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No. 111715
Previous thread:
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a style she no longer personally wears>Known lurker>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harmGeneral info:
>Frivolously spends her parents' or her own money on once-worn clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends; claims she makes enough from Youtube despite previously complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent; now relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly claims herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs of her ramblings; opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments or posts under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to what she has seen in the threads; has been highly dependent on her mother, friends, or partner in social events and blows minor issues way out of proportion>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image; formerly referred to herself as queer rather than bi, lesbian, or pansexual; currently with her live-in partner Stephen Clarke and both have formally come out as bisexual>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo despite knowing she has a largely underage audience; will often remove or put herself from/on said medications regardless of whether she needs them or notLast Thread Recap:
>Jill started her own brand, 5 petal flower. She isn’t selling anything yet, but plans to sell bad Lazy Oaf knock offs>She got rid of the rainby bangs>2 year anniversary with totes not gay Steevie>Uses the word ‘pandemie’ and gets called out for being insensitive, but a fan claims she was just speaking French>She won’t stfu about her stims and super scary ‘restrictive’ eating disorder >Finally picks the winners of her tattoo contest. She picks questionable designs that queerbait>She receives PR from Wet n Wild and throws a bitch fit about the plastic in it>Makes a video which clearly had editing on her voice, but claims the unnatural high pitch is just a symptom of her bpd >Makes a ‘scene kid transformation’ video but looks nothing like a scene kid and instead just subjects us to horrible shilled drag eyelashes from Toshi and a badly coordinated outfit once again (but this time in black)>Anthony Padilla announces he is making a video on BPD, Jill gets her confetti cunts to beg him to put her in the video. He had already picked people to be in the video>Buys a $100 too small vintage romper, only to break it with her fat immediately Old Threads:
>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526>>>/snow/540457>>>/snow/558614>>>/snow/582890>>>/snow/616989>>>/snow/646275>>>/snow/679806>>>/snow/720365>>>/snow/739688>>>/w/3116>>>/w/33281>>>/w/42916>>>/w/59471>>>/w/74104>>>/w/87679>>>/w/99779Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: Page: Facebook Page: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Old Deviantart: Blog: No. 111785
File: 1599681678155.jpg (521.24 KB, 2896x2896, 20200909_155603.jpg)

That's not environmentally friendly Jill.. And queenjellybeany profile pic could be mistaken as Jill's.
No. 111790
>>111785Listen I know this thread isn't about queen beany or whatever but "buying things to fill the void" jesus christ that's scary how she wants that to be one of the first things people see about her and she thinks it's all "cutesey uwu" I guess one thing she has over Jill is at least she's honest about her shopping addition I guess
Also agreed anon her profile picture straight up looks like someone drew fanart for Pixie
No. 111950
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>>111851Her first name is apparently Ellie according to her Etsy. It rhymes with jelly, so there you have it.
No. 111981
File: 1599823025126.png (12.09 KB, 491x231, stop.PNG)

>>111956>>111868jfc you guys are autistic sometimes. the cringe is unbearable, stop reaching so hard.
the deviantart she made 10 YEARS AGO has the username "jellybean009". her name is ellie. it sounds like jelly. jellybean is a real word.
is it really more believable to you that she's both found and read this thread and based her entire online identity across multiple platforms on JILL of all people than something more innocent?
No. 112046
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Someone immortalized the fat blasted romper in animal crossing kek
No. 112108
File: 1599928580318.jpeg (139.11 KB, 974x547, B3D4465C-6B32-4EFE-B272-8E8844…)

What the actual fuck is she doing with her upper lip in her new twitter pic? She looks like a platypus
No. 112121
>>112097"I very much look and sound like I can be american"
What does an American look like according to Jill?
No. 112129
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I wonder if this is what happened between her, wendy, and jenny.
No. 112136
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No. 112147
>>112097"this is my last year of fashion school" "I'm never going back to school"
please say sike………. she's not ready to do shit
No. 112193
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100% bet she’s intimidating irl… Super intense, and snotty, and always squealing, and taking about herself.
No. 112215
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I know this pic, has already been posted, but the caption… No one thinks, you, or anyone is strange for wearing rainbows, or colourful fashion. Not that that’s fashion. But, people probably would back away because everything clashes, and you look like a fool. Especially in “ ~fashion~ “ skool. Not to mention the smug, judgemental look on her face! Is she suppose to look innocent, and intriging, in this pic? LMAO She looks so dumb with her lips slightly open like that.
No. 112221
File: 1600031247419.png (185.13 KB, 832x434, pixie.png)

This might have already been discussed but Jillybean was in June's kawaii international episode No. 112234
>>112136Honestly the more she drops these autism hints the more it feels like she isn’t autistic and is just pretending like she has been with BPD, even though I was convinced
It feels like just ANOTHER thing to excuse her being a shitty person towards everyone
No. 112244
File: 1600044723849.jpg (686 KB, 1080x2003, 20200913_205133.jpg)

Behold, her ugly ass cork board.
No. 112253
>>112244Can‘t even draw a straight line and calls herself an ~artist~ and ~fashun designer~
Okay Jill
No. 112354
>>112238b-but anon, it's for her mental iwness, therefore she's allowed to do whatever she wants!!
>>112263In highschool all my art teachers got annoyed with students who turned in basically the same thing every time so I can't understand why her fucking fashion teachers aren't more strict about trying to push her boundaries and get her to try new things because she's literally used the same color palette on EVERYTHING.
No. 112413
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No. 112429
>>112413Jill is in NO position to talk about this because she's not a therapist or anything remotely alike, she really loves pretending she's so smart and knows what the fuck she's talking about but she clearly doesn't, I hope she gets roasted.
This is why she thinks she's a fashion designer too, she just THINKS she has the authority on anything, no wonder she got bullied in hischool.
No. 112433
>>112215god damn she looks. so. OLD. like mid 30's, it's fucking tragic.
>>112413oh god please let her do this so she gets picked up by actual drama channels eventually and gets eaten alive for spreading misinformation
No. 112439
>>112413Psychosis?????? Jillian what the fuck would you know about psychosis???????
God, I'll have to control myself to not sperg if she actually makes a video on it, it's such a dangerous symptom and usually just lands people being forcefully put on mental hospitals. I hate BPD larpers so much lmao imagine pretending to have experience or even understand something as dangerous as psychosis.
No. 112572
File: 1600267723243.jpg (674.36 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200916_104910.jpg)

>The photoshop job cannot be topped
No. 112588
>>112584 She'd have to be bold enough to claim she's been diagnosed by a psychiatrist/psychologist, because dissociation is a pretty common symptom for borderlines. And a psychotic discussing their disorder without consulting an expert and taking medication is not a reliable source of information tbh.
Jillybean, please don't embarass yourself with self-diagnosing.
No. 112597
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No. 112720
>>112668I hope this is irony.
This girls lives off her parent‘s pockets; never strugglee for shelter, food or health insurance or student loans.
I don‘t believe a single word about her being ~mentally ill~. She uses this as an accessory. It‘s fucking disgusting.
No. 112736
>>112720people can have a lot in life and still be mentally ill. it doesn't always come from the environment, genetics and brain makeup are factors
i dont believe she's anywhere near honest, i'm just pointing that out cus it sounds like you were trying to justify her comfortable and privileged life as a reason why she can't be sick
No. 112749
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No. 112756
>>112597Jesus christ, what an asshole to repost something like that?? Who wants to suddenly see stuff like that in their feed? Her fans are all pretty sensitive people so she knows what she's doing. Not even a cursory
trigger warning.
No. 112787
File: 1600409217542.png (66.87 KB, 665x343, ARFID.png)

>>112597I wonder if they were actual "I need to go to the hospital or I'll die" kind of suicide attempts or if it was a "I'm crying in my bathroom with the blade in my hand then I said not today" kind of suicide attempt. They're very distinctly different and to completely sound like an asshole the latter is not an actual attempt.
>>112749It's funny that she keeps trying to push ARFID, usually when an adult has it even if they eat nothing but nuggies they still tend to be under weight since even their "safe foods" need time to adjust and get comfortable eating. But like anons said in previous threads maybe she's just drinking gallons of sugary juice and iced teas that it helped her balloon up.
Also, She needs to get her story straight, either she's ana-chan or has ARFID she can't be both since the diagnoses counteract each other.
No. 112789
>>112777I always forget who Colin is because he blends in with her current slave and the slave she had when she was into lolita fashion
Also, lol, good for him
Like how full of yourself must you be to make him into the bad guy? shut up jill, you're the
toxic one
No. 112808
>>112769No, I never said she's not privileged. In fact, she's way more privileged than she makes herself out to be with her disingenuous "I know I'm privileged, I am very blessed, but most of this I worked for" shenanigans. She reminds me a lot of Shane Dawson in that sense, when he'd keep reiterating how poor he is to sound ~ relatable ~
But as I was trying to say, the reason why she was so depressed over moving out was exactly her privilege, because she's a spoilt momma's girl (and there wouldn't be anything wrong with that if she hadn't grown up to be an entitled, ‘I'm the center of attention’ brat)
No. 112850
>>112789I seriously keep forgetting that Colin and Stevie are two different people, they're nearly identical
>>112839I think she won't claim to have that because she's in huge denial about her weight and if she called herself atypical anorexic she would have to admit that she's one of the people who's overweight and anorexic, but she doesn't want to admit she's overweight and not "thicc"
No. 112911
File: 1600484731805.jpg (3.29 MB, 1219x3438, Timeline.jpg)

>>112906Here's the about me. Sorry if this has been posted before but it actually seems pretty new? Maybe I'm behind but her website in general seems like it's been through an overhaul but yes she does mention how she got diagnosed and going back to what this anon said
>>112787 she mentions her attempt in here and she actually did have to go to the hospital for it. She also mentions a lot of shit about her weight and eating and anorexia in here.
No. 112912
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This was also on the website and jesus fucking christ I don't think I've ever seen someone look so smug before
No. 112918
>>112911This is one of the cringiest biographies I've ever come across. Does she even earn enough to support herself from her YouTube channel? Her viewcount leaves much to desire…
Also she never mentioned that she's been definitively diagnosed as a borderline. Manifesting a few symptoms doesn't warrant you have it tf.
No. 112921
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No. 112928
File: 1600498430299.png (145.35 KB, 1440x818, Screenshot_20200919-025440.png)

oh they're so superior
No. 112937
>>112911>>112912This was talked about when she announced her web page is live and before that when she posted that picture. Probably 3 or 4 threads ago?
The fact her website is sitting completely useless and she didn't shorten that ridiculous biography makes me wonder if she just forgot about it.
No. 112945
File: 1600508394570.png (184.59 KB, 1440x698, Screenshot_20200919-052857.png)

>>112933Yeah, I mean, being bi means you're attracted to both females and males, so why exactly would it be chaotic of two bisexuals to be in a relationship despite being of the opposite gender to each other? The tweet's supposed to be half-ironic I guess, but it just reiterates how sexualities coin you as superior or inferior when you compare yourself to others. It also implies it's somewhat special or quirky of bisexuals to like the opposite gender which defeats the whole meaning of the label itself lol
No. 112955
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I just realized that her weight gain coincides with Canada’s weed legalization kek
No. 112993
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throwing a hair edit in bc she would suit a nice brunette + she needs to give her hair a break from the constant box bleaching, dying and wearing heavy extensions
No. 112994
>>112990Yes it has its basis in the DnD alignment chart but it's never used that way all of the Bi people I've seen use chaotic bi are using it solely to describe how they feel "chaotic" over their see-saw like attraction of men and women. You can see that the tweet most likely means it that way too because some people genuinely think that way.
>>112993Her natural hair color washes her out too much, an ashen blonde or a lighter brown color would look better ans it would look better with her bright obnoxious style. the only way her natural hair would work is if she wore more muted colors but i highly doubt jill will suddenly be into dark academia any time soon.
No. 112996
>>112994That isn't what that tweet is saying at all. The tweet doesn't even refer to attraction. Bi people also don't generally refer to their attraction to different genders as something they go back and forth on, like you're implying.
Chaotic on the D&D alignment chart is opposite of "lawful." It literally refers to being outside of the expectations and boundaries. That's how "chaotic bi" is used pretty much exclusively.
No. 112998
File: 1600543846174.png (24.21 KB, 571x235, top def.png)

>>112996If it doesn't refer to attraction then what the hell is "gay vibes" supposed to mean? As some one who is in the bi community and speaks with other bi people I see it exclusively used for their attraction you might not use it that way but majority of the people I know do.
This is the top first result if you google chaotic bisexual. Enough infighting and lets get back to how Jill loves throwing around labels that don't fit her.
No. 113008
>>112998That UrbanDictionary definition is wrong. If you read the context of anyone actually using it, it doesn't match up.
If you are bi and don't understand that "gay vibes" means more than attraction, I'm not sure how to explain that to you. Thinking queer people only flock together due to their mutual attraction(s) is ridiculous. There are aesthetics, culture, community, experiences, etc that bond us together.
No. 113043
>>112911First of all, horrible web design, looks like dogshit
Second, "about me" pages don't literally have all about you and your life since you were in highschool, it's not helpful and aint nobody got time for that. Looks horrible for any employer too, and besides that, this just screams self centered obnoxious bitch.
No. 113044
>>112921I thought this was an onion ring earing lol
So glad to know her speshul chug and swallow disease doesn't stop her from eating onions dip in grease and batter lol
No. 113085
>>113008Apparently I can't bond with my bisexual peers because I don't understand the sheer depth of the D&D alignment chart, lol.
Some of you lot need serious help, you try your hardest to label yourselves with so much nonsense to feel somewhat special or
valid in comparison to other people. The tweet in question was not even referring to two chaotic bisexuals being in a relationship, but to how a relationship between two bisexuals of the opposite gender is so ~ chaotic ~ and, quote on quote, "nothing like a couple where both people are straight". What exactly is the big difference here, the "massive gay energy"? Do you even realize how stupid that makes our community sound?
I'm pretty sure there's nothing to misunderstand here, just accept that sexualities don't define your personality, rather it's your personality that helps you shape your morals and your understanding of your sexual orientation. It's so beyond me how people still make their sexualities something way deeper than what they just are.
Back to Jillian,
>>113014 THIS should be the banner for the next thread. Just this.
No. 113126
>>113095Maybe to pretend she was younger in that photo thus less retarded for looking like that.
Also…uh why you putting an unblurred entire numberplate online Pixie. That site was definitely a weekend project which has now been forgotten.
No. 113128
>>113085I read it as an implication that bi/bi couples are so much more glamorous, beautiful and interesting than a straight/straight one, sorta riding on the coattails of the fashion and makeup industry+pop music association with gay men.
In reality it's just an opposite sex couple who desperately want to seem interesting and unique.
No. 113154
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>>113124Please stop derailing with this shit I come here to see pixielocks fail at life not see arguments about straight trannies being queer or whatever you're saying
No. 113155
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>>113154More neurodivdergent shit hinting towards autism
No. 113156
File: 1600621828936.jpg (681.49 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200920-121123_Chr…)

>>113155This is embarassing considering how fat she is
No. 113180
>>113158can you imagine if she hung up the fashion channel and went full vtuber?
Honestly can't see her do it since collecting crap is her personality.
No. 113222
File: 1600653376261.png (716.58 KB, 720x1280, 1453666063794.png)

Saged throwback to when Jill was not a fat rainbow puke.
She used to wear black.
If she was a vtuber, I bet she would make her weight closer to this than her current one kek
No. 113227
>>113155okay I don't understand why she keeps calling herself neurodivergent when neurodivergency is literally having one of the following: autism add/adhd, dyslexia, dyscalculia, tourette's, ocd, synesthisia, hyperlexia, meares-irlen Syndrome (if you're trying to be the most specific we will include this but even then it's iffy as it usually comes from developmental disabilities), schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. even then, these only count for the disorders if they came from birth in a genetic way, NOT ones borne from environmental factors.
She's trying to classify a personality disorder (even though i dont think any of us truly believes she has bpd)as a form of neurodivergency, which just even down to the very definition is incorrect.
she makes me laugh, im still waiting for her piss poor BPD description video, she's going to get torn apart
No. 113269
>>113241I think it's the opposite, she obviously has many drops in self-confidence and that's probably why she still lowkey edits her body in her photos (just not to the extreme like she used to, or else she'd be put on blast for doing it and called out on her hypocrisy after trying to spread all this body positivity shtick).
Maybe she could be planning on doing hauls or crafting videos without showing her face on camera, and adding her vtuber avatar on the side of the screen for her commentary or something. I don't think she was serious when tweeting the vtuber thing but if she really wanted to go through with the idea that would be a plan
No. 113462
File: 1600836112496.jpeg (520.81 KB, 1125x991, 5EC0AABA-33DA-48B9-BAE6-8E0ED4…)

