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No. 1221034
Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.
First Thread
>>>/snow/344490Last Thread
>orders herself party sized donuts to speedrun feeder saga >>1213081>brags about scrotes playing her sped porn on her TV >>1213107 and her being their phone wallpaper >>1214611>warns other sw of smoking on onlyfans as if she’s one to follow rules >>1213141>then shows pics of rolled up weed on her underwear that she was probably too fat to squeeze into >>1213181>decides that taking basic care of her pets is too hard for the uwu dolly bimbo, so wastes more money on a self-cleaning litterbox that will probably break in 2 months >>1213378 and a self-feeding bowl >>1219129>buys xbox on rent so fupapa will have yet another toy >>1213513 >excel chart anon pulls through compiling a list of shay’s manic spendings, revealing she’s spent just over $2000 IN APRIL, including a dog dick dildo >>1213591>shows off her Lizzie McGuire makeup set on filthy rug, another $168 down the drain because we all know she’ll keep the same ratty makeup look >>1213634>tweets about being unable to find the oven light revealing how little she cooks kek >>1213662 also realises extremely late that you can display the Switch screen on a TV >>1216004>decides the way to becoming a true bimbo is getting eyelash extensions, microbladed brows and and electrolysis on her coochie hairs instead of, idk, losing lard and cutting back on weed/booze firstly >>1213795>mistakes vag boogers for cum and eats it, creating horrorcow worthy gif >>1214366>brown lipstick makes a return when shay resorts back to puppy play, showing off her sweaty rolls, hank hill ass and yellow soles >>1213992 >can’t decide whether her pussy is fat or small, must be the weed frying your brain, shat >>1213909>still pulling the ‘ur dad’ in 2021, captioned above a pic where her hand is weirdly tiny >>1213993>naughty nathan announces he will not be renewing anyone’s sub this month, leaving shay with one less orbiter >>1214276>anons speculate on what the fuck oozed out of her ass in a video >>1214342>admits to the luna-levels of filth she lives in because too lazy to clean >>1214494 also exposed herself of not owning cleaning supplies in the first place >>1214516 >makes a dumb take about how Elle Woods was a bimbo, missing the whole point of the movie >>1214825>decides she needs an iPad for ‘admin work’ and also an apple pen because her grubby digits are making the screen dirty >>1217893 >spends $300 at shein >>1215274>attempts and fails at being a domme yet again and makes the professional decision of publicly posting customer interactions >>1215386>shows off absolutely FILTHY apartment thick with dust >>1215709 and the spaghetti noodle on the disgusting carpet next to noodle >>1216479>RPDR sperging on snapchat looking haggard as usual in the dark >>1215760>ghetto charcuterie >>1216295>more retarded copes trying to affirm herself that sex work is real work >>1216322 >>1216326>cow crossover with indigo going on a complete pick-me sperg >>1216457>shayna luther king returns using…you guessed it…spongebob pics to go with her dumb takes >>1217057>returns to talking about moving and changes her prices presumably realising the amount of money she’s blown on crap after fupa has once again dipped >>1218036 also says she wants a yard so she can have a KIDDIE pool to take nudes in >>1219020>former highschool students that went to school with shay discover her bleak life (no doubt pissing themselves laughing at her) and male OF poster comments ‘there’s a bunch of threads trashtalking you’ kek >>1218421>gets a HIDEOUS grandma rug and in first few days spills lube on it >>1218444 >>1218488>posts about the most mundane things revealing how bleak her life is and her absolute lack of social interaction >>1219053>says that posting pics of you as a minor on your sw account is weird, anon pulls up pic of her doing exactly that kek >>1219186 >releases absolute retarded video titled ‘foot in mouth syndrome’ where we see the hog chomping down on her ogre feet >>1219237 >gray old fart makes backhanded remark in response to shay asking what she should do for her birthday, followed by shay having a moment of self-awareness to how true it is >>1219834 >>1219837>wants to go on a cruise but couldn’t possibly be without weed for even a week!!! >>1219838>just a downward spiral in general of her appearance as her vag ressembles more and more a neovag >>1220007 her busted asshole >>1220769 and her face becoming scarily close to that of yaniv’s >>1220771 >puts her mother on blast yet again on her sex work page, as if scrotes care. also meltdown ensues when a cowtipper posing as coomer points out that it’s only reasonable a parent would want something different for their child (didn’t even say ‘better’ but shay still loses it) >>1220059 Links https://dollymattel.manyvids.com Threads:
>>>/snow/1213075 No. 1221200
>>1221126Concise? Where??
A summary is supposed to summarize, jesus.
No. 1221269
>>1221034Anon I wish I could give you gold/a medal/a high five this thread is GOLD
Also, Shay really had bought all this shit for more than two grand and an iPad and not bought herself a fucking Apple Watch or something that might encourage her ass to go a walk
No. 1221290
>>1221269Lol she would never. Cant have evidence of her just smoking drinking and sleeping her day away.
>>1221286You salty cunts can fuck off.
No. 1221360
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Shayna only did one video on her “schedule” will she ever stick to one? It’s so embarrassing
Sage for no milk also stop infighting
No. 1221398
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>>1221360She had one “good” month then stopped camming since she thought that money would keep coming in? What is this logic?
No. 1221464
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You don't even take care of the pets you have now
No. 1221733
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>>1221464her trying to force “i love dogs” as a personality is almost as bad as “i smoke weed” and spongebob
No. 1221740
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>>1221733>sells her asshole for $3/mth>talking about saving up $2m >can’t go a day without spending $100+ on weed, food, or stupid shit I know it’s a fantasy but Shayna pls
No. 1221748
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Ok is your new mommy gonna you 1k for you to move? When you eventually beg for that again Shatna?
Oh she’s just proud of your your disgusting retardation porn. Cool.
No. 1221764
>>1221751Holy fuck, ofcourse depraved larper is proud of Shatna. She’s ticking all the boxes of what troons think a woman is and she does it just as well as many of them.
- a fuck hole
- dumb blowup doll (kek)
- piiiiiiinnnnnnnnkkkkkkk
- hates women!
No. 1221842
>>1221839You know what I meant Anon
Trannys aren’t real women I’m not a retard
No. 1221875
>>1221861Hehehehe this tranny is lawyer
Will not give out legal advice on twotter.
But sure can fuck up terminology for a complex legal process.
No. 1221930
>>1221733>1 mil on a mansion >mansionI guess 1 mill could buy you a mansion in Tulsa. Where I live a mil will buy you a large house with an ok yard.
She really has no idea how the world works. But I think it’s funny she gave herself a 2 mil budget in her fantasy because it would likely be the most realistic expectation. Even if it would literally never happen.
No. 1221971
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>>1221748"Safe made success and icon." Oh PLEASE
No. 1222033
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She really be sucking this tranny’s dick after an iota of attention.
Puts me in stitches though. Shatna thinking she does anything that helps anybody but herself. And she’s even shit at helping her own damn self out.
No. 1222089
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No. 1222437
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>>>/snow/1220762I know I'm late replying to this from the last thread, but just want to point out that even by her own standards of "never giving a specific number is what makes pedo-pandering okay," she's a hypocrite.
This was her Tumblr bio, I don't know if it still is after the tumblr NSFW nuke, but she was advertising herself as ~uwu 12 year old energy~. (the dumping baby powder on her vag and fucking herself while sucking a pacifier was all it really takes to see how gross and wrong she is)
No. 1222481
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>>1222261I thought this was the peak tbh, I still think facially this is the most unattractive picture I've ever seen of her.
No. 1222488
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Shay, you could never give up anything
No. 1222551
>>1222488She acts like she can't just eat her favorite food less or in moderation. No she has to "give it up".
It's either pig out or fuck it.
>>1222493Her body isn't easy to advertise because she's advertising it wrong. "Barbie Bimbo" but when you click her page or see her lives, all you see is a very average girl, with small lopsided tits and a flat hank hill ass, with a tiny crack.
Her fat went to all the wrong places.
No. 1222596
you know, if she's gonna moral grandstand about the fantasy not being about a child but an adult "with childlike characteristics" that kinda just describes someone with down's syndrome so congrats to her i guess.
>>1222488in most of her pics you can see her straining to cover her gut or stuff it into something. she should really consider just selling herself as an average nonthreatening fat girl and let that shit hang.
No. 1222622
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>>1222261I tried to go back through the threads to find the point in time that she started ballooning. Turns out it's pretty sudden & almost exactly around the start of the pandemic (late 2019/early 2020).
I think the lockdown normalizing delivery is what did her in. She truly never leaves her house anymore. Even for groceries. Even for cleaning supplies from the dollar store! You can tell Noodle is dying for a walk. The pandemic has given her an excuse to be a lazy shut-in without shame.
No. 1222648
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>>1222622Holy shit I forgot how fucking ugly her eyeliner was. Her eye makeup now still isn’t my cup of tea but it does seem better
No. 1222660
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>>1222481Will never get over how much she looks like Yaniv. She’s fucking ugly inside and out.
No. 1222713
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No. 1222728
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No. 1222736
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>House hunting
No. 1222751
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kyle come get your girl
No. 1222760
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Shayna trying to go viral
No. 1222765
>>1222713>>1222715>I don't have the time of moneyYou have the time AND money. You've been spending like crazy, now since it's something you claim to need so badly (suddenly) you don't have either?
She's off with Fupa. She could've gotten a car and used the money she spent on make up she's not going to use and a ipad to get those things, but…that'd actually be smart.
No. 1222773
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No. 1222809
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She is on one today.
No. 1222816
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No. 1222820
>>1222809I don't know whats more sorry, her lying about her sugardaddy buying her shit and it's her, or a man out of ALL things buying her a mini fridge.
I know theres more things on her list that could benefit shayna more. If she wants people to buy her fridges and more things to help her eat more, again, why not just start appealing to feeders? She loves to eat. She'd probably actually find a sugardaddy who'd pay for all her meals, buy her whatever food related purchuses she wants.
No. 1222839
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No. 1222877
>>1222622this is nuts, is she 4'9? i can't figure out how a body can even change this quickly without intentional focused feederism. like i put on weight very easily and have been acting like a fucking hamplanet since covid started, yet my blowup has been nothing compared to this
how can anyone balloon like 3 dress sizes in 4 months and simply say "welp i just like to eat. haha whatevs"
No. 1222898
>>1222713>>1222715The way she typed in these specific ones is giving me a headache. Her uwu dumb baby shorthand really needs to go.
>>1222839P sure this is how she also called out Scatman Nathan and put him on blast the first time.
No. 1222906
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Shayna, American Feminist
No. 1222910
>>1222713she's saying "idk if you guys understand how hard therapy can be to manage" like she is the only person to ever have to switch therapists
>>1222728>>1222773and she's staying in tulsa holy shit she cannot stop self sabotaging. he is never going to change and she said it herself
No. 1222912
>>1222660Her nose is worse
Lol at her circling back to “I need to move!! And a car!!” when she just blew through, in less than a month, the money she got from begging since the beginning of the year. All that weed really did make her retarded. She shouldn’t legally be allowed to live alone, post porn, or manage finances.
No. 1223060
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>Absolutely necessities daily
You mean necessities like smoking weed, drinking alcohol, sperging on Twitter and dirty deleting them.
No. 1223078
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It’s literally not messy Shaytard all you have to do is promote your content, not comment your opinions, and don’t make any porns about politics or race (cough cough the trump vid) after you promote your videos log off.
No. 1223087
>>1222713Arent therapy sessions supposed to at least be once a month, if not once a week? What good is it for her to be so inconsistent with it? She probably flaked on a bunch of appointments. Maybe the lady was just sick of Shays stupid lying ass bailing and not taking it seriously.
But honestly and most likely this is just some bullshit excuse to yet again not make any effort to improve herself and shift the blame on the other party. Exactly like with the gym trainer.
It also would be funny if her parents dropped her from their insurance and so she just can't afford it. That's a big possibility tbh with her moving scam and bickering with her mom lately. I kinda hope that's the case kek. It's not that the therapist isnt taking the insurance anymore, it's that Shay doesnt have it so it's not
No. 1223103
>>1223060What happened to this being your HoT bArBiE sUmMeR glow-up month? Dropped talking about the eyebrow and eyelash treatments and is instead admitting not knowing how to bathe and keeping a skincare routine. Such bimbo behavior!
Make another Twitter Shatna. Nothing is sexy about replying to the Spongebob page and talking about how you never clean yourself or your dwelling on your SW account.
No. 1223131
>>1222728Presumably if she’s checking a house out later today, that means it’s somewhere in Tulsa? Is this how she’s trying to get away with blowing her moving fund? Are her orbiters really so stupid that they don’t realise the whole point of a moving fund is to pay to move her stuff across states?
Knowing this crazy bitch she’s looking for somewhere closer to Fupa
No. 1223198
>>1223060What a high class bimbo!
Someone reimburse her for the skincare she spent hundreds on and doesn’t use!!!!
No. 1223227
>>1223060Lmfaooo, that’s the tweet that just proves it all. She will NEVER change, a lost case. Shayna, i have a good advice for you: start ACTUALLY working out, eat a salad for once in your life and stop ordering food, learn to cook and find fucking friends that don’t drink 24/7. even stopping with alcohol will make you lose weight.
It’s just sad at this point because seeing her spiral when she could change is just… bleak. You COULD be the bimbo you imagine yourself to be but you need do actually DO SHIT for it. If she doesn’t find a therapist soon things will get worse, I’m sure of that. She’s so fucked but it’s her own fault.
No. 1223233
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>>1222481I know this image is posted every thread but Jesus Christ is it accurate now that she's fat
No. 1223253
>>1223131She could be doing a virtual tour anywhere. I highly doubt it, but that’s always a possibility. Though
> houseMuch doubt.
No. 1223353
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1/2 Hilarious that scamming Shay is calling someone else a scammer
No. 1223354
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2/2 Well maybe if you moved when you were supposed to, you wouldn't have this issue
No. 1223395
>>1223382am i the only one still shocked she actually brought a mini fridge? She really tried to make it seem like it was a buiness expense, "So I can fuck my butt and eat snacks in between shoots! I need it for my work room UWU"
When was the last time she even begged for people to "buy groceries"? Why does she even need a fucking Mini fridge when all she does is buy take out?
No. 1223419
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Buy me meenee freedge
No. 1223477
>>1223435a $50 application fee would be for a rental, not a purchase
as if she could buy a house even in Tulsa
No. 1223497
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So now word of those other videos she was supposed to make?
No. 1223528
>>1223354nO oNe MaKeS iT eAsY
Shatna you have no credit, no employment history, and no consistent income. The only one making it hard is YOURSELF. We're also in the most competitive housing market in US history where homes have sold for $1mil over asking. You will NEVER own a house posting porn for free on twitter dumb cunt.
No. 1223569
>>1223550She previous said it was hard to find an apartment with what she wanted for under $2000. So if that is her budget, she may have switched up to looking at townhouses. Townhouses can be as low as $1400 + utilities for smaller units.
Lets just hope she isnt doing this for fupa.
No. 1223570
>>1223497"Slutty schoolgirl"
Wasn't she shitting on a potential customer a few days ago for wanting some content where she hinted being underage? She acted so morally superior, put him on blast, and now she's out here considering making slutty schoolgirl (dunno 'bout you, but a schoolgirl is usually under 18 for me) content. The weed and booze have really tag teamed on the slaughtering of this retard's brain cells. Talk about not only being a hypocrite, but also having brain damage.
No. 1223623
>>1223550she is not looking to buy
realtors don’t charge $50 application fees for people buying houses
that’s a rental application fee
No. 1223653
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But she doesn't hold off on eating when doing anal content?
No. 1223660
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No. 1223661
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When she’s belle dolphin heart eyes emoji /s
No. 1223663
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Special Ed vibes
No. 1223664
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No. 1223673
>>1223660>>1223661What is that wig line??
Her eyes always look so weird, beady & glazed over. It's frightening to look at her too long.
No. 1223682
File: 1620175989226.jpg (Spoiler Image,143.83 KB, 1707x960, 20210504_195300.jpg)

