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No. 257065
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She happily accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression (NOT a real diagnosis!) with a "coming out as DID" celebratory cake, but struggled to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who rage-quitted due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as the creator of the Confetti Club, a group of skinwalking fans that wear “Party-Kei” style, a weeaboo fashion she invented and no longer personally wears. She currently looks like an overweight clown.>Known lurker.>Extremely sensitive.>Terminally online.>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm.>Very notorious attention whore. Always overstates her abilities in a delusional way and barely puts any effort. >Runs a youtube channel with an inconsistent schedule that went from doing fashion related videos to mostly "mental illness" content, alienating most of her fans.>Has multiple inconsistencies in her DID story and lore. Will change or forget key details about her trauma origin story or her alters. She also tends to deny the bad parts of her mental illnesses.>Started deliberately age regressing while smoking weed not too long ago. Cannot put the weed down.General info:
>Loves toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses, will google all of them and see which criteria she fills in the most / makes her look more special. Thus, results in obvious faking.>Frivolously spends money (including the money she receives from her parents) on “ethical” -take it with a grain of salt- items, including clothes, makeup and other shit for any new trend she gets into. Nevertheless, she still is a big consumer of plastic crap and will cut corners whenever possible.>Claims she makes enough money from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of things to show off how much she had spent (as a brag). >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly thinks of herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise. She’s also a massive attention whore and very self-centered, never listens to others and only cares about her own faked struggles. Disregards any criticism as “hate”.>Refuses to get a real job and relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her. Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs full of ramblings. Continues to post mental health related content, and her fans are steadily unfollowing her.>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day. She will take meds without even verifying she needs them or not, or stop them without further medical advice. Other questionable “self-care” and “mental health” content has been noted.>Thinks having an enabling counselor = actual therapy. Said counselor quitted and moved provinces only 1 year after treating her and giving her the DID diagnostic impression. Jillian continues to lie and fake all kinds of symptoms to prove she’s sick, slowly transforming into a full-blown munchie. Believes her own lies on the matter so much so that she thinks she’s knowledgeable enough to advise others on the matter.>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments, videos, or tweets that dare question her and act passive-aggressive about it on Twitter. Will also e-bully anyone she doesn’t like or goes against her ideas.>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image. Somehow, all her male exes end up looking like the current aesthetic she’s into at the moment of dating. >Has claimed that her DeviantArt Ex-girlfriend she kept in amicable contact with for a while right after breaking up “abused her for months”. Said claim has been proven false.>She now claims every abuser of hers has been female, even though she has heavily mistreated her past two girlfriends. She broke off with her most recent ex girlfriend, Mystery Girl, around Christmas 2018, because she “was no longer attracted to her”. She kept the Christmas presents that she would otherwise would had given her, to herself.>Her previous friendships almost always have end up in drama. Rumors of her sleeping with the guy that one of her ex-friends liked at a New Year’s party have circulated. Besides that, she has also said in a video that she stripped in front of Steven and his ex-girlfriend Maggie at some point in a get-together. Even her fans found this weird.>Formerly identified as pansexual, then queer, then claimed to be “too into dick to be a lesbian” while dating a woman; currently lives inside her rainbow house with her boyfriend Stephen Clarke. Now both Steven and Jillian identify as nonbinary and pansexual. It is worth mentioning one of her exes also became nonbinary and pansexual shortly after dating her. Steven is currently hinting to a very obvious MTF transition despite having a christian family, which will prove beneficial to Jill, since she wants to roleplay being a lesbian very bad.>Steven Clarke, Jillian’s current boyfriend, enables all of Jillian delusions and pushes age regression onto others, not only Jill. He is porn addicted and extremely terminally online. >Relies too much on other people, including her mother and her partners. Will interact with content creators she likes in a creepy, harassing way. >Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo in her videos and social media despite knowing she has a largely underage audience. Recently started tagging posts with the age regression hashtag.>Her “angel therapist”, Jedediah M, was a Jillian’s therapist despite only having 1 year of previous counseling experience. Note that Steven was the one to contact Jed for Jillian’s therapy. He’s a “male witch” and a “drag queen” in his spare time, hence why Jillian got so obsessed with him. He moved provinces just a year after treating her, which made Jillian “grieve like someone dear to her died” for weeks, very unhealthy and unprofessional of any therapist. >Jilly started her own brand, 5 petal flower, months before graduating from her glorified Canadian craft school. She plans to sell badly put together Lazy Oaf knock offs despite her work being labeled as “inconsistent” by her teachers because she was mostly distracted with stim toys found on her sewing table. The only work she has produced so far was a collaboration with a small brand that mostly resells chinese aliexpress items and a very cheap and ugly looking bridal dress for her cousin.>Very irresponsible pet owner. Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel hanging around on the floor, the cat almost choking to death. She still keeps this choking hazard where the same cat can reach it for years after the incident. Never seems to clean her pet’s space, you can see cat shit and cat fur all over her house in her videos and selfies. >She tries to prove she’s mentally ill in any way possible, including always mentioning her stims, dissociation, posting edgy lyrics, wearing a t-shirt that reminds her of suicidal ideation, and pretending she can only eat one type of food. Pretends she “never lies”, “doesn’t understand sarcasm” and other autism/neurodivergent LARPing on Twitter. She wants to be mentally ill very bad and will often spread misinformation about it on her socials.>Uses her alters to hold at least one of her personality traits or past times instead of realizing she can be a normal and full-fledged adult woman with hobbies and emotions. Will defend using emojis to sign off as each alter, to the point of harassing others off platforms if they don’t agree with her usage. She also talks in third person to herself while pretending to be an alter on her DMs, twitter, and on picture captions, calling herself “handsome” or “pretty”.>Will claim as many labels as possible, some of them are: Queer, lesbian, nonbinary, FTM, pansexual, emo, rainbow, intersex, fashion designer, magical girl, full time youtuber, neurodivergent, autistic, BPD, DID system, witch, kawaii, drag queen. In reality, she’s just a spoiled dumb girl.>Has been consuming a lot of alcohol and weed in a questionable way, anons wonder if her dissociation is merely caused by substance abuse. She bragged about the liquor store knowing who she is. She pushes weed as a magical cure-it-all for adults and children on her twitter full of underage fans.>Ran over a deer on July 2022 and while originally saying she had no trauma from it, milked the accident dry for pity points, calling it a “near death experience” and claiming “multiple ptsd symptoms” from it. Her boyfriend Steven really pushed the idea of creating another alter to deal out of the situation, but nothing came out of that.>Recently got into bio drag queening, changed her twitter description days before her first performance even went live. Danced like a crazy woman to a Steven Universe and a MCR song on her first performance. She’s now fully accepting the drag queen label with a lot of self-importance and yet again overstating her abilities with barely any experience.>Has cancelled 2 Drag Queen “gigs” so far. But still posts on tiktok saying she’s a valid drag queen.MEET THE ALTERS:
>Jillian: Actual person, but calls herself an alter for the heck of it. Hates being called “Jilly”. Says she can't hear her "brain folk" when she's experiencing trauma, Jillian is the only one who fronts in those situations, defeating the whole purpose of having alters and having DID.>Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, conveniently holds all her bad bpd traits. Signs off with a snake emoji.>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, calls herself a lesbian (even though she’s dating a man), she is a “protector of sexual trauma”, says she had to become a fuckable bimbo because she was “raped for months”. Signs off with a flame emoji.>Berry (Nicknamed “Babby Smalls”): Talks and acts like a baby. Proof that Jillian is into age regression. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had its name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Signs off with a strawberry.>Cliffe: 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant" A mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes. The emoji is a club. >Flora: A “fragment” slowly morphing into a real alter, and a carbon copy of cure flora / other positive precure characters. She is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom. >Jax: 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching arcane while having major trauma. Jillian called her “hypersexual”. Signs with a test tube emoji. >sandwich emoji: Cat alter, represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.>Amanda: Sneakingly revealed in a vlog. Jillian has bracelets and necklaces with the names of her alters, and this name appeared alongside them in a row of alter names. Note that Jillian’s second name is actually Amanda. Turned out to be the other “far away” age regression alter that uses the piano emoji.**Note: The DID saga officially starts in
>>>/w/176591Last thread was a shitfest, but heres the clumps of cream i could dig out:
>>255464 Very important farmhand message for all newfriends
>>255508 drama youtuber vangelina had a livestream talking about her interactions with Jill. She has been planning to make a video about Jill for a while, and wanted an interview or something. It didnt go well
>>255565 jill sperges out on twitter
>>255598 jill shares hew and vangelinas DMs thinking it somehow gives her an advantage in the cat fight, it did not
>>255625 Jill threathening Vangelina, but dont worry, she probbably deserved it
>>255697 mama vessey makes a wild apperance
>>255956 jills boyfriend tries to capitalize on the situation and makes a youtube video talking about himself. he has read through at least 5 threads yet this
>>256027 is the most threathening post he could manage to find. very scary!
>>256572 jillian continues to lie on twitter, whats new
No. 257068
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Oh god bless the new thread is here. Reposting the meme I just edited in this thread since its fresh
No. 257086
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What’s this dumb bitch gunna do? What’s with her trying to seem bad ass recently? Lol
No. 257122
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No. 257125
>>257122Bobo always ends up on the losing side in these DID-faker dramas. DissociaDID used her to get closer to other DID youtubers and kept all of the money from donations on their collabs with Bobo. Then she's first approached by Jill, likely for the same reason and she's made the punching bag when the Vangelina video came out.
I feel like she's likely actually a trauma
victim, by how gullible and easily abused she seems to be. Drawn by these manipulative liars, due to her past.
No. 257143
>>257134The fact Jill goes on about how traumatized and sensitive she is, but then blocks a fellow mentally ill friend without a word. She even fabricated Bobo's "crime" - the Tweets were public. Nobody from Circles shared them. All Bobo did was attend Van's livestream. Stevie watched the edited livestream too but apparently it's ok when he does it? Maybe Jill could talk to Bobo and find out she was probably attending just to find out what was said, not sitting there with a bowl of popcorn.
Dropping a whole friendship because someone watched a livestream is?? I wonder how many other friends got treated like this. We know Jill's content girlfriend from years ago was swiftly dropped, there are probably more.
No. 257154
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Change it to DID and Jill fails
No. 257164
>>257150>came off as a bit spoilt and over reactive to criticism>a bit>came off asJill is showing her true colours right now. She doesn't "come off as" anything— she IS spoiled and over sensitive to the point where she's wrecked her life, relationships, body, and career. I don't know if you're a former fan or what, but she has always been a mess. And she refuses to accept responsibility for her shitty personality (singular), which is a prerequisite to any meaningful change in her behaviour. I think the only reason her past self looks better in comparison is because she hadn't had as much time to ruin her own life.
Tldr; don't wax poetic about "the old Jill." She was fucked from the start.
No. 257172
>>257170While it's possible Bobo is innocent, I'd respect her if she leaked Jill being two-faced and lying because as a wise
terf wizard once said: "it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends"
No. 257175
trigger all the enbies anon, be careful with those Rowling quotes. /s
She leaked nothing though, we went through it on the last thread forensically analyzing the Tweets kek, Jill just posted a video of
other Circle Tweets with similar phrasing, but not the offending ones, which were public and deleted.
It seems everyone who stands up to Jill gets the same treatment
uwu I'm being bullied, I'm traumatized as we saw in her Vangelina DMs.
No. 257183
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>>257124I called it. I said since these threads started she's going to go off the deep end and provide us with a ton of milk, but no one believed me. We are now 60 threads in, I feel smug but sad at how far she has fallen. Once a drama monger always a drama monger.
No. 257197
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No. 257198
really just looks like blackface lol
No. 257199
>>257198At first glance seeing this on the front page I thought it was just some weird racist caricature/edit too lmaooo. At best it looks like the lego guy fell in mud and wiped his eyes/mouth off.
Aren't legos usually yellow anyway?
No. 257274
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>>257262Sorry for autism but this is Jillybean's actual dream ride, she would get instant asspats and nobody would question her.
No. 257286
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No. 257295
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I just caught up and I didn't see anyone mention this so sorry if it has been BUT the circle excuse aside, even if she says this was Jerrick she put the rainbow at the end, which is her personal indicator that it was actually Jill posting all of this. Not even co-con or any other flimsy excuse. If you're gonna blame your alters for lashing out you have to at least cover your tracks, Jill.
No. 257312
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>>257278alright i made this for you
nonny, feel free to add onto this anyone else
No. 257313
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>>257312Kek nonnette, it's glorious!
No. 257347
>>257243Munching and Factitious Disorder (and BPD too I think) are progressive things though, they will keep making up increasingly dramatic and shocking things when they get confronted (e.g. montreal saga, vangelina) or lose people's attention. She's already escalated quite rapidly just in the last year or two, and with how ridiculous and unbelievable her DID skit already is, it wouldn't surprise me the slightest if she would eventually make the switch to physical ailments. It's really not that uncommon for untreated FD to start off with mild/normal mental disorders (chronic fatigue, anorexia, anxiety, etc.) and when they get bored they start going for the juicier stuff like POTS, EDS, and it just keeps going down from there. I can totally see her proudly showing off her kawiwi central line from that yarned up wheelchair within the next 5 years. I hope not, obviously, even if I find her despicable I still think she should get treated for whatever the fuck is going on in her head. But this is the road she's on.
No. 257349
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>>257295I want to add since I haven't seen anyone else talk about it, not to wk jill, but those tweets were up for 21 hours on the villainy account and only had 5 likes, whereas the tweets posted on jerricks account typically have likes in the double digits by then (I didn't take a screenshot when the last tweet on that account was 21hours old, but it was in the double digits). This tweet from two days ago has 46 likes (I know this ss is not good proof though haha)
The low number of likes after 21 hours lends proof to it being from circles, but I agree that literally everything else points towards them having been public.
No. 257359
>>257347I get that, but surprisingly I can't see jill going that far mainly due to her mom. Even if she really wanted to blame her fat anf weed symptoms on "muh chronic fatigue", and other vague shit I feel like the minute she goes down that road Louise would finally put her foot down, or cut her off completely seeing as her mom's a
cancer survivor. The DID larp is one thing, since it's largely just her playing pretend and shows just how seriously her family is taking it considering none have stepped in to stop it. But, Jill claiming she has legitimate medical issues, again, just can't see her mom sitting back and not saying anything at the idea that Jill could be dealing with
real physical illness. She'd probably be the first to drive Jill to the doctor's only for them to say:
>No sweetheart, you're just fatThat larp could be her hardest and milkiest yet. Since she's gonna need a real diagnosis, and mom's support. Louise is already reaching her breaking point, if Jill keeps fucking around, she could permanently ruin the relationship she has with her mom.
No. 257400
>>257393There is a big link between CFS and depression,because it is very hard to not be depressed if you feel tired and shitty 25/7 and you regularly miss outings or you have to quit school or hobbies or a job you like because you are no longer able to do it. Sorry for the sperg but with any chronic condition it very often goes hand in hand with emotional distress and mental health treatment and therapy is an important factor to trying to cope.
Jillian still full of shit tho.
No. 257409
>>257400Oh yeah, being tired all the time can definitely cause depression, but the CFS isn’t caused by depression if that makes sense. It’s not a “get some Prozac, touch some grass, and you’re cured” kind of deal, there’s a physical root cause. A lot of people still think it’s psychosomatic, so I just wanted to clarify.
Jill hasn’t seemed to complain about lack of energy though. She’s unmotivated, but she seems to have plenty of energy to do the things when she actually wants to. And I can’t imagine the amount of energy her twitter rampage took….
No. 257412
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>>257393>She should have stopped driving when she posted that tiktok about coming to in the car with a shopping bag full of crayons and snacks with no memory of buying them (she’s deleted that tiktok now btw, did anyone archive it?). But quickly after that incident she mastered system communication and became co-con constantly, so the disorder didn’t impact her independence.Wasn't it mentioned in just this tweet? Either way, you are correct about her making sure she doesn't limit her independence. It also helps that DID has lots of disagreements and is controversial. Nothing is set in stone so to speak as a physical ailment. Much easier to concoct things to fit a narrative.
No. 257413
>>257412I’m a dumbass, I thought it was a tiktok. So sorry. I
knew it happened though!
No. 257423
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>>257412At this point, she HAS to be trying to get government money with her make-believe bs. There are SERIOUS implications to the bs she is spewing.
Jill better not do CFS next. I was misdiagnosed with that for years, turned out to be another (real) autoimmune disease and a heart condition. I also live in a high Lyme area and it gets misdiagnosed as CFS too. It's basically what doctors say when they don't know what else to say and have not been able to find a real illness. Doctors are terrible sometimes. Unfortunately, it means lots of people with legit illnesses get the short end of the stick and munchies flock to it, making it even worse for people suffering.
No. 257440
As requested by anons
>>257116 and
>>257119, here's a very rough rewrite of the greentext summary for future use:
>Early Years:>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules">gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs>known lurker>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization>has prior history of severe mental illness in the forms of ED and self-harm>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself
>Current relevant info:>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more now>is still extremely thin-skinned; has history of deleting comments critical to her and has preached getting along with people while also blasting critics and concern in a very rude and passive-aggressive manner; has gotten into pissfights online as of late with users that have spoken out of concern for her or wanting to help or talk in some degree>her sexuality has been a sliding scale, from pansexual to queer to lesbian to back to currently pansexual (and nonbinary due to alters); current partner is Steven Clarke, who has enabled her delusions and has racked up his own questionable reputation; has a long history of drama with relationships, claiming abuse to some degree in most of them>formerly had a fashion brand called Five Petal Flower before graduating from her college fashion class, but seems to be no longer active if not just slowly dying; has also gotten into drag with a persona known as Villany Swells; has cancelled two drag gigs so far and claims an online person is stalking her due to a publically-filmed video of a drag show being linked in a previous>has a shaky history of substance misuse regarding her meds; now takes in various degrees of alcohol and weed leading to possible clashes in medication or mental/physical state;This is a
very short round-up of what's seen in the current summary, basically taking any major issues thus far as leading points and compressing smaller points into the bigger related ones. As DID is a relatively new development (DID saga started 1 year ago exactly in thread #43
>>>/w/176591), I moved it mainly to "current info". I have not touched the alters list as it seems fairly decent, but if there are further broad details to add or anything to change, please do so.
No. 257485
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Her whole one upping and
>I am SOOO UNBOTHERED you guys!!Is just funny
>>257483A great warning story why you should live healthy and shouldn't overdo it with alcohol and weed.
No. 257491
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I found this when googling VillainySwells. I clicked the tweet and got "this page doesn't seem to exist" and "this tweet has been deleted" at the bottom of the page.
No. 257497
>>257484I don’t even think it’s due to her need to be the best at everything, but simply due to convenience like you said. All she wants is to get attention for dressing up as different characters, and to have an outlet for the more unpleasant sides of her personality without it affecting her kindness and rainbows public image. She pulls out the amnesia and blackouts when she wants to fish for sympathy but can’t be bothered with them the rest of the time, because having to remember to fit such things into her daily life is a pain in the butt. Even the childhood trauma is something she only begrudgingly wrote into her backstory when it became clear that her story of being “born naturally dissociate-y” wasn’t going to fly.
Likewise the autism is just an excuse for 1) not needing early childhood trauma to manifest DID and 2) declaring herself callout-proof because “omg ur literally bullying a neurodivergent person??”. The majority of the autism traits she copied off WebMD only crop up once in a blue moon when she remembers to drop a breadcrumb, and conveniently don’t apply the rest of the time. If she started faking a physical ailment then it would be a vague one that conveniently allows her to have plentiful spoons for fun activities (+ arguing on the internet) but no spoons for anything she doesn’t want to do.
I firmly believe that if this were happening ~15 years ago on deviantArt or Gaiaonline she would be claiming to have siblings called Jerrick and Veronica who either share or keep hacking her accounts.
No. 257501
>>257330Underrated comment kek I miss Feebz
>>257385She already tried the anorexia LARP (poorly) as a teenager so she’s been pulling this shit for what, 10 years now? Should go for BED next, at least that would come across believable
No. 257507
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>>257491sorry for autism but it just hit me that Jill literally calls herself Villainy so she knows she's the bad one, someone shoop her face into this meme kek
No. 257508
>>257412just a reminder this happened immediately
after watching moon knight the marvel show about a guy with
fictional DID. who blacks out and doesn't know he has DID. she never blacked out before watching moon night and not really much after this either.
(sage your shit) No. 257518
>>257508I don't remember anyone mentioning it in a prior thread, you're onto something anon !
Didn't she make a tiktok with a song from the show where she wakes up from a nap all tired, almost acting à switch ?
No. 257527
>>257491Retard here whose never used Twitter - can anyone explain what this implies? Did she delete that account?
&Since anons are commenting what does this have to do with the circle tweets 'suck my ass' thing?
No. 257546
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No. 257547
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>>257542Cake incident anniversary soon
No. 257556
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No. 257576
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No. 257625
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>>257576"So we're just a couple of straight people?"
No. 257633
>>257576Gonna bet both Pixie and this girl were simply getting swerved and are too bigheaded to realize it, claiming to be straight to swerve a match you don't like is the equivalent of
I'm gay/I have a boyfriend to swerve a guy you don't like.
No. 257647
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No. 257649
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No. 257670
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>>257649It's sad how quickly jill went from sucking bobo's dick and criticizing dissociadid to this. She really doesn't care about her friends, she just latches onto people based on whatever disability/ mental illness they have.
No. 257671
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why would you post this lmao
No. 257675
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No. 257721
>>257643My tinfoil
eh, it's fanfiction Could be a mix of both her dad having enough ever since the DID larp started, Louise wanting to coddle jill but her dad consistently reminding his wife that the DID larp is too ridiculous to humor. Louise slowly trying to get Jill to cool it with her antics as the middleman between Jill and her dad but failing because she's a smother. Dad says enough's enough and tells Louise they aren't bank rolling Jill if she doesn't have a stable job/income by the end of the year. Cue Toronto trip where Louise tries to tell her this while suggesting she cut down the weed, Jill takes it as well as you'd expect. Continues to spiral, is just escaping to the internet where she can continue to play pretend AND lash out at randos.
No. 257739
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No. 257740
>>257124Any particular time stamps for the clip?
>>257583Thank you for archiving it.
>>257576I don't get why she can't just accept that she's straight. Nothing wrong with it. It's embarrassing to see women like Jill use the label of bi/lesbian to make themselves more interesting. Using people as accessories is creepy. News flash: the reason you are boring is not your sexual preference but rather the fact you lack any substance and parrot brain dead takes.
No. 257742
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>>257739>>257741Used the yt dislike button app.
No. 257767
>>257763Ntayrt, matching rainbow eyes with a colored eyeliner, could even pop in some glitter, would be nice looking. Tired of black eyeliner with rainbow eyes as a look. The black just looks harsh in my opinion. Same with the black mascara. So many pretty colors in eyeliner and mascara to choose.
>>257744All good, nona. I wanted to mention the app just in case any one wanted to know.
No. 257778
I think you should delete this since while it's edited, you are still highlighting to any
actual stalkers where they can find info about her, also weird of you to go through her videos to find this info. This is like doxxing by proxy
No. 257783
>>257779Based on what her and stevie said there
was someone who emailed her gig and his workplace, but it was never mentioned here
>>257781Yes exactly, it plays into the narrative and just makes it look like this is the kinda thing anons post about here, when literally nobody cares.
Delete that shit anon
No. 257796
>>257792NTA but I agree, the censoring makes it
Anons should rather complain about people feeding outsider trolls or spreading fake info
No. 257799
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No. 257804
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>>257802nta too kek but how old is Jill?
No. 257827
>>257823I think anon is too deep into their hateboner to see the bad optics here, I know what they're
trying to do but considering how Jill was screeching at Van on Twitter about imaginary sexual assault accusations (when Vangelina only repeated what Jill said herself in her own video) I can see Jill spinning this like crazy. Any anons should report the video post above so hopefully a farmhand can be the final word on this. It's too close to a banned topic on here personally for comfort.
And imagine if some guy made a video compiling all the times you (like, anyone, since most people are shit at opsec) slipped up and doxxed yourself, it would come across as creepy.
No. 257840
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>>257829It's not just Jill, her mom also had the local news come over for the cattio building article and various other "look how cool my family is!" type things. Just from the pictures of the house in their yard someone can easily find it. There's TikTok videos where people show each other how to doxx it's really fucked up being online right now because no one is practicing internet safety because they want clout. Also remember that Jill posted images of her recognizable car that had custom stickers. She had enough fore sight to block out her license plate but it becomes null when you have a rainbow stripe and heart stickers to decorate it. Jill wants to cry stalking but she never really started taking internet safety seriously untill now and that's only because Van and other people are starting to catch on to her bullshit.
No. 257852
>>257846Yes, I remember everyone then was talking about how you can copy keys from pictures etc (which is 100% true)
Also I don't know why everyone is talking about doxxing when
no one has actually came out and said where she currently lives. There's probably only a maximum of 10 anons even in New Brunswick (let alone Fredericton) who probably have better things to do than sit outside her house with binoculars and trail mix or some shit
No. 257863
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No. 257864
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No. 257866
>>257863>none of the tweets on this website are funny or cuteYou got that part right!
>>257864Click on buy, the perfect cure for unhappiness.
No. 257893
>>257889they sell them at indigo
but yeah still overpriced bougie stuffies that are sold as BABY TOYS btw>>257889
>>257887 No. 257915
>>257903Oh that makes sense.
I just automatically assume whenever someone says "hey, profession here!" they're full of shit
No. 257916
>>257911I agree, it is a stupid nitpick on it's own but it's part of a bigger picture of Jill being one of the most privileged and spoiled people on this thread, constantly crying
victim, while living an extremely lavish lifestyle. A lifestyle of infinite support and leisure. She says she deserves things for her suffering and has never suffered in her life. She is a meme. Jilly, go buy a cute plush for a child in a domestic abuse shelter or foster home. Be the magical kawaii angel you pretend to be online.
jelly cats are cute af but it's nasty that we all know she is going to use them for some pedo ageplay session with steebie.
No. 257920
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>>257919bonus round, confetti club members getting pissed herresponse
No. 257923
>>257864It's funny because she's materialistic and will never give up an opportunity to get something. She's suffering! Therefore deserves something! Still waiting on her to stop accepting PR from ColourPop since they committed wrongthink but you know she won't because free shit.
>>257901>>257903Think she reposted it because of the things people say about how she treats her cats.
No. 257931
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No. 257932
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No. 257935
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>>257931I know it was 2013 but… can people stop using the r slur?? Retweets the girl who used to use the r slur
No. 257949
>>257919>>257920That's fucking hilarious. It just makes her history of shit-spending on fast fashion and plastic junk merch while shooting herself in the foot in terms of pulling reliable income stand out even more.
>>257935>>257937Nah you're right, her thinking is that she's retarded for dedicating so much to these long-ass franchises just to prove she's enough of a real fan to cosplay from it.
No. 257958
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No. 257960
>>257908As an adult who’s grown into a tall child and loves collecting and consumerism 12 dollars on a plushie isn’t bad. Non brand plushies are about 3 to 10 dollars based on size. Plenty of consumers in their niché will pay 20 to 100+ dollars for a plushie or doll regardless. I don’t see a plushie as being expensive until it gets to 50 dollars but that’s subjective. This is Jill. She’s been paying for “overpriced” and scalped figures and plushies for years now.
The Jellycat plushie that I got a few years ago was 15 dollars and Jellycat plushies seem to start around 10 dollars.
No. 257969
>>257958Even if Jill’s DID was real the wk is wrong here. Pixie is the system name, Jill is the host or main alter or whatever. So even if Jerrick was a real alternate personality and posted those tweets independently of Jill, it
was Pixie posting it because they’re
all Pixie.
No. 257979
>>257970You’re right but that was not my point. The wk is saying Pixie didn’t write it because Jerrick did, but Pixie is the name for all of the alters together. They’re defending Jill but have no idea what they’re talking about.
>>257972It’s really frustrating, even more so because you just know people are going to fall for it. Of course manipulative people like Jill are always going to claim they’re innocent and not manipulative (in between posting smug Onision-style videos about being a ~villain~ because she just can’t help herself) but now she has a smokescreen that paints everyone who sees through it as an ableist meanie bullying a misunderstood autistic person. And nobody’s going to care she’s never even been diagnosed with autism because self-diagnosis is
valid uwu~
No. 258002
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>>257997found it. sage for old milk, but why is this her go-to insult and why does she think she's immune to criticism (especially when the criticism is so lukewarm ie "grow up") just because she allegedly isn't fronting when she types it out and sends it out for everyone to see (/rhetorical question, anyone who follows these threads for five minutes knows why)??
No. 258007
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>>257349>steevie respectfully vibing on the couch while jax swirled around singing her heart outthis mental image made me laugh so much. i almost feel bad for the troon
No. 258008
nonny on point
No. 258044
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No. 258048
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Blue heart? Did a new alter drop?
No. 258055
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No. 258059
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>>258055Is this our local schizo making a troll account
No. 258067
>>258059Reads like a pathetic Jill fan who's doing all she can to be noticed
Maybe she thinks if she tells Jill "it was me who trolled hehe" Jill will suddenly realize she exists
No. 258105
>>258087She dislikes masculine things. She’s bought wigs and dresses for the drag personas and for different female alters, tons of pastel toys for the child alter, but what do the guys get? Cliffe has gotten nothing, and Jerrick has gotten a binder that is used almost exclusively as a crop top. What angsty teenage trans guy wants to wear their binder styled in a feminine way like that? And when Jerrick is allowed an actual shirt, it’s the one black t shirt Jill had before the DID began. Money is only spent on cute feminine things that Jill likes, not masculine outfits that would be fitting for her guy alters.
Plus, she gets extra special points for being a bio queen instead of a regular drag king. She’s also already started claiming oppression for being a bio queen, she wouldn’t be able to do that as a drag king.
No. 258120
I been thinking. (Please read the following as slow as possible so that it may sink in deeply for contemplation)
If you take a gander at the words "Dissociative Identity Disorder" any average joe would come to the conclusion that one is dissasociating from their identity.. causing the disorder. So I took this opportunity to do some much needed research. Here lies my findings:
1 the action of disconnecting or separating or the state of being disconnected.
3 separation of some aspects of mental functioning from conscious awareness, leading to a degree of mental dysfunction or to mental conditions including dissociative identity disorder.
1 the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
2 the characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is.
4 a close similarity or affinity.
1 a type of role-playing game in which participants physically act out scenarios, typically using costumes and props.
1 the art or occupation of performing fictional roles in plays, films, or television.
1 temporarily doing the duties of another person.
1 change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.
2 make structural changes to (a building).
Now correct me if i'm wrong.. but those who study these disorders are continuously changing, updating and integrating new information as time progresses about these disorders; where we know now that DID can only be formed from repeated childhood traumas. (The brain splits as a defense mechanism and can do so because the sense of self hasn't fully developed and differentiated yet and therefore creates splits in the developement of personality states that seem incongruant)- I don't believe that this will remain the only cause as we see more and more evidence towards another phenomena and experience occuring before our eyes.
From observation Ive concluded that eventually they will see that individuals with undiagnosed and untreated neurodivergences will begin to "split" identities.. but not in the same way that the first group of DID individuals have..
These individuals look like they're acting and larping because that is part of their disorder. They believe in their behaviours (their acting) which creates the dissociation between parts of self.
As an example:
Jillian has an alter that is a sad angsty emo boy.. that for some reason wants to dress in drag?
You know how that translates?
She believes that she cannot have masculine characteristics and be feminine appearing and this has resulted in the creation of a masculine alter that dresses feminine. Her brain cannot integrate the two opposing characterisitics as one individual and thus she dissociates from being "Jillian" when she is feeling masculine because her belief system wont allow her to have dualistic qualities.
Call it what you want. Larping. Lieing. Etc.
She is literally the definition of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Also check this out:
Just because she experiences this disorder this way; does not take away from your traumatic experiences.
Just because she claims having DID and you don't agree with how she portrays it; doesn't mean that it's taking away from those who are also suffering with it.
How she experiences this disorder HAS NOTHING to do with YOUR experiences.
(autism) No. 258128
>>258120Nonnie I’m glad your life is going so well that you had the free time to write this, congrats
Still think Jill should get off the internet and have a long vacation in reality.
No. 258133
>>258128wym? took me about 7.3 minutes.
Im not saying im like a genius or anything but like.. idk I think im pretty damn intelligent for coming up with that synopsis.
>>258131My alter Jesus.
No. 258134
>>258120Congrats you can read a dictionary. Did you know that in the English language words can take on different meaning with context and connotation? The denotative definition of a word is not the only meaning a word carries. In the context of the rare mental illness dissociative identity disorder Jill does not meet the narrow criteria required to actually have the disorder. No amount of autism and retardation changes the specific age you have had to been to be qualify.
Did you know there are several cluster b personality disorders that matches what you were describing Jill symptoms as?
Trouble with your identity is a common trait in the cluster b personality disorders.
Here’s a legitimate source for you to check out that’s not some TikTok Zoomers’ wiki fandom page No. 258135
nonnie, let them think they’re smart they clearly need the win
No. 258139
>>258135>>258134>>258134Thanks for the link.
Not discrediting what youre saying; I just think that eventually it will change and that's just my opinion (acknowledging that this isnt fact).
I do however understand that words carry more than one meaning; but our understanding comes from the defining a fixed term. Ie: How someone is taught to understand the word in context/the definition.
I was simply pointing out that if you were to look up the definition of those words; I would say that it describes what she is understanding as her experience.
Her understanding is that this is what DID is; and therefore can't possibly comprehend when others tell her that her understanding of the definition is not the correct connotation.