Just as she tried to do with the vintage seller who sold her the floral romper, she messaged a small company to get an unnecessary refund.
No. 113506
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No. 113517
File: 1600892584912.png (797.07 KB, 1144x976, Screenshot 2020-09-23 at 21.23…)

i forgot that steebi existed tbh. think he gave up on his yt channel already?
No. 113518
File: 1600892940806.jpg (34.15 KB, 1080x198, Screenshot_20200923-212833_You…)

>>113517He actually just recently uploaded another really shitty video of copy paste reddit opinions but then promptly privated it.
No. 113604
File: 1600956540666.png (231.13 KB, 319x482, Screenshot 2020-09-24 at 15.09…)

Are they 'hugging' her hips or holding on for dear life?
No. 113613
File: 1600961760558.png (10.11 KB, 68x54, Screen Shot 2020-09-24 at 10.3…)

>>113604This is not how pants should fit
No. 113618
File: 1600962728375.jpeg (885.4 KB, 860x1281, 6B5AC4BE-3DD6-490D-B481-756C19…)

>>113604The second pic is really serving goblin ate a lemon realness
No. 113623
>>113618The edit on this makes her look like she has tiny t-rex arms and hands.
The VPL situation is even more confusing upon a zoom, maybe it is just bunching in the exact shape of a skimpy pair of panties.
No. 113627
>>113604Also love the poorly edited-in rainbow, because pixie is
so gay guys such a
flaming bisexual guys don't forget*
*her last relationship with a woman was a brief, secret disaster where she treated the girl concerned like shit but also clickbaited videos about giving her christmas gifts, which said girl never received because they split up shortly after!! The last one before that was a short teenage one which also appears to be a disaster. Her relationships with men are long and mostly smooth sailing.
No. 113644
File: 1600967844634.jpg (662.35 KB, 1080x1102, 20200924_131526.jpg)

Her face is so o r a n g e. Looking like the fruit and the color. I wish she find some more flattering pants as well. She also didnt put the rainbow trail behind her arm and hip on on the right.
No. 113652
>>113604>>113644This picture just brings so much questions to mind.
Who the fuck would willingly post a photo that makes it look like their pad is riding all the way to the front? What's the point in "styling" this outfit with the bag if you're not going to hold it still enough to actually show it off? Did she shoop her feet smaller? How is one half of her hair faded and the other not, and if it isn't shopped, why the fuck keep that strawberry banana yogurt looking hair line/root situation? How many godawful yeast infections has she plagued herself with because she refuses to comprehend sizing and fit?
No. 113660
File: 1600973696597.jpg (520.79 KB, 1080x2111, 20200924_145446.jpg)

Lmao pixie in a few years if she keeps bleaching her ratty hair and it all falls out but keeps wearing extensions.
No. 113723
>>113618We always make fun of her face for looking retarded but lately all her facial expressions look like she might actually really be retarded.
The outfits don’t help.
No. 113780
File: 1601051568237.png (354.75 KB, 1440x1328, Screenshot_20200925-123114.png)

When badly overweight people use big brain bs articles to justify their unhealthy bodies lmao
No. 113786
>>113644I mean, honest to God, this is bad even for Pixie. If you're trying to prove you're some sort of "fashion professional" then you should be smart enough to know
a) when things clearly do not fit, not by any respect in the term
b) when you should absolutely not post something online
Pixie, all the proof in the world that you are a total and complete hack is evident in this photo. You should take this photo down for the sake of your fake career.
No. 113796
>>113792Ayrt — I agree with you. I mentioned what the study might be about because she’s clearly trying to frame it like it’s at all applicable. Even if she
did have thick thighs or whatever, the study doesn’t mean what she thinks it means.
No. 113856
>>113604>they hug my hips like a dreamYou mean 'nightmare.'
>>112911This comes across as an absolute narc. That is the only thing she should be diagnosed as but she conveniently skipped over the possibility in her WebMD diagnosis.
No. 113901
File: 1601136649377.jpg (318.41 KB, 569x700, IMG_3657.jpg)

they say fidgeting can burn up to 800cal/day
there are 59cal in one tyson chicken nugget
No. 113905
>>113893Not to be her knight in shining armor, but even people with anxiety can fidget and stim. Sometimes it's not even mental illness but simply a byproduct of some medications. Could as well be due to autism ofc, point being fidgeting is not a big indicator of autism as many conditions share this symptom too.
>>113760What do you mean? Not OP, but I also thought cameltoe is a slang used to indicate the effect clothes have on a woman's groin when they fit so tight you can see its shape
No. 113908
File: 1601139507517.jpeg (29.56 KB, 626x243, FA7572C6-DE83-4889-85B1-D031F5…)

>>113901Jesus what is happening to her fupa
No. 113911
>>113901oh my god look at that autistic goblin
this needs to be in the next thread pic
No. 113913
File: 1601140606368.png (748.33 KB, 852x530, rwfg.png)

>>113891why does she care more about decorating her space than actually improving her skills
this is pure autism
No. 113914
File: 1601141030942.png (550.26 KB, 600x438, rwfg.png)

>>113891Oh my god this is her comparing herself to one of her "friends" (classmates)
First of all, Jill she's not your friend, she probably just tolerates you because you're famous and she's
that kind of instagram girl. Both of you are equally narcissistic perhaps, who knows, but clout is clout. I bet she talks behind you about how much of an eyesore you are.
Second, jesus christ. That's a very big contrast between you and her. You look like a fucking toddler covered in rainbow goo. I wonder if she can actually do clothes though? who knows.
No. 113915
File: 1601141800964.png (444.9 KB, 774x440, rwfg.png)

3 things about her newest vid:
1.While it is alright to stim and I see no problem with it if it helps you concentrate, the fact that this entire unit of a womanchild is carrying toys while dressing as obnoxiously and immature as possible, standing in the corner where she can't bother anyone with her eye straining aesthetics, is very, very funny to me. She must truly be a sight to see at school, wish some of her classmates came here.
2.Her moodboard comes as narcissistic as ever. I thought that eye with the ranbow makeup was hers, until I remembered she can't makeup for dear life. It also annoys me how her moodboard has accesories and random shit like a toy house and cake, but no clothes. Wtf Jill, do you come to school to just to stim/play/have something to brag about?
3.She redesigned her 5 petal flower logo, apparently. I guess the feedback got to her, lol.
No. 113917
File: 1601143814016.jpeg (560.01 KB, 2048x2048, 0103AB01-AC94-4CB9-A8D7-B14F92…)

is it just me or do those boards look exactly like the big bud press rainbow logo?
No. 113918
>>113915I'm going to be very honest here, I think she's better suited to be a graphic designer than a fashion designer, by miles.
From a personal experience, as a design student about to graduate:
>Has good aesthetic sense>Can draw decently, can make a rough logo, good enough skills for a begginer/someone in college who is still learning>Can edit photos and videos (needs more attention to detail)>Can produce content constantly if she really put her mind into it>Brand oriented, loves consuming, loves talking about product>Her intros are kinda coolAlso
>obnoxious fashion sense>self obsessed narcissist>too much into twitterisms and """"social issues"""">totes queer "uwu"But if you really want to compare it, here's the requirements for a graphic designer student at a school located on Prince Edward Island: No. 113942
>>113915When I was at fashion school people got in trouble for putting clothes on their moodboards because we were meant to design, not copy.
Also had an eyesore student who took a corner and decorated her space with it. It’s a bit obnoxious and it seemed like the more people spent time cultivating their space at the uni, the less time they actually spent there. But because their area looked full, it was like they were there all the time.
No. 113958
Basically, things that Jill is good for that could had gotten her a very nice career option and not be as hard for her:
Graphic Design
Editorial Illustration
Branding & Advertising
Accesory Designer
Home Interior Designer
Musician (if she continued practicing piano)
Things that she chose instead:
Home economics tier "fashion" "design" that she's not good for and does not put effort in and will fail
Jill, please, consider this. You're very good (for an amateur) at all these other things, yet you chose the one thing you knew almost nothing about and are really bad at. Why do you want to be a seamstress precure this bad? You are kinda dumb, maybe not very mentally sound, but you do have some talent hidden somewhere beneat all those peeps and bright colors. Sometimes you gotta compromise some of your hobbies (sewing) in order to see the grander picture and see what you're truly good at. All those things are still creative and very cool and free, trust me. Please reconsider Jill, leave this sewing thing in the past and get a real Big Girl Job that you'll enjoy, have less frustrations with, and you will earn a lot more than you do with youtube or whatever you're doing with this "college". Trust me, your badly sewn things don't have much future. Your parents have enough money for you to study another thing that will bear you fruit. Your future self will thank you.
No. 113975
File: 1601165049006.jpeg (41.66 KB, 554x554, C5D3D44E-6A72-4EE5-B2A2-0C80B5…)

>>113972I can totally see Jillian being a really good Greeting Card maker.
No. 113982
>>113981she could learn and practice
only thing is that she doesn't want to and is kinda retarded
No. 113990
>>113982Anon you think she‘s going to be okay with:
- working overtime, unpaid mostly
- designing according to your client
- making lame shit like catalogues for aldi
- fearing your job will disappear cause of fiverr-5€-logos
- not being able to KAWIWI everything
Sorry to designfag, I have bern in thr industry, not anymore. You don‘t do your art, you work for others. It‘s neary impossible to live off comics/greeting cards/illustrations. And given Jill‘s taste is crap, guess how that will end.
No. 113992
File: 1601175317682.jpeg (76.02 KB, 700x438, 295D4B5E-A7B9-4487-86C6-284183…)

>>113905Cameltoe refers to the outline of the labia being visible, not just the general groin. You can’t see the labia, so it’s not cameltoe.
No. 114006
>>113891Uhm….jill… You know that you're getting graded on the clothes you design and not your workspace, right?
I picture all the other students glancing at her like " >_> " As they sew and she fiddles with plastic flowers on the wall. lmao
(>_>) No. 114083
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No. 114084
File: 1601234367928.png (2.56 MB, 640x1136, B54002E3-5C2D-4EE0-B520-D3D7B9…)

>>114083She’s sucking in lol
No. 114111
>>114083That has to be shopped, right ?
>>114104This is a good point, for someone super depressed and struggling she still manages to put a lot of effort into things like makeup and her work space
No. 114132
>>114080Thought of that possibility as well, but she didn't show any of her other classmate's feeds when mentioning them afterwards. It is cringeworthy regardless of her reasoning
>>114085Her hair looks like dyed straw
No. 114162
File: 1601268188912.png (14.7 KB, 592x109, w.png)

will she show how much she edits herself too?
No. 114188
>>114083>I am kinda hotIf I woke up looking like this I'd cry for hours, She has all the time in the world to learn how to eat properly and cook, and being
a youtuber she surely knows of the endless youtube makeup videos so she can learn how to apply makeup. I would do something with that hair but not sure what, I don't hate the rainbow, but maybe a purple shadow root rather than just rainbow straight from the roots.
In summary: needs some work before I'd call this hot.
No. 114190
>>113958I would say out of that list she is good at branding and advertising. Somehow people watch her videos, that speaks to some skill in that area.
I don't think she's good at interior design personally unless she is able to do a say, dark and gothic, or chic modern, or any other design that is not an autistic special interest of hers. Doing decent work for your own special interest definitely doesn't directly translate to being able to apply that interest as a job where the requirements may conflict with your own tastes.
No. 114232
File: 1601309824559.jpeg (270.41 KB, 750x613, F03C2E71-C03F-4497-8FDF-914C95…)

According to this tweet, jilly pays over $15,000 in taxes every year
No. 114240
File: 1601314957416.png (1.13 MB, 988x730, Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 12.4…)

>>113895i know, it almost looks like jil got implants but maybe she's just growing that much
No. 114264
File: 1601324148106.png (1.2 MB, 1440x1916, Screenshot_20200928-161649.png)

No. 114277
>>114264who's gonna tell her "I'm not like other girls is extremely misogynistic?
Support your sisters, Jill, not only your quirky uwu following.
Still waiting for your card because of the tattoo contest.
No. 114328
>>114190The thing is she could be talented at many things if she continue pursuing it and working on her skills, but she doesn't do shit, she's got a lazy ass. She cannot think as a professional for shits. Like, she continues infantilizing herself to oblivion and seeing life with her stupid self-centered childlike vision of "me and my special interests". She needs to grow up, she's just a 20something toddler at this point.
>>114077I agree with this, she will never improve because she doesn't want to.
>>113990I'm also a design fag and have been there. I think you're right. But I also feel like someone so "speshul" and dare to say "priviledged" (because let's be honest, she does have money, time, and a nice family who supports her) could live from any interest or pursue she wants. Design has so many things to it, even her kawiiwii speshul bright autism shit could be marketed if she did it well. Hell, her mom would be kind enough to plug her somewhere, who knows. She could just design cute merch or something. But oh well, this isn't going to happen anyways, so I don't think it matters.
She will continue "sewing" tents that have threads dangling out of them and try to sell them to autistic fat people. That's kinda sad, and kinda hilarious too. Can't wait for it to happen, and see her fail.
No. 114329
>>114264Jill, that's not a flex, that's some sad shit right there.
Left: Cute but quirky girl, might be annoying to have around, but has some sparkle in her eyes. Trying her best. Nice hair, doesn't look fried.
Right: Middle aged aunt that steals her daughter clothes and wants to be hip and cool. Her looks deteriorating by the second. Might have too many margaritas on wednesdays.
No. 114333
File: 1601368259442.jpg (343.08 KB, 1536x2048, Ei8aV7IWAAAYbEc.jpg)

No. 114346
>>114343Omfg I screamed
Does she want to join the kink community? Too bad we don‘t allow minors in it, hence 3/4 of your following has to be left out. And too bad you can‘t let only ~queer cute girls~ pad you on OF ahahahaha
No. 114351
>>114333 OK but how do people get OF vibes off this photo? She's done more 'saucy' 'content' before.
She's too insecure to make an OF. Plus, it is more profitable for her to keep her underaged fans.
No. 114380
>>114351It's not this one photo that makes people think she'll go through her OnlyFans phase, it's the whole thot posting frenzy that's concerning.
And MANY insecure people start an OF because simps with a fat kink Will boost their egos up. I find it sad when girls like her end up dabbling in sex work (or even just ero-modeling) just to get validation from randos on the internet. I don't see an OF coming (yet), but if she ever were to do one, then I can't even grasp the amount of damage it would do to her mental state lmao
No. 114383
>>114346What tf this screams kink?? It's just waist cinching belt. no1curr that ur sOoOoO ~kInKy!!1!~ stop projecting ur shit onto her. lol If anything this pic is just more of her bawdy pawsitive bullshit, thus the showing her thighs, bc omggg rainbeee thigh highs, praise my fashion! And also her showing off that brand, that's she's been trying to get free shit from, and get to use her designs. She's not going to starting doing nasty content on of, she's too insecure, and shy. Anons, are just trying to be disgusted. Everything she does is so fake, and when she does show off her sexuality, it's for brownie points, and to make her look like a big gorl, and someone who has real confidence, which she doesn't.
No. 114422
>>114384Yeah, and calling herself hot followed by a photo where the focal point is her upper thighs.
I'm begging you Pixie, don't do it. Imagine her confetti club being similarly inspired and signing up. The most famous thot in the world (or at least weeb-sphere internet) Delphine can only charge $35 a month for photos of giant dildos shoved up her cooch, how much do you think your shit is worth in comparison?
No. 114430
File: 1601445840131.png (522.01 KB, 782x402, adcffe.png)

