just rich people in general. Look at Caroline Calloway. Or any other kid with a trust fund safety net.
No. 69239
>>69237The autism obsession is seeping into alot of threads lately
She ticks nearly every box for bpd (you only need 5 out of the 9 traits) and even if some anons think bpd is over-diagnosed in women (I agree) I could still see her benefiting from dialectical behavioural therapy if she'd just stop playing the
victim and work on herself. Her claim that it's a permanent issue that she can't help goes against what professionals say
No. 69251
>>69093Ik I’m late but this video baffles me. I’m sure she has something wrong with her, but I’m not sure if this is it? I feel like regardless she has narcissistic personality disorder instead of ontop of it.
There’s multiple questions after watching this video. Why is she so happy about this diagnosis? Is the fact she lied about being unable to lie part of her illness as a pathological liar, or is she genuinely that delusional (“I have delusional feelings but not delusional thoughts”) to believe she doesn’t lie? Her saying she cares about her friends feelings and absorbs their emotions over the smallest thing clearly isn’t even true when we’ve seen screenshots of her blatantly doing the opposite and dismissing her friends or even being outright rude to them. Clearly her friends feelings weren’t brought into any consideration when she fucked Tracey’s manfriend.
Are her explanations of BPD accurate? Watching the video felt like watching someone have their first ever conscious thought. A lot of the things she listed are normal human thoughts or behaviors.
The aura this video gives off is basically a checklist of everything ever complained about here, which she now excuses as BPD. It just really rubs me wrong. I hope with a diagnosis she at least gets help and improves on her behavior a bit but I highly doubt anything will change. I don’t really care about her copying dialect but I certainly do care about her wreckless drinking/sex & emotional swings, pathological lying, & wreckless tattooing.
I find it funny as well that she says she changed her meds and suddenly felt better. If she’s being prescribed one wrong medication I wonder how many others she’s taking are effecting her negatively.
No. 69261
>>69251Her sole example of how she "dissociates" which was that she was walking along and thought "was that fountain always there? These trees are so tall!" is the weakest thing I've ever heard. When she's listing off the traits she says "BPD" in a cutesy voice like it's a nice thing.
She reminds me of Umbridge from Harry Potter. The overly happy and cute relaying of messages which may not be entirely true.
No. 69269
>>69251She's certainly not unusual in having BPD and claiming to be 'the most honest and caring emotional sponge' when in reality that's not what the disorder does.. it's typically overly sensitive people feeling alot of their own internal pain and lashing out at those closest to them, then hiding that side from the rest of the world if they can
Her biased and self serving explanation of BPD was dressed up to make her look better. You can usually tell a borderline is recovering and getting real help when they can admit to some lies and shittiness or see how they were both a perpetrator and a
victim at different times.. not just a constant
victim No. 69286
>>69269>it's typically overly sensitive people feeling alot of their own internal pain and lashing out at those closest to them, then hiding that side from the rest of the world if they can
>You can usually tell a borderline is recovering and getting real help when they can admit to some lies and shittiness or see how they were both a perpetrator and a victim at different times.. not just a constant victimthis, exactly. Source: DBT did me a lot of good (sorry for blogpost)
If she genuinely has BPD, and is genuinely a caring person being crippled by a crap disorder, then she'll throw herself full force into DBT therapy. It is so effective that people who give their full effort typically go on to reduce the symptoms so significantly that they no longer qualify for the diagnosis after several years (even untreated, most people no longer qualify by the time they hit middle age, people learn their lessons and chill with age…just way slower than typical emotional development).
It -used- to be considered the Absolute Hell Forever Disorder, but these days it's basically "curable," (for lack of a better word) when people do the
extremely difficult emotional work to get through it. I do sympathize with the desire to destigmatize the disorder, just because it is so treatable and the less stigma, the easier it is for people causing serious chaos to fix their sh*t. Even if she's being self serving by wanting to participate in destigmatization (again - presuming correct diagnosis), tbh that's to be expected at this point. It takes quite a bit of time for significant improvement, and Jill clearly is a very narcissism-flavored borderline, if she does BPD.
