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No. 74104
Previous Thread:
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a style she no longer personally wears>Known lurker>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harmGeneral info:
>Frivolously spends her parents' or her own money on once-worn clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends; claims she makes enough from Youtube despite previously complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent; now relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly claims herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs of her ramblings; opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments or posts under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to what she has seen in the threads; has been highly dependent on her mother, friends, or partner in social events and blows minor issues way out of proportion>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image; formerly referred to herself as queer rather than bi, lesbian, or pansexual; currently with her live-in partner Stephen Clarke and both have formally come out as bisexual>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo despite knowing she has a largely underage audience; will often remove or put herself from/on said medications regardless of whether she needs them or notLast Thread Recap:
>finally posts both parts of her gaudy and increasingly cluttered rainbow home>participates in the 6% DOKIDOKI runway show at Otakuthon 2019 with a piss-poor outfit of her own creation>begins fashion school>makes a hour-and-a-half long guide video about every single Precure season despite her anime videos being the least successful ones on her channel>poor bastard Steve gets a kawaii new hair color reminiscent of Jill's past kawaii-fication of her ex-boyfriend Colin>posts a deep video discussing her diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, claiming to mimic accents and emotions due to it instead of blatantly copying other YTers' personalities and content like Jenna Marbles and Emilia Fart>posts video about what she claims is the worst panic attack she's ever had in public; both her and Steve are seen to be super sheltered in their individual experiences>is featured in a Hooked on the Look video>latest video is body-positive video where she claims to no longer photoshop pictures, has let go of clothing that no longer fits and embraces her weight; posts photo of herself in lingerie to boost the body-posi messageOld Threads:
>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526>>>/snow/540457>>>/snow/558614>>>/snow/582890>>>/snow/616989>>>/snow/646275>>>/snow/679806>>>/snow/720365>>>/snow/739688>>>/w/3116>>>/w/33281>>>/w/42916>>>/w/59471Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: Page: Facebook Page: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Old Deviantart: Blog: No. 74126
>>74115The content about being body positive is important. However, I can't help but feel that the way Jill went about this was leaning a bit more on selfish reasons.
Sure she gained weight, but she isn't exactly a weight that strangers on the street would constantly scowl at if she were seen eating, nor does she seem like she often gets harassed in person. The internet is one thing, and personal pressure is another, but idk… the good messages seemed to be regurgitated from what she absorbed from other youtubers and then relayed in a typical, self absorbed Jill fashion. She was very careful to only show herself off in a very flattering way, which defeats the entire point of the video she was trying to make? (Which was supposed to be: being your natural self is ok and that your physical 'faults' are human instead of things that need to be fixed and all that- instead it was all about how good SHE felt now, which is fine, but the whole tirade at the end about changing the world because she wanted to spread how happy she was didn't exactly tie together.)
I'm probably not wording this well right now, but there was just a lot of me me me and muh hardships in this, which, while EDs don't discriminate, is very hard to take seriously when she is so privileged. The vid seemed to be a narrow lens that was designed to garner her more sympathy as opposed to changing the world for the better. Yeah, someone's personal history with weight stigmas matters, but at the same time her video comes across in a very… 'I want attention' way more than being a part of an actual movement.
No. 74129
>>74126She still bases way too much of her current self image of who she was as a skinny alt kid/lolita getting close to a decade ago. Of course that shit is formative, but also get a grip, very very few adult people have the same body type or eating habits, disordered or not, that they did at fucking 13.
It's incredibly self serving, self absorbed, and annoyingly preachy the way she goes about "discovering stuff" that is just basic common sense and acting like she has special insight because of her special journey when she has relatively common issues but has been coddled, sheltered, and spoiled to the extreme.
No. 74133
>>74124>>74125You're completely missing the point that they aren't "basically the same thing". Even if they cover the same spots". Kinda like how if a child wore lingerie in a picture it's borderline/actual CP where a kid in a swimsuit isn't. Get a grip.
Not related, inb4 Jill gets in trouble with coppa related stuff and cries about how it's "just sooo hard to be a little baby yootoober right now"
No. 74138
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>>74133What is a strawman?
They aren't even skimpy, however she is wearing suspenders and they are
red which are both stereotypical Sexy Underwears so I'm not sure it can be exactly compared to swimwear. It seems more like an effort to prove to us on lolcow and the people in her comments that she has a Nice Body Actually so here is me posing in Sexy Underwears to prove it.
Notice how how she put super long clips from emilia fart and some guy before showing herself in lingerie, so she looks better than the messes she placed before her.
This isn't body positivity in the traditional sense, more like Pixie trying to prove a point to her haters while intentionally looking as glamorous as she can manage.
No. 74144
>>74138Her body actually looks really good here, she clearly does have a nice waist/shape and just never dresses for it
but oh boy the makeup is just so clowny plus whats the point of a suspender belt when its just flapping around like that?
No. 74214
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The entire weight gain video is pretty much directed towards us. None of her *~confetti club~* members probably give a shit about her putting on weight.
Video is literally just her rambling for 15 minutes. Boring as usual.
No. 74265
What I think is the most confusing is that she said this now out of all times. I feel like her weight gain was a conversation topic a few months ago, that has died down more or less besides the occasional mention. The way she filmed the video felt less like a body positive video and more of a video defending her weight gain towards her audience. Lately most of her videos have felt this way; where she films a video defending some aspect of herself to her audience or trying to gain sympathy from her audience over some aspect that is disliked about her. I wonder if it's due to the view drop lately. Two years ago she used to get about 60-70k views per video but there's been a huge drop and now I see most of her videos being around 30-50k. However, the view drop doesn't translate to her mental health videos, which always seem to do pretty well.
I think this goes pretty well with what
>>74126 said. I almost feel like she's doing these less for attention. Once again, the video didn't really feel like a body positive video at all, of course I may have taken it in wrong but still. I dont know… something about it just feels genuine yet disingenuous at the same time. I think she might have had good intentions with the video but…. it almost felt like another grab for the spot light since nothing crazy is happening in her life (like Moving out, getting a boyfriend, having a relapse, or being on some sort of tv show thing ((of course minus hooked on the look but that isn't that big)) or going on a trip). I'm not sure..
No. 74269
>>74138This is how I feel, this whole thing was so performative. Exactly like she's using this as a way to show people she's not as fat as she looks when she wears her unflattering pastel potato sacks. Why else would she be using mirror tricks and lingerie?
And obviously lacy red lingerie with suspenders is a lot more sexual than a swim suit, what world do you all live in.
No. 74273
>>74269I also feel like she put the suspenders on to help distract from how blobby her midsection looks. Why else would they be on and not attached to any legwear? lmao
Kinda feel bad for the anons saying she looks good and had good fat distribution or whatever, it's easy to look curvy from the angle she shot/the mirror. I guess her following is young and autistic enough to buy it and that's good enough for her
No. 74300
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>>74293 even her school desk has to be rainbow pastel vomit
No. 74301
Call me nuts but I freaking hate how she parades around calling design school "fashion school" it sounds so sophomoric and an attempt at name dropping that she's a fashun designur. I say this as a former apparel design student who graduated with honors. Can't stand pretentious untalented morons who try to glamorize a very complex discipline like apparel design. It's more than just wearing fast fashion, having a hoard of brightly colored sewing notions and read horse shit fashion magazines. It's draping, pattern making, fashion sketching, design concept, textiles and design, principles of fit, fashion history,studying silhouettes and cut, merchandising and marketing. I could go on and on about it. But as a professional tailor, I really find Jill comical and a pathetic excuse for a design student when she really is a talentless and pretentious hack.(nobody cares)
No. 74308
>>74307Lol agreed, sage your blog, fashion anon, no one cares that you graduated ~with honors~
I had hoped to never again see peeps tea/coffee and yet here we are
No. 74317
>>74300Kek at how cluttered her desk is vs. the practical and decently organized desk across from her’s.
>>74301I was a fashion major who graduated top of my class as well. You sound like an asshole.
No. 74326
>>74318okay, maybe I misheard but I thought she had only been working on the skirt for 7 weeks which is a little over a month. I have no knowledge for how long it takes to sew these types of things so 7 weeks sounds like a random number. Is that like generally slow to make clothing pieces?
Also agree with how cluttered her desk is. It's hard to work in an environment like that, if it is taking her a while to work that has to be part of it, because you can't get work done in an environment like that
No. 74346
>>74326Real fashion programs would have you make that in about a week (if you're in that class every day), around a month if you're there once a week. That's including drafting the pattern for it.
I don't know if her school is just trash or she's just too busy decorating her desk to do actual work.
No. 74355
>>74330>>74333>>74346 (lmao the desk part has me rolling because its too accurate)
ayrt: oh shit i had no clue. i also didn't think about the fact that she goes to the same class every day for what? i think she said six hours. that makes a lot of sense. also if skirts are like an incredibly easy garmet to sew like…. didn't she literally mess up on part of it too? like lmafo,
i guess when you put it into perspective how in the world is she going to have a fashion boutique if it takes her that long. i dont know if it's just me but she always talks about her dream of becoming a fashion designer but besides going to school i feel like she's making no other strides towards opening a shop and having a business.
(also why is she sewing the pockets down so far? not only are they tiny so they couldn't actually hold anything but also, they're literally on the end of the skirt that will flutter, not on the part close to the hip where they would normally be, i dont understand her choice in that)
No. 74389
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her new twitter bio
No. 74396
>>74389oh god….
when will jill learn that bpd is not a personality trait.
No. 74405
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>>74301do I have to say it again, Parsons?
No. 74413
>>74405Seriously too many obnoxious anons trying to humble brag about their bullshit fashion designer credentials when no one gives a damn about that shit here.
Doubt anyone with any actual education from Parsons would waste their time on this dumpster fire of a site. Trashing Jill is the only reason we are here. Jill's sewing skills are shit. 7 weeks to make an elementary skirt? Kek Her school is a joke.
No. 74426
>>74423It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if both Steve and Jill were both feeding Stickers, which shows their lack of communication. It also doesn’t help that he probably whines for food and after being fed and the other feeds him again because they just want the cat to shut up. This wouldn’t be surprising considering Jill would lock Neena out of her room when she cried because she was lonely (which was the whole reason she got stickers)
Neena probably knows she doesn’t need that much food since she was raised with Jill’s mom who probably was the main feeder of the cats and knew to only feed them once or twice
No. 74558
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>>74333looking at this time line, she isnt working every day on this. It seems to be the final project of the class that you do step by step as you go. She put in 36 hours in this though, so its still bad.
Since the dates are not evenly spaced out she likely has due dates of certain steps to keep them going while doing other projects and classes.
No. 74561
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>>74558Since the school project she got 95 is also the skirt, it shows that it is a project that has multiple grades on it.
looks like
waist is 86 cm/32.9 inches
hipline is 150 cm/ 58.1 inches
length is 40 cm/15.7 inches
I dont want to continue the pointless comments about her weight however it is important to see what has to be her honest waist measurement.
No. 75048
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>>75047 this was her original design for that tat
No. 75051
>>75047I dig her hair like this tbh, the sideswept bangs are nice in her
I def thought the regrowth was a headband oops, but that would be cute
That tattoo is uhhh huge, wow
No. 75052
>>75046This is the weirdest choice of a tattoo. Anybody THAT obsessed with a location needs to find another hobby honestly. This is usually the type of stuff jock dudes in the US get as a fist tattoo idea.
>>75047Her hair looks like it's a lot shorter in this screencap and with the bangs it fits her very well
No. 75079
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T !
I'm actually pretty surprised how soon she got this tattoo, her first video about it was in October, saying she likes to wait a year before deciding and that she has "no idea when she'll get this one."
I think the text would have looked cool, but it's already a lot at the same time.
No. 75091
>>75090Because orange isn't kaweewee I guess
I agree and noticed that too though, especially with her "rainbow" wall
No. 75092
>>75047IMO, the tattoo is kinda cute, it would have been better as a thigh piece but it does fit her aesthetic well.
>>75086Lol, thanks for the good laugh anon.
>>75090She's probably stuck on her pastel phase thinking, almost every one who's in to pastel dislikes orange since it becomes a skin tone when you desaturate it.
No. 75093
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>>75046Between Shayna and Jill, I can't figure out why cows think covering half your eyelid in black eyeliner is a good look.
>>75081>>anons own dislike of tattoos is "facts" apparentlyTattoos are fine, anon, people are allowed to decorate their body how they want jfc you sound autistic
It's only trashy when they are done poorly like Jill's sloppy ass "sleeve"
No. 75096
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Her eyeliner is so uneven at the beginning. And it was thicker than usual. I couldn't imagine leaving the house with uneven wings.
No. 75098
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This baffles me, why would Jill go to a Youtube Class? She’s been doing this long enough, the only reason people are less interested in her content is because she barely posts since she’s lazy and has a “boo hoo I struggle making videos because I’m a special snowflake~ please give only ass pats in the comments
No. 75099
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>>74484Some things never change
No. 75124
>>75099Just wait until we get another video that’s like “CAT EMERGENCY STORY TIME” where Stickers almost dies because Jill cares more about her kaweewee decorations than her poor cats. It’s so evident that Jill only sees her pets as accessories as she would of sent Serena back home when she realised the poor cat was lonely without her brothers. But instead Jill decided to get ANOTHER FUCKING CAT because she was selfish and put HER wants and needs over her cat
Sage for angry sperg
No. 75172
>>75046Considering that she goes through aesthetic phases every couple of years, I'm not sure how well these are going to age on her.
>>75047Wtf is that thing below the castle? Is that a spaceship?
No. 75210