>>114333posted this pic and forgot to mention this is like, the package that she fucked up and asked for a refund with sour gummies
No. 114439
File: 1601450065293.png (18.61 KB, 589x181, ketchup.png)

Do you mean the chikin nuggie queen has never had ketchup with her mcnuggies???
No. 114440
File: 1601450435163.png (258.53 KB, 754x384, precure store.png)

Oh jill…. nobody cares about your autistic rants about a kid's show. Your hyperfixation on precure is not funny, witty, or charming.
People liked the tokyo precure video because people really love tokyo shopping vlogs, it sells. Plus, the thumnail doesn't show your weird mamajillgenes face, only your (then, not so fried, and actually kinda cute) colorful hair. You made your brand all about you, you, you, your speshul shit, your interests, and yourself, so no one but your obsessive cancerous lardy autistic stalking fans care. It's a cult of following.
Plus do you think that people wanna see a 30-hitting-40 year old overweight toddler-looking bitch talk about a children's show? come on jill.
No. 114451
>>114439Lol anon…wait what
does she put on her mcnuggies? Just plain? Mayo?
No. 114493
>>114422Where did she even post this? Bc, it's not on her twitter, or IGs. So, facebook? with the least amount of reach? Also, anon who posted that pic originally, was there a caption? She called herself "kinda hot" on twitter, in the bathroom pics. If she is fishing for ppl, to tell her she's hawt, and thinking of joining OF, why would she post the pic on fb, of all places? lol not that i think it was really intended that way, or that she's even entertaining the idea of OF, or even posting ~spicy~ pics online. She 100% does not have it in her. She just wanted to show of the shirt, and went for the oversized t-shirt dress, and thigh highs look, imo. It's just weird that she posted the pic elsewhere, when most ppl, are on IG, and she is always sucking up to that brand, on twitter.
No. 114499
>>114493I agree with you on the OF idea being a reach, but the pics not being intended for fishing compliments, when it's all she ever does??? Her intentions are easy to pick apart in the way she phrases her captions alone. And what even is your idea of spicy pics, who takes a picture of their thighs to simply show off the socks or their t-shirt (?) from THAT angle? She was obviously being risqué, and it's not a matter of shaming anyone but one of stating the obvious. Many ero-models take pictures like the one in question as well, for "teasing" purposes. You can see the t-shirt sure, but barely how the thighs look on her (if anything, when she sits down they look very unflattering from the little you can see, cause they're being stretched apart by her fat since she refuses to get apparel of her size). If she wanted to just show the look she would have taken a full-body picture like always, or at least from head to knees.
It's not a scandal if she takes "sexually suggestive" pics, she's a grown up now. But people like you who try to sanctify her for no reason are probably worse off than she already is, for reasons that are anything but her stupid "three lingerie pics". Defend her when someone exaggerates the bullshit she does to make her look worse, not when someone points out something as banal as her being ~spicy~
No. 114629
File: 1601573716837.jpg (238.27 KB, 1080x692, IMG_20201001_112839.jpg)

Her comment on Anthony's video
No. 114634
>>114629>not surprised you handled this with such grace and respect But like, why? Maybe I'm retarded but what makes Anthony qualified in any way to handle discussing BPD? Like as far as I know he's just a comedian so like why the fuck would anyone expect him to discuss a personality disorder that he doesn't even have lmao
Also god huge nitpick but her fucking constant spamming of emojis drives me up the fucking wall, like it's so fucking gross hearing her talk about serious shit but then she spams like 20 fucking emojis inbetween it like "BPD is heavily stigmatized!!!! uwu owo ~~~ sparkle sparkle RAINBOW" like it's so fucking insulting and childish
On another note it's so bizarre how she talks to Anthony like she knows him??? Like he literally just acknowledged her existence once but she's acting like they're buddies or something
No. 114638
File: 1601578267577.jpg (593.6 KB, 2896x2896, 20201001_145059.jpg)

She's l i v i d.
No. 114642
>>114629I have said this before but I will say it again:
I am currently rewatching GIRLS and Jill gives me Lena Dunham / Hannah Horvatt vibes SO fucking much. They even kind of look similar. At least Lena gets shit done. Jill will end up being a
toxic little freak like Hannah.
No. 114644
>>114638I love how she has to nitpick how he didn't include the origin of the name or whatever to kind of prove to him that "SEE I should've been in the video because I would have talked about this but you forgot!!!" like he literally asked you what he should talk about so if the fucking origin of the name meant so much to you you should have told him to include it
and kek at the person praising her for being in the video god I bet she's so fucking pissed
No. 114742
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No. 114751
File: 1601686183941.jpg (63.43 KB, 720x366, IMG_20201003_035011.jpg)

for the love of god jill you do not know what catatonia is shut the fuck up
No. 114753
>>114629"do further research and don't self diagnose"
>self diagnoses catatonia never change, jillian.
No. 114758
>>114751this is honestly the one thing she does that really hits for me. i had to watch my grandfather experience this after my grandma died and he only lasted a few months after.
it's not your 'cute' lost in space distant staring at the ceiling and feeling melancholy for a day. its some real shit and seeing her make light of it really fucking hurts people.
(Blogpost) No. 114761
>>114744>>114751Ironically catatonia is present in autism…
Knowing Jill she's probably confusing disassociation with catatonia so she can get ass pats for having a major ~*skawee*~ symptom of a mental illness.
No. 114771
>>114770I only follow this blimp of a cow on/off so I might be outdated in my info, but isn't she prescribed benzos lmao? No shit she randomly spaces out in that case.
Honestly Jill is insufferable and poorly raised all on her own but I've always thought all the meds she takes probably highly contribute with her degeneration. It seems like she was put on most in her teens and I seriously doubt she needs any of them, not even a basic ass SSRI, if she only possessed the will to go to therapy and learn some healthy coping skills. It's very clear she deals with stress and sadness via impulse purchases and eating her favorite foods. Bitch is almost like a developmentally stunted person with how her coddled, enabling upbringing left her with 0 life skills. I used to agree with the anons she must be autistic because I just couldn't fathom how one becomes like this tard woman child otherwise, but I'm starting a hard lean towards her just having a hard case of being spoiled, enabled & speshu snowflake syndrome. I mean, a teen autist, even high functioning, isn't likely to do shit like meltie about being the star actor as a teen, no? Would that not be an uncomfortable hobby for most autists growing up lmao? &At best I'd armchair she might have issues with anxiety from her mom's weird parenting, but I seriously don't think any of her "issues" need medication vs. behavioral reformation. Ofc it's easier to diagnosis shop and be handed some pills tho.
No. 114792
File: 1601742224759.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1125x1442, 5480A7B0-5501-4921-A4FC-ED1416…)

This week’s featured Confetti Club member is this person who gave me a hearty kek with their goblin grimace fanart
No. 114804
>>114802But anon, the whole 37 Canadian dollar were so, so much coming from her heart.
I wish she'd use her money and influence for something good. Not queerbaiting, not BPD-baiting, just somehting good.
No. 114811
File: 1601766830667.jpeg (Spoiler Image,280.54 KB, 1280x975, FB7FC667-73B9-469C-99B5-755B60…)

I couldn’t fix her horrible makeup but think this hair color looks better on her(shitty fanart)
No. 114813
File: 1601767319612.jpeg (653.2 KB, 877x1481, A6B9D30D-9C00-473E-B1B5-55F765…)

The sheer cringe of her self inserting to brag about her tacky clashing clothes
No. 114815
File: 1601767820059.png (539.78 KB, 488x932, bean.png)

>>114085the pants in question first appear in a video September 2017
No. 114816
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No. 114857
File: 1601830471720.jpg (151.45 KB, 1080x538, IMG_20201004_104830.jpg)

Pretty sure that's just narc rage for not being chosen for the video Jill.
No. 114863
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No. 115004
>>114714The thing about the borderline of psychosis and neurosis is true, bpd patients experience both psychotic symptoms and neurotic symptoms.
I think what she meant was that it's thought to be caused by a combination of things like, having a small amygdala and having a parent be unable to teach you how to deal with your emotions
No. 115010
>>115004shame she's incapable of expressing herself cogently as a bloody adult.
and knowing her, the odds are pretty good she read a paragraph that was in and figured it would make her look super knowledgeable, and make whatshisface feel bad about not having her in his BPD video.
No. 115018
File: 1601944076394.png (189.44 KB, 1080x765, Screenshot_20201005-181948~2.p…)

Well this probably explains Jill's bad brain week, her boyfriend is in the hospital and since he has ingestional blockage which could kill him. I don't know if I should feel bad or be upset that it sounds like she's trying to make it about herself.
No. 115019
>>115018I think I am puking, too.
It‘s not about you Jill
anf if my SO is sick in hospital, the last thing to do is 1) share the newd with the fucking world 2) call them a baby name and 3) make it about yourself.
Jesus fucking Christ, have some decency!
No. 115020
>>115018He has an intestinal blockage??? Like how bad is their diet, damn. You need some fiber with the tendies.
I predict some vague codependent withdrawal meltdowns.
No. 115023
>>115018Lmao as soon as I saw "intestinal blockage" I was like oh my fucking god it's the tinsel again, but once I realized it was about her boycessory and not a cat it became fucking hilarious; I'm just imagining steepee ravenously consuming the tinsel cos she hordes the nuggies to herself…
I imagine steepee is fully dependent on Jill and the food on the house is probably just her junk, so his diet variety is probably limited to whatever she leaves him that he can stomach. Especially if he's depressed, likely doesn't will himself to buy better meals with whatever allowance she 'pays' him
No. 115041
File: 1601955111156.png (289.37 KB, 594x353, dumb.png)

>>115030it might be that, but since it seems that he had appendicitis, there might have been an issue from surgery that caused the blockage.
Also I'm amazed this wasn't brought up on the thread sooner since her boyfriend could've died from her negligence and stupidity.
No. 115077
>>115041>Implying she alone is solely responsible for the health of her adult boyfriendHe probably just said he had a stomach ache and she acted accordingly, stop nitpicking.
Jill is an idiot but she isn't responsible for Steve she's not his carer lmao
No. 115325
File: 1602173230903.jpeg (231.21 KB, 750x640, F24B0D82-A571-4DCD-9576-E2D943…)

Why does she feel the need to insert herself in American politics all the time, like I agree with her, but why do you care so much? Because it’s the “cool” thing to talk about?
No. 115333
>>115327That thing behind her arm had me do a double take, it looks so odd, like her arm is an inflatable pool toy.
Why the hell would you leave something skin coloured in the background like that?? She could've even just edited it out in hindsight if she didn't notice while shooting.
I don't even think I'm being nitpicky, pretty sure in her field, that kind of attention to "detail" should be a given.
No. 115336
>>115327Year 2 of uni pixie got introduced to mood boards/collages?
Once again though. Very images or references to fashion, fashion history, techniques and construction methods.
I can't believe this is the education shes paying for
No. 115351
File: 1602185178332.png (1.16 MB, 1060x591, disk chair.png)

>>115333It's the pink chair on the left.
No. 115353
>>115351Ah, I see, thanks.
Am I the only one who thinks that fleshy pastel pink is a horrible colour for a (p)leather chair? It looks like it's covered in some weird skin.
At least in the video (I was only referring to the thumbnail earlier) it takes up less space and is more zoomed in so it doesn't look like her arm has a cling wrapped bulge.
Dang this thing irks me so much.
No. 115424
File: 1602236054049.png (419.45 KB, 583x469, fdsfds.png)

This is kinda sad
No. 115425
>>115336She could get a better fashion education doing one of those 8 week online programs kek.
>>115424This is what happens when you never challenge yourself.
No. 115473
>>115470In case you are fully out of the loop:
She has a Borderline PD diagnosis, but people here assume she went diagnosis shopping for it.
Mainly because when she talks about what BPD is like for her on YT/Twitter it seems atypical or even contradictory to the stereotypical symtomps.
At the same time people say that what she says and her behaviour fit rather well to autism, which gets misdiagnosed as BPD a lot.
That's where that comes from.
Personally: I have BPD and even if tried to armchair, I honestly could not tell if she has it or not.
Yeah, some of the stuff she says makes no sense, but some of her behaviour does fit and there is a ton of variety in how BPD displays.
Not to mention someone can have autism and BPD, so, dunno.
The way she talks about it does however irk me out terribly, no matter if she has it or not.
This is a debilitating, life-long mental illness, not some cute quirky character trait.
No. 115474
>>115473Samefagging, just realised I missed to mention the important point:
She's started hinting at autism a lot after people here started talking about how her BPD diagnosis is wrong and she should get tested for autism.
It was also presumed she purposefully doesn't want an autism diagnosis because it's not as "interesting/quirky" as BPD and why get a diagnosis if you cannot milk it on social media?
gagSo current theory seems to be that she lurked here and now is hopping onto the idea anyway.
No. 115500
>>115470>>115473>>115474jill think she’s an autist or totally BPD uwu depending on what’s popular or getting get attention, or whatever’s convenient to blame her problems on.
also sage your nonmilk guys
No. 115503
>>115325Why the fuck is she PETRIFIED about the election, she doesn't fucking live here lmfao
>>115353>>115477Alternate retarded opinion, but I actually think the chair is cute, I think it just doesn't fit at all in Pixie's room because it clashes really hard with the other pinks so it looks weird. Like the chair is sort of a beige/pink but everything else in her room is either really bright pink or a really really true pastel pink if that makes sense, so I think it just looks really weird compared to everything else, but I think the chair alone is fine.
>>115382$2000 a year for fucking supplies???? There's absolutely no way that's real hole shit what are they buying
>>115425She could literally get a better education for free watching youtube videos, ironic right
No. 115556
>>115537kinda hoping she’s going for digital yellowface and that along with
>>114743 she will start to claim asian heritage
No. 115578
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No. 115580
File: 1602355478080.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1125x1371, 0D417049-E9DC-4C3B-8FCD-A4EACE…)

>>115579Not her worst but also,,,, imagine wearing $350 shoes to the Michael’s. Couldn’t be me.
No. 115584
>>115578things that never really happened
>>115580shut the fuck up. why those shoes? what is her thought process when she puts shit on, especially her footwear choices? this outfit is tacky as shit but the shoes just…
No. 115629
>>115578This comes off as a lame excuse to show off yet another ootd of hers. Her style is so boring and unoriginal that she can do nothing but bait for likes now (although I can see the point
>>115601 is making as well). How tf can someone who goes to a fashion school put something like this together and think it's flattering?
>>115579I don't get why she needs to remind everyone she's ~hot as fuck~, literally nobody cares. If she expects praise from people for having self-confidence, she must know just how courageous you must be to appreciate how you look in those ridiculous clothes.
No. 115676
File: 1602396952258.png (159 KB, 1440x691, Screenshot_20201011-021455.png)

I'm no long-term lurker of this cow, can anyone tell me if Jillybean's always been this overdramatic or is this a new phase of snowflakery for her?
No. 115677
File: 1602397215339.png (145.89 KB, 1440x744, Screenshot_20201011-022014.png)

(pardon the samefagging btw)
No. 115700
>>115580 has nobody else noticed that her feet are fucking grey? or does she have tights on under non-ripped jeans?
if its the second one, WHY. if its the first one, holy fuck Jill wash your feet.
No. 115703
>>115700I think it might be the lighting being slightly pastel pink due to her walls and such, and it just mixes really badly with her skintone.
She has this weird gray sheen on her arms and face too, just not as much because her feet are a lot more in the shadow.
No. 115720
>>115578tinfoil: the person at michaels was a farmer
or you know, maybe they were just taking a photo of something and Jill happened to be in the way, like maybe in line at the checkout…
No. 115722
>>115720Could've been a genuine fan who was too scared to talk to her. For how often she preaches about mental health she could've at least pretended to be understanding.
Although, I doubt it happened at all
No. 115767
>>115676as someone with bpd it's really fucking annoying to see her act like this. BPD isn't cute.
The "psychosis" as defined by
>When stressed, people with borderline personality disorder may develop psychotic-like symptoms. They experience a distortion of their perceptions or beliefs rather than a distinct break with reality. Especially in close relationships, they tend to misinterpret or amplify what other people feel about themAlso falling into that category can be the derealization and dissociation that is common in bpd, which is what I think she probably experiences and not catatonia.
I've experienced catatonia once, due to a bad trip and it was the scariest fucking thing for both me and the people around me and I can't imagine anyone being so nonchalant and uwu about it
(blog) No. 115774
>>115676if pixie experienced genuine psychosis she would have made at least 3 videos about it.
Lying about mental illness isn't fucking cute jillybean.
No. 115848
File: 1602500158317.jpg (262.65 KB, 1080x1088, IMG_20201012_115109.jpg)