My understanding is that her "Larping" or "acting" or "pretending" is part of the experience of the disorder; she is dissociating from herself in order to take on roles that her mind deems appropriate; and believing in said splits of conciousness..
She could be cluster B all she wants.. she's still understanding what she's experiencing as alters; and thus creates a whole other layer to her disorder.
(Also link I posted wasn't for legitimate scientific research; it was something I found that I thought might provide some more insight into the whole world of "non traumatic" DID systems.)
>>258135My mom says im smart all the time. <3
No. 258143"Alter identities seemed to generate most-but not all-dissociative phenomena in DID patients, whereas only the 24% highest scoring BPD patients (MID ≥45) seemed to manifest alter-driven dissociative experiences."
So.. in otherwords she has BPD with alters but understands what she's going through as DID?
No. 258159
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No. 258163
>>258139The definition of DID isn’t changing. It’s a disorder that’s actually still argued about by scientists and doctors in the psychology field. Some of them think it doesn’t exist at all while others do.
You contradict yourself with trying to define things with static definitions while arguing that the definition of DID is changing. Why isn’t the current definition of DID static enough for you? The last time Dissociative Identity Disorder’s definition was updated was in 1993 which was almost 30 years ago and that was just to create the term because back then it was MPD or multiple personalities disorder.
Why do you insist that Jill’s thinking she has DID and acting it out means she’s being legit? She has a history and track record of lying and retconning stuff all the time. It’s all found in these threads and in her own words but of course you’ll refuse and choose ignorance in which case you’re wasting your time here.
You can’t give someone the benefit of the doubt if they constantly need it to suspend your disbelief to believe any little thing they’re saying.
No. 258164
>>258139You’re literally making up new rules for the disorder based on what you believe science
may possibly find in the future. That’s not how this works, and you can’t try to twist dictionary definitions to support your argument when that’s not what those words mean in this case. Is there a possibility she actually has it? Yes, there’s always a possibility. But what she has displayed aren’t symptoms of DID. Even OSDD would be more plausible from what she’s shown. But her lack of amnesia, her alters disappearing during stressful events (see her tweet after recovering from the car accident), her uncanny ability to always be co-con, etc. points to this likely not being DID.
I know some spiritual practices involve plurality and that’s fine, they aren’t claiming to have DID. “Endogenic systems” however
are claiming to have DID, which is a real slap in the face to actual trauma survivors. You can’t say “I have DID, a rare disorder caused as a result of the brain trying to deal with severe trauma, but I never experienced any trauma!” That’s not gonna fly.
No. 258166
>>258164..No I meant like:
The way we understand things is through words. Those words have definitions. When someone learns to communicate something; they learn what a word means.
If you look up the words seperately and connect them together; this would be how someone comes to understand what is being communicated.
What I am saying is that there is a defined criteria to fit the diagnostic of DID, but there is also having an experience of having disscociative states of identity without the context of DID being reduced to its diagnostic criteria; BECAUSE the words have multiple meanings.
Her fixed understanding is that what she is experiencing is what people define as dissociative states of identity and therefore is saying she has DID.
"Why do you insist that Jill’s thinking she has DID and acting it out means she’s being legit? "
Because I think that someone displaying these behaviours has a legit mental illness that has its symptoms regardless of the title she is going to claim. No one in their right mind would 'act out' and 'lie' about alters which further validates my point that she is infact mentally ill (if she were to lie/act out these things) Also when you guys say shes lieing and acting.. what exactly do you mean? Like she is faking? "pretending" to have alters?
Wouldn't someone 'faking' etc be another indicator of an underlying problem?
(Regardless of the label; it really doesn't matter because she has many overlapping symptoms from different neurodivergent disorders)
No. 258172
>>258164Im not making up anything. I'm pointing out my observations and somewhat agreeing with some of the Anons points on here- whilst providing my understanding.
>>“Endogenic systems” however are claiming to have DID, which is a real slap in the face to actual trauma survivors. You can’t say “I have DID, a rare disorder caused as a result of the brain trying to deal with severe trauma, but I never experienced any trauma!” That’s not gonna fly.It's not an actual slap in the face of survivors. It's a slap in the face to someone who thinks their suffering deserves more support. Survivors don't care about people doing this stuff because they're too busy dealing with their disorder to be able to care about how others might be "faking" it.
How you respond/react to her is your responsibility. If she
triggers you in this way it should be an indicator to heal yourself instead of trying to control the actions of others outside of yourself.
Do any of you go to therapy? Do you guys tell your therapists that you vent out on hateforums? Wonder what they think about that.
No. 258176
>>258172okay, buddha, glad you've got all your internal rage sorted out and you don't get
triggered by anyone else's actions, ever. also, who are you to speak for all survivors?
i'm not here because i hate pixie and everything about her and want to doxx her or think she deserves any harm to come to her whatsoever. i'm here because i've been a casual fan of hers for a long time up until very very recently, when she pointed me in the way of these forums. i didn't know about most of this stuff and it's fucking appalling.
No. 258183
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No. 258184
>>258172Do you know much about endogenic systems? A “slap in the face to real trauma survivors” is one of the many colorful ways the DID community has described those “systems”. Seriously, they’re pretty much hated in the DID circles.
I’m not sure why you think I’m
triggered just because I’m disagreeing with you? I even conceded that there is a possibility that she might have DID. But your logic doesn’t hold up, it’s entirely based on “what ifs” and twisted dictionary definitions, and isn’t taking into account any of the clinical data on DID we actually have. I wholeheartedly believe Jill is somehow mentally ill, but I’m not going to act like your redefined version of DID holds merit. Sorry if that offends you, but you can’t play semantics to completely change a known disorder
No. 258186
>>258176Just because I pointed out something doesn't mean I think i'm exempt. Lol. I'm not an angel, I'm just offering you advice; take it or not- it wasn't meant to be solicited.
Also; you're right. My bad.
Do you have DID? If you do then I would say that you definetely have a claim to an opinion on her behaviour; but I would like to remind you that those of us who do have DID aren't watching Pixie regularly and are not affected by her content/understanding of the illness. No one is going to Pixie's page to learn about people who have DID; what she does is not contributing to anything that would harm those with DID; and anyone who thinks this way should be going to therapy to get help for investing that much attention/care into an individual you do not agree with (can't be a healthy coping mechanism).
Nah because these threads don't actually contribute to helping her lmao..
lolcow: we want her to be better and we do this to show her how bad she is so she will change.
reality: experiencing the influx of people who watch/judge/critisize every move she makes not being able to "grow up" because reading these threads would just
trigger and contribute more to her mental illness that they say she is faking because she posts happy things.
she has her problems, but those on here are much worse and that should say something to the newcomers. Like how are these threads/the way you guys act not seen as a redflag? Do you guys not self reflect at all?
Buddha Anon. I like the rin, it kind of matches the whole Jesus Anon.
>>258184Could you please explain to me how I have twisted the definitions? Genuinely asking.
I said if it did
trigger you in that way; not that you're
triggered for not agreeing with me. wanted to clear that up.
No. 258194
>>258166If you’re ESL I’m sorry but that’s not how English works. Sometimes when you put words together they change meaning through the usage of context, connotation, and syntax. Putting together words based on their denotative definition doesn’t suddenly put them in that state.
I suppose I’ll be more blunt in a graphic fashion so you understand. Jill says she has diarrhea. She runs around and acts like someone with diarrhea. She clutches her stomach and complains she has diarrhea. She refuses to eat certain foods that would cause diarrhea but when the time comes to allegedly shit herself she doesn’t. Cause she full of shit. She never had diarrhea she was putting on an act for attention and special treatment.
You can’t just say oh clearly she’s sick because she’s been faking diarrhea this whole time. Of course she’s mentally ill but that doesn’t justify her behavior.
>>258172I’m curious but do you go to therapy? Do you tell your therapist you like to go on gossip forums to defend people who don’t really care about and have clearly formed a messed up parasocial relationship with. It’s one sided too so I don’t think that’s very healthy on your part.
I’m not sure how you can speak for all survivors like that. If someone who’s clearly obsessed with making a spectacle of themselves is claiming to have their rare disorder caused by hellishly cruel suffering at an extremely young age came out appropriated all of their behaviors and reduced their existence to a number of performances to get attention on the internet I wouldn’t be so happy.
You have no right to speak for any survivors. As clearly you haven’t endured anything yourself seeing as you are gripping so hard for any logical justification for her not being malicious in her actions.
She’s hurting people with mental illnesses. She trivializing PTSD, she’s proving all the BPD stereotypes to an already stigmatized disorder, and making anxiety of any kind look like a joke.
If you put yourself out there in the spotlight and try to make yourself a mental health influencer just because your fashion bullshit tanked thank you deserve all the criticism you get. If you don’t want negative attention then leave. These threads will end as soon as she stops begging for attention and validation from strangers.
Also you’re not Buddha you’re Mother Theresa cause she was a shitty person doing shitty things on behalf of a shitty person.
No. 258209
>>258194So I read up on Mother Teresa. She has a feast day.
I too partake in the act of feasting.
No. 258272
>>258120>These individuals look like they're acting and larping because that is part of their disorder. They believe in their behaviours (their acting) which creates the dissociation between parts of self.Anon, this IS the larp. They think them ACTING like they have a disorder means they actually have the disorder. There is no split, there is only acting. It can be conscious or a delusion, but this larp stems from other disorders and mental issues, a well adjusted individual doesn't do this.
What you've done is taken words and tried to twist their meaning to fit a very specific narrative to make it fit Jill, and that's just not how disorders work. You can't go "well if we change X and Y to Z it totally fits" because that's the same as "it doesn't fit X and Y".
No. 258277
>>258276idk how new you are, but go read older threads. No she does not have DID, DID does not exist (and definitely does not exist in her creative roleplay OC do not steal form).
This has been talked through fucking million times over and over and over. Fuck her threads are garbage now with all this newfaggotry and sperging going on.
No. 258282
>>258276>The one that did give a real diagnosis?Maybe you misspoke nonna but to be clear she doesn't have a real diagnosis. She only has a diagnostic impression.
>>258266This is part of the story that puzzles me a bit because it appears she did see a slightly more experienced (4 years practicing) female psychologist who must have written that diagnostic impression and had nothing to gain from it, and no clear ties with Jed. I think what makes sense is that the psychologist did NOT think that Jill has DID and her findings reflect that on the paper, which would be why Jill only showed the part that was a report of what
she told the shrink during the interview. This whole time, nothing has stopped her from showing the entire paper with personal details and ""trauma"" info blurred instead of blurring everything besides her self-reported symptoms. Nothing unless the paper doesn't suit her narrative. I do think Jed was hoping he would have an interesting case to write about, so I wonder what spooked him out of the profession (maybe the paper coming back with negative findings? or even suggesting that Jill is faking it for attention?). I hope she gets baited into rageposting the whole thing one of these days, I'm really curious what it actually says.
No. 258284
>>258282I thought a dr diagnosed her with something after the precious one changed carrier paths? Steve never disclosed WHAT the diagnosis was, just that she had one. I'm going to assume BPD here. But if the female psych gave her a piece of paper saying jill had DID. She'd have that shit as a banner.
So ergo she is mentally ill, just not DID.
No. 258290
>>258276Her GP never saw autism? The precious angel bby therapist? The one that did give a real diagnosis? NONE of these has given an autism diagnosis? Orly?
Good point, she saw all of these experts and they seemingly failed to do 2 extremely important things for Jill's validity to hold up. The first is they NEVER suspected autism, only reason is because Jill didn't show ANY signs of it. If they had ANY kind of suspicion (assuming they weren't really shit at their jobs) they would have tested for it. Secondly, this is extra true for testing for other disorders. I've been properly diagnosed and I had to do tests for disorders I was 90% likely not to have, because those 10% symptoms still had to properly be ruled out. Meaning they didn't actually try to rule out any other causes before DID - which only makes sense if she wasn't tested and doesn't have a diagnosis.
No. 258337
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No. 258341
>>258340to be fair she didn't study crochet.
it's not perfect but it's definitely better the her graduation collection
No. 258363
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No. 258365
>>258363If some Canada anons could chime in: what if your doctor determines you need help and writes you a referral to a psychiatrist or a clinic?
As anons have previously pointed out, Jill has nothing to gain from an autism diagnosis.
No. 258366
>>258363I mean, aside from the obvious: why the fuck does she want a autism diagnosis so bad? She clearly does not have autism. It's fucking ridiculous. If she really had it, I think her doting mother would have sought that kind of diagnosis when this bitch was a kid.
It makes SO FUCKING SENSE. Can someone please make it make fucking sense!! To think that anyone sees Jillian as anything other than contemptable and STUPID…
No. 258367
>>258337this is unironically so hard to look at … if your piece is busy then don't also make everything else around you busy
also kek at the debate on is it an egg or is it a flower. i know its supposed to be a flower because that's her thing but i see the egg now too. she should work a bit more on making a defined shape
No. 258378
>>258363I feel like this just proves how not mentally ill she is. Every mental illness under the sun? And she was diagnosed with barely any, with the rarest one being because she straight up lied. I don't know shit about the canadian healthcare system but isnt it that if you
need something, its covered? i dont think she needed any of this.
No. 258380
>>258365You still have to pay for it. Referrals only help you connect with a psychiatrist your doctor thinks will be good for you, as many of them won't take patients without one. On the other hand, most insurance will cover a certain amount of psychiatric care each year, but that's only if you're employed someplace that offers benefits, or you're a full-time student.
The only time psychiatric care is free in Canada is if you're actually in the ward.
No. 258381
>>258356Remember Nyan Cat? That’s what the rainbow would have looked like arched instead of straight. I mean
technically if she’d used a much much thinner yarn it would have been gradual enough that your brain would have smoothed out the arch for you, but ain’t nobody got time for that. With a chunky yarn like she used, it would be a Nyan Cat rainbow. Which could have been cool actually if she was going for an 80s retro pixel art aesthetic, but clearly that wasn’t her vision
No. 258391
>>258388Sorry for autism but I can pop crochet tops in a couple days if I stay consistent.
I would pay more than 20$ just because 1. handmade and 2. time consuming to make (if you're slow or fast, or using trebles or doubles). and 3. Love supporting small businesses
And tbh some acrylics are hella nice especially if you buy them online
No. 258395
>>258366She thinks she will get some special treatment for being autistic when in reality, getting diagnosed once you're an adult doesn't really do much, actually, getting diagnosed as a teen that's about to become adult doesn't do anything at all, so yeah, it's literally useless.
Not only that, she just doesn't have it, she doesn't have the qualities of an autistic person and she can't act them because she's so neurotypical that she can't even begin to imagine what is it like to have a mental condition of any sorts.
She doesn't understand it, and she will never understand because she's just a selfish bitch.
No. 258396
>>258391You're completely right and you totally could churn these out fast, I was trying to be quite generous with the time estimate and factor in the amount of time she spends arguing with people on twitter.
$20 is what I would estimate the cost of materials at, assuming it's acrylic which is usually pretty cheap, but if you're buying a finished item I agree that it would (and should) cost more than that. Honestly I also agree that acrylic can be nice (and easy to care for), it's just one of the cheaper fibres to buy so my price estimate is based on the assumption that it's acrylic.
Honestly that's just my estimate though, she could crochet really slowly or pretty fast, she might be using pricier yarn or super cheap stuff.
No. 258403
>>258382Yes, I'm Canadian. STEPPS is an outpatient group program that doesn't have to be administered by a psychiatrist. In
>>258363 Jill is talking about being diagnosed by a psychiatrist 1 on 1 (allegedly) which you DO have to pay for. Idk which magical part of Canada you live in where seeing a shrink is completely free but it's not. Unless you're a minor still in the care of CFS, in which case gtfo.
No. 258406
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No. 258407
>>258403Rude lmao I'm 26. Why are you just assuming? I'm in the Maritimes and it's been free. I don't need to argue about what's true for my province. I've been in the system ALL my life. I have a psychiatrist. I am diagnosed with multiple things and it's nobody's business but I am telling the truth.
Where I'm living I guess it's easier!! Sorry that it's not the case for you but you can't speak for everyone.
(blogposting) No. 258411
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No. 258425
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No. 258433
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Looks like her using "ding ding ding" is a Jax thing.
No. 258441
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>>258388I'm pretty sure this is patons worsted yarn so its 100% wool. This is apparently the school store so she probably gets a discount. I've gotten those yarns from micheals for less than acrylic yarns when they're on sale so I don't think its acrylic honestly
No. 258453
>>258448And in case it wasn't clear that she was a Jinx fictive, she used the opening music from Arcane.
The funny thing is that even though Jillian is TRYING to make Jax feel like a different person, she has the exact same mannerisms. She does the face scrunch and she sticks her tongue out the way she always does.
And it's just interesting that all her 'alters' want the exact same things as her. To identify themselves with cute emojis on social media, to post TikToks and lip sync the way Jillian does. Granted she doesn't make Cliffe TikToks much. Probably because she doesn't even find that alter interesting, it's just some token 'old man protector' so she can check her boxes of what she thinks DID should contain.
No. 258455
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>>258421Makes this even funnier.
>>258448>Money is on Jill doing nothing but lip syncs when Jax "fronts" because her accent is shit.I know you're probably right but I want to believe she's gassed up enough to try.
No. 258458
Jill’s inner world:
>>258455 fat baby chick woman refurbishes the nest she refuses to leave with
>>258425 beepeedee alter’s broken and dry af hair strands.
No. 258496
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oh jill
No. 258509
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No. 258550
>>258535She's gonna have a bpd meltdown when that video drops. The way Jill behaved on Twitter (manipulation, lies, accusations) gave Vangelina 0 reason
not to make a video.
No. 258552
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>>258425Jill whenever she "quirkily" sticks her tongue out
No. 258580
>>258578Yeah if you look at
>>258509 I could almost believe it
>nose contouring>different eye make up>different lipstick>eyebrows and eyeliner are differently drawn>lower angle on face and cheeks aren't puffed up form smilingBut it's significantly different from her older pics + she often uses that freckles filter that brightens her eyes too
No. 258637
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>>258613Here’s a summary for all the nonnies who don’t want to watch an hour long video:
>had a 3 hour panic attack this morning>making a video about the state of her channel, going up tomorrow >has been filming a video about making a pompom jacket for months (pic related)>going as miss piggie and kermit for halloween with steve>almost talked about an up coming drag gig, but stopped herself because it was unsafe to talk about>the pompom jacket is going to be zero waste, she is saving her scraps for another project>started a dnd campaign with steve as the dm. is trying to get cliffe to front for the campaign, but veronica keeps fronting because the character is flirtatious. the dnd character is a drag queen.>started watching stranger things, can watch gore now>steve wants to do a dnd podcast>a shop special ordered her a banana jelly cat because they didn’t have it in stock>wants to do a ‘trying to dress like gen z’ video where she tries very layered maximalist clothing. wants it to be a ‘is it only fashionable because they’re thin’ type of video.>confirms jax will do a meet the alters video>wants to do a peeps inspired drag show for easter>is struggling to upload once a week>confirms they have a new car now, but it keeps having problems>feels super tense being in a car since the accident, even if she’s not driving>dissociation is not an issue for her while driving, cliffe helps her drive. sometimes berry’s awareness will be triggered but not fully front (for example, seeing a rainbow). only jillian and cliffe have driven a car.>when colourpop announced the peeps collection, jill emailed them asking for pr. they did not send it to her.>writes off all her makeup on her taxes>wore her last pair of eyelashes for a year>someone jokes about jillian getting a UTI in her eye from her dirty eyelashes. for some reason, jillian takes this as an opportunity to announce that she’s had a lot of UTIs (barf)>says it was weird seeing jax’s makeup on her face because she didn’t look like herself>jax was going to film her meet the alters video yesterday but jillian stopped her because it was late at night >might do a couples vlog where her and steve shop for stuff for their halloween costumes >said she has considered being a drag queen with a puppet and learning ventriloquism because she loves the muppets so much. then says “thinking about my hater’s reactions if i steered my career towards ventriloquism” No. 258645
>>258637knitting videos are so popular on youtube rn why cant she just do that and stop the weird larp stuff. its really really not that hard to stop making a fool of yourself online.
also did she not specifically say she dissociates while driving in a previous tweet? so shes just lying about it now?
No. 258652
>>258637>>>jax was going to film her meet the alters video yesterday but jillian stopped her because it was late at night This is not how DiD would even work if it was real. I seriously just can't understand how this makes any sense to anyone at all, specially to her WKs.
I know this keeps getting brought up all of the time, but it's good to remind all of the lurkers and fans of hers that DiD is supposed to make someone "switch"
because of a trigger that comes from trauma not because her OC donut steel listened to the imagine dragons song or because it saw a fucking rainbow.
And the only one that would make any sense would be the original little kid from her "system" because that would probably mean that she got abused by someone in a place with rainbows or some shit, which is fucked up and never happened.
I just can't believe that this stupid shit is a fucking trend, mental illnesses are not a funny game or trope for a story or LARP.
No. 258657
>>258652Well you see,
nonny, when Jill was a kid, her dad made her go to bed at 9pm every night even though she really didn't want to and the trauma from that repeated abuse caused bedtime to be a
No. 258658
>>258637>started a dnd campaign with steve as the dm. is trying to get cliffe to front for the campaign, but veronica keeps fronting because the character is flirtatious. the dnd character is a drag queen.I don’t play DnD, but isn’t the whole point to create a character that you could never be in real life? She has two drag characters she performs as irl, why would she make her fantasy character a drag queen as well?
>wants to do a ‘trying to dress like gen z’ video where she tries very layered maximalist clothing. wants it to be a ‘is it only fashionable because they’re thin’ type of video.Uh… does she not know that she IS Gen Z? I’m all for her trying different styles (thought this kinda sounds like she’s got a “this is fatphobic” agenda), but calling it “Dressing Like a Gen Z” when you
are Gen Z makes no sense. Just title it after whatever that specific trend is called
>said she has considered being a drag queen with a puppet and learning ventriloquism because she loves the muppets so muchI don’t like the ventriloquist act idea, but if she would be okay with being behind the curtain I honestly think she would make a good puppeteer. If she took a couple classes on puppetry, I could easily see her getting accepted into a puppet theatre troupe. She has a natural tendency for over exaggeration when she acts, which would be beneficial for bringing life into puppets
No. 258660
>>258656What does your friend think about the whole “positive
trigger” thing (i.e. going into a toy store to
trigger a little out, or making a certain alter’s favorite food to
trigger them out)? Do they think that’s total BS, or has that actually happened on occasion?
No. 258661
nonnie did you just actually try to validate her following puppetry as a career path
No. 258664
>>258653There was. Jerrick got mad at Steve for being referred to as his girlfriend, got angry, and went for a drive listening to Muse or whatever that Jill didn’t know about because she ~blacked out~.
>>258648Stress related issues such as anxiety can be taxing on the heart, anon. Anyone in flight or fight is going to be exhausted especially if they’re having prolonged panic attacks for hours/weeks.
No. 258665
>>258664Exactly what I was going to say, that was literally one of the first things she said about Jerrick was that he cracked the shits and drove off after Steve called her his girlfriend.
>>258648ntayrt but I have panic attacks and the first one I had landed me in hospital with suspected heart issues because during them a lot of the time you’re not able to recognize that it’s a panic attack the first time and you think you’re dying etc. Not to blog but I ended up having to wear a heart monitor and get an ECG etc to rule out heart issues. So it’s not that strange to think that Jill likely would’ve seen a regular doctor at some point if she were having constant long lasting panic attacks at some point.
Didn’t she used to take Ativan for her anxiety? I remember her saying in a vlog or two that she’d taken one, but I guess she’s given up seeing an actual doctor since moving out, which seems stupid for someone with so many supposed conditions
No. 258668
saw this video today on body language and it made me think about how jill had "someone literally trained to spot liars" to justify her self reported diagnosis. it's all bullshit.
. No. 258680
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>>258640I also agree that I think it's health related and not
>Hur dur brain no workIt doesnt but it's probably not what's giving her panic attacks.
It's probably from a shit diet, obesity and THC
No. 258693
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No. 258696
>>258693Thank you
No. 258699
File: 1665900698358.webm (2.17 MB, 1280x720, MyWork.webm)
>>258637Timestamp: 9:50 - 10:07
No. 258702
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I was rewatching Jerrick’s meet the alter video and Jerrick mentions that her name choices was pretty chose to someone who is tied to trauma. Jerrick was most likely almost named Walter/Wally/Walt/Walty it’s so close to Walter…….The punk bf that Jill had.
No. 258705
>>258637You're being stalked and harrassed SO MUCH you apparently fear for your safety but STILL doing drag. Okay?
>going as miss piggie and kermit for halloween with steveWhy is no one talking about this
No. 258716
>>258672Right? Autistic people are often read as uninterested, uncertain, untrustworthy and even deceitful because we have trouble with eye contact, handshakes and general body language. If I had a dollar for every job interview that was derailed by amateur body language analysis I could buy myself a plushie shrimp in a Santa hat.
>>258676I’m a better timeline Jill would become a puppeteer and collaborate with Serenity Sam on fun trippy puppet music videos.
>>258687So basically what they do every day but with dice.
No. 258718
>>258660 I dont even have to ask them to know that they would think positivite
triggers are the biggest bullshit because thats just… not a thing. It has never happened to them either
No. 258733
>>258717More like
>autist breaks eye contact>autist fidgets>”This body language shows they’re lying!!”Jill has no problem maintaining eye contact, only fidgets/“stims” as a performance and most likely had the classic duper’s delight smirk on her face half the time, just like in her TikToks. Not that it matters because this so-called body language expert didn’t actually diagnose her with anything.
No. 258734
>>258712Before Jerrick was Jerrick the names that Jillian had picked out were similar to the name Walker. Jerrick was ALMOST NAMED Walter which is similar to the name
>>258716>> “plushie shrimp in a Santa hat” lmao. No. 258756
>>258741She spends a lot of time on youtube, and those "jcs criminal psychology interviews" got popular, where youtubers analyze the behavior of culprits. In those videos they usually acknowledge it's not officially recognized as a
valid technique by the law since it entirely depends on your biased interpretation.
No. 258761
>>258759Weed isn't suitable for everyone. BPD or not. My psychiatrist recommends me not to take any. Due to it possibly
triggering psychosis. (I have CPTSD and other-)
It's not always useful.
No. 258771
>>258769Rolling machines make rolling so easy a monkey could do it and they only cost like $10 at any smoke shop. I think if she can work a sewing machine she could definitely work a roller lol.
Honestly would be great to see her lean into being a stoner, I'd actually watch her content if she transitioned to reviewing different flower and other cannabis products.
No. 258776
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No. 258777
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this comment on the video just got deleted
No. 258778
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i might just have never noticed but did she make her gauged ears bigger? either way they look extra gross and ugly in this video
No. 258784
>>258648are you sure they weren't anxiety attacks? real panic attacks mimic a heart attack and make your heart beat quickly. if she's having one for 3 hours she should go to the hospital to make sure that's what it is. also too much thc can
trigger them.
No. 258793
>>258776At the start of the video I thought she'd say she's finally looking for a job- nope, repeats for the 50th time about "exiting her flop era"
Girl, the flop era is you doing nothing
No. 258798
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>>258795No captions available and sorry I'm not writing up a whole summary (not summary
nonnie) but
>5:15 Honestly I think I can say we have achieved…functional multiplicity?? No. 258801
>>258798Oh that's so lucky for her that she skipped the scary, confusing and destructive parts of having DID!
Crazy how all the people who had DID before the internet was a thing went YEARS without knowing they had it, and they never seem to achieve this functional multiplicity that a 23 year old who JUST decided she had it– what like 2 years ago?
No. 258809
>>258806>She wanted to literally compartmentalize her actual mental illness into someone who isn't HER.This is a really interesting observation because separating her mental illness into "not Jill" does actually suggest she is unhappy about being mentally ill, rather than revelling in it as it appears. This is her way of "fixing" it because every bpd asshole thing she does - she didn't do.
Idk she needs a more expensive therapist to deal with this.
No. 258828
>>258805>don't expect an apology but they'll see they were wrongThis? This is fucking stupid. A lot of people unfollowed her because she kept pushing her mental illness instead of the cute shit but I'll bet a lot of them didn't believe she was faking it, it's that
people don't follow the rainbow vomit girl for DID bullshit they didn't sign up for that content, full stop
No. 258835
>>258795First time doing a summary so if I miss something or fuck it up you know why.
Sorry in advance for this being so long, just a lot of crazy quotable moments that should be documented since Jill is so wishy-washy with her own lore and is a known liar.
>@0:36 Still going to upload pompom jacket craft she had in her patreon stream but felt it wasn't right to upload it right after "the most personal and sad and serious videos I'll ever make."Geee Jill, it's almost like mental health and DID isn't an issue or depressing for her…
>@0:49 admits that the pompom jacket has taken her over 2 months to make>@0:59 "Things have been very intense, for a very long time!" Says with a giant grin on her faceJesus I'm not even a minute in and she's so happy about everything she's talked about so far
>@2:54-3:10 Admits that her "DID" is under control/better now and once a month or 2 is when she would experience a "big one" that would affect her eatingGood for her that her debilitating mental illness can be controlled and won't ever get in the way of her making content or living a decent life
>@3:09 "Anytime something really, really big like shakes my world, I straight up can't eat for 4 days. Just water and like sometimes coffee. Cause I've straight up been in fight or flight so much. And I know I'm in a safe home, and I'm not being attacked by bears, and I know I wasn't in the war, but it's literally my body's response.">@3:57 admits to being "cozy" (????) with her bad reactions to "big, hard news," "grief," "loss," etc.>@4:09 "Let's get into the mental health aspect of it. Is that okay?" with coy smile on her face>It's very obvious she doesn't have a script for this since she losses her train of thought, even though this seems to be an important topic/video for her>@4:50 has had so much "growth, and change and healing within myself." Yet still has DID and lashes out over nothing at randoms.
>@5:03 admits she's been able to integrate her OC's, "lowering amnesiac walls, parts getting closer, better communication between parts, being able to work as a team." >@5:18 "At this point I think I can say we've achieved functional multiplicity." >@6:38 inhaling that copium and that "everyone has settled into their roles, wonderfully and beautifully." >@8:20 says that she's been able to work through and essentially make a TOOON of her BPD symptoms vanish and they've "lessen" in Jer but still shows a lot more "classic" and "loud" BPD traits.A.K.A making Jerr her scapegoat for when she wants to be a nasty bully online.
>@8:49 "Like I don't have that little spark inside of me of just twisting things in the worst possible light always. Like I have a lot more trust in the people around me." >@9:05 - 9:15 Can apparently sense consciously and even subconsciously when she has a "BPD thought that is not grounded in logic." Also to add to her list of superpowers, she can "filter them away" >@9:54 admits all of her YT stuff is "personality based" confirming what anons have stated here in that she refuses to realize she can be a multi-faceted person without her OC's and larping>@10:03 "Constantly masking last year." for her fanbase's sake>@11:50 "I just hope that maybe, in like, 3 or 4 or 5 years… Maybe they remember me and they check back up on me and see that I still have DID. And that I've been the same person this whole time and that nothing ever changed. This is just my life with this illness"whew. she's in for the long haul girlies
>@12:30 "Oh my god! Would I never roll the dice to ruin my reputation, and life, and career, like that."johncena.gif are you sure about that?
>@13:13 re-diagnosed with general anxiety but then goes on to say that she was told, "This is actually so severe. This is like one of the most severe–" cuts herself off to laugh.>@13:30 "I laugh because it's sad" Continues to smile throughout the entire video>Apparently looking at her emails gives her terrible anxiety but thanks to Cliffe she's been a successful influence beauty qween that can answer emails on time now>@14:10 In regards to her mental health and the future of her channel "I don't think it should be quite in the way anymore." As if she can now control it like superpowers.>Thanks subscribers for being "along for the ride" >@15:45 Asks her viewers for content ideas/what do they want to see from her and she has "a long list" of ideas including a "how to crochet for beginners" videoI glossed over some of her ramblings that didn't seem important since she would go off on a tangent at some points but I think I nailed the major points for the most part.
No. 258839
>>258828Honestly, how is unfollowing a content creator who no longer makes content you want to watch a moral failing in any way shape or form. It’s worse her having this attitude in this case too because of how the content shifted before it was just cutesy stuff now it’s discussion of an extreme mental illness and talking about being raped as a child. It’s really
triggering topics she is covering how can you blame someone who doesn’t want to see that. If you see this Jill thinking you can force content with such
triggering topics on people is really fucked up especially as someone who claims to be a mental health advocate.
No. 258844
>>258777Forever confused by her fans that actually see what she's doing but are still able to support her.
And of course it's deleted, God-forbid someone say something logical to her (and in a very non-hostile way for that matter). Her wearing mental illness like a costume isn't just annoying, it's dangerous. When you're actually mentally ill, it can get to a point where if feels like a core part of who you are and "getting rid of it" (getting treatment/seeking recovery) can be made even more scary.
No. 258846
nonny I was writing one too kek. I'll just post a few extras then
>Jill fronting, with a bit of Cliffe. Filmed Oct 11>Comments how viewers probably want her mental health talk more than to hear about her pompom jacket>Implies the recent drama has been a traumatising situation. "Anything that needed to be addressed has been addressed">She got through the traumatising and shaking situation really unscathed and unharmed, no relapses, no splits "we don't think". "We really understand and have gripped this tool and are working it in a way that serves us so much">Says it was really really bad last year. She rarely knew what day it was, wouldn't respond to important emails for over a week>Has seen progress in her ability to function and work "not just things that serve society(in a mocking tone). Not just in like a capitalism way">Says 'there are straight up people out to get her' while smiling, again No. 258853
>>258835Thanks greentext nonnas for their summaries!
>@5:03 admits she's been able to integrate her OC's, "lowering amnesiac walls, parts getting closer, better communication between parts, being able to work as a team." She's speedrunning it (honestly a good move imo, the sooner this phase is over, the better for her)
>@8:49 "Like I don't have that little spark inside of me of just twisting things in the worst possible light alwaysHer most recent Tweet spat with Vangelina would suggest otherwise
>@11:50 "I just hope that maybe, in like, 3 or 4 or 5 years… Maybe they remember me and they check back up on me and see that I still have DID.Retaining my self-manifested mental illness to prove the haters wrong(?)
>Apparently looking at her emails gives her terrible anxiety I'm guessing she doesn't know anyone with an office job because this is incredibly common and normal. Everyone dreads reading their emails especially where it pertains to business.
(many influencers hire someone to deal with the business side specifically due to this)
This is not at all a mento illness thing Jill.
>>258846>She rarely knew what day it was, wouldn't respond to important emails for over a weekLiterally everyone during the pandemic
It's really good if she has actually seen progress or managed to control her bpd behaviors, we obviously can't know that as viewers. But then she says she'll still have DID years from now(?)
Like if she's controlling her behavior and improving wouldn't that be at odds with having 7 people in your head?
No. 258868
>>258812>most severe anxiety
>can post on social media constantly>feels no guilt for her wrongful actions>can leave the house>can still easily and willingly communicate with others>hosts live streams and uploads videos/tiktoksthe list goes on
im sorry but how does she have anxiety other than waking up with panic attacks, throwing fits when she doesnt get her way and not wanting to do things she doesnt want to do.
thats not anxiety thats bpd and laziness
shes trying to seek an autism diagnosis because anxiety disorders are manageable and treatable. autism is permanent and a much better excuse for immaturity and laziness than anxiety and bpd.
No. 258870
>>258868She just can’t help bragging, the wording she used is so gross and braggy. She doesn’t just have anxiety she has the worst they ever did see! Its all a twisted competition to her. It’s the same reason she states the amount of days she can go without eating even though that’s incredibly
triggering to someone with an ED to hear, she has to be “the best” at everything.
No. 258899
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>>258795 rainbow coded for our "mentually ill qween"
No. 258907
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No. 258930
File: 1665966833205.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1506, 2CDF9246-65A9-483C-A8FC-DB971C…)

