File: 1644003724655.png (529.38 KB, 746x986, 95829798-3834-4D0A-B0A7-335639…)

No. 1434677
Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos already posted zoomed in is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Real the rules before posting. Sage when there’s no milk. No nitpicking and/or blogposting. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting sceenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread
>>>/snow/1363903 Previous thread:
>>>/snow/1424700Last Thread:
>It’s been 100 threads of Big Shaynus>Collection of beautiful farmer art from over the years >>1429007, >From scat to cellulite to mayochup ass discharge farmers have seen a lot >>1428899, > Jason R Womack spends all his money on voting for Shayna for MV Fetish Star of the Year >>1424793, in true Shaynus fashion she loses >>1425141, again. >Continues to sperg because she lost >>1425477, >>1425499, >>1425520, on the bright side she receives many monsters inc gif replies as a reward >>1425913, >>1426623, >>1432274, >>1432402, >Shayna blames her lack of success on being cancelled by sex workers and not because she’s fat, and ugly >>1424797, >>1424900, >Shayna is still fat and has no ambition to lose weight >>1425704, >>1429589, >Shayna’s tweet was featured on a Twitter account making fun of e-whores >>1425715, >>1425910, gets roasted by moids >Shayna claims to have sex with only 5 people >>1426656, >>1426489, >Shay got hair dyed and has grandma hair >>1427868, >>1427866, gilf saga when?>Big Shaynus squeezes into more tracksuits looking like a trailer trash mother >>1427899, >>1427903, from dollskill >>1427921, >>1428597, >Shayna shoots with lovinglyhandmade >>1428071, >Pick me tweets about scrote attention from shoot >>1428843, >>1428882, >Wears a monstrosity of an outfit >>1428840, >>1428902, >>1428978, >Misogynistic rant about how women are bitches >>1428373, >Shayna subtweets about her ex Fupaul >>1428429, and makes long Twitter thread on unsolicited advice >>1429360, >Shayna declares she wants to take care of herself but never will because she’s fat and lazy >>1429600, >Shayna gets her degenerate straight jacket delivered and other fetish gear; tries it on whilst out of breathe >>1429727, >>1429684, >>1429697, >>1433118, >>1429718, spent $250 on this fleece garbage >>1429717, wastes more >>1429729, >>1434060, >Nonnie makes incredibly accurate art of Shaynus >>1430106, >More pedophilic tweets >>1430164, >>1430268, >Still too broke to buy a car, wants one given to her >>1430360, >Shayna spends majority of life in her 20s doing date nights with ~mumma and the dad uwu~ aka Ellen Dresel and an old man >>1430899, >>1433277, >>1433535, >Shayna defends pedo pandering yet, again. Refers to women who call her out as “bitches” >>1431109, >>1431110, >>1431138, >>1431142, >>1431147, >>1431183, >>1431218, >Promotes rape fantasies >>1431944, >Drunk livetweets and dirty deletes >>1431250, >>1431221, >>1431357, because Ellen Degenerate went on vacation >>1431122, >Wants to make a tinder for scrote validation >>1431287, >>1431266, >Autistic cowtipper triggers Shayna with her cow art >>1432249, >>1432247, this results in a hilarious meltdown >>1432250, >>1432253, >>1432254, >>1432261, >>1432264, >>1432380, >>1432810, >Shayna makes a half assed video apology >>1432619, only apologizes for Nazi joke on tumblr and not the other things she did as an adult >>1432640, >>1432649, >>1432797, >Films a coom show in same outfit right after apology >>1433522, >Shayna Luther King is an ally >>1432620, >>1432827, >Claims to love being a sex worker in this tweet (??) >>1434080, >Hates her body because of the skinny bitches on her timeline pretends to be positive with her fake ~girls support girls~ bullshit >>1434290,>Sugar daddy sends $75 >>1434592, such a rich thriving ‘sugar daddy’ kek Links: (need ID to join) "Patricia" Dresel (Shayna's "gf")
Seattle/Renton, WA Nanny Thread:
>>>/snow/344490Recent Threads:
>>>/snow/1424700 No. 1435482
File: 1644090770649.jpg (65.26 KB, 425x450, no fun.jpg)

>>1435228Hide the thread then christ
No. 1435772
File: 1644115201770.jpeg (220.88 KB, 828x636, 016ED75A-784D-4155-ACEA-39B667…)

>>1435764Her sheer delusion baffles the everloving fuck out of me. She is totally devoid of self awareness. This comment on an Instagram post by the girl who made a giant art piece of cows made me kek, the irony of her questioning the sanity of someone else
No. 1435774
File: 1644115342080.jpeg (936.04 KB, 828x1039, CA74BBDC-DC08-4F0D-B483-1960B5…)

>>1435772(Art piece in question, incorporating Shaynus trussed up like a Christmas ham has me chuckling)
No. 1435775
>>1435765She dehumanizing herself daily, NTA but Shayna constantly says shit about how how wants to be a object, a Doll, a child etc etc. J
Of course there's worst people but this is SHAYS thread. Who cares what anons say about her? When she wishes the worst on herself.
No. 1435785
>>1435775A sexworker calling herself a doll is not the same thing as dehumanizing herself, doll is even an oldfashioned pet name for a woman. And children are also human so not sure your point there. Outside of her sexwork shit she is very much a human woman and weirdo moid thinking on this topic shouldn't be encouraged. These threads are mostly kept alive by even worse $2 whores and moids. Nobody else cares, but this type of nasty
I want to see how it ends shit can fuck off, she's still a person and doesn't deserve that sick attitude.
(are you lost?) No. 1435786
>>1435765I’m not a moid I just think she’s particularly gross and there’s no redemption for her which is interesting. She did this shit for so long that it’s been imprinted into her DNA. I hope she doesn’t have kids because imagine them googling their mother and finding all this shit lolz
but I doubt she will considering this fat hog has an aversion to sex. What a fucking weirdo for a cheap ewhore sex worker who looks the way she does. I really thought she had thousands of sex partners and 6 different children all from different baby daddies lol. All the ugly bitches do
No. 1435792
File: 1644116316301.jpeg (224.17 KB, 1242x1247, AB325094-1639-4292-B221-5902D5…)

>>1435785Shayna is going to end up dying she doesn’t listen to her parents or us. We’re honest. We tell it how it is. Shayna is fat ugly and unattractive. She thinks we’re these ~evil mean bullies~ because we are women but panders to degenerate men who would actually harm her. She caters to incel trash that don’t give two shits about her and just use her content to jerk off and then forget about her. She really had options but chooses to be a lazy sack of shit. Alcoholics don’t live long.
No. 1435794
nonnie, you're SUCH a good person.
No. 1435808
>>1435799Until they stop wanting her, then suddenly she realizes it's abuse and then after they break ups she slowly& vaguely reveals the "abuse " she went through. And everytime it's shit we said was
abusive she was calling it "kink" & pretending to enjoy. Then she meets another scrote and repeats the same crusty cycle.
No. 1435809
>>1435805Yeah it’s probably an obese sex worker who sees herself in shayna. Well..
If you see yourself in her why not send her a private message directly showing your deep concern?
Everyone here thinks she’s nasty as fuck and remains in disbelief over how this unsanitary hideous woman thinks she’s this famous person anyone actually cares about. If you like her join Womack and Grey hair, her only 2 fans Lol
No. 1435825
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>>1435778So well adjusted
No. 1435826
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lmao the delusion
No. 1435846
File: 1644122242313.jpg (76.6 KB, 670x936, 272835981_986788302213711_2876…)

>>1435838This is ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
No. 1435956
File: 1644134555178.jpeg (147.02 KB, 828x438, 681FDEBF-FDE4-4F5A-B29E-6F406E…)

Yeah, we know you’re an unwashed slob
No. 1435961
>>1435956Wouldn't it be soooo hot if a sugar daddy gave her extra money for if she tracks her calories, and keeps them below 1500?
Imagine how super sexy it would be if a sugar daddy made her drink 1.5 to 2 L of water every day and put on lip balm omg.
No. 1435989
>>1435860Come on, she wouldn't be a ten if she was the last woman on the planet.
>>1435825If she wasn't an asexual sex worker she could get all of the attention she needs off tinder. But she'd have to be smart enough to not talk about sex work.. so nevermind.
No. 1436027
>>1435872When you show your asshole for free but even coomers want you dead lol
This weird facially paralyzed backwoods hillybilly really evokes the memory of the 100 year old kill it with fire meme
No. 1436102
File: 1644160589023.jpeg (807.91 KB, 1284x1134, 5CA71F69-8045-41FF-9FCA-4F029E…)

rat teeth and troon smirk, her signature look
No. 1436119
>>1436111The fact that she’s a sex worker and lives in such a cheap trash boring shithole of a state is also sending me
Dont these whores usually want to live somewhere cool and trendy like los angeles, chicago, new york, idk miami? Somewhere interesting with stuff to do around you at least.
That’s why they start selling their assholes in the first place isn’t it? To get a more luxury life, promise of a higher pay since whoredom is sold as something you can make bigger money from than a regular crap job.
But this fucking bitch lives in OKLAHOMA, like the only people who’d envision to live there are cows and the cast of my 600 lb life. funniest shit
No. 1436142
>>1435809nta a few years ago I did feel bad for shart and tried to be friendly/supportive/ give helpful advice because I’m sure everyone here at one point felt bad for her considering she’s legit mentally ill-
all she did was turn around and accuse the ppl being friendly towards her of secretly posting here and being “fake”(guess we are now kek)
No. 1436148
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Oh boy
No. 1436149
File: 1644165795383.jpeg (543.06 KB, 1242x1649, 68A70E2C-C0F4-482A-BC0D-4264CF…)

The only people who care are Louie the diaper baby and gray hair
No. 1436155
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No. 1436159
File: 1644166262735.jpeg (686.58 KB, 1242x1662, A72C02FE-DA35-483A-B26B-324DF3…)

I laughed so fucking hard no sound came out. Kek wtf is this life. Tweeting for attention then you receive this fucking gif.
No. 1436193
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No. 1436199
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No. 1436200
>>1436193>well established modelsYou would ruin the status of their employment.
>someone nobody knowsIf you post about them, anons will then know who it is. Nobody tries to hide their identity in "sex work" anymore so they'd be identified almost immediately.
>People who arent phased by those pathetic fucksNobody really would be once they realize we only talk about cretins that make their own graves. A smart person would run you for whatever money you both made and dip forever. Shart doesn't realize she's the only one
i guess except sol who really gets upset, like binge eating cry in the shower upset. Everyone else just ignores it or laughs LOL. Good luck finding anyone who would want to lose money working with you. You're better off preparing for a new solo shit eating video to post on MV.
No. 1436202
>>1436193“My stalkers/haters”, the bitch really talks as if she’s some famous person when it’s just 30 farmers who think she’s a spectacle and are waiting for her to croak
We arent stalkers or haters, we’re watching an episode of black mirror bitch shut up, we don’t care about your life the way you think
Stalkers and haters are the concept of being jealous of someone’s success, not a fat whore online. there’s no body on this planet or beyond that would be jealous of someone like you
No. 1436205
File: 1644169625584.jpeg (306.36 KB, 1242x1144, 0B894DB2-BD14-4997-A20D-152D6F…)

What friends? Ellen Degenerate?
No. 1436213
File: 1644170105535.jpeg (324.6 KB, 765x752, 0618FE08-5477-4289-8E86-6824A7…)