I don't think she realised that almost all of the comments on this post are about binge eating disorder. Not one about restrictive eating disorder…
Also we finally get a monthly favourites after 3 months, sounds like she is going back to seasonal updates though! Can't wait for the steeb mention and how his private gushy texts have been her favourite thing.
No. 115889
File: 1602526513959.png (206.67 KB, 1440x981, Screenshot_20201012-141323.png)

Not sure if I should just mark as sage? But she's really been going on a rampage with relationship tweets, besides the mental health ones. What's up with that? Will she quit it once he gets back from the hospital and he loses all like-baiting value?
No. 115890
File: 1602526598832.jpg (423.33 KB, 1538x2048, 20201012_141222.jpg)

No. 115894
>>115889didnt she say she met steve because she was in love with his then fat gf i cant remember her name just insta username hyperbol.e or some shit?
why she always gotta lie though?
No. 116087
File: 1602724996959.png (346.07 KB, 591x407, pix.png)

Kek, she wants to be a sexy granny so bad
>>115890she REALLY looks like Maggie here, it's incredible
>>116038watch her do some bullshit after you mentioned it here
No. 116089
File: 1602725401323.png (191.5 KB, 428x784, pix.png)

It's also funny nobody has posted this, but it legit makes me cringe how much she's making this stewewie disease about her, something about his writing seems off.
No. 116109
File: 1602732658093.png (1.41 MB, 836x880, lollll.png)

>>116087lol spot the difference
No. 116111
File: 1602733538190.png (226.38 KB, 712x1080, lollll.png)

Reading their totally-not-faked DMs is so weird to me. Like, "look at how much we love each other!!!" kind of vibe.
Tinfoiling here maybe, but I feel like she saw that twitter thread going on and she wanted to self insert herself and her relationship, so she told stewiwis, who is on his deathbed, to send her those messages calling her "my love" lol
It's also weird how she has to put emojis into everything including her BPD.
No. 116156
File: 1602775673655.jpeg (387.1 KB, 828x756, 414DA8E4-E13A-46F4-A178-287582…)

No. 116157
>>116156please stop inserting your bullshit into every fucking twitter post you fucking rainbow clown
>me, me, me! my bpd!! I'm mentally ill! (emoji)how grating.
No. 116207
File: 1602798524240.jpeg (757.55 KB, 1920x2560, 44FDD2A0-88B6-4AF6-A812-F048EA…)

her foundation is SO, SO yellow. I can’t imagine being into fashion and aesthetics and NOT being into makeup. How can she STILL not figure this shit out?
No. 116210
>>116171"Im really into sustainably sourced accessories"
proceeds to show a bunch of plastic anime garbage for another several minutes
No. 116226
File: 1602813155505.jpeg (51.47 KB, 640x451, 58977ECC-242A-472A-812E-B5CE98…)

She takes Seroquel for sleep.
No. 116257
>>116226she's literally been on seroquel for years and has never brought up any issues with psychosis. even in her edgy deviant art days.
i guess theres no steeb to give her uwu attention so shes gonna spout extra stupid shit
No. 116261
>>116227Jillian if this is a joke, this is a very bad taste joke. I guess everything about you screams tacky.
If this is "real" and you're suddenly hallucinating anime characters, I think you should get into a mental hospital asap.
But my best bet is that she's a fucking idiot and doesn't know what psychosis and catatonia truly is. Psychosis and catatonia together are very serious conditions associated with schizophrenia. And I don't think she's a schizo.
No. 116277
>>116270It's an ad for a canker sore/sore throat medication.
I seriously can't believe she's faking serious mental illness symptoms now. Tbh all of this has gotten worse after she wasn't picked for that BPD video, but like why isn't she faking BPD symptoms instead? This is beyond tasteless.
No. 116351
>>116307Jill really loves talking about BPD as if it was a cute and charming personality trait instead of a mental illness that make people insufferable, manipulative, and unable to deal with
Like, okay, these are the very big bad BPD symptoms:
>Risky sex with any stranger>Risky spending behaivor that lets you with debtAnd she does none of those
You could argue she cuts, she had an ED, and she's manipulative. But those can simply be part of her attention whoring tendencies, depression, and whatever else. BPD is serious as fuck and she doesn't strike me as someone who has it
I bet she just wanted to have an excuse to be shitty to people and spergs about it on the internet for pity and even more attention
No. 116355
>>116351You don't have to check off EVERY symptom of a disorder to have it.
Jill is an attention whore and really annoying about her mental disorders, but it's dumb to speculate and diagnose her based on what we see on twatter and jewtube.
She is probably ungodly wicked off camera, we'll never know.
No. 116361
File: 1602903660314.png (396.21 KB, 1440x1275, Screenshot_20201016-230047.png)

Does Steve even want her to constantly share their private conversations?
No. 116365
File: 1602904037620.jpg (62.18 KB, 640x1136, 20201016_230844.jpg)

No. 116367
File: 1602904072946.jpg (59.56 KB, 640x1136, 20201016_230936.jpg)

No. 116368
File: 1602904131177.jpg (55.42 KB, 640x1136, 20201016_231037.jpg)

No. 116382
>>116355No, but she has almost no symptoms of it. She's only ever had solid, long-term relationships with the exception of Alyssa. She has been able to keep multiple stable jobs and now is in her final year of school. She spends a lot of money on plastic garbage, but she never puts herself into financial debt. People with BPD are hyperaware of the emotions of others, and Jill has said that she can't understand other people's emotions.
She also refers to BPD constantly as something that's lifelong when BPD isn't at all. It actually has one of the highest success rates of recovery, but you need to go to specialized treatment and actually work on yourself. Jill just wants an excuse for when she's being shitty.
No. 116423
>>116226If she’s actually on a proper antipsychotic dosage she wouldn’t be able to to just skip it. A decent of dose of that hell drug will mean you will get withdrawals and won’t be able to sleep at all without it, even for one night.
She’s probably taking like 25/50 for sleep and low mood, a dose which does nothing for psychosis
No. 116458
File: 1602979437156.png (581.33 KB, 738x669, snarkween.png)

>>116171She really chose that snarky picture for her pass case… Why does she like that photo so much?
No. 116517
File: 1603038772315.jpg (180.95 KB, 1079x677, Screenshot_20201018-113425_Twi…)

No. 116534
>>116524Yet posted a screenshot Tweet about suicide on facebook with no
trigger warnings to be seen.
TW are meant to be for other people Jill, nobody knows about your DeviantArt relationship to even possibly be
triggered about it
No. 116557
>>116517Okay, I agree that a 16 year old dating a 13 year old is odd. Dunno about how big of an age gap that is because I'm no expert, but I think at that age they would still be teens into the same kind of stuff (like shows and music) and at that age you're still dumb and childish. Plus assuming it is that deviantart ex girlfriend, dunno, it doesn't seem super bad to me? Women seem to be generally tamer and less disgusting that men, overall.
If it was a 16 year old guy dating a 13 year old girl then I would call it suspicious (maybe very weird). Otherwise, for me it is a not an ideal age gap, but not so out of the ordinary for it to be something so traumatizing that it causes you to develop a serious condition like BPD and "catatonia"
She's just a spoiled womanchild that manipulates people and throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she want, imo.
No. 116558
>>116517Dude imagine claiming to being soooo fucked up because you couldn't handle your
deviantart _(DEVIANTART)_ """"girlfriend"""". Did they even see each other irl?
Jill is just autistic, she needs to stop milking this fake bpd because we all know she's just a stupid ugly tacky sperg
No. 116563
>>116553Wth is this pearl clutching. Jill was in her obnoxious alt phase at 13 when most kids didn't have the means or parental permission to have a blue fauxhawk. When I a young teen I talked to other teens online and irl who were not my exact age? They probably liked the same dumb shit and knew of very few other "lesbians" on their weird ass island.
>>116558This. This is so laughable. The pOwEr DyNaMiCs were soooo traaaumatizing between two socially awkward angsty teens who put their whole relationship on deviantart?? Did she like try to kiss Jill but she wasn't into it because she has never actually been into girls at all?
No. 116570
>>116558They met irl a few times but didn’t do much, Jill didn’t like that she smoked weed iirc
>>116517They dated for a couple of months. The entire thing was displayed on Deviant art and it was Jill who broke it off then continued to say over and over that she wanted to continue being friends with Uma. There was no trauma, she literally shared that she was still a virgin and arguments with friends from school on deviantart, so there’s no way that she wouldn’t have posted her “main trauma” if it was real
No. 116573
>>116570Did this Uma girl ask Jillian out or was it the other way around?
Did Jillian use her dA friend to experiment with girls and then dump her?
No. 116575
>>116567>>116572Ya it's a huge fucking reach to act like a 16 year old girl is a pedo for dating someone 3 years younger. It's not uncommon or scandalous for freshman and sophomores to date juniors or seniors. And their relationship was mostly online sooooo… Where the hell did you people grow up who think that's inappropriate, let alone pedophilia?
It's gross to paint someone you don't know as a possible predatory lesbian stereotype because of some uwu secret trauma. Liiiiike who feels comfortable sharing their self harm scars to a huge online audience, detailing the 5 minutes they were anorexic in middle school, going off constantly about mental disorders that they don't actually suffer from, sharing personal texts with her sick boyfriend, etc. but like draws the line at vague "trauma" that has damaged her so thoroughly 10 years later? You know if something actually went down she would have made a monetized crying video ages ago. Instead of vagueposting for years to get pity. Make it make sense Jill.
No. 116589
>>116576Again, I agree, but saying every 16 year old attracted to a 13 year old might have pedo tendencies is crazy to me
Like, there couldn't be that much difference between them can be?
I don't think their "relationship" had anything to do with being a pedophile, even if some 16 year olds can be pedos I doubt this is the case here
No. 116592
File: 1603089948310.png (1.43 MB, 980x848, wow.png)

just putting this here
No. 116593
File: 1603090463653.png (316.54 KB, 489x326, fgverg.png)

has this picture from her webpage been shared before? I think it's new, right? It's on her sewing resources page.
No. 116595
>>116575She just wants ass pats for being a survivor of abuse. It's just another thing she's going to trivialize thinking that she's helping to destigmatize it.
>>116592Is the girl with brown hair Jill? She looks like she has a less severe from of downs syndrome poor thing really does have a very unfortunate face.
No. 116617
>>116589Nah, a 16 year old would probably be considered a potential (or definitive) pedo if they were attracted to much younger children. Again, it was an example how some 16-17 year olds can EVEN be diagnosed with such conditions at that age, so a 16 year old liking someone who's just three years younger than them is not absurd at all. These days a lot of kids aged 13 look years older to begin with.
All the armchairing aside, she didn't even bother adding a
TW on shit like this
>>112749 which is much more descriptive compared to
>>116517 No. 116619
File: 1603118324056.png (190.71 KB, 267x380, jil.png)

>>116617>she didn't even bother adding a TW on shit like thisbecause she doesn't give a fuck, she just wants attention and to look like she has been super traumatized, so by being vague she's 1.farming pity points 2.making people wonder what happened 3.making things larger than what they actually were
>>116600I don't think this picture is that cute at all. She looks better than usual because she's not doing stupid disgusting clown faces but she still has so much ugly makeup on. If she got rid of the ugly hair and makeup, then I would call it cute. But this? Just passable.
She actually used to be super cute, evidenced here
>>116592but in here (including the fact she was already somewhat alternative) she looks normal, with a normal face, and normal makeup, and the result is she looks like a cute quirky alt girl. The irony is she's trying to hard to be that cute quirky girl by appearing absolutely deranged, when she could look miles better by doing slight changes to her look. Sad shit.
No. 116655
File: 1603136698893.jpeg (149.71 KB, 1343x554, C3C5FECA-C114-455C-BE57-B35240…)

“I never see that kind of gap talked about” why does she always want to be within a minority that’s never “talked about”
No. 116724
>>116655She acts like not explicitly saying 13 and 16 is a “uwu big no no boy“ makes it not a touched on subject. Information is available and may not be talked about in her bubble which doesn’t equate to no one ever discussing
abusive dynamics. I would never wish something
abusive on her but she baits trauma and it’s gross.
No. 116790
>>116655i thought her supposed
abusive relationship was with some guy named walker from her edgy deviant art days? i remember someone supposedly called the police on him or something? that was around the time she had a teal mohawk.
No. 116828
File: 1603224354411.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1582x863, 60BE5E7E-EF21-42D4-9F81-D77B44…)

>>116655 In this section of her about me she also claims to be 12 when it happened, so who knows really. She also didn’t “get to it further down the timeline” unless by that she means she blames her personality disorder on that relationship
No. 116848
>>116828>She also didn’t “get to it further down the timeline” unless by that she means she blames her personality disorder on that relationshipThant's exactly what she did anon
>>116517, she calls it her "main major trauma" which is so vague since it heavily implies that the person she was in a relationship with was physically or very mentally
abusive and the main reason why she has BDP. It is possible she was in a
toxic relationship but to go as far to say that it's her main source of trauma is a very big accusation to make against the person she was dating at the time especially since most people automatically assume that sexual/physical violence occurred.
No. 116855
>>116828>>116848You don't get BPD from having a bad relationship at 13. Hell you could even get assaulted at 13 and have that be a traumatic experience. It's not going to give a life destroying personality disorder. For fucks sake!
This bitch is seriously starting to piss me off with this shit. Not to blog but I was in an ACTUALLY fucked up situation with an adult man at 13 online that went on for years. It's given me a ton of issues. I've also been in physically and emotionally
abusive relationships. But guess who is a functioning adult with a full time job???
Trauma is not something to make light of or milk for fucking internet attention Jillian. It's not an excuse to be a self absorbed little shit.
If she's not going to talk about what happened ever, how is that helping anyone? She could share her experience and find some healing in connecting with others with similar experiences. OR it's actually serious and private she could like……keep that to herself and therapist?? Oh wait.
No. 116862
>>116828who the fuck just writes this shit up on their professional site??
"hello potential employer, you need a resume? Actually, here's all my past traumas, they're pretty much the same right?"
No. 116928
File: 1603286260220.png (386.07 KB, 1440x1645, Screenshot_20201021-091015.png)

Has anyone ever heard her speak french? I saw her mention it quite often and I don't even watch her regularly, which may be the reason why I could have simply skipped it. But it looks all smokes and mirrors to me. If you know the basic vocabulary such as bed = lit, I wouldn't exactly call you a french speaker.
No. 116937
File: 1603294612053.jpeg (182.71 KB, 828x461, C82C68C9-C65A-4838-96FD-479A60…)

No. 116945
>>116926I mean, my point we both had bad experiences around that age. I know mine qualifies as trauma because yknow actual treatment for mental health, but who knows what the fuck she's even on about. Idk why you seem to be implying 13 counts as childhood for her but not me?
The couple of people I have known with BPD through group therapy and things like that had extremely rough childhoods. Like illegal child labor or getting beaten by their mom in front of their siblings regularly or non-functioning alcoholic parents.
Like not some twee Anne of Green Gables art and piano much creative and supportive uwu bullshit. It's so fucking insulting to people who not only suffered as children but who have actively fucked up their lives as a result of not having their BPD under control.
Is she disappearing for days to spend her rent money on meth? Is she sleeping with 20 people a month? Is she spending so much money on tacky clothes and precure figures that she's in massive debt and about to get evicted? Has she broken up with Steebie 20 times for no reason because she randomly hates him and thinks he's out to destroy her?
She literally has no concept of what "her disorder" is. There should be just as many twitter meltdowns about her relationship as posts of sickening texts because people with BPD always lash out on the people they are closest to. But no, there's just constant uwu my best fwiend like
>>116937 No. 116950
>>116928she’s pronounced many a French word incorrectly like brand names over the course of her online presence but yes she totally speaks French guys!
>>116934Also this, if she were truly able to speak French she’d have done the segment in it instead of English. Truly learning something as a first or second language when you’re young means you don’t forget how to speak it, this girl just took required second languages courses to pass high school. she speaks about as much real French as any North American who did compulsory foreign language classes.
No. 117035
File: 1603367984829.png (347.4 KB, 1440x2382, Screenshot_20201022-075954.png)