steve’s shitty black nail polish kek. also she turned off the replies on this tweet for some reason.
No. 258931
>>258901I think she worded it that way to make it seem like she's been in therapy for longer than a year. Even the people she would follow claim to reach the level Jill is at after
years of intense therapy. She's speed running her larp but being careful how she talks about it or back tracks because she's starting to realize people aren't as stupid as she thinks they are.
No. 258942
File: 1665969788279.png (74.51 KB, 1498x256, whattherapy.png)

Another asslicker but she's not denying that she's no longer in therapy with any comment and letting them believe she's still in process of receiving some sort of treatment. Anyone remember when her "u w u angwel threapwist" left her?
No. 258948
>>258921Seriously, it would end it all if she showed the diagnosis. Even her fans are skeptical at this point, and rightly so—Jill made a huge deal about getting the diagnostic impression, but specified herself that it
wasn’t an official diagnosis. Okay, so the fans are waiting to here what the official diagnosis is, and they get… nothing. Radio silence on the diagnostic front. Then suddenly, Jill start slipping in “I have an official diagnosis” whenever she defends herself online. I’m sorry, but if you’re gonna buy a DID cake, have a photo shoot with said DID cake, and make a coming out video just for the diagnostic impression, wouldn’t you want to at least make an ANNOUNCEMENT when you got the official diagnosis? That doesn’t add up.
Tinfoil: in the coming out video she said she had to go back for more testing to get an official diagnosis, right? I think she did go back for an official diagnosis, but they wound up ruling out DID and diagnosed her with something else instead. That would make sense as to why there was no announcement/celebration for the official diagnosis, why she clings to the diagnostic impression for dear life, and why she refuses to show proof of a diagnosis despite claiming to have one.
No. 258956
>>258948Id agree with your tinfoil if I didn't believe she couldn't afford it
We don't even hear about her therapy anymore, I think it's more likely her current therapist is less of a pushover and isn't referring her because they know it's a waste of money
No. 258958
File: 1665973951419.jpg (8.94 KB, 214x235, pepe-apu-tinfoil-hat.jpg)