Also, you guys do realize that people can have BPD and ASD at the same time, right? Growing up as a girl with undiagnosed ASD is significant enough trauma for a genetically-predisposed brain to develop BPD as an adult. Girls in particular are underdiagnosed, and more sensitive to the peer rejection and adult criticism that are typical responses to autistic behavior & traits – especially when there's no sense of "this is annoying but we know she can't help it," to temper things.
Sorry for so much armchair? Since it's the topic of the video, presumably this is all reasonable discussion atm.
No. 69291
>>69282anons have said that she was the school bully before, no idea how true that is though
>>69286but what trauma has she been through?
No. 69294
>>69280>>69282The only "bullying" she's experienced was debunked with that cringey video she did with her mom where she whined about her drama class hating her because they were jealous of her talent, while in reality Jill was insufferable and threw a fit over not getting a lead role in a play.
The things she decribes as awful experiences are her overreacting, overstating the truth, or straight up lying. Every time she travels she has a social media meltdown and won't stop posting about vomiting, anxiety, staying in her hotel room all day, wasting all of her money on children's anime toys until she runs out of money in a foreign country, having "the worst con ever" because of minor inconviniences and then getting blackout drunk on benzos and alcohol…she is a trainwreck of her own creation. She will never grow and learn how to have accountability or deal with less than perfect situations like an adult.
No. 69298
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havent posted here before so sorry if I do something wrong, but I honestly didn't realise how much weight she had actually gained until I went back and looked at her old vids. First and second image are only 7 months apart but holy shit she looks so much worse, she's starting to resemble a pig that got forced to play dress up with a toddler kek
No. 69314
>>69291Chances are, she caused her own trauma. Cutting at a young age and suffering an eating disorder at 14 is enough to make things worse. Inb4 Jill lurks this forum and leaks the actual diagnosis papers because everyone is armchairing it lol
She's much younger than a good chunk of her fans, let's not forget. She started out in her early teens, is a social media presence at that age even good for mental health? And to pair that with her obsessive personality to boot.
>>69303 said is also quite likely. Pampering/coddling your child is a form of negligence and we all know she is a snowflake
No. 69326
>>69298Willing to bet that her medication change was taking her off benzos and putting her on an atypical antipsychotic like seroquel or zyprexa, which are know to cause significant weight gain - sometimes even with a balanced diet & moderate exercise (for the ana chans lurking).
>>69303Agreed. Having an NPD parent is traumatizing enough - whether you're the golden child or the scapegoat. BPD is biopsychosocial - i.e. genetics loads the gun, enviroment pulls the
trigger. With those genes, a much less "traumatic" environment causes more significant distress than it would to someone who isn't predisposed (which would explain why her brother managed to turn out alright).
No. 69331
>>69228>even if it's a misdiagnosis, is it really her fault? Wouldn't that be more of a systematic issue?The mental health care in this part of Canada is a joke at best. I've seen many doctors and therapists, and all of them take my own diagnoses as fact. There is a huge chance that Jill went into this thinking she has BPD, told her doctor that, and then essentially got her doctor to "confirm" it by telling her all of the symptoms of it she has, and then asking her doctor for a medication commonly associated with it.
So yeah, while it is somewhat systemic, I'm gonna guess Jill essentially just diagnosed herself and the doctors here are so mediocre that they won't bother to check.
No. 69342
>>69326How does that explain anything about her brother? If he's the scapegoat to her golden child, why is he so normal and well adjusted while his sister mades a show of imploding on the internet? I don't think that's how it works with narcissistic parents or even
mystery bpd genetics.
I feel like some of you like to throw around terms like you know what you're talking about without using any critical thinking. It would great if we all could stop throwing around trauma as an explanation as to why this cow is awful when, by all indications, she has had a normal pampered life. Trauma can obviously happen to anyone, but plenty of people face violence, sexual abuse, etc. without becoming coddled, emotionally stunted, washed up youtubers.
No. 69350
>>69331Mental health care in general is a joke
>>69342How do you know her brother is well-adjusted? He doesn't seem that way me to me
No. 69368
>>69357Wow, you're right, poor Jillian is so fragile, how could anyone expect her to function going through so much unfathomable pain. Some people are super sensitive and can't handle less than positive attention even when they are literally paid public figures. Such trauma to live in a whole house you designed paid for by videos of spending money on fast fashion and makeup, so much hardship.