>>1436205Shayna you wont even be a twitter famous 5 figure earner much less millionaire. Hell you won’t even be just famous and broke
you’re just a troon looking lizard with facial paralysis who posts images looking like this on her sex work account making a fucking complete fool of yourself
No. 1436215
>>1436213Her honker , smirk, and entire face is truly a hate crime . Imagine looking at that pic and actually posting it online where you know people can’t get enough of how hideous you are being like “yes, this is good”
I have a theory she literally posts shit like that for farmers because she secretly gets off to being called ugly
No. 1436222
Anyway it's pathetic to demand people to hack a cow because "it would be funny". Not for moral reasons or to pearl clutch, it's just cringey and fake edgy
No. 1436271
>>1436102I just can't unsee her content as anything but milf porn at this point. She shouldn't look like a mother of 2 in her late 30s and that's generous when she's edited and filtered her pics. Time for her to rebrand seriously. The pedo pandering is too unbelievable at this point.
>>1436159I would either tell him straight up to find a new gif and put it in the rotation or just never post uwu sad personal shit again because that is just so fucking embarrassing and even Shay has gotta be pissed when she sees that cursed gif. It's hilarious but so annoying kek he's such a cringy boomer. I guess she can't say anything that might upset him because he's her long-standing coomer. Pretty much the only one. He's been her before Womack. I doubt he even gives her money really at this point. Just has a gross wank to her free Twitter content or OF when he pulls in at a truck stop, posts a comment or monsters Inc gif, then carries on til the next stop.
No. 1436323
>>1436298The token scrotes here just can’t help outing themselves with their scrotiness
>>1436284Being suspended again might be the kick up the ass she needs to realise that this degenerate whoring is a dead end; she won’t have a platform for ebegging and providing free wank material, there’s no way she’d get by on sites that peddle imagery of financially coerced rape alone
No. 1436327
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Just like Fupa Sol will live in her head rent free for the rest of time
No. 1436333
>>1436327I hope he sees this and spergs, I hate that vile
abusive pedopandering animal fucker as much as a I hate big shaynus
No. 1436380
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No. 1436395
File: 1644181026758.jpeg (535.83 KB, 1170x1441, 8C2F1B7A-57E2-49B3-8094-02FA50…)

Sooo acting like a literal child?
No. 1436410
>>1436327He's only those things because he traded on you, when you flew out to suck his shit flavored dick he was fine though. Again men ate only bad when they aren't doing what she wants when they are they can be shit but it's okay. This is the issue with Shayna. Pick me who overlooks
problematic shit proudly, but then it's a issue when they treat her bad
No. 1436415
File: 1644182077974.jpeg (Spoiler Image,664.13 KB, 1080x2765, D85A8E9C-A2C1-4A97-ABD0-6083AC…)

Shayna is not a pedo panderer. normal men totally get off to this stuff pedophiles would vomit
No. 1436434
>>1436415Shes too ugly to pull it off, thats the argument
Shes a complete loser and will never get famous for the shit she tries to do. Girls like her are common variety whores that are forgotten passing fads
No. 1436445
>>1436327Seethe, you let him hit raw too for nothing. Kek. Dumbass.
>>1436415Yeah anon, there's nothing intrinsically pedophilic about wanting to have adults be babies for sexual roleplay. They're
adults so it doesn't matter. So what, some people roleplay as restrained toddlers getting gang raped by their family members and strangers? It's
consensual and there's no REAL children involved. It's absolutely morally sound and harmless to everyone on this planet. If you care about women larping as raped babies and child sex slaves, maybe just assess yourself and realize you're a jealous, ugly virgin who cares about other people's sex life like a
loser. t. A Sane & Normal Person
No. 1436471
>>1436193Its not even people on this site that cancel people who work with her, its other sex workers on twitter.
Yes sol wad called out and laughed at here but the backlash he got was mostly through twitter.
Can't blame us because you're a shit person and no one likes you Shay. We just talk about it in an isolated place.
No. 1436496
File: 1644187352535.jpeg (484.24 KB, 1170x1006, A9F98F04-2A00-4220-8BE7-855364…)

You have a “gf” for this Shay
No. 1436574
>>1436445No ones saying that shit is right though or wk-ing it.
we’re saying that she’s such a terrifying sight that whatever she does, ddlg, diapers, gets cancelled out because of how hideous she is. The coomers watching her see her as parody porn and you really can’t fool a dude into thinking an ugly bitch is cute.
She only does the gimmicky shit because nobody cares about her or anything she does otherwise, it gains traction to her page but those guys are there to watch her in a sadistic way because she’s a parody making a spectacle of herself.
If she dropped the ddlg nastiness what would be left
A regular hillbilly walmart mom Shayna. Nobody wants that
She needs the gimmick. Even her coomers want her dead man like look at the shit they comment, one even told her to perish. See her and the situation for what it is, not what she tries to make it look like
No. 1436599
>>1436553The artist is a French girl and a farmer, check her Instagram account
>>1436556Not only that but I love how she just
had to involve food. All her forced fantasies involve “feeding me snacks” or some other variation on shovelling calories into her fat gob
>>1436395>puddy dog eyes>poutWhen she has eyes like pissholes in the snow and no lips, kek, good one old scrote
No. 1436603
File: 1644195411458.jpeg (337.65 KB, 1242x765, A074068A-2DBC-47D5-AA29-39FD56…)

Isn’t she describing herself?
No. 1436612
File: 1644195890159.jpeg (159.44 KB, 828x576, 6487A8B5-C346-4B4B-9043-B22821…)

lmao her face indeed
No. 1436676
File: 1644202789960.jpeg (226.71 KB, 490x570, EFE37BC3-D06C-4D95-93D8-82151D…)

Does anyone know how long shes had facial paralysis? I saw her pics from around the first threads and she was able to move the other part of her face, alcohol really destroys your body god… i need to save her pictures as a warning to myself to never start drinking or doing drugs(nitpicking)
No. 1436692
>>1436686No way, I honestly think she has paralysis
Every pic of her her other part of her face isnt capable of moving
No. 1436717
>>1436676She just does two faces know, the retarded two teef bite and the troon smirk. I dont think she knows how to hold her face.
Or the lowercase o face she does, I guess she doesn't know what to do with her mouth and she thinks it looks cute. I never understand it because it just makes you focus more on her tiny crusty lips. Though, I don't know what other face she could make.
No. 1436741
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I really hate how this rancid ham hock tries to use the size of her cooch to pander to her pedo followers
No. 1436817
File: 1644222613565.jpeg (77.43 KB, 698x391, 7C741128-EE85-4F48-9419-3E65A3…)

Deleted but wasn’t she just threatening to call Sol out today
No. 1436819
File: 1644223081441.jpeg (Spoiler Image,172.23 KB, 750x1095, F0164E87-FC15-45F5-97E4-7AD949…)

She probably saw him as a threat she might lose coomers to
No. 1436826
File: 1644226266570.jpeg (Spoiler Image,417.94 KB, 828x1013, 1A8355A9-A76E-4312-B4A8-69FE36…)

What the fuck
No. 1436830
File: 1644228018521.jpeg (Spoiler Image,514.04 KB, 750x1080, BCDD79C4-6462-419C-A940-DABBD1…)

i don't see those replies did shaynus throw a fit and have them deleted?
No. 1436839
File: 1644229053846.jpeg (Spoiler Image,457.85 KB, 828x1049, 4483AE93-A73C-4C74-8E8C-D7AE7B…)

>>1436830Still there if you go to the troon’s page (
tw for gross troonery)
No. 1437049
File: 1644253989104.jpeg (350.03 KB, 1170x1148, 3891A131-2FFC-409B-8DE1-F9A7EB…)

Sure Shay
No. 1437103
File: 1644258727593.jpeg (119.8 KB, 750x460, B357F325-5C8E-4403-A470-F95D48…)

Ellen is on “vacation” to go whore herself out for someone, that’s why Shayna is being so manic
No. 1437126
>>1437117It’s true, even fupa who she
lived with didn’t take their relationship seriously and treated her like a side piece and kept her a secret for years from his friends and family, she’s just an embarrassment, even the disgusting people she gets into relationships with see that
No. 1437144
File: 1644261793626.jpeg (621.48 KB, 1242x2141, 327884A9-F1BF-4414-BBEC-F11846…)

She actually used to have a nice bf, Connor. Then she cheated on him repeatedly and cried rape when she got caught, so…yeah, she deserves her wretched “love” life.
No. 1437158
>>1437157I’m not saying she could; I’m just pointing out that she deserves zero sympathy. The one time she
did have anything good in her life, she squandered it.
No. 1437300
File: 1644274362021.jpeg (112.51 KB, 750x385, A43E6A0D-2A67-4461-9A57-62EFF3…)

She takes naps all the fucking time, you don’t “accidentally” take a nap, isn’t that what Ellen gave her that alarm clock for, so she would get off her lazy ass? What a strange way to cope with your own laziness
No. 1437337
File: 1644275898457.jpeg (92.02 KB, 962x773, C83250B8-1C25-414B-A6CD-0C39D6…)

>>1437229I’m afraid It’s the only way
No. 1437412
File: 1644281290568.jpeg (201.56 KB, 750x469, 67CB85B6-E0C9-4C77-BAC3-F06F56…)

Says the bitch who publicly calls out her coomers for the dumbest things and talks shit on other woman constantly just for likes. This has gotta be the most hypocritical thing she’s ever said
No. 1437503
>>1437406>>1437489Exactly. She’s not sexual in any shape or form. All her fantasies are just sexualized versions on how lazy she is.
Uwu curb stomp me so you can feed me chicken nuggies and walk my dog cause I’m dumb baby
No. 1437507
File: 1644288941787.jpeg (138.8 KB, 733x604, 0D74707E-476A-411B-B31A-F9E4D7…)

she's so desperate for a car lately
No. 1437514
File: 1644289743685.jpeg (254.05 KB, 828x666, D1FFC04B-33FA-44AB-9C04-FBA5D8…)

I know this milk is a few days old but also saw this comment under one the artists picture she drew of her kek
No. 1437520
File: 1644290200772.jpeg (673.34 KB, 1170x1626, 75944988-044E-474D-A008-287E61…)

Sooo people are paying $5 to have almost the same exact dick rate?
No. 1437527
File: 1644290752708.jpeg (610.51 KB, 1170x1176, BED4E48E-2149-450E-88AE-D83793…)

No. 1437567
File: 1644294119701.png (4.16 MB, 828x1792, 1418E3F3-8F72-4947-85D6-FD6838…)

The fact that I used to know her personally astonishes me, she is an awful person that uses people for her own personal good. I totally forgot she existed till she popped up in my mind the other day. Here’s my proof, if you look in the 29th thread I was the friend who got the cat.
No. 1437585
File: 1644295450064.png (223.86 KB, 530x351, 1550791733647.png)

>>1437567here's the post in question, i'm honestly surprised the "friend" was real. cute cat anon
No. 1437599
File: 1644297442601.gif (1002.18 KB, 500x206, 13A4CCAE-D9A4-46EE-861F-027D9C…)

>>1437567>she is an awful person that uses people for her own personal goodOh, tell us more
No. 1437758
>>1437608>died due to a lung inflammation thing kek>kekAre you for real? You say "kek" about your cat dying? Sounds like you care about your animals as much as Shay does.
>my ex bf and I were also the ones that built her child bed frameNo sane adult has a child's bed idk why this wasn't an immediate red flag for you.
Either this whole thing is a huge shitpost or you're just as whack as Shay is.
No. 1437822
File: 1644327077609.jpeg (Spoiler Image,884.47 KB, 814x1460, F161E7FD-B1A2-4451-BC2E-8F896D…)

She looks like a fat mom trying to be what she thinks is a “80s pornstar” look.
No. 1437978
File: 1644341594742.jpeg (792.8 KB, 1242x1647, 195A99D8-3CE8-43F5-9533-5BA62B…)

Poor cat
No. 1437980
File: 1644341684923.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.75 MB, 1242x1731, 3A6809CE-F449-4B8F-B2C1-B1BA32…)

Legit looks like a troon showing off his ballsack
No. 1438028
File: 1644344442170.jpeg (217.54 KB, 750x1547, 8B64AC44-3575-4408-803B-364F27…)

No. 1438044
File: 1644345623537.jpg (213.16 KB, 1080x666, Screenshot_20220208-183746_Twi…)

trouble in paradise?
No. 1438049
>>1438044the idea of improving looks/hygiene/personality/behavior never occurs to these people
no, I’ll just whine about why people don’t adore me
No. 1438053
>>1438044Delete twitter and self for sexualizing your nanny job to the bdsm community
>>1437978Pornyporksweats revealed the true state of her pornrotten mind while projecting delusion of her own dangling ballsacks.
No. 1438082
>>1438044And we’ll get the “she was
abusive” tweets from Shay
No. 1438105
File: 1644352574387.jpeg (520.97 KB, 1170x1333, E98F41EF-F3CE-4481-8A4D-B86640…)