>>258899 Im throwing on a big tinfoil hat, I know anons here speculated Jill suddenly saying fusion and shit because of Vangelina, which I think could be the case too, but Multiplicity&Me, a big DID youtuber, recently had a final fusion due to intensive therapy and whatnot. With the Van situation, seeing a DID youtuber not dealing with DID anymore and probably realizing faking DID isn't getting her more fame she's pulling the fusion despite clearly not being in therapy for awhile or anything. The "intensive therapy" is the exact same thing Multiplicity has said she's been in as mentioned before, now Jill is saying that
No. 258963
>>258958Yeah except MultiplicityAndMe had actively been in therapy specifically for trauma for around a decade. I get your point that Jill is copying her wording, but M&M actually has the receipts and achieved final fusion on a realistic timeline. If Jill goes from diagnostic impression to final fusion in a year or a year and a half, that screams malingering or misdiagnosis.
Just a slight aside, I know some of you guys think M&M was faking because she hired actors to play her alters in the video showing what it feels like in her mind with the disorder, but personally I don’t see that as any different from when someone with schizophrenia produces a “schizophrenia simulation” video. Her “DID simulation” just required hiring live actors, where the schizophrenia ones require hiring sound designers and other tech people to show the symptoms
No. 258978
>>258958This is very possible. I think she's considering about easing the larp, since she's had such a big backlash against it.
If Jill actually had the condition, she would easily get the diagnosis, then she'd parade about the interwebs showing her actual diagnosis papers to everyone to shut off any critisism against her bullshittery.
But no. Jill didn't get a full diagnosis. She can't do the parade, so she has to fall back to these counter measures.
No. 258981
File: 1665981608881.jpeg (486.22 KB, 828x840, 581B8289-A434-4F1D-84C5-7D00F4…)