>"politics affect everyone"
>"(…) they just don't affect YOU"
This interaction is hilarious.
No. 117077
>>117048This is the kind of cowtipping that I tolerate, although I doubt it is one in the first place.
>>117053I think she's talking about people who don't educate themselves altogether because politics are either too hard or boring for them, rather than those who don't want to make a change with purpose.
No. 117105
File: 1603392894108.png (59.06 KB, 602x568, btbbhb.png)

>>117035she deleted this post. Instead we get her asking to be in precure or something, idk what she's sperging about.
>>116972this is the vibe I get as well. Their relationship feels so plastic and fabricated that they must announce to the world how much they love each other to keep appareances. It's always like that. Maybe Jill is indeed unhinged behind cameras.
No. 117234
File: 1603470246711.jpeg (340.86 KB, 828x1186, A4CB7DD0-4E7E-4864-9577-67588D…)

No. 117252
File: 1603474934719.jpg (50.07 KB, 266x341, IMG_20201023_134038.jpg)

>>117106it even happens in
gasp Canada! where 250k children go hungry everyday. i believe these displays of "oooh notice me! i've an opinion" demonstrate she's more an HPD than a BPD person.
pic not related but so related
No. 117270
>>117234Why put your professional name that potential employers and your entire fanbase full of piss babies on an onlyfans account just to follow another person?
What is her thought process around this?
Can't she use another fake name to follow Emilia since she doesn't even plan on using onlyfans? Is she retarded big time? Did the lack of nutrients due to eating too many peeps make her lose braincells?
Or is this another scheme to upload "sexy pictures" (barf) on there? What the hell
Why is she so obsessive over Emilia? Emilia if you read this please run. This isn't healthy Jill, you even have a poster of her in your livingroom. She's the epitome of an attention whoring fan for real
No. 117271
>>117270samefag, but inb4 she starts calling herself the biggest Emilia Fart fan, just like she thinks she's the biggest Precure fan
Like, does she want to be as fat as her too? I don't get it
No. 117295
File: 1603488562433.png (101.54 KB, 1440x791, lol.png)

>>117243I was going to say attaching her main username to onlyfans seems unwise, but after googling "pixielocks" I see lolcow threads are the 4th and 5th results, so I guess she doesn't care at this point.
Also she may be testing the waters, the way Belle made a "joke" pornhub account before actually doing (what is basically) porn later.
No. 117299
File: 1603489433676.png (186.84 KB, 1440x806, nopls.png)

>>117297Caps because imageboard, sorry for slight OT
No. 117317
>>117301I know this thread isn't about Emilia but how the fuck can something be PG and very horny at the same time unless I'm retarded and PG doesn't mean what I thought it meant.
>>117234This is such an attention whore move. She's definitely planning to do something else with that account otherwise she would just use a different name and shut the fuck up because saying "omg I'm ONLY using this account to follow one person I promise!!!" makes me think even more that she's definitely not just using that account to follow Emelia
No. 117333
>>117234No one seemed to be curious about the existence of her OF at all. She'd already mentioned she made one exclusively to follow EF before, so why would would anyone still wonder about it? She obviously tweeted this to highlight the biography of her account in hopes she would get Emilia's attention.
>>117252Add the rainbee bangs and you have it all
No. 117411
>>117333>>117317>>117391Yeah, no one asked her for an onlyfans. The only awnser here is that she wants to give it attention so the the confetti cult follows her and she then will start posting lewds and they will eat it like fresh bread.
>>117295Idk, I feel like in her case lolcow doesn't really ruin her career to the extent that other cows might be ruined by it, since she wants to sell handmade stuff and it's not like she has scammed people recently (Idk about when she had her lolita store). She continues making videos and having a retarded fanbase, so who knows
No. 117417
File: 1603556377714.png (219.49 KB, 409x327, fdbdgbb.png)

>>117416deathface on her deathbed
No. 117420
File: 1603556703457.png (513.06 KB, 620x930, fdbdgbb.png)

holy shit that hair….
No. 117421
File: 1603556918485.png (365.13 KB, 688x428, fdbdgbb.png)

more emilia simping
No. 117433
>>117416She feeds her cats from a cheap dish and water bowl. We now know that cats need an angled dish for food and water because it's better for their digestion and causes less health issues and fur bags, but jill only cares about cute aesthetics, i guess. What am i saying, this is the person in the same video who had her cats right now to her open
toxic paint at 4:30
(no1curr abour ur catlady sperg) No. 117437
File: 1603560710239.jpeg (375.62 KB, 1000x2446, FBAD0C97-873B-42EF-9338-BF2AAA…)

>>117433stickers be getting a bit too thickers, too
No. 117438
File: 1603560807847.png (3.45 MB, 1334x750, 30A36BBC-66A3-4B2C-9268-A5487E…)

>>117437I understand fluffy cats, but that’s not what’s happening here.
No. 117440
>>117437>>117438holy shit I feel so bad for her obese cats
she's making them as obese as she is… did these cats even look as fat when she lived with her mom?
No. 117448
File: 1603562621099.png (401.38 KB, 722x406, unknown.png)

she's so fat
No. 117449
File: 1603562823263.png (1.05 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20201024-110747.png)

Here's what her cats looked like last November
No. 117453
>>117416She‘s really awkward about posting her food you guize!!!
Yet posted her infamous peep tea, tendies, convention meals etc. etc.
She‘s really beating that fake eating disorder horse, huh?
No. 117461
File: 1603566377961.png (3 MB, 1334x750, 6663465D-B912-45FE-B93A-449912…)

Man you can really see how poorly her tattooed healed and was done honestly. Sage for nit picking though.
No. 117462
File: 1603566429974.png (4.05 MB, 1334x750, 748AEC50-B7FC-41C8-A74D-F2F3E3…)

when is she going to put the switch plate covers back on
No. 117610
File: 1603578703987.png (422.07 KB, 833x507, iu.png)

>>117462I didn't even register there was a person in this chair at first.
No. 117635
File: 1603582032571.png (215.08 KB, 270x476, jmhjnyr.png)

if she loves her cats why does she let these christmas lights easily reachable for them to chew on? what if they break a bulb while playing? does she know that shit gets hot and can burn her cats? does she know christmas lights are in big risk of making a fire around so much plastic shit?
and why does she let her cat near the thing she chewed on and almost died on?
No. 117678
File: 1603588219710.jpg (161.91 KB, 755x540, IMG_20201025_010540.jpg)

Please, the belt is supposed to be higher like near her waist. It just looks uncomfortable like that. I cannot stand this jumpsuit at all, I'm sure other people rock it but its just not for jill.
No. 117682
File: 1603589851625.png (94.83 KB, 1356x928, 1603582769101.png)

>>117640>>117657forgot a key detail
No. 117710
File: 1603601193018.jpeg (472.78 KB, 1808x2196, 39369592-B3F8-4874-80B2-5125B6…)

>>117437Here’s what Nina looked like from above when she was living with her parents… compared to Stickers from above from today’s video.
No. 117727
File: 1603614093939.png (391.49 KB, 585x386, t.png)

t h r i v i n g
No. 117798
>>117767>>117792I never actually thought about that but these are good observations. Because of the thick yarn and the small stitches it'll probably hang like absolute shit and make her look even bigger and boxier too.
I wouldn't want to crucify her for using cheap acrylic yarn or having a shitty first project because everyone's been there but this is Earth mother Jillian uwu who shills for ~eco friendly~ deodorant. I'm pretty sure every craft store carries pastel cotton yarn at the very least.
(nitpick) No. 117982
>>117949I was thinking the exact same thing. The worst part is how obvious it is, her normal hair is quite short and her 'after' is much longer.
I don't understand how she is supposed to actually create a brand of hand sewn garments. With the amount of her fans who will buy products no matter how ridiculous they are, I can imagine she will end up racking up a huge waiting list because without actual deadlines like school I can't see her actually making products on time.
No. 118057
>>117949Wow she really did
>"before function of beauty" (ratty unwashed, unstyled natural hair shown from a distance) >"after function of beauty+extensions" (extreme closeup shot showing only the extensions.)Aside from that, everything about Pixie's decor, styling, framing of camera shot screams "dollar store" and always has to me. She has zero innate style, artistic talent or aesthetic skill. She just maximizes brightness and contrast to try and distract viewers from how natty everything looks. It's so cheap and dreary, I'd hate to wake up in a house like that.
No. 118142
File: 1603784342310.png (320.85 KB, 704x396, iwakeupearly.png)

>>117423lmao she really thinks 1pm is early
>>117426She knows she eats like shit so she doesn't want to embarass herself more I guess
>>117443Isn't it funny she never spoke about cleaning her house?
No. 118143
File: 1603784367962.png (1.05 MB, 1552x1104, early.png)

>>118057have a picture anon
No. 118145
File: 1603785330629.jpg (293.02 KB, 1399x1612, 1.jpg)

>>118057>Aside from that, everything about Pixie's decor, styling, framing of camera shot screams "dollar store" and always has to me. She has zero innate style, artistic talent or aesthetic skill. She just maximizes brightness and contrast to try and distract viewers from how natty everything looks. It's so cheap and dreary, I'd hate to wake up in a house like that.kek waking up and realizing you live in a rainbow prision is a nightmare, I really don't understand how she can live in a headache inducing house everyday
Also, Idk if the bright colors make it more obvious that her style is tacky and dollar store like, but taking the colors out doesn't improve it either. Gee its almost like its not about the color but that she doesn't have taste at all
No. 118160
File: 1603812958047.png (376.11 KB, 590x384, Sin título.png)

>>118057>Aside from that, everything about Pixie's decor, styling, framing of camera shot screams "dollar store" and always has to me.speaking of
No. 118167
>>118160A uwu minimalist, sustainable, plastic free queen.
We stan.
No. 118203
File: 1603831234906.jpeg (294.83 KB, 828x647, 3B3629C9-C363-4019-A0E6-AC8156…)

is pixie implying that we’re wrong for calling fat and that she actually isn’t
No. 118316
File: 1603907954722.jpeg (346.42 KB, 1125x681, 78362E64-72AF-47EF-9989-A4D6E2…)

Incoming lumpy ass photo sometime soon
No. 118318
She's playing a really weird game with her audience, with this tweet
>>117234 revealing that she has an only fans and this new tweet
>>118316 it feels like she's baiting them to try to convince her to make an OnlyFans so she can post lews under the guise of bodi posi. I the anons saying that she'll make content for OF were right but I didn't think it would be this soon.
No. 118322
File: 1603911232722.jpeg (Spoiler Image,878.97 KB, 1242x1526, 338E1382-CE87-46EA-8A07-86B557…)

welp it’s finally here boys
No. 118334
>>118333christ anon.. how much did you zoom in to spot that. if you didnt need to see it why did you go to the extra effort? gross.
sage for spurge and no1curr
-also not defending jill but normalise body hair on females-
(replying just to sperge derail) No. 118352
>>118322Jeez okey just waiting now for her to announce her onlyfans of course it’s just gonna be about ~bodypositivity~
>>118333Anon where?
No. 118358
>>118322I feel like this clashes with her rainby kawaii special need brand, she is just an attention seeker.
This is also a bad influence on her genuinely special needs fans who obviously have mental and economic deficiencies.
No. 118359
File: 1603929059831.jpg (1.19 MB, 2048x1746, SAVE_20201029_014913.jpg)

also a pic from earlier today. She really does wear this thing in public huh
No. 118385
File: 1603957315951.png (170.42 KB, 492x376, Screen Shot 2020-10-29 at 12.3…)

>>118359I know this says poofy dress but kek it looks like it says poopy dress
>>118384a bunch of them look like multiple color variations of the same garment and several designs barely have any variation between them. if you look at the top rightmost page and the page below it, the pieces all duplicated at least once.
No. 118386
Holy shit we really went from this
>>114343 to this
>>118322 No. 118407
>>118322Jill's ass is something that I would had never wanted to see in my life. I feel like covid and quarantine truly got the craziest thing out of people through this year…
Plus… how is this body possitivity? she's just hornyposting at this point… like, ok I think she has a cute behind (I'm sorry I'm bisexual and those panties are cute) but just thinking how she's the biggest womanchild in the world and max autistic, I just can't see her as a sexual person, it feels yucky and odd… Plus she has an ugly bloated face not gonna lie
I'm also surprised her underwear is not tacky ugly rainby vomit lol
>>118333I never ever wanted to see Jill's pubes either anon lol it's just weird to me (no I'm not body hair shaming or whatever)
No. 118446
>>118407Ok Christ thank God I'm not the only one who actually thinks those panties are cute lol the heart shape mesh is actually really fucking adorable and I legitimately peeped the twitter thread to get the sauce for them.
But just literally everything else about this is a hard no from me lmao like ok objectively I think the pose and the shadows laying on her body is actually pretty spicy but like I just wish it wasn't fucking Jill lmao because knowing everything I know about her immediately makes this not sexy even though objectively if you took another human and put them in this exact picture (and removed the titty editing lmao) I would find it pretty appealing. But just the whole situation surrounding this image is so uncomfortable and gross??? Like the way she baited her fans into asking for her hornypics (especially since it was right after she announced she has an only fans account """only to follow Emelia fart""" lmao like Jill do you seriously think a single person bought that) and the way her fans like legitimately thirst after her is so fucking weird to me because I just can't legitimately imagine looking at Jill, ALL of Jill, and being like yes I want to see her ass and I want her hornypics. Like samefagging but I just legitimately cannot see Jill as a sexual person at all since she's so god damn childish it just feels uncomfortable.
>>114343You know a month ago I was laughing at this anon . . . But I take it the fuck back lmao you were completely right
No. 118560
File: 1604077505266.png (24.05 KB, 579x210, Sin título.png)

God she LOOOOOVES rubbing it all over people's faces
No. 118575
File: 1604085815686.jpeg (316.7 KB, 1454x2048, F853C991-9C7D-488E-96B2-F668AB…)

Wow, what a try hard. She definitely doesn’t even like Star Trek and I know that costume….it’s comes with the pip pins for the collar and she didn’t even put them on….probably cause she doesn’t know what they are. I just know she’s going to be “I’m the biggest Star Trek fan ever”
Also, obvious nitpick, but her caption said “meet me on the holodeck” and that isn’t something the person she’s coosplaying ever says, or something they say on the show often at all.
No. 118577
>>118575The concerning part is that she‘s out to a halloween party during a global pandemic.
But a cheap plastic costume is worth catching corona and adding to her garbage pile, right? How eco friendly, Jill.
No. 118592
File: 1604094481821.jpg (403.83 KB, 1080x1313, Screenshot_20201030-214325_Goo…)

>>118578Shes meant to be data who has a odd skin colour. Not surprised she messed that up considering her own foundation choices
No. 118602
File: 1604098829660.jpeg (171.38 KB, 750x797, 10A179E4-141A-48FA-9037-1C7AB7…)

>>118575This is a nitpick and these edits are silly, but honestly could you imagine? Even this shitty wig looks better than her usual hair.
No. 118603
>>118575I . . . what? Since when the fuck has she ever given a single shit about star trek? Like seriously I'm asking has any anon ever heard her utter a SINGLE thing about star trek ever? I wonder if this is because of steebie or something? Because otherwise this is just so out of brand for her lmao especially since she couldn't even just cosplay the character normally and had to add the glitter skirt like why didn't you just dress up as a different fucking character then??
>>118601My vote is for lwaxana troi kek
No. 118605
File: 1604099457230.png (51.44 KB, 761x472, df53293da0a8912e87168577f6a4ad…)