Shay, all your videos are the same
No. 1438130
>>1438105every video is
>oh! (authority figure or relative) oh my god you're not supposed to see me like this oh no>what's that? you wanna stuff my holes?>shitty transitions>acts like it's disgusting OR reveals she secretly wanted it the whole time>gag on 1/6th of a small dildo >stuff it dry in her already gaped asshole>run free hand(s) over her tits or gunt>leak unidentified substances >pretend to be shook by how strong her magic wand is>something along the lines of "don't tell (wife/mom/etc) uwu">that awful eyebrow raise o face that transitions into tranny smirk and lip bite>talk about being a bimbo or slut >fake orgasm>suck dildo or just put it out of frame>something about doing it again or it being amazing>abruptly end video Literally just picture any pedo fantasy and follow that script and you've made a Shart hood classic.
No. 1438134
File: 1644354710771.png (58.87 KB, 182x231, tranny rat.png)

>>1438130>that awful eyebrow raisekek accurate, i love you nonna
No. 1438140
File: 1644355260556.jpeg (497.45 KB, 1242x1241, 91D44C17-711A-4C74-BA74-674551…)

I love how she’s more considerate to her coomers than her “girlfriend”. Misogynistic Shay.
No. 1438144
File: 1644355628442.jpeg (224.23 KB, 750x779, C204A9FC-B93B-4DAF-B4F4-FF57F5…)

This is depressing, she doesn’t want to do this anymore.
No. 1438149
File: 1644355816561.jpeg (Spoiler Image,518.65 KB, 1242x641, C2B08987-75E2-4B94-865F-7579BA…)

>>1438130It’s the same god damn storyline the same fucking setting and the same 6 outfits she owns. Literally Shayna doesn’t even make the effort to make the scenario realistic. When the caption or video is for example “step bro fucks me” barf she doesn’t even make it seem like she’s getting fucked she visibly holds the dildo with her hand and doesn’t even prop the camera to look like it’s the “brother’s” point of view. She’s a fucking retard and any one who buys her content unironically is mentally retarded as well
>caption: you stick her cock in, she gasps and smiles >her clearly holding a smelly unwashed dildo Forgot spoiler I’m sorry No. 1438152
File: 1644355905106.jpeg (421.23 KB, 1242x1110, AC53A1DD-B6A6-4676-997D-B688E2…)

Build the story line I want to a log so bad I hate this monsters inc homeless pedophile incest loving truck driving scrote with a passion
No. 1438172
File: 1644357289977.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1954x2914, 51AACE71-DA64-4811-8E8D-E864C0…)

So creative!!
No. 1438270
File: 1644364356911.jpeg (Spoiler Image,311.86 KB, 750x1003, 496D93AB-A59E-43D4-9298-20883C…)

What a lumpy bitch
No. 1438273
File: 1644364526333.jpeg (238.13 KB, 750x664, D6679F5C-2857-43BA-A85E-70778E…)

She’s so full of shit, I was waiting for what her excuse was going to be, obviously she was never actually going to get off her ass today
No. 1438276
>>1438270Not even the facetune is helping that face or gut.
>>1438273Surprise, surprise. We will get a new cam show…3 months from now. If that even lol.
No. 1438362
File: 1644370980092.jpeg (149.05 KB, 1205x1706, D51FEA8D-E970-447A-B28D-7454B3…)

Same outfit just fatter than last year
No. 1438369
File: 1644371352922.jpeg (104.51 KB, 750x477, 472D9065-0F49-4384-A5AD-9C52B9…)

>>1438044Ellen needs to stop wasting her time and money on shayna, she’s never actually going to be into her, but I guess there aren’t many other woman out there who will role play as a baby and let her insult punch and bite them
No. 1438372
File: 1644371851478.png (7.72 MB, 1242x2208, F709BC5C-C462-4AF5-99E6-43BB5C…)

So damn fugly
No. 1438373
File: 1644371879295.png (7.89 MB, 1242x2208, 98540B47-0F98-466E-97FB-DB2905…)

No. 1438375
File: 1644371940850.png (6.99 MB, 1242x2208, B9BA9485-6692-47BC-8036-1B3412…)

No. 1438377
File: 1644372184155.jpeg (666.2 KB, 2208x1243, 31F4C0E8-2B07-4DF1-BF1A-382858…)

>>1437758Pickles was very well taken care of. I spent almost 2k in one month for all the dr visits/tests/medicines so I can make a dark joke if I want. Anyways, this is another photo with her hand in it for the skeptics. Yes she did sleep on the floor on a mattress. Yes she does have an implant in her boob. When I say something off about her I mean like she tried to seem like she was amazing, successful and shit. But I saw her card get declined multiple times. I don’t think I ever saw her drink water. Her and Fupas relationship were mostly arguments about dumb shit. I had no idea these threads existed till I looked her up and confronted her about it and we got into an argument and stopped talking. She doesn’t have a true personality, she just latches onto trends and is an awkwardly/dorky person. We mostly sat in her apartment on the floor and drank/smoked but I definitely don’t have the tolerance like hers. I was only friends with her for a year. Any other questions?
No. 1438385
>>1438378She looks like a little boy in drag. Also of course she's the kind of bitch to go stare down her neighbor in a robe like a psycho cause he's cleaning. Nobody would ever ask you if it's okay for
them to clean
their shit on
their property and they especially wouldn't mention your porn. She's so annoying and full of herself for nothing. Ugliest Twitter whore to date on all counts of her looks and behavior.
No. 1438390
File: 1644373028950.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1242x1786, 945CBC71-07AB-426A-B6E7-017791…)

No. 1438395
File: 1644373208577.jpeg (729.58 KB, 1242x1508, 4786D400-51E8-4E2E-A45C-B25AF5…)

Jason R Womack and grayhair
The only two losers willing to give this ugly bitch shekels for her attention
No. 1438399
>>1438377To be honest it’s kinda difficult to believe it’s her hand. It could be anyone’s. Plenty of girls with bad taste in fake nails.
How did she tell you she had an implant? She just flat out said it? It’s just this implant thing is hard to believe and if true just shows how well is her family to pay a plastic surgery to her when she was underaged. A lot of the things this anon says are just things that are repeated constantly throughout the threads, for all I believe it could just be Shay messing with us.
No. 1438403
File: 1644373396048.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1138x1985, CF010832-38CE-4529-96E8-2C6C29…)

>>1438385Even though she was “just kidding” you can tell she’s still pissed off. It’s not the neighbor’s fault you finally decided to get off your acne covered ass to roll over and pretend to cum for your only two subscribers.
No. 1438419
File: 1644374093803.jpeg (Spoiler Image,202.26 KB, 750x1336, DE40DA5A-979C-4013-A234-D3CAF5…)

>>1438390This one isn’t any better
No. 1438426
>>1438408Well, she has nobody to talk to and the cat pic she could have kept saved. She may not say anything public to make her look bad and she hates her body and how we constantly talk about her body parts, so makes sense that because she’s spiraling in loneliness that she could come here to vent as an anon.
Goddamn you are hostile with someone just sharing their opinion like everyone else.
No. 1438428
>>1438419Maybe I’m being an autist but looking through her old IG, it looks like the exact same lipstick shade she’s been wearing since 2019.
I wouldn’t doubt it if she’s been using the same tube as well, I would think a “dolly bimbo”would use brighter shades that bring more color to her face.
No. 1438439
>>1438434This was in 2019 and honestly she could’ve lied to me too. Truly nobody will know till she says herself.
>>1438409 yes I knew what she did for a living
No. 1438447
File: 1644376971284.jpg (24.37 KB, 640x480, sean-penn.jpg)

>>1438419kek i cant unsee this nonnas
No. 1438451
>>1438443 they looked a lot less weird until she moved around, then only one bounced and the other was completely still, plus the scar was a lot more obvious back then when they were perky. its not cool she's probably embarrassed about it thats why she doesnt talk about it at all, maybe just told a friend in confidence
>>1438444 she said the veins and some other mystery health problems were from a flu shot, not the size difference
No. 1438454
File: 1644377335729.png (6.3 MB, 1242x2208, 84B84A7B-DE4B-495A-81B1-3FDAD8…)

help it’s retarded
No. 1438462
File: 1644377578919.png (5.52 MB, 1242x2208, 19EC6FBE-7699-406F-9F5E-60D350…)

Them lunch lady arms keep growing
No. 1438468
File: 1644377680674.jpeg (1 MB, 983x2093, FC4AE08A-3A40-4808-9CAC-0F7CFB…)

buck tooth barbie
No. 1438476
>>1438419Her honker has to be the worst thing on her face, this bitch really has been selling the only thing she has to offer in this world which are her genitals for the past 10 years and hasn’t been able to do a god damn thing about whatever situation is going on with her honker and entire face
Any other whore whose been doing it this long would not be in the predicament she is in. What a total nightmare it really never fails to amaze me
No. 1438477
File: 1644378074290.jpeg (913.59 KB, 3461x1547, 76CB2D9D-7829-4B3C-8BE8-D5E44A…)

>>1438472Sloppy collage but all the selfies she posted on her snap
No. 1438483
File: 1644378419015.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1194x1678, 9FBA139B-A4D6-455E-9387-B88932…)

>>1438478At least she didn’t wear the horrid pink wig. Idk why she couldn’t wear a new outfit?
No. 1438487
>>1438413fucking kek anon
>>1438454she looks like she has the proportions of a midget in this
No. 1438489
File: 1644378676444.jpeg (33.77 KB, 685x283, 20EF6544-E35D-407C-B34F-E67EE6…)

>>1438486How the fuck did this take her 26 times to film
No. 1438493
>>1438486I knew before it started playing it was gonna be some retarded 50s song. She's so predictable and has no substantial personality.
God so embarrassing when everyone on tik tok does shit like this but 10 times better and she would say it took her dozens of tries? She ought to do multiple takes on her porn vids, ya know, her job. But then what's the point when she will look like shit anyway.
No. 1438499
File: 1644379681394.jpeg (59.4 KB, 509x339, 79839276-C228-46A4-982A-2DA392…)

>>1438492Based anon. It is the same shit with the lottery and the cryptocurrency only a few people get lucky and get rich from it. The majority of people lose money trying to get wealthy. If they do win they win pennies, like our cow Shaynus here or don’t make any profit in their investments because they’re stupid.
No. 1438503
File: 1644379987275.jpeg (1.11 MB, 2805x2148, B5B924C6-1E18-42FB-B825-D06B38…)

Speaking of SHEIN I found shayna’s benfrank that comes with a plaid top for $21, of course she wore it wrong and didn’t iron it, so it looks more retarded and cheap
No. 1438546
>>1438401The fact that womack replied on both of his accounts to her pic is fucking sending me .
Does anyone else have any fucking interest in her lol
She really needs to just marry that guy he’s the best option shaynus has and it’s only going to get worse for her in terms of options
I’m pretty sure something is wrong with womack though like he definitely has autism or similair because no normal human would be into shaynus. Seriously.
No. 1438560
File: 1644383905901.jpeg (407.63 KB, 1242x1155, 23AEC742-3C21-44FC-A025-37BDDC…)

Like clock work
No. 1438562
File: 1644383953415.jpg (45.07 KB, 423x572, 20220208_231755.jpg)

>>1438378What is with the tweaker jaw look? Has she always jutted her jaw out like this when she talks?
No. 1438582
File: 1644387104716.jpeg (129.2 KB, 1157x489, 3928C121-CE10-4B11-A618-6077CA…)

Her stupid video (no one cares about) still hasn’t been posted after she kept talking about it over and over. She sucks at being a whore. She could have just not said anything and no one would care
No. 1438607
File: 1644392881851.jpeg (94.16 KB, 1222x1116, D9175957-E0B9-4543-9517-325EB5…)

All her coomers went to bed kek
No. 1438610
File: 1644393479974.jpeg (Spoiler Image,210.95 KB, 750x1336, 2A9834D0-5A8F-421F-A9C1-5B3762…)

