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No. 143253
Previous thread: >>>/w/127283
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a style she no longer personally wears>Known lurker>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harmGeneral info:>Frivolously spends her parents' or her own money on once-worn clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends; claims she makes enough from Youtube despite previously complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent; now relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly claims herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs of her ramblings>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments or posts under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to what she has seen in the threads>Has been highly dependent on her mother, friends, or partner in social events and blows minor issues way out of proportion>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image>Formerly referred to herself as queer rather than bi, lesbian, or pansexual; currently with her live-in partner Stephen Clarke and both came out as bisexual, but now Stephen is nonbinary and pansexual - the same fate as one of her other exes who became nonbinary after dating her…>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo despite knowing she has a largely underage audience; will often remove or put herself from/on said medications regardless of whether she needs them or not>Jill started her own brand, 5 petal flower. She isn’t selling anything yet, but plans to sell bad Lazy Oaf knock offs>Uses the word ‘pandemie’ and gets called out for being insensitive, but a fan claims she was just speaking French>Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel on the ground where cat can eat it. Still keeps tinsel up where the same cat can reach it for years after the fact.>She won’t stfu about her stims and super scary ‘restrictive’ eating disorder >She receives PR from Wet n Wild and throws a bitch fit about the plastic in it>Makes a video which clearly had editing on her voice, but claims the unnatural high pitch is just a symptom of her bpd >Anthony Padilla announces he is making a video on BPD, Jill gets her confetti cunts to beg him to put her in the video. He had already picked people to be in the video.>Buys a $100 too small vintage romper, only to break it with her fat immediately>Gets her fans to attack a small business owner with a similar cardigan design, despite the fact that Pixie designed her cardigan way after.In the last thread…>Pixie claims she has "severe dissasociation/depersonalization" >>127350>Calls some random girl on Twitter a classist asshole for saying you should buy expensive perfume >>128227>NEW VIDEO! It's shitty Christmas arts and crafts… after Christmas has passed. Horray! >>129197>Pixie sees a shrink, thinks she has to write a trauma narrative >>129368 >>130464>Fashion collab with "Kawaii streetwear brand" My Violet, claims it's ethical when it's VERY likely not. Also terribly done instructional document. >>131054 >>131328>Twerks. Sexiness ensues! >>131406>Steve in hospital. >>132736 >>132737>Anons notice Pixie is using gender neutral pronouns for Steve… >>132743 >>132750>Pixie begins retweeting random DID garbage >>133146>NEW VIDEO! Morning routine. Advertises razors that come with individual blades - anons think it's a bad move. HAS to point out that she has a lamp for SAD. >>134361 >>134373 >>134406 >>134536>Pixie celebrates her 10 year "traumaversary"… meaning, 10 years since her online relationship with a girl on DeviantArt. >>134893>Rages at Toei Animation (Animation studio that made PreCure, her 'tistic fixation show) for being transphobic, or something >>134914>Goes on random mental health site searching "complex trauma", posts about it to Twitter saying "don't look at my tabs!" >>135173 >>135246>Removes - then puts back - "Neurodivergent" from her Twitter bio. >>135273 >>135427>Steve posts about his homosexual behaviour. No, seriously. >>135981>He also makes a tweet about front-line hospital workers about Jill. >>136248>Pixie buys from Colourpop, despite them being unsustainable >>137990>NEW VIDEO! It's about "trans discrimination at Toei Animation". Explicitly states that precure is one of the most important issues that she wants to "stand up" for. >>138140 >>138147>Horrifying, horrifying pictures. SFW. >>138294>Pixie retweets some dumb shit about why she calls Steve "my partner". >>138669>Another user, "meyoco_", creates flowery cardigan. Pixie (and her fans) think Pixie has copyright of the design; Pixie dirty deletes after realizing she's dumb as hell. >>138712 >>138714 >>138722 >>138890>Steve likes tweet about being nonbinary. >>138991>NEW VIDEO! It's about Kawaii Monster cafe shutting down. >>139018>Pixie says she's sapphic. Lesbians everywhere rejoice! (Not.) >>139443>Lists some of her alleged disorders in a tweet - trichitillomania and BPD "with structural dissociation". Says this makes her neurodivergent. >>140134 >>140178>Equates dissociation to daydreaming… >>140693>NEW VIDEO! It's about her daily routine… again. Claims she has a new video coming up about a "mental health breakthrough" >>141882>NEW VIDEO! She paints shoes. Terribly. >>142418>Uses the phrase "personal neurodiversion" (what?) >>142553>Steve comes out as Nonbinary and Pansexual with they/them pronouns, successfully fulfilling Pixie's dream of having a "queer" relationship. You heard it here, folks! >>142715>Pixie breaks her phone filming. >>142820TL;DR: Anons suspect Steve is now nonbinary, and they were right. Anons suspect Pixie might claim having DID. Pixie whines about transphobia on Twitter. Pixie has barely started finishing her collection for her arts and crafts college.
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She seems to have started the house skirt and a crop top out of that pink fabric. Can't tell if the pink fabric draped over the rack is actually meant to be something too. The fabric looks like extremely cheap cardboard either way. Her collection is going to be hideous I can't wait.
Also, her cats look like they've never been brushed in their life.
No. 143282
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>>143273The pink fabric draped over is the skirt to her weird "shower-curtain-inspired dress". You can see the top piece on a hanger on the side of the rack.
She doesn't have a single outfit done and she has how many months left? Maybe 2?
No. 143287
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Did you guys see her comments on Zendaya's dress(met gala 2019). As if she has any leg to stand on, her designs are wonky as shit.
No. 143288
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Second pic cuz I didn't know if I could post two photos in the same post
No. 143352
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>>143288And yet the only dress she has posted on her own “professional clothing designer” social media accounts has all these nasty frayed edges lol Jill really can’t back up any shit talking that she does
No. 143382
>>143342To be fair, I don't think the visible stitches were planned: if they were, they wouldn't have used basting thread. I believe that it is a last minute alteration done by the stylist to accentuate the bust, which could be due to Zendaya losing some weight between fittings. They are still just barely visible, and the only option for an alteration on the fly without extensive deconstruction of the piece.
Anyways, this is just one more example of how little Jillian actually knows about behind the scenes work in fashion.
No. 143428
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not the ~cleavage~. barf.
No. 143432
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>>143431Blue scleras are a thing, I've seen a few people with ones just as blue in real life. It could be edited but I don't know why anyone would want to fake having thin collagen layers in their eyes?
No. 143516
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Made me kek how she liked almost every comment on her shoe crafting video if you scroll down, except for this one with good and basic advice
No. 143566
>>143557Please learn to sage your fucking posts, you’ve consistently posted without sageing anything you say for weeks.
Also that’s not even true about the portfolio, if you go on their website they do require a portfolio for admission. I don’t think they did when she entered 3 whole years ago but ever since then they’ve required one.
It would be hilarious if she had anything to do with that though because of her talentless minions taking up space in the programs
No. 143601
>>143588at some point she was taking of getting into no less than Bunka, I guess she eventually realised she didn't have the skill level
plus as
>>143594 said, she'd much rather be a big fish in a very small pond
No. 143624
She's probably scared of being 100% on her own, plus if she went to a real fashion college she wouldn't be the most speshul skilled popular and "famous" snowflake there is. And she can't deal with rejection/not being the total center of attention.
What a sad life to live, if anything, she should tackle the fact she doesn't know how to live without attention for even one second in theraphy. Not her """"catatonia"""" kek. It would do her wonders, but oh well. What a womanchild.
No. 143626
>>143608>i wish she still had ambitions to open a boutique at least, she used to say she wanted to open a boutique like spank, she would be better off doing this since she seems to have an affinity for collecting random pastel crap, maybe she could open a curated shop or somethingAs a former fan, I honestly would love to see this.
She has an affinity for decoration, graphic design, collecting stuff, thrifting and crafting. I would love to go to a store with her aesthetic, but like, I wouldn't in my life fly to PEI to go see it lol.
I wish she wasn't "sustainable", I know she's a plastic hoarder but at least I liked when she used to do her hauls and see what she got. I know she got a lot of flack for that here though. If only anons knew how she's fakewoke now…
No. 143648
>>143588Its funny to think about besides a few of those monetized trips she hasn't traveled anywhere and never actually looked for local fashion. She only went to Otakuthon as a guest and likely didnt explore Montreal much, she has never been to Toronto. Only been to some local cons that she seemed over. The biggest thing she has actually done is go to New York but she didnt use it to look at local fashion either she got the same junk she could have online.
She only is into fashion as a job because she can make easy money scamming her viewers, she was never serious about it.
No. 143652
>>143648Anon she was clearly into fashion and has been for a long while, or maybe fashion is too specific, she’s been into aesthetics. Her real problem is she won’t get out of her own way, she already thinks she knows everything there is that she needs to know so what does she have to learn?
Her main scammy attribute is her woke bullshit about sustainability. She’s clearly not into it beyond how her fans respond.
She would’ve been better off doing hauls and exploring fashions and aesthetics but she stagnated because she found a niche that got her the attention she wanted and called it a day. It’s kind of sad because she did seem to really enjoy stuff and then around the time she changed her intro (from the cute gummy opening) she just seemed to start phoning it in.
Now she’s a woke idiot who thinks having a mental illness makes her so speshul and uwu kawiwi. She’s like nails on chalkboard.
No. 143669
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She's already becoming holier than thou since she went to a craft college for fashion. She needs to understand that she could've easily made amazing cosplays before going to school but she's a lazy slob that doesn't do any outside education. If she actually did that sht might have been able to go into a more prestigious school by building a proper portfolio.
(She claims to be an amazing designer when creators like Angela Clayton and Micarah Tewers are leagues better with out proper schooling)
No. 143688
>>143648>>143669See, the thing is, she isn't into fashion like you'd like to believe.
Being into fashion is knowing VW is an icon of fashion. Being into fashion is traveling to where fashion happens. Being into fashion is understanding fashion brands. Being into fashion is more complicated than whatever she's doing.
What she's into is looking like a clown and screaming for attention. She probably got the dream of being a seamstress from lolita and cosplay, and this is also why she wanted to have a store in Japan (kek). She was never seriously into it. This is why she sees some VW gloves and the only thing she can think of is precure, like the womanchild she is.
No. 143695
>>143688You’re so right anon, she should have left this shit as a hobby if she wasn’t ever going to take it seriously.
Why did she never run an online store with curated fashion she enjoyed? With her YouTube money and her mom supporting her it probably wouldn’t have even been hard or out of her price range.
Have to wonder she sees herself going in the future with this? Does she honestly believe her skills have improved enough to start selling? Has she even ran an online store prior to this or is her churning out unlined bag dresses really where she plans to start?
Jill really embodies the hubris of humanity.
No. 143706
>>143695"Embodies the hubris of humanity"
Kek, Jill sucks and is a poser but come on with the purple prose, this is lolcow, you pretentious turd. Are you in your first year at college?
No. 143708
I always wtf hard at the anons who think she has any talent/interest in fashion or design whatsoever, she clearly doesn't and very transparently chose this path because she thought it makes her speshuful and superior in some way (same way she tries to be the "very best super fan" with things).
She doesn't have any genuine enjoyment from these activities and literally just wants asspats/validation/attention, that's also why she goes for what's the most gaudy and loud vs anything aesthetic or cohesive in her appearance. There's no point in wanting her to channel her inner "creative bean" into a more refined or profitable version of these things, because she has none.
It's so clear to me any kind of "talent" she claims to have (sewing, art, theatre, music, whatever) were things she showed mild interest in, in her youth and got some kind of positive feedback for, and now only likes the positive feedback/attention aspect of those things. She doesn't actually enjoy the activities themselves nor does she have interest. If she had to be alone long term with no one around and no one to show anything she wouldn't give two fucks about any of this stuff. She would never do any of it just because she likes it; she doesn't authentically like any of it. Her love for the attention/validation it brings is being conflated with love for these things.
She's emotionally and mentally stunted from being coddled/spoiled her entire life and as a result has never developed a real self or personality. This is also why she comes off "bpd" or whatever. She lacks the emotional development, sense of self, etc that you typically see in bpd. Her "abuse" of others is also due this lack of emotional development. I can see why a shrink diagnosed her with it, because her+her mom probably lie/exaggerate her past/"past trauma/self harm" and don't realize themselves what the actual root of her issues are: that she needs to face the real world and learn proper coping mechanisms to combat the complete lack of them she has from being so extremely coddled/spoiled.
I can't even feel like I'm armchairing at this point, this should be so obvious to literally anyone who even occasionally glances at her threads. Like you don't need to be nice, anons, having everything in her life severely sugar coated is exactly what got her to this womanchild state.
Jill was abused, in the sense that spoiling your kid as thoroughly as she was/is should be considered a form of abuse with how maladapted it makes them when they need to face the real world. All of her problems, anxiety, everything, stems from her lack of life experience/never being made to face reality. She would need some rehab tier cbt away from all the enabling things in her life to ever have any hope of an actual, healthy future the way anons are thinking of. There's literally no reason for her to change, there's nothing to force that change, she's gonna be a woman baby her entire life.
No. 143712
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after we mentioned it, jill now loves peeps again
No. 143721
>>143711I don't think so. I think she is in the sense that she's so stunted something childlike like that might be on the level of what she can almost enjoy, as she's never grown past that. But I personally don't think she even knows what actual enjoyment other people have is, because she's never grown enough to experience it. I think SHE thinks she enjoys these things, even if all she really likes is the attention/validation. She has no basis of reference to understand this about herself, so self awareness of it as her issue is impossible. Outside of validation/attention, her sperg into mental illness/self diagnosis may be in some way her attempt of "figuring this out". I say that very loosely because like I said, she's too stunted to be capable of comprehending the actual problem.
I like to imagine it like how when you have a weird nonsense nightmare, the nonsense things in it often a way of your subconscious trying to process some kind of stress in your life. Ie. When they say having a dream about your teeth falling might indicate you're dealing with self esteem issues or whatever. Her mental illness reaching might be her mind trying to point out her stunted development, and her trying to understand it. Unfortunately it's completely overshadowed by her love for that spoiled-coddled reward/praise shit, so it will lead no where but to more wrong diagnoses, virtue signaling and attempts at pushing it as an excuse to avoid working on anything.
She's not a "full fledged person". She can't fully like fashion. She can't fully like precure. She can't fully like anything. She never learned how and stuck herself in this enabler hug box environment that will never teach her, because she also has never learned how to work for or follow through with anything.
No. 143769
>>143708You wrote a very big wall of text kek but you're absolutely right.
>Jill was abused, in the sense that spoiling your kid as thoroughly as she was/is should be considered a form of abuse with how maladapted it makes them when they need to face the real world. This. This is the only abuse I would ever think she has passed through.
No. 143789
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>>143786yikes. this is clearly what jill wants to be, but never will be.
i've been so disillusioned with jillian thanks to her raging on social media and to lolcow. i can't believe that when i first saw her on youtube, i actually thought she was nice and original and felt like this is the kind of person you'd want to be friends with.
No. 143802
>>143799To be fair, I don't really think rainbow bangs is an original concept, rainbow hair has been a thing for like forever so someone getting rainbow bangs doesn't exactly require some stroke of genius.
What is suspicious though is that Jill follows her and has never mentioned it as far as I'm aware. Like considering kammie is pretty noticeable in that whole kawaii (if you can even fucking call it that at this point literally anything slightly colorful is considered kawaii now) style then just be honest if someone else inspired you.
No. 143836
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holy fuck (her personally written "autobiography" on her website). did she seriously write stunning looks? also why does she insist on airing out all her mental health history on the internet
No. 143891
>>143864IDK anon, it does read as very sarcastic but in the context her saying that they're mentally unwell (we all know that jill thinks she's the poster child of BPD) but hot actually sounds like she's being genuine but is just being hyperbolic.
Thinking it over I don't think Jill has ever admitted to feeling that she's ugly, even when she explains her past "ED" she always made it sound that it stems from a place of anxiety rather than from feeling unattractive. I could be wrong, but with a narc mom making her feel pretty and special I wouldn't put it past her thinking that she's runway model material.
No. 143897
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sage for derail from jill; but her best friend from her “cosplay group” (& model in her fashion show) jenny blew up in the last 2 years of knowing & hanging out with jill. maybe it’s something about being around jill that fucks ppl up, i’m truly surprised steve isn’t 300 pounds yet.
No. 143902
>>143897Ngl, I think she looks pretty cute.
If anything, this makes it even more apparent that Jill could present herself so much better if only she were willing to dress in a way that compliments her figure.
It just baffles me how unflattering her outfits are most of the time, considering presenting herself well is pretty much her job.
No. 143910
>>143864>obvious jokes and sarcastic remarksShe has 0 sense of humor, I could barely call anything she says funny. The kinds of jokes she makes are distasteful.
>>143897>>143907I mean, too bad she became fatter because she was very cute before but she still looks very cute now. At least she knows how to dress herself. Hoping she dumps jill and loses weight (if she wants to).
No. 143962
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>>143946No, beauty standards were never this large, that is a myth perpetuated by fat women and men who like fat women. Variability in figures seen as the ideal for beauty standards were generally influenced by eminent members of society; Emma, Lady Hamilton is a pretty good example of a fuller figure than generally idealized in the 20th century who was widely seen as desirable in her time, she is much smaller than
>>143897. Renoir was laughed at for being a weird coomer when he painted The Large Bathers and etc in the 1880s.
No. 143997
>>143962Agree with all your points anon, but the large bathers was painted by Cézanne, not Renoir
Sage for art sperg
No. 144063
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How the hell did she fuck up the name little twin stars.
No. 144117
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Shut the fuck up Jill, the precure shit you watch has exclusive white/light skinned girls 95% of the time, save for the occasionly lightly tanned girl people cream themselves over while screaming “representation!!!!!”
No. 144201
>>144194Hahahahaha I love even more that Pixie was trying to look woke and special and a black lady called her out for being a fuckin' moron
(The real problem with LOTR is there's literally two female magical elf characters and no other references to females until the Hobbit series)
No. 144217
>>144132>Does she even enjoys or cares about anything he likes?I doubt so considering only 10% of the basement is for steve to live in lmao
Although she did pretend to get into star trek in halloween, she suddenly was "such a fan", and now we hear nothing about it kek. Stevia shouldn't even had bothered showing her shit if she never cares.
No. 144220
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>>144194That black girl is right.
Also, funny how even though precure is also about friendship and character driven, pixie can't see how LOTR might be similar (or
gasp perhaps better). She's just used to consuming the equivalent of fast food trash in media. Bright colors, uguu kawaii moe shit, in your face childish dialogue, everything served in a rose tinted plate for you to swallow whole. She has 0 critical braincels in her immature brain. I know LOTR is not for everyone, of course, but she's acting like a fucking 5 year old toddler by being bothered by the race of the actors and saying how boring it is to stevie after just 15 minutes (less than a third of the movie). Like… jesus woman could you please enjoy something not catered to your tastes for once? You know, something people you care about might want to show you? And sit through something that isn't rainbow colored garbage?
>>144192Kek exactly. Stevie just has to sit down through his daily dose of precure torture. Imagine living in a house where everything is bright all the time and there's anime girls screaming at every second… jesus christ
No. 144221
>>144220On a work computer (oops) so can't screenshot, but Jill screen-capping her tweet three times to make a tweet calling her out was a little much,
No. 144222
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>>144192Lmao I imagine this unbathed autistic fatass womanchild that smells like burnt sugar and fat rolls sitting on her small ass couch looking all deathfaced and saying like a toddler "noOoOoOoo this is soo boring stevieeee, put on 3 more hours of precure NOW"
No. 144226
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>>144221>Jill screen-capping her tweet three times to make a tweet calling her out was a little much, oof.YEAH, it was too much period. Autistic levels of harassment, actually.
Like, imagine the SEETHING that took place because a black woman called her out lmao. She gets so angry whenever someone criticizes her or corrects her. God, what a sight to see.
Imagine screencapping the thing 4 different times… god this is CWC levels of insane. She's the one clearly throwing the tantrum lmaooo.
No. 144239
>>144117She cant process any media thats not brightly coloured and made for children. So she went down the fake woke route to make herself feel smart.
isn't precure like 99% white people or light skinned anyway?
No. 144308
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Jill: complains about too many white people
Jill when she meets a black person:
No. 144348
>>144226tbh there's something a little suspect about the account calling her out, going through the tweets she's pretty pro white in her posts. And super into Zack Snyder movies?
However, the imagery of Pixie ignoring a black voice so she can sound Super Woke is pretty great. She is literally the walking billboard of ultra liberal fake woke person it's hilarious. Way to stomp all over a black voice Pixie.
No. 144352
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Can't imagine dating someone and not even having an open mind about their interests.
Lord of the rings was released months after 9/11 and was pure escapism.
No. 144479
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>>144308>>144432Something about her makeup, hair, expression and the general ridiculousness of the setting reminds me of vaudeville performers, like she’s about to burst out in a jazzy tune with the kind of ‘comedic’ lyrics that age really,
really badly.
No. 144497
>>144495Sounds like a Jilly bean herself.
She didn't seem to complain about money until her second year of college, and if steve didnt have a job for like two years why would he need a car?
I'm allowed to bitch, this is a bitching site. Get over yourself cow.
No. 144540
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another appearence of baby jilly
No. 144642
>>144626>>144495>>144494I don't care about the car sperging but because you guys are on it, I just looked up places in proximity to her house: From their house to King's Place (bus-stop, fast food) is about 5 minutes, house to the
nearest market/grocery is about 5 minutes, house to arts-and-crafts-college-campus is a mere 8min, and house to Sobeys (grocery) is a 16min walk. She lives no more than a 6 minute walk to every downtown art store, bar and fast food joint. If she really wanted or needed to go to the mall for some reason, bus fare is like $2.75. Not only that, but if she wanted to visit her mom she could take the Maritime bus to go from Fredericton to Charlottetown.
If ANYONE doesn't need a car, it's pixie.
No. 144658
File: 1618029277113.png (295.63 KB, 586x402, Screen Shot 2021-04-09 at 11.3…)