>>258980Samefag, my dumbass forgot the photo
No. 259008
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>>258980>>258981She replied it's cozy though
No. 259017
File: 1665995853014.webm (12.02 MB, 1280x720, Caps.webm)
>>258795>>258835I put some in compilation webms. If I didn't there be around 11 webms varying from 13 seconds to over a minute. All are timestamped (thank you for timestamps).
No. 259019
>>259017Stellar job
Nonnie! The effort some of you put in these is joy to lurk.
No. 259022
File: 1665998535782.webm (19.32 MB, 1280x720, Caps3.webm)
>>259021Sorry for the delay, had to compress the second video because it was huge.
No. 259030
>>259025>the way she's grinning while telling all these horrible things sends major red flags.She's enjoying it too much, she can't hide it. She gets to be a
victim, not take accountability for her own words and actions, she gets to pretend she's an authority on the topic and can talk about herself all day and she gets all the attention in the world
No. 259032
>>258980She covers so many topics in an insensitive flippant joking way while smiling. She has covered with zero warning CSA and general sexual abuse, self harm (even covering the exact method), ED’s (stating things you explicitly shouldn’t like how long she doesn’t eat and weight), suicide attempts and ideation (again covering method and wearing that tshirt all the time). The suicide one in particular they have done studies on ways you can cover the topic and ways that will
trigger others. Even putting the faking aside as a supposed mental health advocate and content creator she is doing everything wrong and encouraging people to compete with her by bragging even.
>>259008I don’t know why she lies like this it really adds to the problem, she covers the above topics but presents it with this smiley rainbow sheen and people can’t tell what they are signing up to watch. It’s actively dangerous and her guilt tripping people for not wanting to consume such
triggering content is disgusting. She uses
trigger warnings only when she is bragging about how unwell she is which again you explicitly shouldn’t be doing. It really is sociopathic how she does all this with that Cheshire Cat smile on her face the whole time, all she cares about is the dopamine hit she gets from the attention.
No. 259036
File: 1666006155906.webm (10.37 MB, 1280x720, Panic.WEBM)
>>258637Forgot I clipped the part about the panic attack.
No. 259051
>>259040"Really bad" is not responding to important emails? What about missing meals? Missing the people you love? Missing huge life events? Or even just the actual traumatizing effect of extreme memory loss? What about the ruined relationships, the fear of those who see you so heavily disassociated like a zombie, the actual debilitating effects?
All she can think of is missing important emails. Fucking liar.
No. 259055
>>259039>>259040Anons ITT are way too generous my opinion. She only started claiming these ‘symptoms’ after she (by her own admission!) started consuming a lot of content by DID creators and one of the first things she tweeted after the cake reveal was something along the lines of “can I join your club now?”. She planned this whole DID arc out in advance. I doubt she ever experiences time loss or blackouts at all. At most she gets stoned and/or procrastinates and blames it on ‘dissociation’ when in reality she’s just sitting on her ass scrolling TikTok or taking naps.
>>259051Because that’s the only thing that actually happened. Who doesn’t hate answering work emails? Most people aren’t irresponsible enough to avoid answering them for a full week but this is Jill we’re talking about. Becoming her own boss and working from home with only Steve to keep her company wasn’t a good move for her. She doesn’t have the discipline to keep up any kind of workload without structure and supervision. A lot of people realised this about themselves while working from home during the pandemic without coming to the conclusion that they have a trendy yet controversial mental illness.
>>259054No and yes. She’s probably having anxiety attacks but calling them panic attacks because that sounds more dramatic and severe.
No. 259079
>>259054having panic attacks that long is bad for you. it causes tachycardia and stresses your heart a lot. panic attacks and anxiety attacks are totally different things.
>>25905she's probably having nothing and just saying she's having panic attacks.
No. 259080
>>259079>she's probably having nothing and just saying she's having panic attacks.This is what I honestly think about…well, fucking everything at this point. She's just lying and lying some more.
The one thing I will say is that: anyone here that smokes weed knows all about getting anxiety attacks from smoking too much. It's beyond obvious that's what keeps happening to her - and she knows it, of course.
But it's so fucking funny to watch her lie about all the DID stuff and claim that she's "settling in" to it when she isn't even going to therapy, isn't doing like, fucking anything really. She just magically has DID and now she's just magically getting better with it. Speedrun is fucking right. Lying must be so much fun.
No. 259087
>>259054Not to blog, but from personal experience yes it's possible. I had a week long anxiety attack that culminated in a 5-hour long panic attack and landed me in A&E.
I'm gonna go ahead and say it's very unlikely this happened to our little Jillybean though. Maybe she was mildly stressed out for a couple of hours after she read some evil meany comments..
No. 259088
>>259076I wonder if it was Trisha Paytas who initially put the idea of DID into her head.
>>259079I can believe she has anxiety attacks as a result of the weed, her failing social media career and the fact that a rapidly increasing number of “haters” are seeing through her ridiculous lies. If I were in her position I’d disappear off social media entirely. That would mean admitting she fucked up, though, which Jill is deathly allergic to.
No. 259089
>>259080The weed and the fact that she doesn’t have any actual structure to her life anymore would 100% contribute to anxiety attacks all the time. There’s a reason she went significantly off the deep end once she finished school, because she wasn’t
doing anything. Speaking as someone with anxiety who unexpectedly lost my job (pre-pandemic) sitting around at home while everyone you know is working/busy drives you stir crazy and puts your anxiety through the roof. She needs to take some local classes, join a gym or something to give her structure to her days
No. 259101
File: 1666024862923.jpg (333.14 KB, 720x3102, Screenshot_20221017_093754.jpg)

No. 259156
>>259153Define "screwed up"
nonnie it's Jill it's always screwed up
No. 259171
>>259164>>259153Are you on Safari? That's why webms don't work. It should work normally on other browsers. I'm on Chrome without any issues.
>>259101Inserting herself into drama while she's currently dealing with the evil meanie drama board bullies is an interesting move. Shouldn't it be
triggering? She's so bad at her larp, seriously. It's so lazy.
No. 259172
File: 1666047364346.jpeg (996.05 KB, 1170x1331, 50CDA4F0-7E45-4790-B850-001E2A…)

This is what I don’t get about her “disorders”…how is it that Jill is always conveniently fronting for the outings/events for aesthetically pleasing photos? I wanna see bald cap Cliffe fronting for this shit lol. Also how the fuck is her anxiety supposedly the worst her mental health care workers have ever seen? I HAVE been in a war & couldn’t leave my house let alone go to a fucking pumpkin patch. I can’t stand this bitch.
No. 259175
>>259172im sorry
nonny. For all the pointless
trigger warnings Jill throws in, she should just make her whole channel and twitter a
TW for obnoxious trauma larping to spare people who've actually been through shit
No. 259242
>>259202I don't disbelieve that, from the amount of weed she smokes and her general disposition it wouldn't be hard to believe she gets panic attacks.
And to all the anons crying that Jill has never been in a war zone or whatever therefore she totes cannot have any kind of anxiety… come off it. Anyone can develop an anxiety disorder. You don't have to go through psychological hell to become mentally ill. Stop letting your Jill hate cloud your common sense.
No. 259251
>>259242I think the problem moreso lies in Jill's hyperbole statement of being told "This is actually so severe. This is like one of the most severe." I do think she does have anxiety. She could have been more genetically predisposed to anxiety. Who knows the why but it doesn't matter. It annoys fellow nonnies that she has to play it up as being the
worst case up along with war victims. She simply has to outdo others. She doesn't care about the implications or the weight of her words. It boils down to what
buzzwords/adjectives can she use to give her the most attention.
No. 259307
File: 1666106816256.jpeg (455.11 KB, 1170x1064, 579A296F-8029-4122-833C-A1BE47…)

anons saying she would do flora next because she’s easy to larp as were right
No. 259310
File: 1666108524756.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1695, 1F62C4B5-3312-437E-943C-315644…)

>our voices are not that different
gee, it’s almost like you guys are the same person!
No. 259317
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>>259316Takes two seconds on google
No. 259330
File: 1666116221474.png (62.13 KB, 691x654, Screen Shot 2022-10-18 at 1.58…)

>>259317She went from making ~$1300 a month back in 2018 to a stunning ~$500 a month in the present. I wonder if she invested some of that profit or if all of it went to buy toys and weed.
No. 259331
>>259330Interesting how her biggest drop on this graph was at the start of 2019, don't remember anything dramatic happening aside her stagnating and forgetting to do the patreon stuff. And then we can connect the 2021 drop to the DID faking.
>I wonder if she invested some of that profit or if all of it went to buy toys and weed.It was probably her pocket money
No. 259374
>>259352That’s just patreon though. If she was uploading consistently she was probably making a decent amount from YouTube. Also, if that’s USD it’s more in Canadian money (not sure how the conversion works on patreon though).
I’m honestly surprised she’s still making any money from the patreon since all they get is the boring video once a month, right? That amount probably doesn’t even cover her weed.
No. 259381
>>259008sorry to necro this particular cap but
> I gotta know what headspace to go into it with :)you need to do this to watch a pixielocks video? how do these people LIVE? how do they go to the grocery store not knowing what the vibes are gonna be or “what headspace to go into it with”? how do they hold jobs. have to hand it to Jill for finding her fan niche of people too delicate and special to handle everyday life
No. 259382
File: 1666123634913.png (84.76 KB, 594x755, firefox_CoBiRfnVOz.png)

>>259381Yeah her remaining fans are weird, too deep in the twitter bubble. Here's some questions for her meet the alter video.
No. 259383
>>259381sage for offtopic but they purposefully turn themselves into perpetual
victims so they can get clout, some of them like pixie go beyond that to grift off it
( No. 259397
>>259381You say “a pixielocks video” but her DID videos are psycho, someone isn’t going to tell you unprompted about being made into a sex toy as a child in the middle of the grocery store. Her old content is completely different from this new direction so it makes sense fans are confused about the tone especially when she still makes the thumbnails cutesy and uses vague clickbait titles. She also lied to this person, it’s not cozy vibes it’s discussion of stalking which is a legitimate
trigger for some people who have actually dealt with that. I don’t think it’s overly sensitive to ask if you should be expecting a kawaii video or discussion of extreme abuse and life ruining mental illness.
No. 259405
File: 1666127573037.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x1455, 4A8D3B75-CAB8-4C24-890A-F3F87C…)

wow she actually looks not so terrible here. the natural brows and hair color look so much better than the rainbow vomit. the outfit and makeup are an improvement from the usual too. can flora just front all the time now kek
No. 259408
File: 1666128070950.png (80.89 KB, 187x250, lmfao.png)

>>259405so flora is just her attempt to go back to being like this right? sorry for tiny pic couldnt find a better one
No. 259409
>>259408the hair is literally the same, the beret, the pink. it's just like
>>259406 said, it's just her old aesthetics for her alters
No. 259419
File: 1666129927358.jpeg (384.39 KB, 683x684, 852B1624-A17C-473C-B46E-D7EAA5…)

>>259405Blonde and Brown hair suits Jill nicely. Unfortunately she doesn’t look 16-18. This is like a Flora cosplay but she’s actually 36 instead.
No. 259427
>>259405Oh my god, I’m so freaking happy to see this!!!! Jill, if you’re lurking, your makeup seriously looks good here, please keep doing this!!! It doesn’t have to be pink forever, you could do a different color every day if you want, but the natural brows and matching eye makeup looks SO much better than the rainbow brows/mismatched eyes. It makes you look younger than when you wear the usual rainbow makeup and suits your face so much more. Please, I’m begging Jill, keep this up! Make Flora the Makeup Artist Alter if you need to, just please keep going in this direction. It’s still bright and colorful, but in a way that doesn’t age you or overpower your face
(hi cow ) No. 259460
is this reply?
No. 259479
>>259437Haven’t we all long since given up hope that she’ll actually get the help she needs to stop behaving that way? I know I sure have. She’s always going to lie, manipulate, bully, and play the
victim. She might as well at least look better while doing so.
No. 259481
>>259405Funny how she hasn't broken out the blonde wig to represent Flora until she decides to make content for it.
So every time Flora was fronting I guess she liked looking like Jill.
Her fans make it very clear they love the clown car of a brain Jill is representing. Jill is just following the dollar signs.
No. 259489
>>259405I wish she went with a softer makeup look and didn't do winged eyeliner. Also wish she would have styled the wig.
>>259454 agreed, you'd think she'd have learned that at her school. I am looking forward to seeing her "acting".
No. 259491
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No. 259504
>>259460Anon is in an
abusive relationship with jills disgusting online presence and any crumb of normality has her reeling lmao
No. 259514
File: 1666171373777.jpg (446.89 KB, 3538x1560, Screenshot_20221019_021504.jpg)

>>259405I find it funny so far all her alters wear winged eyeliner and eyeshadow (and high placement for the blush for the girl alters to give the illusion of a different face shape). Jilly you really are a one-trick pony.
No. 259544
>>259514What about Jerrick even makes him a boy? Inb4 gender is a spectrum.
Idk why you'd have an alter who is a BOY but is still characteristically feminine, wearing winged eyeliner and participates in drag.
Maybe that's just my limited understanding, but when I've watched videos of like 50 year olds with DID, their male alters are masculine because their role involves strength.
No. 259551
>>259544It has no meaning in modern twitter culture. In some ways they're close to being progressive (just because you're a girl or a guy doesn't mean you have to do xyz) but then they backfire and go "this fictional character is obviously trans because she doesn't fit traditional feminine stereotypes!".
So Jerrick is supposed to be FtM, but is a drag queen? Feels uncomfortable enough to wear a binder but has no qualms about feminine styling? It's a mess even for her own fake story.
No. 259555
File: 1666194617596.png (27.1 KB, 597x265, firefox_MF9zDoaYtW.png)

Jill, that's not even an attempt to be funny
What's interesting about infantilizing yourself?
No. 259561
>>259559Jerricka is female to male and is hopping through the same hoops as
>>259553The girl this anon is talking about, so she can wear girly stuff and be a "drag queen" since what she likes is being a girly girl and not a gender non conforming girl.
No. 259577
>>259544What I want to know is Jill’s reasoning as to why Jerrick is FtM trans while Cliffe is a cis man. Jerrick feels dysphoria towards the female body and wears a binder because he identifies as male - fair enough. But Cliffe also identifies as male while occupying a female body yet he isn’t trans and afaik there’s been no mention of dysphoria on his end. Why the discrepancy? Is there some inherent difference between man brain/soul/personality and transman brain/soul/personality? If so, can a male-bodied DID system have a transman alter? Can a female-bodied DID system have a transwoman alter? Does Jill think biotransgirl alters are
valid? Are we ever getting a Kikomi alter?
No. 259581
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No. 259587
File: 1666205172047.jpg (41.99 KB, 1014x397, 232.JPG)

>>259581Wasn't she also interested in joining Project Runway back in the day?
>>259586Agreed, I support jill being on the show.
Btw, jill lost another 1k subs on her youtube channel lol
No. 259607
>>259581My tinfoil prediction if Pixie got on the Canada Drag Race: She would cry a lot, get defensive when critiqued by the judges, complain about not being able to smoke weed, struggle to maintain her DID/alter act (but make sure to mention it whenever she can), and others on the show would judge her and gossip about her, perhaps even confront her. Not to be rude, but gay male drag queens tend to be quite brutally honest and outspoken, if RuPaul's Drag Race is any kind of indication on that. Pixie, being very sensitive and emotional, would not be able to take the blunt (maybe even harsh) criticism from the judges, and petty/bitchy comments from the male drag queens.
Perhaps it would be a good learning experience and character growth for her. Sorry if my comment is not allowed, still figuring out what's acceptable and not here.
No. 259645
File: 1666217753805.jpeg (638.68 KB, 1170x1317, DFE82673-59DD-430B-AACC-546B0D…)

She’s been talking about the confetti club a lot lately…tinfoil that she got hyped from her kid + brainrott followers “supporting” her through the initial Vangelina vid and is now trying to breathe new life into her mini cult?
No. 259647
>>259645I don't think so, I think that now that she has attracted an extra retarded audience, even if it's small, she wants them to know that she has her own club were all of her new menthol Illinois fans can belong to and be called "cuties". Give it a few months for her retard fans to call it the "hurr durr pixie cult" and post retarded memes about her,
if she reaches that point at all.
No. 259650
>>259607I think she would try to start drama and cry how she’s the
No. 259656
File: 1666223501928.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1620, 8A2E4E4C-7A7A-4B45-B43D-ED60EA…)

4/6 alters take selfies at the exact same angle
No. 259659
File: 1666224224344.gif (2.31 MB, 360x360, 7D872B24-6E65-4FE3-8457-D8D243…)

>>259656Shouldn't the 30 years old man be posing like gif related? Since he's supposed to act geriatric, not knowing how to do uwu poses or how to position the camera properly.
No. 259660
File: 1666224352850.jpeg (7.78 KB, 114x145, 1666223501928.jpeg)

>>259656sorry if this is a pic for ants but like…
No. 259662
File: 1666225508906.png (79.98 KB, 1876x1200, 858A14DA-D60B-4607-8765-2FF6B9…)

>>259659Yeah he’s supposed to be like the 30 year old boomer memes. Why doesn’t he come out for lawn work?
No. 259675
>>259607 if jill made it onto any one of these shows ever she wouldve been kicked off the first episode
>>259514>>259656 never fails to amaze me how people cant blatantly see its all jill, all the alters just do the same shit as jill. DID isnt like that there are some actual distinct differences it doesnt involve just magically changing your appearance (I know I cant convince anyone here DID is real if you dont believe it; its the wackiest fuckin disorder ive ever witnessed someone have. Jill and these other tiktok idiots are such fuckin frauds and don't help)
No. 259686
>>259656All y’all nonnies talking abt how its the same angle but i’m losing it bc she clearly tried her hardest to get a different facial expression,
we know she still pulls the same faces regardless of “alter” thnx to the compilations here, she’s just making herself look extra retarded to make to larp believable
No. 259692
>>259643Ngl I kinda respect Ru Paul for that stance even if I don't respect drag necessarily. He seems to have a grasp on biology. I honestly miss when people would just do drag as opposed to trooning out to fit gender stereotypes. Like
>>259551 said, twitter culture is hypocritical at best and insidious at worst.
No. 259706
>>259637Berry is the little and what she uses to pedopander to Steve. Flora is her irl magical girl persona kek she's as pure of heart as a shoujo main character, of course. She needs that bounce back from the drama to be fake positive and rainbows.
>>259656She makes such punchable faces. Just smile like a normal person, Jill. And keep your tongue in your damn mouth.
No. 259709
>>259656I love how boring Cliffe's clothes are. Everything is a shade. I guess being an
adult TM means not being interested in colours. Guess that means she needs to give up her rainby colours at 30. Jilly you are so embarrassing and stunted.
No. 259720
>>259656I don't know what the acceptable rhetoric is for DID within their community, but in terms of recovery, is it acceptable to state that alters are delusions? I know for some people who have delusions it can be dangerous to tell them their delusions are not real or correct, but for DID, doesn't it base its recovery on the idea of going back to one personality, meaning the others are delusions or not real? They're just parts of you.
Basically, if Jill was pro-recovery or focused on that, would it be gauche for her to be posting so many meet the alters~*~*~ videos and stuff? Regardless of whether or not DID is real, I wonder how the people who treat it or claim it feel about the tiktok/tumblr focus on having 300 alters and how different they are from the OG identity.
No. 259739
>>259737Gotta show the
system support. Even better since
Veronica hasn't posted for over a month but likes a tweet about
Flora. Jilly you suck ass at acting/pretending.
No. 259740
>>259703I also love “his” egirl pose which isn’t remotely how a single thirty year old cis man would pose. Imagine how creepy this would look if it was actually a thirty year old man and not Jill.
>>259720The fakers have blurred the lines so far on acceptability now especially in recovery. In reality they wouldn’t be entirely different people they would be facets of yourself just with incredibly strong responses to things so they behave in a way you would suppress. The fakers have warped things to make them all completely independent people and say that to “get rid” of them by integrating is killing them. Basically they have warped things so that they can justify staying sick forever and not having to end the grift.
No. 259743
File: 1666261349953.gif (560 KB, 360x270, 6a017d3f6e48be970c017ee9011aec…)