Fucking gross. Enjoy your used butt plug I guess Womack
No. 1438618
File: 1644394994805.jpeg (72.21 KB, 704x215, 20E06FB2-685E-4A8E-9A19-A3ACB5…)

she deleted this pathetic tweet
No. 1438631
>>1438377So… You have 0 pics together with someone you hung out with on the regular, so much that you even drove her to get her dog?
And… It's just coincidence that you hit on the stuff people sperg about:
>Yes she does have an implant in her boob.>I don’t think I ever saw her drink water. >FupaAlso
>dorkyShe uses this word to describe herself a lot. Don't think anyone else would ever call her that.
Sorry but I call bullshit lol. If you were such good friends you'd have pics together and since you know him IRL you would not have called him "Fupa".
Try harder.
No. 1438632
>>1438607Gotta get up early for the senior special at country kitchen buffet
No. 1438640
>>1438633You sound like one of those "violent video games create murderers" moms.
People can do shit as teens and young adults that don't filter into their real world adult lives and smoking pot wasn't exactly "deviant" behavior.
She got into sex word because at the time of her tumblr fame she saw it as easy money. She continues out of spite and stubbornness, nothing more.
No. 1438688
>>1438646It depends on the person and how impressionable they are. But Shay wasn't dragged into this, she had a lick of fame from smoking pot publicly on tumblr and saw the new rage of sex work as an easy way to cash in on her small scale e-fame.
Shay is academically dumb, but she is cunning and manipulative, well enough that she was able to see an easy "in" to what she assumed would be easy money with an established following.
It's nothing to do with her being groomed or heavily influenced by the dashboard, she used her head to try make a quick buck and it went painfully wrong for her.
Now she's too deep in the hole and too stubborn to give up.
No. 1438709
>>1436553Unless im mistaken, you’ve got the wrong person.
I know the artist, she shared progress pics with me. Met her through cc. They deff meant Lc as lolcow and even tagged some which was kinda an autist move but theyre a self admitted autist so…
No. 1438883
>>1438384Yes she’s literally told multiple people/cows she told me when I was “friends” with her in snap b4 she went psycho bc of fupapa and accused me of contributing kek- it’s called
Micromastia And or breast aplasia there’s literally a tiktok model that refused the implant as a teen (which is usually how they fix it) and it’s actually a semi common condition that can happen Bc if genetics where one breast is obviously underdeveloped for whatever reason.
No. 1438943
File: 1644436663060.jpeg (269.76 KB, 750x690, 5CC47EE4-6396-48B3-A010-F30095…)

Someone has kind of a stinky attitude. Wonder why she isn’t more success. Maybe if she didn’t use Twitter as her personal diary for every rude thought people would be more willing to spend money on her.
>>1437412 No. 1438949
>>1438943the business sense is off the charts here
coffee is for closers, Shayna
No. 1438974
File: 1644438653474.png (620.88 KB, 720x720, 1638240015245.png)

>>1438883It's been talked about since before she got fat and her floppy natural tit became so noticeably different from her implant tit. Other random former friends have confirmed it too. I don't know why anyone finds it hard to believe when it's so obvious when it's flopping all over the place and the other one is relatively immobile compared to it. (Her implant scar is the bottom pic.)
(titpicking) No. 1438998
File: 1644440271803.jpg (80.96 KB, 800x450, df109202-f5dd-45a1-99b4-f10939…)

>>1438974>>1438977>>1438981Mod confirmed to have floppy tits
(derailing) No. 1439088
>>1439027I think it's the perspective. She's leaning her lower half away from the camera which makes her gunt and thighs look smaller. Here
>>1438462 her arms look bigger than her legs.
No. 1439110
File: 1644447165290.jpeg (Spoiler Image,221.18 KB, 750x1292, 20825919-8B68-4678-A4E9-3C8A7F…)

Nothing milky about her new video, same boring shit as ever, gags on an inch of dildo and then fucks herself. honestly impressed she managed to make a video with no references to children, incest, rape or piss in it.
No. 1439122
File: 1644447599065.jpeg (Spoiler Image,276.09 KB, 750x668, DB93249F-2747-4942-9B73-0F0EB0…)

>>1439116No the actual thumbnail makes her look just as retarded
No. 1439145
File: 1644449237750.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20220209-152420.png)

>>1439110Went to look at the page and holy shit this is depressing lol
No. 1439185
File: 1644452275076.png (371.51 KB, 1080x1534, charity work.png)

No. 1439201
File: 1644453634378.jpeg (163.62 KB, 750x516, B618269B-A111-42AD-B42A-C56A0F…)

>>1439185She’s gonna waste it so fast
No. 1439219
File: 1644455889664.jpeg (202.28 KB, 750x727, 02C3A8F1-2FB6-4DEC-B958-6F6F44…)

I cannot believe she wants to work with another photographer after the last absolute disaster
No. 1439226
File: 1644456378078.jpeg (Spoiler Image,784.14 KB, 991x1300, 719B83E7-308D-4D65-97DF-A7463B…)

>>1439110Her fucking wonky boobs my sides
No. 1439232
File: 1644456785930.jpeg (249.84 KB, 1177x1242, 520B7730-1EF2-46C5-B688-04DD41…)

Why does she blink one eye at a time?
No. 1439267
>>1439250She's absolutely riding the high of a large amount of money being dropped into her lap and she's gonna burn through it before the weekend and then will crash and be broke and depressed again.
Womack definitely got his tax return or some shit. Incredible though. Imagine sending a crusty boring whore 1k when you could do literally anything else. Like ffs go to the strip club at least or something where you actually get something in return.
No. 1439269
File: 1644459856239.gif (497.36 KB, 400x284, 7967C40D-C34A-4EF5-A317-710D41…)

>>1439232she looks like a tim and eric character here
No. 1439271
>>1439145I know we say her porn is the same all the time. But jfc. Same wand and dildo and always that fucking position. I don't get why as a coomer you would by more than one of her vids. There's no point.
I think you could count on one hand her fuck machine videos. She is always on her back doing the same thing. How does she not see how repetitive and lazy her content is? Or she does and doesn't care because she's so lazy. Idk I've seen some of the other girls on mv and they have variety. Yeah they have a couple fetishes they focus on, but they have different toys, different settings based on the scenarios, etc.
No. 1439326
File: 1644468051888.jpeg (Spoiler Image,188.1 KB, 1239x690, 72E61C56-F441-4BEA-8A27-87DF6F…)

Serving Debby Ryan Radio Rebel realness
No. 1439353
>>1439314I was reading over the first thread since we just hit 100 and there's pics of her driving there.
>>357700Apparently she used to have a car too? It's pretty sad to scroll through the old pics and see how much more alive she looked. She even had friends in some of them.
No. 1439358
File: 1644473889898.jpeg (Spoiler Image,360.27 KB, 1789x2044, C171216C-D3F4-499C-AAF0-3CC94C…)

No. 1439369
File: 1644475275856.jpeg (569.18 KB, 1242x688, 0D9F5C46-156B-4347-B16C-1DF0CE…)

Idk why she didn’t cut this part out of her getting up. It goes by fast but she looks fucking stupid if you freeze this frame No. 1439412
>>1439377Silicone is gross and smells weird and I imagine tastes weird. I’d probably gag too. But really I think she just has an awful gag reflex.
>>1439328Idk why nonnies think she’s lost weight. If anything she looks fatter.
>>1439324How are men’s standards so low. At this point I think they just get off on the humiliation. No way anyone is aroused by this.
No. 1439442
File: 1644488420413.jpeg (20.87 KB, 696x126, FD226393-3596-4D29-84D3-10B3F2…)

she brings up her family so much on her sex work twitter account. i know this one is pretty tame compared to others she's posted. she deleted this tweet too btw
No. 1439558
>>1439536>she saw it as easy money>continues out of spite and stubbornnessBeing young is equal to being stupid and thinking you know better. Sadly, adulthood hasn't changed her. She wasn't groomed into it, she
found it all by herself and pursued it because she assumed it would be easy as she already had a following.
Read and think better
nonnie. Shay wasn't some groomed and abused kid. She was just fucking dumb (and still is).
No. 1439578
>>1439558I hate Shayna too; it doesn’t make my hate any less justified to admit that she was groomed by tumblr sex work propaganda. Because Shayna wouldn’t have seen sex work as a logical next step to fame if she wasn’t brainwashed by tumblr. Any sensible stoner blog would have used their clout to get brand deals and sponsorships. Shay even said she wanted to do music. What she’s not, is, a mindbroken sexually abused
victim who is incapable of choosing a different life at any time! Because she can.
>>1438640Video games can in fact create
toxic environments in which violent personality is fostered idiot. Although it is almost exclusive to the defective Y chromosome. Violent media, including sexual violence, do in fact serve as inspiration for psychos to explore and indulge in their fantasies. And they absolutely do alter smooth brains of teens. In the case of Shayna, she destroyed any semblance of healthy sexuality for herself, such many many many cases.
I wish we would grow out of such reductive psyop where “hurrr I’m so intelligent that nothing I consume can have an impact on my psyche.” Just look at how many seemingly normal people go full schizo because they had access to facebook. What makes someone a full cow is their inability to introspect after the fact and change.
No. 1439628
>>1439558I love how most farmers think adult men interacting sexually with children is a crime punishable by death, yet when it happens to someone you don't like "they should have known better", "they weren't groomed, they enjoyed it and brought it on themselves", and "it has the same effect on them as playing videogames!!".
Of course she's dumb, no one is debating that. I also think children don't deserve to be groomed into making porn at age 15 even if they're "dumb". And I think when a 15 year old makes child sex abuse material for an adult it's a crime and a really fucking sad and awful thing to happen to them. But I respect that you think a child is capable of consenting to being a sex object without being groomed and that experience won't have any effect on them as an adult, I hope one day I can "read and think better" enough to come to the same conclusions as you.
No. 1439648
File: 1644510011901.jpg (311.42 KB, 1080x1216, Screenshot_20220210-101940_Chr…)

No. 1439718
File: 1644512752842.jpeg (525.09 KB, 1170x1425, AE45F8DC-104A-4458-AD23-06CBB7…)

Of course you will Womack
No. 1439821
File: 1644516717471.jpeg (340.13 KB, 1170x1010, 70862CD7-F4A3-456A-B166-5C0288…)

Why is she now taking concern over this?
No. 1439846
File: 1644517965064.gif (19.24 MB, 600x427, ezgif-2-e93bc574c7.gif)

>>1439831I mean she does have one IIRC.
No. 1439866
File: 1644518617936.jpeg (Spoiler Image,91.11 KB, 750x981, A17CB9D8-54A1-4CFC-99D7-1605C8…)

I don’t think she can be more of an idiot. The cheapest plan is around 150$ per month, is it really worth the money she loses from reuploads? It won’t even cover it!! Maybe if you’re successful but she’s nowhere close. Lmao
No. 1439906
>>1439866Not to mention, reuploads on other porn sites is advertisement for a nobody like her. She's not even losing any revenue to begin with because ain't nobody buying her shit in the first place kek.
Not a single business bone in her body.
No. 1439918
>>1439227Bed frames can only hold so much weight kek
>>1439900I think it’s because in the case of this particular cow, besides Womack, grayhair, and maybe Ellen, we’re her only company. The loneliness would really smack her in the face if this site went down tomorrow
No. 1439976
>>1439718Is she stupid enough to think that Russian sites hosting OF content for free are going to give a single fuck about this? The fact that these sites exist already proves that they don't.
>>1439866To even pay for this she needs 56 coomers to subscribe to her OF.
No. 1439992
File: 1644526047629.jpeg (903.43 KB, 1242x1593, B8EACA1B-F1F7-4608-92F1-4B5F90…)

I can’t stand this pedo bitch
No. 1440004
>>1439927Yup and this is why she doesn’t cam anymore and procrastinates from doing it when she does tweet out that she’s thinking about camming again. The few times she does, she always says something like, “I want to give a quick ‘hi’ to my haters. I know you’re in here.” Besides the one or two coomer stragglers she gets before they don’t tip and leave, she knows we’re the
only ones in there watching her.
No. 1440176
>>1439821She's just going to get links from here, I think I found ONE place that had scrotes stealing her content and I think that was when she was thin and I wouldn't know or want to find it again.
In fact, I don't think even if I looked I'd find scrotes passing her shit around.
No. 1440195
File: 1644540568740.jpeg (177.2 KB, 750x610, 3944C2BF-9E02-4700-BFE1-35CC81…)