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>>75207>>75209The UFO is one of the rides/attractions at the old theme park her tattoo is for, pic related
No. 75235
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No. 75238
>>75235This is, without a doubt, her worst tattoo yet. And they're all dumb as fuck.
Why the hell would she put this on such a prominent place on her body? This would suit a toddler's souvenir t-shirt. Just… why, Jiilian? Why?
No. 75255
>>75235what is going on with that super thick line on the right tower in the back? the lack of full saturation on some of the parts and the scratchy black makes me sad. the flowers are tragic and it looks like there's an oops line next to the pink petal at the bottom. are ppl so excited about getting a new tattoo that they don't look at it or what.
>>75250not just you and the fact you can pick up on that not being a tattoo person says a lot about how bad this is. those fucking castle windows look like black ghosts ffs.
No. 75261
>>75235Is it supposed to look like a kid's drawing with all the uneven wobbly lines and the poor shading and the juvenile subject matter?
Very atrocious. I've also never heard her mention this place.
No. 75267
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>>75235Jill is always topping her own worst choices with even worse ones.
No. 75299
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This is one of her pieces from her instagram. You can instantly see the quality difference because she is comfortable with that style. Instead of whatever 'style' jills tattoos have.
You dont go to a textile designer for an oil painting. Why go to a tattoo artist who tattoos in a different style than what you want.
No. 75309
>>75235Jill is such a perfect example of think before you act, just because you know a local tattoo artist doesn't mean you should get any and all tattoos from that person considering that people specialize in different genres. Its literally why they have a portfolio you can look through to see their strong suits but shes in her twenties just slapping down anime fanart and her own janky doodles. Which probably stems from always having had money so she never has to think about it all that hard before throwing a couple of thousands out the window, she just has a staggering amount of buyers remorse that is conveniently attached to her skin cause she cant let them collect dust in her closet like the rest of the shit she buys and never mentions again.
Never learn jillybean
No. 75310
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>>75261Regarding Jill mentioning Rainbow Valley before: It used to be the name of her 'band' (which obviously lasted for a very long time kek) about 3~4 years ago back when she was still way more into the manic pixie dream girl stuff, I think she mentioned it in a couple YT vids before but I can't remember which ones.
No. 75324
>>75047She seems to choose the placement of her tattoos based on where they will be most visible to other people. She got her thigh done and has been wearing the shortest of skirts to always show it, same with the cat tattoo and wearing short sleeves.
It would make a lot more sense to pick spots where the shape fits well, but she's obviously getting tattoos for the sake of everyone else seeing them. A choice that will bite her in the BPD ass someday
No. 75412
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>>75366lmao nice photoshopped pattern on your pants, now stop self-posting.
No. 75429
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No. 75441
>>75429at least its all the same shade of pink this time…?
>>75432chefs hat made me snort
No. 75520
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>>75436Yeah looks like this wig
No. 75569
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>>75567 this is how jill defines herself
No. 75574
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>>75573 her jowls are looking worse
No. 75586
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Kek. Why does she insist on putting clow cards out every time she does something “pagan”? For one, they’re not divination cards and even in the show they’re Chinese in origin and not pagan. Oh but I forgot, she’s a #1 witch stan.
No. 75588
>>75586I could be wrong but I think when they started releasing physical versions of the Clow/Sakura cards as merch, there was a booklet that came with a set you could use for fortune telling. She's probably basing her use of the CCs on that, but I doubt she has the booklet and would be able to understand it.
>>75567Proofreading must not be her strong suit, cuz that's not how you spell "atheist".
No. 75589
>>75588nta, but they're for
chinese fortune telling
No. 75600
>>75589>>75590It's a gimmick for the anime, let's be real honest. The CCs were a mix of West and East magic in the series and fit right in with Japan's obsession with fortune telling, so they'd work in the realm of IRL fortune telling if one were weeb enough to actually go to that length to use them like Jill does.
The booklet did apparently get a fan translation online, so it's possible Jill's found it and uses it for reference.
No. 75611
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Pic of Jill from a confetticlub member’s instagram. Cropped the others out since it didn’t seem relevant for this thread
No. 75622
recycled polyester
can be more sustainable than cotton, however Jill isnt purchasing products made with recycled polyester, she doesnt even fucking care. Which seems to be the point the anon is making, Jill talks out her ass about her world views and anything that makes her seem smoft and conscious when she has always been doing the complete opposite, her plastic mansion makes her “muh neopaganism” even more laughable.
No. 75624
>>75618>>75622Recycling plastic into polyester also ends the recycling process, creates microplastic that gets into the air and water forever, and ultimately makes fabric that's going to sit in landfills for thousands of years, which I dunno, think is ultimately more harmful than cotton that takes a lot of water to grow and process, but is otherwise a better textile in every way. Yeah, I'm concern trolling. Enjoy your greenwashed H&M plastic bottle clothing anon, you're really fighting the good fight.
But thank you for seeing my real point that she pretends to practice some rinky dink religion cofounded by a white woman named Starfire in order to have the most obscure, most aesthetic, most "woke" religion possible that shoehorns in social issues and the environment. Even though she regularly says and does completely hypocritical shit holed up in her plastic rainbow hoarder nightmare house and lives comfortably from taking money from her mentally ill fans for producing barely any content.
No. 75657
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Mfw Jill fucking screams into the microphone
No. 75720
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Steve, you really don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.
No. 75727
>>75567God I usually don't mind Jill's videos much and I never comment on these threads, only lurk, but this video is absolutely insufferable. The audio keeps peaking from how loud she's screaming and her cackle laugh sounds so fake and painful to listen to. I can't do it with this one.
I find the more she channels Jenna Marbles (and it's usually in videos with Steve, trying to mimic that Jenna/Julian dynamic) the more insufferable she gets. She reacts the same way as her but instead of doing it in a normal tone she screams at the top of her lungs. Ffs she even scared the cat
No. 75771
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That jacket is so tacky.
No. 75772
>>75771Why does she do the rainbow eyebrows and then put her bangs up instead of just…keeping her rainbow bangs down?
Also would it kill her to do her hair in a style that isn't just a bun? It's one thing if you're pounding around or sewing but it seems to be her go to hairstyle now.
No. 75774
>>75742julien acts more like a child and jenna acts like a mom because thats their weird dynamic.
but steve and jill look like they're competing for the camera's attention even if steve looks like he wants to die kind of like idubbbz. its this weird unwillingness to be there while trying to directly vie for attention with his actions and sad attempts at humor that ian also uses.
No. 76031
>>75586Dude, I'm freaking tf out.
She's keeping those candles SO close to the shitty flammable fabric, nobody in their right mind would have an altar, or even Christmas candles, that close to an open flickering flame. I won't even go into how there's no sense of knowledge about paganism but ffs Jill at least make it look like you use this shit for more than a 30 second clip in a video.
No. 76125
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Do I even need to point out the irony here? Jill you live in a plastic hoard with impulse brought clothes that you can’t fit into because you live on a diet of fast heavily processed food which is heavily packaged (not saying vegan is the only way to be sustainable, you can still eat meat and whatever). Not only that but you seem to drop the ~eco friendly sustainability~ gig whenever it just gets too hard for you. I understand not everyone can do it over night but she seems to drop it and pick it up whenever she wants to be trendy~ or show off
No. 76264
>>76261do you not know that stuff in thrift stores is originally from other stores
>>76243she did address that and said she would buy them secondhand but is working on it.
>>76244t b h this is the only thing I find milky about her these days. I can accept that she is trying to do better and probably genuinely cares about ethical consumption as that is a bit of a hot topic, but I don’t understand the need to force the bpd meme into literally everything. It makes no sense in this context….what does bpd even have to do with this? Is there a correlation? when she said that I was expecting a half assed justification of her thought process in the least but she just kept going.
No. 76274
>>76264Yeah I don't get why she has to namedrop bpd specifically when it really isn't relevant. If she said she was thinking about her consumption or morals while in treatment/therapy or something it'd make sense rather than 'my bpd lol' with no context.
Honestly I can't really knock her for buying secondhand anime merch or fast fashion clothes that are already out there. The whole issue with fast fashion is the constant buying and discarding of perfectly good things, so naturally a lot of the old stuff ends up in thrift stores. If nobody buys them they end up in landfill.
Jill said she wants to shop more ethically rather than directly buy sweatshop goods, not that she wants give up everything she likes and become another beige zero waste clone.
If anything, her talking about waiting for certain collabs and things to come up secondhand rather than buying them new means she's learning to be more mindful of the things she wants and forgo the instant gratification, which is huge for someone like her who used to shop on impulse and always had to be the first person to get every new thing, only for it to get lost in the hoard and never seen again. I hate to wk but this is a positive change for her no matter how you slice it.
No. 76294
>>76274Or she could just like…not buy shit she doesn't need. Plenty of her peers don't have endless disposal income and have to be mindful of spending because that's just a basic adult human thing.
But keep on patting her ass for doing the bare minimum sometimes while building her entire online personality since she was a young teen on constant consumerism. Randos on the internet going easy on poor jiwwian and giving her a chance to learn and grow have gotten us to this place where she bpd flails and acts hysterical and persecuted because she can't keep up with her lies and bullshit about caring about the environment. Or educating herself on literally anything that isn't children's anime and her youtube feed.
No. 76296
>>76237She's like someone who lived on McDonald's becoming vegan overnight and being preachy about it while listing all of her favorite chickenless tendies. You can tell she still loves all of the plastic shit, and pretends that the secondhand anime or jfashion market doesn't indirectly support the original run of the merch she justifies as ok because it's secondhand.
Buying the lastest lazy oaf item a month after it comes out indirectly from someone else is just creating another step in the shipping chain, more packaging and a larger carbon footprint, while lazy oaf still gets the sale and continues to churn out more shit. What is critical thinking?
No. 76300
>>76294> Plenty of her peers don't have endless disposal income and have to be mindful of spending because that's just a basic adult human thing.Who cares? You could say this for anyone. She does have disposable income so she can do whatever she wants with it. Should we really go down the “other people don’t buy things they don’t need because they can’t so you shouldn’t either” road?
>>76296Larger carbon footprint how? Regardless of if Jillian buys the lazy oaf or not they will be manufactured and end up in landfills. The pieces already exist. They aren’t going anywhere. But if it is bought one (1) time from LO and sold to Jane, who sells it to Jill when she’s bored of it, it has a smaller footprint. It has a longer life because it stays in circulation between at least two people, more if Jill sells it when she’s bored of it.
Thrifting and secondhand has always been one of the more sustainable methods of consumption, especially when it comes to fast fashion and children’s toys which would ordinarily be donated and disposed of. Just because Jillian is doing it doesn’t mean it’s bad.
No. 76301
>>76300What the anon means about a "larger carbon footprint" is the shipping of the item if she buys it from depop. ie., the fossil fuels used to drive to a post office to send the package and to deliver/ship it, the paper and cardboard used to package the shipment itself, ect.
Versus, not buying at all lol or simply going to a thrift store, where it's fairly unlikely to find high end brands anyway. (Though consignment stores do exist…)
Not anon but I understood the point being made
No. 76304
>>76237I wish she would address that she has a privileged position in this stuff, those leggings she name dropped over the fast fashion leggings are $68, a huge amount of people can’t afford to drop that on anything let alone one pair of leggings, it’s all good for her to slam a tank top that costs $6 but people are poor Jill they might only have that much and all of the shops she gave a promo are expensive for lower income people. It’s also
problematic the view of oh well those people can go to the thrift, so many of these bitches are raiding thrifts for anything good and buying a ton, some of them for their Depop shops. I remember she did that “thrift flip” which was basically taking a plus size item of clothing and making it smaller, this is a trend and honestly it’s also an issue, plus size people have less on offer in the thrift to start with.
No. 76322
>>76314It's all lip service. You can't be like "omg I'm so done with fast fashion because like ethics!!!" And in the same video say you're having a more difficult time with anime merch. Does she think her precious anime toys and goods are handcrafted by well paid artisan plastic sculptors and carried across the ocean by carrier pigeons?
And then defending that by saying no one is perfect and having to give up everything at once would be too uwu hard. Please forgive her for the one tshirt she bought at the mall this year, it made her feel gross!
She hasn't touched on her need to hoard all of this shit in the first place. It's really fucking disingenuous to build a channel on hauls and all of the crap your fans and mommy give you money to buy, and then handwave all of that away in one video, say you wanted to keep it a secret to avoid scrutiny, and then don't say anything of substance besides "fast fashion is bad, mmmkay? Make sure you buy the plastic consumerist goods you crave secondhand, it will totally make a difference."
She's full of shit and tired of being called out as you can see in
>>76303This is classic pixie, deny and spin everything to make herself look better while not fundamentally changing at all. It's a lot easier to stop buying fast fashion when you can afford more sustainable options for shit like leggings and underwear and you already have more ill fitting, tacky garbage clothing than you can wear in a lifetime.
No. 76423
>>76339Speaking on that really doesn't do much. Like she throws in a disclaimer about how it can be harder for different people based on budget and location, but then goes on to demonize fast fashion, act like it's the worst thing ever, and goes as far as to split her closet in two.
If she got most or all of that stuff secondhand, unless it was produced very recently by a brand with a lot of transparency, she has no idea where it's from or how it was made, yet she literally states that that is the case.
If she's relying on people in her yt comments to inform her and spitting out some half baked ideas about being a better consumer that she can't even follow through with herself, yikes. She encouraged so many people to buy shit like her and calling it "self care" or whatever. Now that she took one community college class and chilled the fuck out on buying everything she sees online, she thinks she's credible enough to give out shitty, nonsense advice about buying new releases secondhand after a month or so? How does that work, Jillian?
No. 76788
File: 1577479309731.jpg (403.13 KB, 664x1200, 20191227_204109.jpg)