No. 1223690
File: 1620176842320.jpeg (281.06 KB, 723x608, 99D5C810-54FF-4428-848A-56AFE5…)

Granny Mattel kek
No. 1223697
File: 1620177345340.jpeg (729.34 KB, 1110x1152, 74086CE6-C672-4B84-B941-C2EDF7…) looks genuinely confused and retarded
Dropbox link for the archives
No. 1223705
>>1223702Nah she just slaps them on, if she glued them on she'd posted about it.
Sidenote, Doesn't look like she used any of her make up. What was the point of it? I guess it'd be decor for her "Workspace" if she ever cams again.
No. 1223734
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This shows that she literally knows nothing about kink. The sub in a ddlg dynamic is called a LITTLE. It's called Daddy Dom LITTLE Girl for a reason
No. 1223737
>>1223734Ok yet again blasting one of her fucking customers like she can afford to lose them and turn off potential ones doing this shit. But what's with her insistence shes not a pedo pandering degenerate lately? And also like… that's the kink? You are an e-whore and an incel said you're sexy… that's how it goes, why would you act offended or post about them like this. Good lord, not a brain cell left in this ones ugly head.
For being so HaPpY and LoViNg her "job" she sure bitches about the community and customers constantly and shows how much she actually isnt into sex and sexual things often.
No. 1223743
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No. 1223757
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Doesn't matter, you post it all for free on Twitter
No. 1223763
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Sage for no milk but Fatty was about to drop $76 on another light pink purse that would get dirty in a week. But she couldn’t because it didn’t ship to the US. She’s been spending money like it’s nothing.
No. 1223766
File: 1620185444003.jpeg (449.14 KB, 1242x1596, E6D9CC1C-3323-4492-8292-06F436…)

Like goddamn clockwork
No. 1223772
>>1223766decompress from what?
ohhhh right, wearing clothes that are 2 sizes too small for her
No. 1223773
>>1223660jesus instead of getting her eyebrows done, she needs to get some botox in her forehead.
those wrinkles from making that stupid face are only gonna get worse, shay
No. 1223784
>>1223766She really counts work as twitter, editing some pictures (which she shows online for free anyway, so whats the point?) and..retweeting shit?
She's off with Fupa, we'll get a meltdown in like 5 mintues. She's having Fupa Withdrawals.
No. 1223801
>>1223227Why do you think going to therapy will help her become a better bimbo?
PPL.. stop writing essays about how much she's spiraled and how successful of a bimbo she could be if she did x, y and z. The reality is she can't because she won't and no amount of pseudo-advice will change that.
No. 1223805
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Shayna's future
No. 1223834
>>1223789You mean the "anxiety" meds she was prescribed by her THERAPIST (who are not legally allowed to prescribe medications) who quoted tupac to her, complimented her sex work, and texted her jokes? The one who diagnosed her with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder? And apparently prescribed (in magic land) "anxiety meds"? Which totally exist. And that she took enough of to also made her fat.
This bitch texted bots on betterhelp. She never once ventured out and sat in any psychiatrist's office. She can't help taking picture of all her drugs, and never once a single pill, ever, of her magical anxiety pills for borderline and bipolar (as if that's the magic med for these diagnoses) that made her a fucking whale
No. 1223839
>>1223734In the past 24hrs alone, ignoring all other pedo-pandering content:
> “slutty schoolgirl blowjob”> literally dresses like a schoolgirl with pigtails > calls her vagina “doll parts”But let’s alienate our customer base by thinking it weird someone said you look like a little tonight. I know her brain is fried but fucking hell kek
No. 1223909
>>1223766has anxiety. thinks smoking will help. lol.
i’d say never change shayna, but you’ve already shown us you cant.
No. 1223935
File: 1620222381289.jpeg (737.98 KB, 1242x1504, 2F33C672-0DAA-42BB-ABF2-D9EDDF…)

Shayna won’t stop sucking this mans dick and retweeting him
No. 1223942
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No. 1223943
File: 1620223838582.jpeg (228 KB, 750x1100, 7408A97B-1C6D-478F-BF73-722186…)

No. 1223965
>>1223766I sincerely doubt she is prescribed any benzos, so is she just taking an SSRI medication
only when she actually gets anxious as though it's a tranquilizer? What a fucking retard
No. 1223967
>>1223834Exactly. She maybe went to an actual therapist a couple times (she posted a pic once that might've been a lobby for it, but then again maybe something else lol) and only in the very beginning did she talk about meds but never showed them or said what they are. Only ever talked about refilling her inhaler prescription. She wanted to blame meds for getting fat because she watched Bojack. She hasn't even mentioned them since last year when she tried to say she hadnt been taking them for months.
Maybe bitch went to a crisis center during one of the initial big Fupa fallouts and got prescribed some Xans or something very basic just the one time and told Fupa and everyone shes on meds now and shit. Honestly who really knows with this crazy, dumb whore. But she is definitely a huge bullshitter and liar and lazy to her core. Anxiety meds just means edibles or leftover Xans or probably nothing most likely kek. She just loves to seem special.
No. 1224029
File: 1620234676179.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1242x1765, 95961D29-DA15-4A6B-AE91-35F093…)

Still cannot get over how horrid this Grandma Clifford look was
No. 1224047
File: 1620236111058.jpeg (86.79 KB, 676x721, 30CF496B-B7D5-402B-8157-076A6F…)

No. 1224048
File: 1620236135653.jpeg (Spoiler Image,91.34 KB, 676x745, EC90287E-4FD7-4FAB-9EEB-424E1F…)

She looks like a retarded elderly amputee
No. 1224067
File: 1620237854154.jpg (431.08 KB, 1080x1058, Screenshot_20210505-130410_Twi…)

Really seeing the "love" Shay
No. 1224078
>>1223949Really naive as these just happened yesterday
>>1223497 >>1223757
She’s trying to moralfag. If she really was trying to crack down on that she would take down her pedo-pandering content which she never will because it sells and it’s what 95% of her content revolves around.
No. 1224144
File: 1620245383714.jpg (210.95 KB, 1080x1994, Screenshot_20210505-150937_Twi…)

Idk why she deleted this
No. 1224168
>>1224162when was she homophobic?
>>1223935I said this tranny was doing some fetish roleplay with shayna, they weren't trying to support her, they were trying to get off by being her "mommy". Shayna would never let a actual woman do this shit.
"Pls don't say you are someone's "new mom" when they are having mother issues. I don't want a new mom, I want my mom to be supportive and loving!" or some shit.
No. 1224175
File: 1620247213431.jpg (Spoiler Image,516.66 KB, 1080x1422, Screenshot_20210505-154013_Twi…)

No. 1224181
File: 1620247806160.jpg (234.15 KB, 1079x682, Screenshot_20210505-154932_Twi…)

Shay, you can't even do 1 video a week
No. 1224187
File: 1620248002463.jpeg (303.15 KB, 1242x1056, 81BB0FFB-85FF-4863-A1E0-062FE5…)

No. 1224188
>>1224181She could easily spend 2 hours and pump out 5 videos because her videos are fucking identical. It's not like she's actually cumming for real each time or something. She puts on a retarded outfit, says some retarded shit, sits on the ground and stuffs a dildo in her dry snatch or asshole.
Thats literally it. She could do this all-in-one day and chill the rest of the week.
No. 1224191
File: 1620248190910.jpeg (177.34 KB, 1125x1242, F6217194-167C-403B-9B66-1DC4A1…)

The beady rat eye comments must have really gotten to this bitch topkek
No. 1224211
File: 1620249852918.jpg (229.38 KB, 1080x1044, Screenshot_20210426-163817_Twi…)