>>259703>>259740you've got to consider her references,
nonnie No. 259784
>>259491funny that they didn't ban the older man (tranny) that was in the confetti club page creeping on their teen/little girl fanbase.
but maybe that is what Stevie aspires to be.
No. 259786
File: 1666281375836.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1527, 167FFF39-70BE-4F98-B128-5A90B7…)

does she not have good options for clothing for flora, because this is an absolute train wreck. the sheer petticoat, the lingerie, the night gown, the pusheen slippers. this is awful.
No. 259789
File: 1666281888867.png (41.22 KB, 737x352, 123456789.png)

>>259786I like it the slippers are out of place though
Also Sandwich is trying to escape Jill's mind prison kek
No. 259796
File: 1666282541610.png (609.54 KB, 743x934, 241A0B59-005A-4FA6-9B53-9AB3F4…)

>>259786Wtf is this outfit. That precure character doesn’t remotely dress like this. If she actually dressed like that character she would look way cuter. The himekaji style she wore during the phase she is referencing would suit way better. I know she wouldn’t fit in liz Lisa now but it’s not a hard general vibe to emulate.
No. 259798
File: 1666282773305.png (395.82 KB, 501x622, D64017A2-B153-4A9F-B117-D46BEE…)

>>259796Apologies for samefag and autism but the character has some legitimately decent outfits why would she choose that mess that is just every sheer thing she owns. It doesn’t even look like her outfit after she transforms.
No. 259813
>>259786“My toddler alter exclusively wears lingerie and underwear in a kaweewee coquette aesthetic uwu”
Totally not a red flag that you dress up in kinderwhore aesthetic for your supposed child alter jillybean. Not even Veronica was still scantily clad but your alter thats supposedly reclaiming your inner child is…in her panties on twitter dot com ok…
No. 259815
>>259805I think the theory is that if no one in the system is equipped to handle the new trauma, then a new alter is created to hold that trauma; but if an existing alter and handle it, there’s no new alter. It’s also supposed to depend on how much therapy someone has had—the brain’s default way of managing trauma is to create an alter to handle it, so someone who just started therapy is more likely form a new alter than someone who has been in therapy long term and learned healthier coping mechanisms
Iirc MultiplicityandMe had an alter that split in two at one point and fused them back in therapy. DissociaDID on the other hand just announced they have a sub-system, basically meaning her DID has DID
No. 259819
>>259815>DissociaDID on the other hand just announced they have a sub-system, basically meaning her DID has DIDHow would that even work? It's amazing how these weirdos make up shit to stay
on the cutting edge.
No. 259823
File: 1666285677222.jpeg (106.3 KB, 828x659, 2239C61F-91CB-4EBE-9D09-B584FA…)

>>259786Nice black panties under a white see through petti coat
No. 259824
>>259823I think they might be biker shorts, but either way why wear black under a translucent white petticoat? Really dumb.
>>259813Why do anons keep confusing Flora for Berry? Kek I think Jill's lore for her OCs isn't too hard to follow tbh because she's not smart enough to make them complex. They are all DeviantArt tier donut steal OCs. Very one dimensional with like one key trait, a favourite colour, and an aesthetic from her past and bam. Thats it kek she's so uncreative, it hurts.
No. 259826
File: 1666286550932.jpeg (266.28 KB, 1170x737, D5CB147D-8645-49E9-B773-FED6CE…)

>>259786video will be up soon nonnies!
No. 259833
>>259824Because berry and flora are the exact same, just one is named after a precure character.
>>259740It baffles me that nental health on social media conflates acceptance with positivity and that once you reach acceptance everything just stops. Woo-hoo, you have this debilitating mental illness just go to therapy like once a month, make a post relating to your mental illness, and then receive all the asspats because you did the bare minimum of "bringing awareness" to your condition. Oh, and once you've come to terms with it, it's time to just stop any sort of treatment because you now know the reason you're fucked up. Mission over!
No. 259857
>>259824>>259833>>259813if you go back a few months, berry's character was called flora before and she was talking about flora having a split or some shit and then
she swapped the names and made berry the child one.
No. 259879
>>259873I thought Flora was 6.
How is she 18 now?
Is sandwich the 6 year old?
Anyways this video makes my skin crawl. There's no way anyone is buying this. She's not even a good actor. It's Jill with an asmr voice and a cheap wig.
I will say, I can't wait for a Cliffe video. Big Cliffe stan here.
No. 259881
File: 1666297881349.png (296.32 KB, 3490x854, Screenshot 2022-10-20 at 21.30…)

from what trauma?
No. 259909
>>259904Life or death situation? She wants to play autism so this is to be taken literally. What could this even allude to, she has never had an illness or been in a serious accident.
>>259906Of fucking course, as per Jilly can’t accept that she would have a single negative trait. That’s her real illness, her delusion and inability to accept that she has any negative traits or could ever be in the wrong. Narcissism is a hell of a thing.
No. 259916
>>259873Is the whole ad spot supposed to be Cliffe?
> 5:45 I think this is so you can turn it into like a cross-body kind of momentWhy does Cliffe, a boomer-esque 35 year old straight male, have Jills drag queen vernacular? Felt very odd knowing who she’s attempting to larp as.
No. 259926
>>259924I can't enjoy it any more. I can't bear to watch someone lie through their fucking teeth and act as though they're getting away with it. This is honestly just too much. I don't know how come she thinks she's any different than the 15 year olds doing this on TikTok too. Just because she's better at doing her makeup, or what?
Terrible acting, stupid, dumbass waste of skin, honestly? A shitty, shitty person who is going to get what's coming for her one day. Not everyone is going to be charmed by it in your life, Jill. You're not going to be adorably 24 forever. Buckle up. Stupid bitch.
And you can read THAT on lolcow.
No. 259933
>>259926I am pretty convinced Jill's followers at this time are:
a) Children
b) Fakers like her
c) People watching the cringe
No. 259939
>>259912This was also a lie she is blowing up. She never actually attempted suicide, her mom just found a suicide note. It is CLASSIC narcissistic behavior. My dad would do shit like this, take too many pills and do the manipulative woe is me bs. The
abusive fucker ended up in prison. Also, how do Jill's parents watch this and not make her stop? She is implying she should have been taken by CPS or something.
No. 259942
>>259904She is such an insufferable self-obsessed liar. Cluster B theater kid bullshit. It’s so clear that throwing tantrums always got her extra attention and doting and praise since childhood and so she’s gone all in on mood swings, exaggeration and lies ever since. She can’t control her extreme duper’s delight whenever she lies about being raped or trying to kill herself or whatever, it brings her immense joy to imagine herself as a
victim that will shock everyone and cause them to pity and love her, meanwhile none of this shit has ever even remotely happened to her.
No. 259959
>>259857This never happened. You guys are just misremembering. Unless you guys have receipts? I'm pretty sure Flora was a fragment and Berry was just the little she didn't want to name for muh minor safety or whatever. I'm not sure where anons got the idea from but it's annoying to see anons make the mistake over and over. If we are going to document Jillian's bullshit, we gotta at least keep it accurate kek
>>259873The fucking lip smacking, it's so annoying. She's talking so softly and slowly, too, like it's a bad attempt at ASMR. Gross. It's hard to get through.
No. 259988
I thought the video was pretty lackluster, kind of a knockoff of DissociaDID’s Sally, but when she said her job is to “soothe this tortured body and brain” I wanted to rage. She knows exactly what’s she’s implying by saying that, and I’m absolutely sick that she would go that far. Even if I were to play devil’s advocate, believing the DID and say “okay, not all trauma is abuse, so maybe she actually did experience something traumatic enough as a child for DID,” her saying she has to soothe this tortured body and mind is directly implying child abuse. How dare she? Mama Vessey immediately sprung into action getting Jill help when she found suicidal ideations in Jill’s diary, you think she would have be abusing Jill? Or that Jill would have been able to hide abuse from her when Jill said her mom was her best friend and Mama Vessey was literally reading Jill’s diary? She had a self proclaimed happy childhood, a great relationship with each parent, was given all sorts of luxuries, and is still being taken care of financially by her parents. How dare she say she’s been tortured!
No. 260010
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Her cadence in this video reminds me of Deb
No. 260013
>>259873>>259897Okay I found some timestamps I found telling. 9:36-9:45 she says she, as Flora, could tell that she was indeed Flora in her lolita clothes. she says "looking back… I can tell" in regard to her with pink hair and J-fashion clothes. Why would she point out that she recognizes herself? Wouldn't you know that was you based on your memories, and not just something some surface level as clothes in a picture? It sounds like a third person phrase- something Jill would say about another alter, according to her own lore of how it all works. Her proof providing in all these videos is so unbelievably canned. odd that she always talks about the aesthetics of her alters first, rather than, you know, who they are as a person.. since they're apparently full fledged personalities.
Does she call her lolita fashion "highly influential" in regards to her internet fame at 9:20? Or am I misunderstanding the context.
4:30 her pitch drops substantially and she says "and I also feel like i'm rambling quite a bit
nervous laugh and I feel like I'm speaking very quietly so I'm going to truck along to the next one sorry" Jill's feeling veeerryy self conscious about the way she's speaking because she never larps this character. The hurried sorry felt like she is embarrassed for what she's about to do in the rest of the video because she knows its a weird character she doesn't relate to (whereas she feels more comfortable with the Jerrick larp because she is actually angsty and volatile) because she isn't softspoken and timid.
10:38 she says she doesn't want to get too deep into who she spent her time with as the supposed larp because "there were a lot of other people involved". Her pitch drops again and she makes a sheepish gesture with her head lowering, it looks like she's again embarrassed to have anyone check her old videos or have old partners see this video and wonder what the fuck she's talking about. "It's easy to scroll back and
dramatic eyebrow raise see" 10:42 Once again cringing at the idea of people going back and checking if this persona matches up with the old videos. She knows she can't delete old videos because it will look suspicious.
sorry for autistic body analysis shit kek its truly a treat to pick apart these poorly constructed videos
No. 260016
>>259897At 18:58 she says she “strive[s] to care for and soothe this tortured body and mind” while smiling and
actually laughs through the word “tortured”
No. 260019
>>259873Around 15:15, "a sensual flirtatious free thinking woman who's very hyper sexual wouldn't be affected by, again, sexual trauma" (referring to the creation of Veronica)
Is she implying that sexually adventurous women don't care about being assaulted wtf
No. 260021
>>260019i hope she gets raked over the coals for that one. But of course people are going to say that SA
victims hypersexualize themselves as a response to trauma. Either way what she's saying about a woman in the club has nothing to do with her claim that she was a "plaything" as a child.
No. 260026
File: 1666322812909.jpg (43.12 KB, 626x316, 0516515484756465.jpg)

She's so excited to be traumatized! Quirky!
No. 260032
File: 1666326460939.png (57.53 KB, 1555x168, kuva.png)

Someone in her comments is noting how she hasn't updated her "Meet the Alters" playlist since Jer video. It's pretty embarrasing, that this is her sole livelyhood and yet she can't keep up with basic management of her channel. Couldn't Cliff take care of stuff like this? He's supposed to be a boring adult.
No. 260042
>>260019She did say that Veronica was “someone who could take it. someone who could enjoy it” in response to the multiple sexual assault thing- which suggests that Veronica doesn’t care about being violated or not.
>>260013Jill did the same thing in her Jerrick video and showed pictures of her punk 12 to 13 year old self and said that Jerrick can remember being around at that time and it’s very apparent in the many photos that were taken.
No. 260044
File: 1666331113460.jpg (64.5 KB, 592x748, Screenshot_20221021_013738_Fir…)