New insta pic. This is such an awful photo of her.
No. 76789
File: 1577479404124.jpg (429.76 KB, 720x1128, 20191227_204335.jpg)

No. 76810
>>76789I highkey hope this is a joke Because This picture is awful for a business profile
1. The pursed lips and lowered chin makes it look like she is being nonverbally condescending. As if her rich dad just told one of his employees that they can't talk to his little girl that way.
2. The crossed arms are a big NOPE as well. She seems standoffish and almost defensive from doing it. Honestly she probably thought it was a power move. But it's the complete opposite
3. This whole photo gives me "rich 4th grade bully" vibes
No. 76906
Maybe pixielocks watched this video and she got the idea of being substainable there. She also made a second part this year, she looks like a Jill fan. But she seems nice.
Jill also emailed lazy oaf around that time in 2018.
No. 76940
>>76826Honestly…? I kind of see what you mean. It's in the eyes and nose and the way she's doing her lips.
Her head looks really fucking wide, I think it's because her eyebrows are too short and arched way too much for her head shape.
No. 77009
>>76940>>76826Kinda sorta see it but I think it's just the kawayy chola styling and pose
t. hispanic
No. 77018
File: 1577727978523.jpeg (700.9 KB, 1242x1196, F003E6A4-6BA3-4520-A91D-9BBD94…)

still definitely blatantly supporting gabbie hanna
No. 77025
>>77024nah the content of the tweet is fine (i
personally don’t buy it but w/e)
the main issue among many that people have with gabbie hanna is that she called her best friend getting raped “rape drama” and continued to support/hang out with her rapist etc, said some really vile disgusting things to her friend about it. she also tried to manipulate her teenage fans in dms over this situation and sent personal info about other people to them i think? not sure
anyway the fact that jill is still publicly supporting her is gross, but especially considering she paints herself as an abuse
No. 77028
File: 1577736820521.jpg (330.48 KB, 1122x620, jill.jpg)

>>77027 I can't believe she's using that awful picture of herself for her website
No. 77035
>>77029They're probably not that good or not anything beyond what you could find googling specific sewing terms. She added the disclaimer if you don't get how she takes notes or explains things, you can just google it kek.
>>77027Her "sustainable" products being available on her website seems like a crazy pipe dream with her work ethic. Like almost a year after doing a thrift flip hand painted t shirt challenge, frannerd/Fran Meneses(sp?) is just now opening an online shop with handprinted designs on thrifted tshirts that are about $50 a pop.
She has patreon exclusive content, makes weekly videos, and has had her own online shop and freelance illustration business for years, so it's a difficult undertaking even for someone really productive with a good head on her shoulders.
It's also so wild to me that after all of her fast fashion crocodile tears, she's jumping right into enamel pins like those also aren't mass produced in factories in China with no oversight and heavy metals and
toxic chemicals involved. She would be better off not yelling about how sustainable and uwu earth friendly she's going to be from now on if she can't handle being called out on hypocrisy like at all.
No. 77044
>>77027Why is she claiming she had no resources to learn how to sew before community college? All she did at home was watch youtube. She spent all her money on rainby plastics. I'm sure everything she is learning is already on the internet or in a free ebook file somewhere. You're just lazy, don't pretend it was anything else.
The way she keeps saying her and Steve are doing this together makes me think he has to hold her hand for her to get anything done. Now she's going to buy bulk of her own merch and maybe slap a few bows on a fraction of them? She badly wants to be trendy by being eco friendly but she can't even go into a thrift store unless it's to ~upcycle~ a plus size shirt to fit her. Her whole brand is owning rainbow clothes her fans can't afford, good luck with transferring that to a humble, earth loving, handmade shop when she can barley package pins.
No. 77055
File: 1577755003691.png (711.42 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20191230-171506.png)

Retardation is not a virtue Jill.
No. 77057
>>77027>‘I want to make sewing tutorials that are accessible’Except your notes are literally the complete opposite of visually (at least) accessible. Tiny multicoloured font, in long unbroken paragraphs, on a white background in a sans serif font? People are going to struggle to read that. Her commitment to rainbyness is becoming detrimental, cannot wait to see how terrible her ‘brand new super special branding!’ is.
Aware this is a nitpick but I am a dyslexicfag as well as a designfag
No. 77072
File: 1577773950515.png (2.5 MB, 3360x1704, Screen Shot 2019-12-30 at 10.3…)

Her website is down. Did anyone archive it?
No. 77076
>>77070>Isn't that illegal?Lmao what. No.
>Most colleges will kick you for sharing notes.No they won't.
No. 77077
>>77072She said she's not launching it publicly til January 4th, anon
It's not up yet
No. 77082
>>77027>>77055I honestly found this video disturbing.
She's been on a complete downward spiral ever since she moved out of her parents' house, but it's gotten so bad lately that I wonder if whatever she's taking for BPD is just fucking her up more. (I personally don't buy into the idea that she actually has BPD, which, if true, means she obviously shouldn't be taking anything for it.)
I mean, yeah, she's still a greaseball, but wtf is with that insane eyeliner, and sitting there with just her bra on??? And her growling into the camera about wanting better grades (as shown in the screencap)??? Her appearance and demeanor was just unsettling.
Creepy as fuck.
No. 77085
>>77070I think it's illegal to post professors' teaching materials like slideshows, tests/quizzes from previous sections, etc. My uni threatened expulsion if you were caught posting things like that. Basically they don't want course-specific content to be public.
Afaik it's fine for Jill to post basic how-tos like how to make basic blocks, dart manipulation, etc. But like
>>77075 said, Jill's school seems to give no fucks about her actual education as long as she keeps attending and advertising them.
No. 77092
>>77082Two bras, she says she is wearing a sports bra but visibly had a push up bra on underneath, that’s why she looks more chesty than usual. She seems to be trying to be more sexy
The styling of that couch is actually nice whilst having the cute hints, some neutrals in her place would really elevate it
Also Jill wash your hands, under your nails are filthy
No. 77098
File: 1577810086778.png (1.11 MB, 1225x1269, Screen Shot 2019-12-31 at 10.3…)

okay also can we talk about this tweet and how she goes anime but deadass it's half american cartoons?
No. 77099
>>77027Who was the anon who called it? She’s definitely going for that uber confident thicc sexii clown aesthetic. Except Jill is built like a teletubby and dresses like an actual blind toddler on acid
>>77098Lol at her picking cure marine. She’s fictional but at least she’s 1000x more fashionable and can actually sew better than our fashun deziner qween
No. 77175
File: 1577874362172.jpg (172.16 KB, 1038x1200, ENKYd_7X0AAal7q.jpg)

lmao that awkward posing to show all her kawiwi tattoos
No. 77191
File: 1577902058121.jpg (164.65 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_pjffthfmvW1rn3yyfo1_128…)

>>77185at this point if she got something of this caliber, itd look so out of place among her shit tattoos
No. 77201
>>77172I mean, it is. But it's a super accurate depiction of
toxic BPD people and the harm. Like Misaki from Welcome to the NHK (Which I'm also surprised she hasn't latched onto, being canonly diagnosed with bpd, but i guess it's not pink enough.
No. 77340
File: 1578086396148.jpg (594.33 KB, 1080x1440, 20200103_171832.jpg)

She really is basing her whole personality on being ~mentally ill~
No. 77363
>>77340This list is actually hilarious, it’s very short but contains to name a few Norma Bates, a woman who drives her son mad, hates other women and is hinted at having an incestuous relationship with her son, Dennis Reynolds from its always sunny, a comedic caricature of a psychopath, carrie’s mom from Carrie, an evil
abusive religious zealot, Annie from misery, you know the woman who imprisons a man, breaks his legs, bunny boiler. For someone who claims BPD people aren’t
abusive or bad maybe choose a different list Jill
No. 77373
File: 1578144287415.jpg (111.79 KB, 640x1136, EHalY1-WsAAWrR2.jpg)

>>77340She posted pic related a couple months ago on Twitter too, does she just spend all her free time looking at 'funny' BPD memes and looking for cartoon characters with BPD so she can feel just as ~quirky & lovable~ as them? kek
No. 77389
>>77373honestly everyone with bpd seems to do this, its a way to make it all about how they are such an ~uwu
victim~ when 90% of 'bpd memes' is stuff literally everyone experiences
No. 77396
File: 1578157976037.jpg (176.4 KB, 720x960, 20200104_171205.jpg)

Did you know she has bpd? She hardly mentions it.
No. 77399
>>77398 However, genetics may have not exactly been on our side in the mental health department- I guess we’re just so gifted with stunning looks that god had to hinder us in some capacity (that's my brother and I on the right. Absolute icons of 2005.)
Looking back, there were definitely clues in my earlier years, but it was around age 12 that I started to really struggle with my mental health. My mother discovered a journal of mine that had what was basically a suicide note written in it and that was what kicked off my long journey with mental illness and psych visits. At age 12-13 I experienced an
abusive relationship that I would discover in my twenties (hi) did actually leave me with lasting clinical trauma, but we’ll get to that fun mess later down the timeline!! :)
I also came out to my mom as bi/lesbian questioning (who knows anything ever !!!) at 13. She was sweet, and accepting, and treated all my romantic partners over the years the same.
No. 77400
>>77399 I won’t sugar coat it, middle school was pretty much hell. Honestly hell sounds
pretty warm and cozy compared to the musty ass bathroom floor tiles in the 7th
grade girl’s room that I would hide in to avoid social interaction- particularly with
food. I fought a pretty gnarly battle with anorexia and bulimia and honestly still have a lot of issues surrounding food- but
in middle school I was starving myself
and purging so much I was underweight
and really not okay. I could NOT eat food
in the cafeteria, I could barely stand to be
in the cafeteria or anywhere around food in public. My mom helped me to stay fed and nourished by picking me up almost every day at lunch and bringing me home to eat- I love you mom.
In my final year of middle school (which is Grade 9 in my school system), I had my first suicide scare. I was driven to the hospital, admitted to the psych ward, and had the privilege of receiving a full psych evaluation. After a few hours of bizarre tests and questions, I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and told I had several traits of Borderline Personality Disorder, but not enough to diagnose (plus I was only 15).
This was also the point in my life I was finally put on medication! HALLELUJAH <3 They put me combo of seroquil and celexa, which have worked CRAZY AMAZING I am even still on today! (Just higher doses lol).
No. 77402
>>77398>>77399She was older than 12/13 during that '
abusive' relationship, it was all on her old deviantart
No. 77403
>My fashion sense at this point was definitely shifting from purely I-want-to-bone-Gerard-WayWhat the fuck, that comes across so gross
>total slanderous lies Hi Jill
No. 77410
File: 1578163297147.png (989.63 KB, 1701x956, Screenshot (133).png)

>>77408Its crap on pc too, the text overlaps itself and the photos
No. 77424
>>77408Yeah, no wonder, this is a shitty wix website. Did she pay for this shit? So unprofessional. She certainly could find enough money to pay a profesionnal to build her a (good) website, but no, she had to do it by herself… Looks like a teen's tumblr, that's awful.
>>77399This "about" section is so unnecessary and cringy…
No. 77425
>>77424Aren’t her brother and dad both professional computer techs
>>77413She also skirts around the fact she was a child with a child’s body, so the height to weight is different because you change throughout puberty like for example you would have boobs and more ass and hip after if you were afab which obviously weighs something and if you were amab you would become broader and gain muscle mass
No. 77436
File: 1578173374723.png (1.84 MB, 2222x1208, Snip20200104_1.png)

pretty sure its just your computer anon
No. 77440
File: 1578177832724.png (196.78 KB, 1097x238, Screenshot_2020-01-04 About pi…)

>>77410It seems broken in all different ways.
Is it normal for wix site? It's supposed to be easy for nontech people to set up and how hard can be to display bunch of paragraphs with floating images?
No. 77451
>>77436>>77440website is not responsive, literally made only for desktop. looks like she tried to heavily customize a pre-made layout on Wix which is a terrible, awful idea. unsure if it's Wix but the HTML is done in an old-school Myspace fashion
also the sticky social sidebar on the homepage links to the Wix socials. unfortunate. don't know if that's removable.
No. 77504
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Saging for autism but the fact that the world ‘privilege’ is smaller than the rest of the text is sending me into a fit. I’ve opened the site a couple of times on mobile and it’s broken in a different way each time. I couldn’t actually click on any of the tutorials or the images weren’t loading.
No. 77524
>>77510It’s odd because the only music she talks about liking back then is stuff like muse and mcr, but she was “punk” but wore metal shirts? Not to gatekeep but, I mean wasn’t she only “punk” to impress her then boyfriend and she has claimed since that he was
abusive and controlled her to make her dress that way and whatnot but now she is back to acting like it was her interest, it’s so hard to keep up with what version of the story she is now claiming is truth like as someone else pointed out her deviantart has proof on it that she is now lying about when her
abusive lesbian relationship uwu was
No. 77525
File: 1578239232305.jpg (53.28 KB, 496x587, starterpack.JPG)

>>77524I'm 1000% sure that she only wore it for the sake of aesthetic and not because she actually listen to slayer. Can you imagine jill sitting at home while having "angel of death" on full blast lol. Just like now, she only does everything for the visual aspect and not because she connects with the objects she surrounds herself, no matter if she was the one to choose to wear this t-shirt or her bf or idk who. She is the personification of those starter packs for each phase she had lmao
No. 77547
File: 1578248110448.png (369.01 KB, 1051x1416, Screenshot_20200105-100822.png)