Some of you need to dip a toe into reality.
No. 69394
>>69368i think that this is a bit harsh. Obviously those aspects of her life are great but think about the non-dreamlike aspects of her life. Her mom had cancer when Jil was young and that can have major affects on perceiving time as when dealing with life or death experiences, it warps your perception of time. For a few of the people I know, and myself as well, these types of events can cause you to have trouble visioning the future (for some its seeing a month ahead and for others about 6-8 months ahead). This could explain why she constantly spends her money and freaks out at small things and smaller traumas (or mini-traumas depending on whether you're taking psychology or psychiatry, I think that there are other terms but my brain is blanking) due to the fractured perception of herself throughout time, and the inability to conceptualize that things will pass and time heals, can lead to more fractured thinking and processing. Not only to top it of with MDD and GAD (if I'm correct, I believe that she said she has Major Depressive Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder) which when combined can noticeably inhibit the brain from processing and adjusting to events and topics as clearly as one normally can- which can lead to her being more susceptible to trauma and even more fractured thinking. With the combination of this, along with the fact that she has been sheltered and supported for the majority of her life (I can't say all of her life as I mean I wasn't there for her middle and lower school years- however we know for her teenage years she had a large support system) can cause the move to college and being faced with smaller conflicts- such as the weird interactions and exclusions from events with the moonmist girls- to hurt her much more and heighten these childhood traumas by proving her unrealistic view on life and emotional bonds not being permanent to be proven with these interactions by her friends. I think that there is a general reason for her to have gone through at least minor trauma which may have transformed to moderate through her fragile perception on life.
Yes, Jil is annoying but, I do not think we can throw out the possibility for AT LEAST some minor trauma along with her treatment (wealthy and strong support system) by her parents to going off to college and being on her own to be a noteable factor into creating her BPD - of course she could be misdiagnosed because although I haven't finished Med School, I'm not entirely convinced that she could be diagnosed with BPD, however my knowledge on the subject is about 2nd year level so I can't say for sure.
No. 69396
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Ever her fans draw the grease roots now
No. 69403
>>69401ayrt: lmaooo thats true tho, you're right about that I was just purely talking about it from a medical perspective (2 years into med school & completed basic psych lmao so not entirely armcharing but kinda armcharing since I'm not done lol) but you are right. we talk about this in class actually and apparently it's the correct thing to do as a psychologist especially when diagnosing, it's putting yourself in the perspective of the entitled patient, where it's like, nobody can realize they're entitled and privileged until they have a relatively clean brain (as far as dealing & coping with whatever mental illness they have). I guess since Jill isn't here, although she lurks, she wouldn't be able to see it so I don't have to speak it out while ignoring the privileged behavior.
anyway yeah that picture is priceless
(armchair blog) No. 69589
>>69401God, this made me laugh.
And just my 2 cents: I really do think Jillian has BPD. I know the early 50s version of Jill. She always has to get a prize - first prize - for everything. If she isn't rewarded as such, she freaks out, as would be expected. She does well at what she does for the most part, but it's more for the prize than for the actual doing it. This woman has 2 daughters she raised like reptiles and emotionally tormented all their lives (they now have nothing but resentment and hatred for her and have nothing to do with her). Her daughters took the attention away from her - how dare they! They could never be as beautiful and talented and as exceptional as her!
She reminds me oh so much of Jill. I think she really does have star power but she lacks true charisma as a result of BPD. She's always acting. It's always The Jill Show, and her entire life is a performance.
(blog, armchair) No. 69820
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>>69819She actually calls herself out on this, probably because we point out her greasy looking roots so often. Kind of makes it worse that she doesn't care, though?
Also I'm this anon
>>69110>> I just hope her bangs aren't blonde rn only because she about to dye them rainbow again. One can only hope.Sigh, I just knew I shouldn't have hoped for different, she just won't let them go despite the fact that they look so bad.
No. 69822
>>69818I hope that this is the last video she ever films in that bathroom. The pink walls just messes with the white balance and makes her look read faced and bloated.
Also, has she ever thought about leaving her hair in the natural brown but keeping the rainbi bangs? It would be less maintenance and she can still have her rainbow look.