No one's calling her out for how she didn't even ATTEMPT to match the print across the seams, so I guess I have to. I know this is just a prototype, but it looks so bad… and yet, she's getting ass pats for 'clean piping'. just goes to show you how little her fans actually know about/care about sewing.
No. 144715
File: 1618066870596.png (413.36 KB, 648x370, 1611173149087.png)

>>144658Reposting this because it's easy to forget what she's trying to make
No. 144719
File: 1618067877549.png (1.01 MB, 969x677, Untitled.png)

>>144715>>144658I needed to put the two next to each other to compare what she's trying to make here. Because she's already completely deviating from her 'sketch' here.
- Why the piping, she doesn't show the piping on her sketch.
- The bodice on her sketch looked to be a solid blue, and it seemed she originally wanted the cloud to go into the design along the hem.
- Impossible to tell from here but is she even doing the cups? Is the piping going under the cups? It's going to look so strange and make it seem like the cups are floating?
I didn't really expect her to actually follow her garbage looking sketches for her ugly outfits but this is a whole new form of lazy.
No. 144760
>>144715I guess it’s supposed to be the dress third from the left, but what’s the pink fabric? There’s no pink fabric anywhere on the dress in the picture…
And what is the fourth girl from the left wearing? A garden fence? So many questions…I’m looking forward to seeing her try to make that wearable, though, lol.
No. 144983
File: 1618245745335.png (170.09 KB, 1080x659, Screenshot_20210412-104016-731…)

She's really going to try drag isn't she? God she's going to start it and say her drag persona is her alternate personality or some shit.
No. 144985
File: 1618246096931.jpeg (150.69 KB, 828x784, B4CDD186-3149-4C59-8A0C-F1164D…)

>>144983Emn i think it is female impersonation?
No. 144992
>>144121The opening of Jill's first room tour when she lived at her parents was word for word exactly the same as Peachie's.
That was only the tip of the iceberg, she wanted to skinwalk her hard.
No. 145006
>>144999Dafuck is wrong with her voice now. Too high pitched.
Also can't believe she has a bag just for dissociation or whatever.
No. 145010
File: 1618259136571.png (1.15 MB, 788x892, why.png)

>>144999It's just a bunch of toys lmao
She said she keeps one of these in her class so she can play and threaten her friends lmao
Imagine being in class with her… so fucking annoying
No. 145013
File: 1618259850100.png (513.29 KB, 766x394, jill.png)

>>144999It's weird having to see this helium high pitched adult toddler talk about baby toys wearing a bdsm-ish bra that doesn't fit at all. The absolute state of Jillian.
No. 145015
File: 1618260286971.gif (5.85 MB, 520x293, Whats_In_My_Panic_Bag_CUTE_ITE…)

God imagine going to class with this bitch, I would off myself
No. 145018
>>144999This girl will literally try anything to cope, but go to therapy.
And to top it off with a Function of Beauty sponsorship too? lol anyone with frizzy, dry ends, stay far away from this brand.
Also, someone PLEASE make a gif of her when she whispers "i fucking love these" at 8:20 KEK
No. 145030
>>144999Do anons think she actually takes these out in public and uses them?
She talked about how she’d had this bag set up for a while but she seemed surprised and confused about every other item.
No. 145032
>>145015We need a banner of this and at the end should fade in above her clapping hands
If there's a crafty anon out there reading this please make it happen
No. 145058
>>145055I swear it’s fucking infuriating because this bitch has the nicest supportive parents and probably the smoothest childhood one can ask for.
I’m not going to argue about her anxiety and depression she may have experienced cause it’s a chemical imbalance, but if she’s gonna try and claim shit like trauma and DID (trauma of WHAT? Her online gf from 10 years ago that did … something?) I’m going to lose it.
Those people are addicted to their “coping mechanisms” and just creating new fictional disorders to excuse spending $$$ on junk toys.
Jill you’re an adult. Let’s say you do want a stimmy toy for your anxiety or whatever, just get ONE that can fit in your pocket, not a full ass bag of obnoxious toys you find at the cash register that are aimed for kids. Fast fashion and ecology my ass.
No. 145059
>>145047I can't believe it either, i grew out carrying my tangle with me at like 12 cause that shit was embarrassing. I could not imagine carrying a bag full of plastic shit. Even just a string hanging off a jumper is enough to stim wtf.
Jill needs to stop this bullshit and get real help, her audience is so young and is going to think it so quirky to play with stupid shit just cause you are feeling a little anxious.
Sorry to take this to a rant and kinda blog, but my hatred for this girl grows everyday with the bullshit she keeps pulling. Someone needs to give her a reality check.
No. 145071
>>144999Imagine waiting in line at the grocery store, and you notice a badly dressed overweight woman in front of you has nothing but bags of frozen chicken strips in her cart.
Then, you hear her already labored breathing start to increase rapidly.
Suddenly, she pulls out an ugly bag and unveils a fist of rubber worm-like toys.
She starts flailing them, loudly slapping them against the chocolate bars in the checkout isle.
You think that the situation couldn't possibly get more awkward; people are staring in the adjacent checkout line, and even the cashier has slowed her scanning to look up at the commotion.
But then, it DOES get worse, because she pulls out a small beanie baby and begins to rub it against her face, all while humming loudly and softly petting the bag of tendies in her cart.
You decide the package of panty-liners in your hand can wait, and you exit the store promptly.
No. 145073
>>145058yeah that's one of the things I don't get even if the girl did do something to Jill most of the disorders she claims to have stem from
years of abuse not just one traumatic occurrence.
No. 145085
>>145055"She isn't neurodivergent, she's just fucking retarded."
The quote to summarize this chick's entire life.
No. 145104
>>144999As if one look at her pastel vomit aesthetic didn't give you a hint that she's some form of retarded.
>>145030This. Let's pretend she does bring the fucking bag of toys out in public on the regular, how much you wanna bet she forgets half the shit that's in there and only whips out the toys when she wants to attentionwhore in public as some technicolor trainwreck.
No. 145147
File: 1618332915372.jpeg (459.87 KB, 1242x1509, 39A439B4-31E6-4F13-8ED4-EEBF98…)

“No I’m not diagnosed with ASD!” Yet.
No. 145155
>>145147Jill: I have trichotillomania!
Also Jill in her function of beauty ad: This is the healthiest my hair has ever been!
Lol what?? Does she pick at her arm hair or something for ~self harm~? At least she didn't claim catatonia in that gaudy list. Unless that's just a symptom of her dissociation. She's seriously insane. I can stand and giggle at the terrible fashion and the pseudo sustainability, but her diagnosis shopping addiction is what pisses me off.
No. 145195
File: 1618353638043.png (106.17 KB, 732x526, Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 5.38…)

spotted a wild pixie on this Swell Entertainment video about Deadly Illusions. She's going suspiciously hard for the DID'rs
No. 145260
File: 1618393015488.jpg (36.94 KB, 640x412, wholesome-soft-meme-heart-meme…)

>>145095It's perfect
nonnie thank you mwah
No. 145301
>>145244Yeah it's really fucking shitty that she just listed off all of her diagnosis when the person simply asked if she was autistic. she seems almost angry in the reply as if she was offended that the fan thought she could be autistic. That's pretty ableist Jilly-bean.
>>145293Knowing Jill she probably hates her dad for something dumb like he wanted her to have a realistic standard for life and wouldn't feed into her narc delusions.
No. 145360
>>145347Sorry, saying you care about the environment while eating only chicken nuggies is like saying you care about the homeless and not bating an eye at them.
Jillibean your sustainability is SHIT if you keep on eating animals and their products.
No. 145378
File: 1618460423807.jpg (275.97 KB, 1080x1587, Screenshot_20210414-211900_Chr…)

imagine commemorating your graduation from community college with a tattoo. and i thought class rings were tacky enough…
No. 145387
>>145385Right, this is how she tells every story
>random boring thing>second random boring but bonus, narcissistic thing>presented like exciting newsAlso not that hard to not burn yourself on an iron, or treat it with cold water/ice so it doesn't scar. Talking enthusiastically about accidental self injury to her audience of sensitive pastel babies seems inappropriate.
No. 145453
>>145426Jill has literally one single issue in life and it's called "Affluenza." Nothing more, nothing less, and like I've said before, her therapist makes way too much money off of her to tell her the truth.
Affluenza and classic narcissism. That's it, that's all, and one day she's going to fucking realize it. Loser.
No. 145503
>>145484It's not age play she's going to push. It's going to be DID where one of her alters is a toddler or some shit so people don't attack her for being into a
problematic kink.
No. 145556
File: 1618575573848.png (248.67 KB, 598x371, pixs.png)

Well she's in "crunch mode time" now.
No. 145557
File: 1618575661701.png (314.81 KB, 583x417, pixs.png)

>>145556also this is kinda sad
No. 145617
>>145558I remember this dress
she made it out of cheap costume material from a commercial pattern
said shed wear it to a meet and greet
was to embarrassed to wear in public and wore something else
(theres an image somewhere of the back and how poorly the zipper was attached but i cannot find it)
No. 145629
File: 1618600852183.png (343.91 KB, 512x394, 1520865216977.png)

>>145617I got you anon.
saged for old milk
No. 145663
File: 1618619131939.png (36.23 KB, 1157x301, Screenshot 2021-04-16 162458.p…)

>>145514>>145479Looks like the fashion show will be from May 30th - June 5th
so about a month and a half left to go
No. 145716
>>145709Yeah, it can totally take this long. It is pretty standard.
Jill just makes such low quality stuff and isn't actually putting in the effort to work on it that it seems like it is too much time.
No. 145950
>>145378She's so selfish… She proposed the tattoo idea to her classmates so her tattoo would match with other new tattoos of hers. She's always forcing everybody into her aesthetic.
Remember when in those videos of the Moonmist Girls she would talk in the name of the group and she would speak in singular instead of plural? She doesn't know how to actually be part of a group.
Or when she HAD to be Frenchy in Grease, and the little girl in Mary Poppins… and then she made a video with her mom explaining how other kids in the musical were mean and jealous and that's why she had to leave.
Like, gorl, it doesn't hve to be everything about you, specially if you're in a group.
No. 146056
>>146040I think the idea of a "Class Tattoo" is fucking wild tbh like I wonder if
everyone in the class is getting them?
No. 146106
File: 1618948042863.png (1.29 MB, 1214x1212, Screen Shot 2021-04-20 at 3.45…)

I feel like this is low-key backhanded to post underneath a photo of a small business/independent artist's picture of their products even if it is under a quote retweet.
No. 146160
File: 1618974954287.jpg (45.2 KB, 597x391, Screenshot 2021-04-20 210343.j…)

She really proved our point that she only talks about her dad when he does nice things for her.
No. 146203
>>146199Reminds me of the five points of calvinism. Aren't they sometimes described with a flower? TULIP is the acronym.
I guess I got something out of that history of religions class after all.
No. 146211
File: 1619015284497.jpg (100.47 KB, 1280x787, polly_pocket_logo_by_mmmarconi…)

>>146160i saw someone in her replies said it looks like the polly pocket logo lol
No. 146218
File: 1619021062165.jpg (334.99 KB, 1080x1119, Screenshot_20210421-110406_Twi…)

No. 146266
>>146233I don't get it either.
I got a Seroquel prescription for use as a sedative antidepressant a couple years ago, but in her list of diagnosis from
>>145147 she doesn't mention anything that Seroquel would be used for and she specifically referred to it as "her antipsychotic" in
If it's a low dosage for, say anxiety related sleep issues, that Tweet of hers is bullshit.
If it's for psychosis, then I find it odd she never added that to her list of illnesses/symptoms, considering how open she is about taking the meds (and literally everything else mh related).
Also this
>>116423 .
No. 146286
>>146101She would talk on deviantart all the time about how she was a virgin and wished she wasn’t or some shit during and after she was with Uma
>>146218If she’s taking a big enough dose of Seroquel (for mood stabilising/antipychotic) she would have withdrawals that night. Also throwing up isn’t a withdrawal symptom of Seroquel
Source is being on a big dose of seroquel and experiencing the withdrawals from it
Imagine if she was pregnant kek
No. 146297
>>146218She's been on her meds for years but she's never though to get the dosages updated or to try new medication? If she's still experiencing bad depressive episodes/catatonia (just to humor her since I highly doubt she has catatonia.) it would be smart to talk to a doctor and a real phycologist to see what cocktail of meds would work better.
>>146286Don't put that out to the universe anon, the last thing we need is a kawiee back dropped video titled "my abortion story". Because there is no way in hell Jill thinks she's mature enough to raise a child when she has to be babied by every one in her life.
No. 146425
File: 1619115285018.jpg (593.03 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210422-140835_Twi…)

Pixie your eyeliner is crazy uneven
No. 146450
File: 1619117701179.png (1.35 MB, 930x888, Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 2.54…)

is that a big cut on her arm?
No. 146459
>>146450It's most likely the burn from the iron mentioned here
>>145378>>146451Not to WK but she's praised the jewelry maker's earrings before (which is where she stole the idea for today's video). But her shading the rings is still shitty since she doesn't have to bring down the shop owner especially since the original tweet she's replying to doesn't mention anything about styling them.
No. 146526
>>146485Right, weird burns and cuts can happen anytime in the weirdest of places when you work with hot and sharp objects…
That said, it’s front and center on her thumbnail? Even if it was an accident she wants attention for it and again she has an audience of self harmers, seems counter to her mental health warrior shtick to subject easily
triggered fans to that shit but she’s done it numerous times so no surprise.
No. 146552
File: 1619143448788.png (376.67 KB, 597x451, ew.png)

they look so ugly and tacky
No. 146568
>>146443jfc, she sounds absolutely insufferable in this. i usually enjoy watching >2 year old jill's videos while doing stuff around my home, but this one i could barely sit through. i always keep thinking this is the end, but every time she somehow sounds even more like a retarded child. and the jewellery came out so half-assed. something about this whole "five petal flower" branding really irks me all over
not to metnion the borderline erotic moans while cutting out the letter. we certainly did not need to know what steebie gets to hear in the bedwoom
No. 146580
>>146443Sad. Just sad. Some of these actually looked rather nice but she ruins it by doing it once and being happy with the first attempt instead of seeing what works and what doesn’t.
The purple hoops with the rainbows are ill thought out and it shows in the way the purple of the rainbow blends in. Duh jill THATS the one you put clouds on to match the freaking theme!
Also could have done without the children’s show host/random erotic moaning voice over weirdness. What was that!? Attempted asmr? It was difficult to listen to.
No. 146587
File: 1619160739699.png (824.52 KB, 1009x792, blushdaisy.png)

>>146451>>146552I was struck by how similar these earrings looked to the ones made by blush.daisy, so I went on her website and found these two to compare the pair. Then I checked her instagram…
No. 146589
File: 1619160851352.png (84.86 KB, 750x456, image0.png)

>>146587Yep. Called it. Pixie was definitely '''inspired''' by these earrings lol
No. 146594
>>146587I don't know if her school requires that she makes all the accessories as well but couldn't she simply just buy the earrings? that's really shitty that she ripped from a small business and tried to shill that she got the idea from her sponsor skill share. She's going to burn every bridge with small businesses before her shop launches.
Also (sorry if anyone saw me dirty delete) what happened with her collaboration with that violet flower (or what ever it's called) shop? it's been months since it was announced but she hasn't posted any updates. Is it even going to happen?
No. 146596
>>146589AYRT! Just two months ago Jill was whining that another small indie brand was '''copying her clothing designs''' (
>>138712 ) and now she's straight up copying earrings from a small business owner lmfao what a joke
No. 146604
>>146587I can't believe how sincerely she talks about her
designs when comparing Jill's preschool project to an actual business doing the same thing is so damning.
No. 146660
File: 1619195304106.jpg (730 KB, 2896x2896, 20210423_121808.jpg)

>>146589Omfggg you're so right. This isnt cool at all. This is awful. I'm sorry she couldnt spend 45$ on earings.
I really hope someone reaches out.
No. 146669
File: 1619197404020.jpeg (595.09 KB, 1242x2119, 4C3AB730-9472-438A-A915-71462D…)

It’s not cow tipping if it’s doing the right thing. Guys jump on it(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 146688
>>146679It's rare for Jill to be called out. I suspect this person (the artist making the nice jewelery Pixie is ripping off) is a nice person and won't do anything about it. Also Pixie's stuff is so unashamedly shit I don't think she's any real competitive risk, Pixie is just a delusional narcissist who probably thinks these wobbly rainbows and fried egg looking "flowers" are acceptable.
But anyone with eyes will obviously opt for the professional product e.g. the person she's ripping off, so that person has no financial worries regarding this. And Jill's copies being of such a poor standard only serves to emphasize that they are copies. Very ironic though as this anon pointed out
>>146652 No. 146690
>>146669I don't mean to WK Pixie but I can't see any resemblance between the designs other than
>>146552 and
>>146587 (which is a blatant rip-off, I'll give you that).
>>146660 feels like a reach because people have been doing clay earrings in these shapes and colours for quite some time now, especially ever since this trend blew up on tik tok.
Sorry for the dirty delete but I had a typo lol
No. 146695
>>146460I sincerely don't think the other jewelry maker has anything to worry about. Jill's look awful and amateur.
It sucks to have an idea copied but I genuinely wouldn't care if that were me, who wouldn't feel smug looking at those pastel turds?
No. 147021
File: 1619337256638.jpg (328.6 KB, 1080x1298, IMG_20210425_084949.jpg)

Oh god, what now?
No. 147025
>>147021I hate how she constantly shills BPD as neurodivergent when it's a term meant only for ADHD and Autistic folk. She's even responding specifically to an ADHD account (see username)
It's just disinformation at this point.
No. 147188
>>147049Have you not paid attention to the DID community on YouTube? There’s loads of them, they even claim having DID is as common as people with ginger hair so by their logic jillybean could definitely have “DID”
It’s not a real condition regardless so
>>147059Yeah, HPD/NPD can come from someone being overly spoilt and coddled from my understanding
No. 147348
File: 1619488391783.png (8.44 MB, 1242x2688, 3B625FC1-6F8B-4C1B-8779-D4D16A…)

has anyone seen pixies depop likes recently? the stripper heels and bodysuit make me feel like we’re gonna get an onlyfans announcement soon
No. 147361
>>147355>For someone into “fashion” and being an influencer, you’d think she’d know that sw’ers aren’t fans of civilians wearing heels that are meant for dancing….it’s not hard to understand why it’s an issueI hope she buys those shoes and
triggers as many hoes as possible
No. 147372
>>147348anon I hate that you made me think of Jill's stubby fat body in thigh-hi pleasers.
>>147364hopefully to gage how much they go for since the pair she owns most likely doesn't fit her any more, she already had to get a new Lucy and Yak boiler suit since the yellow one doesn't fit.
No. 147375
>>147371Civilians is meant to be an lol. It’s not deep.
Obviously you two who want Jill to upset sw’ers are just dumb fat fucks that are jealous. Personally I could give two shits what Jill does but the point remains that someone who is so sensitive and attempts to be PC you’d think she would be mindful.
Enjoy your fat fuck life on these message boards, wishing you were someone special or at the very least wishing your dumb body was desired enough for you to be a stripper.
No. 147424
>>147375>at the very least wishing your dumb body was desired enough for you to be a stripper.Why do sex workers always think being some scrotes fap material (((by degrading themselves for dolla))) is a high honor? Most of them get off on the degradation, not how uwu sexy you are. Like how Belle memed herself into thinking all these guys thought she was insanely hot and then was surprised at their disgust when she actually did piv/etc.
It's not a compliment baybee, and learn English for fuck's sake and you might be able to get a less dubious job. Your post is littered with grammatical errors.
t. hot, slim girl who doesn't think selling your body to strange creepy men is empowering
No. 147484
>>147424Anynody who calls themselves hot an slim is probably some fat retard men wouldn't even pay to objectify on their good days. I agree that stripper culture isn't some high brow thing. However women who think that, that job is beneath them are usually women who will open their legs for any rightwing trogledyte who calls them pretty.
Fuck off don't you have an abortion meeting to attend to get rid of yet another illegitimate trumpies child.
No. 147511
Saged for derail
>>147504Wow you got a trumpies dick out of your mouth long enough to reply to me how sweet.
No. 147512
File: 1619563746529.jpg (651.49 KB, 1080x1460, Screenshot_20210427-174837_Twi…)

Do you see what I see?
No. 147527
>>147512no wonder her color correction sucks, Snow's filters make everything too cool.
Also the fucking eye strain on that holy shit, you need to squint to see what half the apps are since the background is so fucking bright.
No. 147610
File: 1619606289793.png (48.49 KB, 920x322, god shut the fuck up.png)

Pixie's performative wokeness is truly just as bad as her mentow iwness LARPing. She really just hits rt on any "woke" looking tweet huh? Imagine unironically believing this
No. 147716
File: 1619694010740.jpeg (612.5 KB, 828x863, 5B8399F7-C174-472C-8A5E-4A985B…)

No. 147777
File: 1619724438348.jpg (8.62 MB, 3017x4304, ooof.jpg)

>>147737In a patreon livestream she said all of the colours apart from the pink are different as she used different yarn, I don't think she gave a reason as to why. Kinda sloppy considering this is one of her final pieces. This is what she showed us in her last livestream. (its fucking massive)
No. 147835
File: 1619736553262.jpg (247.09 KB, 872x813, Screenshot_20210429-234305_Ins…)

>>147777Sage for absolute nitpick tinfoil sperg but the face shes making in the top panel seems to be her current go-to face when it comes to full body shots and looks like she's straining super hard to do the tongue-on-the-roof-of-the-mouth thing to lessen her double chins.
No. 147901
File: 1619754984833.png (126.1 KB, 788x408, lable.png)

>>147777the patch work look can look cute but the way Jill did it is just so fucking bad. especially since she went from bright saturated acrylic yarn to what seems to be a more natural dyed wool yarn (based on this label). She should've stuck with plastic or all wool, especially since it fucks with washing and maintain the garment.
No. 147908
>>147217DissociaDID and others, DID is a bogus disorder. Sage anything irrelevant next time
>>147512Good god this is hard to look at
>>147716>>147777The non matching colors look like shit. Also what does she have against orange? She always leaves it out
No. 147910
File: 1619757268153.jpg (114.89 KB, 640x640, snarrry hyles.jpg)

>>147777This is just rainby Harry Styles cardigan.
No. 147928
File: 1619761626038.jpg (141.54 KB, 1000x900, iuWPHT5Q91.jpg)

>>147777This is what this uh garment reminds me of
No. 147940
File: 1619768021473.jpeg (583.25 KB, 828x1162, 6B2B1695-6B82-4BB9-B954-1913CC…)

No. 147941
File: 1619768060600.jpeg (204.45 KB, 756x458, 75ACF136-1507-43F6-84E9-98357B…)

No. 147962
File: 1619782025581.jpg (596.39 KB, 1582x2330, 1619781841329.jpg)

>>147910No it isn't lol. The world doesn't Revolve around celebs bonnie. Patchwork sweaters have been around for ages. If it's a copy of anything. Than its a copy of this shopfluffy crop cardigan.
No. 147964
File: 1619783573825.jpg (600.24 KB, 2160x3840, 20210430_135254.jpg)

No. 148039
File: 1619804133761.jpeg (451.38 KB, 1242x1270, 54A4BE17-7B85-43DC-BDAC-91FBD3…)

>>148038Whoops, sent before the image.
No. 148059
File: 1619810280371.jpeg (142.94 KB, 828x358, FD621D8A-6DFB-4B05-ADF8-C9756F…)

i wonder who this could be about
No. 148070
File: 1619817392453.png (66.29 KB, 1080x198, Screenshot_20210430-122054-633…)

Therapy must be going well.
No. 148095
File: 1619831788251.jpg (848.88 KB, 2896x2896, 20210430_211348.jpg)

Her outfits are so far from the design. The house dress looks so wrinkly, the clouds at the waist dont match the design, and that front middle seam kills me. The pattern is mirrored for the houses it looks really bad. I'm so afraid of the lattice dress. Theres no way that could look good. And for her pink dress just looks whack.
No. 148179
>>148149In any legitimate design school, fashion, graphic or otherwise, deviating too much from the original design in a way that it makes it worse than the sketch or original planned idea, without any deliverate improvement at all, should be an automatic fail. Considering already that the garments she's making have zero to none markeateability beyond her delulu followers, and the clothes aren't flattering or user friendly at all, this project is a fucking mess and should be graded with a 70/100 if we're being generous. But knowing Jill's illegitimate craft school, they'll pass her while asskissing her shitty attempt at unsuccesfully sewing two pieces of tacky fabric together. Then she'll feel proud of herself for doing the bare minimum, like she always does, and believe she's ready for real life with the skills of a beginner tier seamstress. She learnt absolutely nothing in the time she spent at school, because she still does the same shitty mistakes, she still sticks to her comfort zone. Why? Because she rather play with children's toys and annoy her classmates with them, all while being a complete eyesore. What a sad thing to see.
No. 148183
>>148168She said that her instructor said that they're all allowed to drop one garment. But it is sus that she hasn't shown progress of her house jacket since that seems to be the piece she was second most excited about.
>>148180She's not walking the runway in the but you know she's sure as hell going to keep the cardigan for her personal wardrobe.
No. 148188
File: 1619899607881.png (3.23 MB, 1920x998, This image is sin.png)

The purple dress is happening, but the yellow coat seems to have drifted into the abyss. This is a screencap from her livestream. Sorry for my terrible paint labeling
No. 148193
File: 1619909177989.jpg (279.14 KB, 1500x1001, 200828120335-blackpink-selena-…)

>>147962does Jill follow kpop groups by any chance? Because it was Black Pink who made that sweater hella popular with their Ice Cream video.
No. 148196
File: 1619911581448.jpg (698 KB, 1974x1831, 2021162459.jpg)

idk if anyone else was curious how her classmates are doing with their collections, but this is what i could find
No. 148197
>>148196here's a case where the sketches look simple/boring, but the actual work impresses me. It looks professional.
Note: I don't know anything about making clothes.
No. 148205
>>148180Isn't the character on the far right meant to be her?
>>148095She drew herself wearing it, so it is made specifically for her.
>>148165Maybe she didn't consider seam placement when ordering the print, so there wasn't enough fabric to have a continuous pattern.
No. 148212
File: 1619923142186.jpg (940.26 KB, 2560x1978, sarah_morphologie_lingerie-1-s…)

>>148196shit, those croquis are so awful. It detracts from the entire purpose of showcasing the designs. Picrel, this is how it should be done, and they are not unrealistically proportioned either.
No. 148213
>>148200First of all, what acceptable fashion school ever lets their students cut one piece out of their fashion show?
Second, she was being so fucking annoying about how much other artists are copying her fugly coat. And now she's cutting it off??? so she complained for nothing? what a fucking asshole
No. 148224
>>148198>>148200>>148213Maybe she was so depwessie about the “design theft” that she couldn’t find the motivation to work on it anymore.
>>148205IIRC it’s supposed to be this model
>>139339 No. 148241
>>147777she needs to block this project. it’s a technique of wetting and pinning the garment into shape it’s this lack of finishing that makes the cardigan look curled and bubbled and overall sloppy and unfinished.
sage for crafting sperg
No. 148247
File: 1619964856056.jpeg (516.75 KB, 828x871, 807361F2-9097-4C3B-AB40-3E5436…)

No. 148260
>>148241Piling onto your crafting sperg with my own crafting sperg, it seems like some of the squares are made with 100% wool yarn and some are made with 100% acrylic
>>147901 so it’s going to be very hard to block and/or wash without the entire cardigan getting fucked up.
I get it’s a shitty school she went to but you’d think she would’ve been taught a bit about how fibres have different attributes and care requirements?
No. 148299
>>148260You would think Jill would care enough to research the materials shes working with. Like a designer.
>>148247Bit strange its only bpd awareness since other personality disorders exist. Bet she doesnt keep up and spreads false information. If she cant bother to do research why would she for this.
No. 148487
File: 1620067347683.jpg (451.52 KB, 1080x997, Screenshot_20210503-204220_Eco…)

No. 148488
File: 1620067386759.jpeg (305.98 KB, 2048x1150, E0eIQrXWYAMy8Ul.jpeg)

Why is she so bad at elementary graphic design
No. 148489
File: 1620067559866.jpg (568.61 KB, 1080x1148, Screenshot_20210503-204550_Eco…)

Probably reading into this, but…implying? Lolcow shade or..?
No. 148596
>>148555Emotionally unstable is the modern diagnostic term for that personality disorder.
Borderline already is a subtype of the former.
It's called that because people with it are,in fact, emotionally unstable.
For once she's actually used correct terminology.
No. 148603
File: 1620138399522.jpeg (797.49 KB, 828x1115, 1602F944-CF65-47F9-8291-1B549E…)

No. 148607
File: 1620138913007.jpeg (388.9 KB, 1511x2048, E0i7Y3GXMAMHaWR.jpeg)

Jill is entering wannabe queer bimbo e-girl territory at a rapid pace, now. It won't be long until the pixiethot saga commences.
No. 148608
File: 1620139023204.jpeg (340.5 KB, 1182x2048, E0i71iAXMAIj2K8.jpeg)

>>148607Her rug… Those boots… She and Shay would have so much fun together.
No. 148610
File: 1620139240155.jpg (355.13 KB, 1080x992, Screenshot_20210504-163925_Eco…)

>>148603I was going through the comments to see how people were reacting, and apparently these cards were for a course….how?????? She's never going to mature if her environment is such an unchallenging hugbox.
No. 148626
>>148624Anyone with a form of visual stress is going to struggle to read it. Which isnt exactly inclusive of her.
I genuially dont think Jill has the ability to create something other than the rainbow vomit style she has. Like if she was asked to make graphics inspired by say bauhaus. I think she would have a break down.
No. 148703
>>148603Holy shit this is truly
graphic design is my passion complete with text warp
Absolutely incredible to not only post this online, but submit it as part of coursework.
No. 148729
File: 1620223319325.jpg (321 KB, 2048x1151, IMG_20210505_100153.jpg)

No. 148732
>>148729Ah yes, let's water down this incredibly harmful and
toxic mindset as a kaweewee lil flower saying "I hate this!" or "I love this!"
No. 148735
>>148729It looks like shes trying to explain a harmful mindset to children.
If its for her art for social change class. I cannot figure out how this is supposed to create social change? Or how these "info cards" would be used to do so.
No. 148738
>>148729things other 'then' people
grammar going downhill too?
sage for nitpick
No. 148880
File: 1620284289967.jpg (206.3 KB, 1500x1428, 81FzqtjeJNL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

>>148841my thoughts exactly
No. 148888
File: 1620289112029.jpg (452.46 KB, 1080x1653, IMG_20210506_091541.jpg)

So she is still making the yellow coat…? Cure black is the middle one with orange hair and I'm pretty sure Jenny was the model for the yellow coat in the sketches. Either she has been hiding the coat from us or its going to be uber rushed. Place your bets now, mine's on it being rushed.
No. 148896
File: 1620293293623.jpg (620.4 KB, 810x2254, Pixue.jpg)

Dr Jill's valuable input on "neurodivergence"
No. 148930
File: 1620314350764.jpeg (735.33 KB, 828x1291, 5C61D272-1074-4468-B415-E4C0B2…)

what has to be jills favorite slide
No. 148931
File: 1620314376874.jpeg (340.35 KB, 2048x1149, 16A4849A-9D94-4767-9498-B5D5FE…)

No. 148940
>>148925I believe their point was not the picture itself but that the model for the coat she seemed to be potentially leaving out of the collection still appears to believe she's going to be wearing it.
So either she's stil planning on making it or she just completely failed to inform the model.
No. 148968
>>148948jill suffers from the human equivalent of furbaby doggie separation anxiety. just like a spoiled pet, she is an attention whore whose multiple traumas comprise all instances of not being the centre of attention, mommie leaving her alone at home to get groceries, or her friends not responding in the group chat for several hours. she said before that she is constantly talking to someone through text whenever it's not in person. whenever she minutely imagines having to settle completely alone for work or education in a foreign city, she has her emotional support boytoy to stim with while watching children's anime. it's not healthy, and her twitter hugbox only worsens the problem by isolating jill inside a
toxic positivity bubble. that's all there is to it.
No. 148977
File: 1620327065971.jpeg (350.76 KB, 750x657, A9F12963-C8E9-4B6E-B1AA-369842…)

>>148925The one wearing the yellow coat is cure black
>>148975They look like shit and even jill can make granny squares, they’re something a child can do pretty easily
No. 148988
>>148930Other than suddenly dumping her old girlfriend and being an overall bit of a trainwreck, I'm trying to think how Jill even remotely fits the description of BPD.
>>148948She talks about dissociating all the time I do not think she knows what it really is
No. 148996
File: 1620337562376.jpg (77.17 KB, 600x678, 1618161249940.jpg)

>jill suffers from the human equivalent of furbaby doggie separation anxiety. just like a spoiled pet, she is an attention whore whose multiple traumas comprise all instances of not being the centre of attention, mommie leaving her alone at home to get groceries, or her friends not responding in the group chat for several hours. she said before that she is constantly talking to someone through text whenever it's not in person. whenever she minutely imagines having to settle completely alone for work or education in a foreign city, she has her emotional support boytoy to stim with while watching children's anime. it's not healthy, and her twitter hugbox only worsens the problem by isolating jill inside a toxic positivity bubble. that's all there is to it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 149021
>>148974I just realized why she's falsely shilling BPD as neurodivergent after reading your comparison to depression.
Depression, and BPD, are both things you can
work on to improve where Autism and ADHD are structural, you're born that way and they aren't imbalances to fix or that put you in a danger to yourself or others.
She refuses to fix her BPD (and probable NPD) so she shoves it into "neurodiversity" as a get out clause.
She just has a speshul brain and shouldn't feel pressured to change it! When that's a core misunderstanding of mental illness and rather disgusting attitude to promote that you should just
embrace more destructive mental illnesses like BPD, depression and schitzophrenia (not even gonna go there to discuss why it's offensive to lump very severe illnesses in with ADHD and Autism, but she's absolutely begging for a callout video at this point)
No. 149052
>>148934what difference does this person see between people "saying whatever they like on twitter" and people "who
consider themselves neurodivergent"
No. 149070
File: 1620377581596.jpg (473.44 KB, 1080x1379, Screenshot_20210507-105226_Eco…)

>>148994She's already claimed it explicitly.
No. 149122
File: 1620403332866.jpeg (321.68 KB, 2048x1145, 2C3188F5-CDF9-4385-A319-51A785…)

last slide
No. 149135
>>149124100%, it isnt even the defining part of BPD, and it isnt the one that needs "understanding". She just want to sound cool when she talks about dissociation, instead of talking about actual bpd issues like black band white thinking.
>>149122Wish someone called out on her implying you can cure it.
No. 149140
>>149122>>149124seriously. all we got from the 5 days of "educational cards" was that
>bpd is not rare! (but i won't give you any sources to back it up)>it makes you a sensitive bitch and can result in DISASSOCIATION (conveniently tie it to DID with an illustration of multiple flowers representing one person)>it's okay to have it (no helpful tips, strategies or examples of coping mechanisms given. no attempt at advice to someone who has friends or family members with bpd)you'd think at the end she would at least direct people to further resources, but i guess dr. jill is the final authority in bpd. this, given that all of her symptoms are, according to herself, very rare and uncommon, but only because she is so special and not because she was misdiagnosed
No. 149149
>>149140She didn't even focus on the symptons that are
toxic like intense rage, self harm, risky behaviours, drug abuse, compulsive shopping, etc. I guess she didn't want to be related to the symptons that aren't kawiwi and don't fit her aesthetic.
No. 149185
>>149122And this is why BPD doesn’t make you neurodivergent, you can recover from it
>>149135>>149156People can also ‘grow out of’ BPD through time passing from their trauma and naturally finding better ways to cope, it is a really manageable thing
Going to be interesting to see what excuses jill comes up with to not get better from her ‘BPD’ now she’s said this
No. 149233
>>149122 around 7:18 she says that 'BPD isnt something that you cure and it goes away, I'm going to have bpd until the day I die'
Sorry if this is old milk, but this has always struck me as misleading and kinda scaremongering for her fans who may be actually suffering from this disorder and may have been discouraged or given a reason not to get proper treatment. I'm thinking she should take this video down and make an updated one especially because it seems her opinion has changed
No. 149285
File: 1620507657270.jpg (203.39 KB, 953x720, IMG_20210508_235915.jpg)

No. 149290
>>149283nitpick but
No. 149296
File: 1620514714236.png (1.92 MB, 1560x1248, Screen Shot.png)

>>148930So much so that she retweeted herself bc she didn't get the attention that she wanted.
No. 149307
>>149285"Very Cohesive Branding. Good color cohesion. Marketing on point!"
"Color is well thought out Good structure diversity"
God, this bitch is so delusional…
No. 149332
File: 1620554472842.jpg (24.35 KB, 235x235, IMG_20210509_105812.jpg)

>>149277Oh no, the stairs…
No. 149344
>>149341As far as i know majorty of dissociative disorders like bpd and did. Are caused by severe trauma as a child. Since its the dissociative problem is created by the brain trying to cope with trauma. It can develop in adults but thats from witnessing things like war and natural disasters.
So unless something happened to jill under the age of 12. Something very bad. She can't of even developed bpd let alone did.
Could be slightly off but thats as far a i know as a bpd anon. who's actually in treatment. Because bpd its uwu cute. Its horrid
No. 149384
File: 1620604465743.jpg (41 KB, 423x328, IMG_20210510_005323.jpg)

>>149366Kek, theres the vacuum. They just dont know how to fucking use it it seems.
No. 149431
>>149413If she had filled out the pdq-4. Which is a questionnaire commonly used in the diagnosis of personality disorders. She would of posted about it.
The questionnaire i used as a baseline then in further sessions. Then its used to compare to what they say in sessions.
Sometimes theres a form they use to score trauma. Eg emotional abuse in childhood.
No. 149500
File: 1620708012442.jpg (999.84 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20210511_003926.jpg)

If jill has DID/multiple personalities then tess holliday actually has anorexia too. Liars both of them, two sides of the same narcissistic coin. They even talk in the same self congratulatory, "look at how martyristic i am"-cadence.
No. 149729
File: 1620832429355.jpeg (189.98 KB, 1141x198, A7A5874E-B516-4C79-9233-5D78E6…)

looks like the due date on her collection is 5 or 6 days away…. who wants to bet the fence dress isnt done yet and the yellow coat isnt even started?
No. 149768
>>149745Her mom is going to photograph her collection
after she does the photos to submit for grading. She want's pics for her own personal collection but I believe once she submits them to the school she no longer owns the photos.
No. 149848
File: 1620900738706.jpg (270.44 KB, 720x946, IMG_20210513_131208.jpg)

No. 149861
>>149859Twitter had been cropping photos when you'd post them, but they removed that feature so the entire photo without being cropped is posted.
Most people are using it to post photos they'd taken that Twitter decimates due to cropping, I'm not sure why Jill is using it for a weird selfie.
No. 149947
File: 1620967957016.jpeg (309.41 KB, 828x657, 76C11FBC-DA50-4CDA-8AE8-3548BD…)

I sincerely disagree with this, I feel like she’s gotten so much worse over these past two years. It feels like she’s just used this diagnosis as an excuse for her shitty behaviour and an need to be coddled constantly
No. 149957
>>149947Yeah my depression is my BEST FRIEND UWU so quirky and validating xoxoxo
I wish I was in this mindset, it's make living way easier.
Go fuck yourself Jillibean and your glorification of illnesses.
No. 150120
File: 1621084188268.jpg (196.65 KB, 1080x585, Screenshot_20210515-140831_Twi…)

Just as expected jilly is foreshadowing her collection being ruined/ incomplete purely because of her mentaw iwwness
No. 150121
>>149947"I'm better than I ever was 2 years ago!"
2 years ago:
>went to japan>went to london>got a new cat>got a new tattoo>got a new boyfriend>got a new house>going to her dream schoolYeah, looks like you were really struggling, Jill.
No. 150168
File: 1621109182761.jpeg (335.77 KB, 750x1091, A5CE515E-6B39-4353-8CBE-5022E2…)

from her school's fashion show instagram page, featuring her one (1) finished garment.
No. 150170
File: 1621109370645.jpg (48.73 KB, 639x356, IMG_20210515_160919.jpg)

Why does this look like bad photoshop?
No. 150172
File: 1621109675483.jpeg (154.39 KB, 750x849, F3C8F03F-F7AB-41C2-9685-BB9F82…)

its funny how the least fashionable people on the planet want to become fashion designers. i wonder what the teachers must think.
also- is wendy a first year? i thought she'd entered this college at the same time as jillian.
No. 150191
File: 1621114349976.jpeg (197.68 KB, 1112x828, DFDEF92B-BBF0-412A-A625-1CAE26…)

I find it hilarious that A. 2 models have already her and B. she hung a Nile Perch shopping bag on the wall. She takes so much inspo from fairy kei but obviously could never pull it off. Also has anyone noticed her weird plastic flower obsession recently? She should maybe… I dunno…
>actually garden
but that would require actually seeing a project through and performing maintenance.
No. 150215
File: 1621125088451.jpeg (227.02 KB, 640x273, 14016931362_5fd2b26fa3_o.jpeg)

>>150187The post is from 7 weeks ago before she had lengthened it.
Sage for crochetfag, but that fucking cardigan just symbolises how incompetent she is. A granny square cardigan is the most basic garment anyone can make. Not fashion school standards at all, yet somehow she has still struggled with it. One of the first beginner patterns you learn is a granny square with a flower crocheted INTO it (pic related) It's much faster, slicker and uses less wool than what she has done.
Just by looking at it you can see has no planning skills because of the change in shades halfway through the piece. She should fail for that alone, not buying enough wool is an embarrassing rookie mistake. Not sewing the loose threads in until the very end for such a large piece is time wasting, however at her pace I don't think that would make a difference. Someone who crochets in their spare time could make the whole thing in a few weeks, yet Jill who is a full time student hasn't even finished in 5 MONTHS. It's almost as if she's gone out of her way to be as inefficient and wasteful as possible.
I'm really sorry for the crochetfag I just can't fucking take it anymore.
No. 150374
File: 1621170445482.jpg (419.81 KB, 1080x1634, 20210516_090727.jpg)

No. 150380
>>150170Aha this reminds me of how snow cow Alythuh hangs up color wheels on the wall to try and look more legit artistic
>hanging up measuring tapemuch sew very design, Pixie.
No. 150383
>>150374Why do non-recovered anachans constantly project?
No denying that Pixie has an extreme delusional ego, but to say that no one ever truly recovers from ED mindset is just crabs in a bucket mentality.
No. 150397
>>150179so is no one else gonna point out how shaky the desk footage was, or-
that shit was headache inducing
No. 150414
>>150374In a previous thread,
>>150391 anon you can find it yourself because we are not going to spoonfeed you, when that video came out we guessed she was sucking in her stomach during those shots. Also wearing a cup size too large to make her tits bigger so it might 'balance' out her body, so sure Jill, you totally love everything about your body…
Pear body shapes are beautiful, hourglass is not superior. I hope she realises this.
No. 150477
File: 1621227075366.jpg (450.99 KB, 1080x1730, 20210517_004800.jpg)

>>150170I'm w e a k. It literally is photoshopped. No wonder it looked so weird.
No. 150481
>>150477How did I miss the measuring tape draped around her neck like a scarf, in tandem with the one hanging on the display.
She is actually so bad at graphic design, this photoshop job and her BPD slides are total eyesores and probably actually impossible to see properly for people with visual processing difficulties.
No. 150482
>>150481Samefag, not being pedantic but I saw someone on Twitter the other day who was RT-ing something with a similar color scheme to Pixie's usual one (glaring bright color with no contrast or dark tones) and she said the text was impossible to read and it just looked like a blur of pretty colors (paraphrasing) so some of her target audience of chronically ill enbies
literally can't see her content.
No. 150509
File: 1621251046297.jpg (251.29 KB, 1080x1022, Screenshot_20210517-123042_Twi…)

>>150374The cope is immense
No. 150553
>>150533anon pls
>>150509this is just depressing and embarrassing to read. does any fat person ever post this and actually mean it without it reeking of cope? she can’t possibly feel good about the fact that she can no longer fit into most of her clothes that she spend like hundreds if not thousands of dollars on over the years.
No. 150583
File: 1621291942812.jpeg (119.33 KB, 750x725, EC3E83DA-CE7E-4EE9-9618-3060FC…)

seems like she might give up. i hope she makes it, honestly.
i wonder why she was bleeding.
No. 150614
>>150509People who are comfortable with their body don't constantly have to rehash to the public "SRSLY GUYZ IM LIKE SO IN LOVE WITH MY ROLLS IM SO HAPPY"
If you're comfortable with your appearance you just….exist. Kind of like how only broke people "flex" their money and wear tacky clothes with dollar signs all over them.
No. 150620
File: 1621308585545.png (2.73 MB, 1536x2048, efwffew.png)

No. 150644
>>150641If it isn't based on each part of her house anymore, then why the fuck is her collection still called home street home?
She makes no sense
No. 150648
>>150620It irks me that she didn't sand them and they're not symmetrical. She needs to realize that if she's going to craft materials to use for her clothes she can't just do things half assed. I know for a runway show the clothing doesn't have to be absolutely perfect but if she plans to sell any of these she's going to be criticized so hard if non confetti cult members buy her shit.
Also once again only mentions father-pixie when he does something for her.
No. 150679
>>150644The pieces are based off house activities and motifs instead of specific rooms in her/other peoples houses now.
So the theme is still there, like the coat is supposed to be the outside of a house, the long blue dress is a street, the purple dress is supposed to be a garden with a picket fence, the white dress is a flower creeper, the only one that is super out of place to me is the cardigan. It doesn't even have flowers on anymore and looks more like a picnic theme.
No. 150681
File: 1621350259472.jpg (215.36 KB, 1080x663, 20210518_110409.jpg)

Uh oh. Here we go. How much you wanna bet shes gonna make Stevie do it.
No. 150682
>>150679She's still planning on adding flowers to the cardigan, you can see her crochet a daisy in this video
>>149277As this anon pointed out
>>150215 she's weirdly planning on sewing them to the cardigan instead of just making granny squares with daisies incorporated into them.
No. 150722
>>150647you're looking at the inside of the lining. none of that's going to be seen when the piece of done. she didnt press the seams because its not flipped the right way yet. im not wk'ing her, but its pretty obvious.
>>150656to be fair, her dad made them for her lol
No. 150792
>>150724Yup the original model used for the print looks half assed. She didnt bother to make the symmetrical. Smooth out the edges. The design didnt need to be flat at the bottom. Then after printing she barely bothered with clean up. People have 3d printd entire cosplays yet she cant even do a belt thingy well.
If only she could put in effort.
No. 150823
>>150816I think that’s her plan, but in that photo, the bottom right petal is a bit fatter and longer than the bottom left one, so either stuff is gonna hang janky, or she’ll have to make some straps longer than others to keep things level. It’s gonna be a mess either way.
>>150621 really shows how they lack any sort of uniformity.
No. 150824
>>150811Because that would involve her learning to 3d print and model properly. Shes way too lazy for that.
I can almost guarantee she made the original model. Half assed it. Her dad probably went in fixed the model that more than likely had mistakes. And made sure the file was suitable for printing. Then set it up for print and printed it
No. 150833
File: 1621450369971.jpeg (137.64 KB, 750x1161, ED521742-96A4-48F7-AE8E-C8755E…)

>>150796>>150737the unfinished pink fabric is literally the inside of the lining, it just hasn't been attached at the bottom and flipped rightside out yet. the unfinished part of the fabric that's flipped up is the inside of the lining. you can see that its been flipped rightside out correctly where the lining attaches to the neck and arm holes. how are you guys not seeing this? it's literally lined.
No. 151058
File: 1621623157824.jpg (114.39 KB, 1080x643, Screenshot_20210521-115049_Chr…)

i know it's just a retweet, so it's not milky, but jill and this clown are definitely perpetuating the idea that every modern qUiRky person (aka "artist") has to have something wrong with their special brain, and if not they really have to find a kawiwi disorder to identify with
No. 151087
File: 1621638117777.png (425.74 KB, 580x1020, pixs.png)

>>151058her "mental illness" is so fucking annoying, all she can do is pretend to be ill for pity and attention.
>my plastic lamp gives me lifenever change
No. 151088
File: 1621638159213.png (14.34 KB, 460x82, pixs.png)

>>151087drag queen saga incoming
No. 151098
>>151084sage for non-con
Being in for three months I can tell you, it's fucking work, shows how you fucked up in life, how others fucked you up and shows you your demons which hurts af.
Better wear your kawiwi illness as an accessory.
No. 151427
File: 1621775007474.jpg (1.43 MB, 1920x2560, 21-05-23-14-00-10-743_deco.jpg)

>>149332Does she never brush her cats? This is from her shoe painting video at the end of march, and this was her hand after petting Serena at end.
No. 151524
File: 1621805031847.jpg (459.92 KB, 1080x1248, 20210523_172336.jpg)

No. 151539
>>151463There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic animal, it's just a way to push breeds from breeders.
Her cats will still cause allergic reactions with people, besides the fact that they carry fecal particles on their feet/fur and it's unsanitary.
As much as I love cats, it's just not safe to have them in her sewing room for the people who will buy her things OR for the cats to be around needles.
No. 151575
>>151524Labelling herself as neurodivergent is so embarrassing. Imagine she decided present her work at a show for industry professionals. And for her designer statement had neurodivergent in it.
She needs to get a grip and let go of that crutch. A lot of artists and designers are mentally ill. They dont all label themselves like a circus freak. Only if it related to a project. Which this isnt
No. 152432
>>152416There are multiple people in this thread
Most of us are mad she’s adopting these labels to feel uwu spwecial and to get away from accountability or expectations, she can’t do better because she’s uwu mwentally ill and neurodivergent, meanies dni
Also just because anons speculate something and she suddenly claims a word doesn’t mean she is that thing. Bpd isn’t neurodivergent, it can be treated with therapy and medication, and if she puts the work in she may even recover.
No. 152433
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No. 152465
File: 1621885465872.png (481.34 KB, 722x553, WasExpectingMoreOfAHorde.png)

>>152433providing context to the zoom in. she was recreating lady gagas squishmellow picture. ngl her hair looks nice like here, and its refreshing to see her without terrifying amounts of eyeshadow.
No. 152535
File: 1621902500997.jpg (392.47 KB, 1080x1565, 20210524_202750.jpg)

Uh oh. What is she going to do. She's such a hot mess, lmao
No. 152572
>>152535How can she expect to own a sustainable clothing brand if she can't even follow the deadlines for her class? The only way she can actually have a clothing brand is if she out sources the work but absolutely no out sourced factory is ethical in their practice.
All of this should be a huge wake up call for her but she absolutely won't take it and will just find excuses for everything.
No. 152597
File: 1621915814706.jpeg (51.41 KB, 750x256, 7A00E50F-3A9D-45F1-99F9-461A7D…)

gotta manage that fashion school stress somehow
No. 152659
File: 1621942430705.jpeg (360.24 KB, 1536x2048, jillian.jpeg)

No. 152678
File: 1621953421368.jpg (257.22 KB, 1080x1105, IMG_20210525_143242.jpg)

Don't know if this is a call out tweet or not. But having a model drop out of a catwalk sounds way more stressful than a photoshoot that isn't as time sensitive. If she got her pieces done earlier she could of already finished the shoot and be sitting pretty right now.
No. 152730
>>152572Nit pick for pixie (not your post) but did she ever even mention her fabric was sustainable? If she’s still buying bullshit fabric made in sweatshops from fabric stores wouldn’t her clothing just be handmade, not even sustainable?? It just seems like none of her fabric was a sustainable manufactured cloth….but I could be wrong about her gingham and whatnot.
Sage for picking the word sustainable apart but I don’t even think she truly understands what that word means.
No. 152737
File: 1621969540614.jpeg (260.78 KB, 750x773, A8F1F118-C72D-4EE0-93E5-22FD92…)

Looks like they didn’t drop out after all, she just wanted all her models to be there for the shoot on the same day at the same time kek
No. 152747
File: 1621974469494.jpg (227.11 KB, 933x571, 5.jpg)

Not really milk but her craft college put this out as a promo for the fashion show in 5 days. I'm seeing earrings for her models, flowers for her trellis dress and bias binding I'm assuming for that purple picket fence dress?
No. 152748
>>152747this is so fucking ugly
>>152737Lmao, so she was overreacting over some girl not being able to show up for a photoshoot? bitch please
No. 152751
>>152730>If she’s still buying bullshit fabric made in sweatshops from fabric stores wouldn’t her clothing just be handmade, not even sustainable?You know she'd mention it constantly if her fabrics were sustainable, definitely just your standard fabrics. Sustainable or ethical fabrics cost 4x the price which
can be covered in your sales price if you happen to be an influencer with a big audience, but fuck that, amirite?
She misuses "sustainable" constantly, just as she misuses "neurodivergent."
No. 152752
>>152747Those uneven satin flowers, why is everything she does so halfassed?
Home Street Home continues to be a jarring collection name which brings to mind homelessness.
No. 152768
>>152741>>152752>>152733Thanks for replying. I must have missed it in previous threads but no surprise people caught on and commented about it!
It really grinds my gears how much she misuses the term “sustainable”. Glad it’s not unnoticed…
No. 152803
>>152416Neurodivergent isn’t the same as mentally ill, idiot. Nothing she is ‘diagnosed with’ makes her neurodivergent.
>>152549I could be wrong but I believe one of her classmates talked about having bipolar at some point
>>152747Ugh the vile cheap satin crap makes a return
No. 152912
>>152737Being upset about a model dropping out is one thing. Posting about it publicly is another. Don’t publicly guilt trip your model who more than likely had a legitimate reason for not being able to make it.
Don’t publicly drag others into you being upset and likely make them feel even worse because of it.
No. 152941
File: 1622054512351.jpg (46.56 KB, 1280x720, shit.jpg)

>>152922EVEN if the model didn't have an emergency and just isn't available that day, Jillian should respect it. It's business ettiquete, it's something a boss would respect. And if she wants to be the #girlboss with her stupid half assed brand, then she should be learning from the get go. Respect is earned, and she's disrespecting her model by making these things public, anyone with more than 1 braincell knows NOBODY with a business roasts one of your workers (in this case, model) publicly, especially not in front of so many people. It's not like she's going to pay her either, the models are doing it for free I presume, so what is she complaining for? If the girl can't show up for a play-pretend "fashion photoshoot" then so be it.
But she comes from a place of priviledge, and I'm not talking about how much money she has, I'm talking about how her mom raised her to be an attention-whoring narcissist and snowflake who is boo-hoo always suffering and shit. Everyone but HER is at fault and she can't see anything past her own fucking nose. Zero empathy. She just cries and cries about minimal shit that can be solved by becoming smarter and learning coping skills. But she herself rather enable her own shittiness, and cry to twitter when ANYTHING goes wrong in her sad little easy peasy life.
Don't get me started on roasting other brands, because as a brand owner, that is something you shouldn't do in the public either. I am just waiting for the day she inevitably outsorces her shitty designs to a sweatshop and cries because the workers can't do shit faster. And then she'll have the nerve to call herself "ethical" or "sustainable" or whatever the fuck.
And then I'll laugh, becase she for sure, will become a sad caricature of Tim Burton's Willy Wonka. Eccentric, ugly, treats people like shit, but still has the nerve to cry about it.
No. 152966
>>152922Also, Jill rescheduled the shoot because of photographer issues (which she could have taken over or already had a backup lined up for). So, the model couldn't make the new time that she decided and she cries on the internet instead of problem solving?
The more she interacts with other people like this the more likely one day someone will actually speak up about her.
No. 153007
File: 1622080873755.png (402.71 KB, 594x494, no.png)

Happy for more plastic rainbow shit that she does not need… never change Pixie
It doesn't matter if the packaging is biodegradable if she is going to act like she always has.
No. 153008
File: 1622080947773.png (246.2 KB, 586x448, no.png)

it just sounds like she has autism to me
No. 153072
File: 1622103909334.jpg (85.12 KB, 595x533, Screenshot 2021-05-27 021837.j…)

>>153019It's all green washing bull shit. If she actually wanted to be sustainable she would be buying thrifted clothes/ making clothes (from thrifted material) or trying to find local slow fashion, if she has the money to buy dungarees that are 100+CAD and the extra 150 CAD it cost to get them from customs she can spend the money local.
It also doesn't help that she only bought it because some drag queen was shilling it.
No. 153073
File: 1622104286051.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.27 KB, 1200x960,

>>153007She never showed what packaging the clothes actually turn up in, is it a box? Or one of those thin grey plastic bags?
On another note Lucy & Yak have been shown to parade around that they are size inclusive when their sizing is wack and their xls can barely fit an anorexic teacup Guinea pig. Not a good brand at all. Also, nitpick, its a Ginny Lemon line of clothing and barely five items out of their over thirty piece line is near enough their shade of yellow or even recognisable as being related to them. Sounds like they just slapped a drag Queens name so they could get more attention and sales, kinda scummy and Jill fell for it.
Spoiler: Ginny Lemon for people who don't know drag race. She wore yellow all season.
No. 153271
File: 1622208414514.jpg (75.35 KB, 586x155, jillian.jpg)

No. 153403
>>153271That therapist sure loves validating all her made up illnesses, she even uses the word
validating in her Tweet. She's such a munchie.
No. 153480
File: 1622324454883.jpg (609.07 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210529-174027_Twi…)

The flowers look trashy but ots not as bad as I thought it would be from this angle. This must've been the model who canceled on her.
No. 153486
File: 1622325720769.jpeg (291.66 KB, 835x1504, 2E15ADDE-195C-4C44-BEB8-359F21…)

Pixie OnlyHams imminent. She’s giving some upskirt panty shots in her new TikTok under the guise of showing off her tattoos.
No. 153488
File: 1622325868800.png (156.74 KB, 595x567, hell.png)

Oh boy here we go
No. 153505
>>153486sage for non-con
I literally called it in the pre-previous thread. Brb giving myself an internet medal.
No. 153508
>>153486I can see it now. Her fashion line fails and she HAS to open up an only fans to make enough money to pay for where she lives.
>>153488This bitch genuinely thinks that her having a thought is a different personality.
No. 153551
File: 1622370831070.jpeg (510.35 KB, 828x1186, C639F520-A54A-4F9D-AD67-93B683…)

Here we go
No. 153581
What I want to know is how they get a doctor to sign off on the diagnosis, therapists can't diagnose people. Like what doctor would seriously look at her and go, yep, she definitely has this extremely rare disorder that (may or may not even exist and) stems out of horrific trauma as a child? Like
>>153526 said imagine how her parents feel when their spoiled pretty princess is larping abuse to this extent. They probably don't even question it tbh, they seem like the kind of parents to never actually challenge their child about anything.
No. 153605
File: 1622400004753.jpeg (210.59 KB, 750x993, D878897A-C31F-4118-8CD9-8753DB…)

it begins
No. 153623
File: 1622407608108.jpeg (586.59 KB, 1582x2048, B74AA548-3335-4C5A-B68A-D457E1…)

Looks like Jill's collection will be revealed on june 4th.
No. 153626
File: 1622410147702.jpeg (109.67 KB, 750x1147, 5FC15BA6-2D25-4322-B5E0-C0F05B…)

compared to jillian's work in her first year, wendy's doing great.
>>153480i'm surprised jill did such little makeup on her. thank god.
No. 153630
File: 1622411926553.gif (1.13 MB, 498x498, 58fde03dc4c22c6bb55ec0a3c5d6c7…)

Well i'm ready for the cheeky rainby kawaii system saga. May this new pixie arc give us creamy milk.
No. 153641
>>153630Inb4 she has a personality for every color of the rainbow and it’s some autistic shit like
>red for when she’s mad >blue for when she’s sad >yellow for when she’s happyetc.
No. 153667
>>153641There definitely will be a lesbian one, a
poc and a ~non-binary~ one. Because somehow this rich straight white fat mommy's girl has to be oppressed and speshul.
No. 153722
>>153667I don’t keep up with the DID ‘community’. Are
poc personalities for white hosts (or whatever it’s called) an accepted thing, or would that get her torn apart by the woke crowd? I could see her come up with a sassy black woman or Japanese magical girl alter if she thought she could get away with it.
One’s definitely going to be a drag queen, though.
No. 153733
File: 1622498221834.jpg (414.48 KB, 1080x1417, Screenshot_20210531-235522_Fac…)

Uh-oh, kek
No. 153744
>>153742 it looks directly stolen from pixie. even the balloons were her thing back when she coined "party-kei" (barf). The wig on the left one is ridiculously obvious.
I'm not one to agree with "copying" usually, but that is fucking blatant. The tinsel on the wall is even similar to Pixie's set-up back in her parents house.
No. 153745
File: 1622504532761.png (1.17 MB, 972x804, Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 00.41…)

>>153744 kek there's even a massive peep. This surely can't be coincidental.
No. 153757
File: 1622509890505.jpeg (93.3 KB, 750x605, A61C478A-7D56-43F0-AC0F-D0285E…)

"wtf lol im bi and i was still called dyke during my single brief relationship with a woman ten years ago"
wow, you're SO oppressed, jill.
No. 153760
File: 1622510321348.jpeg (97.73 KB, 750x739, FCDB91A9-C990-49B5-8ED8-1F3316…)

this was in her twitter likes. we're officially in the DID stoner pixielocks phase
No. 153778
>>153581Can’t wait for her fans to go after her family for the “horrific abuse they put her through”.
>>153626What is with them all using that cheap satin for everything?
>>153676Hopefully she will get destroyed like DissociaDID did over on Kiwifarms, maybe people from her offline life willeven come forward and proof any “abuse” fake. We can hope.
>>153757She doesn’t look like a lesbian and she’s never openly been in an actual lesbian relationship, why would she ever be called a dyke?
>>153760Fairy alter incoming. What a fucking mess she is.
No. 153809
File: 1622556923381.jpeg (382.1 KB, 1242x1594, A25C3BBC-4E6F-4D06-BB8C-F9DB6C…)

Some more DID gems from pixies likes
No. 153825
>>153810She's gonna sound like she's lost her marbles if she starts spouting this shit about alters and fusion. People will do literally anything for views.
>>153824Pls post some of them
No. 153835
File: 1622569582284.png (3.03 MB, 828x1792, 0E32FEFC-BA84-4A23-8673-A7C271…)

Here's the lattice dress. What a mess
No. 153837
File: 1622569973309.jpeg (243.84 KB, 1992x1328, 174532F9-E66B-42B5-92B8-8F7BB2…)

>>153825sage for being unrelated to jill, but here’s a couple pics from her other classmates
No. 153844
File: 1622571297185.jpg (89.79 KB, 720x533, IMG_20210601_211455.jpg)

oh god it's coming
No. 153850
File: 1622572025801.png (546.89 KB, 2048x1976, Screenshot_20210601-122543.png)

Everyone's going to see neurodivergent in her bio and automatically assume she's a massive retard.
No. 153852
File: 1622574230920.png (2.93 MB, 828x1792, 10A5BBBB-E23A-4610-BCA4-BEB5C5…)

here’s a collection i found on the website. how can their professors let them spend this much time on god awful clothing
No. 153863
File: 1622577182117.png (575.37 KB, 1447x2048, Screenshot_20210601-135116.png)

>>153841>>153837This is Marlo's collection. I remember anons were rooting for her when their sneak peek videos came out. Her collection is subtle and not so on the nose like Jill's is and tells a story.
No. 153870
>>153844my god it's like a shark that you can see coming in the water, or a truck going straight into a collition. You can see it far away, but you don't move or anything…
Jesus christ, I don't think she has DID. I don't think any of them have DID
No. 153880
>>153846I genuinely like the "Ethereal" collection, and the photos of the collection are shot perfectly. Marlo's Spotlight collection is also very promising and cohesive.
The other ones though . . .
Lots of special snowflakes up in here.
No. 153881
>>153880The "Burnt Toast" collection is nearly as infuriating as Jillian's.
Oh lawd, can't wait to see Jill's.
No. 153903
>>153894i'll just write down anything vaguely notable with timestamps as i watch. the overall video premise is that her friend gives full permission to do whatever she wants to her hair. the usual babyvoice screeching ensues..
(1:48) she has people over, (3 people, none of them wearing masks and she doesn't mention any of them being vaccinated).
(4:41) apparently, the friend asking for her hair cut off is bipolar (?). earlier in the video she mentions waiting until after her wedding to shave her head.
(5:16) she said she's "watched a couple videos" about buzzing someone's hair, but steve seems to be telling her how to do it as if she has no clue. he's filming with a phone for some reason?
(7:23) petting her friend's head in a way that has the same energy as a child petting an animal
(8:34) by name, everyone present. for some reason, they're bringing MORE people to hang out.
(9:00) says she plans to do a raibow 'tiedye' swirl and then talks about other idea's she'd had, saying she wants to do something "more em's style"
(10:34) jill, i think it's normal to panic slightly when a plan goes awry. not everything is Mental Illness and you being startled by a brush breaking isn't "dissociation"
(14:19) em's husband for some reason??? jill really threw an entire party and no one is wearing a mask or social distancing, and there's no mention of anyone being vaccinated. calls him "newly appointed husbando".. what is this, the weaboo's table in middleschool? he says the hairstyle will "take some getting used to"..
and that's that. her scalp is stained and the dye tubes are already mostly empty, so it kind of feels like she redid her own hair and then used the leftovers for her friend to make a video out of it.
No. 153909
File: 1622588713348.jpg (31.09 KB, 1277x674, reconsider your friends.jpg)

>>153894You get an end result cap because it has to be seen. Jill's friend looks like she's going to have an intense crying fit as soon as she gets home.
No. 153915
>>153903Most of Canada has gotten to the point of 1 vaccine shot, only those in health care have 2 atm. Current guidelines state that you should have a mask with ppl outside of your household with 1 shot.
Also not surprised that the blue ended up green, they didnt try to tone the bleached hair at all, which is a basic thing to do for that color. The purple barely stayed on, which Jill also should have known since its her dye and how purple is used to tone yellow when its very light.
No. 153920
File: 1622590251970.jpeg (597.31 KB, 1242x1282, 4B66D68A-CE0E-47C0-9695-57EB54…)

Jill, stop.
No. 153924
>>153891Jill is one of those people that likes to do things to their friends to make them look uglier than herself. Putting people into ugly potato sacks is one thing, but actively giving them a botched buzz job? Yikes.
>>153909She most definitely will cry.
No. 153928
>>153924I mean the friend did give Jill free reign and agreed to the buzz cut (which really doesn't look good on anyone, even supermodels with a thick layer of photoshop slapped on)
That being said I'm sure Jill pressured her into it to some degree, I'm just mostly surprised because "uwu rainbie" doesn't really strike me as this girls regular style
Also kek @ Jill calling this girl we haven't ever seen her "bestie"
No. 153944
File: 1622599959584.png (95.64 KB, 932x418, Screen Shot 2021-06-01 at 11.1…)

>>153937not wk-ing but fredericton is in yellow phase of restrictions, i may not agree with it fully, that she has all these ppl over, with no mention of 2 weeks immunity after a first dose, but it's technically allowed
No. 153947
File: 1622600634875.gif (9.47 MB, 520x293, 1.gif)

this is the part where she says she's "dissociating"
No. 153954
>>153840this picture is so dark you can’t even see any of the clothing
>>153837these actually look pretty fucking decent
No. 153972
>>153840I kinda like this one, it reminds me of retro Star Trek, but would probably look worse in better lighting.
>>153839They look like they're having fun/enjoying wearing the clothes at least. It's telling when your dodgy seams can be witnessed from metres away.
No. 153973
File: 1622615658104.jpg (764.31 KB, 1067x1600, Rachelle-7.jpg)

>>153846This person did well with their photoshoot, hard to tell the dress quality but they look good. (Note the date attached to the picture is 14 May, which shows how late Jill was compared to the other students)
No. 153980
File: 1622617888589.jpg (522.34 KB, 1979x3000, 7b645bb366e2206e5a0ca80c360e06…)

>>153979Versace F/W 1996.
No. 153985
File: 1622619174746.jpg (220.71 KB, 576x360, jilliancard.jpg)

>>151524Kek, they fucked up Jills card on the venues website (Sunbury shores)
No. 154006
>>153985FUCK this is hilarious
her kawaii lifestyle displays the impact of her systemic racist fetishization and her own colonization / bastardization of other cultures
No. 154022
File: 1622652084861.jpg (554.04 KB, 1080x1804, 20210602_124118.jpg)

How much do yall want to bet, she pegs Stevie.
No. 154030
File: 1622655108533.jpg (93.94 KB, 1109x528, 5828q.jpg)

jillybean is modelling for one of her classmates'collection looking completely deranged. sorry for shit quality
No. 154033
>>153973This one is actually kinda pretty
>>154032Amy from Gone Girl
No. 154043
File: 1622659462988.jpg (591.31 KB, 2896x2896, 20210602_144130.jpg)

OH GOD SHES A MODEL. What is this egirl baby. She looks like she gotten eaten by a stuffed animal and it exploded.
No. 154046
File: 1622661104900.jpeg (204.98 KB, 828x1577, F82D3326-591B-4513-88FE-A59AB5…)

>>154043Ew she’s totally feeling herself in this babystyling
No. 154053
File: 1622664879079.png (143.39 KB, 246x252, ewww.png)

>>154043who is this fucking 40 year old drug addict horror clown dressed as a 3 year old kid?
No. 154056
File: 1622667232052.png (1.47 MB, 915x1500, lakshmi.png)

I'm compiling all of the collections for easier viewing and futher archival
This is Lakshmi's collection
>Background in engineering
>She was inspired by Egyptian culture and architecture after seeing the film “The Mummy” when she was a child.
>“My debut fashion line, Loxodon Collections, will utilize contrasting asymmetrical elements, unifying shape and form. “
>”Using pleats and draping I have built forms that mimic Egyptian architectural design.“
>Colors: Black and bronze with violet details
>Materials: leather, organza, rayon and kasha lining "to create a modern and attractive silhouette"
No. 154060
File: 1622668061735.png (1.86 MB, 939x1500, brianna.png)

>>154056This is Brianna's
>"Brianna enjoys telling stories through art">"Color is very important to Brianna">"because as people we see and use colour every day">Probably read a color theory book once and called it a day>Ugly bad photoshoot, can't see details of the dresses, look like shit from far away No. 154065
File: 1622669062291.png (1.16 MB, 979x1500, emily.png)

>the girl with bipolar>aside of going to a shit school she also teaches dance classes>"After years of struggling with my mental health, I strongly believe comfort is a luxury that everyone deserves, and it is my mission to help bring comfort to people through my love of fashion and textile design">Her collection looks uncomfortable to wear, with cheap ugly fabrics that wouldn't work to sleep No. 154067
File: 1622669795745.png (1.49 MB, 1025x1540, marlo.png)

>The collection's name is Spotlight>"Marlo is in love with expressing the art of life through fashion. And her career strategy is continuous education and growth">"Marlo is achieving her childhood dream with ever increasing potential to earn her place among the fashion designers of the world.">She portrays "internal feelings expressed through a series of garments, each depicting a specific emotion relating to depression and anxiety">"Each garment uses texture, color, and negative space to invoke emotion.">"The collection is a visual representation of personal development and triumph in navigating and overcoming one’s own internal challenges.">"Honing my emotions as a tool, rather than something to be ignored, Spotlight has given me the chance to be introspective and learn that there is no fear in being vulnerable. No. 154068
>>154043I think they were supposed to come up with 6 designs with the knowledge it was OK to drop one if need be but it looks like this girl dropped 3.
I wonder how many Jill will finish I think we've only seen progress on 4 of the 6 designs so far.
No. 154076
File: 1622671851494.png (1.66 MB, 1097x1580, mari.png)

>"a dreamy night time atmosphere that feels like home, wrapped in cute and soft pastels, and adorable imagery like clouds, stars and fluffy cats">Inspired by Japanese street fashion (at least she tried to)>"""""lolita silhouette""""">"The soft comfy plush of the cloud imagery and fabrics represent comfort and dream-like memories. Metal details conjure the exposition of growing up and losing that innocent image of the world. Pink Strawbs reminds us to hold onto the memories that make us who we are."
>jillian sticks out like a sore thumb as the ugliest, oldest, and has the worst makeup (on purpose maybe???) No. 154078
File: 1622672437890.png (2.27 MB, 977x2076, roberta.png)

>Basically looks like she did her "collection" out of the worst, shiniest, ugliest and tackiest fabrics laying around>"Roberta designs clothing for confident woman who want to look their best" (where??????)>"My debut collection, Night on the Town, was inspired by the 40’s and 50’s eras, but I have added my own modern and sultry details to update the look.">Inspired by icons such as Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe (they would never wear this shit)>Using older styles doesn't mean they have to be ugly, sweaty No. 154080
>>154056I can see a possibility of this line looking better if it was structurally better but where the hell is the Egyptian inspiration when it looks like art deco?
>>154078Kmart prom dress is all i see when I look at this collection even the colors aren't cohesive it really does look like she got what ever was in the bargain bin at a fabric store
No. 154085
File: 1622673198407.png (4.06 MB, 977x2928, rachelle.png)

>Basically she designs women's evening wear, loves nature and flowers>Pretty okay, very hit and miss, some pieces are nicer than others>Nothing revolutionary, but looks like she's doing her partThat's all, neither the two-spirited guy nor Jillian have uploaded their collections.
No. 154087
File: 1622673523108.jpg (130.84 KB, 600x900, Rachelle-4.jpg)

>>154085This one is honestly the best I've seen from them all. But I also know I've seen this type of dress multiple times before. I'll wait to see her presentation, I'm curious to see how everyone's look.
No. 154092
>>154065Taking the photos on dreary grey sofas and kitchen worktops is not making them look any less like cheap escort promo shots (samefag as
>>154060These photos are hilariously far away.
>>154085These seem the best, very much in line with fantasy styles popular on Instagram right now, ergo there is actually a market for these, which is more than can be said for every other student's collection, though I personally like the Egyptian fan's ones as well.
No. 154093
I wonder if the teacher wasn't allowed to give them aesthetic critiques, but only technical? I don't understand how no one pulled these girls aside and asked them what the vision was, these look so costumey and painfully contrived
>>154078that purple and pink dress is an eyesore
No. 154100
>>154093A genuine art school critiques your vision. You need to be able to back up your plans. Espcially in design. Why have you decided this theme. Why these fabrics. Why this cut. Why is this necessary. What makes this sustainable. Provide evidence.
But its not a genuine art school. With teachers who probably don't care and want an easy pay check.
Not like jill would respond well to these questions. She would throw a toddler fit
No. 154107
File: 1622680101909.jpeg (267.28 KB, 786x433, CCD673EF-7098-4CC0-883F-691F1F…)

>>144222sage for shitty art and also late response but i added this awhile back and now with her recent tweets feels more relevant to post
No. 154183
File: 1622731325794.png (439.13 KB, 1212x620, Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 10.4…)

She took Stevie out of her twitter bio
No. 154192
>>154183Run steebie run!!!
I wouldn't be surprised he locks himself in the basement to avoid Jill.
No. 154198
File: 1622734150189.jpg (251.57 KB, 720x926, 20210603_162854.jpg)

She is still in his bio
No. 154220
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they're still together
No. 154267
>>154183knowing her she probably took his link off to look more "professional". If she is going to do that she should still give him credit for editing her videos which she most likely wont to since Jill is shit at promoting other small creators.
>>154182anon the picture the model took
>>153480 was in Jill's work room, I imagine that's where the shoot took place. I know it sounds nit-picky and mean but Jill proves time and time again that she says she's going to do a lot of cool things but she never follows through with them.
No. 154271
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Heres a throwback she just posted.I did a side by side to compare her now. She looks like a whole different person.
No. 154294
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>>154274Challenge accepted.
No. 154302
>>154213This is not how sage works, newfag and noncon is just wrong.
>>154198Idky it comes off weird to mention you're an intern to your gf in your bio
No. 154320
>>154294The middle is cute, stilly rainby tumblr aesthetic that could have been coordinated better, but still nice when compared to now.
What she's become is a damn shame. Sad when people deteriorate by their own standards.
No. 154360
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No. 154363
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>>154360>>154362>>154348>>154347Here, gotchu covered
>"He identifies as two-spirited and his pronouns are He/They.">"My collection may seem a bit brutal to some, as it is stained with blood and ink.">the "blood" and "ink" doesn't even look like blood or ink>"Each outfit has its own story to tell, some more traumatic than others">owtheedge
>"Not only does my debut collection highlight the stories of my ancestors, it also displays the impact of systematic racism and colonization." >"The blood is to honour the ancestors that have suffered blood-shed through colonization. The ink is a literal representation of what was used to shape our lives through the Indian act."I see the intention and since I'm not a native american I can't really comment on that. I just think it is goofy to call these garments "brutal" when they don't really come across as that.
No. 154374
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>>154363I kinda like it but I can also imagine it being a fake fashion range designed for a comedy show, like it's so on the nose as to be comedic. However if you take elements from it, like the idea of a two tone tie with "blood drip" ends, I think the idea is good and could work as individual pieces, but every item being a head to toe variation of the same red and white design concept is visually too much and starts looking silly. Head to toe white will always looks silly; pic related.
No. 154389
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No. 154390
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>>154389Samefag, forgot those pics
No. 154395
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there's a loose thread kek why not just photoshop that out?
No. 154396
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>>154388I actually think Jill's collection looks not too bad (boring and not exactly high fashion, but not awful) compared to the shitshow some of her other classmates have put on. Can someone explain what the fuck is going on here, though?
No. 154400
>>154389This photoshoot is so fucking lazy lmao she really just put a bunch of her shit in front of her walls and called it a day.
Also, why tf is the model with the house skyline dress wearing visible bras????? You can literally find a strapless bra in a random supermarket for 5 bucks if thats so necessary, it completely ruins any sense of professionalism from the shoot
No. 154402
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>>154389She must know this chair has a broken leg, and if so, why is it in the front of her image! Move the chair to the back Jill.
Also kek, she either forgot or couldn't be bothered to photoshop out the top of the backing roll in her basement set. She did it on one of them, she could of just copied that aspect onto the other photos.
No. 154408
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>>154389I'm dead. The way the model in the cardigan is standing makes it look like she has one of those fake princess hats on
No. 154414
>>154389I don't get why two of the models have ugly cheap wigs? Could they not use their real hair? Not only does it cheapen everything (a feat I know) but it even hides the ears which means making them earrings was just yet another way to procrastinate.
Also, glad to see that location scouting really just meant vacuuming the cat hair and not something like, going to locations and ,,, scouting them.
No. 154416
>>154390Why did jill add a cape to this?
>>154388The blue dress reminds me of an innocent world print.
No. 154423
>>154389The darts on the bodice of the purple dress make the bust look oddly pointy.
The “links” between the bodice and the skirt look like they’re twisting the bodice, or were improperly sewn in.
>>154390This looks like it’s made of plastic…which technically it probably.
I agree the overall concept of this collection isn’t the worst, but the execution is typical half-assed Jill quality. Like did she have to waste so much time on the shoes (she could’ve used plain white shoes or just painted them white), and earrings you can’t even see?
No. 154426
>>154389The way she attached the flowers looks horrible. Would have been cuter if her dad put a line through them like a belt buckle and threaded the binding through the top.
I also notice the street dress is only shown from one angle to hide the horrible middle seam. The bodice is also super loose on the model so thats probably why she wore a bra under it. The only thing that's somewhat decent from the collection is the purple and pink dress.
No. 154433
File: 1622821533913.png (10.86 MB, 3840x2160, flowerpetalfive.png)

Tried to fix the colouring, I don't know if anyone else was having trouble looking at them as well. Toned down the yellow and cooled the rest.
No. 154451
>>154388I actually really dig the two-piece pink flower dress.
>>154390She's trying her hardest to save this look, poor girl. It's a shame, she's a good model she deserved a better dress.
No. 154458
>>154388Absolutely fucking horrible.
Visible bras all over, nothing fits, and I am astonished by how bad the photoshoot itself is. The dresses themselves are not the worst. I even kind of like the pink one with the flower links. But that's about the limit of my positive feedback. She should get a failing grade for the visible bras and frayed edges alone - it shows an utter lack of attention to detail.
No. 154467
>>154388the pompom top in the back made me nostalgic of the japan trip she made it for. Good times.
>>154463looks like some sort of bloody skin rash or so. Gross either way.
No. 154482
>>154477I don't understand why they aren't outside? I get the collection is inspired by her house, and I get the indoor/outdoor photoshoot theme, but literally all the clothes are based on florals and the outdoors - not to mention she said it was supposed to be "streetwear". She could have just as easily set up all these dinky props in her yard or a park and it would have at least looked mildly better, definitely more well-lit.
This collection is really just "Jill". She can call it whatever she wants but truly it's inspired by her, and what she wants to wear, and celebrating her. It hardly showcases being able to think outside the box, or have any sort of creative critical thoughts about fashion beyond "what I like = good".
No. 154486
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>>154389>>154390I think we're going to soft on her because of how much we have seen her shit over these months. I think there's no cohesion and the garments are fucking ugly and badly constructed. Her photoshot is awful. Wtf is this even.
No. 154490
>>154388They all look like 90s Barbie clothes, fake smiles adding to the effect. The shoes are pretty exactly like 90s Barbie shoes which makes me think it's intentional.
>>154389These photo poses look like they've broken into Jill's house and are mocking her behind her back.
The fashion looks a lot better than I was expecting, but I think it's Jill's maximum contrast and color saturation editing technique doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
Agree with all the anons above as well.
No. 154511
>>154393its not disrespectful. the indigenous elements of the garments are accurate and well made. overall it looks kind of shitty but the individual accessories are culturally appropriate
sorry for the in fighting
its dumb to tell native people theyre doing native wrong
No. 154537
>>154389>>154390This is worst than I expected, this is meant to be her big intro to her ~ Fashion Brand ~ honestly? How is she going to start Five Petal Flower if this is after months of work? I'm ready to see the scamming saga when she can't actually finish any orders.
>>154511All the outfits are very European, only the added accessories (not made by the dude) look indigenous. You sound yt.
No. 154563
>>154553I think we all forgot. A sketches vs final product thing would probably help.
Of course she didnt include an important part of her design. I bet her orders will be like that. People receive the item but its incomplete in some way.
No. 154567
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>>154537not to wk a rando, but he literally made all of the accessories, and they're all nicely done. why would you post about something you dont even know about
No. 154569
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>>154537did you even bother checking?
No. 154571
File: 1622863725438.jpg (1.83 MB, 3106x4096, IMG_20210605_132700.jpg)

>>154563Here's my attempt at a comparison. Sorry it's janky my phone is quite limited with collage making.
No. 154574
File: 1622864176314.png (4.31 MB, 3222x1477, dresses1.png)

>>154563they're a bit shoddy but i threw together some side-to-side comparisons myself
No. 154586
>>154537They aren't European at all. They are all modern adaptations of miqmak clothes.
Youre the wt one
No. 154592
>>154574i was really looking forward to the blue dress and she fucked it up so bad. The whole appeal of the bodice is the seam lines and she just skipped over them entirely? She ran out of the contrast lining, which negates the whole point of having it show on the bottom. It's almost like, I don't know, she'd have enough if she hadn't lined the bodice with it? It also needs a petticoat badly.
At first I thought the cage dress would be the only good one, but the glossy trash bag fabric and the visible seams ruins the entire thing.
No. 154602
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>>154416Don’t insult IW like that, anon.
No. 154618
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No. 154715
>>154076The cat ears and black mesh shirt look ridiculous
>>154388Why are they gray?
>>154390The model is so beautiful but that makeup - she looks like a clown