>>1224208nevermind found it
No. 1224213
File: 1620249897647.jpeg (483.28 KB, 1242x1166, CC2731C8-159C-410F-903A-EA0784…)

>big production
All you do it prop your phone up, say some cringe lines you think are cute. And then you take off your clothes while moaning and smack your hank hill flat ass.
Then put your phone at a low angle showing all your double chins and fake orgasm with a dirty unwashed toy
No. 1224253
File: 1620252985481.jpeg (151.87 KB, 1242x355, 99AB7285-C726-4BBE-8D9E-1B7C6D…)

she’s so annoying and repetitive
No. 1224254
File: 1620253077091.jpeg (429.04 KB, 1242x1014, 284F561E-3745-49EB-9DB9-1C6B85…)

Shayna is so fucking lazy
It takes her a month to do one fucking video thats less than 10 minutes.
You aren’t even cute Shayna
No. 1224336
File: 1620264103129.jpg (203.71 KB, 1078x557, Screenshot_20210505-202149_Twi…)

No. 1224340
File: 1620264613713.jpeg (81.96 KB, 1242x603, 148FA9DB-1A13-4170-9BA2-439987…)

Damn she’s really insecure that she had to film this video with a snap filter over it
Her face look so long looking like a foot
No. 1224368
File: 1620269402670.jpeg (390.53 KB, 1284x1254, E440ECC4-40BC-4772-AAB2-8A430C…)

constantly begging for promo and interaction
No. 1224418
File: 1620278980458.jpeg (323.59 KB, 750x865, 78768E76-06B2-4255-AA3A-762E8A…)

>>1224368The farm never forgets Shatna
No. 1224587
File: 1620310547985.jpeg (258.21 KB, 1242x1098, 21CBB02E-5B29-4E15-BF56-420B49…)

all she does is smoke weed and drink alcohol. And shove disgusting fried food down her throat. I’d be nauseous too if I lived like that every single day. Has this bitch ever ate a vegetable in the last two months?
No. 1224636
File: 1620317061607.jpg (373.48 KB, 1080x1354, Screenshot_20210506-110415_Twi…)

What's her obsession with this person now?
No. 1224640
File: 1620317119756.jpg (257.73 KB, 1080x1011, Screenshot_20210506-110517_Twi…)

Yes Shay, because the Trans community cares so much about what you say
No. 1224643
File: 1620317176794.jpg (Spoiler Image,536.18 KB, 1079x1302, Screenshot_20210506-110602_Twi…)

Back to posting old photo sets
No. 1224650
>>1224640Phrasing, dear… It sounds like she's saying that misgendering Caitlyn Jenner is a requirement of liking her.
>>1224643Y I K E S
Big Luna Slater vibes.
No. 1224654
File: 1620318690324.jpg (237.4 KB, 1080x774, Screenshot_20210506-113119_Twi…)

>>1224640Not sure why this reply is hidden on this post
No. 1224715
>>1224640What’s with all this muh tranny rites lately?
Actually, Shayna selling herself as a post op troon would be her smartest business decision the past 4 years.
No. 1224720
>>1224715Because a tranny said she was her mother. I can legit see Shayna start pandering to get attention and because she hates women.
Obviously a man saying he's a woman, is a better woman to shayna. She can call her mother/repubs/anyone she dislikes bitches, but don't misgender CJ.
More respect for a repub. troon then her own ebil repub. mom who sends her money to "escape" from her "
Abusive" fupa.
No. 1224740
File: 1620322644198.jpg (182.91 KB, 1079x786, Screenshot_20210506-123716_Twi…)

Shay, I promise you, asthma is the least embarrassing thing about you
No. 1224781
>>1224640Did the Yaniv comparisons
trigger her or something?
(namefag) No. 1224810
File: 1620325964213.jpg (297.37 KB, 1080x1145, Screenshot_20210506-133233_Twi…)

I fucking hope not
No. 1224861
File: 1620328543572.jpg (249.41 KB, 1080x739, Screenshot_20210506-141551_Twi…)

No. 1224985
File: 1620338958527.jpeg (649.15 KB, 1242x1564, E7B2343F-AB93-4933-8088-3AF965…)

No. 1225089
File: 1620349881601.jpg (Spoiler Image,251.48 KB, 600x600, dirty-eyelash-extensions.jpg)

>>1224985she doesn't even want to do skincare cuz weed brain so
I can't wait to see her never clean them and get excessive eye mites/an infection. Clean people who sleep with their pets are predisposed to eye mite issues which is fine if you don't have fake lashes glued to yours collecting oils and dead skin and aren't completely nasty. We all have them they're only a problem is if they're excessive but she's made herself the perfect candidate for that now
picrel, spoiler cuz it's gross af
No. 1225104
File: 1620350976678.jpg (145.45 KB, 1079x465, Screenshot_20210506-202929_Twi…)

Is she back to claiming she's bi?
No. 1225105
File: 1620351027908.jpg (119.55 KB, 1080x384, Screenshot_20210506-203012_Twi…)

Doesn't she realize the tip jar option is only available for artists, journalists, non profits, etc?
No. 1225385
File: 1620399447247.jpg (234.19 KB, 1080x714, Screenshot_20210507-095724_Twi…)

No. 1225389
File: 1620399642241.png (42.27 KB, 613x523, 2021-05-07 11_00_03-ButtStuffB…)

funny coming from someone that regularly openly begs for money for rent/bills
No. 1225395
>>1225389I fucking hate her. Apparently you can only be good at sex work if you’re privileged enough to choose to spread your ass online and anyone forced into it for financial reasons or physically coerced into it through abuse or trafficking is just :/ not gonna get sales :/ hate to break it to you guys :/
She has 0 redeeming qualities and not even 2 halves of a brain cell to rub together.
No. 1225422
File: 1620403041250.png (16.27 KB, 608x221, 2021-05-07 11_57_15-ButtStuffB…)

the fact that it still only has 10 likes…
No. 1225441
I want to see how ill fitting and tacky all her new shein stuff looks!
But you know she’s gonna be too tired and out of breath after squeezing her sausage ass self into one garment and call it a day.
No. 1225442
>>1225389This disgusting bitch has said on her account multiple times in multiples ways that she does not enjoy sex or her job.
She claimed to be "Demisexual", talked about how her medicine was making it hard for her to get wet, flat out admitted she hated sex, talks about how she's failing on Onlyfans & no watches her shit etc.
Does she think men fucking CARE if a sex worker they are buying sex from enjoy it? Does she think Fupa gives a shit about how he feels when he comes sticks his tiny dick into her dry cold pussy?
she admits she doesn't enjoy sex yet Fupa fucks her. What the fuck is this idiot talking about?
No. 1225539
>>1225537Like i said, Shayna thinks these men care about her/sex workers. She thinks that men are going to be turned off if they feel the woman they paid to fuck isn't 100% into it and empowered.
How dare women desperate enough to do something they'd never do if they had choices, NOT LIKE DOING IT. Whats crazy is people actually liked her tweet. I'd think one person would stand up and go, "this and you are wrong".
But I don't expect someone who has parents who send her money to move home, parents she knows she can run too if she quits this.
No. 1225555
>>1225389No the cunt who
> Begs 24/7 for people to buy her content> tweets every single dumb thought everyday> Talks shit about the sex work ~ community ~ every other day> Talks shit about customers / potential customers regularly> Whines about her chode and suicide bates over him> Re-tweets children's show content / cheap Chinese pink crap > Posts screenshots of her EVIL mom's messages> Openly admits that can not clean herself, her apartment, her animals, etc.> Also openly admits she hates anything sexualPosting this on her public sex work Twitter kek She is the biggest hypocrite in the world. Can't wait until she inevitably an-heros herself.
No. 1225580
>>1225389We get it Shay. You come from a well off upper middle class family and CHOSE to do sex work, move to Oklahoma, and get morbidly obese. kek
>>1225490Pandemic or not, you should wash your clothing before wearing them anyway. Especially shitty cheap stuff from fast fashion brands like Shein, they cover them with formaldehyde and other chemicals to prevent mildew, pests, etc. in shipping.
No. 1225602
File: 1620424160115.jpg (301.5 KB, 1080x753, Screenshot_20210508-094809_Chr…)

Looks dry.
No. 1225606
File: 1620424255185.jpeg (82.4 KB, 676x898, 92316FD5-72C1-499B-9B98-550CD6…)

No. 1225607
File: 1620424336485.png (280.09 KB, 590x391, Screen Shot 2021-05-07 at 2.51…)

No. 1225614
File: 1620424606535.jpg (205.11 KB, 1080x868, Screenshot_20210507-165628_Twi…)

No. 1225627
>>1225606You know when you get those barbie dolls and then you flat iron their hair, it burns and you try to comb it out? Thats what the ends of her hair look like.
Burned doll hair combed out.
No. 1225655
File: 1620427488276.png (9.33 MB, 1242x2208, 2A42F00C-0485-4A47-81D9-592477…)

No. 1225657
File: 1620427558137.png (9.8 MB, 1242x2208, 877E21A8-5BD0-4E37-83DC-F13AFC…)

No. 1225669
File: 1620429179271.jpeg (Spoiler Image,855.9 KB, 1284x1658, E8EDECA1-AB5F-478C-AF15-370570…)

>”here’s my pussy to celebrate”
as if you don’t post your whole ass and saggy ballsack vagina on the daily
No. 1225705
File: 1620434660732.jpeg (140.5 KB, 828x1296, 4B1D20EA-CD69-49BE-ABAD-BC2B47…)

Is it cowtipping if you take a space in one of her free trials?
No. 1225714
File: 1620436092203.png (43.74 KB, 582x271, Screen Shot 2021-05-07 at 5.56…)

Does this bitch really not realize that a million doesn't go that far in modern life?
Anyways… you'll never be a millionaire Shatna. You have to beg every day as it is kek
No. 1225727
File: 1620437565430.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.26 KB, 632x632, 20210507_203238.jpg)

The wrinkles and that pimple
No. 1225748
File: 1620442029914.jpeg (Spoiler Image,883.81 KB, 1220x1440, F831E78E-49FD-403D-84ED-EEAB6C…)

Man alcohol is one hell of a “drug”
She looks so old and she couldn’t be bothered to fix her hair and put it in a cute bun
No. 1225750
File: 1620442102337.jpeg (Spoiler Image,828.57 KB, 1242x1424, DE91401B-62F8-4E68-ADAE-EBD5BF…)

Jason R Womack is down bad topkek
No. 1225751
File: 1620442175161.jpeg (685.3 KB, 1242x1022, 80872FF0-139B-4B89-A52F-F6DA10…)

Jason R Womack really thinks he’s in a relationship with her huh….. I wonder if she flirts with him
No. 1225753
File: 1620442264256.png (Spoiler Image,8.16 MB, 1242x2208, 73D23398-03E7-412E-B277-C679AA…)

More like Special Ed
No. 1225757
File: 1620442532125.jpeg (Spoiler Image,365.43 KB, 750x684, E26A3360-7BF4-489E-9BB6-A16C98…)

>>1225748Jesus fucking Christ
No. 1225758
File: 1620442760358.jpeg (Spoiler Image,922.93 KB, 944x1574, CCD56BD6-8843-4270-AC9E-0BC7CC…)

No. 1225760
File: 1620442867806.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1242x1566, 444B6A5B-ACA0-447E-A0A6-9F8D04…)

her teeth match her skin oof
No. 1225764
File: 1620443209582.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 3464x3464, 7A096701-A680-49A9-8920-5A731E…)

gynecologist chair vibes
No. 1225765
File: 1620443325820.jpg (Spoiler Image,64 KB, 460x422, aa5570cc-5c89-421b-83df-468d42…)