>>118603>I wonder if this is because of steebie or something? I fucking knew it
No. 118607
>>118575She looks like a lesbian middle-aged store manager. She seems rather desperate for attention this week,
>onlyfans?>star trek? Looking forward for the next sudden interest to appear from nowhere.
No. 118628
>>118610ok so is it better if she edits the poster out? i’m confused. i’m also retarded, so pardon my ignorance, but doesn't it take like two seconds in photoshop to change the color of something like those tiles? i imagine shooping the poster out would be easy, but pointlessly time consuming. jill is lazy
>>118575while we are nitpicking tho, i hate how she has the clorox wipes visible to reassure us that she sanitizes but
>dat sleeve on the sinkwhat are you gonna do, wipe your shirt sleeve down?
No. 118661
File: 1604124902004.jpg (109.03 KB, 750x797, 1604098829660.jpg)

>>118575>>118602Idk, I think she still looks like she has autism.
With some slight changes, willingless to learn, self awareness and some self love, she could maybe look kinda cute.
No. 118664
File: 1604125478319.jpg (53.54 KB, 546x410, gwg.jpg)

>>118661Comparison… it's just having the right makeup, really. Picking he right foundation, for starters. Sometimes I wonder if she's blind or very dumb, she could never pick colors, and she still fails so hard at it.
No. 118690
File: 1604145259916.png (340.69 KB, 1440x1757, Screenshot_20201031-075006.png)

Under her retweet of Stevie's tweet in which he hypes her costume up
No. 118712
File: 1604164944438.png (405.4 KB, 1080x1036, Screenshot_20201031-111412~2.p…)

There's a lot of body diversity on this roster so I'm waiting for her to fuck it up since Jill most likely will make all the clothes fit herself and not others.
>>118690This makes me so uncomfortable some bi people don't have proper communication with their partners saying a sexuality is 'uwu near perfect' just because you claim you're apart of it is really gross.
No. 118741
>>118719Emily looks like a butch lesbian to me, so I think rainbow clothes aren't going to look super flattering on her. Maybe, just maaaaybe they'll look good on Chimdi because she has a very beautiful skintone and pastels look good on darker shades. Maaaaaybe it could look good on Shea too, because her face is cute and the brand concep is supposed to be cute etc. But the reason why I say 'Maybe' is because I know Jill will fuck everything up so goddamn hard
Honestly she chose models that don't look very akin to her childish aesthetic, Jacinta for example looks mature and has a mature beautifulness to me (she's honestly very pretty). It's not about their race/skin color/weight even (although let's be real, weight is a big factor in real fashion shows), but how their features don't transmit "rainbow vomit childish clothes" to me… I honestly feel a weird sadness for them because they'll look terrible thanks to Jill, she doesn't know how to design clothes, how to sew clothes, how to pick colors… she knows nothing really
No. 118743
>>118712you know what they say, "get woke or go broke".
Tbh Jill should have asked the alphabet people to represent because they'll look frumpy but it's her target demographic.
No. 118856
File: 1604263738056.png (120.78 KB, 1440x709, Screenshot_20201101-154618.png)

The mood switching is the only thing she seems to sperg about when it comes to BPD because she has no fucking idea what the disorder even involves. Are her psychologytoday articles too hard to comprehend?
No. 118857
File: 1604264501506.png (46.08 KB, 596x505, efvgrgrffr.png)

yes jill tell us how you like blowing things out of proportion and how much obnoxious you are
No. 118865
File: 1604266193030.png (292.2 KB, 1080x734, Screenshot_20201101-142400~2.p…)

>>118856>>118857Funnily enough mood swings are also present in people with autism and ADHD when they get overwhelmed or when something switches in their schedule. Also hella nit-pick but she used the wrong tagging for the tweet, suicide mentions are not the same as talking about death.
No. 118907
>>118857>>118856When you think you come across as a MPDG but just come across crazy. She wants to live
forever when she's happy, and when she's overwhelmed, not even unhappy just overwhelmed, she wants to die?
Agree with the anon who mentions autism and ADHD since getting overwhelmed is part of that, though wanting to live
forever is what gets me as particularly crazy. And then proudly announcing it rather than, idk, working on improving your unhealthy thought patterns?
(and yes it was mistagged and lazily done, death mention and suicide mention are different, thus the
TW was pointless)
No. 119032
File: 1604380954301.jpg (62.05 KB, 720x1280, 20201103_002139.jpg)

how does she look way more miserable than her just hospitalized boyfriend
No. 119269
>>119217Yet she still does basic mistakes: have one shape and ctrl+v it on the other sheets.She uses chubby models which is nothing you do- fashion has slim figures to put the garnment to attention, the model is blank.
And don't get me started on thr dress in the front looking like one for a toddler.
No. 119276
File: 1604571340978.jpeg (304.12 KB, 828x586, C95D02E7-AEEF-41D1-A7B3-2453B7…)

No. 119304
>>119276what's GAD?
if she vomits so much how come she's fat lol
No. 119312
>>119307So according to herself she has:
Abuse trauma
General Anxiety Disorder
Selective eating or afrid
Possibly binge eating disorder
Is neurodivergent
Has catatonia
Has psychosis
Suicidal thoughts
when is this going to stop?
No. 119355
File: 1604610293747.png (847.69 KB, 1080x1264, Screenshot_20201105-140118~2.p…)

My money is on the QnA becoming about how much Jill suffered alone while Steebi was in the hospital trying not to die.
No. 119378
>>119276i can almost guarantee her weight gain is actually from this. i bet it’s a
toxic combination of overeating to make up for the vomiting, smoking pot for her anxiety and stomach thus making her eat more cause she’s stoned, and puking can make your face swell up extra fat. i believe it kek
No. 119424
>>119406I feel like she's trying to milk this situation for fame and views, since
1. Nobody cares
2. It's not like she or stewie are famous enough for other people to care
3. No one asked for this
4. She already told everybody about this and posted pictures… what else is there to show?
5. She just wants to tell everyone how much she has ~suffered~ without stewie… taking attention out of him (the actual sick person) and placing it on herself
6. If she really cared about stewie's health she would let him rest and get better, ensuring not only his privacy, but his willingness to be on camera after being hospitalized (although we know he's retarded too so who knows)
People who milk physical or mental illnesses so much for views and likes like this disgust me, she's so disgusting, there's no one single day where she isn't like "WOE IS MEEE" and now taking the suffering of another being to show how much she's suffering herself or to use it as a QnA is disturbing and that's the real mental illness luv.
Plus I have seen other people (influencers even) whose partners have been hospitalized for more and they don't openly show texts about ~how much love they have for each other~ (yuck) or a QnA to talk about their shit. God she needs therapy
No. 119428
The way Jill milks her BPD dry is very annoying, but I feel like plenty of people who have BPD also do (just look at any thread on /ot/ or any other egirl who claims to have it)
And I feel like BPD is seen online not only as a freakish diagnostic (they're manipulative, crazy, and obsessive, and can throw you out like used rags any second) but also as a "poor, poor meeeee, im suffering so much and nobody understandsssss" kind of mental illness.
People with BPD often don't seek out therapy and are stuck with their old meds and fucked up behaivoral patterns because it is easier to be a victim than to get better (even if most likely the victims are the people who have to pull up with your bullshit)
She's very self centered, stupid, and will probably never change because she simply doesn't want to see all the wrong and all the cringy stupid shit she has done all this time. It's better to play deaf and say "I was just born this way and I'm gonna have fun with it!!!" than to better yourself into a decent human being. Even worse because she has a coddling mother who probably made her feel like the center of the universe so Jill can do no wrong, it's always other people.
This is why she will always be stuck with the same BPD diagnosis even if she might "look autistic" sometimes. While I don't know because I'm not a therapist, I think it would be cool for her to have a second opinion to try to figure out what truly is her problem (aka her stubborness, self centeredness, victimization, lack of stress tolerance, and selfishness) but since she already got what she wants, it probably won't happen. Other diagnostics aren't as """""cute""""" as BPD is (note that I say "cute" only because so many people online make it seem like it is. It's a fad.)
Jill is just a lost case. She will always remain the same and get even worse.
It's also creepy how she thinks she knows everything about BPD and considers herself an advocate if she hasn't studied it, probably just read about it online somewhere. BPD is not Precure, Jill. I even doubt you have that much knowledge on Precure as you think you have.
No. 119437
>>119428idk anon, she's such a gross attention whore constantly acting like a
victim and her behavior reminds me so much of every BPDfag i've ever met i think a BPD diagnosis fits her like a glove, granted it's the only thing that fits her now
No. 119622
File: 1604822604203.png (11.89 KB, 545x69, Sin título.png)

So Jill are you autistic or not?
she's also posting too many things about the american election
No. 119627
File: 1604823707595.png (157.1 KB, 591x346, Sin título.png)

did anyone notice this video by mama vessey
No. 119711
File: 1604885901046.png (189.04 KB, 1080x1100, Screenshot_20201108-183417~2.p…)

If she's making all of the clothes she drew I'm amazed that she thinks she has enough time to finish them by March. That school has done nothing but teacher poor time management and beginners sewing techniques.
No. 119715
>>119711Why the fuck is she so sure she's never going to have to go to school again?? Like bitch you've literally learned absolutely nothing in the year and a half you've done school, what makes you think that this is enough education to last you for the rest of your career?
>>119712How much money do you want to bet that she's going to not finish everything in time, and then use her mental health as an excuse to get her teachers to excuse her from the assignment kek.
No. 119813
File: 1604946846378.png (20.35 KB, 591x188, Sin título.png)

no wonder she hasn't learnt anything
No. 119815
File: 1604946959327.png (29.14 KB, 596x230, Sin título.png)

This might or not be milk, but maybe she thinks she has ADHD? Since she keeps saying she's neurodivergent and just retweeted this
No. 119925
File: 1605030212404.jpg (453.01 KB, 1080x1612, Screenshot_20201110-114328_Twi…)

No. 119926
>>119925work out you pastel pig.
You have to strengthen your core and back muscles otherwise a bra won't do shit.
No. 119953
>>119925I know we get accused of nitpicking in this thread, but press x to doubt on the big tiddys. She has a pearshaped body. No big tiddies here.
Every thing about her has to be dramatic. Back pain? It's because my tiddies are enormous! Lie in bed for a few hours? Catatonia. Like fidgeting? Neurodivergent stimming! Have a limited palate due to being an overgrown baby? Super speshul rare eating disorder!
No. 119973
>>119962>>119953honestly, I think its probably just shoulder pain from terrible posture while working for school/youtube
for someone who spent a ridiculous amount of money on her home Studio its weird she didnt invest on a standing table
No. 120039
>>119969> and instead looks simultaneously like a giant toddler and a 40 year-old alcoholic trailer trash aunt.I love you anon
She’s entering munchie territory
No. 120094
File: 1605139962517.jpeg (738.97 KB, 828x1355, A162A0BB-11D6-4CDD-A6C3-C2191C…)

Ah yes our eco warrior Jillybean is planning to fly to Japan to add to her plastic hoard not once but twice when the virus is over
No. 120207
File: 1605200865589.png (101.14 KB, 1080x639, Screenshot_20201112-100148~2.p…)

>>119815Adding to the tinfoil.
Either Steve was diagnosed with ADHD and this is her showing solidarity or she's self diagnosing ADHD as an excuse for her laziness and so she can keep the "nurodivergent" in her bio.
No. 120708
File: 1605466133369.jpg (156.15 KB, 2048x1035, Emu0hYcXMAg34UA.jpg)

No. 120709
File: 1605466195094.png (229.26 KB, 584x477, Sin título.png)

what's up with liking spinel then? did she forget because she isn't popular anymore? lol
Peridot fits her better though, the pure obsessive autism she has on wanting to be a character proves it
No. 120828
File: 1605496747145.jpeg (541.94 KB, 1125x1269, 785AAA8C-0A40-4612-858C-16C105…)

No. 120847
>>120708She looks like a howdy-doody-esque ventriloquist dummy. Thanks anon this is going to haunt my nightmares.
>>120828She's really building up for an ADHD diagnosis isn't she? This is starting to get annoying since she's just window shopping for new illnesses to make up for her lack of personality.
No. 120959
File: 1605552997678.jpeg (258.49 KB, 828x647, 6ECF2EE5-2EEC-4508-A68F-7F6608…)

No. 121030
File: 1605577559030.jpeg (480.98 KB, 828x1114, 70074F35-D07A-46F4-A5C5-F0E129…)

Jill made this retarded video about her hair doing a thing, she must of recoloured it because I actually thought it was a wig. At the start of the video she literally looked like a Karen lmao
No. 121040
File: 1605580477424.png (362.44 KB, 1440x1186, this bitch.png)

>>121030Went to see the retardation and…is this new? She really wears her mental or health condition of the month as a badge, huh?
I follow a shit ton of (actually) ADHD folk and guess what fuckin' none of them have in their bio?
No. 121059
File: 1605584539484.png (129.14 KB, 1080x693, Screenshot_20201116-203534~2.p…)

Jill your waist line isn't character growth, you need to actually become a BETTER person.
No. 121063
File: 1605587344683.gif (6.62 MB, 600x1067, oftestwater.gif)

No. 121077
File: 1605597324956.png (111.22 KB, 760x466, Screenshot_20201117-021345.png)

>>121076She redyed her hair and put it in a ponytail.
No. 121155
>>121040>>121063holy shit I thought she wrote she/him for a moment and that she went full on fakeboy
>>121059lmao she used to look young now she's a grandma
No. 121156
File: 1605665209567.png (364.92 KB, 409x466, lol.png)

>>121063JESUS fucking christy the inflatable doll face looks HORRIBLE and it's so uncomfortable to watch, plus she looks like a literal 50 year old aunt pass her prime with that ugly cardigan on
Is this what Steve sees when she cums??? I'm horrified
It also makes me feel like she's getting prepared for her onlyfans debut any second now and I'm so scared
No. 121162
File: 1605667348865.gif (3.11 MB, 520x293, 55E48949-62CA-491C-B2AF-253318…)

>>121063This reminds me of this gif. Why does she make these strange, uncomfortable faces? This is such abnormal emoting I have a hard time believing it isn’t some sort of autistic stimming.
No. 121172
>>120970I'm pretty sure it's about her BPD because I remember her calling herself neurodivergent in the video where she reveals she has BPD, before she started hinting about an autism diagnosis. I know it's nitpicking but it has always bothered me.
>>121030is this a reference to that new netflix show or am I going insane??
No. 121175
File: 1605672212626.png (52.82 KB, 734x264, pix.png)

I wonder what she's planning on doing
No. 121298
File: 1605750378265.jpeg (207.4 KB, 828x626, 95D20314-6D31-4FC0-9ABB-F9CAA9…)

No. 121302
>>121298Pixie, please stop with the neurodivergent shit, I'm begging you.
Most normal people are interested in posts
about their autism or ADHD, not just focusing on the word neurodivergent itself. It makes it so obvious she's after a "cool" label since autism doesn't sound as cool as
No. 121318
>>121313It’s a show about
abusive lesbo anthropomorphic space rocks so yeah it’s pretty gay
No. 121357
File: 1605787746449.jpeg (279.88 KB, 750x878, 6BA99765-2244-4E6D-A03F-B195F4…)

Sage for OT but an artist I follow on IG just posted this a few hours ago and I honestly think it would look great on Jill instead of the rainbow vomit shes so attracted to, I mean it has the rainbow strip so she’d still get her fix but I feel like it would just look so much better, if she started taking care of herself too
No. 121394
is really large on someone who's 5 feet tall
No. 121412
File: 1605819345341.jpeg (172.53 KB, 750x678, E546C710-1D1C-49B1-BEC7-9F1722…)

>>121276>>121385>>121394>>121404I have far too much time on my hands and tried to do her details from that “design school from home” vlog when she showed the 3 “finished” patterns for her collection, I’m not sure if it’s completely accurate though but.. seems similar enough for 160lbs
No. 121424
File: 1605825151007.jpg (185.45 KB, 678x546,…)