Normal girls her age have friends that get their nails done and talk about guys with, Shayna only has that fat old man bluefrodo1 who likes getting his balls stepped on
No. 1440206
>>1440194She talks shit all the time - hence why we all know how ugly she is both inside (metaphor and physical) and out.
Cope more ham hock - squealing about it on twitter makes you even uglier.
No. 1440479
>>1439821It has to be the latest retarded ass dildo sucking pic that
triggered her lol
No. 1440674
>>1440521>>1440430Seriously. I love her art, it’s actually too good for Shaynus
>>1440232I fucking hate scrotes so much and this thread really amplifies that hatred
>>1440655Anon please.
No. 1440731
File: 1644604922641.jpeg (Spoiler Image,427.54 KB, 750x995, 9B8D746A-1CDE-4F8C-89AF-A3AF62…)

She’s real paranoid about her content being stolen all of a sudden look at that watermark. I hope this photographer does her dirty by showing her true form with the unedited shots like the last one
No. 1440732
>>1440731Starting to kinda see what facial-paralysis-chan is talking about here… she’s doing it in ALL THREE PICS.
Also she looks fucking shitfaced lol.
No. 1440843
File: 1644611861192.jpeg (257.4 KB, 750x607, 06662008-487B-4107-88AD-A726B3…)

So this only occurs to her after losing every contest she’s ever entered? Let it go, you made the choice to make Womack waste all that money on votes on a contest you never had a chance to win
No. 1440876
File: 1644613096306.jpeg (341 KB, 1242x756, AB310DDE-272B-47FD-AE37-51F20B…)

Maybe the nausea will make you avoid eating so much and spending all your pennies on doordash fat bitch
No. 1440884
File: 1644613372778.jpeg (171.9 KB, 750x632, 0A250148-3D85-4815-9302-D579A4…)

No. 1440900
>>1440886>>1440876I wish finance
nonnie was still around so we had some track how much an ungodly amount is
No. 1440912
>>1440884lol, there's no way they would take an interest in her.
( I hate that I had to look up what BangBros was)
No. 1440977
>>1439846>>1440929New thread pic votes already
>>1440876Who would have thought being dependent on rec weed that's treated with pesticides and poorly cured would give you recurring gastrointestinal issues. Doubt she'll stop though. If she's doing ungodly amounts of dabs and smoking too, then her tolerance is fucked and it will be that much harder to quit. The lethargy and cravings will get to her after a day. She has no will power, no way she could ever even cut back.
No. 1441041
>>1441035She spent Halloween with him rolling around naked on her floor
>>>/snow/1359202 she truly has no friends, no else would want to go get their nails done with her so she has to hang out with coomers
No. 1441043
>>1440929Cursed. And hilarious.
>>1440876>I think Yea and that’s where all her ideas go to die. Must have blown through that 1200 tip and now she’s like oh now I have nothing for weed.
No. 1441074
File: 1644624229455.jpeg (130.37 KB, 750x1137, 5D29972A-E364-4B69-A0D2-AC9206…)

She deleted both of these
No. 1441080
>>1440922bless you
nonnie!! yeah I think the donations would be funny as well. I doubt she got much
No. 1441084
File: 1644625001218.jpg (986.63 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220211-181602_Fac…)

No. 1441127
>>1441084Please go back to whence you came
>>1441095Anyone who uses that font needs to be permabanned from smartphone/internet use forever
>>1441049The desperation of these two hideous, obese pedos gives me such enormous second hand embarrassment
>>1440929This so cursed and I am ugly-snort-laughing, topkek nona
No. 1441191
>>1441190I wish I knew
>>1440935 because if 3 dabs is "good" then she must be going through a shitton of shatter.
No. 1441257
File: 1644648069074.jpeg (239.14 KB, 750x786, 4BC106DD-5748-4218-9144-4FB781…)

this makes me sick. she's such a pedo freak.
No. 1441572
File: 1644683813815.gif (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 523x717,

Sage for complete autism but I don't understand why she doesn't do any shooping like most cam sluts. Sure her coomers will see much what she really looks like in her videos and streaming, although she could hide a lot of her imperfections even then with flattering lingerie and good styling, but it's about the psychological imprint of seeing a shooped advertising image. They will still be convinced that they are looking at a more attractive woman because the edited images will leave a lasting impression. Celebrities do it all the time, despite us seeing what they really look like on live TV or whatever or in paparazzi shots. When you visualize Madonna for example, chances are you don't see an old hag in your mind's eye, despite tonnes of visual evidence that she just looks like an old lady in her day to day life.(spoiler)
No. 1441656
File: 1644689971446.jpeg (227.31 KB, 750x837, 06446C39-E607-481D-A89F-3723B4…)

No. 1441668
File: 1644691628849.jpeg (254.73 KB, 750x1500, 273FA7B2-A937-4DF6-A2D2-3B070A…)

>>1441656She’s going to this event, I remembered seeing it in her likes and thinking it was weird. Satanatrix is friends with Ellen, “the old man”, “slave dad” and lovinglyhandmade, Seattle’s hottest kinksters, what a sight that will be
No. 1441688
File: 1644692906135.jpg (62.84 KB, 500x625, 32c8ef80d3ed882f1c4bf4767fd0b8…)

>>1441572Yknow the funny part is that young Madonna had a similar nose like Shat and lacked several teeth kek
No. 1441852
File: 1644709727618.jpeg (452.24 KB, 1536x2048, 679DFD39-7515-41AE-A225-17FF71…)

This is the outfit she’s going with for the party apparently, miss matched pinks, boots squeezing the life out of her legs and no underwear
No. 1441898
Shayna will be chained to snack platters until they call her in to be the fat punching bag.
>>1441882God no, especially not Seattle kinksters. They're all fucking disgusting and rapey. Orgies are for old, frumpy porn/drug addicts who want to know what it feels like to be wanted by someone other than their buttfuck ugly cuck partner for a night. That shit is gonna look like one heaving, pallid mass of boil and liver spot ridden flesh.
No. 1441905
>>1441855I bet she’s going to be disgusting and not use any protection. Hope she catches something from these freaks.
Can’t wait for “pay for my gonorrhoea medications please”
No. 1441920
>>1441905Unfortunately for your wish in these parties people are actually very strict when it comes to wear protection. Swingers, BDSM people etc only really do unprotected with their partner(s).
Shayna is safe for tonight at least, better yet people around her are safe from whatever she got from Oklahoma lol
No. 1441921
File: 1644717707241.jpeg (308.65 KB, 1242x1015, 73D065F7-140F-4F42-9CC5-E4137E…)

No. 1441925
File: 1644717951878.jpeg (148.58 KB, 750x523, A9E36D0D-5B94-4B36-9C9C-7AEBAB…)

And what does she have to show for it? She can’t even afford to feed her weed addiction anymore
No. 1441969
File: 1644722734133.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1136x1225, F883E11A-2B8B-42F1-9D8D-B5AEE7…)

>>1441668Seattle’s hottest kinksters kek
No. 1441974
>>1441852Lol she must have got her ugly ass nails done again.. WHY
>>1441898This is honestly I feel most BDSM scenes. It’s all ugly, old, fat married couples. Truly vile nasty people.
No. 1441992
File: 1644725668438.jpeg (284.07 KB, 769x1024, 79D6803A-CEAA-48A5-94C8-10D9FA…)

>>1441969You forgot lovinglyhandmade
No. 1441995
File: 1644725750328.jpg (90.09 KB, 1023x713, ohhellno.jpg)

>>1441858tf? Is that what that random hot pink nail is?! It looks out of place on hotdog hands. doesnt even coordinate
No. 1442422
File: 1644789828945.jpeg (295.47 KB, 1208x945, 39F3F5C5-541B-4EAC-A336-FC470E…)

I’m surprised this white trash inbred hick retard named Jason R Womack knows what menudo is
Also alcohol is worse than weed Shayna, you’re a retard
No. 1442652
>>1442422He clearly knows nothing about her because Shayna is absolutely the type of close-minded uncultured white trash to look at menudo and say "ew".
Only greasy hamburgers and pizza for this fat bitch.
No. 1442873
>>1442652True, I've never seen this fatty eat Mexican food.
>>1442863Kek she'd spit it out then get Panera on Doordash
No. 1442878
>>1442422It's never been confirmed that fan account is Womack, right? I can't remember seeing proof, but these threads move fast so maybe I missed it?
I never bought it was him. I know SW anons ITT think Shat can't get fans, but there's so many gross people out there. The diction used is usually too high-level compared to his comments. He wouldn't know menudo. The way they respond often seems somewhat feminine, caring and not like a coomer. The account started around the OK to WA transition, I just assumed it was Ellen (and sometimes Shay herself) trying to hype Shay up and create some buzz so she'd make more porn and money for the polycule.
No. 1442930
File: 1644858957645.jpeg (309 KB, 1170x697, 52B03A58-859E-4375-8E53-7C56AB…)

Apparently Shay went to the party without Ellen. Wonder if she went with one of her “dads”
No. 1442941
File: 1644859594199.jpeg (Spoiler Image,276.78 KB, 750x622, C57BEA27-C1F9-48A0-B1EA-E9A5DA…)

>>1442930She obviously went with “Slave Dad,” the host of the party is his domme and Shayna was hanging out with him the day before. He even liked Ellen’s reply there
No. 1443091
File: 1644871402395.jpeg (260.9 KB, 750x767, 0A01E3DD-6063-47A0-826C-18B4EF…)

No. 1443119
File: 1644873338961.png (Spoiler Image,601.49 KB, 624x924, shanus.png)

i'm drunk happy valentines shaynus, my shit art is the most thoughtful gift you're getting
No. 1443245
File: 1644882351595.jpeg (164.23 KB, 750x420, 3B0DBCD6-3128-45B6-A7D0-842146…)

You wish, pretty sure he doesn’t give a fuck about you and has moved on with a prettier girl he isn’t afraid to show off, unlike you
No. 1443258
>>1443245Oh shut the fuck up. You don't want to innocently check and ~see if he's okay and happy~, you want to
trigger yourself over an ugly chode that lives thousands of miles away and wants absolutely nothing to do with you. Girl, didn't you just get a bunch of money? At least cope with retail therapy instead of getting yourself angry. Shayna hates lolcow but she does the same shit with Fupa.
No. 1443289
>>1443245So she's dating two people get on valentine's day she wants to check in on fupa? More like she wants to see what he's doing for whoever he's seeing and she's obviously still in love with him. BTW Shayna you just accused him of being
No. 1443297
File: 1644886201549.jpeg (306.52 KB, 731x750, 0556CCA8-17C3-42FD-A1F4-E71519…)

>>1443271sorry it didn't post my pic. the last one is so barf
No. 1443299
File: 1644886319469.png (44.67 KB, 502x373, 2 fupas dont mix.png)

>>1443245he don't want you, piss drinker
No. 1443305
File: 1644886947774.jpeg (269.07 KB, 1080x2118, B6B39E01-FB37-4BC9-B325-2C39F9…)

The state of her sheets
No. 1443377
File: 1644893081601.jpeg (Spoiler Image,342.95 KB, 750x941, F6D47093-F768-482A-A468-CB6D8D…)

What kind of self own is this post
No. 1443404
File: 1644896973713.jpeg (626.17 KB, 750x1086, 844EA8D9-3725-47A9-A936-B832D3…)

>>1443399Depends on your definition of normal I mean her Facebook cover photo is fupa choking her in a Walmart. He’s still trashy as fuck but he’s happy and that makes Shayna seethe. Plus she’s prettier then Shay
No. 1443506
File: 1644905103470.jpeg (219.86 KB, 750x806, E7DE88AC-5507-4FE1-B860-721103…)

she's seething "best valentine's day i've had in years"
No. 1443533
File: 1644909580686.jpeg (120.88 KB, 750x575, 4F5A0D4C-D72C-4CFA-9261-7AF988…)

No. 1443833
File: 1644938830740.jpeg (Spoiler Image,818.75 KB, 1242x1426, 43896F0D-59AA-4C77-9C5D-AF55DE…)