>>1225758made me remember this
No. 1225766
File: 1620443388366.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1242x1433, 065D66AD-53EB-4BE6-910E-A20E08…)

When you’re too obese to take a photo standing up or posing.
She’s laying around like a beached whale Jfc
>fat girl mouth gape
No. 1225769
File: 1620443913133.jpeg (Spoiler Image,873.66 KB, 3464x3464, C3BB4752-7878-4C69-9E95-A64EFE…)

whatever helps you sleep at night fat-ass
No. 1225770
File: 1620444106645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 3464x3464, 7CB9D1C1-8FDC-446A-96AD-2383FD…)

>>1225766Even her nudes are lazy god damn
No. 1225771
File: 1620444149237.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1021.47 KB, 1242x1507, DDC2DF25-19AF-4A23-878E-A9AE5D…)

putting the H in hemorrhoids
Spoiler because EW
No. 1225774
>>1225771Shay’s spoiler images on her thread are a serious game of truth or dare.
Truth is I want to open this but I’m scared.
No. 1225787
File: 1620447561483.jpeg (Spoiler Image,215.86 KB, 828x1142, 99866B14-49F6-49D4-AD92-22BD0A…)

I’ve been digging through her of for several minutes and honestly she posts the same stuff on Twitter, except she cares more and seems to post the highlight reel on Twitter.
There is actually no reason to buy her of because her twitter gives the same content?
I can’t remember if she posted this photo on Twitter with this particular set but the face is indescribable.
No. 1225792
File: 1620448169475.jpeg (Spoiler Image,534.84 KB, 828x1016, 9DD6F211-D374-4133-BE6E-E3F11D…)

The videos are anywhere from half a minute to 4 minutes long and they’re honestly making me a little sick. I know I’m not a scrote but I have no idea how anyone can stay erect.
No. 1225794
File: 1620448402484.jpeg (318.64 KB, 1242x760, E7BCE24A-0BC4-4D52-833C-2EF995…)

No. 1225824
File: 1620457705309.jpeg (514.25 KB, 2048x2048, F76FA69D-26D3-4727-8012-210573…)

sage for pure autism
No. 1225844
File: 1620460813050.jpeg (Spoiler Image,604.25 KB, 1242x780, C503B9B2-A93A-4C0F-86A7-F4F013…)

If you look closely around 2:40-3:00 is where a fly zooms past her which made me chuckle. Took me forever to load these on Dropbox.
Shayna cowgirl video: “orgasming”: for no milk, and the “black speck” on her skirt in the screencap is the fly kek in case you’re too terrified to watch the video
No. 1225845
File: 1620460974353.jpeg (Spoiler Image,460.86 KB, 1068x659, B079FE89-ED1C-4AA5-8EBF-F140E9…)

Shayna’s face has gotten extremely fat
Can’t even see her chin anymore
how bleak
No. 1225895
File: 1620471527364.png (Spoiler Image,89.1 KB, 423x165, frown.png)

>>1225758apologies for the autism but i couldn't not see this lmao
No. 1225969
File: 1620484702548.png (41.73 KB, 320x280, 47-470730_pepe-meme-facepalm-p…)

>>1225760There are filters and tools you can use to whiten your teeth that take a few seconds. Shayna is too lazy/unaware to even use those.
No. 1226003
File: 1620490774696.png (94.89 KB, 600x315, 693BA482-5976-4F0A-9293-7FA554…)

>>1225824When will she star in a DreamWorks film
No. 1226004
File: 1620491023677.jpeg (710.83 KB, 1125x2083, 87F2BE5A-2D6D-4BD3-A188-C81592…)

she’s so stupid she can’t fact check anything, it’s fake shay.
No. 1226019
File: 1620493681839.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 929x1837, 3C743438-3CFC-46D4-B45A-EECE15…)

Shayna’s morning nude on onlyfans with her new hair
No. 1226025
File: 1620494371822.png (9.64 MB, 1242x2688, CDFF55C9-462E-4638-8A15-095D5D…)

This face! I haven’t seen it posted but holy fuck the eyebrows make her look like a caveman.
No. 1226067
File: 1620501507267.gif (3.47 MB, 498x280, 1500748948.gif)

>>1225771Why did she do this
No. 1226072
File: 1620502474158.jpg (366.04 KB, 1080x1305, Screenshot_20210508-143417_Twi…)

Just why Shay
No. 1226073
File: 1620502533219.jpg (345.42 KB, 1080x1489, Screenshot_20210508-143341_Twi…)

Get ready for some trash
No. 1226157
File: 1620514385415.jpeg (294.43 KB, 1242x1126, 7E577329-BA6A-40E9-BB22-034C49…)

She’s going to the art festival with Fupa ew
No. 1226174
File: 1620516341923.jpg (121.11 KB, 1079x379, Screenshot_20210508-182547_Twi…)

No. 1226182
File: 1620517908655.jpeg (1.15 MB, 2999x3999, 38BE6431-7C39-4E6F-93AA-98C4E2…)

She went live on onlyfans to avoid getting clowned on by lolcow farm
Her fatass squeezing into a size small velour two piece
Sage for old milk No. 1226260
File: 1620526080378.jpeg (272.06 KB, 960x1280, 841EAB4B-D43C-4CF3-8DE1-FD3CF3…)

No. 1226262
File: 1620526135441.jpeg (612.07 KB, 1242x967, D9D5464F-AD3C-4B35-88D7-61F061…)

It’s the desperation for me….
No. 1226275
>>1226260she looks like that girl with the rainbow bangs, she looks a fucking mess, her hair barely looks any different and of course she's not wearing that make up she spent so much on.
She looks a hot ass mess. That dress is very unflattering especially since her boobs are different sizes. I honestly feel bad for her.
No. 1226295
>>1226289She's still not wearing any underwear under that hideous dress, anon. She's definitely still flashing that deflated axe wound to the non-consenting.
She looks clean cause the poor hairdresser had to wash and comb out a rat's nest that's been in a bun for god knows how long and the fact she's wearing lip color for once and her eyebrows aren't 28 miles apart.
No. 1226303
>>1226275she absolutely looks like stupid fat pixielocks
they have the same smirking grandma face and lumpy physique
No. 1226319
jfc. she'd look so much more attractive if she had good posture. and her tits are too big now to not be wearing a bra, unless she likes the thought of them sagging down to her bellybutton when she hits 40.
No. 1226342
File: 1620535214692.jpeg (28.56 KB, 275x275, 3D98BF3F-1BDF-4F6C-9EE9-139E58…)

>>1226260Jeeeeesus I know it’s said all the time but holy shit she looks just like yaniv here.
That dress tho. Unwashed with the formaldehyde soak still on it. Uwu so bimbo
No. 1226375
>>1226342I honestly do not understand why she is so insistent on marketing herself as a bimbo or barbie when literally NOTHING about her fits that aesthetic. She complains about not getting the attention or traction that other whores do but doesn’t seem to put two and two together. As retarded, fugly and misogynistic as it is, actual bimbos spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on maintaining their look; professional bleaching, extensions and wigs, teeth, filler, Botox, implants, body hair removal, etc, not to mention the upkeep of a gross caricature of the “ideal” female body (being skinny yet impossibly curvy), all that shit. She is grossly overweight, she self admittedly doesn’t bathe, her teeth are yellow and snaggled (and probably rotten from all the sweets her fat, unwashed ass consumes), she can’t apply makeup, she has a tit that looks necrotic, all her clothes are ill fitting sweatshop plastic, she has pimples and boils all over her ass and mouldy strawberry, her house is so filthy that there are flies buzzing around her when she cams amongst piles of trash, the fact that none of this registers with her is conclusive proof that she is an actual sped.
No. 1226412
>>1226342I stg we can't get through a single thread without someone saying oH mY GoD sHe LoOkS lIkE yAnIv.
We get it.
No. 1226465
>>1226260Where are all the junkies from TND or Luna's thread to analyze the bruises in her elbow ditch?
>>1226302They don't give you a vaccine in your vein.
>>1226282Stumbling around a messy house while intoxicated with untrained animals means she probably falls/runs into things a lot. Alcoholics bruise easily too.ea
No. 1226489
File: 1620566154325.jpeg (1.27 MB, 3464x3464, C9A77A46-30CC-4B78-9FE7-4AEAFD…)

oof here is more content that Shayna has on OF. The Cinderella video is pure nightmare fuel. It also doesn’t make sense because she’s acting like she’s giving a dude a blowjob but you can see the base of the dildo and she’s holding it with her fucking hand the whole time. Not the full video but these were the parts she looked like a sped
First part part shaking her flat square shaped ass clip of shayna being really gross and ugly in HD: No. 1226506
File: 1620572621768.jpeg (335.95 KB, 1242x1149, 37EA6B82-0D52-445F-8F42-EF91C0…)

TOPKEK whatever you say broke fattie
No. 1226510
File: 1620572684163.jpeg (492.58 KB, 1242x1629, 4EE34847-B098-488E-BC61-BE8C03…)

No. 1226530
>>1226521>>1226521Oh yes, we definitely should support a woman begging scrotes for 3 dollars, a fucking meal and saying "FILL MY HOLES, I'M A USELESS DUMB LITTLE WHORE THAT JUST NEEDS CUM AND YOU CAN TREAT ME LIKE SHIT!" Then rip apart her asshole until it's just chunky raw meat with bleeding hemorrhoids. We're sooo sex-negative. Shayna! YAASSS QUEEN! Please show men that their taste for little girls is normalized.
So empowering.
No. 1226569
File: 1620581811500.jpeg (45.06 KB, 412x278, 052A85F7-DEFB-4D0D-AE05-604781…)

>>1226506The most lulzy thing about SWers on social media, is the fact they base their entire worth and identity off of the money they make. Every criticism they get, they have to always come back with “y’all can hate all you want, because I make sooo much money and I’m so happy!” but it NEVER comes off like they’re genuinely happy, it always sounds like the biggest cope on earth. A clown in that can pay their bills/has money is still a clown.
No. 1226583
>>1226569The cope of pretending money justifies degradation is the funniest shit ever.
ESPECIALLY for SWers like Shatna and her ilk since she barely makes enough to support her globulous doordash lardo ways.
I wonder why they latch onto it in particular tho.
No. 1226653
File: 1620590386980.jpeg (196.53 KB, 828x707, F84F73EE-A8B9-4163-94E5-F3C394…)

I guess admitting that you look like shit in your normal, day to day life pulls omega customers?
No. 1226661
File: 1620590852398.jpeg (128.87 KB, 555x915, D2A05281-493C-412F-8B66-B8C1FF…)

No. 1226667
File: 1620591037078.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1224x1857, 15165D70-FBE8-4ADD-84E8-19F5B8…)

No. 1226669
>>1226661She looks… kind of okay here? for Shayna standards at least. The hair colour seems to suit her.
>>1226667Okay nevermind. I thought she actually bought something in her size for once but she's clearly bursting out of it, look at her thigh
No. 1226670
File: 1620591171242.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1075x1393, 6E948E8F-5EC1-45F0-8CCB-A55036…)

>>1226263Sage for retardation but this is going to be Shayna in 2030
>I was famous on this website called tumblr. I used to go by Dolly Mattel back in the day. No. 1226673
File: 1620591344961.jpg (163.74 KB, 1080x523, Screenshot_20210509-151539_Twi…)

No. 1226675
File: 1620591431100.jpg (154.81 KB, 1080x784, Screenshot_20210509-151713_Twi…)

Please stop
No. 1226694
>>1226675somehow makes
mother's day about herself, and sex. she's persistent at least but this is the least attractive thing she could tweet about mothers day (besides bitching about her own mother on her Work Twitter)
No. 1226703
File: 1620593260265.jpeg (1.47 MB, 3464x3464, 28D8B3B0-1568-4CB2-9B9A-DB80CD…)