Wake up confetti cunts time for another alter video
No. 260047
>>260013To me the way she speaks about old relationships almost feels like she was saying "Flora" was interested in them but "Jill" wasn't.
This is reaching, but I think she might be deflecting her guilt about leaving Tristan for Collin by saying Flora was dating Tristan not her. Could go the same for her other friend loses, like when she slept with someone her friend was interested in. She could say it wasn't her, but an alter unaware of the situation.
No. 260059
>>260001Fucking K E K
nonnie, maybe flora came to be when she was the key holder at the shop she worked in and she got tired of the customers torturing her poor brain with their oh-so-funny takes about receipts and taxes or things being free because there was no price tag. That would actually be relatable. We all need a little flora in our customer service lives.
No. 260060
>>259873Nonnies, nonnies, nonnies!! Wake up!!!
Here's the long winded summary w/ timestamps!!
(kek sorry for the absence. Not to blog or anything I was enjoying my time being a normal person with my fiancé and eating dinner. Jill you could learn a thing or two from me. Also this shit took forever.)
>Girl is zonked for sure>Right out of the gate she alludes to filming feeling "familiar" but also "very strange. I've definitely done this before."Alluding to lolita days?
>@0:19 "I feel like a kid in my mom's basement.">@0:34-0:42 "I'm not used to talking… Out loud to myself… Alone. I'm almost always co-conscious with Jillian.">Goes on to repeat once again that this [filming] feels very familiar >@1:06 Repeats "Fuel, fuel, fuel, fuel!!!!!" almost like a sped (This is after she takes a sip of tea)>@1:24 "It's very exciting to be filming a whole video of just me, uhm, talking, uh, just about myself. Uhm, it's very, very interesting, and intimidating." >@1:38 - 1:55 "I don't feel, uhm, particularly tied to a certain age. Uhm, we estimate that I float around 18, just based off of where most of my memories are from. I supposes the times that I was fronting the most frequently.">Mentions of how Flora is more a part of the inner world and helps Jill, Cliffe, and Berry with caretaking and emotional supportPoor Jerrick is even left out of his own system when it comes to emotional help
>@2:15 pretty much admits that since self-diagnos- I mean, "figuring out" about their mental condition that Flora has been able to co-con with Jillian this whole time so that Jillian doesn't screw up her relationships with friends, family and her business. >@2:25 "Because she has been the has a lot of the knowledge about like, things going on in our life, and relationships with our friends and family, and business people."I'm so glad to hear Jilly-bean doesn't experience any amnesia and doesn't make plans with her friends and family as a different alter. Wowwe! DID sounds so nice.
>@2:36 "But she still struggles a lot with that, uh, intense anxiety and, uhm, PTSD symptoms.">@2:56 Shades herself by saying that "Jill tends to "catastophize" things." >@3:17 "I have a very, very, vivid space, uhm, in our inner world that means a lot to me. And I'm very, very comfortable there, and we do a lot of healing in there. A lot of conversations. Uhm, I have a couch that people can sleep on any time they need to crash there and I always have an ear and can put the kettle on in a moment."I've cracked the code! She doesn't need therapy anymore and is able to make final fusion bc Flora is the new therapist. Why pay for someone when you have the "expert" in your head all along??
>@3:46 - 4:23"I can feel sadness, uhm and I can feel worry. I know in DID you can sometimes you can have parts that only feel certain emotions. Uhm, I think I do feel a full range of emotions, but I'm much, much, much less effected by the GAD and PTSD. Uhm, and I don't believe I experience any Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms at all. Which is another big purpose for me to tag team with Jill as she goes through this learning journey and healing journey of BPD."But I thought Jill was cured of her BPD?
>This is all a tangent spiraling from the first questions which was: "What is your age?">@4:35 - 7:30 CLIFFE AD BREAK!!! Clip
nonnie, if you had to choose one thing to clip from this video please clip this part, omfl. Nothing about this ad time suggests that Cliffe is even fronting besides the dumb circle glasses. I'm trying not to laugh too hard and wake up my fiancé.
>Answers a question about her height. Answers it but then goes on to call the question (from her followers) silly>Are you an ANP or EP? (doesn't even bother to describe what either are, super helpful for those that don't know DID lore)>@7:49 "I believe I am an "Apparent Normal Part." I remain a bit more calm and collected. I have a bit less stress with social interactions and conversation. I definitely take over on the phone sometimes and at, you know, the cashier when we're checking out… I just rally enjoy chatting with people and I really don't mind.">@8:16 - 8:35 "Yes, especially because I don't experience uuhhm, or I haven't yet experienced any major BPD emotions in myself." Has James Sunderland moment of waving hand in front of face. "As a fragment, of this whole." Jump cut. "Not fragment, I am a full part." Jump cut. "BuT sPeAkInG as if we were a pie of sorts."Jilly trying not to slip and eat shit in her own lie. Also I think the weed really got to her since she early admitted to not having any BPD symptoms as Flora, so wtf up with this?
>@8:44 Flora is still a fictive>At least she's aware of how much she's rambling>@8:58 Apparently can remember her life [as Flora] now that Jill has been "diagnosed" >Goes on to say that [Flora] was highly influence during her lolita and j-fashion days.>@9:19 "And I think out inclination towards witchcraft very much, mostly lays within myself." uwu>@9:32 displays old photos of younger jill "Looking back, I can tell." >@9:45 "I formed… shortly after… Our stay in the psych ward, in grade 9 Who tf is 18 in grade 9? Alters age tend to correlate with whatever age they experience their trauma. Can some anime autist find out if Precure Flora was even a character in like… 2014? If my math is correct.
>Says that once she entered high school she was "a completely different person" (her own air quotes) and a lot of her interests and personality shifted.>@10:19 "I was also, finally, put on medication." says with coy smile>@10:29 "There were also shifts in relationships and friendships and where we spent our time. I remember a lot of that.">@10:36 Giant shit eating grin "I don't want to get to into it, because there were a lot of other people involved and we've been on YT for a longtime. So it's easy to scroll back and see, but I certainly remember fronting more for different relationships, and friendships, and endeavors, and hobbies.">Stupid questions about what Flora supposedly looks like "inside" (Jill had to finish her fan art of her OC that's why the video took so long to put out)>@11:49 totally forgot to put the question on the screen in post editing >Interests apparently include, nature, plants, going for walks, witchcraft, paganism but not that wicca shit. Also believes in magic and is an introject of Flora from PrecureBut no mention of lolita?? Or fashion???
>@12:30 "I think it might best to start explaining the purpose of my formation. My splitting." with again another big smile on her faceTotally unprompted btw
>@12:38 - 13:14 "Jillian and Jerrick were at a point, and I suppose Veronica as well, but Veronica, uhm, doesn't really feel many bad emotions. Or at least that's my understanding of it. She doesn't hold pain much. But Jillian and Jerrick were really, really, we're not able to continue as they were. Uhm… They didn't see a way forward into the future. Uhm, it was after a close call with suicide." >Jills YT info section states that the time stamp between 13:06-13:16 is a TW about suicide but there's no visual indication in the video itself and no verbal warning of a TW for said topic, she just blurts that shit out.>@13:14 - 14:28 con. "The only way that Jillian could see herself moving forward and having anything to live for and the only way to enjoy life would be to mirror the most positive, joyful, up-lifting, hope filled thing that sparked that warmth in her heart. And not a lot of things did. Uhm, We were diagnose with depression at that point and, uh, that was really, really, uh, difficult. They were struggling with depression, and bulimia, and anorexia as well" Jump cut. "After that stay in the hospital I came to existence to be a hopeful, joyful part that was completely dissociative from the depression, uhm, the BPD, the PTSD. Many memories I don't have access to because I wouldn't be able to stay this way. And they really need me to stay this way.">@14:41 straight up says "I'm really, really happy with our life right now" only because the alters can talk to one another and can all work towards the "same goal." (but honestly it almost sounded like "single" as in destroying the alters to final fusion. just my tinfoil.)She suffers from MC syndrome lol
>@14:50 attempts to psych explain how DID works >@15:06 - 15:30 timestamp in her YT biobox (w.e. the fuck it's called) mentioning a TW for sexual assault/trauma but again no visual or auditory warning for those just watching the video>@15:16 "A sensual, flirtatious, free thinking woman who's very hyper sexual wouldn't be affected by, again, sexual trauma">@15:49 [In relation to Jills obsession with Precure] "It is her #1 strongest, most beloved interest. Uhm, side by side with the band Muse."lolkay. Isn't there an old cap from FB of her asking how many episodes of a series does one need to consume to cosplay and be a fan? As if liking it isn't enough and she has to prove she's a mega fan or something
>@16:26 "Our 'Strong, Kind, Beautiful' tattoo is because those sayings [referring to Precure and how characters knew the right powerful and kind things to say] and those phrases from Precure genuinely got use through and saved our lives." >@16:43 Emotional tear up or eyes just watering from her head shoved too far up her own ass? You decide>@16:50 "We had no idea that I was like a "introject" from this show. And I'm not, uhm a specific copy of any character. We don't have any alters that work that way." >At this point it's becoming pretty obvious her acting is slipping, her voice starts to slip back to normal and not her dumb airy soft ASMR voice.>Spends the next minute saying how she's not confused about her world bc she didn't step out of an anime. Flora's role is to be uplifting and shit, blah, blah, blah. We've heard this before>@17:54 Apparently Precure means a lot to more than just Jill>@17:56 Buckles down and asks her fans to totally not think that she [Flora] is "delusional in thinking that I, uhm, am a real character from an anime. That is absolutely not the case."But please keep believing my delusions that I have DID
>@18:26 Once again another big smile as she mentions the idea that Jillian went through massive trauma while she was obsessing over Precure. "Life or death situation, with no idea on how they could move forward with the brain that they had" quote appears at this point.@19:02 "And soothe…. And sooothe…. this…. this tortured (slightly laughs through saying tortured) body and brain."
The amount of pausing she did was almost like she was either trying to find some kind of dramatic wording to use or like she planned on this but was debating on using this kind of strong language. Either way, fuck off Jill. You've had more privilege in your life that some will never even be able to dream about.
>@19:24 Awful attempt at looking upset and eventually hangs her head bc she realizes she can't make herself cry on command>@19:32 Weird ass chin quivering and a look away so she doesn't actually cry.No idea what that could even be about
>@19:37 Reaches for camera and another jump cutI can only speculate she stopped recording in case she did end up shedding a tear. Over what, I have no idea again
>This was all one giant ramble that stemmed from a question about her interests…..>@20:07 "Im sOoOoOoRrRrYYy~" teeheeBut not really since she left it in the video and I'm assuming Jill is the one to edit these videos so….
>@20:13 Attempts to get back into her hobbies, even though the question was already answered and she very obviously moved on from it and wanted to talk about "trauma" instead>At this point in the video is starts to jump cut like crazy>@22:04 Has totally forgotten that she's talked about her tea already at the beginning, not even a full minute into the video. (see: "Fuel, fuel, fuel." quote)>@22:28 Doesn't listen to music as a "coping activity," unlike Jerrick and Jax who have habits of blasting music all night while singing and dancing, and "stimming around."groan
>@23:51 Which clothing style do you prefer? "I was really excited for this question!" Goes on to say the most bland thing you could imagine. "I'm so passionate about fashion and I love beautiful and pretty things, and community and history." Like no fucking joke that's an actual quote with no further elaboration on it beyond saying she wears pink and frills.>@25:00 apparently each alter can be called forth to dress themselves and put on their own makeup>Talks about TT creators she watches>@26:05 gets to questions from her TwitterFuck nonas I'm so tired at this point lmfao
>@26:12 Q:"What is it like being fictional? Do you feel seperated from the rest of the system at all?"kek even her fanbase is confused about her lore and think she's just larping from Precure
>@26:57 "But I've lived a very real life out here….. I just had no idea that I was a DID part. Uhm, I just thought we lived a very confusing, uhm, and chaotic life with mental illness. Which is a fact that we've known since we were very, very young."Wait what? Maybe it's because I'm tired but that seems really contradictory
>More of the same shit she's already spouted this video>@28:21 Apparently Jerrick is only there and formed to hold trauma and that's it >Talks about a pickle plant for almost 2 minutes>@29:56 Asked if she gets jealous if others besides Flora "take care of Jillian" (as if Flora is a parent). >@30:21 "It only brings me joy and, and comfort to see that people are truly truly kind to her with no ulterior motives. We've had quite the line of unfortunate characters in our life.">@31:32 omfg kek, she chooses the obvious troon's question about the parasocial relationship some fans want to have with Jill. She giggles about it before even reading the question >Immediately throws Veronica under the bus and says that you shouldn't go to Veronica for advice. @32:03 "Unbiased, non-impulsive…eh…." uncomfortable laughter, "clear headed, judgement is not her strong suit.">Apparently you can go to Cliffe, Flora, or Jill for good sound advice>Jax and Jerrick are only good for more "grittier conversations"Lol she's really trying to sweep Veronica under the rug and make sure no one interacts with her
>@32:46 a fictive related question and last one for the Q&AJesus christ, take a shot every time she says "uhm" challenge. I had to drink as I wrote this, so if it gets progressively sloppy with grammar mistakes I'm so sorry. Also someone needs to tell that Flora bitch run on sentences aren't cute.
No. 260067
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>>260060Thanks nona, you are a literal saint
No. 260068
File: 1666339966465.webm (1.63 MB, 1280x720, 0350.webm)
Doesn't think she experiences any bpd symptoms clip
No. 260069
File: 1666340090579.webm (15.4 MB, 718x404, 0429.webm)
Talking quietly with phone ad clip
No. 260071
File: 1666340258174.webm (4.56 MB, 1280x720, 0910.webm)
Talking about being formed due to psych ward stay in grade 9 clip
No. 260072
File: 1666340360305.webm (1.63 MB, 1280x720, 1452.webm)
"A sensual flirtatious free thinking woman who's very hyper sexual wouldn't be affected by, again, sexual trauma" clip
No. 260076
File: 1666340448530.webm (4 MB, 1280x720, 0815.webm)
Very very traumatic life and death situation clip
No. 260077
>>260067ofc! Not to be cringe but I'm more than happy to help. Some of the shit she says is so outlandish and makes me laugh so fucking hard
>>260069YES ♥ Bless you Clip-chan. Dreams do come true
No. 260089
>>260060Wait, could someone that is more proficient in DID lore explain this - from what I understand by Jill's video fragments CAN front at times but the fragments don't remember or realize until they digivolve into full alters? Or is Jill just making up her own rules again?
>>260058>>260073Did I miss something or did she say she wasn't going to make the video anyway? If no, I guess she could still be working on it. Whether Vangelina is going to be the right person to call Jill out or not doesn't really matter imo, I prefer her taking her time doing a well-written and researched video instead of something sloppily put together than can be easily dismissed by Jill and her retarded fans. Jill has also been churning out bullshit at a really fast pace lately so it's probably a bit hard to keep it up to date by the time she releases it.
No. 260091
>>260073She also refuses to call Jill out on the
extremely obvious DID faking which IMO undermines her credibility. How can you make a video on someone’s
problematic behaviour while ignoring the tapdancing rainbow elephant in the room? The DID is what took Jill from annoying snowflake to full blown cow.
>>260078She said Cliffe is based partially on her dad. Now that her mom is becoming more obviously disappointed in her, is Jill going to shift Flora into even more of a mom figure to replace the cheerleader she grew up with? I’d like to see Flora make her own social media accounts so she can reply
>I’m so proud of you sweetie!! xx luv yaon every single thing Jill posts.
>>260086This is sandwich erasure
No. 260092
>>260072This is basically Jill saying girls like Veronica (sluts and whores!) were asking for it/deserve it/it isn't a big deal when it happens to them, because by being slutty they're not affected by sexual harassment and abuse anyway. It's just slut-shaming and
No. 260094
>>260076her bad acting is killing me, it's so embarrassing I can barely even watch a clip
>>260091>She also refuses to call Jill out on the extremely obvious DID fakingIf she does call her out Jill can dismiss it all as "just a bully spreading lies about my poor mentally ill self", and since Jill's larp IS so extremely obvious everyone watching will still be able to make that conclusion for themselves and everyone will be discussing it in the comments doing her job for her. And in a way it's good to have someone not giving her DID that much attention and just treat it as a mundane thing that doesn't matter, because attention is what Jill wants. I'm sure someone else will make videos about her faking that will conveniently pop up in people's recommended videos after watching V's more neutral one.
No. 260101
>>259986No, she was definitely high in the Flora video. I noticed it too. Her eyes look like how mine do after smoking a joint or take like 3 bong rips. Her being high also explains the unusual, slower, dragged-out way of speaking, instead of her usual hyper, screeching, expressive speaking. I also sometimes get that weird, constant smile and giggle at inappropriate times when I'm high, because weed, especially strong weed, numbs negative emotion and makes a person act and think foolishly.
If Pixie stopped choosing weed over a sober, healthy lifestyle with prescribed psychiatric medication for her mental health problems it would make a world of positive difference.
No. 260106
>>260101Came here to say this.
She absolutely seems high.
No. 260115
>>259988Our mental health queen loves to belittle any and all real issues and traumatic experiences so she can be the most special and sick in the whole wide world.
Hey Jill, suicidal ideation is serious enough, you don't need to trivialize it by leveling it up to an attempt. Things can be bad and serious without them being The Worst, but hey, who am I to point out the constant invalidations of very real issues that cause conditions to go overlooked until it's too late?
No. 260129
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The way jill gets a massive smile on her face when she's talking about precure being for little kids is so fucking weird
No. 260141
>>260060 >so that Jillian doesn't screw up her relationships with friends, family and her business.
Well shes doing a shit job lmao
No. 260146
>>260138Puke and cringe acting. Nobody speaks like that irl, it sounds weird and forced. Alternatively, it sounds like she's on something, which she is. Weed + bad acting is not helping her to come across as sincere or believable. Why can't she go back to her environmentally-unfriendly hauls, cutesy rainbow DIY projects, cheeky tattoo vlogs, monthly favourites, etc. Yes, she got judged for that, but who cares, it's better than her current content which is destroying her online reputation and, just my tinfoil, could possibly be negatively affecting her IRL relationships and reputation as well. (I have to assume that there are people in her IRL life that look at her differently and don't like her as much now after seeing her online behaviours). Everything I just said is alleged/assumptions/my opinion.
No. 260147
>>260144Manifesting her mom catching wind of people thinking Jill's parents were negligent and
abusive and a new meltie coming
No. 260148
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No. 260153
>>260144This is what anyone would conclude if they hear somebody they believe talk about how traumatized they were as a kid. And she shares some of this stuff on facebook, not a good look. Ofc, I don't support
victims shutting up to make their parents look better but with Jill there's people that knew her and know this is bullshit.
No. 260212
>On my walls, you will see several posters, all for the same band. I have always felt a need to just - ugh - I can't just like something, I have to plaster it everywhere, it has to become everything, it has to be my username, I have to be a collector, I have to be number one on their forum, I have to just - ugh. And in retrospect, I think it's a BPD thing, cause all my feelings are just so intense, so think of like BTS kpop stans, it's like - that - the gene of just - I love this thing and I love it so much. It's overwhelming.
It's interesting watching her old videos post-DID larp. A bit upsetting honestly, she's going backwards nowadays.
No. 260215
>>260144kek I went to check that comment
nonny to see if she’d nuked it yet and caught her raging. The comment wasn’t even a speculation of her ‘trauma’, why does she have to twist everything into a different narrative
No. 260222
>>260216with her logic its not abuse its neglect. if her parents didn't cause the trauma then they did nothing to help with it either at an age as young as 6.
neglect still counts as abuse
i really wish she would think these things through before throwing her parents and family under the bus
No. 260225
>>260216I will forever believe that the "trauma" was her mom having to deal with her cancer and Jillian thus not being the center of attention during that time. Prove me wrong, Jill.
Also: stop pretending to have DID, Jill. It's really, really not cute.
No. 260233
File: 1666373091583.png (752.39 KB, 1229x935, maeri.png)

If we needed more proof that Jill attracts teenage LARPers like herself.
These kids watching Pixielocks and DissociaDID are absorbing all of this content like dumb sponges. Whether they are aware that they are faking or are unable to distinguish between their own fantasy and reality.
No. 260241
>>260216>I will never share the trauma that caused my DIDVery convenient from someone who shares every detail of her life online since she was a teenager. Just this one thing is left unshared, you know the reason you suddenly became 7 people over the last year without explanation. She's so full of shit.
>>260148If this comment is true and she deleted it, it shows how much she really cares about mental health.
No. 260245
>>260144This comment, which appears to be sincere, juxtaposed with Jill making that moronic wide grin. Goes to show you can pamper a child as much as humanly possible and when they grow up, they can still vague to thousands of people about their horrific childhood trauma (which they will never speak about of course) which implies you were negligent or
No. 260269
Ladies, is anyone else beginning to feel genuinely fearful or worried about Jill? She lives with a man who seems to be enabling her, had a kinda scammy/unprofessional guy give her a diagnostic impression (and goodness knows what else he made her believe), she's currently heavily smoking weed, is making bullying/rude tweets and comments, and seems utterly consumed by this new DID thing. Shes just not handling life and emotions like a normal, 20-something woman with common sense and emotional maturity. I want her to live with her mom again and maybe see a psychiatrist, I don't want her to self harm or commit The Worst thing. She's terminally online too which is awful for one's mental health. I'm not WK'ing or defending her, just worried because she might be acting out as a cry for help. No sane, stable, happy adult acts this way. Maybe I'm being silly.
No. 260271
>>260269I'm not worried at all. She has a safety net of a lot of people. She has the means to quit the internet cold turkey and just get a full time job in the real world.
She does this because she's bored and feels entitled to the lifestyle of a Youtuber.
No. 260274
>>260269Not at all. She has the resources to get the best help available and she doesn't.
I wouldn't be surprised if I learned that her parents enable her just so they don't lose contact with her, since we've all seen how she reacts when given an ounce of criticism.
No. 260275
File: 1666378511552.jpeg (221.31 KB, 1170x819, 2AEDCA2E-56AB-4775-A563-1219D8…)

Does this mean there’s a new fragment now? I believe the other two are amanda and sandwich, but I can’t remember who the 3rd could be.
No. 260282
>>260275Maybe piano is different from Amanda?
Does this mean we'll get a Berry video?
No. 260289
>>260269Jill’s the puppet master, Stevie does whatever she tells him to. She runs the relationship and the house, increasingly taking over the spaces she gave to Stevie, and don’t forget she
wanted DID. She had been consuming DID media for two years before she went to get her diagnostic impression, and then went in to the session and told them herself she has five people in her head. This isn’t a cry for help, it’s a cry for attention and an attempt to remain relevant by trying to be the next DissociaDID. If she actually wanted help, she would have talked to her psych about her very real BPD instead of focusing every session on her self believed DID. Jill’s got all the cards here, she’s not in danger and I could see her kicking Stevie out as soon as he becomes an inconvenience. The house is hers, he’s basically just a guest
No. 260294
>>260136>I just want Jill to get better and be a normally-functioning twenty-something woman.Not gonna happen
nonny. She’s just going downhill from here. Lets be honest she peaked years ago.
No. 260319
File: 1666383945695.webm (18.62 MB, 540x960, 1642829324549.webm)
>>260287Here you go nonnita, I don't think she ever outright stated she wasn't "traumatized" but she went back and forth a lot in this era
>[1:28] I really thought it was..I thought it required like…I don't know, severe…like extreme TORTURE>I thought what I had gone through would never ever warrant DID>[2:31] I was born with an innate ability to dissociate No. 260321
File: 1666383971297.jpg (2.28 MB, 4000x2216, Untitled-2.jpg)