Kek found the reason she probably can't sell or paywall her sewing resources, besides them being completely bare bones. She sourced all of her images from other websites. Instead of making a simple BRANDED UWU graphics in photoshop or illustrator, she literally just saved random diagrams from across the internet.
No. 77550
File: 1578248560553.png (182.55 KB, 1013x557, Screenshot_20200105-101947.png)

>Graphic design is my passion!Also Jill:
No. 77595
File: 1578268533830.jpg (485.42 KB, 1903x966, Screenshot_2020-01-06 About pi…)

>>77557But Anon, she's such an accomplished seamstress!
> (…) I leafed through patterns and internet articles, DeviantART tutorials, and 360p Youtube videos to try to pull together a project.> Here you will find my various notes from weekly sewing and pattern classes in addition to my own personal research (and sometimes opinions… oops!)> my own personal researchIf I'm correct she has not ever worn green satin mess out? Yet it's two spots in her portfolio.
>>77451To me it seems like she has no clue how to format text for a web page. Which is hilarious, because it would probably display perfectly ok, had she not tried to do it her way.
No. 77618
>>77595Even worse is that she doesnt have anything current, the swatch photo must be her school project
>>74561 but beyond that she hasnt actually made anything in a year. Not to mention it isnt focused on anything, you cannot tell what she is trying to sell when its a really just the last 9 pics of stuff she kinda had a hand in not a sense of her strongest work.
No. 77668
>>77595Every single part of it just screams 'baby's first website', it looks like some grandma who pursues sewing as a hobby wanted to finally start using the internet too lmao.
It's embarrassing that this is supposed to be her professional site, especially since she always goes on about being such a super special artistic designer.
Also am I crazy or hasn't it been like 2 years or something since she first started talking about having her own website??
I remember seeing an earlier version of this which looked almost exactly the same quite a while ago, glad to see she's been working hard on it lol.
No. 77673
>>77618Right? It's more like the only work she has ever done and not a sentence of what she tries to show here. It's mix of everything and super confusing for someone who doesn't follow her.
Which makes me wonder, why there are no pins, didn't she mention designing them?
>>77668Grandma kei is no longer just a fashion!
I think you're right, she put something similar, but took it down quick. It was just a home page and link to her shop, but it doesn't seem like she put much work into that page since. My theory is, the only reason Jill wanted a website is to convice her fans that she's successful and professional, that's why there's more info about her mental illnesses than what kind of work she actually does.
No. 77789
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No. 77793
File: 1578443549695.jpeg (289.93 KB, 828x586, 4145B305-8304-4429-A6D6-1BEC86…)

Still plugging Gabbie. Someone even pointed out how problematic she is in the replies, but ofc Jill doesn’t care
No. 77802
File: 1578447513901.png (102.81 KB, 1202x386, Screen Shot 2020-01-07 at 7.19…)

i feel like Jill's whole twitter is a bit of a mess with the whole Gabbie hannah and i mean…….. "Ojamajo BPD"
also she recently retweeted this tweet and to be honest I just…..
I mean although I don't inherently disagree with the message the tweet brings across, just seeing her tweet this seems so bad because it's only promoting these unhealthy coping mechanisms. She's constantly jumped from self harm, to disordered eating, to drinking (back in the older days), to overspending and now covering her body with fugly anime tattoos. It would be one thing if she did this and was just a regular fashion blogger but the content she posts lately and the things she talks about lately make her feel like she's trying to brand herself less as a fashion designer and more as a healthy lifestyle influencer (which she is clearly not living in a healthy lifestyle). To retweet something like this, especially now when her youngest fans will be extremely active to get updates on her pins and see if she liked their posts about them ordering said pins, honestly just rubs me the wrong way. Especially right now as youtube promotes "children seeming content" of which Jill fits perfectly into, this pedestal she puts herself on as she creates hypocrisy by preaching fast fashion surrounded by a plastic hoard of toys and trying to eat correctly while constantly indulging in her peeps tea honestly just makes me tired.
and after her website launch, it only sheds a larger light on the fact that she really is still just a kid, always asking "stevie" for guidance as she tries to be a "uwu fashun blogger". I wish she would look at the responsibility that comes with being an influencer with young followers who are just as impressionable and sensitive as Jil is herself, and maybe use more than one braincell to think before she posts
No. 77811
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>>77804>>77805hey its ayrt and i've never seen mama mia so i had an r/woosh on the fact that this was a meme. apologies for the autism & going deep as fuck lmao
however: I do think my point still stands. I feel as though she has been a bit preachy. Her last few "chat" videos seem to be almost like she is trying to put herself on a morally high ground. She does a lot of fancy talk on how she is a "Fashion Designer" at her "Fashion School" with her new "Business" website and I mean good on her for trying but…..
She putting a toddler's bedroom decoration on as a part of her outfit. (Which, once again, can be going against her whole fast fashion 'boycott' as it's a mass produced children's toy.)
No. 78255
File: 1578833919186.jpeg (482.88 KB, 828x749, 2D32A6C0-BFD3-4D65-8B49-37252A…)

I’m going to be interested to see how she explains her reason for dressing like a fugly clown over dressing in a flattering style
No. 78296
>>78255This is peak narcissism. Like her excessively long, TMI website bio, no one wants this. It doesn't make her seem professional or like a "real youtuber" or someone who is serious about fashion. It amazes me how she gets through life being both so self absorbed but sooo lacking in self awareness.
Also what evolution? She had an alt band tee phase, an ott lolita phase, and then has been an increasingly larger and larger uncoordinated rainbow mess ever since. Such growth.
No. 78313
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No. 78315
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>>78314 her bangs are so weird she looks like she has a bowl cut
No. 78318
File: 1578864599085.jpg (169.2 KB, 387x628, Untitled-2.jpg)

>>78314 we already knew she was one of those people who showed off her cuts, but here's another example. She said her mum took this photo..
No. 78326
>>78314Soooo, why didn't she show anything from her larme-now??? I watched this through 2x speed and waited several minutes while she gabbed waiting for a pic to show????
Also, her bashing her lolita phase is so dumb. That is where she started and was her bread and butter to beginning her YouTube career. She probably down-played it because she couldn't milk "woe-is-me" from it like she could her ms years. Pretty dumb. Own up to your fashion choices if you're going to make a whole ass video.
No. 78330
File: 1578868356104.png (1.49 MB, 1206x662, dont i look the same..PNG)

Jill thinks she looks the same as she did at 16, did the same pose too.
Like similar yes but it feels maybe 10-15 years different not 5.
No. 78335
File: 1578869424561.jpg (242.21 KB, 1258x720, IMG_20200113_005053.jpg)

No. 78338
>>78314What's the context for the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu comment? Did she do something ~
No. 78340
>>78326At 28:55 she says she was into otome and ppl compared it to larme, but she is saying it is otome.
>>78338People are canceling her now because of old comments she made about one of the kids who was her backup dancer. She made jokes about being his bf and wanting to be his wife, and the kid was like 14 ish. But also she was dating men around that time so it seems like jokes that were fine at the time that aged badly now that it was "found" again.
No. 78346
>>78341i find in genuinely hard to look at her face in her old shoops - it’s something about how big her smile is compared to her head i think. really creeps me out.
also - did she only put her ‘punk’ phase pictures in the thumbnail so it looked like she’d done a complete 180 in style recently? I guess she’s talked about that less but she spent a lot of time talking about roughly 3 years of her fashion and completely skipped over anything post lolita
No. 78354
>>78314Jillian: -farts-
Jillian: I think its a BPD thing!!
Calm down Jill not everything is because of BPD, its normal to have interests. 80% of preteens in the world have put posters on their wall. You're not special for decorating.
No. 78374
>>78369she's hollow and empty and tries to compensate with a loud and "grandiose" aesthetic.
basically this video was her showing how she has no identity besides the things she wears.
jill is a more spoiled and curated version of abby from /snow/.
No. 78378
>>78374I agree anon. I know it's typical for kids to change their style as they grow up, but went from one extreme to the next which is somewhat bizarre. She becomes manically obsessive over whatever trend she's latched on to. I can't say if it's a side effect of the BPD but she has this desperation to her where she just has to label herself and fit into some box to have validation. She can't just enjoy alt fashion like a normal person, it's indicative of something psychologically
problematic for her. I fell bad for Jill, she definitely registers as mentally ill in my observation of her.
No. 78386
File: 1578915845370.jpg (2.08 MB, 1920x2560, 20-01-13-21-36-30-390_deco.jpg)

Part 1 of 5.
These aren't in perfect chronological order, I'm sorry. The app I used jumbled them for whatever reason. They are a close approximation though.
No. 78387
File: 1578915902749.jpg (1.99 MB, 1920x2560, 20-01-13-21-37-41-408_deco.jpg)

Also,apologies for the garbage quality of some of these, I screen grabbed and cropped on my phone so.
No. 78388
File: 1578915935825.jpg (2.1 MB, 1920x2560, 20-01-13-21-40-15-303_deco.jpg)

No. 78389
File: 1578915998876.jpg (1.99 MB, 1920x2560, 20-01-13-21-42-20-702_deco.jpg)

The first picture in this one, she called herself out for the (terrible) photoshop, but was also terribly sure to impress upon us just how very very sick and sad she was.
No. 78390
File: 1578916050601.jpg (1.68 MB, 1920x2560, 20-01-13-21-43-39-598_deco.jpg)

Alright,thats done. Jesus it took me too long. Kudos to whoever else managed to sit through that video, it was mind numbing.
No. 78391
>>78335Next thread pic. She's never looked more autistic.
>>78388She's always cut her bangs in that bowl shape, eh? Why doesn't she just get them trimmed by a professional? Most stylists offer to do it for free if you're a regular.
No. 78395
>>78387The last picture in the first row here is honestly a good look. It suits her better than both the pastel/hyperfeminine stuff and the full-on tomboy punk look.
Her Lolita era in
>>78389 and
>>78390 looked nice, too.
No. 78408
>>78400That and heavy makeup.
>>78335She literally looks like someone with a growth disorder in this photo.
No. 78505
>>78497I've always thought she should do rockabilly (but, like, do it well, none of this party kei rainby bullshit). Her current gaudy tattoos still sort of work, and rockabilly tends to be relatively flattering on all types. She could still be brazen with her hair, but keep it one colour.
Wishful thinking, though.
No. 78532
>>78314God she's fucking unbearable in this video.
Yeah no neurotypical person has ever hung up various posters of a band they enjoy or decorate their place with an aesthetic they like, only super special BPD people do that lmao.
Also ok we get it you were so sick and sad when you were younger, totes not like she's overcompensating by constantly mentioning it cuz she actually didn't look that spoopy at all.
I've never met another person her age who's that stuck in their teenage years still, it's very weird.
No. 78534
>>78532Omg I know anon! How pathetic for a 21 year old fully grown woman to be so fixated on her adolescent years which are far gone. Jill makes it sound as if her teen years were so
abusive and traumatic for her which is total bullshit. She's been nothing but an over privileged self goofy ass bitch her whole pathetic life. Truly embarrassing. I can't believe people watch her retarded videos, she's so delusional. Get the fuck over it Jill you're nothing unique, special or talented. Just a lame, obese land whale with a false sense of self.
No. 78566
File: 1579033193994.jpeg (151.46 KB, 1125x742, 93C6BA81-0C3B-43CF-8E11-890BA3…)

Is it just me or does it look like these plugs are fake? You can see the end of her ear inside the holes….
No. 78634
File: 1579103843779.png (671.75 KB, 784x566, Screenshot 2020-01-15 at 15.51…)

>>78566just a wrong angle
No. 78746
File: 1579188891289.jpg (442.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200116-014345_Ins…)

Maggie was at Jill's house
No. 78785
>>78746Do we care? They've been friends for a while, so this isn't surprising?
(unless I forgot about a falling out or something)
No. 78918
>>78700I feel like it used to be smaller, and now she makes the wings really big so her eyes are more in proportion to her face as she continues to gain weight.
I used to do the same thing when I was a little heavier because I felt like it made everything look better. Could be the same thing, but with all of those bright colors, it looks especially bad.
No. 78999
File: 1579368582182.jpg (201.51 KB, 618x446, Untitled-188.jpg)

Jill being woke on twitter
No. 79091
File: 1579446008306.png (2.37 MB, 1571x2000, DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 2019.png)

No. 79098
>>79091She is disgusting. "Stevie" like I guess enjoy that free rent opportunity for like the most part a time hastily editing some egoistic rants. Why is she so obsessed with forcing her bfs into being her workers or shitty content generators? In a world full of violence towards women for the most insignificant things, does any dude just calmly endure being her gopher while she lies in bed because of her uwu bpdeeeees? I'm honestly not wishing violence on her, I just don't understand when so many people I know only encounter trash men who, to be fair, are actually attracted to women. Real people with problems who harm them physically and emotionally, while over here pixie is like my normal middle school "relationship" was totes
abusive and gay and VERY
ABUSIVE!! don't look at my da archives showing otherwise, this why I'm forced to date men.
No. 79123
>>79091Her "fashion show challenge" is to make one garment out of muslin, which is the fabric you use to make mock-ups of pieces, so basically she has to make a mock-up without ever making a final piece.
That's what her school is going to have her doing after a whole year in "fashion school."
No. 79154
File: 1579473889043.jpg (289.66 KB, 1080x1675, 20200119_184300.jpg)