No. 1226704
File: 1620593286280.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 3464x3464, 7BCB4EBA-B16B-4E62-ADF5-52D1C9…)

These were posted on her OF
No. 1226713
File: 1620593697900.jpeg (1013.61 KB, 805x1678, 58FAA322-6617-4AB3-9AE5-2F89F1…)

No. 1226720
File: 1620594476436.jpeg (37.89 KB, 469x466, 55CA5CEF-BA18-44A4-A513-4E056C…)

No. 1226750
File: 1620597907371.jpeg (372.01 KB, 1242x1212, 52B7DBCB-E0F7-4795-9EE0-EA5BD4…)

>>1226722They are both bikinis
No. 1226756
>>1226712The highlights just accentuate her greasy roots now. The first pic she posted after getting it dyed looked proper blonde, but seeing it in the outdoor lighting without copious filters
>>1226260 it's the exact same shade of brown as before, just with stringy little zebra highlights over top.
No. 1226765
File: 1620599011241.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1114x2185, AC778BC0-4969-41F7-8F3B-F3B061…)

No. 1226769
>>1226661Kek at the lace piece on the bottoms that doesnt even go all the way around
>>1226713Also that anon that said now that shes got the stupid eyelash extensions, she wont put on make up was right
No. 1226787
File: 1620601000986.jpg (346.83 KB, 1080x1230, Screenshot_20210509-175641_Twi…)

No. 1226795
>>1226787it's obviously not meant to be a compliment. it's a power play. like look at how worthless you are. nobody needs to pay to objectify you because you do it yourself for free.
>>1226767this gets posted every thread and it's not only repetitive, it's also insulting to grimace. shayna wishes her mcnuggies were that thicc.
No. 1226802
File: 1620602440524.jpg (265.64 KB, 1079x812, Screenshot_20210509-182041_Twi…)

No. 1226806
File: 1620602739968.jpeg (1.37 MB, 3464x3464, FCB3D036-C9D1-489E-B04F-02E98D…)

Shayna threads in a picture
Sage for dumb shit post meme
No. 1226809
File: 1620603141122.png (162.82 KB, 250x433, Screen Shot 2021-05-09 at 4.27…)

I… I don't even have words after watching this. She's going to have to cut herself out of this bikini kek also nice fupa shatna
No. 1226814
File: 1620603389132.png (9.47 MB, 1242x2208, 9AD4584E-9712-48FD-A7B9-2111C4…)

No. 1226815
>>1226787something tells me a scrote inquired about her services, didnt think she worth the money and probably told her he’ll just jack it to the free content on her twitter instead and
triggered her hard. guess those new prices arent working out for her.
No. 1226823
File: 1620603608624.png (9.02 MB, 1242x2208, 9BDB319B-A743-40F1-91F8-22A228…)

She looks so bad for the love of god drink some water Shatna you look dehydrated
No. 1226832
File: 1620604353138.jpg (204.71 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210509-185217_Sam…)

>>1226765Her armpit looks like a vagina kek
No. 1226834
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No. 1226837
File: 1620604839519.jpeg (1.03 MB, 3464x3464, D5EB2E01-8412-4DD2-ABF3-708A33…)

>>1226836Jason R Womack makes me want to a-log so bad god he’s insufferable
No. 1226850
File: 1620605667122.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2999x3999, E7D2E59E-473A-4658-AEFE-43551B…)

If Shayna wasn’t such a mean evil bitch I would be concerned about her safety. Jason Womack won’t stop mentioning dates with Shayna. Like do you not get the hint my dude??? She doesn’t want to. God he is such a retard. Hopefully he isn’t a violent “incel” who cannot handle rejection
No. 1226857
>>1226260at least in this photo, the highlights in her hair looks just like the steaks of grey in the front of older women's hair that are just starting to go grey and it's aging her badly
body starting to look identical to pixielocks
only positive note is her makeup is better than usual in this photo somehow
No. 1226913
File: 1620613350553.jpg (72.04 KB, 720x722, FB_IMG_1620613324201.jpg)

>>1226906Does Womack even bathe? I would imagine that he stinks something rotten. Look at that hat.
No. 1226927
File: 1620614906449.jpeg (859.23 KB, 1242x1504, 57A7F4C5-2CFF-4E93-958A-6413B7…)

Kek imagine Womack and Shayna mudding
No. 1226934
File: 1620615423117.jpg (157.33 KB, 1080x657, Screenshot_20210509-215656_Twi…)

OF anon, please tell me Noodle is not in this pic
No. 1226937
File: 1620615676973.jpeg (Spoiler Image,945.03 KB, 1242x1536, FD630459-5983-4F78-9B26-9B0A50…)

>>1226934No thank goodness it is just grimace being chunky
No. 1226958
>>1226946it is sweet that you think grandpas aren’t into porn
they are into porn
No. 1226971
File: 1620620299498.jpeg (1.42 MB, 3464x3464, C4C869F2-898C-47DA-BF18-53E768…)

>>1226965Man the bar in Shayna’s threads is set very very low. They’re both ugly asf but at least Fupa isn’t on unemployment and doesn’t sperg on his Twitter account with no followers on how he wants to kill himself. Shit, Jason r Womack and Shayna Clifford sound like a match made in the Tulsa Trailer Park
No. 1226975
File: 1620621352266.jpeg (1.23 MB, 3464x3464, DA5B2E16-C679-4A0C-AC09-39A04F…)

Oof I guess our boy Jason R Womack enjoyed the fat cowgirl poop on dildo video. He keeps declaring his love to Shayna in almost every single onlyfans post. He hasn’t gone away he’s just trying to cover his tracks.
No. 1226989
>>1226975>obnoxious emoji usage>love youAs if we needed proof that Womack is her Splenda daddy.
>>1217880I wonder if shay brings him up around Fupa to piss him off kek.
No. 1227028
File: 1620631007197.jpeg (200.33 KB, 640x480, B69E3BCD-FA9D-47AE-B47E-2B6627…)

>>1225655Soon, just add 100 pounds.
No. 1227029
>>1226976Fr. I think it's just that hair is "new", not what we got used to seeing, shes standing up for once, and not caked in crusty makeup. I think she is feeling herself rn though and the confidence shows. Shes still homely af tho and needs to stop squeezing into size small cheap shit.
Oh and dont forget the filter is putting in the actual work.
No. 1227032
File: 1620632310987.jpg (1.09 MB, 2898x2898, PicsArt_05-10-12.26.07.jpg)

This is shit, yes, but I wanted to show the difference between Shayna and bratty. Shayna will alienate her customers by kink shaming them and putting them on blast. Yes, the scrotes are disgusting, but c'mon now this is the path she chose. Did she expect them to be sweet gentlemen who would constantly toss money at her for being a 4, at best? Instead of shaming scrotes for sending her dick pics bratty will direct them to her of where she promises attention. She'll sell them the possibility of getting to sleep with her while Shayna has made it clear that - that will never happen. Idk. Shayna just comes off as very unapproachable and she really isn't worth the effort when other chicks will be nice to the scrotes. They wanna feel special, Shayna. Not be constantly berated by a bitter hog.
No. 1227051
>>1227007>>1226938>>1226838>>1226835>>1226699Time for you all to take a break from Shatna’s threads if you think any of this looks good.
> stuffed into bikini four sizes too small > ass acne on full display> her actual fupa making it look like she has a dick > shitty zebra stripe hair> shitty “strip-tease” to oldies > still no sex appeal > filters working overtime yet wrinkles are still showing through“sHe LoOkS gReAt!1!”
No. 1227071
File: 1620644110948.jpeg (812.6 KB, 2000x2000, A689C810-79E2-4859-A3F8-6042DA…)

So, how much of this will Shayna buy because ~*~bArBiE~*~, and why is it that she’s going to wear 0% of it like all the makeup she’s purchased?
No. 1227118
>>1227075this is the downfall of photoshop/facetune abuse. when you use it for every single photo, people are shocked when they see hints of your actual face. what is scary is these photos are still shopped too, so god knows how rough she is looking IRL.
shes one of those people who put off self care because theyre sad or upset over "reasons" (they will always find a new one) and then next they know theyve been not taking care of themselves for months on end. The weed brain doesn't help either.
No. 1227166
>>1227118"shes one of those people who put off self care because theyre sad or upset over "reasons"
Sounds like depression to me lol
No. 1227170
>>1227076Only the mentally retarded would support such an ungrateful, scammy and unattractive sex worker. He's hoping she gets depressed enough to need him and his unemployment checks. You can tell he thinks of her an investment rather than coomer material.
>>1226927Yes, take your "bimbo" retard for Budweiser in your dirty ass truck down a filthy river when she talks about fake lashes, pink shit, expensive drinks and weed.
No. 1227216
File: 1620665166874.jpg (376.14 KB, 2898x2898, PicsArt_05-10-09.40.22.jpg)

I know that bratty is irrelevant to this thread, but she is/was buds with Shayna. And the difference between the two is hilarious. These two seem to have been tweeted with about an hour between them. And this why Shayna continues to sink further and further. She spends more time complaining than she does interacting with potential customers. There's no incentive.
No. 1227272
File: 1620669839522.jpeg (813.35 KB, 1242x1664, 28B79A41-7039-4CDC-B122-3E2254…)

>>1227071OT but the only thing that’s cute from that collection is the heart shaped mirror. Shayna hasn’t even tried to use the makeup she bought.
>>1227228Greyhairoldfart has an onlyfans with only one pic of his hands, he doesn’t have liver spots on his hands so he’s not ancient he’s probably an ugly inbred like Jason R Womack
No. 1227329
File: 1620674915792.jpeg (954.12 KB, 3464x3464, 5CA5435B-72B3-4843-B278-47BB32…)

This big bitch really spent $150 on weed
No. 1227332
File: 1620675207731.jpeg (395.85 KB, 1242x1003, 9153C998-21E7-4885-BB41-A94D61…)

You don’t have an audience Shatna you have 2-3 loyal scrotes that’s it
People who don’t have as much “followers” as you still manage to get more engagement and more subscribers than your ugly ass
No. 1227379
>>1227071I used to wonder why all these makeup brands are coming out with a million useless novelty palettes of tacky garbage in the middle of a pandemic (see Lizzy McGuire makeup set). People in general are spending less money, wearing less makeup & the Kardashian look is dying. Who still buys this marked-up dollar store crap?
Well, go figure Shayna is exactly that target market. A 20-something that's making a little above minimum wage and is determined to spend every cent of it before the next paycheck on something garish, pink and plastic.
I'd imagine they have a picture of her in the Colourpop board room for when some naive executive asks "but boss, who's really going to spend $80 on this shit just because it says Barbie??"
No. 1227395
File: 1620681654763.jpeg (414.84 KB, 1170x1058, 3575CABC-60C7-4183-A2C9-197C3C…)

This shit is so fucking tired.
No. 1227409
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No. 1227411
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No. 1227416
File: 1620684776968.jpg (63.26 KB, 858x180, 20210511_001043.jpg)

>>1227272Wait, hold up. Grayhairoldscrote has onlyfans?? That's interesting lmao
No. 1227449
>>1227379>marked up dollar store crap Colourpop is extremely affordable and decent quality from the reviews I’ve seen.
Palletes range from $12-20 eyeliner is under ten dollars. People still wear makeup are you living under a rock?
No. 1227508
File: 1620694886804.png (Spoiler Image,786.84 KB, 828x1792, F8E222F8-2A97-4BB6-B3E6-9330DE…)

Has anyone seen the post she’s referring to? (Sorry forgot to spoiler last post)
No. 1227510
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No. 1227512
File: 1620695362769.jpeg (445.81 KB, 744x982, CEE1F6C1-79DF-4A58-98A7-C8B4A4…)

>>1227510Thank God gray hair geriatric is here for her with that gif
No. 1227514
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No. 1227519
File: 1620696002757.png (1.42 MB, 750x1334, 4E6B93DB-07A7-4416-BBDF-CD6801…)