No. 69835
>>69818that's real funny jill because you….don't
not to parrot
>>69819 but I literally came here to say the same thing
No. 69865
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Why God why?
No. 69893
>>69889No.It's not like you have to actively manage it forever. A lot of people have other things along with it that they do have to manage forever (like depression or anxiety) but with proper therapy, most of the distorted thinking that leads to destructive behavior can be re-adjusted. It's a personality disorder, the brain factors really aren't a factor for lifetime management like they are for mental illnesses. Sage for obvious reasons.
Jill can get better. It's up to her to do it. She
can go on to live a totally normal life, but it takes time and some people take years. It's actually a disorder that tends to resolve itself by the time people are middle aged. But good god I hope Jill doesn't just fart around with half assed therapy acting like a womanchild until life forces her to get her shit together.
No. 69985
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>>69865Reminded me of this guy kek
No. 70510
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>>70506>>70507I can't believe this is what she considers 'halloween decor'
Also, there's that cat friendly tinsel she refuses to take down. She epends nearly 9 minutes talking about bullshit before she actually 'decorates' anything
No. 70521
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>>70506I thought that the white table behind her was her KITCHEN table? She doesn't have a dining room table, I can't imagine eating on that tchotchke filled table every day… poor steve
>>70510 that's ALL i could think during this video. Her halloween decor seems to be just autumn based items such as pumpkins & candles (this may only be loosely autumn based depending on where you're from), the only real halloween decorations are the small jack-o-lantern lights and bobbles and the two skull cups.The pumpkins were all "aesthetic uwu" pumpkins… either pastel flower pumpkin pots, or painted pumpkins with puff balls on them which takes away the halloween aspect of them, and along with some astrology…. items? I'm not sure how that qualifies as a halloween decoration to be honest.
then the "decorating" session was just putting them on her tv stand and leaving the rest of the pastel pumpkins to clutter up her kitchen table.
i know she's trying to make more content for youtube but this video felt nothing like a "halloween get ready for me" even with her aesthetic. I feel like if she wanted to keep the kawaii pastel partykei aesthetic she could have atleast switched the main colors to be purple, green and orange pastels for her fake pumpkins and stuff… the mood I got from this was easter
i dont know, i just feel like this was a whole mess of a video, but the editing steve did was funny with the saw part and although it's a bit jarring for her aesthetic, i laughed out loud once so it's alright
No. 70535
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>>70507The c l u t t e r makes me anxious
No. 70556
>>70507She actually looks cute for once?
Her halloween decor was pretty tame, she could have just DIYd some pastel spooky stuff rather than quickly showing some rainbow pumpkins..
No. 70748
>>70584Her french is so bad ,Holy shit.
Anglophones in the intro classes at my uni have better pronunciation than her lol
For someone who boasts about how good her french is… Yikes.
No. 71109
>>71107damn anon calm down it’s just a cartoon
im not into precure myself and ive only seen a few episode of the kirakira one, but im always amazed how absolutely enraged and spergy anons become over the fact that it’s a kids show. Shrug. I’ve seen more pathetic on this site.
No. 71129
>>71127fucking chill.
Anyway, I do NOT understand how you can make a 13 minute video of speculation based on just a logo and name. Or rather, why she thought it was a good idea? This was one of the most boring videos she’s put out in a while.
No. 71130
At least post the video in question ya turds.
>>71107Not really. Most sentai and magical girl animes like Precure are designed to sell merch anyway and fans like Jill buy it. It feeds her plastic desires, it's no rocket science that she's obsessed with it. Her acting like a genius about it is really only 'cuz she panders to the English fans of the series that follow her, so it draws her views in.
No. 71557
>>71130I skipped through the video
>Jill spergs about her favorite precure season, a la Mode>Google it: is exactly like Tokyo Mew Mew?Isn't that the one Jill said she didn't even finish because she didn't like it?
No. 71596
>>71593On one hand I'm glad she's thrusting more
On the other hand, i have seen better thrift hauls than this, hell I have thrifted better items than this.
No. 71598
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No. 71600
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>>71593holy christ jill. i was never a fan of anachan jilliebean but it’s getting ridiculous now. side note but did she seem very manic/all over the place in this video to anybody else?
No. 71605
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Confetti Club is Satan, confirmed.