Sperging about mental health on FB again. Note all the emojis next to bpd
No. 79156
File: 1579473990556.jpg (178.92 KB, 1080x910, 20200119_184357.jpg)

>>79155Confirmed still not going to therapy so her bpd will probably never improve, although I don't think she wants it to
No. 79159
>>79154why is everyone diagnosed with bpd like this? it isnt cute, its a horrible disorder that makes people do disgusting things to others
not something to be proud of, especially without treatment
the face APD and ODD are on there is fucked too, I dont see why anyone would be proud of being a sociopath
>>79155also I can kind of understand saying you have a disorder for visability/transparency, but what does listing your insecurities accomplish? she really needs a private facebook for all this shit and only keep her brand crap public
No. 79170
>>79147There's no way that design will translate well to real life. It's going to look awful as a real garment, especially when made with Jill's sewing "skills".
>>79156You forgot to cover up the person's name in Jill's reply
No. 79303
>>79156This just makes it seem like she went until she got the diagnosis she wanted to hear then quit. She can easily schedule in a weekly or even a bi-weekly appointment, I know she's trying to get one video a week out now but but since Steve is doing all the editing she
should have more time to do important health shit.
No. 79431
File: 1579662161855.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1504, Screenshot_20200121-220119~2.p…)

her dream pants? Really? Because they have a rainbow on the pockets?? Idk why I'm surprised she has shitty taste, but wow
No. 79432
File: 1579662227602.png (1.02 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200121-220108.png)

seriously, this is the whole design and it's fugly. Bigbudpress makes a lot of kitschy stuff and a lot of it is cute but these are hands down the worst thing I've seen from them
No. 79480
>>79431She's been saying she's going to do regular uploads since last summer kek
>>79303How and why tf is she leaning so hard on bpd as her sole personality trait when she's literally not in therapy and is on the same basic antidepressant meds that's she's been on for years. What kind of sense does it make to constantly bring up her allegedly crippling mental illness constantly while doing nothing with the countless resources within reach of her extremely privileged, tendie greased fingers to get actual help?
No. 79503
>>79480Because if she gets help she wont have an excuse or be special anymore
>>79431Gotta be honest, the shape looks really good on her
Shame the design is hideous and they look really thin
No. 79584
File: 1579741825849.jpg (16.82 KB, 601x131, pixie.jpg)

sage for being irrelevant, it's just nice to get noticed sometimes my dudes(offtopic)
No. 79790
File: 1579926038675.gif (563.76 KB, 300x100, bannerpixielocks.gif)

Made something with this gif
>>74214 No. 79801
>>79786>>79799I love how with Jill everything has to be about buying something kek.
I've seen a lot of other fashion youtubers (even ones that only do sewing as a hobby and have no training or education in it) doing the whole ethical thing and showing how to turn thrifted clothes into stylish pieces or recreating certain pieces from popular brands so you can just make it yourself instead of having to buy from them.
Jill instead is just like… "OK so I used to buy from those really crappy brands… but now I'm buying from these slightly less crappy brands instead!!" even tho she can't shut up about being a fashion design student lmao.
With the whole tshirt thing, I think it would've been cool if she decided on sewing the shirts herself and then also print them at home.
Then it would actually be handmade, she would have more influence over the design of the shirt, she could've charged more, would have gotten a lot of practice in…
I mean if she was a gaming YTber obviously I wouldn't be suggesting this, but Jill's whole thing is being the artistic creative kaweewee seamstress bean who lives and breathes art and design, yet she avoids actually sewing something at all costs kek.
No. 79821
>>79156>>79303And there it is. She couldn't figure out (or perhaps accept) the fact that she was depressed because she missed Mommy and the comfort of home, decided that there must be an actual medical reason why she was barely making it at her tiny craft college and letting herself turn into a deep fried grease pit of a person, did some Googling, bounced around until she got a diagnosis, then went on her merry way secure in the knowledge that she now has the perfect excuse for failing at life and being a shit person, and nobody can criticize her for anything because ~it's not HER fault she has a mental illness uwu~.
How the fuck can you have something like BPD and not go to therapy for it, while also claiming to be a mental health advocate???
No. 79846
>>79844It makes me pull a face when someone who is body posi and uwu thicc makes a point of saying they got a larger size than their own, stating the size they selected then saying it will be huuuge on them and they wanted a really big one, that’s probably
triggering to some people no? Doesn’t seem all that body posi especially supposedly coming from someone who had an ED that should know how obsessive some people are about sizes and comparing sizes
No. 79847
>>79844Alright, if I'm being honest I really enjoyed this video. She seemed happier and more herself than I've felt in a while. She also hasn't balloned anymore since her last video so… maybe she's cut down on the tendies? I dunno. I know she had the famous freshman fatigue last year but for the first time she seemed excited and passionate? Of course the whole capitalizing on ethical shopping can always feel a bit preachy and trendy but I thought this was a good video. The small animations sprinkled through it also gave it a very nice feeling and I liked those.
However, I feel like the outro is a bit too bright and all over. I know the whole point was for it to look like a desk layout like her supplies were just lying around but it feels a bit too much & I think there are too many pieces creating a cramped feeling.
>>79846 I also agree with this. I feel like her mentioning her size just feels like a bad idea especially for a "body posi" youtuber. Stating that a shirt is going to be oversized is fine in my opinion but I think stating the size and then saying it would be too big is negative. I think she should have cut that moment out of her video.
I also wonder why she moved the whole little magical girl shelf upstairs, I remember it being downstairs in the tour video. You think Steve asked her too, or is she just trying to save face in front of her designer friends who aren't supportive of all of the plastic usage.
No. 79853
File: 1579992171727.jpeg (70.33 KB, 803x271, 743912EF-463D-4D39-9A8D-C41A29…)

the part where she mentions Big Bud Press not responding to her comments sounded kinda bitter lol.
No. 79883
File: 1580007728376.png (1.92 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20200125-185156.png)

>>79844It's kind of mindblowing how much she's willing to be delusional and pat herself on the back for being some kind of eco warrior. Recycled plastic is still plastic. There is no good plastic. That type of plastic can't even be recycled anymore in North America iirc? Even most biodegradible plastic needs special treatment facilities to break down over time. Does she know or care how much water went into the cotton for her to just try out these clothes for funsies or naw?
She's not serious about this because she's not serious about anything that requires real effort, so it's definitely a weird flex imo for her to lean so hard into something she clearly has not researched at all. She just wants to keep on being a consumer whore while having some kind of moral high ground so no one can make her feel guilty.
No. 79890
>>79883When will she realize her eyebrows look muddy as hell and age her.
Also, she can try her best to be eco friendly, but these 'hauls' aint it, chef
No. 79892
>>79883What is even more mind blowing is that she became ethical virtually yesterday and yet she feels like she is high enough on the pedestal to look down on a brand who has been ethical for years just because they possibly used a small bit of plastic.
And you are right, refurbished or not plastic is still plastic and if someone doesn't recycle it, it can still end up in landfills
No. 79934
>>79893>Doubt she'd have a care in the world eating tendies from a plastic bag.Good point, I feel like the only place in her life where she even 'tries' to be eco friendly is fashion consumption.
Since she enjoys pretending to be some kaweewee spiritual animu witch I feel like she could try building her channel more around that kinda lifestyle.
Getting a cute bicycle so she could bike to places more instead of using her car, growing her own veggies/herbs, visiting nearby small farms to get stuff like milk or eggs, maybe creating a thoughtful piece of art in regards to the subject matter or even just going to local forests to pick up trash there or something??
Just… anything that's not buying more clothes she doesn't need…
You know your eco activism seems a bit hypocritical if you only do it to justify buying more crap you wanted anyway lmao.
No. 79940
>>79858I agree but also I think I would be more weary of saying something that taken out of context if you trimmed that you could have a clip of her saying that
>>79934There is no doubt a zero waste store somewhere nearby as well she could get kawiwi containers and an aesthetic bike she can DIY for a video and get aesthetic vlog footage of her being an uwu eco warrior
No. 79951
File: 1580052362545.png (98.93 KB, 361x282, 1580007728376.png)

>>79883slightly ot but does anyone know what type of doll this is?
>>79939probably from when she went to get her diagnosis, they will be testing for type 2 diabetes cause of weight
No. 80040
File: 1580125140422.jpeg (485.9 KB, 828x909, D9893537-45EB-4D73-B957-2124E6…)

Get ready for the mental illness Olympics if that video comes out, Steve is just Jill’s boytoy and assistant, their relationship isn’t really anything special or something to strive for
No. 80042
>>80040Sometimes I can't tell if comments like these aren't low key shade.
What kind of person with PTSD looks at Jill and her circumstances and thinks she has something relatable and meaningful to say about mental illness. Being spoilt and unable to handle adult life isn't a condition.
No. 80045
>>80044Are you forgetting her totally real
abusive ex gf, anon? That two week relationship that Jill broke up was really twaumatizing for her.
No. 80081
I watched the Sunday live stream for you so here's the deets. sorry if my formatting is shit
- Discusses doing sewing content/thrifting and needing to buy a new “judy” (the body thing she drapes her projects on) because she’s too thicc now
- teacher told her how to fix her new rainbow pants correctly, doesn’t want to do it that way. Long rant short these pants are way too big and will take a ton of work and time to fix to her size
- shows her fabric hoard in her closet (fabric at top, mid, and bottom of closet- there’s a lot)
- talks about project for the fashion show challenge “draped in muslin”. Asked teachers if she could dye, embroider, buttons, zippers, they said no. Teachers finally agreed on letting them paint on ONE color that can make up 10% of the design
- Brain can only focus on 1-3 things at a time. School, pixie stuff, and one other thing until brain reaches capacity
- has started playing dnd with friends from fashion school and steve. She’s rolled a mage water genasi named Piscel. Loving it so far. Wants to not make it like her but mentioned giving it a mental illness (not BPD)
- discusses witchy stuff. Said she took a class “elements of magic” for witches that was 3 hours once a week.
- won’t be vlogging at animaritime because she doesn’t feel safe there if people know who she is. Still wants to go but had a bad experience last year where someone approached her and loudly said “I know where you live, it’s on this street” and started to almost cry
- hasn’t watch Anne With an E because she’s afraid it won’t be accurate enough because it’s so important to her (same reason she didn’t watch sailor moon crystal, she says). Wants to get an anne of green gables tattoo
- steve enters the room after waking up at 1pm and brings her a coffee and cat. she calls stevey 'sweet baby boy' and i threw up
End stream
Notable things: she was swearing A LOT throughout the stream. Also only mentioned Jenny as her best friend and never mentions Wendy.
No. 80113
>>80081Thanks for the breakdown, anon! You're the best
>hasn’t watch Anne With an E because she’s afraid it won’t be accurate enough because it’s so important to her (same reason she didn’t watch sailor moon crystal, she says). Wants to get an anne of green gables tattoojfc, she's already going on about getting ANOTHER tattoo? She's gonna be covered in ugly tats before she's 25.
No. 80116
File: 1580169696230.png (1.1 MB, 1042x764, Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 7.01…)

Can I just mention how cringey and exaggerated this part of the beginning of each of her videos has gotten recently…..
No. 80132
>>80078No idea how
valid it actually is but several anons have jumped in over the years saying Jill herself was the bully at school
>>80131she literally posted a straight on, clear photo of her house key too
honestly dont think she should be living alone, she cant look after herself
No. 80168
>>80150she looks the same as she does in every video anon>>80152so weird that theyd keep the moonmist crap up if things arent good with wendy
untagging her is so petty and pretty unfair considering its like cosplay promotion or w/e
No. 80169
>>80163yeah I definitely haven’t been following her since the lace drama like some people have. makes sense that considering she rarely addresses drama within her videos. thanks for the spoon feed lol
>>80166I think she’s gotten a lot more ‘full on’ in the last 6 months or so, and she always seemed to put herself as the main moonie girl so I could see wendy getting sick of it
No. 80175
>>80168Lol that's what I was thinking, it seems really passive aggressive, I feel like most people would keep their ex friends or even ex partners tagged unless they had like a major fight, I wonder what happened
Well knowing Jill she'll probably just say that her BPD made her do it
No. 80382
File: 1580370985259.png (1.31 MB, 1146x1090, Screen Shot 2020-01-30 at 6.26…)

can we take a minute for…whatever this is
No. 80410
File: 1580393062527.png (188.74 KB, 1080x792, Screenshot_20200130-065628~2.p…)

Jill has absolutely 0 reading comprehension and is now using any opportunity to show that she's ~ totes magotes bi an not uwu faking it uwu ~
No. 80411
File: 1580393282839.jpeg (438.88 KB, 1242x1169, 1569234437191.jpeg)

which triggered jill stan keeps trying to raid the thread?
No. 80420
>>80410Wait, is she trying to say that she likes touching her own nipples because she's bisexual????? That literally has nothing to do with bisexuality and further more, had nothing to do with the original tweet.
I imagine having a conversation with Jill irl would be painful. Because I feel like she would constantly revert the conversation back to herself.
No. 80426
>>80410She just read "nipple" and replied on the topic of nipples, with absolutely no bearing on what the person actually said.
This type of reply really gets on people's nerves (I have a friend who does the same vague topic tangent thing and most people
hate it)
No. 80431
>>80410Wow thanks for the thoughtful and helpful reply Jill!
What is that person supposed to take away from what you're saying? That they should become bi? It's clearly a body issue they're struggling with and they wanted to know if others experience it too, they don't care if you enjoy "feeling yourself" you idiot.
No. 80457
>>80410why does she do this so often? I swear that she has done this exact thing before, where she replies to a tweet with a completely irrelevant comment about herself. Is it a bpd thing?
No. 80711
File: 1580584722740.png (943.56 KB, 750x1334, CE85E941-014E-4151-B0F4-81F9FE…)