>>1227508a cursory twitter search of “dolly mattel” shows this
No. 1227520
File: 1620696110627.jpg (357.27 KB, 1080x1694, Screenshot_20210511-022038.jpg)

Found the post. Vague tweets but fails to mention that the poster mentions she's human garbage (and also fat)
No. 1227522
File: 1620696233440.jpeg (141.64 KB, 750x318, 7BAA0AB1-BA36-4983-9C93-6C3158…)

Well I guess this explains a lot of why she doesn’t do shit to improve her lot.
She just straight up incapable of self reflection.
No. 1227535
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No. 1227537
File: 1620697843750.jpg (463 KB, 1079x1269, Screenshot_20210510-205025_Twi…)

No. 1227540
>>1227537she reminds me of gabbi hanna and her “no one has to deal with the amount of shit I do” crap. always making herself the
victim and never reflecting to see if SHE did anything wrong.
No. 1227551
>>1227540Kek they both have big noses as well
Long lost sisters
No. 1227567
File: 1620700213176.jpg (Spoiler Image,571.81 KB, 1200x1050, Shay Mcnuggies.jpg)

>>1226765>>1226767>>1226795Let me tweak it up a little, then.
No. 1227619
>>1227607Shayna is a walking contradiction. She says one thing and does another. She is the definition of hypocritical. She is misogynistic selfish and rude. She always says her two cents on everything. Talks shit about sex workers, then act like the
victim when they call her out. Shayna acts like she’s the queen of sex work and always gives her “advice”. She is also a scammer. Pink hair, the moving saga, the gaming computer that she barely uses, and the personal trainer sessions that didn’t even last a full month. And the most degenerate thing she does is pander to disgusting pedophiles.
No. 1227621
personal twitter accounts are for. Not a public sEx WoRk account where you are selling to and interactig with customers
/potential customers. Imagine Bill Gates hopping on Microsoft’s Twitter shit talking customers and competitors. It’s common sense and business 101.
No. 1227753
>>1227743>>1227636>>1227602Why are y’all coddling her? wtf
…like she’s a teenager or something
Shayna is a grown big-ass (literally) woman kek I don’t know why you’re feeling bad for this woman-child, she doesn’t like you she hates woman. I’m tired of the Shayna circle jerking. She’s a shit person I have no sympathy for her.
No. 1227770
>>1227743nobody forced her to do work where she gets naked on camera and degrades herself
add to that her incredibly lazy and incompetent results even as wankbait
top that off with her constant whining and griping on her business accounts
girl wants attention from strangers but can’t accept that some of that attention is going to be critical
No. 1227771
>>1227607Glad other anons disagreed with this too. I get most "basic" women will post constant status updates on their personal feeds, but Shayna is posting these antics on her work twitter, not her fb timeline or something. She posts on her sw/porn twitter about her mental health updates, her "shitty mom" and break ups. Not to mention when she chimps out and goes aggro on random sw or customers.
>>1227743I don't want to see her hurt herself but at the same time she does things like light fireworks off from her asshole and I can't help but keep watching.
No. 1227774
File: 1620743747880.jpg (190.12 KB, 1080x569, Screenshot_20210511-093549_Twi…)

Wtf is she talking about
No. 1227797
File: 1620745560589.jpeg (1007.81 KB, 1242x1467, B2202188-5D58-41B1-93A4-497703…)

Shayna is a menhera chan now I guess ?kek
mUh mEnTaLl hEaLtH
No one wants to see Shayna hurt herself because she provides milk and it’s funny watching her be a fat failure. She’s just a straight up bitch so if you want to feel sad for her go to her discord…. I’m tired of reading your asspats for this degenerate pedopandering bitch
No. 1227804
File: 1620746156772.jpeg (793.25 KB, 1725x3460, C5AB4305-4AF8-4264-81FF-1C2462…)

Shayna rarely interacts with grayhairscrote which is understandable because his page is just boomer memes and retweets of over degenerate sexworkers. Occasionally Shayna will reply to his cringe good morning tweets. But I don’t get why she won’t kiss up to these scrotes. Especially since she relies on two of her main customers for rent and food. She could at least pretend to like these guys back…. so they’ll spend more money. It would be smart if she did. Like Jason R Womack for example she could flirt back with him and say he’s cute and shit lmao. Maybe he’d buy her a handbag
No. 1227828
Interesting thing about cows is that they don't understand, despite their obvious investment in their own threads, why they're posted here. 6 years is a long time to be keep relevant in lolcow and there's always a very specific cocktail. It's almost as if our long lived cows know exactly what to do to keep their threads relevant.
>>1227510Yeah, it's the exact opposite. It's passive. A niche website most haven't heard of with hardcore rules about interacting with subject matter. The culture here is so passive that you aren't even allowed to speak about yourself in reference to a cow. The amount of self pity for herself is a great addition to the cocktail that keeps her thread on the first page of /snow/.
No. 1227840
File: 1620749586330.jpg (228.09 KB, 1080x735, Screenshot_20210511-111307_Twi…)

Then what was the point of getting your hair done?
No. 1227909
>>1227774>>1227840you live alone in a two bedroom apartment. you don't have
that many wigs. if she can't find it, she's confirming she doesn't store her wigs properly and it's lying under a pile of trash somewhere.
No. 1228012
File: 1620761234769.jpg (133.06 KB, 1079x456, Screenshot_20210511-142717_Twi…)

She's so fucking stupid
No. 1228058
File: 1620764843138.jpg (254.79 KB, 1080x967, Screenshot_20210511-152714_Twi…)

Does she not remember the disaster she had when cooking that penis pasta?
No. 1228140
File: 1620771707909.png (312.47 KB, 2518x1024, chad fupa virgin womack.png)

Your move, Womack stans.
No. 1228149
>>1227797This sounds directly contradictory. "Good for you, you're trying at last" followed by "make sure to keep yourself away from stressful things so you can ~restore~". How about you keep trying?
I'm so sick of how the concept of mental health awareness has been completely turned on its head to be an excuse for laziness for the internet generation. Coddling, patronizing bullshit like this doesn't help anyone with actual, crippling, long-standing depression.
No. 1228188
File: 1620775431469.png (518.14 KB, 2518x1024, chad fupa virgin womack.png)

Oh, you guys are really buttering my muffin.
>>1228162>>1228174My submission lol
No. 1228190
File: 1620775515623.jpeg (24.1 KB, 300x300, 8C40006A-3098-4B4F-9BDF-AE96F4…)

>>1228140I held my cool until the end.
No. 1228205
File: 1620776846444.jpeg (647.65 KB, 3464x3464, F4CCD00C-ACB1-48E7-BFD8-DD2D3E…)

No. 1228219
>>1227797Funny, this retweet is of another hambeast sw cow from /w/ Micky Moon.
>>1227804Is this where Shayna got the, cage free = no bra joke from in
>>1228012 From scrote boomer memes? kek
No. 1228233
>>1227797>>1228219oh damn, I haven't checked up on micky in ages. guess she changed her handle.
they've been mutuals for a while I feel like, so I guess it's not surprising
No. 1228261
File: 1620783100723.png (449.57 KB, 640x555, E20C0A88-CF04-4111-B356-C4F985…)

>>1228140>>1228205Im fucking dying, I love shaynas threads so much.
No. 1228289
File: 1620786707578.jpg (Spoiler Image,593.81 KB, 1080x1402, Screenshot_20210511-213120_Twi…)

Why bother posting this on OF when you now have it on twitter
No. 1228319
File: 1620789511177.jpg (174.23 KB, 1080x505, Screenshot_20210511-221823_Twi…)

Such a luxurious sugar daddy
No. 1228560
File: 1620831324099.jpg (137.94 KB, 1079x503, Screenshot_20210512-095529_Twi…)

Fupa ignoring you?
No. 1228586
>>1228573You’re oblivious. Did you not see the last couple threads where shay pissed away her moving fund on fupa? Bought him an Xbox? Fupa would never spend money on shay. It’s the other way around. She’s never mentioned him buying her anything nice, ever.
Her Splenda daddy is Womack. Go back and read the notes from her tips she posted from her “daddy”. Uwu love you princess/ fire/lips emojis /
No. 1228593
>>1228580ha ha ha no
shayna is spending jason womack’s money on kyle fupa perkins
No. 1228678
File: 1620841149574.jpg (211.54 KB, 1080x1021, Screenshot_20210512-123918_Twi…)

No. 1228680
>>1228678sooo did her sugar daddy not send her money/door dash today? Why the fuck is she sending nudes and asking to be reimbursed for $15?
More #Fatgirlshit. Other girls are buying purses or clothes, meanwhile Shayna is begging for someone to spend her chump change.
No. 1228689
>>1228678We all know this and repeat it over and over again but holy shit this girl is so wasteful?! Relying 100% on other people's goodwill and money, never saving anything for tougher times and spending money on the most useless crap ever.
Does she ever leave her house? Does she ever prepare something herself? She could also just walk her dog and buy a smoothie on the way. Damn how can anyone live like this?
No. 1228696
>>1228319i think here shayna is trying her attempt at manipulation, she is wondering why that guy stopped sending her money as of today (which adds up to about 1050 dollars, lol)
>>1228560here she's only saying this because she sad her dopamine fried brain no longer feels pleasure unless she is getting money or attention. she's hoping the "sugar daddy" (its probably womack) will feel bad and send the money again even though the guy already has sent over a grand in 2 weeks time.
>>1228678$15 for a drink? she must overshoot the price to get scrotes to send a couple extra bucks.
No. 1228720
>>1228711I’ve kind of felt like she might be ADHD for a while. She’s super impulsive and lazy. Minor blogpost but I didn’t get diagnosed until I was older and had a lot of issues with executive function.
Regarding the meds, she would TOTALLY abuse them, probably with alcohol. She is not responsible enough for kiddie speed. Still support her getting them though because she’s so fat and fucking annoying kek
No. 1228725
>>1228632Ahh the ole Kardashian to Doordashian evolution
>>1228646That's what happens when you make your body your only point of value to the world.
Get fat = lose all value.
No. 1228753
>>1228745It's a completely true equivalency when you're selling your body and are incapable of performing a real job, like Shayna. Unless you mean that she still has value in the BBW market?
Nobody's saying a heart surgeon would lose value by getting fat.
No. 1228782
Anon pls my sides
No. 1228794
File: 1620847682767.jpg (136.99 KB, 1080x629, Screenshot_20210512-122611_Chr…)

Like fucking clockwork, trouble at the Fupa Farm yet again
No. 1228802
>>1228678Literally why would someone pay $15 for some nudes when her entire OF is $5 AND you can see that shit for free right on twitter?
And yeah the smoothie was probs only $7 or so and the rest is fees and delivery.
No. 1228803
File: 1620848600442.jpeg (367.28 KB, 1242x863, 55255C04-7D36-40E4-961F-784600…)

No. 1228807
File: 1620848708865.jpeg (458.83 KB, 1242x1502, EC83728E-F37B-4C30-9B5D-04FB99…)

No. 1228809
File: 1620848782692.jpeg (204.44 KB, 1242x462, 07AEF193-2604-42ED-8082-2C9283…)

It’s not going to be okay you pathetic piece of crap
No. 1228811
File: 1620848848472.jpeg (887.38 KB, 1242x1494, 65849ABE-E1C1-441D-90D6-F59A1B…)

No. 1228816
>>1228809Oh my god. Can she do something different and at least explain what the fuck happened? This shit is old ass hell. It's every other week at this point.
Yesterday he was her "best friend" now she's crying in the fucking shower again.
>>1228811Can this dude get a new fucking gif?
No. 1228829
File: 1620850670477.jpeg (248.91 KB, 1242x978, 01E650D3-91FE-40F5-9FAB-99B061…)