She has a huge honker damn even the filter can’t help
No. 1444007
>>1443940She is very clearly fatter than Shay but okay.
>>1443987Gas station snacks and pink wine. He probably spends 20 bucks on her every couple of weeks. It's really sad.
No. 1444028
>>1443940Does it matter? Both shat and fupapas new
victim are fat, ugly and have very Lowe self esteem
No. 1444039
>>1444037I was gonna post it in the tinfoil thread it’s from r/elsagate.
Anyways yeah Fupa is gross he used to get off to shayna in pacifiers and diapers and now he’s just a nice family man ..? Doesn’t this bother anyone else?
No. 1444117
>>1444041>>1444115Well anons above are like “he’s with a normal girl who totally mogs shayna”
>>1443940>>1443404>>1443299as if it’s not some other target for him, he’s disgusting.
“Muh blended family” that fucker should not be within 30 feet of any children
Also I forgot to sage cause I kept reposting cause of the stupid crashing table_m nonsense… I am not a newfag.
(fupa posting is irrelevant) No. 1444122
File: 1644961837522.jpeg (166.25 KB, 750x530, B5C84DF3-C9F9-4167-984F-2EC389…)

she tries to make her vague sad posting sexual it’s so strange
No. 1444146
>>1444122this is what happens when you don’t have friends, you try to use your business account for asspats
stupid plasticandproud/scorpioassheaux does the same
which honestly shows how dumb their “sex work is real work” stance is; imagine a diner putting up a sign that says ANGSTY ABOUT MY BREAKUP cheeseburger special $7.99 REALLY VERY UPSET ABOUT THE BREAKUP THOUGH
No. 1444179
File: 1644966659231.jpeg (161.21 KB, 750x430, 0348CC4F-CF0E-47D6-A913-11FC26…)

No. 1444192
>>1444179Kek - she can’t even fit in the dog cage anymore, let alone a playpen. It’s disgusting that she talks about squeezing herself into an item meant for infants.
You know what else makes you feel ‘smol’ - losing some fucking weight porky.
No. 1444197
File: 1644968492783.jpeg (2.17 MB, 1242x1562, 123482F1-F00C-4FF0-AEA2-2DBFAB…)

>>1444192Fr kek bitch is big
No. 1444200
File: 1644968778948.jpeg (83 KB, 750x745, AB2BE073-D620-4BB5-9B7D-A8F2FD…)

just @ her Shay
No. 1444283
>>1444265I think it’s a good idea, Shay speak is confusing and I explain it often. Whoever makes the next thread free to copy and edit this if you like
Other relationships:
>“The Dad”= the 45 year old mystery man she’s “dating,” met him on seeking arrangements, ex sugar daddy turned boyfriend >”Slave Dad”= David, @bluefrodo1 on Twitter, submissive masochist “slave” of Shay’s, builder of her ikea furniture, participated in a video getting smacked around for Shay’s OF>”The Old Man”= Max R Cameron, @maxrcameron on Twitter, married poly “bdsm coach,” has the dungeon in his house, ousted as an abuser in the Seattle kink scene No. 1444290
File: 1644977306516.jpg (Spoiler Image,384.84 KB, 1575x2048, 20220216_020638.jpg)

She's STILL posting pictures from this set. The lazy cow.
Only posting cos the watermark on her saggy tit did give me a small kek.
No. 1444336
File: 1644980729719.jpeg (236.9 KB, 750x1039, 3EE34AC8-FFC8-4970-AD0A-BC683D…)

No. 1444348
File: 1644982335137.jpeg (204.51 KB, 1202x719, 54AFD874-0FBD-48E9-982A-A9047B…)

Of course grayhair has to defend and kiss the pimples on Shayna’s cratered ass
No. 1444349
File: 1644982511632.jpeg (244.32 KB, 1064x1474, 730BF7CE-86B0-4AC5-A889-26C1AD…)

God will she ever drop the pedo shit? Is she going to be 35 making abdl content?!!
No. 1444850
File: 1645036630966.jpeg (130.87 KB, 750x1014, 929987A6-8367-41FD-A905-493002…)

This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.
No. 1444857
File: 1645037119343.jpeg (Spoiler Image,443.08 KB, 1080x1773, 6EDDAF4A-E52C-4A46-9305-E5BF09…)

She’s so got some weird stretch marks going on near her vag
No. 1444875
>>1444850>live tweets her whole life>those live tweets often have>”I want to be a bimbo baby who is always horny”>”I just want someone to tell me that I’m too little to drink/think/use my phone”>”I just want someone to be my dom 24/7”Where’s the line between fantasy and her pathetic desires? Because it honestly always sounds like she wants to have a degenerate life 24/7 and not like she wants to do disgusting shit in bed and then go to work at some 9 to 5 job.
JFC she’s so fucking pathetic.
No. 1444981
File: 1645048868970.jpg (73.31 KB, 1080x443, Screenshot_2022-02-16-21-58-03…)

Yikes. How sad and for god's sake shay don't encourage them. It's not flattering, it's creepy
Also let's not forget dudes will also do it as a cruel joke too.
No. 1444998
File: 1645050701479.jpeg (147.02 KB, 750x437, EEA56503-86DD-4762-8A01-CDF461…)

Guess her and Ellen worked it out, now we can get more “mumma said a quirky one liner asghdhfjfdhgsfs”
No. 1445020
File: 1645054218501.jpeg (776.73 KB, 1170x1992, 56242565-9457-4D7A-8F35-E7640D…)

No. 1445021
File: 1645054261349.jpeg (657.26 KB, 1170x1574, FCCB65E6-2611-47B5-8CEE-44861A…)

Greyhair absolutely vile
No. 1445047
>>1445021>Dildo, I guessTop kek.
The fact a sex worker has to be recommended to use a dildo.
No. 1445203
>>1445031One time she claimed someone yelled “dolly!” from their car as she was walking.
I’m sure from far away she looks like a cheap whore and men have no standards. It’s not an impossible story but knowing her it didn’t happen. Women get whistled at, hollered at, hey baby’d all the time and you don’t see them bragging about it. It’s gross and demeaning and dangerous to encourage or acknowledge it.
>>1444981The way she wrote this makes it sound fake. Shay doesn’t walk anywhere and she would have posted said outfit that made her look good enough to get hollered at.
No. 1445226
>>1445203She lives within 2 blocks of 3 coffee shops, so it is feasible that she would walk to get coffee.
Men will holler if your outfit is “suggestive”, regardless of your appearance, so I imagine she did get coffee and was thrilled by some type of attention on the way
No. 1445340
>>1445203>made her look good enough to get hollered atit’s pickme comments like this that foster the myth that women should find street harassment “flattering”
but seriously, she probably goes around looking drunk and literally retarded, so she seems like an easy mark to creepers
No. 1445346
>>1444850It's kinda surprising to see a take like this coming from a "~sex worker" though. It usually seems to be a big no-no among kinkfags to even slightly question whether having misogynistic and violent kinks could indeed mirror someone's actual views. To them there's absolutely nothing questionable, dangerous or harmful about men getting pleasure from hitting women as long as they just remember to hide behind the "consenting adults" shield, and only a judgmental kinkshamer would dare to suggest that "consent" doesn't magically cancel out misogyny.
I'm kinda hoping she'll be able to rub her remaining alcohol saturated braincells together just a little bit harder, she was so close. I doubt it'll happen though, as long as she's surrounded by that ~sexposi empowered sex worker uwu bullshit it'll just snuff out any faint spark of enlightenment she might have and drag her right back into the "it's fine if they consent" pit
No. 1445534
File: 1645127017926.jpeg (355.98 KB, 1170x818, 12A4A45B-CB12-48BA-A427-E0A5D2…)

No. 1445591
File: 1645130572991.jpeg (235.37 KB, 828x930, E4AE071A-2E81-404D-824D-FF2315…)

Kek this is the grossest little poly group/circle ever I swear. Just a bunch of people nobody wants to fuck/see naked. Sounds about right for kinksters
No. 1445654
File: 1645135241512.jpeg (176.93 KB, 1170x733, B332AB2D-7B67-4696-B9F7-8F5DE5…)

Didn’t she just get new controllers and a pro controller?
No. 1445732
File: 1645140298186.jpeg (332.56 KB, 750x701, 68536F2D-9B0B-4C6C-9454-D6C83A…)

Gotta make sure they know she’s not like other girls. Her life is so boring and depressing that the most mundane shit is “cool and fun” to her. She needs to get out more often
No. 1445757
>>1445732This is just normal shit young adults do.
Mailing packages, going to the record store, getting a drink at a bar. How is mailing discharge covered underwear “fun n exciting”
No. 1445793
File: 1645144493777.jpeg (139.91 KB, 750x1123, EA709606-133C-4776-B80F-5E7801…)

Shayna: wants men to degrade her, call her stupid, beat and humiliated her, puts herself in degrading situations for men everyday
Also Shayna: why are ppl degrading sex workers?
No. 1445882
File: 1645152351979.jpeg (438 KB, 1170x1237, 28D931CD-D52F-411A-AC1C-26790E…)

Lovely, can’t wait to see her squeeze herself into another one
No. 1445966
File: 1645159731641.png (8.91 MB, 1242x2208, C01A21A3-B895-4DDE-820B-1A73CD…)

Shaynus posted this on her Instagram
No. 1446019
File: 1645167344161.jpeg (189.75 KB, 750x717, 15821430-7DF9-4066-81B4-64DFA0…)

get her ass kev
No. 1446043
>>1446022I don’t think it’s that she doesn’t like it. The problem is that she does like it but she doesn’t have the face or body for it and the pedo coomers who like that shit would rather give their money to the girls who do. All this nympho teen girl chasing older men type fantasies she keeps playing out in her videos over and over is like watching her trying to squeeze herself into a pair of pants that are never gonna fit her. She doesn’t even have to pretend to be a MILF or a cougar or whatever like people have been saying lately, she’s only 25 or something, right? If she just dropped the little girl thing and the bimbo thing and just made regular porn videos then maybe she’d have more success. Or keep doing what she’s doing and lose 100 pounds, that might work. But there’s already too much pedopandering porn in the world.
Sage for autism.
No. 1446136
>>1445793It's the libfem delusion. They think that their self-degradation is empowering as long as they say it's a choice.
They'll put male validation first and pretend that it's empowering because they said it is. Pathetic.
No. 1446280
>>1446212There are always anachans on this thread and I swear they come here to use shatna as some kind of reverse thinspiration.
I think shatna's body is definitely scarier for the average anachan than someone who is extremely obese because it's far more average and commonplace.
Most women could end up looking like Shatna if they eat a few 100 extra calories a day. This is a terrifying thought for someone who is struggling with an eating disorder.
No. 1446287
>>1446282Most women are not dramatically curvy, though. Shatna's body type is actually more average for a white woman than someone who has an hourglass figure. That's why women who are more bottom heavy need to buy curvy jeans for them to fit.
I don't understand this obsession that people have with thick thighs and a fat ass. I'm not saying these things are bad, but it's a recent thing and I don't remember it when I was growing up.
I think she looked good when she was fit.
No. 1446328
>>1446287The point anon was making is her shape makes her look bigger to some then she is. There's tons of women her weight who carry it differently. Shay isn't obese she's just average chubby, but she has thick thighs, a flat ass and wide back. It happens. Difference is she's a sex worker claiming to be a small barbie bimbo and flaunting her body about. Plus it's not just the weight gain but it's the way she gained weight that is unfortunate for someone with her persona.
In all reality Shayna is average. Doesn't stand out, just any girl at Walmart on any day
No. 1446361
File: 1645211169234.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.36 KB, 512x384, MV5BMjFmODZlOTctNGZiYy00MDE5LW…)

>>1445985>>1445982I don't know how to describe it but I think I know exactly what
nonnie means and I burst out laughing. It's like this dude from unfunny old MAD TV sketches. She always looks like parody when she tries the flirty thing.
No. 1446396
>>1446287you’re right, im not from the USA so maybe thats why im used to women with beautiful bodies and no whities fridge-like, and you know, you can have a waist and not being thick. sorry if u got offended nonni
repost i forgot to sage
No. 1446412
File: 1645215102632.jpeg (882.7 KB, 958x1719, BA5FA1F8-8620-4BA8-B2CA-55DCB1…)

>>1445966Lol the comedian farting thing has me dying
No. 1446415
>>1446396There is nothing healthy about being overweight. It doesn't matter if you have a fat ass and a smaller waist in comparison. You are still eating badly and have unhealthy habits just like anyone else of the same weight. As soon as you hit menopause the fat will migrate to your waist and stomach anyhow and that's when women get all the related health problems like heart disease and diabetes.
Just because you think you won the genetic lottery it's not an excuse to be fat.
If you want to live a long life without constant doctor's visits after 50 I suggest you change your lifestyle.
No. 1446499
File: 1645224353727.png (483.91 KB, 601x614, Capture.PNG)