>>80154I wonder if Jill cut her off because she didn't like one of her friends potentially having a worse time mentally than her. Like, she has to be the worse all the time and Wendy finally coming out about her (clearly more legitimate) mental health issues threatened her. 1/2
No. 80734
>>80729The tinsel wasn’t what almost killed Neko. It was one of the foam heads she displayed her wigs on.
I believe she mentions both things in her first room tour (at her parents’ place), but the advice to put pillows over the bottom of the tinsel was just cautionary advice.
No. 80818
>>80779>>80755>>80734Here's the easiest explaination:
It was the tinsel all along but she claimed it was foam because she needed something that would be so 'uwu quirky' for her cat to chew on. If she constantly admitted her cat almost died on something any cat owner would know not to have reachable by a cat, people would call her out even more (like they did when she first got it)
She thinks enough people have forgotten and her fans are such a hug box she wont get any backlash.
No. 80900
File: 1580656280145.jpg (123.03 KB, 1079x507, Screenshot_20200202-100244_You…)

>>80717The amount of ass patting from her retarded fans because she used stuff from her hoard. ~uwu sustainable budget friendly~ after spending god knows how much on all those plastic items over the years. And she didn't upcycle anything, she bought brand new crates and painted them? Plus it's so small? What normal broke person would waste their money on that?
No. 80901
>>80895sounds more like a plain old anxiety attack to me.
>>80717why did this need to be an entire video? Usually something like this is just a blurb at the beginning of a video. She really is low on ideas huh
No. 81045
File: 1580751341434.png (364.16 KB, 760x422, Screenshot_20200203-123540.png)

>>80717What's the point of making more when she already had these downstairs?
No. 81172
>>81046>>81071No she said this will be her main "go-to" spot but if she films an anime related video she'll do it in front of her plastic anime figure hoard and fashion videos will be done in front of her sewing work space or some such. She didn't say she's gonna actively set up multiple filming spots.
I can understand having the set up of a space make filming feel like some big project, but Jill you literally have no other job… putting up some lights and talking to a camera is like the easiest shit. She truly is the laziest person.
No. 81308
File: 1580868181476.jpg (508.15 KB, 2896x2896, 20200204_162903.jpg)

You'd think Steve would have his own switch. I'm surprised she isn't trying to make a kawaii
island together.
No. 81315
>>81308its so gross how she jumps into talk of low income struggles like she couldnt buy steve 5 Switches if he wanted them
this isnt about you and 0 money struggles jilian
No. 81401
>>81397low income families dont buy a new game every month
they would have to buy an entirely new consol AND game per child, which is a joke
jill on the otherhand would have no issue doing so
No. 81662
>>81652yes yes, everyone's been to only the toppest of top design schools, as ever, we get it.
I agree that the pants are weird. I like the look of the top (minus the weird crotch) but god I hate those wide pant legs, they're so frumpy
No. 81692
>>81687I don't think most of her confetti club fans even noticed the financial wtf which made it more ridiculous.
If you ever want to run a scam, bombard your
victim with clashing pastels.
No. 81694
>>81652>>81662The crotch is too low by a few inches, which is making it look weird.
The design is dumb, the pants look like she's going to a disco and those fabrics look awful together.
No. 81738
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No. 81784
File: 1581200888206.jpeg (446.79 KB, 750x1070, 964A3796-4DEF-4DC6-AC9A-8CE28B…)

Video is down, the comments are so ass kissing and calling her a goddess for doing her job, like I get being a fan but they are so over the top and cloying
No. 81786
File: 1581201882527.jpeg (380.96 KB, 828x655, 846DC381-1E5F-4CD2-A5FC-BCF4EC…)

Whose ready for half the video to be Jill talking about how ~*muh bpd*~ effects her relationship
No. 81830
>>81804maybe jill should get some professional help and stop using it as an excuse to do shitty things then
she got the diagnosis and chose to stop getting help, therws literally nothing stopping her
No. 81859
>>81804Learn to sage your shit, newfriend.
Also, not only does Jill not have BPD, ever since she got that diagnosed from one doctor that she soon quickly dropped, she now uses it as an excuse for everything in her whole life, lies about symptoms, and refuses to get any sort of treatment other than taking the same medications she's been on for the better part of a decade.
No. 81885
>>81882saged for nitpick and a bit of a rant but like….
Ohhh jesus some of her outfits are bad and all but this is just horrendous….. The godawful jacket is back and it looks so bad on her silhouette, not to mention the yellow eyeshadow when the color scheme of the outfit seems to be pink and green yet she decided to put the yellow in with the mismatched lipstick. The lipstick is tooo dark when matched with the jacket, I can see how she pulled the pink from the shirt but if she was going for that color combination then she should have switched the jacket for one that fits the color scheme. (not to mention that the jacket with the bows just makes her look even more chunky than she already is due to how it really broadens the look of her shoulders which are broad to begin with so she doesn't need a broadening shape added onto that) Like I understand her whole pastel five color color scheme she does but I feel like there needs to be a cohesive main two-three colors with each outfit for these styles to even mildly look alright. Granted I can't see her bottoms or her shoes so that may make a difference if this was an outfit she wore to school and then just decided to film in but if this outfit was only put together for the youtube video then Ah jee…. Jillian I know you lurk so if you're putting together outfits like this purley for youtube PLEASE make them cohesive because this rainbow vomit shit is NOT going for you right now- also please the bangs are so stringy and gross, the side sweep helps but the colors need to be redyed ohhh boy
No. 81886
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her eyebrows look especially gross here too
No. 81907
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Imagine almost being 22 and having to cushion the blow of criticism against the little girls cartoon you centre your life around by yelling at the tv like a literal toddler. This is by far the most pathetic Jill has openly admitted to
No. 81999
>>81911Oh yeah, same. What really got me was her offhandedly admitting she was about to buy an entirely new coffee maker but didn't have the means
Like wow, that's incredibly wasteful, you fake activist
No. 82014
>>81882I'm sorry but is she seriously stretching her own ears at home instead of going to a professional?? It's hard to tell her and Shay apart now because they're both fat and retarded, but isnt that how you get blow outs? it seems like the dumbest thing to do yourself.
Also, she couldnt even go 5 mins without mentioning her mental health uwu
No. 82015
>>82014You don't need to go to a professional to stretch your ears
No. 82597
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Found in her tags, it’s her college’s annual fashion show’s Instagram.
No. 82646
>>82635Lmao during their V-Day video last year they were talking about their interests and it was pretty clear that magical girl stuff was something Steve just seemed to tolerate/watch for Jill's sake and that he's actually into Marvel/comic stuff.
But of course, not a chance in hell that she'd get something which reflects his hobbies and interests because it wouldn't fit her aesthetic.
No. 82665
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No. 82671
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No. 82677
>>82635When I first saw the post i thought those were rings Steve got her. Why the fuck did she get such dainty rings for her boyfriend that shows no interest in being feminine?
>>82652The poor Steve looks so down in this video, i hope he finds that putting up with Jill is not worth the free rent, moves away and gets nice boyfriend.
Also kek at Jill's uncomfortable laugh when Steve mentions breaking up. You know for sure they probably had that conversation before.
No. 82747
>>82652Sage for massive amounts of tinfoil here but anytime Jill describes her ‘~BPD~’ symptoms she just sounds more and more like an autismo.
does Steve looks slightly thinner in this video or is it just the hat contributing to the cancer survivor aesthetic? He seems so tired of Jill and this video on really serves to highlight their differences
No. 82765
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Trying to excuse her shitty treatment of her friends with "but muh bpd"
No. 82782
>>82765Is this bitch for real? She really thinks she is a perfect little baby who needs to be coddled bc 'my brain is dumb tee hee!!'
and yeah like
>>82767 said, BPD is a fucking nightmare of being an emotional clingy piece of shit. I've found Jillian's muh BPD schtick amusing but now it's starting to piss me off. No, you don't get people to be patient with you by making a cute little tweet about needing your hand held socially. Do the hard work of confronting your shit instead of being oh so quirky for sympathy, you fucking idiot.
No. 82935
>>82652Steve lives in this pink magical girl plastic cage and puts up with it, yet when he tells Jill about Marvel she rolls her eyes. I am amazed.
Sometimes I wonder if she uses the BPD excuse on him as well to make sure he doesn‘t run on her.
No. 82964
>>82767totally agree, ive been diagnosed with bpd and hospitalized in the past and what she describes has nothing to do with the actual symptoms. Id like to comment about that under one of her videos but i already know shed delete my comment or say something like UwU not all of us experience the same things!!~
also poor steve he looks completely brainwashed and very uncomfortable
No. 83075
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>>83040he is completely gay. his ex and jill are proof that they're just beards because they're both nasty ugly greaseballs.
im pretty colin was also gay as fuck as well but who knows. i wouldnt be surprised that he trooned out since he was nb when he was with jill.
No. 83682
>>83681>one ear lobe is infectedLmao
>someone asked how her plants are and she admits that so many of them have diedI called it. Can't wait for the uwu cheeky garden center haul!
No. 83743
>>83681Jesus I knew she wouldn’t be able to keep up with a couple house plants, she really can’t do anything. Can’t cook, nor clean, not even keep a small plant healthy. Imagine being this much of a spoiled mess.
> ”a huge part about how good you feel about your body is how your clothes fit”…….her clothes never fit though. Everything is always too tight or too loose cause girl is shaped like Pillsbury biscuits that haven’t been baked. All she ever does is edits herself or get her mommy to take sexxxiiii angles of her lmao
No. 83875
>>83866I agree, it's really cool to see how much Mikan has improved and how much time she spends on her school work whereas Jill seems way more concerned with pretending to be a ~teehee lil creative designer bean uwu~ on social media.
Has Jill ever posted finished/worn pics of that skirt she made for school before? Feel like it was just kinda swept under the rug kek.
No. 83939
>>83935That's not even a princess seam. Did no one at her school correct her on that terminology?
Also, is it just me who thinks it'd be unprofessional to turn in a design packet which shows the pants having a stripe down the sides, includes a swatch of that fabric, and then the final pants don't, even though the project due date was extended multiple days?
No. 83941
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It looks like she’s wearing one of those rings she “got for Steve” . What a selfish wench.
No. 83954
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great…showing off her dirty shoes and dirty floor..
No. 83959
File: 1582424695864.jpg (144.98 KB, 886x1076, IMG_20200222_191947~2.jpg)

I was going to zoom in on the fact that the egg flower doesn't lay flat but her posture here makes her look like Quasimodo.
No. 83961
>>83935Tbh these aren't that bad. They are way better than the garments she sewed previously.
Although I thought they were gonna be flare type bell bottoms. But look more straight leg.
Also if i heard jill right, she implied they make 1 or 2 garments a semester??? Whereas in bunka they made twice that many within just a few months
No. 83987
>>83941>>83935Doesn't this school have a library on pants fitting? I know there are books detailing "crotch sag", "crinkle butt" and how to alter your pattern to fix them (sorry for the made up technical terms but). Her pants look unflattering.
Def glad her teacher recommended a pink twill and not gingham for the pants.
No. 83995
>>83987I was thinking the fabric was her absolute worst decision.
I agree about the crotch fit and dooky diaper sag in the back. The design showed dramatic flairs and that just didn't translate with that thin fabric. It definitely screamed "I made these myself and I have no idea what I'm doing". Like an absolute novice that's just discovered a sewing machine and not a person who should pretend they're interested in this.
Why has she not done this before? She just decided this was right because she altered skirts when she was a teen? She's acting like she's never made anything ever and making clothes is a big issue and she hates it because it's hard. So why act like this is your calling?
She couldn't be bothered to finish the seams on the inside of the closure and making very simple pants out of shit fabric took her nearly a month. This just looks bad all around.
No. 83996
File: 1582440940808.png (834.28 KB, 1420x689, 20200223_015147.png)