Sorry for potential-but-unintended autism. Just clicked on the video to cringe-watch and that happened to be the number of likes.
No. 71606
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Jill is going to just keep ballooning, its only going to get worse from here.
In a year from now she'll be 30 pounds heavier and constantly making fat positive content/ pushing the whole plus-size beauty influencer bit harder. Im calling it.
No. 71608
>>71598>>71600OT but I hate how body positivity has completely thrown aside flattery of clothes. Someone needs to tell Jill the pencil skirt does nothing for large round bellies.
Stick to the pleated a-lines, Jilly bean.
No. 71613
>>71593Oof imagine living in that pink hell, I really do feel bad for her boyfriend, not even the basement walls can have a nice neutral color, everything needs to be obnoxiously pink. Her thrifts are meh but I really do like that lavender jacket she said everyone compliments, it would look really nice with a normal outfit.
>>71600Yeah I got the manic vibes too. She was baby talking a lot too, but at least she is getting out of the house and, I assume, up to date with her college work.
No. 71620
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the bangs…..
No. 71625
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Looks like she dressed up as Patrick while steve was spongebob for halloween.
Kek, how perfect for her.
No. 71942
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she looks like she's pushing 40…
No. 72087
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>>72086 this have to be part of the new thread pic
No. 72098
>>72086>>72085Jesus has she always applied her blush like a toddler or is it specially bad for this video? because I genuinely don't remember it being this bad
also yeah I agree with anons that if she toned down her lipstick her makeup would look much better
No. 72099
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Her skin looks so dry and crusty. She uses WAY too much product for everything-highlighter, foundation, blush, eyeshadow- it's so garish.
No. 72100
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No. 72102
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Good lord shes looking dry
No. 72153
>>72084she's really manic in this video it's kind of scary.
anon i dunno if you're blind but she still looks old without makeup.
if she says she doesn't know what she's doing when she does her makeup what does she do with all the make up she's been hoarding during all those hauls she done the past couple of years? you'd think with all the products she has she could've taught herself some basic things.
her blush application looks so horrible because she doesn't blend it out properly or apply it evenly. her nose blush looks like accidental fallout.
No. 72181
>>72151Pretty sure she's just doing draping, something from the 80s - it's not Japanese. It
is absolutely making a comeback but she's going way too harsh. Draping usually coincides with light foundation and is suppose to be a color that compliments your skin.
No. 72203
>>72084She needs some gd concealer or to not apply the cool tones of the highlight directly under her eyes, it's incredibly distracting and almost reverses the effect of the foundation.
And no, not everyone needs extreme contouring, but it's so mind boggling to me that she refuses to do it while calling herself a double chinned moonface in the same vid. There's a solution. It's called actually trying. Tbh I just need to find better creators, watching her flounder in arrested development is sad at this point.
No. 72214
>>72196No, it's literally opposite. Igari focuses on the nose being flushed, it's more center of the face focused.
Draping focuses on the temples and upper area of the cheekbones.
Please use Google.
No. 72450
>>72445>"Saint Hugh-burt"Not even English speakers say it like that Jill lmao
>Didn't know you need change and not bills to take a city bus???
No. 72460
>>72445wait I'm confused…so the plane landed in her home province and they said they had to turn around and fly back?? is that something they actually do? or is she lying because she doesn't want to admit she missed the plane?
sage bc maybe I'm retarded but I'm so lost right now
No. 72464
>>72445she's SO HARD to listen to in this video, she's so dramatic, doing these boop boop sounds and flailing her arms around and into the camera so much more than usual
Also riding the ~uwu i can be open about my BPD brain stuff now~ train, she mentioned it several times
No. 72467
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Jfc, both of them seem EXHAUSTING and completely insufferable. I'm sure their classmates and peers are relieved to have all of that crazy contained in a creepy rainby funhouse.
No. 72476
>>72445This bpd excuse is making her go all out. Get a grip instead of replaying your self hyped up insanity for youtube money.
>I'm such a dreamy, romantic pisces, all I could think about is my partner and organizing the photos of us with our cats uwu~>Just imagine me, super tiny tiny tiny Jill screaming she's going to sue these carnies >The entire plane ride all I did was count the minutes and focus my whole attention on getting home>>72467How hard is it to find a gas station in Canada? Why couldn't he get gas at one by the house before he went to the air port? Only someone more sheltered and stupid than Jill can deal with Jill.