No. 121460
File: 1605836403116.png (766.2 KB, 1068x856, hair.png)

Her hair is so faded you can immediately tell where her hair ends and her extensions start.
No. 121575
>>121566Wait, but 2/3 years just so you could then go to uni?? That seems like a lot, I dont blame her for not going, shes already 22.
>>121422I think she put the saturation up and thats why its so orange?? She's also super pink.
No. 121616
>>121575it's not like she went to uni anyways
It is seen as a professional program and she spent 3 years at her "art school" but instead of a year of useless art things she is never going to touch again she would have had an extra year of learning about fashion. she also would have learned how to design things if a brand requested them, work in a group with other people who have different aesthetics and learned how to balance hers with others as well as with what a buyer would want.
so basically, she would have spent the same amount of time in school, got a diploma from a more established school, learned more and would likely have evolved her "taste"
No. 121655
>>121616>work in a group with other people who have different aesthetics and learned how to balance hers with others Wouldn't had happened, she thinks her aesthetic is speshul and oonique, cooperations is unlikely from Jillian either way
>as well as with what a buyer would want. she would probably had said something like "b-but my twitter and youtube followers want to look like magical girls!!" or something like that
>would likely have evolved her "taste"I doubt that so hard
No. 121703
>>121655lol she would have failed out so hard and it would have been funny to watch tbh
so I guess she made the right call, since she has a better shot of finishing schooling somewhere that babies her compared to one that puts her in the real industry situations.
plus didn't she skip a lot of classes due to her "mental health"? there is a maximum miss day in the quebec programs, so she would have failed just from that alone lol
No. 121744
File: 1605971703454.jpeg (473.06 KB, 828x1025, A63CADE2-AD8C-433C-BC0D-F75902…)

new poorly put together outfit video coming soon
No. 121759
>>121467I just find it funny because she’s trying soooo fucking hard to be clammyheart and have a ~slow fashion brand~ without putting in any of the work it takes to cultivate a brand, design stuff, etc. Like if you look at clammys twitter she’s constantly working and experimenting with her projects, but Jill would never be able to keep up. Also other anons have brought this up but like. Fashion is inherently an unsustainable industry and nothing will change that, how can she say she wants to protect the earth and all that stuff while also wanting to join an industry that is the 3rd largest polluter in the world? Absolutely baffling.
Also in her last video she complained about shampoo bars stripping her color,,,, why not just buy something like the hibar for colored hair? There are color safe bars? But I guess sustainability/bar shampoo/etc doesn’t exist outside of shitty sponsors and lush.
No. 121796
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>>121744>oooookkkk>reads in my head as “ook”>image like picrel invades my brainif i were a photoshop anon i could make it accurate but still kek
No. 121813
File: 1606005617050.png (978.72 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20201121-173806.png)

I know being all work and no play is bad for mental health but she has so much work to do that posting shit like this isn't going to help her make excuses for when she doesn't finish her clothes. No. 121818
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No. 121876
>>121820Sorry for dumb question, but what is the practical difference between these things? Do all fashion/design schools offer diplomas rather than degrees, or is this just unique to shitty institutions like hers?
sage because I don't know anything about art schools.
No. 121878
>>121876A degree is done at university, almost always 4 years for a Bachelor's, usually a wider area of study, can go on to then to a graduate program if desired.
A diploma is done at a college or technical school, usually a very specialized field (plumbing, admin assistance, xray tech, that sort of thing), and generally takes 1-3 years.
I would say most art schools offer degrees unless the subject is very niche (like 3D animation), but fashion schools do vary. A lot of the ones that offer degrees teach a lot about marketing as well, but there are legitimate schools that offer fashion diplomas; Jill just doesn't go to one of them.
No. 121880
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Every time Jill posts shit like this and semblance of respect i might have fo her disappears.
Jill you have a personality disorder which you can change with the correct therapies. Having that mentality just shows you don't want to do/be better you just want excuses for your shit behavior.
No. 122047
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Can you imagine being student who is legitimately trying to get work done at school on your final collection and here is Jill posing for pictures (with what looks to be a professional camera). This just reinforces Jill just wants to play ~fashun designur~ and is no way actually prepared to run her slow fashion clothing line
No. 122049
>>121880This looks like something from 2003 internet, and I hate the message too
0/10 could RT better
No. 122051
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>>122047Samefag, everyone is too ashamed to share this post with their followers? Don't think I've ever seen a worse likes to RTs ratio
No. 122052
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>>122051Samefag again sorry, I don't understand how you can have all the amazing inspiring content the internet offers in 2020 and
this is your moodboard, looking like a school project a 6 year old might put together in an hour from pages cut from a single magazine
No. 122055
>>122052Does she have pics of herself on her mood board?
Also, nostalgic for what? She's like 22 years old.
No. 122261
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No. 122335
>>122261Ah I love when cows collide. Of course Shayna would share a pic of the clearly overly shopped angelthigh.
She probably thinks those hips are real.
No. 122336
Not Shayna I’m dumb sorry.
Won’t let me delete.
No. 122515
File: 1606384595052.png (1.33 MB, 1072x1650, Screenshot_20201126-095156~2.p…)

Sage for irrelevance but remember the 50k+ note Tumblr post about Jill and Colin being a queer couple? The author wrote a full on essay about it and used Jill's pic as the illustration kek No. 122547
>>122515This whole article is hilariously bad.
"The use of the word to describe all non-heterosexual people on basis of sexuality alone is homophobic."
My fucking sides.
No. 122550
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>>122515Lmao is she a farmer?
No. 122580
>>122550>seen with a succession of near-identical emasculated boyfriends
>(queerness is) picked up in cutesy wrappings for fashionHonestly sounds like a farmer from reading some of the article.
She has some good things to say about queerness used as marketing:
>Marketing to a ‘queer community’, something vaguely sentimental but ultimately harmless is a great way to give your corporation an accepting edge while forcing your way into the inner lives of an increasing base of consumers. No. 122582
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>>122580She destroys Jillian so elegantly, even with paragraphs not ostensibly about her:
No. 122607
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No. 122614
>>122547saying queer is homophobic
>>122607lmao did the article affect her that greatly?
No. 122619
File: 1606444332655.png (741.08 KB, 1188x588, jillisbtfo.png)

Petition to add this to the next thread OP collage
No. 122620
>>122618Queer has been reclaimed for decades.
Gay is also used as a pejorative. Dyke is used as a pejorative, too. Every term that anyone in the queer community uses to self-identify has been used as an insult. Should people not say "the gay community" because teenage kids call shit gay when they think it's dumb?
It doesn't put everyone in the same category. It does a useful job of providing an umbrella term that covers many categories along with being an identity in and of itself for some people.
No. 122876
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No. 122902
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>>122876I feel like you dropped an important part anon. She's been having a lot of baity posts lately.
No. 122954
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No. 123083
>>122954>Takes benzos>LOL I'M DISSOCIATING FROM MY TOTARY REE BEEPEEDEE GUIZnever ceases to bewilder me…
I can't put my finger on it but for some reason I hate read Jill's thread more than any other cow/flake I've followed. Like for most of them it's a passing "watching a train wreck" time killing feel, but I always have to close out of this thread because I feel such virtoil towards her retardation.
No. 123118
>>123083It's gotten that way for me too since she started to aggressively virtue signal (while being known for overconsuming and dousing herself in plastic garbage, hell, hauls were her primary content) on top of the already phony queer identity, and now she's gone full munchie.
Her Tumblr and attention whoring has increased exponentially in the past year. She now pisses me off like they do, middle-upper class kids who are so privileged and boring they have to make up identities and shop around for diagnosis to feel oppressed. I can't even watch her videos anymore, her baby talk was irritating but now combined with her preaching to the internet, talking about her beepeedee or "stimming" it's too much. The kawaii with the uwu baby mannerisms was one thing but the tumblr talk mixed with it, I can't do it.
This thread is the only way I know what she's even up to anymore
No. 123127
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>>122902Oh nooooo woe is me poor jillybean baby suffering so much!!!…
…Fuck you jill. If you're suffering THAT much and dissociating all the time, why don't you go to a therapist or a psych ward if you feel like killing yourself? Even your mom or your boyfriend listening to you rambling might be better than this, or do you need to prove you are
"mentally ill" and attention whore yourself in front of your ass kissing fans and everyone else to see? is it because anyone else can barely endure how obnoxious you are? or do you really want the attention so bad so you result to something trendy to boast about such as
"mental illness"?
Suicide isn't something to use as a resort to gain attention. Fuck, when someone is suicidal, most of the time they either seek real help or keep it to themselves because the pain you go through is unbeareable. I'll give you the benefit of a doubt. Let's say this is
your cry for help and need intervention, but… holy shit, really?
Dissociating while tweetting? are you for fucking real? Do you know what that entails?
And then you have the nerve to call it "dissociatey" with your baby voice. Holy fuck. How has nobody punched you already? This is fucking insane and a big fat disrespectful thing to real suicidal people and mentally ill person to call it that. You fucking attention whore. Get help or get dunked on, bitch.
No. 123300
>>122907She doesn’t have a therapist
>>122954Did her “dissociation” only become a thing after she tried to get involved with the Disociadid bullshit? She’s gone from never dissociating to doing it constantly - it’s a trauma response and she hasn’t experienced any abuse or trauma
I do wonder if a DID diagnosis is gonna pop up one day, that way she could be all kinds of queer without the effort, she can just say one of her alters is totally a gay man
No. 123386
>>122903To be fair, I do that stuff too when I'm suicidal.
And people with BPD generally have a tendency to pathologise everything (especially shortly after diagnosis), because 1. it's hard to figure out what behaviour is causd by BPD and what isn't, and 2. it's common for other people to also ascribe every negative behaviour of oneself to BPD, which can reenforce the perception that it is all just BPD.
Not trying to whiteknight, just saying out of all the stuff she lets on about her disorder, this actually makes sense for once in terms of BPD.
No. 123405
>>123392I am aware of the doubt surrounding her diagnosis, that's why I said "her disorder", whatever that is in the end (I think it is pretty clear that something is up one way or another).
OT sidenote (and a personal pet peeve of mine): While a history of abuse and trauma is common amongst people with BPD, the science is still out on what actually causes it and there is evidence suggesting that it is in part caused by genetic predisposition.
We literally don't know if one can develop BPD without having experienced abuse/trauma, and I don't get why people keep talking about that aspect as if anything has been proven yet.
No. 123478
>>123405Personality disorders are made it's one of the main basis to get one since humans arent born with a personality it's developed through experience. You can be genetically predisposed to develop depression and anxiety but with trauma that's what makes those conditions become a personality disorder.
>>123392Speaking of which thread has the screen caps of her DA since she nuked the more milkier parts of it.
Also on another note, was Jills attention seeking self harm before or after she dated Urma? I remember seeing pictures where she cut names in to herself but I remember if that was before or after. It seems nitpicky but that would really put bigger holes in Jill's story if she's putting all her trauma on Urma when she was self harming before meeting her.
No. 123506
>>123478Sage for major tinfoil, but maybe she is not telling the whole story, either about the relationship, or about another traumatic event. She might be (subconciously) trying to block out the worst, or she tries to keep people from asking questions by using what she does let on as a "satisfying enough decoy".
Would at least explain why some things don't seem to add up.
No. 123526
File: 1606784989556.jpeg (377.09 KB, 828x744, 617A7F33-6BA0-4BFB-9EA5-4A53D3…)