No one to pay for her “day off”?
No. 1228830
>>1228794>spends time with Fupapa>never mentions moving again>buys dumb shit>I’m sad>depression shower>oldgray fag sends thoughtless gif >donate so I can move>attack someone on Twitter >repeatI’m so bored of shay now you guys. Like …so bored. The only things here that gives me pleasure are the art-anons and the occasional good roast from a fellow
nonny. This ship is sinking.
No. 1228834
>>1228829I don't know what kills me more, the fact that she tweets out this kind of boner-killer material, or the fact that 5 people have reacted "like" to this confession of drinking to cope.
Also, who's gonna pull out the screenshots of Shayna telling her mom to fuck off because she's HAPPY GOD DAMMIT, MOM. SO HAPPY AND FULFILLED.
No. 1228836
>>1228829Drinking to emotionally cope that she can’t ride worthless fupa chode for a week.
Aw what an extravagant life our favorite bimbo partakes in.
No. 1228866
File: 1620853836305.png (184.24 KB, 500x281, fa2.png)

saged, but does anyone else get genuinely fucking tired of this thread? i mean, holy fuck. this bitch complains constantly. she gives a lot of milk, but her actions and her personality genuinely fucking infuriates me. how the fuck do people stand this bitch? like, HOW does she not feel pathetic after sending these same ass fucking tweets, or is she just that stupid that she genuinely thinks her small amount of fans just believes her when she says she doesn't have any money? I'm seething because, how the fuck, does this bitch have so much money every week to still fucking complain?
No. 1228888
File: 1620857003762.png (195.59 KB, 445x450, 0896C1B5-CEDA-4527-8464-42FBA0…)

>>1228869The juxtaposition is too good
God damn, he’s not even her friend, I doubt he even likes her as a person or finds her very attractive or charming anymore. I don’t know how he can stand to be around her when he technically has a family and probably more friends/peers around than she does. At least her excuse is that she has no one else.
No. 1228891
File: 1620857030480.png (346.82 KB, 583x499, 2021-05-12 18_03_46-Window.png)

more struggle charcuterie
No. 1228892
>>1228819And it's low effort male attention. The coomer can't even be bothered to type "hug.gif" into google images.
>>1228837Maybe she hasn't worked out that she can connect her phone to her home wifi network.
No. 1228922
>>1228891That is a metric fuck ton of cheese and crackers. If this were the only thing she ate today, whatever. But we know she got a big ass calorie bomb of a smoothie and probably ordered in lunch. I guess it’s better than DoorDash but jeez.
It’s honestly amazing how incapable she is of self reflection or even like… learning from her mistakes. And yeah, to the anon talking about how infuriating she is? Totally agree. I’ve been following her for years and she is insufferable.
No. 1228934
File: 1620861825551.jpg (168.2 KB, 1079x786, Screenshot_20210512-182343_Twi…)

No. 1228937
>>1228928Looks like around 100g so that's 400 cal in just cheese.
At 20 calories per triscuit, and 17 of them, that's 340 cal of crackers.
Bushel of grapes is maybe 40 cal.
Prosciutto is like 30 cal a slice, so that's probably around 100 cal of meat.
Altogether 880 calories for a cheeky lil snack.
No. 1228941
File: 1620862374392.jpg (129.6 KB, 1080x1440, Chin chan.jpg)

>>1228794>>1228811This shit happens like clockwork every month. Does she get hormonal and emotional and unleash her bpd/fupa baggage around her menstrual cycle or what? She's a broken fucking record. This is what happens when you abuse substances like weed and alcohol to cope instead of getting to the root of your problems and miserable life. I would feel bad for Shatna but she's a condescending hypocrite. I'm ready for some new flavors of milk from this bitch.
No. 1228956
>>1228803yes shayna that will get the men hard to give you more money.
oh ya wait- being "hot enough to be paid to be jerk off material" is really unfullfilling, sad, and sets you up for a lifetime of being treated and feeling like shit! almost as if just because you CAN become a "sex worker" doesn't mean anybody SHOULD sell their intimacy.
No. 1228960
File: 1620866617343.jpeg (492.97 KB, 828x885, 4DCC12E4-5DCB-4653-8241-EA996D…)

>>1228941This made me chuckle considering this is in her likes
No. 1229044
File: 1620880754724.jpeg (Spoiler Image,730.42 KB, 1242x1390, 7958585B-11B6-4C1C-A702-E8A03C…)

No. 1229051
File: 1620881475861.jpeg (Spoiler Image,325.13 KB, 1536x2048, 407E39B3-53CE-41D0-AF29-DE87A7…)

>>1229044Jesus, her rat face is so strong in this photo. Spoiler bc unrelated, but she reminds me of fellow rat-boy, Mitch Jones.
No. 1229054
>>1227804Right? It’s weird. I figure
maybe she flirts in d/ms because otherwise, literally why? S
No. 1229277
File: 1620920267981.jpeg (315.04 KB, 1242x811, 4CFFE132-8950-4EE8-AA22-ABDC35…)

I guess panhandling is a business kek
No. 1229279
>spoil myself and othersSo she admits to spending her money on Fupa. Who else does she actually have to “spoil”? We’ve seen what she spends her money on when she “spoils herself” weekly with her begging money. We’ve also seen her out with other drinks and food around her.
What a pathetic bitch, wasting her money on cheap Amazon and plastic shit and drinks and food for a man who only wants a pump and dump.
No. 1229355
>>1229341anon, granny porn exists. milf porn exists. the “aging out” of porn is a myth. there’s something for everyone. if scat porn exists, old people porn exists too.
it just takes a lot more work and upkeep, something shayna is completely incapable of. you have to take care of yourself in your body and be in shape to be an “older” woman in porn. she’s not even 25, but looks like shit because she refuses to take care of herself. people who peak in high school tend to be wrecks by 22-23.
No. 1229359
>>1229355BBW milf porn and even self labelled ugly porn exists. There is a whole genre for men who get off to conventionally unattractive women. It's usually the woman doing degrading things and being humiliated or hurt.
You can see it all on reddit if morbid curiosity gets the better of you. There are subreddits like r/degradethispig. They're disgusting so I'm warning you.
Sex work isn't glamorous for most women who enter it. It's a saturated market and women who enter the porn or camming industry more often than not end up like Shayna.
Not many are making bank off of sitting there and being pretty.
Shayna is a poster child of why young girls shouldn't get into porn.
No. 1229370
>>1229277What has changed? She always worked from fucking home, why is she acting like Covid changed something. If anything the reason she had so much is she's been pretending to move.
And she flat out admits to "Spoiling" a grown ass baby daddy that breaks it off every fucking week.
No. 1229405
>>1229391Shayna thinks her face is a 8.5 and she has a "fat ass", I think she's very averga but she obviously does not think she's "ugly". Her brand is "Barbie Bimbo "baby"(ew)"
Why would someone who unironically think their basic face is a 8.5 and their flat ass is a "Fat", put themselves on a sub thats meant for degrading fat "ugly" women.
She doesn't like being degraded for being unattractive and chubby, she'd probably cry if she found out she ended up on a sub like that meant for women that scotes thinks fit that theme.
No. 1229411
File: 1620931188081.png (140.19 KB, 710x1388, Screenshot_20210513-213902~2.p…)

Proof that Shayna lurks on lolcow
No. 1229412
>>1229386Exactly. No reason for any woman to lower their standards just so they can insult a 24 year old vagina. We aren't scotes.
>>1229277This from the bitch who thought a great mother's day gift was to unblock her mom to say happy mother's day and block her again. Shayna even scams her own other mother. She needs to repay her immediately. Imagine your mother sending a thousand or two hoping to get her daughter to help her clearly depressed daughter move closer only for her to be mocked online because she can see her daughter's unhappy.
No. 1229422
File: 1620931942048.jpg (717.44 KB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20210513-135145_Twi…)

1/2 Like the time at her old apartment she claimed a maintenance guy looked around and asked what site she was on
No. 1229423
File: 1620931996359.jpg (187.71 KB, 1080x610, Screenshot_20210513-135200_Twi…)

No. 1229431
>>1229412She talks about "spoiling others" but spoils a fat ass, instead of the mother who ALWAYS gives her gifts on holidays. Even if she doesn't support Shayna's job she still gives her money and gifts. The opposite of Fupa. He hides her and doesn't give her anything but dick and cheap shit.
>>1229422Why do I feel like she tried to have a full ass conversation with him, "Oh i'm working, I'm a model. My workspace is a mess right now and I'm in my work clothes-"
No. 1229447
File: 1620933654990.jpeg (390.85 KB, 1242x1273, 51C9DA37-2F18-4FC6-BE6C-09618C…)

No. 1229460
>>1229447lots of people are working from home rn wearing whatever they want. Dude probably didn’t even think about it.
>>1229452ffs please stop. nobody’s saying her situation is great down there, but there’s nothing new to be said about it
No. 1229464
File: 1620934578624.jpeg (917.61 KB, 1242x1550, 2D122B80-6585-4324-849F-7E541C…)

No. 1229465
File: 1620934608422.jpeg (197.92 KB, 960x1280, F13C4BF6-7E68-4B50-AB7D-72E4DC…)

Her face…. her makeup looks horrible
No. 1229492
>>1229447>I dress like that all the time and I'm a lawyer!you're also a man, so it's generally unsurprising
>>1229465still cannot get over how she bought an entire colourpop set and hasn't used it once. she desperately needs colour in her face, the only thing that stands out otherwise is that big old honker
No. 1229510
File: 1620938292281.jpg (131.06 KB, 1080x393, Screenshot_20210513-153820_Twi…)

Why would your nasty ass admit this?
No. 1229546
File: 1620941455819.jpg (240 KB, 1080x829, Screenshot_20210513-163049_Twi…)

Well cause your content is shit
No. 1229547
File: 1620941482731.jpg (431.11 KB, 1080x1332, Screenshot_20210513-163036_Twi…)

No. 1229553
File: 1620941726611.jpg (599.64 KB, 1080x1350, Screenshot_20210513-163535_Twi…)

You're right
No. 1229567
>>1229547> I just don’t understand what I’m doing wrongCouldn’t be the constant bitching like this, talking about picking dog and cat hair off your dildo, or the shitty recycled free porn you put out. No. Definitely not any of that. It’s all because you post during the day.
The level of delusion and zero self-awareness she has needs to be studied kek
No. 1229588
>>1229547Maybe it’s “lower quality” but still doesn’t feature a fat retard so they get more interaction?
The only trait she has in common with a bimbo is that she’s genuinely stupid. She doesn’t need to put on an act for that.
I mean, yes coomers will jack off to almost anything, but I guess they just aren’t into retard parody porn very much. They want a skinny pretty woman to look at 9 times out of 10 and that’s just not her.
No. 1229594
>>1229547Maybe they just look better then you. You "try" because you know without "trying" you won't get as far as a pretty girl with a nice body taking low effort pictures.
Don't hate the players hate the game. It's not tumblr, scrotes don't care about "quality" or "effort". They don't care about tumblr jokes over fully clothed pictures. They don't care. They want to see ass and tits, when they see the same ass and tits for years for free, they just look and move on.
She needs to stop thinking scrotes look at porn in terms of "quality" "effort", rather then, "oh a girl I want to sleep with is fucking/nude, nice"
It's not that deep.
No. 1229595
File: 1620944885239.jpg (Spoiler Image,234.99 KB, 1280x960, 20210513_172809.jpg)

Holy editing
No. 1229598
>>1229546>when I post during the dayYou mean you post midday when normal people are at their jobs and not on Twitter?
I know she’s stupid but jfc. Post in the morning and evening. Not that hard.
No. 1229623
>>1229510Lmao. Why is this cow keeping her sex toys in the same vicinity of where her cat could be?
Proof she just leaves this shit on the floor. Worse than these people who these morons who keep a drawer of all different sex toys touching each other and wonder why their toys have "melted" holes in them.
No. 1229642
File: 1620949186967.png (8.74 MB, 1242x2208, 837AB8A1-A330-455D-A0B7-F421A8…)