Samefag but I can't be the only one that saw this. This was after she was done and showing off her craftsmanship.
No. 83998
>>83997You would never get a flare with that thin fabric she used. It just falls because it isn't thick enough to hold a shape.
She based the initial outline on her own measurements so I'm sure she intended for it to be a flare but it just looked flat.
No. 84004
>>83995>She's acting like she's never made anything everShe hasn't, really. She's made three or four cosplays, her prom dress, that green dress she never wore, a square top with pompoms glued on it (again never worn), an elasticated waistband skirt, that fluffy skirt that she wore for 6%, and then the skirt from last semester. I think that's literally everything she's ever made.
Yeah, she painted on denim jackets and altered some t-shirts when she was an edgy teen, but she has absolutely no foundation for someone who wants to be in ~fashun~. She's almost 22, and you can count the number of items she's made in her lifetime on your hands.
No. 84024
>>83954The slits really just show off how cheap and crappy the fabric is and the unfinished, un-lined inside
>>83935She got an extension yet she changed her fabric to be easier, didn’t line them green like she showed in the first time, omitted the seam details and the extra flowers and still the finish was crappy, she always talks big about everything she does but in the end she is always lazy, last minute and sloppy
No. 84031
>>83959>>83954>>83935Yikes. They clearly don't fit her at all and yet the last chunk of the video was some cringey "modeling" moment that went on for way too long.
She has no idea how to dress her body type. Just because oversized things are trendy doesn't mean that poorly fit, bright pink wide leg pants are going to look good on you, Jillian. Not only was the material too thin to hold that shape as the others pointed out, you generally need seams to like…actually create shapes? What is she actually learning in class? Did she really just admit to crying in public because installing a zipper is hard?
And she obviously included the side slits because she can't exist without people knowing she has dumb tattoos. Honestly, at this rate is will take years before she can put together something actually functional and wearable.
No. 84038
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Jill you like having an emotion regulation disorder because it’s something you can flaunt and fall back on instead of taking accountability. Jill isn’t really all that creative because as a previous anon mention, when given the opportunity to challenge herself by having no colour in her muslin mock up for the fashion show, she arm twisted the teacher into getting her way. One of my writing teachers once said, “you are most creative when you are most limited”. Jill has a very surface level version of creativity that is heavily tied to her personal interests. This won’t work in the industry or even with personal commission, because Jill will have a meltdown if she can’t have it her way
No. 84052
>>83995>>84004I agree about the fabric choice. She could've made this a learning experience and bought some good denim. I think what really upset me was the flowers. She could've sewn them on the front of the pockets or the back pockets? Why insert them inside the pocket?
She stayed within a beginner's comfort zone. Skirts are relatively easy to make if you've made them 50 times over but pants fitting with her tenure should've been easier. God, seeing that end "fanart" made me think "oh that's cute" but I don't think it wouldve made a good irl representation.
No. 84172
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No. 84176
>>84038people who actually have BPD elf harm and attempt suicide really often, its kind of part of the diagnosis critia
not to mention how manipulative and
abusive it can make people who suffer with it untreated can get
how could you ever be greatful for that shit?
No. 84210
>>83935Ok I'm no fashion expert and have no knowledge about designing/making clothes but those pants look terrible. They don't fit her at all and do nothing for her figure.
For someone who's into ~fashion~ she is awful in dressing herself.
No. 84229
>>84172lmao this newsletter patreon tier is turning into more of a joke each time, the summary of an entire month is seriously just
>busy with school & started playing DnDI feel like any granny at the retirement home would be able to write a more exciting newsletter
No. 84458
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Why does she keep going on about this
No. 84469
>>82658I don't mean this in a shitty armchair psychologist way but if this video is anything to go off no fucking way is Steve 'neurotypical'.
She really lacks the self awareness to see she's being selfish and only thinking of herself when she says shit like that.
No. 84501
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>>84458She's fucking awful at pretending to have BPD kek. Has she ever met anyone who actually suffers from it?
Untreated BPD is a shitty disorder that can fuck up your life and ruin relationships, not to mention it often goes hand in hand with other mental disorders/addictions/self destructive behaviour.
It's not a disorder where you just think real hard about how to be more mindful uwu and then it's suddenly fixed & you get all the benefits of being ~ultra happy and passionate~.
Sorry, I know I'm preaching to the choir here but it just makes my blood boil whenever she talks about it lately.
No. 84513
>>84458'resetting yor brain' doesnt excuse all the
abusive asshole shit youve done throughout your whole life jill
youve still hurt your friends and been a bully, uwu mwentally ill doesnt make that okay
No. 84562
its fucking ridiculous, shes so fucking out of touch with the outside world this is the worst thing she could freaking talk about. its one thing to be a bro dude doing it for the lulz its another when shes trying to come off as intelligent in a certain field, this one being fashion. she can't even pronounce fashion houses correctly.
GHEE-VANCHY made me cringe so hard. isn't she supposed to be bilingual? its a french fashion house for gods sake
No. 84564
>>84553"I'm a fashion student i have knowledge for this type of content now uwu!!!!!11"
> doesn't know like 90% of the celebrities she's reacting to> can't pronounce a goddamn thing> zero actual fashion designer terms or big girl words>no actual interesting insight whatsoever> somehow manages to make it about her and whether she'd wear something or not>opinions are extremely predictable of COURSE she loves the quirky peter pan collar and the pepto bismol pink/ bright shiny turquoise gowns> the oscars were like three weeks ago so this video is hilariously late/ irrelevant by nowsick video jill. i'm so mad that i wasted my time even having this shit on in the background i want my brain cells back
No. 84565
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Did she photoshopped her teeth? Theres a clear line.
No. 84567
>>84563It isn't a lite though
>>84553She has such a shitty taste, Jesus, imagine thinking that what's wrong with Greta's dress is the color and not how weirdly it fits in her body. Jill is too nice (or rather a coward) for this kind of content, she makes no real criticisms and whenever she gets close to making one she backs down.
No. 84585
>>84553Yikes this video really just proves that her channel is going nowhere.
The reason she got a following in the first place was mostly J-fashion related hauls, I think her main audience were young weebs who weren't able to afford all the tacky clothes + Japan trips she got so they lived through her vicariously.
Most people really don't give a shit about her sewing or ear stretching or anime reviews, now that she's supposedly done with fast fashion and only ever dresses like an ugly grandma clown anymore her views have really gone downhill.
No. 84665
>I won't bring up the V-WordNot saying vagina because it would hurt the fee fee's of the agender-transexual genderqueer confetti cult members lmao
I also skimmed through the video and I always endend up in moments when she repeated words like broken record what the hell?
No. 84675
>>84666I feel like she probably had the same plans for Colin, aka him becoming her full time YT sidekick/editor, them living together in a pastel dungeon and posing together as the bi quirky power couple thing she's doing with Steve now.
I'm glad he managed to get away from that and focus on his own life instead of just becoming a side character in Jill's.
No. 84848
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This is what Pixie's kitchen should look like
No. 84849
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No. 84959
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Sage because not new milk but her uwu mentally ill bb shtick grosses me out
No. 85101
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No. 85125
File: 1583281478143.jpg (538.48 KB, 1080x1136, 20200303_202023.jpg)

When doesn't this bitch treat herself? I think her trying to cut back on shopping is literally just her still shopping just as much as ever but not doing constant the haul vids anymore
No. 85132
>>85101 how does polly pocket relate to/be part of religion ?
unless materialism/capatalism counts
No. 85153
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Not uncomfortable at all
No. 85155
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I found Jill some new shoes!
No. 85160
>>84959she never ever mentioned dissociation before her uwu bpd diagnosis. she never described any like it either. when she attempted to describe dissociation before she do so very poorly and completely inaccurate.
is she really a mental illness munchie now?
No. 85200
>>85189You got the side that doesn’t have the visible extension tracks kek
>>85186Now she is making precure about her uwu mental illness and diagnosing characters, great
No. 85296
>>85291literally every website says dissociative disorders come from abuse, google it
its a trauma response
everything jill describes just sounds like symptoms of being autismo but she thinks she is so above that
saged for mental health bs
No. 85326
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IDK why Jill is pushing this. She can't handle any criticism and I highly doubt that just because she likes Jack's content she'll suddenly become aware of how mediocre her videos are
No. 85345
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>>85330the thing that gets to me about it is her mouth is twisted into such an odd grimace that her mouth is slightly open. She looks exceptional - more so than the usual base level that she always looks.
(spoilered because tall image)
No. 85346
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>>85345It's absolutely awful. Even the horribly lit pictures and video caps that are usually put in the thread OPs look better than this photo. It highlights her worst features, ages her by 15 years, and her expression comes off as arrogant and unpleasant. She should really retake the photo or go back to using an old photo like pic related, though this one looks miles better because it was before her health tanked from moving out and not having her mother to cook for her.
No. 85572
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>>80717I’m aware this is a bit old, just found the thread but anyone else see this? I know bronies are a low hanging fruit but on top of the video being boring as fuck, her fans really are a bunch of autists like her. Can’t be 100% sure but I think the person that made that shit is 20 lol
No. 85573
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>>85572Yeah Flustershy/Nursewitch, is 21 and into some…shit. People are gonna look her up and see shit like this on her feed. Thanks for the exposure Jill
No. 85807
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I hate this new smile thing she's been doing
No. 85828
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>>85807>>85345she looks like joey wheeler god why does she think this is flattering
No. 85880
File: 1584110311814.png (1.45 MB, 880x883, delete.png)

Sage for slightly being OT but holy shit someone copied one of jill's tattoo's and managed to make it even worse and someone let jill know about it. No. 85881
>>85807If she wouldn't do that weird pucker with the gap in between her lips, this wouldn't look bad with a regular smile.
I think she's trying to make her lips look bigger.
No. 85882
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>>85880Oh no, someone copied her totally original idea of putting a cat in a heart?
No. 85904
>>85880First thing, both of those tats are meh.
Second, jills tat is clearly not an original design, she was inspired by something and someone else was inspired by her. Obviously. I don't see it as a crime.
Third, is jill really upset that someone "copied" her, jill has been copying aesthetics since her lolita days. I'm gonna need her to sit this one out.
No. 85905
File: 1584133864280.jpg (1.23 MB, 1920x2560, 20-03-14-07-10-27-572_deco.jpg)

This twitter exchange made me lol, she was so clearly being passive aggressive but this was "the gentlest response".
Like, yeah, the copy tattoo is shit, but it's not like Jill's was original in the slightest.
Sorry for shite collage.
No. 85934
File: 1584143087327.jpg (499.09 KB, 1080x1484, 20200313_204032.jpg)

Her FB meltdown about it. Pic dump incoming
No. 85941
File: 1584143567250.jpg (224.38 KB, 1080x709, 20200313_204053.jpg)

>>85934Last one. I think we're finally getting a taste of her true cattiness in this situation
No. 85944
>>85941Not to WK Jill but she has a right to be uncomfortable about it, say what you want about it not being original but the person posted her tattoo, even looking at the "copy" there's the colors and the little flower(?). It's clearly meant to imitate hers.
Will say what makes it funny is she usually tries to have a sunshiney "uwu positive vibes" attitude so this is a contrast.
No. 85955
File: 1584146961616.png (1.72 MB, 1910x1061, Screenshot_20200313_204850_com…)'s been a while since I've even been here but thought you guys might want this
God do I hate her and I don't know if I'll be able to watch jacksfilms again after this.. couldn't even make it through the whole video
No. 85956
>>85941Lets be honest, jill did this to be a bitch without being called out about it. She could have definitely handled this privately.
And yes, tbf, jill had every right to be upset. But but like the previous anon had stated, she is semi popular. People are gonna emulate her one way or another. It doesn't excuse it but still. Also Being that she has a good amount of followers she should have practiced restraint, and not bombast the young girl to her impressiinable followers. What jill did, in my opinion was manipulative.
No. 85962
>>85959Come on, it's nearly an exact copy. It's the fucking Dollar Store version of Jill's tattoo. Yes, it's a tired concept but it was still a categorically unique design. I think she's justified in feeling pissed.
. . . they really are so god fucking awful though. I can't believe the copy manages to be even worse than an already terrible tattoo.
No. 85964
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>>85936These are the tattoos Melanie has including the one that Jill is talking about.Its a chunk of cheese and theres also no bow on the bottom. It's like they tried to cover up copying Jill by thinking of the first person who likes pastel colors. I don't think she should have posted the girl's name but she's clearly not taking inspo from Melanie.
Personally, freaking out like this is a bit much, but maybe it's just because I don't have tattoos/like them so I don't understand the significance.
No. 86049
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Jill going with the poor starving artist thing still
No. 86111
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>>86040Is her face becoming more and more punchable somehow? Most of the video is her just ranting about details she could like…actually be showing instead of some tacky rainbow to do list that no one can read next to her offensive face, like 2-3 minutes of footage of her shopping (but it's uwu sustainable!) and like close ups of candy while she continues to rant, and then more ranting about the fanart and OH GOSH she forgot about her ridiculously hyped "tradition" of making a birthday dress because she's so so busy spending months at a time making a single garment at community college!!
I knew a few young, straight couples who lived together at that age (definitely not alone in an entire goddamn house) who weren't delusional and snowflakey enough about their relationships to call each other "partners." That's your boyfriend and live in editing slave Jill, don't get it twisted.
I think I'm reaching my limit for even being able to hate watch her bullshit. Like the abrasive, forced upbeat energy, her remaining oblivious to how ridiculous and spoiled she is, while knowing about the pity parties she throws herself on social media about her beepeedee and how she's uwu so broken and doesn't understand social cues! Pwease be gentle and patient!!!
No. 86304
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No. 86332
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No. 86343
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>>86332Anon you missed the best part where she gatekeeps BPD even though Trisha has shown more symptoms of it than Jill ever has.
No. 86374
File: 1584485157307.jpg (459.55 KB, 1080x1975, 20200317_194303.jpg)

She went to her FB hug box about it
No. 86375
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>>86374She really went and posted screenshots of her unsubbing to all their shit like they'd care. Can cap if needed
No. 86377
File: 1584485403754.jpg (210.96 KB, 1080x955, 20200317_194437.jpg)