No. 72481
>>72445The things she blames on her "personality disorder" are not even symptoms of BPD.
>>72460It probably couldn't land due to fog, so it was above her province, but had to turn around.
>>72478At 1:30AM, the gas stations were probably not open. So he didn't have the idea to Google where the 24 hour gas stations were, he just drove around until he ran out of gas. I don't know why he says he had to walk to another town to get gas because there are 24 hour gas stations there. Another kind of stupid, I guess.
No. 72598
>>72445Jill's video reminded me of this video from an YouTuber that I watch. a bit irrelevant but I think it just shows Jill's immaturity in comparison (the girl in the video is around 3 years older than Jill, I think?)
>>72497yup we can already see her using it as an excuse for everything, it will be insuferable
No. 72616
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>>72610The comments are a laugh, here are some noteworthy ones
No. 72621
>>72615Agreed. This one made Jill look like a sweet, normal girl who just collects cute things. I wonder how much footage of her obnoxious mannerisms and personality was left on the cutting room floor.
>>72611How could you possibly forget both Steve and Jill are totes bi, they consider it a personality trait.
No. 72626
>>72445She paid all that lip service about having travel experience and then later admits in the video it's only her 3rd time traveling alone. Freaking out because tacking another hour onto the plane duration is so intolerable? She doesn't even have a clue how bad diversions can get.
The pilots don't make the call about a low ceiling, the airport control towers do.
Jill's lucky that the airline gave her meal vouchers, shuttle service, and put her up in a hotel. Most airlines have a policy where they won't cover that shit if it's due to weather. Air Canada sounds like they have reasonable customer service.
Imagine the meltdown if Jillybean would've had to sleep on the airport floor at 3am!
>>72610Maybe we've all got our blinders on because this is tame compared to what Jill posts, but it still paints her as an embarrassing adult baby.
No. 72666
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>>72665I can't see it. To me it sounded like he just wanted a quirky girlfriend
No. 72697
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Found this in Jill’s replies, pretty gross asking shit from fans especially when she can buy this shit herself. There’s not even the excuse she can’t use a shopping service
No. 72730
>>72616>Everytime these kinds of videos are up,I always wonder how these young people can afford all those clothes and fashion items.Girl same. I can understand how a college/uni student with a part time job (and likely living with parents) could afford a taobao, fast fashion, secondhand mercari & fril etc 'haul' every few months, but Jill's level of conspicuous excess has always been vulgar. She's a lot like the luxury vloggers I watch, except I'm old and live vicariously through other people's Chanel collections whereas her audience is mostly younger girls who think her lifestyle can be emulated and she's so inspirationuwu~
She's in a sustainable alt fash Facebook group I'm in and oh i am laffin. One thrift haul video does not a sustainable mindset make. I live for the day she makes a video like "yeah I have more work to do than anyone and few teenagers will ever come close to having the means to buy the amount of clothes and precure crap I've accumulated"
That or someone else calls her out openly lol. It's a nice group and I don't wanna get b&
No. 72740
>>72730The worst part are the fans who defend her, saying 'she got three part time job and saved for YEARS'
Like, when? She worked 4 hours a week at claires and mommy paid for everything.
No. 72830
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>>72445So we’re just gonna gloss over the skinwalking happening here?
No. 72965
>>72830Jill's washed out sadness compared the pink haired girl is kind of incredible though
Why did she think it was a good idea to put herself next to someone who is the same but better
No. 73422
>>73418yeah iirc when she was initially going to rent she asked if she could do a pastel pink…..and then clearly went beyond that because that's not unique enough.
Does that mean other people renting can't paint their houses as well? Even if it's one color? I really hope that isn't the case…or that she has to paint it back or be evicted if so.
No. 73539
>>73475Lol at this and the mod edit.
I have to say Pixie has nice teeth, like anyone would look fucked up at the angle in one of the OP images
No. 73705
>>73692There’s no “if it goes through.” COPPA passed a long time ago; YouTube just wasn’t complying, and now they have to (and paid a large fine).