Obligations like losing that belly and having a wash, I presume.
No. 1446554
File: 1645228342082.jpeg (495.92 KB, 750x949, 8E6AC24D-9F75-4F62-B954-ECE92B…)

>>1446269Anon, this is a 5’4” woman (about Shayna’s height) who is about 160 lbs. I think it’s pretty clear that Shay’s at least 20 lbs more.
No. 1446558
File: 1645228572275.jpeg (428.4 KB, 750x982, 38E761C9-A1EE-4BD7-BA62-1D6FE2…)

>>1446554Here’s a woman who is 5’4” and around 200 lbs, for comparison. Shay may not quite be 200 lbs yet (it’s hard to tell due to how poorly her body is shaped/carries weight) but she’s definitely closer to 200 lbs than 160 lbs.
Can we stop accusing anyone who says Shay’s 200 lbs of being an anachan now? Sorry some of you guys are fatty whores. I suggest GG crackers and r/fatlogic.
(weight-sperging) No. 1446562
>>1446558That woman is obviously holding her stomach in and taking the picture of her body from above to make her body look smaller.
Shay is probably around 170 and a size M/L if I had to guess. She squeezes herself into a size small and it always looks 1 or two sizes down from what she should be wearing. Past about two sizes too small it's hard to even get something on your body most of the time.
No. 1446595
File: 1645231446738.jpeg (134.83 KB, 750x1150, DF535414-B7B0-4311-B021-7A624F…)

That ugly old skirt still remains. Her boob is about to fall out of that too small shein top
No. 1446598
>>1446558this lady has huge heavy tits though. shay's boobs don't weigh as much/contribute a lot to her overall weight. my guess (for funsies) is that shay weighs 150
>>1446596lol i saw this right as i deleted to repost
No. 1446609
>>1446602Target plushie, a purse, custom wolf ears and tail, a new bed frame and a photographer
>>1439219 No. 1446647
File: 1645235493062.jpeg (266.85 KB, 1535x2048, 8885EC8B-0335-46A6-97B2-DC8BF7…)

Her new lamp
No. 1446656
>>1446647It already looks grimy as fuck - did she find this in her buildings dumpster or what?
Ugly, dirty, doesn’t match with anything - least it matches her personality . . . Or lack thereof. Gets another lamp and still sits in the dark on a Friday night - thriving.
No. 1446667
>>1446328Where do you live that this is average? I've lived in the midwest and texas, like the two most stereotypically fat regions in America and shayna is still below average and fatter than most women I would see on the street lol
She might become average if she took care of herself and wore properly fitting / styled clothing but she's afraid of soap and insists on wearing ill fitting shein garbage
No. 1446791
File: 1645252773691.png (2.56 MB, 750x1334, 670D6FD1-78FC-4D53-991C-621475…)

She wore that ugly outfit on a date apparently
No. 1446845
File: 1645260526522.jpeg (217.69 KB, 750x1422, E3CBFC15-2EBF-478D-8539-F0CF04…)

And yet she can’t let fupa go. I think she really assumes he checks her Twitter as much as she checks on his social media, that’s why she is always trying to flex her sad relationships
No. 1447110
File: 1645296054602.jpeg (330.16 KB, 651x1081, 796E5A81-8D64-4755-AECA-C31942…)

>>1446791When is she going to realize these types of tops only look good on girls with a flat stomach, not beer guts. Put a band t shirt for once you can show off your “uwu such diverse music taste” and cover your fat ass kangaroo pouch
No. 1447111
File: 1645296057936.jpeg (116.62 KB, 750x403, F67DD852-4CBD-4DF7-8CA9-60A41E…)

Why do it at 8pm pst most of the world will be asleep. She better start coming up with excuses.
No. 1447130
File: 1645298333960.jpeg (256.94 KB, 750x1620, B0DFBD28-E062-4748-A3A4-96A98C…)

She’s STILL angry at manyvids because she lost that contest. It’s gotta be everyone’s fault that she lost and not the possibility that she might be ugly
No. 1447168
File: 1645302149904.jpeg (137.91 KB, 750x1236, 469C685A-A43B-4304-82FD-A81B89…)

No. 1447195
File: 1645304701881.jpeg (459.7 KB, 1170x850, 69C5609E-6D7A-4E0A-9AAE-F719A9…)

No. 1447249
File: 1645309627845.jpeg (Spoiler Image,662.21 KB, 828x1282, 60D35B0F-5EC8-41BE-9BCB-4E509A…)

That back fat spilling over… sexy, Shay.
No. 1447266
>>1447249I guess this is going to be her new thing, except it won't help with her boobs, it'll only make them stand out more.
Every time I see one of these I think of Sol boy, maybe she got the idea from him lol.
No. 1447283
>>1447249why tf would she not put a bra on? she knows she doesn't
have to have fatback bacon hanging out, right?
No. 1447320
File: 1645314616355.jpeg (1.92 MB, 3464x3464, 0B348381-9C18-4572-B4B9-6F78E7…)

>>1447249>>1447266Got inspired and used this old meme format
Sage for autism
No. 1447325
File: 1645314816152.jpg (8.21 KB, 450x450, penis_plush.jpg)

>>1447318I take that back, she actually looks like the aliexpress penis plush
No. 1447336
File: 1645315360685.jpeg (195.32 KB, 750x1171, 454CB6E7-3804-4617-A4AA-D3BBD0…)

God I hope she doesn’t cancel because watching her drink wine like a fucking hamster would be hilarious
No. 1447364
File: 1645317247494.png (7.86 MB, 1242x2208, 6C458D71-3BEE-49FF-A498-ACE14F…)

That pink carpet or whatever is filthy and why is her cat in her dishwasher
No. 1447442
File: 1645323040624.jpeg (38.41 KB, 385x630, A8696D9E-65C3-4A35-9643-912222…)

>>1447283She should wear this one to spare us all, and also she would probably like it
No. 1447450
File: 1645323902238.jpeg (189.8 KB, 828x734, B66E3EAD-5A1E-41E1-8DFE-F9E115…)

Seriously why the fuck is she getting on cam so late? So she can “accidentally” pass out before even getting online?
No. 1447475
File: 1645326498700.jpeg (407.58 KB, 1170x1252, 04CE530E-C337-4F37-A774-BFAFC9…)

No. 1447513
File: 1645330768915.jpg (11.46 KB, 364x55, Screenshot 2022-02-20 171912.j…)

womack on it already
No. 1447514
>>1447506Well I'm already bored.
She tryin to act like "oh I don't intend to drink this whole bottle" like she isn't already pissed lol.
No. 1447522
File: 1645331281235.gif (Spoiler Image,16.41 MB, 1000x548, 0289b84cbd57751a1ef4a35488e0dd…)

No. 1447526
File: 1645331478040.jpeg (Spoiler Image,748.32 KB, 1242x1311, 094CD7F9-0C5F-4CE0-AD8F-C53967…)

Why are her butt cheeks so tiny kek
No. 1447530
File: 1645331883644.jpeg (Spoiler Image,425.66 KB, 1208x616, A43AC979-4E4A-415A-978F-139607…)

So riveting
Shay just admitted to having her front door unlocked why tf would she say that to a bunch of strangers online if she lives alone. Stupid bitch
No. 1447532
>>1447492Nice job posting your message 2 times
But also, I am OP and didn’t know where that was from, so how do you?
No. 1447536
File: 1645332347162.jpeg (259.65 KB, 800x545, CE46EF1D-D5B0-477A-B68F-D6B7EF…)

This isn’t a cam show it’s a tardshow all she does is laugh at herself
No. 1447544
File: 1645332985981.gif (Spoiler Image,7.98 MB, 925x515, 94C3DCC1-627F-49E0-8D2D-872F0A…)

No. 1447558
>>1447552 samefag but she's fucking her ass with a buttplug to dream a little dream of me
Its so off putting I can't watch
No. 1447576
File: 1645334860589.jpeg (249.46 KB, 707x519, A6D480FC-D883-4537-84A2-81F10B…)

“I always hated squid ward”
Bitch you’re worse than squidward you’re a cranky mean bitch
No. 1447584
File: 1645335681452.jpeg (360.99 KB, 947x702, CA4A32BB-FA2F-423D-8788-CBF932…)

The lopsided boob comments are getting to her she wants a boob job kek and she said she hates her boobs
No. 1447589
File: 1645336166839.png (1.47 MB, 1400x1748, 896A6431-B67D-4625-8124-35C0C7…)

Might be a little late but here’s the bingo card
No. 1447591
File: 1645336296832.jpeg (1.03 MB, 972x1212, 283736A3-65C7-4819-99FE-10EF2B…)

No. 1447596
File: 1645336588796.jpeg (307.19 KB, 890x591, 3B937306-4A23-4C96-9287-90E84D…)

>>1447593I agree but no coomer said anything pedophilic in the chat from what I’ve seen. Idk her cam room is so boring
No. 1447603
File: 1645337076835.jpeg (Spoiler Image,308.79 KB, 828x612, 9FD1B849-5B1D-4FB5-A24A-96F01F…)

No. 1447608
File: 1645337511103.jpg (23.13 KB, 672x103, deadchat b like.jpg)

>>1447595she also basically just threatened to leave cuz chat is dead.
also ellen in chat, not cuz dead is dead or anything or like she was just on her phone then ellen enters
No. 1447609
>>1447608>Mumma Mattel Oh no….
also, she said she’s in the process of going bleach blonde, ew
Kek Shayna kicked Ellen because she was paranoid it was a catfish
No. 1447614
File: 1645337727025.jpeg (Spoiler Image,809.58 KB, 1170x1364, 3C6F618B-8660-43E9-8396-99F3BC…)

No. 1447624
File: 1645338077005.jpeg (762.23 KB, 1170x1395, F080FC14-95ED-4E9C-A340-337F99…)

Love when Ellen calls her out
No. 1447628
File: 1645338259171.jpeg (Spoiler Image,704.07 KB, 1242x852, 85C11087-67AA-4846-BD3D-E030E0…)

Big shaynus in her cage also did she drink from the rat water bottle
No. 1447639
File: 1645338768772.jpeg (Spoiler Image,869.66 KB, 2458x3072, 4FA06AC8-53D5-48BC-9D5E-527DB4…)

(Reposted with spoiler, my bad, complete oversight!)
How much is 72 tokens? That’s how much it took for her to just lick her nasty foot
No. 1447645
File: 1645338938870.gif (14.12 MB, 565x428, 12435392-5D19-4684-BB43-B52C9F…)

No. 1447650
File: 1645339416129.gif (Spoiler Image,4.46 MB, 480x272, A2817D09-1A50-4189-9ABF-3FAC74…)

What the fuck was that
No. 1447657
File: 1645339713894.jpeg (Spoiler Image,771.81 KB, 1242x1422, E781A02F-2AB1-4B2B-9EE1-1628A4…)

Shaynus built different fr
No. 1447660
File: 1645340149253.gif (Spoiler Image,2.63 MB, 480x264, C80A7B05-755E-44C6-A5B3-736F5C…)

She forgot to hide her stomach jiggling while she ran for a sec
No. 1447663
File: 1645340524436.jpeg (Spoiler Image,787.65 KB, 1242x1389, 49723966-280E-4CF6-9FEF-B71F52…)

Shayna drunkily dancing like a retard to ozzy no more tears, in case any anons want a kek. i laughed so hard No. 1447665
File: 1645340845018.gif (Spoiler Image,3.9 MB, 480x260, 996F77C3-98AF-410C-BF99-F234EF…)

the one floppy tit
No. 1447669
File: 1645341141858.jpeg (Spoiler Image,252.24 KB, 817x441, ABE3B48C-7FEE-410D-83D0-CCCFF7…)

My screen got frozen on this unfortunate frame. I keep checking back in & she’s boring as fuck.
Someone asked her about working with other models and I could see in her face how much she was holding back sperging about Sol.
Now she’s talking about how she has no interest in topping a girl & looks absolutely disgusted at the concept.
No. 1447680
File: 1645341914357.jpeg (68.35 KB, 362x231, 81F733CB-8C61-4756-8EC5-222D94…)