muh anxieteeeee
No. 123538
>>123506jill cant take a shit without tweeting about it and how it was the most difficult shit ever taken. there's no fucking way she's witholding info.
FFS there is an entire trauma bio on her professional site.
Sage your retarded sperg.
No. 123567
>>123506>jillian having traumashe's coddled as shit. I doubt her dad, exes, bullies etc were
No. 123683
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I'm glad that she's finally putting in an effort but the fact that she's patting her self on the back for doing something that'll be required of her job is just sad.
No. 123696
I was looking back at the deviant art caps and it looks like Uma was 14/15 while Jill was 13. Jill always said Uma was 16
>>123478She posted about self harm, depression and anxiety on deviant art before Uma, caps are in #20 and #21
>>123683inb4 he diagnoses her with DID and she conveniently discovers some hidden trauma
No. 123719
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Sage for OT but funny when problematic whiny you tubers colluded…. so gross when adults call other adults their “parents”…especially one that behaves like a mentally ill child
No. 123725
>>123696thanks anon, Jill's a bitch since she's blaming everything on Uma even though she was showing signs of dealing with trauma before meeting her. I can already tell that she's probably going to drop her specialist when he expects her to hold herself accountable. She has an easy out too since he's male she can easily say that she wasn't comfortable talking about her experience with a man.
>>123719Isn't she older than Jill too? That's just cringy when someone older does shit like that.
No. 123776
>>123725I doubt there was any previous trauma anon. She has depression and anxiety sure, but nothing past that, many autistic people have depression and anxiety. The fact that she claims Uma is her “main trauma” and makes out like a 13 y/o dating a 14/15 y/o is some kind of pedophillia says a lot - she needed something to claim as “trauma” to justify her shitty behaviour and clearly forgot that she’s left a tonne of proof up (or hopes that her idiot followers won’t be able to find it) proving her lies as false and telling a really different story. I assume if she claimed anything happened before that momma vessey would get upset and possibly call her out on it
She is sickening and just wants an excuse to be a shitty childish person and not have to take any responsibility for it
No. 123883
>>123776People with BPD can be experiencing it even after nothing but regular stress has happened. Yes she's got depression and anxiety, but she has a lot to be grateful for. Right now She doesnt have to work or worry about finances, just making art and designs all day.
Doesn't Canada have free healthcare? She needs a counselor. I dont think I've ever heard about her being in reguar therapy or seeing a psychiatrist
No. 123887
>>123878This comment is understandable. But it is really
problematic to say you are disassociating or catatonic while twitter posting?? It’s not just pixie that does it, it’s a trend on the internet but it’s not how those illnesses work.
No. 123939
>>123776Ironic that Jill is so
uwu kweer yet her "main trauma" was dating another girl on Deviantart. All her other long term relationships have been with guys, and reportedly trauma-free.
No. 123999
>>123878She doesn’t have BPD though lmao, and she’s doesn’t have a routine to break
>>123939Apart from the the one punk boyfriend that she goes back and forth on if he was
abusive or not. She can’t seem to decide with him
No. 124090
Only basic healthcare is free. Canadians still have to pay $$$ if they want to schedule therapy with professionals. Most wouldn't be able to regularly afford it. She makes money, but not that much more than a cheap job so it might not be something she can afford on her own.
No. 124121
>>124090sage for upcoming sperg
prescription drugs aren’t covered either. since she’s in school she’s probably still covered under her parent’s insurance which would mean she also has coverage for at least basic counselling. my parents had the crappiest insurance but they could still send me to several specialists and have it fully covered.
plus i honestly doubt she’s paying for her own medication out of pocket. if she’s not covered under their insurance i’m willing to bet her parents pay for her meds themselves.
No. 124181
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No. 124191
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No. 124193
>>124191The trump think must be Tracey, wonder who the other one is then.
Also kek "we're canadian" doesn't stop you and your gay BF having opinions about US politics now does it?
No. 124216
>>124090>>123883I live in a different province, so it might be different where she lives but as long as she's referred to therapy by a doctor she shouldn't have to pay. There are also tons of nonprofits that offer therapy and counseling.
Sage for blogpost but I've been through countless different types of therapy in my life and I've only ever had to pay for one.
No. 124217
>>124181>salty tweet over lets have a cute friday!!Wut. Am I the only one who thinks this is weird? Like, who when why do you decide to stop being salty to be "cute"?
How much more is she willing to damage her own image to shit talk people and brands? doesn't she realize what she is doing is destructive? what a weird ass girl
>>124191God so hypocrital. Shut up about us politics then bitch.
>>124188This. She has the money from her willing parents. This is the reason why she studied some bullshit that translates to nothing in the long run because coddled bitches like her with mommy and daddy money always end up with a "small business" like selling soaps and call it a living.
I don't think she has BPD and if she had it, BPD is easy to recover from and with her symptoms being whatever (she doesnt steal and doesnt have sex with all the strangers) she has even more success rate. Honestly I see her more as a coddled womanchild with a princess complex with some autismo retardness sprinkled in. She is also narcissistic like her mom and begs for attention but NPD is not a cute enough diagnosis to have. Everything has to be about her and she has to be the center of attention and even her bfs room is 70% her space. Having NPD also means ahe must admit she is manipulative, needs people to suck her ass, and would make sense with her behaivor through the years.
No. 124229
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>>123999One of the hallmarks of BPD is suicidality, destructive behaviors (eating disorder, drugs, alcohol) It is manifested as a response to trauma. I dont think it's far fetched to say she has it. She needs an official disagnosis though. Jill needs a doctor not social media.
No. 124262
>>124229People with autism are often suicidal and self harm too, as do people with depression, anxiety, etc.
Having disordered eating, being suicidal and self harming =/= BPD. Like you said, it’s manifested from trauma, something Jill hasn’t experienced
No. 124420
>>124414I've noticed her voice changes literally every video. She has mainly 2 settings, "high pitch cutesy baby uwu voice" or "deeper responsible girl boss designer voice."
I wouldn't be surprised if once her views drop too low she starts claiming she has DID and that's why her voice changes.
No. 124438
>>124420It was more a joke at the start but it’s really starting to feel like she’s putting the pieces together for a DID diagnosis, especially with her specifically mentioning that her new therapist specialises in dissociative disorders and bringing up how she dissociates like daily
While people with BPD can/do dissociate, it’s nowhere near to the level Jill is claiming unless there’s something else going on
No. 124442
>>124424It seems like a few of the comments agree that it's not necessarily
toxic for a friend to take a step back when their friend is dealing with a lot. Seriously she thinks she's entitled to endless attention…
No. 124446
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No. 124479
>>124478From wehat is sounds like, she had semi-permenant blue which then probably did have bleach in it, which is why she could smell the bleach.
The real confusing thing is handling bleach without gloves
No. 124577
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Her collection designs are up on patreon. Most of them look like cool concepts, it's the execution I'm worried about…
No. 124592
>>124577Far right is definitely what she thinks she looks like.
Are these characters based on her models posted earlier in the thread? If so I guess it
is meant to be Pixie since she didn't have a model that looked like that iirc.
No. 124606
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>>124408Top comments on this vid are people calling out Jill for claiming her friend abandoned her. Instead of listening to their side, she's angrily liking replies that defend herself. The ratio is still way in favour of people thinking she's being overdramatic and entitled though
No. 124624
>>124408I started watching this but gave up after she was going on about how energetic she is in her videos and she hasn't been able to do this (be incredibly energetic and life of the party) for a while. Meanwhile she is exhibiting 0 energy, just like the normal level everyone is when they speak to another human? Why does everything have to be about how special she is, just switching on a camera is all about how she unleashes the
energy when there is none apparent.
Also considers
not wanting to narcissistically film herself as some sort of problem. Reminds me of Kelly's revelation that she is not in fact the most special person in the world. Amazing to see these cows have moments of realization and self awareness while complaining about them like they're bad things.
No. 124661
>>124606Listening to what she said just makes it seem like her friends were in the right, she was making it this big dramatic thing where cops were called and she was 51/50'd and she wants to blame them for not handling
her crisis better? If people go through a stressful situation like that they should be allowed time away with zero explanation, yeah it's frustrating but not everyone is owed an ending where everything is tied up in a pretty bow. She should've choose a different question like how she handled being alone while Steve was in the hospital but instead she wanted to shade her friends and receive ass pats.
No. 124780
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Sage for off topic, but found this comment on the hair dye video and this bitch seems like just as much of a cow as pixie is
No. 125187
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just call him your "boyfriend" I beg you
No. 125280
>>125270jill never refers to stevie as anything other than her uwu kweer partner because “boyfriend” isn’t very kawiwi bi power couple, end of story.
can you at least sage your infighting derailfag?
No. 125350
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No. 125373
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just announced you have it already
No. 125419
>>125416I just want to see her attempting to have DID, shits gonna be funny af.
>>125394Thing is when you try to call out those tumblrinas now they call you ableist and attempt cancel you forever. Jill will never get better and will never seek help because her audience validates her antics. It's going to be a long and tiring ride.
No. 125725
>>125702I don't know how to place it but what the fuck is wrong with her voice?? It's completely different to how she usually sounds and it's so completely forced it's hilarious.
Also, oh god. I looked at some of her classmates videos and there are some gems for sure. Most of them are pretty bland but god some of them are just as bad if not worse than hers. Honestly I was expecting her classmates to be really competent compared to her, but they're pretty much just as bad as Pixie is. That "college" really is pretty useless.
No. 125739
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>>125702>>125725I'm downloading the videos and converting them to webm for futher viewing. Meanwhile, look at this trainwreck from her "college"
No. 125740
File: 1607843893476.webm (3.63 MB, 1280x720, 10000000_741875553350866_13671…)
Jillian's video
No. 125741
File: 1607844044366.webm (1.27 MB, 1280x720, 120992546_400495304726185_2334…)
>>125740some classmate's video with no actual fashion designing and just muh bipolar disorder and depression. If this is how their video to launch their brand / do their first show is, I am very mortified
No wonder Jill is insufferable, her classmates are just the same as she is
No. 125742
File: 1607844098651.webm (2.25 MB, 1280x720, 10000000_398424721575331_11248…)
>>125741Finally, another cringy video from her class. Lmao at the grimes song
No. 125754
>>125753ah shit, meant to say
*sane part of her fanbase not same
No. 125763
>>125739I actually like the dress it's very runway and iirc that's what the muslin outfit was supposed to be, just a runway outfit to show you know technical aspects of fashion not just coordination.
>>125740"I make substanable fashion"
>Uses brightly colored textials which those colors tend to use heavy chemicals to achieve the intense pigmentation>Doesn't disclose what her fabric is made out of (most likely polyester)”Clothing for the earth and for people” uwu
>Doesn't make clothes that are practical for daily wear>>125741Why did she think this was a good idea. Usually stories of over coming adversity usually only work if you actually over came it and are already successful. Saying you use your Bipolar dissorder as inspiration just makes it sound like your romanticizing it.
No. 125803
>>125740Judging by some of the videos especially the ones posted here, Jillian might not actually be the worst in her class. I can't wait to see not only her collection but the whole fashion show, its going to be such a mess.
>>125772Really shows that it is a college that offers no actual degree. They tend to just be like adult day care.
No. 125819
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>>125702I can’t help but love Louise’s “cringey supportive mom” energy, even if it probably played a role in Jill’s narcissism
No. 125823
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>>125741I'll give this girl the benefit of the doubt because she seems to be into knitting so there's a chance that the socks she uses in the video are her creation, however there's no indication of that and they're only featured for a few seconds and focuses heavily on her mental illness rather than her creations or why she likes fashion design. She's young (21) but painfully unprepared for real life if she thinks this is what she wants to do, selling crocheted things any grandma could make for free. Also, her moodboard is dumb. Can't believe there's someone worse than Jill.
No. 125829
File: 1607883511492.webm (3.21 MB, 1280x720, 10000000_724439761518217_37224…)
Here's another girl in Jill's classroom who is actually determined and you can see working on her collection. Mentions depression once to let you know how her collection is based on storytelling but it doesn't seem to be overtly obnoxious. She also says she wants to continue gaining knowledge about design after graduating, unlike jill who is """"too depressed"""" to continue learning anything.
It was also pretty funny to see this girl actually working on her table while Jill's corner is an eyesore on the back.
No. 125831
>>125819Really? I find it cringe and like she's using the attention for herself.
>>125773It's not that kawaii fashion is dead, it's just deeply misunderstood in the west. Harajuku and Shibuya fashion are still well and alive but not all of them are cute or kawaii looking. They are not mainstream, but you can see a lot of people with street snaps on social media. People on the west like bastardizing everything and calling random colorful looks "kawaii japanese fashion" even when
the outfit has nothing from a japanese brand or is not in trend with the current japanese alternative fashion styles. I've even seen random naked girls on twitter call their tiny skinny tight dresses "kawaii harajuku fashion", when harajuku fashion tends to be more of a shapeless oversized thing. I think as long as something is tacky, loud, obnoxious or comes in pink, people will find a way to call it japanese kawaii fashion because of their lack of understanding of it, even if said outfit comes from dollskill.
This is why Jillian won the Kawaii Leader contest and is an absolute mess. She has nothing kawaii on her, she's just random rainbow vomit. The Kawaii Leader contest ultimately means nothing, it's not like you matter in Japan, it's just a stupid dumb popularity contest for spoiled girls who have an awful fashion sense. But also, let's not kid ourselves here, japanese alternative fashion is fucking ugly, of course it attracts degenerates and mentally ill people, even in their home country.
No. 125922
>>125742>>125741fucking hell, no wonder Jill thinks so highly of herself if these are her classmates
>>125829oh, look, someone who seems actually serious about fashion. her working space being so clean and to the point compared to Jill's behind hers is so fucking funny too kek
No. 125929
>>125742I can't believe I'm fucking saying this but compared to the "muh bipolar waaaa" girl I way fucking prefer the emo girl. At least she doesn't throw any bullshit mental illness whining in there and just straight up talks about her clothes and shit. Yeah she's still cringe, but at least she's honest cringe. Jill's video pisses me off with how much bullshit "caring about the planet" lies are in it.
Also anon who posted the videos, please god post the one about the "two spirited" indigenous he/they guy.
No. 125958
File: 1607932857993.webm (15.54 MB, 320x240, My Video2.webm)
>>125929Here, I just compiled the rest of her classmates. Featuring horse lady, themlet, mummy is the best movie ever girl, and a whole lot of nothingburger.
All seriousness though, I think I like the girl inspired by nature, she seems serious about her career.
>>125922The blonde girl was the one Jill randomly mentioned in a video and showed her instagram page, it came across as a "look I'm friends with someone pretty" deal. It's crazy how much they clash, she seems passionate for starters.
No. 125961
>>125958I think the one with no video other than "I have bipolar" is the friend Jill mentioned taught her how to crochet.
Creepy how there are more Jill types than normal students in these videos.
No. 125978
>>125740If Jill claims DID I bet one of her personalities is whatever business lady voice she did here.
>>125741I honestly couldnt tell you what she was selling, food? the socks? idk. She will realize in a few years that bipolar will not be the creative boon she thinks it is.
>>125958Nature person is probably the most likely to actually make it, she seems to be the most normal and shows inspo, design and talked textiles without any weird fluff.
Horse woman is def into history bounding, but doesnt seem to have the skill to show off any horse riding items. I dont even know if she is trying to do fashion itself? It sounds like a pitch to research history of the period not make clothes.
No. 125993
>>125978The other classmates are just boring and painfully average. I wish the best to the nature girl and this girl
>>125829 because they seem to be the most serious.
So Jill's class is:
The rainbow vomit - Jillian
Effortful blonde - Marlo
Emo cringe girl - Mari
Muh bipolar disorder - Emily
Two-spirit themlet - Oakley
The mummy movie super fan - Lakshmi
Horse lady - Holly
Nature girl - Rachelle
Boring girl 1 (the one covered in gold) - Brianna
Boring girl 2 (the one who likes the 50's) - Roberta
No. 126086
>>125187I low-key wish Jill would just marry Steve already. They've been together almost 3 years what the f
* is she waiting for? I love how they have to act like they're a bisexual couple. They're so straight it's painful. we're talking about bisexual people I would expect Jill or at least Steve to have a boyfriend or girlfriend of the same gender. Kek Mind you I do not to discredit anyone who really is bisexual.
No. 126089
>>126086Jill is definitely straight but Steve doesn't really seem as much kek
Wonder when we'll get the uwu sex posi video where she talks about how she uses her dildie to give Steebie the peggies uwu
No. 126101
>>125702I mean, as if I didn't hate Jill enough already.
It's a well-produced video and by far the best of the bunch. I will give it to her: she knows not a goddamn thing about fashion, but she does know marketing and design. She should have been a graphic designer.
But the fake voice is one of the worst things I've seen Jill put on in all these years. I mean, I've never ever even heard that voice in all this time. She's doing the "talking like my first language is Japanese" thing and I have never, ever cringed so hard in all my years of hating Jill.
Give it the fuck up, you fucking loser.
No. 126140
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>>126057>>126086>>126089When it comes to Jill and Steve my big thought is that they just want to become a youtube power couple. Steve's intentions are so painfully obvious. He also left Maggie just very suddenly for Jill. IDK, I think it is fishy.
No. 126142
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No. 126146
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this is like, some NPD shit. Convincing everyone you're actually a cute and happy person, but very vile inside
No. 126147
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jill's collection
No. 126166
>>125829She seems the most normal, though needs more practice public speaking.
>>125742I have no idea what she is even trying to show here, blurry footage of her cat and her shoes.
>>125741>>125829Her class are entirely Twitter drama queens, like I have never heard of designers making collections about their mental health or these kinda specific personal topics. Design is meant to be for
other people.
No. 126172
After watching them all, this anon pretty much got it
>>125993Not an inspiring hub of creativity, it feels like Jill had been in this class for so long yet none of them except Mummy fan had even made a start on any clothing? It really seems like the results of a casual weekend class, so it's weird they're all out there calling themselves "fashion designer" and making plans for their fashion brands, with nothing to show for it except some cringe moodboards.
No. 126174
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>>126172there's also this lol, made by the two spirited guy
No. 126177
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>>125993Left to right:
Jillian (and her fupa hitting the glass kek), Emily(?), Brianna, Mari, Oakley, Roberta, Rachelle, Lakshmi, Marlo, Holly
No. 126183
File: 1608085592878.jpeg (68.58 KB, 640x548, 123A9749-B078-40A2-B590-C43D3A…)

Drinking on meds she should be drinking on ~sO qUiRKy!~
No. 126208
>>126140It was very fishy especialy since Jill said she had a crush on Maggie first but then suddenly her crush shifted to Steve. We all know Jill is painfully straight so she most likely made it up for woke points but it comes off as either she 'stole' Steve or Steve wanted clout which both options make him look bad, but only one makes them both look bad.
>>126183Watch her claim alcoholism is how she knew she had BDP
>>126177That caption is pretty nitpicky, he stomach isn't against the glass but it shows how fridge like she's becoming. She has no waist and those god awful tear away pants seem to be few bottoms she owns that still fit her (barely)
No. 126289
>>126086>I low-key wish Jill would just marry Steve already. Anon are you ok? They're not even 23.
Altho I agree that would be fine milk. Her "designing my own wedding dress" videos would be even cringier and tackier than Annika Victoria's.
No. 126381
>>126147I thought the strappy one would be using tulle to give that see through look that you see sometimes on those "nude" dresses, but it looks like she is just going to make a beige slip instead.
A lot of these designs are too complex for her skill set so it will be fun to see how badly fitted everything is in a few months.
No. 126438
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No. 126501
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This comment is so off base it’s disgusting.
1.) The character in question is blind you half wit.
2.) she’s asking about a Glass eye or magical eye. Her answer is not appropriate seeing as the two disabilities are not the same and have completely different struggles and are not the same kind of representation.
3.) Shes trying way too hard to be relatable.
4.) She’s trying real hard to show how much of a Star Trek fan she is. You’re not jillybean get over it.
No. 126575
File: 1608247876932.jpeg (227.32 KB, 1242x937, 557D1113-35AA-4C68-B00E-AA70A1…)

Jill does not give 2 shits about Steve’s story and looks bored as heck. I know she already knows the details, but she can’t even look interested for the video since this is the first time her viewers get a full story? Nitpick I know, but still, she’s super self centered.
No. 126606
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Comparing her to her last christmas is a little unfair because of covid, but I'm putting it here anyway. She better not read this thread or she is just looking to upset herself and its her own goddamn fault.
No. 126619
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>>126618I didn't mean to do you like this Jill, it's not quite
that bad but…pls put the chicken tenders down
No. 126706
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No. 127403
>>127261>>127261Thank you for that, it made an excellent addition.
New thread: