File: 1633922024632.png (4.35 MB, 1880x2032, 1633555793450.png)

No. 176591
Previous thread:
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a style she no longer personally wears>Known lurker>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm General info:
>Frivolously spends her parents' or her own money on once-worn clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends; claims she makes enough from Youtube despite previously complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent; now relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her>Is an extreme narcissist; regularly claims herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs of her ramblings>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments or posts under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to what she has seen in the threads>Has been highly dependent on her mother, friends, or partner in social events and blows minor issues way out of proportion>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image>Formerly referred to herself as queer rather than bi, lesbian, or pansexual; currently with her live-in partner Stephen Clarke and both came out as bisexual, but now Stephen is nonbinary and pansexual - the same fate as one of her other exes who became nonbinary after dating her…>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo despite knowing she has a largely underage audience; will often remove or put herself from/on said medications regardless of whether she needs them or not>Jill started her own brand, 5 petal flower. She isn’t selling anything yet, but plans to sell bad Lazy Oaf knock offs>Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel on the ground where cat can eat it. Still keeps tinsel up where the same cat can reach it for years after the fact.>She won’t stfu about her stims and super scary ‘restrictive’ eating disorderIn the last thread:
>Still gaining weight from consuming a steady diet of "safe foods" >Going to therapy every week with a "specialist" that encourages her histrionic behavior >>164720 >>166605>Claims to have auditory hallucinations >>164730>Admitted to chewing on Steve's arm for sensory reasons >>165058>Customers started recieving their dresses from Jill's collab and the material and quality were terrible >>165345>Started wearing a binder >>166616>Has been smoking weed and drinking heavily, even though it's ill-advised for people on SSRI's >>167141>Claims autisitic people's brains don't develop at the same rate as ND people's brains >>167533>Says she "completely loses control of" her limbs at her therapy appointments >>169832>Did an interview with a small website about how she is "destigmatizing mental health" >>170648>Steadily losing patrons >>171606>Still hasn't done a video on her final school runway collection >>172187>Been doing absolutely horrendous makeup >>172283>Did a poor review of the Met Gala outfits, didn't know who Marsha P. Johnson was >>173809>Admits to burn out >>174105Had some sort of psychology-related appointent
>>175651Said her childhood piano teacher was a pedophile, as always made other people's trauma about herself
>>175857>Said she was going to email her "abuser", said her life was stolen from her >>176080Old Threads:
>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526>>>/snow/540457>>>/snow/558614>>>/snow/582890>>>/snow/616989>>>/snow/646275>>>/snow/679806>>>/snow/720365>>>/snow/739688>>>/w/3116>>>/w/33281>>>/w/42916>>>/w/59471>>>/w/74104>>>/w/87679>>>/w/99779>>>/w/127283>>>/w/143253>>>/w/154731>>>/w/164089 Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: 2: Page: Facebook Page: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog: No. 176595
>>176592She is watering her fucking plants with a peri bottle- what is used to clean your ass or other private parts after surgery, childbirth, etc
No. 176604
File: 1633933041118.jpg (188.39 KB, 1232x1022, watering bottle.JPG)

>>176595I mean yes, it could be used for that, but those style of bottles can have many uses. Just search "plant watering bottle" on amazon and you get a ton of relevant results.
No. 176621
>>176612This is kind of unsettling. Bobo is one of the DID YouTubers who was taken advantage of by DissociaDID. She has 15k subscribers and says in the unboxing video that she’s a big fan of Jill. Jill goes through friends like toilet paper, and here she just started talking to Bobo and sent her this huge gift, with a note that she asked Bobo not to read on camera. (Hmm, whatever could she have written? /s) Even if you think DID isn’t a real disorder, Bobo really seems to be genuinely mentally ill and it’s fucked up that Jill is already transparently kissing her ass and digging her claws in so she’ll have some kind of street cred when she unveils her own DID diagnosis. For someone supposedly so well-versed in ~twauma~, wtf is with this imbalance of power move, Jill?
Link to the vid in case embedding doesn’t work (new at this).
No. 176651
>>176621Anon has a point about Jill going through friendships very quickly (one of the only things that makes her bpd diagnosis
valid, but Jill will never admit to it because it makes her look like an asshole. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jill drops her as soon as she gets her DID diagnosis or is using Bobo’s experiences to make it seem like she has legit DID. Also wouldn’t be surprised if Jill drops her because she finds her too unnerving and mentally ill for her liking, and tries to befriend another DID personality who she likes better
No. 176676
File: 1633996290281.png (56.16 KB, 1500x1125, imagen_2021-10-11_184708.png)

Has anyone thought about how Jillian seems more histrionic than bpd/npd? it checks out. Especially because she's becoming more sexual/flirty.
Histrionic personality disorder is basically like "chronic attention whore syndrome", they compulsively will do anything and everything for attention from people, even negative attention. They are very shallow & gullible people, prone to lacking self esteem and a sense of self and have very shallow relationships that they exaggerate.
Like they'll make a new friend and immediately be like 'OMG BESTIEEE I LOVE U SO MUCH UR MY BFF 4EVAAAA' and we are seeing this happening in real time.
I feel like Histrionic people come across as more extremely immature and self destructive (in their desire for attention), whereas narcs are like these evil black holes who actively suck people dry and move onto the next victim. Jillian doesn't have that extremely over inflated ego, but a chronic need for attention and praise from others.
She reminds me more of someone with Munchausen's syndrome, just this unquenchable thirst for attention for it to always be about 'memememememememe focus on ME, MY needs, MY wants, I'M the one HURTING, I'm the one who NEEDS your love and attention, ME".(armchair)
No. 176677
File: 1633996316265.png (1.04 MB, 1200x1200, imagen_2021-10-11_185204.png)

>>176676Samefag, here's more about HPD.
(armchairing ) No. 176683
>>176677i really dont think so. shes not that extreme.
can we move on from hpd now. this is fucking stupid
No. 176688
Has anyone noticed how after the backlash from the "neurodivergence" video she made (and never apologized from) she's now doubling down on having mental illnesses and she's trying to prove it with an expensive brain scan?
It's like, she wants that scan so no one tells her she isn't neurodivergent anymore… instead of learning from her mistakes and apologizing
>>176683I don't know, if people can talk about how much NPD she is or BPD or autistic, then maybe she could also be HPD. As long as she doesn't go to a real therapist no one will really know
No. 176695
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No. 176696
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Jill you are a straight female clown
No. 176704
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>>176695Your screencap is hard to read so I condensed it. Idk what it means though.
No. 176706
>>176683NPD is more extreme than HPD for the reasons anon mentioned. I honestly would not rule it out, she does lack empathy but she doesn't seem to be using people or abusing them on purpose. Jillian is just an attentionwhore but I doubt she has bad intentions.
Someone like Lori Cerda seems more NPD than Jillian tbh, she uses people and moves from
victim to
victim. Who knows.
No. 176721
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>>176592Old school lolita judging Jillybean.
No. 176729
>>176721>>176723>>176722Jill has been my favorite cow for years, up until this neurodivergent larp. I don't think I can hate watch her anymore either. I turned off this newest video when she was making baby babble noises to herself while looking at scrunchies and talked to the seller in a ~fUnNy VoIce~ when buying the pink camisole. I am surprised she wasn't also forcing herself to flap her hands for show but I guess she had to hold her camera.
I think she is determined to show everyone in public that yes, she actually IS a retarded toddler. Her coddling Jill is partly to blame, but I wonder what her mom thinks about all of this shit.
No. 176760
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Are people really making alters out of Jill? Also kek "I'm flattered".
No. 176762
>>176760noone is out there making alters based on you jill, but if there is you should really question the kind of fanbase you've cultivated that are happy to model their fake alter egos after you, nevermind the fact that they're mimicking a real person.
who am i kidding though she probably loves this shit because it feeds her insane ego
No. 176767
>>176760 OK, help me understand this.
If a person has DID, they 'split' into these different 'personalities'. These 'personalities' are different facets of the person.
How can one 'split' into another person's personality? Am I overthinking this? is it just mental illness loves?
No. 176768
File: 1634063570814.jpeg (322.6 KB, 828x1013, 3FBBB4E5-10DD-4627-828A-441C0E…)

So all the gross stuff about having a UTI a d being weirdly sexual is okay on your main account for your online(arguably real life self), but not your emo larp acc? Ok Jill
No. 176770
>>176767>is it just mental illness lovesyeah pretty much
some people claim to have fictives, ie alters that are literally a fictional character. a lot of ex tumblr types heavily relate to certain characters i guess so instead of saying 'oh i love [x character]' they decide that they literally are that character, and they'll make an alter of them.
although frankly i have no clue what an introject is, reading too much into DID lore & terminology makes my brain hurt
No. 176834
>>176743Been saying this for months now. And it gets hilarious the longer it goes on.
>>176760I'm so glad I don't know wtf any of this shit means.
No. 176856
>>176835thank you for making a gif of that part, it really cracked me up.
that whole part of the vlog was awkward, it's so strange to see Jill interact with (semi) normal people.
if I was selling my clothes there and Jill commented on stuff in that weird frog/elderly person(?) voice, and then started jumping around like that…
she sure makes an effort to appear special needs these days.
No. 176866
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She looks so scary, jesus.
No. 176867
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Jill you litterally shopped for a pushover super woke therapist who’s only had a year on practice and has done nothing but enable your delusions instead of challenging you to become a better person
No. 176868
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I have never seen a Youtuber with this amount of asspats for doing literally nothing of value and acting so fake and transparent, but maybe I just don't follow enough retard influencers kek
No. 176897
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Samefag, forgot to attach the screenshot like a dumbass
No. 176902
>>176867This is absolutely so cringe.
Of course therapy would had not "worked" for her because whenever she was told about her faults or things she should reflect on, she got offended and told them off. Like that one therapist who told her to think why she had the need to dress like she does. I think that therapist had good intentions for her to self reflect.
But this bitch just wants ass pats, and that's exactly what she gets from her disgusting ass 1-year practice councelor now. I bet she manipulates him and he just enables her. Disgusting.
No. 176903
>>176868>you are a celebKEKKKKKKK
narcissism levels went up I bet
No. 176917
>>176914>>176768she honestly seems deranged, who is supposed to believe that shit?
if she just didn't want to see nsfw stuff (for any reason) it should be the same for both accounts, like is she seriously trying to imply that the black clothes account is a different 'version' of her?
especially since she's still also calling herself a "baby drag human" on that account, isn't this just supposed to be her 'drag king persona'?
I have no clue about these multiply personality larper freaks on Twitter, is it normal to have one of your 'alters' also be your drag personality (not like Jill even does drag anyway…)?
No. 176928
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No. 176930
>>176909It was a school phycologist that diagnosed her and she was seeing a school counselor for a while afterwards. She was also talking about how much she loved that councelor and how amazing they were.
One look at her socials shows that she's developing inappropriate relationships with her councilors since she views them as close friends rather than a professional she's seeing to fix her mental health. She needs a real therapist if she ever wants to get better.
No. 176932
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looks like we gotta wait another 2-3 weeks for the DID reveal
No. 176981
>>176933That part is believable to me. Sorry to blog a little but when I was getting a diagnosis I didn't hear back from my neuropsych until nearly a month after I went in for testing.
I'm guessing it has more to do with doctors having tons of other shit to do and not a, omg my twisted mind is so traumatized and complex that it takes weeks to understand, thing.
No. 176994
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No. 177012
>>176995if she keeps going down this path I feel like I'm gonna have to stop reading her threads despite following her lolcow antics for years.
all this mental health clownery is just rotting my brain, this has got to be the most pathetic bunch of adults I've ever witnessed…
aren't you supposed to grow out of having imaginary friends when you're 8 years old or something? how is Jill so much more immature now than when she first started doing Youtube?
No. 177027
>>176768People who put DNIs in their bios are complete fucking idiots and are opening them selves up to be
triggered by people who hate them.
>>176928I'm curious to what the rest of the comments are. If the bottom one is any indecator Jill seems to be the only person giving ass pats while everyone one else is rightfully sceptical since munchies tend to be narcs with extra steps.
>>176995If she struggles with depersonalization so much and so often why not get off all social media that uses her corporal form as a selling point?
i did that and it helped significantly will all aspects of my mental health especially the depersonalization. She really just needs to step off-line for a while and find a real therapist
No. 177036
>>177027She’ll never leave the internet because it’s her only source of income it seems like, and she also needs it to run her “brand” I’d imagine. Also, she’s extremely self obsessed and I doubt she’d be able to handle it. She thrives off the attention of literal strangers, most of which are munchie spergs.
>>176995 god the cringey tone indicators are the icing on the cake
No. 177073
>>177060"Similar to a fictive, a factive is an introject based on a real person, either historical or currently living. It is another word for a factual introject."
basically these people are pretending that they have DID/multiple personalities, and one of those personalities happens to be based on a real person
it's just an unfortunate evolution of tumblr kinnie culture and finding internet 'celeb' randos #relatable tbh
No. 177137
>>177133>I am pretty well-versed on system stuffImagine her, sitting on her dirty couch full of cat fur and mcnuggie crumbles, full clown makeup´and histrionic outfit, saying this with a straight face to some rando on twitter. All while knowing the only """degree""" she has is a shitty diploma she got from a half-assed, badly sewn collection of bargain-tin clothes at an arts and crafts sewing club class for losers. Imagine thinking she has any say on a field where people spend literal years studying, doing research and writting papers on the matter.
She needs to quit larping. Enough is enough. But she won't. She will get worse. This DID fandom saga is ridiculous, imagine being part of a fandom where the thing you must do is roleplay as a severe mentally ill person. But she believes these delusions herself. This is so fucking sad.
No. 177161
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the persons new names for their jillian alter.
No. 177162
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>>177161heres them as "pixie"
No. 177165
>>177162Surely it should be super uwu ~
triggering~ that they dared to ask for ‘fem’ name suggestions for their Jillian role play, since she’s totes an enby now and it’s bullying to call her a she.
She can’t even keep her own story straight
No. 177169
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>>177162Picrew in question
I thought the Confetti Club was an incredibly cringy fanbase that Jill must be embarrassed of but this is at another level, and the worst part is that she’s
actively pandering to them. Imagine when conventions start back up and she runs into one of these loons in real life.
No. 177179
>>177162>>177161What in the actual fuck
Please this is getting out of control, very horrorcow-esque now
Like imagine wanting to larp as Jillian, a fucking clown loser, and then Jillian being like "OMG CUTE -emoji emoji emoji- I SUPPORT" like this shouldn't be real, she's obviously being fake nice holy shit?
No. 177182
>>177162Get off the internet!
These people spend way too much time online and not enough in the real world.
No. 177192
>>177185>>177179We're definitely hitting creepy/horrorcow levels now, there's something very odd about someone larping as you right in front of you and talking to you while doing it?? Just stalkery and odd. And she isn't even an official DID loon yet, there will be more of them.
Surely cultivating a desirable audience is integral to being an influencer or celebrity of any kind? Why cultivate
No. 177205
>>177162hot take: what if this person is just an elaborate troll?
Like think about it, creating an insulting alter of her because she can't say no because that'd be ableist. She also can't say anything bad about it because it'd come off as ableist/hypocritical. I mean their PFP is a literal clown.
Sage for dumb tinfoil.
No. 177212
>>177192Honestly this is so easy. Having normal, well-adjusted fans would call her out on her shit (and some have, in the past). But now she's surrounding herself with yes men who enable her delusions. A lot of these people don't have any concept of boundaries, so that could be potentially dangerous if she meets one irl, but right now they're all seperated by screens and may continue to be for awhile. I genuinely do not believe that Jill is very smart, so I don't think that this is some grand plan that she's devised, I just think that she's spiralling and is genuinely mentally ill (just not in the kawaii way that she thinks she is)
>>177205Ngl That would be hilarious if it were the case, but after reading the confetti club threads and seeing the freaks that have been following her for all these years I doubt it
No. 177214
>>177205As much as that would be hilarious, after reading through this persons account I don’t think it is. They also claim to have an ‘introject’ of Olivia Rodrigo.
The funny thing is, that person has ‘endos DNI’ in their bio. After googling wtf that meant, I realize it was referring to “endogenic systems” ie. people who claim to split later in life not due to childhood trauma. Even though Jill is currently shopping for enough childhood trauma to justify her bs, it’s funny to me that she’s exactly what most of the DID community shuns as being fake (as if 99% of all of them aren’t)
Sage for DID sperg
No. 177215
File: 1634344380377.jpeg (176.67 KB, 1170x386, C3067E46-B719-44EA-A5FE-8F149E…)

poor jillian. it must be so hard having your family call you by your birth name instead of pixie.
No. 177217
>>177215she has it so easy at home. I wish she knew what true trauma is. Imagine being called Jillian and seething about it. Gross human being, gross beyond words.
>>177214So Jillian is "endogenic" or whatever, but like… if that fan person is larping as jill, does it mean it also has jillian's second personality or whatever? god this goes deep into the retard rabbit hole
No. 177224
>>177205That's the issue with the internet it's really hard to tell when some one is being genuine or deeply rooted in irony that it just comes off as genuinely unhinged. But this person comes off as genuine with the correct use of the tone indecators and the weird rambling.
>>177215She acts as if she's not femme presenting 90%. I hope her parents see just how much she's gone down hill or they just pretend to be blind to how gross she's become.
No. 177247
File: 1634371149507.jpeg (64.59 KB, 750x429, 1623948528960.jpeg)

>>177215picrel is what she said just a few months ago when she first announced she wanted to be called Pixie now.
either she doesn't care that much what she actually gets called and she just plays this up for pity/oppression olympics or she is just getting increasingly unwell if it suddenly makes her that uncomfortable.
her "sweet baby angel uwu" therapist sure has been helping a lot either way.
No. 177268
File: 1634409069773.jpeg (183.91 KB, 828x582, 4B5F24A8-B1CF-4C5B-A660-EDF19E…)

No. 177275
>>177268Ma'am…uh, isn't this whole persona devoted to the days she's too exhausted to
be Pixie?
No. 177290
File: 1634437810682.png (611.47 KB, 1080x1083, Screenshot_20211016-181311-791…)

She's been posting a lot of shit like this lately. Do you think people in her personal life are rightfully questioning her or do you think she's just coming on to here to see us talk shit about her?
No. 177346
File: 1634456267336.jpg (132.69 KB, 1170x1327, 20211016_184837.jpg)

Pixie ghost wrote this(don't post irrelevant content)
No. 177361
>>177346KEK this is pretty irrelevant but I can imagine her "coming out" as something
problematic after she's completed building her narrative
No. 177369
>>177346We've hit peak "using unrelated illness as excuse for being a shithead" and I can't even tell if this is satire.
I can imagine Jill using her alters and imagined trauma as an excuse, should any callout videos appear.
No. 177459
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No. 177471
File: 1634542132751.png (99.96 KB, 609x701, Untitled.png)

>>177459How did she not know that she was diagnosed with that??
Here are some examples of it but obviously there are more things which fall under that umbrella term, I'm pretty sure a medical professional would have an extensive discussion with her about this if she was diagnosed with one of those?
No. 177549
>>177459This is hilariously sad.
I feel that it was inappropriate for the phycologist to tell her all the things she was (possibly) diagnosed with with out going in to what about her meets the criteria. It makes sense that that's her ED diagnosis since she went from "spoopy" ana to over eating calorically dense foods. Now she wants the excuse of eating like shit by saying she has texture issues when most people who genuinely have texture issues are under weight since eating food grosses them out.
Do you anons think that she'll make a video about her mental health assessment she paid money for or will she just push it under a rug because she didn't get the diagnosis she wanted?
No. 177558
File: 1634593582219.png (1.15 MB, 828x818, 5c00ce8dcb300242e0fdfd7974be74…)

Jillian be like
No. 177561
>>177459so like her retarded ass didn't understand the diagnosis that her doctor gave her, but still milked it to no end, saying she was a poor uwuskinny anachan and always mentioning how much she suffered from her ED but like, she never dared to ask for clarification? until now that she can actually milk it for being "uwu special eating disorder" type? godddddd she's disgusting.
>I thought the doctors were just saying "I don't know"jillian doctors are not as retarded as you think they are
No. 177637
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No. 177638
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I guess?? But good job everyone, you really found the guy
No. 177644
File: 1634654833834.png (157.88 KB, 1440x694, hvut758.png)

>>177637Preferred pronouns out of drag are He/Him, Pixie, can't believe you'd disrespect someone like this /s
(Seriously though her therapist is male so why is she comparing them to a drag persona? Risky!)
No. 177683
File: 1634675505077.png (719.65 KB, 536x506, eugina coonie.PNG)

>>177657she photoshopped herself anorexic. she was never underweight
>neck flexing>obvious and bad shoopdont forget her look book still exists No. 177684
>>177668>y'allgo back
In all seriousness though, although ED can be diagnosed in any size, she was the one to say that she was so uwuskinny back then when honestly most of the shit she posted was photoshoped as hell. Check some of the first threads, you'll see.
No. 177685
>>177663>god her relationship/obsession with her therapist is beyond is. No professional counselor goes this far and personal.
Now if she only knew she's being groomed, now she would have actual proof of why she's fucked up, not via imaginary abuse.
No. 177687
File: 1634676078705.png (819.33 KB, 1440x2220, tiktok.png)

Recent news story relevant to Pixie, doctors are finding people with no previous Tourettes are developing it suddenly after watching TikTokers with it (or pretending to have it)
Her psychologist should be considering the fact she is an influencer with heavy use of social media, and may be affected by social contagion, but they must just prefer the paypacket they're getting from her frequent "affirming" sessions with her "angel therapist"
No. 177697
>>177657This is the oldest video on her channel. Look at her just wasting away, so smol, so thin and fragile.
Obviously you can have EDNOS without being underweight, but she looks like a completely average teenager. She doesn't look sickly in any way, her skin is fine, I'm sure her hair looked as healthy as it could when it wasn't dyed. There are ways to appear sick, especially with an ED/restricted eating without literally just being skinny and she looks completely healthy and average. Though I'm not sure of her timeline with dating Tristan and at what point he magically cured her with male attention.
No. 177714
>>177687>>177706This is probably fueled by narcissism but I think it's possible Jill (and other munchies) have actual issues wrong that they don't want to admit or get treated. Maybe because of the social stigma (such as narcissism or BPD). They know they're sick tho, or at least that their life sucks as a result of being sick even if they won't admit that's why, so they adapt to more accepted mental illness instead to project there's something wrong with them & treat that to feel good, rather than the real issue, maybe.
I think a big part of it is control tho. Especially with Jill. She's always been sensitive to critiques and now she's latching into mental illnesses that can "excuse" her flaws. We've definitely entered an age where not tip toeing around someone's mental illness is considered a bad thing, and even worse if you suggest they try and work on it and get better. She's protecting herself.
She is also attempting to project how good a person she is by bending over backwards and being a doormat to the whims of these lunatics by never explicitly saying anything is bad or good. She won't outright say that kinning her is annoying and disgusting, she'll only hint at it in a kind way that makes her appear unthreatening. The same behavior she now expects from others around her, because she is mentally ill and as thus cannot be hurt, or you are a bad person.
Jill is pretty particular about how people view her. To the point of making a second Twitter to showcase and separate something that anyone else would just see as a normal part of a whole person, not a separate personality. She exposes a lot of personal things online as well and really seems to tie her self esteem to how she presents herself to others. I think she would benefit a lot from being removed from the internet and taught not to value how she's perceived, not in a "I don't care what other people think" way, but more of a "I don't need to be seen at all" way. She needs to not value attention. She should focus on her own personality & her relationship with her bf and family, and stay as far away from parasocial relationships as possible. Start dressing normal and lose the clown makeup as well. She's spiraling so quickly.
No. 177847
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>>177842I could give her makeup a pass if she stopped doing that fugly clown mouth and the white on her nose.
Video Summary:
>talks about the virtues of secondhand furniture>says its hard to find furniture that fits her aesthetic>oftentimes she's bored and paints, says it's therapeutic and comforting>"upcycling" her brother's nightstand for her office>says her anxiety is so bad that she doesn't even want to go onto her porch to sand her nightstand>interrupts her boring video to do a function of beauty advert>says function of beauty has been the only thing to fix her hair, even though her hair looks frizzy and damaged, laughable>also keeps smacking her lips during the advert >says she wants to paint the drawer psychedelic 70's inspired>says she turned this "leisure project" into work by filming it, calls it girlbossing, "they/them bossing">puts a purple ceramic flower-shaped handle for the drawer>does a desk tour>stevie bought her a kid's toy that's shaped like a rainbow, for stimming/decor (don't worry though its sustainable!!!)>talks about how she likes a lot of lights on>says she'll light a candle (but she says the candle she has by the desk hasn't been lit yet?) to keep herself working (on what Jill? Your fake diagnoses?) No. 177851
>>177847One thing that struck me in how she contradicts herself is right after she said she was 'too anxious to be on her porch' she follows it up with saying she's 'so shy' also her function of beauty sponsor, like every other time she's done it, she's basically brushing the very end of her actual hair and then the extensions she wear
Her repaint of the dresser drawer reminded me of those corkboards she painted for college
No. 177855
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>>177842She looks like a wood puppet with a broken blinking eye mechanism.
When she said that she was doing a "water marble" i was expecting something like this, the drawer just looks messy. I'm glad she's doing more diy things but damn she needs to practice.
No. 177873
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>>177842Is anyone else noticing Jill’s double chin coming in? I wonder is she’s stress eating for her “anxiety”. I hope she gets well soon.
No. 177884
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Is she trying to get Steve to buy this big fuck off candle for her? What happened to being a boss babe who was totally paying for her town house? Also this candle is like $60-$80
No. 177895
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>>177843sad shit. Could be worse though
No. 177898
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>>177847squid game looking house
No. 177902
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If I close my eyes I think of 2015 jillian. But then I open them, and see this double chin fatso
No. 177903
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>>177902please someone help her put the fork down
No. 177906
File: 1634779603984.gif (11.6 MB, 520x293, Rainbow_Home_Office_UPCYCLE_an…)

I'm going to post these two gifs side to side… note how she's not only heavier, but also looks uncomfortable with her body
No. 177909
>>177906Even her hands are chunky now, the shoulders and hands in this versus the old clip really are telling. She looks like moving is uncomfortable for her.
This is what happens when you are surrounded by enablers.
No. 177915
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>>177895>>177902stop acting like she wasnt unbearable back then too. she was
>bullied out of lolitafor a reason
rainbow bangs doki doki kawaii ambassador confetti club fb group was her best era (lolcowing included)
im sitting and waiting for her to give in and go full 600lb autism DID munchies soon.
No. 177940
>>177903no wonder she's too """shy""" to even go out on her own porch now, anyone would be embarrassed to go out like that…
she straight up says "my anxiety is literally so bad that I don't want to be perceived on my porch", yet she goes on about how much therapy is helping her??? she seems worse than ever before
also her solution to this seems to be… just moving to a place that isn't a townhouse? is she just planning on becoming a giant rainbow toddler hermit?
No. 177943
>>177884I think that's one of those spice houses/storage containers she was talking about in her like thrifting/spend the day with me vlog; I would love to know how much Stevie/behind the scenes shopping she does, a shopping addiction like she probably has doesn't just go away on its own, especially if it's tied to her mental health, which barely seems there at the moment
>>177842I was watching back her thrift flip video (when she was still living with her parents) and I wonder if the stress of being away from her mom so long is what's making her lose it, she knows she 'needs' to be an adult, her brother is probably successful/on his own and (major tinfoil coming up) I could see her dad putting his foot down that once she's moved out she shouldn't move back home unless she has to, and lousie coddling jill as her 'precious baby girl' in jills mind if she gets 'sick enough' she could go back, hence her making comments about her anxiety and not being in a townhouse anymore and diagnosis shopping
No. 177957
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wonder how the rest of her family feels about this lol
No. 177963
>>177957lmao what? how dare someone you personally dislike decided to spend xmas with their own family am i right
pretty sure most people have members of their family that they don't get on with but the whole point of christmas is that its only once a year so you grin and bear it
No. 177975
>>177957I’m assuming that this is Christmas at her parents’ house (can you picture Jill hosting a family Christmas party at her nightmare clownhouse?) and they invited this “nasty” family member themselves, since she didn’t mention anything about them being unwelcome. Do her parents not know that making her interact with this relative is detrimental to Jill’s mental health?
I bet it’s an aunt or uncle who once made fun of her fashion sense or something.
No. 177978
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>>177906>>177903It's one thing to be an obnoxious rainby weirdo, it's another thing entirely to be this
and suddenly gaining weight like Phoebe Tickner. Simplest solution: pick one, Rainbow clothes/hair or big and bodyposi. Clearly she can't handle being looked at for both anymore.
No. 177998
>>177994She's copying Emilia Fart who basically did the same thing.
Don't be surprised if her future videos will switch to doing outlandish rainby things in public places and vlogging about her every thought like YT is her therapy diary.
No. 177999
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>>177998Kek I was just about to post that she’s copying Emilia. Right down to the center part and hilarious makeup. I think she’ll start covering her double chin soon with a scarf.
No. 178007
>>177940>she straight up says "my anxiety is literally so bad that I don't want to be perceived on my porch", yet she goes on about how much therapy is helping her??? she seems worse than ever beforethis lmao
>>177941Unrelated but I once met a /div/ reader on 4chan who was a schizo and she would read tarot with sakura card captor cards. She was admitted to a psych ward more than once.
No. 178009
>>177943I feel like her parents spent so much money on her, for her to have her own house, that if she moves back they'll be upset at her.
Plus she just likes being able to fuck stewie whenever she wants to, do you think she would give that away? I'm just waiting for when she moves out into a smaller place or something. She'll freak the fuck out and it'll be really sad, to move away from her "dream house". But honestly she can't continue paying that rent without her parents, and her parents could potentially pull the plug anytime.
No. 178010
>>177957This sounds so entitled
I bet she's an eyesore for that person too.
No. 178014
>>177957me me me me fuckin me me me me ME it's all about ME, how dare someone have to interact with ME maybe I'M the fucking disgrace in this family, trying to rule with all my fee fees.
God, imagine having Jillian infecting your family connections.
No. 178025
>>178002>It's an instant gratification thing too. Weight loss takes a lot of time and effort, but doing crazy shit to your hair/makeup/clothes (body mods too, eg Charms) is immediate. I was thinking this yesterday. Adding more glitter to her increasing bodysize and paying thousands for enabling therapists, and brain tests, rather than simply eating less, moving more and not absorbing up 100% mental illness, drag and trans content online, and then wondering why you think you're a trans drag mentally ill person.
It's actually so simple - so much more than all this shit - to work on her physical health and self help with her (what are actually mostly) minor issues. She went the worst, most convoluted path away from fixing the problem which is clearly bad habits, overeating, and internet addiction.
No. 178027
>>178014Imagine getting an angry email from your clown relative because you dared to accept the invitation Jill's mom/dad sent for them to attend Christmas dinner.
Narcissism off the charts. This is the second "angry email" she's Tweeted about recently, previously suggesting she's going to email her ""abuser"" aka deviantart girl she briefly dated at 13. Her shitass therapist clearly suggested this in some way or another and it's a truly terrible idea.
>solve problems by sending poison pen letters No. 178028
>>178009Imagine Jill waddling up to you at 1pm or whenever she usually wakes up:
it's time for fucky wuckies! and you trying as hard as possible to think of more attractive people, while getting it over with as soon as possible
No. 178031
>>177978Feebs is a munchie icon. Jill simply can't compete.
>>178029tinfoil but yeah, it wouldn't be surprising if she's keeping it vague so that her audience connects the dots between her relative and >muh trauma.
No. 178036
>>177978God I miss her. Phobes please come back so we can laugh at you.
>>178027Doesn’t she always use the ‘I’m so bad at sending emails it gives me anxiety’ excuse for why she’s so shitty at replying to professional opportunities. She can’t shoot back a simple email to a business but she can write an insane person rant to send to a relative she’s gonna see in person.
No. 178057
>>178027This is very ironic too because not to long ago Jill was saying how anxiety inducing receiving and replying to emails is to her. Is she sending out these emails never expecting people to rightfully send her an angry or upset email back? She's so self absorbed that she doesn't even realize that her actions effect more people than just herself.
>>178029>>178031It's shitty if she is doing that because she keeps wanting to co-opt other people's traumas or just make up traumas so she feels justified for being a bitch.
No. 178094
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>>178028i was just thinking the same thing. there is no way in hell steebie is still attracted to her in any way, shape or form. she's changed so much and for the worse in every aspect.
picrel what he got vs what he is now stuck with kek
No. 178096
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>>178094bitch lookin like a budgie nowadays
No. 178102
File: 1634870591614.jpeg (133.68 KB, 750x330, 2D95CF20-2612-47FB-80C7-FAE5DD…)

Not invited by her parents and Jills bff mom is a-okaying the email…
I would LOVE to have access to Jills emails/letters to these “abusers”.
No. 178108
>>178102This has big “my father will hear about this” energy”.
It’s probably just some cousin Jill’s age that she never got along with. Clearly nothing serious, since yknow her mum isn’t stopping her from coming. ‘Emailing my grievances’ is such a fucking weird thing to say/do. Just have a conversation with the person you absolutely nut job
No. 178110
>>178102>emailing my grievances to smooth things overYes, writing aggressive emails to people is a great way to "smooth things over" Jill.
Also would love to see these emails, but I think we can imagine what form they might take based on her Tweets.
No. 178118
File: 1634885929834.jpg (14.47 KB, 220x240, 0.jpg)

>>178102KEK imagine being Jill's relative though:
So you're her aunt or cousin or something and haven't seen that part of your family in a while. You think you might as well take the opportunity since you are visiting your new boyfriend for Christmas anyway and he happens to live in the same town.
Out of nowhere, you get an email from this niece/cousin you barely know. It's a deranged rant talking about how much you hurt her feelings and traumatized her years ago, you probably don't even remember the incident. (I assume that relative either made some comment regarding her fashion choices or maybe her like for magical girl cartoons/weeb stuff, maybe remarking how it seems a bit childish.)
Confused, you end up looking at her Facebook page or easily find her other social media and see that in just the few years since you've last spoken to her she devolved from 'quirky Tumblr weeb girl' to an obese rainbow they/them smurf that whines about how mentally ill she is all day on Twitter.
I mean Jill publicly states that she is too scared to go out on her own porch, that bitch shouldn't be trying to draw attention to herself by sending out cringe emails like that lmao.
You just know that relative is gonna share this around her friend circle and Jill is gonna become their new laughing stock.
If I was the relative I'd be sure to throw shade and make subtle hints at all the stuff that might
trigger Jill when she shows up for Christmas.
No. 178130
>>178102I also think Jill takes advantage of the fact that to outsiders everything is vague. I truly believe if Collin breaking up with Jill wasn't so public she would also try to project them as "
abusive" as well.
Listen I get it, I have annoying aunts as well that I resent. But as an adult if they spoke to me now like they spoke to me when I was younger I would just curse them out. Not write a dumbass email telling them how they hurt my feelings when I was 9.
No. 178137
File: 1634901095157.png (811.21 KB, 611x874, vi.png)

I think you guys were right about this being her 13 year old "trauma" alter
No. 178144
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>>178137I’m no shoop expert but is this image not heavily edited?
Also the comments on it are so cringe
No. 178156
>>178130I imagine she probably does. she probably keeps baiting Steve by saying that he's her first non
abusive partner but if they were to break up he would suddenly become a shitty boyfriend. She runs a pattern to where she was always a
victim never a perpetrator.
>>178137She always had a slight Milo Stuart quality to her…
>>178144It might be the ground next to her hips and waist is lighter and smoother than the ground right next to it. It kinda looks like baby's first Photoshop job with how odd and out of place it is.
No. 178166
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this is such a bad photoshop job
also jillian just because you want to act rude and """"masculine"""" it doesn't mean you are a boy lmaoooo
No. 178198
>>178192she always knew he was too warm and friendly
what a way to make other people's trauma about yourself, jillian
No. 178299
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>>178143this line here makes it obvious she liked her face in one photo and then tried to splice it onto a diff picture but she didn’t line it up right it is so obvious kek
No. 178404
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pixielocks and drew monson
No. 178405
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No. 178406
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she has spam accounts on her videos
No. 178407
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>>177884I think she changed something with her caption because it now says:
>Happy Christmas Birthday Thanksgiving Samhain to me…?????!!!!!(samefagging, etc) No. 178408
File: 1635043175448.png (249.74 KB, 610x498, poop.png)

Oh no she's larping with picrew icons now
No. 178412
File: 1635045323467.jpeg (318.04 KB, 828x1056, 94C69E59-5174-4B35-9FCA-83396A…)

Jill no one was fucking jealous of you, no one wanted to be around you because you threw tantrums when you didn’t get the lead role and your narc mom fed your delusions of being better than everyone. Also fuck off with the whole “the only one whose gotten anywhere” you just larp as a mentally ill nb while dressed like a fat deranged clown because your fashion degree got you no where because you went to a hack school
No. 178504
>>178412What Jill considers having her shit together:
>A place to live away from parents>Going to therapy>having a YouTube job>Clown makeupWhat is actually having her shit together:
>A healthy living environment>A therapist that holds you accountable when you want to trigger yourself>a stable job that isn't reliant on other people's disposal income >An understanding that dressing to draw attention is a form of self harm (especially if you claim to have anxiety to the point that you can't leave the house)Also some one who actually has their shit together wouldn't call it a "villain origin story" only someone who's mentally unhinged would.
No. 178514
>>178504Agreed except for this point:
>An understanding that dressing to draw attention is a form of self harm Head to toe black burglar costume and a balaclava or it's self harm. I think overeating to the point she clearly does combined with clown makeup is self harm though, it depends what you qualify as "attention drawing" fashion/makeup.
No. 178518
>>178470My thoughts exactly
Being a witch larper must suck for her.
>>178477She thinks having a rainbow prision whose parents helped pay, a therapist that enables her delusions, and a gay boyfriend who is probably also making her fat is succesful. Though luck, it isn't about how much plastic shit you have or how you paint your ugly house, like this hoarder thinks.
Like, she copes via buying anime figures and clothes, having a yassqueen councelor, larping 5 mental ilnesses, larping being a witch, larping being a tranny, and getting UTIs from steven is succesful? Bitch please you yourself said you can't go out without having anxiety. You fatso piggy clown. Please diet, ditch steven, and get some actual help from once, maybe that way you'll get to 1% of getting your life together.
No. 178521
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Ok but Jill was actually perfect as Frenchie. It suited her so well and she looked adorable. To think this incident was “her villain origin story” is fucking stupid. It’s clear the casting director knew what he was doing.
No. 178536
File: 1635109627542.jpg (92.08 KB, 1280x720, iuAUSHB88U.jpg)

>>178518>getting UTIs from steven is successful?Anons pulling no punches in this thread
>>178521She radiates Frenchie, but also Rizzo. She is not Sandy in any way shape or form, Sandy is a sweet character. Pixie larps sweetness while being a
toxic narcissist.
No. 178562
>>178514Anon I meant it in the context of Jillian. She wears bright clashing colors and patterns that don't work and would look horrible even on some one thin and conventionally attractive.
>>178521This picture looks like those staged "stop bullying now" posters she can't even look genuinely sad, no wonder she got a supporting role.
No. 178598
>>178554samefag, but oops I just realized I tagged the wrong post
but speaking of, I remember someone posting a SoundCloud(?) link from the old band she was in where she was singing. I briefly looked for it but couldn’t really find anything, if anyone has that link and wants to back up her being able to (or not being able to) sing
No. 178659
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Not into either but don’t they have like, nothing in common? Star Trek being a space thing of the week sort of deal while Harry Potter is hero’s journey with wizards.
No. 178663
>>178659Harry Potter is bad now cause the author is a
terf. Star trek is good cause it pats performative people in the back. Its not a matter of her giving people a less "
problematic" harry potter-like piece of media, its just her trying to sound woke.
No. 178683
>>178659Jill is definitely one of those people who was never told to shut the fuck up.
Also what narc dictates what people choose to enjoy.
No. 178695
>>178659who wants to bet jill had a hardcore hp phase at one point and is now projecting?
but seriously wtf, people are allowed to like whatever they want im surprised she's not getting flamed for this bad take. imagine suggesting star trek as an alternative to harry potter lmao
No. 178712
>>178672Yes, but if you say anything about magical, untouchable trannies in 2021 your career is doomed,
nonny. Jill knows low-hanging fruit when she sees it, half her audience is genderspecials. I'm still shocked her side account gets this many likes regularly.
No. 178720
>>178659Why is she dictating what others can and can't like? Why does it always have to be what
she wants? Why does everything have to be about her?
No. 178721
>>178659All I understood was
"LOL you fucking AUTISTS like h*rry pooter?? didn't you know that's
TERF shit? why don't you GROW THE FUCK UP and start liking WHAT I WANT AND WHAT I LIKE instead? be like me or else uwu"
No. 178722
>>178672>Roddenberry was a leery sexist and berman said various racist and homophobic shit.Yeah but he wasn't a
terf (the new evil thing to hate), so of course it isn't bad in her performative woke mind.
No. 178734
>>178659She's just angry that JKR has made bank off her books and movies and will continue to, because no normal person gives a shit about her saying biological sex is real. (which it is.)
Jill is a pathetic basement dweller, living off her mom's income
No. 178744
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No. 178745
>>178744This is the dumbest excuse ever.
IMO all those fake illnesses are just a way for Jillybean to avoid adulting and stay forever in the land of childhood and no responsibilities.
“I woke up with some sensory overload so i won’t be able to make it! I’m feeling extra dissociative today so i can’t come in the end! You might think I ghosted you but it’s actually Villainy who said yes to meet and she’s not here right now sowwy”
Like I don’t know anyone with any disability that make them straight up forget they booked anything (I guess I could buy it if someone was drowsy because of medication), but wouldn’t they try to still act like adults and go?
Jillian must be fucking exhaustive to be around.
No. 178765
File: 1635232174389.jpeg (530.46 KB, 2388x1668, E2707092-54B5-4A75-A3DF-D2094D…)

I wasn’t sure how much weight Jill had gained since she posted her “I got fat” video a while ago so I made a comparison picture kek no wonder she doesn’t want to leave her house anymore
No. 178785
>>178754Did is supposed to come with loss of memory so say an alter does something then you switch back, you would have no memory of it because you weren’t there effectively
, it’s one of the reasons the real deal is so debilitating and why fakers like it because you can use that loophole to get away with stuff
No. 178787
>>178745I had some problems with memory loss when my anxiety was at an all time high. I changed medication and got a planner because i had shit to do.
You can do it too jill! We believe in you!
No. 178830
>>178787I can't tell if you're joking or unironically believe this crock load of shit isn't her trying to larp her perception of DID
I have so much second hand embarrassment right now, i don't want to believe people chose this narrative past their preteens wtf
No. 178868
>>178765everyday she's closer to becoming kikomi
>>178744Imagine being a DID larper and actually believing you have memory loss. Idiot
No. 178873
>>178844Everybody can easily forget stuff, like if you just took some medication, were drinking, smoked a bowl or just had a lot going on that day.
She’s just larping and slowly building herself a case to prove that she totally didn’t fake DID, she had symptoms for yeaaaars. Right now I bet she’s just trying to figure out a way to get out of the “trauma must happen at a very young age” part of DID, like when she tried to bait using autism to explain why she’d experience it later than others.
Also why she’s been bringing up supposed trauma that happened a decade ago. She’s just going to drop hints here and there for a while (“I’m weirdly dissociating today! I can’t remember doing x! I went for some medical brain tests the other day”) and also cozying up to other DID YouTube so when the time comes and she’ll show off her alters, she’ll have “legit” systems backing her up against people who’ll bring up legitimate doubts.
She really thinks she’s smart but she’s so transparent, she’s just hoping no one in her special echo chamber will call her out because it’s “ableist”
No. 178949
Saged for no milk but she is diagnosed with BPD, right?
Identity disturbances is one of the criteria for diagnosis. I have this disorder myself and one of my biggest issues is how many people I've got living in my head. Not "alters" or any sort of separate entities, but my personality is split and fragmented, and has been since I was a kid. I have so wildly different moods that it feels like I as a person am constantly changing, and I can't reconcile these various selves that they instead end up feeling like different people who I cohabit with inside my body. This is not spoken about a lot, but it is common with borderlines and is managed by therapy and working to reconcile your "selves" with yourself while simultaneously working on the classic BPD management of emotions, impulsivity and relationships. Therapy helps a lot, if you can find a professional who's experienced with the disorder. With the right therapist, Jillian could improve greatly.
I grew up with a narcissistic mom and the abuse I faced from early on in my life is what led me to develop BPD. Jillian has this really weird relationship with her mother as well, and she seems to reinvent herself every so often, making This One Special Thing her entire identity (Crayola, Peeps, and so on…)
Anons have been speculating autism, but autism and BPD is ofted mistaken for one another in women and these identities she takes on based on a concept is very stereotypically borderline.
I think that, if Jillian "comes out" as DID, it is because she is being sucked into a community of munchies and other confused borderlines, to find some explanation for why she is so fragmented in regards to her sense of self. This is so saddening to watch play out, especially as someone who recognizes the struggle myself. What she needs is a therapist with good understanding of BPD, who can treat her full range of issues. Not this quack counselor cheering her on while she continues her descent.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 178963
>>178873>Right now I bet she’s just trying to figure out a way to get out of the “trauma must happen at a very young age” part of DIDshe already has though. in previous threads there were twitter screenshots of her claiming to be more sensitive to trauma than everyone else (thus making her totally not fake gf trauma more
valid) and later that she was also a neurodivergent late bloomer (thus meaning she didn't have to get traumatized early).
No. 178980
>>178976"Hates washing face because of sensory issues" nah my nugga you just dirty.
Also there is such a thing as washing your face in th shower. Or taking off the shirt that got wet for washing said face or don't wear a shirt at all while washing face!!! And wouldn't caking on makeup give you more of sensory issue?
No. 178981
>>178980i can't imagine she takes many showers, tbh..
imagine sleeping with a full face of makeup, days with no showering.. her bed probably reeks. no wonder steve sleeps in a different bed.
No. 178983
>>178976>Jillian giving out "advice" with BPD and disossiationWho the fuck asked you bitch? I'm not following the advice of some retard clown. I swear to god she ALWAYS THINKS she's some kind of "voice in the community" for people and we all know she knows jack shit. She has the need to be important but she's nothing but a piss stain in the sea of manipulative people on youtube who think can give out advice without even being professionals.
>doesn't batheGod no wonder she looks so fucking crusty and stinky.
No. 178985
>>178976Lolita era
>Gives half assed tips about how to wear lolita, thinks she's an important voice in the community>thinks buying more stuff = more knowledge>Everyone calls bullshit, she gets offended and stops wearing it, we all move onMagical girl obsesion era
>Thinks she's the biggest magical girl fan, hasn't even watched certain shows and she even has the nerve to critizice them>thinks buying more stuff = more knowledge>Eventually she gets tired of it and gets some over obsessionJ-Fashion era
>Doesn't even dress in real j-fashion, still she thinks she can make her own retarded style and call it "party-kei" so everyone can copy her. Thinks this is an influential move.>thinks buying more stuff = more knowledge>Eventually she lost interest and got too fat to continue.Mentawy Ill era
>She thinks she has 5 different diseases (not counting steven's UTI) and thinks this makes her special>thinks paying a wackjob "therapist" and some brain scans = more knowledge>She starts giving advice on things she has no training in, but this time it is fucking harmful to everyone>Her fans eat that shit right up No. 178987
File: 1635363624143.jpeg (358.47 KB, 750x624, B24BE908-BD4A-4212-9EEB-5B3964…)

>>178976this was the tweet she sent out. how tasteless can she fucking me? haha fun crafts! Also LOL I was suicidal uwu
No. 178990
>>178987Yeah it suicide is SOOO FUNNY!!
When will people grow spines and call this dumb bitch out?
No. 178994
>>178987Where's your
trigger warning, Jillybean? I thought you were queen of the fragile mentawwy iww beans! Joking about kys is not very uwu of you
No. 179009
>>178976its been said before, but people with sensory issues typically dont enjoy putting things on their face, especially the eyes, and being dirty from not showering is the worst feeling even if you dont have sensory issues. is she becoming the type of person who has really bad acne because of makeup and now cant stand to be seen without it?
also… does she not get her clothes wet putting ON makeup, brushing her teeth, or getting dressed? what about taking her medication? she is lying out of her ass and wont even do research to back up her fake symptoms!
No. 179022
>>179009For real, if her ~sensory issues~ were so bad, she’d have issues with caking on her make up and gluing her brows down everyday.
If you don’t want to get your shirt wet, just have a fucking shower you spastic. I hate taking my make up off after an event for the same reason, which is why I’ll do it in the shower. Anything to seem special
No. 179039
>>179033This seems likely, nothing about this girl is original. I have intrusive thoughts and have had OCD in the past, that makes sense as a brain wiring error. My current ones are often when I'm doing a dull task, instead of consciously deciding to do something (throw this away, stop pouring now, etc) sometimes (multiple times a day) I'll think "I'll die if I don't (dull option in task)" and I've had this for many many years. It's more of an idle thought than a belief but I'm recently realizing not everyone does this kek.
I read Shane Dawson has these too and iirc Jillian is a fan of his, her whole personality is just pieces of other people hurriedly cobbled together.
No. 179072
File: 1635412157712.jpg (272.46 KB, 1080x876, Screenshot_20211028-100810_Chr…)

No. 179125
>>179086Especially since it seems like in her mind the closer she gets to another symptom/diagnosis, the “better” she becomes. Just because you’re going to therapy doesn’t mean you’re necessarily on the right track. Have she ever mentioned any therapist appointed coping mechanisms? Because in my experience that’s like 95% of what therapy is, you talk about your issues and they suggest ways of working through them in order to be able to function. Jill has gotten categorically worse since seeing her therapist, and not just in and uwu diagnosis shopping way.
She has diagnosed BPD and a huge part of that is self identity issues, and it’s very, very clear that her bpd tendencies are latching onto the tik tok inspired ‘mental health’ scene, which is severely damaging. If her therapist isn’t recognizing that, then he’s next to no help. Either that or Jill doesn’t want to help herself, because you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink
No. 179142
File: 1635437181480.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1846, F429F34C-3303-4536-BB9A-B5C8BB…)

she tries so hard to be a voice for mentally ill people. how the fuck is an illegible graphic supposed to help anyone.
No. 179148
>>179142Oh god, why is she even bringing up C-PTSD? That's already shit enough without people larping it
Also, how is that wheel meant to help anyone!? The font choice is horrendous and headache inducing. Someone make this moron stop
No. 179159
File: 1635442995696.png (61.45 KB, 978x508, Capture.PNG)

I've been dying for comments like this to start popping up on her videos kek
No. 179161
File: 1635443275486.jpg (96.15 KB, 1365x1024, FeelingsWheel.jpg)

>>179155Even if it were in a more legible font, it's still incorrect. Using her version, someone would already need to know what specific feeling they're having. She is literally just naming emotions and putting them in a circle.
No. 179162
question, does she talk a lot to herself in her head? That might explain why she thinks she has DID. Talking to yourself in your head is normal, almost everyone does it.
>>179125She thinks that by stepping into a place called "therapy room" thats enough to claim she's doing better
>>179142wtf, you can't even read the text there. It all looks like scribbles. Seriously how is this helping anyone? She always prioritizes her stupid "aesthetics" over practical shit and this is clearly her demise and why she isn't better.
I would remake her graphic if I understood any of the shit she's saying lmao
Also… fashion collection video when? Or does she need to make 10 other videos about "mental health uwu"?
No. 179174
File: 1635445928413.jpeg (196.33 KB, 1170x574, ED8A8546-D304-44C1-9A47-74CF00…)

guess jillian got the diagnosis she wanted. i hope she announces it soon.
No. 179183
File: 1635447289423.jpeg (346.53 KB, 693x721, CCC7E494-F1AA-473F-8326-A5DECF…)

zooming in on this happy face surrounded by negative words.. it’s really funny and surreal in a sad way
No. 179185
>>179174>encouraging resultsYou know what truly encouraging results would be?
If they told her she was completely normal with no issue whatsoever. Everything that she has been suspecting so far was just a byproduct of hypochondria or anxiety. She doesn't have to worry anymore because the results came negative and now she can go back to having a normal life. Hurray!
…But instead, these "encouraging results" truly mean something terrifying for people who actually want to get better. These "encouraging results" are a mother's nightmare when she notices there's something wrong with their child. These "encouraging results" are a sad occurence whenever someone is told they'll have to take drugs for the rest of their life to heal some mental scar.
Yes, these "encouraging results" mean something positive to her but not for the rest of us. These "encouraging results" mean: she probably got the diagnosis she was fishing for. She is so joyful and happy to be mentally ill. "Wow, it's so encouraging to have a fucked up brain, just what I wanted!" says this munchausen womanchild. Imagine being so hopeless, coddled, immature and helpless that getting a disease means something is "encouraging".Hurray?
No. 179188
File: 1635448852780.png (670.37 KB, 693x721, 31B96B2E-23AC-4CBE-8C39-AC9BDB…)

>>179183Had to make this for u anon, couldn’t not see her thousand yard stare
No. 179252
>>179142This is such a fucking mockery of … every mental illness in general. How are all these retards on twitter actually jumping onto this as 'good rep' or whatever. I'm torn between being too horrified to think shes joking, but too optimistic to hope this might just be a troll.
>>179161 I can see how this would be at least somewhat helpful, with the segmentation and separation of emotions, so someone genuinely struggling with emotions or something could trace back what they feel, but Jill literally just smacked some emotion words on a rainbow flower because it fits her 'aesthetic'. Theres no system to this.
Kek I'm dying at the mental image of her pulling out a printed copy of this and tapping at it in her therapy sessions because its such a ''helpful graphic''
No. 179296
>>179185This post is so true, diagnosis that most people would balk at she regards as a victory. They should just diagnose obvious munchies like Jill with their true disorder rather than playing into it. Spending all day practicing how to
look mentawwy ill by watching Youtube and TikTok doesn't mean you actually have the illness, especially when it suddenly appeared within a year. Money over ethics I guess.
No. 179304
File: 1635491862836.png (180.76 KB, 1080x572, Screenshot_20211028-213232-246…)

How is she expecting this to go? She's literally telling people who fake illnesses for attention to become her friend even though she's constantly showing everyone she's a shit friend because of her ~mento illness~. Also way to make someone's suicide about how deeply it affected her even though I bet she only left comments on the kid's TikTok.
No. 179306
>>179188Omg nonna that's beautiful, if you could also make one with
>>178987 that would be amazing, she looks even more unhinged here
No. 179328
File: 1635510650755.png (841.15 KB, 828x1792, 64320886-9B66-4A0D-9398-B94236…)

No. 179335
>>179142Obsessed with miss neurodivergent uwu mental illness creating this accessibility nightmare of a graphic.
And what is with this desperation for mentally ill friends? There's a reason that people in recovery/treatment centers and programs are actively discouraged from creating close relationships with other patients. It's one thing to have friendships with others who happen to be mentally ill, but she want to collect mental illness friends like Kelly Eden's fellowship of the rainbow:mental disorder edition.
No. 179338
File: 1635519735221.jpeg (100.07 KB, 651x891, 403E67D9-5CF8-466A-A0B6-F93336…)

>>179142>>179278I was a special ED case too. It’s only a matter of time before Jill starts using the visual day planner cards they use for autistic kids.
No. 179341
File: 1635520425245.png (221.64 KB, 724x642, Screenshot (1350).png)

>>179304>double sad faceWhat a disgustingly shallow and performative way to act about someone who died.
No. 179382
>>179341Jillian is seriously one of the worst lolcow in this fucking website. Yes she's worse than fucking Nemu who at least did funny shit. She's just infuriating and frustrating to watch.
This is her:
>Someone gets raped"Oh NO WONDER the rapist was SO CLOSE AND WARM!!!"
>Someone kills herself"DOUBLE SAD FACE. I can't believe this person I don't know died. Who wants to be friends with me? :)"
Etc. I know there's more instances of this stupid behaivor of hers.
>>179367Lmaooo you know that she knows some words besides the very condensending "double sad face" to describe someone's suicide or rape. But she makes it all about herself.
No. 179383
File: 1635547584253.png (271.42 KB, 650x360, imagen_2021-10-29_174620.png)

>>179188she's always one step closer to becoming tekashi 69.
No. 179396
File: 1635553195364.jpeg (304.81 KB, 828x936, 92007DD8-D565-457B-B9E4-218D4E…)

I’m against cowtippers (I did not cowtip this is just in her replies) but I love Jill’s response especially when confronted about making suicide jokes before being *~uwu double sad face :(((~* about someone in her special DID community committing suicide
No. 179421
>>179396What happened to the common courtesy of not
triggering other people unnecessarily? Oh wait this is her asshole alter ego aka her real self who literally has no empathy for anyone or anything.
No. 179452
>>179427She is getting worse. Range of factors are causing her decline but her "therapy" isnt working. And shes too self absorbed to notice. Her emotional wheel is evidence of how bad she is doing. Purely negative emotions when the emotional wheel tool is a range of positive, negative and neutral.
Social media is normalizing these extreme negative feelings. And shes contributing to it. Not only hurting people who needed help. Such as the bluebell person. But hurting herself. Its so fucked
No. 179496
File: 1635622703276.jpeg (952.18 KB, 828x1327, 4B0D32C1-BD8B-4833-AED6-0957F4…)

She looks so crusty and dirty, if does almost look cute but the shit flecks she calls freckles are not helping
No. 179500
>>179496Her upping the colours and filters on this just makes her tongue look white and like she never cleans it, at least she's getting use out of that cardcaptor wig, I wonder if she'd ever do cosplay again, or just make it her new alter?
I've never liked the fake freckle trend but doing it over such heavy make up just makes it so painfully obvious that it's fake and just makes it look like dirt
No. 179515
>>179448That girl who larped having DID and killed herself should be proof that larping mental illnesses is more dangerous than what they think.
She probably thought she had DID because these freaks keep faking this shit on tiktok and instead of getting actual help she just joined a community full of harmful shit.
Instead of DID she probably had something else going on that she didn't even know because she wanted to fake DID.
This is also happening to Jillian.
No. 179516
>>179476What her fans want and been asking for: A video about her stupid fashion collection
What she keeps doing: LARPing mental illness shit and making videos about it
Put two and two together. Her followers liked her because of her (garish) fashion choices, clothing hauls, travels, and eventual fashion "school" journey. She's just insane to think anyone would want to watch this many videos about why she's crazy and shit. She got it all wrong. It's like nicadovokado all over again kek
No. 179520
File: 1635631153291.jpeg (946.19 KB, 960x1684, 4670C2BC-ADDE-4D3C-A9FE-020EE3…)

Is that Steebie?
No. 179522
>>179515"Larped having DID and killed herself"
Are you actually retarded? I agree that most of the kids on tiktok claiming to have DID are faking it, but you can't just outright deny an entire fucking diagnosis because it doesn't look right from your armchair.
The girl that killed herself KILLED HERSELF. She's dead. That's it. She didn't kill herself because she watched a tiktok and decided she's ill. You don't kill yourself because a tiktoker told you that you have DID.
Stick to picking apart Jill's bullshit, not shitting on the entire psychiatric research community.
No. 179527
>>179522>The girl that killed herself KILLED HERSELF. She's dead.really anon, couldn't tell.
Just because she commited suicide it doesn't mean she isn't at fault for having larped a diagnosis so rare that is even disputed. I doubt any of those teens on tiktok have DID. Anxiety and depression? Sure. But not DID. I doubt anyone who has actual DID would want to make a whole tiktok account about it. Imagine living a hard life with a rare condition like that. It's sad she killed herself but that doesn't make this woman an angel. It makes her a moron who could had gotten help if it wasn't for her stupid DID larp. Now go on and tell me society would lose a valuable life if any of these retards did it.
Suicide is sad, horrible, very bad and all but really, being a coward and killing yourself instead of facing the reality of being a DID larper doesn't make you special.
No. 179528
>>179520A fat pig kissing a faggot troon. Finally the "queer" rep she was looking for!
>>179522The blood is truly on people like Jillian and the entire DID larp community. Tiktok was a mistake.
No. 179535
>>179520Her chin…she looks like his Aunt doing airkisses
(also Stevie has been hiding something evidently, maybe that suspiciously thin person wearing Jill's clothes was him after all)
No. 179537
File: 1635641479427.jpeg (185.76 KB, 750x1158, 888DE7C7-EDE7-4D17-8C63-58684F…)

why cant she just always fill her eyebrows in with a natural color…..why
No. 179544
>>179520god I know its a joke on here but Jillian really doesn't make her things easily legible for any one does she? the text literally just looks like a pink square.
>>179537She looks so cute with this make up, the natural brows and hair color really suit her and I know anons hate the blush but it suits the fact that she's dressed as strawberry shortcake.
No. 179550
>>179522>thinking did is real and not just a bpd copenone of us think she killed herself because she watched a tiktok. she probably had untreated bpd and was being encouraged by her online "community" to further fragment and pathologise her already vulnerable sense of self. even then, who's to say why she did it.
>>179537despite looking borderline cushingoid she actually looks kind of cute here minus the shit freckles, weirdly overdrawn lips, drag eyeliner and undereye piss stains. much better than her pink flamingoes lewks of late. maybe she should have gone as divine for halloween, kek.
No. 179558
>>179537I know she's fatter but I'm happy for once she's back to just looking like a happy quirky normal girl. Not like a weird clown person. Like, she looks very good comparing to that stuff she's been up to recently.
>suddenly looks like a troonYeah I think Steven will troon out on his own anytime soon… he looks like an alt goth girl even. And I think you girls who frequent the mtf thread know what happens when a man troons out. Nothing but disgrace. The fact that he was the one to recommend the useless councelor to her also is telling.
No. 179559
>>179543>It all seems so counter intuitive to have unlicensed borderline women giving mental health advice online. My thoughts exactly…
>wouldn’t you be wise enough to acknowledge you don’t know what you’re talking aboutShe's just really desperate to be a "voice in the community"… whatever community that is. She failed with the jfash community so she's taking whatever she gets I guess
>help people who leave their college lectures balled up in the fetal position over a sensory issue.. that was an actual comment on her last video.Lmao what? post a screenshot please
No. 179657
>>179597Something being on the DSM-5 doesn't mean it makes it legit. Remember homosexuality (normal) was once on the DSM and troonig out (agp mental illness) was taken down too. I could go on but this isn't the thread for it. DID might as well be some kind of C-PTSD but extreme. And the people who larp it might as well be munchausen.
As year pass, we'll get to understand these things better. Hopefully.
No. 179675
File: 1635708695688.png (152.06 KB, 1210x532, vllnj.png)

she's accepting condolences for her "loss" despite never having spoken to the dead DID larper once… way to make it about herself
No. 179744
File: 1635759156053.jpeg (389.12 KB, 828x984, D79E25A5-3A60-47F4-97CF-93F9B3…)

No. 179745
File: 1635759300694.jpeg (271.86 KB, 828x950, 459D17AD-3CE3-4C67-810D-A612EB…)

While I sincerely hope this is an “everybody clapped” big fish story, I also wouldn’t be surprised if she’s surrounding herself with mentally ill people who further encourage her fake enby DID alter
No. 179750
>>179745So like… people are cosplaying her alter and she's okay with that?
This is fucked lol
No. 179756
>>179745For a bunch of ex-cosplayers and “fashion school” graduates, fuck they had some boring ass costumes.
Jill was ‘vaguely strawberry shortcake’, Steve was ‘him but hot’ and a friend was… wearing a beanie?
No. 179850
>>179744it's pretty distasteful and kind of
victim blamey for Jill to say to be patient to the people who are sending hate to a content creator. Also to blame it solely in the change of weather is just stupid she keeps blaming seasonal depression for all her shitty behavior when she acts like a bitch 24/7.
>>179781hopefully facebook anon can grace us with some photos if Jill posted any on there.
No. 179882
File: 1635798057870.jpeg (305.32 KB, 1170x734, 30FBB397-BC9C-46BE-ABD4-69F7D7…)

god she keeps teasing the results of her super scawy brain test. it’d be hilarious if she didn’t get the diagnosis she wanted after talking about it so much.
No. 179892
File: 1635801407111.jpeg (184.91 KB, 1170x580, BCAC7940-7AB2-4BD4-900E-799DA7…)

>>179885I don’t think it was ever confirmed that she got a brain scan. This is the first tweet she made about it and just referred to it as a “big boy brain appt”, which I think some anons misinterpreted to mean she got a brain scan. If you look at the receipt she posted, she was charged $1000 for “psychological services”, so I don’t think she actually got a brain scan.
No. 179896
>>179892It wasn’t as far as I can tell. A few replies after somebody posted this tweet
>>175651 somebody asked if she had a brain scan. It was never confirmed, and other anons just started parroting it. I could see her getting a brain scan but as of now we have no proof.
No. 179981
File: 1635862383724.jpg (145.65 KB, 1080x695, 2958583.jpg)

she's really just trying to convince everyone that's she's actually fluent in french? i understand that perhaps nobody outside of canada knows that nobody outside of quebec is bilingual and everyone's french is terrible, but her followers eating it up is always top kek
No. 179991
>>179987Of all the dumb shit Jill tries to claim, are we really going to die on this hill? She’s mentioned multiple times in the past that she learnt French at school, she was was watching anime subbed in French to practice a little while ago. Yeah it’s dumb to say “because we were French” because you’re not Jill, you’re still Canadian, but otherwise it’s such a nothing point.
We get it anon, you’re Canadian too, also not a flex
No. 179993
>>179984not true. chiac is the worse french out there. its new brunswick acadian french and its absolutely awful
i dont know why shes forcing french so hard when shes had french friends who she made no attempt to speak to in french.
i guess shes going for the "if you speak more than one language youre smart" meme
No. 180018
>>179981I speak French and this doesn't mean anything.
PEI doesn't have a big franco population either. This is such a weird larp.
No. 180023
>>179981>voulez-vous battre en dehors l'agrafes?lmao excuse me what?
my french is admittedly not great but noone is actually saying this surely,it sounds like some kind of stupid meme catchphrase that her english speaking high school classmates would come up with.
honestly id completely forgotten about her ~trilingual~ larp, she hasn't brought it up in a while.
>inb4 she comes up with a native french speaking alter No. 180037
>>179987I’m actually speaking from experience here because I’ve been enrolled in a half English/French school in BC. Thank you for letting us know that you’ve seen first-hand on what east coast communities are like. I just went by a google search kek.
Side note: I’m in Alberta too, want to be friends?
No. 180045
>>180042>>179981Translates to
"Do you want to fight outside staples"
No. 180057
>>180042>>179981French fag but it’s not even correct.
I mean unless it’s a particular quebecois bastardisation I’m not aware of, it’s just plain weird.
Nobody actually uses “Voulez-vous” orally as it’s really formal, kind of like saying to someone “Would you like to engage in a fight??”
She’s also missing a few words to link the sentence together (Voulez-vous vous battre en dehors de l’agrafe, which would still sound retarded anyway), so much for being French.
Sidenote, I’m pretty sure quebecois would never say they’re French, kind of like if Canadians would self describe as Americans (the country) because they speak the same language.
No. 180095
>>180093That was the joke.
Stfu and sage
>>180093>>180018>>180023>>180037>>180057>>180067No one cares that you speak French
No. 180109
File: 1635904649464.jpg (576.5 KB, 2048x2048, InFrame_1635904612749.jpg)

Her house looks so dirty. Couldn't she clean those things before showing them on tiktok?
No. 180119
File: 1635907450574.png (14.81 KB, 509x138, Screenshot (1375).png)

>>180077>>180113I was genuinely hoping it would be a wakeup call for her as well, but based on her comment I'm assuming that part either went right over her head or she chose to ignore it.
No. 180127
>>180109>#Kawaiicloudy propagation water that looks like it'll start molding/developing algae soon.
>>180119Too bad there's someone in her comment's replies cow tipping. But my guess she's not actually fully paying attention to what he's saying. His rambling is more for background noise than fully paying attention to.
No. 180180
File: 1635953690927.jpg (61.57 KB, 1125x641, ENvALvoWoAALaSv.jpg)

>>180119Jill is just one of those extremely un-self aware people who actually convinced herself she's helping people. For someone who claims to have low self esteem, she thinks pretty highly of herself/her advice.
No. 180213
File: 1635965414488.jpeg (558.03 KB, 1123x2384, 8BCE4899-FEB9-4934-8BBB-A6E0E0…)

>>180077“I’m trying not to look at comments.” kek.
She is so self obsessed she can’t even take the time to consider her precious Drew’s feelings.
No. 180218
File: 1635967451585.png (2.22 MB, 1170x2532, A0C04DA5-1743-4765-BE33-72F038…)

quit fucking cow tipping
No. 180221
>>180220It's literally this post
>>180214 phrased slightly differently, that seems like cow tipping
No. 180224
File: 1635968517201.jpg (684.26 KB, 4096x4096, 20211103_133927.jpg)

She made a more legible version of her emotion wheel. It just proves that she just looked through a thesaurus and slapped any of the words that were on the list.
No. 180227
>>180224 Her spacing on this is bad, I feel like with the cursive one it's not as obvious cause the cursive itself distracts your eye from it, it makes it feel like since it's not about her she doesn't care
I'm waiting on the mental gymnastics and lying she's going to do about her "big boi mental health video" that I'm sure will come from this diagnosis, do you think she'd photoshop or doctor the results to show what she wants? I wonder if she'd have stebie in it, to justify symptoms/ provide a buffer since he's most likely a troon, so together they're super double oppressed
I wonder if we'll get another Chirstmas/presents haul video, it feels like it would hit her haul addiction, plus she could justify not buying sustainable since it's for other people
No. 180238
File: 1635972834626.png (18.24 KB, 214x102, fvefvgefg.png)

>>180223Anyone can do it at this point. Like, it can be done as long as you don't cowtip obviously.
>>180224more like it proves she lurks here. Also this is still pretty hard to read looool
No. 180241
>>180224The fact this is a happy face with negative words around it like GRIEF HATRED RAGE is sending me lmaooo. This is exactly how Jillian is. A bitch who acts nice on the outside but is hateful on the inside. Proved again and again.
>>180213Jillian, Drew isn't gonna fuck you. Stop it
No. 180245
>>180218>>180213It's great to see people finally saying something to her somewhere where she can't delete it.
What a passive aggressive cow move to screenshot and tag him in it too UNDER a post where he says he's very anxious uploading videos. Mental health awareness my ass, she clearly only cares about her mental health and nobody else's.
No. 180246
>>180245Yeah, Drew is like
"Uplodading videos makes me anxious, looking at comments make me panic"
And she's like
"LOOK AT THESE COMMENTS DREW. I will MAKE YOU look at these comments now on purpose, and you WON'T BE ABLE TO LOOK AWAY because I'll personally tweet these COMMENTS to you and will do it PUBLICLY"
She doesn't care, it has to be always about her
No. 180299
File: 1636002321035.png (20.49 KB, 782x162, iiuggoog.png)

Lmao which one of you posted this?
Jokes aside, it's nice to see some people agree with the points made in the video. Meanwhile, Jillian will never take accountability for her dumb shite.
What happened to Jill's comment btw? Did she delete it or did the algorithm bury it deep down? Can't see it anymore
No. 180302
File: 1636003300135.png (127.42 KB, 476x564, tfrgte4frgvtrfg.png)

>>180299It's deleted. She deleted her comment.
Also she's crying some more on twitter about being bullied, just because twitter is adding a downvoting function now. Kek.
No. 180304
File: 1636003542833.png (43.11 KB, 592x418, dffvefvefetfge.png)

Jillian no one wants to see you looking like a 14 year old, YOU are the one who wants to be a 13 year old boy LMAO
Plus you're fat and dress ugly. Get a life.
(also adding some cow crossover to the screencap)
No. 180312
>>180213God every fucking time I want to a-log this bitch and I am THIS fucking close and every time she gets even worse.
That fucking idiot saw the comments (that don't seem like cow-tipping to me, these may perfectly be from her frustrated fans besides that person who commented later about 1000$ brain scans which explicitly references talking points on the farms) and she went and made it DREW'S problem? Like what? She's so ME ME ME EVERYTHING IS ABOUT ME that she can't comprehend that her favourite precious youtuber quasi-boyfriend doesn't have to apologize to HER because he made a video about poeple LIKE her and some people justifiably called HER out on HER behaviour?
What a fucking piece of shit. I hope she gets a reality check reak soon.
No. 180316
>>180315Please anon do screencap if you remember her comments. I could go digging but I'm always off-put by the people who make and consume too much "mental health" stuff out there.
Like, her morbid curiousity about mental health is going out of hand. She now thinks she has schizophrenia? When will it end?
No. 180317
>>180315I legit think she's consuming all this mental health stuff to cope. But not in the "I'm going to get better" way, neither in the "I need to self reflect and get aware of the stuff I'm doing wrong" way, it's more like she's doing it to justify her shitty behaivor, never get accountability, and dunno, she's looking at her issues as if she was inherently flawed instead of seeing them as something she can work on.
Like, her main issues are: lack of self control, eating issues, procastination, and need for attention / affection. It's okay to have issues and I think most people go through these things in various ways. But she's doing nothing about it except what Drew Monson said in his video: remember the symptoms, remember that she's sick, and mask it with cute things and bright colors. She should really break up with Steven, drop the pseudo-therapist, go back to her Mom and take a break from the internet. Things aren't going so well, I think she has this idea that house and boyfriend = "having your life together". But she's only hurting herself futher.
No. 180324
File: 1636026449434.jpg (214.14 KB, 1080x1630, Screenshot_20211104-124229_You…)

>>180316Nta but I did the digging it's not very milky but u can see which videos she's been watching
No. 180342
>>180324To me this whole "OMG BESTIE YOU LOOK SO PRETTY TODAY -emoji spell-" is very fucking creepy. Like, she treats everyone like they're an intimate friend, and it feels very manipulative and just outright wrong.
Why does she do this? Does anyone else find it gross? I can't articulate it super well.
No. 180351
>>180341My favorite part about Jill’s nonsense is a lot of her concerns can be explained by weed, alcohol and medications she might be on. She has no baseline for her normal so she has no idea what her best health looks like. So any new sensation is viewed constantly through the lens’s of “well I’m mentally unwell so it’s muh menta iwness”, instead of examining medication and drug/alcohol use.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of letting medications “fix” things, it’s a lot easier, but it seems a lot of what this self medicating is doing is masking or causing legitimate concerns for her.
Get off the weed (even cbd), stop drinking, start eating healthier and go outside! There’s a reason doctors recommend exercise, going outside and doing social activities and it’s to help find that baseline! And also get in touch with reality, not the distorted fun house mirror that is the internet.
No. 180355
File: 1636042065975.jpeg (140.18 KB, 750x707, B550319F-D31A-476D-83E1-F1475C…)

no fucking way…..
No. 180375
>>180342I agree, I think she has become creepy, to a point where it makes me uncomfortable.
>acts really inappropriate in regards to her therapist, using pet names like "sweetie angel baby uwu" >constantly tries to get into mental health circles which she isn't really a part of, tries to get close to people who might genuinely be struggling with this stuff >acts very manipulative towards those people, constantly commenting/replying to stuff with these lovey dovey uwu emoji messages >sends physical gifts and donations to people, clearly in hopes of getting closer to them>has this fake persona of "sweet rainbow hearts super wholesome supportive innocent bean" on main while being rude and lashing out at people on her alt She should be grateful that she's a woman, it's the only reason she's getting away with this.
If she was actually some edgy guy like she pretends to be in her stupid roleplay, I'm sure a lot more people would be more critical of her behavior.
No. 180392
File: 1636051306031.png (749.08 KB, 1400x1308, lovebombing.png)

>>180375This all sounds like lovebombing. I think anyone she approaches should be wary of it, and the OP should be updated with her very creepy ways.
I think this picture really goes to show what lovebombing is and it checks out with Jill.
>>180380But she doesn't want to distance this nasty persona from her brand. Anyone can make private anonymous twitter accounts, but somehow she felt the need to still showcase it to the world… it's almost like she's looking for validation for being nasty (like "oh it wasn't me who was rude! it was my 13 year old alter!! pls understand UWU")
>>180355THIS is exactly the stuff that Drew was making a comment on his video. This is so goddamn weird. She cries about bullying but she has no intention to change?
Like, she's not even a health professional wtf. I just think this one interaction of hers is creepy beyond words. I just can't. This is really really bad. It's not even about her lack of knowledge, it's her pretending she knows and acting like someone who is an expert on things she does not have any studies in. It even feels groomer-ish the way she is basically endorsing giving weed to minors… kinda like prescribing, and even diagnosing ASD herself…
Her "I learned" is even more stupid because where the fuck did she learn this from? What google link or cuestionable news article? Is this why she's desperate for an ASD diagnosis? I just… gross. She's so gross. I hope someone in her fan circle replies to her how wrong she is.
No. 180400
>>180341At least Trisha has a believable excuse for experiencing psychosis since she's been addicted to meth, I can't imagine where Jillian would pull it out of. She's really working herself up to some Michelle Remembers shit
>>180355>surprised GP allowed me to get it considering I have child altersYeah, because the GP isn't as retarded as you are and probably just ignores your weird larp bullshit, dude. And kek at Jill replying and humoring this person as though they are an actual child, what the hell? It's all so absurd
No. 180403
>>180396she keeps losing subscribers and patrons, her videos barely get any views anymore and she doesn't seem to have much going on in terms of collabs or sponsorships, nor is she releasing new merch or working on her own fashion.
there are enough former fans telling her that they want her old content back yet all she posts about anymore is mental health shit, really what is she hoping to achieve?
No. 180452
>>180435Again, what Drew said
>SYMPTOMS! SYMPTOMS! DON'T FORGET YOUR SYMPTOMS! It's like everyone is obsessed with that!>Everyone is eadger to diagnose others!Meanwhile Jill
>Says a piece of animal crossing furniture is autistic and has symptomsJill your idol will never like you lol
No. 180483
>>180400To be fair, the OP was clearly joking about the weed + kids thing (larping children notwithstanding), which just makes Jill’s comment even dumber and more condescending. She’s so eager to educate people with all the ‘knowledge’ she’s acquired from YouTube and tik tok, that she can’t even take a minute and evaluate if it’s even relevant.
The OP was talking about using CBD for pain and mentioned they’d already been using it, but Jill felt the need to play mother duck and help this person’s child alters understand scwary medicine, even though OP was joking about it being relevant that they supposedly have child alters.
Inb4 ‘I’m soo neurodivergent I don’t understand jokes and get things mixed up!!!!!’
No. 180487
File: 1636082954070.png (25.17 KB, 542x292, rifpohfr.png)

Trying to get Drew Monson's and Emilia Fart's attention however she can, even if its on her alter's account lmao
Also it sounds like she's high
No. 180488
File: 1636083320709.png (51.56 KB, 590x536, shit.png)

She keeps posting these edgy lyrics about "embracing the darkness" and I just think: Jillian if you want to dress in black and forget your kawiwi persona so hard then just do it, you don't have to create a whole new persona for that.
She's also having a "neurodivergent christmas party" whatever that entails
No. 180492
just skim the thread before posting
No. 180502
>>180488>Come to our cozy home I will host a neurodivergent friendly new years partyagain with the creepiness… Jill please just leave neurodivergent people the fuck alone, this just makes it sound like you're trying to lure people in and take advantage of them tbh
also I can't think of anyone who would be less capable of hosting a neurodivergent friendly party, especially in her filthy rainbow dungeon
No. 180507
>>180502What neurodivergent people probably want:
>A quiet place with no sound and no bright colors where they feel safeWhat she offers:
>A rainbow dungeon where everything is filthy, bright, too much stimmuli everywhere, and probably blasting anime girl shows on her tv while she makes herself the center of attention No. 180515
>>180488I really, really dislike her newest phase of being obsessed with Will Wood and posting his lyrics all over her social media.
It's incredibly ironic, really, because WW often speaks out as well about people who make their mental health diagnosis their entire identity. He's been suffering with identity issues and mental health issues for most his life and now he's a staunch advocate for recovery, quitting alcohol/drugs and dissacociating yourself from the mainstream mental health culture. He's also very against social media, especially tiktok and twitter since he thinks they ofetn lock people in the echo chambers and exacerbate their symptoms.
Sorry for Will Wood sperg, but I've been a fan for years and most of his fans act exactly like Jillian and it makes me so mad that it's staring them right in the face, but they're all so blind and stuck-up in their love for the Random Yelling Mental Health King, it's nauseating.
Jillybean, "Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave" was written for people like you. There's literally not a song more obvious. WW doesn't fucking like people like you, just like Drew doesn't like people like you.
It's literally
"And I see your tendency to redefine disease by what you need
And I'm afraid I can't prescribe the diagnosis that you seek"
Learn basic comprehension soon, luv.
No. 180518
>>180507As a NeuRoDivergenT person I want:
>genuine honest people who like me and care about me>my favorite things (genres, types of entertainment)>nice lighting>lots of interesting things to do/see/exploreRainbow dungeon with an insane product of 2021 internet squealing in my ear is definitely not it.
No. 180564
>>180488Knowing her she's going to put bright flashing Christmas lights all over her house while loud music plays.
>>180536She has interacted with them before like a quick response to a tweet but she has such massive fan behavior that i imagine Emilia and Drew got uncomfortable since they can't read her intentions. (She did that annoying "oh look my favorite creator talked to me let me screenshot and post it")
No. 180667
>>180564I feel like I remember in one of her old blogs that Drew talked to her via video at one point, like during one of her patreon livestreams maybe?
He definitely knows who she is, and like someone else said, she’s a verified account so even if they had notifications off they’d see her comments/replies etc. which kind of makes it funnier/cringier that Drew is 100% aware of who she is, yet never interacts with her. Take a hint Jill
No. 180743
>>180678"uhhh you seem nice"
this is so awkward kek
No. 180768
File: 1636263723999.png (55.51 KB, 596x526, hypocrite.png)

So she keeps saying "OMG I LOVE YOU DREWWW" but she's also bitching about the same thing Drew Monson said in his video.
>I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for recovery focused content.
Uhhmmm probably doing better? it's clearly not helping you girl
No. 180770
File: 1636263862626.png (21.78 KB, 592x220, vdvdfvdf.png)

She also made some popular tiktoker follow her back because she posted it publicly on her twitter
No. 180774
File: 1636264358692.png (345.45 KB, 1166x644, efgefgefgr.png)

This might not be strictly milk, but… it feels like she's more invested in this """"""dark""""""""" persona as of lately. Dressing in black and dark colors is oddly motivating her to play the piano and do crochet.
Gee it's almost like she's not actually a ""13 year old boy"" (kek) and just needs a style change to feel more comfortable. I think it happens to almost everyone, specially after finishing school. She should just embrace it honestly, this kawiwi thing has always been shit. Lose weight and dress in dark colors Jillian, there's nothing wrong with it.
(also kek at that random snippet of anger towards the stove. Wonder if she does more every day)
No. 180776
File: 1636266592670.gif (8.99 MB, 180x320, uglyass.gif)

>>180768this is so wrong
Also some random tiktok she posted
No. 180777
>>180768This is a really shitty take on her end. If you focus on getting better you can alienate yourself from others which will inevitably make you worse. Also focusing on recovery is really bad fore people who are neurodivergent (especially OCD) since their brains work different and there's no actual "getting better" it's just learning to cope. She's really mudding her mental illness propaganda which is making her brain worse since so much of what she's intaking is contradictory.
>>180774>Yelling at the pot on the stove to "stop complaining" when I sit on the couch and let it boil over. How cute an quirky and
totally not a hazard to herself and those she lives with!
No. 180778
>>180712of course she believes in pseudoscience. She thinks DID is real, she calls anything neurodivergent, she believes in magic, she thinks she's the smartest and never apologizes.
>>180770She keeps making famous people interact with her. This is so creepy and disgusting… literally making someone follow her
Ew. Tell me this isn't manipulative at all
>>180768Kek this is so fucking funny, online "mentawy ill" retards always justify this kind of shit with mental gymnastics like that. She deserves all the fucking hate and I can only wish her fans call her out for being and hypocrite and saying
>"I LOVE YOU DREW" >"but actually FUCK YOU DREW for IMPLYING that the mentawy ill content I follow is harming me"this honestly makes me want to go upfront and
alog while telling her why she's wrong but I would never
No. 180782
>>180780>we'd probably see a 90%More like a 78-ish percent. She still needs to ditch the ugly boyfriend, tear the paint off her walls, and return home.
I think it's difficult for her to kill this "pixie" persona so she's instead doing the opposite ("call me pixie not jillian" etc), forcefully embracing it and making it intrinsic to herself. This is why she needs a second persona.
Being "pixie" has given her a lot of attention. If she suddenly wasn't pixie anymore, she might be afraid of losing everything. But back in her prime pixie era she was young and just really liked colorful shit. It's okay to change your tastes as you grow older… in her case I wouldn't call it maturing because she's still an asshole but at least she would be more true to herself. I wonder how long will it take for her to understand this, or if she'll double down in her DID mental illness shit and never improve…
Just imagine being her: she finally has the rainbow house and boyfriend she "always wanted". And everyone praises her for it.
But deep inside she's a sad and frustrated adult. Painting those walls back to how they were before if she ever moves out is going to give her a panic attack. It's like stripping out "everything that makes her feel special".
If she only realized she can drop the act, and drop everything else that makes her unhappy too. That house is a rainbow prison. Colorful on the outside, but once you look closer it is very murky. Just like she is.
No. 180783
>>180781Samefag, to explain, OCD is similar to having an addictive personality in that you can't get rid of the addictive personality but you don't have to be addicted. So you can train yourself out of OCD traits despite a propensity for them.
ADHD and Autism is more a complex brain structure thing which it's essentially too complex and harmful to attempt to "fix" since it's the core of your being and generally is of no harm or detriment to others, as opposed to personality disorders which need more stringent addressing and are more actively harmful to everyone like narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, and so on.
Pixie uses her diagnoses as badges of honor so she doesn't seek any kind of improvement regardless of what she does or doesn't have. They're like degrees to her.
No. 180785
File: 1636271648892.png (384.3 KB, 1200x800, imagen_2021-11-07_015407.png)

>>180783>They're like degrees to her.kek that's so funny considering she basically got an useless diploma
>>180776This is what this ugly creepy shit reminds me of looool
But really I'm tired of her wanting to be ugly on purpose. Alogging feels
No. 180792
>>180782You said this absolutely perfectly. This is exactly what a lot of youtubers go through-hell, normal people fall into it in their teen years. You think you're one thing and then you feel like a sellout for wanting to be something else..but it's just part of growing up and maturing.
Off the top of my head, that one annoying goth with the lisp or whatever..Sebastian Columbine? Shifted from dark goth to whatever she is now. Ingrid Nilson shifted from perky upbeat annoying teen with bright colors everywhere to mellowed out quiet adsense greedy regular person. Jenn Im from thrift queen, to world traveler, to now a mother. No one will ever be perfect, no one will ever be never annoying. but everyone will go through phases in life and when you force yourself to stay locked in these phases is when mental illnesses can fester and just make you worse/even more insufferable.
The whole mental illness obsession is really making her worse and worse, because instead of shedding this rainbow life that clearly no longer suits her-her fashion venture completely failed, so everyone knows its not for her anymore..instead of accepting it and moving onto something different, she's just considering it a DID headmate now or whatever. and then creating an alter ego. So she can switch back and forth-like, what the fuck. A real therapist would be telling to knock it off and just accept that it's time to grow up.
No. 180833
File: 1636307693495.jpeg (571.23 KB, 1648x2079, AD77D735-6041-4BBD-ADCC-6344BC…)

Jill demonstrating her high level of consumer awareness as a fashion designer.
No. 180862
File: 1636315824113.png (2.63 MB, 1170x2532, 056B3D47-C831-4835-B163-0AC82F…)

“a rare pee cam” why is she posting this, gross
No. 180870
File: 1636320400848.jpg (577.06 KB, 1080x2076, Snapchat-1682474932.jpg)

"dOnT FORGeT TO nOt BE A Jerk. lIfE IS HaRd So donT MaKe IT wOrse"
Honey you're making it worse for yourself..
No. 180871
>>180862What the absolute fuck!? Who is this for? Is she trying to appeal to fetishists? Is this part of some fetish she has? Why did she feel the need to share this… does this pass for content in her mind now?
Her therapist is doing her dirty. She just seems to be deteriorating.
No. 180876
>>180870Download the tiktok and convert it to webm so we can watch it too.
>>180871I think her therapist does jackshit and this is all her own doing. also the previous tweet said "that masculine urge to sit on the toilet and disassociate for 45 minutes"
Like women can't do the same, she isn't even male and taking a picture of your dirty unwashed face isn't disassociating. I'm grossed out.
>>180829>While her Villainy swells persona is more adult, dark and edgy.None of these are true lmao. Her Villainy persona is mimicking a "13 year old emo boy" aka an immature retard who wants to flip off people and post emo lyrics on her profile. But you know what she is?
A sad adult. An adult who doesn't want to grow. A frustrated womanchild. Someone who has to do constant mental gymnastics to excuse her shitty behaivor. She doesn't want to change. She never has.
No. 180877
File: 1636324726039.png (1.54 MB, 2048x1027, Screenshot_20211108-003804.png)

>>180870someone should paste her face onto the Seaman
No. 180880
File: 1636326684819.jpg (507.33 KB, 2896x2896, 20211107_181034.jpg)

No. 180883
>>180870She looks really dead behind her eyes in this. I wonder if she's screaming on the inside seeing how gross and bloated her face looks.
>>180876"The masculine urge" is a meme anon, it's not that deep but Jill just made it gross and by taking picture of her pissing.
No. 180945
>>180847C’mon anon you can’t expect her to know something as basic as the different properties of knit and crochet, it’s not like she has a fashion degr-
No. 180958
>>180882I feel like her "sustainable style" would be so much better if she wasn't so narcissistic about where she shops. She refuses to shop at thrift stores that she seems "
problematic" so that leaves literally only one thrift store which is value village. And when she is not shopping at one place she and is making her own stuff it usually all looks the same. She literally knows how to sew but only crochets ugly shit and stick flowers on them.
No. 180973
>>180933Tiktok happened. This kind of shit drag makeup and mental illness content is what sells over there with the zoomers and she found a community of enablers by blending in.
People like her are dime a dozen on tiktok, it's just odd to us because she didn't grow on the app, she had average weeb interests until she joined tiktok and converted to one of them.
I get mentawy ill people with clown looking makeup just like her suggested all the time on youtube just from watching alt fashion content. It's the sjw tumblr version of egirls.
No. 180999
>>180933i don't think it was Steve that made her like this i think it was a culmination of her moving away from home and going to a school where everyone was a snow flake, including the teachers. And she's only getting worse since she doesn't have a consistent schedule to let her know what the day and time is (she calls it dissociation when in reality without something to keep the mind on track everyone forgets what day it is.) Steve could be a factor since he helped her get the therapist but there's more to play than just her boyfriend this time.
>>180935No one will make a call out video because all of her fans share the same mentality. I know most people on this thread are ex-fans but we left once we realized how fast she was spiraling. While her confetticult keeps yasss queening her getting worse since they think her "living her true self" is her getting better when in reality if she actually does have BDP all of what she's doing just screams bad manic episode.
No. 181007
>>180999I wonder, can't an ex-fan call her out? But not cowtip. Is that even possible? What would that entail? I feel like ex-fans are the ones who always end up calling their once admired person out, but instead of calling her out they resort to coming here where the callout is already made, if that makes sense? But lolcow is pretty much ignored by tards like her who think gossip and constructive critizism = bullying.
Would calling her out even work? It has been attempted by people on twitter before and she never apologized. I was never a fan of hers, in fact she's the only lolcow I follow because I see myself reflected on this bitch, and am happy that I could change a long time ago before ending like her. So calling her out really doesn't interest me much. But it would be funny if someone, not from lolcow or on lolcow, did it. It has to be organic though. Not just "OMG I CALLED OUT PIXIELOCKS" people who end up posting their videos / walls of text / private messages here for attention.
No. 181031
>>181007>>181007I can't imagine a world where that would do anything. In her world, you can't criticize the mentally ill. The "recovery content" she consumes incessantly is really just the tiktok version of Tumblr's anti-recovery community where even the most destructive symptoms of mental illness are celebrated and any attempt to treat said symptoms is treated as ableism.
She's really constructed a reality for herself that I can't see her ever getting out of unless something catastrophic happens or there is some kind of true intervention put in place (though for what, I don't know). She lacks any basic self-awareness and is more that happy to live in symptoms (both real and fabricated) that make her, in her eyes, interesting.
No. 181033
I think her downward spiral started when she started daydreaming to cope more than usual, then she called that "disossiation" and then she thought dissociation = multiple personality disorder aka DID
+ her tiktok dragqueen shit
Dissociation in the context of depression has nothing to do with DID lmao
>>181031I keep hoping for an intervention too, but doubt Mama Louise Vessey is that ballsy to sort it out.
No. 181037
File: 1636411647945.png (Spoiler Image,380.09 KB, 640x868, imagen_2021-11-08_164739.png)

>>180880kinda reminds me of this
No. 181074
File: 1636427441679.jpg (409.61 KB, 1080x1760, 20211108_221034.jpg)

No. 181084
>>181074this is a piss poor attempt to cow tip
whats with the influx of cowtipping every time i look through her replies on twitter its full of throw away accounts repeating the same shit posted here.
if you keep this up she can actually play the
victim card and call us bullies. when we stay on lolcow and talk about her here its her fault if she reads it. but if we take it to her its our fault.
we do not want people to feel bad for her stop personally attacking her
No. 181108
>>180933I think going to her goofy fashion school hurt her pride too much tbh. she was used to being the center of attention in her little hometown, in online communities, on YouTube, just for dressing and looking a certain way. she's never had many discernible talents besides standing out, and she relied on it too heavily. she was convinced it would not only be the same at school, but that this style she'd made her personality would make her a natural in design. she got there and while we all know the standards there were low, and we saw the results of the fashion show, I think it still had to have made Jill confront some things in herself. dressing how she does did not make her the most talented one in the pack anymore, and she really struggled not only with the required skills, but with the creativity she thought she had, and she saw others who were better at it than she was.
just tinfoiling but I think it took a toll on her ego. not that it caused all of… this, but I think her struggles could definitely have lead her to search for something that would make her /more/ again, that could make her interesting without effort just like her style did for years.
No. 181124
>>181074This is obviously a cowtip if this was mentioned earlier in the thread and the anon is uploading it with no context and only has 1 like kek
This is what I meant about making things an obvious cowtip, it's embarassing
>>181091Nta but besides the comments the Drew video seemed genuine to me. This one random screenshot from a nobody on twitter is different, the cowtip is obvious
>>181098Learn the difference please. This is embarassing.
No. 181133
>>181129You can't regulate what someone does outside of the farm app you dunce!
The only reason why the "don't cowtip" rule was even implemented was because people would harass cows and then come back to this very public domain to brag about it. I haven't seen anyone do that for her threads in a long time.
No. 181143
>>181074I wouldn't give a damn about this cowtipping if it wasn't such shitty bait devoid of cleverness and then they came back here, of all places, to brag about it totally unsaged like we're supposed to give a shit. Twitterfags will never integrate.
>>181108Hard agree that she's lost her identity these last few years and seems to be in a "if you can't beat em, join em" mindset with these clown-core gender weirdos from tiktok. But I see a certain level of exhaustion in this new persona. Like someone mentioned upthread. She couldn't just
buy a new piece of black clothing
>>180833because she feels tired of being Pixie all the time (the real reason I suspect). She feels the need to justify it to her "fans" with a mental illness. She's very one-dimensional.
No. 181161
>>181127Replying to a cow and posting it here will never not be embarrassing, and it's even worse when the reply is hamfisted twitter brainrot like
>>181074. Deal w it
No. 181175
File: 1636483112597.png (376.45 KB, 1080x1896, Screenshot_20211109-112336-557…)

>>181093>>181098This is the account that did it everything screams cow tipping. From the AI generated AVI to the only posts being about Jill with a weak argument when most "cancel" threads are a novel with screen shots and video on how inexcusable the person's behavior is. Twitter has an eco system and this just looks like a displaced animal pretending to assimilate. Also it wouldn't seem like cow tipping if there was more traction to the post one like from the actual owner of the twitter isn't enough to make it seem genuine.
>>181171She's on a
toxic positivity train so she'll most likely just delete and ignore negative comments. She's putting her self in a echo chamber so why would she open up the door to receive more criticism by making a video that might encourage more people to think critically of her?
No. 181176
>>181172>>181171I can't see her ever doing a response to criticism (let's be real, none of this is outright hate) - see how she responded to Drew, someone she is actually a fan of
>ignores it/denial>When people are like "this u?" she then runs to Drew and tries to get him to publicly disclaim her from the description/video >Then when he rightfully ignores that, back to lovebombingNone of that speaks to the amount of self awareness required to actually
respond to criticism since even when one of her faves indirectly calls her out, she still never
responded to what he actually said/the message. She simply sees things as either approval or disapproval and blocks/ignores the latter.
Responding requires actually listening and considering what was said enough to rebuke it, she clearly hasn't listened to a scrap of advice for years since I'm sure we aren't the only ones with Thoughts about how all this is going. (Terribly, Jill, it's going terribly)
No. 181184
File: 1636486257236.png (195.12 KB, 1166x806, yikes.cringe.png)

>>181175these cowtippers are really easy to spot
No. 181186
>>181184I'm not saying you cant call her out publicly but do it from your personal account or a more realistic one.
otherwise stay here and dont go out seeking social revenge from pictureless profiles
No. 181205
>>181074seems very braggy to me imo
No. 181209
>>181175Lmao this is so fucking cringe.
First, the obvious username
>I_follow_uglyOnly following one person
Imediately doing a stupid callout after someone here said calling her out for her overlining lips is retarded
Like… come on, there's like 10+ things in the past 5 threads that she could be called out for, and her overlining her lips is the hill you'll die on? it doesn't even look like black lips, it just looks like some stupid clown makeup
No. 181230
>>181184>it's another "milk is low so now we have to REEEE about shit we already knew" episodeThese threads have been infested with pull/twitterfags. ffs this is /w/ people. We already have the resident munchies and "ex-fans"
fucking why would you even watch her boring ass content? squatting here, do we really need to bring attention to the obvious selfposters/cowtippers?
No. 181232
>>180435This bitch thinkgs swinging your arms like a retard is stimming, when stimming can be small and not that noticeable. Proof she's faking
>>181230Milk isn't low, people are just retarded. The drew thing was funny. And I see no munchies here tbh.
No. 181251
File: 1636521058504.png (195.58 KB, 537x472, reefrtvetfrvg.png)

her 1 year of practice counselor "loved" her anger flower
No. 181252
File: 1636521162382.png (29.42 KB, 596x202, reefrtvetfrvg.png)

She also mentioned Drew Monson in her therapy session, probably because she got too emotional with what happened recently.
No. 181253
File: 1636521183691.png (335.38 KB, 680x383, imagen_2021-11-09_231325.png)

No. 181267
File: 1636528598522.jpg (76.75 KB, 599x625, Pixiw.jpg)

Does she not realize that her saying this just makes her sound like an alcoholic?
No. 181269
>>181251>my creepy rage flower chart isn’t stupid and useless you haters, my therapist totally loved it!If true, this just confirms yet again that her therapist is a yes-man who doesn’t know what he’s doing. I wonder if he reads her Twitter.
>>181252I would love to know if they talked about the contents of that video.
>>181267No Drunkielocks, you look like a 40-year-old who’s had a nervous breakdown. They probably tiptoe around her so she doesn’t cause a scene in their store.
No. 181278
>>181267You do not look like you're 6 Jill, you look like a fully grown overweight clown. You never see males REEing about how smol and short and child-like they look on the internet, but it's incredibly common among female influencers and users (who invariably look nothing like children in reality). With exception of some of the more attention seeking young gay men, who might emphasize their actual age or youth but not try and claim to be a child's age/height like these depressing bitches.
But pretty much every bitch on the internet thinks claiming to look like a child or emphasizing how "smol" they are is good and normal and doesn't question the pedophilic base behind these claims.
No. 181321
File: 1636563059682.jpg (117.54 KB, 1080x1350, 221837656_2957273777924114_882…)

>>181267ah yes, that is absolutely what a 6 year old child looks like.
even if she's just exaggerating that number to imply "I look like I'm underage", just no…
No. 181352
>>181300I know right?
Drew (says any other irrelevant shit)
>DREWWWW PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE>>181293Yeah they do, except when Steviewie gives her an UTI
No. 181368
>>181363Not mention:
>terminally online neet>no real friends because she's constantly changing her personality/hobbies/interests>all that's left seem to be genderspecial enablers and crazies>both (crazies and pixie) are just using each other for larp and skinwalking purposesA lot of her problems would be fixed if she wasn't seeing 'muh counselor', took some personal responsibility, and just focused on a hobby because she enjoys it without constantly trying to buy her way to the top/becoming
the voice of [insert community here]
No. 181386
File: 1636590504967.jpeg (145.16 KB, 814x504, 168C0CDA-F80A-46D0-9E97-60CA09…)

Looks like she’s got the diagnosis that she wanted
No. 181408
>>181386"what a gorgeous day of rebirth and new chapters"
>crazy life changing newsgod… I kinda want to throw up now
No. 181409
>>181386Why is her life so dependent on what others do?
>emilia posted her last video ever>drew is live streaming againIs it just me or is this creepy?
No. 181420
>>181386does she not realise how parasocial her own tweets about her two content creator besties make her sound? this one in particular comes off as so unhinged.
also jesus christ i am so sick of her vagueposting about this life changing diagnosis, jill pls just say its DID or whatever the fuck and move on its annoying to witness.
No. 181432
File: 1636611020106.jpeg (510.14 KB, 828x1264, 55760EDE-F419-4914-A549-FFF650…)

This poor queen is going to be read to filth if she seriously considering wearing clothes made by Jill on Drag Race Canada. Not only that but I will be surprised if Jill even produces a garment in time due to her *~mwentall iwness~*
No. 181469
>>181452Exactly, she comes off as annoying and so self centered. Instead of being like "Oh cool, I support you!" she's like "ANDDDD don't forget to include meeeeeeeee! -emoji-"
If she did that to me I would tell her to fuck off.
Like imagine you draw something and post it or whatever and then this random piece of shit comes to your post like "omg but what about ME, don't forget I also do STUFF!!"
No. 181489
>>181386she's vagueposting about having a super meaningful lifechanging diagnosis or therapy session or mental health test on a weekly basis now
either actually say what's going on or be quiet about it, this is just annoying af
No. 181511
>>181499as much as Jill loves to talk about stimming and sensory overload, I think autism is too common and uncool for her. Her obsession with calling herself non-divergent without actually claiming a specific diagnosis makes me feel like she wants to be special without having to be lumped with us non-kawaii autistic retards, tbh.
I think she tried to get a DID diagnosis but maybe got something related, like PTSD.
No. 181515
>>181420I’m glad someone else mentioned this. There’s something really weird about addressing them on a purely first name basis. Like, I know that she knows everyone knows who she’s talking about, but she’s mentioning these people like they’re her friends. She straight up comes across like one of those slightly cracked Twitter stans that tweets about their celebrity obsession constantly to the point that it’s scary.
These people aren’t your friends Jill. It’s fine to look up to them, but goddamn it’s just embarrassing to have a hyperfixation surrounding an actual human person
No. 181544
File: 1636654858306.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1314, Screenshot_20211111-111806-807…)

>>181499My money is on ADHD, it's being over diagnosed so doctors can sell the medication.
Also I can't be the only one that finds it manipulative that she's tweeting this shit with her verified account especially now that she has a side account to post all her sperging. I know she was always a fan of Drew but she's really doubling down on love bombing him.
No. 181589
File: 1636672796777.jpeg (113.33 KB, 674x822, 276989D3-A3A6-43FD-9619-963165…)

>>181544she's literally obsessed with him. four tweets in the past hour, all in response to a picture of his grandma. some weird parasocial relationship shit.
No. 181590
File: 1636672837310.png (71.84 KB, 300x200, imagen_2021-11-11_172101.png)

>>181515>she’s mentioning these people like they’re her friends. She straight up comes across like one of those slightly cracked Twitter stans that tweets about their celebrity obsession constantly to the point that it’s scary. So fucking true. It's creepy as fuck.
No. 181591
>>181589If I was Drew I would be fucking scared out my mind, this creepy clown is so fucking obsessive with him
>>181590Honestly this seems very likely, she's also someone who overestimates her relationships.
No. 181614
>>181589I wouldn’t be surprised if Drew has her muted, I would if I were him. It’s genuinely getting creepy now and 100% crossing the line from someone you look up to into someone you’re obsessed with.
This is the shit she should be addressing with her therapist, especially since they’re aware she has bpd and is prone to obsessive behavior
No. 181632
>>181321Sage for complete tinfoil and maybe armchair diagnosing, but I have this awful, gut-wrenching feeling that Jill is going to start slipping into some sort of age regression, either real or pretend.
Maybe it's just the "stimming" parts of her videos, or her obsession with mentioning how she thinks she looks like a literal child, or her making herself helpless. I desperately want to be wrong.
No. 181646
File: 1636717236351.jpg (130.72 KB, 1080x380, Screenshot_2021-11-12-11-33-01…)

This is extremely funny coming from her
No. 181647
File: 1636717896776.jpg (71.32 KB, 657x1024, 1633441928989.jpg)

>>181589kek she's acting like a soyboy simp who is thirsting over his fav twitch/OF thot.
look Jill if you wanna be twitter besties with this dude you're gonna have to donate more than just a measly 50 bucks!
if you want male attention that badly just talk to your boyfriend who lives in the same house, or is he too busy jerking off to star wars tranny porn?
the fact that this youtube funny man looks like a clone of her big brother just adds another layer of creepiness to the whole thing.
No. 181653
>>181647She's one of those super delusional fans that want to speak to someone they admire so bad so they start to obsessively try to gain their attention in any way possible, even giving them money in return. They can't take a clue.
This is obviously the wrong way to befriend any content creator… you're dehumanizing them and trying to make things about yourself and how much of a fan you are, without taking into consideration how they feel or what they want.
I think Drew Monson's inbox must be full of her messages too… her creepiness is not welcomed, how hasn't she noticed this yet?
No. 181663
>>181267So she knows she
1.Dresses like a toddler
2.Has an alcohol problem
3.Visits the liquor store way too often
4.Looks embarassing in her current style
And yet chose to do nothing??
And she doesn't even realize how dumb it sounds to post this either… self owning pair of tweets
No. 181664
>>181267Kek she doesn't look youthful at all, she really does look over 30. Her obnoxious clothing is what makes her look retarded like a special needs kid.
Seriously why doesn't she dress colorful but better? she always looks so ugly with every choice she makes
No. 181714
File: 1636745700293.jpeg (346.32 KB, 1170x1264, DBE7C3AD-2F8D-4A3A-B377-06B70D…)

it's finally happening
No. 181716
File: 1636746063440.jpg (52.85 KB, 720x902, tumblr_e63bc7ca5b964af8b768ffb…)

>>181714i want to a log so badly right now you guys don't even understand
No. 181718
File: 1636746090586.jpg (284.81 KB, 1080x868, Screenshot_20211112-194100_Chr…)

She is so proud look at her bio
No. 181724
>>181718. . . and yet I still don't buy it.
Oh, this should be fun. What a fucking trainwreck.
No. 181726
>>181714All the people saying "congratulations" in the comments.
. . . what hell realm version of reality did I fucking wake up to? What in the fuck is going on??
They're right: we DO have a mental health crisis in our country. Jesus fucking CHRIST.
No. 181730
File: 1636746879058.jpeg (154.56 KB, 768x1024, BF0D97C4-DF96-4F74-98AC-8E1479…)

She is so fucking proud of herself. I can’t with the comments and replies. they’re all congratulating her like she’s achieved something? And welcoming her “to the club”
I have been following Jill for years and I never thought it would ever get to this point. I’m actually fucking speechless
I knew it was coming but this is something else
No. 181734
>>181714are you fucking serious right now? why the fuck are you celebrating this?
also why even take this diagnosis seriously, you were therapist shopping to get what you wanted anyways
sage for no contribution, only rage
No. 181735
>>181734My main takeaway of the day is this:
. . .
my children are never, ever going to see the internet.
No. 181736
>>181730I cam sum up all those fancy terms in two words:
fucking psycho
No. 181737
File: 1636747639861.jpeg (212.81 KB, 768x1024, EFF9416D-C0E4-4D55-AF7D-E1ADF3…)

>>181730sage for samefag
i didn’t want any anons to miss this shitfest in the replies
No. 181739
File: 1636748213828.jpeg (236.09 KB, 1170x669, 7BC90A17-CF7E-44D1-B0C4-A1EB1A…)

looks like she’s anticipating some backlash from this
No. 181740
File: 1636748300317.jpeg (836.56 KB, 1170x1236, 35F4F6A7-DE64-480E-A093-7CF7CF…)

also i guess her new alter is named jerrick and they’re 14-16 asexual…
No. 181741
File: 1636748336575.gif (5.11 MB, 640x426, 894859845.gif)

>>181714>>181718>>181730>>181737>>181740the cake, that little photoshoot to go along with it, the twitter bio, the fucking emojis, all these idiots supporting her…
I feel nothing but rage, how can you be proud of this?
these people are sick in the head but not for the reason they believe, there aren't a bunch of characters inside your "magical head", we all know that and Jill knows that as well.
this is what consuming nothing but mental health shit on twitter and tiktok all day does to you.
following her is just depressing and painful at this point, how can you ruin your own life like this?
No. 181744
File: 1636748444549.gif (2.27 MB, 480x400, giphy.gif)

the crazy train is officially off the rails, shit's about to get wild
No. 181747
>>181714Basically celebrating the fact she can now act however she wants and use DID as her shield from rightful backlash, for things such as
>>181739Oops, Jerrick (he/him) did it again!
No. 181749
>>181718>>181722so the predictions were true and her next video is going to be some kind of "meet my alters" bs right?
people (her fans) have been begging her for a fashion collection video for god knows how long now, I bet she'll exclusively pump out DID related videos now though since it allows her to talk about nothing but herself and all her fun shiny interesting personalities without having to put in any kind of work
No. 181753
File: 1636749735158.jpg (440.26 KB, 1080x2140, Screenshot_20211112-204016.jpg)

She's calling herself the pixie system I guess
No. 181756
>>181714We did it, joe. I don’t believe that DID is real at all, especially in the way twitter pretends it is, but jill has had none of the life experiences or extended trauma that the diagnosis depends on. She’s a truly vile person and I cannot wait until this all blows up in her face.
I owe the anons who called it months ago a pint, I really didn’t think we would ever get confirmed jill DID, I was sure it was going to be autism.
No. 181757
>>181749maybe each one of them will wear one of the outfits
>>181753"co-consciousness" as in they're all the same person
No. 181758
File: 1636750357012.gif (574.57 KB, 220x220, choke-out-strangle-you.gif)

>>181714How are you gonna cut 5 slices you dumb pig
No. 181764
>>181714fuck this is abysmal. you can work to remove shame and stigma from mental health issues without turning it into a rainby uwu circus, she makes it a joke and does damage to people who actually struggle with shit
she's just excited she can now flaunt the diagnosis and win at the trauma olympics
No. 181766
File: 1636751351582.png (78.15 KB, 784x464, ok.png)

She's truly become just like her confetti club members. Insane genderhair fatties Lol
No. 181776
File: 1636752105359.png (625.87 KB, 505x584, congratz.png)

sage for absolute autism, I'll take my ban
No. 181777
>>181767This is all so stupid. Now there are 5 of them? And it ties into her fashion "brand" RIP?
Yo the sheer fucking tastelessness of
>>181714 is just…I'm truly speechless and so disgusted wow. Wow wow wow like some people actually experience horrible trauma in their lives do not larp being an insane multiple personality rainbow clown on the internet while doing absolutely jack shit in their paid for home. They don't fucking celebrate being fucked in the head for life.
>>181730Any one of these could be devastating on it's own. I want to smack this bitch so badly holy shit.
No. 181784
>>181776Absolutely needs to be part of the next thread collage.
>>181779Anon who was hoping she wasn’t going to start faking age regression - is this worse or better?
No. 181785
>>181777The thing is it’s not fucked for life, these kids play acting make a big show of integration being
abusive and not what you should do because they don’t want to give up the larp but in the real world integration is actually what the goal should be, so addressing each of the issues that caused a split then what you would be left with is the whole actual person, in this example Jill
No. 181786
>>181782It means she meant
>>181267 literally. Ah yes alcoholic 6 year old.
No. 181790
>>181730fuckin hell, deep down, i was hoping that she sought a REAL diagnosis, but i guess i had too high hopes for pixie the retard, after all. regardless, this destroyed any trust in the canadian mental healthcare system i may have had. somehow a fat narcissistic retard, whose only education in mental disorders has been through twitter and youtube school, had a whole professional counsellor with a master's and the people at the facility where she underwent additional testing FOOLED. if i was jedediah wilson, registered counsellor in fredericton, new brunswick, i would resign from embarrassment. he is not equipped to handle any mental health patients.
No. 181792
>>181714I spat my sandwich when I read this. I am speachless.
Are we supposed to believe that she was doing fine for years, being productive and having a life to now doing wathever the shit this is? Is it because her "fashion school" was a failure? Is it because of Steve? Is it because she's just a munchie? She was always out of touch but it was because her mom coddled her too much. This is just fucked up.
No. 181795
>>181722She removed the "baby drag human" bit from "Jerrick"s profile so my bet is a separate drag queen alter.
Also, I'd bet money that the name Jerrick came directly from Jinkx Monsoon.
No. 181797
File: 1636753905026.jpeg (72.74 KB, 731x324, 5B0767B6-2424-4CA5-9EC0-99C599…)

>>181714Damn sounds like that shit was on the cake when they bought it too. I can only imagine what that DQ worker was thinking.
No. 181799
File: 1636754035457.jpeg (315.46 KB, 1170x1098, 74BECC5E-0AFA-465D-BB01-09982A…)

it’s a cringe from me dawg
No. 181803
>>181632I can't fucking believe she has a 6yo alter what the fuck cursed knowledge juice did I sip to make this post this morning
This is honestly so depressing. Pixie could've probably made a comfortable living off being a palatable if occasionally cringe kawaii YouTuber, it hurts to see her throw it all away for internet points.
No. 181807
>>181779>Oldest is 35Do I even want to see her interpretation of an age she has never been?
>>181790This. Lol sorry this is your tax dollars at work.
>>181799But you're an adult woman Jillian.
No. 181811
File: 1636754968861.jpeg (378.91 KB, 828x771, EAB720DD-8340-4670-9EE9-1070D4…)

I guess we will be getting videos for all the alters
No. 181816
>>181799"because I am" I mean your 14 year old alter that you reply to on your main account one minute later and is also a drag king? Sounds legit and not fake at all.
>>181714So she went back to her normal eyebrows here. And how the FUCK is being diagnosed with multiple personalities a good thing?
Now I know for sure therapists/counseller's/etc can't be trusted because we all know this is bullshit.
>>181746>You’re a helicopter parent to your daughter her entire life and see nothing even remotely psychotic and suddenly she claims she’s got this insane disorder? A disorder associated with extreme childhood abuse no less, amazing what you can pay for these days
No. 181824
>>181779Ah a 6 year old, "I look like I'm 6" when she's buying alcohol in the offie. So her 6 year old alter is an alcoholic.
I have a feeling this is all gonna be like the worst wattpad fanfiction you have ever seen.
No. 181832
>>181827- Jillian has probably always been the center of attention and was a performer when she was a little kid.
- When her Mom got cancer, the attention was likely taken off her and caused trauma
- This is when and how Jillian developed Borderline Personality Disorder
- The end.
No. 181834
>>181809>not to mention this is also part of her medical record now. It may be different in Canada but from what I've read a psych diag really does fuck you for life. A psychiatrist has to be the one to say you've recovered now/don't need medication anymore, you can't decide that and they can essentially force you to keep taking medication even if you consider yourself recovered.
Zoomers really be fucking up their whole futures for internet attention, if not sex work than stuff like this.
No. 181838
>>181824She must’ve had an idea for these alters in her mind when she posted that tweet. Even if it isn’t the 6-year-old who’s buying liquor, by her logic one of the other alters posted that “knowing” there is a 6-year-old in the system. Even by insane DID logic that’s creepy.
Bets on which one is going to be the spicy sex pozzie OnlyFans alter? I want to say the 35-year-old.
No. 181843
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No. 181853
File: 1636757543326.jpeg (225.1 KB, 729x440, DA372EF0-434E-401F-B805-900BA4…)

I wonder if the 6 year old will have any kind of internet presence
No. 181856
File: 1636758177773.jpeg (16.77 KB, 275x164, 3FC25635-6959-4CD8-A8AF-08491C…)

>>181714I’m so mad. She has the most supportive parents ever. She’s so far removed from an extremely painful trauma childhood. I’m tired of her trauma larp.
I don’t really believe in DID as in Split or how the DIDtuber portray it but I’m open to the idea of extremely abused kids having delusional and dissociative episodes. But I’m talking extreme trauma, not “my mom was kinda mean to me but kept me well fed and enrolled in school programs”
What a slap in the face. What’s next, she’s gonna larp growing up poor? I’m tired of those rich white hetero kids who want to fit in and re-invent themselves as queer or having had tough childhoods. Jillian you’re a straight white girl from a first world country where your own family is considered wealthy. Nothing wrong with it. You’re just extremely, extremely lucky.
I just want to see her explain to her mom that she was abused and traumatised at a very young age with no parental attachment. Oh no wait, she’s kinda autismo so I guess having had a bad online relationship when she was a teen will do. You’re all good mom!
No. 181860
File: 1636758604108.jpg (56.63 KB, 540x360, tumblr_678220fbd29cb8a6b63df1a…)

>>181779I can't believe my poorly Photoshopped image of making pixie the little in her "system" became real.
>>181807That's her alcoholic self that's the alter that goes to the liquor store every night and buys three bottles of rosé.
>>181855What even happened with nim or what ever she called herself? Does she even still up load to YouTube? What i know for sure is that Jill is going to try to replace her and become the new mouth piece for DID fakers.
No. 181861
File: 1636758791448.jpeg (110.51 KB, 750x650, D6E49BF7-30F3-49A4-AC9E-636A58…)

In less than a year, you too can have your very own DID diagnosis.
No. 181863
File: 1636759599776.jpeg (77.8 KB, 750x242, C84996CD-A0F7-4FEB-A349-C66154…)

>>181861>question 163this looks like an excellent and totally legitimate means of testing.
No. 181865
File: 1636760260608.png (284.43 KB, 400x400, imagen_2021-11-12_173747.png)

I'm sorry girls. These news are too much for me. I am both kekking and very effing angry on the verge of a-logging. This is just very sad and pathetic, so much that it actually gives me a pit in my stomach.
I'll see you all in a year when she becomes deathfat and inevitably mutilates herself.
No. 181869
File: 1636761303910.jpeg (81.35 KB, 750x519, 7A724103-ACAC-4015-B4DB-5ACEFA…)

>>181863Now now, I’m sure Jed the hypnotherapist is always professional when diagnosing disorders that are thought to be therapist-induced.
No. 181870
>>181861This "therapist" sounds so negligent holy shit. He has to have some awareness that she has a youtube channel and online following and can connect the dots and find her if he really wanted to if she hasn't outright shared her sm.
If he's just entertaining her delusions to collect a check, that's beyond unethical. If he sees this obvious larping and consumption of mental health content, as well as her creepy parasocial fixations and thinks "surely this must be DID" he needs to not have a job?
No. 181871
File: 1636762390220.jpg (699.05 KB, 1080x1697, 20211112_201101.jpg)

Holy shit, fresh milk
No. 181873
File: 1636762444350.jpg (516.83 KB, 1080x1696, 20211112_201119.jpg)

>>181871Full text thing is long so multiple screenshots incoming
No. 181875
File: 1636762543340.jpg (988.02 KB, 1080x1659, 20211112_201158.jpg)

>>181874Happy DID Diagnosis said absolutely no one ever
No. 181877
>>181874Can you imagine being someone like an aunt or uncle reading something like this? PTSD? From what?
This bitch is throwing away her life.
No. 181879
File: 1636762712236.jpg (151.87 KB, 1080x516, 20211112_201802.jpg)

>>181876Her mom's reply feels odd for some reason
No. 181882
>>181873>A beautiful, complex coping mechanismWhy the fuck is she romanticizing it? What the absolute fuck is wrong with her
>if you have known me through different stages of my lifeIs she really blaming growing up on DID? she's allowed to not remember people, she's allowed to act different around others. This is a weird ass larp she is playing in order to be an asshole in public.
>>181879I bet Jill is seething at the response since she called her Jillian and her "beautiful" baby girl. It really comes off like mama vessey is being publicly kind to save face.
No. 181885
>>181879Of course her moms going to be positive and supportive, her daughter is going through a serious mental crisis! She’s probably terrified of what Jills going to do next for that sweet, sweet validation. Not to mention like many anons have pointed out she’s put herself in a very vulnerable position that plenty of people would happily take advantage of.
Wonder if Steve has poa…
No. 181897
>>181714Imagine if someone with something like a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis got a "happy RA diagnosis!" cake. It would be considered an insult. This is absolutely disgusting and any medical professional who enabled this need to have their license revoked.
>>181861>He administered the MID to ~us~oh, that explains everything.
No. 181919
>>181714Holy shit this is just like the story of sybil aka Shirley masen.
Like the "therapist" and the "false memories" and everything. Not gonna lie this is super fascinating to me. I never seen someone believe their own lies this hard in real life before.
No. 181935
>>181721>>181714>>181856As a psych major I can assure you that DID is a real illness but it is aboustetly not how the media and these retards portray it to be
If I could explain it in a easy to understand way I'd say that its like going to different identifies of your own self, not becoming a new different personality but more often then not regressing to a child like state of yourself or a hyper aggressive state of your self, its a subconscious coping mechanism for actual traumatized children
No. 181941
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The thing is I'm just tired. I'm tired of this bullshit. There's no way she has DID, or PTSD, but now that she has her desired paid for diagnosis no one can tell her off. You just know she selected all the right answers to the questions so she would get it. Otherwise why would she be searching for this shit online.
I'm so tired.
No. 181943
File: 1636791343790.jpg (544.82 KB, 220x150, wOqEetb.jpg)

Congratulations, Jill! You made yourself the victim in your life. How utterly archaic.
Her constant need for validation/approval along with her being cyberchondriac is her own personal hell. She's watching "mental health" videos day in, day out. It's taking a toll.
She's self-destructing evident by her alcoholism and weed dependency. At this rate, prescription pill abuse could be in the future.
Honestly I don't believe she'll be able to experience rock bottom. I think her rock bottom will be death.
No. 181945
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No. 181949
>>181944Maybe? She said she was evaluated for all those things but the way she words it seems like she’s heavily implying everything she was evaluated for = her diagnosis.
Nonetheless, she sure is running with this.
No. 181952
people around the world who got raped as a child, terminal illnesses, emotionally torturing parents, relentlessly bullied for years, lost everything to war/natural disasters, and often no ressource to get better:
this rich shit hoarding lardass with a princess lifestyle, happy childhood, good family and all the ressources available: happy DID twaumaversary to me uwu
insert tons of cutesy emojiGod I hope this'll bite her back in the ass, narcissistic priviledged biches like her and cozykitsune who LARP mental illness deserve to actually experience it and see how it can ruin someone's life.
>>181946She probs believe being mentally ill is part of the LGBTQIABC+ rainby kek
No. 181954
>>181918>>181919Maybe once the attention she’s getting for this LARP runs out she’ll turn on her therapist and say he groomed her into this. He’s definitely a quack but we’ve all seen how she’s been setting this up for a long time now and probably sought out this specific therapist because he supposedly specialises in this area.
>>181921Her going full Pwincess Aggy would be the cherry on top of this shitcake.
>>181938All of them will need their own wardrobe of course, and maybe she’ll redecorate parts of the clownhouse to fit their individual aesthetics. That is if she didn’t model her alters after the different rooms in her house, like with her fashion collection.
>>181948>they don’t ask other people in your life about you or your behaviour, all the info comes straight from youIs this really how it works in Canada? In my country the diagnosing of developmental disorders like ASD, even in adults, always involves parents/guardians where possible. I can imagine it’s different when it’s a condition involving severe childhood trauma but surely Jill isn’t claiming that her “PTSD” was caused by her parents… right?
God this whole thing is such a shitshow I love it
No. 181957
i can't believe how fast she's spiraling. how is she gonna top this? full-blown munching?
she's gonna become the kawiwi kelly and document her stumpy wumpy rainbow amputee saga on youtube at this rate
>>181413>>181414A+ posts, i hope they'll be the next threadpic
No. 181960
File: 1636799121541.jpeg (122.17 KB, 1242x629, 21B39F65-7045-43B8-A8DF-BBF200…)

From Jill’s TikTok. Who diagnoses a young girl with this much stuff? It’s insane
No. 181967
File: 1636801376899.jpg (265.18 KB, 1080x721, IMG_20211113_110051.jpg)

oh my god look at the times of the tweets. DID isnt real but even if it was this isnt how it works jillybean. there is no way people actually believe this shit right?
No. 181972
>"The disorders most often form in children subjected to long-term physical, sexual or emotional abuse or, less often, a home environment that's frightening or highly unpredictable. The stress of war or natural disasters also can bring on dissociative disorders."
I know she's always going to be vague about whatever trauma supposedly caused her DID, but she has documented so much of her life online that it's basically impossible to hide that she had a perfectly happy childhood.
>"DID only develops in early childhood, no later. Current research suggests before the ages of 6-9 (while other papers list even as early as age 4). Prolonged, repeated trauma later in life (particularly that which is at the sole control of another person, or breaks down a person’s psyche and self-perception) may result in Complex PTSD - which does have overlapping symptoms - but they will not develop DID."
I do not believe in the version of DID that is portrayed on social media now, but I can imagine that a child that regularly gets severely abused, tortured, raped etc. would disassociate and try to escape that, or a child that grows up in a literal warzone, lives through constant stress and may experience the death of parents or such.
So, what comparable trauma has Jill experienced between ages 4-9 that would cause DID?
Also, why has this supposed DID only surfaced now, at age 23? For the past 15 or so years she seems to have shown no signs of DID which would have occurred by then.
She has been in treatment, she has had therapists and counselors, wasn't she even in stationary treatment for a few weeks for ED related stuff?
You're telling me during this time period no medical professional, no family member, no boyfriends or friends or classmates or coworkers have ever actually noticed any signs of DID?
Jill herself has always openly and extensively talked about her mental health, yet she has never made any mention of DID in the past, (it was only brought up by her in the span of the last months,) neither that her nor anyone else suspected she might have it.
She has been posting online since she was a tween, yet she always seemed carefree, bratty and spoiled, not like a disturbed child that was dealing with severe trauma.
She was an extroverted theater kid that performed on stage, entered cosplay competitions, she hosted fan meetups, she went to Japan through the Kawaii Ambassador stuff, I imagine that things like this would be extremely difficult for someone dealing with DID. Yet she was doing all of these things, all while completely hiding her DID for 15+ years?
Who is supposed to believe this?
No. 181975
>>181954>Is this really how it works in Canada? In my country the diagnosing of developmental disorders like ASD, even in adults, always involves parents/guardians where possible. Maybe the difference is between private (paid) and public healthcare. Contrary to what anons believe, psych evals aren't easily faked because the test isn't the only part, the doctor is supposed to watch your behavior and notice if you're restless, zoning out or displaying any tics, there's also a verbal interview. In addition, the doctor may do blood tests (to see if you have any abnormalities with glands/hormones or substance abuse) or send you for one of those simpler electrode brain tests to determine if you have autism or something.
We all have seen Jill's behavior in the past years, and I do not believe that she could deceive professionals so it's:
A) They diagnosed her so they can earn more money with therapy and meds
B) Doctors in Canada have to baby patients so hard that they can't call out their bullshit
C) She got a diagnosis for anxiety or something and then went ham with making this fake story her new personality
No. 181979
>>181730I'm no expert but DID, PTSD and BPD all stem from moderate to severe childhood trauma and aren't actually co-morbid, she's just been misdiagnosed a bunch of times. They share so many symptoms and behaviours but I believe you only ever get diagnosed with one?
Also, she said that her therapist gave her the diagnosis right? Again no expert, but a psychiatric disorder (especially one so serious) tends to need a diagnosis from a psychiatrist. You know, someone who went to medical school and knows a bit about the human brain. This guy is a quack and a fraud.
In reality, DID does exist, it is a severe condition and it's quite rare. These kids claiming they have it are basically the same as the kids on Tumblr who were otherkin to Homestuck characters et al. They just want to escape all responsibility and live in a little dream world where they can be whoever they want with the added bonus of special treatment for their
mental illness. It's ironically an epidemic and Jill is adding to it.
No. 181980
>>181978Yeah, the interaction between them is off. It feels more like Steve is the worst off one. Jill actually does have more control of herself compared to Steve. This is why I believe Steve is fine with these diagnoseses piling up. It makes him look more sane.
He can help her.
He can support her. In reality, Steve won't do shit.
No. 181984
File: 1636805512491.webm (16.25 MB, 576x1024, pixielocks.webm)
has her tiktok 'coming out' video been shared on here yet?
if not, uploading it for all the nonnies who haven't seen it yet, just some additional cringe
No. 182000
>>181967I have no words. I'm actually shocked at how sick I feel over this, what the hell.
Also, I thought her councilor couldn't diagnose? And doesn't DID typically take a long time to identify? Fuck her, seriously. It's not even funny anymore to watch her spiral because of what a mockery she makes of actual trauma and mental illness.
A cake? Seriously? I know this site is largely in the "DID is fake" camp, but when you do listen to "real" cases of DID, it's absolutely debilitating and life ruining. It's not some cute "uwu let me make different twitter accounts for all my altars and joke and also we're all friends and love each other" kind of thing. It's people losing large chunks of their lives to dissociation, doing things to harm themselves without remembering doing so, and pretty much being stuck that way for life.
No. 182001
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>>182000i don’t think her councilor diagnosed her
No. 182003
>>182001wait, two (2) professionals looked at this rainbow trainwreck LARPing and went "hmm yes sounds like legit PTSD and DID?"
what the fuck?
No. 182006
>>182002Its a meme, she's a fat, lazy pillow princess and I doubt she would even have the energy to even give one thrust
I bet she just asks him to give her some PIV and then eat her out
No. 182010
>>181998Even more "serious" cases like this woman seem like they're faking it. Like imagine being a grown ass woman and saying "yes I am young gay guy sometimes uwu"
Of course she doesn't have DID…
No. 182011
>>182008it sounds like in cases of DID the trauma has to occur in early childhood though, so around elementary school age, weren't both her
abusive dA girlfriend and
abusive punk boyfriend (?) later on?
I really do wonder what kind of trauma she claims she experienced
No. 182013
>>182012>Who the fuck would actually be happy about having a DID diagnosis?To tiktok zoomers this is validating their quirk they picked and a beautiful experience. Jill will end up in one of those tiktok cringe compilations.
This isn't an illness to her where she has to be afraid of the diagnosis, this is an official excuse for her bullshit. I am curious how her parents will play it out, maybe they think she's Stevie's problem now.
No. 182020
File: 1636818388716.png (407.29 KB, 640x905, imagen_2021-11-13_094439.png)

Congrats to Jillian for becoming part of the cringiest, most unhinged fandom on the internet there is. Congrats for being an hypocrite and doing exactly what she critiziced Trisha Patas for. Congrats for advocating for trannies, pedophiles, and narcissistic munchausens.
Truly a day to celebrate. All I can say, can't wait to see her becoming part of where they collect cringe DID tiktoks like hers.
No. 182021

Just a reminder there's a thread for DID larpers on /snow/ too
>>>/snow/663556I'm copy and pasting a post from there:
>>1001239"Individuals who feign dissociative identity disorder do not report the subtle symptoms of intrusion characteristic of the disorder; instead they tend to overreport well-publicized symptoms of the disorder, such as dissociative amnesia, while underreporting less-publicized comorbid symptoms, such as depression.""Individuals who feign dissociative identity disorder tend to be relatively undisturbed by or may even seem to enjoy "having" the disorder. In contrast, individuals with genuine dissociative identity disorder tend to be ashamed of and overwhelmed by their symptoms and to underreport their symptoms or deny their condition. Individuals who malinger dissociative identity disorder usually create limited, stereotyped alternate identities, with feigned amnesia, related to the events for which gain is sought. For example, they may present an "all-good" identity and an "all-bad" identity in hopes of gaining exculpation for a crime."Furthermore, if you look into the history of multiple personality disorder you'll find many women came out after the book turned movie Sybil become popular claiming to have multiple personalities.Would also recommend, if you can, that you read "Sybil Exposed" by Debbie Nathan. She explains how Sybil was coaxed into believing fabricated abuse and that she made up the personalities to please Dr.Wilbur.Other DID threads I found:
>>>/snow/1137319>>>/snow/109130>>>/ot/108097>>>/ot/190218There's also this post that reads:
where is the evidence for DID? do you know that there were virtually no cases before the book Sybil was published? and Sybil was faking having the disorder. putting this documentary about people with DID in here. Unlike people on tiktok, they look more legit. And even then, I have my doubts.
No. 182025
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>>182017Ever since the whole "we're queer!!!" post on tumblr she has always wanted to come out- as anything, really. No one ever believed her, but now that she has paid to get what she wanted (like always did), she has a legit "excuse" to -come out-.
Just think about it, she couldn't justify being a lesbian because (in her own words) she "loved dick too much" and only used Mistery Girl to seem like she truly was into girls. She always wanted to be shit that she's not.
Honestly, thinking about it, I wonder where Mistery Girl is now, and if she's doing ok. I'm happy she dodged a bullet. I'm happy everyone who has unfriended her or broken up with her, dodged a bullet. I hate her so much. I hate her fake positivity and how creepy she is. This whole DID larp charade with the "uwu coming out" and emoji spam is creepy and gross as fuck.
No. 182027
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>>182022KEK ANON, just imagine this 40 year old looking psycho clown ordering a fucking cake that says "Happy DID diagnosis"… my fucking sides, this is so pathetic yet so creepy, but incredibly funny to think about.
>>182023Jesus christ anon you're right.
No. 182029
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>>182027Highlighting some of the comments because I'm glad lolcow isn't the only one calling her out. There's even so many ex watchers in her comments (proof that the critizisms on her youtube comment were also from legit ex fans)
She clearly doesn't deserve the hugbox she has… I'm very disgusted honestly. Who the fuck celebrates a diagnosis with a cake??? I just hope that, in the future, people like her who clearly used fake mental diagnosis, are seen as the scum of society instead of uwuvalid.
No. 182042
>>182027I mean, let's just not forget that the sad part is - she bought her own cake for this. So many people in the Twitter comments like "I wish my diagnosis came with a cake."
Well, this bitch bought her own cake for this. It's a metaphor for her pathetic fucking life. Munchie of the year.
No. 182043
>>181960A whole laundry list and yet none of these are considered neurodivergent kek
I believe she has GAD- but the source is probably eating like shit, smoking weed, and never leaving the house.
This is fascinating but sad, if you had asked me years ago where I thought she was going in life I would have predicted that she would have a minor breakdown after completing craft school and being unable to find work in fashion followed by working as a somewhat annoying but reasonably successful marketing employee making flyers or something.
No. 182048
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>>182045kek I get you anon, I'm faceblind too and can't distinguish her boytoys
I remember she used #poco as their 'couple name' or whatever though (don't ask me why) so this is Colin
No. 182049
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>>182045>>182048also samefag but I checked Stevie's twitter and this was his response to Jill's DID announcement, yikes…
imagine seeing that your girlfriend buys herself a 'happy DID diagnosis' cake and just accepting that, they're both creepy weirdos
No. 182057
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>>182054nah i think he’s just a they/them retard
No. 182062
>>182060Exactly what I was thinking. Jill is way too immature to be able to handle having a baby, she probably gets
triggered just thinking about it. She's going to be the baby, a 6 year old specifically.
No. 182070
>>181919Yeah, it really reminds me of false memories of satanic ritual abuse people were groomed into by quack therapists in the 80's, like Michelle Remembers.
>>181941She just used her excess time and money to shop around until she found someone willing to validate her bullshit anon, at the end of the day there's nothing to be done about it. She engineered the situation she wanted like any good munchie does.
No. 182071
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Bluebell died. How do you even manage to make this about yourself??
No. 182073
>>182071My fucking sides I don't know if I should cry or laugh this is ridiculous
Someone dies
>HOW CAN I MAKE IT ABOUT ME???????never change bitch
No. 182076
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>>181753>emojis dictate who she isMY GOD the fucking audacity
she's fucking faking it
No. 182081
I haven't been on here in years but I saw twitter last night and couldn't help it, this is all too much. To think that I actually believed going to school and leaving her parents would be good for her. I thought she would actually get better kek
>>182037>>182038I wrote a good chunk of the original bio so i'm glad to help again. Feel free to add/edit for the next OP.
>One of the longest running veteran cows originally from PEI, Canada. Currently based in Fredericton and most recently claims to have a comoborbid diagnosis of "DID, PTSD, GAB, BPD and EDNOS".
>2012-2013 - The deviantart, lookbook & trumblr middle school days: Her early teen years were characterized by anorexia and bullemia, as well as an involuntarily stay at a mental institution at her mother's request. Jillian claims to have experienced trauma during this time due to a lesbian relationship with a girl slightly older than her and later her first longterm boyfriend Walker. Her easthetic during this phase was primarily punk/emo inspired and she obsessed over Muse more than anything. Developed self-harm habits during this time. >2014-2015 - Youtube & Lolita high school days: Jill was first introduced on lolcow in spring 2015 after her drama with the LACE community flooded 4chan and lolita groups. She was hated for her snob, holier than thou attitude towards other lolitas and her obsession with her 20-inch waist and frequent humblebragging about her family's wealth. Jill dated a boy named Tristan for two years, whom she credits with curing her disordered body image and featured heavily on her social media/youtube channel.>2016-2017 - Anything-goes-kei & the double gap year: After denouncing the lolita community for toxcity, Jill had a string of failed fashion ventures. She experimented with everything from Hime kei to Larme kei and finally settled on her own creation: Party kei! From here, any previous sense of fashion she maintained completely eroded into the rainbow cesspool that still exists today. After publicly dumping Tristan, she started dating his friend Colin, whom she claimed to have loved all along. Colin eventually came out as non-binary and Jill often began to say questionable things pertaining to their gender. Colin's subsequent break up with Jill caused her to further downward spiral. She began to date a local girl and would queerbait online, giving her gf the nickname "mystery girl". Later, it's revealed that her gf Alyssa had always wanted to be in Jill's videos like Colin and Tristan, but Jill ultimately broke off the relationship, causing Alyssa's sister to visit lolcow and leak all the milk. >2018-2021 - Fredericton & Fashion college: Despite publicly claiming to have plans to attend reputable and prestigious fashion universities, Jill ends up moving an hour away from home to attend a local vocational crafts school. She moved out of her parents home directly into a 3-floor townhouse complete with a backyard/deck leading many to further speculate about her financial resources since she brags about her independence but it's unclear how she affords to maintain her lifestyle. She ultimately announces that she's diagnosed with BPD in 2019. Her (at first) normie boyfriend moves in with her. >2021-present - Stevie & comorbird diagnosis: Jill now claims to be a ~system of 5~ hosted by Jillian, who is accompagnied by 14-16 yr old Jerrick as well as a 21 year old, 35 year old and 6 year old, who remain unnamed at this time. She claims that her updated evaluation was completely by at least two psychiatrict doctors. Questions remain as to how her family is taking this news since her diagnosis announcement implies severe trauma in her upbringing. Stevie has followed the same fate as Colin and all of Jill's other boytoys by becoming a pansexual/nonbinary simp that enables her every move. No. 182084
File: 1636837561423.png (682.89 KB, 1076x682, GROSS I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE.p…)

This is so gross in hindsight.
No. 182089
>>182086The rainbow should be Jill, the snake the boy
Strawberry… Ichigo… PreCure alter confirmed?
Fire will be an edgy one, clover card maybe the older one
No. 182090
>>182086I was thinking the exact same thing, I’m sure the other emojis are the rest of characters or that she sneaked at least a few of them.
So we got, Jillian the rainbow clown and Jerrick the snake, I’m guessing that the cherry blossoms flower, the club, and the strawberry are the other OCs.
No. 182096
File: 1636839771188.jpg (55.21 KB, 990x317, Screenshot_20211113-154211.jpg)

She's adding an emoji signature to the end of her tweets to indicate which alter is typing, oh my lord
No. 182097
File: 1636839975351.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x1716, ohno.jpg)

Congrats on becoming completely unemployable!
OF system saga when?
No. 182100
>>182084Rainbow - Jill
Strawberry - 6yo precure sona
Fire - 30+ sexy sona
Snake - emo teen sona
Club suit - trauma holder sona
Five petal flower - sona team icon!
Sandwich - hungry
No. 182106
File: 1636842009088.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1170x1560, E562F240-151E-4AC5-B27E-0EC1DD…)

looks like pretending to have DID is giving her the attention she wanted. her most recent tik tok is wildly more popular than the other shit she posted.
No. 182111
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during the summer??
No. 182126
>>182111Why does she have six "personality" emojis in her cryptic tweet (not counting the eyes) if there are only five alters? Did she have one at the start of the month she got bored of? I wish we could see behind the scenes of her OC planning process
>>182123I think the idea that she has a 35 year old living in her head but still acts like a womanchild 24/7 is one of the funniest parts of her larp. Like damn Jill, that 35 year old doesn't know how to cook anything but tendies?
No. 182129
>>182104>>182113What is she a Duggar?
>>182110She looks like a rainbow version of stwabbey milk or what ever that pedo troon artists called himself
No. 182134
>>182132IDK in Canada but America's Disability programs are really fucky. My money is on her getting this diagnosis so she can live of off government bucks and get attention (two birds one stone) but if Canada is any thing like burgerland when it comes to disabled people Jill has fucked over her whole life getting this diagnosis. She won't be able to get married, she would have to make less than an certain amount of money to receive government benefits and depending on how often she "switches" she might get her license revoked since driving while incapacitated is a huge risk factor.
Also, kek, she wasn't diagnosed with extrem mental delays anon she's just playing pretend with her OCs.
No. 182136
>>182132Ive been on disability for mental illness in Canada in the past.
She probably can get it for DID, though her YouTube revenue could be an issue because technically it means she
can work. It's easy enough to get just for anxiety or depression, you just need a doctor willing to call you unfunctional. She won't get much though, and they would take Steve's income into account. If she married him (common law, I believe also applies) she would most likely lose it. She would also likely have her purchases "monitored" to some degree, (one a year they asked for a few months of bank transactions in my experience) which makes me feel like she probably won't go for it, she wouldn't be able to shop the way she currently does.
No. 182142
File: 1636859069225.jpeg (161.03 KB, 750x586, AEA8C337-0C11-4BD1-A74D-044BCB…)

>>182113Inb4 stupid fucking “Jem” alter. We already got Jerric(k)a and Jill definitely would be that tacky.
No. 182144
>>181797not very inclusive of you pixie. captions are for blind people.
aside if she pulls out a child alter i’m going to vom
No. 182146
File: 1636861986271.gif (384.04 KB, 220x165, dont-be-fucking-rude-kim-karda…)

>>182130That's very disrespectful to Divine.
No. 182152
>>182106Funny that she went to TikTok which is known as the place you go viral/any old shit can go viral and her TikToks just have the same amount of viewers as her Youtube.
It means the algorithm which scans your content beeped out "negative" and these are all just her normal viewers. I saw a video which said the algorithm favors young faces with certain proportions, and we also know it favors dancing and healthy bodies, so it's easy to see why it hasn't taken off.
No. 182154
Five months ago when this
>>>/w/154731 was the thread pic I didn't actually believe she would follow through with it, but here we are. LC's prophetic abilities are unmatched
No. 182157"There are also some . . . external factors, that did not help.
The first being I was in a very unhealthy power divided relationship. When I was 13, and she was 16.
Right after that relationship, I fell into . . . what was definitely the hardest thing I've ever gone through in my life, other than almost losing Niko."
. . .
DID and PTSD-inducing childhood trauma fucking W H E R E?!
Oh my fucking God, I have never hated someone more on the fucking internet. I just can't. I just feel like she fucking workshopped this whole entire thing on how to best gain social media traction. It's all playing out so nicely.
She certainly is mentally ill. That's for fuckign sure.
(learn2embed) No. 182176
>>182171That just sounds like they're drunk. It's normal to feel like a whole 'nother person when you are drunk or baked out of your mind… and that's something Jillian loves to do
Seriously I think she has a substance abuse. It makes sense with the ~I feel so fragmented~ bullshit, that's exactly what weed and alcohol do in exess
>>182084Lol so she has:
Rainbow, strawberry, fire, snake, trump -kek-, flower and sandiwch alter. Sure. So did she delete one of her alter OCs to make it into a "5 petal flower"? It doesn't add up. She said she figured this out last summer but then this tweet from 11/1/21 counts 6 "alters".
Did all the alters decide the emoji by themselves, anyways? Or did she pic them up for them? I thought you couldn't chose your alters at all. And you couldn't just randomly switch / speak for them all at once. I thought they came from trauma and that's why it seems as if you become a whole diferent person when you are going through an episode. How convenient they all represent one side of her obsessions (I wouldn't even call them hobbies because she does jack shit). How convenient she can do this whole clown show for the camera with an eadger smile.
No. 182177
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Honestly she's flopping so hard and she knows it that she's just going to make her life into more of a trainwreck for attention, perhaps like Nikadoavocado or Shane. She can't sew, she doesn't get enough attention anymore, she knows she isn't special… man this is sad. If I know anything from looking at other cows, changing your content so suddenly from semi-normal videos into crazy mental health shenanigans is just going to make her lose all subscribers. Just like what happened to Digibro when he trooned out (again with the whole "life changing coming out" shit).
She has no direction in life and no drive left so she had to somehow change it all in a drastic way, only that when people hit that mid 20s confusion (not there yet even) they lose weight or something. She's just such a pathetic munchie that she googled every other mental illness and picked the one that made her feel the most special. I feel sick…
It doesn't help that she's doing it for tiktok and youtube views kek, she's not going to get far. I predict this new trendy phase will be over by 2023 when she discovers she's actually ftm or some bullshit.
No. 182179
>>182176She mentioned that some of them talk at the same time (assuming she means she is multiple people at once making a decision?).l but why is this not schizophrenic? She really shopped for a niche TikTok And YouTube illness rather than getting the social stigma that comes with schizophrenia.
I hope she gets institutionalized. She needs it. She needs a huge dose of reality of what living with a mental illness can be.
No. 182181
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I can't wait for the new system tattoos. Any predictions? Speaking of how come she paid a whole fake diagnosis out of her pocket but didn't want to pay for the tattoo artist that won that one contest she never spoke of ever again?
also god it's cringe when she tries to """own the haters""" she never learn anything from LACE huhhh
No. 182182
>>182179>She mentioned that some of them talk at the same timeI don't know anon, that seems like a lie to me. Either way talking to yourself inside your head is completely normal and she's blowing it out of proportions, or she's high and stupid
>I hope she gets institutionalized. She needs it. She needs a huge dose of reality of what living with a mental illness can be.Agreed so hard, I've been near actual bad cases of mental illness in my family and really she has no idea how it is to live like that. She's just a munchie playing pretend… and she thinks the shit she reads online is enough to be a hobbyist armchair psychologist too. Quite sad
Like honestly if her trauma was when she was 13 then how come her overberaring mother didn't do anything or noticed anything strange? Her life was completely normal until this point… it's suspicious as fuck, those things are easy to spot
>>182176>How convenient they all represent one side of her obsessions (I wouldn't even call them hobbies because she does jack shit). How convenient she can do this whole clown show for the camera with a smile.This
No. 182184
>>182179If she spent 1 day at the mental health ward she would just go home crying the next day. It's a harsh enviorment. People randomly screaming and hitting the walls, you are restricted and can't do much, etc. Not to mention you would be put alongside other mental patients who are probably there for who knows what. She for sure would experience some kind of aggression towards her because she looks like the female clown equivalent of tekashi69.
I almost wish this actually happened tbh. DID is supposed to be a condition you can't live without constant monitoring. So why doesn't she spend a night at the hospital? I'm sure she'll love it there, since she loves neurodivergent parties so much. And since she has her so beloved and desired DID diagnosis, she's deemed insane and probably wouldn't be let go in a long time.
In those moments, she will wish she was completely normal. And then, like magic, all her symptoms will disappear.
No. 182190
>>182179I looked up the criteria for schitzophrenia since I saw people mention it in this thread a few times, some are voices in your head (I assume that means outside of your own idle thoughts)/running commentary, auditory or visual hallucinations and delusions.
She's definitely floating towards a (actually existing and proven mental disorder) schitzophrenia diagnosis more than the (possibly-made-up) illness of DID, but I'm sure she did her darndest to make sure it was DID.
Funny that she went through a whole extensive psych evaluation and came out with no ADHD or Autism, despite desperately clawing for that label for a few months this year, even making a video about being
neurodivergent before getting reviewbombed off Youtube for it.
(armchairing) No. 182192
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Has she seen her own brand?
No. 182198
>>182190>I looked up the criteria for schitzophrenia since I saw people mention it in this thread a few times, some are voices in your head (I assume that means outside of your own idle thoughts)/running commentary, auditory or visual hallucinations and delusions.Don't armchair now, this is against the rules and doesn't seem likely anyways. It just the same shit she does, she googles random bullcrap and suddenly is like "omg that's soooo me" and this is how we got our current iteration of Jillian.
I doubt she has hallucinations either way, and the delusions she has come from her being a munchie, which are completely diferent to what a true schizophrenic person would have (basically: she's just a retard who wants to prove she has a mental illness, for personal gains).
The main key when it comes to schizophrenia is: Do the voices come from inside, or outside? if they come from outside your ears as if someone inside the same room you are in was talking to you, then it's likely it could be this. But schizophrenia doesn't begin with auditory hallucinations, it first begins with poor impulse control because the front part of the brain starts decreasing. As time passes more symptoms develop.
When it comes to her, she probably gets high as fuck and then talks to herself inside her head. This is why she thinks she has alters or whatever and checks out with how she things daydreaming/spacing out = dissociative disorder kek. Talking to yourself and being pragmatic is normal. I talk to myself a lot too and I even call myself stupid in my own head, that doesn't mean I have another person inside me lmao
No. 182199
>>182196She just conveniently forgets about every other important thing to her channel and hopes people forget (example her stupid clothing collection)
>>182181My picks:
Tranny flag
Five petal flower (lol)
All her "alter" emojis
A snake
Cringy lyrics
Something related to drag queens
Bonus: she'll get rid of one of her tattoos somehow (because no one cares and it doesn't give her enough attention)
What a shitty timeline lol
No. 182201
>>182198Anon you're quoting, I agree, I more meant to imply some of the symptoms she's pretending to have could verge toward that diagnosis, which I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted since she wouldn't get online attention for it.
An anon who watched a recent patreon livestream said she spent the whole stream claiming to have an auditory hallucination and then realized it was just water in her ear(!)
I would love to see all the crazy shit she claims to experience when she's talking to her counselor.
No. 182215
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>>182214Actually nevermind me, he retweeted a picture that refers to BPD as "Best Pussy Disorder", he is nuts and completely high on the rainby kool aid that lets him experience gender euphoria.
No. 182228
File: 1636925951634.png (1.86 MB, 1440x963, how it's going.png)

Just compiled a few recent images from this thread in case they're useful to anyone/anyone wants them for the next thread collage.
No. 182233
File: 1636929103287.png (496.63 KB, 611x782, vs.PNG)

Surely if this "Jerrick" is an actual alter who doesn't share the same likes and style as Jillian, why do they continue to like posts like this on the Jerrick account?
No. 182246
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God I really hope Louise is going to try and talk Jill out of this diagnosis and talk her into getting a proper therapist. We know she not exactly happy about Jill’s diagnosis
No. 182251
>>182228lovely collage nonita, but i think we should use the evangelion (evanjillion?) parody tbh
>>181414 >>181413
No. 182273
File: 1636939423305.png (16 MB, 6679x5408, caca.png)

New thread pic
>>182192I know this has gone under the radar because she's done plenty of infuriating things recently but this just proves her hypocrisy.
No. 182276
>>182246I would like to acknowledge that I was correct here
>>181921 although I can’t blame those who doubted me, nobody wanted to see this happen.
And I’d like to bring up my other point again: how can a six year old use Twitter? And how is it typing with a lisp?
No. 182280
>>182218I think she went for DID because she can conveniently discard it later by claiming to have fused her alters.
Seems like that’s the cope out the DIDtubers who get tired of it aim for, slowly reduce your online presence and pretend you finally integrated all your alters. I mean, I’m fairly sure that by the time Jillybean hits her mid thirties she’ll have dropped the act and conveniently forget all about it.
Right now DID seems to be the new IN thing for kids and works the exact same way as tumblr kinnies back in the days, except that since it’s technically a mental disorder, they can also tack the ableist label on the call outs, making it extra trendy.
No. 182300
>>182292anxiety and depression wasnt quirky enough for her so she had to fake something else. honestly think shes stir crazy. long time followers will know that she basically has no friends anymore since she finished craft school. as a person who thrives on attention, of course that drove her insane. and yet, instead of addressing how her friendships fell apart and becoming a better person, she decided to be a
victim. if even one person in her life called her out, maybe she'd chill the hell out?
No. 182307
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No. 182308
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>>181984There's no fucking way this is the timeline we are living in. I can't stop thinking about the "meet my alters" edits anons made, it was just a joke but now we're really here. So what now? Living such a huge lie is an awful lot of work for someone as lazy as Jill. She's gonna get bored of it at some point like she does with all her fleeting obsessions. How the fuck is she gonna weasel her way out of this when it's not trendy anymore?
No. 182319
>>182246holy shit
>>181921 was right this is incredibly appalling
>>182273neon genesis pixielocks my fucking sides nona this is everything
No. 182322
>>182321OT but dissociaDID is such a clown, never stood her… her interview with anthony padilla is so insufferable
like "switching" on camera and being all bashful and angry because one of your alter is… a man? That can't be seen in a skirt? Huh sure
No. 182329
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>>182325yeah, it'd genuinely be a lot less cringey if these people just made a bunch of different roleplaying accounts for their 'personas' or something and were honest about what it is, Jill's Villainy dragking account was embarrassing to begin with but it would've been OK if she just kept it as an account to experiment with a darker aesthetic like she claimed it was at the beginning
claiming that it is all because of a mental illness which is caused by severe childhood trauma, even though there are a ton of holes in your story and basically everyone knows you're lying though? just disgusting and hopeless in every way
No. 182338
>>182307"Team Pinata"
Ah yes the Munchie Pedofile who drew porn of kids and has literal brain damage?
No. 182341
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Look who's a topic of discussion on Reddit. Also I swear one of yall did this…
No. 182345
File: 1636989879647.png (874.61 KB, 960x720, images-w1400.png)

>>181737Wow, she was right, it really was a rebirth. Man, she really makes my skin crawl, I cannot
believe it has finally come to this.
No. 182346
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>>181767Girls, there are 5 letters in "PIXIE," is… is she trying to become her own magical girl anime? I'm not even joking anymore.
No. 182348
>>181960I only know one woman with a diagnosis sheet like that, she was a child sex trafficking
victim with extreme self mutilation tendencies. She could not function. Jill is a lying bag of shit on fire. For my friends sake, i hope she gets called out and fucked up over this. She really wants to go there…
No. 182371
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Sorry for posting when there's only a few posts left before the thread locks, but she has already inspired other people to get diagnosis cakes…in this case retrospectively with the age of the diagnosis(?)
Pixie replied praising this.