>>1447677It’s a bad excuse, anon. Don’t hurt your brain trying to make it make sense.
No. 1447684
File: 1645342139350.jpeg (708.42 KB, 2458x3072, E7667099-CDC6-4CDD-9A5A-4490DB…)

She’s really feeling herself over the 2 coomers in the chat giving her attention.
She also just claimed she’s going to Ireland this summer.
No. 1447686
>>1447628Does this woman ever
not have a huge boil on her ass?
No. 1447689
File: 1645342576801.jpeg (102.09 KB, 765x411, 80E4A094-2F62-4E37-AA88-6F0F7F…)

Her first tip in a while kkekkkk THRIVING
No. 1447694
File: 1645343183560.jpeg (251.43 KB, 828x512, 2E493929-87AA-46A7-9F0C-8AAC33…)

>”nobody’s asked me to move back to Oklahoma……”
No. 1447696
File: 1645343460885.jpeg (218.85 KB, 828x584, E2476DAC-3C4E-4C28-B069-980BE0…)

I wasn’t paying attention, not sure if she logged off quickly or her internet fucked up. Wondering how much she made from this stream, there were barely any tips other than Womack in the beginning. Goodnight, ladies. That was quite the waste of time.
No. 1447698
File: 1645343622252.gif (Spoiler Image,3.97 MB, 480x264, D05CD080-5095-40C2-9653-ECCB21…)

Anons speculating she lost weight were dead wrong, she’s fatter then ever, she’s just good at hiding it with editing and angles but live and unedited no matter how much she tries to cover up there’s no hiding it
No. 1447703
>>1447701Anon please do you serious believe she can afford anything besides her doordash?
She’s only saying that to look good. There’s a bigger probability of here to go back to Oklahoma than going anywhere else outside the US.
No. 1447712
File: 1645345694590.jpeg (137.08 KB, 353x283, C03764F7-432E-4FE4-B817-7759BC…)

>>1447657Edit this over some trees, add some shadows and it can be a Sasquatch sighting
No. 1447723
File: 1645347265410.jpeg (Spoiler Image,427.44 KB, 750x858, ECB3EC56-C267-4BD9-B333-D638A5…)

And still no car, no nice things and no savings of any kind to show for it
No. 1447754
>>1447684Irish people aren’t as kind or polite as Americans, can’t imagine she’d do well here as a tacky heifer.
Also we have minimum unit pricing on alcohol so a bottle of wine costs at least $8.30
No. 1447833
>>1447817if so it's kinda sad, imaging her family taking her ungrateful ass to Ireland, just for her to disappear to find a empty field or something she can take nudes in. Or go to the bathroom to flash.
It's honestly a waste of money and time. I hope she's talking out her ass
No. 1447857
>>1447817I am here for her getting mocked relentlessly for her clothes by Irish women, while grandma laughs and says “I told you so” and stepmother dies of embarrassment
also if she tried to do her stupid tits-out photos in the ladies’ room of the Stag’s Head or Temple Bar and a bunch of office ladies told her to fuck right off
extra points if a nun gives her a lecture about modesty
No. 1447913
>>1447698one minute of silence for Shaynas non-existent hips! it really bothers me how her gut hangs and got that line under it and she doesnt care lmao, like she know shes a lard ass and just give up thinking she only got her face (u wish shay) but face aint for sex work, sex work is all about body and a nice body and that why shes cheap.
also about her trip its obvious familiar, what kind of bimbo slutty lil fatty baby goes to Ireland for vacations? that some pretty white thing to do, and her parents seems to be that kind of white people lol and we know she doesnt have friends, do you guys think she got a personal account for their friends and family?
No. 1447947
File: 1645381657617.jpeg (161.27 KB, 750x449, 0955643F-4F3F-4008-883E-50E350…)

This is a great question because that sounds hilarious, did anyone capture her rat roleplay?
No. 1447978
File: 1645384881499.jpeg (270.36 KB, 750x877, 8371B902-48B4-4DC5-91C3-EB31B5…)

This bitch thinks she’s ever going to be able to buy a house. Womack is down though, as long as she marries him and lives with him forever I’m sure
No. 1448012
File: 1645388340858.jpeg (140.4 KB, 750x1267, 86ADF203-7083-40F9-9327-502ACF…)

Shayna today vs Shayna 5 days ago
No. 1448098
File: 1645396860690.jpeg (Spoiler Image,151.41 KB, 719x979, EA47A011-2233-4C2F-BA6E-FB26B6…)

Even with all the filtering that dumb facial expression really brings out all the lines on her forehead and around her mouth, it’s not cute
No. 1448119
File: 1645398074530.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1189x2208, D2CFF301-044C-4664-9B9E-A60E47…)

>>14471686 years of sex work
No. 1448150
>>1448142Exactly this kek. Nonitas acting like this is some exclusive club when I’m reality I’m head laughing at how absurdly bad Shay’s life choices can actually be. Like, every time it seems bad she’s like “NO WORSE”.
Side note I am kinda rooting for the arch she turns it around but, more likely to get the euro millions jackpot at this point
No. 1448238
File: 1645406960507.jpeg (138.71 KB, 750x1305, DE67E184-29D2-438C-8776-48F7BC…)

I’ve noticed all the photos she’s posted lately have been blurry and low quality, she used to post super unflattering HD photos
No. 1448240
File: 1645407158076.jpeg (97.84 KB, 750x1086, 3CB2D52C-725D-4E6D-A14E-D9473A…)

She’s had those dirty old shorts since she was skinny, they used to be pink. they definitely do not fit
No. 1448244
File: 1645407262042.jpeg (196.18 KB, 750x593, 073710C9-A134-4DB0-9BC3-CF1CF4…)

No. 1448254
>>1448162Nta but learn to read. They said they were rooting for her to change her shit ways, which lots of anons have for years, but they aren't holding their breath and rightfully so. Fucking kek at talking about gatekeeping on an anon imageboard, how fucking new are some of you? Chill.
>>1448238Tranny energy.
>>1448244Genuinely curious about who the 'we' is here.
No. 1448269
File: 1645409389566.jpeg (175.75 KB, 1240x665, 3440C955-D6B0-43FB-8E6C-65690F…)

>>1448238Given that picrel is from her latest HD video and probably the most accurate representation of how she looks in real life… the blurry low quality content isn’t going away any time soon kek
No. 1448271
File: 1645409610833.jpeg (122.9 KB, 727x440, 2436E97E-B742-4353-8E42-036DE4…)

>>1448267And her coomers don’t even like it but she keeps doing it
No. 1448284
File: 1645410676673.jpeg (578.45 KB, 1170x1496, 30067BA2-DAD5-4054-88E0-B306C9…)

No. 1448285
File: 1645410677732.png (6.77 MB, 1242x2208, E5F9A857-E4A0-4C45-8B6A-77ECFD…) tries so hard to emulate belle delphine with her sexual innuendos while “innocently” dancing and trying to dress young while doing it. She looks like a fucking trailer park mom even with the filters on No. 1448294
File: 1645411424616.png (8.16 MB, 1242x2208, 3EA858D6-B572-4DE1-A4D1-85F839…)

Serving “local crackhead you see buying groceries at the dollar tree” vibes
No. 1448295
File: 1645411517457.png (6.08 MB, 1242x2208, 8AE63944-57EE-473B-9579-22082C…)

No. 1448300
File: 1645412033411.jpeg (Spoiler Image,507.15 KB, 651x1013, 99795705-7FFA-4D4F-9B14-A46FF5…)

>>1448289Samefag but I found it, its 2 years old. I do not miss those short eyebrows at all
>>>/snow/927415 No. 1448307
File: 1645412601706.gif (2.16 MB, 480x322, 26F75EC4-3734-4A64-9836-A6AF42…)

>>1448104Yea…totally not a thing. Only sexworkers and weebs come here.
/s>>1448238I can’t get over how much she looks like a 40 year old tranny wearing his daughter’s clothes to feel that gender euphoria.
No. 1448319
File: 1645413168595.jpeg (553.08 KB, 1536x2048, A9A56950-1E84-4910-91CE-EB18C5…)

Not the fake freckles again. And the teeth, girl we know they’re yellow as fuck
No. 1448329
File: 1645414136097.png (5.57 MB, 1242x2208, B902175E-6623-4B23-B5ED-D46D6E…)

Hank Hill called he wants his skirt back shitty techno remixes of old rock songs doesn’t make them “sexy”
No. 1448332
File: 1645414394889.png (9.1 MB, 1242x2208, CC53E044-669E-4C47-8AC6-44F103…)

I don’t get why she doesn’t just cam instead of make dumb videos dancing… she’d make money out of it (barely) but it’s better than a few likes on Twitter. Also this greasy hairstyle….
No. 1448347
File: 1645415862645.jpeg (143.94 KB, 750x556, D52F7F34-EF02-440E-9ABE-25E804…)

welp it's official you'll never be able to delete this because i've screen capped it and posted it online you pedophile
No. 1448361
File: 1645418447421.jpeg (204.07 KB, 1170x765, AD47160E-0EAC-4E3D-A0A3-3E1DEF…)

But you throw a fit when someone does it to you
No. 1448384
File: 1645423527653.png (5.6 MB, 1242x2208, 50B09D97-95A3-4661-A3B2-B6547C…)

Why do her ham colored shorts look like a coochie
No. 1448391
File: 1645424162345.jpeg (Spoiler Image,130.21 KB, 1037x652, F8673AA5-E47D-4CC6-809C-217BDE…)

Did she even drink in her dog cage? I got bored and left when she wasn’t doing anything
No. 1448393
File: 1645424236927.jpeg (Spoiler Image,604.91 KB, 1242x807, B88B541E-5E4B-4CC3-A288-5AA945…)

She’s so boring she sucks at being a cam girl. Either strip on mfc or go live on Instagram or something if you just wanna talk about spongebob
No. 1448429
>>1448399Fucking KEK reading this comment and then watching it made it even better.
>>1448382Her mouth-breathing expression and just jacking the air off for 10 seconds is peak cringe.
No. 1448433
>>1448427>>1448431She already has an unfortunate face but the nasty black eyes make her even uglier, even if they were bigger they’d still be hideous
>>1448347This is so disgusting, she needs to be locked up
No. 1448520
>>1448382The whole time all I could focus on was her crusty lips, I just don't get why she didn't think, "let me put some lip chap on".
Also, again, who wants to watch a white girl badly dancing on her bed and shaking her flat ass?
That not "content" for a sex worker. At least not one who is unimpressive looking in and out of clothes.The fact she spent time to film her dancing, instead of filming a quick identical porn video or something is ridiculous. She really thinks she's some kind of Pornstar Tik Tok/E-Girl influencer that people just want to see do stuff. I bet 90% of folks who watched that video, watched to see if it turned sexual (so they can coom for free) and the reast are sexworkers/orbiter trying to "support" or checking out competition. Oh and us.
She considers dancing fully clothed content now. I don't know of she think it's cute or what. I don't know why she doesn't just post this shit to tik tok or something.
No. 1448668
>>1448455Around thread 70/the start of the pandemic is where things start to get really entertaining imo. And around thread 45/50 is when she started ballooning.
Just my recs lol
No. 1448862
File: 1645479328301.jpeg (345.4 KB, 1284x969, AEE3B271-DA85-4D87-ACDE-A1D7DE…)

oh hell no
No. 1448938
File: 1645486006164.jpeg (Spoiler Image,868.96 KB, 1284x1111, E1B9815F-0214-42B0-A9A0-5214E7…)

more pedo bullshit
No. 1448959
People don't tend to even use the stuff on actual babies anymore.
The lengths people go to to create gross porn is worrying.
No. 1448965
File: 1645487725136.jpeg (316.24 KB, 1170x658, C8725617-DDD4-4F5C-899C-61BBFF…)

Shay, being harassed isn’t what made you a bad person. You’ve been a bad person since HS
No. 1448992
File: 1645488656994.png (Spoiler Image,538.98 KB, 764x422, foot.png)

This shit was nasty from her cam show.
No. 1449104
File: 1645500459540.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x1607, D55EFB90-BF86-400B-93B0-56489E…)

Keep stuffing your face fatty