The only question is exactly how they’re going to implement the details of COPPA compliance.
No. 73743
>>72972Women are commonly diagnosed with BPD instead of autism, I persoanlly know 3 people who were
She really strikes me as autistic and not BPD at all, as she hasnt been abused and shows like 2 BPD symptoms
saged for armchair
No. 73761
>>73705Sorry, I meant the new rules on Youtube going into effect. I know there's petitions and stuff, people trying to appeal to the FTC to change the rules before then, and the FTC extended the deadline to accept more comments.
>>73701Again, I could be way off base, but would that be enough, just not swearing? It's my understanding that if your content is "directed at children" then you have to mark it as such, which will kill your monetization. If you fail to do so and the FTC deems your content as directed at children but you didn't mark your video as kids programming because you actually want it monetized, then you can get fined.
No. 73768
>>73766Just look at studiomucci and her cloud house, Jill is basically a clone and acts super similar
loads of autismos like bright colors, just like toddlers
repost for typo
No. 73840
IDK what you anons are on but Jill checks hard as BPD. not everyone is a screaming hysterical molested stereotype of the disorder. not everyone is heavily traumatized. It is biopsychosocial. Minor events can be felt traumatically if you have a biological predisposition to being hypersensitive, and if your environment is either totally invalidating or totally enabling, that sets the stage for BPD. That's a much more common reason than horrific abuse.
She has unstable relationships, low self esteem, suicidal ideation, self-harm, extremely clingy relationships, questionable substance use, fucks her friends' crushes & does other impulsive shit, has no real personality/sense of self so she fills it with plastic crap and trying to be a magical girl. She is incapable of regulating herself emotionally without using the environment in some way, (attention, food, relationships, shopping, social media, etc.) and has a meltdown when those fail her.
The autism sperging is stupid. She lacks self awareness, that doesn't make her autistic. Lots of people with BPD lack self-awareness in this way, especially at her age and if they have been coddled. It's also BPD as hell to pick up on mannerisms from other people/shows/whatever. narcissistic traits are also really common in BPD.
Sage for obvious armchair but the same stupid misinformation gets argued about every thread.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 73876
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the biggest yikes at supporting someone who defended and stayed friends with their best friends rapist
No. 74060
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>>74039She's not even being honest in this video. Maybe it's not photoshop but she's sucking in for most of the lingerie part, but there are a couple of seconds where she lets go.
No. 74063
>>74060Sucking in and putting her arms over her head which does flatten the midsection some. And using a full body mirror tilted/angled as well instead of just filming at a normal angle with her camera.
Also avoiding words like fat in favor of more trendy and "acceptable" forms of body positivity language like "thick".
She just can't be genuine even in coming out to her followers about her weight gain, can she? I really doubt she's truly as comfortable with herself as she says she is.
No. 74065
>>74039I genuinely don’t understand how she can be this deluded. She does not have a “real” representation of a body. What she represents is someone with an eating disorder. Her body is not the body of someone healthy, it’s the body of someone who’s ill. Normal, healthy people do not look the way she does.
I know she thinks she’s doing good but what message does this give her young followers? That their bodies that make them sick is OK? That it’s ok to eat until it effects your health?
Jill has had a normal body. Her young teen one wasn’t and the one she has now isn’t. I wish she’d wake up. I’m also not sure why she chose lingerie instead of a bathing suit, considering her audience is majority minors… seems odd.
No. 74074
>>74059It's upsetting to see her do that trick, she claims body positivity but uses camera angels and body contorting tricks.
>>74065That's what I hate about the whole HAES/bodyposi community, they're so blind to the fact that binge eating disorder is a real thing. They like to pretend that the fact that they don't purge after makes them healthy, when in reality the replace one ED for another.
No. 74084
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I had a feeling she got the idea of making this video because of Sierra…
No. 74093
>>74086>>74089she said in the video she’s definitely over 150 and implied at her thinnest she was under 100. (That if she was over 100 she would kill herself and if you look at her old pics, shoop or not she was clearly skinny)
If you’re gonna nitpick about weight at least don’t put words in her mouth when she was pretty forthcoming with that information lol
No. 74367
>>72082Sage for who cares but she's wearing the H3 patchwork hoodie