No. 1229646
>>1229547whose content is lower quality than hers
her content is shit quality
she’s filthy and her party city costumes are too small
she does the same routine in every vid, assfuck with a butt plug then fake orgasm with a giant hitachi
if she doesn’t want to lose weight (she should lose weight) she should buy clothes that fit and shower at least
and keep her business account professional and flirtatious and whine about her breakups elsewhere
none of this is difficult but it is impossible for her somehow
No. 1229657
File: 1620950473913.jpeg (319.3 KB, 1242x878, D38C0F0E-7E7B-4215-A803-9A6C26…)

Lmfao what
No. 1229665
>>1229657Women: want to exist in the world not being objectified by men every fucking second of their lives
Shayna: I jiggle my blubber at strangers teehee
No. 1229668
File: 1620951764692.gif (9.2 MB, 270x480, 6E090469-899A-4E8F-AF56-490D1A…)

>>1229657I bet they thought she was retarded
No. 1229669
File: 1620951800122.jpeg (597.14 KB, 1284x1647, D8FA433E-3D8C-4E6C-9E93-82D5DB…)

what the fuck is this retard doing? she’s just burning dabs now.
No. 1229680
File: 1620953735629.webm (2.43 MB, 887x1716, RPReplay_Final1620953425.webm)
well, now we know how she goes through so much oil lmao. what a fucking moron
No. 1229685
>>1229680AHAHAHAHA this is the first time I've actually watched one of her dab clips and you guys weren't exaggerating omg. She just holds the tool there without inhaling at all, dancing like an idiot while her shatter wastes away & the small amount of smoke is going stale.
What a potato brain. Smoking weed is one of her two personality traits alongside prolapsing her asshole. After all these years, she's wasted hundreds of dollars a month just to get a tiny buzz…
No. 1229692
>>1229510Um… what the fuck? Dont post that on your work twitter ffs and keep your toys in a drawer or bag like the rest of the population jfc. Also actually washing it would help.
>>1229547She ALWAYS has to put down others. Delusionally thinks her content is just the highest quality and doesnt grasp why others get more interaction. It couldnt be that her content is actually repetitive, average tits n ass for free and most people dont like her because shes gross and bitchy. No way!
No. 1229730
File: 1620960526153.jpeg (93.1 KB, 827x559, E0E5FA59-859C-435B-A29F-63A80A…)

Sad bbygirl tumblr aesthetic days are over, Shay. She really is delusional. Tinfoil that she’s experiencing weed induced psychosis from smoking so much since a very young age, cause girl is fried like an egg.
No. 1229780
File: 1620969612448.jpg (62.9 KB, 600x510, 2021-05-14-01-14-11.jpg)

No. 1229815
>>1229678Eh, I've used a Peak Pro before and it's good quality shit. Far more likely is that she's too lazy and impatient to set it up and learn how to use it (or keep it charged).
>>1229680This is the most fucked up thing posted to this thread by far.
No. 1229823
File: 1620977742864.png (5.63 MB, 1242x2208, 5F2464E5-E791-4266-837C-7D7CBC…)

She really does wish she was an iNfLuEnCeR. Holding whatever the fuck up to the camera like they did in og youtube makeup tutorials kek she needs to be institutionalized this year for real so the delusions subside. A Lithium Barbie saga would be hilarious.
No. 1229895
File: 1620996433537.jpeg (110.74 KB, 700x739, E0BEE5AA-D0CB-496A-B3AD-876471…)

I’m taking the low-hanging fruit, these have so much potential.
No. 1229907
>>1229895I am here for it anon kek
Idk if we would get spoilered for the under boob tho
No. 1229951
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No. 1229953
File: 1621004600702.jpg (455.87 KB, 1080x1367, Screenshot_20210514-100322_Twi…)

Then don't do sex work if you can't handle messages like this
No. 1229970
File: 1621006760770.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 1284x1957, F5C97814-D5AC-4BA8-9391-F53D76…)

fucking kek, her face
No. 1229971
File: 1621006820541.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1284x1988, 6CA45126-9E91-4054-86A6-368F19…)

>>1229970beady eyed and probably stoned.
No. 1229978
>>1229971anon being stoned is her one personality trait, that's not exactly a poignant observation
>>1229976we've seen his dick, it's a chode
No. 1229982
File: 1621007582468.jpg (192.5 KB, 1080x640, Screenshot_20210514-105222_Twi…)

No. 1229988
>>1229982>take myself out to brunchwOaH, take that, Kyle! Aren't you mad she taking HERSELF to go pig out? Yeah, she [wants so badly to appear like she] doesn't need you!
Has to try to flex so Fupa will hit her up finally after their latest tiff.
Going to be drinking at 1 PM by herself at home. It really is the only way she can try to be productive is if she has some drinks first. Bleak.
No. 1229998
File: 1621009049970.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1620, PicsArt_05-13-01.58.03.png)

>>1229970The only life she is ruining is her own, lmao. And she doesn't look adorable while doing it.
No. 1230008
File: 1621009796583.jpg (509.6 KB, 1080x1301, Screenshot_20210514-113005_Twi…)

No. 1230010
>>1230000Kek, even her imaginary sugar daddy has to be bribed with sex acts just to hang out with her
Also why do all her video descriptions end with “and then she counted down from 10”? Is this a thing I’m just not aware of?
No. 1230013
File: 1621010409812.jpg (108.19 KB, 700x700, 1341603198621.jpg)

>>1230008Y I K E S eyes looking haggard. The person in the last thread that said her eyes look like pissholes in the snow… lmao. The accuracy.
No. 1230022
File: 1621010832041.jpeg (34.81 KB, 400x400, 41B92DF2-7574-4050-8B8E-9A5F19…)

>>1229971shat looks like miz cracker in the worst way
No. 1230024
File: 1621010942271.jpeg (526.25 KB, 1242x1440, 26A35A26-CFD2-4CEC-AAD7-E2EB49…)

A dig at Shayna?
No. 1230025
File: 1621011069631.jpeg (706.17 KB, 1284x736, E8EBBAC1-8775-4B6E-8F3F-885338…)

>>1230000still having fun with that play money aren’t you shayna?
No. 1230028
File: 1621011195758.jpeg (Spoiler Image,922.26 KB, 1284x1523, 3D27EF14-078B-49DB-9A2D-68D57D…)

she clearly paid this girl to do a promo for her (she has like 300k+) and it doesn’t even have 10 RTs. just give it up shay.
No. 1230048
File: 1621012723017.gif (14.84 MB, 539x960, 307E9EDC-33C7-47E3-8BFD-D3E1C2…)

Shayna has the ugliest style
No. 1230053
File: 1621013017071.png (7.63 MB, 1242x2208, 0B0CB262-68C1-47FE-8828-DD7DDD…)

The luxurious life of Shayna Clifford
No. 1230061
File: 1621013550255.jpeg (533.41 KB, 1242x1686, ED400839-CC2F-47DA-925E-F658CA…)

this is bleak
No. 1230067
File: 1621014278568.jpeg (1.94 MB, 1242x1982, 35748FA4-67B9-4779-BD5A-E0B672…)

No. 1230082
File: 1621015338172.jpeg (589.32 KB, 1056x662, 2BC6CD96-E1DB-4DAD-BC8E-8EFDC3…)

Shayna brought the fake money out again kek
No. 1230084
File: 1621015469660.jpeg (512.97 KB, 899x688, B61A79FA-EBD1-447B-A953-4CA5B7…)

An unedited screenshot of her latest manyvids trailer lmao her nose is huge I guess it keeps growing with all the lies she spouts out
No. 1230101
>>1230048The crotch area looks really weird to me. Like its loose and bunched up? Probably from Shein so its sewn wonky and fits badly lol.
But honestly even though it's still not cute or stylish, this is a tolerable outfit for her to wear. She doesnt look massive, her musty pussy isnt dangling from a skirt or dress. If she knew how to accessorize with an actually decent, normal purse and a belt and some simple jewelry, this would be pretty decent.
No. 1230107
File: 1621017470549.jpeg (364.93 KB, 1242x770, 3D1B4488-AB89-4B2F-BFA1-85E919…)

No. 1230124
File: 1621019206733.jpeg (133.33 KB, 1242x365, 69147F6B-1257-4517-811F-5372BA…)

>>1230114That’s because Jason R Womack spends lots of money on her from his unemployment checks
No. 1230129
File: 1621019318407.jpeg (742.92 KB, 1242x1567, 13F18EFF-19DA-459F-B62B-B9814D…)

No. 1230133
File: 1621019369764.png (6.96 MB, 1242x2208, 88473AB2-A31A-4B0C-81AC-422C1A…)

Nice beer gut Fatty
No. 1230152
File: 1621020570888.png (Spoiler Image,338.32 KB, 652x470, titsperging.png)

>>1229971i know this is retarded but it looks like she has a scar on her boob
No. 1230157
File: 1621020785463.jpg (91.23 KB, 1080x274, Screenshot_20210514-143219_Twi…)

Keep dreaming Shay
No. 1230173
File: 1621021664891.jpeg (Spoiler Image,315.56 KB, 1284x1347, 3E8B23A9-3A7F-4154-B0C0-AF8391…)

>>1230157i’m assuming shay thinks she can make enough to actually buy a tesla
No. 1230181
>>1230107Just last night she was talking about how no one gives a shit about her content. Also she brags about the DUMBEST most NORMAL shit.
"Oh wow you tipped someone, so rich and successful"
She always wants a pat on the back for every decent, usually NORMAL thing she does.
No. 1230184
File: 1621022416811.jpg (144.14 KB, 1080x455, Screenshot_20210514-150028_Twi…)

Sure Shay
No. 1230202
>>1230173I didn’t know Calliou had an onlyfans…
probably still paying it off thots like to flex what they don’t even own
No. 1230216
File: 1621023833020.jpeg (542.21 KB, 998x917, 4D29D42B-E3D2-43CB-B984-6E5A3B…)

much sex appeal
No. 1230228
File: 1621024533149.jpeg (1.13 MB, 3464x3464, 9061CF14-F034-41B8-BE65-9A30B3…)

Leave it to Fatty to ruin a classic 80s song by dancing like a special ed lady on speed
No. 1230233
File: 1621025014054.jpg (743.77 KB, 1080x2110, Screenshot_20210514-154318_Twi…)

Please stop
No. 1230234
File: 1621025055362.jpg (695.61 KB, 1079x2106, Screenshot_20210514-154339_Twi…)

She's so qUiRkY everyone
No. 1230235
File: 1621025359240.jpeg (132.77 KB, 1048x1142, 8D697DCD-36CE-41B5-AEAA-28C5F3…)

she only has 10 songs she listens to
Shayna is really ugly even with blur filters on her No. 1230238
File: 1621025562564.png (7.97 MB, 1242x2208, 6378BEA5-8E9A-4EA3-929D-F2037E…)

No. 1230239
File: 1621025591208.png (136.6 KB, 316x448, GbY6G0R.png)

>>1230234The ending just looks like she took a whiff of her own fart.
No. 1230240
File: 1621025850273.jpg (104.49 KB, 1080x1440, Jesus christ .jpg)

>>1230210>>1230228Speedrunning/"sped"running stripping again. That is the most sad, shapeless, flabby ass I have ever seen. Her arms and thigh cellulite shake more. She doesn't even know how to shake her ass, just manually grabs her ass to move it with her hands. The level of second-hand embarrassment I feel is unimaginable.
No. 1232540
File: 1621325888220.jpeg (104.54 KB, 468x250, unnamed.jpeg)

>>1230055she's built so much like Nikki blonsky its jarring. at least nikki blonsky can act