>>260319And a collage of her early statements
No. 260329
>>260321I love the comic main character backstory plot
>some people are born more dissociateyLike, come on everyone, leave the sped alone, she was fucking born traumatized and dissociating, her power isn't autism, it's DiD! And she uses it to make a fool of herself and paint her family as horribly neglectful people that never paid attention to the child dissociating since she was 6 years old because she got SA by some mysterious figure.
No. 260334
>>260327I can't imagine bragging about that just for the neurodivergent points, it's so embarrassing. I've never seen her play with her hair and have any sort of picking habits in any videos. If it were a problem worth mentioning to your audience it would be hard to avoid on camera.
>>260319this reminds me of that video of the little girl that farts in the closet and says "did you guys hear that?? I'm scared" with her exaggerated believe-me-please expression kek. She lies like a kid
No. 260336
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of course jill supports self diagnosis lol she doesn’t even have a real diagnosis herself
No. 260364
>>260319It's even better that this is a video because she can't claim it's altered like she would if it were a tweet
>>260355Funnily enough she probably feels so comfortable with the contradiction because a lot of the other more outspoken tiktok DID cows also do this. I remember looking up one who was mentioned in another thread on /snow/ or /ot/ one time and she also spoke of how she and her parents were super close and talk every day etc.
No. 260365
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Saw this in the comments.
No. 260386
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No. 260393
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No. 260397
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>>259873Used the yt dislike button app.
No. 260434
>>260319Girl it literally says in your diagnostic impression, that you yourself described these alters and did the whole show of switching in front of them.
It's on paper black and white.
No. 260438
>>260395>my mom keeps telling me i won't amount to anythingOk Steve, let's do a reality check.
You live in a DID faker's basement, the house is completely organized for her taste and needs, you both became stoners, she crashed your car and now you drive an electric scooter and you spend your time reading about trashy politics online.
She's right.
No. 260443
>>260393That uploading consistently comment was so passove aggressive, maybe Steve's getting sick of relying on mommy vessey for rent.
>>260355Yep, DID isn't formed from regular trauma. It has to be some sex trafficking, chained to the wall and fed only gruel shit. If Jill's parents didn't abuse her as she's claiming they either knew and didn't do anything about it, or where criminally negligent. It's insane how willing she is to throw her family under the bus to make tiktoks
No. 260447
File: 1666424932037.webm (13.72 MB, 1280x720, Moleculesandcapitalism.WEBM)
Went back to the "Let's Talk" video to clip the molecule rearranging part and the part talking about functioning better (less time loss, talks about bracelets, progress in ability to function and work but not just things that serve society).
No. 260449
File: 1666425345748.webm (9.51 MB, 1280x720, Motivate.WEBM)
Couple more clips from the Flora video. This one is how Jillian has knowledge of the things going on in their life and relationships with their friends, family, and buisness people. Talking about motivating Jill and helping her not catastrophe as much. Ends with talking about Jill being a teeny tiny co-con.
No. 260451
File: 1666425576564.webm (8.58 MB, 1280x720, TeaFuel.WEBM)
Last clip I did for Flora video. Drinking tea then afterwards talks and says fuel x4 and I got this.
No. 260458
>>260455Don't you know,
nonnie? The alters being seperate people that are totally legit 20 year olds and children only applies when it's to Jill's advantage.
Jill went off on someone on Twitter? Oh, that was Jerrick, the teenie, Jill would never do that she's sooooo rainby and kawiwi.
Berry, a totally legit 6 year old (don't remember if it was 6 and don't care to check) is possibly fronting while driving a car?? Noooo, of course not! ONLY Jill and Baldy drive the car, duh.
And as last resort Jill can always fall back on being "co-con" as if that doesn't completely go against the nature of DID, but hey she's a
functioning system now thanks to the bit of therapy she had with angel therapist.
And then when she's low on attention again it's all horrible and yall would never understand how bad her case of DID is, and her twauma is the most severe out of all twaumas
No. 260471
>>260269She is one of the most spoiled and privileged cows out there. Infinite resources and safety nets. She can literally just stop being a bad person at any time but doesn't want to. As other annons said, there are actually people in the world suffering greatly. Don't shed a tear for this narcissistic liar who wants to roleplay a
victim, bully other girls and force her infantilization fetish on her viewers.
>>260395 Yeah Steve, I am sure your mom is thrilled that her son grew up to be a nasty sex pest.
No. 260478
>>260472>Imagine how weird it'd be if he's tweeted more at his ex than his current GF. He absolutely has, I looked once a month or so ago and most of his @s were at her username.
Though to be fair him and Jill text each other from within the same house, so I'm sure his digital footprint is actually full of Jill, but it's still a bad look.
No. 260482
>>260476>>260481NTA but there's different situations. If you have a public friend circle on social media, you will share stuff like "you won't believe what X did today!" their relationship was more like that at the start.
Devil's advocate: but he also probably has maggie's number, you can use SMS, messenger apps like viber or whatsapp, or DMs even
No. 260483
>>260368It's only really us nerds who have identified who she's talking about via her old Deviantart journals, none of her followers know about it, so I don't think it's slander since most people won't have a clue who she's referring to.
Still very shitty of her to spin a 13 year old, couple of month long, nonsexual relationship with another girl as """CSA""" but as long as she never mentions her specifically it's not slander.
No. 260489
>>260444It’s absolutely because she just means she had a BPD episode of fake suicide baiting followed by sitting around watching kids’ cartoons. She frames every BPD flare up (and minor inconvenience, like the minor car crash in which no one was hurt) as a genuine life or death traumatic situation, which is part of the BPD itself.
Everything is exaggerated for attention, everything is catastrophised to play into bigger and more dramatic mood swings for the sweet endorphin hits of flipping out, drawing attention to herself, gaining pity, screaming and crying, and feeling more justified than ever to go get drunk and high and coddle herself watching kids shows. She’s addicted to the dopamine cycle of screeching that she’s literally almost dying and being assaulted and attacked and so on and then getting to be crossfaded in bed.
No. 260497
>>260489I wonder if Jill will get herself together as she gets older because screeching, lying, drama queens as you describe get given a very wide berth in adulthood, like do you really wanna be the crazy delusional lady talking about your "twauma" past say, 25? I'm thinking 40+ is when you just end up wandering around bookstores and women's clothing stores talking to the shop staff because nobody wants to know you. She's pretty and friendly enough that people tolerate her behaviour now, but the future for someone who behaves like that is very bleak and lonely.
(I used to do customer service and dealt with a lot of these kind of women/and observation from living in a city)
No. 260506
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No. 260507
File: 1666459235631.webm (9.22 MB, 576x1024, Jillian .WEBM)
>>260506It's a 1:36 long tiktok
No. 260510
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No. 260517
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>>260514Because these are the words that came out of her own mouth anon, repeatedly. Jill has for years claimed this was her main source of trauma, people don't believe her new story because of her repeated lying. She was in a relationship with another teenage girl in middle school and an anon even contacted the girl in question who confirmed it was never like this. Both Jill and her mom were seen interacting friendly with the girl even after they broke up.
No. 260519
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>>260517And again, she is used to flaunting this supposed trauma and reacts with glee when she talks about it. This relationship wasn't a core issue when she was visiting therapists as a teenager. I want to be fair to her therapist as well, because we got all accounts about how her therapy is doing from her. Officially we only have a paper that says Jill described these "different identities" while she was glorifying her therapy and therapist and adding him on facebook.
No. 260523
>>260517I can imagine she has some trauma from it, but not at the level she acts like. Wasn’t it all online and they never met in person? I’m not saying that nothing traumatic can happen in that case, but if they never met in person, I wouldn’t call it CSA. I know most people think “small child” when they hear CSA, not a teenager, even if it’s technically true.
I do think Jill may have been somewhat traumatized by it, but nowhere near the level she acts like, and nowhere near the level needed to develop DID. And she can’t even keep her story straight.
I agree that just because her family was well off, it doesn’t mean that nothing can happen, but Jill overshares like crazy. I highly doubt that she would keep something so big to herself, especially when there are so many people not believing her narrative.
No. 260527
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No. 260542
>>260514The issue isn't even just speculating on whether or not she has trauma. As stated multiple times in this thread, DID, as it is currently understood, can only stem from severe and repeated trauma at an early age.
There's a reason the real condition is supposedly only present in like .1% of the population.
Jill isn't just claiming that she had trauma, she is claiming that she was tortured repeatedly for an extended period of time.
No. 260546
>>260506>>260511Not only can they all crochet, they all
want to because that is how wildly differing personalities behave. It's a really specific thing like taking every selfie at the same angle that only she, Jill, wants to do. She's so bad at her larp.
No. 260550
File: 1666473698132.jpeg (256.53 KB, 828x551, 986C7698-B6C1-4753-9294-33CA96…)

Because you’re the same fucking person you delusional dipshit
No. 260556
>>260517note this is within the three year 'romeo and juliet' laws within the states and also several countries. the ~
problematic age gap~ crowd is so weird, because i swear i've even see people do it with 1-2 year differences.
No. 260561
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>>260506Some more comments
No. 260567
nonnie, #musetwt is a hashtag for fans of the band, she's not tweeting at the band themselves.
No. 260571
>>260553This is what bothers me.
She changes her story all of the time, at first she said she "has" DiD because of the piano teacher molesting her at 9 or something like that, that was the tweet with the obnoxious eye emojis saying that she was going to send an email to someone important or something like it was going to be an email to a
toxic person.
Then she said that she wasn't actually traumatized because she was "born" with DiD and she somehow "had" DiD while even in the womb, which is why she says that some people are born more "disociatey" than others, making her being able to "have" DiD without trauma.
And then she started saying that ackchually! Since she suspects she's autistic, she probably "has" DiD because the trauma of being a long distance lesbian, because as an autist, which somehow means being retarded, she develops slower than others and thus she has extra years to become a DiD patient.
And then she posts pictures and memories about having a great childhood, great teenage years, supporting family members, and you really expect us to believe her?
If she really have had gone through trauma, she would've said so during her Lolita years, she would've been like "well, ackchually you can't say this or that or make parody videos about me because I'm a trauma
victim and this and that happened" because she's that kind of person.
No. 260579
>>260571Just to factcheck you since her accuracy, or lack of is the topic, she never implied the piano teacher did anything, she even specifically stated he never touched her but was simply "too friendly"
Also the 13 year old relationship was played out on Deviantart but was actually in person too, they were irl friends who hung out together.
No. 260582
>>260507"I think this would be really cool to do if you have like bipolar disorder or SAD
jesus christ Jill read the room. actual mentally ill people have to go to work and don't care to aestheticize their issues because it takes up enough time as is. Something you could never relate to. Being ill is your hobby.
No. 260587
>>260582And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a constant visual reminded of the symptoms of my mental illness. A color coded blanket made up of my mental illness symptoms isn’t “cozy home decor,” it’s a sad pile of yarn that will likely
trigger at least one of said symptoms. Mental illness isn’t a game, and for her to suggest people with bipolar or SAD do this “fun project” too is really tone deaf
No. 260589
>>260587Yeah, who the fuck wants a blanket representing all the times they felt like shit and wanted to die? What a terrible fucking idea for so many reasons.
Hey Jill, why don't you suggest these other quirky blanket tracker ideas?
-A blanket for people with OCD that tracks compulsions
-A blank for anorexics with colors representing how many calories they ate that day
-A blanket for drug addicts that tracks which substance they abused that day
Just some more wacky fun crafts ideas!
No. 260592
>>260531I was about to type the same thing. The fact that she latched onto the age gap relationship as her trauma before she realized the importance of solidifying her DID really nails it in that that was the worst thing that's happened to her. She has consistently over-inflated her issues (she lied about how bad her ed was and ps her pictures to look worse, and now claims to go days without eating yet never loses weight) and that was the best she come up with back then. She also needs to win at being the most colorfully disordered so she can get on Anthony Padilla- so she amped up the trauma with something thats socially unacceptable to question. I believe Jill thinks its fine to lie about it because she's been wronged enough by the internet that it outweighs the moral implication. She has a safe guard from people ever questioning her, its totally worth it to her. But maybe something bad happened when she was younger, but she can't claim this effected her her whole life like she's been saying the past few weeks. She has maintained a fairly normal life besides her ED saga- on top of maintaining an above average relationship with her dad AND mom. Even if it weren't her parents fault, I'm positive she would resent them a little bit for putting her in a dangerous situation as a child. People resent their parents for much less. It has nothing to do with her being rich, rich people have problems all the time. But most people on average do not have loving safe homes, and she doesn't understand how much she sticks out.
Something I realized is her supposed grooming age is also the same time period where lots of girls were starting to get groomed on messaging apps like Kik by actual adult men fishing for CP, but yet there doesn't seem to be connection with a significant number of 20-something year old women running around with DID.
>>260319I find it so funny she's claiming she didn't suspect she had DID
at all yet was regularly discussing did content and drama when she only had her bpd diagnosis. So it wasn't on your mind at all? What are the odds of that? She asks a lot from her audience expecting them to believe all these unlikely tales when the evidence is much more plausible. The nerve to rage and call people evil when people are simply trusting their gut is what sets me off the most about her. Actual narc behavior.
No. 260598
>>260595Nonnie I'm from rural wisconsin it's so normal where I live it's tragic and as someone who has been through it herself it was a dangerous accident and honestly shouldn't be trivialized imo
It's fine if we don't wanna give Jill the BOD but at the same time accidents like that still kill people
No. 260602
>>260598I don’t think anyone is disputing the fact that hitting a deer can be a serious if not fatal accident at times. What has people frustrated is that Jill is claiming trauma from an accident that had the
potential to be serious, but in reality was fairly minor. She had zero injuries, her windshield was intact, the impact wasn’t hard enough for the airbag to deploy, and there wasn’t even blood on the car. Jill claimed it traumatized her, but then a few days later posted how fun it was to pick out new used cars with her mom. Someone who has car accident trauma isn’t gonna want to even think about cars or driving in the immediate aftermath, they certainly won’t think it’s a fun activity to browse for a replacement car shortly after the accident
No. 260606
>>260602Exactly. What
could have happened did not happen. It’s completely irrational and ridiculous to be that traumatised from it and to me it shows she isn’t really implementing her “grounding” technique her therapist is giving her. Anyone with an anxiety disorder who is taking their treatment seriously would not behave that way about it.
No. 260693
>>260644This. Jill is just volatile person, who's mood jumps up and down by the hour. She reacts with extreme emotions and can't control them at all. It would be essential to work these kinds of symptoms in theraphy, yet she just wants to invent these characters to play for her audience of adoring fans.
The whole "Jill doesn't experience BPD anymore, she's over it" spiel she touts is really worrying. It's like she tries to evade her real issues.
No. 260716
File: 1666543334475.jpeg (835.55 KB, 1170x1860, A7D5323D-C91F-4C01-ACB6-061E9F…)

She and her fan base are so out of touch with reality. I’ve never met a liquor store clerk who would play along with this bullshit or even give a shit outside of thinking your some possible druggie
No. 260730
>>260707It's sad to know she could've made a video about dealing with her mom having cancer as a young girl, something that's sadly relatable to a lot of people, instead of whatever all
this nonsense is. Just a video where she tears down all the fake personas (she can even not wear makeup kek) and just is vulnerable and honest with her audience, even ask her mom questions about what it was like to go through something like that. But no, in this timeline she has to deal with mental health in the most superficial and peeformative way. Acknowledge all the bad stuff passively and make sure to keep it vague so no one can question you about it! If they do press further, play the "I have my right to privacy" card despite making mental health your entire brand!
Even if she wasn't full of shit, wouldn't it be helpful to disclose the kind of abuse she went through that caused all this, in case one of her 20-something year-old or tweeny bopper larpers are going through something similar and know what to bring up when seeking professional help.
No. 260734
File: 1666544721082.gif (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 498x278, nozomi-toujou-love-live.gif)

>>260732Spoiler cuz unrelated
Basically just the fanservice for men trope where anime girls grope each other
No. 260745
>>260716Unless she's talking to the liquor store employees about DID while buying alcohol, it's extremely unlikely that they know/think she has it?? Why is she replying to this person acting like the employees definitely know and are nice about it??
Also, maybe I'm just weird, but is it that common to regularly go to a liquor store to buy alcohol? I thought most people just bought alcohol while out grocery shopping. Idk it just seems like a last minute choice/already under the influence and wanting more sort of thing.
I know for a fact (close person with a dissociative disorder) that anything more than a casual alcoholic drink is heavily discouraged. A disorder that comes with such wild mood swings and dissociation, it turns out, does not mix well with a depressant like alcohol.
No. 260761
>>260741Yeah. It baffles me that she never mentions her actual hang ups
>youtube clearly doesn't fulfill herher inconsistent upload schedule despite being on twitter and tiktok almost everyday
>Steve's relationship with maggie also makes her feel insecureher performative tweets with him
>she has a bad habit of hyperfixating and obsessing with things while simultaeneously doing it in the most superficial way>going to school but realizing she doesn't really want to do fashion and doesn't know what sort of job she can get with her certI think that was the catalyst for her recent downward spiral
>over dependance on weed because she's probably a bundle of moodswings due to not taking her medication>mom is growing more and more disappointed with her>has to move back home after proving she can't make it on her ownthis had to have done a number on her ego
>has no idea what to do with her life at 24>paranoid at the thought of being "cancelled" because this in her terminally online mind only validates that she's a terrible person hence the entire jackassery she pulled with vangelina>youtube and patreon have been on the downward dive now trying other ways to make money>still fails>boyfriend doesn't make enough to support them both>identity issues because of her BPD>can't handle confronting the negative aspects of herself like her attention-whoring and whatever causes her to lose friends in less than a year of knowing them No. 260855
>>260828>Jerrick is very volatile and emotionally fragile and tends towards self harm and ideation, getting someone like that intoxicated is a bad idea alcohol is a depressant. Jill must love it when anons take her shit seriously, Jerrick isn't real anon and even if he was, a 13 year old drinking
lightly is not a big deal if it's with friends or whatever.
The real problem that all the mentally ill weebs who follow her are choosing to overlook is Jill straight up has a drinking problem if the staff at the store not only recognize her, but have got to know several alters of hers. The life she emulates is incredibly sad, literally someone who has hit rock bottom and is an alcoholic with 7 people in their head. She needs an intervention, stat.
No. 260857
>>260758She literally thinks she is some magical main character to that poor cashier.
>>260852Just like if her imaginary illness was real she should have to forfeit her driver's license but that would be too inconvenient. she picks and chooses.
No. 260862
>>260860Illegal if you leave a kid younger than 12 at home alone (or with someone who isn't either a guardian or 18+) your kid can get taken away.
>>260760You can in New Brunswick, but liquor stores have more unique stuff like coolers and craft beer whereas grocery stores have leans towards things like wine, vodka or cheap beer
No. 260892
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>>260862I hate that this thought crossed my mind but imagine Steve legally becomes her actual carer. I wonder if that’s his DDLG fantasy endgame.
Sage for blog I remember when this photo of them dropped I was still a huge fan and thought they were the ultimate #couplegoals. Seeing what has become of them both now is just super sad. I would never have had a chance finding someone decent if I kept looking up to Pixie, lol. Glad I stopped being a fan when I did.
No. 260897
>>260621I've been thinking about the thing she said about having a dissociative brain, and I think anons might be misinterpreting it.
I interpreted it as similar to what Taylor Nicole Dean said about how only a certain percentage of people have the right kind of brain to develop addictions, and how someone with an addict brain will have one sip of hard seltzer and immediately be on the path to heroin. I think Jill is trying to say her brain was primed to get DID from birth and she had some kind of trauma that then made her have DID. Someone else who didn't have her fancy dissociative brain and had the same trauma wouldn't have had DID by her logic.
No. 260899
>>260860>>260862Even if DID is real, this would be a moot point because the 'alters' would be the 'host''s conceptualization of whatever the identity is and a compartmentalized aspect of that person rather than a whole different person. There'd be nothing stopping an alter of someone who has an issue with substance abuse from indulging.
>>260863nonnie…there's nothing mature about binge drinking
No. 260912
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This tweet makes me feel like I missed something, is she implying something happened to Jerricka? Why would anyone think her ocs aren’t alright just because she hasn’t larped as one of them this weekend?
No. 260935
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