>>86374I think it's cute how she really things she has the clout to say these things to them and they'd actually care. She's so full of herself
No. 86379
>>86344The whole sunshine and rainbows uwu persona has really been slipping over the past week especially. She's already tried to put a fan on blast and made that whiny tweet about the fashion show getting cancelled.
I have a feeling she's going to keep her bullshit up until she faces some kind of repercussion for it and then she'll pull the BPD card. It's not her, it's her illness, guys!! Get some fucking therapy, Jill.
No. 86459
>>86454Yeah thats what is confusing me to. Trisha literally pretended to be trans/a lesbian/and is constantly outed to be a shitty person at least once a month. But as soon as she say she has bpd (which honestly given her personality isn't that far fetched) jill has a problem with it!?
Also it's weird that jill had to make it publicly known that she was totally cancelling these people. She's obssesed with herself.
No. 86468
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is she becoming increasingly unhinged?
No. 86471
>>86468Seems so. Fortunately for us, that means more milk inbound?
(kinda shocked how she managed to get a response from someone with as big of a following as Saf. jill finally got that sweet, sweet youtuber attention she's scraping for!)
No. 86493
>>86468It rubs me the wrong way on how she just blames everything on outside forces.
Acting like a bitch? don't worry it's just her BPD/tiredness/general bad mood. When will she learn that those aren't proper healthy apologies?
No. 86546
>>86390>this really shows h3h3’s lack of moralsreally? him saying the n word with an R about 20 times in a single podcast wasn’t enough evidence? or him berating his own staff on air? or him being an open misogynist?
bitch you are morally fucking bankrupt if the straw that broke the camel’s back for you was trisha motherfucking paytas. i see why this cow is always at the top of /w/.
No. 86552
>>86545"mentally ill or not, it does not excuse this behavior"
No. 86558
>>86546Anon, Jill is the epitome of "I can excuse racism but I draw the line at animal cruelty".
If it doesn't particularly hurt her, she doesn't care.
No. 86563
>>86545Is this bitch for real right now??
Newsflash Jill, no one cares about your stupid petty youtube drama. There are millions of people who are worried if they'll be able to keep their job, if they'll be able to keep paying their bills & especially if they and their loved ones will survive.
She's always putting up this bullshit ~uwu inspirational magical girl~ act but now that people could actually use some lighthearted distraction she thinks she has to gatekeep her pretend mental illness shtick lmao.
No. 86565
>>86545- she says in her face book comments she would religiously watch their podcast
- says in her video that she reluctantly would watch the podcast
No. 86569
>>86545Giving Trisha more attention isn’t going to solve the problem. Trisha has done this shit before for attention & Jill is feeding into it.
Just ignore Trisha & she’ll go away like she always does. It’s just that simple.
No. 86576
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No. 86596
>>86558This!! It makes me so uncomfortable just how many blatantly racist youtuebers she chooses to follow and support; Shane Dawson,Jeffree Star, Trisha paytas, h3h3 etc with easily traceable and well known pasts that she has no way of NOT knowing about that she ignores and actively chooses to gas them up and promote them lowkey in her channel to her followers. Tbh I used to always lowkey wk Jill cuz I felt bad that she’s young and has so many people that dislike her and I just didn’t get it she just seemed like a basic quirky white girl that got lucky. But now After really thinking about it and her latest video not sitting right with me Now I see why you guys hate her so much. Shes basically a walking stereotype of a basic white girl who tries so hard to be edgy and different but also Uwu quirky and relatable. everything she likes is vapid in a way and she’s basically most people’s perception of what white girls are: basic,privileged, a perpetual
victim who only cares about social justice if it benefits her. But still comes off as smug and better than everyone and lowkey looks down on everyone. Obviously not saying this is how all white girls are it’s just the stereotype. I feel bad for typing this and I wish no ill will on her and I honestly do like her videos but hearing her talk about how she just now RECENTLY started realizing how “
problematic” h3h3 and Trisha paytas are just rubs me the wrong way. She only cared when it hurt HER poor feefees. Hopefully she realizes this about herself and changes. But I’m not gonna hold my breath lol
No. 86600
>>86596shane jeffree etc aren't racist? like just bc they've done or said some stupid edgy shit in the past and apologized for it doesn't make them racist. not even a wk i just hate how ppl act retarded over celebrities doing or saying shit like over a decade ago and have blatantly apologized and addressed it.
that being said however Jill is retarded for acting like this suddenly is a big deal while the rest of trisha's attention whoring antics werent, that's what especially makes it funny. she only cares about herself. that's why it's okay for her to monetize this video and her others where its a-ok for her to use her supposed bpd for views and clicks but not for anyone else
No. 86618
>>86600Calm your sperg it might be along time since Shane was caught saying something
racist but hes still done tonnes of vile shit that exploit mental health issues, misogyny etc but
>jeffree isnt racist!!!! You must be an autistic stan cause it wasnt “years ago” since his latest race related drama plus again the abundance of misogynistic shit hes said during literally any “take down” hes had regarding other content creators, besides being an overall shady ass hypocrite just like shane.
Atleast Trisha admits to being a self sabotaging troll, these men will virtuesignal till the day they die to keep even a tenth of their fanbase (like our autistic jillie bean and u)
No. 86628
>>86343Yeah, Trisha, go doctor shop for your dx and then never actually improve yourself like our bwave Jillybean!
>>86377>>86545This sperg out made me believe Jill might actually have BPD though kek. What a loon.
No. 86639
>>86619> painting out something factualLong winded way of saying you stan racists but okay. Jefree called a black woman a gorilla like last year, not exactly decades ago.
And Shane joked about sexually abusing his cat in the past year. They’re both garbage, stans be gone.
No. 86640
>>86582>>86577its really common for autismo women jills age to get misdiagnosed with bpd so
its not ~uwu abwuse vwictim ~ for jillybean though
No. 86644
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lets see how long its going to last :)
No. 86668
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>>86657Ntayrt but it's a comment
No. 86689
>>86545It's hilarious to me how she's mad at Trisha for "exploiting mental illnesses for views" because she made one video making fun of people with DID when that's EXACTLY what DID YouTubers do. Their whole channels are trying to cash grab and click bait with shit like "switching on camera" or "meet all my alters" lol
Anyone with an actual mental illness would feel a lot more offended by those people then by Trisha
No. 86692
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>>86668couldn't find that comment but found this one. wouldn't be surprised if she's deleting comments.
No. 86693
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Steve's twitter about. Blink twice if you need help, steve
No. 86697
>>86691> not understand social cuesGod everything she says just shows that’s she’s autistic
Not getting social cues isn’t a BPD thing Jill, just get diagnosed with autism and get some help
No. 86713
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>>86712Also he keep sperging about american politics despite being Canadian. he just wants fwee heathcawe fow evwewon!
No. 86770
>>86697I have autism and Jill is NOT autistic. She doesn't have almost none of the traits.
I have no idea why you use this as an insult in this forum, I'm interested in this girl
problematic side but god this makes me uncomfortable
No. 86882
>>86712Don’t forget her crazy sexual side, must be an alter right
>>86712He’s getting to live somewhere for free without a job, and still gets to hang out with his Jill clone ex
>>86770Blogpost but I’m an autismo who was misdiagnosed with BPD, Jill is definitely the same
pointing out that she is obviously autistic isn’t an insult so chill and don’t use lolcow if autismo upsets you
No. 86920
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No. 86928
>>86920She can't possibly think she looks good like this right? She needs to lose weight and stop looking like a freak
I think he looked better 5 years ago
No. 86934
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>>86922Window decals I guess
No. 86936
>>86920She's coming across like so many tone deaf celebrities posting woe is me in my mansion with my infinite disposable income, it's so hard! Except she is like a f-list youtube has been living in her patreon sponsored rainbow nightmare house which was extremely necessary for community college with her gay bf as hostage.
Where's the Animal Crossing content? You know, that game that she was so excited about she customized an entire switch for over a year ago? It really took a "quarantine" aka her laying around the house doing nothing per usual when her school is probably closed to look out a damn window?
No. 86940
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Jill most colleges don’t hold your hand and baby you. The only reason they’re able to coddle you is because they are an arts and crafts college
No. 86944
>>86920She’s pulling the same face DissociaDID always does, that slightly pursed lip face, just after going on her white knight crusade of DID after never even mentioning it before
Not sure if I’m just going insane though, I just don’t remember her pulling a sultry face like that before
No. 86946
>>86940This is tone def. Does this bitch realize that her experience is not universal? Real universities are kicking students off campus, giving them 0 resources on how and where to move. Most kids in on-campus living cannot afford to spontaneously move out into an apartment or even go back home.
But of course her
uwu fashun skool is so nice and sweet in these trying times.
No. 87094
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No. 87096
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>>87095it's def wrinkled, she said this about it
No. 87115
>>87094That pocket is literally the shottily kind of construction I would expect to see out an eighth grade home economics student.
She could have used an awl to drill holes for guides and used transparent ruler to square up the edges with the textile. I'm a tailor and this bugs the hell out of me. The welt pocket is basic at best for someone in Jill's year. Surprised she's so slatternly with her appearance as well as her work.
No. 87206
>>87199Anon you are aware that those who actually go to an accredited design school endsl up with either an associate's or at least a bachelor's degree? Right
I have a BFA I majored in Apparel Design. It's not exactly the same as a standard university degree but it usually does earn one a degree. Jill's school is home economics for adults, she's not missing anything.kek
No. 87226
>>87165I really don't know how this video would be relatable to anyone who's over the age of 13. I guess I'm kind of envious that she's so much of a spoiled brat that her only anxieties seem to be 'I don't like a change in routine' and 'the fashion show has been delayed'.
Also her saying "do I just work from home now?" at the end of the video… You always work from home Jill lol. When was the last time she actually went out to vlog or something? She makes her money but just sitting around at home and talking to a camera, plus it looked like she did a bunch of her sewing stuff at home before because she didn't get done with stuff at school anyway.
No. 87248
>>87165it’s not the the end of year fashion show was a degree show, so why the fuck was she so upset? also
>I don’t do well with changes to my rigid routinethat’s because you’re autistic, jill
No. 87296
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No. 87315
>>87305>>87305>>87238Holy hell, Jill really moved to a wholeass townhouse and made a big deal about going away so she could go study somewhere that is the size of her highschool…
>>87229>>87229>>87305Are people with BPD even considered neurodivergent at all?? I would guess disorders that can actively be cured through terapy would sound less appealing to her than autism or ADHD exactly because of the special snowflake status.
No. 87320
>>87315Her craft college is actually 1/3 the size of her high school.
And BPD can't really be "cured." It can just be managed, but since it's caused by trauma, a lot of people find the effects lessen as they get older, with most people finding the effects almost nonexistent once they get to their 40s. However, I doubt she knows any of that, and she probably just sees it as something she can blame all of her personality quirks and flaws on forever.
No. 87338
>>87315BPD is like an eating disorder - you can learn to manage and be healthy and safe, and many people find this gets easier as they age and find stability in their life, but you HAVE to go to therapy and stay on top of it for any of that to happen.
>>87336It is caused by trauma, but trauma covers a lot more than abuse; technically, being overly spoiled the way Jill was counts as a traumatizing childhood.
No. 87371
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Jill being a whiny bitch. Guess only our mentally ill princess can be stressed out in these times
No. 87372
>>87371>People with mental disorders need their groceries, medicine and essentials too Jill, people can't tell you've got ~bee pee dee~ by looking at you….unless this is admittance that the way you dress/your make-up makes you look legitimately deranged
Also willing to bet that her signing for a package was none of the listed things, probably more plastic non "ethical uwu" shit she bought that she won't bring up because she only has to care on camera
No. 87401
>>87398>>87399In my school 20 years ago, this just describes the SPED kids, at least one of whom always wore a helmet to school.
But then, extreme political correctness and coddling was justifiably laughed at back then. Along with the obnoxious tards like Jill.
I can't even imagine people like her getting through public school back then. Not getting a participation trophy for anything and everything would just shatter her precious feefees.
No. 87419
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>>87414I wouldn't be surprised if she saw some meme like pic related on social media, found it relatable, looked up symptoms of BPD and basically already made up her mind about having it before she even talked to her psychologist.
As you mentioned if she just put the focus on those risky behaviours and mentioned her eating disorder/self harm past I can see why she'd get diagnosed with BPD, especially since she never actually went to therapy after…
I agree it seems more like she has autism than BPD but no matter what it would do her a world of good to actually go to therapy regularly and not just email her school counselor.
No. 87443
>>87414Honestly I think most people on meds who “shouldn’t drink” still do and loads of people stop birthcontrol if there isn’t a chance they can get pregnant
They aren’t BPD things, she just doctor shopped until she found one who would diagnose her with what she wanted
No. 87445
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Not milk but she's still whining. I had a chuckle over the state of the roof on her cat house
No. 87472
>>87459But anon! She has to live in a house that she doesn't pay for and completely decorated to her taste
while mentally ill. And she only has her live in boyfriend to comfort her, multiple designer cats, a video game system with a much anticipated game, a car to go on drives, and a school that will accommodate her every need to distract her from being
mentally ill, but sick people need treatment and therapy like she refuses!
You should really be more understanding. I don't know if you know this, but some people suffer from mental illness and might be really emotionally devastated seeing that kind of negativity. Have you tried watching Precure?
No. 87473
>>87371Lmao guess what bitch, a lot of people who're working those minimum wage jobs that got deemed as necessary actually happen to be mentally ill.
She wouldn't even last one hour working at a call center or as a shelf stocker where getting yelled at is just part of the job, especially right now. I'm sure they wish they had the luxury of having well off parents and a youtube and patreon where people throw money at them for being an obnoxious rainbow clown.
So many have lost their work and the ones who are still out there and can't work from home are putting in a lot of overtime while dealing with verbal abuse from shitty customers constantly, maybe try having some sympathy instead of throwing a pity party for yourself.
No. 87475
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not milky but thought it was hilarious that she made that ugly af sprinkle toddler dress she always wears for her AC character
also didn't realize she was still friends with kelly, yikes
No. 87606
>>87582I still can fathom how she’s able to afford her hoarder lifestyle. I have a feeling that Louise cut her off and suddenly she’s ~thrifty~
Any patreon anon here who can post how much she makes there?